THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Mian. 0. E. ELWBLIi, 1. S. BITTENBSNDSn, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday. April 8. 1881. THE WILMAMSPORT COUNCILS. Judge Elwell file 1 his opinion on Sat urday tlio 25 inst., in tlio ensu of thu members of tlio Common nml Select Councils of "WillljuiHport, who wcro Bummoncd before him to show thnt they wero not in contempt for having failed to make provision for tlio payment of in terest now iluo nncl unpaid on tho city bonilfl. Tho Councils responded to tho i.iri..i i t.: r i.r. ....... i inu ui vviu b ujr iiiuimii uuntt v,'i,uj ai.viiu ntlidavit, that they had mado proper ef fort to riso tho interest, by laying an ex- . . . . , . i , un assessment, mil omy n lew mousaiui lrtllnra liml Itnnti nillnitml nml llmf flint had no intention of resisting tho decrees of Court. This last proceeding was the wicnlf nt ti .VitHali mnrntTiniit nf I lin ( tim. r1tf nnmn timn nr.rt Inolfinrr in tlin snr. rendjer of tho city3 charter nml repudia- lltllll .tlv.1 lUf ILnillf, tllvl 111, Bvlllll, length, Judge Elwell decrees that tho rule shall bo mado absolute, but it is not to bo executed by tho arrest of any of the n ! ...!. i.-n . -.1.!.. ..... .1 ouuciiiucu, wuu suan, wiuuii ten (i.iv!, i I t i "... .1... in ... t'muiuu miu lliu uuiiua 111 iuu uiuuuia burg Court to tho Commonwealth in tho penal sum of $1)000 each for appearance on tho fith of May or other subsequent iiniu nxeu iiy inu iioun, 01 which uiey ulinll tmitn llt.n .In.. J tintina 1 n ni.auni nu.ilt U.IU uiv m tj a nuiiv, 1111.-3111.1 for tho proper performance of their duty in tho case. Tho Uitv Ircasurcr is also included in the decree. Tho decision of tho Court has caused considerable llutter n.iirinr critiii. r( tlin nnii.inilmim n' they did not expect that bail would bo . . . i r . .t ...r r .1 . demanded ior xne perioriiiauuo ui men duty, and had been boasting about tin streets that the Court was at tho end o its string. At tho tirst regular meeting .. - r , , . .. tl or uio i. ouneii on .uonuay nigm, nn ortu nanco was introduced looking to a settle mcnt of their finunoinl difliculties, am they have manifested a disposition llm tl n nlun .1 n . . itti,l 1 1 1 nil til tt'lit till. IIIVI llll Jlll-itmm virilllllluil It nit Williamsiiort hat been for soveral veav M'i.: : .,i .,.i .,:i,i.". J fill. 13 ml? tun. t .mil miintuii; j'lii that c.iu bo adopted, and tho soouui, tl iieuer. AMil'.Y JIIIMKEItS. In retaliation for the oninion of tho . .t i .. !.' .1 t uumt-v v..u .1., ........g u.L- ,1. . , w " .' , Laird, of Westmoreland, has introduced !i bill irnvidimr for tlio liitniahnient of a bill fproruliiifr j0r the pumsliment ot : . zr . . ' . . ... .1 A . l ' I to fees not exceeding $7,000 annually, arising from the collection of common wealth claims upon which ho is allowed five per cent, for collection. Since his appointment, ilr. Palmer's fees Iiavo ag- .nn.n.l nmnmil tf liia ualnm. b, . " x . ' '"; U1 ar ,'. .e,3"r..V " "TJ ! ;V " ZZZ C"hu r-T... t S " ": . Hi W Z - '3, Z :r e 1 1 . tion, as one of its provisions sets forth that neither the salary nor - of "" "r "j v.. "jttiU!!S8'iT.i?r Wl"Ch ll; ; ";''... ,.i r members of tho LegislaU.rotSl.SlW for i i v i each regular session exceeding one bun- on x'nuayana iiiiaino uueui oi ongi nun- ing up tho gravo countenances Sf the b . 1 mi" . i . senators. The piopos.tion makes ,,t pos- ..r. .... v dav s services and looks like moru rotal- day's services and looks like more rctal- !oA i. a... nt,. ,;i .1... 1....1 :,..! .1.0. r.. o. :nn .1 v. w t (nn innmliorj rnmoiti tit haiIjwui niwi liitit MUAUtU i k 1 nIL;ll-OI.HH LllUly Jul Oi.UUV dred and fifty days, but it was not fa vorably cntertainc;i. There is no doubt . , tha the Governors assurances have led in i l.n nwiiflMlinn nf il.ia mnn. to tho preparation of this relief meas. . 1 .r. r , tire, bill it is leared ttiat tne Attorney finnnrnl iniv ,l(ni,ln tlmt. it. ,nnnnl mn. Btitutionally bo mado to apply to tho present Legislature. SUI'KKVISORS. Hoe legal decisions iu your inmer 1 would 1:1. 4 .1- ,....-.,,ti,T.. : .1... 1IIVU tu it. IIUUEHJUU I UIJULl UUiLT IIIU rijjht of Supervisors oi Townsliijis, It ih .1.: 11 l' T .1.. - 1 . una. jias a supervisor mo rigni to friL'n linnioi. I n rR. mi Ilia tt.l.nln i1....Kf.n . .v..v.v...t..)w uio 11 in. iv- iiiiiiiviiiv;, and tnke wages besides T lly nnswering tliis, you will oblige, Yours tfce. J. AVhon fl Simni-rwni- 14 nfftnrr no lector ho is entitled to a commission on the money collected bv him. When lin is cnrkinrr nn tlin TnniU lin to nntttlml tn his per diem" pay, but hu cannot tako a commission as collector and tor tlio same uiiio tauo wages per day. iSd. iStnto Kxpenscs. noui: itkus ntoii Tin: (, aitiio 1'IUATIOKIIII.U Tim irfinni-nl niinri.i.ftnftitn l.ill l.n.i ... ..... .,.,... now pas-sed the Ilouso llnally and w II be considered in tlio iScnnto. Tho bill ns hllv lavs siHsion. li'm tlin iinv'riini.r nf tlm iit'.ifi.i.a nt I - .Hi.ii.Mt t.t .mi u.i.i.iii.111 til .1... T". !.. I...1!. .1 4 t life ww a.eginiiuuio iiiciiiuiiig mo jiay and ju'n i'uiu'ni'i riyo oi .name, represent mileafro of meiiibeis. lilerku nml nilim-1 intr tho ndmlriistrntinn. nnrpil il.n employees, nnd for postago on tho Leo- .!l4t... Criinnmi "i I totintvc jicrurti .i.iu,uui 01 MO IIlllCII I thereof as may bo necessary nru nnnr.i j ..j.j... pnateii. iho ix'sident clerk is givon 1,000 a yearforox'peuAeHiostagcoxpress charges iliirmrr tlm ii'.t.iq4 irn iiitttir i in v..nriaj i ' ei ....... Tho chief clurks of the Ilouso nnd Sen ate aro given b-00 each lor making in ilexes of tho journals of tho two Houses. Tiiev also tret each ft 1.000 fm services thoy may havo to perform din ing 1882. Kor tho same period tho resi it.... i 1.1.U.I- miiii Qi una 'Pi,.... ..,..., ....It. VIVI II ..3 lltll. VljUUVl . IllOU n.llll'S I aro iu addition to the regular milariesfor tho session. Tho Lenislatice Jieeord is naid for nt tho i nto of S7.08 per page. unc Hundred nudsovoiity-llvo thousand I r . . i imbllo debt $2,1011,0.00. For tho support of the common schools 81,000,000. For publio printing, 800,000. i'ii' i no pubiiu grounus, ib,wu. For tho lire companies of Iiiirrlubnrg for two yeais, $800. Km- tlm mimlintin rt lu-i-ito thr Btnte librnty, $6,000, 1 HAWKING AND I'KUIILINO. Tlio following opinion of tlio court, ..1 f....t. lllil. .mil 1.. .1 . . ! .1 fii L'ti uuii:n .iimi. inn .in inn it-nonr Tim . jMaroli 20tli, 1881, in tho caoof tho mionwealth vs. John Hughes, will ouud of interest to merchants in par- lar, and tho public in general. It ex- ns itself. Commonwealth vs. John lluulics, will 10 101111(1 ticul plains itself. JfAUTP.n 8K3SIONS OV COI.UMIIIA COUNT StT.ClAI. VEltMCT, The Court N'l.n ! !.. .i.