THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Donla Konrncy Im gono liack (o liis tlrny, but Rtill finds timo on nn occasion al Htimlay to pticak nt the Sand Lots. On ft recent timidity that famous resort was occupied by two orators, who, from sep arate stands, held each other up to con tempt and derision. Ono of tlicso was O ('. O'Donnell, whoever ho may lie, nud Kearney was tho other. O'Dontiell warned his hearers aqainst tho wiles of Kearney, who, ho Bald, had organized a Greenback party in tho interest of tho Itepublicans. At a little dlstanco Kear ney defended himself as ono who had courted danger and poverty, with a heart bleeding for the woes of tho op pressed poor. "It is because I lovo and feel for you nnd yours," that n restless and fovcix-d brain kept my family and pelf in misery for three long years and ni'iro." Tho fact is that Kearney was remarkably comfortablo nnd happy for threo long years and more, as long as Ids friends wero foolish enough to sup port him. Unless tho San Francisco pa pcrs print an expurgated cdltiou of this speech, tho agitators misfortunes havo been blest to liis oratory, for his language is far more decent and intelligible than it used to be, and ho hadn't a word to say nbont lecherous bondholders. After all, San 'Francisco has good reason to bo grateful to the Sand Lots, for they have nhvays served the tmruoso of an excel lent safety valvo through which a vast volume- of steam has nhvays been harm- icssiy uiown on. AN lNV.U.UAM.I, AISTIOIX. Tho readers of tho Arnns havo no doubt seen the advertisement of Ely's Cream Jialm in another column. An nrticlo like "Cream Halm" has lonir been desired, and that it is within tho reach of sufferers from catarrh, hay fever, etc. thero is every reason to behevo tlioy will make tho most ot it. Dr. W. IS. iJuck man, "W. K. Ilamman, druggist, and oth cr Lastomans havo civen it a trial, and recommend it in tho highest terms. Jitiston J'a. JAuly Argus, Vet. 7, 1870 AVo havo sold many gross of Ely's Cream Balm, and are gratified to hear from our customers tho most flattering reports nud believo it is an nrticlo of real merit. Smith, Klino it Co., wholesale druggists, riiilauelphia, Pa. Outrageous Hazing. An outrageous caso of "hazing" has lately occurred at Syracuse, .New York. .Mr. li. o. Tnnple, a irosluuaii ot the university, was bound, gaged, aud driv en out of tho city, where ho was takeu into agrovo and subject to various mdig gnities, whilo still bound nnd gagged. Ilis hair was cut in fantastic fashion, shipped nnd scolloped, making a very closo cut necessary as soon as he could get to a barber shop. The captora attempt ed to give him some nauseous compound ns medicine, but he ionised to take it After this outrage tho assailants got into their carnage, leaving iur. Tnpplo still bound and craucred under tho trees. Af ter great efforts on his part ho finally Rttccecded in releasing himself from his bonds, and, gaining tho main road, ns eertaiued whero ho was and walked back to Syracuse. A Sham Yankee. Some time ago a Yankeo character wont into a rum shop and called for a quart of rum. It was poured into a two quart jug, which ho produced, when ho coolly told tho barkeeper to charge it. "iNot much, said the man or stimulants, "I'll tako it back." "All right then," said tho bummer, "but bo careful and take only a qnart, for I've got another quart in there. The barkeeper poured out a quart and was satisfied, so was tho cus tomer. I lie other quart was water, aud tho stimulant was ready mixed for drinking. now sun swim money. ' "For nearly six years my daughter was most of the time on a sick bed from kidney and other diseases peculiar to women. "Vc had used up our savings on doctors and prescriptions without any benefit. Our dominie advised us to try Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four bottles eltected a marvelous cure. As it has been our only medicine since, nnd a dol lar's worth has kept our family well over ft year, wo havo been able to lay up a little money again for a rainy daw" A Poor Man's Wife. No Jlaro'Trcatlug" In Wisconsin. Ciiicaoo, March 29. A dispatch from Madison, Wisconsin, says tho Governor of Wisconsin to-dav sitrnod tlm lull re cently passed by tho Legislature prohibi ting tho practice of "treating." The bill provides that any person who shall here after ask another to drink at his expense i .iH jiuiBuu consuming 10 (iriiiK ai an other s expense, shall bu liable to arrest aud punishment. When lliu bill u-iw In troduced into tho Legislature it was re ferred to as a senseless nnd imnrnetical idea and nobody thought it would be come a law. it nas only attracted atten tion since it lias passed. A Madstoni:. Tliero aro many per sans in the west who buliovo in tho cura tive powers of tho madstone. A man who was bitten by a mad hog in tho vi cinity of Teciimteh, Nebraska, travelled all tho way to Savannah, Mo., to try tho famous madstone owned by Uncle "John Nelson. The stouo immediately adhered to tho wound, which is said to bo proof posilivo that tho patients blood was pois oned, nud remained clinging to the soro from earlv mornim' until sundown. u-lin it dropped off. TJio patiant departed, juuiiuy mm, iiu ji;iu oeoH cured. Ull do Jollll Xl'lsOll llilll OU'llml tlii.1 innil Htono