The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1881, Image 1

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vfatiMiiivr i
yAe doltiiilDiiiii.
Imm1 Wfdil, rrcry I'rlilny innrnlnt, nt
iimjumsiiuko, uumjmiiia COUNTY. VS..
woroi.t.Aiwncrycnr, no cents iliicrmnl nllowM
nttttd In nufftnen. Tn nu'iu'riitf.ra mit h...
county ttio tcrmi nro M rer ronr, strictly In whatm.
rirfjo paper ilivonllnuM cxcc;iut tho option ol
tho tmbllstiers, until nil nn nrnires mo iialil. wit ions.'
conflnnM credit will not Ixi trtwm. 1 '
Allpnpers ncrilpiitof thoNtfttoor to rtuuint pmt
omccamiisttwnnldforlnnrtranco, tinlen n. rmnon.
Blblo person In Columblix county assumes to pay tho
gutnorlptton duo on demand.
POSTAOK U no longer exacted from subscribers In
Uio county.
croze iPisiiTinnsro.
The .robblnit Department of tho Oot.tJuntAN ti very
complete, nnd our Job runtlnx will compara f.ivor.v
bly wit i that ot tho lnntc cities. All worK dono on
demand, neatly and at moderate prlcoa.
p B. imOCKWAY,
I n m k m r
AllUUfltil "A 1-lj A W,
Colcmiun licitbtKa, Utoomburer, fa,
Member of tho l'nlte.1 States Law Atsociatlon,
Collection, made in any part of America or Europo.
OCl. I. Ul,
omce, Second doorfrom 1st National Dant.
ttn. 11. 1379
omcetn Rut's UctLDiKd.
1 & W.J. BUCK A LEW,
Uloomsturg, ra.
omce on Malu Street, first door below Courtllousf
OMce tirer Schuyler's Hardware store.
OFricK-In narman's Uulldlne, Main street,
llloomsburff, l'n.
b. it. urns.
II. ft R. K. LITTLE,
Hloomsbure, Fa.
onicoln nrowor'sbulldlnir, second floor, room No.
Illoomsbure, Fa.
Attornovn.t,-T inw.
omen corner of Ccntro nnd Main Streets. Clark's
(Jan bo consulted in German.
Jan. 10, -s)-tt
coi-dmbian iicildiko, lsloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho United States Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America or Europe
oet. 1, 1S79.
" Notary Fubllc
onico In Ilartman's Dlock, Corner Main and Mar
ket streets, Bloomsburg, Fa.
tSaHrPcnnons and Bounties Collected.
onico In llrowcr's Block, ono door below Columbian
July 10, 'so tt
onico in tho columuum nuiming, second noor.
Oct. 8, '80.
Y BUCKINGHAM, Attornev-at-Lnw. Of-
IV.nco, llrockway's iiuimin;
1st Uoor, Hlooms-
burtf, Fenu'a.
mny t, 'so-i 1
C G. BARICLEY, Attorney-At-Law
llrowcr's building, snd story, Itooms 45
1 B. ROBISON. Attorney-at-Law. Office
1) . In Ilartman's building, Main street.
U. WM.M. REBER.&irgeon ami Pliysi-
cian. ouico MarKet Jirect. near ciepou
T R. EVANS. M. D.. Snrceon ami Pliysi-
tl . clan, (onico and Itcsldenco on Third street
T B. McKELVY. M. D.. Surgeon and Phy
O . slclan, north sldo Main street, below Market.
niysiciAN sscnoKON,
omce, North Market street,
Bloomsburg, Fa.
Oct. 1, no.
R. I. L. RABB,
Main Street. oDnoslte EnlscoDal Church. Blooms
burg, Fa.
if" Teeth extracted without pain.
OCt. 1, 1819.
IAN and HtlltflKON. SDecIat attention trlven
tho DisuaSks nnd depkcth of tho liR. Kilt
TnitOAT nnd kckoeky In nil Its varlors branches.
TV Also carefully adjusts tho EYli with
810 a. tn.
31:30 p. ra.
I 7 8 p. m.
Wilkrnbiirrt', l'n!
July Id, '8o-tf
Tonsorial Artist,
s atjaln nt hl3 old BtAnd under KXCHANOD IIO.
TEL, nnd has ns usual a FJItST-CLASS IIAIiBEIt
HllOF. Ho rcspeclfullr soltelis tho patronauo of
uta oiacusiomer una or tuo puouc t:eneram
All styles of work dono tn a superior manner, work
warrameti as represcnteti, i bktu i.ATiit.t'
mi without 1'ain by tho usu of fins, and
frcoof charttu when oillllclal ucth
aro Inserted.
omco over Dloomsbure Bankluu Company.SSI
lo be open at all hours during the day,
sowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
dalrod. Or mi a Housk llulldlnt', Bloomsburg, Fa.
AVII) LOWENBKRO, Merchant Tailor
J Main St., abova Central Hotel.
T 8. KUIIN, dealer lu Meat, Tallow, etc.,
X Centro stroot, betwocn second ana Third,
Catawlssa, Fa.
collections nromntlv made and romittod. omco
ODDOslte catawlssa UoDOslt Bank, em-33
Catawlssa, I'a.
omce, corner of Third and Wain Btreeto.
i.ycomlne of Muncy Pennsylvania.
North Aniclcau of l'L jlfilphla, I'a
Franklin, of ' "
Fonnsylvanlaof "
Farmers of York, Pa.
Hanover of New York.
Umilmtlun nf ll
uraco on Market Stmt No. t, hloomtoursr, Fa,
O. E, ELV7ELL, 1 . .
J. K. BITTEHBEHDER. f "oprUtorj.
Tl. i.nA 1 . .. ......
..i vi..:." .o"1" "ur nnnoinioa uyino or
pliant)' court of Columbia county, to dutrfbuto bal
nnco In hands of m. Mnstellcr, atlintnlslmtor ot
tteu. nreru. uecenfed, nsnppears by hi. Unit and
llnal nrrnltnt fr, ni,l nntnnir Il.n i.i.tin. ..iln.j
thereto, will Bit nthtsonico fii liloom,b.irt on Sat
urdny, (ho loth day of April, 1891 nt ten o'clock a. in.
to perform Iho duties of his appointment, when and
wnero nil jiersnns havln? nny claim onsil.l fund
will appearand provu tho simo or bo dobarrod from
recclt Intf nny Bhoro thereof.
, , It. II. L1TTI.K,
fcb. 2fl.4w Auditor.
