The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 01, 1881, Image 2

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    0. E. EtWBLL. pi(..
Frldnv. April 1. 1RR1.
Tim United States Senato Uemmlly
divided. This elves Vlco-Presidcnt
Arthur tlio castinc vote. Tins will re
nulto bim to attend to the duties of bis
olUco, nnd prevent liitu from passing bis
tlmu infishiiiK ns Wheeler did whilo
fraudulently occupying tho position.
A short timo ago .Tudgo Woodward
rendered a decision that Catliolio con
vent property was exempt from taxation
under tho constitution and existing laws
of rennsvlvanla. An appeal was taken
nnd tho case has already been reached in
tho Supremo Court. .Tudgo Woodward's
decision was reversed by tlio lngher tri-
i . ii i ? .I. i.
uuuai mm no Hmmi lmiionaucu is uiuiuu
. . . I. . . 1 .
eu to mo unai uispoauion.
Tlio following bill has passed second
readitiif in tho Stato Senato:
An act forbidding ovcrsoors,guardians
or directors of tho poor of the several
counties, cities, boroughs and townships
of this commonwealth irom receiving
or retaining in any almsbouso or poor
houso children between the ages of two
nnd sixteen years, and providing for tho
caro and disposition ot tlio same.
In answer to an inquiry from tho An
ditor General as to tho pay of members
of tlio Legislature, Attorney General Pal
mer has written an opinion in which ho
declares that tho act of Assembly giving
tlieso ollicialsSl.UUU torn session not ex
ceeding ono hundred days, and $10 a day
thereafter for a period not exceeding
fifty days, unconstitutional. It is now
eighty eight days b'uico tho Legislature
convened. There wcro sessions held on tit-
ty tlirco days,twclvo days wero Sundays.
Hovon days thcro was no quornm,and six
teen days, no session. Tlio House has
only passed thirty-seven bills out of fiv
lmtwlwil tirnspntpfl. ntnl tlin Son.itn mil
forty seven ont of two hundred and fif
ty, but hardly twenty have yet reached
tho Governor, and yet alter this outr
geons wasto of time, tho Legislature ex-
lecis 10 conunuo us session iur niiy nay
longer after tlio expiration of ono bun
dred days, for which each member wants
ten dollars a day, when thoy could have
done all'that was necessary to be donoliad
thoy worked honestly and industriously
up to tho present time. Wo believe the
Attornoy General is right, and hopo that
i . ..!..: r i T. ;.. t 1.
ins upimuii muy uu uiuurcuu. i is nigu
timo that a heavy hand is placed upon
this body, nud an end is put to this
squandering of public money to pay men
who do not earn one-third ot what they
receive. The legislature is under llo
publican control. Much of tho time
wasted was caused uy-ttio limit over
United States Senator, and much nior
by their filibustering, and if a Itepubl
" can Attornoy General can prevent bis
party from taking a largo amount of
money from the Stato Treasury, whicl
thoy have no right to take -ho will be en
titled to tho thanks ot tho whole peopl
for tho honest discharge of his duty, lie
low wo append an extract from bis opin
ion. "Tho act of 1874 first provides a salary
of 1,000 for a session not exceeding ono
hundred days. If tho session continued
but half a hundred days tho salary of
ii,ouo would ho earned, and doubtless
would not bo declined. It then allows
per diem compensation of 810 forsueh ad
ditional timo as may bo necessarily spent
t 1 ! ir.. .1 a .r.
uui uxucviiiugr nity u;iys, urns coiiiuriing
both a salary and daily pay. The time is
limited to fifty days,but tho right to pro
vide additional compensation boyond the
salary for fifty days implies the right to
comer it lor threo hundred days or
long as tho general, assembly may chooso
to sit and take it i and it further implies
uiu rigut io hx u pur uiein compensation
for as many days as the general assembly
may chooso to hold it3 sessions withont
reterenco to n salary atall.tlius perpetrat
ing tho very evil sought to bo remedied by
tho convention.' If this part of the act 'is
npt in irreconcilable conflict with tho pro
vision mat memucrs snail .receive "no
other compensation whatever" besides
n salary, then for this case all established
rules oLconstruction fail, and all common
understanding ot plain words is at
I ho constitution commands that tho
members of the general assembly shall bo
compensated ior tneir services by a sal
nry.and salary only. All other kinds of
compensation aro expressly forbidden.
xiu uy.iu win say iun,iu racooi tneso pro
visions of tho organic law,tho general as
sembly could providuforpayiug its mem-
uurs uxciusivciy uy tuo nay. u.o pay
juiiiiy uy a salary aim partly uy tlio day
is as palpablo an ovasion nnd traiis?rin
sion of tho constitution as to pay them a
per diem alono,aud tho violation is worso
beeauso it tends to aggravate tho mischief
which tlio Jramers ot tho constitution
meant to prevent.
r r . i
x uia oi tne opinion ior tlio reasons
Btated.that so much of tho act of 1871 as
provides dally pay of ten dollars for fifty
.In..-. 1 I 1 1.1.
u.tB ui it-3, is uiicuiiHiiiuiionai,ni)(i tuat
payments made by thostato treasurer nn
der it, would bo unwarranted or unau
tliorizcd. In this belief, I am confirmed
by an ablo opinion of my predecessor,
lion. George Lear, given on tho Oth of
December, 187(3, to a committee of tho
legislature, m which, after nn exhaustive
discussion of this section of the constitu
tion and act of assembly this language
occurs j
"A salary is defined to bonn annual or
periodical payment forservices.a stipula
ted periodical recompense. This is not on
ly tho established definition and popular
uiiuuisianiiing oi iiioiciin.but the, consti tho uso of qualilied it as to
exclude any other conclusion than that it
is a stipulated recompense or compensa
tion for n season. Tho per diem nlloiv
nucu in the salary act was doubtless an
oversight, but is nevertheless unconsti
tutional." And if further confirmation wero need may bo found in 'A Commentary on
tho Constitution,' a work by tho Hon.
Charles II. Ilnokalow, now ready for tho
press, which tho position of tho nnthor in
tho constitutional convention, and his
character as a lawyer will entitle to bo
regarded as valuable authority. Constru
ing tlio section under consideration ho
nays; ''This bection was agreed to by tho
ooiiveutioii,ii)ou the distinct understand
ing that it would exclude the alio wanco of
daily pay at any session."