- !.. 1!.. . , . "it. ' " T 1 nti; awker pedb fo gn nnd domcstio coods. warcJ nnd merchi,- .!!. t ...!.. nio f.. m. second count c. mrtrea int. Im .1.1 nn lawfully oxposo to salo ns n hawker nnd liodlcr, foreign nnd domcstio goods, wares and merchandise, to-wit! Ovs- tcrs, contrary, ifcc Tho verdict of tho jury finds that tho Act of Assembly passed April 7,1810, Pamphlet Laws 18 10, page 301, wns ex tended to Columbia county, by Act pass ...i .1-. At i. .iiiu i.- i, . -f L-ii . i .liiuun ioio. i n in oi j.awn 1H-IH. imtfn 97ft. nn.1 unmn !a t.Aii. and was on tho 12th December, 1870 In force in this county. And that on that day in tho Town of IMoomsburg, m this county, tho defendant did as n hawker and peddler and traveling mer chant, sell and oiler for sale, oysters to citizens of said town, nnd did go from placo to placo crying oysters in tho streets. Jiut whether ho is guilty of nn offenso punishablo bv law is submitted to the Court. If the facts set sorth, con stitute in tho opinion of tho Court nn of fense, they find tho defendant guilty, .i(i.n....:o. ;.....,i: t .i, .i...i..5 " unit . .. IIIU ul'itl!MilllL I ho jctol Assembly roferrcd to in tho verdict m force hero is in tho words fol lowing: "No person shall sell or expose to flnln. U'itllltl tlin rnntitv nf Rnluill'ill I ......... ,j v ui.iini.. Columbia, as a hawker, peddler or trav elinr merchant, anv foieicn or domestic .i .. . guuus, wiireM or iiiuronauuise, liuuer pen- nr... .in t i. ... .itj ui jiitfc uuiiuin iui l'huu iimi uvery Olielise. to ho lnthcto.l m thn mnnnnr jirovided by tho Act of April 0, 183,1, enutieu a supplement to tho Act regulat ing auctions lit the City of Lancaster and other towns of this Commonwealth passed tho 7th dav of Anril. 18.12. Tlio mode of proceeding, provided by tho iici oi um u, iom is oy a warrant from a justiru of the peace, a binding ovi'i- io couit aim inuicimcntui mo iunr ter Sessions. i The two words "hawker" and "ped- lltpr.' !W ntlltllrifnil in Ifllltlnanm mnt. i"., ' tii ni.iiiiii.f.iiii; itviillj, if not quito, identical in meaning; and 11 0 oil All (ItAm niifnllt nn n uur oi "ooas. hmxo 1) on otntutorv, Crimes Sec. 1074. In ALbott's Law Dictionary, page r.2,a hawker ih defined iO )( 1 lPr4rtn whn irnninna iciM-!hif about merchandise from place to place e t.. . it 1" "'.V,"?' W . "i.v m WV l usiuoisneii miop. it is eniiivaient to . .)e(iaier," which is more used at th le present day. It is generally undcrstoo rQm h , , , . , . . , . " d i II u in i nwnr i .u .1 i iivk'or to nno ic m nnU, rtn .M , . , " , I tor Hum liuichasers, cither by outcry, or by at i :iucnuon 10 tnem as nn ncmni ex 111 iitinn nr placards or labels, or bv IL'lllll IlKt) ll ONOUnil OT .1 linrn till UIO saiO OT lisn. I nmninnitnn 1 . vu Ober 12 Cushing -l9o. Fisher vs. Patter son, 1 Jlarns, 330-338. Common wealth vs. Willits H S. & 11. 398. Tho verdict linds thespecifio nets done l... -i... j..r . . I. i by tho defendant to have bcei iy uio uuienuuut to navo ucen uone as a I, ..,!... ...! ....1.11 . I , M'ker and i.eddler, going from placo ho Place, offering far salo and selling oy to citizens am calling attention 10 them as goous lor salo bv .rvmir -.," .i?,. , , T. iV 'JTl tho article ao Id or oUered for salo was goods, wares or merchandise .dthiu Iho meaning of the statute. ,J. T' j 3' lts arf 1 sf,"se signilles all a mans pi opertv other tlian BUWSlWory Ori c r.o- i :..,:..i . . . , ?8 ' nr " nn statutes, ln statutes against larceny, it is not tin- A b, , fu 1 mcamv'as above ud cated doses n action, bank .... , , . : ?,?.C 'c notes, nioj tgages, deeds and tho liko are eccptious. Uut icptious. Uut with theso and some other exceptions, not necessary to be I 1 ; .1 I . . . w I "it-'iiiiuiieu 1 ere, i t . " . tnl.q wnr.l nnnma in ... t T' f a,.I,CrSOi ln'C fti tho Pr man s lann, aro uoods. ware h d, The Stato vb. Br ..wMt.ttvi , n. u.t elude everything of a personal nature. 1 rl'l... ..,. r. ,f. . . prouuets ot a , wares and mer i"J'Tin i ,0.,l ,lu "oks 4 uom. I Kei). 4 10. in its Mnnan if lnnlnil.ia ;', a . v" ?nlmals. as WtU as ItianimatO things, and 53?, ! UJ I It. uftttlli tnwtnn . . f '. ...?.. .! . 1 v v vviiiiv viovin, ui jiuriiisivs value. jiavior vs. D.-irnes, 00 ii., 4HJ. term merchandise includes goods and in general, onjecis or iramo and commerce, and is broad onniimi in inolmln nlcA stocks or shares in incorporated compa nun. The Act of AHpnilil t - , . . .j ... V4Vj' tion 111 regard to articles of food or nnv I 11011 111 regard to ni I ritl.i... i1..cj if imn.lj . j1 i . .t 1 -... . I vtuvi vuion vi xii lUHUWn lliai. IIIU prohibition contained in the Act of As- it iollows that tlio 1 n.milill' '.l.lilina tri tlti. onln nt 1... semblv aiiDlies to tho sale of liawkcrs ntul liodillcrrf. with nml certainty as to any other goods or arti cles of trafjio and commerce. 1 lie nurposn 0f tho Act, without doubt was in nnvl. to tiiVfvnnt !ntmfm-nio.k...iii. Anuria nn.I nl . " iiuug,o, tlllll ! so to protect tho community from imposi linn lirl.lnli tniirlil tn.nnf 1... !.! .,j,.,v iivj j. .n... will uy lliuei- ant dealers. In regard to no articles of food Is thin protection moro needed th an time., nf iish and oysterH. Tpon tho facts found by the verdict, wo nro of opinion that the defendant Was ElllltV of tho otroHHn ..lin.,! 