Tho Hlghost Markot Prico in Canh
I.cntlicr and Shoo FlutilngStoro,
Main Srttr.nT, Oppositd, Cnuncn,
April 8, 'so-iy
w vl ,h,'." "'''""i.MillM'IIU kitiftllofttijHrijcrlr.the
inarbet. Jo mi mlwr, ire -in '
it to Im rxnmUutl htjnrr toil
VII flip II, TMn in Hi fan,,.
Mrl. ,u tn flail f.,r CSfo.
II Mwhliu'i. t.i 1 1 for Ihr
T..r, K-i.l frttMir IlliiKlriitiHUir.
cuur attkl 'fpHitmoiilitK a1.Iii.
11IAI1I.1N t.lrtllli) A til.,
17 H.:(ttit,Ili.!iJt!-L, :i
AtkflltlaiulTi lid Itt'intilt. i.Vniorrjitirirvmit
iiltliefctiUimitmlkc ittlninuurc u uHiitmitrc
lti vlrtuti. Wo liuvo hundred! of Ti-hlliiiunlalH. 10I.
W tod III the lat l'i yi-iin, proving conclusively there
h wt r .jicfi coital ti Dri UiititilnoitN 'orni
l)i'st.iij-ir t' rcinove thu Worm, (nil kinds, J.v.un,,
Sfiil. I111J, nnd 7'iijjci, Ihat lhfit the human Bvetvin.
l:'inilct')ni hull Hicm nnd ulvo them to their f iifiirliii!
p'lttcn!.. lUut U iv htuubiiQ of qttai-kmi about this
tnorutumy rellnblo mollcliic. rrice, a.c. per box,
A.V.WHIGHT 4 CO., Wholesale Drue gists,
Market anj Front Streets, Philadelphia.
feb'll, 'at-am
To lTcrvous Sufferers Iho Great European
nn. j. n. Simpson's specihc MEmciuB.
Dr. .1. II. Simpson's SdccIIIo Mcdlclno lsanosltlvn
I kind, such as weakness and all diseases resulting
from Nervous Debility, trrltablllty.Mentnl Anxiety,
Clue for overoikijf bodv or brain or excess of utiv
tlonul dorungcmeiils of tho nervous Bjstetn gen
erally. I'nlus In tho
muil'uoi'. LObtiiuac. Depression 01 so rits and tune.
nacK or moo, losm
01 .Memo-y, I'rema
tint lead tt
consumption. Insatd
ly iv-aiieuriy Rravi
or both. Nomattei
how (.battered tin
system may be from
iwcetsi-s of a 11 5
kind, a short course 01 this nn dlclno whTTetioro the
lost runct ons ana rrocino uea 111 nnd iinnn ncss
wncro ouioro was uosponaencv ana ginom. 'ino spe-
ciuu ,iwni:iiiu is iitjiiK uivu tvim uuuctiui hucccss.
get full partrlcuiar.
I'amnuieiH Rent ireo 10 an. ruo iorinemaua
for J3,i 0. Will bo tent, by mall on receipt of money.
l'nce. neclIIC xi.uu licr nacKaee. or six mcKacrps
Address all orders, .1. 11. wi.mi'son'sjvikdiuineco.
tioi. 101 mm no .vain street, uunaio, M. v.
JUO. 11, tilll
ATitl PAin tTirr lotdler dlislledln
111 1 uiiiy, iiv acci.teut or GinerHiie.
i)t lli:.M. tnnr khi.l.l.iMOf tliiK.'l-, I
r uu, ..11.111,
(t l.unir 1 r urti-u.u Vi Iil viva .
IKiiilrm. tiitler new l.iw tli,msnnli nro
tntlllvu to nil llUTCtsu i lun.lbn.
WlJoUB.orihnnsnii.t di'lrnJent fatlura
ir mutlicra if fdlJlcr (It I in ttiQ
trmy pet a pcnilon. lttlllNTV Dii foruoiniri. InJnrlc cr rupture,
5lvc full Lniiniy, Seti.l V atAaill furciiy nil 1 ItAlintv Art. Atlilre.t
,P. H.,FtIRornlfj ft Co., riJta
Avbnti, ItKliniuixilfi. iixl, rcf.rto
1 .A.w.l'nU,, 1'rvs't hullniin Ilniklnv
'.. ana It, lMCi-iint-lv I'rt.'t f, ntrnt
ItatiK. tyth of IaiU.tuuiullo. ' ttnl
feb I, 'tl-3m
UMUt J 0 u 11 A It v. u. v;ujui a,.1! 1.
'i lienn ni.n cnttronATioKS nro well seaioned by ago
and kikk tested anil have never yet nao a toss sei
tiAii ,v nnv pnnrt. nr law. Their nRscts arts all Invest
ed In solid BECUKiTiEsand nro llaUo to tho hazard
ofFiuKonly. .... ,
I.rmtpd vunwrTi-v nnrt rtONKSTLY adlustcd And Dald
as soon as determined by ciikistian f. KNArr, bi'kc-
tho Agency whero losses It any aro Bettlea And paid
Tho reoolo of coiumma oouniy buouiu puirumw
oy one of t noir own citizens. ..,
......... n . n. 1. , . . , . ..... . t t 1 nwltwn
nmnf. fnmKiipfl tree. with full Instruc
tions for conducting i most, prumuuiu
linhinnsa that nnv ono can cntragn lu.
Tim business Is so easy to learn, audour
Instructions aro so simple nnd plain, that any one
can mako great prollts from it i ery start. Ho ono
can fall who is willing to work. W omen nro as suc-
mstmi n. itii.i. iimn nnd utrlscnn earn large Bums.
.Many have made at tho business ovir ono 'hundred
,i,,imru i n uinirin weeif. Nothliitr like It over kuewn
.U " . " , . . ., ,
befoie. All who engngo nroturpnseu uviunuunu
and rapidity with which they nro nolo to mako
money. You can engage In thl3 business during
ro iirnoai grtut imiui. uv. .V. "u l. I
Dllal lu It. wo tako all tho risk. Thoso who
need ready money, should wrltoto us At once, aii
furnished free. Address Tiiue Co., Augusta.Malnc
oet. lo' 'su-iy
Cor. Ccntro and Hall lload Sts., near L. & B. Depot.
Lowest Price:- will n:t S3 undersold.
- I
Manufacturer of MINIS CAlt WHEELS, coal Break
ei-Andllrldgo Casting, Water .Pipes, stoves, nn
ware, Plows, IKON l'ENCH, nnd all kinds of Iron and
Brass 0-times.
Tho rrtKlnol Montrose, Iron beam, right hand
left hand, and sldo hill Flows, tho best In tho mark-1
rt, and all klndj of plow repairs.