1 may obseivi', in conclusion, that tho
bvsh'oii of tho general assembly will be in
no iviso necessarily ubridged by this de
cit't ii. Tin ru is nothing in tho constitu
tion or law limiting their sessions to one
hundred or ono hundred and fifty days,
llo length must be determined by the
sense ot public duty of its members, nud
tint ulmructer of the labor they are oiled
to perforin. The compensation for a ses
hlou, long ns fixed at this timo
61,001) nnd no more."
Tho Harrisburg J'alriot seems totnko
great interest in Urn welfare of tho Leg'
islators, mill rcgulnrly "uocs for" Attor
ney Ucncrni J'lilmcr in lus opinion con
ecriiliiir their pity. The Patriot is n
Ills opinion con
good noway paper but it nlwnys tnkca
care to look out for number ono. In
IlnrriHburir it is consiilcrcd tlio proper
tiling to keep in tlio good graces of tlio
IlAitnfsnuno, March 29th, 1881.
Tho row which was stirred up in tlio
House last Monday oventnir when tho
irrepressible Charllo Wolfo after tho old
timed lnsluon succeeded in working up
the boys, was indicative of moro troublo
to follow, inter on. Tho repeal of the
lleoordurn'nct was tho pnmo causo of
this disturbance, tho unruly element of
tho House opposing tho proposed legis
lation and thus compelling tho friends of
tho bill to hlibustcr in Us lavor, again
when tho bill was legitimately reached
on tlio calendar ior lirst reading tho rut
inr nnirit of tho nrcHcnt lowsrado IIoilSO
cropped out in characteristic stylo. Tho
gravo business of legislation which con
icmiuaics uiu correction vi uuu ui uiu
most arrant abuses extant in tho ring
cursed city of Philadelphia had to givo
piaco to mo lntrouuciiou ami cousiucru
tion of tho following nonsensical resolu
tion, which I quote in full as a specimen
of tho kind ot high toned measures intro
duced: Tho consideration of tho Record
er's repeal bill being in order, Mr. Haz
let offered tho following:
WHEUHA8, tho rhiladclphia Times in
tlio lssuo of .Monday gavo notice that to
day tho boss Legislative circus would ex
hibit nt tho Capitol: and
AViiEUBAS. It is plainly apparent that
the Times aforesaid did not properly
publish tho programmo as tnado out for
tho- circus managers aforesaid ; bo
Rksoi.vkp, therefore, That hereafter
boforo any programmo is enacted upon
tho lloor of tho House by tho circus afore
said that the onter ot exercises bo sus
pended until tho arrival of tho clown
from tho Philadelphia Times whose ap
poaranco on tho tan shall bo heralded
by a howl from tlio "Great American
Wolf" the king of all circus animals.
Thus thoy gloried in their own Bhame,
Uut thero aro moments when sober
common s'enso prevails and then somo
good is done. Tho Houso passed througl:
one of theso brief periods on Wcdncs
day when tho State Capitol bill came up
for consideration. It was briefly and
sensibly disposed of. Tho voto by which
it was defeated was yeas lal nays
Hut tho bonne louche of tho weeks
session was tho opinion of tho Attorney
Ggneral on tho salary question. ,IIo has
decided that the members can only bo
paid $1,000 no matter how long tho
session continues. This opinion fell liko
a bomb -shell into tho midst ot tho law
makers and as unexpectedly as a thunder
clap from a cloudless sky. .Tho way this
occurred was rather peculiar and tlio
motivo for it is much canvassed. It
seems that a member frpm Lackawanna
county Mr. La louche suddenly becamo
uneasy in regard to his pay and without
much consultation with othcis addressed
a communication to tho Auditor General
nnd Stato Treasurer asking their con
struction of the law fixing tho salary of
members. Tins communication was
sent to tho Attornoy General Mr Pal
merand shortly after his printed opin
ion was laid upon the desks of tho mem
bers embodying the decision as abovo
given. Ho single event has occurred
this session which lias occasioned so
much discussion. Many take the posi
tion that tho motivo of this opinion was
to compel an early adjournment of the
Legislature nud thus to defeat certain
anfi corporation bills now pending The
matter was long and earnestly discussed
in both Senate and House, in tho latter
body much feeling was exhibited and a
Committee of Investigation was appoin
ted with power to send for persons and
papers' with the intent of inquiring into
tho causes which brought about tho de
cision. J hoso who know Attorney Uen
eral Palmer do not believe that ho had
any sinister motive in promulgating this
opinion and in fact it is not tho first timo
tho matter has been broached. Attornoy
General Lear held about tho same opin
ion, and mauy good lawyers do not hesi
tate to say that the decision is good law.
What will bo its result? First tho Leg
islature will have to adjourn on tho 14th
of April, or stay hero after that on their
own expense.which but very few of them
would be willing to do. Although thoso
now particularly angry declare that they
will stay hero now and pass the supposed
obnoxious measures if it takes until sum
mer, but oven if they wero so inclined
thoy could not get a majority of tho Leg
islature to stay with them. Taking it all
in all tho members nro in an ugly fix,
many of them havo been depending on
this extra pay nnd will consequently bo
embarrassed if they do not reoeive it,and
it is no wonder that somo of tho hotel
keepers hero are beginning to feel a lit
tlo anxious. More on this subject
Next Thursday evening has been fixed
ns the timo for holding a special session
to consider tho bill proposing an amend
ment to tho Constitution prohibiting tho
manufacture nnd salo of intoxicating
liquors. There aro many anxious but
hopeful Temperanco people around hero
who I am afraid are- destined to bo dis
appointed. This, Tuesday, aftcrnoou bsing tho
timo fixed for tho consideration of Jtho
bills repealing tho Recorder's oflico of
Philadelphia both bills wero taken up
and passed on second reading by a viva
voce vote. Prom all indications thoro
will shortly bo ono less oflico in Philadel
phia. Mr. Secretary Hunt showed himself
determined to enforco discipline whom
soever might be hurt thereby,quito early
in his career as Secretary of the Navy.
