The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1881, Image 2

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    Iff g lldwitlim
0. E. ELWELL. 1
i-ii !
Friday. Api'll QQ.1881.
Tho uii'iuliers of tho Legislature nro
1olti tlioir list to eonvlneo tho peoplo
tlintlliov nro not worth ten ilollarn iierdny,
whatever nmy 1o their light to
that Htipeiid. Tho early days of tho pob-
bioii wcro wasted in tlio selection ol aa
United States Senator to suit Mr. Cain
cron, nntl tlio past two wcoks liavo been
thrown nway In wrangling over petty
resolutions to nnnoy Attonioy General
l'nlmor and Stnto Treasurer Hntlcr. Tho
important public business has been buT
Jered to languish and now, after a hun
dred days havo passed, tlio really vital
ipiestioim presented aro still unsolved.
For all this follv there will undoubtedly
eomu retribution nt tho hands of disgust
ed constituents and many of tho honora
ble, gentlemen who lmvo displayed s6
much energy regarding their pay nnd so
little as to anything else, will not return
to ilarrlsburg in tho capacity ot law
Tho only dignified way to test Mr
l'nlmer'fl construction of the law is to
carry tho matter into Court, and have it
decided by proper judicial authority.
Tins would not interlero wan tho trans
action of public business deserving at
tention, and would tend to preservo some
leeling of respect for tho members. Up
to this date tho sympathy ot tho commu
nity is with tho Attorney General, ns tho
resolutions adopted have bIiowii too
clearly that they wcro inspired by re
vengeful motives. Tho law-makers of
a ureal Commonwealth ought to bo
nbovo such petty maliciousness, and tho
sooner they understand that tho peoplo
...I .: i . i , t ... ..t. ...
lllliiK so-, mo lienor it win uo ior muni
and for their further continuance in po
litical existence. It has been repeated!
demonstrated ot late, that tho long-su
feringaml patient public can adopt strong
measures when necessary, and cast
nsido with scant ceremony their negli
uPiitAiul unfaithful.xervunts. Wise men
(loo from tho wrath of tho tempest, but
loots remain to defy it.
Senators Conkling and Cameron aro
mainly responsible- for tho present (lis
gracoful state of affairs in tho Senate.
They aro making a dangerous expert
mont in trying tlio patience of tho pco
pie so persistently. There is a general
feeling of disgust in tho community, not
only at tlio interruption ot business but
also at tlio shamclul scenes that havo re
cently been enacted in tho Senato chain
ber. It is had enough to havo tlio mem
burs of tho lower House almso each oth
cr like pothoiiHc politicians, but it U in
finitely worso when .gravo and dignified
Senators descend to tho same level. In
tho shameless squabble for petty olllces
all tho great interests of tho nation nro
forgotten tho President's nominations
aro neglected, tho Couits compelled to
adjourn for want, of proper olliccrs to at
tend to oases, and all decency is laid
aside in tho contemptible wrangle. The
Republican Senators decline to accept
tho offer made by tho Democrats to go
into executive session, and insist that the
petty offices .of the Senate nhall be first
decided. Tho bargain with tho renegade
Muhono is first to bo consummated and
tho rights of tho people aro niade a sec
ondary consideration. Thero must ho a
speedy end to this deadlock if tho Pres
idents administration is not to sink into
contempt. Mr. Conkling, ju his obsti
nate resentment has placed Mr. Gaiiield
in such a position that he cannot afford
to yield. If Judge Hobertsou's name is
withdrawn or if ho is rejected by the
benate, Mr. lianieluH claims lor the sup
port of tho people will bo small indeed.
It will bo a virtual inauguration of Conk
ling, as Chief Magistrate. Tho friends
of Mr. Garfield assert that ho is a strong
and ablo man, fully competent to con
duet tho affairs of tho nation with honor
and consistency. If tho claim bo true,
now is tho time to prove it. So long as
this Senatorial squabble continues, so
long will tho Administration lose prcs:
tigs, it is a matter or very little mo
ment who aro tho officers of tho Senate,
provided they are not chosen in pursu
ance of a disgraceful bargain, but it is
of tho greatest inipoitaheo that necessa
ry public-business be transacted, and in a
decent manner. Scoics of Presidential
nominations need to be acted upon
vithout delay. In ouo case at least, an
United States Court has been forced to
adjourn becauso a District Attorney has
not been confirmed. This entailed great
nnnoyanco and expense upon hundreds
of interested parties to suits.
There is no room left for doubt ns to
lho alliance, of tho lk-publicans with
Mahoue, tho llepudiator. Why else
should such a man us Hiddlebcrgerbo
named tor olliccf llo is ot tlio same po
luteal faun as Jiahouo and even more
ultra in his views. Tho licpubliouuw
Htronuously deny all nfiiliation with eith
er of theso mon, and yet Senator Canter-J
on stated openly in tlio benato that tho
fight was not for tho ollices.bttt to affect
tho coming election in Virginia, and,
presumably, with tho aid of Mahouo and
his henchman. Tho peppmy littlo 15c-
pudiator denies that ho lias mado any
bargain with tho Jtcpublieans, but in tho
faco of such facts, how is ho to bo be
lieved? If tho Senate has any wish to
j) reserve oven a seinblanco of decency,
this unseemly deadlock will i.'onie to nu
etiu at once.
Tho llnrrisburg J'utriot is very mix
ions to havo tho Legislature impeach tho
btato Treasurer tor relusiug to pay tho
members ton dollars a day in disre
gard of the Attorney General's opinion
It is perhaps possible) that tho members
in their present condition ol wrath(might
push thiough an impeachment ami re.
inoyo tho Treasurer, but they would not
Do Kustaiiicd by public opinion, 1 ho av
trage uili.cii does not deem therofmal
of the Tii'iisuror milliuient to warrant
such grave proceedings. The Attorney
CJenend is tho highest law; olllcer of the
Statu government and the ouo to whom
luvuLs of departments would unturullv
apply for nu opinion regarding the af
fairs of their respective ollioes. If tho
Attorney General and the Treasurer are
wiong, let tho Courts so decide and that
will end it. Theio will bo no great loss
if time nor interruption of legislative
dultis, in submitting the matter to ju
dicial settlement. Tho Legislature will
command more respect by passing tho
iwo'V important hills on tho calendar,
(him by "breathing out threoteuings und
t-hwghler," uguitifct tho Slate officeisfpr
ncijiig, ns they compliance with
liW. Mcro work avd lees talk is wliat Is
licede1. ,
telegram from London, dated April
19th, stated that Lord Ucaconsllcld died
nt 5:10 o clock that morning. Tho morn
ing bulletin announced that ho had been
restless for some hours, nnd during tho
day his strength gradually diminished.
At 10 p. in. it was known that ho was
mnklng. At li a. in. tho bulletin read ns
tollows: "Jjord lioaconslicld s physicians
regard his present symptoms as giving
grounds for more' grave anxiety than at
any period during his illness.' A few
minutes afterwards ho died.
llo was consoious up to a lato hour
last night, when weakness brought on
lellrium nnd ho sank into n stupor. lie
recovered consciousness, however, just
beforo he died. Lords ltowton and Har
rington nnd Drs. Quaiu nnd Kidd wcro
worn with hint when ho died, nnd hun
dreds were waiting in respectful Bilenco
lit tho street. Tho news was at onco
telegraphed to tho Queen and to nil tho
ministers and leading men of both par
ties. Thotmh tho death.of this remarkablo
man was not unexpected, it will never
theless send a thrill through every civil
ized nation on tho globe. Ho was one
of tho foremost men of tho century nnd
has borne a conspicuous part In shaping
tho destinies of tho great nation ho so
ably represented.
Hcniaintn Disraeli, Larl of llcacons
field and Viscount Htighcndcii, was the
son of Isaac Disraeli tlio author ol sever
al literary works, and was born in Lon
don on tho 21st of December, 1804. Ho
studied lay but soon tired of tho legal
profession and dovotcd himself to litera
ry pursuits. In 182G ho published his
first novel, "Vivian Grey.' When thir
tv-two vears of ago ho was elected to
Parliament ns a representative of tho
borough of Maidstone, having previous
ly been twioj deteated.
His first speech in Parliament was
failure, nnd was shouted down by tho
members. Ho closed with tho following
words: "I am not surprised at tho re
ception i have experienced. I havo be
mm scwral times uihiiv thimrs. and I
havo often succeeded nt last. I shall sit
down now, but tho time will oomo when
you will hear me. And indeed it was
not long beforo he was heard, for in
1839 ho mado a speech which was
listened to with profound attention.
Up to this time ho had published, bo
sides "Vivian Grey," a satire in ono vol
ume, entitled "lho Voyago ot Uaptain
l'ntt.iiiilln." his second society novel:
"Tho Young Duke," a novel called "Cou
tarini Fleming," a psychological autobi
ography; a glittering oriental romance,
"Tho Wondrous, Talo of Alroy," "The
lliso of Iskandcr, lounded on beamier
beg's revolt agaiiiBt tho Turks in the
fifteenth century; tho political writings,
"Wliat is Hcf "Tho ltovolutionary lip
id "Tlio Crisis fixamiuod, and "vin
dication of tho Knglish Constitution,"
embodying his political views; tho sarcas
tic anil puugent articles in tho Times
signed Hunnymede; tholove story, "Hen
riettaTomplci" and tho novel, "Venotia,"
in which Hyron and Shelley figure. Ho
afterwards published "Count Alarcos,"
a Spanish tragedy, "Uonmgsuy, "bibyl"
and "Tailored." In 1810 ho became tho
leader of the Conservative party.
In March, 1852, when Lord Dei by
was at the head ot the administration.
Disraeli was mado Chancellor of the Ex
chequer ami a member ot tho Privy
Council. The- same year ho went out of
oinco with Jjora ueroy, in xjooemoer.
After Lord Palmerston's downfall in
February. 1858, ho again became Chan
cellor of 'the Exchequer uuder Lord Der
by, who waa succeeded in June ot tlio
same year by tho I'almerston-llussell
Cabinet. During this administration, aa
well as during tho Itnssell-Gladstoiie
Ministry, ho led tho opposition in tho
Commons. He again becamo Chancellor
of tho Exchequer uuder Derby, in 186G,
his chief political action'beiug hissupport
. f .1 T. f I .Ml J 1... t
oi mo jiciurm uiu, Mjjneu. uy uiu vutun
August 15, 1807, extending tho right of
sultiage to all householders in a borongli
and to every person in a countv having
a trochoid ot lorty shillings., lho ILarl
of Dcrbv resigned in February, 18G8.
Disraeli then became Prime Minister,
which post ho retained uutil December,
1808, when ho was succeeded by Glad
stone. In 1870, he published "Iothair,
which reached a circulation ot au.oyu
copies in this country. The peerage of-
lcred linn in mba ho declined tor him
self, but ho accepted it for his wife, who
becamo Viscountess Beaconsfield. He be
came Prime- Minister again in Fcbrua
ry, 184, after tho resignation of Glad
stono by whom ho was again succeeded
on tho 28ta ot April, litW. Boon after
ward ho was created Earl of JJeacons?
field. His wifo died Dec. 23, 1872.
The family jJisraeli settled tirst in
Spain nnd thou in Venioe. Benjamin
Disraeli eamo to England in 17-10. Ho
married in 1705 Sarah Villareal do So
proof, by whom he had one child, Isaac
Disraeli, the lather ot .Lord iicacons
Tho citizens of Now York, in their ef
forts to inaugurate a monster fair, have
not very favorably impressed the country
at large. Thero is an evident uidltter
enco on the nurt of wealthy men aud
corporations, that has had a chilling ef
fect, and it begins to look as it ttie pro
ject would fall through. Gen. Grant
who was made President of tho Fair As
sociation for tho purpose of attracting
capitalists, scented Hanger and resigued
his position to accept ono with more of
profit aud, possibly, of honor. Tho Cen
tral u. it, Company who would have
mado millions had tho Fair become a
fixed fact, offered but a mcagro sum
whilst tho Pennsylvania H. It. Company
proposed to give .$125,000, althougli
their nrolits wcro nroblemutical.. As
New Yorkers aro fond of boasting of
their generous expenditures, busiuess ac
tivity and dash, their apathy as rarjrards
$o great an undertaking and one that
would bo greatly redound to their honor
aud prom, is peculiar to say the least
Tho peoplo of J'ennsylvatiia, looking
back on tho great imposition ot 1870,
may bo pardoned for a cynical sndo at
tho tribulations of their brethren in New
Senator Cameron's Legislature ought
to pass some resolution-) condemning
the inconsiderate men who held benator
Cameron's coat-tails thu other day when
ho btai ted lor bcuutor lien, if ill. A mail
ought to havo tho free use of his own
uoat-tnils on an occasion like that aud i
Senator Cameron's fino frenzy had not
been violently discouraged lie would havo
put down thu rebellion in about two mill
utes. bach untimely restraint its was
put upon thu young Senator's coat-tails
cannot bo denounced in terms too severe,
This duty belong to the Legislature.
j'aia. u tines.
In the State Senate on Tuesday lawt
n resolution was adopted for au adjourn
tiienl on tho 19th of May. On tho same
(lay tho House refused a second reading
of the resolution and referred it to thu
Coininitlod ou Wavs and Meaua, Tlio
frco pipe Hue bill passed tho House final
ly, as did also the hill for fin additional
jjupply of SrnuHii lioutJ-toooM,
Senator Cameron having said of tho
Pennsylvania Legislature that "no no
bler, belter or more patriotic body could
bo found in tho world," itisnow in order
for tho statesmen nt llarrisburg to do
something handsonio for tho Senator.
A resolution to tho effoct of "you'ro an
other" would bo about tho thing. The
peoplo can then contemplate tho mem
I. it i.. f a.
iters oi mo notice in not, put huh ui
tornoy General Palmer, and Mr. Camer
on's dignified demeanor in tho Senate,
with equal feeliugsof admiration nnd re
spect. Tho rush for olllco in Washington
is greater at the present time thnti has
ever been known before. Senators, mem
bers, cabinet officers and the President
nro overwhelmed by applications nnd
their tlmo consumed by applicants. This
would scent to indicate that there U mt
unusual number of unemployed men nnd
women in tho countiy, or elso that they
consider tlio work in a government of-
lieu to bo lighter and better paid tltnit
can bo obtained elsewhere
It seems to tho Independent Jlenubll
can of Mont roso "that tho correct courso
for tho Legislature to pursuo is to traus.
act all Important business ns speedily as
posstblo aud then adjourn, it tho new
salary bill passes there will bo no ocea
sion for a decision as to tho constitution.
ality of tho old law, as it will Btand ro.
Senator Dawes, of Massachusetts, has
been most prominent in defending tlio
alliance between tho Kcpublicans .and
Mahone, for which noblo work tho New
York World thinks he is clearly entitled
to tho distinction ot being tho thickest-
headed member of tho Senato of tho
United States.
News Items.
Diphtheria prevails to an alarming ex
tent in Ptko county.
Twelve hundred persons have recently
sijrned the tciiiperanco pledfio at Brad
John Mcllale, aged 10, was killed
last week, by the bursting ot an emery
wheel in the Union btovo. Works, 1'itts
A bov fell over the nrecioice at Iioch
ester into tho Geneseo ltiver, a clear
drop of 120 feet, and was taken out of
tho water unhurt.
Parents should remember that tho A.
S. T. Co. Black Tip upon children's
shoes protect tho shoe front wear as well
as tho metal tip, and is not ojectionablo
in any way.
An idiot of hideous aspect hid in a
hotiao at Owingsville, Ivy., and, when
found by a woman, throw tit) his hands
and hallooed at her. Tho fright killed
her on the spot.
Mrs. Michael Flanagan was burned
to death iu her house, I'ittston, a few
days ago. She was alone at tho titno
and it issupposed her clothes caught lire
whilst she was asleep.
Thousands of ladies to day cherish
grateful rcmenibranoes ot tho help deny.
cdlromtho uso ot iiydia K. l'lnkhum s
Vegetable Compound. It positively
cures all female complaints. Send to
Mrs. J-ydiaK.'inkham,i.:ia Western Av
ciiue, Jyiin, Alass., tor pamphlets.
A Miss Buckley has announced her
self r,H a pqndidato for Kcgistor and
ltecorder ot Armstrong county ou the
Kepublican ticket.
Baftsmen are in demand in the lum
ber regions, as there is an immense
aijioilht of lumber to bo rafted.
"My life," said a grateful lady, had
been ono ot intense sultering aud misery
until cured of" a disfiguring scrofulous
humor by tho Cutieimi" Kemedies." Ask
your druggists about them it troubled
with itching and scaly humors.
Wilkeu-liarro la threatened by forest
i! i .. 1 ... .i...
uii'k, linn wiivvi n puwuur isuim ncui" uiu
city arc endangered.
Benjamin II. llosc, a wealthy mer-.
chant ot i'lke county, was thrown front
his wagon on Monday last, and his neck
ys broken,
While the mouutnlu, at Tokens, J)au-
pmii, uro Niiuivrcmu, a pencil tree uv
uampooiutown, in tnu samo county, ih
bearing fruit one-quarter developed.
A Kentucky colored clergyman is re
ported on Ins way to Chicago in search
of his wife and the deacon who has
eloped with her. Ho carries a Biblo in
one noeket and says he hopes it . .: i.r... x : .1 .., . 1
win luovunt mm liuiu usni" me maioi
'which is lit another; out ho isn't surp.
In Forest nounty thero is a well which
has recently begun to produco a black
oil bearing a close reseinblanoo lo coal
tar. JNo other well in tho vicinity pro
duces anything like it, though tho drill
passes through tho samo kind of slate nt
equal distances in all ot them.
A spark from a locomotive set fire to
a bjanket that was wrapped around a
isl.OUl) stallion owned In J'leasant town
ship, Warren comity. Tho homo was
maddeued by paiu and his wild leaps
Lnude relief impossible. He was so bad
ly burned that ho died within a lew
hours ot tho accident.
In a test case to dcteriuiuo tho lotrali
ty of the celebrated anti-treatiug law of
Wisconsin it was found that the law was
inoperativo becauso of an error in the
text of its supposed enactment tho bill
as drijwn specifying tho repeal of an
old law that was. dropped whei) tho State
statutes underwent their recent reyjon.
Judge jlallory held tho law to bo mope
ruuvo U11U voiu.
Iondo)t,Wii.) Buffalo Co. Herald.
Mr, W. H. II. Amnion, ono of tho first
settlers 111 the town of Gihnantown.Wis.
aud ono of the moit, industrious and
hard working men u tlio county, hfjs
been very severely troubled with' rlieu.
mutio pains dunnir tho past few
much so at times, that ho was disabled
from performing haautiul labor. Learninsr
of thu wonderf ul purcs effeeted by tho
. ..f C3i T 1 . t!t 1 . . r
uso di pi. paeons jjii, no procured a ipv;
bottles and experienced immediate relief,
Many others of our acquaintances have
used it and express themselves as highly
gratified with tl relief it has afforded
them. This king of medicines pan ),u
bought oyerywboro,
Frederick Grant has forwarded his res
igiiatloit as lieutenant colonel on thu
staff of the Lieutenant General of tho
Army. Ho will enter the employ of tho
Chicago, Texas and .Mexican Railroad
Jmpoiitant to Travklkhs. Special lu
ducemeuU arc offered you by the Uurliogtou
Route. It will pay you to read their stiver
tl&emenT to lx found eWewbero In this lsaue.
JJarcU 10 a-w
For County i)uprlntcnJentf
For Cbunly (superintendent,
ibr Cbunfy ktf4rmUdtnl ,
A Tltl'.AStlHY UAbliAI).
Hero'i to Ilatltr ot Chester who stand i At tU ilosk
A-bonlnst una smiling all day,
ltccelvlns tho Solons viho corad to him ott
And evermore upcak ot their pajr
T jr(Tlolr pathetic complaint aol sppoil to tho said
Treasurer, hero fouowcthij
Do xou think wo can como from tho blcaMtormy
From tho West whoro tho imoko litdca lho day i
From great Philadelphia, or Delaware's shore,
l'orloaa than ton dollars a day ?
Wo know oar own worth nnd wo know our own
Nor caro what tho scorrora may say,
Wo want iiottlu learned AUorney'd advice,
llut what wo do want Is our pay.
lho wlU Wollo may rago 'mongst tho lamba ottho
And Uowlt his (ravel may play,
llut who carvs a rush whether school kcepii or not
Ko long as wo'vo plenty ot pay,
Wo'vo not been at homo mire- than halt ot tho
While- tho session has glided away,
And no ono shall say wo hav'ent worked hard
And earned our nllowanco ot pay.
Doss Cameron declares that aa honcstcr hand
And n nobler, cxUti not to-diy
And with nn Indorsement like- lint In our hand,
How can you dony u our pay?
so Butler, dearll.iUer,3eholloutto U9 now,
And raako our hearts grateful with pay ;
Then '-as In duty bound' according to form
For your lasting salvation we'll pray I
Too many nmom nrecarelennbout ileal rov-
ine tho stamps on clear boxei and several ar
rests have recently been made In lli'n Collector
district. The penalty for neglect Is n fine of
50 and this is Imposed without rcgatd lo the
number of cigars lho box mar liavo contained.
The Government Is annually defrauded of Urg)
sum uy mo liifgiiuso oi siamtis a promt 1 1 inc.
Alany who nro tnnocont ol nil desire to com
mit an offence conlributo thereto by nrgligenco.
In permitting cleu boxes with stamps not de
faced to piss Into ttic bind) of dtthoneet
Something Of Interest to Evory Haa Woman
ana urma.
19 your Dlood Imnuro and loaded with tUo rolson
ui oeruiuiu 7
fs your Lite Strength oozing out through an in.
curable Ulcer or Sorer
la your Skin covered with ltchlng,Scaly and Scrot
ulouj Humors?
Is your Complexion disfigured with Unsightly
Eruptions or Llemtshcs 7
Is your Hair Thin, lifeless, and rapidly tailing out,
and scalp covered wjtu scales ?
Is tho Skin on your Hands Hough, Red, Cracked
or Bleealngr a.
Is your child growlriWfp with Scrofulous Humors
bursiing from ovcry pore:
Is Ilabv ollllctcd wHh Scald Head or anr Korvln nr
It so. then no human awncv can so snei'illlv. tier
minentlv and economically o!eanifl tin, ItloniT. char
tho Complexion and ;skln. restore, the Hnlr unci ewe
every apeclei of Itching, tcalyanl scrofulous llu-
mura vi iuv okiu, ocmp anu uiooa, us luo iwtcuia
jiemcuici, uunsisiing or. ,
1. Cutlcura. the, KUn Corn, n Mirllrlnnl
Jelly ,arrealB dlseuse.alljya InU tmruatlon.ltehlng and
irrltai lon.hoal i ulcers and surus.uats away uead skin
una iicau auu rcuiorcs ins uair wnen ucsiroycu uy
scaly Humors and ulood Poisons. Price 60 cents.
Large uoxea i.uu.
2. Cutleura Medicinal Toilet Soan. an exnnlslto
Toilet. Hath and Nursery SanaUve. frnirrant wlili
delicious tlower odors and healing balsam?, softens
heal, refrcshesand beautiaes tho coinpnlxlon aud
Skin- Prlco ssconts. Prepare! for shaving, 15
3. Cutlcura Itesolvont. the now Wood purifier,
cleansos the Dlood through tho Liver,
els nnd Skln.and it.kIIciuh every trace nr scrofulous
tiumors ur uercaiuiry inoou 1 oidons. itico il.eo.
The Cu'.lcura and Cutlcura Soan cxtornailv nmi
tho Cutlcura Iteaolvent Internally will positively
erjr eueuiiu, ui liuuiur, lium l COUimon 1 1UJ-
Intiulru about them ntvnnr ilrnc.ui.M. lMniit
here In thu tonn you may Und evidence ot their
wuuuunui cures.
Send stamp for "illustrated treatise on tho Skn"
Coutulnlng lUomOHt remarkablo tcillmonlals ever
recorded lu tho unnali of medlcil practice.
.uui.iiru .'icinriuetf uru preparcu oy
WKKKS J I'OTTKR, Chemists and druggists,
soa Washington St., Uoston, Mass ,
rfCutlura Hemedlea mailed fnn m nnv n.t.ifca
on receipt of price.
Strength Creator,
And Health HESTORBR,
Uufermentcd Malt. Hons. Can nmi inn
No medicine llko It for tha Uraln, mood,
Lunex. New life for functions weakened by disease,
di-lblllty and dltslpatlon. I'ositlvo cjre for malaria.
Liver Kidney and Urinary difficulties. Comfort and
struui!th for delicate femnles and KnrMim. Mntiu ri
Warrut"d the i'urest, most KoonomleHland best
nwllelne called "JUtteis " Hold everywhere. Malt
CUULiryg ,! tleCt lcM a(,ll(n tg obtained
VCtTloS?SFrirrTBi(i,r.nln OiiPIiib VuIUUb Fiectrle
n.i0 jJtUCiHg Plll8ters thaa Bny u battery
i-ciuiiu turn it'r rnin arm
Weakness of tho Lunis. Liver, Kidneys, nnd Url-
u'"j iiuvuuiuiiruii i.vui.uKia, Jljtticria, re
mile weakness, Nervouij pains and Weakness, jnala.
rla, nn.1 Fever and Aeue. Prlco W cent1, bold
everywhere. WKKKS & I'OTTKH, Uoston, Maw.
Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt'a.
teU Vrult and Ornamental Trees
... A , tlrnpo. tiHru'Js, Uofs. eu. Kae
WanfpH 'leBeormiiirrd. Saiaryand expan
11 lo pMl J' r LKCLAllli:. itochsstor,.
1 ejenu.
April 8J-4W
A r(l ?i-4w d
Irles. nnd
r.r clr.KUra, bddrti.
Monrc Co., Pa.
a And j:I!P3HS!i Hitbtt
vu. ... I., iv UU) 1 VIJ J I'lirft Ik
laWMnii ljiorurt.1. Wrttaktat.
.Ub'ca.c. 1)J. Hum, Quiucy, tilch.
April 21-301
wiww nibUMtt, luincrfl, luoiucu or
LcMUrtn. TL-nauii jttntit!J. rntlitiTio
Jfol i4 I ' tnnr.Wf ,.tc i,r ruiturr,vtirieiia fttloi
Un& b.lri.i.i.lT fr hen J 9
y.UQii.i for1 Ttt rltiB.h..ldi(r.,na 1W..
r.irtf.rt lU.n.l-f iWiDjontn ntxl CHinti.
I ulJSti W'.v'ritfSs?faACp.l'rxi(ioM&
April t'J,-2m
Tuo Ueuton School District hereby fives nntlen
that all outstanding schjol nrd;rs oftno said Ills,
trice will be paid uetwecn the tlrst and tlftcenth
dursotJuly, lienton. All persous having
orders will present them at that tlmo or bo forever
oeurreu irum payinuui. ui me same.
lly order of tho Uoard.
It T. Burnt, ("resident,
tiecrutfiry, Taich U-8tn
.Notice Is hereby elven that tho following named
persons liavo llltd with thu Cleikofthu Court of
Uuarier Kes-slons uf thu I'eaco of Columbia county
their potltlons for llceuso which will be presented
to thu slid Court on Wednesday, tho th day of
J'Meph 11. Miuinau,
Emanuel Kiigar,
Hfiiin I leas,
Ueiuiurt uerger:
'I'eter Uroas,
W. II. illlmore,
l.iuu a. lSrowii,
Win. "IIS,
o A.JJCuuy.
Kotoiibauaer k ItelN
1. U. KUtler.
Heaver twp
H"rwlck liar.
J.l.iuor Hluro
Wm. Ilerkhilmer.
K. M. TruekemnWer, "
Kied Hinlth, "
1'auick .McDonald, Centralla nor,
W. O. O'Uiln H no.Uugan,
iliumus iuiuuN
Juh tuna o Conner,
Mlltam ruaer,
Daniel V, Curry,
James Uoldworthy,
John L. Kline,
I). K. Kehres,
O.K. Dvltterlck,
Lluuor Htoro
Conyngham twp.
Dreenwood twp.
Hemlock twp.
neiuotiuu i eager,
itnerr i pante). "
Thos. K CticVnn.iinin. It
I. if.HiuUh, 71' Madison tvtp. n
Wesley r.oijdlne, 'j
U. It. YetUT, Main twp. 'I
Jorttnlart k. Longcnbcrger,
A, W. lless, AillUlntwp
II. T.Lnycock, Moutourtwp,
KmandU8Uuaagst, orangtivllle,
Jaoob Miuer, boott twp. '
(leo. Heotman, "
Ckas. Coleman, Sogarloaf twp.
v. . . . , ftu, ttaicKhAt,vr.
tiy tlrttto ot! sutdry writs Issuod out of tho
Court 6t Common Pleas ot Columbia county nnd
to mo directed, will be exposed to publto sale nt tho
Court Uouso lnIlloom3burg, at s p. m. on
MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 1881.
Allthatortalnmes3iiagoor tenement and tract
OMindsltuatoln Orantcvlllo In lho County of Co
lumbia nnd Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, boun
ded and described as follows, to-wlli Ileglnnlng nt
A post or corner on Main street, thence by lands ot
HenryBtlncr Rjuth slxty-clzht degrees, west eight
perches to a post, thenco couth thirty-one degrees
west thrco perches nnd two-tenths to n poet,thenco
by lands of Henry miner and Mary llayhurst north
sixty-eight degrees, cast eight perches to post en
Main street, tbenco along Main street north thirty.
ono degrees cast threo perches nnd two-tenths to
the placo of beginning, containing twenty-Ilvo
perches and ttvo-tcnthi.
Another lot of land, bounded ns follows, to-wlt!
Ileglnnlng at a post corner In lino of land of Hainuct
Achcnbach, thenco nlong tho samo north thirty do.
degrees cist eight porches to n post, thsneo by land
ot widow Mnrtz north sovcuty-two degrees west
seventeen nnd two-tcnllu perches to n post, thene)
by tho aforc-descrlbed tot south twenty-nlno de
grees west eight nnd three-tenths perches to tv
post, thenco by land ot Henry miner couth sixty-
nino and oao-ha!t degrees cast seventeen and tbtee
tenths perches to tho placo ot beginning, contain
ing ono hundred nnd thirty-nine perches ot land on
hich niocrcctedn two and n half story dwelling
housc.harncss shop, frame. Btnblo and out-bulldtngs,
Seized taken la execution at tho suit ot Samuel
Achcnbach nsralnst Itachcl Ann llnnnan nnd Ja
cob M. llarm.m, hor husband, with nottco toM.L
Ktlno, tcrro tenant, and to bo sold ns thepropcrty of
Kachel Ann Harman and Jacob M. Harman lier hus
band, with noUco to M. L. Kline, terro tenant.
Ixilxr, Attorney. Levari Facias,
All that certain houso and tot ot ground sltuato
tn Catawlssa township, In tho county of Columbia
and stnto of Pennsylvania, I) Ids and being on tho
ca9tsldo otFomui street, bounded as follows, to.
Hit: Ileglnnlng at a corner ot a lot belonging to
William W illiams on Fourth street aforosald and
running thenco by said Fourth street northeast
wardly fifty feet to land of David Strouso, thenco
nlong tho samo couth clxty and one-had degrees,
e ast ono hundred and twenty-four feet to tho publio
road, thenco by tho said road couth fifty-six and n
halt degrees west ntty feet to corner of said Wl llatn
Williams, thenco by tho samo north clxty degrees
west ono hundred and twonty-four feet to tho placo
of beginning, on which nro erected n two-story
rramo dwelling houso and out-bnldlngs.
Sclzod, taken .In execution at tho suit of Shcp
pard Goodman against A. V, Cool and tiarnh J,
Cool and to bo sold as the property cf A V. cool nnd
Sarah J. cool.
MtLLin, Attorney. Lev. Fa,
All that certain lot- of Und sltuato In tho village
of Olen City In the County of Columbia nnd State
of Pennsylvania, known ns lot No. four (l) tn plot
r.o. uirco (3) on map or plan of said village, bounded
ana deserlbod as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by
an alley, on tho cast by lot No. five ), on tho
south bj First street, and on tho west by lot No.
thrco (3), containing nfty feet In front and ono
hundred and fifty feet In depth, on which nro erect
ed a two ctory framo dwelling lioiuo nnd out.bulld
ings. .
Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit cf tho
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund Loan ft As
sociation against Isaac Swesny nnd Carollno Sweo
nyanJ to bo sold as the property of Isaac Saec-
oy nd Carollno Sweeny,
Littlk & Milleii, Attorneys. Lov, ra,
All that lot or piece of land sltualo In IJcnton
township, Columbia county, and Stnto of Pennsyl.
la, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: llo-
gianlng at npost la tho road up FIshlngcreck,
tnenco up tuo said road north two and n half do
grces, west six perches and throe-tenths to a post,
thenco by land cf William Colo north lit ly.elght and
three-quarter degrees west sixteen perencs and
rour-tenms to a post in tuo road to West Creek
thenco by said road -oath thlrty-ono and n quarter
uegrocs west live perches nnd four-tenths to a post,
thenco by lands of Jehu Conner, south flfty-clght
mm inrce-quartcr degrees cast twenty perches to
tho place of beginning, containing eighty-three
perches and Hlx-lcnth3 ot a perch, strict mensuro on
which are erected a two-story framo dwclllnghousoj
staDie ana out buildings.
seized, taken In execution at tho suit of C. H
Urockway against S1U? I). Cole, and to ho cold as
mo property or nuas D, colo,
' ll.tocKuv, Attomoy Vend. Ex,
All that certain picco or parcel cf ground sltuato
tn FIshlnccrcek township, Columbia county, l'enn.
sylvanla, described aa follows, to-wlt: Hounded on
iho north by land of Lazarus nnd Thomas Hut Id
son, on tho north-cast by land ot Gcorgo l'enlcr, on
tbo south-west by land of I'hlllp linangtt and Ed
ward Unangst, containing forty-seven acresand six.
ty-four perches, on which are erected a trumo houso,
barn andouubulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution nt tho sulttf thoor
angcvll'o Mutual Saving ,rund and Loan Astocla
tlot against William Unangst and to be sold aa tho
property of William Unangst.
Mim.kb. Attormy,
n. Vend. Ex.
ieriu cjsu.
Sheriffs office, April Sth. tssi.
U. H, KST,
OF VALUAllt.i:
Ily virtue of an order of tho Court of tho county ot
Columbia the undcislgned will bell at public anc,
Hon on tlio premises, r,ea,r tho Slclntyrp C'iiuieh, o
nt ono o'clock p. m,
tho farm known as tho WILLIAM FOX 1'AllM, ad
Joining l.indd of 12. D. Kern, E. M. Tewkbbury, Adam
Foterolf, Sol, HU.jr, the (llissinoyer tract, Jacob
Boas, and tho school house lot, containing
112 ACRES.
Tho farm li well supplied with running wateri
and a VARIETY OFfUUIT, Ilmue, Jlurn iu,.l oul.
There Is about twenty acres In Timber, and ten or
twelvo In Japrouts nnd pasture. School Houso and
Church at hand. Tho distance to Catawlssa Is threo
titles and to tho coal market towns, twelvo or four
teon. MUST AND WILL 113 SOLD, subject only to an
tssa.OO dower bond of Elizabeth Fox, nnd leaso cr
present tenant for ono year, and In tho luterobt of
Itomnnus Strnussor,
TEltMS. Ten per cent ot one-fourth tho purchaso
money (above dower)on striking down tho propeity;
ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, on continuation,
tlio balanco In ono year thereafter, with interest ou
bond and mortgage at the oipenscof purchaser.
U. P. FouTNKii, Committee.
Auctioneer. catawlssa, April 8, 'Sl-ts
Among the records and proceedings of tho Court
of Common Pleas ot Columbia county It la Inter
alia, thus contained.
Thomas Schrcftler ) No. nr Dec. Term, 1830.
vs. y Divorce.
Kato sclirefller. J
Now February s, 1SS1, on motion of D. It. Clclz, at
torney of llbcllant It U ordered that lho Short If shall
causu notlro to bo published In nno or wore of lho
newspapers published In Columbia county for four
succo.iblve, weeks prior to the first day ot next term,
requiring the respondent tonhpear oneal! day to
answer complaint. Proof haviug been made of tho
return of lho alia subpeoiu of a mull.
llv TnK COCUT.
Ccrtined from tho records this eloiei.tH day of
December, A. I)., lbo.
aprtl 8-tc,
Tho Commonwealth ot 1'onnsylraula to Joseph
Michael, Mima township, Mury, Interiuuirled wltu
William Plait, Mnlnvllle; Johu?lUhael,Minilu town,
bhlp; Lydla, Inteinurrled with Henry Mauer, lla
zielon, I.uzcnioco., Pa.; Phoebe, Intel man led with
I Mcfeu, lieuvi r township; rainuel Michael
and Washington, Miniln towi,uip; aiati Ueck.lutcr
uuiilcd Willi ukley Yoho, (utdon), BastoiijPai
ltcbecca Htek. fiitcrj.nrrlfd with clur'es 'I horaw lllngut Wllihunsnoit, I'.i.j Kluabeth lircL
leslUngat.MllllliiUlI','Ciileiiil,a roiicty, P,i.; Wil
liam luck, last 11 tng atl'lillHdjlphu, Pa ; Frank.
Hit lleek and Jr.pu tik, living ut iiu'P U, I'a.i
Hallv Uic.,liiierniarilel with Jnhu Mlcha-I, living
ntilerwlok. Columbia coumy, Pa., ui ihpdren if
KlUib'-th MUlMtl, now d ceased, ilri was tnlor-.
married wlih Hainuollleck, now lit lug at Mlilltn,
I'tiliimbUoauuty. I'a; liel-o.'ea zliiiraernun, llvinir
ut HeaMr towuehlp, Columbia e mntv, im , Henry
ZUnmermuil. revd ngat llluglown, behuylkllicouu.
ty, Pa i i;noch Zli.-inurni.m, rexum g at ilaln town
bhlp, Culumuia county, I'm Mizabotli etutiors. In
termurrlcd wtth IjivI .MeAfce,.:resldlnf In Heaver
towusnlp, liul'iiubla co inty, 'a., all children of
Sarah Michael, mtermurried Willi CntUtlan Zim
merman, (bolh dtceased); Samuel Snyder, of M1U
liuvllle. Columbia county, pa., guardnu adliumof
Frunklln Heck, a minor, Ludwlg Zlniinoruian, King,
town,. SchuvlMIl county, Pa , guardian of ltcbecca
Kimmeimau.IIenry Zimmerman and i'.nocli .immcv
man, lineal descendants of Peter Mloiiuil deceased,
and to all per-ons Interested, Oroetlcg; You uro
hereby cited lobe and appear before Itiu JuJ.m of
our Orohaiis'Courtctaiiorrhanii'Coiiiito Lo liclil
at Uloolubiiu'k'o tlia urn Monday of May next,
then nud there to accept or refuse to take tho real
estuUj of aald PetcrMlcliaul, dooeaaed, at the an.
pral-od valuation put upon Itlbylbo Inuuoat, duly
uw.raed by the sakl Court aud loturntl by tho
Miertu or show cause why It bhaU not to sold. And
hereof fall not.
Witness tho Honorable William Klffell.T,otlJent'ol
our said Court, at lHocinsbmv', the twtnu.
ptth day of February, A, D- ouu UKjunuid Uht
Uun,dre4 and (Lgbty-oue, .
n a WM KlllCKDAUM.
a. U, Quick. cierko. O.
wpaty. lf(l.s,'i4w
n-im fAiinwintf nnnrnl'iftmfmr.A of real and
personal property net apatt to Widows of floccdenta
(.-.... . ..' ., I I I J 11... nMnn ... 11,.- tlAffl.ln. nf (..M.
timbln county, under tho llulcs of Court, and will bo
presented for abioluto confirmation to the orphans'
fvmrtit im lipid In itlnnmRtmriT.ln and forsala conn.
ty, on Monday, tho nd day of May, 1881, nt two
o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such
connrmatlon aro previously Bled, of which all per
sons Interested tn said estates will tako nottco l
1, Widow of 0, 1). S. Marclay, lalo of Illoomsburg
9. Widow of John J. Longcnbcrger, latootMlfllln
township, deceased.
3. witow ot flamuel Summers, lato ot Montour
township, deceased.
4. Widow cf Joseph K. sands, lato ot Mt Pleasant
township, deceased.
5. Widow ot Justus F, Maus, lato of Denton town
ship, deceased,
Heelstor'sOnico. W. H. JAtJOPT.
Uloomsburg, April 1, '81, f ItcgUtcr.
X Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, credl-
fiii-H nnd other ncrsnns inteiistd In tlio estates of
tho respective decedents and minors, I lint tlio fol
lowlngadmtnlitrators'.oxeoutors' nnd guardians' ac
counts havo been tiled In tho omco ot tlio Keglster of
ioi. co, anu win uo presented ror conurmauon nnu
nllowanco lu tho orphans' Court to bo held tn
uioomsourg, on jionaay, .nay ., issi, nt - o ciock
p, in. on Bald day i
1, Tlio account ot Ural It, Ent, Trusteo appointed
by .lho Orphan's' Court In lho estate ot Ellen
l.onc, lato ot tho Town ot Hloomsburg, do
ceased, a. Tho nccotint of John Colo, oxocutor ot Joseph
Cote, lato of sugarloat township, decoased.
8. First and final nccountof David a. Helwlg, guar
dian of Kllas, Harrison V and John A, 1'. Hel
wlg, minor children of Sarah Helwlg, lato ot Lo
cust township, deceased.
4. Tho first and partial account of W. n..Mcrlclo,
executor of Uenlamln Mcrlcle, late cf Madison
township, deceased.
c. Tho first nnd final account of Clinton Mclllck,
executor of Godfrey Mclllck, lato of Mt. I'leasaut
township, deceased.
0. Tho second and final account ot 12. It. tkeler, ex
ecutor ot Thomas 1. Thornton, lato of tho Town
of Hloomsburg, deceased.
T. The first nnd final account of Samuel Nej hard,
administrator ot Sarah C, Shultz, lato of Centre
township, deceased.
8. First nnd final account ot C. II. Jack30n, guar
dian of ltcbecca J, Marsh, mtnor child ot James
wurBii, luiuui icmru lownsuip, ucccasoa,
9. lho first nnd final account of Samuel C.Jn'nc,
ii'jiuiuisiriuur uo oonis nou oi uo3Mu l), 1'ou
con, lato of the borough ot llcrwlck, deceased,
10. Tho account ot Denlcl liryfogle, guardian of
sadloJ. Case, minor child of Hannah case, lalo
oi uiuuui Lowusnip, ueceasco.
11. Tho nccountof Daniel llryfoelo. etinrdlancf ns
tella Case, minor child ot Hannah Case, lato
Ul JUUUUl lutvusuiri, ucccuscu,
12. The first and final account nf Willlnm Hlnnen.
eteel, admlnlstratorot Sophia Hlppcnstoel, Into
of Ilrtarcrcck township, deceased.
13. Tho final account of Ellsha II. lilies nnd Jno. II,
II. Pnrk,survlvlng cxeeutotsof Charles II. Docb-
icr, lato.ot tne Town of uioomsburg, deceased.
14. Tho tlrst and final nccountof John Kesaler. lr..
administrator ot John Kessler, sr., lato of lino
tun nsuiji, uecetuieu.
IS. Tho second nnd final account r.f Thenilnrn Mn
Dowcll, ladmlnlstrator ot John McDowell, lato
1.1 OtVbb UJIlllOlllll, UCCC1UCU,
10. The second nnd final account of A.J. Albert
son, ndmlnlbirator ot John Davis, into of (Ireen.
wood township, deceased, as uled by his admin
istrator, Joseph w, ltceco.
IT. Tho account of Joshu Fottcrman, guardian of
Kilzibetu Haruel, (lato Miller, now deceased,)
minor child of liojamln Miller, lato ot Cata-
loo., uiu uauiiJ, uei;;u3eu
13. Tho Becond nnd final account of Llovd T. Con
nor. administrator , of Joseph r. Conner, late ot
L'entrn townRhln. flnnniiRnrt.
13. Tho first and partial account of I. K. Ki tckbaum
ono of tho administrators ot Thomas Davis late
oi ncnton uiwnsmp, deceased.
JO. 1 ho itrst and Unnl nccount of I. K. Krl-kbaum,
t-Ai uuiAjr uteimsi, iurus, law) oi uenton town
chip, doceased.
21. Thollr&tnnd final account nf Jnslnh rnVnun
namlnlstrator ot Abraham O. Karns, lato ot
S3. The first nnd nartlal account r.f A. P. Vounir.
auinliiUtrntor of Jlerey A. Itoberts, Into of
Greenwood township, deceased.
S3. Tho second and partial account ot Moses SiV
age and U. F. Savage, administrators ot Joshua
aaviige, uio ot jucksou wwusnip, aocoased.
SI. Tho llrst and partial account ofOeorgo W. Mc-
j.wtn, aununisiraior or liaviu iicmoit lato ot
urcemvooa lownsnip, acccasca.
S3. Tha second and final account nf llest.r A. TCil-
son. administratrix of uenjamtn F. cole, lato or
xiculuu initTiisuii, uveeuscu.
20. Tho first and final account of Allen II. Croop,
ituiiiitiisuuiui ui jutuu iiuer, nnu ui jiruircreti;
1U1VJ.QU41, ueveuseu.
27. Tho tlrst and final nccount of M. A. Ammer.
man, udmlulstrator of John Kveland, lato of
Flshlngireck township, deceased.
Tho second nccount of Lel Shaffer and Levi
Fester administrators of Dvld Shaffer, lato ot
miui.ii;i;ik luttusuili, uccvaseu.
29. The second account of Uzal II. Ent ndministra
tor do boula non of l'eter Ent,lato of bcott ton n-
suip, ucijoaseu.
to. Tho llrst and final account of II. w. Mcltovnnlda.
executor ot John Mcltoynolds, lato of tho Town
ui jiiuumswuitt, ueceuseii.
81. The nrat and final account of N. v. Mnorn. nit.
lninislrator of Sarah summers, lato of Hemlock
luiv 1131141, ueucuseu.
n9. Tlio flrr. nnil llnnl nuiviiinlAf Ta... TTtnt.n ...,nH
dhinot Annlol'. Hughes, minor child of Joseph
c. Hughes, late ot orange town thlp, deceased,
33. The final nccount ot Peter M. Kerf liner, ndmlnlij-
iraior 01 aimon unn, laio 01 Montour townshtp
31. 1 no second nnu nnat aocount of JObn Appleman,
oxecuwr of Hannah Appleman, lato of (he Town
of Hloomsburg, deccosod.
S3. Tho so-ond nnd llnal account of John ilirtmm.
admlnljtratorot Michael Oruber, lato of 11cm-
iovi. vjn usuip, ui;ui;ii3v;u.
S3. Tho llrst and final account of David Savage, ad
ministrator of William Savage, lalo of Flshlng
ercek township, deceased.
87. Tho second account of William Harrls.and James
jiuriis, uuiaiuisiraiurs 01 jacou Harris, (ato
Of Hemlock township, deccabed.
83. 1 he first and final nccount of Lloyd Yoagcr and
A, P. Yoang, administrators ot Samuel Craig,
11, v. .ih.wu.iwu ,u uauiu, UCCCUSGU.
SQ. Tim Ri.nni1 lln.,1 ,,,,,. Tn,n o.nn,.
ndmlnWrator ot Leonard Adams, lato of Locust
tun iisui.i, uuuc lauiii
iiegisu:r a umeo, 1 w. 11. JACODY,
Dloomacurg April I, 'SI.
Howell 8t Go's. Advi'a.
m-ji 111 mo "unn. i.asis nnger man nnyotnor.
Always In good condition. curo3 cores cuts bruises
find rjlrllll l1i,etll llllt llftl., mnrn tltnn . .. tnl.n.lnnn
-- V-... v .....s. mill. 111(111 uiu iiuiiubiuiia
t very package has tho trade laaik. Call tor tho gen.
nine, nnd t.ik-fi nfi nlh-r. '
nrrll 6 4,-w x
For flnlbhlcg Walls and Celllngj, is the most valua.
uiu muujiiui ivnuwii. ji, is jar superior 10 i.aiso
mine. (mil moro cconoml'-ai. it is vniunbin iiKr.v
ery, and Its merits as nwalltlnlah aro unenunled,
It Is tho only naturnl anil dnmhin iintwh rm. it'in.
It wll 1 pay you to bond for samplo card nnd testlmo-
11 iuu iui sci.iii.1 iiuiis., at mining sup, n. y,
"vi opr. s-iiv
A YEAH finn nTnonuia rn nr-nn,a
llntnf. VrPtt.
nuurraa r. u. viukkhy,
Augusta, Maine.
npr. 8-4w
rwiu-uromocaras.ioc.ior S3 largo, now Ohromo
OUcnriH, birds and lloiTersi or su lovely Gold and
Co., Nassau, N. Y, r nprtis-4w
CQClQayear to agents, nnd expenses, fa Outfit
" J yfreo. Addrebs F. Swain & co Augusta Me.
1 W . i
l DVEIITISEUSI Send for our select list of local, uro, I . HUlll'll UU., 10 SprUCO St,,
JV K TT V'Q 01t's. n stops, n set ooid
pl'jAJ 1,1 p en Tongue needs, only M, Ad
dress Daniel f. lieatty, Washington, N. J. npr 8 4w
ur Questions.
Are you a buyer of Men's or Hoys'
Clothing at retail? Do you need
clothing for the farm, the office, tho
work-shop, the courtroant, or tho
j-.ttlpil? I )n you want boys' clothlnj;
for thej fchooWooni, or for dress? Do
you jm efer to buy clothing ready-mado
i r lo order ? Are you in need of
bhlrfi ?
If yes, to any or all of these fjiio
i ica, ct uu your needs to us, that we
iii.iy cend you samples and prices.
Your Question
Is, 'VYiil thh pay for the trouble ? You
must judge. Wo will inahc up the
case, -you must decide it. IUit we
mutt tell you that wo have created
lho I-arpcst detail Clolhinf; Business
iu the United States by the simple
method Of givlnu the bet clothing for
the least money. We mean that it
shall jmy you to buy of us. If you
buy1 and are not plcastd, return the
goods for exchange, or demand your
and Brown,
S."n. Cor. Sixth & MarkctSU
12 1-2 To 50 CENTS PER YARD
Kncli nntl ovorv nlvlo of tlio out hundred nntl fifteen, rcpicst'tils from Till IKK TO
gato n stock not only the largest uvei'flliowii, but boliovoil to bo nb.loluldy boyoinl
AT IJ ,f OENTi).
All Halt-Wool sttirfj. Moat of them
cot moro to m.niiifnctiiro than our in ilk
eil pi lee, nod represent roino trout imr-
Thpv consist (,f UKtnfiS, AtlMltnKS,
All Hall-Wool IMbtlcs; many wotiltl bo
Bood Titluo at o nnd tl.1 c-nti.
Tlieo also arc TWtM.Kl) HF.iriKi,
NOVUI.T1I.N. l'LAIDS, hTlttt'KS, Alt
Fully a3 cheap na tlo other tits nnd :
consists of moiiaiiii, .Mi:i,Mii:s, ,
I All splendid v.Utie; mnnynew styles not :
! bliown beforo thlsieiwm. They imbnicn :
1 AIJ-WOOI. hTHII'JW, Wool, lll(HS-) :
: ciiOTiis, ali.-woo i, ii u n t i n u s , ;
I I'robably lho largest assortment cf :
tiventy-rivo-ceiit(lrcMgoodueyeri.lioiy:i. ;
Thero aro manyentlcliu'bnrifilnsnmonir i
them, in HKitou .vaCanuks, Wool, .'
inos, .i.r.-wootiSTiiii'Ks, i,aoi:am) ;
ricaso remember that this assortment includes only goods at and un
der CO cents per yard.mid doos not refer to our stock of finer fabrics, in which tho
assortment is even greater. Those who arc unable to visit us in person, nro re
minded of the MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT through which their supplies can
bo secured almost us satisfactorily as at tho counters. Kvery lady should send for
a specimen copy of the .Tournul'jor the Household.
l mn flnrttfnm
IU 1'lLDilLll.
In tbo mtinufacture of Organs is resulting in the production and tale
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence without
any merit whatever, except to be oflered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safegtiard to select an instrument bearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
sty of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be secaT at tho now rooms
of ho Only Authored Agoat fov tho Estey Organs iu
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu
facturers accompanies every Estoy Organ.
June svso-U
It TKNDIS.Vr. ""',
.is.iii.i.ih,-.ii imi auuiici, ui llio lOl'lV-lhllU Hoc.
on o tue ict -ot Slli .May., ) cm oro lisri by 1 lo.
Kleet ,f "''Wuflnn. at tiw t.'ourt iiouij in
""'"""'i ppiii tu ua uya iniiorltv of ttm
ftu iccioi tuiaact. , l'""ulu n,lu tml-
" or jcsiru l. eANua, orcmseu,
lI,t,,,'?10,..f(1l1llt?trS!1?no,! !lie cstatoof Josrli
tor otnald county to tha untltriilgnda oninistrulor
All pertons UavlnB claims against tlie ostttta of rati
uecudent are rcnuostud toprcsln t "hem for "mi.
meiit and thpeo indebted to' make t'ayn cut io tha
ULdcrslirned adiuln!t.titit(iriii,ni,lv,i.!.. v
llohrntjiir, ro.
roB PWNTixia
I NUy ud cheplr extcuttd U tin
Uiir.Hi tlns mostly of OooJs lint In nny
other liouu wo ju linvo tienn markeil nt
af, centant tho very loweit, nail com
l.rhO CAHIIMKIIU lllllUKS. , 11I5111K
rillll.m.UAHIIMKKU .MiCIiANUKS, tl i
at a;x CKST8.
Conntdered by man v lo Incliide somo oil
tho nest iMrgatM nt Iho counter. Ainonst
them wlllho found tUI.K.MIXUUHTllII'IW
woiiii i.auh; and siiiir-
HUltU'd I'LAllH.
I.. ...1
AT 40 CKN1B. j
Am)nc this lot will bo found Many of i
i the fabrics helllns throughout tno city nt I
: tiieeni,comprls.liijNivii:i,TlKsntllAl.l'' i
: Sl'HIfKS, fl-l WOIII, IlKIIltS, 3U INCH :
; Kow In number, but ltemarkablo llir-
Mini VI7! C-4 (lUUSTUIt CI.OT1ISANI) i
NOVniiTIH-l WOltTII 75., AND cash-:
M Wti:S WOllTII V. I
: Somo of tho bet bargains wo rvo off er
! C-4 110NTINUS, -4 Hl'lTINUS, LACK
it mt nnn PTftTrmiT cmrmTJin
11, ff. UUit.MUIUJl OlllJbJbl,
tf. S4.Ii.TSER, Agent,
joomsburg, Fa,
fnn ,?1:..K:lrl1 0," "l'f 'led Willi iny name as
inaniif,i, turi;f l Hnrnmteil In nmli-tlul ami roil.
im,l , 1'r .l or iBlu l',th0 Lnt ,mxW! 1,1 1,10
.iiiiw i, uiu niiuw. ami i win seuu
Kvr,te'.!;r"fi1 'ou- wi
OHAS. Q. BUTCHLEY, Mannfadturer,
808 iUtktt St., I'hlUddphlt.'p.
toarchi, 8t-em t