Cook Stoves, F.oom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, tchool houses, churches, Ac. Also tho larg
est stock of repairs for city fctoves, wholcsalo and
rotall. such ns Flro Brlck.dtAtcs, Cross Pieces, Lids
ic. &c., Stovo Ftpe, Cook Boilers, skllllts, cake-
Platen, large Iron Kettles, 121) gallons to IJtf barrels)
Faim Bells, Slid Solea, Wagon Boxes,
"Allentown Bone Manure"
Gilverwaro. Watcher, Jowolry.Clocks.c.
kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat
ly repaired and warranted,
may IT, 'JS-tf
iiooMsiirnG, pa,
Manufacturers of
Carrbgea, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
Ptret-clOM work always on baud.
Prteoa reducod to lult tho tlmea.
I zttzt: -1
laHrrtniwrr 'jfnWvuWrn
lira av.cffii
tlouratgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of iho Chost, Gout,
Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swcllinns and
iprains, liurns and Scalds,
Genera Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and lieadacho, Frosted Foot
and Ears, and all othor Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth cnual Rt. .TAmiw flit, nq
a 911 fr. mire. Atfmfnnnd rhi .rti V.Ytcrrtnl II. (iw.n.
A trial entails but tho eonipnratlvily trllllni: outlny
or (5i Ci'iits, and every imo trutrcrlnir villi pr.ln
tan liavo cheap nnd iiltlvo proof tl Iticlalma.
Directions lu oeven I-aiiRiiaffci.
Baltimore, Mil., U. 8. A.
Tho unrtiMlirneil nnnnlnt...! llmnr.
phans' court of Columbia co.jto miko distribution Of
Ibo balaucoln tho lianas of tho Accountant nmoni:
tho nartlcs letrallv entitled in n-rnivn tin. .im..
will meet tho parties Interested In said estntH nt
ma uiiiui in iuu . uwnoi iwoomuuri,' in earn coun
ty, on Friday, tho will day of April, A. I)., imi,
nt ten o'clock a. in., of s.dd div, when and wh'To .ill
parties Interested In said ostato tnusr, ntlend or be
forever debarred from any sharo otsild tniid.
I.. 1:. W.M.t.lSlt.
npilll.'si-lw Auditor.
Notlco Is hereby trlven that tho following neennnt.
has been lllcd In tin.' l'rothonotarj 's onico of Colum
bia county nnd nlll bo presented to tlm Couitof
Common Fleas of said county on Tuesday, thu 3rd
day of .May, A. 1)., tssi, and connrmed ntter
mo rourin nay or said tvrm unless exceptions bo
lllod within that tunc.
Account of Clark Callendar. Commttteo or Wriuht.
O. M. QUICK, I'ruthonotiry.
uepuiy. apru I, 'at-io
Letters of administration on tho estato of Marv I!.
Hattzel Into of Main township, Columbia county,
deceased, hax 0 been granted by tho lieclster of satd
county to tho undcrs gned administrator. All persons
imviu uiuiitiH uuuiusu um uciuiciul bant cteceuent
are requested to present then, for Fcttlement nnd
those Indebted to the estato to make payment to tho
uuucrbigucu ttuutiuiairuiur tvutiuut. uetay.
JOSDF1I A. IlAltTZi:!..
E. It. Ikeler, Administrator.
Attorney. .Mainvine, ra.
March !i5-w
A (IESTS WANTED for tho llesfnnd Fastest Sell
V Intr pictorial Books and Illblea. Frlctrs reduced
33 per cent. National ruuiisuintr Co., rntia., Fa.
inarcu4, oi-jiii uiu
1 iiav.i uocon'Jiii'jiftTnr.
ito of tJttJr.i'O! cmnbim
i coujvrt una health
u it 11 nl. irnrco Lf form to
artmarKfilj o decree, aml
imiF'cinr.E. 1 ni'yroctire i
uiii m ini .t jwarti 111 iuu
1'rica it I tOantl tinware!.-!
r.x?IjMMerrltnryrlvt.,n. Af;enii inrj.-sthlaa 1 rnua
nnntnml Prfifitib'o bui'noav S?n for term t Sinn.
iP.l'0U)tS;U0.,iUa lirnAdwny.N, V ,tr ti (icne'&l
W'rst'm AcenB. J Jt. Ai'jKnrt c Co., I'roIoiJ K.V.,
nprll l-4w d
$7y If roumoamiuKWlti
C on'Ubt'iOLtrui.lof ivr
111R11 it 1!lniriTcrinl(
vini r i! Jt -OJ iLVOltl
nW! t ,.,i,L. f t rca,
Ulmula.itttvnrt usw
Hop Clttcra.
tnru lirfUl I riCftIid
vaw, uo Hop U
wCerlmj from f.ny ln
tlom it 5011 aru mnr
yomi.iiUil'tTiuif liom
In i? o.i a bed itC scl(
If yo ftro 3 ounr hi
dljvulluii HP lllHHila
ricJ or frlnU Ll or
tourliMtUi.r i;i,;uUu
txlf " Hop
lhouana rtlo ftn-
V.'linevtr younre.
wJh'iuvit you fevi i
LA nuallyiruiu uomo
fnrlu of If Id ri ft U
l!mt your f)Jl'W
nu.l 1 . l.AiiIntf. ton
disease that uulit
liavo lKeni-t o intcd
tya tlmuly umu(
tit r or itlmuutlrn;,
.itl.out inioxicthn;, I
take nop
IfllTO T(m ttu
D. I. C.
ollho $ttMitch,
lipmli. bluoit,
You will be
cnrcdlf youutc
Hop Blttoro
nnd irrcsista
hto euro fur
ilrunkcnnoflB ,
uitu of opium,
tobaocu, or
la an atrtftluto ;
rly wunk iait!
it I It may
0 nvo you r
1 If o. It has
put. btndXur
uor Brmas
H'ra co,( i
ATorouW, Out
envca nun
July ii,
I r Is ft most agrecablo dressing, which
Is at onco harmless and effectual, for pre
serving tho hair. It restores, with tho
gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray,
light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or decn
black, ns may ho desired, lly Its uso tliln
hair is thickened, and baldness often
though not always cured. It checks falling
of tho hair Immediately, and causes a new
growth In all cases whero tho glands aro
not decayed; while, to brashy, weal:, or
otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality
and strength, and renders It pliable.
Tho Viaoit cleanses tho scalp, cures and
prevents tho formation of dandruff; and,
by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing
properties, it heals most if not all of tho
humors nnd diseases peculiar to tho scalp,
keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under
which conditions diseases of tho scalp and
hair aro Impossible.
As a Drossintr for Ladles' Hair
Tho Vioon Is Incomparable. H Is color
less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will
not soil whlto cambric. It Impaits an
ngicoablo and lasting perfume, and as au
nrllclo for iho toilet it is economical und
unsurpassed In Its excellence.