He has a son in tho navy, Ridgeloy
Hunt, named for his mother's father, Com
modore Ridgeloy. Tho young man has
been on a threo years' cruiso on tho Alns
ka in Asiatio waters. Tho shin reached
San Francisco on her homoward voyago
about tho time Judge Hunt was niado
Secretary of tho Navy, and his son henr
ing of his father's appointment jumped to
tho conclusion that he would be specially
favored, so telegraphed for
como to Washington by rail direct instead
of going with his ship, which wns order.
t-d to i'annma, where tho ofheers were to
bo changed, and coming homo by sea on
the ship which takes the officers wliq nro
to relievo tlicm. Young. Hunt wns consid
crnbly surprised, probably when his falh
er tho secretary of tho navy, instead of
granting his request telegraphed him
briefly to stick by his ship and go where
it wn.i ordered until relieved with tlio
other officers.
Tho President lias decided not to call
an extra session of Congress.
It is impossible fur a woman after a
faithful course of treatment with Lydia
K Pinklitim's Vegctnblo Compound, to
continue to suffer with weakness of the
uterus. Enclose a stamp to Mrs. Lydia
VI. Pinkliam,233 Western Avenue, Lynn
Mass., for Iter pamphlet,
VM of tlio Morey Letter.
Nkw YonK. March 20. A final dis
position of tho Moroy letter forgery caso
will probably bo mado to-morrow. Tho
indictments lor criminal unci pcnuing
ngalnst Plillp, Charles A. Byrne, Louis
F. Post and Joseph Hart will probably
bo invalidated by tho filing of a nolle
T I V!J-!.'... lJl,r.
iiroscqui. oiuues wjjiiuii, initio uuviv
,lndsny, who pleaded guilty in tlio Gen
oral Sessions of pcrjury,in swearing that
ho know tho supposititious Jj. a. .morey,
to whom tho forged letter purported to
havo been addressed, will bo, in all prob
ability, sentenced to the btaio rrison
for a term between ono nnd fivo years.
Henry L. Morey, who confessed that ho
, !...l ..A-!..-.. ttn
also commuted puijm;, nnununji
ho know tho imaginary Moroyj that ho
was Moroy s uncle, nnd that no saw mo
Wired letter in his possession, has been
held, in tho House of Detention ns a wit
ness for tho prosecution. Ho will, it is
understood, bo discharged.
Malionoand Co.
Tho Now York Times scents danger
nnd dishonor m the purchaso of jJlalione.
It savs :
Gen. "Mahono has mado his fight in his
stato professedly on tho issue of repudia
tion. If his present co-opcrntion with tho
Republicans involves tho nso of patron
age in Virginia to promote that doctrino
it will bo very dearly bought. Tho party
i ....1.1!.- t-'.i. 1.. iir ..X
cannot sustain uiu puuuu mini hi uiu iui
tion and nurso repudiation in a State-
Such compromises are far-reaching in
their influence, and wherever it reaches
that influence is vicious nnd uiiwholo
Unless wo nro much mistaken in tho
character of tho peoplo of Virginia, Bays
tho Pittsburgh Post, who havo a very
strong and exacting sort of Stato pride,
tlio treachery of Mahono will kill tho re
pudiating mcjvcment in that State. Tho
financial dishonor ho advocated is very
strongly allied in morals to tho sale of his
voto to tho itcpuuncans oi tno oenaie.
Tho coincidence is suggestive.
Tho Republicans make a great mistake
in tho temper of tho people of the South
when thoy assumo that tho corruption of
chaso to promote their political sohenies
carries with it any considerable number
of the Southern people. Tho contrary is
tho effect. It intensities and solidities
tho opposition. That has . been tho ex
perience Biuco tho war. Wo need only
refer to tho cases of Mosby, Longstreet,
Key, Akerman, Settle, and many others
who followed them.
Nor is this suspicion of sudden politi
cal conversion confined to tho South. It
may bo accepted, we think as a settled
principle in tho drift of American poli
tics, that tho masses of both parties re
gard with distrust any sudden change of
front by their political leaders. A revo
lution to bo effective must commence nt
the bottom and work upwards. We could
illustrate this by many instances of change
by public men, of great ability and un
questioned probity, of whom thoro was
never cast the suspicion of sordid motive.
Thoy carried with them few followers.
This was especially conspicuous in the
Greeley campaign. If this is tho result
with tlio best and bravest of American
statesmen, how much stronger will it bo
in a caso where every attendant circum
stance points to downright and undenia
ble corruption, as in tho treachery of
Mnhono's treason will solidify nud
strengthen tho conservative party in Vir
ginia. It also imposes on tho repupub-
licaus tho responsibility for legislation,in
both branches ot uongress,witlt a pre
carious aud doubtful majority, which iu
ono branch rests ono admitted bribery.
The Democrats, wo suppose in difference
to tho Seuatcofiicials aud snug places on
committees, were bound to mako a "show
of fight"for tho organization. Tho result
is satisfactory,aud it is not a case of sour
grapes either. Wo prefer tho Republi
cans snouid hold the Senate by one v.otc,
and that voto Mahone's, rather than the
Democrats should purchaso responsibili
ty on tho samo condition.
ah: ''the widow jiawnk."
Didjc hear ot old Hilly- Mahono,
In tli'j Senato ho sits on a throne,
11 deserted hljllii-
Did Ullly, my own,
MahoDC, O'hono I
He fooled his Virginia friends
For ends
Which no honest parson commends
Or defends;
llo dragged through tho ra'ro
Ills toga for hlre.J
Did lllllr, my own,
Mahono, O'hono 1
llo has gone to tho Had leal camp,
Tno Samp,
Ho has gonowllno-ithopoof the lamp
Tho tramp I
Though forever It burn,
lie BhaU never icturn,
oh I own,
Jlahoue, o'hono I
1a t tho lladlcols have him for aye,
Ylgu, ylgh 1
They'll nnd lllto tho pig In the sty
no's high ;
So, with ihem let him muster,
Dum'U old roaujuster.
Poor Ullly,' my -own,
Mnhone, O'hono I
Virginia's hjnors not 103t,
Though crossod ;
For a day will come to his cost
When n frost
WlU blight both tho famj
And tho nama and the gamo
Of Ullly, my own
Mahono, o'hone I
Louimille Qiuritr Journal,
"By peclal arrangement" wilh the Ameri
can public, tlio Lilerary Revolution will issue
Imracdinttly a beautiful acme edition, elegant
cloth binding, oflhi" "11 ctninUcencis of Thorn
asOarlyle," price 30 cints, paiUgo 0 cent,
and it can he had of the nearly 2, 000 booksel
lers who are agenlB of the Literary Kevululion
in all parts of the United States.
Thomas Catlle, more than ary other man
of the nineteenth century, tsugbt the American
public, and pecple of good sense throughout
the world, to deBpifb prclenre nnd humbug,
whether exhibited by monarch or meniil. Sen.
slbla people who want a good book at mi hon
est price wilt buy it uhere they find it. Tbero
is InlhU country no law which gives to a for
eign author, os it gives to nn American, the
right of the monopoly of tho publication of his
book. If publishers chooe to pay r foreign
author anything, thoy van do it only as a "do
nation," because he can give them in return no
protection from ccmpelition, Hcndets hare
tho privilege cf making such donation, if they
(Loofo to do bo without paying it to the pub-
II. hers ana trusting to the possibility of their
paving it to the nulhor for them. There Is no
donation included In the price above named.
leaders who want to combine apoislble dona
tion and a pofiilve prjee, can get an edition ot
this rame book from ether p iblbhers at from
(nn lu eight timet the price. Addrei for cat
logue, American book Exchange, Publish
ers, New York,
IwpoiiTANT to Travelers, -Special in
ducements nro offered you by the Iiurlington
Itoute. It will piy you to read their adver
tisement to U found tltewhere In this issue,
March 18 Q-w
Gonoral Nows.
Tho dead Czar of llussia was buried
with great pomp.
Montroso is to havo nnothcr foundry
nnd machine shop.
Tho builders of Allegheny City nro
preparing for a busy season.
Lumbermen nt Willinmsport aro un
easy about tho scarcity of logs.
Scarlet fever nnd measles provail to
considerable extent in Washington
Tobacco culturo in Dorks county will
bo moro extensively carried on this year
than ever.
T A !!.. f U,.1lf..i ...Ml .1-
lillIllB4t. JJCitlUI.UL Jl-JIUlUllll, WlU III.
liver tho Decoration Day nddress at
Tho combined nccs of two brothers
nnd threo sisters living in Washington
county, of tho AshbrooU family, nro four
liunilrca nnil thirteen years.
Last fall a Chester county lady cut a
slip from nn applo trco and stuck it into
n llowcr pot as a support lor a lily. Un
this slip thero are now threo nico crcon
apples about tho size ot a small ball ot
Tho inventions of tho A. S. T. Co.
havo for tho last twenty years reduced
tho shoo bills of thousands of families
one half, and thoy now wish to call tho
attention ot parents to their A. a. 1 . Co.
Black Tip, for protecting tlio toes of
children's shoes. Thoy wear as long again
with this tip on.
Knllock who shot Do Young in San
Francisco somo time ago, has recently
been acquitted. Ills acquittal was ro
ceived with great enthusiasm by tho
"Sand Lottcrs," but it is considered n
great outrago on justice by all law abid
ing citizens.
is it l-ossini.E
that a remedy mado of such common,
simple plants ns IIops,Huchu, Mandrake,
Dandelion, &c, mako so many nud such
marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop
Bitters do? It must be, for when old and
youuir, rich and poor, Pastor nnd Doc
tor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to
having been cured by them, wo must be
lievo ami tloubt no longer. Post.
Thomas A. Scott, ox President of tho
Pennsylvania Kauroad Company lias en
dowed tho Chair of Mathematics in tlio
University of Pennsylvania witli a gift
ot Ho lias also given $0,000 to
tho Jefferson Medical ColTeL'e,30,U00 to
the Orthopiedio Hospital, $;J0,000 to tho
Children s Department ot tlio lipiscopal
cmntox. (iowa) nnn.u.i).
James Butler, Esq., Clerk of the Rox
bury Carpet Co., Boston Mass., employ
ing eight hundred hands, in a lato com
munication concerning tlio ndmirablo
working of an article introduced into tho
lactory, tays : Tlio iamous Old German
Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil has effected sev
eral cures among our men, who havo
qecn badly hurt working in the factory,
and they pronounce it a success every
Tlio Opera Houso at Nico, Italy, was
destroyed by lire on thq 23rd of March
and many lives wero lost. Uno hundred
and fifty bodies were found in the ruins.
Tho fire started behind tho scenes where
a gas jet set lire to tho curtain. An ex
plosion of gas soon followed, which ex
tinguished all the lights. Many peoplo
wero trampled to death.
Tho success which has marked Cream
Balm, a catarrh remedy, prepared by
Ely Bros , Owego, N. Y., is indeed mar
velous. Many persons in Pittston and
vicinity nro using it with most satisfacto
ry results. A lady down town is recov
ering tho senso of smell which sho has
not enjoyed for fifteen years through tho
uso of tho balm. Sho had given up her
case as incurable. Mr. Barber tho drug
gist, has used it in his family and com
mends it very highly. In another col
limn, a young Tuukhnnnock lawyer,
known to many of our readers, testifies
that he was cured of partial deafness.
It is certainly a very efficacious remedy.
Pittston, Pa. Gazette, Auj. ir, 1879."
'Hie Cutlcura Ucmeillcs.
Somo Facts lteg.irdlng Thcm-Who Makes Them
anl Whit Is Thought of Them by tio Drug
Trade Interview of . 1 lmes Keporter with
Voter Van Ha liaack, sci.
i'Vowi the Chicago Timet.
Toenabl.) tho Times to famish 1U readers with
somorjllauio Information regarding the Cutlcura
remedies, which are now attracting so much publlo
attention, n reporter called yesterduy upon Mr. Vo
ter Van schoak, c-f Van Fchauk, Stevenson & Co,,
wholesale and retail drugg'sts, corner Liko and
Dearborn streets, when the following facts wero
It. Will you obllgotao readtwof tho'TImojby
answering a low iu.-HUons regarding the Cutlcura
Mr. Van H, Certainly; tiro away.
II. Do thoy sell well
Mr. Van 8. Tho salo of tlio Cutlcura, Cutlcura
itcsoivjni and cutlcura Soip h.ivo been unprece
dented. It. What rjasons do you gtva for so largo a ealot
Mr. Van ti. I glvo four reasons. First, they are
original and revolutionary In their composition and
modo of treatment, second they undoubtedly pos
sess great curatlvo properUos. Third, thero are
thousands upon thoujaiuls of;sifk nnd suffering
who havo tried and found wanting the usual reme
dies and modes ot treatment, un 1 who are ready to
welcomo a really ereat and Buccesstul wodlclno
Fourth, tho prlco of them is within tho reach ofjav
cry Invalid.
It. Aro tho largo sales of theso medicines through
your agents?
Kr. Van 8. No; they aro legitimate malt ordors
We employ no travelers on tho road; are f undauon
tally opposed to that way t selling goods tho re
taller has to stand such expenses, aud such staple
goods as these reijulro no ono to force them off.
It. Do you class them as patent medlclnosT
Mr. Van 8. I do not. Thoy are proprietary only
so far as their names are concerned, these being
beta as trado marks.
It. Can you tell something about this flrmt
Mr. Van 8. Weeks Potter aro lajporters,wholo.
salo druggists ana chemists, and for twonty-flve
years havo been tha foremost houso In the trade in
Now Bogland.
it. It la popularly supposed that ndvcrtlslnu will
sell almost anything regardless of merit. Is It. true?
ju r. van ino, a remedy falsely clalsitog to possess
virtues of which It Is la fact destitute, wilt surely
fall, No reputable tlrra, and druggists are tho most
competent Jud,ros- ould think of risking fame and
fortune on any medlclno unless It had, under the
most trying elrcumstances, proved Itself lo possess
extraordinary modlctnal value. The oxponso at
tending the Introluctlon ot such remedies Is enor
mous, a fortuno must bo spent bctoro any return
can bo expected. If, after a wide distribution, they
aro found to possess tbsUitues clalmejforthem,
those who havo been cured will recommend thom
nno to anothjr, and thus make them remunerative.
When a mm backs his statements with his own
money, you may generally rely upon them. This
weeks & rotter are doing.
U.-lIftvo they ever botoro prepared msdlclnes for
popular uso?
Mr. Van S. I believe not. Thoy are.llko ourselves.
agonts for a great many, but we think these are the
first that they prepare themselves. It Is but onco
m a i feiuno that a discovery is madoot a remedy
that Buch a firm as Weeks & rotter aro wlllluir to
stake reputation and fortune on.
It. Aro their prospeots nattering, or otherwise?
Mr. Van B.-Vcry nattering. As I said bf jre, the
remedies undoubtedly possess great merit, and
besldes.they treat blood and skin diseases according
to a ntw and thoroughly rational plin, thai must
take a Orm hold on Ihi coufldonce of those who nut.
fer from chronlo diseases of the blood, tkln aDd
For County Superintendent,
J or Gitinty Sujxrinttndcnt,
.sihibu rri - tm .
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backacho, Soreness of tho Chost, Gout,
Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
Gonoral Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Hoadacho, Frosted Foot
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals St. JacoM On. as
a tn.
itiie.gurr. siniifo aim cirnp ,xicnitu itcmeuy.
of no font, and every ono suffering with pain
mm cntAiis mu tno comwiram-c v irtntnir ouiiav
can havo cheap and positive proof of Its claims.
Directions In Sloven Languages.
JInlrlmopc, lid., V. S. A.
Will present the, five act Drama
And tho fJurlesquo
"H. E. E. PO-KA-ffl-TAS"
Trices M and 50 ccntB. Scatslsccurcd atMcKlnnoys
Somothing Of Interest to Every Han Woman
am unua.
Is your Mood Impuro and loaded with tho Folson
ul acruiuiu 7
Is your Lite Strength oozing out through an In
curablo Ulcer or aoro;
Is your Skin covered with Itthlng.Bcaly and Scrof.
ulous Humors?
Is your Complexion dlsllgured with Unsightly
Is your Hair Thin, lifeless, and rapid!:' falling out.
and scalp covered with Bcales 1
Is the Skin on your Hands ltough, Itcd, Cracked
or Weeding?
Is your Child growing up with Scrofulous Humors
bursting from every porc7
Is Uaby onilctcd with Scild Head or any Scalp or
If 80. then no human acrencv can sn snpnrlll v. Tvr,
mancntly and economically cleanso tho Wood, clear
uio v;umpicxion ana ;-3Kiu. rosioro 1110 nair and cure
ovcry species of Itching, fccalyand scrorulous Hu
mors of tho Sktn, scalp and Wood, as tho Cutlcura
ltemedics, consoling of
1. Cutlcura, tho great Skin euro, n Medicinal
Jolly.arrcsls dlsease.aliays lnllammatlon.ltchlng and
Irrltatlon.hcals ulcers and sores.e.ats away dead skin
nnd Ilesh and restores the llalr when destroyed by
tn-ui 1111111UIO UUU DIUUU 1 UiSUUS. I T1CU Otf COUU.
Largo boxes il.iw.
2. Cutlcura Medicinal Toilet Soap, an exquisite
Toilet, Hath and Nursery sanative, fragrant wlih
delicious tlower odors and healing balsams, softens
heals, refreshes and boautmestho Comonlxlon and
Skin- l'rlco ascents. Prepared for shaving, 15
3. Cutlcura Itcsolvent. the new Wood purifier,
r.lnnnipa Mm Hlnnrl f hrmiHi tho l ltm. Kirin... iin
els and Skln.and eradtcatoi every traco of scrofulous
Humors or Ueredimry Wood Poisons. Price $1.00.
Tho Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap externally and
the Cutlcura ltesolvent Internally will positively
ple;to Scrofula.
hero In this town jou may tlnd evidence' ot their
Send Stamn for "Illustrated trrallsnnn tlm HUn'
containing tho most remarkable tosllmonlal3 ever
uiuiuuu in iuu uuuais 01 mcaicai pracuco.
Cutlcura Itemedlesaro prepared by
WEEKS & roTTKH, Chemists and druggists,
DfiO WrtJSlllnn-rm Kt . llnofnn line.
WCutlcura Ucmcdles mallod freo to any address
M A If
Strength Creator,
Unfermcnted Malt, Hons. Callsavn nnd iron
mo meaicino liko it ror tno Drain, Wood,,and
LungM. Now life for functions weakened by disease.
Hot hi 1 1 , w n ...I ril.uln.llnn ttnall I.. a . . '
Liver Mdney and Urinary ilimeiiltles. Comfort and
strength for dellcato females and NurMng .Mothers.
Warm n roil lh 'Pllrnsf. nrsf. IFMnnmln.?. ,,nD
medicine called "Hitters " .sold oven where.
Wttcrs company, lioston, Moss.
ift UK est ' ro continuous and powcr
QUks.iiv5 i ui eiectr cal action Is obtained
VutTieB5SrirrTOif,?,m Collins yoltalo Klectrlo
vuliah. fcBpJtUCIK13 ciasters than any u battery
... rftS I t.l-w certain euro fer rain nnd
Weakness ot tho Lun;'S. Mver, Kldnovs, and Uri
nary organs. Kheamatlsm, Neuralgia, lljbterla, Fe
male weakness, Nervous pains nnd weakness, mala
ria, and Fever nnd Ague. Price 21 cents. Sold
everywhere. WKKKS 4; I'OTTElt, lloston, Mass.
TOUT .1lllli..!l Ul'l'O IITINO
Iiava bocomo ifc a favor.
iwcotnjvrt and ticaitfi
with elf irmiLa of fornt tit
arumarlt&blo ilctfrw, and
w faahltf eniiorifU ty
nlivmciiiniL '1 ht rBLnlwl
tho UlfftPst Awufi) nt thi
'rica t81.rJatlLl tinwnnt.
tlvCnilVUsilTd 'nnft1
nent unJ i'rofJUbrBl.uniQwa. fiend for twmiV kim
Wnstrrn Agtnti
aprll Mw
Tho underslined Auiltor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia co.;to mako distribution of
tho balance In tho lianas ot tho accountant among
iu"v irKuny i-uiiui'u iu rcceivo tuo same
will meet tho parlies Interested In hald estato nt
ty, on Friday, tho 9th day of April, a. I)., issi!
Hv wuuvi, w. iu., ui o.uu uuj, wuvQ una wure an
parties Interested in said ostato must attend or bo
forever deburrail frnm nnv Hhim nr b,m
' , . . L. E. WALLER,
aprll l.'ni-iw Auditor.
KntlrA la lmrnliv rl ran Hint thA AltA.. 1 .
lias been tiled lutuol'rotuonotarv'aonicoott'oluin
biacouuly and win prfseiitrd to tlio Court of
day of l ay. A. a, issi, uud contirmed nftir
tllli fourth flflV fit RHti tLrm iiiilnoi. ,.,.,,tnJ7..
filed wlthiu that time. v ua
Aeeuuntnr n.-irl. PiillnnM-ip ,i, -,.
Hughes, .....,viuimM nriuiiv
n r n,M, WM. KIHCIillAUM,
O. M. QUICK, l'rothonotary.
lipv..y. nprll 1, -uUo
Hatlzel latoot Main townbl.lp, Columbia county
iecctthed, have Uen granted by tho Ifc giuer of sate
county to the undera gned adm1nlstrator.AU perrons
having claims ugslnsi the etiatoif bald decodeut
are requested to present them for setiltment and
those indebted to tho estate to make nai men " to the
UDderKlcrnfd situ n hlnlnr win.r.... .t,..- u- w lu0
'. Adm nlstrator
MaicU s-w
Malnvllie, Pa.
A OKNT8 WANTED for tha Ilest and Fastest Bell.
inarch A. 'Sl.irn m.t " w '' rUl
w :
Tho following appraisements of real and
personal proporty Bet apart to widows of decedents
have been filed in tho oft'eo of tho Itcjrlstcr of Col
umbia county, under the llulcs of Court, and wlll bo
presented for absolute connrmatlon to tho orphans
Court to bo held In Uloomsburg.ln and forsalj coun
ty, on Monday, thd Snd day ot May, 1881, M two
o'clock p. m.t of said day unions exceptions to such
connrmatlon nro previously filed, of which all per
sons Interested In Bald estates will tako notice l
1, Widow of 0, V. 8. Marclay, lato ot Iiloorasburg,
8. Widow of John J. Longenborgcr, lato of Mifflin
tnwncStn fiftrntatrl.
8. Wllowof Samuel Summors, lato Of Montour
township, decoased.
4. Widow of Joseph K. Sands, lato ot ML l'loasaat
township , deceased.
6. Widow of Jti3tus P. Mam, lato ot llonton town.
ltcgtstcr'a omco.
llloomsburg, April 1, 'St, (
W. II. J A con V,
Vi Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, credi
tors and other persons interested in tho estates of
tho rcspcctlvo decedents and minors, that tho fol
lowlngndmlnlstrators'.oxecutorB' nnd guardians' no
counts have been lllcd In tho oRlco of the Register ot, nnu win uo presented ror connrmauon nnu
nllownnco In tho Orphans' court to bo held In
llloomsburg, on Monday, May 2,1381, at J o'clock
p. m. on saiu uoy 1
1. Tlio account of Ural H. Ent, Trustee appointed
Dy ma urpuans' uouri in me csiauj oi f.uuu
bona, lato ot tho Town ot llloomsburg, de
coased, J. Tho account of John Cole, executor ot Joseph
Cote, lato ot sugarloaf township, deceased.
I. First and final account ot David B.-Helwlg, guar
dian of Itllas. Harrison V., and John A. 1'. Hcl
wig, minor children ot Sarah llclwlg, lato ot Lo
cust township, deceased.
4. Tho first and partial account of V. fl. Merlclo,
executor of llenlamln Merlcle, late ot Madison
township, deceased.
v m.n n - A n.l . .. . -a n, .-,, 1 1 . 1 1 1 I .
executor of Oodfroy Melllck, lato ot ML Pleasant
0. Tho second and nnal account of R. It. Ikelcr. ex.
ecutor ot Thomas I, Thornton, lato of tho Town
ui iuuumsuurg, utrti'usuu.
T. Tho first and final account of Samuel Novhard,
administrator of Saruh c. Skultz, lato ofCcntro
township, deceased.
6. First and final account of C. II. Jackson, guar
dian ot Itcbecca J. Marsh, minor child of James
iuarsu, iuiu ui veniro lownsmp, ucceosca
o, llio first and nnal account ot Samuel C.Jai no,
administrator de bonis non ot Jojlah 11, Pod-
sun, iaiu oi ino uorougn ox ucrwiCK, oecoasca.
10. Tho account of Daniel llryfoglo, guardian ot
ouuiu U vusu, minor cuiiu oi iiannau i;osc, iaio
vi uiuum uwnsnip, acccasoa.,
11. Tho account of Daniel UrvfOfflc. cuardlan of lis
telia Cose, minor child ot Hannah Caso, lato
ui iiiuuiu luwusiiip, ueccaseu.
H. ThoDrst and nnal account of William lllnnen
steel, admlnlstratorof Sophia Ulppcnstocl, late
ui uriarureuK lownsmp, acccosca.
13. Tho llnal account of Kllsha II. Iitcrra and .Tno. II,
II. I'ark.survlvlng executors ot Charlos II. Doob-
icr, mio.oi me Town oi uioomsourg, aeceasco.
It. Tho first nnd anal account ot John Kcssler, Jr,
admlnletrntor of John Kcssler, sr., lato ot Tin
township, deceased.
15. Tho second and final account of Theodora Mc-
uoweu, laaminisirator of John McDowell, lato
ui Btuii luwnsuip, aeceasca,
10. Tho second and nnal account ot A.J.Albcrt-
Bon, aaministrator ot John Davis, lato of (ircen-
wuuu uiwnauip, ucceascu. as uiea oy ms aumin
Istrator, Joseph W. lleece.
II. Tho account of Joshua I'etterman, guardian of
Kilzibeth Hartzul, (late Miller, now deceased,)
minor child ot liejamln Miller, lato ot Cato-
iviasti lutviiauip, uuuuiujcu.
IS. The second and nnal account of IJord T. Con-
ner. administrator pt Joseph 1'. Conner, lato of
19. Tho nret and partial account of I. K. Krlckbaum,
ono of tho administrators ot Thomas Davls.lale
oi nenion lownsmp, aeccaseo.
SO. Tho llrst and final account ot I. K. Krlckbaum.
oxcutor ot Silas F. harns, lato ot Denton town-
auui.tuuuUU 11UUI UWWUUV U. WUOl.,11 VUlUiaii.
administrator of Abraham C. liarns, lato ot
' administrator of Merey A. Kober'ts,' lato oi
urecuwiwi iuvvu.-suii, ueceuseu.
S3. The second and nartlal account of Moses Sav-
ago and B. F. Savage, administrators ot Joshua
savage, mo oi dacicson iswnsmp, acceasea,
Si. The llret and partial aocount ot Oeoreo W. 11c-
Kwcn, administrator of David Dcmott lato ot
urcenwooa lownsmp, aeceosea,
23. Tho second and final account of neater 'A. Ed.
son, administratrix of Uenjamln F, Colo, lato ot
28. The first and final account of Allen B. Croon
administrator of Jacob Uower, lato of Drlarcreck
luvruouiu, uncusuu,
27. Tho first and final account of M. A. Ammcr
man, administrator of John Evcland, lato of
Flshlngcreek township, deceased.
29. Tho second oeoount of Levi Shaffer and Lovl
Fester administrators of David Shaffer, lato of
miuiuitCJi luvriibuiu, uueuuseu.
29. .Tho second account of Uzal II. Ent. administra
tor no uouis non oi reier Jnt,iato ot Scott town-
snip, ueceasuu.
Ileglster's Offlco,
Bloomsburg, Aprll 1, Sl.f
aersipned and to all persons whom It may concern
Columbia county for tno bonertt ot tno Insolvent
lrtnra rf thla nnmrnntiiitnn tl. Hn if... j
tiona to bla Unal dtacliirgo as an lnbo.vent aebtor
vwu u"uvui uuu iuaau tuo oauiu iwuunu
March 25-4 iv
Dy vlrtuo of power In tho will ot John McCalla,
lato of Steuben county, New Yoa:, deceased, tho un
derslgncd, ono of tho executors named In tho will
and acting executor In said estate, will offer at pub
llo salo at tho Court.Houso In Blocmsburg, at ono
ociock in tho afternoon on
Monday, May 2nd. 1881.
All that tract nr narrpl nf lnnii sitnafA in thn fftTOn
ship ot Beaver In tho county of Columbia and Stato
ui reuusyivuuiu, lormeny umawissa lownbhlp,
Northumberland cnilntv In Hnld Rtjiti, nt PnnnapiVJ.
nla, beginning at a post, thenco by land ot Daniel
Neyer Bouth sixteen and one-halt degrees.east threo
hundred and snvnntr.nlnn norrhfa tn n nn,t han.n
by land of Jesse Evan3 north twcnty-clght 'degrees
uiai viguiy-iour percuea ioa post, thenco by land
of Jesso nrooks north twelve negroes wost eighteen
purtuea 10 a uiacK oan, incncu north Eovcnty
eleut deirreos. cost elchtv inerAhpn tn n nn,
thenco by lands of CatUarlno Longenbergcr north
sixteen decrees west two ininrtriii
two pirchcs to n post, thenco by land of Qeoigo
tniuKuuucrgeriigriu iweniy-ono aegreos west one
hundred and twelve perches to a post, and thenco
by lind ot Thomas Lemons south seventy dogrees
uoi, uu0 uuuuruu uau sixiy percnos to tho place
ui'Kiuuiug, uuuuuuing
Threo Hundred and Seventy-two
and two-thirds Acres
of land nnd allowance of six per cent for roads,
which Bald traot ot land wns surveyed In pursuance
of a warrant dated 23d day ot August, 1TU3 granted
to Andrew Clark.
Tho land is unseated and 13 supposod to contain
TEIU1S, Two hundred and fifty dollars on strik
ing down tho proporty, and tho balanco In ten days
uu ui-iivcry ui uiu uecu oy ino executor,
Iota BENE.-Tho property was sold for tho taxes
last Juno, and tho amount required for taxosand
redemption from that sa-o to which I ho abovo salo
will bosubjoct, will bo tlM so. In addition to which
will bo tho taxes accrued blnco tho said salo, on a
reduced valuitlon. amounting to about llttecn dol
larsajear. March V6l.ta J0,IN ' A,tSy.
Aro you a buyer of Men's or Boys'
Clothing nt retail? Do yon need
clothinR for the farm, the office, the
work-shop, the court-room, or the
pulpit ? Do you want boys' clothing
for the fchool-room, or for dress ? Do
you prefer to buy clothing ready-made
or to order? Are you in need of
If yes, to any or all of these que
ries, state your needs to us, that we
may send you samples and prices.
Your Question
is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You
must judge. We will make up the
case, you must decide it. nut we
must tell you that wo have created
the Largest Kctail Clothing Business
in the United States by the simple
method of giving the best clothing for
the least money. We mean that it
shall pay you to buy of us. If you
buy and are not pleased, return the
goods for exchange, or demand your
and Brown,
S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts.
llnvo now atlcli
That wero it ftprcntl out in Bqunrc yards
of about two hundred nines. Tliis Dress
worth nbout a Quartor of a Million Dollara.
Uclow wo mention n few ntlrnctivo
All-wool Granites,
4-t Inches in width, at cts.
All-wool Foulos,
41 inches in width, nl 02 cts.
All-wool Shooda3,
inches in width, nt 7 els.
All-wool Oaslimores,
nil colors,
80 inches, nt M cts.
10 inches, nt 02- cts.
10 inches, nt 75 cts.
10 inches, at 87 cts.
Cashmere Boigo,
21 inches, 2 cts.
21 inches, 37 cts.
M inches, .50 cts.
40 inches, G2 cts.
40 inches, 7! cts.
All-wool chooks,
41 inches In width, nt So cts.
Gerstor Oloths,
31 inches in width, nt I o cts.
Sea Sand Oloths,
2o inches iu width, nt 31 cts.
Belgain Beige,
23 inches in width, nt 31 cts.
Every lady living at a distanco from Philadelphia should send for a specimen
number of the Journal for tha Household, nn illustrated jnonlhly fashion paper
tho size of Harper's Hanaar. It contains much interesting reading matter, and its
illustrations and pieces of all kinds of Dry Goods arc of much value to out-of-town
' A
! D
' E
! c
, u
,1 a
DR. METTAUR'S HEADACHE P I LLScuromost wonderfully Ina
very nhort llmo both SICK anil NERVOUS HEADACHE; nnd.wlillo
&ctlD on tho nervoas ryAcm, relievo DYSPEPSIA Inltsworiitforms. clenns
lng tho system of ciccaaof fallo, producing a regular healthy action ot tho bowels.
A full slzo box of thoso valuable PILLS, wlih full di
rections for a comploto euro, mmloil 10 nny uddn-es on roeeiptot
nlno 3-cont Postaco Stamps, roroalobyallllraggusts.
iii!.Yj;:iiM -
In tho manufacture of Organs is resulting in the production and Eiil
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A cood assortment of
cl.ilnc f il, ..ll i-.i n rv . . .
styles of tho celebrated Estey Organs can now bo seen at tho now rooms
of tho Onto
Authorizad .Agent fov tho Estev Organs in
UOlUmbla OOUtltV. A mmrnnlon fnt. fitrr. -..n,, !. ..........
laclurers accompamea every Estey
June utt
i1?10 . Hnderbl?DCd auditor nppolnteit by tlio Or-r-liany
court o? Columbia county, to Ulstrlbuto bal
fu ,nJiinla, 01 Wm' MtoteUef, ndi ilnlstritor of
CO. HrcecB, deceased, aa upiiears by Ids llret and
llual tccount to anil amonir the parties entitled
ife10!1,1,,?!1' "l!l0,"cu ' lllwISb uv m sau
,u3, , Wi" ot Aprl1' 1831 at Ha o'eCiolc a. iuT
tub, 13 Aw
,,T!'.l'n(ler,s!sni''l auditor appointed by Uiu Court
?on. " us .f folumwa i co. to inako dlstrlbu
tion of tno balauco In tho hands of touiuol en - J n l
Mr med, to and anions tlio partfoa entitled tiiSn-in
5 Srt'Syi?8 f I1"'111"1 bKhm;mW litaUiwlllnp.
ihare thereof 0 urt0 Uetarrtd "omJ!uy
muciiUM ",UIJ'&.
n vnst stock of
it would cover nn area ns largo as n farm
Ooods farm in money valuo would lio
items taken from our stoek of.
Silk lUIxcil llonmn Strlpon,
25 inches in width, at 37J cts.
Twilled Stripes,
23 inches in width, nt 31 cts.
INsiliI.N ami CIiccUm,
23 inches in width, nt 31 cts.
Twilled rinlilH,
23 inches iu width, nt 25 cts.
Twilled Melanges,
23 inches in width, nt 25 cts.
Twilled llclgcs,
27 inches iu width, at 25 -cts.
Twilled Mclgcs,
23 inches in width, nt 18 cts.
ni ii m lo ciotiiN,
27 inches in width, nt 25 cts.
A II -Wool SilitlngH,
21 inches in width, nt 20 cts.
All-wool Checks,
21 inches iu width, nt 25 cts.
(araiilto Checks,
22 iuches in width, nt 20 cts.
Hall-wool CiiHliiiicrcs,
22 inches in width, at 15 cts.
&4.LT2SER, Agent,
Bloomsburg, P ai
Letters of Administration on tho cstnto of 0. D.
8. Waroloy, lato of tho town cf liioomtburif,
Columbia county.renna, deceased, havo been grain,
ed by tho Itogt3tcrof said county lo 11. Vruot
arr, ot tlio town ol lilooinsburtr. All ntnou
liavlnir claims against tho estate of tho decedent
are requested to prosent them for settlement, and
thoso Indebted to tho estato to mako payment to
tuo undorsli JUd administrator without delay,
. , . . Administrator.
fob. S3 flw uioomsburir.ra.
Utters of Administration on tbo ostato of Marca
ret Heller, lato of Hemlock township, Columbia cu ,
I'enn'a., decesed,havo bern uranled by tlio llrels
Uirof.sold county to tho uiidersiifued Administrates
All wrsons liavlntr claims against tho estato of thu
decedent aro requvstcd to pr.-sout them for settle
ment, nud thoso indebted to tho estate to make ray.
went to tho uuderelfaea Administrators without
0, Vf, Millie, Admunstrators.
Attroncy. feb, 3-.r
P i
S i
R i
I 1