111 110 inu cimeiiL .'mil tint i.n ii,.i,.. hicuitcii ine iienaity ot jnty do am i the costs as provided by the stat cs. incurred the jienalty of fifty dollars and Senate of the to make n "V to tlin p. nn inir contest over tho New 1 oik collector uliili fn ll.n nlllPIld Pll Afmi.ln.. I" .......... wh i.uii.n.t, uuilil ll... ITI 1 I.. f .f . ' struggle to elect liiddloberger and Gor- l.... l. 1. ...! l r.. .1. . . "tiiu iiu iiuiiiiiiuuuil lur IUU iieHeill llllll that tho Senate bo nermittcd tn iim.-poil witli thu executive VU('W of the ses . - -- . sion. 'J hey ui-L'neu that alter a tiial oi endurance for months tho Republicans ii'rtniit no wr oil at tho end than thu ii uiiivi ui ii vri lxMrillllllK'. 5LK I, was evident that tho C Oi "w w f v- v itii iiiu I )miwifrit u nri Intnrttiirwtil tr nnniFnut 1, cousummatiou of lliu 3fahone bargain. lint ( VtiiLltnc mwl Shrrnmi raiatml nml O ..w. ....... uw.Kil tMMI carried tho oauous with them on tho np- tn .In nil in thn unwpp nf thn Ifnimli. licans of tho Senate to carry out tho con ......... ..w ......... tv. WUI tlf .Hvl V.V1I.- tract with Mahono in good faith after ho has executed his share of it In turn- inir over to them tho committees. It is suspected on tho jiart of the adinlnistra. noil mat mo object oi uoiiKiing is to ....... i : . . ..i i i "I,,t y-uatp proceed to tho perform- a,,co ol ,Uj ""r'-tant bsimss of the session J'atriot. in ere nn-,i;i,oJLinoHiomces in mis coun- try nnd thuy icquiro 00,570 persons to run them. Tho jiostoflico busiuoss is not d nnvlnir nun na Inst vMr lliA prr.nnill. lures exfttcUeil )v VCcSj6tt (fO,00,000. The Clean Ncimpapers. 'I'hero U .1 rfrowlnif foolinif tn rivorv licaltliy qommunlty against tho journals tl who mako it their special object to mill- p istcr to perverted tasto by seeking out al mid serving up In a sednctivo form dis- tl gtistlng scandals nnd licentious rcvela- cnlthy qommunlty ngainst tho journals tl canny qoiuinuiiiiy ngainst ino journals ho mako it their special object to mill- iter to perverted tasto by seeking out it...,. !. . .. . I. . iiuiin. J.11VIU in jjuun iviiniii. iu uuiiuvu that tho clean newspaper is mora highly . 1 .1 ! t . it.. xo nay xiian 11 was iour or nvo years ago. It is also safo to predict that, as people in. nil ranks of life, wh, ho wis ' to,P.lcct ,thcir ow" nl ,cnst f.''0' co'l a,,,1,nl!0.n' bScmo moro, col,sc!0"3 oi uio pernicious luuuenco om cenain Flas9 t journnis, ca ica because they nro ambitious to servo up dirty scandals, thoy will bo careful to seo that tho journals they permit to bo read It. llitt fttiiiilt. stii'itlii nt.ii nf llitt nln.j ll.iit .ii ttiu tit. iiii uiuu ...u J t iiiu viiiri.t .linn never forget tho proprieties of life. Al ready men and women of rcliiicmcntteu nnd healthy morals havo had their nt tion called to tho pernicious inftuenco of bad literature, nnd hnvo mndo comuicnd able efforts to counteract tho samo by causing tlio sound literature to bo pub lished and sold nt popular juices, Tlieso efforts nro working n silent but suro rev olution. Tho best authors aro more gen- II.. 1 A- 1 .1 . ! . er.uiy runu to-uny 111.111 nt nuy previous time. 1 he sickly sentimental story pa- Iiai ntnl tti1i1 Mi(roi ni1 iitfntrt of av Look, nro slowly yielding tho field to worthier claimants To tlio praise of tho 1 1 ... , 1 . (lucent iiuwHpajier 11 iiiny lie saui, nun wlinro it linq n ulnnn !n tfii fnmilv. nnd has been read for years by young and old, it lias ueveiopeil such a healthy tononnu suoh n discriminating taste that tho lit . f .1 1 .. 1. .! eruiuro 01 too slums nas no auuiueis. Fortunately the number of such families is increasing in tho land, and ns they in crease tho journal that devotes itself to sickening rcvelatiotis of immorality will , -..-.... -it uo compelled to limt its supporters soieiy nmniir. .I.iat n1nf..u ll.n. ...nrt.Ln t.!in nt tiiiiuii luuat ..iiisot:.. iiiiii. jii tti;iii;i; . ili. ui crime, or nre nmbitious to learn to follow 1. . T.-.... tr .11 mien ways. jtosion jicraut. General News. The sheriff of McKean county clears 610,01)0 a year, above expenses WclUboro exnects to have n -dass fac- ton Numerous changes and improvements .-I. 1 flt..-l I niu wising pmcu 111 1 unKiiannocK. rranklin county has thiitv-n.v con victs in tho Kastern Penitentiary. Mrs. Myers of Clearfield county never l.-.l .. . ri. ir 1 . -. nun ii louui. jier gums aro nartl, anil she chews without incovcnience. Last week n woman named Mis i'homas committed suicide, near Hunt ingdon, by swallowing a dose of poison, Hon. AVilliam 1). Lewis, collector of tho port of Philadelphia under Fillmore, is dead nt a very nilyancc( nap. It is estimated that fully I0,000 per sons nave ucen vaccmaicii 111 rittsimrgh, since tlio recent aimoaruncc of smallnox in that city A nine months old child of Joseph llinier of Latrobe, pulled a bucket of scalding water over and upon itscll caus ing us ueatn tno day following. ft U rillnnrf.l tlin pnllinrlna nu'iwiil by the Philadelphia Coal Company, near Pottsville, are to bo illuminated with the If t. eiecinc ngui. - viiisituuiiintiiiiiiivii tllU 1. Willi sylvania railroad was instantly killed at AllAn..H .1.. 1... i t 1 . , j.iiuuii.i icuuuuy, iiy ueing cmsneil iq ueuiii wiuiu coupling cars, It is estimated that there aro 1.000 hotels and restaurants less iu this State than there wero n year ago. This is the result of the temperance people's opposi tion to the granting of licenses. Ill aU old lolltlCOOn wlilitll rP J "Unroll Of Gll.'lllpSlnil. Ill . ll'lll ulni.t -fnn trim... T J ...... u..t,t' 1U. IIIII.IJ years was found after his death U,000 worth of Government bonds and gold coin. ThoMsijor Generals of the army iu tho uiviv-i ui men- riiiiK are as joiiows: nan cock, hchoheld, AlcDowell. The Uii diers pi like order arc Pope, Howard ferry, Augur, Crook, Miles. In Greenland, beef, mutton, pork and fowls are preserved for any length of tiino In tiiprplv f.'pp'im. il.T.itt wt.,... J -.....ii tl.vill. 1I11C1. used they nre thawed In eold water, and when cooked taste exactly as if recently Killed. Mount Ararat, on which tho Uiblo says Noah'si nik found resting place, is 1,11- icci mgii, ami is covered perpet uiiuv uy icj; aim snow, n is ot a volcan ic nam iv, inougii not olten in an erup nvo suite, Pittsburg Commercial Gazette.' The Ht. Key. Uisbojt Gilmour, Clov land, Ohioj Clias. S. .Strickland, lisn.. Jioylston street, lloston, Mass.; Capt Paul lloynton, tho world renowned swim mer; Prof. C. O. Duplcssis, Manager ymcugo gymuasiiini, uiucago, ill.; Win. 11. aring, Ksq, Assistant General Su penntiMideiit, A'ow York jmsf ofce; ..mi. 4 uuiuiia j.. iiiuucri, jiobiuiasterjrtcw 1U1K OiaOV 111 . i'.SO.. Jilt. All mm In dined Piano llailroad, Ciiiciiiuali, Ohio aro amonrr tlio nivriniU u-lm l.nvn pv ....; CJ J ' ...ttV. V..JIV.I1- enced the bcnelipia effects of that most romarkablu rempih-. St. .Tnpnl.'u fill ....,i who have tested its ellicaoy in uiupiali . . , -. v. ....... w.i, iimi ucm ici ins. lllK Coi.OltKI) UlIOTIlr.l! Tlin I'n.l.W hitaker coin t martial lookH ns if ...!. 1 . . t . . . .... 1U1UIII Br inur vimi! 1 nil Pill . 'I' in i.i-nu ccution has rested and the ilnfi 1IKII 1 been tiiktm up. Among tho last pieces of evidence put lii weiu the detendants Uible,his wash rags and some lragmcnts ui uiuut paper an assortment wind certainly (foes not lack variety. "My life, said a grateful lady, '-had been one of intense sulTering and misery until cured of a disfiguring scrofulous 1... I... .1 . i it . . iiuiuui- uy mo iiiieura iiemciiieB. Ask VOIir (ll'llL'L'ifitH nlinnt thpin if tn. 1. 1.1, i,l ...ill. !i. i i. i nun nulling nun hcuiy immoi'ri. Gl Vi: I'S PllAClir.S. All i!.vcli.innn unvj "While his brother is dodging mound me coiner to oscapo nrrest am imnr son ment at the hands of tho Uritish (iovern inent, John Parnell is cultivating i,if beach orchard viiv ilnwn in Alnl..i...n ,, ' J .......... l.ltllllll.lj on which ho raised and disposed of 70,. ouu worm oi mat lucious li iut last sea. Son. Wo would IMthnr linn i.piipI. ..nil.. cror than an Irish agitator," Tho A. S. T. Co.. wpin il.n u.-ct tp mako n specialty of protecting tho toes of children's shoes from wear by which millions aro saved nnnimllv tn iinmniu. ' J I'KI VIHI7 and they hoiv offer their A. S. T. Co. llllli'k 'tin In tilnpn nf Il.n itip.oI na il.n.. 1 "tv. "t ii.u i.ivilllj III. .llUJf wear ns well, and nre not objectionable oi; tho finest shoe. A young woman named Kato Lehan, refilling iu liric, while preparing dinner recently, in somo way set lire to her clothes. "When found sho was burned to a crisp. t.lnnn'rk .tot f 'IStltmiun.. O I .. I 1 .. in.ui.ifli.1 .ii 4 iia i,,i7.ri:ini in ducements aro oflVrtcl you by tlio Ilurlliictou Koute. It will pay you to read their niivet tlmeiit tn b fouod elsowliero Id this imie, Afurch 18 40-w lir Ooutit'j iuptrlntenJent, T.1J. JflLLlllt. br (hunty Suptrinttwltnt, J.S. QWiiE3. Onnrnl innq In lUn ttrn ,...1 ...til nf .1... --. ........ . ... .... ....v. .lyi.i.iiiitti in v Cambria works at Johnstown havo been iiKiciiniiQiy suspended, owing to tho fact l.nt lt. ........ l.i Pl.t .1 . 1 mat uio rods lnanutncturcd III that do- parttnont can bo imported from England at n cost far below' tho s.unn nf wlilrb liey can bo mado there. John McClcllntul. n i-Mfisinni. tmm Potter townshili. .Teffersnn nniinlv. wn instantly killed by his raft colliding with another, at the mouth of Pino creek. The snubbing post btoko striking him over the head, breaking his skull. It la Itlltinaalliln fm n .I'mnntt n f I .... n . ....j.v.d.j.u.u iu. it uiii.iii 11111:1 ii f.ailliflll rnnrun nf .flili It..1!. K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, to continue to suffer with weakness of tho uterus. Kucloso n stnmp to Mrs. Lydia H. Piukham, L'33 Western Avenue, Lynn Mnss., or her pamphlet. County Commissioner's Salaries. Pnnrpflnnlnlivn K! nf T.i.lit.tli introduced a bill in tlio House for regit lating tho salaries of County Comniiss loners nil over tho State upon the basis of population. In counties having n pop ulation ot 100,000 and less than 150,000, each commissioner to havo u fixed salary of Si. 000 linr nnntini! in pnnfittita 1.n!t.i. 7.',000 and less than 100.000, $800; in cuuuiics nayiiig ou,uuu aim tinner 7r,ouu $.'00; and in counties having less than fi0,000; $100. At present some counties pay said officers a certain sum per an num, but in Schuylkill and tho majority nf niiu, ii. .,..,..,::...,. .... II l v.. vi.nt.ia tiiv vvfl.llllisniui.uin 11IU j 1 1 1 U L 1 1 Tl llpr .llpm. Willi milonrrn fnt. Ifnt'nl ntwl iicuco the salaries vary "according to ser- 1 1 0 vici's rendered. N EW ADVERTISEM ENTS7 . .CT ,, ,. - ., Scaotmng Of Interest ts Every Han Woman ttni Chili. U your Blood Iaipuro nnd loaded with tic Yo'.ton fif Vrrnfrtta 9 iRyourtJro 8trcnctU oozlnzout tliroashan in ..JsovcrcanithitcUlnscaly anascrot- jwm v,vui,iu: vi'iu ii r.ruptlons or Blemishes ? i juur uumDieTinn nisiiffurcu wiui unsieniiY Is ourimr Thin. lifeless. andraptdlyfalllnff out, nnd Scalp covered with scales? Is tho Skin on your Hands Hough, lied, Cracked or !!leedlng7 Is your Child erowlnir nn with Scrofulous lluinnrH burbtlng from every pore7 la Baby mulcted uuu scold Head or any ticalpor Kl:ln llninnrt r If so, then no human agency can so speedily, per- ui.iiriiujf uuu ui-uiiunucany cieanhe mo moon, clear tho Complexion nndiskln. restore tho Unlrandcu-o every species of itchlog, hcalynnd Scrofulous Hu mors ot the Skin, Scalp and Blood, S3 the Cullcura llnilllxltnu n,itl.llnn,.l leally cleanse thu IHooil, clear 1. Cutlcura, tho great Skin Cure, n Medicinal Jolly .nrreits dlsease.allays InlUinmatlon.ltchlng and irrll.atlnn.hii.iln itlrini Unil mn.u nnlu n,vnv .Inn, I a. lh iinuiuuu.urauj urcers una Kores.eaia away ueaueKin and flesh ai.d restores the llalr when itestrnj ed by scaly Humors and Blood Poisons, r. Ww cents. I.rtrft linrpn l IW. 1 Largo boxes J1.00, 2. oulloura Medicinal Toilet Hoap, an exqulslto luiiet, nam anu wurocry sanatue, fragrant wlih delicious llowcr odors and hoallng balsaun. softens uw,,u, ,.iguu, ,M.Hl.ll-, (UU t Ullipill IU1I UUU Skin1 Brlco ascents. Prepared for shaving, 13 cents. 3. cutlcura Kesolvcnt, tho new Blood puriner. cleanses tho Blood throuirli tho Liver, Kldnoymllo - 1,1c. n fill tlllll, tnrf DtnHlna.n,,.,.n...l.n.. ni. .. - . .luuitatwivi, 1IUVU 1,1 BLIUllllUUS Humors or Hereditary Blood Poisons. Price ll.eo. Tho Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap externally and luu uu"via .ivuiivni. iiiiv-i iui'ij- liosuiveiy We:toScrofuK. .uiuunnm Inqulro about them at your drufglrt's. Itljht hero In this town you mayllndcvfdenco of their wnnili'rfnl numt ' 7""up mr - luusirawu ireaiiso on tho Skin" conta nlng the most remarkable testimonials ever rt'Cnnlfrl In till, nnnoln nr Tna,..nt. n...n.. wv. Cutlcura Hemedles aro nrcDarod bv WEEKS 4: POTTER, Chom.lst3 and druggists, ".ft. U'llhln-tnn U , 11 ",,lu,&wM Ok, UU11UU, .tllUlS , tw-Cutlcura Hemedles mailed trca to any address ATI TtOJA ht. r t-1 it n THE GREAT BLOOD PE0DU0ER. Strength Creator. And Health RESTORER. Unfermentcd Malt, Hop?, Callsaya and Iron. No medicine tike tt lor tho Brain, Blood, Ner.cs.and LunlNewiirefoVfunctloSTe ,.it,ulM.n,ld H'sslnnttoD. l-osltlvo euro for malaria I ULf J.1ey,a?.a Vrl'mr'.uln"!U'''s- comfort am strcnglh tor delicate females and Nurslnir Mothers uamr.ieu me I'urest. most KconamistTAmi i,mr. medlclne called Blitera" Sold ovenwhero lllltpra f'nmnnnv lt,vinn .in - utM" Malt , WV.1VU, dLMO, P.OLLfNC) "1' : s and power- w n .. 'i;ir.rai union is outained VCLTAJO aEUClHO'SeVs0,& W u. MSTEBS u?ar?o? 6Sy uud' )Xe.a.Hne!l, M.th0 I""Incs. Liver. Kidneys, nnd Url- imi j "isiiia uncumaunn, Neuralgia, Hysteria. Ko Nervous pains nr.dVeakncss, Sialic ... niu iiimi aiiui-, itil'u CCIliS. pnld AflPVTM WlVTPTi frtmv . . ine Kevisetl Wow Testament AMI FULL IIISTOIlY OF ITS I1EVISIOV 'owi'ca'lrfvr agents. Mcst dfslrablo edition, low orders rer. lav TulslVarVrehn ffAa i.ll!' SSv.ACJ 1""'k'- Address llUBIiAnu , . uuu, i. vu. muuv kireei, I'ntia. aprS4wd S.!LLIL M.WAL AWARD ID tX. Ti i" I, mow an. i iiTtsAi lieu- ng tuJed "tfc Kcionceof I Al0 fnii i nXu -ui UMlinombotie(J IMUfQ. Ktee: toaiUflliutritulittmiile .i "su unu uiu ecnt ly mwmmm - n ,i,.iu ., ,.7..v-....'.-" o i n. huts: " . .'i ""M"" S !" I..W Cxk. JM UviluAu. .nil...... niiHia iriDaiu. i u lai lil : elunte vtr irren..l n n. u" " TT.T. w m I b " 'l clanM tv.r offsrej to jay "'-S"' 5," "V "U of ril V, a j vyitil Jj. KxOlffJl. XSSa IV? it, "Sit fi TSSti A. j.. wouxmAiiTovr iXXtftfflUi ;t IiEtting. Will bo at R ilirrPn8,"'.",?,?;. a we eulviyioVer farm. Plans Tn 1 ."SSSi'SS"! .".? "BP"'S residences r,r t , , r ". ".ua tu" uccn at the L.tfAVM-rTi. IHIPiL.,, i iriiL'tn t ii T NSUl.VKNr.S KOTICU. N'fillPA Id rl.tnn ii... .... can appJa nr MS ",, Sr?' '"eni ccutor - .miu uunw( March WILLIAM BAUMKISTKli.. 1 ITrifrMlll, tm-ii1,1 ii. i"l I UK. t3TiTE OV UIIUU U'MIM. DtfXiSUri. i.ium-KT?!1,??,..aV'"tor rr'lntfdby tho Or, lnri rf ll.ii iijt,.,,7. in VV:..? uiJlli0.tuHlrluU dSJoT ft u. us 'at Tt". olwkm . .v. t. E. WAI.I.nn. I 'lUltVI , DMINISTftATOU'S NOTICE. ISTATE OP JOS K I'll K. fliutu nifvu.n TXttPrHnf nilmlnlutriilnti k . , . - laaiTdiiit. r0T "a, i. An-.n ss'!?.ei:i county, neceiMd, hvo been Br.intd by the Kui. U;r of said county to tho undewifued tdmlnlj trator All perBons havlntf tialina OifalnEt th TtsiaS if Bald JOHN HANDS. AdmlotstrBMr. lwhrtiury, l'a. vaathlMw ..Ss S, -fr.,. si . Otters SHERIFFS SALE. Uv Vlrlnn tit tttit-rip fettta iu..r ... . tt. tou" ' wmmen ricas of Co 10 mollrccttll.wli!to exposed ourtUousoitimcomsburg. at Court nf I'nmmAn MnAb . paIiimMa to mo directed, ulll bo exposed to public mIo at tho luusu in iuoorasourg, at 3 p. w, on MONDAY, MAY 2nd. 1881. AUthato-rtalnmessaiiKoor tenement and tract otlandsltiutoln 0rnngclllo In tlio county of Cc lumbtA nhrt Cnrnmniiirniiiifi tt.nti.t.itf.tii. Knn- clcd nnd described us iollows, to-wm lleglnntng at a post or corner on Main Mrcct, thenca bjrUndsof Hcnrystlner south slxlj-lghtdctrrccs, wtst eight perches to o post, thenco 60Utli thlrly-ono detrrees west three perches nnd two-tenths to a post,thenco by lands Of llenrr Rtfnrir nnil 1rv llnfiniM. nn.Hi tlxty-elght de grcc9, cost eight perches to a post en oinui, menco nione Main sireci north thirty ono dcKrces east threo perches and tivo-tcnths to tho placo ot beginning, containing twenty-nro perches and two-tentlu. AIO. Another lot of lana, bounded as follows, to-wlts Beginning at n past corner ln lino of land of Samuel Achenbach, thenco along tho samo north thirty do degrees eist eight perches to a post, thenco by land of widow Martz north soventy-two degrees west sorcntoen nnd two-tenth! perches to a post, thenca by tho afirc-descrlboil lot south twcnty-nlno de grees west eight and Ihrce-tenths perches to n D09t, thence by land of Henry Stlne r south sixty nino and one-half degrees east seventeen and thiuc tenths perches to tho placo of beginning, contain lng ono hundred and thlrty-nlno perches of land. Seized taken ln execution at the suit of Samuci Achenbach ngainst llachel Ann Itarman and Ja cob M. Ilarman, her husband, with notlco to M. L. Kline, tcrro tenant, and to bo sold ns theproperty of llachel Ann ntd Jacob It. Harinan her hus band, with notlco to M. L. Kllno, Urro tenant. Iif.i.rb, Attorney. levari Facias, ALSO, AH that certain houso nnd lot of ground situate ln Catawlssatonns.htp, ln tho county cf Columbia and State ct rcnnsjlvanla.ljlng and being on tho cast sldo of Fourth street, bounded as follows, to wit! Beginning at a corner of nlot belonging to WlUIam Williams on fourth street aforesaid and running theuco by said Fourth street northeast wardly Bfty feet to land of David strousc, thenco along tho samo south sixty nnd one-ha.t degrees, o nt ono hundred and twenty.four feet to the public road, thenco by tho said road south Mly-stx and a halt degrees west fifty feet to corner of saU Wl lUm Williams, thenco by tho samo north tlxty degrees west oao hundred and twenty.four feet to tho placo of beginning. Seized, taken, ln execution at the suit of shen. I para uoouman against Ai v. Cool and Sarah Ja cool ami to be sold ts the prorcrty cf a v.cooiand Sarah J. Cool. pard Ooodman ngainst A. V. Cool and Sarah J. MIU.EK, Attorney. jcr, Pft, ALSO. All that certain lot ef iimi ni.t in h,hii..,. ."'""" ... ....... .u ... V.UMU1JI ui iiiinRinnni State ot Ponn-ylvanla, known ns lot No, four (i) In plot ..v.. micu w on map or plan of said linage, bounded and described as fnitnwn tn.trii. r.n n,nnA.,.. v.. ,1 .ffv?", 1Uo e?st f south bj First nrect, nnd ( ,lirte P) containing fifty hundred nnd ilfty feet In dc u.,.t ii an alloy, on tho east by lot So. nvo (5), on tho on tho west by lot No. feet ln front nr.rl nn. fifty feet In depth. Seized, taken ln execution at Uin mill nt ii,. Columbia County Mutual Svin v..n, rnn .. .. foclalion ngainst Isaf c Mvcsny and Caroline Sweo- n mm iu uu son ns tip property of Isaac Shee ny nnd Caroline Hivecny. urrcKS 3lu.!.si!,.Utornejs. tcv p. ALSO. All that lot cr lilt nt of l.ini ciim.ii, township, Columbia county, and .state of Pennsyi- , uuuoucunnd UescrlbcU 03 followR tn-uii. t dnnlnir at n.nnt in , , ..... c" f. g " npoat ln tho road up Flshlngcretk, I thCnCO UD Iho R.1M r,-n,1, ,. v... .. uuu UIIKU U0- greo?, west six perches and thma-tentlu to n rbst thenco by land cf William nn.n. n...u.: . thenco by said road Kn.ith ihir ! . . ' degrees wt nvo perches and tour-tcntha to a iwst, thenwby lands of 'John Conner, suth fltty-clght nnd thrcfe-fiuatter degrees ca.u twenty perches to tho placo ot beginning, containing elghty-thiee p?rches and blx-tcnUn of a ierch, strict measure on which nro erected a two-story (runic dwelling house stnblo and out, buildings. Seized, taken In, execution nt tho suit of c. B, Brockway cgalnst .suasl). Cole, and to bo sold as tho property rj Sllasl). Cole. uhockhav, attorney. Vend. Ex TOps cash. Sheriffs omce, April 5th, 1S31. bhtiin. XJBJliia SALE REAL ESTATE! By virtue of an order nr tlin ennrt . n, Columbia, tho undersigned will sell at publlo auc tion on the promises, near tho Mclntyre Church, on SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1SS1, tho farm known hs the wimjam pav Joining landi of 13. D. Kern. IS. M. Tewk'sbury," Adam . tv.vii, ..m. iuu uiMameyer tract, Jacjb Eoas, and tho school houso lot, containing 112 ACRES. Ths farm 13 wt 11 sunnllo.l win. ,.- . and a vahietv OFFHUIT, li, Ilum; ,''. There Is about twentv nrm- in T,h. , ;. ,,lls a'W lsturc. School House and Chureli at hand. Vbe ahianeo toVatawliati.iw7 miles ami to ihnr.-..i rwl?s,a t"rc" twelve inrsprouts atfl iusturc ScI iZZZ . ' " """ wwas. iweixo or four- tew. atuuv AND WILL BEKOl.n ..,i.i w nn, . Mlln.i ...... . ' 7. ' tv,vuw.i; UUUU UI LllZamm. I.',". nil,! 1.. r.uiuiuanuur aB y;ar, anu In tho Interestof u.:(.il3. Tea wm-cent of one.f.niith ti,nm,i, money (above dowcrjonetraing down tho pr'onertv 1 1" i iiureent.on corillnnallon, -i..t.iti...u iu uuu yuur luprjiirritr. iwifh iii,rct marigdju ai un oxpjnso of purchaser. K.M.TuwKsnuny, 11. 1'. FOUTNEB. rtn, Auctioneer. catawissa, April s. w-ta jlV01lCK XOTIGK. COLUMBIA COUXTV.SS of common Header coluinbia uu.tnty H is in-eJ U la. tnimennTntnr-il. J iu.(.r inomas bchrenhsr ) No. it: Dec. Term, isso .- . o1'?- - r Ulvorce. Kato Schrcnier. i iuiuiijr., iwi, un niOltOn Cl I). II. (.P7 nf nowtpapeis abllilipil In coliuuwa coun y ror to ? mccessivovifclvS nr or to insiin.i r. ..V. '?"r iwimnne tho respondent tonppenr on said day in an.artnr i.nmi.lTlnr. l.pnnr i,.,uif. i. .T- i . . . . . nlnirnVni ,l 2?lVZi.XW ma"" tho ' -t "if n-"- wu.. ui u uiiui. iv.linn.i nn, , ..... "V TIIU LOCTT. unK. ivsn ,"u,u:' '"ie-MU nay ot II. 31, IjUlCK, lrOthVr Beputy. 1 towj. aprlis-tc. T.. . .. lin ins r-.-ji-tl ur 1 If. Kit JIIC1UEL, WCCRiSED.. COLUMBIA COUXTV, .V.V; Michael, Mimn t H aVJ;',a,lt,.?,omvlllo',V1'" I'licuaeuum t VP. nLH'!,Vn12tnt:m,a.rl'le.,1 i,th """ Stl"Cr, Hi. rriai?v?rno?,"-' l a-.1'"Oc, lutcrmarrlcd with I" - , r. . - .t ,,v,"ci .u.u.ujji cuuiui'i .tucnaei ?ha,.V"flllu'rton,MluUn towu.UiliT: arah Beck.lnter' YtSHiSr VO'4" J.oue, iwmowi, Easton ipa : san.roUdlw;atWIllamsni,rt. la.i Kiizabatn t resKllIlL' ut Rtltll'nvlltu 1 Vtlmnlil i V , . " in.. r. uZx . r " lu tiirmuuieipii a, ra.; Frame llallv L'fCi.lnli.ri, uin. lf;i. in..,,.. .! at. irU'i?iTv,i , i .. ii."r";v."-""""5 t-rii, . ' vKiiiit,,, ,1,,, un tuiiuiru ui hiJ.auoth Mkhacl, now d-otused. hu was lrner- .LlHVrlf'll Ullll Vl...,,1.i,l 1'i.r... ..m.l.l.t. . t...,.Vi IU, nil clitliirtn u( fColuiubmcomity, va; llcto'scii zliiim fmaa, llvlmr atikmurtowiihhlp Columbia cmntr, ito: Henry'.ldinjfatliiiiiriown, hchuyltilicoun. l ' "J,! hnooh Kluimrriuan, ii-nldlni; at Main town- tcruurrlel with Iaivi .MpAfi-n msirii.? i, vi Uit I ti. . . . tiuu.iij, -,i, it CUHUITU CI nw.,unl ii... ..nh... ". . .T t tu'ii nit Tin jin ftin'li fiHPu,icuiii. u nm...i n. '."y'1'".! c'oluinbU comity, l'a., iriiardan ad litem ot inwn 12.i.V.:ri'iii ."""'K'tiin'ncrraaiitHiiiK. ,.r. .. fiMtj . Kua.u.uii HI llfUtTv'U i n ii I siimuerinanaiia KnochZlmruci- and to u l penons lutcivsted.ilrocllng! You uro XP'y ciu-d.tobo and npnear before tho Judgoi cf i.. vuui b ii.tiii tn .ur.un-v.iuri, u lo ncm ut Illooinjburcon tlio tint Monday of May noxl. iaic".8n? ltle,r0 10 ""-'contor iciuso to tako tho rea olsaldl-tier.Mlih.ud, decoawd. at tha ud- i;,,'1 ', ,v ;IM"' 'Moy mo inquest, duly uHamcil by tho eald Court, aud ri-tumed iv thn T,Su0.w CllUs0 n lW h",ll nol to sold. Aud iiereot tall not. TrTi i c!" William Ulwoll,;r,ci,ldeut!ot ! ,,,.?.,y."' f"iuarv, A. ., ono thousand Hcht hun;drvd and olahly-ouo." WM.KltlCKIlAUM, Cli'rlc o. C. uprll.ti, "til-w 0, II, QUIC. in.iuiy, HIDES. Tho Hihcct llarkol Prlco in Cash I'AIDI'OH AIX KINDS OP JII11EU AT A. SOIsIjiE.BISRJ'S I.ciUhcr nntl .Sinus rimlltii; Store, JIain SntEirr, Oi'i'osni: SroNi: Ciiuncii, BLOOlISimilG, A. April , 80-j- WIDOWS' Al'WtAISBMKNTS. The following appralwmenM of real n.l fiersonnl proirty wt. npart i widows of decedents isve been filed In the ofron of the lleglster of Col umbia county, under the llules of court, and will bo presented tor ntMolnui confirmation to tho orphans' Court to tip held In and forsald coun ty, rn Monday, tlio sad day of May, lSl, nt two o cloekp. m., of mid day unless exceptions to surti contlrmatlon nro previously llled, of which all per sons Interested ln said estates will tako notlco I 1. Widow ot o, JJ. 8. Marclay, lato of Blootnsburg, deceased. s. Widow of John J. Longcnborccr, lato of Mifflin township, deceased. 8. Wliowof Samuel summers, lato of Montour township, deceased. 4. Widow of Joseph IS. Sands, lato of Mt, 1'1'nsant township, deceased. 6. Widow of Justus F.Mam, lato ot Benton town ship, deceased, lleglster's Ofllco. 1 W. II. JACOt'V, Bloomsburg, April 1, W. f liothto. 1) KOISTKU'S NOTICES. JLV Notlco Is herony given to air legatees, credl turn and other persons interested ln the estates of tho respective decedents nnd minors, that the fol. lOWlnL-nrlmtnl.f rntnrR'.ntnni.,ni., tnri mnl..t. nn. counts havo been riled Iti the onicc of tho llelter of Col. eo, nnd wlllbonresona'd for confirmation and iiiiuin.uiu iu luu urpuans- uourt to uo ncm m Bloomiburg, on Monday, May s, lssi, at t o'cloclt n. nl. nn until iln v i ' I. Tho account of Ual If, Ent. Trusteo npoolnted by tho orphans Court In tho Mtatc of Kllen ceased TOwn 01 I)loom,l,urlf' a a, Tho account of John cole.oxocutor of Joseph Cole, lam of sugarloat township, deceased. 8. First and final account ot David 8. Hclwlg, gmr illan ot mias, Harrison W nnd John A. ivllcl wig, minor ehUdren of Sarah llclivlg, lato tt Lo cust township, deceased. 4. Tho first and partial account of W. B.Mcrlele, executor ot Bcniamln Jlerlcle, lato ct Madison township, deceased. 6. Tho flrst and final account of Clinton Melllck, inni.r of '"Wfrcy Melllck, lato of .Mt. Fleasant township, decea!l. 'E'!!.l'?0ri,lIld nnnl nccount ot E. It. Ikelcr, ex. iSL".' Ji0ta3a, 'H'ornton, latocf ths Town ot Bloomsburg, deceased, T. The first and nnal account of Samuel No hard, ndmlnlstratorcf Sarah c.Miultr, lotcof Centre township, deceased. 1 ,niS.t.B. 1ni" cwunt of C. B. Jackson, guar ??.,ot .i1?0 J ilirsh, minor child of James .Marsh, lateot Centre township, deceased, o. 1 Ui first and final account of Samuel C. .H' ne, nlmlnlstrawr di bonis non ti JoMah B, Dud- ton, lato of the borough cf Berwick, deceased. 10, I1.'?. ai'c?,unt cf .Daniel Brjfjgle, guardian of til'!J- l-.MC' m,nor chll1 f Hannah case, lato of Bloom township, deeeawd. II, TTta(;;ount c,i 1Unlel n'J ffflc- Btiardlan of Bs K'nint' m"Vir chlM ot ""ttnl Case, lato i f Bloom tt'Y. nship, decetscd. :,,") 7"" ucciuutoi wiiiiam nip steel, admlnistntorof Sophia Illppenstocl; i wu float acciuntot William lllpnen- oci,' nie 13. "I he nnal account of Uiisha II. Biggs and Jn-i. II. II. I uik.vurvlvtng exeeutoisot clurlosll. Douo 1' r, lato of the luwn ot Bloomsburg, tfeceaaed. II. The first and final Recount of Joha Kfssltr. lr ndn.lii-Mrator ct John Kessler. r lato ot Blue township, deceased. 13. The second and tlsnl account tf Thetdor lie Down, administrator ct John Mclio9ll, Lite cf fjcott township, dec-awd. 1C. Tho second jnd Hnal nccomt cf A.J.Albert son, adinlDWruv.r ol John DavK lute of (licen wood township, deeca?etl. aa UleiJ by hu udtntu litr.itor, Joseph w. Iioic. T.l,''ln. ot Il'-ii Fjttermm, guardian, ot Li ztoeth I artzei, (lute Miller, now (leuunsed,) l1.,u-.cf1,l,l. .ot ,,",J'iml" Mlllcr. 1'Catn-w;-Kin township, Uicea.ed. 13. iho second nnd final account of Lloyd T. Con- ijir, administrator of Joseph V. Conner, lain ot Leniro tottusaip, deceasi'd. ,9, Vii S.1.1. nnd.rrttal amount of Ii K. KrlckUium, ens of thoadminlsiratoNot Thomas Daus hue ot I'enton townshlp.deceafed. Si'. Tho tlrst and final nccount ot I.K. KrLkbaum, e. vcutoroiMinsF.Kanih, matt Bentoutovin- f, hlp, docoasul. 21. Thollretand flnol r.ccoun! cf Joslah co'.cmn, idinlblsirator of Abraham c. lUrns. lato tl ln-'Ltoj towushlp, dooeasad. S5. Tho first and partial account tf A. l Voung, nauilnUtratir of Mer.y A. Huberts, lato m (iivenwood township, deceased. 23. The second and partial account ot Moses Sav . nguand . F. S ivage. administrators of Joshm Savage, lata ol Jackson Wwuship, doceased. Si. Tho llrst nnd p.arttal account otoeorgn v. ,vs- Hwen, administrator of DaMd llemott. iito tl (lieenwood township, deceased. 23. Tlm second and nnal account ct Hotter A. Ed. bou. admliilstralnx ot Uenjimla r. Colo. Into tf Benton township, deceased. 20. Tho nrst nnd nnal account o Allen B. Crooii ndmli.lstrator cf Jacob Bower, late or Brlarcreil: township, deceased. 27. Tho llrst and final nccount cf M. A. Ammer. man, administrator ot John Kvcland, lato ol l ishlngcreek township, deceased. 8'. The second nccount ot Lrvt HianVrnrM If.: t ester administrators tf David .shaifer, late it Briarcrcck township, deceased. 29. The second account ot rzal 11. unt ndmlnlstn- Lhlpd,ede0cSed.'1 0t rcter UM0 01 "W n. SO. The Urst and final account of II. V. fputor of John McHc) nolia, lite bi tLu Town ot Bloomsburg, deceased. " 31. Tho llrst and nnal account ot N. I 32. Tho nrst nnd nn.-J accfjntct lessi Hicks "l-ir c1nuVrkVPoI?,KrUs8'l",ro??''11" : 8. ' 3 of 0ra"I tOHnmip.deccaml, TtS?Sf ?SS ii?" M Kerr hner, ntalnls deccased. ' 10 of J103:our tiwiunlp- 34. Tho second and nnal account of Join Annleinan Smd 33, lXVl Johnilarlmin, lock towrishlD. dJceSsn, .' uo"' m- w llcm- ot Urlareriwk ijiwiiM 5r- ,u TA Ilfrm S,'.?,1.,0! Vlllllm ""rls.and tai! ot iicmirTk rruWnLht. ,r '"u ,aiu lat of oreenwood township, deccasedt 19. Tho tooond and tinul accountcf nterSwank trPTcre?Ua:0i,ar;l Aaamlla b,oSu8aPT: w- JA&. Howell & CSo'fl. Advc'ia, FRAZER AXLE GREASE. rv ,npi.Cn?',su.r "Vla ,'noru t,la" Ill! imitations. n&?dCtSSMeera,ll,lairfc taUf0r tUOifu urrlt 8 4-w r ALABASTINE ! S.",1,!!lh?fr na1!lnnti.cVlll?'3' 13 ttomostvalua- tali' uP-i'MUi-S ' f, sJH'Ji? aVrt nnartelnmo: . alstuNl..I. IlKdM., W-'jurling Mlp, N. Y, "3f r apr.s-iw A YEAH anu, expenses to ncentB outnt Lfree. Address v. o. VIcifEH X Auguac. Maine. r npr. B- jir 5Olll;ocl'?lRli','!lnc'!0r 25 large, nov Cliromn ilVnCa.,1, b'rand llowers; or ao iovtly Gold and i.,nJlU,Xl, r lintilfuw S99n?Jrat ox"- expon-es. so (lulllt aprll M?; At1,lrc8'1 1 VHwnln w- '"i'wta Me. 1 IlVKllTISDvl c... .-- " N.Y. i . .muni wi , n iwwia n, Yi ii c-i ,1 IJHATTY'S ""S8"-iTWfH.asot dribs lunlul r. lienlty, WoShleKtX, V j. an Oold Ad OnrOuestions, Arc you a buyer of Men's or Beys' Clothing at mail? Do you need clothinc for the farm, the office, the Work-shop, tlio court-room, or the pulpit? Do you want boys' clothtnir lor the school-room, or for dress ? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made shins? Ar yU ncccl ol If yes, to nny or all of these que ues, st;ito ycur needs to tis, that we may send you samples and prices. Your uestion is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You must judge. Wo will mako up tho case, yo,i must decide it. Hut we must tell you that wo havo created iu ho United States by the Eimnlo method ofgiviug the best clothing ?w shall pay you to buy of us. If you .i?,u,rd aU:."ot P,ea,cd' return Hier money1'C' "Cc' cr llcmaml yup Wanamakcr and Brown S. K. Cor. Sixth &Mat!;ctSts;. PIULADlCU'llIA. ACRES OF DRESS GOODS. lliiM' imw Riu - KfEW WPBSBlfO Tlmt were it .irc.i(l out in ii:ii c ynrd.s of about two liiiiiilrrd nrrof. This Diths wortli'iilmitt a Quarter cf .a Million Eolhrn. l'elow wo int'iition a few attractive items taken from our Moek of medium: price All-wool Granites, -I I indies in width, nt 02, els, All-wool Foulos, 1 1 inchca in width, nt 02 ets. All-wool Shooilas, 1 1 inches in width, nl 7." etc. All-wool Oaslimoros, all colon), ISO inches, nt ill) cl. 10 jnehes, at C'Ji, ctn. 10 iuchc(, at 7o"elii. 10 inches, at 87 etn. Oasbmore Baigo, all-wool, 21 iuclies, US els. 2 1 inches, !I7 etB. I I inches, ot) etc. 10 inches, (ii'i els. Ifl laches, 71 els. All-wool ohcoks, 1 1 inehes iu width, nt ets. Gorster Oloths, ill ini'hcs in'width, at 1.1 cK Sea Sand Oloths, L'.T inches in width, at ill elf. f3olgiin Boige, 215 inehes in width, al !tl-cts. Every lady living at a distancu from l'liilailelpliiu should send for a specimen luunlier of the Journal for the foitseiold, an illustrated monthly fashion jiajier the size of Harper's li.i.aar. It contains much interesting reading matter, and its illustrations and pieces of all kinds of Dry Ciood arc of much value to out-of-town consumers. STBAWBBIDCE & CLOTHIER, MARKET STREET TO FILBERT. 11. 1 COR. EIGHTH STREET, A CURE GUAKANTEED25 CENTS BY USiNG vcrys:.ortllmobul!i SICK ami HERVOUS HEADACHE; nud.whllj Mttannu thsnervnua fj t in. rclicio DYSPEPSIA lnltsoretfurtiw, elctua. Ing tho Bjttcra ot cicces of bile, produchig a rcuular healthy acUoo ot tho bowels, i;E- HiA A full slzn hoy. ofthoso . . . i .,. ..... i yitivi rcctloua lo.-u comploto rfaxd nino 3-Cont Pootaco xw eolk GET THE BEST, i fyfiV- tit Inllii ; STBOWCf M5?ETlTX01ir In tha nmuufaelurc of Organs is resulting in the pmTnclion mid enlo of clicap goods, niiulu iioni inferior niatcnitls. I refer particularly to bogus OrgaiiH that aro continually springing into existeiico willioul any merit v.'liatevor, oxcoiit to bo ofil-rcd cheap, aud then when mirchns ecl tound to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If vrou OQiriezuplsvfce Buying an Organ consider it your only fiiloguard lo select nn instrument bearin- tho names ot . iwt clus. wholly responsible makers. A good nssortmc'nt of b y es ot the celebrated -,toy Organs can now boscen at tho new rooms 2 "to Only Authoriasd AQontfox tho Betoy Organn iu Columbia CoUIltV. A fmiranlnn for llvn 11 iacturers accompanies every Jistoy JUUO W.'SO-tt A UDITOHSKOTIOK. WTATK 0V UtO. f I'.EECC, PECW8EI). will arnwr m.,l provu too h uio or & dobVrru I f om rucfiiiiig auy tliiiro tliuruof. "uuiruii 110m Insauy tliiiro tliuruof. tub. sKMir It.ll.Mm.E, AuUUor. A UDlTOil'.SKOTIU:. HiHTK OF miKLI.IM ,.f,..., , . .... Tlm linilnrfal .,,..,1 n ,..11 ' Ilrmal toinu wnw s tho pSn t lio dutk-8 of tun urrolntmiJlrwhcii uL Vt Vo li ptwoiia liavloi; cuimn BifalrmtlBJlil iTuiHu iii Bn llii undorfclaneil aumtor (ipnolntrd liy tha or. riiuns t i,iirt tji'olumuin roun y, to ulli.l) ilo bal- In O. III WO', (1ccpiiC( I. as nnniuira liv n I rial kccoiiht, tu una uinuiii; II19 lwrllra Biit iln 1 lliei oto. will sit nt his oniiii fii Uloo nU im 011 sat. 19 ,,u ?y Aunt, iss At on , uvftsS uT?. , i unil, li ii vast stock of BBiJSS it would cover tin .lien fin Inrgc ns i; farm (loodi farm in lnoni'y valuo Moulil bo dress goods. HII It .1JIc(t ttoiiiuit Stt ipnH, 2." inehes in width, nt 374 'I'lVlllOll iilt'lpiiH, i'il inehes in width, at 111 els. flnlilN nml C'iiocKi, 2Jt inches in width, at 111 els. Twilled VlalttM, 2!1 inches in width, nt 2."i els. 'i'WlllC.I Irlt'lllflKCM, 20 incites ill width, nt 2." els. TwiMcd TJcIgcw, 27 inehos in width, nt 2.1 cts. Twlllctl Hfclfres, 2!! inehes in width, at IS cts. jllonitc CIotliH, 27 iiiclics in widtii, at 2."i els. All-Wool .SuIMiiSH, . ' 21 inches in width, at 20 cts. All-wool CIiccUh, 2-1 inches in width, at 2.) els. 22 inehes in widtii, at 20 cts. ISull'-U'niil Ci.slmici'CH, 22 inches in width, nl l.'i els. luablo PILLS, wi'h full dl- JE wiled to nny uil,Jros nn itcc lpt of Kjili," n a 3 . Yoi eala by all Drurcists. 'yUk V.Tll euro, mailed 1 StamDD. KorealabyaUDruizirist!!. rnorKiXTonn. Organ, mm AS m cr til S&MSSER, Agent, B&oomBbuyg, F qr, UDITOU'S NOTICE. EJTATK 0V VAKriXLI) lUlir.lSON I1ECE1SE0, Tlio uiulcrklsiicd Auilitor nnnolnloil liv tlm n,.- mmmm aeUaiuairoinuoy bliuro of tuM riiii'l. ",""rl, Auditor, A UDlTORSiS'OTICi:. ISTATEOFJIl K III!, tin v ,,.-.....,.. Tlio undorelirnecl AUitttcr nrnolnli'il liv 1 i,n nr. rliauB- court of Coiunibi ooui ify ,10 in dlVmin ion of the balanro in tholiandi 'o T. A I)"Sl t mu. mliilstrator of Jolin llanmau dctouscd 111. -t A, wigo iowi fchlp as ihiwi by liiailuul bccIiSi t 10 unil nmoDK Ito pattlrs nilltloc! I crito v iffl i t bU 01 11 iiloomtbure un HaturUay. "tprli isSi - "- '"im, uuj cuuiv inuuir, ... J JOHN M.Cf.AIlK, Mircl, -w ALdltor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers