K THE COLUMBIAN. Ill.OOaSnUlllI, KIIIIUT, .U'MII.SIIi, 1J81 1'OIIUO SAI.KH. Ouy II. McMmlcr, executor of John Mu Jalla, deceased, will sell real cstalo nt llio Courl itoiino on Mondoy Mnjr 2nd ivl 1 o'clock p. tit . K. Mi Tcwkfbuty, Committee, will sell real It(lito near llio Mclnlyro church on Saturday, April 30. See advertisement.; What 1ms hecomo of llio Lind LeogucV 1). P. Koulk, of ltoarlngcrcek, litu removed Ito Mloomsburtr. f 2 ulte a nutnuor of water consnm'OH Imve llei'ii added to the list lately. April this fur has been very Marcliy, lWitv- (body It wishing for p'e.nant weather. Karly cabb.igo planls, .. per 1.000, at .T. Garrison's, Cth St. April 8 .Lw I)r. C. V Ammerman of Oranctvtlle was In town on Monday. Kastcr Cards nt Clark'.) Hook Store. Judge lJlwell held argument court nt Dan- ivlllo on Tuesday. Tliore will be nnotticr tcs tion on tlio 28th, Frank I. SmMi of Allii, Hradford county, is eludylnjj medlclno with Dr. U. W. Amiucrman (of Orangevillc. Birthday cards at Clark's Hook Store. Oomer Thomas of Danvillo lull just mib- llcd a new eong and choruc. Wc acknowledge the receipt of n copy. The spring term at the Normal School open- ted on Mondny with n large attendance, Thu prospects of tho schojl aro very llittcring. KincH assortment of Wall P.ipcr in thocoun- Ity nt Clark's liook Store. One can always tell when a theatrical perfor- Imanco is very funny by counting tho number lof peoplo who go out to smilo between llio acts. -&. You should call and s.e tho fins line of Eas- Iterand Birthday cards at Clark's liook Store. Tha Western Union Telegraph cllicu in this town lias been closed, and thu busine's trans Iferred to tho American Union in W. C. lie- JKinney's Uxprcts ollice. Hat. Walter Diefloiibtcu, son of If. L IDielFenbath, hns accoitcd a call to become p.ntor ot tho Lutheran church nt Mount Car roll, Illinois. Tho Lutheran Obsmer says he will take charge nbcut May 8th. .1. Ii. Kobijon, hnj removed his family iiu luwnmiip on me iiioni.il tirm where he will reside. We understand iV ill retain his office and continue h'n 1 practice. Largest slock of Wall Paper is at Clark'' Book Store. Hebecca Carman of Benton has received u jLarge Assortment of Millinery iV- Notion Coeds jlo which elio invites the attention of tho pub- Blic1 Thankful for past patronage the hopes fur En continuance of the Fame. Marriags notices will bo inserted freehcre- nfter. We have never made any ehargj for I death notices, but obituary notices and pooiry aru inserted at ten cents a line. This is our in- I variable rule. Tho marks t reports havo been inadvertently ommitted for tho past few weeks. Wo iinrt Ithem again in this issue, and they can be relied upon always as correct, as they uro revised weekly. I Mr. Augustus Kverhart of Jackson was in Aovn on Tuesday, and wo were- pleased to see h'ua in our sanctum. He is a staunch Dcuio- jjcrat, and has been a subscriber to this paper jfor many years. Tho greatest number of new styles of Wn'.l Paper nt Clark's Book Store. The marriage mania seems to bo very preva lent ut present Q'liten. number of our young gpeoplo havo recently joined hand', and hearts, Sand Btnrted down tho etormy stream of life with mutual pledges of love mid constancy. Kastcr cards nt CIa;hV COUNCIL I'itOCKBM (!. Jiegular meeting of the Town Council fur (April wns held on Wednesday evening. All the members present as follows: President, CI- A. If erring; members, Messrs. Hasserl, Lock sird, Itabbjllarlman, Neal and Correlli Mill oitesnfthe Inst meetirg read and approved. Mr. Wale, representative of the Kuscka hoje Ifarlory, npfcared before tho council nnd ex plained the merit! of his hose. This gentleman Hine at the suggestion cf thu Secretary, as the council had been requested to purchase hose for 111? Winona Fire company. On motion tho matter was poilponed until next meeting. llio saliry of tho Secretary was fixed tho bams in lad lear, $10. J. K. flrotz was unanimously elected Hccrelai. Mr. Kabb moved that tho salary of Treasurer bo fixed nt one per cent1 Mr. Neul moved to amend by inlng it at Iwo per cent. Tlio vots was taken ion tho amendment and it wai lost. It win Bthen fixed at one per cent. V. P. Ilillmeyer rnnu William uhri'lnian woro nominated lor STrcaEurer. The vole resulted as follow. Cor- ell, flassorl, Lockard nnd Itabb voted for Cliristmanj Ncal and llarlnun for Btllmoycr. Irn.nnnl nrc.l!.!u. . fi I B. lie s.uaiy in rcuiieibur was llAtll at ?JJ u vuji. Mr. Ncal nominated C. 0. Birkley. Mr. !l!abb nomlnited J, 1). Boblson. Mr. Ua'gart I nominated II. Iv. Smith. The votu was as fol lows No election on first ballot. On second ballot Mr Berkley wa elected. It wa moved that tho pay of Town constable bo fixed at S100 and so decided. Tho following nominations wcro made for constable! Beubeii Harris, M. Q. Woodward. The vote Blood Coir for Harris and two for Woodward, The salary of etroet commissioner was fixed nt 51. CO per day. Tlio following eisons were iiuuiod for street commissioner: Frank Taylor, M. S. i Williams, Owen Kyerly. F.lljab Shutt, George Kramer, Nathnn Bomboy, Levi Cox, Michael Waller. Frane Tsylor recelyod five votes and was declared i lotted. Tlio fiJIowing noiuiiia. lions wcro made or Chief of Polico : B. 11. Frem, S. W. Shutt, T. 13. Oeddis. 