Vlie doltiii)li)ikn. COtOHBU MKOCKAT, 8TAII OY TtlR KoriTlt, and COI.Vlt. MAN, CONSOLtDATr.il.) Imiicd Wettd, every VrUUr mornlne, nt ULooMsnuita, comimiua county. pa . when p.alrt In nclviuico. To eiilneritir.ru ,mt r,i IiV. ,.,'" ui-wiivinuiii VAix'iii til mo ontinn r All nnnnra nnt f tl.n 1,1 - - . .... too rointy" U n l0nKCr cxactol ,rom wbscrtbcia In u'i' "'P'ujnipnr. or urn cor.mtritAM li vprr complete, unci our Job l'rlrftlnir will compare fit or? bly with butt ol thn liuffe rllles. All wonc (lono on demand, neatly ana at moderate prtces. LAWYERS, c U. IIUOCICWAY. ATTOBNEY-AT-LA W, Columbian tlntmsn, Uioomsburg, Pa, Member ot tho Unite! States Law Association. Collections made in any part of America or Kuroro, ocl, l, HJ. JTj E WALLKIt, Attornoy-at-Lnw. once, Second door from 1st National llanlc. UL00M3UUr.Q, TA. ma. II. 1979 jyj U. FUNIC, Attorney at-Law, DLOO.MSDllIKJ, fa. Office In Ent's Ilcn.niHJ. c II & W.J.MWKALEW, ' ATTOHNEVS-AT-LAW, Dloomsturg, ra. omco on Main Direct, fl rat door below courtllouee JOIInTi, CLARK, ATTOKNET-AT-LAW, nioomsbnrff, Pa. OMce over Schuyler's Hardware store. P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officb In Barman's Bulldlnir, Main Rtrcnt, Bloomsburir, Fa. X. n. tilTTLB. BOB'T. S. MITTS, H. & R. K. LITTLE, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Fa, c W. MILLER, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW oniceln Drawer's bulldlncsecond tloor.foom No, 1 . Bloomsbure, Fa. B. FRANK ZAltlt, A tlnrn nv-aW ,n,w. 'BLOOMSnURO, PA. omco corner ot Centra and Main Streets. Clark's llutlcllng. (Jan bn consulted in Gorman. Jan. in, -S'l-tf G 1 EO. E. ELWELL, A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, CotCMBiAK iicildino, llloomsburg, Fa. Member ot tho United States Law Association. Collections made in any part of America or Europe oct. 1, 1379. H. KN011H. I- S. WIN! BIISTEKH. Notary Fubllc KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-at-Law. Offlco In Hartman's Clock, Corner Main and Mar ket streets, Bloomsburir, Fa. JtSSrrcnnons and Bounties Collected, p.VUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law, omen In llrower's Block, one door below Columbian Building BLOOMSBUHG, PA. July 10, S0 tl Q.UY JAUOBY, Attornoy-at-Lawi BLOOMSBURO, FA. omco In tho Columbian Building, second floor. Oct. 8, "80. BLOOMSBURO DIRECTORY. FU0FESS10NAL CARDS. E BUCKINGHAM, Altorncv-at-Law. Of . llco. 11. J. Clark's Building, sdstorv rooms. Iliouniaburg. may T, '80-t f C(i. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-I-aw. Office , In Brower's building, 2nd story, Rooms 4 4 e 1 B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law. Office 1 In Hartman's bulldlng.Malnstreet. D it. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Pliysi cian. ooice Markot itrent. Noar depot. JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and I'liysi . clan, (omco and Resldencu on Third street T B. McKELVY, M: D Surgeon nnd Pliy t) blclan.uorthsldoMaln street, below Market. D R. J. C. RUTTER, F II Y3ICI AN i: SURGEON, omcc, North Market street, Oct. 1, 79. Bloomsburg, Fa. D R. I. L. RABB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, oppostto Episcopal Church. Blooms burg, Fa. w Teeth oxtrncted without pain. Oct. 1, 187D. DWILMOT CONNER, M. D., PHYSI .CI AN and SUHOEON. special attention given u the liisKASKs nnd dkfkuts ot tho Eyk Kau TuitoAT andKUKOKitY In all Its varlovs branches. CV Also catefully adjusts tho EYE with FROFKR (8 10 a. m. Hours 34:30 p. ra. I 7 8 p. m. Wllhi.bnrrr, I'm July m, '?o-tf JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist, h aguln at his old stand under UXCnANOE HO TEL, nnd has ai usutl a KIRST-OLASS BARUEH Hlloi'. Ho respectfully solicits tho patronage of his old customer and of tho public generally. Jilyio.'w.tt BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA. All stylos ot work dono In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkbtii Kxtkaot Kn without Fain bv Ihu uso of (las, and freoot charge vhen ni Uncial teeth aro Inserted, onico Corner Main and Iron streets. In be open at all hours during the day. Nov. i-ly MISCELLANEOUS Q M. DRINKER, OUN and LOCKSMITH, sowing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re- ; dalred. OrKiti IIousk Building, Bloomsburg, Fa. I) VVID LOWENBERO, Mercliant Tailor Main St., nbovo Central Hotel. T S. KUHN, dealer lu Meat, Tallow, etc., X Centra street, between second and Third. OATAWISSA. M. L. EYERLY, attohnby-at-law, Catawlssa, Fa. collections promptly mado and romlttod. omco oopoalto catawlssa Deposit Bank. tm-ss II. RHAWN, 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Fa. onice, corner of Third and Main Streets. B, F. II.RTMAN lttrKXSKNTS Till VOLLOWINO AMERICAN INRimANfIR f!OMPANTRRi I Ncrttt American of Ft idefpula, Fa Lvenmtncr nt un rrv Piintiavltrarila I rennsylvanla of " I Fanners ot York, P. Hanover of New Yortt, V"' on HMicei olivet no, , Bioomainr, vt, 0,M,lr-ly, i na..- , . -L -iiMnmr - - .. ... . ( .ctrj a. E.ELW2LL, . , . J. K, BIXTEHBEHDER, eplon. MMII.It.lrflualloAnjblncerllith. T, ""'''"'', ll'ri( I tabnrznmltml brfnrr lnii ?" " Tl'ls 11 ' '"" i f, l.Vll,f''r'mtMl'" retail for fso. Jil.i,f,,,,n.. """"""I for iiirra I. J.'.'v'W IHii'lrMfdcir. culir !1 Triiiiiiuiini,, Adiircii 1'IUItl.CS A. Wtinil A CO., 1? H. T.a'Ji EL, I'iiUdcljIiu, f. cr.w Fcb.H'sMaw HAVE YOU Mv&f Mimwm Any person to bo seriously III without a weak stom ach or lmctlvo liver or kidnoyal And when theso organ, aro In good condition no you nottlndtlielr powssor cnjojlug good health? FakkrhM uikobii Tonio always regulates llieso Important organs.and never falls to mako tho blood rich t nd pure, nnd to strengthen cycrv part of tho 'system. Hhas cured hundreds of despairing Invalids, Ask your ncluh bors about It. d march IMw BHATTY'S 011(1 ANS, 1,1 Step'. .1 set ltceds mm' ttV, Aflrliraa t,.,,tnl t, 11... otty, Washington, N. J. march 11, l-iw d FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Best In tho world. Lasts linger lhan any oilier. Always In good condition, cure, sores cuts brumes and corns. Costs but little more than the Imltattorts. Lvery package ha, tho trade mark, call for tho gen uine, and take no other. March 11 4-w DK. IIUTCilStiSOK'o II DESTROYER AiiOliliimlTi lidltciiui'.j-. J.imonttlic M'onni f if ff crc(i ).i I Hi itkcritlicMnlir Wu iinimilio In virtue, Wu hat u hundred of Tcttlinonlals, ixil If 'tod III tl0 la.t 1 1 yean, ).m lirj ( titirltilvi'lr llcr( i' ill I. ' riiul In Dr. IlllUtllllMllk'H Wolm Di'.li'Dyir 1 1 rctnnvi- tlio Wurm (nil klnd.i.'i iiik, r'nif, on;, ami Viipei. that InTi'M Ihu human i,utim. J'lvHiciiiaib ,n iindho them to thclr Millirlnc uUii'lit. J',i(,e it un humbug or uunclm ubmit this thori)U,'hly icllahlo medicine. Trice, 5i5c. per box. A. W.WRIGHT ti CO., SVholesale Drurglsli, Market anJ Front Streets, PhlladctpL'a. fob-11, '81-sm To Nervous Sufferers Tho Reiedy. Croat European Pit. J. D, 8tUrSON'3rSrKCIFI0 MEP1CINE. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Speclllc Medicine Is n positive curuforoNerworkcf body or brdln ori'xce.is ofnny kind, such as weakness and all diseases resulting from Nervous Debility, lrrltabllity.Mentnl Anxiety, languor, Idultudo, Depression or Spirits nud func tional doraugements of thn nervous system gen erally, Pains In tho jiuuiv ur riuu, ijs" orsiemo-y, rrema lurooldagonnddl-. eases Unit lead ti consinpilon, lnsanl ty nn early grav, or both. No matte how shattered thi synem may be from cxcc&scs of a n 3 kind, a short eourfu ui urns inidiunu will ri'tlCTeTliu lost functions ana procure health nnd happiness wheru before was ilcspondencv and doom. , lie snn. cine Meolclno Is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Wrlto for them and get full partrleuiar. rnce, speemo ii.uu per package, or sit packages for $5,i o. Will bo sent by mall on receipt of money. Address all orders, J, 11. Simpson's MEDICINE (.O. Nos. loi and li 0 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. 1UJ. Il Bl-fl wmmm AliE PAID every solJIcr dfiaMcd la Mnc if ilu t rby accident orothcrwiio. A XV OlI.Mt i.fnnr kind, logs of lliiKfr.luo ur t jc, UUlTUIUif kut itl.tui. casu wf IJUMBi)r V'urlcuHo VInphca imuliiii, I utier nuw Un tlidtuainl-t uro tiitttkd to on inercno of iHMirion. t iJows, t.riiiant nnl ilipemknt fntlicra vv motlifr of foldiiM uln (H. in tlta fjriny jet a l'cnsion, IJOUNTV Iiis (liarpi r-rouial, injuria a w rii)turo, plU'afiilll aunty. !crilUitaiiiinif"rCf i-j JVtisInn an I li.ninty iU!nn . P. M..FJtzfsernlcl A Co., i iatm (icntB. liuiiaiui'iilis, Ind. We rutrl , .I'nvl. l'rci't InHInna Itnnklni .. snd It. V. Kmiorlr. 1' rcft't Ciittrnl ir pBi-er, tvb4t ol-3m piRK INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPr, BLOOMSBURO, FA, BRITISH AMERICA ASSUltANCE COMPANY. llltriMAN VlltEINi-UItANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. llicso oLn conronATiONS are well seasoned by ago and FiiiK tksted and have neer yet had n loss set tled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invest ed In soi.in SEccuiTir.sand aro liable to the hazard or fiuk only. ...... Losses fkomttlt nnd noKKsn.T adjusted and paid na noon as determined by CuKlsTIAN F. KNAl'F, Sl'EC- AI. AOKMT AND ADJUKTI-H1ILOOMSBVKU, 11, 'I ho people of Columbia county should patronize tho agency whero losses It any aro settlod and paid hr nnrt nf f.tiplrowncirt7ens. - ....n...nr.Tnua vtmimr I'liumrinaoo, auiii N,'V if. 'WJ. FAIR DBAUNQ rt -t r outfit furntthed lree, villi full instrue U. I 1 1 lions for coiiducllng t'ie most prolltablo .N I I f business that, any ono can engage In. Vlv The business Is so easy to learn, and our Instructions aro so Mmplo nud plain, that any ono cau maku great rrollls from 1 1 every start. Noono can fall who Is willing to wn k. Women aro as suc cessful as men. Uo s and ulrlscnn cam largo sums. Many have madu attho luilnefs pur ono hundred dollars In a single week. Nothlngllku It ever knewn Pefore. All wiio mgngo aro&urpilscd atthoeaso and rapidity with which they aro nolo to mako money. You can engage In this business during your sparo tlment gr- nt prollt. You do not have to Invest capital in It. Wo tuku all the risk. Thoso who need ready raonoy, should wrlto to us nt once. All furnished treo. Addicts Tkuk 4; Co., Augusta.Malne oct. 18' "80-ly B, F. SHAB cor. centre and Rail Road Sts near L. i: B. Depot. Lowest Prices will net bj undersold. Manufacturer of MINE CAR WHEELS, Coal Break crandBrldgo castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin ware, now?, IRON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and BrassO-Ellngs. Tho rt'filnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, nnd Bldo hill Flows, tho best In tho mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. cook Stoves, Room Stoves, and stoves for heating stores, tchool houses, churches, &c. Alio tho larg est stock of repairs for city stuves. wholesale- nnd retail, such as l'lro liilck.oratcs, Ci063 ncccs, Lids c. Ac., Stove Flpo, cook Boilers, suiuits, Cake- Plates, large Iron Kettles, to gallons to 1tf Carrels) Farm Bell,, Slid Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allentown Bono Manure" PLASTER, 1.M.T, &C, AC. Jan 9, '80-iy C. 23. SAVAGE, PEALKIt IN Gilverwaro. Watches.Jowolry.Clocks.&O' All kinds of Watches, clocks and Jewtlry neat ly repaired unu warraiiica, may 17, '78-If M. C. SLOAN & BRO. JBfiOOiMSIlVItn, P.i. Manufacturers ot Carriages, Bugglos, Phaetons, Slelghfl, PLATFORM WAOONS, 40. First-class work always on band. HKFAIRINO NEATLY DONE. Pi Ices reduced to salt tho tunes. LATEST STYLES OP oALiiiasrca- cards I . 1 At tho 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' WILL IT CURE ME? Sail a manwhon wojbigoio countenance and brokon diwd coaltltutlon slowed traojs ot disoaso a sutferer with Ncrvoti, I)vsp3pila,ln whoso st im nch tlw most detisato mor3d lay llko loid. Refresh ing sloop and quiet nerves woro str.ingori D him, nndliodoipxlrjdotovor bclo'j Well. Wo ndvliod him to taVo SIMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, which ho did, and Inn short tlmo was not onlyra llovod but cured, Jtcaderj If J on aro surrerlng with liyspopsla or Liv er Disease In any form dj not wait until tho dlaeaso ha, taken n fast hold upon you, but uso tin liegula tor when th symptimi llrst show thom30lvoi, It has rcltovcd untold suffering. SIMMONS' LIVKIt IlEOULATOIt lanot an ntcholiollo stimulant, but a Purely Vegetable Remedy that will euro whon everjthlng elso falls. It I, a faultless family medicine Dots not disarrange Ihn system. Is no vlolont drastlopurgo, but nature's own remedy. Tho friend of everyone, and will not dl9ppolnt you. A slnglo trUl will convlnco you that It Is tho clwao ;st, purest and best Faintly Med- cino in tho world. ASK tho reoivorjd dyspeptics, bilious sufforerj, lctlm ( of fovcr nnd ague, the mercurial diseased patient udw the recovered their health, cheerful spirits and good appetite they will tell you by ta king Simmons' Liver ltegulator. ASIC YOU ft PHUOCIIST FOB, SIMMONS' Liver Rogulator! Original and genuine, prepared only by .1. II. VI. I.IIN (V I'll., PHILADELPHIA. Frier tl.OO. Sold by all Druggists. April io, so ly. W If talnMAtittl fn"ft tiio tli-ala of jour t;ai.ti avoiu dtl:nu':tinnd uso tf ro hr.i.n hot vp rui'l nit': Mop Li(ttcrs ill LTttlwii ir dltslpa 1 lfii or rlnnie. cM ur poor LesItUcrlAii ruUb wtuu, ue Hop U vuffcrlne from hny In tlom li yon nro mar Intf un a Led of skit Bitters . 1 whontcr you fid j liiouwntnaip an nually fro i.i homo iivxi your nyirini j i form of Kidney fiL-wrifle that uilpl.t lr.j or r-uinuia.iini, without tt vi tenting, iano nop Bitters. MopDittora v r u ri a a r com- Jv D. I. C. Is nn absoluto anil lri-ceinta bio euro tor drunVennoai, uso of OI.IUK1, tobaceuf or of tlu fomtu'A, lr.-c!t blao iivr orjiciiejfi You will bo! tlop Dlttors Ifynunrfptm ty wonk and lo.rsi)hi:i'J,try it i it may onvoyour llfo. It has saved hun HOP SoMhydrnsr srUt S.udiur Circular. NEVER FAIL BOP BITTERS BTU CO., "I Out. H Rotaefcttr, aroco ATomnta, juiy io, 'bu u $5 And Upwards. MV'if,1! come Interested tn Mining enterprise,, nt bott m figures, pleaso lead address for freo prospectus to J03IA1I FLETCHER, 17 Broadwcy. N. Y.,City. iieOETABu HAIR v. Hog been In constant uso by tho puljllc ror over twenty years. anil Is tho best preparation ever Invented for HKSTOl! lN'd OKAY HAIIt TO ITS Tho Stato Assayer and Olicmist of Mass, and leading endorse and it ns a great triumph in medi cine YOUTIirUI, COLOIt AND LIFI3. . Tf eill.Tillna Hi. naliiMl food nnd color to tho lialr glands without etnlnlng tho Bliln. It will lncrcaso nnd thlchcn tho grovrth of tho hair, provent Its blanching nud falling off, nnd thus A Vint T D.VilJNlCSS. It cures Itching, Kmp- tlons nnd n.indrutT. As n IIAIIl DRESSING It Is very desirable, giving tho lmlr a Billion softness ,vliicli nil ndinlro. It keepB tho head clean, sweet nnd healthy. WHISKERS will chnngo tho heard to n HIIOWN' or 1II.ACIC nt discretion, liclng in one preparation it Is easily npplled, nnd produces n permanent color that will not wnsh off. l'ltlll'Aliiai IIY R, P. HALL & CO,, NASHUA, IJ.H, Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE Ol'EUZlllETll I'.OBEllTS, PECE18III, Tho undertlgred auditor appointed by lh. Or iliacK' Court oll'oluinbia count v. to make dlstilbu ton of thH balancd In tlin hanttu of ihu administra tied thereto, will bit at his ofileoTii Bloomsburg on SUuulay April 10, Isil at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day. when and whero all Persona liitenHted tor of Bald decedent, to and ninnni: thn narllffi entl nru ri-qiat-Uil to rreBent their claims upon Bald lund or no lorever ueuarrcu irom u tuuru inereui. FAUL E.WIRT, inarch -1-lw Auditor. A UMTOIVS A'OTICK. ESTATE OF UEOHUE I1EI3WICE, I'ECEASEll. Tho undersigned nudltor appointed by tho f r iliAiis' t'fiui-t or L'nluml'ti eountv to uiRko dhttrlbu- inn of t Im runes lu the lunula ot David Luweiiberg. lulinlnlslnilfir it H.ild decedent, ti) aii't anion'' tho paullcs nitltieii inereio, neriuy gnes nniicu uiat no Will Ml ill I llu lllMliai &v ui luu lulling ui ,ua uji,iwiiiv. llW'Iir. lit 1UH fllllllll 111 lllll LU1V1I UI DIL'UUIIIIUIU Ull Wi iini'siliiv ilm eth dav (f Anvil. A. 1) . 1S1. at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said day. tit which tlmo and p.aco all persons Interested In said fund uru reiiuueu lu aiieuu ur uu tuiuver ueuurii-u iium uuj iiuaiuui ino fcaiuu, i,. a, M ini iiiin i u.iii.'i, march 1-lw Aualtur, A UmrOK'SNOTICK. EbTATB OF ISAAC llAUENBfCII, PECEA8ED, Tho unders.Kned nudltor appointed by tho Or phans' rouri ui uoiuiuuia eiiuuiy, iu uiMnuuiu uui mice In hands of tho executor of Itaao llHgi'iibuch, deceased, to and among Ihepartlns eutltlid there in. will nt at i ho omco of i:. If. Ueli r in tho town ol llloomsburg, onriauirday.tho beeond day of April a. n.. Nil. nt ten o'clock- In tho furunoon to neiform tho duties ot his appointment, when and whmi nil persona iiiYii'gvuyciaiius upon bam iiinu wiiiuji pear and prove thn samo or bo debarred from ro ceiviug uuy buuru uieruui, O. 0. FEACOCK, feb, ni-Jw Auditor, A UDITOIi'S NOTIOK. XI- Ainontrtho records and nroccedlnirs of tho Or phans' Court In and for said county It U Inter alia liiuscomaineu. Iu the estate ot Mary Remley, deceased, And now February 11th. 1S1. on motion or Kliurr uiiti UKli-ciuciii. ui wuuutui, iiur .luuuuv, I 'mi . is annolnted Auditor to dlstilQuto balancn In hands tf Stephen lllll, administrator, by his tint account among parties enuuca tntreio. IIVTIIECODIIT, Certiaedfrom tho records. WM. KRICKIIAUM, a, M, (luicK, Clerk o, c. Deputy. In pur6Uano ot the forepolng appointment the undersigned will meet the parttrs Interested at V I, omco In llloomsburg on Tuesday thn lrth day ot April 1'6I, at l'i o'clcxk a. in., nt which tlmnund iilacoihey are ncreoy notified to appear or uo d0' uarreu iiviu vuwiug tu uu oiuu iuiiu. tlUVJACOllY, lb,SKw Auditor, htm mm w Mm ll II 111 'i::.;::., 1 , 1 .. , 1 , , 111 11 , , 1 ""' , BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1881. Poetical. VKItNAIj FAITH. DV PAUL U. ItAVHK. When heaven was stormy, eaith was cold, And sunlight shunned Iho world nnd wnv,?. Thought burrowed In tho church yard mould, Ann red on drcainj that haunt tho gravo. But now that heaven Is freed from atrlft, And earth's full h:art with rapture swells. Thought soars through IloUs of endless Ufa Abova tho ihlnlng asphodels. Whit llowcr that drinks tho south wind's broitn, What sparkling haf, what Hobo-morn, But flouts tho sullen gray .beard Death, Ana iauu3 our nrctio doubts to scorn? Palo scientist, scant of healthful blood, iour guastty tomss ono momontcloso t luck froihnes, fromn spring tlmo bud, rinj wi,d3m In tin ojcnlng roso. Mark tho white llly;wh030 sweet coro Hath many a wild bee-swarm enticed. And flrow therefrom a honoyed loro ruro as tho tender creed of ChrUtl ea, cvon tho wcod, which upward hold. its tiny car past bower nnd lawn, A lovelier faith than jours unfolds, Caught from tha far taint winds ot dawn. Select Story. AN ARGUMENT FOR OtFE. It was a sli;in,fi'osty, Jiioonlicht liiclit but the fresh waters of Green river had not yet been chillet1,nntl they flowed rap idly onward, with confused tnurmurinrrg, as if itiinatienl to becomo a part of tho great Olilo. It was as lato as ten o clock when Rob ert Craig, a young lawyer, came upon a bridjjo that spanned n branch of tho Green River in Central Kentucky. lie was afoot, and he walked with a verv litrht sten, because bis heart was litrlit. lie had been successful in tho most im portant suit ho had ever been engaged n. He had pleaded his own case, and the court that had pronounced judgment in his favor was simply Miss Mary Lano the handsomest girl in the neighborhood, and as tfood as she was beautiful. She i ad promised to bo his wife. lint Kober (Jraig was destined to plead another case that very night, and before ess eminent court. Uo had no warn mg ot tins, however, when bo stepped upon the bridge and walked over the clear water mutteriiig congratulations to himselt. "Yes, I am the luckiest man livinrjr !" ho soliloquized, as ho reached the middle of the bridge. Tho bridtre was not a covered one.and lie stopped to lean over tho railing at one side, and looked down iu tho sparkling water that quivered in the bright moon-li-llit. "Yes,T am tho luckiest man livimi!" he repeated quite aloud,after bo had stood a lull minute gazing upon the ilowmg river. "Don't bo too sure of thai!" said a voice behind him. Robert Craij; turned with a start, and saw a tall man standing at the opposite hide of the bridge, leveling a ritle upon hnn. J le seemed very cool and deliber ate iu his iuanucr,and lie spoke in a tone mat was nam anil icy. At the first glance Robert Craig saw his danger, for he recognized in the in truder Ralph Moore, who, as ho was well aware, regarded mm with the bitterest hatretbfor the reason that both had been suitors for tho had of Mary Lan, and Ralph bad of course been rejected, He was noted as a man of desperate character although ho be'ongcdto a good family and ho was moreover known to bo tho best marksman in tho community. Rob ert CraiK thought of theso facts as he found himself standing there in the cold moonlight with that unerring rifle point ed at his breast. IIo himself was unarmed: there was no hope for succor on that lonely bildgo at that time of night; retreat was impossible as well as unmanly, resislanea was im possible, was equally out of the question. Ins enemy meant deliberately to take his i to, and he had tho power to do it. Kob ert Crai" realized all this, and felt that certain death awaited him. Tho terrible exigency tho very hopelessness of the case made him calm. "Ralph Moore," he Raid in a voice that betrayed no einmotion "have you come hero to waylay and murder me?" "Itobert unmr. replied KaIph,coldlv, still keeping tho deadly rillo at an aim, "did you suppose you could trample over mo and live?" His linger was on tho trigger, and tho fierce look on his face denoted that tho life he held iu his hands was not worth much now. "Rut sttrelv," said Robert Craig "you arc not wicked enough to commit such a crinio as I sco you conteiuplato I am un armed and nt your mercy. While l do not like you, Ralph, I never thought you capablo of a cowardly act. It would bo cowardly to shoot down anjunarmed man and you know it. You nro ugood marks man, but I am willinjr. to liyht you fairly if you think that a mortal enmity must necssarily exist between us, "Jlosli I Uo you think I am a tool t Do you think I can bo cajoled by your smooth talk? No, 1'vo got you Robert Craig, and you shall never live to enjoy your triumph over me. x on aro now within iivo minutes of your destiny. I will grant you that time to pray if you want it. Nothing can savo you ! There is not it soul within half a milo to hear you if you should yell. You'll bolloating , .V . fl..- .1.!.. 1...f lowu lliu iivei miles ueiuw mis uuiuiu morning. "Jsut what do you say to being hanged for murder!" "There is no witness near. It can never bo proved nirainst me." Robert Craig was silent. His enemy who plainly meant murder, stood like n statue, with his rillo still pointing at his head, and watching him liko a oat. There was an expression of savago exultation in his Itice.plainly vlsibio m tho mooniigni; and Robert Craig saw thatitivas idle to think of ask'nitr for mercy. Yaiious ideas went whirling through his brain. IIo thought of running away and trusting to flight, but ho dismissed tho thought, for ho could not escape tho unerring aim of tho relentless man con- froutinti him. llo thought ot rushing upon Ralph, and engaging in a desper ate BtrurKlo lor tho posession ot tho rillo but ho knew that would bo hopeless. Ho was twenty feet distant, and his enemy could shoot him down before ho could reach him. As if divining his very thoughts Ralph Haul, with a ucinomao laugh: '(Jli, there is no chauco tor yout run 'which way you will, I can bring you down before you go threo stops. Come, to praycrl You have only thrco minutes and n half yet 1" Robert Craig (stood motionless, mid with the B.imo coolness ho had displayed from tho beginning, ho said! "Ralph Moore, I see you aro in car nest." "Cerlainly I am. Hal ha! You know mo well enough to know that I do not come here for nothing." "Yet you will not kill mo," said Rob ert Craig, in a quiet, linn tone. "I can bring an argument to bear that will pro vent you." "Roohl" retorted Ralph, contempt uously. I'd liko to know what it is?" "Well, I have a letter in my pocket hero " 'Stop!" exclaimed Ralph, fiercely "Keep that hand away from your pocket. I understand your game you havo a pistol 1" "No; upon my honor. If I had you could shoot mo beforo I could use it. I think you aro quick enough for that." "I suppose I am." "Well, will you allow ma to tako a letter irom my pocKet, or aro afraid?" you "Well, I afraid 1" "Shall I pocket ?" "Yes but you. " don't think I nm much tako tho letter from my no tricks ; my eyo is on Robert Craig, with the calmness of a man merely transacting some ordinary business, drew a letter from his coat pocket, and began deliberately to writo on ono side of tho envelope with a pen cil. "What aro you doing!" demanded Ralph, eyeing him sharply. "I am merely writing it secret here, which, when you know what it is,will iu duco you to change your mind." "What is it I Why don't you tell me?" J "You will understand mo when you hear mo read it." "Some trick; but remember I am watching you." "While Ralph Moore losL noun of h'w fierceness, ami did not waver iu his inur deroin p:u pose, it was evident that his curiosity wai aromoil, iiud hu watched the young lawyer at lu wr.itu rapidly on the envelopd by tlw light of tho jiiojii. ''Well, what straugo thing) have you written 1" ho asked slieeriiigiyvn Robert Craig finished. "I will read it yon," replied Rjbert Craig. Then ho held tin- euvelopo up so that tho moonlight fell upon it, ami read as ioiiows. On- Wilson's 5itiini'.Gi!i;x Riv iot.Griikx Itivnrt, "V between 10 and v c, 21, 1370. ) Thursday night bet 1 1 o clock, Dec. If I am found murdered, lis it known that Ralph Moore, of Upland,is the mur derer. IIo stands before mo while I writo tins pointing a rillo at tno,and declares ho will shoot me because hois jealous of me. I am unarmed, RomiRr Cit.uts, Attorney at Law Ralph Moore uttered a disdainful laugh. "Hal ha! What good will that scrib ing do?" ho said. "I can destroy it while you float down tho river. You don't sup pose 1 would go and deliver it to the au thorities for you even it it is your dying request ha I ha 1 ha I "You won't deliver it for mo?" asked Robert Craig, calm as ever. "Do you think I'm a fool? Come,your time's about up, "Won't you deliver this for me after I am dead!" "No, of course not." "Then I know who will." "Who?" asked Ralph, puzzled by this strango conduct. "Iho river!' and Robert Craig sent the letter from tho bridge and it floated away on tho bosom of tho rapid cur rout. "What does that mean?" "It menus, Mr. Ralph Moorc,that you may now murder me lust as soon as you please. lamas well prepared to die as you are, and havo fully mado up my mind to die; but if I die you dio too. The difl'eruuco will be this: I dio as a martyr, and the man who will bo remembered in this community as honored and loved; while you go to the gallows a criminal,a convict, covered with infamy, and are there strangled liko a beast, and all who know you, will in years to come, only re member you and 'speak of you as the cowardly assassin who shot down an uu armed man. Now shoot, just as soon as you please, and that letter floating down tho river will tell on you and you will be hunted down." "Nonsense! Don't you suppose lean ert't that letter insido of an hour?'' "How?" asked Robert Craig, very com placently. "1 can swim lor it it necessary. Tho water would chill you to death in ten minutes. 1 cm know very well there i no boat within ten miles, except at tho nearest terry, mid thcro ho oars are locked and could not bo had beforo morning. Uy thattituo tholetter will havo floated away and probably havo been picked up and handed to the authorities. Oh! blaze away, I'd rather you would now, biueo I havo made up my mind to dio and havo you hanged.' italpli jUooro stood lor halt a minute, with the threatening rillo still at an aim, apparently unable to make up his mind whether to risk the gallows or not; then ho said : Rut if I sparo you, and that letter is found what explanation can bo mado of it?" "I might say it was a joke, atuliti any event, if I should bo still found alive, it would bo easy to prove that you duln t kill me." Ralph Mooro placed his rillo upon his shoulder and walked nway muttering with an angry oath: "l am a tool 1 1 ouglitto havodonotlio work without giving him a chanco to play such a lawyers trick I itobert Uraig stood upon thu bridge watching tho would-be assassin till hu was out ot Hight then onco moro gazed down upon tho clear, cold waters ot the river, and said aloud : "I am thu luckiest man living; uo float ino- to-iiit'lit. thank von 1" Tho next day Ralph Mooro abruptly started on a trip to California, much to tho surprise of tho community and ho never returned to Kentucky. Robert Craig! Ah,if I should give his real name, tno render would know that . it r f it was tno iiio ot a since iniuous man that was saved by nn argument on tho uniige. John, my dear, said sho tenderly, if yon do not buy a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup immediately, I will go homo to my mother; I can't stand "this coughing any longer. IIo bought a bottle. KKADINU SIGNS IN Till! SKY. IIIK WAV FOR llVF.RV MAN TO 1111 Ills OWH WIlATIIKlt l'ROI'lll'.r. "It's easy cnouirh to bo n weather prophet. All yoti'vo got to do is to keep your oyc on tho sky, and it will bo a very sly storm indeed, that steals a march on you." iho speaker was a trent eman livltif on Columbia Heights, Urooklyn, who has dono a good deal of sky gazing, but M'lin aavej lit, linn tin 1nn!..A -...1.1!- roputation as a weathcr-wlso man. .. ..v un, a ..v 1,,.. uu iiuoiiu mi llllllilll "l..ook out ot this south window. Do you notice thoso long, narrow, misty looking clouds in parallel rows tliat seem to bo advancing upward from behind Staten Island with tho precision and steadiness of a lino of battle? They aro tho advance guard of an approaching storm. Tho barometer has not given tho slightest sign, an ! it probably will not until that skirmish lino has reached tho zenith, which may tako hours, and yet I am as certain that a storm is coming ns though I saw tho rain falling." -uo you mean mat you can foretell a storm by tho clouds sooner than bv .i barometer?" nvbody can. Tho winter storms cspccially,annoutico their npproach somo- iimi-a uvu ur iineu uays in advance. Whenever you seo thoso narallel strines of cloud rising in tho southwest, and moving in ranks slowly across tho sky, you may bo sure that wet or snowy weather is at hand. Why should not tho clouds foretell tho weather? There cannot bo a storm or any considerable change of weather without clouds, and thero is almost as much perccptiblo dif ference in clouds as in faces, if people would but notice them closely." i;o cioutis always foretell storms! "No, some ciouds givo assuranco of fair weather. A very little practice will enable anybody to read this language of the clouds. It u linre like studying a language than you would suppose. You know itt Latin a change in the termina tion of a word changes its meaning. Just so a eh ingo in tho iorm of clou- s chan ges their meaning. It is no mere chance work, but a certain changj always means tho s.inij thing. Jf 'cirri' turn into 'oir-ro-strati,' every meteorologist knows what that means just as well as the boy tit the head of the Latin class knows tho difference between 'Hie' and 'Ilujtis.' " "Then the clouds aro not all of ono kind?" "J5y uo means at all. About eighty year.s ago, i.uko Howard, an Iinglish .junker, whoso business required him to take long walks in the open air, comple ted a classification of clouds that has ev er since been in general use. One ot the most wonderful phenomena ever wit nessed in the sky led Howard to study tho clouds. This was tho great fog of 187o, that overspread the whole of liu rope and part of Asia and Atnerica,reach ing to the summits of the Alps and last ing from ono to threo months, according to tho locality. The greatest terror pre vailed, and the end of tho world was thought to be at hand. "Howard noticed that there were three principal kinds of clouds, which ho called carrus, cumulus and stratus. Anybody can seo the differonco between theso clouds at n glance. Tho cirrus is the highest of all clouds. You must have often seen it in the form of white fila ments, sometimes called 'mare's tails' and 'eats tails.' Stretched across tho blue sky liko delicate lace work, it is very beautiful. Travelers say that on the summit of lofty mountain peaks from which they could look down upon tho heavier clouds, they have seen the wispy cirri floating overhead, apparently as tar away as when seen irom tlio earth. In calm summer evenings, long after sundown, theso clouds may bo seen re flecting tho most delicato tints of color from tho last lays of sunlight that illu minate tho higher regions of tho nttnos phere. "Iho cirri aro composed ot little crys tals of ice. Theso clouds and their de rivatives causo tho halos that aro some times seen about tho sun and moon. It was probably cirro strati that caused tho rent display ot moon dogs and circles recently nt Denver. Cirrus clouds indicate both storms and clear weather, according to tneir appearance. It thev appear in their most delicato forms after stormy weather, they aro a sign that settled weather is at hand. When thev show themselves in parallel streaks after lair weather has lasted lor some time, they aro tho first indication ot approach' ing change. Cirri, when greatly tangled and knotted, show stormy weather close at hand. If their borders grow faint ind indistinct, thero is rain coming. "Cumulus clouds aro characteristic of summer, i lie larmcrs call them thuu der heads when they poke their smooth. white rounded summits, glittering m the sun like silver nbovo tho horizon, In that form they aro tho forerunners of lo cal thunderstorms. Theso mountainous looking clouds sometimes actually exceed the greatest peaks ot tho Andes or linn alayas in size. When cumulus clouds disappear iu a warm, pleasant day, not very largo, distinct though son iu out line and resembling cotton balls, they indicate continued fair, dry weather. On tho other hand, when they grow lar ger, darker and more formidable lookiiu they loretell storms. Just before a ram they sometimes seem to throw off little lleecv clouds around their edges, (ioetho tho great German poet who was fond o studying tho clouds, said that as long as cuintilt have sharply denned borders am a white color, a eonunuant'o of good weather may bo expected. Cumulus clouds often form soon after sunrise am temper tho heat of a midsummer day. If thev gradually .disnnnear toward evu uing tlio weather will remain serene, but it as thu sun goes down, they grow darker and moro numerous, then look out for rain. Tho cumuli aro the cap! tills, or condensed summits of invisibh columns of vapor rising from tho earth, Tliey do not attain nearly so great a i.,.!i,i no i, ,.!..,.; n ii r i ii.iiii- io .uu i.ii 1 1. minium ttiu juiier.ir ly from half a mile to two miles linrh Cirri vary iu height from two or three miles to six or eight. "Tlio stratus is most common nt nigl and in winter. Thoso long ranks c clouds that I pointed out to you iu tho southwest nud which show a coming iiutiiieasi storm, uro a variety ot stratus, ihey nlwnys appenr in tho form stripes or broad, low curtains, covering more or less oi ino suy. The night strat us is lormetioi mists irom swainps.nver and moist ground. It generally rises and ennnges into smaii cumuli on summer mornings. Mho other kind of stratus appearing nt considerable heights iu the full, winter, and curly iu spring, is, ns I THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XV. NO. 13 COLUMBIA DKM0C11AT, VOL. XLVI, NO. 4 havo said, an invariable forerunner of stormy weather. "Theso thrco kinds of clouds do not always appear iu their si in pi o forms. They aro fretjticntly mingled together, and four varieties of theso derivative clouds havo been distinguished. Tho cirro-cumulus consists of little roundish white clouds, floating nt a high eleva tion, nnd often resembling n tlock of sheep resting upon tho bluo background of the sky. In winter theso clouds fre quently appear beforo a thaw. Between summer showers they accompany in creased heat. They aro common in dry weather. "Tho cirro-stratus commonly nppenrs in shoals resembling fish in shape. Its popular name is tho 'mackerel sky.' It is almost a sure indication of npproach ing stormy weather. When it settles down into a thin veil, covering tho sky, and making the sun and moon loot dim, it is certain to bo followed by snow or rain. You will seo it in that form fol lowing thoso streaks that aro now rising in tho southwest nud covering tho sky beforo tho storm comes. "Did you over see a bnttlo in the clouds? The cirro-cumuli and cirro-strati nre natural enemies. Tho first named is a fair weather and tho last a foul-weath er cloud. "When they meet as they somo times do after a summer storm has par tially cleared, there is a war in the sky. Tho cloudy squadrons encounter in mid heaven to settle tho question whether sunshine or storm shall prevail. If the cirro-cumuli succeed, tho weather will clear; if the cirro-strati aro victorious, there will be moro foul weather. It is a war of destruction, and the battle usually ends by tho total disappearance of one or tho other of tho two kinds of cloud, all assuming tho form of tho successful party. "Cumulo stratus is tho grandest of all clouds, and so it is tho appropriate lore runner of great storms. It you ever hap pened to go up hill to tho Hudson when a thunder storm was gathering in the Catskills you must havo seen this cloud rapping on the mountain tops and hill ing tho great peaks liko a vast curtain. "Whenever you sec these clouds looming ut), you may bo sure that a violent chamre in tho ntmosnhero is close at land. Hie cumn o stratus consists ot .1 aver or foundation of dark colored utrnt. us cloud nearest the earth. Httrmntintrrl bv bulky wiles of verv dense cumulus, not white and smooth ko the fa r went 1- - - . . 'l er cumulus, but rough, dark and threat- etnng. "One of the grandest sights in the orld is tho maiestio march of tho cu- mulo-stratus clouds across a hilly coun try district in advance of a violent storm. Animals, as well as men, are intimidated by tho fearful appearance of tho heavens and show their fear by trembling ami lurrying to places of shelter. Theso clouds commonly make their appearance st in tho northwest, risint? black and threatening above the horizon. Soon tho rtimbliiiL' of boavv thunder is be.inl. and as the clouds annroach tho zenith, blotting out tho sun, fitful gusts of wind niise, followed by periods of oppressive calm. Sometimes a whirlincr motion is seen in tho clouds. Then look out! If a black funnel seems to dron from tho clouds to tho earth, it is a tornado, and nobody can tell what damago it may do. Tho cumulo-strati foretell-a storm sever al hours in advance. Tho longer they linger near the horizon the more violeut the storm is apt to be. "iho last class or rather sub-class of clouds is the nimbus or black rain cloud, wmcn spreads over tho heavens just ns ino storm begins. 11 is mado up ot a mixture of all the other kinds, nnd ap pears in every storm, but is seen in its most characteristic form in a thunder storm. Sometimes it approaches within 1 lew hundred feet (,t tho earth, and at other times is 2,000 or 3,000 feet high Whilo it always appears black or grav from beneath it if, in fact.surmounted by a snowy white cap of cirrus or cumulus, I havo sometimes, in tho hills of central New 1 ork, seen from an elevated sta tion ino passago ot a storm through a distant, vanoy. 1 110 glittering upper sur face of the clouds then presents a beau tiful appearance, whilo underneath they arc dark and forbidding, and the pour- tug nun nines, me lauuscape. "on account ot the mixing together of tho various classes of clouds, it is sometimes dithcult to accurately distin guish them apart. A littlo practice.how- m . ' i t i uver, win euaotu any ouservani person to detect tho prevailing characteristics. indications vary slightly tor ditherent lo calities, and somo knowledge of local leculiarities is therefore neeessarv. Any ono who waiciies the clouds can form many weather rules for himself thnt ho ... n 1 . . . . . win una at least ns trustworthy ns tho prediction ot Old 1'iobabilities. -jv. r. Sim. now to oirr sick. Exposo yourself day and night.eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time: take all the vile nostrums advertised : and then you will want to know now to ui:t wti.r- Inch is answered in two words Take Iloti Hitters! See other column, Ex press, Uarllehl'H Mother. Of General Garfield's mother, the fol- lowing incident is related bv ono of the newspaper correspondents 011 tho special train to Washington : ..... . . .. . 1 ho old lucly'is a tvpo of tho northern OI110 pioneer mother, and has not vet forgotten tho lessons of thrift and eeono- my taught her in early life bv necessity, t.. .1 i , 1 i . . 111 tnu iitirry ami inistie ot tiie morning, tho porter forgot to extinguish tho lai in the car, and they burned nt full h long ufter dnylight. At last tho lighted lamps attracted tho old lady s attention, when sho said to tho President-elect, "Jnmes putotit thoso lamps. It's no uso wasting tho oil when its doing no good." General Garfield called tlio nortor'a nt- tention to tho matter, nnd the waste 111 !..-.! .1. 1 . i . iiiuuuuaiiiig uiiiu was stopped tmme diately. The Dawn of Peace- Now York World. Whenevcra Southern Democrat in tho House saw fit, under stalwnrt taunts, to rotor to "tho lato unhappy contest' nnd declined to make nn ''apology for tho part ... . - - -1 Inl-nii 11 " f 1I-...1 , m""' "1 vuiiyci null Jlllivicy WHO sat dumb in their new Senatorial seats while Mahono boasted himself to bo an unrepentant rebel brigadierus-ed to foam nt the mouth with patriotic froth. Wh IV liv illd not tho President rowai-d them win. boqucts. Sdvetf tiitig Sttejf. ftnelneh.... tlu) en IJ W t.io (i.) T.iM H.no 110) a.Do 3H ti.on 6. () 7. m 9.00 lS 30.00 CM ton s.no U.m ISO! 1S.00 Ei.no C0.00 It s.oi) 13.09 ROl) SH.00 eion m.oo 100.03 Two Inches 3.nj Thrco Indies, ...... 4.0.1 Four luetic.,.....,,. A.flO ouarter column..,, tioi Half column.' 10.ro Ono column.. .H0.00 tearly ndTCftlsoments p.iysblo quartfrly. Tran sient adrerUscmcntft must be paid tor before Inserted except whero parties have accounts. Lwral advertisements two dollars ncr Inch for throa Inwrtlorn, nnd at that rata for additional Insertions without rcfcrcnco to length. Kxocutor'a. Administrator's, nnd Auditor's notices three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted. Transient or Icnt notices, ten cents a line, reirular advertisements half ratca. Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, ons dollar per year for each line. Curious lndnttrics. The work of the staff of officers ap pointed by tho Superintendent of tho Census to collect statistics relating to tho industries and manufactures of Now York city is nov approaching completion and will bIiow, in tho opinion of Mr. Chnrlcs E. Hill, tho gentlemen in charge of it, a very satisfactory growth b'uico 1870. In tho courso of tho Investigation by Mr.llill's deputies somo singular in dustries were brought to light. It was found, for instance, that some uso was mado of old shoes, but exactly what uso whs hard to find out. Largo numbers of old shoes were sold by rag pickers to cer tain men,who disposed ot them nt a good price. It is well Known 'that bits ot old leather mako tho commercial articlo known as Prussian blue, but only a few firms manufacture it, nnd tho new call for old shoes was evidently for some oth er purpose. In New Yorkcitynnd Urook lyn about three million pairs of old shoes aro thrown away every year. Formerly old shoes were plentiful 111 the neighbor hood; now it appears that they aro sought after as choice prizes in tho ragpiqker's line. I5y dint of persvering inquiry it was discovered that tho old shoes wore used for threo purposes. First, all shoes not completely worn out are patched, greased, and after being otherwise re generated, sold to men who deal in such wares. Somo porsous wear 0110 shoo much moro than tho other; these dealers find mates for shoes whose original mates are past hope. Secondly, tho shoes not worth patching up arc cut into pieces' tlio good bits aro used for patching oth er shoes, nnd tho worthless bits, tho soles and cracked uppers, aro converted into .Inmaica rum by a process known only to the manufacturers. It is said that they aro boiled in pure spirits and allowed to stand for a fow wecks,the product far surpassing the Jamaica rum mado with essonces, burnt sugar and spirits. A gentleman who doubted the truth of this story stopped recently at a low grogshop in the neighborhood of tho factory spok en of and inquired if they had any rum from old shoes. "No," said the barkeep er, "we don't keep it much now; tho druggists, who want a pure article, all sell it, nud the price has gono up. Hut wo iiinemiu u, ununu ixiu 141:1, mi so:n if you want it. How many old shoes HO to a gallon of rum could not be as certamed T. l .11 ." .Tl 1 - .. . . " nan oeeu uoiiceti oy some iicputtes that while manufacturers aro quite will- ing to put a valuation upon their manu factured product, they hesitate about stating the value of the raw material,and even return the schedules with the spaca lor tho value ot raw material left blank. In one instance a manufacturer of toma to catsup retuine J a report giving tho value ot his manufactured product at $18,000 and the vahio of his raw mater ial as nothing. His explanation was as follows : Every year in tin canning sea 8011 he sends to thu wholesale houses which make a business ot canning to- matocs clean tubs, with the understan ing tll!lt tllc women who trim and peel shall throw the skins and parings into these tubs: every day the tubs are re- moved, the stuff 111 them ground up, fer mentcd, llavorecl and sold as tomato cat sup to the extent of bl8,000. Another singular and decidedly pernicious busi ness is the manufacture on a largo scalo of cheap candies from white earth or ter ra alba, mixed with a little sugar and glucose. Tho deputy who investigated the confectionary business reports that twenty-live per centum ot somo candies is composed of these substances.tind such candy, notably gum drops, contain Mill less sugar. Iho euectot white enrth up on the stomachs of tho unfortunate chil dren who buy these candies is yet to bo determined by future autopsies. "What is called a hue brand ot caslilo soap has been found to bo composed chiefly of this white earth and grease, but the evil effects of such tin imposture nre trilling compared to the results of turning chil- dren s stomachs into miniature pottery works. Among the new industries which have sprung into existence during the last few years is the system of finishing in this city foreign goods imported in an 11 ti finished condition. Foreign articles composed of several paitsare now large ly finished in that city, the parts calling for hand labor being imported while those calling for machine work are mado here. In this way heavy duties aro saved although the nrticlesarc sold as imported goods, Au Immense Engine. Tlio Altoona Tribune speaks as fol lows of the new fast locomotive built at tlm Pennsylvania railroad shops at that ..1 1 !... 1 1 l. - M . puico ami intended to make a mile a minute between Philadelphia and New York on tho Pennsylvania railroad: Tho new fast locomotivo made its trial trip on Tuesday ot last week. It was taken to Huntingdon and then btarted home. Tho distance !1 1 miles, was mado in 41 minutes, but there was somu timo lost by a "green block." One mile was run iu .18 seconds nud another in ;"!) sec onds, nnd throughout tho tiip tlio engine behnved very well, ft is u tremendous piece of mechanism nud although finish ed very plainly is well proportioned and pretty ns n picture. Thero nre many changes from tho usunl engine in this one. Thu endeavor has been to put all weight us low down ns possible. Tho whistle is 011 top of the cab, tho engine's reverse lever is worked by Meant and . I .1 1 1 !. . ... 1 f 1 . .. lllu sauu uux insieau 01 neiug near tnu dotno is in thu sheeting covering thu dri- ving wheel, a nioiioo looks like a pig- my alongside ot thu monster. It will bo kept hero for n few days and run on reg' "hir trains until its capacity is tested. I 1 .! 1.1.. " r a luuuuiutivu e.ip.iuiu m uu. lining a f Titusville will attempt to throw even that extraordinary pertorinance into tho shade. There is now building for him at Iho Baldwin works a locomotivo which is designed to bu thu fastest iu tho world. Tho builders anil thu owner will bo dis of appointed if it doesn't mako a record of I ..? .-1. 11... .... 1 1 , ,l . !1 - eiiiuvy mnra 1111 uuur, unu run iuu nines without tnkiug on coal or water. It will bo taken to Europe and tested on tho railroads of England and tho Continent. Pottsvillo's great fear heretofore has been that the earth would cave under tho thriving borough,. but now another peril 1 a n 1 . threntens the plnce. Somebody out in Winnmne, Indiana, claims to own tho I . 1 1 r 1 sixteon hundred acres of land under nnd surrounding the town. An attempt has recently boen mado to ektnblish 11 mormon settlement in New Jersey, but tho authorities hnvo put a I stop to it.