Proparocl by Dr. J. C. Ayor 84 Co.,
I'lMctlanl mill Analyllcul ClicmUti,
Lowell, Mass.
' sow tiv m unvaaisTS cvcnvwatRs.
tiWHrfWi linrtHltHa
A sweet, s ill nlfjht of tho vlntao tlma,
Whon Iho Illiono goes down lo tho en '
Tho distant sound of n midnight chlmo
Comes over tho wavo to mo.
Only tho hills nnd stars u'erhead
Bring back dreams of tho days lonsr dead,
hllo tho Ilhono uoca down to Iho sea.
Tho years nro lonj, and tin world Is wldo,
And wo nil went down to tho sea;
The rlpplos splash ns wo onwaid glide,
Aid I dream they aro hero with me
lmt friends whom wo nil loved so
In thn old mad llto of Ion? ago,
Who nil went down to tho soa.
SO wo pa3ECd In tho golden days,
Willi tho summer down to Iho senj
They wander still over the weary wys,
And corr.o not again to me.
1 nm hern alono with tho night wind's sigh,
Tho fading stars, nnd a droam gono by,
And tho lthonu going it jwn to Ilia sea.
Hor golden half wasllntlng on tin breeze,
Or twlstodlnto many a tr jo-lovo kuot;
And measurelossly bright tho bentm that shot
From thoso soft oyes, whoso light no miro ono sees.
Perchance 'twai but a lover's fantasies,
Yet seemed I In that vis igo fair to Iraco
1 ho lineaments of moro than mortal grace.
What wonder that I bowed to charms llko theso?
Slie seemed no denizen of lower earth,
But some bright visitant from spirit spaero.
llcr silvery voice, In sorrow or In mirth.
Fell Uku an nngel's whisper on tho car.
So did I rccognlzo Its heavenly birth
Ho owned my stricken heart that sovereignty
From Petrardi.
Select Story.
"Hub tlio liorso down ami don't
111 111 until ho is perfectly cool."
Tlteso words wero addressed to tho
hostler of :i hotel in IJrigliton liy it linnd
some, middle aged gentleman, dressed in
the height of fashion, an he alighted
from an elegant lilaek horse and tossed
thu rein lo the attendant.
"And now." said tho horseman, ad
dressing the waiter, "'show 1110 to .1 private
A well-dressed man, who rides a hand
some nag, is always sure of a welcome at
a ouliHe house all the world over. Our
friend soon found himself in a neat par
lor with llowers and vases on tho mantle
piece, and the blinds carefully closed
for it was a summer afternoon while
the open window peimitted the free cur
rent of airto circulate through tho apart
ment. Tho waiter remained standing
near by tho door.
"Any orders, Sir?"
"No yes, slay; who came in that
handsome phaeton I saw standing in the
yord ?"
'A lady, sir."
"Ah I" .
"A young widow."
"Bah 1"
"She is very handsome."
"Go along and Blmt tho door after
you," muttered the traveler, testily.
'A young widow," ho soliloquized;
"I am glad I don't know her, I .uncer
tainly very fortunate to havo attained
tho age of forty without any feminine
attachments. Peculiarly independent
not ill-lookincr. I think I must admit I
should mako what thoso busy bodies
match-makers call a grand catch. Hut
thank my stars, I have happily preserved
my content and liulepeiuienco so laiyinu
am not ike v to succttmu now. io,
110 1 Jack Champion was born lo live
ind die an old bachelor. And nowiortho
lu the meaiunno anoincr norscmen
had come to tho hotel, his liorso reeking
w . . . ..
with sweat and literally unable lo place
one foot beforo another. The same hos
tler now mado his ainiearancc
"Pat," said tho fashionably-attired
1 . . .1.1.1..
vouiiL' man. "nut mv maro in inu siauie
- . C . . r 1 - -- i
id do tlio Dost you can ior ner.
"Och, Mr. Traverse, and she's kilt en
"1 am afraid so."
"And what thu devil made you crowd
ior sot
"Xo matter. Is mv sister here?
""cs.sir. Show tho gentleman into the
idies' lmrlor."
"Ah.l!elle,yoti are here," said the young
"Yes.but what'rt the matter with you?
said a beautiful vomit: woman rising to
meet him.
"Nothing, P.elle, nothing.
"Soincthiu'' is certainly tho matter
You look Hushed and excited."
"That's not all." '
"Oh, tell mo what has happened)"
"I must bo brief, for 1 am pursued."
"Pursued !"
Yes. You know that fellow who 111
suited you in tho coach," said tlio young
man. "Well 1 havu been on his track
for moro than a week. 1 met him to
dav in tho street and uavo him a con
founded fiood horso whipping. I ban
died him very roughly, I'm nfraul. Ho
nstantiy got, a warrant against, me, ami
not wishiiii' to bo (IrairEred into couit
until 1 was ready. I mounted my horso
and gavo tho olliceis thu slip. Perhaps
1 had better waited and Diaved it oui
but havintr taken this step I'm bound to
balllu them. To-morrow I will fcurren
der mvself. Now, Belle, if your pony
will tako mo to your uncle h in nvo min
utes, I m your man.
"Poor Charley could not doit, answer
od tho lady.
"Then I will mako ot her arrangements,
Bv the-by, I'll meet you at tho villa.
Prom tho drawing room thu young
man rushed into tlio situile.
"Pat," said ho "aivo mo a horso si
irood one."
"borra tho horso we vo got in tlio sinuio
except tho black, aud ho belongs to a
gentleman. who eamo hero just beloro ye,
Ouch.btit ltu'sTairood onc.ver'niiner-"2;-10
to n cut.
"1 11 borrow, said Traverse, jumping
on his back. "Tell Bello to drive tho
gentleman to the villa, and ho can havi
tho liorso auain.
"But yer 'unner!" remonstrated tho
In vain: Traverse had put spurs
his horso and was oft liko a thunder
"0, wirra, wirra; what'H becomu of
mo? I'm ruined entirely."
Shortly after Mrs. Leslie rang for lie
phieton, and at tho saino timo Mr. Cham
pion, tho old bacheloiM-anir for his horso,
Tho pony camo round to tho front
door, nt the saino timo tho young woman
stepped into tiiopiiieion.
"All right," sho said to Pat, with
smile, nodding and taking tho reins
"Give him his head."
"Och, it's all wrong," replied Pat
keeping a tight hold on tho rem.
"Your cuningo can ttiku two inside?
"What do you mean?"
0, wirra your brother has been
stealing a horse."
".Mealing n lioise?
"Yes, this gentleman's, and ho said
you wero to tako him to tho villa, lo get
him hack ngain."
' Very singular," said, the widow, "but
William was nhvays a littlu eccen
tric." At this crisis Mr. Champion nppcared.