11. B. FreaB was elected. Tho following were uppolntid polico i 1). I.uycock, W. Hiig-'iibuch, N. Pur- I sel, J. 0. Slciusr, A. Shuliz, T. K. Ocddis.Levl ICox.S. W. Shutt, Frank Jonef.W. ICnorr.Wm. i tt orkiielser and II. O. Oft. A number of bills jwere than passed, After Homo other miictlli- ineous bmlness llio water question was taken up -and after couilderabla discussion I. W. Hart unan offered a icjolutlon Ihnt a committor of itwo bo uppolnted lo wait upon tho Water Com" ipany and recpilre ihem to nhow by some tost that they aro ablo to comply with the contract I lie 'resident lo appoint said committee, mid that the company fix tho tlmo to mnko tho toil, antl the town ha Invited to be present. Adopted, .1 lie chair appointed Messrs, Hartuvin nnd Neal as said committee. Mr. lUhb gave notion thai the would propose a lax rale of eilit milUat lh next nieollng, Tho question of bote yu then taken up, and It waa decided lo purchaia oOO feet of Uureka hose, for the Wlnor.ii CorO' ipany, provided Iho Water Company can funv i'h water as $reed by them In tliojr contract, A'Doarnel, Syeral tommnnicallons are rejected ih!s week bocauso there Is no name signed lo them. Corrcpondents mint In alt cases glvo us their names. Yipiifonli (Mich.) ammcrc!tit. Our rcpretenlatlvo lately learned Iho follow ing from Air. Catl Slogmund, Cor. Congress mid Washington Hist My daughter suflcrcd from lllioumatlsni lo such an ex tout that It crip pled her, rendering her unable to walk at all. Wu consulted mnny Physicians nnd used all kinds of medicine?, but In vain. At list St. Ja cobs Oil elFecltd tho happiest results. It cured my daughter. Tho corner stone o( tho new M. E. church al Orangevllle, will he 1 tld on next Sunday, 10th Inst , nt 10 o'clock n. m, Un. M L, Smyser, nnd others wlll'be present and asslt Iho pastor Key. T. O. Cleei. Silt llhcum for seventeen years. Helpless fur eight ymtf. Unable to walk. Got about on hanih nnd knees, Head, ftcc.ncck, nrim nnd legs coveted. Cured by Cutlcutn ltemedles. Will McDonald, 2512 Dearborn street, Chi cago, As house cleaning tlmo Is approaching wo suggest thrt sumo tlmo during tho season, it would bo well lo havo Iho glassos that cover the post-ofilccboxe? Ireited to a little soap and water. If this can not bo done the govern, ment should place an electric light in tho pest office to that people can see Iho number of their boxes. Finest Spectacles made, lo 1)8 had al ClarkV. Mr. Jerome P. Woodring of Johnstown Cambra county, and Miss Clara Bidlcman of th Is town wore married at tho homo of the bride, on Tuesday morning, in tho presence of a num. bi-roi'lrlend', by Kev. 0. II. Strunck. They will reside nt Johnstown where Mr. Woodring U engaged In business. They will tako with them tho best wishoiol their many friends nnd aeqtuintuices in ihh placr. . "the An old Da.kcy Baptist Minister used lo lay paitic ilar strcs on the fid, that Iho testatum! whilst alluding lo John tho Baptist, never ppo iks of John the Methodist, or John the Pres. bytcrlnti, or John Me Episcopalian. Its rt won ber he didn't sny It was n pity Spring Blos'om was not known in the time ot Job, foi its a cer tain cure fr Bolls. Prices: SI., CO cents, nnd dial bottles 10 cents. The season is fist approaching when Iho heart of the small boy will thump with gladness as he sees tho bill boards covered with flaming posters announcing the early arrival of the cir cus, Forepaugb, Barnum and Coup are all nuking preparations for the Beasoti, each one elaimlas to hi?o "tlis f reatest show on earth," nnd ihey will viit this part of the State during the summer. George A. Clark ins morosliadesof Window Curtains than can ha found elsewhere. People sometimes complain thai they never see anything in the county papers, concerniuc matters in their immediate locality. How can tboy expect editors to know what is occurring in every nook and corner of the county unless somebody tells them? Send in your local news. 0. A. Clark sell a Spring Curtain Fixturo that he wairanls. Two more weeks have passed, and still there is no word from tho county treasurer concern ing llio'O tax deeds, llow much longer is this thing to bo permitted to go on? Unless the ommi'sioicrs insist upon an adjustment of the matter, Ihey tnut admit themselves parlies (o the transaction, and help bear tho blamo for taking SUl.ftf) out of the ttoasury unlawfully. They will not do this aa they wore entirely in-tuc.-nt in Iho transaction. Spectacles for twenty live cents and upwards at Chirk' Book Store. HO! FOIt THE WEST. If you are going west save timo and money by buying tickets from It. D. Darlington, agent nt Bupert. lie represents best routes to the west and norlhweti Trains leave llupcrt at G:ir a. m., 8:50 a. in , and 1:00 p.m. For rates and information, call on or address II. D. Darlington, April 1-Ow Ticket Acent, Hupert, Pa. A F.OMANCE. Wo met, we loved, we separated. The rea son, rout oreatli. lliocurr, Spring Ulossorn. Jtei-ull, conciliation, happiness. Prices: 1., 50 cents, and trial liottles 10 cents, A CAM). Dr. House desires to inform his patrons and tho public in general, that nftcr April 1st, lie will be locited in rooms over Iho Bioomsbiirg Banking Co., and desires a continuance of pub lic favor. march 25 -lw A IILUKRIBHON CONVERT. The man was old ho smelt of rum, 1 It'll been on a pretty ousiderable bum; His eyes lliey ran, Ills body shook, He looked like a resurrected spook; A ftiend ho thought to reform him wou'd try. ton bottle of Sprint; Blossom ntonce did buy, It did llio work and his friends he'll tell, Never whiskey more will he taste or smell. Prices:?! , 50' cents, and trial bottles 10 cts. L. T. Sharpless, successor to Wngomeller A Co., will continue tho Notion busiuecs. at tho old Ftand, whoiusilo and retail. Envelopes Note Paper and Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags and Flour Sacks always cu hand. ItOU.VO ABOUT HOAItlNUUItEEK. April 5, 1SS1. Constable Kuittlo has delivered life insurnnco poli ics for over 8250,000. Mr. nnd Mrs, Francis Becker wcro visiting friends at Danville and lUversidc recently. I'ov. L. P. Kramer, Iho U, B, pastor has been returned to (his circuit for another year. Mr. Andrew IEaup informs us that ho has solicited life Insurnnco polices lo the amount of over 200,000. Several of our young "Itnaringcreck Bloods" were In Hemlock on "biz" tho middle of last month. Tho boys had a gcod time. The Coi.umiiun of tho 18th ult, did not roach heio until the 21th ult Can you explain, Mr. Editor? Several subscribers made tho in quiry of your correspondent. Wo cannot explain. Tlio papers wcro mailed here at Iho usual time. Ed, W. B. Snyder, of this place, hns taken an agency for the new improved Howe sewing ma chine, which he oilers at tirjatly reduced pri cos, Cdll or send for circular Mr. C. S. W. Fox, the Numedia correspond ent ol llio Cn'nwi-sa AVti'j Item was at Harris burg the fore part of last week doing business for tho new life lmurar.ee company jvhich Is about Lelng orgimi.;d at Numedla. Mrs. Drucilla Hughes, widow of tho lato William Ilujihcs, of near this place, accompa- nlul by William Ithoads, Esq., and wife, of Mill Grove, spenl some two woeksin WaJiIrg 'op, Including the lime of tlio lun'gura. lion. Thoy report a very pleasant U and lime. On Tuesday of lat week, a fire hroko out in 'ho smokehouse belonging lo Louis Buuga neor tills village, which was near the dwelling homo. After lbs wooden part of tlio building was de. stroyed, the fire was gotten undor control by which the llone portion was saved. All the moil, five or fix hatreds of vliifgar, several grain bags and ether atllrles wero consumed ,N'o insurance. Nr.oritVTE. Ncrvr.us headache, pcrlrjllevil lipadacho neuralgia licndnche cured bv h, Jifeitaw't Iltadache ami J)ypeptia JHlh. Price' 25 cents. inarch jgEC0LUMJ3IAN AND A charier has I ecu obtained for a second In surance Company In tlili towni lis iinms Is the G.iO'l Hope Mutual Benefit A'soctallon. Tho following goiitlemcn nro the officers ! J. K. Oro-r, Preside! 1 1 Iletibon D. Walter, Vice Pioslnel t ( William Noetllnr, .Secretary J John Wolf, Treasurer; Dr. W. M. Ileler, Medical Director i S. F. Shelly, Gonoral Aconl. Thev have hascd rooim over Dentlii'.s store In Mc- Kinney's bji'dlng. The Illoomsburg Mutual Rollcl Association Ins leassd rooms over Moyer Brother's new retiil store, and will tiko possession as soon as tho rootni aro completed. Of this company William Krlckbaum Is President, Geo. E. El. well, Vies Piondent ; J. H. Maize, Secretary j J. .1. Urowor, 'licasurert Dr. II. F. Gardner. Medical Director; E, Shlpc, Sutibury, General Agent ; V. S. Ktnpott.AsjIs'niit ; N. U. Funk, Solicitor. C. E. Kesiltr nnd J. K. Lockard are nlo members of the Board of Directors. The Company has commence I business and ex peels lo ha fully established in n very short tunc. No one regrets moro lhan ourselves, Iho no cessliy that compels us lo take so much foreign advertising. Tho loadirg notices of patent mcdlctnes wo know nro not entertaining to many nadcrs, but tho feet Is that advertising patronage has been so poor for several years past, that publishers weto compelled to tako euch advertisement: or none. Withctit adver tising, no country paper can pay expenses. A subscription price of S5.00 would not bo suffi cient. Sj that while our renders may oljcct to so much patent medicine advertising they must bear In mind Ihnt thceo ndvestiscmcnts cnablo publishers lo print their papers at a much low er prico than lliey otherwise could do. A man nnuied .Tamos Barlley was arrested last Fridiy night for an assault nrd battery on the person of Mrs. Jesse Hicks. The man was intoxicated, and meeting Mrs. Hicks on tho street, grabbed her about the neck. Constable Harris happened lo bo near by nnd caught the fellow. Ho was given a night's lodging in the locktip.and on Saturday morning was taken be foro Esquire Maize, who afier hearing the tes timony of the officer committed the prisoner it jail in detail of $500 bail. On being asked whether ho had anything to say Hartley replied that bo was very dtunk nt Iho time and did not know what ho was doingr AVhother this is the party who has been assaulting women on the street for some tlmo back or not remains to be seer. Ho is ono of the now rail road hands. OU1TUAUY. Died March 25 1831 at Benton, wifo of Al fred McIIenry aged 23 years 2 months and 8 days. Dear friends, under existing circumstan ces I leel it my duty lo say a word upon the subject of my deceased companion who has left mo very lonely in this unfeeling world of ours. Wo wero cepnratcd just in tho prime of life, having been married only 1 ycarand 11 months. But I must say those months wero spent with much happiness to both. But thoso happy days are concluded no7Cr again to bo experi enced on tills cirth. Whereai it has pleased the Creator of all good things to remove from us a devoted and much respected wife and sister and while wo bow in humblo submission to the will of Him wiio doeth all things well wo sincerely mourn the loss of so kind and affectionate a woman a my wife Mrs. Anna A. McIIonrf . A word to sisters and friends, I can never for- gst the kindness which her sisters have shown toward mo during our courtship, and while we were Hying together and since her death, I will always respect them in siston and Iheir hus bands as brothers, and I foel vcty grateful to ward llio neighbors for the respect thoy show ed my decMsed companion during her sickness and nt the timo of her death, and I must say I was thoroughly satisfied with tho STmon de livered by D. M. Kinter of Stillwater. My opinion on his delivery was ae:ompuiiod by many others who wcro present. WlttnEH IIY K. M'lIENItV. Did blie weep to tlitnk of parting, With tlio Irlcnd3 she loved so well, Wcro tucro tears of borrow storttcg. Would the hero still longer dwell? She seemed to uo waiting, only watting, For tlio messenger to conic, With her passpci t sealed and uady To conduct her safely home. Yet methlnka for ono sho would havj lingered, For.a wlilio upon uarth'3 sphero, .Stayed to soothe his cares and tonws, Stayed Ills pllgrlmago to cheer. Yet sho had a gloilous vklon, Kalth presented tho othe r shore, friends sho loved ere Ions will Join her, All go homo to dlo no mere. Yet wo weep to think of parting With a friend wo loved so well, Oft unbidden tears nto btaillnf,- When wo think ot that last farewell. Many prajers wcro raised to snare her Hut (iod'a answer wo could not tell. Ho knows best, we will not murmur, I'or Ho doeth all things well. The following vers's were Mad at the fun eral by Hey. D. M. Kinter. They were written by Alfred McIIenry, hnsb.ii.d of the deceased and are published at his request. Ot'll SftlKEST l'lllKNU HAS 1.E1T US. No wife to chocr ino now 1 am weeping KUu has leftmo lieio alou', boon uoncath llio sod sho will bo sleeping; Kow tucro Is no Joy for ino at home. Tears of sorrows long havo btarted Her bright smiles no more I'll fcc, Many loved one.s too have parted Where, oh wbero Is Joy for ins. Hy co.intorts goua she now Is sleeping Tears my f urrowt d cheeks now lave WhU'st a lonoly watch I'll soon bo keeping on her tad and bllent grai c. Soon 1 hope will b3 our meeting Then tho gladness none can tell, ho for mo will then bo weeping When I bid the world farowell 1 UKUWIOK NOTBS. March 20th, 1881. This letter was intended for publication last week, but it did not reach us until Saturday, having came from Borwlck to Bloomsburg by way of Philade I phis. Eds. Mr. J. H. Dieltcrich, iotends opening a printing office and book store In Mr, Beugan's new building on front street. ltc-y, Kobler, formerly ol Sullivan county, has taken the Be formed charge vacated hy Pov Derr, and is now residing in town. Ho is an acc.omi)islied,'genllemaii,rf graduate of tho Theo logical department of 'ale. Mr. J. II. Hoyt.proprletor of the Ht. Chariot Hotel prior to tho Wcsler administration, will take charge of the Willium's Hotel this week, which establishment ho has leased for five years. Mr. Hoyt is ono ol Iho few men, fit to run a business of this kind. In tlio past he iuu given eyidenca of a determination to keep a respectable house for the accommodation of guests, and not for tho carousa) cf drunken "bummers." Rev, Eddlngor,tho accomplhhed Evangelic nl minister of town, remains with us another yoar, A view of tho town from a neighboring hill reveals the fact that new bouses are going up In every direction, yet still wo hear of tho scarci ty of dwollfng p'acat, At the Literary, last Saturday evening, Mr, L, F. Thompson made an Impromtu speech on tho new Cablncti Miss Fannlo Frantis tang a charming song. The subject for debnle wn, "Should thu United States acquire dominion over Iho American Continent " On tho affirm. allvo woro Mr. Hanly, Mr. Kurta and A, M. Frou.i on tho negatlvo, W. K. Smith, Mr Trescoll and Mr. Hosier. Dccljlon was in fa. yof qf afilrmillre. nKroriTEn, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A. llUOKIltltN SCWH. DlTKiionjf, April C, 1881. Our school clue Ion Tuesdiy evening will an exhibition, Procec , $10,07. Thcro nro sovemt cares of erailct fever brio Kill. A little girl of Thoodoro DonlV, fell from n wagon and broke her leg in two. places, Mrs. Mary Applcmnn has purchased tha house and lot formcily owned by William Hnrttnnn. Mr. William Dent, a resident of this yillago for several years, moved near Danville. Mr. Dent and family hnvo endoired themselves lo this peoplo nnd in his removal, Iho (own loses ono of her best citizens, nnd the church an able, worker. A, U, Hartman has risumed blackstnllhing again nt bis eld stand. A fine aiidleiKo greeted Itov, W. W. Evans, P. ),, Danvillo District on Sunday afternoon, and their expectations wero moro than realized as they listened to this ablo divine. At this same occasion, Dr. Win. Harris, of Hamburg, presided in his usual and ablo manner nt llio organ, to tho delight of all who appreciate good music. I. WASHINGTON' LI'.TTKI!. .Washington, II. CAprll lith, 1881. Tlio nimuiulotm condition of political nfl'aii'S in this city is nli-carty c.ittsin; tlio exposure of many paily secret's, anil tlio revival of piemen already to .tho clisdd ndvantngo of many politicians. It is said for instance, that Garfield, either to nnijer Conkling or because lio failed to understand tlio man, offered a Cabinet place to him, at tho samo time telling bun that Blaine was toliavo the liist place. Imagine Conkling's feel ings. It is said, also,liy the friends of lliaino tiiat bo will liavo tho present Senate dead lock broken early in tlio week. In the 1'epublican caucus yesterday Senator Frye, who owes less to Blaine than any other successful Maine llepublican poll tieian, but who is his faithful and able friend, hpoko earnestly against further neglect of public business. Mr. Blaine is "liyhling mail" with Senator Conk ling, and thinks this is tlio time lo crush him. Conkling is, however, becoming tho recognized leader of the party in tiio Senate, and Blaino can hardly go nbout tho "crushing" business too soon. If the present Senatorial light is kept up for ten days longer tho chances aro that Conk ling would bo ablo to defeat the confir mation of ItohcrtHon, and thus put upon tlio administration a