since 1818, and ha? used it in over 1 00 c.ises whom mnii ltnt'it lirnn liitfm Ho avers that it never failed to work a cure. An ingenious machine, called tho "tell tale," has been introduced recently on tho iiniiroau. n registers the speed ot trains, when anil whero they stop and how long. It is medewpeoially for freight trains ami is fastened at either end of small cabooses or at tho side of largo ca booses about four nnd a half feet from tho lloor. It was adopted because freight trains irequently exceeded tho prescribed rate of speed. They would run very fast for somo distance, nnd then take tilings comfortably for a tune. Chicago lumber dealers nfa ming me tres instead of feet in measuring. If they use the same kind of metres tho gas companies do, don't buy your lumber in Chicago. An editor don't know everything. Kd iuis only claim to havo about three tiiin's as iiiueli knowledge us tho ordina ry inn of men. But perhaps this is a low estimate. Editors lira naturally mod o-t. 'j Ik y vit Oi ruts with baited fish hooks in Ni w.York. Wo mipposo it is an nr tir hook ratio miiii'eiuent. (List of this Liud, aud going off like smoko at a dol hit- a dozen. Orders by mail promptly kl ended to.) Jiurllngtdn JTatoktyt, Gonorai News. Tho Mil ford jail is without prisoners. Tho prico of lumber in Pittsburg is said to bo good. Horses bring good prices in Crawford county nt present. Tho farmers about Norrisvillo havo or ganized a rifle club. Milton is preparing to do a great deal of building this spring nnd summer. A little girl named Sara Tavlor. at Ti- tusville, shot herself whilo handling 'a luaueu piMioi. John Growbaker, a farmer in "Warren county, was crushed to death by a fall ing tree recently. A seed peddler has been dealing fraudulently with tho peoplo in tho neighborhood of Bellefonte. A littlo girl in Oil City is seriously ill from blood poisoning, the result of wear ing colored stockings. In mnny parts of Lancaster county moro than half of the various farms will bo planted witli tobacco this year. Jacob Loeckman, 27-t Clinton street, Buffalo, N. Y., says ho has been using Or. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil for rheuma tism. Ho had such a lamo bnck lie could not do anything, but ono bottle lias to use his own expression, "cured hint up." Ho thinks it tho best thing in tho mar ket. The Stonham oil, it is claimed, produ ces nbout twenty per cent moro refined than tho crude oil of other fields. Frank Haggard, a young man aged eighteen, was suffocated by gas from an oil well recently. Do not trifllo with tho affections of a young girl) it is worso than trilling with a bad cold, for this can bo cured by Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup. There will be 300,000,000 feet of tim ber marketed this spring from the lum bering districts of Blair, Cambria. Clear field and Indiana counties. Andrew Connelly, aged thirty-two yuan, wiinu worKing at an on wen near Bradford, was struck by a crown pulley which fell from the top of tho derrick", and died in two hours "from his inju ries. lllUUTlKIEIIS. Ladies, you cannot mako fair skin, rosy cheeks aud sparkling eyes with all tho cosmetics of France, or bcautiliers of tho world, while in poor health, aud nothing will givo you such good health, strength, bouyant spirits aud beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. Sco another column. Telegraph. Uobert Stewart, living in Clearfield county, recently celebrated his ono linn dredtb birthday. Ho is in apparent good Health and has a very retentive memory. The persistent assaults of ofiiccseekcrs are said to be telling upon tho health of tho President. Under tho advice of friends ho is taking cxerciso on horse back every day. Vandcrbilt says the conntry is not so much in danger from railroad kings as from tho spirit of speculation. Nenl Dow says he can name a spirit that over matches both. run rnor-Aii cai-ah. The proper thing to do when ono has a cough or rheumatism, is to tiso Dr Thomas' Eclectrio Oil; or if one has a valuablo horso afflicted with some of the diseases or hurts to which horseflesh is subject, use tho same reliable means of cure. When after ten years of married life a man can go up to tho parson who hitched him, grasp him by tho hand aud call him his benefactor, he has struck a prize. Ar. Y. Com. Adv. "Have derived some benefit irom tlio uso ot Simmons' Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial," Hon. Alexander II Stephens, Georgia. "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleas ant remedy in my life.,' II. llaiues. St. Louis, Mo. A peculiarity of tho Austrian Empress is her horror of noise. Wherever she may be, thick carpets are laid down that sho may not hear her own footsteps. A man who left Newburyprn t, Mass., for tho West, a few days ago, bought railroad tickets for himself and wifo only, their six children being all under .r years of age, and therefore carried free. SAOnAJIENHAI. WINE. Speer's Port Grape Wino is a pure, uniutoxicating wine, made front tho fin est nativo Port grapes. It is especially adapted to tho uso of Christian churches anli guaranteed to retain its grateful fla vor and essential qualities unimpaired for any period. Much used by invalids. The principal churches in New York and Brooklyn havo adopted its use. For salo by C. A. Kleim, druggist, Blooms burg, Pa. Twenty-six creameries havo been es tablished in various parts of Bucks coun ty all within the past two years for the manufacture of butter and cheese, nnd theso according to their statements havo been successful. 1IOTTI.KI) MflHTNINO. Thero is no finer therapeutic agent than electricity. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil, a standard remedy for lameness, soreness, bruises and abrasions of tho skill. lllst'IlSOH of till! tlirnnt ,A In.,,,., niles nnd kiduev trrm11f-. nuiinin ; Veterinary surgeons also commend it for horso aud cattlu diseases. Tho following premiums will bo offer ed by tho managers of tho state fair at their next exhlbiton: Horses, $3,500; cattle, S0.500; sheep, 2,rm, swino S-V 500; poultry, 11,030; dairy, 1,000; fruits, flowers and seeds, $!l,00i; other exhibits, ,rm. A PERFECT STRENGTHENL'R.A SURE REViVEn. IltON lUTTKUS itro haiy rjuirm a crrtain nnu cmcicnt initio , cs)Ccially lnaigitliun, JXepcpnUt, J.:: r viittcnt Jbrtrt, Want cj Apct:te. Lou cj Strcnylh, ImcJ; vf 'JAurgy, tie. Kmichci tho Wood, Btrcngtliens ilio inusela", ana glvw new lifo to tho nerves. They net Iiko it charm on tho dlgepJJvfs organs, removing oil dyopeptlo eynintoms, euth ns TXutinj Iht Foul, Jlelchwj, Jleat in the, Stomach, Heartburn, c7c. Tho only Iron Proparnliim that Avillilot blacken Ilio leoth or (,'lvo licatlaoiiti. fcUiid by nil druggists. Writo for tho A B O Hook, 02 im. cf useful and umuelns reading imiI free. miOWN CIIKMIOAJi CO., Bultliuoro, Mil. mus. mm g. pinknam. OF LYNN, MASS. WJCovEiicii nr LYDBA E. PUNKE-SAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tlift PmU.ta Cnro For all Fomalo Complaints. Thlnprcrfttlon, Mlti tiamo tlnnlflcft, connUts of VegotftUo rroiwtlea that aro harmless to tho most t!cl Icate Invalid. Vwn cnotrbl tho merits ot'tbtj Com jhjuml vlllbi3roeotrnlzcil,aa relict U immedtatoi find when Iti U40 Ij continued, I.i nlncty-nlno caw In a hun. drcd,itjcnnanctitciirolcrrcttod,asthouMnl will tea tlfjr, On ficcoUQt tt ItJ proTon merit, It U to-tlny re commended, and irc3crlbcd by tho bot jitijilcl&os In tho country. It vlll euro entirely tho worst form cf tilling of tho utcru, Ltacorrhaa, Irregular and lAluful 3Ienbtrufitlon,itllOrarlan Trouble, Inflammation ami titration, Hooding, Ml Dl3ilaccmenU ami tho ctm PcqtientflplnalvcttknoMimdU especially adapted I thoChArjpoof Life. UwIUiUmoIto Ami csprl tumori fromlhoutcrusinnncarlyBtngo of development. Tho tendency to cancerous kumori thero lJ checlioJ very ipcadilytryitsutfO, l.i fact It lai proroJ to bo tho great cr,t ami tost remedy that has crcr been discolor ed. It permeate cvury portion of tho rjBtcro, and cites row llfcandvlcor. It removed fUntnc83,Catu!oncyf!o fltroys allcravlnff for tttmulant( and relieves wcatness vt tho Ktonuch It euros r.Ioatlnjj, Headache, Kcrvoun rrnntratton, General Debility, MecplcEsnewi, depression and InUl CCstlon. That fccllnj of bearing dewn, cnuilncf pain, relcht and Lact:ache, Is always permanently cured by li uae. H will at all tisic , and under all clrc wmtan cps, act lit harmony with tho law that covcrus tho femalo system, 1'or Kidney Complaint of either set thjj coropounj Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. PinklianVs Vegetable Compound li pre pared at 233 and Western Avenue, Lyon. Man Mco Ci-00. Six bottlcj for f.CO. Rent by mail In tU forraofpUKolilnthoformcfLo2v'urc on reeelrt of price, Ct.O, per hot, for ttthcr. Mm. 1 INIiltAll freely answers oil IctUrs of iniuft-y. Bond for paw phltt. AddresJMohovo Mention thtsimper, K family should bo without LYDIA 11 HNKIlAiP LI VCU TILLS. T)icy euro CcrL3tlia.ton, nuioiuii and Torpidity of tho Liter, Zi ur U ir box. JOHNSTON, 1I0LL0WAY & CO., General Agents, Phih., Pa. BOLD UY MOYBR BROTHERS., Bloomcburg, Pa. WILL IT CURE iE? 3iU .i manwiou w))'03.?5io co'intcn&nco nnd brokan ajwii contltuMon slinvja tra3;s ot dujato aauCfcror with Nervom Disajpsn.ln whoso st im ach tli) mostdo'liato morsel lay llltj loil. ltefrcsli- logsljepanJciilotnirrawjiM slrnoM ti lilm, unilhocUipjlrodotovo. b;ln,' vM. Wj alvboJ him to till o SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR CTli'ehtiOd' tlmo was not oalyrj llovol but cured Itoadjr;lt.voa aro aultorlaj with Urapspilaor Hir er Dluao In nay lorni do not wait uutll tho dlseaso lias taken a Ms' lul l upjn you, but uso tin Ucgula, torwlionthe symptom i tint Khjw tUjanelvos. It has relloved untold suffering. SIJIMONS' LIVEIt ItF.dUtj.vroit Unot anolcho'iollc stimulant, but a Purely Vegetable Remedy tbat will euro when ever thing clao (.ills. It la a faultless family medicine. Dors not d.snrrango tun system. It no violent drjstlopurfo, but naturu's own remedy. The friend ot creryoDC, and will not disappoint you. A slnr.lo trial will convlnco )ou that it Is tho cheapest, pu.-ost and best Family JleJ- cine In tho world. ASK tho recovjred dyspeptics, bill )Ui BUrtercTJ, victim i of rover nnd ague, tho mcrcmlal diseased patient ho-.v tho rooovereJ their health, cheerful splrlt3 and good appetite they will tell you by ta- king Simmons' Liver Regulator. ASIC VOUH DItUUOtST FOlt SIMMONS' Liver Regulator Original and genulno, prepured on'y by J. n. zmi.i.v a- ro., l'UILAllELPlllA. l'rlcn ! .(10. Pold by all Druggists. April 16, -SO-ly. ; FACTO WORTH KHOWIDG. Qloirer, Eithn, Blanankt, fitlllliii!l end Dinnv other of Uiu best metliclncs known nro so skillfully combined in lUnxxn's Oisocn Toxic! aj (U lb tun ivbcav iiiuou rur .icr IIU Ike Ileit Ileal III and Strength Iicitorer Lor Tied. fin nerfpet la tho comnoslUon of Parser1. UUaikIl lUIU VUUb UU i:Uil tVU BUM wnere n is useu. u you oats uytpeptca, new, ieh, Rheumatltm, Neuralgia, Qowct, Kidney, or Liver Disorder, cr If you need a mild etlm- lclns for you, as lb 13 highly curatlvo and In-, viKorauruj out nover inwxjcaung, If you aro slowly wactlrg away with Con tumptloii or any tlclOK'SS, If you liave a Painful Cough or a bad Cold, 1'irutiR'a Ui.votn Tonic will surely help you. It gives new lifo and' vigor to the feeble and aged, and is a certain cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. . It Iiu Sued Unndrcda of Llrci) It Maj' Save Vonra. , ! It you are foeUng miserable don't wait until' Sou ore down oleic, but uso thu Tomo to-day,; o matter what your disease or symptoms may, ,bo It will give prompt relief. , Remember I 1'i.nKxn'a antccn Tosio Is not rum drlnlc but the Deal and Pureit Faraily, IMadiclne ever mode, compounded by a new, process, and entirely different from Bitters,' gmgerpreiiaratlonsfindallotherTonlcs. Try) J 60c. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. , PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM The Il(t aud Uoat Economical IlalrDraiilni exquUlttly pufuined and perfectly harmless. . mil llrraja Iieitore Gray or FaJeJ Hair te Its ortcinat youdiPul crilor and appearance, and Is warranted to atop its Cducz, oui&t ns crowd, and prevent baldness. A few applications of the IWlsau will soften the balr, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu. aaouis of the scalp. 5oldLyalldrue;ctstst'eor4. OCt. 1,'iO-ly a LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND . AT THIS OFFICE. n? BROWNIE AND ASK YOUR DRUGGIST PflRlT W. CHAMPION DROWNINO.M.D. 1321 Arch Street, Phlln'delphla, KeU. is, ' recommended for ell ditwases IrZl 6 for MB n ui ndj u-u aij , - , L - JUST OUT, MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED IRE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lcck'uSUIl's, Oxford co , Me, Messrs. MorrU A Ireland: (lents: On tho S2nd of November, isto. our snool mill nt i bis place, toxfji, two otorles hlgh.wasto tally consumod by lire, In which thero was a largo quantity ot gpnoi lumuer, spuiiH auu uiock-9, aw H.'a boned. The Urn barued for threo and a half dais, Wo b td one of lour Bates in our mill nnd Tuesday mornlag follotvtns', eighty h(ttrs alter: th ) lire. It was 100 nor. to naimic. ueinr; covered wiui ourninj; blocks, tsomo timo niter It was opened and tho con tents weru In n Rood statu of preservation, not a book or nitio-biMuir dmtroiod. i am Bltl-lled with yottrsafei and havo pin chased another, und enn chperlu'ly recommend theinto anyone wlshlnalo tectiro tneir vaiuaoies irom dciuk uesiroyca oy tiro, l ours truiy, i, u. i edii s, TREMENDOUS TEST. noastlng Thirty Ilo irs In a Bed of ltcd Hot Coals, Corning, N. Y January 0, '81 Morris & Ireland. Iloston.Mas?. tJcntlemen:r-on tho night of tho ilro In our vll laco on tho 20th ult.. I hid In ueo one of your No. E Safes 1 am nlcased to Inform you. utter tho lloor gavo way It tell Into tho cellar. Into a heap of burn ing coal, whero it roasted for thirty hours, our cit izens and myself gavo up tho hope or anything be ing saved In It, On being taken frcm tho rulnsl was nuppuy Qisappomiea to nua my caso, voucuers nna uiuer uru&CB ci vuiuu 'eneeiijr iireaerveu. inu combination worka well now. 1 nm satlslted your new and Improved work, one ot which, a No. au, l have ordered nf your agent to-day, will afford ausoiuto protection in any lire. Truly Yours, K. H. Baknes, STILL AHEAD- Iiochtsler, N. II., Dec. 10, to. Messrs. Morris ltcland: Dear Klis: In tho disastrous flro wnlch took place lu this town Nov. SO, the Morris nnd Ireland Dafo In my storo was subjected to a severo test, being uiriiwii uuu uui ueuar anu n nuge inns-s 01 aeuiid i.'ii upon u, anu it in 1110 nuns somo two uayH, I luko pleasure la Informing sou that unoucxeava. lion It was oponed without I rouble and the contents were fjttnd to no unltijuretl. I cheerfully recom mend vntir mfi sand should 1 wnnt nnolh r 1 sttould c taimy i tiichune one from you. Yours truly, 0. W. Howe. STILL ANOTHER. From this Orcat l'.io In Troy, New Y'crk. Troy, N. Y., December 11, 1S79. Stows. Morris Ireland. Bottom tlontkmen: After witnessing Ihn charred books outof Ihu sates oneneit. alio onoofmv own uhlen was nnclher tuncu. whlcli wa3 nut In tho heat of tiw nro iiKoino no c ittviy ptireinsed or j on, which was In Ihe tiro over tnrty-i lirht ho.irs. nnd had to bo continually plajtd on dining Monday night, as It wa. cuiupieit'iy Minuuui:eit wuu uurning muslins and oilier lull niublu miuorlal, on opening It lit tho ruins Tuo'tUy uflernoon, I wus pleuAed tu Ilnd tho contents, books, n.tpors and money wero all pi c scrved in a reinarkntily good condition. With this proof cf the Ilio iiualllks of your salo wo havo irlv- iu uur ueut uu uruer i t uuu u. ei sale. Yours respectfully, Davis Co. THE GUEAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUAHY. 1SS0. Morris & Ireland's Snfm Atraln Ti lumphant .Messrs, Hlce, Keudall u Co's. Lirt;j t-ata lleveats Its VolUrtblij eunten's Inlaci, after boinir sub Ject.d to Inlen e bent for ono IluuJrcd und Thirty Hours. Boston, January t, liso. Mi;s3ra, MorrU Ireland. Boston; (lents: On tho night cf December S3, last, tho bul.dim; occunti'd In n.irt bvusnc Sn.m i','ilr,ii street, uiu which was four stories hlsh und about sum ii-i b ut-i-p, cuuuiuro auu was ue.siroyeu, with all Us contents, conmatlnu of a very lurgu stock of paper, took binders' materials and ui her inerchan- dtze. WhllO LCViTal Other larirn llullrllncs nrtfnlnlriir ours were burned at tho tame time, the II lines weru eAimxuuuuu inu luuowiinr uav. out our stock con tinued to burn for dajs thereafter. After a delay of 13a hours wo were ublo tu navo our safo dug out from Iho rums und onened. itud weru nlea$ed tn unit all tho CO items well preservod. '1 ho saf a contained our most Yaluibltt books, papers, policies, etc., and uu uun i-ci mill; 1114b uur JuilKilll'Ul was LOirCCtlU tin lug ono ot sour tat in which uu decided todo utter know tng the wonderful rrcord of your sates In Iho great Boston Ilro ot Wo regnr.1 tho protec tion i f i our ale i.s most rem irkabio, aud this llru Is a guaranty of Its s-curlty lo those who may wish Yours very truly, Hies, ICesdali. co. Also a Coraraunica ion from Ex-Govcr- nor Ales. Rics, llOKtnn. .liinunrv 9 130 MESSIHMOItlllilft IltKI.ANI). (lentsi Ihavomadi ran ful examination rr tlm contouls of Ihu tare puicliased if vousomo years sluco by the firm of Itice, Kendol! Co , and which was siibieetto tho test of etiormom heat In tho great llru of last Sund ly night. I regard the so- uuij ui iuu biuj uuuer uiu circumstances as most retnarkablo. Nouo ot Us contents weru burned, nor wero nay of thorn so Inlurodby heat as to bo materl illy d unigud. 1 slioul I commit uny sccurli. tea lojoir saf) liero.ifti:r with nddltluucl cuuil denco. With great respect, jouib very truly. Aiexanucr 11. liico. THE LATEST YET. BVr THS SAU3 RSULT, Ko. Noi rldtrowivlf. tlA r.ili 1 icq. trad.. a v.:,, ::", r, ? kia.,iijii.i. ,iui,uiu,i,jauiu .nans. : Tuu saio I nought of you I ist October was In a two-jtory wooden bulldlug, which buried Jan.x.i. Tho building took tl u In ihouU'ht.nud tho saf i, building nudltseuntiuls, fell Into iho cellar upon iiplloofdry wool, nuking u h'jt ilro which lasted for teu hours. Tha outside) of Uu sifo win noited rod hot. It molted tho h mdlo und dial utf th j door. I lu contonta consisted ot wa'chos, Jewelry, bluer wan;, books p.tira &)., nil of which oamo out In tfuod loadliloii. I'npitH liluu.'il'.st fiu liisllo of ihifiifawerj uot Injured, Tiwsiru thmvsfiirlt s lf wi.atltls,anl I feel well sutMl:d with whit It. lusiloiio. I'lj.iso writo vh i'. jo t ea i alloiv for It luwiiriU norv ouo, aui oblUo, O. V. HAH.. CHAMPION RECORD ill MEAT BOSTON FIRE iE 1872. t28enaforrrlces and descrlptlvo citalu ba fore purLhislngclsuwhcru, MORRIS & IRELAND, . 64 SUDBURY ST., Boston Mass, BLOOM SB UHG STATE WOHMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TlttSSClIOOl,. nsnt present constituted, oilers tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. flulldlmrssnaclous. Inviting nnd commodious s completely heated by stoata, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with n bountiful supply of pure.sott spring water, liocaiionunaitniui, nnu eivsy 01 uuccss. luacuers uxpcrieiii eu, eiueieiii, uuu uuvu lu muir wuri, iusciifiuie, nriii uut kiiui, uuuurui uuu muruuu. AAjicuaer moderate Fifty cents n week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted nt any timo. ltootns rc3crvod when desired. courses or stuay prcscriucu uy tuu atnio : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. 1 1. Commercial. Ill, Course lit Music. IV. Course in Art. Tho momentary. Scientific and Classical Coursos corrcsponuingnegrees ; Piaster or too r.iemenis; nnsier 01 tuu sciences ; juastcroi tnouias-'ics. urauuatcs lueirattainmcnts,, signeu uv tuu uuieers 01 ino iiuaru r nocoursooi tuu y nrcscriucu oy mo tnto lsuocrai, anu tiic::icntiucnnii uiassicni courses aro not interior to inoso ot our dcsc uoueges. Tho State renulresn higher order of cltlzenshln. Thotlmos denandlt. ltls onoof tho nrlmo oblecti of I his School to holn to secure It. by furnishing Inlellt- gcntnndoniclentTcocbersforhcrscbools. Tothtsondlt solicits young persons of good ubllltlos and good nua ineir inicnis, us Mtuucms. i o an sucu it promises i;ainioguo.n(iurcs4 ino iTincipni. wii.iiiA.H iii.iviii.i., rrrsiurni uonrii Sept. 9. 'Id.- THE CREAT BVIiLIZsGTON MO VTE. C3y.S'o other lino run3Tlirco Through 1'os Fcnger Trains Dully botween Chicago, Dcs Molnc", Council IllulTs, Omnha, Lincoln. St. .lnscph, Atchison, Tupekn nud Kansn9 City. Direct tonnectlous for nil points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, No vndn. New Mexico, Arlzunn, Idaho, Oregon nnd California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta blo Route vhillnuiillii.l to Kent Scott, Dcnison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Autonlo, Onlvcs ton nnd all points In Texas. Tho uncqunled Inducements offered by this I.lno to Travelers and Tourist?, nro as follows: Tho celebrated l'ullinnn (ltVwhcol) Pnlaco Sleeping Cars, run only on thiJ I.lno. C, II. & Q. 1'nlaco Drawlng-ltoom Cars, with Ilorton'a llccllnlng Chairs. No extra chargo for Scats in llccllnlng Chairs. Tho famous C. H. & Q. l'alaro Dining Cars. Oorgcnus Smoking Cars lilted with Illcgant High-Hacked llattan Its vnlvlng Chairs for tho cxcluslvo uso of first class p.icngcrs. Steel Track nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their O rcat Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, abovo all others, thofnvorlto Ilouto to tho South, South-West, nnd tho Tar West. Try It, nnd you will find traveling n luxury lntcnd or a discomfort. Through Tickets via thb Celebrated Lino for salo at nil offices in tho United States und Canada. All Information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Cur Accommodations, Tltno Tables, &c, will tio cheerfully giicn by npplylng to J. Q. A. nnAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent, 'Mi Washington St., Boston, Mass. nnd ill" Broadway, Now York. JAMES It. WOni). f Sen. I'ass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. l'OTTClt, Con. Manager, Chicago. March 18, '0, m week. THails sgDjac wbIS caDHBttsaiisa MA , nro I'tlOt'H.sSION AL nnd Students trraduatne therein, rocolvo Rtato Dlnlomas. conferrlnu tho followln 01 j usiee aiuin uovcioping tucir powers, anu auuuuant opportunities ior wen paiu lauor alter leaving acuooi. t o 01 truniccn. SPEEli'S PORT GRAPE TO Used In tho principal Churches for Communion purposes. EZAELtiENT FOR LADIES AND WEAELY PERSONS AND THE A3ED. Spser's Port Grape Wino FOUR YEARS OLD. mbl3 celebrated Nativo Wlno Is mado from tho X jutco oi mo opono urupo raised in mis country It.s Invaluiblc Touio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Eelg tho puru Juice of tho drape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity nnd gcnulnenesj uro gurnueed. Tho youngest child may p.irtnko ot Its irencrous nualltles.nnd tho weak est Invalid use It to advantage It Is particularly benlllclilto tho nged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It Is in every respect .1 winu TO HE ltELIDO O.N. SPEER'S 1B0 do iaoBy, Tho I. J. snilltRV is a Wlno ot superior character and partakes of the golden qualities nt the grape, from which it is mado. For l'urtty. ltlchncG9,('lavor uuu .ueuicai rropcrucs, it win uu xounu unc&ccueo. SPEER'S J, J", a5 Tills 11UANDY stands unrivaled In ihls Country, uviutf lui ouiiuiiui lui uil'uk ill uuinu&cs. IT IS A rune distillation f 0111 tho grapo and con. uiius vuiuauiu incuieai properties. It has a dellc.ilo Ilivor. similar tn that nt the grapes from which ltls dlstlllcd.and is In groat favor among llrst class families. Seo that tho signature of AI.I'IIKD SI'Enn.l'nssalc n.o., is over tuo comoicncii Dotllo. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. dool '80t- AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, IHON ST.. DELOW SECOND, IlLOOMSIIUItO, l'n Is prepared to do all kinds cf I-OTTSH PASWa-XKfGr rialn and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOItATlVE AND PLAIN. All Uliids of'Fiiriiltiii'c'Ilcitnlrcd, nn I made its good ih new. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMTLPYED Estimates lYCadc on all WorL, WM. F. BODINE. OCt. 1.1ST8. Dattlo Crook, Michigan, MANCFACTUnEnS Or TUB ONLY aENUlN1 THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnos and Horao-Powors. Moat ComplctoTiirc.hcrKuctor)'! Established ft VCADQofont'BU0W,,l,,dwtiitut. t i I tllIiOn, without chanijo of name, U& Eiaiiiwumcnt, or locaUou. 10 ' toe vp " ihi , KTnAM-l'OWim -SEPAUATOIlS and C iilllliletu tStenlll OuttHnomalchlwQuaHttu. ii.i Trurtlon iliiuliieitaiid I'liiln J.uglnm ci er awn In tho Ajutru au market. A wultituit of ijitctal featum om mproveiiwtti for lenl. tOifethor u 1th superior tjualitit in contlrue. tioti and wattrinU not drvuiuodcf bj'otlipr uiatcra. Caiiacity. for maw or horn iwirw, Two Mylea rf ' JInuulcd " Horn wur 9iivn ui nvmnnra. iroiu u 10 IT6 liorso Hnrso.rower. 7finfl finn Vevt r Hrlcetnl I.uiulier rtiUktantW on hand, frntii vhlrli Im luttlt ihn i... coiupurabld woodwork of our uiuchiuery. TRACTION ENGINES RtruMQttt. tnotl durlh, and tfflttt. tttt i,w"r,,"9r?i !ln1 Tlircklieriiif u are Invited to . .i.i UivuUraH!Utlru. Addruu NICHOLS, 8HEPARD & CO. Dattlo Creek, Mlchlsan. Jin T, S'.tm ais PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Offico ON SHORTEST NOTICE 4ND AT TUB MOST EEABONABLBi TJU1M8 1 V. Course in I'liyslcal Culture, in tuo oilier courses receive normal I'cruucaics purposes, Ihoso who deslrotolmprovo their timo Jr. r, un.uti i.u, secretary. THE DAVIS. -55 52.000 REW1RB. OKK THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS l"lti;,MlU.U ollercd to AY ri'.itsnx that will do ni CIKIiAT A KtNGK OF WOIUC on ANY OTIIEU MACniNU. WHAT THK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wlda hem on sheets, Ac, hem all manner of Was woolen poods, ns soft merlnn. rrnnn. or goods difficult to hem on other maeul'iis. It in uvea u uiuro ciasuo siiicn tuan any omcr midline. n win turn a nem ana put in piping nt sumo umo, It will ttirn.i hem. rew braid cn Iho right fcldo nnd stitch on trimming at cue operat on. It will do f. lllng Clas cr straight, cither cn cotton Ul UUIL .1 gUUMU. It will fell across scams on any goods. I Will bind a DrcFS or Skirt, nnrl rrirnn fnrtnt. either with or w llhout showing stitches; bind Dress O00J3 wllh the satno material, either fcallops.polnts, pauatesorstialght. 'Iho only machiuo that will bind Hats, Cloal.s, or other articles with bias, satin or sins, irom to u ineucsin v,i Mil, without basting. It will gather with or without sowing on. Itwlllgnther between two plietsandbcw onnt U1U OillllU I uuu II vlll mako nrumo and stitch 11 pillow slip on to It will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming either with or with out sowing it on. it will mako plaited Irlmmlng either scallaped or .,'. mhudo u piiiii' uu ut inu samu tune. 11 niu uiuku huuu piaiuug. J. SALTZEK Gen'l Aqcnt, JJIoorasburg, Pa. oct. 1, 'SO-tf. onp.?r At Orano's Oancor Infiraary, Aidi:cn, If. Y. IIUNDIlE )S OF l'EUSONH fioinnll parts of tho world have been cured of this much dreaded d!s caso and are now living witnesses thatthev havu been rescued Irom aterrlbin and untimely d.-aili. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor trcutedfree. Wrllo or a circular giving full narlleulais. AdddressDrs. : uiiun i Acaison, iN. v. Oct. 1,'so-ly Weaver Sc Go's Ada cau bo mado at homo by nni-nfllv., nvm m,n.n,nA,, .'or clll. Ynil will tint. 00 oongeu 10 icavo our 0 in town, or ho away from w-v. ...k.ii. ju.y uuu mu I'UUUUCt 1110 UUSl lU'SS. It 11-1111 r ft pnnll ,1 WE WILL UTAH 1' VIMMVITII A N OUTFIT WOKTII mnl,?r?nmtWcl,ll.lrl'IB..Ulu ,Ilv 3 011 M r miij.c'uiafrto K. tlVDKoV iV T.fS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ri izi-3 Awarded. 3IUVi:it & son, t2 . rcli street Philadelphia. Highest Awards for tho beat llanos: London Paris, centennial uu.l I'cnii'.i Mate I'alrs. march 11, '31-Cin v.-tco LATEST STYL3S OF At tho 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' nntflt. tuu, a !.,. ..... ....... .IT iivk miiivHjiiiiu nuiu i-ngago in tljO'aost pleasant and proiltablo bu-fiio!ia niuV.rt ' wA .;fii . .? ... v"l'iiai not re- r....', ' ".v 11,1 ul3u j"u i-veri till ig. flu adayaud upwntdslsuisily without stislug ?t"3 K Ji.??P "I" . '''i'- N '!' " v. hatcvSr". S5 VJWpcw , J-odh's mie much " .v --w j tuu uu iiiHUr1 in aweti; at niiv wm nnd t-Kn t Co..T5hlMd7Maio. ' w-! 1 v4m v THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE ftl.r Whereas, tho world renowned reputation of tho wnito lowing Macliino X T t t t . iv, r. - vvni its 1V1ACHINE .,4 ltlu a i uitAL WEAK AND TEAIt Of TUB WMte Sinttle Sewinir Manliinn ' n ''HVUtllU IN ItEI'AItt FOlt T K TEI1M of ilv vpiiim FltOU THIS DATElFWlEOF CllAltU A KMM boTbinSTndr,atuytt?cXsC.CI,U tb0 trDaK of This warranty win not bo sustained unless tho R l,tn0.unmVf,'; .B,?.v.?. F'yen corresponds with the 5r iutwedi numbe'rs. UB"ao uoware otdcfc WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE" Dhuttlo Sowlnj Machlao Itu imiinh ni.ipm ih.h ... . . -- uu uiuerramurtiowinir very T&rtety ot worfc """"n J, HALTZKIt, General Agent, Uloocotburgi Va. tX)t I, ID-U, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES IOItTliliKN OENTKAL ItAILWAY 'VINTEIl TIMK TABLE, On and attar Rundiv. Nor. 7. WM. thn trnlnn t)n the l'hl adeiphla tc Krln lta Division wlh run as follows 1 WESTWAItD. Krlo Mall lcnvo.1 Philadelphia. 11 tB p m " " llarrlsburg 4 33am " " William port 8 n n m " " Jersey lloru 0 tin 11 m " " Loci; llnven 4onin " " llenovo litsnm ' arrlvri at Krlo T 41 n in Klagata Ejpress leaves I'hlladelrhta 8 to a m iiarniuuig ixinpni " arr. at ilil.tmsport 8 15 p m " " Lock llacn 4 sop 111 " " Ilehovo 6 40 pm Fast Lino leaves 1'hlladolphla H to p m " " llairlsbtug 4 01 pin " nrrlvo nt, wiillamsport T 65 p tn " " Lock Haven 0 10 p m liASTWAIID. Pacific Knpress lentes Lock Haven 7 fB n m uersejDi.uru .siiiiu ' " Ullllnmsrort 8 so 11 m " anlvoatllnrrisbuig lsimpm " Philadelphia iwspm Day Express leaves llenovo 100.1am " " Ick Haven 11 S3 nm " " Vininmsport lssspm " arrive nt linrrnburir 8 40 pm ' " I'hlladclphla 0 83pm Erie Mall leaves llenovo ooopru " Iick Haven lolopm " " Wlllla-nsport 11 80 p m " arrives at I larrlshurg 8 CO a tn " " l'lilladclphfii 7 03 am Fast Lino leaves Wiillamsport Is is am " arrives at llarrlsburg 8 1.1 am " " l'hlladelpula 7 03 am Erio Mall west and Day Express East malto closo connections ntNnrthnitiuerlund with L.& II. II, It trains for Wllkesbarro nnd scranton, Erie Moll West, Niagara Exprcs West and Fas Lino West mako clo.-o connection at Wllllomspor Willi N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express E&s mako closo connection utLutkllacn with II. E. V, It. It. trains. Krlo Mall cost nnd West connect at Frio with trains on U H. & M. H. It. It. ; at corry wllh O. U. & A. V. It. It. i at Emporium with II. N. V. 1'. It. It and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars win run between I'hllalelphla nnd Wliiamport on Niagara Express west, and Da Ex ptcss Kast. Sleeping cars on all nlijht train. WM.A.1IALDW1N, 11cncr.1l sunt. NORTIIKKN CENTRAL KAILWAY COMPANY. On and after January lTth, 1ES1, trains will Icavo fjunbury us follows: NOItTUWAHD. Northern Exprcsj 6.33 n. m arrive Elmlra is 30 p m Arrlvo at Utnanlil;ui p. m " ltochester 4.43 11 " Niagara. 