"Is my horso ready?"
"Jump in sir."
"I didn't como in a carriage."
"In wid ye," shouted tho hostler.
"Tako .a seat besido me. Sir, if you
please," said tho widow, with a facuia
ting smilo.
Mr. Champion approached tho stop
to inquire the meaning, when tho hostler
seized him with a vigirous hand and
thrust him into tho phieton, while tho
pony, startled by the movement, started
offo'n a run.
Poor Cant. Champion 1 Hero was a
situation I A confirmed old bachelor ah
ducted by a fascinating young widow.
Tho captain had to lend his assistance
to tho young lady in managing tho pony,
who was shoitly reduced to his slow and
quiet gait. L'or his i.ssistance, Sirs.
Leslie told him in a fuw minutes ho
should bo in possession of his horse,
which had been borrowed by a gentle
man. This was all tho explanation sho
had vouched. Sho required in return
to be made acquainted with the name of
her companion, alter her own. In a tew
minutes thu captain began to bo some
what at ease in fact ho began to liko
his position. Ho had never sat so near
a prcttv woman in his life, and he asked
himself whether if tho proximity was so
pleasant for a few moments, a constant
companionship might not provu as agree
able. Whilo her attention was engaged
in her pony, ho had an opportunity to
survey her fcalurcbP' Her large, dark
anil luminous eves seemed to bo literally
swimming in their liquid lustre. Her
cheeks were as soft and blooming as the
side of a peach. Her protilo was strict
ly (Jicciati and her parted lip showed a
row of pearls. Thu most delicate taper
ed lingers encased in h'rench kid, closed
upon the reins, and thu varnished tips of
11 dainty hoot indicated a foot that Cin
derella might have envied.
"J)o you live far from hero, madam?"
said thu captain.
"Not very far. Tho pony can mend
Ins paeu n you aro in a hurry.
Tho widow turned thoso bewitching
eyes of hers upon thu old bachelor and
It was all over with him. When ho
sprang out at the villa and touched tho
aud ot the widow sis lie assisted her lo
ijiht.his heait was irretrievably lost.
red faced old gentleman, in a dress-
ng gown, received them at the door.
"My friend Capt. Champion," said tho
jld gentleman. "Wsilk in warm day."
"Very," said tho captain.
And, "indeed his looks seemed to cor-
orato his statenient,for he was as red as
Tho captsiin and the old gentleman
ere chatting familiarly aud tlio former
ilt himself completely sit home. After
n Hour was spent m tins manner ins
host excused himself and tho old bache
lor was left alone.
dreamy reverie was interrupted by
iu sound oi voices in mo nan. iiiu
captain easily recognized tlio widow s,
met a gianco tlirougn tne nan-open iioor
bowed mm that her companion was si
iiudsomo young man.
"There, dear Bella," said the young
man. "don l scold nnv more, i won i no
it again. Give mo a kiss.
A hearty smack loiiowcu. it was a
eritable, genuine kiss, tlio captsiin saw
and heard it. A pang shot through his
"Tho only woman I could over love,
said lie to himself, "and sue is engaged.
The widow tripped into the room. It
sho was pleasing in her carriago dress,
sho was perfectly bewitching in her
.lrawinir room attire. Champion could
now see thu whole of that fair foot.
"My dear sir," said she, "your liorso
is at youi service now.
(Jhsunpioii rose.
"But," sho said, "if you will stay and
tako dinner with us my undo will bo
1 -!!. 1 T i ll t
very much deiiguied, sum l snau nu
highly pleased."
"Tho coquette 1" thought Champion.
"T am much obliged to you, madam, but
I havo an engagement," ho snid.
"Then wo cannot hope to detain you
sir, but you must allow mo to present to
you my biother."
Tho lino young man maoo nts
ancj ami snooic nanus wuii inu uiicuu-
"That's tho liorso thief, captain, said
thu widow, laughing.
Tho young man apologized and ex
ilained tho circumstances which had
inpcllcd him to tako tho liberty.
"Iain t-orry," ho added "that wo can
not improve tho acquaintance casually
mado by ecjoying your eompany at din
ner, I am sorry you suo otherwise en
gaged." "Why, as io iiiat, said uio -cnpiuiu,
lrawiuii off his gloves, "your offer is
too templing, :ind I feel compelled to
accent it.
So the horso wsis remanded to tho
stable, and ho stopped to dinner. After
dinner they had music, for Mtv. Leslio
nl nved charmingly. 1 lion ho was per
suaded to stsiy to tea, and in Iho evening
Becured ten minutes tele a-tcte with tho
widow, in tho summer house, overgrown
with Maderiii vines, and inhabited by a
spider and six earwigs.
4 T. ..ll. ...!... 1 ....!
It Was iu uciuvh Wili'ji liu iiiimiiiii-ii
is liorso to return to Boston, but it was
bright moonlight and ho was quito ro
niantioally inclined.
Tho next morning no repeated his vis
i(, and thu next and tho next. In shoit
thu upisodo of tho borrowed liorso pro
duced a' declaration and acceptance, aud
though vesirs liavo passed away, tho cap
tain has had no cause to regret his ride
with tho widow m tlio pony phieton
lily's Cream Balm is tho only cntarrl
remedy of many I havu tried which has
acted as a cure. I havo been troubled
for over fifteen years; my head has been
most of tho timo stopped and vorymucl
inflamed. It hsis opened my nostrils and
reduced tho inllamuiation. My oyes aro
improving, so that t can Btand strong
light, which I havo not been ablo to do
for years. Nathaniel Pogloy, with E
i, toiitz, .Merchant, wiikcs-iisine,1!!
My case is similar to tlio above, and
would recommend tho remedy, (Cream
Balm) to all sufferers from Catarrh.
II. ltodmaii.
Ely's Cream Balm sells better than any
other preparation for Oaturih, and given
better ssttisfaction, B. Armstrong, ding.
gisi, viiKeg-jjairc, ra.
Tlio Itomniico of a Tramp.
During tho Centennial year, nmong
tho thousands of persons' who went
through the Capital building ono day in
July was a tramp named (leorgo .
As no was passing down iho steps, alter
an inspection of tho building, ho stum
bled and fell, breaking his aim. A Capi-
cd li
Capital Park until ho got strong enough
t go nbout again, saying ho had no
money nnd know that habitual lounircrs
wero liablo to arrest on a chargo of v.v
nraiinv Tlm df-sii-nil iivivlWn war
granted, and. in addition, an arrange-
liumt. mndn bv whirdi hn was trlven
a comfortable sleeping place in tho build
inrr. Thn oflleer also mniintred to brinrr
ftiniirrh fnml from his hnmiliiiir houso
tnsnimlv him. Tn nlinut. twn U'Pidts tlm I
tramp gavo notice that he would stint
west. Ho was exceedingly thankful for
the kindness shown him by tho olliccr,
and said if ho ever got half a 'chance ho
would endeavor to repay it. Tho tramp
met a Centennial tourist from Salt Lake
City, who happened to know his father.
After talking, the tourist offered to tako
him west, if ho wanted to go. Tho of
fer was accepted, and tho Capital police
man, Arthur Thomas, went to tho depot
with them and bade them good-bye.
Now let four years pass, and the rest
of the story comes ill. Arthur Thomas,
who was a Capital policeman in 1870, is
now. and hai been for moro than a year.
Secretary of Utah Territory, having
been anno uted bv Pros dent Haves on
recommendation of a number of leading
men. Uemiblieans and Democrats. Some
weeks since a man named Georgo
entered Mr. Thomas' oflieo in Salt Lake
to ascertain somuthinir about the bounda-
l ies and survey of certain sections of
somo mineral lands. Tliev reeoL'iiized
each other aud had a lonir talk. The
tramp had nrosnered. Beside havintr a
wife, he can draw and havu honored his
cltcck for S10'J,()!)0. Everything ho has
touched sinco ho has been in thu territory
has turned into money one way or sm
other. 1 he e.v-polieeman stud tho ox-
tramp can bo seen strolling sibout Salt
Lake any nflrrnoon, and tho wives of
each aro equally inseparable.
A I'liuky Wuiiuui.
sin; kills
a mo m-.Ai: ami (j.M'itmns a
coui'i.i: op ot.-ns.
borne days since n tanners witc in
Grayson county, whoso name wo have
not obtained, was meal tor dinner
it her house, situated near a mountain
range in a. unci m ami scqueste e
-j - , 1 I
i t . v . r
ugtngageu . u k . mi i,
me .. savuiy oi u.u ua-
con was scented by a couple of young I
beats that wero ranging on the premises
and enticed them tolollow tho direction
from which it came. They kept tho
scent until it even drew them into the
lltntCU n i: u iuu 1111:111 t till l u IHi I
mm l.. i..f !. i .i.
visitors 'mi.1 hor knou-lod of bears lSl
her to think that these "young ones had
strayed from their maternal parent,
winch would soon follow their trad and
hunt them up. Sho was right, for it was
but a few moments before tho old sho
bear came in sight an enormous black
bruin, of a kind which, as many
of our readers know, will fight to tho
death for their young. The woman drew
from its rack tho old true,, tried aud
trusty mountain ritle that had perhaps
servd on similar missions to that which
it was about to bo called, many times be
fore, nnd fastening tho door, she mado a
loop hole of tho window and waited
tuo approach ot her uearslup within a
sullicieiit distance for a sliot. She wait
ed not long and fired, tho ball taking ef
lect, but not proving fatal. 1 lie report
film rille. drew thu laborinir husband
i i,, was chased several hundred yards
by tho bear, which then gavo up pur-
:.u o..,i ..i,.n,i ;n ,,n.i n( i,..
lal policeman picked him up, and alter "' " "pen u h-ibmim mm
preparing a cot sent for a surgeon, who Wilson discharged a rille, shootni'' one
sot tho arm. This over, tho tramp asked ot iha intruders. Both lied, nnd Mr.
tlm iiriviWn nf siltinif nrninwl in tlm WdSOtl ai'OSO flOIll his 1)0(1. Ho foitllll
Dilll..liilii;iiiiii'iiii'liiinuwi II ll '"inirtli!!,... ...t.1, , - ,
The plucky backwoodsman's wife had ill
1 r ..... ... ...
the meantimo reloaded tho rille, and with
tho second shot the old sho bear keeled
over, underside topmost, and "yielded up
tlio ghost. Ihe cubs wero sold at lnue-
pependence, the county seat of Grayson
ior and tne skip ot tnu bear winch
was very large, brought tho sum of SB
it the saino place. WlvitheviUo (Vu.)
Tlio Fox's Advice to tho Hare.
Ono dsiy a fox discovered a lino chance
to capture a pullet for his dinner, tho
only drawback being tho fact that thu
farmer had set a trap just in tlio path
which any depredator must travel. In
this emergency tlio hungry lleynard
hunted around until he iotind si llaro
and after' a fuw remarks on tho stato of
thu weather, thu scramble for office, thu
Wlnttaker investigation and tho Turkish
uicstion, hu said
"I was pist thinking, as 1 overtook
you, what itupttiletico somu lolks have.
"Whv, I met Miss Pullet a short time
since,and sho bosisted ol being ablo to
out-run you
i'lio brassy ereaturo 1" exclaimed tho
Hare. "Why, lean run as fast as she
csiu lly 1"
Certainly you can, but sho s doing
you great injury ninoiig your triends by
ior stories, it I wero you I d sou her
and warn her that this thing must
stop." -Jf
"I ll do it ! I was built Ior speed, and
everybody knows I won't havo any
I'llllnt Iwi'.ufinrr tlml ulin i.m, r,,,l,.,, ..,,,
...uv .. ..b, ,(., ..! Kit, ,1(11 ,,U
along mid
whero she
"Well,ril go as a special favor to you,
ot course," humbly replied tho Fox,
"aud to showMiss Pullet what tho Foxes
think of tho Hares I will let you tako tho
lead mid I will follow in your foot-
As they neared tho coop tho llaro be
can to arraiiL'o a littlu sncech nf im-timr
but ho 6oou had other fish to fry. He November was cold nnd blustering, with An Indiana applicant for an inspector
walked into tho tran with his ovna whin 81lcnv enough for good sleighing. Do- Linn of customs, after wearing au Ohio
open, and ere ho had recovered 'from tho
shock the Fox had secured his dinner.
"Say! Say! I'm caught!" yelled tho
timo as no struggled with tho tran.
"So I observe," was the reply.
"And what is your advicel"
"To get away as soon as yo
,, .,i'i
nil in l
1,1 i , , , , ,
r.very neighborhood scandal has threo
lies to ono truth. No person becomes a
tsilebearer except lo forward foiiiu
suheino of his own. hen ri fox is inenl, given just niter it has taken its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the pur
nnxloiiB to preserve tho reputation of a milk, with, nfterwnrd, all tlio pure- water est and best of medicines. See auo her
hatq look out. it will drink. I iliiinti. Ilniuhliran.
SIUDKNT llUI'.aiiAltS.
osi: or two nuoTiinits kim.i:i.
On Wednesday morning oflast week,
Ahiel Wilson who lives in orth And
over Muss, was awakened by footsteps
... I.!., t o r... i.f.. ..1
in ills uuuse. Duoii liner, ins I'lmniuui
b'oody hngei-iiiarks on tho plastering nt
U' wvsl window, niiout 12U leet lrom
" house, and behind a stone wall was
fo'"1' tlm dead b6dy of Arthur I oster.n
student nt Phillips Academy. Ho had
ccn shot in tho kft arm, tho ball pass
WIT into his chest nnd through his heart
A w minutes afterward Luther Poster,
twin brother of the killed burglar, np
peared and confessed that ho andAi-
thill had COtlSp'ued to rob tllC llOUSC,
Ho said his brother fell dead after jump
ing from tho window, and that he drag
ged his inanimate form to the place whero
it was found behind tho stono wall and
then called his brothei'-in-hiw aud told
him of the affair. Luther was placed
under arrest and taken to Lawrence,
whero ho was locked up. On tho floor
of Mr. Wilson's room were found a re
volver, a box of pepper,and a heavy iron
poker making it evident that it was the
intention oi uio young men 10 resort to
violence to gain possession ot Wilsons
money. Tho young men's parents re-
"lo in isorth Aii(lover,neart.icorgelown,
nd aro among tho most respected peo
l'lo in the town. Both boys previous to
this '" oro excellent reputations,
wero industrious nnd frugal, saving their
earnings ill order to secure ail education.
h'or two years they havo attended Phil-
Hps Academy and aro well spoken of by
their preceptors. They wero twins and
twenty one years of age. In an intcr-
view with Luther at thu Lawrence Po
hco Station tho prisoner said
"About three weeks ago my brother
ptirsuaded mo to attempt the bin-alary. Wo
went to tho house, nnd my brother went'
hn,l remaining outside. lie came out in si
few minutes, and wo went away, getting
nothing that time. Last night he spoke
of: it again, and said ho was going to
mako a rsiiso of gonio money. I tried to
get mm not to go, but ho persisted, and
I went along. Wo removed a pane of
glass and a nail, raised a window and
went in. 1 Ins was about 1 o clock. My
brother went up stairs and I remained
below, sitting on the stairs, when I fell
asleep. After awhile my brother oamo
back and refused to go away. Ho again
went up stairs and I followed him. This
was about l:.ll) o clock. Wo stood at
, , - ,n!ip n,l mv 1,,-ntlm,-
..... ... .. -... ',.., :.
I'm. 'ln BMUUIIll'l ULiUHM 11 illill M(M!ll'U It
A Koon as tho door onened T saw
iuu ii.iau uuu iiiy uiumui iuu. x rail
(lown gtah.s nml - (1 ont of t1)e Jv
fl brother following me,falling as
.'-,, , t..:,i i: i
" '
"P? aJ"m- " " . f SP"
"Ot aswer. I got hn. over
n r " '
and did
. ' -. . ..,'- ,
. . . -tr i tt , i
went to my sister b. !AIrs. Gould s.cot nor
m P PJ )m to g0 With me.
I also roused Mr. Nelson, who went and
brought an officer who arrested me. I
am twenty ono years old and a twin
brother of Arthur. Wo were in our sec
ond year at Phillips Academy. I never
attempted anything of tho kind before."
Ihs statement agrees with the state
ment of Mr. Wilson, who says ho heard
them about 1 o'clock nnd laid awako
until -1 o'clock.whon the door was forced
open and ho fired.
further investigation shows that Ar
thur Poster on completing his studies at
tho runups Academy intended to enter
Andover Theological Seminary. Mr.
Wilson had in his room S7.ri,00i) worth
of stocks, bonds and other securities.
Both boys had previously been in Wil
son's employ and had no difficulty in
I '" . K. .. " ''uu""1",
passing tho watch-dog on tho
is uuhuvl'u uiai iuu twins wuro con
' " ; ' "? V" 8"" us " s
" 3 " 11 1 '
been secured to show that they wero tho
u"r t Vi ' i . T;.um u'
I R!lli nt. tlm llnstotl nnd Mnmn ilniint
from which $G0 was stolen. Wilson
has not been arrested and it is not be
lieved he will be.
Hie.''Year Without a Summer."
Wo continue to receive occasional in
quiries concerning tho "year in which
there was no summer. some persons
ippoar to have a wrong idea as to tho
tune'. It was tho year 1810. It has
been called the "year without a summer;"
lor there was a sharp lrost iu every
moiuii. i nero arc old larmers still liv
ing iu uonnecticiit who remember it
well. It was known as tho "year with
out a summer." Tho fanners used to re
fer to it as "eighteen hundred nnd starve
to death. January was mild as was also
February, with the exception of a fow
days. Tho greater part of March was
cold and boisterous. April opened warm
anil grow cold ns it advanced, endni!
with snow and ice and winter cold. Iu
Msiy, ieo formed half an inch thick, buds
and llowers wero trozon and corn killed,
r . rt .
i' rost, ico ami snow were common in
Juno Almost every green thing was
Kiucd uuu inu iruii was nearly nil ( o
-it. i i .i r f. i . . .
stroyed. Snow fell to tho depth of three
inches in New York and Massachusetts
and ten iu Maine. July was aceonina-
nied with frost nnd ice. On tho .Ith ico
was formed of tho thickness of win.Iou-
glass in New York, New England nnd
reiinsyivsinia, and corn was nearly al
destroyed iu certain sections, lu An
gust ico formed half an inch thick. A
u01(l ''ruiwest wind piovailed all sum
Corn was so frozen that si good deal
was cut down and dried for fodder.
Very littlu ripened in Now Englatiil.even
hero iu Connecticut, and scarcely any
n tho Middle Stntes. Fanners" were
ibhged to pay y i or y,r) a bushel for
corn ot lb id, for seed for tho next
hiuiim jimmiug, juuima nvo wcckh in
! .. -.1 ! fill . il . .
- V"V ,' " ui "est oi me
month w as cold, with host, nnd ice.
ce,m,er was,,ll,1.t0 ""'d niul comfortable,
jjiifyini -i lines.
Mr. O. S. Bliss, of Vermont, who has
tried all ways of raising calves, prefers
t 1 1... . ....... ...!
uncooked food, nnd especially a mixture
nt ..W......1 .., ...! 1. .1
mn mm um K , ui nn y ouier io on miiiiu ui wuniieriui loreicn roots,
I ii ,: . ,i,.. i.j. i. , ... .Ii i... r i ...rri.. i . , a , '
....... tlu ,,iu omul miiisj hu iicguis i d.ii'kn, ivu., uuu puiieii nil uy long ooglts
with a small nuniitilv. (ml ili-v nn.l 1. 1 ,.,,,iiil,..,(.,o.f i.,iwl..,l ;...',,., .1,,, .... .......
I ,. 1 J , ...... ft ,.- v vi iliutuvo n i, ,,i,v,i iuu ilk IIIWIID imil-o,
tiallv Increases It after n w, ,L- m- i.. I i.,,t , ,.-,, n',,,,i,. ,.,,i;..:..
when tho calf is four to six weeks old it mndo of well-known valuable remedies
I is allowed to havo nil it will ont of tidd I ii ill fiimllllfW ita lV'll Mitflfinnrni 1tt tin
sn no
Yearly Rdrcrtl9rments payable nuartcrly.
stent lUKcrtlsemenls must bo paid for before Inserted
oxcepi wncro panics iinto nccounin.
Itrnl ftdTCrUsemenls two dollars per Inch for thro
Insertions, Ami nt that rato for additional Insertions
witnoui rcrcrcnco to icngui.
Rxccutnr'R, AdmlnlstrAtor't.nnil Audllor'n notices
throo dollars. Must bo paid tor when inserted.
Transient or lAcal notices, ten cents a lino, regular
advertisements half rates.
Card In tho "lluslness Directory column, one
dollar per rear for each line.
Odd Items.
Bed tlanuel strings
'on bonnets nro
good for soro throat.
An ice education can bo had at a
freeze school.
Don't tempt peoplo to sin. Uou't ask
tho maple sugar dealer if it is new.
Business Dilemma. A man Buffering
with a cough obliged to keep his room,
a note to pay and no money inbnnk,and
not a single bottlo of Dr. Bull's cough
syrup to bo had in ten miles.
Wo never heard of a chestnut's ex
ploding, but wo've felt a chestnut burr
When n man fails as a peanut vender,
there's nothing left for him to do but
to turn agitator.
Go out iu tho damp air, or sit unpro
tected in tho draught, and your 'throat
will feel soro and your head uncomfort
able. You havo taken a cold, which you
can remove ns promptly ns you received
it by using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
A story in three chapters: I. Jones
stnrted a" drug store. Chapter II. His
c.nh ran out. Chapter III. Jones fol
lowed his cash.
A Now York man has discovered an
"invisible soap." It is tlio saino nrtido
that small boys havo used in their morn
ing ablutions from the most remote pe
riod. Tho iiinplo tuo is ah emblem of Chris
tian forbearance. Tho moro it is bored
tlio more sweetness it exudes.
Fifty years ago such a thing as a beer
glass was not to bo seen on' earth. If
you wanted to kill a man you had to hit
him with some unhandy thing.
1'CON'OMtCAt. AKVlCi:.
Tf I were going to buy a violin what
method should i take to get it cheap?
Why wait till father or I Imd tho rheuma
tism and then buy a bottle of Eclectrio
Oil. For I should not only get them
cured but a phial in (Violin.)
A Bridgeport man has invented a wig
holder. It must bo mado on an hair
Tho fool hath said in his heart: "Any
t: "Any
I'ry it, oh
one can write for si paper." T
fool, try it.
Jones says that tho clouds of his early
childhood wero no bigger than n
woman's hand, but si squall always fol
lowed them.
Latest news from Marion, O.: Dr.
Thomas' Eclectiio Oil again triumphant.
Mr. Scigfricd used it for severe cold sind
pain in sides relieved iu a few minutes.
Geo. Mutehlor, an old citizen says it
beats anything ho over tried for rheuma
tism. Daniel Hoffman, an old farmer, a lit
tle south of Marie n, says it cured him of
a saru throat of eight years standing.
Al. Bunyan says ho has been a suffer
er ironi lheumatisni aud has tried scores
of remedies but sill to no purpose; ono
bottlo of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil hsis
cured him entirely.
A man who was formerly a night watch
man refers to it as his late occupation.
Young peoplo arc always ready to
adopt the "latest wrinkle." It is tl
first wrinkle that they object to.
ni:w .ti:nst:T rm-.MiUM wink,
Physicians stato that tho Port Wino
that took tho premium nt the Centennial,
produced and offered for salo by Mr. Al
fred Spccr, of New Jersey, is a wino
that can bo safely used ior medicinal
purposes, being pure and free from
medication, and is moro reliable
than other Port Wines. It is espe
cially rcc Jinmended for weakly females
and tho aged. For salo by C. A. KJeim,
druggist, lilooinsburg, Pa.
The man who digs ditches gets spae1o
well for his one.
'Tis easier to nnoke a ham than to m-
gar-cure a
not r.xac-ri.r.
ir , i. ... a
v",lv" oier ueeu mueu ui seni
1 n tint i.vnptlv- lmt ,nv livnllwt- nini-rtn.l
an admiral's daughter.
Wero vou ever in France? No, not
exactly, but my mother's name was
Did vou ever havo tho rheumatism?
No, not exactly, but my father had and
he ciu-cd it with Dr. Ihomas hcleetno
young American in Paris writes
honiu to his father: "All the theatres
mil many of tho churches nro now open
every buuday in tins city.
Why is flattery liko can do cologne?
Because it is merely to bo sniffed nt, not
The liver is moro frequently tho seat
of diseaso than is generally supposed, for
upon its regular action depends, in a
great measure1, thu powers of the stem,
ach, bowels, brain, and tho wholo ner
vous system Uegulate that important
organ by taking Simmons' Liver Hogu-
'"tor, and you prevent most of tho diseas-
s that llesh is heir to.
Tho SyracjiRo Standard asks: "Will
somo one tell us what Airs. J.angtrys
maiden nnmo was?" Certainly, her
nniden aim was to marry Mr. Lnngtry.
Street gamin lo a friend: "Say Bil't
y-'1' ,n,ltit Tllt K01"g 10 variety shows ev
cry night or the peoplo will tako you for
" country member of tho Legislature."
U M DM .IJ.oo uw
Two Inches... i S.00 4 in s.ori
Threolnchca ..() tM 7.(1)
Four Inches B.M MM 0.00
urter column.... tew h.od 10.00
alt column ..lo.m 1100 17.00
one column... M.00 ss.00 30.00
For nearly six years my daughter
was mi st of tho timo on a sick bed from
kidney and other diseases peculiar to
woniei'. i e had used up our savings
on doctors nudpre&ciiptious without any
LICIIL'lll. will iiuiuiuiu ill I v lisi.'ll us io 11 V
Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four bottles
effected a marvelous cure, As it has
been our only liiedicino since, and si dol
lar's worth has kept our family well over
a year, wo havo been able lo lay up a
llttlo money ngain for a rainy day."
A Poor Man's Wife.
man's hat for twenty fourhours.changed
his mind
and applied for a foreign
It is no vilo drugged stuff, pretending
l.-i -.1.. .X ... .?,..... . .