humiliation not known to any preceding ono in its iirsl few weeks. Another story is that Secretary Wind- oms mucli talked ol linanciat visit to New York was made for tho purpose of inducing KobertBon to ask the withdrawal of his name as nominee for tho Colleo- torship for tho port of Now York. Ami an addition to this story is that Atlor noy General MaoVeagh went with tho Secretary as a kind of supervisor. Ono more story, and as improbable as any ot tlio others, is that the l'resulent will call an extra session of Congress to meet early in May, believing that to bo the only way of breaking the "dead lock." These stories are good until others aro told. Thoy may all bo true, or all false. They aro all told freely around town. Iho Keptililicau henators m caucus yesterday decided to introduce a resolu tion at an early day appoititiiigconnnit tees to go South to investigate recent elections in various Stales. At present they aro refusing to go on with public, business simply because they wish to elect a few Senate ,-eiHieors. It is not strange they do not like the rec ord mado from day to day, and wisii to chango it. But tho change sig nifies nothing. Tho selections of such committees is no more tlio nocessirv work of a session called for executivo business than is tlio turning out of one et of olllcers to mako room for another set. Tlio authorities! havo determined to commence at once tho erection of a build ing for 'ho Pension Bureau, using the appropriation Sl'00,000 both for site and building, nnd trusting to Congress for further amounts. This is the second building ever authoricil for a single bureau of a denartment, tlio first being for tljo Patent Ollice. It is understood that Kx Congressman Mooro will be made Commissioner of Pensions in i1:i.;o of its present incumbent o tho ollice. Tho salary of tlio Commissioner is $.1,000. I III. TUX. Sick Hcadaclie, .Nervous Ilead.iche.Ifcacl ache from sour Motnach.aro all cured by Dr. Mcttaur'a Headache and Dmicnsia J'ills. Pries 25 conts. march 11-lni Marriages. Dunn Wr.u.iviat At White Hail Mawh, 21th, by tho Kev. 11. C. Monro, Mr. Wihon Dorr of Morel.and, Lycoming co., and Mrs. Sal- lie Welever of Madison. CosvrnsK Booaut In Jordon P.i., March 29, by the Pov. H. C. Monro, Mr. John 1!, Converto nud Miss Allco I'ogart, Wooiuiisn 15 uiLKMAX At tho residence o the bride's parcutc on the morning of April 5. 1881, by Pev. O. II. Sttimk, Mr. Jerome P. Woodring of Johnstown, Cumbria county; Pa. to Miss Clara liidlcmnu, daughter of c'icorgc lltdlcman of IlloGtusbur. IJicHAims Wkluvhu At tbo resldonro of llie bride's parents on Apiil 2, 1881, by Itev. X. 1). Smith, Mr. Andrew S. Ilichards and Miss S, Fslella Wclllver, both of Stocklon, Luzerne county, Pa, Deaths. SmnnMAV In Orargeville on tho SOlh tilt., F.lizubeth Shlremnn, aged r?U ycniu, S months and 21 days, IMAKKE'JMiEPOllTS. BLOOMSHUKO MAKICET. Wheat per bushel i ,oo Ityo 11 o) Corn, " . ..'.it 0.U3, " " 40 I'lourporlianul c.m euovcreeeil , , muter ru MflfH 15 Tallow us 1'otatoo.s , i Dried Apples , 1J Hums mi sidos Hiiouldors mi C'lllCKOIlH (S Turkejs lo Lard per pound lo nay pcreon iuiu uactswoK .ti Business olico P. P. Demler, Booty "ltd Shoes, I'tiriiisb ioB Goods. Bucto'sorto W. C, Mcliiuney. Tor Satin or Balln Do Lyon In Black or Colois go lo Lutz & Shinny II you want Black Silks LuU & Sloau will sell them to you as cheap ns ynu can get them u tlio Stale, 600 yardtof cotton Pantaloon Goods 121 cents to 4$ cents nt 1. W. Hartmau's. There U a new arrival of Boots nnd Shoes nt Ktislers, Bvans' Block, I. W. Hartmnn'H 13.60 pes, fot Dishes weut aff fust first of April. Still more on hand. Boots and Shoes. We deilro to thnnk our many customers lor the llbsral patronage be stowed upon us, as ulso lor tho often-hcnril worth of coniuciidatlon spoken to your friends nrd acquaintances. Since the close of fall and; winter Irado I have been very busy selecting (jocils and giving orders In various factories. Moat of our goods being mado ex pressly for our trade, thceo goods nro nov being received and 1 am moro than pleased with the assortment. It will hn nn irntililn In US to show those troods. Men' rnlfltnnla wn hnvo them fcnttl and pegged, Men's shoes ii calf, iltiirnnd Flcut split, Men's Kngllsli Hal". Sensible. Peerless ntnl llnnhl. DeL-nr Bultiin. Woman's, Misses' ond Children' hhocs In eudless variety. If your loot Is small wo can fit it, If largo wo can cover It. April 8 d-w Kvnns' Blcck. Llllz A Hlmui bnvn n linn nT Unmm.. Dross Silks' price from fifty cents a yard up. Dress Goods at I. W. Ilnrtman'a for r, cents a yard. Call and sec them. Lutz A Sloan havo a good assortment of Ladies' Light Cloth Jackets and Ulsters, P. D. Dfntler. Bonis nnd Hh lug Goods, Successor to W. 0. McKlnnev. . '".".J'.1" WBnt 'Pmeof I. W. Hailman's Ico Whlto Goods beforo long. Lutz Si Sloan linr.i rintvn,1 II. nt, .,.,. Spring Stock of Dry Goods nnd nro Boiling When Old Vennor dips I. W. Hnrtmnn will ofler new Straw Hats, Ci E, Kossler will tin! hn llnilnranM In fl.n Boot nnd Shoe trado. Call nnd Rfrt Ilia Ttfattr SprlDg Goods. Watches. Less than ten dollars for n war ranted tlmo keeper at Louis Bernhardt Jew elry Store. They say I. W. Hartman's doublo btoro attracts people for 25 miles around. Hon. George N. Uorson, Norrlstown, says: Tho Phccnlx Pectoral Is indispensable in mv family. It acts like n charm in curing coughs nnd colds with tho chlldren.and I nlways uso it when addressing n jury. Price 23 cents. O.A. Kleim, Illoomsburg. nprlG-ly Largo assortment of Ladies' neck chains, nil New Styles, Silver plated Forks and Spoons ns low as one dollar per set, at L. Bombard's Jewelry Store. F. D. Dentler, P.jots and Shops, Furnish ing Goods. Successor to W. C. McKinney. They say I. W. llnrlinan is ahead on nico Dishes and Glassware, "Walnut Lm-IlAi'i ltKsiourif'ls entirely differ ent from all others. II Is as clear ns water, and ns itsnamo Indicates, Is alperrect Vegetable. Ilatrl.'e stnrer nnd itoes not In any m inner affect the h"altli whten suljiliur, sugar of Lend and N'ltrnto of Silver preparations hnvo done. It will Immediately rreo tho head from all li.mitrurf, ltcstoro eirav Hair to Its natural color, and prcduco a new growth wbero It has fallen e ir. Itwlllchmpo llehtor faded hair In n fow days to a beautiful Rlossyljrown. Kvery hot tie is warranted. Ask jour druircUt for It. Tor salo nt Movkii linos., Ilioomsburif, l'n. Nrnttli, Kllno Co., 1'lilladclplila, nnd lla!l Kuckell, New York. VtholcstUo Agents. oct.22, su-tt o UESCUED FU0.M DKA.TI1. Tho rollowtntr statement of WlUlamJ. CouKhlln, of feometvllle, .Mass.. Is so remarkablo that we bee to ask for It tho nttentlon of our renders. Ho says: "In tho fall of lSTn when 1 was taken with a violent Illeedlns cf tho mugs followed by a severe couirn. I soon bepnu lo loso my nppctlto and fiesta. I was so weak mono time that 1 could not leave my bed. n tlio .summer ofisn I was admitted to tho City Hospital. Whllo therethedoctors nnld 1 had a holo In my lett tuner ns blir ns a half dollar. 1 expended pvera hundred dollars In doctors and medicines. I was so far gone at ono tlmo a repcrt went around I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of lilt. W.M. HULL'S ItALSAM KOH TUB LUNC1S. I Int ijhed at my friends, thinking that my case was Incurable, but 1 got a bottle to satisfy them, when to my surprise und gratlllcatlon.I commenced to feel butter. .My hope, once dead, began to revlve.and to-day I feel In better spirits than 1 have for three years. "I write this hoping you will publish It so that ev ery ono afflict i d w llh diseased lungs will bo Induced to tako Dr. Win. Hull's linlsam for Iho Lungs, and bo convinced that CtiXU.MI'rin.N CAN UK CUIIKI). I havo taken t wo bott'es and can positively my that It has done m to gocd thsii nil tho other inedlcluca I lhavo tnki n bluce mv Mrkwss. .My cough has al most entirely disappeared nnd I than soon benblo to go towoik. Sold by druggists. Tako Win. Hall's Ualjaru cnl Beware of counterfeits. ocM5-ljcow See n woman picking a bunch of prapos in another column, at iipcer'a Vineyard", from which Ppe-cr's Tort Grape Wine is made, thai is so highly esteemed by tho medical piol'cslon for tho use ot invalids, weakly persons and tlje oggd, So'd by C. A. Kleim. jan 781 iy Thoso Cashimeres at Clark & Son's aro pronounced ?plendid value for the monoy. Harriet A. Newkirk, of Salem, says: 1 was cured of tetler in my hand by three applica tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was cured of old running sores by using it. It cured my son of n sprained nnkle. Price 25 cents, rold hy 0. A. Kloim, Bloom9burc. "anrinn. 'SO.ly Upom receipt cf cifying the kind of immediately send by widths and prices marked, 1 Gbsstqut I r,, V showing the latest ctyles, and ci iblir,;; a purchaser in any part of the United States lo cele. t r..-.Usfaeturiiy, and order the goods conveniently, vUh c: :.-.!.Hy of icceiviny only what aro :,cnt for. and at p:vc! ,cl tl-.e uamo prices paid by city customers who hi. at Mir counters. If, upon examination at homo, any a.-;:.!rs fJl to be as expected, we request their return, r.:ul ; cn .1 cUuvs i.i exchange, or refund tho money at on.v if tli. pt;:c!:a3cr prefers. Our New Spring Catalogue embracing all the departments in one hrgc book, with a system of ordering goods by letter ir.uie convenient than any heretofore, will bo maiL.l, without charge, to those who send us a postal card containing nam-', town, county, and state: nothing further is necessary, no will under stand what is wanted. Our stock, which forms tiie greatest variety in one establishment in the United State's, iaciudos Ladies' Suits, Shawls, Millinery, Underwear, Ilcriery, Gloves, Jewelry! Laces, Kmbroidcrics, Shoes, J.inon ., Gentlemen's Cloth ing, Housekeeping Goods, China, Silverware, Furniture, Caipets, etc. Address, John Wanamaker PHILADELPHIA. 13tfi OurBlore, Inown n the Grand icnui aim market cirecu, iw Street i-ity nan r quart, nnd l.a tiircc bcrei on lac roat and Spccinl OlTcr for : "Thirty Days Only! HORACE WATERS & CO.'S Sew " FAVORITE " Organ, Boitoti anti shippod with 1) UUTAVtSi 13 STOPS, (i!lu(rictluluie,) 0 SETS OF REEDS, IT uctau- uf iccJj.) Kr) solo stops TWifl CWCIIO i iiu UHUI.I.U (fu:l oi can sml Luco KM l-llll, OCTAVE COUPLER, 55. (wliU l rianlilci l..u I'Oiter,) SUB-BASS, Pent on trial fur IS iUr, ntnl frtlglit lul l Imiliuiiyi it nul tutb. (ictory, CAUTIOH,.. eirutu silvertlscd Ilw !cu nf reeds uuloeq It m IT uctaviK (( tvede, JlluflHlca Cstaloguo lVVl mmmm CuWeiTUi;trUUor cuU ....i..iUv,., ,urBa iwoir,icm y I QU Hummus?.0 WAtERS &Q0" BMutenmcJ!sSM mikuim i'iLigi.miim;Mv-ai,.i. .tw.i. HOLMBS & SCHUYLER Wo imvo oponi'd thin week a fine iif'Sortmcnt of Painters' Jiruah- C6 of every description, and think wo have by far tlio finest assort ment to select fr oin that can bo found in this section. Tho prices in Bonus lines havo been reduced. i i i 1 nun wo juivo nifirKcu clown our wiiolo slock lo correspond, Wo havo been soiling this make of brushes ior eoino time and they havo been giving excellent satis faction.which warrants us in keen ing a larger assortment than over. Poor brushes aro dcarat any price. Our low prices together with ex cellent quality you will find wor my ot your attention. WHIPS. Wc would call tho attention of. tho driving public lo our assort ment of whips, In no store in the county can be found half tho stock we have on our rack, Our stock contains a great variety of styles and inaterial.fancy and plain, run ning in price lrom 10 cents to $3.00. In making our selections, our first move was to find a relia ble manufacturer, and to confine ourselves to but one line of iroods. thereby avoiding a great deal of worthless auction stock. Wc try. to sell as good a whip as you ai willing to pay for, so if you are not willing to pay much,y6u must not expect much. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. PUBLIC S LE ok VAt.eei!i.K REAL ESTATE! liy virtue of power In tho will of .lain McCalla, into ot Steuben county, New Ycri:,dccei-ed, tho un dersigned, ono of tho oxecutors) named m tho will and acting executor In said esluti win oitor nt pub; llcsalo nt tho e'jurt Houo In Plncinsb'jrg.at ono oclocl: In tho ufteruoon on Monday, May 2nd, 1881, All that tract or parcel of lindalttuto In tho town, ship of lieavcr In tho eouaty of r-olumbU and Stato of Pennsylvania, fornvrly Catawlsn township, Northumbotlmd county hi said hjato of Pennsylva nia, beginning at a p3t, thence by load of Daniel Neycr south sixteen nnd one-half di-yrees cast turoe hundred and scvvnty-nlno perches to a post, thenco by land of Jesso livans noith twenty-eight degrees easteijlity-four perchci to a post, theneo by land of Jesse lirooks north twelve degrees west eighteen perches to n black oak, theneo north seventy eight aegreo?, e.st eighty perches to a post and theneo by lands of Catharine Iongenbcrger north sixteen degrees west two hundred and soventr two "perches to a post, thonco by landot Oeoigo Longonberger north tt.vntynan cleu;rce.i west ono hundred and twelve pereh s to a post, and theneo byltnd of Thotins lemor.s tuuth toventy degrees wost ono hundred and s.Ixty perehoa lo tho pl.ico of bjgluuln?, containing Three Hundred and Seventy-two and two-thirds Acres of land and nllowaneo ot t-lx per cent for roads, which said tr.ict of 1 tnd wai mu vcyed in pursuance of a wairant datul 23il day ot Auubl, liW granted to Andrew Clark. Tho laud lsuuaeatod and Is bupposoirto contain AVrHKAffJiTS' CC.1E,. TCIpiS.-Two hunire.I and nrty dollars on stillt. Ing do n tho property, nnd t ho b.n.inco in ton days on delivery of the deed by tho executor. CiL'VlI. AjcSTEH, Kxecutor, Kqta Dene. Tho piopcttywns srld for tho taxes last Juno, and tho amount required for taxc3nnd redemption from that sa'o to which tho abovo salo will bo subj -ct, will bo $220 so. m addition to which will bo tho tnxes accrued tlnco tho Bald sale, on n reduced valuitton amounting to aboutflttcen qol, lars a year. larcli 'M-ts Attorney. a postal card, spc Market goods vnntal. v.-e St mail, gratuitously, with samples of K J A JOJLVO , lit LtU . Pip '. '"" ii . u e i. i . i 1 .vm a r, i ctooJ and Book for 5 Jl ,s.j,cut Speelnl ft f,V. . 0 0 .f ,ho hufl'omort n.ei.tioioii'..toeiixoim In our Culou,. VlieCAbKV wiiii 1UUULY 11NIHII1. ,1... hi in, ii YApiiar omlj'rim,,,, Tli" Ihlrtcrn tltora r'itl)liiiBon,l)uliln I'rlu. fiml, lldiitboy, 1 1'l'i'.CInrloiut.ecleMii, I' liiV'.t otitiliir. fl.iV. it, Ki im, rmu-ti, vou .I'autandLuIlnllant Wit Utirrnnt lUla ( iftaii to im Drue fli lit eirry rr6 Tli hi. 1 ciiiirunim II t tlx riirn to ulva ' ' IlllUftcUOU, It H Ue GreatPEt iiyimiilluUo l.oiu iej(At'j;ATi:i is ih vy bum III Uu Olltf. 'IMI hi tv I,-. .... lui.n ,.. I....I 2 w ' Tinntv-rivE Til-. ,u ,, MU. T- nu roiii i.i.ar : uU.UOU rim.ru in Oryam, un;l nil fty i"ii wiinrijiiu, n l'n' Mock nt TWr- (J j( y .--I lilt .-UCLt flT.lt UIJ it.'"'' 'Hill Square ...... . v--rv-' HOLMES & Nothing sliotiltl bo better nppreointod by a pntronizinsr publui tlmn relinblo mcrc mnts of whom lliey cim mnko Ihctr prchii-t-P,c-onfldent liint tlicy will not misrepresent their Roods hi order le mnko sale. 1 us is oltenlmies u great templation to the merehniit nnd in strictly adhering to Ins principle, ho loses many gale, which nro rondo by his less scrupulous neighbors. In no buntiiPM is there grcnlcr chance for (lecopdoti than in (ho Hardware Jrnde, ns tho stock lo n great extent is manufactured of steel or iron. Fancy paint or bronze together with a nigli polish, ronderj it diflicult at times to distinguish tho materials am you have to rely on either the reputation of tho manufacturer, if lie lias one, or tlio honesty of tho dealer. Jn nmuv cases you would never know, if misrepresented to you, and (ho merchant's profits tlieroby largely increased, which makes it a great temptation to dis nonest dealers. Never in any instance, havo wc misrepresented an article in our store, nor do wo knowingly allow any employee (o do so, and wo trust any article bought of us and not found as represent ed, will be promptly returned. When wo find it neeomary to uso such means m order to make sales, wc shall move our stock to some point whero square dealing is better appreciated. Wc do not claim to carry tlio cheapest lino of goods. Our aim is to give dollar for dollar in value. In selecting' our goods, our lirst consideration is to buy only lrom reliable manufacturers of standard trcods. and second! v to'buvns low ns wo can, and this is all wo ask of you, examino our goods, net prices, and if neither suits you, don't buy. Wo cannot ask vou our hud wc remso lo do ourselves, nor do wo allow the forcing sys c, trying to talk you into something vou don't wnnt. Wn presume you know wlmt vnn w-mf oi.nl, iT , . , J j cv; tis, item itxivu such matters lo your judgment ns you will bo better suited in the end. ilianking tho public for past favors, we trust, by strictly adhering to air prinoipk) of Squuro Dealing, nud giving dollar for dollar in value, to nave a lair share of your patronage in tho future. HOLMES & O. B. E,OBBIN-S, (SUCCaiiSOB. CO D. W. E.O2JI2ffS.) SailliEE. SBT duo ItraiiilloM, WhlMtlCH, f;i,1K, MiJiniy em Iiniiel. MPOKTED ALES AND l'OBTBKS IS BOTTLES BV THE DOZEN. Landlords through out flm pnnniv will f'm.l u ii...:,. i call and examine my stock before BLOOMSBURG, PA., Maia Street, 2nd Door bolow Iron. julr vso-ly LOOK HZESEJi; OO TO C. C. GALIGNAN, GOOD JOB OF ROOFING AND SPOUTING. FOB A QOOD JOB Op PLUiyiBlNQMDQAS plTTIflQ HB KEEPS A PULL SUP.PL'Y OP LEAD PIPE, IRON PIPE, TERRA COTTA PIPE, AND CHIMNEY FLUES, ALSO AT ALL TIMES A FULL STOCK OP S POVES 2S.KTB TIIVY SHOP I PI OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street WANTED SS la every conn Siutu to tako I'UIWI'V Kirn I;. ployincnt .at GOOD WAdEs. liipcrlenca in I Lo I . slnu33 no ; rcnulroel. Nurseries widely nnd favorably known. I'or terms address tmujauij KtPiiHw mill li.tivTi.tn. i ... an liuwn Nurseries! c. I VAN Dl'si: V fisiaonsnea is.Tj. r (ksiivi N Y fob. is, 'il-m eow AUo btock at wholesale. '' JOTICE IX PARTITION- KSTATB OP WILUAU KCI CIINEII, DECBiKl B. Whereas, bva writ nf mmnm, iJU,, ... . ... . eirpliHUK-court of Columbia coiiuiv to miV in'r, I , lesieu ino intra day of March, A. i ism. I am eim : manded by an lmiuest of hlx men to hijuo rariltu n ?f,S,rJaln ?VM!"20 twcicf lai d rituato lS Jlimm townMUp n sa d county, lioiinded 011 iiu by Lindi o lleoruo Keller, cnntalnlnir about lorlv seven at res of tho e state of William Ke cli er. tale of tlio townthtpiirid county r.fiiiesaldNlc"i'aVCd to ?i?,'.'ta.W U.'u .la:lrs """ICRftl ropreseut illves f Ihu said d' cedent, m such mauutr and In ktii-Ii nn ' Ptr l0,n1,a.8.by thu laws 01 tlll!i t;ln "on ini 11 1 15 . reeled. If thu same can bo ilono wltiimu prelu lie,' t , prsnolllair tho whole, but It such partition i " n nut bo mado or ino bald premises cannot bo ill "l led mo f nrosor pmpaitsot ciiualvaluo then "n iiinndso ho Hatno or tho several shares or pun .ills i iiao wh ch t io simo may bo divided by lla. safd Imiui" i? M0rt'tur? ,0 thv Slla court 0,1 the Ilrst Mui Now, 1 hereby clo notice to aPhelre audlei:l ropresenutlves of William KelchuVr, ammif'l abovo named, and to all in-rsuns iiiteieMed In the Varl'tloii of lils bald real estnie. Hut in In 11 -st mil io held for tlio partition e.r valuation of anil obovo inculloned upon tho premises in Jlltum towi sliln ,011 Monday, tho 23tu day et April. l?s puraTnt tlftho bjld writ and order of Coui t and be ween t i,u ho im ,.Iohn Kelclitii r. u brother of deeedein 11. j l.elchnpr.a brother of deeedenti in, e hlldr' n in t;randclil(ilren e-f eieorco Kelclit er dee as- d w 1,0 was a brglhereif doeedeut, lo w in I. i: ,b,Mh li 1 turmarrled wlllUolimiearharli t. M irv. imVimur r ei w ill nainuel (learliaitj ll.lleb.c"! er w. J '.' ' 'I (l0ll.rrt . ciilluren of e; ih 11 e. (.1 da iKiiter of said (leorgo Kclclitcr, rtecoaw.i " 1 was l ilermariled with DnhV, but iii w, - ei'iif ed. to-w 1 1 Mnni.in ;....! .. ... '." . Vlsheri and Clara TK ua ... . - w. . 1,1 iiui iuo. n his JXXiX, . . wo was iniermarrled WHU Chailen l'redricl, but now deceased, in-witi 1. Sillv TiT, Intermarried with Amos Co c; . .Maila in ii-rn n. rled with Philip w intersteens a l:hw ,uK, Skf mr" ed, to win .Mary Catfmrlne, interiiiarrli el w'tih j, i',il Vl'l ml AUUI""" frown aiid Aiiroii iiruwn' 1 iS IHtWrltl! ti. Kaiai, vixMa, anditli. Jojliuvmi. I'. II. K.VT. fiberlffs omco, l.loomsbu! WUly' Slurch 11, l'si.tw unrroifs notich. IN Till ESTlTSOrpOllWS VEUNei, X lUNATIC Notice Is tierehv irivnn .im. ,i, . . I dltor appelated by I Uoaimt o V, .S,.'.?U: Col inn Hamue Jolumblacounlv nn .r.,ii.: Hamuvlfroyellua commli eiofnaii hr?"u"i,J;f I J auuijrv. Ibil. will kit In iho dleliar5ei i'i tie .in ieiovKi? in iho TSSifflA o?p i ttT whero auwt-sintertstea c.n nmKll tBr"5SS proiKT, rowni 6. e-lillnieii'ci Mary,(a T l "u" utcr 1 mm sir? - - - -- . . . . . aCSUYLUR. OEAUNC. u.i. n .i i SCHUYLER. ,,, llIld .,K umaNorWIucn .- purclnihing elsewhere. VflU CAN BUY THE B LATCH LEY tfiilhiil ,: ivllii lVi I.liiiiiW. i:ui li imii Por-lin,oriroii .1 '1 V. .ill tliv ltdmi. r.ri niiiniHiiciurer 11 v uni'-ii.tii Kur i ,i li'i'ie If sou , , pUlllp. Mlh to l.l inline of n.i'iit m .1 ijinie I i'i 1 .1, rli 1 and eon 1 iho l i I Liem in iho "i I. i. 1 e.l.iv in sa Ihl 111 ll .... i.iul 1 will KIHl 1 y 11. Ii 1 .!! tii)0y you at my hme-t rl CUAS. 0. BX.AXCKLEY. Kinifus,,,. SOS riarkst t.. I'MtaitlpM. Pa. luarcli t, 'Sl-om at,, -Dttuchy & Oo'c. Advfc'a. THiKVES AND !)BTCTlvll mils no.irbe mo 111,1,11,1. i. m.VJ !L,ll'J.Sl.r'!". ; r..,s Aon.s Wu7 . KKI.rUiS.Vd'ei! Tttv iollxli ol" (lie tVoilil ! HALF0.RD SAUCE! S!il by all inareli &.iw (rocci'N. d Recent Trawls and Exiteation iwMuun ,m iiuuu AiieniH, Audrey fiiiiiip a IllNI8ii6iiioadway;NowYt?tk. ii Voar.iw IVT OTICK. 1 10 Honttin Hulirwil ru.lrL., t.M.u . lidllltf lu li( ill! nriluMi nt tT... im-iwinlti mid Wween the, mt si, 1 V11 s of Jalv. ii,i. at iionifiii. ah i.nnL 1 ::;.: or-em will urfaeat tl.em at lliat timo cr i, tZ.C.U dtburvU fruin n ment of tho ume. 1 in mi 1 a 1 nnm. eoiisu nceif bteicbe written from l iibonal emu. nulloM: rtvlrer results o 10 eiitivM.t,is m the Red and a recovery if on ti! , iii.i v 1 'vL?1.i 'i'i ?a Ateraotive llook M Vh and liff ''ii ' i. W us,r,,l'l With NKW u.i vrueroi iuo iicmid. I It. T. Umitii, HIN J.NgllKNHV, n er UT)', march ii-cu I U HUt'lll, n ll'AVL & WMT. Audltir,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers