The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 01, 1881, Image 3

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iiLoonsBUna.FRtnAr, Antit, it, issi
runua sales,
Oaf II. McMaotor, executor of John Mo.
Call.ii deceased, will sell real cstato nt Iho Court
Homo on Monday Ma; 2nd at 1 o'clock p. m,
Ktster Sunday occurs on tlio 17ih.
BcrV counly, l'fi.f h.vs four hundred appli
cants for llccnite to sell llrpior.
The tin mo of J. S. Grimes la announced else.
where as a tsndidatc for County Superintend
Tlio regular moiithly mcctlnc; of the Gopel
iompmnco Union will he held In the Evan
gelical Church on St., Tuesday evening
next. All ato cordially Invited,
0. W Miller Ki , wan called to Tort Carbon
last Saitirday to seo his wlfo who was there
ytsltlng and was taken suddenly HI. Slio Is
much Improved now and Mr, Miller has re'
turned home.
Ltwtshurg U having on exciting lime over
Iho auction m to whether cows shall ho per'
milled to run at large In the strcits. Tlio solu
tion will depend on iho number of friends llio
'poor man" has on their borough counoil,
Cnpt. II, J.Connor, of Orr ngo township who
was lately elected Justico of tlio I'caco was in
town on Saturday, and seemed to havo conaid
orall huslnofs around Iho Cnirt lloiifc. A
friend of his thinks peihops tlio Captain has
though It It Is said that n lime urononlon of somo notion of moving his office lo Htootns'
tlio cows aro owned hy men who nro abundantly ul,r8i Bt probably wnnls lo buyeomo plnco to
able lo pay for pasturage. This nuenllon is an uom courts. Uliiers suppose tho Unptaln
old one for Bloonubure. and tho noonlo who w,m 10 UaT ' Court House moved lo Or'
pay a largo portion of Iho town (axes are wait- nK"HlCi which would give an opportunity of
Nei-rmio t,i,a,1.,. l,.li, ntr anx ounlv In sea what our new council nro building anolbcr new till, ana Do Iho means
neuralclo headachn cured liv Dr. Mrtlnurt nolni? lo do in the mailer. There nresbnut 120 hlinglng more money into the county Ireas
"To persons about to marry," Douglast Jerr
old's advice was "Don't" we 'supplement by say
ing without laying in a supi ly of Spring Hlon
soin which euro Albuminuria and ether Kid
nay and bladder complaints, l'rlccn $1,, 60ct.
and trill bollloj 10 ctj,
Busiucss Notices.
Largo Lino of Lap Covers $1,00 all. W.
and J)ypeptia JKIh. l'rlc.o 25
mnrcii li-im
Fow people know that tlio huslnoss of min.
Ing coal is carried on in Sosriuchanna county)
and yet In Clifford township it is a very lm-
Tho Winona Kirc company gavo ft banquet lo portant Industry. At Kortst citythat township
I, W, McKelvy, at tho Kxchango Hotel on
last Friday night.
G, Dougherty was arretted n fow days sgo
ami taken lo Northumberland county on a
charge of horso Mealing.
Tho hilt for the removal of tho Slate Capital
to Philadelphia was dofealcd in tho House last
Kav. E. H. Yocum preached his farewell
rcrmon on Sunday ovening. The church was
well filled.
"Thrco days a week" throughout the Schuyl
kill county coal region is the present order
from the coal kings.
Largo quantities of lumber havo recently
been floated down the West llranch on the high
The MorchanU' Association will hold thoir
next monthly meeting Friday evening next in
tho Council rooms.
Applications lor holol, restaurant and liquor
Bloro Jicenscs must be filed hy Wednesday,
April 13th. Blanks for salo at this office.
Tlio Board of Directors of the Bloom Poor
District had thoir regular monthly meeting
last Saturday.
Just returnod from Philn lelphln with n fine
lino of tho Latest Patlcrna of Window Shades.
CtOl nt tho Peoples' Book & Drug Store.
Michael Mevlert, Esn., of Lnporte,-who
has been very sick for two months past, is still
confined lo his room, but tho signs are favora
hlo for his recovery.
Tlio Townnda Bridge Company has obtained
a verdict of $20.00(1 ngninst Bradford county.
Tho bridge was taken by tho county and made This makes four job presses of different eizos in
stone is octng nauicu tor tlio foundation or a
new breaker, which will be built Ibis spring.
It will bo much larger than tho old one, and
will have a capacity of thrco hundred tons per
duy. Monlrote Democrat.
Jadton Daily Patriot.'
Iter. V. M.Winburne, pastor M. E. church
Msxls, Texas, writes as follows: Several
months since, I received a supply of St. Jacob's
Oil. Retaining two bottler, I distributed tho
rest among friends, It is n most excellent
remedy for pains nnd aches of various kinds,
especially neuralgia and rheumatic affections,
Ycnnor has hit it again He prophesied a snow
ftorm the last of March and we got It. The
stoim began on Wedncsdny ovening and lasted
all night. Snow is still falling at this writing,
(Thursday morning 10 a. m,). The roads aro
in a very bad condition, and it is exceedingly
unpleasant for peoplo who havo to movo.
Tho clerk of iho Commissioners of Schuyl-
kill co., Charles K. Tnylor, and an attorney
named Charles F. Garret, have been arrested
on chargo of conspiracy to defraud the county
out of a large sum of money, by collecting in
terest on coupons of county bonds which had
recently been paid and turned over to Garrett
for cancellation. Taylor is also charged with
For n long time our increasing job work has
mado us feel tho necessity of additional facili
ties for filling orders promptly. On Thursday
of last week, wo received from Edwin Alden,
of Cincinnati, an eighth medium modol press
which civos entire ratlsfaclion. It is almost
noiseless, and impressions can bo made on it
with groat rapidity, and with little exertion.
cows owned in tho .town, not moro than one-
tenth of which aro the properly of persons who
have no real cslato. Shalt we turn looso tho
whole herd in order to nccommodato a dozen
people who prefer to pasluro their cattle in
their neighbor's door yard because it Is
ury. At tho same time they have a standing
enndidalo in Ornngevllle for Congress, and
thero is somo chance of getting an appropria
tion from that point.
RoitRsnurio, March 20, '81,
Flitting lime is fast drawing near, and mmy
wilt movo before the first If they can, as they
seem to think Friday an unlucky day.
T. Mcncer has purchased llio Applcman lot
and expects lo move this week.
Miss Drllla Evans, while at Pine Creek, Lu-
zomo county, had her eyes badly Injured by
the bursting of a bottle that sho wasolcaning
with hot water.
The pupils of the school gavo an exhibition
last Friday night, Tho intcrtnlnmcnt was
good. They raised about 522 which la to help
buy a hell for Iho school house.
We kklnfc tho peoplo of Kohrsburg will not
see quita as much gossip from this place in tho
jVorj Item, as that correspondent is away,
At what sge were you married ? At tho "Parso-
nogo 1 was tlio answer to the impertinent ques
tion. If they had asked what it was that cured
her, when down with Bilious Fevor It would
not havo been impertinent to say Spring Blos
som. Prices i SI. , CO cents, and trial hollies 10
Spring Stock of Jewelry now opon, full
lino of Kolid Gold and Itollcd Plate. Call
and sco, Clark fc don.
New Spring Parasols nnd Hun umbrellas
nt 1, W. llartmnn's, Just rccolvcd.
Try Our No 3f"ColTco nt 20 conts lb.
Clark & Sod.
Storm King 10 rib, Paragon Framo Um
brellas, will not turn lnatdo out, nt I. W.
A full lino of Trimming Silks nnd Satins,
Silk Fringes, Glmpji, Ornaments, Loops,
&.O., nt Clark & Son's.
a free bridge.
this office.
Sick Headache, Nervous Headache.IIcad
ncho from sour stomach.aro all cured by Dr.
Metlaur'i Headache and Dutnepsia nils.
Price 25 cents. march 11-lm
Tho Montour American of last week says that
there havo been twenty thrco cases of small
pox ia Danville. Four persons have died from
tho disease, eleven havo recovered and eight
aro still under treatment.
Moyer Brothers havo moved into their new
stores. The wholesale department is occupied
temporarily by the retail Btore, tho latter not
Jjcing finished yet. "
If you are going west savo timo and money
by buying tickets from It. D. Darlington, agent
at Itupert- Ho represents best routes to the
west and northwest. Trains leave Buport at
0:15 a. m 8:50 n. m,ond -1:00 p.m. For
rates and information, call on or address
It. D. Darlington,
April 1-Cw Ticket Agent, Itupert, Pa.
I have fold my JShoo and Gents Furnishing
Storo ,ln Blooni8burg to Mr. Frank D. Dentler
who is well known ns the late obliging clerk In
the store of I. W. McICelvy. He will now be
found nt the Shoe Sloro ready lo accommodate
nil customers in Iho new building next below
the Exchange Holol. For him I wish the
combined support of all my old cutomers, his
many friendj, and nil who deslro to buy any
thing in his line of business. Men, women and
children wilt find It profitable to call and ex
amine his full slack of new goodsof every qual
ity and make thoir purchases of him.
W. 0. MoKinnjev.
March 30, 1881.
Hnving purchased tho stock of W. C. Mc-
Kinney, the undersigned announces to the pub-
lie that ho will continue the business in Mc-
Kinncy8 building, wheroa lino line of Boots
Shoes nnd Gents' Furnishing Goods can always
be found- Ho respectfully solicit a continuance
of the patronage given to his predecessor and
will be glad to see many new customers.
F. D. Dentler.
Tho following gentlemen from Wllllamsport
wero registered at the Exchange Hotel last Sat
urday: H. C. McCormlck, 1). Longlorf, E.
Andrews, John M. Thomson, C- Li Munson, J.
.M. Bradwiu, Jas. M. Wood, Samuel Linn and
Harry S. Wells. J. A. Bocbor, C. E. Frltch
cr, F. II. Bunnell, B. S. Bcnllcyjr., J.O.
Parker nnd James L. Qulgley nrrived on Fri
day. They wcro concerned In the William-
sport Bond case, which was heard In court on
Saturday. Answers wcro filctl by llio city
Treasurer and council in response to the rulo
to show causo why nn attachment should not
issue for contempt of court, iu not paying inter
est on iho city bonds, After lengthy argumonls
Oil both sides, Judge Elwell look the papers,
reserving his decision until ho has time to
carefully examine the case.
lints nnd Caps nt
Cost for Thirty Days
nt D. Lowenbcrg's.
Do not forget that we havo now opened a
full Hue of Lappets nnd Laco Curtains by
pair nnd yard nt exceedingly low prices.
Clark & Son.
A pllo of 10 cent to 23 cents a yard Dress
Goods nt I. W. Uarltuan's for 8 cents a
Those English Cheviots nt Clark & Sou's
aro the Goods Ladies wnut lo look at lor
Suits. Thoy,nre nobby.
To arrivo this week a largo Hue of Call
coes and other Domostio Goods at I. V.
An interesting case has been decided hy the
Supreme Court in relation to building associa
tions. The Homcstosd Building Association
was chartered in 1803. No limitation was
fixed to the existence of the corporation, nnd
the capital stock was to consist of 2000 shares
of S300oach. George P. Ganstcr became a
member of this association and borrowed mon
ey upon a mortgage. He failed to pay his as
sessments, nnd when suit was brought upon tho
morlgago he filed two affidavits of defense, sot
ting up a defense that, einco the shares aro iss
ued at $300 as usual, tho association was not
under tho protection of tho Building Associa
tion net of 1859, and can only recover tho mon
ey actually loaned, together with the legal In
terest. The Court below did not think this de
fense sufficient, whereupon Q an Her carried tho
matter up to the Supremo ICourt, who decide
that ho was liable according lo the charter.
If you want good knives nnd forks nt Low
Prices call at L. E. Whary's.
April will open nt I. W. Hartraau's Com
bination Store with u Assortment.
Wo linvo ononi'il this week n
fine nssortment of Painters' Brush-
C3 of every description, nnd think
wo havo by tar tlio iiucst assort
ment to select from Hint can bo
found in tliig section. Tho prices
in somo lines havo been reduced.
and wo havo marked down our
whole stock to correspond, Wo
have been Rolling this mako of
brushes for somo timo and they
have been giving excellent satis
fnction,which warrants us in keep
ing a larger assortment than over.
roor brushes arcucarat any price.
Our low prices together with ex
cellent quality you will find wor
thy of. your attention.
Clearing Out Winter Goods
to make room for
Extenslyo Alterations at
Tho Popular Clothing
Store of
David Lowcnborg.
Call and sec the lictt Corset nindofor tho
money,we ask you. Something uew,Olark
& Sou's.
Lots of good Oloverseed nnd Timothy
seed nt Silas Young's, Light Stiect. m-1-1 w
Wo would call tho attention ot
tho driving public to our assort
ment of whips. In no storo iu tho
county can bo found half tho stock
wo have on our rack, Our stock
contains a great variety of styles
and inatcrial,fttncy and
ning in price from 15 cents to
$3.00. In making our selections,
our first movo was to find a relia
ble manufacturer, and to confine
ourselves to but one lino of goods,
thereby avoiding a great deal of
worthless auction stock. Wo try
to sell as good a wlnn as you aiv
willing to pay for, so if you arc
not willing to pay much,you must
not expect much.
David Lowenberg'is store is greatly improved
In nppearance and convenience hy the addition
just made lo it. He has nu enormous stock of
goxls, und this enlargement will enable him to
display them to much better advantage.
A bill has been introduced in the legislature
making it a misdemeanor for any minor to
knowingly and falsely represent himself to bo
of full ago for the purpose of obtaining intoxi
cating liquors. It is to be hoped the bill may
pass. It is a very difficult thing to tell by ap
pearances how old the youth demanding liquor
may be. Of course the .vendor has the privll'
ege of making himself safe by refusing to sell
to any one of whose ago ho may havo doubts,
but It icema nothing more than fair that somo
penalty should be inflicted on "'C person who
"My life." said a grateful lady, "had been
ono of intense suffering and misery until cund
of a disfizurlnr scrofulous humor br tho Culi-
ura Remedies." Ask your Druggists about them by deliberate lying, procures the violation of legal business.
Frank TureeH has taken n clerkship in Mc-
ICelyy's store. .
George Ilingler ia employed nt N. J. Hen-
dershott's drug storo and grocery.
Mr. A. B. Bowman, late editor of the Sulli.
van Kcvicw, has purchased tho Canton Sentinel,
and will hereafter conduct that paper.
Dr. J. F.Chapin, of Schoolcraft, Michigan,
is in this county on business. He has many
friends here.
James R. Schuyler went lo New York on
J. M. C Ranck, Esq., was in town on Tues
Judgo Krickbaum spent Monday in town on
if troubled with itching and ecaiy humors. law.
ilenry W. McKelvy started for Colorado on
Tuesday morning. His grandfather, Mr.
George Abbott, accompanied him. "Wo hope
Mr. McKelvv mar find improved health, and
prosper in business in his new home.
Br. House desires to inform his patrons and
Uie public in general, that after April 1st, he
will he located in rooms over the Illoomsburg
Banting Co,, and desires a continuance of pub
lie favor. march 25 4w
Robert Buckingham Esq., has removed his
office from H. J. Clark's building to tho CW
umliian building. Ho will occupy the room on
the first floor opposite the office of E. II. &
H- R. Litlle.
Gai-ks is CjncKKSS.-Gapes may be cured
by giving a plcco of camphor gum, Iho size of a
Fmall pen, every day until tho chick seems
well. Sometimes two or three liberal doses of
pepper will effect a cure. If tho chicks are
very bad, fumigate with sulphur, and give two
or three drops of solution of carbolic acid and
water.siicty drops of water to one of acid form a
solution. Do not hold the chicks directly over
the fumes of the burning sulphur, nnd do not
fumigate too long, or tho remedy may prove
worse than the disease. Let the chicks inhale
the fumes for two or three minutes, and in
most cases this will he sufficient to effect a
M, P. LuU of the firm of Lulz it Sloan is
In New York buying Spring Goods.
Master Fred. Holmes nccompaniid J. 11
Schuyler to New York.
F, E. Bentz, of Mainvillo, will soon remove
to Michigan with his family,
Harry Williams is taking a western trip.
You can get at the Peoples' Book Storo com
plete Curtain Fixtures nil ready to put up and
M different shnoes from 00 cents upwards.
L. T. Sharpless, euccewor lo Wogonseller &
Co., will continue tho Notion business at tho
old stand, wholesale and retail. Envelopes,
Note Paper and Wrappiug Paper, Paper Bags
and Flour Sacks always ou hand.
Jl. T. Laycock has leased the Rupert Hotel
iml will hereafter conduct that popular host
elrie. Ho has had much experience in the bu-
ineM and will no doubt keep tin excellent
Business carried on verbally sometimes an'
swers every purposo,but in many cases it is in-
exnedientand frequently results in trouble and
litigation. Put all contracts in writing and
take receipts for nil moneys paid out, however
trifling the amount may he, Many misnnder
standings result from llio looee way in which
busine's matters aro talked over, and after each
party has his or her construction on the con
tract, the matter is dropped with the expression
of "all right," from each. In many cases it
proves "all wrong," and affords a job for law'
yerf, juries and courts. If peoplo persisted in
putting their agreements in writing, much use
less litlcalion could be avoided. When reduc
cd to writing, idens are fixed and lasting.
Tho contract for m'nil route. 8,302, from
Bloomsbur via. Light Street, Orangevllle,
Forks and Stillwater to Benton, a distance of
sixteen miles and back, six times a week, has
.been let lo B. F. Savago for 5120.
The finest lines of hanging lamps at tho low
est prices nt the Peoples' Drug Storo.
Mrs. Alfred Mcllcnry, of Benton, died at
Iher home last Saturday morning. The funeral
was held on Tuotday. The bereaved husband
lhas llio warm
'friends in this afiliction
Mr. Harvey S.Wells, city editor of llio Wll
llamsport Daily Banner, called at our effice on
Saturday morning. We are sorry that wo were
so busily engaged as to hi unable to have a
chat with him. He came to attend tho hear
ing in the Wiiliamsport bond case. We clip
tho following from the Banner of Monday, con
cerning our town, which is from his ablo pen.
While the attorneys are arranging their
caso and wailing to have it called up in Court,
we avail ourselves of the very few moments at
hand, to mako a survey of the town. In days
gone by wo were familiar with every street
back alley and building In tho place and ac
quainted with a majority of the inhabitants.
An absence of about eleven years shows a mark,
ed improvement in every direction. Beautiful
private residences nnd fine business blocks havo
bcon erected; now streets have been laid out,
others widened and improved, nnd on every
hand abound Ihe evidences of mbstnniitil growth
and healthy prosperity. The Excha nge Hotel
is one of iho best hostelries in the State, out
side of tho largo chief, completo in ilH appoint
ments, and a cuisine that has become famous
wilh traveling men. On the edge of llio town,
part way up Iho hill, loomins up into conspic
uous prominence, is tho Normal tchool, ono of
the largest educational buildings of the kind iu
the Slate nnd one of Ihe verv best in its curricu
lum. We regret exceedingly that our timo
docs not permit of making a vhit of inspection
to this famous tchocl. A few moments only
aro availablo for a visit to the Columbian and
Republican ofiice?, two of the best weeklies in
G. M, Quick has moved into the houso on
Market;etrcet,nextdoor lo Aaron Hendcrshott's.
Deputy Sheriff Fritz now occupies a portion
of P. Bruglcr's residence on Third street.
J. Sallzer moves his sow ing machine office to
the Moyer frame building opposilol. W. Hart-man's.
D. A. Becklcy moves on South Main street
in ihe old Weaver property.
Frank Kinport will occupy tho half of the
rentlcrmacber property on Fourth street.
W- H. Houso changes residence to the prop
erty of Mr. Butler on Rock street.
Miss Sallic Mellick moves into tho Neat
properly on Iron street, now occupied by W.
II. House.
John Christmnn moves in tho Stroup proper
ty now occupied by Sallie Mellick.
J. L. Girlon moves his household goods to
Wilkesbarro in llio hotel kuown as the "Man
sion Howe-"
Geo, Filbert moves hjs storo and family to
Reading, where ho will continue in the tobac
co busimus.
Oscar Alexander moves into tho Bittenhend
er property on Fifih street.
Philip Uuaugst goes in his property on Third
U. C. Galignan will occupy the Clark proper
ly on Main Blreet.
W. B. Allen takes the Conner grocery stand.
Thos. Conner goes into the Shive block wilh
J. D. Wilson, unlit the Petermnn building is
ready for him.
G. A. Poller moves into the Wynkoop prop
erty on Third street.
U, W. Sterner takes Ilia Williams properly
on Third Blreet, occupied by II. W. McKelvy.
David R. Cofi'man will occupy the old jail
James Thornton will movo into Iho Clark
property on Centre street, orcupird by G. A.
Chestnut UroN receipt of a postal card.spc- Market
g cifying the kind ot goods wanted, wc X
immediately send by mail, gratuitously, with
widths and prices marked, samples of
Dress Goods, Silks, Etc.
showing the latest styles, and enabling a purchaser in any
part of the United States to select satisfactorily, and order
the goods conveniently, wilh certainty of receiving only
what arc sent for, and at precisely the same prices paid
by city customers who btiy at our counters. If, upon
examination at home, any articles fail to be as expected,
we request their return, and send others in exchange, or
refund the money at once if the purchaser prefers.
Our New Spring Catalogue
embracing all the departments ia one large book, with a
system of ordering goods by letter more convenient than
any heretofore, will be mailed, without charge, to those
who send us a postal card containing name, town, county,
and state: nothing further i.i necessary, wc will under
stand what is wanted.
Our stock, which forms the greatest variety in one
establishment in the United States, includes Ladies' Suits,
Shawls, Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry,
Laces, Embroideries, Shoes, Linen ;, Gentlemen's Cloth
ing, Housekeeping Good3, China, Silverware, Furniture,
Carpets, etc. Address,
John Wanamaker
JQtKv Our Store, known a the Grand Depot, occupies ilie Lloclc at Thlr-
. tccnthani Market Streets, extending to Chestnut btrcet ami
. X. City Hall Square, nnd has on area rf between two and
UllUttb turcc acres on tnc ground iiuor atone.
Hall Square
Notliinc bIiouKI bo better iinnreciulcd bv a nntronizinc public thnn
reliable merchants of whom thov can mako their purchases, confident
that they will not misrepresent their goods in order to mako Bales.
'im.., : r,..i! .. ...... . ?i i i . . i ii..
j-iiio ia uiiuiiuuiua u great, lemniaiion w mo muruiuiui aim in niiivuy
adhering lo his principle, ho loses ninny sales, which aro mado by his
less scrupulous neighbor. In no business is there creator chance for
ueuupuuu uiau in mc naruwaro :raue, as tne stocK .to a great extent
is manufactured of steel or iron. Fancy paint or bronze together with
a high polish, renders it difficult at times to distinguish tho materials
and you havo to rely on either the reputation of the manufacturer, if
ne lias one, or tnc Honesty ot tho dealer. In many cases you wouiti
never know, if misrepresented to you, and tho merchant's profits
thereby largely increased, which makes it n great temptation to dis
honest dealers. Never in any instance, havo wo misrepresented an
article in our store, nor do wo knowingly allow any cmployco to do
so, and wo trust any article bought of us and not found as represent
ed, will be promptly returned. When wo find it necessary to use such
means in oruer to maKo sales, wo slittll move our etocic to somo point
where square dealing is better appreciated. Wc do not claim to carry
the cheapest lino of goods. Our aim i3 to give dollar for dollar in
value. In selecting' our goods, our first consideration is to buy only
from reliablo manufacturers of standard goods, and secondly to buy as
low as wo can, and this is all wo ask of you, examine- our goods, get
our prices, and if neither suits you, don't buy. Wo cannot ask you
to do what wo refuse to do ourselves, nor do wo allow tho forcing sys
tem, i. e , trying to talk you into something you don't want. Wo
presume you know what you want when you come to seo us, and leave
such matters to your judgment as you will bo bettor suited in the end.
Thanking tho public for past favors, wo trust, by strictly adhering to
cur principle of Square Dealing, and giving dollar for dollar in value,
to have a fair sharo of your patronagein the future.
The Dloomaburg Mutual Itelief Association
in tho namo of a new Life Insurance Company
that lias bocn organize! In this town. A char,
tor was obtained last tvceV, and tho company
Ik how ready to commence work. Tho mu
ranee is conducted on llio assessment plan,
which has proved to ho far moro reliablo than
tlio old stock companion which have succeoded ti10 state. At tho latter of)(co tho press work is
in making Ihclrolucers immensely weaiuiy anu jou0 by water power. Moyer Ilrotltors aro
then many of them collapsing. Mr. J'.noB erecting a fine brick block, tho first floor of
nt.! ta ,1m Afrpnt. far tills I mill I.a noa.l I iu .a n itrhnlndnIA nnil
, . . .( i fllll IU OUIIUUI1 19 HI. !).. HUltU nin MW UaWMVJ ...vii. .. u
sympathies oi a large circio oi . ,,. -. ... ...: CQeriretic and inil .Inur Btoro. anil when cotnnlelo. wo doubt
bW.....v..v, - - I a , ......
responsible business man, there is uo doubt but if finer store room of lhakind cau be found in
what it will soon be placed on a firm basis. tu0 State, outside cf Philadelphia. Thero
Frank S. Kinport Is assistant agent. Any in- Btanda the old Court House, jnst as it did in
formation can ho obtained concerning the ao. dayB 0( yore. It Loks dipgy and smoky enough
elation liy addressing J, II. Maize, Secretary; for a prison. The various county offices nio
Uloomiburg, Ta.
Mr. Clarence Kilzpatrick, of Hailoon lias
lieen ongoged an clerk at the Exchange Hotel,
.in place of II. P. Charubcrlin, who will retire
jAptil 1st. Mr. Fitipatrick 1ms had consider
able experience in tlio hotel business.
James W. Kder was arrested on Monday on
ta chargo of forgery, and brought before Esquire
IMaizs on Tuesday for a hearing. He was com-
tmltted to iail in dofault of bail. His residence
is somewhere in tho upper end of the county.
Wall Paper new style and lalctt patterns at
!PoopW Hook Store1
On Friday the hand with Tony Denler's
Troupe were playing in the streets nt AVilkes
tarre and frightened a team of horses. The
horses broke loose from Ihe post and broke the
wagon, Injuring ono horse. Tho owner
the troupo pay $75 damages.
Entertainment Given by litem at the Opera House
last Eicniwj. A Very Vlcasinrj Performance.
The amusement season wai openid last eve
ning in Ibis city hy tlio Agnes Wallace Villa
Combination, who presented the drama, "A
Dauchlor of the Slate" and Ihe "II. II. II. Po
cahontas." Tho audience was large and It is
only necessary lo state that Sam, 11. Villa and
Apihs Wallace-Villa wiro on tho stage. This
Messrs. Editors: According to previous ar
rangement it was agreed lo wind up tho fjx
chasing for Iho scafon by one grand rally at
Sllllwater ou Thursday, tho 17th Inst. On
Wednesday evening previous, C. O. Long and
Sterling Dickson, of Berwick, drove up in front
of C. B. McIIenry's with Ihelr blooded
chiding Ihe celebrated hound of Dick Oswald's,
nod early iu the morning tho parly set out for
the wood'), The day proytd to bo excillent
for trailing. When tho dogs wero let loose it
was soon very ey'uletit lliat they had i-truck a
trail, and in duo timo routid tho lox. After
chasing him rapidly for a while, a wonderful
report of a gun was head, and it boing in Iho
direction where Mr. Long was stationed, fears
were entertained that the chase would be pre
maturely wound up, as he is kuown lo bo a
crack bIioI; but tho long rango ho was com
pelled to shoot and tho liulitning speed with
dark, dirty, poorly provided with furniture, which Keynard was being driven, Is attributed
wilh a general aspect Ihe reversoof cueerlul- muibotui ...iiSii. i.r una ..uiC
now, Tbe court room ia about such a one ns getting exceedingly inlerestinir, as Harry Low,
u, hA (,, Willlamsnort before the erection of Orangevllle had arrived nnd turned on
the present fine building. If pur memory more honnd,, (making eleven in all.) Tho
serves us right, Bloomsburg ha8 a population snooting ami .res., recruu o, uoga cu. u ...
of something over four thousand by the hist H v u .,
national census. Few towns of its size in the tho cry of Ihe art hounds could be heard no
.. i...... .i..i.. . ,,.! ii. ii ore. but Iho party concliidea lo follow. Aftir
niaie can lunxn u ucijet nuuniH ........... . - -
No place of which wu have remembrance are BO'"B iwo or u.w ..... . e ..u.iiu o.
citizens characterized more for sociality, whole- WH to wait for the chase to return, the time
..i.i i.i(,iii. n,l p,.iin, thin thou of fccine.l very lorg and some of Iho orly began
.w.,... . V - , , , p . ...... ....
Dloomsburg. Other towns n tho Stato have " K uiowut ). " -
niuhed forward will, a faster crowtb. perhaps was thrown high in the air, us ono said (e
lion. George N. (Jorson, Norristown.Bays:
Tho Phoenix Pectoral Is indispensable in my
family. It acts liko a charm in curinjj
cough'3 and colds with tho children,and 1
always uso it when addressing n jury. Price
25 cents. O. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg. aprl6-ly
See a woman picking a bunch of grapes
in another column, at Spcer's Vineyard,
from which Speer's Port Grapo Wine is
made, that ia so highly esteemed by the
medical profession for tho use ot invalids,
weakly persons and tho aged. Sold by
O. A. Kleitn. jan 7'81 ly
Those 'Cailiimeres at Clark & Son's aro
pronounced splendid value for tho monoy.
Tho llcstisalvo In tho world for Cuts, Bruises.
Pores, Ulcers, Salt Itneum. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions
Freckles and l'Unplcs. Tlio s dvo Is Buaranteea to
Rlv perfect satisfaction In overy cuw or rtouey ro
f uud-d. Ho suro to got Henry's Carbolic Salvo, as
all others aro but. Imitations. I'rloo S5 cents. Tor
salo by all druggists. oct in, 'so-lyeow
Harriet A. Newkirk, of Salem, says: 1 was
cured of tetter in my hand by three applica
tions of (Jampuor Mile, my nusDaim was
cured of old running sores by using it. It
cured my son of a spraitud ankle. Price 25
cents, Sold by V. A. Kleim, isioomsuurg.
npril 16, '80,ly
Tho highest cash prico paid for wheat by
'A. T. Fowler, at Villow Grove. No dif
ference as to variety. Itye 75 cents a bushel.
Avondalo lied Ash Coal, 4. 5. and 0. always
on baud. Itailroad Ties taken in exchange
for coal.or cash will be paid for them.
an 28 8-w.
i ,i i
HEl) HOUSE roWDEIt euros moro Horses, mules
and sheen than any other medtclno. Huro every
timo. oetM, 'so-ljcow
Letters of administration on tho cstato ot Joseph
E.wandsliate of Jit. l'loasant township, Columbia
county, aeceasod. havo been granted by tho ltegls
tnr of Riilrl emmtv tn thn undprslL'nod administrator.
All pursons uav.nff eating UKaiQbi luo usuiuj ui buiu
decodont aro requested to present them torsottlo-
nuil( (Vim uiu?u iimuuu.u iu inaKU uuyu.Bui, ;m
undersigned administrator without delay.
Kohrsburg, Pa.
Ill hn nt. llowman'a mill In llrlarpronlc townslitD.
on Saturday, tho second day ot April, IMt. Astono
arch brlduo to uo repaired over lirlarcroeK near now-
man's mill, one now stono pier, two new stone arch.
es, and wing walls to bo repaired.
A. 1). IIEIlHINd,
Commissioners' Otnce, County Commissioners.
x.ioomuurg. ra .tiarcn .o, 'ot.
rino ItrnutllcN, WlilsiklcH, GIiin, IIiiiiih, and nil Rinds ol" Wines con
stantly on hand.
Landlords through out tho county will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stock hefore purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July oj'SO-ly
s roE iUBB tixxt shop ira
OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street
Attest: J. li. dam-, cicrL-
marcu 18-2W
Till) undersigned Auditor appointed by tlio Or
phans' court or Bald county, to mako distribution oi
llio balance) ot tho fund In tho Hands or tho adminis
trator or tho estate or Bald decedent to nnd nmontr
urucs cniuieu thereto, win sit m uis ouico iu
t. oomsourir. on tho sth day of ADH1. 1M1. nt 10 o'
cloek in tho forenoon, when nnd wircro all parties
Interested In raid rund must attend or ho (orovcr
ueuarreo rroin any euaro oi said innci.
march 4, 4w. Auditor,
Canvafsersln every coun
ly in tins muio 10 uu;o
nrilcrs for Nuisprv StocU.
Steady und Deslrahla Hm-
ploymont at ROOD WAnKH. Experlenco In tho bu
siness not required. Nurseries wldoly nnd favorably
known. Tor terms address
van nusi.n Nurseries! C. L. VAN DUSH.N.
Established ; (Ikskva, N. v.,
fob. in, 'lW3t eow Also stock at wholesale.
" Is equivalent to sarins tho entertainment was laM,g moro noise in the world, but few have heard the hounds coming pack. Then soon
good. It was (irit-clasj In ovcry respect. Kv novcli moro surejy unj steadily forward on Iho followed a tceno which was just graudj Iho fox
ervhody was chornnd with "Franlzk" ami the i.i.i. rri.,i in.rnjneritv. meetim? wilh no draw, taking for circling ground a large derated pieco
' . . ... inn- im. I.'.. " " 1 . " . . .. . f 1 .l l 1 !.. f.,11 !. f
r. .. . . H.I..I... I nnniimri vrruiub wuo luu, nifc w-.t i..i.a nm in Mai r. inB!iipn nt n nn w n i u m ...vr.ii .v...... ... ... ... .
muiiiioum lor sjvenieen year.. Bi,.m ---- , . .. ,.. . ii. ..,i,nnM .n . !.
. otl.. .,.. IT...1.U w,llr f!nl n mill nn MOn-ias- "OB luiiui-nn. mo l"w nOW bellllT W0ICUI94 OOWn Will 1118 inCUUUS h----u .........
.u. og... JIB... w -.-. .,..I., ,! I... ,!, fr " T .... I....ln Ill.
i TT...1 r, t- .,m. nm! cramuiu wan ciiitnuiMiui 1'"- ni fln onerous municinai ueui. in our opinion, i .-(,... ...!,..!,
JiaUUI ULU IvMUCB. CftU, iii, wim.. . . ,! ..! I - , ' I n 1 . . t T . 1 1 t,.1 .1 ... 1 .
Itcini'lliM. 1 ,,1B su"" " o i jsioomtourg nm rracueu uiai wuii iifouieu i'uiih .-.( .... .. 0-
Daily Palladium, JCichmona, Jnd. jn ,er tistory from which sho will henceforth nr"ing every nervp to ovetiane neynaru, mm
Bee advertisement. kavo smooth sailing on the broad ocean of com
mcrclal proaperily, the only drawback to which
Ilev. K. If. Vocuni.who wasapnolnled to llie now is found in tho disadvantages she labors
Presiding Kldcrship of the Wllliamiporl dit- under in Iho lack of railroad facilities."
trict. comes hero from Illoomsburg, whero he
legs covered. Cured by Culicura
"Will McDonald. 2542 Dearborn street, Chl-
The members of the M. E. church metat the
'parsonage ono evening last week and presented
llev. E. II. Yocum and wife wilh a handsome
sliver pitcher and goblet. It was on Ihe 10th
anniversary of their marriage. A very pleas
aint evening was spont bv tboso prercnt.
has been stationed sltico March, 1870. NEWS 1'liUM Utt&VWMM,
.Mr. Yocum is young In years and in the Jno.Connors of Leadvjlle, writes, Have you
Go-pel ministry, having joined Iho Conference any Agt. lor spring jiiossom anywnere near 1809. since which lime, however, he here. I had a bottle brought roe by a frleud
h, m.,ld more than ordinary cur- who came on an Eicurston from Bradford, nnd
nl ood fliinointmonls. Iho last two Orst-class. who knew I was suilering irom wcaKness in tue
llefore entering tho ministry Elder Yocum was
Owing to somo business
31am Ii Manning to lloclifBler,
l.nllu ....III uMol, was dvn.1 fur An
. . . . . . ,,, , . I ,.(.. n ...A.l, In II. t llmillC I fill.
iiostiionca fora lew days, uim notice wmw wuiv " - i "t.'.,.... i. ...i n fn, iiiilr'knmn.
dven when thero is another day Dud upon for elded to follow Ihe pro)nptIpB Ot tho writ,- u. i r.ces. r ,y
Jfyoti want to buy Wall I'jpor, Window Cur-
talnp, Tuwch and Fringes call at tho I'eof.loo'
31ook .Store,
Hack and Kidney ,lie Bald ho used It to advan-
i mailers calling Wil- assistant cashier of the First National Dank Ugo and wanted mo to try it, I did so and feel
(Ster N Y. the Cen- of Sunbury, and bid fair lo U an excellent so much better I want sonn moro .If you have
Ixcd'for April -lih is business man, but feeling Impressed that It Ql,got ny agent here.and I will pay tho expres-
every limo tiny came in sight Iho dUlance was
thorlcned until the head hound got sight, when
a terrible struggle followed, but the fox, not
forgetting his cunning, darted under a large
rock In lime lo save himself. We took lu tho
situation at once, ard all hands started for Ihu
hole, Mr- J.oi'Ki realizing his facilities for
fording streamr, slunk an itlr lino while the
others were compelled to go around by a
briilge,conEcquenlly ho was first on the ground,
We soon discovered he was safe. It being about
4 o'clock, we etaited for C, I). McIIenry's whero
roast turkey and other eatables were enjoyed as
only men who have been out on a chase for a
wholo dBy aro capable of enjoying it. After
"Walnut Leap Hair Kestokrr'Ms entirely differ
ent from all others. It la aa clear ns waler.and as
lis name indicates, Is ajperfect Vegetablo Hair Ite
storer nnd docs not In utiy manner affect tho health
whlcn sulphur, Sugar of uind and Nitrate of Sliver
preparations havo done. U will Immediately freo
tho head from all Dandruff, liestoro (iray Ilalr to Its
natural color, und produce a new growth whero It
ling fiilleH off. ltwlllchantro llcrlit or failed hair In
u fow days to a beautiful glofcsy brown, livery bot
tlo la warranted. Ask your drueitlit for It, l'or
calo nt MoYKit linos,, liioonudmrg, Ta, fmltli, Kllno
fi Co., l'hlludelplila, and llall K ltuckell, Now York,
Wholesalo Akouis. ' oct,,w-tt
Importnnt Notico I
For Thirty Days Cfrartt
Can be fought in Clothing.
You can buy a Winter
Suit or Overcoat
At Ot.
Must lie Bold to
mako room for
at David Lowenberg's
IIKAll II ANfI'llAl'f 1NESB.
It seems strange that any ono w 111 suirer from tho
many disiangemeMN brought on hynnlmpurocon
nu lun of I blood, when hCeiVIL'S liIXioi) and
I.IVKU KYUU1' will reBloro perfect lienlth to tho
phyblcal organization. It Is Indeed a strengthening
Tho undcrslzncd Auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county, tn make distribu
tion of tlio balanco in tho hands ot I. A. Uowltt Ad
tnlDlstralorof John Ilantnan deceased, lato of Or
ange lowrshlp as Miown by his tlnnl account
to und among too parties entitled thereto, will sit at
his oraco lu llloomshurc on Saturday. April 9, 18S1
at ten o'clock a. w. lo perform tho duties of his ap
pointment, when nnd whero nil persons having any
claim on said fund will appear and prouitlio namo
or uo uuvurrcu irum rccemii uny uuru luereor.
JIarcU4 w Auditor,
iniiiniinrtiininnirthnniirtiniI.i,'itiu.,iihn I.John Kolchnir.a brotherof deccdeiu:
by gives notico l(mt he will sit lu tho ilischarco of ''"'SSriAllJ1 de??l,,en': '-, hlldren nnd
no duties oi ins appointment at his ollico In llui I .. . .T.rr.Vil"u.euSc "SP1".. ".,,u
leriiMrncu wiiiiJuuaiiearaari; s.Jiary, Inltriniir
town of IlloomsburL'. ou '1'huisdav. thn 7th ihw m
April. A. 1)., ihhi. at ten o'clock lu tho forenoon of
Buld day at which timo und plucoall persons Inter-
tu 111 cum tuuu uiu iuiuiicu iu uucuu or uo ior
ever ueuarreu irom any suaru or tnosamo.
march 4-lw Auditor,
hede-J Jgyou can tid (neialf n doten '.bollles. C- hearing each oue relate his story, tho patty left
One of the I'autv.
the bett blood puriller over dlscoTercd, effect
ually curing Scrofula, j phllltlo diseases. Weakness
of thoHldnejs, all Nervous disorders and Debility,
It corrects Indigestion. It makes tho old feel young,
and Iho Youncr feclcavtnnd will Invariably drlu
out of tho system tho many .Ills that human tlcsh Is
heir to. A single bottle w II1 prove to you Its mer
its as a health renew er. for It ucts like a
charm, especlal'y when tho complaint Is of an ex
haustlto nature, having a tendency to lessen tho
natural vigor or mo urwu una ncn ous system,
oct sj.'buiyeow
l-obTKim, to., .
Neatly and Oliealy pdntodat the Colom-
u.oitoh's notice.
Tho. underelened nudltor snnolntr d bv thn Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county, dlstrlbu-
Whereas, by a writ of partition tssund out rr thn
Orphans' liourt ot Columbia county to tno directed,
tested tho third day ot March, A. I) issi, I urn com-
muuueu ui uii uiiiuest oi six men to mawo puriitton
ot aeoruln messuage nnd tructcf land sltunto tn
llimin township lu sntd county, bounded on the
nurin uy inu suuqupuanna river ana on tno Foutn
by lands ot tJeorgo Fetter, contatnlDg about forty
seven acres of tho cstato ot William Kclrhner. late
of thotownthlpand county aforesaid, deceased, to
uhu uuiuii' iiiu uoiiH Hiiu lejfui rupreseuiuiiven oi
tho Batd d-cedont, in such manner and In such pnv
portions as by tho laws of this Commonwealth Is dl-
rccivo, it mo same can uo dono without nre udleu to
or spoiling tho wholo, but If such partition cannot
bo mado or tno said premtws cannot be divided into
thucsor piirpartsof equal valua then to appraise
tho Famo or tho soverul ehares or purparts Into
nmm luu DauiD may uo uivmeu uy euo sum mnutbt,
uiiu uiaivu IVLU1U IU UiU D1UU VUUI L uu ml) UOb illOU'
day of May next:
Now. I hereby elvo notice to alllielra nndlepjl
representatives of William Kelchner, ilecoasid.
uuovo namea, anu to an perbons interested in the
partition ot liH said real estute. that an tnnuest win
wi iiiiuit't mo i.iiiiuuu ur vuiimuiiii oi mull uuote
mcntloued unon iboDrcmlscstnMimintowiisiiinnn
Monday, the 23th dav ft Aurll. lksl. nursimnt tn tint
said w rlt and order of Court and between tlio hours
of ton o'clock In tup forenoon and three o'clock In
iiiuuiuTiioou oi mat any.
The fallowing aro heirs and perhons Interested In
tho estate of said Wm, Krichucr, deceased, namel
1 1, dUUUU
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or.
puuus i;uurt ui uoiumum luuiuy
ricdwlth Samuel lieurhart; a, iiebtcca, intermar
ried with (leorgo Fetter! 4. Children of Catharine,
(a daughter ot said (leorgo Kclcbucr, decoased) who
was Intermartled . Drchr. but now nr.
ceased, to-wtti Matilda, Intermarried wltli fdwnrd
llsher. and Clara Drehr. iinmBriifii. s. i-iitiiirim ri
Lydla, (a daughter ot sild (leorgo Kelchner. deceas
ed), who was Intermarried wltn WUUaia Abh, but
I..." vwttow lu"l-ucurKu Asu aim tiiiiuin.vbu:
1. Children and grandchildren of Catharine, n i4s
l er of decedent, who was Intermarried with Charlti
1-itruiii.i, uut nun udu.'uhi'ii. ui-wii: i. BinyAnii,
UnIlnriI,orvI(h Copprr.I'orci'lalii.orlron
I.litliiC. Kai'li utm lU'iieili 1 with n.y naiueos
inauunu'turer is wnrnuiti'd lu lnateilal nnd nm
striu'tttiti, For sale by tho be-t homes lu tho
trnde. If you do not Innw where to cU (lilt
immp. wrlln tn ino us bilyw, nml I will rend
namo of nuent neatest you, who will tupply you
at my lowest prices.
OIIAS. Q, BIiA'i'CIItr.y, Kanufaoturer,
SOU Market St., Philadelphia, Fa
march 4, '5i-tt ais
Dauchy fic Oo'o. Advt'o.
Ily Am.en I'inebhtok, tho gieati bt living Ilolrettve.
A thrilling und labclmittng hook, fioin prlviile rec
ords rimer botoro published, .send for clreluais nntl
u-rms. Agents Wanted. II. W. KtSLuY, I'hllsdel-
phla, d match -iw
Ion of tho bulunco In tho hands
mlntstrntor of Hiram Luuirer. deceased
his Una! account, tumid among tho parties eulltlid
vuei eiu, luu bii ui ins ouieu iu uiuuuibuurg on out
urday, tho vth day of April, It6l, at ten o'clock In
tholurcnoon, to pdfoim tho duties of his appoint.
me nt when and whero all petbons having claims
aitalnst said ebtato will appear andnroNetho Buniu
or be forev er debarred ftom receiving any part ot
feb. i5Hw Auditor.
flr ,wnH,V(, u. ... uia iiuiciu
lirownt o.-Chlldren,of Mary.t daughter ut bald Mrs.
uiuiurino rn-unci) wno was intermarried with III
ram II. Iirown, (who se t burvlves), but now ilevcas.
eu. io-wii: Aiurv uainarine. iniiTtnnrripii with
Iionnor: Augustus Urown and Aaron mown; T. Dan
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or.
phans' Court oi Columbia county to make dlstrthu.
(Ion ot tbe bulance lulua lianas ot the executor of
Sarah Arnulne. deceased, to and among tho nartlos
entitled thereto, will alt at his oftlce lu lilooinaburg
lei Fredrlcl; 8. Isaiah Fredrld, and nth, Jotlah Fad'
v. It. KNT,
Knerlff of Cnhimhl.i nonnl v.
ShertH'8 onice, Lloomsburg,
on Saturday, the tth day of March, last, ut
nerform tho dutti-H nf
his appointment, when nud. whero all persons hav
ing any claims upon raid fund will appear and
pruvo iuu uud e r m osow rcu irom receiving any
Tlio llcllsli ot the World !
So 111 by
march ss-tw
ftUCE !
Eeceut Travels and ExpliTalioiis
Notice Is herrbv ctvtm that thn nniliraiimo,! a,..
dltor apiiolottd by tho Couit of Common I'icuku
Columbia county on exceptions to tbe account of
Samuel Crevellnir. Cotumlitfioof mil I inmnin nu m..
January, lb.l, will bit ta the discharge or thn ,Z
ties ut his artiolntment at hla onice lo tho town of
uioomsburg on Saturday. April. rd issi. at
ten o'clock In the forenoon ol bald day When and
where all paty.fjinuieiiled tan appeal tj they bee
In 1II1II.U LANDS, consisting (it Sii'tchcs wilttcn
from Personal Observations: irlMni tiHiilln n i
cent rehcaiches In thn KM, unci tLo neovi ry ot
many places in sacted History longronsldered lost.
I.ATKST. I'llHAl'IUiT, and .lo,t Attractive Hook
on tho HOLY LAND. Illehly 11 usliated with NKW
MAI'S and 1(15 Ileiiuill'nl llnuinilni;-, A R! Undid
ciiatice for (Jooil Agenu). Address, lilll.Lll'.s &.
HUNT, boa I)ioadwa),Nuw York, d iuar.-4w
The Denton Ketool District hereby gives notico
tV.ut all outstanding tchool ordara of th said Dis
trict will bo paid between tho ritsl and llttecntli
ilaut July, issl.nt Henlon. All persons PuMnir
nroers will present them at that lime or bo Incur
debarred Hum pannent of tl.e miiid.
iy uiueriu uv noiru
t'ritldi nt,
mault it nm
hat nurpoie. , I )VilliumpM I Banner,
I cents.
UaR Omc.
It, T. Piinu,
becrvtary, .