The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 15, 1881, Image 4
T.?''mt"J"Mi liii mm' I iiln M mi i n in A -A...-..-- '-f kWfWifcWftwavjwn.rterisaiay.v,iMj..1 Wealthy Folk. In Anclrnt TIium, Wo oecasionnlly rend interesting no counta of tlio wcnltli nntl oxtravngnnt fxpeiuHturcs of our mihvny kings, bo nanza kings, nntl iiiuneroti9 other finnncial kings. Tliero is a certain fascl natloii in tlio description of tlieso lin nieiiso possessions and tlio personal characteristics and habits of tliosu who control them. That Vandcrbilt pays a small fortttuo for a picture, that Astor wears diamonds worth 200,000, and that Sirs. iWniikcy gives a dinner nt u cost of SM.OOO, nro facts which to tho popnlar mind liavo a peculiar charm. And undoubtedly there is an impression in somo luiurtura that the massing of enormous wealth and tho attendant ex travagance are tilings of comparatively modern growth. How far this impression is from tho truth maybe Been by a glnnco nt history, winch in this respect is really quite comforting to us poor devils of the pres ent day. Pyllies or l'ythius, tho Lydinn lord of Column), was worth $10,000,000. Cyrus returned from thu conquest of Asia with i?.'.00,p00,000. Darius, during his reign, had an incomo of $10,)00,000 a year. Tho voto offering of Cni'sus to the Delphian god amounted to $1,000, 000. Alexander's daily meal cost 1700. He paid the debts of his soldiers amount ing to $10,000,000, and lnlulu a present of 2,500,000 to tho Thessalians. Tho obsequies of Hephiestion nro said to $1,500,000. Aristotle's inves tigations in natural history involved nn expense of $1,000,000. Ho'left behind a tieasuro ol $50,000,000. Tho wealth of his satraps was extraordinary. Ono of them, Ilarpalus,aceuinulated $5,000,000. A festival of Ptolemy Philadelphus cost not less than $2,239,000. Tho treas ure of this king amounted to 8075,000, 000. Thcro was immense wealth among tho Homans. Tho landed estate of Ciui bus was valued at $8,500,000, and his houso at $1,000,000. Ciceilins Isidorus lost much,liut still left $2,535,000. Deine tritis, a frcedman of l'ompey was worth $ 1,000. Lentulus, tho augur, possessed no less than $17,000,000. Clodius paid $010,000 for a house, and ho once swal lowed a pearl worth $10,000. Antony t-quandered altogether $735,000,000. Tiberius left at his death. $118,120, 000, and Caligula spent it all in less than a year. The extravagant Caligula paid $150,000 for ono supper. Speaking of of suppers, ono meal cost lleliog.ibalus $100,000 and the supper of Luoulhis at tho Appollo cost 8,330. Pegelius,a singer, could and did spend $10,000 in live days. Seneca had a foiluuo of $17,500,000. Apicius was worth about $5,000,000 and after ho had spent in his kitchen and otherwise squandered sums to the amount of $4,100,000 ho poisoned him self, leaving fewjiundred thousand. That Cu'sar was very comfortably fixed, is in dicated by the fact that ho presented Servilia, the mother ol Brutus with a pearl worth $200,000, and another is tlio fact that ho gave for a singlo pearl $27,000. Curio must have been at ono time pretty sound linanciallv. as ho was Jible to contract debts to the amount of $2,500,000. -'p. .:... :..r- .. . """lujs-its mat iNuro av away j.'!"-)resents to his fiiends, $97, .0,()00 The dresses of Lollia Paulina tho rival of Agrippiun, were valued at i,imi,-iau. 'J ms dul not include liei jewels. She woie at one simper $1,502, 500 worth of jewels, and it was a plain citizen's supper. Sho was worth alto gether $200,000,000. The luxury of Papp:e, beloved by Xero, was at least equal to that ot J.clito. Pallas, the lov er of Agrippiun, left an estato in lands, valued at $15,000,000. Scarrus had ,a villa worth $15,000,000, and this was only a small part of his fortune. The vnin was burned by Ins slaves out of re vonge lor some injury. The sums paid by the old Creeks and J-omaiis lor works ot art make the pies uiii. prices appear aiiauby Kicias, an artist, refused to sell ono o his pictures to Kinir Attains for $75. 000, choosing rather to present it to his country rt& a gitt. Aicias was a million nire. For a single figure by Aristides King Attains cavo $125,000. Muason the tyrant of Elates, paid $20,000 for a sman picture by Anstides, representin a battle of the Persians. Ciesar was generous patron of art. lie bought of Tiiuomachus, a fainter of Athens, two ligures, ono representing Ajax and the oincr iueue.1, lor winch lie paid SI00, 000. Apellcs received $20,000 for a portrait or .Alexander, wlncli no painted on the wall of the temple Diana, liphesus. Pto lemy paid Arams $200,000 for some old pictures by iUelantlius and Pamphilus lM. Agrippa paid to the pcoplo ol Cy.i cus $50,000,000 for two small mititiiitM, and it was he who built and bequeathed 10 nis countrymen me liiagniiicent Tlier iniu in the Campus Martins, with their gardens, libraries and porticos onepor tion of which, tho Pantheon, still re mains. Lucius Mummiiis got a picture in Greece, representing Father Bacchus, winch King Attains valued at 8250.000, but Iummius said that price was too small mid ruliiseit to sell. The picture of "Venus Anadyoniene' by Apellcs, was sold fur $125,000. Iso. ci nun received $20,000 for one oration Virgil, for his lines on laieellus, wasie wauled by a mil of about $10,000. For n tingle dish of potteiy, the tragio actor of iKsoplius paid $1,000. Tho Kmpcr- .11: i i .. i! i . i i r ui uuiiiiim uuieii'd.itiinu iu uemaiieior him for which a furnace was erected in the iields outside the city, lor $15,000. Vllio collosol staluo ol AU'ieiiry, made for tho city ot the Aviini, in Gaul, by Zen odorus. cost $1,075,000. Nero paid $101, 000 for a carpet. For tho famous stat ue of tho Diademouos, which was a bton.o liguro of life size representing a youm lying u niiet round Ins bead, Polyeleitus received $125,000. And iigaui, dropping art for literature, it is related that Tiberius presented to Asellus Sabinus $20,000 for a dialogue ho wrote between a mushroom, a cab bage, nn oyMer and a thrush. Jfegaul iug the iminenso wealth possessed by joiiuues lavorues in ancient days, me mystery is what lias becomu of all this gold mid silver, for the possessions of meso ncli men and women consisted chiclly of tho clean 'metal and precious stones. Tliero is no accounting for its disai ponranco except on the theory that it pulsed from sieht as vessels laden with pieeiotH cargoes sink to tho bottom of the sea and are lost forever. '1 he fact re mains that in lichcs, extravagance and luxury the ancients excelled the milroad kings, bonanza kings and mei chant piiu ees of tho pii sent day. It is fortunate, iiiditd, that wealth ismoie fniilv dividtd than in olden times, and there is reason K believe that as the woild grows older, mid the political rights of men me more fiuly nckuowlidgiU, (industraints upon iimoiinl ticlion hid tin own off, the uecu multiiioiiN of itmiu nbo foilunes will be ccii e 1( 8 nud Itsa liable. S.ur.uel A, Hewitt, Jlonteiny, jMiih., Olives (hit Dr. Thomas' F.clectrio Oil cannot bo beat by any medicine for coughs and colds, and for iheiimatibin it woikalikea cliniiu. It lias been thor oughly tried In this plnco nnd is iu givat iloniniid. A I'enniylviuiin rnnllirr. ANEXOITINIl lU'lSOIIi: IK 111(1 IIEAVP.ItTOWN suit i.Awnr.Nci: counts. Travelers in that vicinity traveling along the road by night have been star tled by wild and discordant yells, which would mako their hair stand on end. Sometimes the sound would como from the underbrush at tlio roadside, and at others lioiu the tons of thu liii-lipst trees. Tho sounds weiu not all alike, at times sounding like tho piteous cry of a dis tressed infant, almost tempting the ter rilled traveler to go to its aid, and then cento altogether, breaking out again in wild, wierd howls and piercing shrieks. As a result of nit this Big Heaver town ship became under a reign of terror. Travel over the hills at night was almost entirely stopped nnd young men ceased to visit their girls in tho night-time. But finally tho day of tlio discovery of tho mystery was at hand. A few (lays ago David ilusscr, nnd old an experienced hunter, paid a visit to tlio haunted town ship, stopping at tlio residence of John .1. Freed. Mr. Freed finding somo sin glar tracks in tlio snow near his house ono morningdio called in tlio aid of JIus scr, who pronounced the tracks thoso of a wildcat. Then it dawned upon them what was tlio causo of all tho sounds on tlio hills. A party of men, under tlio leadership of tlio old hunter nnd bearing rilles and nccompanied by dogs, started out that evening to hunt tlio wild beast. Following the tracks until it became too dark to see them longer they found themselves on tho farm of Captain A. .1. Boyle, in Chip pewa township, in a dense woods. Tlio hunters followed tho dogs, guided by their deep bay. All at once, away off in tho woods they heard a loud threshing among tho bushes, accom panied by tho piteous howls of one of their hounds. They hastened to tlio spot only to find their dog disemboweled and his hide clawed into fiddle strings. With guns cocked they looked around for tho supposed wild beast, and Zinsser looked up into the tree saw two blazing balls of lire forty feet above him. Hasti ly taking aim,lie lived and thu body came crashing through the branches to tho ground; at tho same time six pairs of eyes were discerned on all sides of tlio under brush that surrounded the hunters. They tired, but none of tho shots took effect and the animals escaped. Tho hunters shouldered the dead body of tho wild .cat and carried it to Frecd's, where it was skinned and stulIcd,aii(lisuow on ex hibition. It weighed eighty-three pounds. A wild cat had not been seen there be for for twenty years. The farmers are making nigjitly expeditions in search of tho remaining ones. now sin: svveii money. "For nearly six years mv daughter I was most of the time on a sick bp;f from kidney and other diseases 'peculiar to women. We had u&'tT up our savings on doctors anil mescriiitious without .'mv benefit. Our dominie advised us to try Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four Bottles effected a marvelous cure. As it lias been our only medicine since, and a dol lar s worth has kept our family well over a year, wo have been able to lay up a little money again for a rainy day." A Poor Man's Wife. An Anci-doto of two Judges. Judge Whiting was Chief Justice of Wisconsin, about forty years ago. Jus tice Woodle was an Associate Justice. .Tudgo Whiting was not considered a very brilliant man, but, though his per ceptions were sluggish, his motives were always trustworthy. Judge Whiting and Justice Woodle were travelling to gether heating appeals from nisi prius terms. They travelled on horseback,and on one occasion occupied a room togeth er. Judgo Whiting had a shapely foot (a fact which he was suspected of know ing as well as anybody.) Judge Wood le had club feet (as to which lie was sus pected of being very sensitive.) On tlio occasion wo speak of Judgo Whiting was lying stretched on the only bed tliero was in the room, with one of those shapely feet extending out of the bed. lie looked up and saw Judge Woodle looking at tlio foot intently. ' "What are you looking at?" said Judge Whiting. "At your foot, Whiting," said Wood le. "And, do you know, if I had your feet I would bo almost willing to have your head Gray hairs prevented, dandruff remov ed, tho scalp cleansed and tho hair made to grow thick by tho use of Hall's Veg etable Sicilian Hair Benower. The Juniata division of the Pennsyl vania canal, which formerly extended from Hollidaysburg to Lewistown, now terminates at tho Three Locks. ruitu MKAI'K WINK. A committee from tlio Farmer's Club, of the American Institute, have visited Sneer's Vineyards and Wine Ccllars.and they report that tho Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey is generally pronounced the most relia ble wine to be obtained, and is now be ing uxed by physicians who nro the most choice iu the selection of wines for convalescent patients. The principal hospitals in New ,Vork have adopted this wine. For sale by C. A. Kleiin, Bloomsburg, Pa. FJias Moser. of Lcliiirli Jy lost three children by death from scar let lever in twelve days. IKSIIIK ANI OUT. Inside and out. A double ndvant.urn is derivable fiom Dr. Thomas' Kclectiie Oil because it can be taken inwardlvanil outwardly. It contains no ingredient not eminently safe and pure so it exerts an influence of great potency. Use it for pulmonary disorders, rheumatism, mm. ralgia, sores, bruises, scalds, burns, etc. T j TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IROX niTXKItS aro Jilslily quiring a certain mul dliclcnt tonio 5 mittatt I'cien, Want 0 Appetite. Jam 0 uiu uiuuiifeiicugiuuiia lliu luiixu4! ullu Klvw uv" 1110 10 ,1"r vS. Uipyctl llko n rliiirm im tho tllgortJ w organs, rcmo,vlns all dyspeptic syiumonis, euc.'i ns Tiutinij the Food, Hitching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc, Tlio only Iron Preparation Hint will not lilucki'ii tlio tooth or trlvu hcndnelio BoU ly all ilrugglsts. Writo lor tlio A 11 O llooU, Sli pp. of useful end amusing reading mil free, JJKOWN CIIi&HIOAr, CO., BalUnioro, Mil. For Sain hy Moycr Brothcn, THE COLUMBIAN AND t' tvniA r? iMsf.iAna O. u t MIJi f j EHIiUSHftli OV LYNN, MASS. " V7 r uuouvuicn r LYDIA E. PBNKMAEVI'S Tor all Female Complaints. TMirrcpirnlIon, fti lti Mrao rlffnlflcn, f onsliti of V irolAtb Vtopci lie i nro Ln.rnil.aa to tlio most t!cl latoliiralM, l"tn ono trial tlio merits of tl.U Com found ttmUrucofriUxHl,a4 relief U liumoJIato fin J i 'hr n IU UM li continued, In nlnct jmiIiio casci In a liun. (Ircl,iip(.iiiirnentcurolH(rcct0il, will ten tlfy. O.i account cfltJiirovcnmeritltlato-tlfyro. CO'tinu'tiibJaQdlTOicillxjil by tlio best Jliy!ctatit In tlio country. It will euro entirely tho wortt form of falling nf tho utfrun, Uucon Im-.i, irregular ami painful Ilfiistniatlon.fillOvarUnTrciublcn, Inrkmmfttlon nnd Ulccr.itio'i.rioodlncstali Wi-il.tccmcnti r.nd tho con fCKiUcnttplnalvrcftknPKfl.tndlfi rnpcclally adapted t tlio Clifiit4 of IJf a 1 1 will (Itoclro end tumon frcm tliouttrUilnnncailttajo of development. Tlia t ndcncj to c.vicrous humors thoro 1j clicckod cry Kdlly t:tuuho. l.l fact it l.iu trored ti lo Iho rrrot c"t nni l);t remedy that liai over ticen ctincotor c t. It rci mrafcK every poi tlon of tlio n) stem, and circa fW llfonnd lor. It rvtuorcd faint ntsw.flatulcncy, don iroya nil ct-arjo for ctlniulantand relieved n caiccta of thooto:uat.1i Ittur. i) liloflttns, llcndfttlip, Kcrvous rrostratlon, aencrAlDibiUty.Sk'crlLdWicfa, lximslon fti.d Indi rection. Tliftt feeling of licarlnff down, CAUslrff prdn, itcfzlit'fiiul tncliRclie, ldfJr.aytj iwrmancntly curctl ly iliu-o. It wlllttftlltlmcundundernH cimiin.tan tti, act In Liruioii Avlliithj Ut tLat covcruj tLo fcnialoiystem. l'or Kidney Comj.l.ilnU of cither vex thld cotupouci li uacurrujoJ. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lai-rcparetl atSTJ.trtJ 23i Western Avenue, Ijun, Hum .'rlco $1.0.1. E't tultlcj for 1.00. tieul by it.ail lit tl.o fonnofpllN.aUtiuthofofLi ot Jazcnrve, on iccel;.! ofpriee, tlA jr bot, for cither, Mia. I'lNKIUlI frrtlyunsneraolllcltcraof Inquiry, tend for vuu lhc AddreJiftia!x)r() Mention tSh juper, Xo farilly should bo vlthout LYDIA U MNK11AM' UVEIll'ILLS. Tliey euro Const i.utlon, l:Jiountk and Torpidity of tho Liver, t J i ci- ti r box. JOHNSTON, H0LL0WAY & CO., Gsnoral Agents, Fhih., Pa. SOI.I) I1Y MOYSR BROTHERS., Blosffisburg, Pa. AOENTS WANTED ODICK to taUo orJira f rthn Cheapost, JlostCompleto nnd Aojurato Eilltlonol Tho Revised New Testament AND FULL 1IISTOI1VOF ITS IIUVISION. Now ready for aErnts. Mnst itcBlrablo rrtillou, Ioht priced. Agents rnport liuiiicnso succs.0Mn to83 orders per ilav. This Is n Mr clmnce. J'im tfnlara fri'O. (I'HMt r.c. Act (illik-. AKIress llUIIUAltD UliOS , I'u'js. 723 Clu stuut bti ett, 1'hlU. opr 8 IK i) MEDAL AWARDED tho Auuior.Auuwand Knat llui- leal Work.warratited tlio t4Ut and cheapen!, itit1iipen&blotu fwry man .entitled "Uio Scioncoof Lifa or,SIM'riaervaUun ;' bound in fin net l-'rench inuphn, cnibosatsl. iuii purawpp.contfl ma beautiful ptoel enKraTiiitfH, rrecnn ) tion 8, pricu onlj Bent ty ' mail; illuBtfatJaaniplo,ti centa i Hfiiid tiow.Ar1drita I'iuJumI Mnl. JTMnW TTIVHrTP H-Jl Iwtituttr lr.W It. l'AIt lUI U If luA kliJUl KKlt, So. 4 Uulfincu it. Itostun, aprJU-t-.r a AGKXTfi! AGKMTS JOHN It. (1UUGU S bran' dot book, jiui puilis.'itd, entltltd SUILSOSiTAND SteOW la the Ust . thaaee rvcrorfered to cu. Ita Sccnea aro diawn f n,m tlio bright and khwly jidei of real life, and porUaj e4 ua m, John li. Goufjfi can portray thtm. FurlVthri, Homer, and bttautinlmlMU vilbuulaiiccr. It li ttio "hamvfj" buolr -tr.. oiid out sella nil cUtert 10 to 1. Both thoiuanttin rrrf.. 10H0Airota auUd.lntn and wulun. Nowli the time, t V.'jrurtif fWrf luriiand .V;,Sr;j piTin. aj-XHttfr llrcuLir,. Ad.lnn, A. U. WOUTUIAUXOM Ji CO., Tuba., llarlfiril, Cuuu. nprlls-4v d ; FACTS WORTH KNOWING. : dinger. Cochn, Uandrskc, EtllllnfU mid m&ny other of thu best tnedlctnca knowu are so' ailllfully combined in I'jiiuier'b OLNoca To.vic! IB to inaico it tao Brcaie.t uiocu runner sna i The Kelt Uoalth and Strength Uettortr 1 tier Used. ! So perfect la tho composition of riUKin's Qixaui Tonio that co disease can long exist whore It is used. If you liaYoDytpeptij, Mead-! ache, Rhaumatitm, Neuralgia, Bowel, Kidney or Liver Disorder, or If you need a mild Etlm ulajit, omppoUzcr, tho Tonio U Jut tho mod-; tcloe for yen, as It U hlelily curatlro and In-. Tlcorattns but Dover Intoxicating. If you are slowly wasting away with Con-' lumptionorany etclmcas, if you have a Painful! Cough or a bad Cold, l'Armm's Gucacn Tonic will Burely help you. It gives new Ufa and' rigor to the feoble and aged, and Is a certain! !cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infcnlum. It lilt Sated Hundreds of Ureal It Ma;' Kara Your. , ! If you nro feeling mlBcrablo don't wait until' you aro down blclc, but uso tho Tonio tc-day.' No matter whatyourdlscaeoorcymptomainay. be It will giro iirompt relief. Itemcmber I riRKn's Oisacn Tonio la not' a rum drink but tho Dest and Purest Family. Medicine ever mode, comrxjunded by a now. procees, and ontlrtly diHerent from Cltttrs," ginger preparations and all other Tonics, Try; 60c. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. '---- 1 lifts fil.S.M-Ll PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beit and Most L'conoo.ltal IlalrlJreiiloi; axqulsilely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Villi Alrrajl Eeitore Gray or Faded Hair to Ita original youthful celor and aprearance, aad ll wxrrarited to stop iu tailing, assist Ita rowth and prevent baldness. A few applications ef the Balsam wi'l soften C. fcalr, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu aaaura of the scalp. So!dbysJldrugistsauu,orf. OCt. 1, '60-ly a LEGAL 15LAN1CS, ALWAYS OX HAND AT 'J'HIS OFFICE. "R COLDS AND fraDB.DJS.S PRICE W W aa ITS 3 2 5&50CIS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT W.CIIAMPION HUOWNINO.M.D. oi.k I'Uuruirrrnii, ' 1321 Arch (itieet, Phllntlclphln. Fob. in. ' r rcconimcnaca for nil illicaaos rc S especially IiMjedion, Dytpcpaui, fi Strcwjth, ImcIs of Merji, itc. l'nrlvlici H Fb,18, '8My DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLIMBTA COUNTY, PA. JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT FlaAMi&E. E. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE W0BLD. it AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock'i Jltll's, Oxford co , .Me. Messrs. -Morris tc Irt lund: (lents: On tlio Sindcf November, 1S79, our spool mill ut till place, Mao, two morles hlgh.wasio- uiuj' uuuiumuu uru, in wiliuil lliyaiwJ11 a JiTAo i4.iui.ij ut pjiuuii"vro..i. tspo.m iiuu uiocks, an aca houfiJ. V'idiiru buruedfor tUroo and a Half d.ija. wo run onocif your Bares lu our mil nnd Tuesday mornlnff followlmr, eighty linitH alter; tlia was 100 not lonanaie. rjcitijr coveted wun nurnini; blocks, h(nii') time alter It as opened ainl tho con tents wero In a Kood fctat.) ot preservatl in, not i book or p.ipo-tuliitf destrojed. i am Hitlsilcd with sour sate: and lwvo nurchaued another, and can eheeriully recommend thtmlo anyoua ulshlui;lo teuoiu luuir vaiuao.e irom ucinffuesrroyca oy lire. Yotus truly, I. (i. 'liurn, TREMENDOUS TEST. Koastliif; Thirty llonslna licdof lied Hot Coa'.s. Covnlru, N. V , January c, 'SI. Morris .t Ireland. Hoaton.SIass. (lontleinen:-ou the night ot tho tiro In our II- laeo on the scth nit , I U A lu uso one of yo'ir No. b lies 1 am pleaded to lnluvm you, utter tho tlo )r eavo way u into ina cellar, into a neap 01 uurn lac coal, where It roasted for thirty hours, our clt liens and myself cave up Hie hope of anMlilnjr be. Ine saved In It. op iitlnr taken from the rtitnslwas liapT'lly dHaiipothted to II ml my cash, vouchers and olher iirlleitN if value terlictly proierNed. Uio comClnation wurki 'well now. 1 am satlitled your now and luipiovid work, ono of which, a No. a), I lave crd red ( r yournt'eut to-day, will allord absolute protection lu any tire. Truly Yours, E. S. Uaunes. STILL AHEAD- Kochtstcr, N. II., Dec. 10, '(0. Messrs. Moirls.t ltcUcd: Dear Slit: In tho dtas'rain tiro wnhh fork nlace In this tOHiiN'ov. an, tlio Mori Is ui.d Inl ind safe lu my hloio ns Huhjccied to a sevne tier, b'tnc thrown Into thu cellarnnd a huyo muss or di bus fi ll upon II, and It w -s In th i nilns homo two ilivs. 1 tako plcasuie la lr.forinlii!;ou that i.pun exc.iva. Hon It was oneiied without Imuhle arid thecout nts weiv r.iuiid to bo iiiiltijuit'd. I ehtertuly Iccuui mend mir nib sand fchuuld 1 want anolh.r 1 snould cj taiulj liuich.tno imo fiom juii. Yours traly, (I. V. Ho i:. STILL ANOTHER. Frotn tho Ureal Fil e In Troy, New Yurie. Troy, If. Y December II, 1S79. i; sirs. Morris & Iitlaml. Huston: Centh men: After wltneslne tho charred bnnki o itor tho sates opoaci', also one of my own uhlen iw itiiuiiu'r ri(iKu. winuii win uoi in ruu ii'.-at oi tho lire Into tho No 0 1 itely pari-lKsed ot ou,i hlih was In thu lire over tr riv-t teht hoars, and had to bu continually phijcd on durln; Monday tilght, as It wu'. uuiupieit'iy isui luui.ue.i wun uurnini; inusuns u'nl othi r Inlljinablo maloilal, on opcnlhgltln tho tutns Ti.o dav hlternonr. 1 was ile.ied to llnd tho contents, buuks, papers and rnoior wero nil pi e nencdlna remaikably good condlllon. MltlithU proof or the in o qualities of your salo wo have giv en jour agent an order Pr ouu No. ! saw. Youis respectfully, Davis k Co. THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUAUY. 1SS0. Mortis .t Ireland's Safui Again Tilumphant-Messrs. lllce, Kendall 4; (Jo's. Lrgj bate lieveals Its vaiuaiio cohtcnis intact, after bolng sub ject. d to luleu o boat for Ono Hundred and Thirty llourj, 1103ton, January 4, Uto. Messrs. Mori Ui Ireland. Uoston: dents: On tho nluht of December "s. last, thu building occupied lu put byusnt No. 11 Federal ireer, am wucn was unr biories nigh and about eon let t deep, caught Ihvi anil was deployed, Willi all Its contcLls. CmI)-isi1IiL' or a erv I.iii-h ma k i:r paper, took Undjrs' matcrlnU and o her murch m- uue, w lino ttver.u oim.r largo ouiiuings aajoinnig ours weie buriifd at tho same lime, the lljines weio exttngulihed the folluulnir (lav. but our Mock con tinued to burn for dais thciu.fkr. Alter a dtUy of ISO hours wo ero ablo to ino our bihi dug out from tuo 1 11I113 and opened, and v.rru Dleaed to tlnd all tho cu.iteuls well pesem."!. "Iln sate contained our most vulu iblH books, pape'K. indl.-les, etc., and iva i.u.v i.'iiDmu iiiaiiiiirja-iLTtiirni ivas lonect ill bmluironeol sour tnf.v. Nihich wu decided to iu after knowing tho wonilt ilul ucord if your bales In ino great iiosion nro oi T.z. i, c- regard tim prun e tion if lour tatu ks unst reninkauie. anil this lire Is a guiranty of lu s.euilly lu thoso v.liomay wish to piuihie. Youis Mi)' truly, 1!ijk, Kesdau. S Co. Also a Communica i:n from Es-Gover- nor F.:c3, llos-ton. Jannarv 2. MESSIHMOUHISlltEI,.NIl. (lenls: 1 luue iii.ulu eaieful onmlnillon rf tho coutuuts of tho bale pin chased it joubouiii jears slueuby tho hrm of luce, Kendall & Co , and which Mas biibicctlii thu test tl uterinum heal In thu great lire of last Sunday night. 1 rogard tho be curdy uf thu sit J under tho circumstances as most reniarK tow. r.ouu ot us contents neio utiruiii, nor Mere avvcf them so lniuro.lbv heat as m im materially damaged I hhoul i commit any securit ies lojo ir safi her.utt.'r with aildltltual cjinl denco, Willi gloat uapect, )oiuh verytiuly. Aie.auuer n, nice. THE LATEST YET. EUr THE 3AH3 HSU!.T, Messrs Morris ic Ireland, lioslou M.iss. : Tho bate I houcl.t or von I ist octuher wa In n two-story woodcu building, which buried Jan.5. Tho building tookllroin tho ulglit, and thubufi, building and Its coul ints, fell Into thu collar tipun u pllii of dry wood, making a hot nro which listed tor ten hours. Thu oiushiii uf ih.i sira wai im h.mI ml hot. It melted the Inndlo mid dial oiT th'i door. Thi contents eonsUled of wa'clios, Jewelry, bllur ware, liooki rs &f.., nil ol which 0.11110 out In goud condition, 1'npais lylugagaUst too Insldo of tin rate wcm not injured. Thobttu thows for It belt It Is, nn 1 1 teel well s Hlftlnil with n h it ir. hasdone, ple.vso write whit jo i c.i i allow for II WUUIllil UUiY UUC UULl UUUU, u, r . ii.ii-i.. CHAMPION RECORD in He GREAT BOSTON FIRE ill 1872. hro I'UrcHasiuat'liiowlH'ro. MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 StJDBURY ST. Boston Mass, fttll wiiPl f 0i ML iaJl l 'BLOOMSBy Hs STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOKMAL SCHOOL DISTltlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Itov. D. Tllisscnooii.nsat present constituted, oilers tho vtry beet facilities for Profctstonal and Classteni learning. r.ulldlngssnaclous. InMtlng and commodious : comnletel v heated bvctcani. well veniiintui. ihrhini he ,f u nn.1 Mrii.ia .. in, n i,n..r m,,,i .,.., spring water. ... , lAjcauon neaiiuiiii, nnit ensy or ncccss. Toacners cxtf ncneod, cmcienr, nnd allro to tUclr worlt. Discipline, llrm but kind, uniform and tlioroii'iu. H.xpetisep moderate. ltly cents n week deduction to all cxpoctljg to teach, students admitted at any time, ltoo ns reserved iilmn l esiren. ,uuu "lu,uu-u- J--,i courses of study prescribed by tho Stntt I I. Model School. II, Preparatory. III. Kbmciitnry. IV, Classical. Ailjunct Cottrsen : I. Academic. III. Coiir.ia in Mtnic. IV. Coilrje In Tho Klementary. PclontllleandClailrial Coursos nro I'llOPlN.ttiiWAt. nn.i m.innt lucuursooi ninny orescriocu oy ino Miuo IS II iu Stato renulrcsa higher order ot cltlzenhtn. gen and Catalog iiti.N. avii.i.ia.ii UI.Wlll.I,, Prrslilrut llonnl Sept. B.'iO.- t'A.Aa trj.t-u r.T..l r-!i; i-;. . . 'i l J THE CIHAT IS 1 TIt LING TON HO ? '.7 L sSTT.S'o ctlicr lino runsTlirco Thrnuali I'ns Fcngcr Trains Daily botv.-een Chicago, l'es Moines, Cuiincll 1J1 si C. Omaha, I Incoln. St. .lojoph, Atchison, Topeku nud Knntns City. Direct coiinectlnin for nil point 111 KmiMP, hclir.ik:i, Colorado, Wjomliig. Montana, Ne vada. New Mexico, Arizona, ldaho.Orccon nnd Caliroiiila. The !ihoitet, fpecdiet end Most Comforta ble It Mile vl.illmiiilln.i tn Foil Scoit, Detilson, LMIIas, lloiton, .MHiln, San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points In Tc.xni. Tlio uiio'iiinlpd Inducements offered by this I.lnu to Travelers nnd Tourist", nro in follows: Tho celebrated Pullman (pj-wheel) l'alaca Flopping Car, run only oil till? l ine. C, II. ft H. I'alaco Dr.iwliig-Uoom (Jars, with Ilorton's lteeliiilngl'halr.i. .N'u rvtru ihiirao for fonts In Iteclliilng llialij. Tho f.imoti (. It. A- y. IMhu'O Dining Cms. (lorgeoim Ptm king i.'nra tilteil i.-itli l.'leguht Ilbh-ll.ieked lhittan lie volvlny ( Inlis lor tho cxiiusivo tiro of tliot piiengers. t-toi I Tr.'.e!: nn.l Pupeihir llnulpmer.t. com bined with I heir 0 rent Through Cur Anan'.'O menr. makes thl, nbovo till other', tho fm nritu ltoute to tho South, t!outli-Weal, ui;d tho l.r West. Try It, and you will Hud Iraicllr.g n lUMiry id n ilHi imifort. 'ihrenli -llckels ii tlds Cclibrnted I.lnn fur si'le t.t nil n!i;cc3 In tho United Statea and Canada. All Information nhnut l.'ates of Turn, Sleep I'lir Ctr Au'oiinnodnlio:;3, Tlmo Tables, lie., .-lll ! I'hcerliilly given by appl)lng to J. Q. A. KUAN, (lrn'1 Esjicrn Agent, IOJ V.i-hhii:ton ft.. 1. rton, Mars, mid ill" Urn uhr.iy, No..- Viirk. JAMHS 1!. VfOOli. (im. l'.isa. Agl., Clile.";,.. T. J. POTl'KU, (Jen. Mitr.agcr, ( hleago. March is, -so, 40t will etSBsaflB9 IDA inocourso or Nimi y nrescriucii oy tho stato n llbe.-Al, and tho S Jlcntlllc nn.l Class cal courres aro not Inferior to thorn of our best Colleges. Thu Stato renulrcsa higher order ot citizen Hp. Tlii tlmci deiiandlt. It is ominf tnn nriinn r,M,mu nt n.u i i,. nt;;,7. .. i i.i-i.n. their taeffiuSK'1 UCaddressthoPrlnclnal. ' , ""v" ,ll"ul ""rieuuiigoeuou. in, i J. WALL23R, 3x., Ph. D., of Trii!.tees. ORT Gi WINE Used la tlio principal Chtirclio3 fcr CoiemuDlon uurroscs. ES:3LLE1'T FOR LACIKS AND WSAKLV P2P.301IS AND T.'IEAOED. Spoor'c Pert Grape Wiue FOUR YEARS OLD. rnhH Cilebratcd Natu lne Is made from the X Jalcocf tho Opoiiotlrapj raised In thlsCounliy lis invaluable Tonio aiid Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed bv any other Native Wine. Iicl -c tio puro Julcoof thotirape. produced under Mr Kpeer's own personal suiprriidon. Its binlly nhii genuintmsi nro gurauteed. Tha youtigesi child tiny parrnko ot Its generous ipialitles.iiml tho weak est Invalid uo It to nclvimtago It Is partlcularli benlllel u to the aged and tletlllt.ited, and nuted to the various ailments that nlfect tl.o weaker rex. It Is In every respect WINK TO UK ItULlHl) ON. SPEER'S Tho 1'. ,1. SllilltliY Is a Wlno of supvlor rharactci nnd partakes or the golden inialiltisof tho grape, from which It Is nude. Tor Purity. lt!ehnct,3,f'Jnoi and Properties, It will bo found une.icelled. SPEER'S iPo BfoIta&Easrjy. This lirtANDY stand? unrivaled In this Country, being far K'ipcilor for medical purposes. IT IS A I'UltC dlst illation f era tho crare atd con tains valuable medical propel ties. It has a delicate llivor, fdmllar to that cf Hp grapes trom which Itls dlslllh'd.uud lsln great taoi unung first einsj famines. Seo that tho tlgoaturo of AM'llCn si-EKit.passale N J , Is over thu coiv. of each bottle. SOLD 13YO.A.KLEIM. dec it 'so t- AND Paper Hang-iiig. VM. 130DINE, IP.ON ST., 11C1.0W SECOND, lll.OOUSULT.O, P.i is prepared to do all kinds of I20U33 2AIX"'I'Z7G Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, liOTH DEC0HATIVI3 AND PLAIN. All Uinrts orrtirulttii c licpalt cil. and made at good uh ttotr. NONi: HUT WKST-CI.ASS WOllKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates IVTado on all vVorlt, W.M. F. BOIJINB. Oct, 1,1679. Enttlo Crook. Mlchlrrnn. MAjiLTAeronr-as av -fun oslv ocsuinc THRESHERS. Traction anil Plain Englnos and Horso-Powors. Moat ComplrtoThrcaticr factory 1 Eotnbllshecl In lliu Wurld. 5 nun 32 V C A D Q of continuous ami tucctsifut lutU , inaiuwuietlt, or location, la "luck up" 0,) ...... v., Ui. VH.JIWUI, 1VHII HHPAlt.TOItS and Cnliilili-lii Men til (IiiIIIInij iuilrAl.(,ualll(. lu'.iTriiriloii ihiKliienand Plain 1'unlnes eiorawn In tho .Vuieniun uiarkit. A .S.r'.""''',"' 'rf'ul ftaturtt and tmnrovrmtntl for 1S)I. trvelher ulth tuptrlor qiuilaU. U contlruc. tion ana vuitrrtali not dreamed of bv other tnakii-ti. lour ulroa of Hcparutsw, from (I to IS horae 'i'v.o bt lia of Mounted'' Horfc-Powi ' lOf. flflf. v?r "r Heleclcd l.iiiiilirr 4 UUU,UUU (niHlArM(attsfirfair-,fr(ti) ranrtantw en Iran,!, ftom v.hiih In built tho lu. couiparabki Mooibviork ol our mui-huivry. TRACTION ENGINES w "w'm i IU, iu Homo l'owtr. i.iri"1?'?, P"'1 i 'irralif rnii'u aro nvltal to Juiitljfuto lU KuieAI... 'ihreahiuif MacUuirV. Circulars Bent I no. Addrau "iuurjr. NICHOLS, &MEPARD & CO. Outtlo Crook, Miohlunn. J in 7, is PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLfc Prmteil at this Olllco ON StlOUTFaST NOTICE 4ND AT IUB MOST BBASOSABLB, i'HHVf Principal. , ...... j . ,..k,o.. Arl. V. Cottrso In 1'iiyslcal Ciillnrn. n,nin o.... ,..,. ..... ...... P. 1'. DIU,MYlin, Sccictary. THE DAVIS. JzfKTm OXK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLAIJS I'llE.MIU.M tllWtd to ANV I'KItSON that will i'o ni Ul'.UAT A UwVUK OF WOltlv on ANY OT1IK11 MACIUNK. AVJIATTIli: SEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do wilhoul lutsling. It will mako wide hem on sheets &C., hem nil mmnerof b'n.s woolen gools, ns holt tuei Inn, crape, or goods difficult to hem on olher machb'es. It mikes a more elastic Mitch, than nny other machine. It will turn a hem nnd put In piping at tamo tlmo. ..lf,V.l,,t"rn.n.l'enV scw L'rala r" "i!1"- '!'o and btltch on ti miming at oi.o opernt on. It will do f lllnglhisor straight, dlhir on colton or woolen goods. It will fill ncrots teams on any gooJ3. I v III bind n Urcss cr Skirt nrd tew on facing, el'hi i-with or without mowing Hitches; bind Kress (looi.s .Ph Ihenineinau-rlal.ellheri-eallops.polnLs. viuaresor htinlglp. 'ii,u oidv mathli.e that III bind I ills, Cloal,s, cr other nitldes v.lin bias, i-alln or silk, from , to 3 luchtsln wt .ih, without basting. It will gather with or n 1th mt sewing on. It win gather between two r It ci b and ccw on at the same time. M,!"nllJ'?,nrunlonRl1 sttUU u pillow slip cn to the facing r.t tho lamo time. It will bhlir any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming cither with cr with out 6e".TlIio'lt03. It will mko plaited ttlmmlng cltlici se.Mlaped or straight uiidbow apipirgonnt thosamo time, it will make kulf o pimung. J. S.VLTZEU. Gen'l Ai-eut. . . ttloomsbiirL', Pa, cot. 1, '80-tf CANCERS CURED At Crans's Caar Icfiraary, Addi:cn. II. Y. lirNDKLIU il' PEIt'ONH tromnll parts cf tho worldhavrtbcen cured of this much dreaded dls paso nnd are now llMug wltnebsis thnttho have r'inS5reEC,yd.'.rom !U.p"lbo lad untimely ihn'li. Iloctois. Mlnlsteia nnd tho Poor trcalidfiie. Wilio .?r' li"i?V vf. f"1?," C.",1 !''" 1 teiil.ii s. Ailddms Drs. n 1 lil;u -s'. Addison, N. Y. Weaver Si Oo'a Ada S flOfl A YEAH finvl!.1. " I -0ii. You iVili not osouiigfii to leave youroMi town, or be nwav fiom neM IT VeauirTs no ca a. '. ' ' ""licl u' bus1''Ai:r vol WITH AV I'TTIT WOlsTIl inVi.; ; I, ":m'v" o inng m diy ou can .,T ; ... . ' ult"ieg. m 1 1 1 1 1 utir agents , .i nun, ui ts) in u ungio ani . i ii.i nt . ir, v' v"'" to 1.. tl. itlDMM ,-. .(, pnielny " " "tuo nur ,i i, oi-uiu SlJI'BRIOll TO all" ()f II -IKS HUhest (Oi -li n,i Piles Awaided. .IIIIVUR it SON, T2S rch!.tuitPhl!aneJrh!a. Highest Awards fir the lot .' London Paris, Cdute.-itdal and rcnu'a s.tate I'alra. taaioli 11, 'al-Cai w.ien LATEST STYL33S OP CALLING OAZRJDS At tho '00LUMBIAN OFFICE.' Outfit, fron Intlin.n ui.n i. tho most Ple.i-aiit and pioillablv l)',i.ii,e.-, IWaV from nnnin over t.t .lit v .,.i. Many new waiters uiuie J at once. Mans nufc lii,r fortunes t.t the l idle u.ku as ,uvb ns meu, imdg.iis muke treat pav nooeo vihoiswlim,.; tc work ! Us to in ike iiiiu'e money cveiy day tn.ui can tie evade in nweek tit am or.':,".'.ar.v "'l'loycu.t. rU"e who eogugo at onet wW tlnd a 8! ?rt roadfj tcrtati, alvii in. lixC wrrauo.. Porllund, Mrdno. uot. THE WHITE SEfflBB MACHINE, k';.':-fV . nnt Wicreas, tuo world renowned reputation of the White kowhitf Machine '.m1!,1?.0? m?n)r 1 nNf fMpulo'M compel itors to resort to White Machine -xeent frnm lt mrrtit. n. .ii.n-. ..j r,i. u,!tr.,in.., i,,, .i , . u "u"'eu ueiuers, w to will '0 aiibtalneii by tho following warranty. iKiiaiiiuwriiB WATUllAIiYVIUItAMDTEAIt WlltB SIiiilllo Mm Machine, I.ITR Kt'MlllMI ..,, uni, ., '.'i'i s 'i. riiiji or I'lvl! l:ilt HO .1 T1IIS I) I'l'E, r ItEC OP CIUIKjK. vibblcsand UmVu l"u uri"Knff0 " nKalu Thin w .frnnlif t-tii r.t- v a . . ) attj irawiMT ftboo sion correstondd with the WIJITE K2WINO MACHINE CO, the "WHITE" Shuttle Scwin.? Machine 2ailflV.WK0fr4CITT tliaawiy other family Bowloc " v ivv v nu&i 1, tULTZIUl, fleneral Agt&t, liicocmbuj'i, f. sSmi, Mb i 11 s RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES JOKTHKHN 'VINTKU TLMI'J TAULU. On and after fuodiv. Nor. 7, tn, thn tta'n on tho Phi ndolphln Kiln lt.i IroadWwslohMlli mn nsfoIloTsi WUSTWAM). Erie Mall leaver Phllndclphla II ti n tn " " llnrrlihurg 4saaii " " Mllllnm i.rt s u a " " .lersey Mioru u id a h " " 1.WK Kavm o in a m " " Henovo 11 ci n tn " firrlvo at Krin 7 n p m Niagara ILrprcsslciiveriPhllnilclplila neon m ' " llnrtUburg lair, pm " arr. at Mlll.nnport li l.l p m " Lock llrmti Jtiipm " " Kenovn r.-iapm l'iut I.lno leaves Phtladdphl.i vu p m " " llnnlfburir 4 Plpm " ntilvo at Wllllnmspcrt 7 o.i p m " " Lock Haven 9 10pm KASI'WAIIU. Pacific Exprcta lca es Lock Haven 7 1 . a m " " Jersey shoro 7. 7 a in " " WllllaMMoit RHOiun " nirHo at Itattlsbtng tits pin " " Philadelphia -is pm Day Express leaves Henovo lun.nm " " Lock Haven il v.iu m " " Viiihimsiort Usnpm " arrive at Jloirlbcrtr 3-iupm ' " rhlladclphU fiS.'ipm Erie .Mali leaves l.enovo oo p m ' " Lock Haven loioiim " " IIIla'iiHDort II 3i p nt " arrives at IMnlbburg mount " " Phlladelplni 7(Wiila Past I.lno leaves Wllllamsport lmtiaiu " nnlvcsat Hnrrlsburif aiiam " " 1 hlladelphl.t 7 03 a tu Eilo Mail west and Day Exprci-s i:nnf miko c'cio connecllcuis nlXorthumberlulid ,llli, It trains fur Wtlkcsbai i o and ticranten, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West and I'tn I.lno West mako close ior,iiecllon at Wllllomfpor with N. C. It. W. trains nei th. 'lagnra Express West nnd Day Exprcrs Ens mokccloMiconniclluU ut Lock Ilnicn with 11. E. v, it. It. trains. Erlo .Mali east and West connect at FrH with trains on L. K. tc .M. y. It. it. nt (Jorry with O. t'. & .. V. It. it. j nt Emporium with 11, N. V. p. It. 1! mid at Drirtwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cats will run between PhUa'iclphla nnd V!llatnpoi't on Nlagaia Expnrs west, and Ua Ex prcis jrast. Bleeping cars on nil night traln- W.M. A. llALDWlN, Uencral supt. Noimi i:iiN centh a l ii aTiavay COMPANY. tm nnd am r January nib, 1581, trains will Icavo Sunbury ns loltow3 : NOIlTilWAItl). Korthcrn Express c no a. in., nirlvo Elmlra ls.30 pm Arrive nt ( UIjua s.'.'i p. hi " Eochcster 1 40 " " - Magarj. s 4S ' Niagara Express 1.05 p. ni. arrive E'mlr.i a 03 p m nrtlvo C'anandalgitis.Dl " -," P.ochcster u 45 " " Niagara luonm 1'ast lino CIO p m arrive Elmlra ll.o.t p m Watklos I1.53 pm SOCTJlWAltB. i-culiiern Expreci a. m. nrrlvo Ilavrbb'g .1 13n m nrrlvu PhradolphU 7.33 " " Now Yoik 1C.S3 " " Ealtlmoro 7.4a " Washington o.oil a tit Poo'llo ENprcbS lO.oo n m nnlve Ilarrlbb'g p m M tlvo Phl'ndciphla 3.45 p m " New York " " Ealtlmoro f.,21 Washington 7,w Day Express 1 nip m ai live llnnlsburg .'.lopm " Phlla Ir-lphl i 0 4.1 " NcwYoik 1)30 " " Ealtlmoro C.S5 " Washington 7.5i Eric Mali 1.03 a. m. arrive Iltirrlsburg 3.ssn. mj ' Piillid.lphla 7.S3 " " New York 0.31 " " llaltlmoro 7.10 " Washington 9.03 I.. P. F.utMEIt, asneral lu-sjonger .;ot.t. l'lt.VNIC TH iMSo:i, Opn?ral Mnnagtr. piIlliADELPIIA AND KKAIJJNa KOAD AUKANOKMENT OK PASSENGER TUAINS. ' May il, 1S19. TUAIKS LBAVK HCPEI.T AS I'OI.l.OWFlsfKDAV KXCEl'TID Vor New York, Philadelphia, ltcadlng, pnttsslllo Tnmaqua, &o 11,43 a. ni Tor Calawlasa, 11,45 u. in. 7,51 and 7,55 p. m. For WUllamsport, f,,is 0,05 a. m. and 4,ua p. in. TiiAijisroit nc.'snr have as ioilov.v, (stNiiATEi CkCTEP.) Leavo New Y'ork, s,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,4.1 a. m. Leave Heading, r.,Mn. in., rottsvllle, t,;o p. m andTamaqua, 1,55 p. m. Leave Cat..wlEsa, c.'jo s,ca a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leao Wllllainsport.',2,lr.p.ra. and4,to p. m Passengers to ar.d from New York and Philadel phia j;o throug.i Mllhoutchargo of cam. J. E. WOOTTKN, tt O, HANCOCK, OencralManuger ( Tliket AgCLt. Jan. Il, WO tf. i " hLA VA HE, IiACIiA VA NN A ANB J WEsTEUN liAlLUOAU. BLOOMSUU1U1 DIVlrJION. 'ruae-'I'ablo No. sn, Takes elect at 4:!0 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10. 15:3. NOlfl'II, tsTATIUhtf. I POUTII. P.IW. p.UJ. ll.U.I a.m. t m. in 3J 4 If -J 4: Ki'rnnton Uelievu" !' .',7: 'fttjlonlile.. . :i"I...Lae'r-nwiiuna..... 9 3ll PlltMOll 9 ZS 2 111 2 10 2 22 2 ro J 33 2 44 2 49 11 51 57 3 15 3 15 3 IU 3 15 3 U It 20 il 33 411 IS till 53 59 10 IS IS 25 E3 42 (1 25 4.1 65 03 15 2J 30 41 a &!l 21 51 9 SJ '' 17 9 ns S 6S S 51 li 40 9 45 3 ;i 40 .1 4, 12 41 12 ill 3 30 S ll) li 19:.. Web' 1'lllslOL... ...W yoming to 07 .M.iiiiy !: m.itt .... Kingston tilliebfllU .IMvri.tii.tli ,l'.ir.c. S 5S S 13 9 Ci 8 44 , 10 13 10 33 10 i'9 10 ill 10 42 S 23 3 SO S 53 ....PP. mouth .. .Avondalo ... Nanttroke S 1! 8 at 7 r,i 7 S3 7 yi 7 VI 7 U 7 14 7 10 7 02 C Ml 0 to e 43 C 27 a is e on 3 12 3 04 2 6t V "5 2 at 2 '.3 D 4 8 S's 8 VS i.Himlock'H i reek, 'lu 4i 3 !.i ...blilCLRIllbny '10 r,s 3 to ...llkk'i, l'eiiy....lll 07 -1 03 S 1 S 1 ....Heath Haven.. .U 13 4 le 8 S 00, PorwIU: 11 21 4 13 4 L5 ..Hilar i.'icik Willow (IIOIO.... ..Lliun Eldge Epy .Uloonibburir I 29 4 33 4 42 4 49 4 tio O 00 & 13 9 19 I, 30 b 43 2 1 r.7 1 tl 1 40 1 27 7 4) 11 S3 11 45 11 51 11 57 7 331 7 23 P.upcit 7 29 lirldgo. 7 111 DanMUo Chulasky. t'ui.eron 6 4i .Nortaumboilani. 12 13 1 w l: 45 p.m. r.m. a m. p.m. p.ri!. n.m 7. F. riALS'l'SAD, feupt. Sip3rtnt;nd?nl's ooifM, tir.r.iuton, Juso io.iiU YTAlKWiaOHT&CO., ' wii'-iusaij: oitocEiis, PiiihAniLvnn, Duiiicrs In TEAM, SYltUI H, COi'PEi:, SUtlAH, MOiAMJIM. lit. K, SrtCKJ, SlfliBB SODA, 10., 40. E. Ocrtof .Veond and Arch etreets, tyordt re will rc-etvo nompl attention. nml boated CSH, into KLVS OIlIjAM BAI.M lillln, crrtlro.t j ,.i . V .,1, . m hi uu, iieai lepmitltou, 11 rpm iil.Vw..,, r',1". I'-iaiiuiis in inovicihiiyot ills iwuiVi V,?A ' n. ts 'done, iccoguled as a. ... ii : . ".. "ieiuei iviiimvii, a lairiiuu "'J1; I'onMr.ce i tl.o moM fkept'tnl of Its enrallvu ...,. I inn iinsiu pawilgCU VfiViVn ciiuslntr healthy becrilkns.ul IV, i n! i ",lti." "ni1 Irrlliilluu. i loieclsilu) nn m ... ,,,i; . I f "'"u l,u'" auoiuoiinicoius, vw phtelj heals .tho f oris, and it much lliu Kiibi of tukUi und hinell, Eeneilchil results nio lealUeil ..'.yn,.!i':v.!ll'1)llca.,.,0LS- llioionglt tieatment us ill- f iii 1 1.,', 1 "'""ii- as a noubinoid tcmiiiy .r5..??J,ll."lluuJ'CIlU hhcrpiuicd. 'iho balm la !.nat0 i'.51' "ml. "kTeeablo. hold by di iiggtttH at tu cents on receipt of so cents will mall iipnckugo Seud for circular, with full informatlcn. 1 !. uiiea.'.i UAI..M CO., Owtgo, N. Y. salo In lllpnmsbureby Mnur Pros , o. A. Klclm, ai . i,;;,,. " ii. iiinpuiia una uy uoic- salo Urugglits generally. ocr, ii, vo-iy ii TT T7 1 TT Yourselves by makng money M H,l , -',wlleo a (folden cbaiico Is of. J. I IU JLi J '-"''l.lhtrtby always hi eplng iibnTiw-,. .w i iimfim weallhy. wnllo thofco who do not Improvo men fi'f Smi1 i.V,'.','in. "! ,01 We wn"t many woinfii, bo)B and girls to wo k tor us right In ihelrownlr cafl Its. 'Jho busings will nav ii.oiiVtli, in i, , ii n?ry.) f?iu,u ''JlinMtenHhu outfit anil all that jou need, tur. m, 0nn who minges lolls to mako money very rapidly. You ian devote jour OENTUAL 1U1MVAY &fCnArYiBftfnij- l'or aunrrli JpA?SKKlv5J?iiii4t!l,n' l'ever, Cold In the SMtfAKftll.COLD! ih-A ra'io .il, 4c "lnseit with Sjn JTtteMuCfiri'iUtlllth' linger, n pirtlrlo '0Kn)?S"Wnostrlls i draw htrong Vtrf'' i?il,realhs' thiough tho t'MCALWf.-f;- ."itta Via nose. It will Lu i.b. WO-1 rviwVjyr, t.V,Cj,T-Jrtsoibed. cleanslntr. fefiVf-f.'lienllng tho ill h0 ear, . ."",. uuiiiui unit, is uei'ticu bent lieu Vddtcwi bTtNbON & Co., I'cttiand, Malue. oct.U'w'.ljr JOB 1'IUNTIJNQ ' Ntatly and chetpljr executed thu OotoirtfAlt fVjSsb,