8 it Niagara Express 1.03 p. m. arrlvo E intra 0 oj p m nrrlvo Canandalgua 8.31 " " itochoster 43 " " " Niagara U.oonm Fast lino 0.10 p m nrrlvo Elmlr.t 1 1.05 p m " Walklas 11.53 pm f OUTHWAHD. Sculhcrn Express 1.32 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 8.15a in arrlvo Philadelphia 7.83 " " New York 10.33 " " llaltlmoro 7.40 " Washington 0,02 a m PeCilo Express a m arrlvo Harrisb'g p m cnlvc Phradclphla s 45 p m " New York o,!5 " " caltlmoro " Washington 7.52 Day Expresil.51 p m nrrlvo llarrlsburg 8.10 p m ' Philadelphia C45 " " New York " " llaltlmoro u.85 11 Washington ".53 Erie Mall 1.05 n. m. arrlvo Ilarrtsburg 3.05 0. mj ' Philadelphia 7.33 " " NowYoik "0.31 " " Baltlmoro 7.40 " Washington 0.02 I I'. FAIlMElt, Osneral rassengor Asott, Fit AN K THOMSON, General Manager. OHILADELI'HA AND 11EAD1NO 110AD' M ARRANQE3IENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1679, TRAINS LEAVE RuTKKT AS f'0M.0W6(SCNDAY)!XCKmD For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottBvUlo, &c, 11,45 a. in For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 7,21 and 7,85 p, m. For WlllLirasport, o,3 $,05 a. in. and 4,00 p. in, TRAI113F0H UCI Er.T LEAVS A3 FOLLOWS, (8CKDAT BX CXPTBD.) Lcavo Now York, 8,43 a. m. Lcavo I'hlladclphla, P, 15 a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,55 a. tu., Pottsvtllc, 18,59 p. m and, 1,35 p. m. Lcavo Catawlssa, o,so 8,co a. m. and -l,oo p, m. Leavo VHllamsport,9,45a,m,s,15p. m. and4,to p, m rasocngcrs to and from New York and Philadel phia go througu without chango of cars, J. E. WOOTTEN, General Mamtger C. 0, HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent., lsTO-tf, E LAW A RE, LACKAWANNA AN1J WiSSTKItM HAlLliUAl). BLOOMl515URa DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. S9, Takes clfect nt 4:30 A M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1S78. NOUTLT. HTATKUiS. sotJTn. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.ui t 3 .1 4 its 4C 9 37 9 3D 9 SI 9 19 9 14 , ncranton llellut ue Tajlonllle,. . ...Lackawanna.... l'lttslon .. West l'lttston... Wiommg , llaltby licnnett KlDgston Kingston ,.1'lymouth June, ....Plymouth Avond.Uo Nantlcoko Uunlock's ( reck. ....Kblckphlnny ...nick's I'crry.... ...lieach Haven... Eerwlck .... ....llrlar Cnrk ..Willow drove.... ....Lltno Kldgo Panv 9 33 9 43 2 111 0 15 2 10 c so 2 22 6 S5 2 SO G S3 2 38 0 40 9 m ti 17 j ts B M S Dl 8 46 3 51 8 4'J 3 41 IS 41 IS :o 3 SO 3 10 9 53 S 44 C 45 10 07 i 49 i 53 lT 6 SO S 5A O 59 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 20 7 3S 7 49 8 S3 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 19 3 IE 10 83 3 15 8 10 3 15 8 St 3 S3 8 S3 3 SO 8 ti 10 s9 8 12 8 04 7 51 7 38 3 12 3 01 2 61 2 89 8 47 10 4 6 39 8 23 8 i; 8 lu 10 42 10 tfi 11 07 11 13 3 85 8 CO 4 C3 4 10 8 04 8 S3 8 4S 8 tt) 7 Ml 2 34 7 23 ! 58 7 18 7 14 7 111 8 W 111 2J 4 18 9 OS 4 Ui 7 IS i 29 4 83 4 42 7 23 7 80 1 41 7 02 5 CO C 50 6 43 6 SI 8 IS 6 00 9 C4 1 f.7 1 M 1 44 1 97 7 41 7 CS 7 33 7 Vi 7 111 11 SO ...Ulbomsburg..'".' l(iinrf . 111 43 4 49 6 on 8 SJ 8 50 8 21 9 SI 9 9 Catawlssa llrldgu! II 61 4 53 11 67 12 18 B CIO b ia 9 13 b 30 B 43 .....JJtlUVUlU Chulasky. Cameron .Northumberland. 1 00 6 45 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. S.m, p.m. a.m - . . . . TliAD, Kupt. snpor.ntcndont's Ott'ce, 8..-ranton, Justs to, 1&7S. TAINWRIOUT & CO., WHOLESALE Ol'.OCEItS, PuiupmrniA, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUrS, COFFEB, BUOAH, MOLASSES, iitci, sricts, bicabb soda, &C, io. 21, E. Oorcer Second oad Arch Btrects, ; Hr-ordors vrtll roootve prompt attention. catarrh tho i-llh ,,nrtlj-l.. tho llahn Intci tnb Itrlln rlr.liv ulfnnr. 'NaJnostrlls LfALPis ,MKitlanp8o. It will" to i.b. sy E.viu"-aMN-i.&ofWJoioeu, tieansing, nua tfw?.,v .vji'u-rsi"1""!1 mo uiscascu .(1W mcuibrane. Apply a partlcio Into hu ear. ELY'S OMiAM MALM An V , uimauiu lui-ai reputation, ti'tpia ,ii ' '.r "'" iu mu vicinity oi uih no i?i.' ,Z 'J'.,0," u 'Ser"8. a",'nc' ftcognUed ns a will i-ouvlncu tho most skeptical of Us curatlvo Pywfr". It effectually cleanses tho nasal pussagia of fatiirrhal virus, causing healthy secnllcus, at JajK It.lliimmnllon und Irritation, i rotectHtho inein K!1?i'j, "!lD.BS ,0,.."'u heaU 'fom Mldlllo iilcoli ", fc?"pJtt'l.y,l'c,ll:,Mll'0fo"'s'on(1 rcsti.rea lh sento of tasto uuu s null, lleneilclal .-results nro reullzed ;?,ri,.v.Kpp"ca.l.,0ES-A tl'orough treatment us dl ricua, t-atairh. As a household remedy for cold In tho head It li uneuunled. Tho balm Is nilV0 y,t0 as,a. ttKU cMc' bM ''J' 01 "CTflMB at to cents On receipt cf 50 cenla will mall it packago Bend for circular, with full information. 1 ELY'S CltEAM I1AUI CO., OwrgO, N. V, m01! Bi,.l?n'? "'purosburgby Mnicr Pros , O. A. Kleim, BNalol!;"-K(mm hy Wll0lcl ocr, si, 'io-ly a TT 11 I TT ourselves by makng money - H.I, vhetin gold in chanco H of J I IjJJJ I fend, thereby alwuyBkeepliig .f.rTiT. rr , Poverty iromyour door. 'ihoeo w ho always take advantage ot tho good chuncJ s for KmftW?vnl;fft VlA '"".'"lercd, generally becoinS wealthy, wnllo thoso who do not Unprovo such chances lemaln In poverty. Wo want in"uy womcii, calUles. 'J ho bus ncss will pay moro than t- n t ines K'Xi-r0 ,,,rlst' n cxtenslvo outtit and Address Btinbon & Co., Portland, Malno. oct.lS'so-.y' fOB PIUNTIJNQ Netljr md cheaply executed tt the OoldkUjUi Office,' Diractions MLATAR IX .COtoa't.rMhoid. a-c. Inseit. v -W HAWa-M.rjtnV-.,.., hfllllli, in.,..,.- n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers