The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1881, Image 3

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'I'll 15 00LUM.B1AU.
uiiOonsnunn, kuiow, Aruit.a-Jmi, i3si
fluv !! MoM liter, executor of Joint Mc
(,'allft, deceaieJ, will sell real cstaloat Iho Court
ltouso on Monday JUny and nt 1 o'clock p. m.
H. M. Towkubury, Commlllcc, wilt eetl real
tBtftlo near tho Mctnlyro church on Saturday,
April 30. See udvcrtlssment.
"jli V. Shan rcturnod to Schoolcraft, Midi,
on Monday.
Ktrly cabbigo plant, $3. par 1,00J, nt J.
UirttsotiM, Gth St. April 8 3-w
When Williamson's Catef of 1'ollco rocs to
church, the papers wko mention of the occur'
rence . .
Tho lovely trailing atbutui la In bloom and
will bo caRcrly aouglit for by lovers of floral
beauty and pcrlumo.
Mr. 0. H. Campbell of ltrlarcrrck nnnoun.
cei" hl ronie this nek as a candidate for County
Tho bnds have mado their appearance at last
Wo understand tho Grangers Intend to oreel
a storehouse noir tho L. A II. rnilroad.
Cyrus II. Mattcntr. Kan., our Mtrrainllln
Appralfor Is busy, tills week, atlondlnir to hU
ofllclal duties.
I., dross Is now in tho ctlvlitlnn in n'full
stock of Hptins (.loods. Call cntly nnd make
yotir fclcolions. Lowest mleos nnd irnod
A ball was given in llrowtr's hall nn W1
day evening by tho IMendililn Fl
iheuonefltofMr.Jolin Vty, who has been pros,
tratedby slcknojafor some time past. There wis
n hrgo attendance and fully forty couples of
dancers enjoyid thomsclyea until n lato hour.
The muiic was excellent and tho ball was voted
n success by oil who were present.
William Eckroto of Milllin. Is creeling n
lmndwmo now residence. It Is n framo build
ing in (Jolhte stylo. A' 1'. Fowltr, of tho Espy
planing mill is doing tiiewood work.
Cut l'lowers, Cholco Plant, Grape Vines
Asparagus Hoots, Early Cablngo Wantf, Lit
tlo Onion?, Ac, for rnle nt Dillon'd green
hnuso on Main street nboro the Normal
Mr, John Morchoad, of Kpy, on of Uovi KASHJlt services.
ohn Morehcad, formerly of lint town, bn i?ii,n,B,, . f, il, r.i,,i,,.i ftf
been appointed station agent of tho 1). 1,. A W. th(j tcsllttccUoI1 0, (mr Lof J( wm m,0 al g( In Inko the place of the lata lln.ry W. I uii. i,,t i ri.i, ,,i ,i,
Anl. Mr. Morehead"had been In tho employ ,, ,,!pll)y WM ya,MMl Th0 clU,ai w
. iur. ,iu, lor.oaio imir, mm ii.i.y miner- fi ,., .,, , .. . . I ,.. n, ,
lands nil tho duties of the position. He is
courteous nnd obliging nnd will be n fivorite
Ilh the traveling public.
A correspondent of the WiHiamport Jlinntr
who writes oyer the name of "Councilman,"
contributes nn tullclr, presumed lo hayobeen
rilten with liumorous ItiUnt, rclatlro (o on
pinion recently delivered by Judgo Elwell in
the mntlcr of tieddllnc oysters. If the Council-
man m question will rcseryo his fund of wit "teen, has!, under tho direction of Geo. E,
and humor until the Cth of Mar. it may stand VAmW organist. It consisted cf nn opening nn
him in good sttnd. Wllllsnuport Councllmcn them, "Now let thorite of .ton rlnp," Iho
nre nlready tho objecls of mingled derision and En?lor Anthem, "Christ our l'assoyor," Lloyd's
conlompt nnd shoutd frown down nil efforts on ie .Wcitiii and llymn 101. 'ihe ten 0 COCK fer
tile tiait nl nnv of their miaber to tilaes t hem VltM Was t!i3 grand event Of the Hay. i'UH
Trif Klin I A Ihhurlinnlnrt rt 1 1 1 a
and It begins to look m if we were to have prcp;lre.j nb! rearrnni?I nglh ein(Jct AMett
Spring arier ail. ofTtlio Stitc. liy this. Montour nnd Columbia,
The Iteputllcnn Stale Convention will ho now constituting tha Twenty-sixth district, nm
litlJ this year in llattiaburg on ThursUay joine i wiui suiuvan nndwyomin?, now cjn.
iho Stb of September.
There was a llltlj flurry of snow on Easter
day. It ii to bo hoped there may bo no more
until tho leave? fall.
The dust-cloud) on Sunday wero blinding in
Bloomsburg, the high winds hiving dried tho
mud with uncommon npidity.
After all, agontlo purgttive is the best means
of curing heidncho, liver compliml, bilious-
ncs, Ac Use "Sailer's Liver I'ilU."
Mr. S. M. lies? wai so unfortunate m lo have
two fingers uf lits loft hand badly lacerated, on
Tuesday, at hi) foundry on Sixth Street.
Judging from ihe slatcmenl3 in the Danville
papers, there ii moro d'nordcrly conduit in tho
irrtts of lliat town man ougut to ui loicrniea
by (ho authorities.
sunning the Forty-fourth district, tho four
conntiei making one new district.
Henry W. Aul died at Ills homo in Espy
last Friday rvening, of inflammatory rhcuma-ll-m.
Ho was a young man oi unusually lino
liiuinc33.qiiallflcations and will be greatly miss
ed by a largo cinla of friend and acquain
tances. He leaves a widow and ono child.
Djnotbjln hnslo lo discard your heavy
lolhing, o'peoially underwoir. April wonth.
er ii very dcceplivo nnd the bright sundilnp
f one day afl'jrds no criterion of what ths tem
perature miy ho al tho ond of twentj-nnr
hour. At no season of tho year is there great
er likelihood of catching cold, or moro difficul
ty in gttting rid of them. It is better to
ifTcr soma inoinvenicnco and discomfort
from the warmlh in Iho middle of Iho day,
than 'to lay nsida. ovorcoits and Winter doth'
ng nnd thus invite slcknc". In this latitudo
It is safo lo wait until tho first of Jnno Lciore
making final deposition of Winter wear.
Half a dozen "fried" in a box is a ranltal in-
cilieilor when von Ohio home late, but when
our who or oilier members or Hie Umlly liavo ic ana cxquiMlo lloral aecoratlons urc in keep
n ous leverorconc, spring I lo-wm is neiier. Ine with the ioyont ceremonies of the day. Ktv,
Owners of properly in Uloorasburg will ex-
peiience a sense of relief in knowing that they
can depend upon an nmplo tupply of wnler in
event of a fire. Tho cost of insurance will aho
be lea, anil this is an additional source of sat
Jacob Miller.of E'py,is rgent for iho Syracuso
chiiletl steel plow, one of tho best mado It is
the only one in the world with a forged sleel
Warn, steel joinler and a stetl wheel standard.
llo is taking a luge number of orders. Call
on, or adJruM him at E-py, l'o.
Decoration Hay is tho next public occasion
d-manding preparation. In some places nr
rangements are already in progress and orators C:lfi n,
If yon are going west stvo I'mio and money
by buying tickets from U, D. Darlington, agent
nt Rupert. lie represents bent routes to the
west and norlhwet. Trnins leave ltupert nt
nr., 8:60' a. m , and 4:00 p. m. For
have Lcen engaged.
If the proposed prohibitory liquor lav; is ce-
taulbhed in tliH Slntc, old topers will fear lo
accept a "coidiai" invitation. It is easy lo
tcj wine not.
Had blood alwavs causes trouble. It may bo
n family fight or bolls, piui its', i.rh, U-tteri
Ac: but no matter, "Dr. LindseV.1 I'looil
Searcher" is tho cure-nll.
An inebriated individual was consigned to
the lock-up on Siturday kfiernoon. Incarcera
tion in such a den isa punishment far more
severe than the ofTenco warrants.
rates and information, call on or address
It. D. Daui.inoton,
April 1-Ow Ticket Auent, Ituperl, Pa.
AV. Ii. Mllnes nn I family, who for Borne years
pist liave been rceuling in irginia, Iiavc
returned , nnd arj at present visiting at Mr.
Dai.iel Snjder'ii in Espy. The largo estate
in Virginia of the late William Milne liaa been
sold, and Ihe business has passed into other
:ands. Mr. MUnes will either engago in bus!
ness here, or go wett to locate.
On Ihe 10th ol March last William Mowry,
an old citizen of Catiwisn, committed suicide
by drowning in the river at that place. List
Siturday afternoon the bedy was discovered
floating in the water at FMier's Ferry, seven
miles below Sunbury. Friends at CatawUsa
were notified and tiny went to Sunbury and
look the corpse to Catawiss.i in a wagon. Mr.
Mowry was about 73 years of no aud it
said that his niiiida was caused by worry con
cerning money matters.
On Monday evenirg nexl, Mr. Kobert J.
Durditlr, tho well-known humorist of the Bur
lington Haukcye, will lecture in the hall of the
Y. M. C. Association, Berwick, on "The Rise
and Fall of the Mualacho." Wo advhe all our
roaders lo heir tliU lecture, if they can do so
oven at tho cost of some inconvenience. They
will be nmjly repaid for their attendances the
lcUaro abounds in wit and humor, lntcrrpers
ccd with gems of poetic thought and dainty
bits of word-painting. Mr. Durdetto is a gen
ial, frank gentleman who makoa friends every
Tt has been announced in a most decided whero and tho quaint and humorous conceits
of Ids ltclure are eucli as bubble up anil over
flow in his ordinary converse. We Know o
no more pleasant way to fpend a couple of
hours, than to listen to tho fun and fancies of
Mr. Iiurdette.
A communication from Af-bury rclilivo to a
fox chae, was not reeiived in time for last
week's CoLUMnuv,and is now oi too remote a
date for publication.
Mr. J. K. Hogert, editor of the Wllkes-Ilarrc
Union Leader was in town last Friday. His
paper is proipering and wo understand will
soon be enhrgd 'and improved.
Ctnet'nnafi Irish Cilixn,
Mr. John Miller, of 21 West Fifth,
tells us that he was cured by the use of St. Ja
cob's Oil of a complicated case of rheumatism
of ton years standing.
The insuranco adjusters of the los?e3 by the
fire at tho Danvillo Insano Hospital have not
yet made their reporl, nnd nothing has been
done toward the reconstruction of the build-
mmnor that black ba?s will bo unusually plen.
ty in tho waters of tho Sufquchanna thii year.
"What are Ihe indications that point to such a
Rev. H. L. Joncr, rcclor of Si. Stephen's
cliurch.ofliciated in St. Taul'd chureh,on Wed
nesday of list week. Mention of tho fact was
David Pritchard, son of William Piitcbard
cf Light Street, left Hloomaburg some ytnrs
inadvertently omitted from the last issue cf the ngo nnd went West. For two years past ho had
DOI.OMUIAX. uee ui'S'S0" """""""""S"""" ji
Michigan, and was prospering in business. On
A tire in Wilkes-Ruro on Bunday morning Wednesday tho 12th inst. whilit at work in the
last parltfllly destroyed ono wing of the Wyom- mine, bo was struck by an iron bar that pro
!ng Valley lloto'.nnd ihmigod the ro.-iJcnco of trilled from tho carriage in the thaf'. and re
John Weils Holienbaek adjoining. Tho fire coived such injuries as resulted m tin dealt
nritinated in a frame lructure in tho rear of fw hcurs after. His body wai brought here
the resldonc?. o:i Sa'nrday h chaige of tbrc-o gentlemen wl,
wore his partner) in tho mining company. 1 1
funeral look place on Sund.iy and iho remain
were interred in the old Lutheran cliurcli-yard
Rev. Thomas Pritchard, a brother,' was amon
the mourners nt Ihe fuiiurnl. Mr. Prilplnrd
died in the veiy prime tf life having only a
tainud tho a;;o of thirty year.
Benjamin Bahmc, a young man aged twenly-
four, iviio lived in Kern town Locust township,
committed suicide on Sunday, by shooting
himself through tho head. He was engaged
ti hi married to a Misi Ling but she declined
(ho alliance. The disappointment so preyed
upon him that ho fought relief in death.
Salt Rheum for seventeen yea". Helples
for i-lght years. Unable lo walk. Oot about on
hands and kneos. Head, face, neck, arms and
l?gj covered. Cured by Cuticura remedies.
Will McDonald, 2512 Dearborn strco', Chi
At a regular monthly m-elinz of Caldwell
I.odgo, A. Y. M.held in Masonic Hall on
Thursday nnd Friday last, important work was town on Sunday.
window contained two pots of homo pliitil.
Tho font was surmounted by a mound of lovely
cut fl livers, ami tho wliolo church was filled
with Iholr delightful odor'. Tho firt service
was at six o'clock, ond consisted of full morn
ing prayer with tho exception of one les.'on.
The music was executed by the excellent quar
tette choir, Miss Grower, soprano, Miss 1' rfcze,
alto, P. E, Wirt, tenor, and L. S. Wlutot-
n n worSo proJicament.
morning prayer was read except tlio Lllnny,and
tho Psalter was omitted. Tho fjllowing was
tho musical programme :
Hymn 0?, ''Chtiil tho Lord is risen to
day." Warren.
Anthom "Christ our Paisover," Chnppel.
To Dourn in O. Wilson.
Jubilate. Danks.
Hymn 100. 1
Responses to Commandment?. Wilson.
O'o-ia Tibi. . Wilson.
Offertory. Wil'on, Wirt.
Hymn 425, Alleluia Anthem, Wilson.
Gloria Patil. Wilson.
Thero was a very hrge congregation, and the
excellent rendition of iho musical selections
was received with general satisfaction. At no
season nro Iho services of tho church more at
tractive than al Easter, nnd the delightful ratif-
'lico', ?lj CO cents, and trial bittloi 10 cents.
Benjamiu ZairSr.died on Wednrnlay night at
is heme in Catwis3a. llo had been in failing
health since last Full. Mr. Zirr was the fath
er of our townsman, 11. F, Jiur, E-q. At ibis
writing, the time for tlio funeral Ins not been
An Ineffectual attempt was made by 'burglars
.1st Friday, lo force open tho safe in the stoio
f I. II. Seeehollz, Cntanuaa. Tho drill broke
after a hole had been borod in Ihe lop of the
nfu and tho attempt was abandoned. Tho
thievct got fawny with money
valued at S2"j.
Mr. Zahner, tho rector, olliciated and preached
a rennon suitable for the occasion.
In Iho Methodist Episcopa. Church tho pul
pit was rurrounded by numbers of choice pot
ted plants, beautifully arrnnged and presenting
a most nttinctlvo appearance. Rev. Mr.
Donahoe, the paster, preached sermons appro
priate to the dtiy, in iho morning and evening.
Thero was a large congregation and tho servi
ces woro more than muntly pleasant.
There were no special services in tiie Presby
terian church.
There was a largo disj lay of flowers in the
Roman Catholic church, and tho services were
of the most interesting character. 'J In ton
groation was of good size.
Mrs. II. Rogers, of Allentown spent Ealer
with her parents.
E. W. Drinker, now residing in Ntw York
pent Easter Suuilay at home.
William Lowrie, for mnny years tho obli
ging operator of the Western Union Telegraph
Company in Ibis plac, has gma lo Illinois
visit his brother.
Philosophers sagely declare, without reserva
tion (ir u nun.
That the source of true happiness here is an
equal division of wtnllh;
But the doctine is too communistic, laying it on
alit'le "too thick."
Better far is a bottle of Spring B'ojxmi to lake
wlicnover you nre letting sick.
Prices, SI; 50 cents, ami trial bottles 10 cte.
Tho well known Missionary, Iter. fl. Hors
ford, writes: ''I have been greatly nlllicted wllli
nnd goods llvcr complaint. Jly iloctors saul i miouiu
ltlosmi si hichly spoken of, I thought I
would try it. I am uUd I did, for though I
had lo lake nearly tbno botlles of it, it
has entirely cured me. I should like lake somo
back with me. Whit do you clnrge by thi
quanlilyl" Prises, $1; 60 cents, and trial bot
tles 10 cents.
Wnlchrs. Loss than ten dollars for n war
ranted time keeper at Louis IJernhnrd's Jew
elry Store.
D.ivld Lnwrnbcrg would Inform Ills cus
tomers ami tho public In genernl, that hav
ing completed tho nlttrMlons In hlsStoic,
ho Is now prepared to supply his customers
with tho latcstslyles of Clothing. Now on
hand a mngnllicstit stock of Heady-mado
Chtlilnp. selected expressly lor tho (Spring
trade, Call and Inspect and sco fur your
selves. . .i i
For Cord nnd Tassels, Fringes, Gimps or
Dress Goods of nny kind go lo Lttti ft
lititterlck A Co., April dress patterns nt
0. 0. Marr's
Ho for n I fat I
For tho latest styles,
For tho largest assortment
Fnr Men, Youths, Hoys nud Children,
Go to David Lowcnbcrg's.
Thoso $3 50 Dishes at I. W. lliulcnflii's
Clothing for all, no matter rrhnt your
sIm, .age or condition ronv be, ot tho Popular
Clothing Store of David Lowcnberg.
27 pieces Pacific and Cocheco Lawns just
Innt I. W. Unrtmun's, prico 12J cents per
yard. Ono price to all.
O, C. Mnrr wants Butter, Eggs, Lard, Po
tatoes and Geese Feathers.
Parents, remember wo havo a very larpo
stock of Children's Clothing, and much
nicer and cheaper than you can make tbctn nt
home. Call and see for yourselves at
David Lowenbcrg's.
"WAt.miTl.sAi'IIitn ltKSTonna'Ma entirely dtner
cnt from alt others. It Is ns clear is wnter.nnd as
its name Indicates, Is alperfect Vceetabln llalrlto
Morer nnd does not In any manner arrect tlio health
wlilcn sulphur. Sugar or Load nndNltratoor silver
preparations havo dono. It will Iminedlaicly two
tho head from nil Dandruff, lteitoro (tray Hair to Its
natural color, nnd prod'i-e a now growth whero It
has fallen r.rr. Hwlllchangu llchtor faded halrln
a tow days to a bcauttlul (flossy bran n. Kvery bot
tlo 13 wnrrantcd. ask your uru?Klt for tt. Kor
Kilo at Movkk lluos., llloomshurg, I'll. Mnlth, Kllno
jt Co., l'hlladelplita, and Hall K ituckcll. New York,
Whoicsalo Aireuts. oct. 2;, w-tt
There arc few indeed who attain to eminence
Mr.'. Azenith Walter wife of John Walter, of
Catawissi, and daughter of the late Geo. Frcd
enck, died March 2ind 1SS1, aged 34 years,
3 months nnd 2o dayp."
Mis. Walter waiconfinid to her room forovcr
seven mouths, mot of tho time to her bed. Her
di'casc being cancer, her sufT.Ting was most
intense, at limes excruciating.
She was not a member of any branch of tho
Christian church, but soon afur the commence
ment of her illness, die rerlizd her need of
salvation, mil sought and found the Savior.
From that lime up to the dtflr of her death, her
trust in Chrift was unshaken, nnd her submif
eion nnd resignation to God's will teemed
complete. Indeed, all who wero in Iior room
... , , .1 e ,1 f. 1 nri:.n ah.I ..:iF.nj.Ait linr niirTji..
ns public renders ana uio mnoruy oi luwo iui mi uujuiui uuic, mi.. .... .
who es-ny the role achieve but indittVrent sue- '"!? !P e";.,, "e ,71 VJ v
ccsj. There are many reasons why so tew give ,n,,rmur . comlaint was heard escnpo her
satisfaction, and these include lack of ability lo i p, and ns day after day sho continued to dc-
comprebend the meaning of their authors, an cline and near the grave, sno not oniy cuter-
inflexible o, badly trained voicc.and insufficient JSS
study. To read aloud seems an eay nccora- Jo ,fl)art n,i be witli Christ. The fear of
pl"nhmcnt, but in reality to read well is the death was now taken away, and she spoke of
remit of long and patient labor, even wlicn cou- its approach Willi me utmost compesure.
pled with natural powers. Prof. Homer D. I think in her case, the saying of tho Apos
1 1 . .... . llA T. tut fnlt,, VArlfiotl ulinrA 111. KTIVH.
Cope who read or rather reeled, the drama of 1;-,--, ferVen. of a rigf.teoos'
"Damon and Pythias" at the Opera noue on aVaiIeth much." Her Ather was acknowl-
Tuesday evening poESesses a clear, strong voice edged as ono of the most holy men that over
and has a most intelligent conception of his lived in this community, anu no lainer, per.
Boots and Shoes, We desire to thank our
many customers for the liberal patronage bo
stowed upon us, as also for the often-heard
words of conuiendatiim spoken to your
friends and acquaintances'. Since tlio close of
fall nnd; winter trado I have been very busy
sotecting goods and giving orders to various
Factories. Most of our goods being mado ex
pressly for our trade, these goods nro nww
being received nnd I am moro than pleased
with the assortment. It will be no troublo to
us to show those goods. Men's calf Roots wo
have them sewed and pegged, Men's shoes
in calf, DufTand First split, Men's English
Rals, Scti'ihlp, Fecrlcs and Double Decker
Button. Woman's, Mines' aud Children'
Shoes in nnlli'ssi variety. If your loot is small
we can fit i', if largo wo can cover it.
0. E. Kisai.rtn,
April S4-w Evans' Block.
Seo n woman picking a bunch of grapes
in another column, at spcer s vineyarus,
froiirwhluh Spccr's Port Grape Wine is
made, that is so highly esteemed by the
medical pKrc.ion for the use ot invalids,
weakly persons and the aged. Sold by
0. A. Kletm. jati 7'81 ly
The follow Ine statement of William. I. Coushltn,
of Soincrville, Mas.,ls ro retnarkablo that wo beg
to nsk for It the attention ot our readers, llnsajs:
'In Iho full or ISTO when 1 was token with a Violent
Dleertlnif of Ihe Liuiirs followed by a severe cougn.
I soon bosun to losu my nnpetlto nnd I was
so weak ut one tl.'Do that 1 could not leavo my bed.
In tho ;summer of 13JT 1 was admitted to Iho City
Hospital. While thero the doctors Bald 1 had a nolo
In mvlett Inner ai blir ns a half dollar. Icxreniled
over a hundred dollar In doctors and medicines.
I was so tjonoatono tlmo a repcrt went around I
was dead. I irnve up hope, but a friend told mo of
Dlt. W.M. HaLIS hALSASt fOK Till'. LUNGS. I
lavchcdntmy friends, thlnkltf timt my casowas
Incurable, but I got a bottle to satisfy them, when
to my surprise tin I grutltlcatlon.I commenced to
reel better. -My hope, once d.'ad, began to revlve.and
to-day I feel la belter spirits than I have for three
"1 WriUJ 11113 UUpiUJi ,I1U V.lll )JUU11BU II BUIUIIIH-
cry ono nflllei id w llli dl!:eaed lunes will lio Induced
to tako Dr. Win. Hall's linlsnm for tho I.uncs, and
bo convinced that UONSUMt'l'luN CAN IHJUUItUI).
1 havo taken two bottles, and can positively t.iy that
it has done moro good than all tlio other medicines
I havo taken Mnce my sickness. My cough has al
most entirely disappeared and I shall soon be able
to go to work. so:u oy uiugg'.srs. -l ako m. nan a
llaliam onlj Iicwaro of counterfeits. oot.l&-lyeow
holmes &o SGia:"uz-jiHiK:i
J ..... i -
SdW iBsav-cjjmi reliirBicd fvmn New Hfwlk aasad
BMaiSaatHeHBalsB witflia Bai'g stock oi!'g'od.sB9BI arc loo
lm$y jpa'csesoft U write s&ii advefl'fliiseBafiCEaf but extend
ywu sa cofl'dSaH uBBvifissrjion em mmUi ymw imvefonses to
BooS& otcb' imi stock o
Very Respectfully,
BCOIil91RS & 8i:iIUVS,lKR.
line. Ills memory issuprisingiy retentive and h.p
be Uf el neither book nor notes. To rccito a . A short timo before her death, she
drama in which thero are savcral widely diver- desired to receivo Ihe sacrament of tho Lord's
cent characters lo be represented, and to keep Supper which was administered by Ihe Ilev.
Lh in its proper place through various acts T
an.l scenes is no injni im . i ... F Te fuDeral torvioes coniIuclod by the
this successfully and auorueii inucu pleasure 10 above namej mlnitor.
hi hearer.--. His recitation wai very well worth
Wheat per bushel V.w
Ityo "
Corn, " w
I'lOlirper uanui ".v
cioversced m?
llutler 5S
potatoes "
Dried Apples .w
Bides & Shoulders i u
t'liickens '
rurkevfl m
Ijird per pound . jo
lleoavrax .'s
hearing as those who woro preeent will riadily
IlucKiiouN.April ja, ISS1
A pleasant ovenirg was passed at the reel
ilmna nf Seth Shoemakoron the Kith inst., il
being the occasion of Mis Kale's biilhday. A
bountiful tablo wa4 sprial ami reveral fino
presents tendered a tokens of their apprecia
tion of the object of this surpribe.
Mr. Male Rounaley of Shickshinny w.w in
dono and new member initiated. Among tho
strangers present wero Cap'. D. B. Else, of tho
Crawfjrd House. Williamspcrt nnd . L.
P.trkor,m mberof Council of the samo city.
At a meeting of the congregation cfSt Paul's
Epi'copal church on Monday evening, Ihe fol
lowing were elected vestrymen for tho ensuing
year: E. I!. Drinker, B. V. Hnrtman, C. C.
Marr, C. F. Knapp.E. Barlor, Geo. E. Elwell,
nnd J, II. Harman.
A CAItl).
Dr. House desires lo inform hi patrons and
tho public in general, that after April 1st, lie
will ha located in rooms ovor Ihe Blnrimshurg
'B mjting Co , and deftres a continuance of pub
lie favor. inarch 25 4iv
Mr. Jno, I.atibach moves near Rupe.-ton Ihe
' Quick" farm. Ho will be misfid here.
Miss Anna SaviJge i siek with scarlet fever.
William IveySr.,lias been confined to his
house for the lost week.
Mr. J. Grimes was in town on Saturday,
looking aficr his interests. Mr. Grimes has
many warm friends here, wiicro he was n suc-
cefsful toacher.
A spec'ul mecling of this body was held em
Wednesday of last week, to confer' with the
Water Company regarding the water supply for
tho town, AH tho intuihcrs "f tho Council
were pro:cnt oswerbaUo Messrs, ly. C. Nenlj
E. II. Little and II. J. Clark of the Cimpmy,
. , , ,. i v 11 i I OBTOl' llONUiiiK. At ine U'lann npura iiuu-.ui
A particulsrly lively dicu?;ion cnuo ','n wlrch CVenlng. a laigo audlflnco greeted tho HyersMsl
more attention waj pint to lurce oi ixpressioa
than to elcgancJ of diction. Personal opin-
. ... . f P 1 .l .!.
ions weregtven win. pcri.'ci mruum .mu mu
ebate wa at one lime acrimonious. Iho
Company's bill of SSOO was finally passed
and the matter ot siiiiuil compensaiion was
rr.ught up,
to tho town WMU per nunuiii wnt voim
ilnvr, and the Council adjour.icd until tho ful-
owing Monday.
Ou Monday evening all Iho members ol tho
Council were in attendance and the same re-
rescutative of ihe Waler Company,
Tho petition of suudry citizens fur Ihe open
ing of Pine Alley lo Eatt Street was agreed to.
Tliia matter will coino lutore iho Court for a
fjrmal dccr.'O
Permits wero granted as follows : to Dr.
Schuyler to unl-ad utono (&c,, on Market
Tho people of Plymouth begin to feel some
fdarm concerning the conlaminalion of tlio riv
cr water by the sewage of AVilkes .Barro The
Record does not think Iho water is purified by a
now of two miles and asks, "Is thero (o bo no
consideration for us? Have we no rights the
corporation of Wilkcs-Barre Is bound to rc.
Colored eggs were plenty In thii town on
Easter day, and Iho children were as happy ns
the prorerbial Inks. Tho dyes recently intro
duced are much superior to those hereloforo
used, and ihe colors given to eggs are brighter
ond mora cyen.
Vcnnor, tho weather prophet, predicts that
the ground will beeavertd with snow on the firt
of May, though thero 'will ho warm wcntbor be
fore that lime, Thero will be one moro cold
snap in April. Under such depressing prog
nostications it becomes a mattor of doubt
whether it ii worth white to discard winter
clothing before the fourth of July.
Are you going to paint? If B0,s3nd to Henry
fi.lloay, Montour Paint Works, Rupert, l'J..
for .sample card and price of Strictly Pine
White Lead, Slato Colors, Iron Paints, Pulty
Ac , and rave the wholesale and rotall profit,
You cm mix your own color, from best mater
ial, with Pure Linscod Oil,for7S cents toll. 20
per gallon.
Roipeclfulty Yours &c,
opr. 15-Cm JUnky S, IlEir,
April 20th, 1S81.
Bualette, of lha Burlington llavheye, will
lecture next Monday evening in ihe Y. M. C,
A. Hull, on the ' Rleo und Pall of Ihe Mus
W. II. Snyder, County tJuperintenilent, was
in Iomii on Monday, paying tho robools a visit.
IK oxpres-od hlimolf well pleistd with Ihe
schools, lie will toon leave nn otlice in which
he has rendered energeiic and efficient work
Trailing arbutus Is reported in bloom by iho
lovers of wild (1 .wers.
Notwithstanding tho fact that oveironts wero
com'fortable yestorday, and ihe vinltr snow
was yet visible on the mountain ridu, the pro
gnsIve young American was di-civcred htlii
in tho canal above lown, avowing in fluttering
accents that the water was nice and warm,
''not a bit cold."
The midline, shop building is to bo lorn
down and a larger strutluro ol brick put
up Instead,
Mr. fscoll, of Wapwnllopen, nnd family, nre
boarding at tho St. Chailes, while their house
is undergoing repairs.
On Monday a young man by tlio namo of
Drucu Hiss, an employee of tho Jackson
Wcodln Manufacturing Co,, hnd his right Irg
broken In two places, by a fall of heavy kin
ber upon bim.
At Iho Literory Society lntt Salurdny ove
nlng,was dUciiHtd iho ijucttion, "Should a
military spirit be encouraged in Ihe Uni'cd
States." The atllruititlve was led by W. E.
H.uilii. and the negative by II. L. Preas. Th
lodges' dochlon wai in favor of tho former,
An (Mi)' by Mr. Trescott ami an Impromptu
aldress by Rev, Kuruler male up tho pro
tjuniHH fjr tb) evening.
popular Prices, 25, 35 nnd 5 O.
opt of lloNUiiiK. At the Uland opera Houso last
.mint-, ii lnii'ii fLiiillnncii L'rcetpd tho livers blsleis,
Tho company througiiout Is n very uxctllcnt one.
Tli'l hinging or jusa .Miiuiii ua inuueu u gruai. nui
prlsfl to oil, her olce Is clear, f wect una melodious,
ui. a i, inilu.jtl.nMirhi.i nntpn wlthL'OinTiarattveo.lsc
Her rendering of tno Arli Undo was superb, whtl
tho cclebratoi ducts from Martha was tho best ot
the evening nnd carried tho audit n o by sloim. Iler
aiittl -Mla I.OUISU liyeiEl, in 1U1UU1UU tu nn iiiiw u
nil .nnlrlliiilirtn trt I l.f, ni'ilkliin. IMTtirmOd tllO W ll
fin uud frollcsonio suollid child lo peiP'Cllon. nnd
. i... ; i. ... I i.iinwi.,1 hii-ii iwiini' inlfr.t. 'the contrast frtin tho
jv prupoi.i iu .urm-.i nu.u -.-- Mn ievnZmw to tho fieedom or n.'W re
lations in social iiio.wus irapnuy uxuiuiu'u, mw "?
Interest cf the nudlurico was bustalnud Uirougliout
Ilia Cliuro puirorinauci). Aiuauy rtrgus,
, niia.iiiniii.ij.
Business lotico
Fur Window Curtains, double-faced Cftti'
ten Flannel', Gurnet and Old tlold go to J
W. llartuinu'ii.
O. 0. Marr wants 00 bushels or polatoi
tit tho highest market prico.
Kew Lavps nt fUlz & Slon's.
Large assortment of Ladies' neck chain?,
Street, and to Charles Krug fur Ihe erection of all New fcstyles, S-ilvcr plated Porks and
a building on Main Street ai'joiniug that o W, bpoons as low as ono uoupr per set, at i.
MbKImiiov. and fdr an ai diiion to Dr.Tur- u.ui.j
ner's building near tho railroad siatlcn.
Mr. It. C. Kcal then addresrtd tho Council
concerning the water supply and sln'cd that v D Dentler, Boots and Shoes, Furnish
tuo reductions oi insurnnro on town pruperiy D(j Uoods. successor to W. L . Wclviuucy.
tvunl.l nan n.,!itn Rnmn SI, I III. Hupavfl Hie i ' i
njtimatcsmade bv various intursnco neenls in lo U, u Marr s lor 1'fanu Biuau
cr.oboraliop. Mr.'s remark- we' brief BoaP- Don 1 fa" to U U
and to iho point, Alter giving ihe cost ct im- 0 n m th0 AtMi, stock of Siimmf r
provciuc:us,iie mane a proporuion lor ine win. iiats in town,
pauy, lo furnish water to the lown during the , , ,
year for the Mini of $1500,nml urged the Coun- Nobby Inwsni.s
cil to lake immeilialo ncilon. nurahlB Workinir Suits.
t.ju. feai raoveu mat uie oner ue a:- x0V! on Hand at Uavid Lowcuberg's
ceptcd, Mr. Ilnrlman ro onded the motion
lly vli tuo of power In tho wilt of John McCalla,
lute of Steuben count', New York, deceased, tho un
dersigned, one of tho executors named In the will
and acting esecutor In said estate, will ofTer at pub
110 810 at tho Cjurt House In l!locinsburg,nt ono
oclock In tho ufternoon on
Monday., May 2nd, 1881,
All that tract or parcel of Had situ ite In tho town,
ship of Heaver la tho county of ftolumbli nnd Stato
of I'cninylvanta. formerly Cntawlssi township,
Xorthumberl.ini county In sali Mote of Pennsylva
nia, beginning at a post, thenco by land cf Daniel
Neycr bouth sixteen aud oao-half decrees exst throo
hundred and scventy-nlno perches to a post, Ihcnco
tiy land of Jesso Evans north twenty-eight djgrces
oast cljbty-four pcrclios to a post, thenco by land
of J.'sss Brooks north twelve acgrecs west eighteen
perchca to a b'.acU oak, ihencj north seventy
eight aegreos, oast eighty pcrchc.3 to a post and
thenco by hd3 of C.vthulno Locgenlwgcr north
sixteen degrees west two hundred ahd seventy-
two ,p?rches to n post, thenco by land of Oeorgo
Ijngcnbergcr north twvntyno dojiees west ono
hunired nnd twelvo porches to a post, and thenco
by Undo! Thomas Lemons south seventy degrees
west ono hundred nnd sixty pcrch3 to tho place ot
beginning, containing
Three Hundred and Seenty-two
and two-thirds Acres
of land and nllowanco of six per cent for road3,
which said tract of land was surveyed In pursuanco
of a warrant dated 234 day ot Aujust, liM granted
to Andrew Clark.
tuo land U unseated and 13 supposed to contain
TEllMS.Two hundred and tlfty dollars on strlk
lag down the property, and tho balanco In ten daj s
on delivery ot the deed by tho executor.
Not IJhnk. Tho propel ty was sold for tho taxes
last June, and tho amount required for taxes and
redemption from that sa'o to which tlio abovo sale
will be subject, will be im so. In addition to which
will bo tho taxes accrued Unco tlio said sale, on a
reduced valuation amounting to about Utteen dol
lars a year.
.Toux (I.Tkeezb,
March S3, sl-ta Attorney.
Flue llrniiillcs, triilNltlvN, CIiin, Itiinis, aiitl alt Kluels oI'Tv Iiich coii-
ftuntly 011 tiutitl.
Landlords through out the county will lind it lo their advantage (0
call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July 9,'so-ly
Ghcatnut uj. rcccipt 0f a postal card.spc- NHarkat
St. cilying Vug Kuut ot fjootis wruiicti, v,'e X gt.
itnnetliutcly sciut by niftii, gratuitously, wiui
' widths and pricaj, samples of
Dress Goods, Silks, Etc.
showing the latest r.tylcn, and enabling .1 purc!ia;5cr in any
partofthtiUnitcd States to select satisfactorily, and order
the goods conveniently, villi certainty of receiving only
what arc sent for, anil at precisely the same prices paid
by city customers who buy nt ot:r counters. If, upon
examination at home, any article fail to be as expected,
we request their return, and snd others in exchange, or
refund the money at if thu purchaser prefers,
Our New Spring Catalogue
embracing all the departments in one hrgo book, with a
system of ordering goods by Utter moro convenient than
any heretofore, will bo mailed, without charge, to thoso
who send us a postal card containing name, town, county,
and state: nothing further i necessary, wo will under
stand what is wanted.
Our stock-, which forms the greatest variety in one
establishment in the. United Statei, include.1! J-adles' Suits,
Shawls, Millinery, nc'ei wuir, Hosier, Gloves, Jewelry,
Laces, Embroideries, Shoesj l.iueni, Gentlemen's Cloth
ing, Housekeeping Goods, China, Silverware, Furniture,
Carpets, etc.- Address,
John Wanamaker
Rtrrmf X
j yyt"y
Our Ptore, tnovu tit tlie Crand Tc-i tt,
tvcntll uiu Mlkt Mr' in, ixl-.1
City II II S;u rc, r.' i h 11 .
1 nr.i ri in 1 . r "
C3;ir..!i 1 ll.a blotU ot llilr.
: tu C'l'.c ti. .11 iintt r. d
a'U'. 11 l . .1 r,4
I .1. u
At 111? I
OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street
J01ICK IN I'AliriTlON-
Whereas, by a writ of pirtlllon Issueil out of tlio
OrpliauR' tlourt of Columbia county to rho directed,
tcxted tUi tlilnl day ot, A. 1)., lbSi, l tiai com.
iii iiiileil by nn liiiiuejt of six men to make partition
of 11 eeruin n.c.sauaKO unit tract of l.uiU bilimtu In
Mlfllln towi.slilii In bald county, bounded on Hie
nuitli by iliuHusiniliaLna river nnu ou tlio noutli
by landjof tliori;o Keller, contalclni; nbnutfony
ecveii acreaof tbu estate of Mlllam Kelelmcr, lain
of ttiu towntlilpand county nforesald, deceased, to
ami among thu heirs nudleual reinnentatlvcs of
tlio Bald d-redent, in such mutiDor unit In such pro.
portions ns by tlio lawa of tliu coinnionivealth U di
rected. If 1 1 in 81UUH enn be dono wltlinut nreluiiim m
or snolllmr tlio whole, hut It such partiUon cannot
be made or tno HatdprfUilarsc.'UiiiolbodtWdcd Into
Miirenur p'irimruiui enuui value men 10 a
anil mails ui) ennifst rpttch in favor of the
proposition, Mr, Lockanl thoiiglit tlio price
too liljjli. Mr. Cirtll bulleveil tlieolt'ar lo lie
us liberal as coulJ lis uiiule, Ml, Herring
thought Iho I rice ixlravaganl.
A vote was lukm nml Ihe r.iprsMon was tie-
fjaled, Miaira. Huttraar.Ncal nu J Cornll voting
aye, ami Me. er.'. Lvekaii', Jlussett, Itabbnuil
Herrlii?, irty.
Mr. Neal Ihcn iiroposcil to rIvo $1,3-50, but
this was 1 st by a fimlhir vote. Mr. Hnrt
man nigutiitiil $1200, nnil 111 m vrna nilopted by
the following volo t Ilnrlman, Nml, Ikanl
ami Corn II, yen 1 Haverl ntul Itabb, nay. lly
a like vote it was agreed that iaymonls bo
mado monthly, to dale frtm April Ut, Tills U
subject to tho nillon of the Water Company,
The meeting niljournid.
At a meclirg of the Wnler Ci., held on Tuts
i!ny evening Nst,a icaolutlon was pas'eiacccpt-
i'ig Ihe propoual ot the Council lo Inn isli wat
Cholco New Orleans Molaesea nt 0. 0.
R U. Dentlor, Doota nnd Shoes, Furnish
liiU Cioodi. fcjucccssor to W. 0. McKlnney.
More Dre Qlnghau. nnd I'ercalfii this
wick ut Lutz & Sloan's.
Go to 0. 0. Man's for Dutterick'a Spring
j , 1 .1 1 i.
17 different styles Dreas OlngUams at I.
V. Hartinan's.,
Only 00 ccnla a yard for nice Striped Dress
Silks at Lutz fi Sloan'n.
Wool and Cotton Carpet Clialn.'at 0. 0,
Cream, Bronze, Illue, Garnet anil Illack
Buntings at I, W, Ilarttnan's,
0. U. Marr Is still selling Goods Cheap.
COO Bushels of Gooil Potatoes wsntril liv
er fjr$l00, Thlnvasdinoin iho belli f that, 8ila Youiis.ot Light Streol.for which hewl'l
when the pctpl spprecla'o Iho advnntngei no- luu u'bhv'i ""r;;.'";y. .
cruiiis 10 io 1, iucy win insist on ii.eir Q0 to 0. 0. Mart1 for nice Srrup. Can't
leprctiniDiivcs pnyirg -aiairanu living price." be beat.
FAVORITE 99 Organ, ICQ ft
d Shippod with Stool and Qookfor QlwV
ruoit complete Ortont In cut!
K 19 (OLlll
um AMU
flrcat ana Special Ol'i'or tor Tliirty'DayslOnly!
Wew "
Boxod and
k nriTrtllce 10 OTnno jsv '-LIIm Grcnt and Sncclal
ll UUIHVCOj 10 OIUI fJSa lf'ir I" t" ono of the taailioraM
I .1.1- . 11.1 nt
lIociaTcaof rocJs.)
cfifc solo stops
(foil organ and Unco
I ewclli,)
(which doubles the
L powir,)
pDt pu trial f r 13
Aiji, end freight jiald
llliwa)l It not tM-y
Organ ajvcrtlacU flvu
tcte of recda uulcu It
hai 17 orinea cf
ltftd,' T'
IUaatrated CtUloJua
inallud free.
DllUnC IKoctavon, Hascu-oodcaw.einredluji.lTwy keys, oventrune h,fuU olQfl
lIRNUO Iron Irarne, Acrelfe ud til ImjimvemuuH, Uh Hoot, cover Mid 000W, icat Qlull
oncRetuiUrtuialfor iml;
'1 1 1' I. I . 1
lull, nuuflnscc
The tblrtatn Stops
arc: DIanMon, Dnldana
Principal, Hautboy,
Octave. Coonler, Sob.
llais, Echo, Dulcet, Vox
Humana nod LaUrtllant
Wo vrnrrnnt tbl
(Irtnil (v tiO nrat
rluaa In every r
ptfi, end cuarantcolt
lor tlx ytr to fha
entire mllttactlon.
It is tte Greatest
Bargain GTer Offered,
Du v of a rutUUg Vqui.
fias now been lubuaU
jfn and fold nearly
f.O.OOO l'lacoa and
Orcanf, ami nil civ
mil lauaiHrtieu.
Iho name or tho Keveral shares or purparls Into
which iho gamo way bo divided by the said luiiucst,
and make return to the said court on tho llrst Mon
day ot May next:
Now, I hereby glvo notlco to all heirs nnd legal
representatives of William Kelehner, deceased,
abovo named, and to all persons interested lu thu
partition of his said real estate, that an Inquest will
bo held for tho partition or valuation of land abovo
mentlOLed unon tbonremlnea In Miniin inunkiiin nn
Monday, the Mth day cf April, iksi, pursuant tho
said writ and order of Court and between tho hours
of ten o'clock tu the- forenoon and ihrco o'clock in
tho afternoon ot that aay.
The following aro heirs and persons Interested in
tho ebtatc of said Wm. Keichner, deceasod. namelj t
l.John Kelehner. a brolhernf fii.rpiini. ir .1.K...1.
Kelchner.a broUierof deoedent) III, Children and
(trandchlldren oftteorco Keichner. dee-casfd who
11110 n uiumu ui uretueiu, lu wn: i. jiiizaoein. in-
termarriod with John Oenrharl; Salary, intermar
ried with Karauet (learhart; a. ltebicca, lutermar
rled with (leorifii Vetten 4. Children of Catharine,
(a daughter of bald lleorKO Kelehner, deceased) who
wa lnlcrmartled with Drelir, but nowoo
coiiscd, to-wlt: Matilda, intermarried with Kitwnnl
nsher. and Clara lirtbr. unmarririi. r. 'iiihirpu r
Lynia, (a daughter ot s ltd Oeorgo Keleliner, deeeaj
ed), who was Intermarried wltn William Ash, but
!'.,wd?.c?ail'0illo-w,t! "eorgo Ash nnd William Ash;
IV. Children and grandchildren of Catharine, a sis
ter of decedent, who was Intermarried with Charles
rreurici, uui now aeccasea, to-wlt: 1. H.llyAun.
lntSrBia.rr!H..wlJ.u. Araoa Uolpi Maria, Intermar.
rtcdwlth 1'hlllp Wluterstccni a. Charlotte,lntermar
married with Ira nines; 4. Bophla.lnterraariteiJwltn
... ..W..W.U, v. wuia i,iiivi(fmiiioi iiu unuries
nrowni 6. ('hlldrcutof Mary.ta daughter of eald Mrs.
Catharlno Frudrloi) who was Intermarried with ill
ram II. Iirowu, (who jet survives), but now deceas
ed, to-wlti Mary Catharine, Intermarried Willi John
llouncrj Augustus Urown and Aaron Brown: T.Dau.
lei Fredrtcl; s. Itnlali Fredncl, and tth, Joslah ritd.
c, . .. Shorltrot Columbia county,
Sheriff's onice, Itlootn.bui g, '
March IT, U51.4W
JLJ ll,
lllooni i:. 11. llldlenmn, Norman' Mieep.
niuici jraw ,vuu:uiiuur, .iiiuuiii'tu lirt'uueiiui'r.
llcnlon- .Abraham ilarlinati, John It. Keelcr.
I!...... I..L-. .L'.n ...,.....t.o
llrlor CreiU Wm. lliiiiK'nstoel. Jonathan lick.
CattawlSiti-Charlcs lletsi.
ceutralla-lohn Mclionall, oeorgo McElhaoy.
i-n.uiui( i.iuth-ueiiry tveieuuer, a. vv. raiierson,
.1. ,. llumoii
lreenwood-!ra I). Kline,
lleinloek Theodore Dent,
lwj't Jon is itupp, tieorge dotty.
Mt. rirasant-Johu Howell, Jr
orange- Silas Conner, M. V. Conner.
Scott 11. 1). llageiibuch, Charleu Urown.
liloom Win. Dlettertck.
lloaver Israel hliell,
lieuton .lames Wlrcmao, Caleb O'Brien.
lierwlek-s. 11. Bowmiwi.
Itrlar creek Andrew fowler. John Miller.
CiUtawlssa A. '1 ruekenmlller.
Center Ed. Hnrtman, Kilns Itlngrose, Jeremiah
S alp, T. II. tiweppcnhclser.
Contrallu Thomas Collins,
nulling Creek-Ella3 Mnnor, PeWr Uogart.Cyrm
ltobblns, William Bveland.
Orcenwood-Joieph Ijiwtou, Wm. Masters.
Ilemlock-n. u. U'ldy.
Jackson Mnlhew Mellenry, T. W. Smith.
1-ocuat dain Dlmlek, Wilson Albertson, Wm. J.
Helwlg. Daniel 1'
Montour I'eter l!e!
Orange II. t! Everett.
nne-Adam Ilobb, Ira I'urscll, John V. fowler, Wm.
lloiighiou. '
ltoarlng creek Michael ltoucli, l'otcr K, Mcnsclu
twglt John Savase, Isaao Crawford.
.Kotloo Is hereby given that tho und'rslirned Au
utuir apixilnted by ihe Couit of Coiiimou fieasof
Columbia county ou execptlons to the account of
rainuel Crevellng, CommliU o of sal t lunatlo us tiled
January, is,t, villi sit lu iho uiviurra r.t n. ,i.
tlei of his appointment at his. onioo lu tho townuf
uioou suurg on baturday, April. nl 1M1, at
ton o'clock In tho forenoon ol said day when and
whero alt parties interested can appeurlf thesee
March 8S-SMV, "AUL & Br.
Ill DO Ut Hflinilftl Unnrr'H farm lr,iiuiiH
oclock Initio aliernodn. a stone culvert ovir
; ivuug wnuuiu near osmuei nnorr i
farrn. 1'Uns and tpec Ucallous can be boeu at thi
resldcucea u ihe underaigutd.
sxcosn wkc.
liloom-willlam Wiarfer.J.L. (llrton, z.T. Kchler.
lleayer John llonik, John fritz, Michael Hlttun-
nuuav, juwiu nuugeiiiiau.
C. A. bhuitian.
llrwlcK I). W, Holly,
em riwa ncin ' nomas.
fUlilmr Creek II. Ii. Kvi.Iaii.1 .Tnim iti.m
lreeuniicd-Wm, Iteoce. aiiih Iinon. WTIaon
I honixs.
Ilemlock-ChrUtopher Kustcr. 1. O. l'uraell. Jacob
lJ5Ciikl-0. V. Mears, Yenger.
Marilson Wilson Kvos, Hall H Sterling.
J 1'.!"""! ''ancls I'leminlug, Jacob feustermaker.
Mllllu Jelm Klikeudall.
Montour Daniel fry.
u I'leasanu-Meiiuen Crawford, Samuel Nolton.
oranpo Kmanuet Applemau.
lloailngcruek Uavid Ixnig, laaaoCherrlagton.
ScottOeorgeZelgler, I'nmel Mouiey.
oubriuui-jusefii uiruii, c j, Aioertaan, i:zetlcl
TNSuivi;:as kotice.
TUotleo is hereby given to tho creditor of the nn
derslgued utul to aU persons whom It luuy concern.
iimv no mu uiipir m mo uoitri ot cuminon I'leasof
Columbia couuty lorlho lurnr. nt the liikolvcnt
lana of this coiniaonwenltb en Monday, May ud.
1M1, at which ttiui anyiuoii having any obei
tloustohuilnal dlschirga aa nu IntoU'Ut i.cLtor
can appear and inakj the same knowu.
la.cblii4W WaUAMUAUMKISTKlt.
OllCa Is lu ii.bvi.lken that tlin aullioriiv l.. i
torn glreu to Ellas Meudenhull, tu iuakn halts ol
lumw-rand receive money on my uceount as uvenu
waj.ou the llrst dai ot April, A. U..1HI, wlthdrawu
ltl I 1IA1IT1VJ
buperuorv;CcnUTv;p. April , Sl.w