The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 15, 1881, Image 2
TEE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. hi itiMitttt. 0. E. ELWELI,. pji.. J. K. BtTTENBEHDEB, E4U0' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday.Aprll ir. 1881. TDK NDIU1IS I'AY 1111,1). Tho bill of Senator Norris to rctfit Into tlio jmy of niemherfl of tho Tioy islaturo, ims pnHsed tlio Sunnto nnd hcon sent to tho Housoof l'vprcscnln lives. In its original form it fixed tlio n:ilary of each member, at a regular hcs nion of not exceeding ono hundred days, at 31,000; for a regular session exceed ing ono hundred days, $l,r00j nud for an extra session, 1,000. Upon second reading, tho bill was amended so ns to provide a salary of 1,000 for regular sessions, (without regard to their length) and of $1,000 for extra sessions, except extra sessions convened to elect a Uni ted States Senator, when tho amount was to bo 8200. On ita final passago in the Senate, tho bill was again nmended by striking out all that part which related to pay at regular sessions. As sent to tho House, therefore, it simply fixes sal nrics at extra sessions at $1,000, with nn exception of special Senatorial-election sessions. No rcasonablo eonjccttiro can bo formed as to tho action of the IIouso of Koprcsentativcs upon this bill, for that IIouso is not in a condition or temper to consider tho subject of sala ries dispassionately or discreetly. But an opinion can bo formed nnd expressed by any disinterested observer, upon the merits of tho bill, nnd regarding tho form which it should bomado to assume. As a ncrmanent and uniform regulation for extra or called sessions, an allowance to members of 1,000 is extravagant and profligate. Tho exception made in tlm hill, ofextra sessions called by the Governor to elect a U. S. Senator, il lustrates tho unreasonable and objection ablo character of tho general provision to which it is an execution. Such sessions may last but two or three days, nnd only in vm-v ram and exeeiitional cases could they extend beyond a singlo week; but most of other extra sessions musi, nue- wiso. hn of brief duration, binco tl ihoo snvoral extra sessions hav hcmi called bv tho Governor, not ono of wliinh lias lasted SO davs.and their aver- nrrn flm-iitinn has been about 17. The war sessions specially called by Govern nr Cnriin in 18G1 and 18G-1. had each s Hnrntinn nf se.venteen davs: tho relief Reunion ot 1857 lasted but the loan session of 1829 which was tho longest of all, but twenty-eight days. Upon our practical experience, or. exir sessions, it is therefore quite plain, tlui a uniform rate of salary for extra ses fip.rl ntSSOO dollars with inilcn"c. would be a most liberal one, and should satisfy any reasonable expectation mnmnnrs. It is trud that under the now Constitu tion, an exceptional case will ariso every tnnfii vnnr. immi'dintol v followinir a de cennial census of tho United StateH, for which perhaps special provision should bo made. Following each census, no less than three important and difficult apportionment bills are to bo passed, tho rniiaiilnrntion of which will consume much more timo than ordinary bills. congressional, a judicial and a legisla tivo aiiDortionment of tho State, involv ing many political, local and individual interests, will clearly distinguish any ses sion in which tlicy arc to Do nctoti upon from all ordinary sessions. It would not therefore, bo unreasonable to provido in n pay bill, that in a year following any decennial census, tho salary ot members at a regular session, when such bills shall bo passed, shall be 500 above the usual rate. For tho present year this cannot bo done, as tho members cannot increase their salaries, but temporary provision mieht bo raado for fcoOO to members at the first czta session con veneel bu the Governor, in other words for tho unavoidable, or at least certain session to bo convened next win ter. As matters now stand, this would not be objected to if tho arrangement of salaries lor the luttire tno permanent sys tem of nav were nut aud left in proper nnd reliable form. That form would bo 81,000 for rccular sessions with ail m creased sum in decennial apportionment yearsjand for extra or called sessions, jUU for the first and S300 for all others ex cept those to chooso a Senator when 100 should bo allowed. Under theso rates an ordinary, regular session, including t ns : jmy oi uuicure .inn uuiiiiiivuuico, nwui cost the State 300,000, and an ordina ry extra session 100,000. Tho Secretary of tho Treasury.on Tuos day, issued a "call" for about two hun dred millions of six per cent, bonds. which become duo July 1st. IIo will jaythein if tho holders demaud payment or will allow them to run on if tho hold era will accept Sit per cent, interest, in Htead of what tho law gives thotn. This is n transaction, thu like of which was probably nover known. Tho fact that nearly all the bond owners will accept tho lesser rate of interest is clear proof ol tho wonderful growth ot government credit, and cratnyin; to everybody. But tho act of tho Secretary is inde fensible for several reasons. Both Houses of Congress, at tho last session, voted by largo majorities that tho government should nay no more than .'1 per cent, in terest on tho bonds to be issued for tho redemption of thu sixes. Tho Secretary promise three and a half. IIo has no right to vary tho contract, any way. It is no nioro ono of his powers to reduce government interest by agreement with government creditors than to increano it with like consent. Ho may trade as much as ho will in this matter, but thu boud holder will get his six per cent, in tlio end. Tho Houso at Hniiisburg refused, on Mmdav, a second readiugto tho icsolu tion offered by Mr. Morrison, of Law rence, endorsing thu administration of President Garfield and icquesting tho nenatoi-8 from Pennsylvania to do all in their power to have tho I'rosinlents up iioiiituieuts confirmed without iiiiihtih Hurydclay. Some of the members did fllls not like the first part ot tho resolution, and others objected to tlio second pint. Thu extra-stalwarts probably wide witli Oameron,Conkliiig & G'o.,in their amnion of Judgo Robertson's iiomiiiatlou,tiumgli they would doubtless bo willing to en dorse JInhono. Tho legislature's refusal to endorse the President will not cause wry great amount of grief to Cameron, nnd Garfield will not deem it worthy of much notice. Tho Hninsburg J'atrlot wishc (ho legislature to impeach the Stato Treiisu l or for refusing to pay members tho ex tra salary that tlio Attorney-General nav is unlawful. The members are pi ci ty mud, it is tine, but they have not yet u'Ulued isuoh n degree of wroth as to make this attempt. Their constitu ents might have on earnest word or two to say under such drcuinsUncoa. , LKfllShATIVK PAY. Wo propose to give our readers a re- sumo ot tlio principal particulars in tho legislative pay question controversy, which has nrisen at Hnrrisburg during tho last month, nnd which has been heretofore refened to in our columns. Near tho cud of March, tho caso stood m follows: Tho Legislature had been in session nearly threo months, had sat only about half of tho time, and had passed only threo bills. It was evi dently tho intention to spin ,out tlio ses sion beyond a hundred days, for which a salary of ono thousand dollars was pro vided by tho Act of 1871, and to get upder tho ten dollar per day pay provision for members, provided by tlio same Act, for fifty additional days. Under theso cir cumstances, tlio Attorney-General, who had been a member of "tho Constitu tional Convention of 1873, who is Mvorn to "support, obey nnd defend tlio Con stitution," nud who is mado by law, tho legal adviser of tho several heads of ex ecutive departments, turned his attention to tho question of constitutionality in tho Act of 1874, under which tlio auuso of an extended and cxpensivo session was about to tako place, as it had taken placo at tho sessions of 1878 and 1879, nnd coming to a clear conclusion, (in conformity with tho opinion of Mr. Lear, his predecessor in tho Attorney General's ollice), that tho daily-pay pro visions in tlio Act of 18" i were uncon stitutional and void, ho very properly conceived it to bo his duty to interposo his opinion in defenso of tlio funda mental law of tho State, by expressing that opinion in legal form to tho Stato Treasurer and Auditor Gencral,tho finan cial olllcers of tho Commonwealth. It was an unpleasant and responsible, but clear duty under his oath of office, and ho met and discharged it with faithfulness nnd courage. At his instance, Mr. Latouche, a Bepresentativo from Lackawanna conn ty, addressed a letter of inquiry to tho State Treasurer and Auditor-General upon the pay question, which being re ferred by those officers to him, ho replied in an opinion which has been published, and which has received tho general as sent of tho legal profession, as a correct and satistactory exposition ot tlio inw It held that tho provision of the 8th sec tion of tlio legislative article of tho Con stitution, which provides "that the Mem tiers ot tho (icueral Assembly shall re ceive such salaru and mileage for regu lar and special sessions as shall bo fixed by law, aud no other compensation what ever, whether for service upon commit tec or otherwise," excluded all compen salion in tho form of daily pay or wages, by the inherent and necessary force of the terms used; and the most conclusive proof was produced from tho pnntod du bates ot the Constitutional Convention that such was tho deliberate intent and purpose with which the new Constitu tion was made. This opinion, which lias not been seriously questioned by nny re spcctablo and disinterested authority. produced however, (as was to havo been expected), some excitement in tho two Houses, lollowed by denunciation ot the Attorney-General. A resolution was forthwith introduced into tlio House, by Mi: Jtuddiman, ot I'lnladelpliia, to up point a committee, to investigate tho motives of the Attorney-General in giv ing the opinion; winch resolution was adopted forthwith aud a committee appointed. It was a very extraordinary resolution inasmuch as it proposed to investigate of ficial motives which can only bo guessed at or conjectured, instead ot oflicial con duct, which may be examined and upon duo proof made known; and tho pro eecdings of the committee have shown tho futility of the investigation as well as uiu nmmus wuu wnicu u was under taken. Doubtless, tho committee will make a rcpoit upon propriety, and en deavor to draw off attention from the only point of inquiry in which the pub- ho is interested, to wit: the correctness of the opinion pronounced by the law of ficer of the government. But the com mittee havo deprived any report which thev may make, ot all moral torco or claim to public respect, by a Hat refusal to hear testimony in explanation or dcienso ot tho party assailed. Although appointed to investigate tho Attorney General's motives, tlioy appear extrome- ly anxious to avoid all testimony whioh shall discloso them, b or, upoii a com munication addressed to them by the At- torney-iieneral, waiving all objection to their authority to examine his motives, in tho manner proposed, aud tendering himself as a witness for full examination by them, tho committee flatly refused to can mm. At this exact point, all iulicious and reflecting persons dismissed tho commit tee and their proceedings from further attention. Outside ot that committee, nobody will be disturbed by tho question of propriety whioh may bo presented by them in a report. Barely it was not wroiignu or reprehensible lor the law of ficer of tlio government to invito a letter from a member of tho legislaturo which would give occasion for a formal expres sion of Iik opinion upon this interesting and important question of constitutional law. The time invited, and duty demand ed the opinion. It was givuj) neither ton early nor too late. If it had been deferred until tho end' of uprolongcd ses sion, just complaint could havo been made by members that they bad not ro eivcdtimely notice that their servicoaf- ter a hundred days would not entitlo them to per (item pay. And such an opinion at the commencement of tho session w . -. . .. would havo been considered obtrusive, as it could not then be known that time would bo frittered away and the session would extend beyond tho hundred days r..-..l ... 1. i , i mi which iuwiiii guiury is provided. In 187.1 tho Legislature adioiirncd -March IBM, aud in 1877, March 23rd J lie latent mischief contained in tho daily-pay provisions of thu Act of 187-1, did not fully develop itself for fjeyerai 'ears, lint, m 1H7H and in 1 97!) it mini fested itself in greatly prolonged ses sions and enormous expense. In 1878, tlie Legislaturo sat until tho 21th day of May, nud tho appropriation for legis lative expenses was .ri40,000. In 1870, it sut until tho sixth day of June, and tho appropriation for legislative expen ses was 530,000. Tliono twp .session, therefore, involved appropriations ex feeding one million of dollars, to pro. dueu two small pamphlet volumes of laws, thu size and character of which furnish i!onuisjvo proof of the operation of largo per dlcin pay jn extending sessions and ucreasing tno expense. i;onira.n these norinoiis appropriations (or egU)idivo xpeuses wan iiiqso mafo in iquner years, jor example, !jaw,uuu in 1S7U, 1.10,000 in 1800, and 125,000 under Mr. Buckiiou''g Compensation Act in 1855. It was high tujn to call a halt; to return to and apply the iiroviigloud of tho Constitution to this subject nf leg islativo pay provisions which had been depai ted from by the Act of 1871, and I lie restoration ot which, in their intrg- jity, wis tho true nnd only remedy for extravagance uiu) abuse. I'ixcd salaries is thudoutrino and intention of the Con. ptitutiuu, and they hold out no went tor long sessions aim neuyy ex pense. Burglnm nbound In C'nriiorMaV, THE CIRCUS AND CUbTUIir, A generation ago tlio circus was but nn insignificant affair compared witli its modern prototype. There was a tent of medium si.e, n small number of horses, nootiplo of liders, molo nnd female, a clown and ringmaster and there nn end. For many years theso formed sufficient attractions for tho public nnd circus men made monny. Competition, however, soon compelled tlio proprietors of travel ing shows to add other features, nnd tho circus proper, or rather the old timo show, was lost forever. Now the visitor finds enormous tents, under which nru exhibited wild bensts, n museum of curi osities, strnngo people gathered from tho four quarters of the globe, gymnasts, tumblers, clowns elaborate of speech and given to dreary vocalization tlio whole constituting bucIi nn aggregation us would completely bewilder tho circus seekers of old. A modern innovation is the uso of two or three or even four rings, in which different exhibitions nro given at tho samo time. The spirit of rivnlry that compels tho increase in num ber and variety of the attractions of the modern circus, renders it necessary to advertiso the same in tlio most thorough manner. As a result, tho posters nnd bills hayo improved in si.e and quality until in tills year of grace they havo reached something like artistic merit. Tho largo display of posters of tho more prominent shows aro noticeablo alike for excellence of design nnd execution. As specimens of skill in printing, and in fertility of delincativo resource, theso cir cus bills have to a certain extent, educat ed tlio popular taste for pictures. No cheap, ill devised bills, such as covered tho boards a quarter of a century ago, would bo tolerated in tho present gener ation, nnd nny caterer to ainuseiiient-lov era would speedily bo rewarded by empty benches should ho endeavor to economize in this maimer. It may strik tho ordinary reader as bordering on the absurd, to claim lor circus posters th powers of lusthetio teachers and yet there is truth in the claim. Jtcnlly there is more merit m the design and huish of tho better class of these pictorial ad vertiscment.o, than in many of tho chro mos in gilded 1 r.nnes that meet tho cy at every turn Tho skill of tho wood engraver and the printer may yet put stop to thu sale of tho wretched daubs that masquerade under the name of works of art. In this view of the case tho circus is doing its part in the cduci tion as well as the amusement of the people. It is impossible to say what de grcoot cxcellcnco may bu attained posters; but it is certain that circtn men will never hesitato at any expense to se cure thu most attractive work. Tho pa per posted this season far excels that of any previous year. ooi. 'i nomas A. bcott lias resignn tho Presidency of the Texas Pacific li 11. and Jay Gould was elected in his stead. State Items. Other statesmen investigate tho con- duct of public olhcersj I(uddiinau inves tigates their motives, llu cares noi what they do, but interests himself deep ly in what they intend. Like a lirofouiK philosopher, ho goes to the very bottom ot his subject thellioughts and intents of the henrt and does not bother himself, like a western miner, with "sur laco indications. Skilled mechanics aro in demand in all sections of the State. A number of Erio county fanners will attempt to grow sugar cane this sens Eliznbetlivillu feels tho need and insists upon having the post ollieo changed to a money order oince. nuACTinpns, Ladies, you cannot make fair skin. rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautitiers of tlio world, while iu poor health, and nothing will give yoh such good health. strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as nop iiiuers. TV trial is certain proot, oeo auoiuer column. Telegraph. Philadelphia seems tobo unduly afllict- witli pickpockets of late. )offy Uurton, oolorcd. died iu Phila delphia last week ot .e alleged age of X1U. "My life, said a grateful ladv. "hud been ono of intense suffering and misery uiuii emeu oi a uisnguring scroiuious humor by tho Cutlcura Remedies." Ask your druggists about them if troubled wjui Honing nnu scaiy mimors. Tho small pox scare still continues iu many parts ot the State. Tho fright in most cases is more violent than the dis ease. llilgin (III.) J)aibj Zeader. The subjoined opinion, we perceive, ia I . . - T A 1 ..... . - , . ' uyii, yi, iameis, iis( ., oi .Messrs. Stoe:- dill ifc Daniels, tittnrnevs.La Crosse. Wis.. 1 r "t. r,. ' . . ' www apjiearsjn ino & L.rosao uiromcle "Sometime since I was attacked with pain m ami neiow one oi my knee joints. A lew applications ot bt. Jacob s Oil quiet- cu me pain aim relieved tho lnllainma tion. I regaYd it as a valahlo medicine. John Dooly, recently admitted to tho Norristoivn Insan'o Asvluin. imnrrines himself to bo a telephone, and is uoii stantly receiving messages from all parts of the country. Thousands of ladies todav cherish grateful remembrances of thu help deriv- en iromuio uso oi j,ytiia K. l'mkhani s Vopetnhlo Compound. It positively cures all female epmplpints, Send to Mrs.;LydiaIJ.Pinklmin;;!!i!l Western Ay- enue, iyun, -Mass., tor pamphlets. Two Pennsylvania firms received tlm contract to furnish two hundred locomo tives and five thousand freight cars from the Mci ican National railroad company. W MrA i.uni.R JtUTQi.i:, Tho readers of the Anma havn m doubt seen tiie advertisement of Kly' Cream Halm iu another column. An article like "Cream Ilaliu" hm long been desired, and that it is within the reach of sufferers from catarrh, hay fever, etc., theru is every leasou to behove they will lliako tho most of it. Dr. V. E. Jjiick '!", W ! Ifainninn, druggist, and oth. .i .niuiiimiu miyo given a trial, ami econimend it iu the liidiei,t tennu J'hston J'u. Jhiily Argus, Get. 7, ltJ70. AVo havo sold ninnv uross of Elv's Cream Unhii, and uro grutilied to hear roi ojr customers tho most Haltering pos nii be! eye ft is iu article of real merit, hmith. h. ino & Co.. wholeunli. Iruggists, Philadelphia,' Pu. All mines iu tho Lykeus coal regions nru Hooded with water nud In eonsu piouofj wor): u entirely suspended, Imi'Outant to TiiAvei.KiM Bneclal In- ucmieiiU am offered vou hv llio Ilui lln in.i Houlf. It will pay you to rend their aJvti-tli-ement to b fuuod elsowhero in this lssur. Slurcli 18 40-w T.p.'WILLl3lt. br Qwnty foptrinttmltnt, j,s.qrittjES. Ccmothln3 01 Interest ts Evory Man Woman and Child. U your Iilood Impiiro ana loaded with tho l'olson Is your t.lfo BtrcnKth oozlnjfout through an In curnblo Ulcer or Soro? Is j-oiir Bkln covered with Itchlns.sculjr and Scrof ulom Humors? Is your Oomploxlon disfigured with Unsightly Kruptlons or lilt-cntslica j If your Ilalr TMn. lifeless, nnd rapidly falllna out, ana Soalp covered with scales i Is lho Skin on your Hands Hough, IteJ, cracked or lileedlng? Is j our Child Krowlnir up with ScrofuloU3 Humora uuratlnirfrom every porc7 Is liabj- amictcd with scald Head or any scalp or If so, then no human agnncy can Rospeedllv, per nancmiy aim t coiiiimiMliy cienlini tlui lllond, Hear tho Completion and :ikln. rratoro tlm Hair nnd euro every nprclcs of llrhlnt,', N-nlynnd Nerofuiutii llu mors of the skin, Healp nnd Mood, as thu Cutlcuta , 1. Ciillcura, tho great Skin (,'ure, a .Medicinal lelly.arrests (llscasc,ail.iy Inlltiminatloii.ltclilng and Irrinitlon.hoaM ulcers and Anrts.fiiiinu--iv rinnrf otin and .nosh nnd restore tlio llnlr when dustrnjed uy V J jtuuu i UI3UH3. i nee &u ccnui. 1,UIU UUAl'S 9 1.W. Cullctira Medicinal Toilet Soap, nn exquisite Toncu nam and Nurserv delicious tlowcr odors nml healing balsami. softens hpals, rcfri'shesand Vcautmestho Oompnlxlon nnd cents. .-mi. i ittu i. Lciiu. in uruj lur Hrmtinp-. I. 3. Cutlcura IKwdvnnt. tlm ntw lilnnri nnrinnr. cleanses the llliod through tlio I.lvcr, Klilnoys,uo. ell nnd Sklu.niid eradicate every trace of scrofulous iiuinumur iiureauury wooa l-oisons, 1'rlce $1.00, Tho Cutlcura nnd Cutlcura Soap externally and tho Cutlcura liesolvent Intcrnailr win nw.ifin.iv plc:to scrofula, "."'J "Invito Ul Jiuuiu , UIU U UUU1U1UQ 1 lUl- Inmttrn nbnnt. them ntyour druggist's, ntijht hero in tins town ou may find CTldcnco of their wuuu-jrim cures. Rend fitamn for "Illustrated trentlsn on ihn suin1 containing tho most remarkahlo testimonials over ii-uuruuu iu ino anuais oi meuicai practice. Cutlcura Itemcdles uro prepared by WEEKS 4: P0TT1IK, Chemists nnd druggists, 8HO Washington St.. llmtnn. M . JfCutlura llciucdles mailed trco to any addrcs: V. , WWIlJIf U. JIIIVl'. Fitters THE GREAT BLOOD PK0DU0EK Strength Creator, And Health R1DSTORBR . untermenwi wait, lions, Callsaya and Iron n.i meaicmu iiko it rur ma liraln, lllood, and l.ungs. Now life for mixtions weakened by disease. Uelblllty nud dltslpatlon. 1-oslllvo euro for malaria. Liver h Idney nnd Urinary dinicultleo. Comfoi t nnd Rtrengih for delicate females and NurMng mothers. "orranieu mo i-urest. most liconomlcsl and best rnntlclnn called "Hitters " Hold everywhere. Malt u.bkUIS V.UIIil,IUj , Itusiuu, .MUSS, .Al I 111a. rOOlnMntlft nq nnrt nnwrn-. CUiA'Hy f ul elect ncal action Is obtained VOLTAIC tSftllCTSml!',0"1. Col".ns Voltaic Hectrlo ,UL8M9ltu,,l,ill,nastcrs than nny 2 battery " .T'iSI W cerutln euro for eatn nod ni.-ui.m-D4 ui nm lyings. Liver, tviunevs, ana un nar' orcans. Iiiioumtfsm, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Fe milo weakness, NVrvous pains and Weakncsa. aiala rn, ana l'ever and Aijue. rrlco 85 cents, sold vvi j iiuuiii. i jitino rui iz.ll, iiu&ion, .Mass. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T ICENSE NOTICE. otlce Is hereby tjlven that tho following- named persons havo flltd uiihtho Clerkoftho Court of uuarler Sessions of tho I'eacu of Columbia county their petitions for license, which will be presented ii mc nu4 uuijfi, yjf veuut'uuyt mo 4iu uay of 11IHJ IWI, Johnlllndcrllter, Joseph II. (human, KiiKuiuel Kogar, lilrarn lloss, Kelnhart llerfcrj l'cU.'r dross, W. . uilmore, lieavcr twp, il;nton, Ilo.-wlck Ilor. Ulojin-iourt, Uotol II II Hestaurant it Hotel I.I luor stole Jano E. lirowu, Win. Olffer, " ). A.Jaeoby, Ko'-tenbauder A Iieir- snyder, Cntawlssa, .1. II. Klstler, Win. lierkhclmer. " E. H. Truukeumlller, " Kred. Smith, I'atncl; Mcnpnald, Contralla llor, W. C. O'llrleii ,fc ,Mo.l)LH.r. i. II ' Hotel ltestaurnnt 'riioinittCnliin. i Joliinniocjiiner, " Llouor Storo n iiiiain it luer, " lanlel l". Curry, " Hotel lamt-s (lollwoithy, .lolin I, K luo. Cocyngham twp. )roeir.ioo(l t. iifinlnrk t'p. I.(cutt twp. 1). K. Kt-hres. Samuel lluKk-dlnp, CM. 11,-IIUTlri, Heiiiiit'ton ycifer, llil 1 A I Mlll-J, lli"S. r CmrrlDL'ton. ' A. K. Mnlili, Madison twa. wcsler J. Ulldlnn. II. It. VetUT. Villi lira. Jeremiah E. Lont'cnbergir, " 11. T. Laycoet. Mutiiour twn. KtnaillillH IllLinr-.t-. lirnnr.,.vll'A. Ja..-ub Miner, ' bibtt twp. ' tlfO. Ilosktnan, i i;bas. uolemaii, Bugarloat twp. W.M. KRICKDALM, Llerk it. 3. llloomsburf, .prll la, '31 OV COUXTY STIPKHTV. 4- l & gNUUM'l'. 10 TlIK fplIOOL niUE0TdH3 OP COI.CJIUU COUMTVi OENTI.GMkN! 111 nursilfinpft nf llin furtv.thlr.l cr... tlOU Of tho Act Of bill Mav. lsll. vnn nrn lmnhs , n titled Uj meet In Convention, at' the Court IIouso In ItlOOmSbUIV. On lllft llrsr. TmiHilnv rtt l nv 1 11 ice, bt'lmrthu thhd dar o( thinnnntii. nt'i n.ii.- in h,,! alU-rncon. and belecl, viva voeo, byn majority of tho v. .uii-v.t.jii la-auiH, uue person ot literary and sslentltlu acquirements, and of skill and expeilenco luthu art ot le.ieuius, ns County tjuoer. lntendent. for tho tbren Hticpnoriin" vpnm. nn,, nor. tlfy tho result to tin Statu S'lpirlntindent at liar i Mrk'. asieiiulrudby ihp thlrty.alma and fortl- ... ovbiiuiia u, Dm ULl, . WILLIAM II. HSVOEII, , County Ruoerlntondent or Columbia County. April 15th tl-sw ICE. . Nollec Is hereby vlrrn that tha aulhorltv herein. roro Rirun to Mend.-nhull, to make hales of lumberand receive muneyon my aeeouut ns nscnt. was. on tho lli-ot davnf Arrit. a n list n-iih,!,,,,-,. '1 AH1 lyu'muurgr Hfuvuu- cuileur. HI I Il.Mi l'ON IS. MKNHSNII AU, April 15, 'SMw LIS1' OP JURORS FOR MAY TERM ltol, OR AND .TUUORS. llloom-E. 11. 1)1 lleman, Norman fhecp. Heaver JesbO lllttvnhuusc, Jonathm llredbender. llenton Abraham llartiiuu. Jolm 1!. KuvUr. llL-rwlclc Wm. hiovens. Ilrlar creek-Wiu. iiinpenktecl, Jonathan Kck. Cattawlasa-Uhuiiin il,', CuutralU John MoUonuld, Oeorjfo MoUlhany. FlihlDj; Oreek-.lonry Ke.uaaer, A. W. l'4ttersDn, J. L. ltunyon (Irccnwnoil- Ira I). Kline. Ilemlx'k I'heodoro Ueut. uvi lit Jon.ia Knpp, (ionro tletty. Mt. l'lea.uut John iljA-ull. Ir oranuo Silas Couucr, M. f. Conner. Hcott-Il. 1). llagenbuch, Clurloa lirown. TUAVEItSU JURORS. Hloom-Wm.nielterlcU. lleim r Israel Shell. ienton-.lam:s wirrman, Caleb O'Jlrlen. Iier,vii;-n. n. liowman. Ilrlar Creek-Andrew fowler, John Miller. Cattawlss.i A. 'I rueki'iimiili r. Conter-K.1. Ilarlman. Kilns lllni-'rose. Jerembh Walp, T. II. Nweiip.Mdielser. nlralla Thunias Collins. Hubblns. Wll ljm Hvpl.lnrl. ' Jackiu i Jiuthcw Mcllenrr.'l'. w. Nmiiii. Lcout yum liliiilcU, WiUon Albeitsoo. Win. J, lie whr. Dan el 'nr. n . ' Moalour l'eter Ilelinbach. orange II, o Kven-tt. l7 u -l i ' uri01l Jolm I'owler, Win. Ito.irlijg creek-Michael Itouch, Peter K. Mensch. bo Jtt-Jolm Uavaae, isaao Crawfonl, 6 icon u wtn. li:o(-i;i-wilil.iii Sli.iiler. J, L. fllrton, 7 t. Kehlf r, lleayer-Jolm llouek, Juhn L'Uii. Mlth ul Kitten. bouse, Jacob Kllijgoiman. ' O. A. Shuiiiilti. Ilorwlck I), w. Holly. Jeiuralla elh 1 liomas. -'Uhlliir Civek I). I). Kvrl.inil. .Tiinirniin Uroenwood-Wm. Keace, Eiiiih Lemm. wiuon I bourns. iltrajopk-ciirutophcr Kustcr, I. o. i'ursoll, Jacob I)eiiit-tl.' V. Moars, Icvt Yeager. MaUHou -Vln Kyei. Ults tSUTllnir. Slte AM JaCob Wnittter. Muutour Daniel l'ry. Ml. rieas.iut-hteph?n Crawford, Hamucl Nolton, Oiatigo-Emanuel Aiinlemati. itoarllil.' L'rc-CV D.ivid Iini'. Iinn(-I,r.ln,.inn Scott UPornoZelgler, liatrel Mowioy. biigurloif-JofOph LarUh, 11. J, Albertson, Kzcktel A. DMINISTJtAT OR'3 N0TJ0K. ksuti or jostrn k. sinus, dicbisbd, Letter of administration on ihn mmmnt .TnQAni, K. Miiidslatu of Mt. 1'Uasant township, Columbia crtintir, d( ceased, havu been granted by tho ltegls ler of bald couuty to llio undersigned administrator. All penona havlni; olalmn ugalniit tliatata osalJ decedeut mo rebuiiatod to nresnnt lm,m for ,J-,i i-,'! meut aullhoio Indebted to make payment to ma utuersignca amiaiauator without delay , ' OOHN BANDS. AdoilcUitrAWr, Ktiirtmr(r,. "lhtHH SHERIFF'S SALE Uy vlrtuo ol tutdry writs Issued out bt tho Court ot common Pleas of Columbia county nnd to mo directed, will bo cxpos'.d to publlo salo nt tho court nouso in Illoomsburg, nt 9 p. m. on MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 1831. Allllintcrtnlnmcssuagoor tenement nnd tract of land situate In ornngorlllo In tho county of Co lumbia nnd cominonwoitth of Pennsylvania, boun ned and described aa follows, to-wltt llcglnnlng nt n post or corner on Main street, thence byUndjof Henry Htlncr bjuUi slxty-elght degrees, west eight rerencs to n post, tbenco uoulh thlrty-ono degrees west threo perches nnd two-tenths to n post.thcnco by Inndsef Henry Ellncr nnd Mary llnynurst north slxty-clght degrees, cast eight pcrcht s to n post tn Main etrect, thenco alon j Main street north thlrty ono degrees cast threo perches nnd two-tenths to tho placo of beginning, containing twcnty.nvo percins nnu two-tenths. ALSO, Another lot ol land, bounded as follows, to-wltt Beginning nt n past corner In lino of land of Himticl Achcnbacli, thenco along tho samo north thirty do degrees cast eight perthes to a post, thenco by land of widow Maria north seventy-two degrees west seventeen and two-tenths perches to a post, thencj uy tno nrorc-doscribed lot south twenty-nlno de grees west eight nnd Ihrco-tcuths perches to t nost, thenco by land ot Henry Btlnf r couth slxtr- mno nnd one-half degrees cast seventeen and thlcc- tenths perches to tho placo of beginning, contnln log ono hundred nnd thirty-nine perches of landcn which arocrcctcdatwonndn half story dwelling uousc.uarness shop, frnmo stablo nnd out-bulldlngs. Selred taken In execution at tho suit of Samuel Achenbach against Itachcl Ann Harraan and Ja- coo m. narman, her husband, with notlco to M. L. Kline, terro tenant, and to bo sold as theproperty of iiacuei Ann iiarmannnu Jacob M. Harman her hus band, with notice to M. L. Kline, Urro tennnt. Irelkii, Attorney. Levari Facias. ALSO, All that certain houso nnd lot of ground situate InCalawlssatonnshlp, In tho county of Columbia and State ot Pennsjlvnnla.hlng and being on tho uasisiuo ot Fourth street, bounded ns follows, to. wm jieginning nt n corner of nlot belonging to William Williams on Fourth street aforesaid nnd running thenco by said Fourth street noithcast wardly fifty feet to land of David Strouse. thenen along tlio samo south tlxty nnd one-haif degrees, o ast ono hundred nnd twenty-tour feet to tlio publlo roau, tiienco Dy mo slid road south lltty-Mx nnd a half degrees west fifty lost to corner of said Wl 11 mi Williams, thenco by tho camo ncrtli Hxty degrees west ono hundred ncd twenty-four feet to tho place ui ucgmning, on which nro erected n two-stcry f ramo dwelling houso and out-b"l!dlrgs. Seized, taken .In execution nt tho suit of Shen- pard Goodman against A. V. Cocl nnd Snrnh J. Cool nud to be sold ns tho property of A. v. cool nud s-arnii J. cool. JIillf.ii, Attorney. Lev. r. ALSO. All mat certain lot of lind situate, In tho village of tllencitylntho County cf Columbia and siatn of Pennsylvania, known ns lot So. four (!) In plot jiu. mreo (Jj on map or plan of said Milage, bounded nuu uscnuca ns rouows, to-wlt: On tho north by an alley, on tho east by lot No. llvo (i), on tho souino nrsc street, and on tin weit by lot No. turco (3), containing lltty feet In Xront nnd ono hundred aud llfty feet In depth, on which nro ercct- eu a two story frame d ,t el log hou:o nnd out-bulld in S3. cc:zcu, lak-en in execution at tho suit of tho Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund Loan .t As. soclatlon against Isaac Swosny nnd Caroline Swee ny and to bo sold as tlio property of Isaac Siuo ny and Caroline Sweeny. Little Millkk, Attorneys. Lor, Fa. ALSO. AH that lot or plcco cf land Mtunto In llenton township, Columbia couuty, and Stato of Fcnnsvl. la, bounded and des:rlbed as follows, to-wlt: Be ginning at a post In tho road up l-'lshlngcreok, tuonce up tno said road north twu and a half do- greos, west six perches and three-tenths to a po3t. thenco by land cf William Colo north llf ty-clght nnd three-quarter d-grcc3 west Mxtcen nerencs and four-tenths to a rost In tho road to West Creek, thenco by said road touth thlrty-ono and a nuarrrr degrees westllvo perches and four-lenths to n post, theticb by lands of John Conner, south fifty.elght and three-quarter degrees east twenty percjjos to tho plaoo of beginning, containing cluhtr-threa perches nd six-tontln of a porch, strict measure on which aro erected a two-story framo dwelling house' stablo nnd out buildings. 1 seized, taken In cxcoutlon at tho suit of o. n. Ilrockway against Silas I), Colo, nnd tobo soldns the property of Silas I), Colo. Urockw Ar, ttorncy. Vend, Ex. ALSO, All that cci tain nieco or parcel of ground situate In Fishlnccrccl; townililp, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, described as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on ho north by land of Lazarus nnd Thomas lluMil- son, on tho north-cast by land of (leorgo 1'en.lcr, ca uiu muui-rtusi, uy lanii ot i-iiinp tinaogst and Ed ward Unangit, containing acres nnd six. ty-four perches, on which nro erected a framo house, uarn anuout-bulluings. S-.lzed, taken in execution nt tho Eultrt timnr. augjMHo Mutual Having .1 und and Loan Ass.i.iin tion against VII!ai!i VnaDgst nud to bo sold as tho iiuKTiyu: iviuiam unangst. miixbu. Attonny, ri Vend Ev Termicash. 1 1. tno. tx. U. II. KNT, sheriff. Sheriff's oaiee, April 5th, 1S31. PUBLIC OV VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By vlrtuo of nn order of tho Court of tho countv nf Columbia, tho uudorMgnvd will sou at public auc uuu uu uiu iiremisos, near tno Mdntyrc Cliurgb, on BATUUDAY, AP15IL 30, 1881, nt ono o'clock n. m. tho farm known as tho WILLIAM fox TAinr nri. Joining lands ot E. I). Kern, K. M. Towksbury, Adam Vjtnrnl. Urtt 1,1 I.. .1, . . -v..u.., uvi. .nasi, uiu uinumuyur tract, Jacob auan, uuu mu scnooi nous i lot, containing 112 ACRES. Tho farm U well supplied with runnln? watAr. iiuu u raiumi Ui iiiUll', IIomm-, llaru mid out, l)iilillngs niero is abaut twonty acres In Timber, and ten nr tweivo in sprouts and pisturc. School llousn nnii Church at hand. Tho dlstunco to Catan Issa is thrr-n inuea ana to tno coal market towns, tweivo or rour teen. MUST AND WILL IIS SOLI), subloct only to an S33.W dower bond of Elizabeth Fox, nnd leaso of pressnt tenant tor ono year, and in tho Interebtof iiumanus sirausscr. TE.UM3.- Ten per cent otoucfourththnpurchaso money taoovo uowerjon striking down tho pronertv ono-fourih loss tho ten per cent, on conili-mnnnn tho bilanco In ono year thereafter, with interest on u:ud and mortgage at tho expense of purchaser. E. M. TEWICSllUliV, B. P. FOHT.NEH, Committee Auctioneer. Catnwlssa, April 8, 'si-ta JQIYORCE NOTICE, I'ULI'MIIIA COUNTV, SS: Among tho records nnd proceedings of tho Court of common Pleas of Columbia county it Is Inter Tuomaa bcuremer i No. m nec. Term. 1SS0. ,- . , r Ulvorce. Kato Sohrefller. I Non Februarv s. 1SS1. nn mnMnn nf ii 11 n.r.t torney of ilbell.iut 11 Is unl. n-j tbattimKiMtr J,n causa notice to bo publibiitd In ono or more of the -v..rl.aIO,uWli.ucmn uunnui.i CQUU ty JOT 10 Ur buccussive vrt ks pi lor to tho llrst day of next term, tc-iiuiiiiiK mo i c-bpuuueui. loannear nn kjim ii.iv in aamerroinpiaiut, l'roof having been mads of tho v.-... w iuu lUMjq.wjJWW Ul 11 U1IIU. , .. . ... I)V THE COCItT. 1.1'ri iiii-ii iriim I , rrrnr, I , i a mn,. i , ..... ... WM. KIIICKIHU.M, l'roth'y. tl. M. Qcicx, Deputy. aprlis-lc. nULEONJIUIKS. IN TUB ESTATE Ol mi (II JltCll llil., lUCKASEO. COLUMltlA COUXTV, OS t Tho Commoiiweallh nf PntiMovu-dMif, Trtc.n.,i. Michael, .MllUu tnnnshlii, Mnrv, liuvrinnrrlfd intn William Plait. Malnuiin .1 ,.i A i,' n, V iilVi1. :.n hiiln; l.ydla, luturmuiled wub iiLMirVsr n n.. JiPi?'i,'!.'i!';r"0V?-' ''"'i ''"oche, lulerinarileil witli rlall MCAfee. Ili-nv, r tmi-in.!ifi .nn,.i iiini.,...i nd WnihliiKlon.Minilu luwusliip;niah lice'k-.lnter' Hilled Willi Wmlcv Vnlii. . fuVml l-t,i.V.i.V. ICebeeca Utek. Inter. nnr, i,n- win, fimr'u .,,..' son, i e.-llliig lit WUIUmsport, Pa.; Elizabeth Heck, llerulck. Cnluinlil.i i-nnnlv Pi ,T I.'i:.'.i5 llzabeth . Michael, now d-ceased who was Inier i.irred with Samuel lii?ek-. niwi nn.,,. ,,, ifi !,.i Columbia couuty. Pa : itetjeca ZliniiP-rmaii, living atiieavertownthlp, Columbia riuutv. PnViiiwrv Sarah Michael, at nuiirnrJ with Cbrlatlau Zlm- .', aj.,.Vu" ""-' "i fumuei rinjuer, or Miff invl lie, Columbia county, Pa., guardau nil litem of 1 r.l ri L 1 1 11 t'.Pflr fi mlnrift I n,lu iin.,... iniiieruiaa.IItjiir Zimmerman and Enoch Zlmmei. .man, llneul deuoendauts of Puut Mlo'iael deceased, hereby cited tobo auuupiiear Wforo the Judgei of uur rplians'.CourtatauOrphnnh'Courtto bo hold v,w..i. fc w ..iu .nab Aiuuuavui juay uaxt. then and thero to otrent nr ri.fns:,, in tnta ,t,- -ZZl estate of said Peter Mil hail, deceased, nt tho an- r'. "toy tno imiuest, duly awiioed by thu said Court, and returned by tlo fieri!" f'Jl 1.0" CMW m U m m l h'; Wr'!fl.';"'',lf0.i,IOI1?faljlu William Elwell'P.eildeuttoi our b ltd , court, at llloomsburg, the twwVy- l,'' A- he r thousand right huojirvd and ilfhjone, ruiuv "'v. . IVM.UlllUKllAtlM d.y, Qoicx. iKpur, . Clerk o. U. ntriDOWH' APPRAISEMENTS. ?V Tho following npprnlsementn of real nnd personal property set npnrt to widows of decedents havo been Illed In tho oft'eo of tho Iteglstcr of Col umbia county, under tho Itules of court, nnd will bo presented tor absolute conilrmntlon to tlio orphans' Court to lu held In Iiloomsburg.ln nnd rorsnld conn iy. vn .nunuar, ino unci uay oi .nay, iwi, nt two o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such connrmntlon nro previously nied, of which nil per sons Interested In said estates will tako notlco : 1. Widow ot 0. 1). S. Mnrclay, Ltto of Dloomsburg, deceased. s. Widow of John J. Longcnbcrgcr, Into ofMlfllln township, deceased. 3. Wiiowof Samuel Summers, lato ot Montour township, decnuscd. 4. Widow of Joseph C. sands, Into of Mt. Pleasant township, deceased, 6, Widow of Justus F. Man j, late of llenton town ship, deceased. llegistcr's ortlco. w. II. JAt'OllV, llcsbtcr. llloomsburg, April 1 1 1, 'si. r aiSTEU'S NOTICES. Notleo Is herehv irlvpn In nil Wjitppfl. prpdl. liirsaii and other persons Interested in tho estates of uiu ipsncuiiiouccctieiits nnu m nnrn. t iatt iu roi. iuwingauminntrators-,cxecutois- and guardlnns' ac counts ha 0 been tiled In tho onico of tho Iteglstcr of Col, co, and will bo presented for continuation and nllownnco In tho tirnhnns' court to bo held In llloomsburg, on Monday, May 8,151, ntJ o'clock p. in. on said day : 1. Tlio account of Ural II. Ent, Trustoo appointed by thoorphnns' Court In tho estate of Ellen long, lato of tho Town ot llloomsburg, do ceased, 3. Tho account of John Cole, oxneutor of Joseph Cole, lato of Hiigarloat township, deceased. 8. Plrat and final account ot David S. llelwlg, guar dian of Blias, Harrison V.,and John A!" llel wlg, minor children of Sarah lielnlg, lato of Lo cust township, deceased. 4, Tho first and partial account of W. n.Mcrlcle, executor or lienlamtn Mcrlclc, latetf Madison township, deceased. 6. Tho llrst nnd nnal nccount of Clinton Melllck. executor of dodfrey Mclllcl:, late ot Mt. Pleasant township, deceaicd. C. Tho second nnd final nccount ot E. It. lkcler, ex ecutor ot Thomas I. ' hornton, lato of tho 'lown ot llloomsburg, deceased, 7. Tho flr8tnndllnnl nccount of Samuel Neyhnrd, Administrator of sarnb. c. Shultz, Into ot Centre township, deceased. 8. First nnd final nccount of C. 11. Jackson, guar dian ot llebccci J. Marsh, minor child or Jamc3 Marsh, lato of Centre township, decensed. 1 ho first nnd final nccount of Samuel C. Jarne, nlmtnlatrator do bonis non of Jojlah II, Pod bon, lato of tho borough u lierw let, deceased. 10. Tho account ot Daniel Iirytoglo, guardian of ndlo J. Case, minor child ot Hannah Case, into cf Uloom township, deceased. 11. Tho nccount of IHnlc! Iiryfoglo, guardian or Es-t-i case, minor child ot Hannah Caso, lato of Uloom ton nshlp, deceated. 12. The first nnd final nccount of William Illppcn steel, ndmlnlstratoror Sophia lllnpcnstcel lato or lirlarcreek township, ueceased. 13. Tho final account ot KlUha It. lllggi and Jm. II. II. Pnrk.survlvlngcxeciitoisor Charles 11. Doeb lcr, late.or tho Town ot Woomsburg, deceased. II. Thuflrstandflnal nccount of John Kcsslc-r, Jr.. pclmlnif trator or Jehu Kcssler, sr., lato or lino township, deceased, 15. Tho second nnd Unnl account cf Theodore Mo l)awull,udir,lnlstrator ot oohn McDowell, late ottcatt tow nihlp, deceased, 10. The Becond and Una! nccouit cf A..T. Albert son, adinlulbtratcr or John Hails, latuororeen wood ton nshlp, djceased. as Uled by his admin litrator, Josepa v. ltetco. 17. Tho nccount or Joshua Fottorman, guardian ol l-.llzibeth I artzul, (late Mllkr, now deceased ) rn nir child or llrjtinin Miller, late or Cati -wissa township, deceaHeij, 19. Tho becond nnd Unnl nocount or Lloyd T. Con ner, administrator or Joseph P. Conner, lato ol Ccnti o township, deco-ised. ' 19. 'I ho nitt and partial account ot I. K. Krlckbaum, onoot thondmlulalratOM or Thomas Davii lato OI llenton ton nshlp, deceased. SO. Tho llrst and final nccount of I. K. Ktl-kbaum. oxHcutor of siias I'. Kmua, lato or Denton lowu bhlp, docoascd. si. Tho llrit and llnnl nccount ol .loslali Colemin. artmliiliitator ;.r Abraham C Kirns, lato o li;ntou township, docoaied. 52. Tho first and partial nccount or A. P. Young, adm(utstiator of Merry A. Itobern, lato o Ureeuwood township, deceased. 53. The second and partial account or Moses S iv ogoand u. F. savage, administrators or Joshua Savage, lato or Jackson tawnshlD. doco.mid. lowing udmlnlstrators'tOxecutoiH' and guardians' ac at. Tho first and partial nccount of Ocorgo V.. Mc- numtiuiitaiur 1,1 uavm uemoit :ato ot Greenwood township, deceased. 23. Tho Becond and final nccount of Hester A.Ed. nuu. uuiuiuisir.urix oi uenj.imin r . cole, lato or llenton township, deceased. iiu, 'ino first nnd final nccount or Alieu n. cmn ndminlstrotor or Jacob Do cr, lato or Drlarcreik township, deceased. Tho fitbt and final account of M. A. Ammer man, ndmliiUtrator of John Kveland, luo or Fislilngcrcek township, deccused. "" i it. Tho second nsoount of Ivl siiairerand rnti i Cbier administrators or David ShafTer, lato or lirlarcreek township, deceased. 23. Tho second account or Uznl II, Ent. ndminlstrn. tiinV T ' eivr,iaio or tcott town. i ne nrat ami nnal account or II. W. Mclloynolds. ccutororjolin Molieynolds, late or tho Town 41. -iuonrst and final account or N. P. Mmrn. mi. iS.Jn.i li ,i "' s,lriUl hll'incrs, late or Uemlock 82. Tho first and final nnntr.i. nini.o ,llnn nr A ,i nt I ' i I ii..,TA.. . . . . 1 T' i,,Tii,; ' ""I"'--''. "'"i cuuu oi .losepn (.. llughej, lato ot Oraugo townthln. deeonsr'ii. S3. Tho final nccount pt Peter M. Kort liner, ndmlnl3- iSsBJ "io oi aiontour township- SI. ThO SSCOnd and llnnl nmnnnf nf Tnlm mni.,. executor or Hannah Appleman, lato or (no Town or Dloom-iburg, deceased. S5,?Un,?VS??,n ineirinw SS .iAiX' ""i"io ui utm- V-"'l-l VWOU. w jii'i beconu account or rev simrr.r on t.., l iaer, administrators or David hhaffer, sr., lato or Drlarcreel: township, deceased. si. -ino sccimi nccount or William Hnrrl3,and James a. Lirils, admlnkitratora or Jacob Harris, late of Hemlock township, deceased. ,Jlu 8S. The i first and final aceountot Lloyd Ycngcrnnd &lMtinl!' administrator!, ot Samuel Craig, lat of urccnvTOud township, deceased. 89, Wl autl llnnl aceountot Peter Swank, Tnw oi'f'V01' 01 -o"ara Adams, lato or Locust Iteirlsier'a omen. W. II. JACOBY. Hloomiburg April I, st.f Iteglstcr. Rowoll St Go's. Advi'o. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. , I.cst In tho world. Lasts lnngcr than any other. Always in l-oou cnmlltinn. fit,r,.a .n. .,,,B i,.k.u v-rvA!fSt-i', i T "";u,mQre laan 1110 imitations. ulne.''nnr!?nSnr,,V ,Ur auu lB0 Sn' nrrll 8 4-w r ALABASTINE ! For finishing Walls and Ceilings, 1 tho most valua bio material known. It U tSr suncrinr m iS. uuno.and mow oconoml-ni. if la v,i,,ni,,n .1, 7. ery.andits .merits as nwalinnlsh aro unonualed" !?m iouly n t,lml ",nd 1rablo ilnlsh lor Wails, , ..... ,.., juu w, ov-mi iur eampio enra aud tc&tlmo n aUtoMIUI.HV llltos., ai nurluw blip, n.y. L"y' r apr. s-iw Cry ly ty A yeah ana cxptn outnt Prco. Address I Augusta, Malno. expenses to ogenta dress P. n nnLi'i-i,v rii 1 wuumu i;aru3, UK. cr in aigo, new Chromn JUcatiU. b rdsand dowers; h, ...ViT. V,n,r0.m9 Hlver Chroinos, with name, rchromos, with name 10J. Nasa iu i"hmS2 Nasa 111 Printing iijii B-iir S999?ai; .'? arjts, and expires, m (Jutnl 1 nVBIITISBItSI Send lO' Otir Hnlf'Pf. llcf n l..i viiunsiupi'rs. ueo, i' N. Y .vwui-u .6 , in -.pruoi ht., njiru s-iw niJrtl I I O en'icrgiio eedk-.o-ily t.H Ail. dres-j Daniel 1 . Ucalt y, Wubiuugiou, N. j? fnnr a 4w Our Questions. Are you .1 buyer of Men's or Boys' Clothing at retail? Do you need clothing for the farm, the office, the work-shop, the, court-room, or the pulpit? Do you want boys' clothing for the school-room, or for dress ? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order? Are you in need of shirts? , If yes, to nny or all of theso que ries, state your needs to us, that we may send you samples and prices, Your Question is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You must judge. We will make up the case, you must decldq it, Hut wo must tell you that we have created tho Largest Retail Clothing Business in the United States by the simple method of giving the best clothing for the least money. We mean that it shall pay you to buy of us, If you buy and are not pleased, return the goods for exchange, or demand your rnoney. ' , WanamakerA and Brown,' S. E. Cor. Sixth Ss MarketSts,r ' PHILADELPHIA, ' HM niKi HAVJ5 13T ACTUAL- COUNT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN STYLES OIFILSPE'W SPRING DRESS GOODS, HANGING IN PIUCESPJIOM 12 1-2 To BO CENTS PER YARD Kaeli nnd ove every stylo of tlio ono hundred 'KKUUNT C0L0::iN(JSOlt TEN gnto n stock not only tho largest uverslunviybut holiovud tobo nlwolutolv bovoiiil nrltillinf if in, I - vim ....VM..... WE SHOW: SEVEN STrLES. AT 12 y, CENTS. All Iliilt-Wool sturrs. Most nfthern cot more to manufacture than nnr mrrlt. cd price, nnd represent bomo groat bar gains. Tlioy consist or llllIOKS, AltMtMIEH, PLAlfiS, SII.K-MIXKU NOVKIliliSAND CASHMllUK.-i. TEN STYLES. AT 15 CENTS. Al Hall-Wool Fabrics; many would bo good value nt w nnd ss cenW. Theso nlso nro TW1I.I.KI) I1KK1I!', saTii?ii.i,LAi"s' aTi!,m' au FIVE STYLEri, j AT 13 CENTS. i Fully ns cheap ns tho otherlols and i onslsts lit MOIIAlltrf. MKI.ANOKS .' Jmtl'Ul.PEllULECLOI'HS.Slltll'Ei.etC. I T3N AT 9 ClTS. j All splendid value! many new ttytes nit I shown bf-ruio thlsfcvon. They unbrnco : : cloths, ai.l.Vi'oo i j PLAIDS, UTU. rilltll-l.a, MlHMi I) HV.tiA I 11 U N T I fi tl s , THIRTY STYLES- I AT S3 CENTS. i Probably tho largest assortment or i twenty-llve-cent dresi goods ever shown, i There nro many enticing bargains among them, in seiioh: maiamius, woof. ClIECKS.FANCYCIIEUKSCLOl'il SUir INllH. ALL-WOOL STltll'ES, LACE AM) I PLAIN HUNTINGS. PANCY ENULISI! I ! PLAIDS AND SntlPES. Please remember that this iiinlmlna nnU-rmniin nt nn.i .... dor SO cents per yard.and does not refer to our stoek of liner fabrics, iii which tho" .ISSOrtmoilt IS even m-uater. Thoso whn urn iinnliln In visit, iu I.. .... minded of the MAIL OIIDER DEPARTMENT through which their supplies can bo secured almost, as satisfnetoi'ilyils at tho counters. Every lady should send for a specimen copy of thu Journal for the jrousehold. STBAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, MARKET STREET TO MLBERT. 11 f . COR. EIGHTH STREET, 1? A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BV USING a A )i C 3 H tl E DR. METTAUn'R HEinanut? Cli i c.-.i.,w,.n..i.. very short timo both SICK ami NERVOUS HEADACHE: nnd.whlla norvpu. j.tetn. rclieiu p YSPEPSIa" lis w".tfiW, cl-aD. mg tho ejetem o excesa ot bUo, producing a n-guUir healthy acUon o tho bowcla Afullslzo box of" thoso vnlunblo PILL'S with fail ill. nlno 3-cont Postnco Stamps. PorBaiobyallDruriiiBta. BOLK riiOPHIETOrtS. C T THE BEST. ESET OG-JLlsrS, In tho manufacture of Organs is resulting in the production and falo ot cneni) irootls. made irom lnionnv bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence withouL nnj -merit whatever, except to ho oflered cheap, and then wheii puS ed found to he dear at any price. Will you not then, reader P Sf Sjcu Contemplate consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument hearinc tho names of lust class, wholly responsible makers. A ood assort Sit nf styles ot tho colebintcd Kstov Ortm HQ Prill llM,r 1 r... L it al' .1 r 1 . 1 X a " "ucrai m 1 u nnv ot the Only Authomod Agontfov tho Bstey OxZ Oolumbm Oonnfcy. A guarantee for five years from tho mivlv.vjo ui;i;uiuiuuua UYt'iy istoy w J' Q ULVUHT LETTING. Ul to nt Ffllntml lrnnrrSi f.i.,.. i.n..DA 1. '.0A1',,p.0".?'llUiU'ly 'n IM-th uy ot ArrTl, 1 it 1 0 'li-'V.H?. Wt'-'woo."! "ono Guli" rt over 5J!5,.n.'i5n8. ?,na "PTO'lcntloas wu tii tvea it Ilia esldencen et 1 Lie undernlitned, UVAYKPTE OnUAW, MtHW' siptrvuoMotovmrttwn. 7 nnd fifteen, reiiiesents from TlIItKH Ti COMI11NATIONS, n.nkiiiW in tlio nucr TO "-'gro F0UKTEEN STYLES- AT 31 CENTS. Oonsl-tlnt? nmqtlr nf nnndn that In nnv i nllKrliousj would halo been marked nt '! 37V cenUnt tho very lowest, Md com j prho CAHlIMEItl! lIKIUEi, I1KK1E i poiiLEscAHiiMnitn Mtfi.ANtin, ciik i 11 1,EIUES' ANU S,LK M,XKI) FOURTEEN STILES, AT 87,V CENTS. Considered by manv to Includa some oil tho Uest iiargaltis nt tlio counter. Amonm them Will bnrouudSILK'MlXKDSTltlPKH AND PLAIDS. ALL-VWHIL PitKNCII CASIlMlinra. DOUllLE-WIDTll ALL- ))i.'i!h iiu.vmus and huep- UEItU'd PLAIDS. EIGHT STYLES- AT 40 CENTS. Among this lot will bo round ninny or I ..u ,u, rat-iu uij iiiruugiiuui ico cuy nu i ?' cpnlS-eompi Hhij No V KLTII at II ALP : li.''.1"?.,. SILK-MIXED ENULIHII t Si" I PBS, r-l WOOL IIKIHKS.SOINCII t ALL-WOOI.NUN'dVEILlNO. ! HUREH STYLES. AT K CENTS. Fow Innimbcr. but ltcnnrkablo nar g.lllis VI: 0 -1 (lEUSTElt CLOTHS AND ! j MiVi'.l.TIES WOitTH S3., AND CASH-I Mttlth'S WOliTlI M)4 C. : 1 FOUETEEN STYLES- AT 60 CENTS. t Somo or the bo-t bargalnawo evo orror- Buying an Organ oonia ans 111 manu Ui'gAU, Agent, Bloomsburgy Pa. JNBuLVKNTa KOTKJJJ, that Co will apply to tho Oourt 0 Coinmun IMea J al nuua muisunu uiHcnir.-u ns m, ir,7,i.,-. . r. .j uuviuir any fluii,n. cn ftpixjar uud inako tin" bamo known. MMCU tS- ,v W1IXUM UAUMKISTEK mm A Yl