Iff fin ii a iinmtTrni(rmri.TiriM . 1 ll 'I 1" J it t 1 hi HISTORY op tiii: OltASOr.VIU.H ItKFOUMBl) CIIAHOH. imumitivi: viimoit, 181"-180"). bosei.tiir.ii. . Tilt". ZION HKl'OISMKII liON'tlUI'.dATION. Tho first regular lloformctl nervico in this iieigliltovliootl wns liuld in 1812 liy Nov. 1). S, Tobias in llio old Stueker ncliool house 1oc.it o1 wliero tlio Won r.ivoynrd to in Kis1i!nj.'icck towtinlilp. JVovlous lotliia tittm llio few lJi-formcd families in this locality worshipped eith er at the old MeTlenry log church locat ed a, short distaneo waul of Orniigovillo, nr at the old log chnreh at New Ooliun Ihh, In the winter of lNln, or nliout that time, Mr. Tohias was assisted hy one IJev. Loader in holding a protracted moetiliy. Thero licitig good plcighiiu,', th6 peoplo canto from near and far in groat sled loads. As the school houso was too small, thoy obtained permission to hold their service in tho old church at Stillwater. After occupying this church one week, thoy Were denied further priv ilege, and they wero obliged to return to tho school house. During this revival a number mado a profession of religion who virtually bqcimo subsequently tho founders of the Zion congregation. This Slacker school house continued from 1812 to J8")7 us a preaching point, and tho congregation, without church organiza tion, was served by l!evs. 1"). S. Tobias, II. Vuuk and W. Goodrich. On the 17th of February, 18.i7, the ion church was dedicated, and on the following Sat urday tho Zion congregation was organ izud with thirty members. These were principally from Oraugdville and the St. James congregation. Hcv. Goodrich, in whoso time tho Zion church was built, continued to servo this congregation till 18G5. During his pastorate of this con gregation he baptized a" and confirmed ;!0. During his brief pastorate, of less than two years, Kov. E. I?. Wilson bap tized 4 and confirmed i); and lov. A. lloutz to present time baptized 21 and confirmed !10. This congregation in the way of baptism? and confirmations, has made equal progress with tho other con gregations of the charge, but it has sus tained moro losses by deatli than they. Death has laid its relentless grasp upon n number of its members and depleted its ranks. This congregation, however, has not been retrograding, but has been making progress slowly. The attend nnco is good and thero exists a harmoni ous feeling among tho members. It is surrounded by considerable counter influ ence which seems to retard its progress somewhat. There has not been enough Hclf independence maintained in tho con gregation and Sabbith school. Without fear or favor, tho Lord's Prayer, the ten commandments, catechism and Apostle's Creed should bo used. Rather than sacri fice tho doctrinal expressions of our faith to the caprice of a fow persons who in faith and religious culturo differ from us, we had rather sacrifico tho favor and attendance of those who would make disturbance. Thero is a number of -ouiig persons in tins neighborhood who are not regu lnrly connected with any relimnm dp. nomination. Having attended various kinds of religions service, they are much unsettled in theirreligiou pinions, and going from one church to another, have becoinovascilatiui;aiid trilling. Attempt ing to bo everything they are nothing. Their energies are scattered and feeble; without :i church name and without a church home. Far better would it bo if thoy yould identify themselves with a church ot their choice and till their pla ces in that vineyard. We want more concentration ot church life and energy in this congregation. A free and unre served display of our creed, doctrine and faith, and a bold advocacy of and adhe sion to the same. As a congregation who enjoys ha charter furnished by the General .Synod, wo should olwy that charter as our constitution. To be less compromising and more independent as n church, is tho nest attitude wo can as sumo. About tjio'year 1830, Aunt Savilla 1 ealer started a IJiblo class in the old Stuckerschool house, which was kept up for years.and finally developed into the present Zion Sabbath school. Shoniav therefore, bo regarded as tho founder of tho .ion nabbatli school, and perhaps in a certain sense, tho founder of the Reformed church in that neighborhood, as tho Sabbath school gave rise to the preaching point. Mho bauhath fcIiooI during tho last few years has made considerable progress in tho number of its attendants, but number is not the highest end. .Its main object should be to prepare tor the church it it is tho niir scry of tho church. In so, far as this object is not readied, tliobabbath school is a failure. Tho Sabbath school, at nil events, should bo under the direction of tho church Tho planting of shade trees was woe fully neglected when this church was built. Ilad this been attended to at tho time, the church would now bemirround ed by. a beautiful grove. Wo recoup .mend that u rod of additional ground be leased or purchased on the south side mid that thero bo suitable trees planted around tho church. In tho winter of 1880-S1, the Zion church was greatly improved in tho in terior iy a now gallery, pulpit, carpets, matthig, painting, kalciuiining of tho wuw una an organ; aiso ny anew cnan delierand bracket lamps. Lest the reader should think my criti cisms sevore, 1 simply recommend them ns Biiggestions.J Tiin (iitANduvn.i.i: itr.i'OUMi:i conoiu: (i vriox. Tlio first regular Reformed servicowas held in tho old I'nion log church, locat ed at tho MoIIeniy graveyard, two or threo miles west of Ora.igeville, This church wns jointly owned by tho Luth erans and Reformed. It hud a gallon on threo sides, and an old-fashioned pnl pit. Rov. Jacob DeifTonbaeh preached hero during his ministry in this county, (1815-1821.) It is (ititto probable that each denomination worshipping hero inning iiui period, urn nut. nave service more than oueo in a month. Key. I.a rose beoamo Rev. J. Deiffcnbueh's suo censor and served this congregation a few years. Tradition says ho was a fine speaker, very gentlemanly in his appear nnco nnd had a very agreeable and at tractive wife. Death soon ended his useful career and for years his remains liavo been pcacctully slumbering in the old graveyard at Illoomsburg. His con genial companion soon followed him to tho spirit world. As co-workers in tho earthly vineyard of their blessed Master, they now cense from their labors mid have possessed their heavenly inheri tance. About tho year 1828 or 2!) tho congre gation moved their place of worship ton building in Orangevillo, This house was looaled wheio tho flue residence of Col. II, R. Kline now utaiids on Mill street, and is snid to have been built for th double purpose of day school and wor - ship. IIero they continued to worship till about the year 1810 when they moved to the Union church, their present place of worship. The Rev. Isaac Shelhiinuner became the immediate successor of Rov. Laroso ut tlio old Union log church and contin ued to serve the Reformed Interest hero till it moved to Oraugeville. His survi vors tell us thnt he traveled ou foot to his various appointments; that he was humble in spirit mid faithful in the per formance of duty. Ills piety wns great er than his education it is true, but nev ertheless ho'wasa truo spiritual shepherd and his paternal spirit secured tor him the well merited titlo of Father Shel- hauuuer. In tho vear 1829 Rev. Daniel S. Tobi as became pastor of this congregation, now located in the town, and continued to serve It till 18."1, In tho meantime a growing want for .Knglih service ne cessitated the employment of a pastor in this language. Accordingly in the year 1811, tho Kov. Henry Juink became the eolleaguoof I lev. D.S.Tobias, the foi lit er serving in the English nnd the latter in tho German. This double arrange ment continued till the closo of Rev. robins' pastorate of this congregation, when the transition irom tho German languago to tho English language wns completed. Rov. hunk remained the sole pastor during tho following three years and then declining health necessi tated his resignation. His successors in regular order wero Revs. W. Goodrich, 12, 13." Wilson and A. lloutz. This congregation at one lime was tho largest in tho neighbor hood, but by removals and deaths its ranks have become very much depleted. . Within the lust ten years however, its membership has been doubled. Since 18 10 it has been worshipping together with the Presbyterian and the Lutheran congregations in the Union church. Du ring ail this time, with very rare excep tions, thero has been maintained a spirit of unity and fellowship between theso congregations. Being of one faith, ono baptism, and ot one Lord, they all gen erally attend when there is divine service, and especially when tho Lord's Sup per is administered. In this church has often been felt iiy many a devout wor shipper the sentiment of that beautiful and traiernai hymn: "Blest bo tho tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; Tho fellowship of kindred minds Is liko to that above." Here, too, the experience of the wor shipper has given renewed sanction to tho doctrine of the communion of saints. To worship hero is a sacred privilege and pleasure. Hallowed by the sacred asso ciations of forty years, tho old Union church will soon undergo repairs which will beautify the temple ot our dear de parted ancestors and do honor to their posterity. Him. uv kui'okmhh conoiieoatiox. Previous to 1838 tho Presbyterian brethren worshipped in a log church lo cated where the present Union church now stands. Tho Reformed at that time had no organization there, but wor shipped at the upper Briarcrcek church. Tho old log church becoming dilapidat ed, it became necessary to build a new one. The Presbyterian brethrenmade overtures to the Lutherans and Reform ed in he neighborhood to unite with them in building a new Union church. The agreement was entered into and the present Union church was built in 1838 and rebuilt in 1872. With tho building of this church began the organization of the Ridley Reformed congregation. It was organized mostly of members from the upper Hriarcreek congregation. This congregation was served by tho following pastors: Revs. Isaac Stiely, Henry Hoffman, John W. Lesehcr, A. R. llottenstein and A. lloutz. From tho time of its organiza tion till 1871, this congregation belonged to the North Susquehanna charge. At the annual meeting of classis held at Sliainokiu in 1871, it was transferred to tho Orangevillo charge. The members of this congregation are generally well-to-do fanners. The com munity is known as tasty in dress and somewhat worldly in their pursuits. And while the latter is still quite piomi nent, wo are happy to say the people are inclined to be bomcwhat more spirit ually minded, nnd more liberal in their contributions to benevolent objects. That this congregation is behind the others in some particulars cannot bo de nied, but its former associations have done much to shape its character. It was at ono time under the control of a minister who belonged to the Independ cut Synod. This spirit is occasionally seen yet, but is fast dying out. It once belonged ton charge havingeight or ten congregations, and was not accustomed to do much for tho pastor. And it has just made the transition from tho Ger man to the English language. Brother Ilottenstinc was the last pastor who preached in the German languago and A. lloutz tlio first regular English pas tor. Within the last few years, the Rid ley church and graveyard have been greatly improved, which has awakened a church pnue m the people, llio taab bath school is well patronized and ably conducted. Tho relation of the three denominations is harmonious and peace ful. The prospect of the Reformed con gregation here is good. It has taken a higher stand in tho sphere of morals mid christian obligation. The atmosphere, however, effects not only tho barometer in this place but wo are sorry to say al so the attendance upon divine woiship, but not so much so much so the attend anco at tho Fair or election, A more regular nnd better attendance, especially in tho afternoon, would be abetter man ifestation of the christian life and zeal. Thu singing -in this church is not to good as it might be. As each denomi nation is too weak to have a good choir of its own, and as thero is ample materi al in tho three denominations to form a good choir, why not organize a union choir like that at Oraugeville? Wake up brethren and move in the line of pro gress. A. II. Tlio public nro indebted to Dr. J. 0. Aver it Co,, not only for their standard medical preparations, but nlso for im proving the lpoks of tho community by their incomparable Hair Vigor. R 1 , A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON 1JITTKIIS are lilghly quiring'a certain anu ciuclcut lOIHO ; especially Indigtition, Vyspejma, .-(cr-mitlent Fam, Want of Appetite. Lou cf Strength, Lack of i'ruryy, cc. Ktirlclics tlio blood, strengthens tlio inusojir', and glvej new llfu to tho nerves. They uit lllco a charm on the dlgoiJ?fi organs, rcmovinji nil dysptp'.io lyiuidoitis, .uclt as Tasting IKe Food, Selehirvj, Heat in the StomacA, Heartburn, etc. Tlio only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlio teeth or ulvo heailaolie. Sold by all drugglsti. Writo for tho A 11 0 llook, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading tent jrtt. BltOAVU" CIIEMICAIi CO., Baltlmoro, Md.' BITTERS tti THE COLUMBIAN AND MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. tin liiacoVEKEii or LYDIA E, F&WMAtVa'S VEQETABIiB COMPOUND. For nil Fomalo Complaints. TliIHrcvrfttlon, fti Its tiAmo rignlftci, conilata of Ycfc-otubJo rrotwrtlod Hmt Di o Imrmlosa to tlio inont del icate In vn I M, UjKjri ono trUl tlio merits of thlj Cora lou'i twill In) roconiii!, n relief h ImmMlnto nnd when Itmnch continue-J, tn nlnctj-ntno cascaln nlmn. tIreiJ,at'rnmnentcuroIicffcrtetl,nalliou8ftn(l will to tlfy. On account cMUKoTcn merit, Hlito-tlay re commended and prescribed ly tho teat ilijilcliuis tn tho country It Al euro entirely tlio wort form ot falling ot tlio titcro. iAHicorrlia'O, lrrocntar find painful Mcntnintlon,nI10varlanTrmiblrt Inflammation And Ulceration, flooding, ell tl placement a and tho con fwinrnt spinal vrAkncsn, and If especially mini led i fioCliangocf IJfo. H vrllt dUaolro and expel tumors f ottitheutrittilnan curly ttaga of development, llio lonilrncy Id cancerous humorothovo ii chccVud ery tVudlly IjjritJ Ujo. Ii fact It .m proved to ! tho rrcat c t and lft remedy that liaa ever lxjcn discover t it. It iwrnu i tt c vty portion of tho rystpm, end clvca tinr Iif j and v,-'r. It u mo u faint new.llitulancy, do ttr.ij & all i raving f cp 1 tiuuuUnta, und relieves voaknesa of tho ftnmrh Itctiroti Eloltnrr, Itcodichcr, Jferron rroitrnlion, Cincrul Debility, Mceptetcnc&it, Depression and Indi gestion. That f ccllnif of tearlnndonn, cauelnif olnt weight nnd backache, U nlwuya permanently cured by itiuso. It v-tllatftll times, widutdorall clrcum&Un Co, act ii hanuony vlthtbj lav that covcrna tho fenuvlo system. rcrldncyComplalntaof cither icx thh compound I j unsurpassed, Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at CM and 233 Wontern Avenue, Lyrn, Ma .'i leo et.oa. s;t bottlea for Sent by mail in tlio fomof pllU, tilmt In tho form ofLorcnfcs, r-u receipt of price, Sl.M, per bo, for cither. Mis. riNKlXAU freely answers tilt UU:h of tnq-ir7. Bend for pom j hUt, Addrcsi oa qIkjto Mention t(s jxpcr, Nj family fctouldloIthout LYDIA U riNKrUM Ll Cll TILLS. They euro Constipation, RUuiuno and Torpidity cf tho Iirer. i icd ts Jr box. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAT & CO., Gonaral Agents, Fhih,, Pa. MILD 11Y MOYBE BROTHERS., Bloomcburg, Pa. JuhbU ly. OTICE. Tho Tionton FrhoM District hereby Klvcs notleo thi'.allmu&tanilln; sflnol orJerj ottuo sill Dis trict will to iull Between tlio first and nrceentu dayj ot,Tiily. mi, at. llmton. All pinnas hinlnj? orucrs will present then tit that tlmo or bo forever ileb irrd lium payment or tlio sams. lly order of the Hoard, JOHN J. JIclIKNIlY, H. T. Smith. I'rcjlrtent. secretary. march ll-3in FACTS WORTH KNOWIHC. i lll.nr. naehm. IlindMko. StllllntU ftrd 'many other ofthebestmeUlclnea known are bo; UilUUUI y.u.m - " " " " " , w aa to mako It the Breatest Blood Purifier and Xlia licit Udftim nan Mrensia itciigrer ' tier I'scd. an rirfit lit tha eomnosltlon of Farxib's OrNQES Toxic that no illseaso can long cxiit where It la usod. If you have Dyipeptla, Head, ache, flhuumalilnv Neur.lgi., Dowel, Kidney or Liver Disorder, or If you need a mild Etlm ulant, or appetizer, tho Tonio la Just tha mod-; Iclno for you, oa It Is highly curatlro and in-, vleoratlng but norer Intoxicating. . llf you aro slowly wastini; away with Con-; lumption or any alcknetn, if you liavo a Painful. Cough orabad Cold, I'Aiuirn'B Oixotn Toxtc iwlll Burelr help you. It gives new lifo and; vizor to tho f eebia and need, end Is a certain, cure for Rheumitum and Cholera inramum. It IUi 6Tcd Ilnndreds of Llieij It Mj; tie loan. ' If you aro feeling mlserablo don't wait until you are down tick, but uto tho Tonio to-day.; No matter what your diseai-o or symptoms may , Ibe it will pivo prompt relief. . IUmemhcr I I'inKKn's Oixonn Tonio ia not; a rum drink but tho Celt nud Pureit Femily Medicine ever made, compounded by a new IproccBa, nud entirely different from Bitters,' ginger preparations and nil other Tonics. Try, 'a 60c. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beit and Host Econoraltilllalr Drilling exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. 1TI1I Aliraji Keitore Gray or Faded IIlr to lu crleinil youthful color nd( appearance, and Ii warranted to stop its falling, ajut its growth and prevent baldness. A few applications of Ine nHAM t1 tollen the hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and liu auun of the scalp. Sold by all druggists at jotj. OCt. 1, '0-Iy ,a LEGAL ULANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE n?BRQWNIN6s F0R GOLDS AND ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FORI! W. CHAMPION BROWMINC, M. D. kolb rnoritiuTon, 1321 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Feb. IP, VJMy YOU CAM DUY THE BLATCHLEY ;iiiiiii'ii,orvl(!iCopiK-r, Pert. iHln.or Iron I.luiiiK. lyvh ono MciiPiktl ullh my nnino ns muiiufarturer is warranted in nmicrial and con. ttrmtloii. lor falo by tlio kit houtos In llio inulo. If yon do not know where to pet this pump, wrlio M m m IkIow, nul I will send luuno of agent nearest you, who will supply you ut my lowest prU-v, CEAS. 0. ULATOHIXY, Manufacturer, 308 Market Bt., I'lilladeiiihia, Pa. mirth i, 'ji-tf ntj 1 flKTJ WAV1ffilA.ti..ii... aVL'I? i:icloiLi "'0.kVV 1 lilWe'. I c reuSSca . nun 4'diiuum l llllf tV.i rUUA.. 1 si. march 4, MMm au TONIC recommended for till diseases re S DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HmtmmLL " Oathartic Pills Coinliinn tlm rlioleest. rntliatllo principles In liiftliclnu, In proporllotis ncciirnlely ntl jmteil In neriirti activity, certainty, nntl iniUmiiilly ot elTot't, Tlicy nro tho rrstilt ot venm nf carcrul study anil praetlcnl ox iM'iliin ill, nml tun tlio limit effectual vein il V ,vcl. illscoveiud for (llseanes caused hy ili'iaiiciui'iit (if tlio nlnnincli, liver, nntl liowi'N, Oiich rpqulio lirtuiipt and cffecttiat tri'atuieiit. Aviiu's l'lt.l.i nro specially itpplienbln to litis clan of tllHeasei. They nt t directly tm tho dlccstlvo and ntslml latlvo piorrsses, ami irstoro rcRillar lienltliv nctlou. Tlitlr cxtcnslvo tlso by plivilclmiH In their practico, and by nil civilized nations, Is ono of tho many proof of tlielr valuo as a safe, suro. and perfi'ctly lellablo pitrgatlvo medicine. jSclntf coinpmiiiiled of tho concentrated vliliitm of purely vcgctablo substances, they nro positively freo from cnlomcl or any Injurious properties, nntl can bo admin istered to children with perfect safety. Avi:it'rt l'if.M nro nn effectual euro for Constipation or Costlvencss. IihIIrcs. lion, ljspcnli, Loss of Appetite, I'onl Sttmiiich unit Ilrcatli, Dl.zlncss, Ilrndiicho, Lost of Memory, Numbness, llllluusucss, Jaiinilleo, Ulictimatlsiii, Kniptlons nml Hltln Diseases, Dropsy, Tituioi'S, Worms, NeiinilRlit, Colic, (Ivllies, DIuiTlwvn, Dysentery, Gout, l'llcs, Dlsoi'ilei'S of tlio I. Ivor, nntl all other disease icsuHIn from tv disordered statu of tho dlCHtivo apparatus. As a Dinner I'll! they hnvo no cqunt. AVhllo jjcnllo in their action, theso Tats nrc thn most IhoioiiKli and searchliiK cathar tic that can bo employed, and never pivo pain miles." tho bowels nro inflamed, and then their lulliienco Is healing. Thoy stlmtt Into tho nppctlto and dlgesllvo orsans; thoy opcrato to purify and enrich tho blood, and Iinp,nt renewed health and vigor to tho wholo system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C., l'ractlc:tl nntl Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Moss. bold nv Att imt'ccUTs EVEnTwncr.g. HAVE YOU Ever Mmqwm Any person to bo seriously 111 without a weak stom ach or lnactlvo liver or kidneys? And when theso organs aro In good condition do you not tlnd their possessor enjoying good health? 1'aiikek's (Iikoeh Tonm nlwaj s regulates theso Important organs.and never falls to mako tho blood rich end pure, and to strengthen every part of the isvsteni. It has cured hundreds of despairing lowillds, Ask your neigh bors about It. d inarch lww W k TIPVC! OIIOANS, in stops, d Set ltoeds 1 PJ A J I I ij only 05. Address Dnniel F. Ue atty, Washington, N. J. march 11, "SI-4W d KRAZER AXLE GREASE. Ilest In the world. Lasts 1 "nger llian any other. Always In good condll Ion. Cure) sores cuts bruises and corns. Costs but little more than the Imitations. Kvery package has the trade mark. Call for tho gen uine, and take no other. March 11 4-w Anil TTrmrorrla rortlcs with limited 00 iillU UWWcirUa. capital desiring to be corns Interested la Mining enterprises, at bottom ileures. please send address for freo prospectus to JOSIAlI f'LETCIIhlt, n llroadwty. N". Y City. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. MBYEU Highest l'rtrcs Awnrded. PIANOS ilir.YKH A- S(IN, I2J Arch btrcet Philadelphia. Highest Awards for tho best rianos: London Paris, Centennial and Pcnn'a Stato Fairs, march 11, 1SI-(im Avtco PENSIONS ARE PAID every olJtcr diialterl fa Fuiuf Lunffbr Vurleonu Viirmu'lvt; a lmsitu. t uder nwlriwthosiintJiftro Mimicu to an lucrcmo tl jienMon. 'W iUovB.orrhtiistiitLl dcendnt fttlicr ft motheri of soldiers uhn ilieiUnthfj iiiny fret a rcniion, llOlT.NTV Dii clinrpo fr woiiii.i, Ininrici or rttiiro, p tt full hfflnt . Send 2 ilaupa fur eopy IVimlnn Kinl Umintr Aai$, AdtlrcM . P. H. Fltzgornld & Co., Claim Aptlili, luduiiuitolli. Ir.d. n rcfrrto r.A.W.l'ivip. l'rci't ImHfini Uinklnv and It, V. Kennedy, Vrf't Central Jiiiib, both cf IodUuai.olIa, Name tliu I'Bitr. all MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, EIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF i3 jk. jy 1 h 3 . THE ONLY EIQHT.PLANQED SAFE IN THE WORLD AND CONTAIKINQ MORE IMPROVEMENTS THAN ANY SAPB MADE, 8UCH AB Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Anglo Corners, CHAMPION RECORD IN THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. Largo Numbers Now BHING BOLD IN THIS STATU. SEND FOIi DESCHIITiVa CATAU)UUE, IMORRIS & IRELAND; Boston, Mann. W M,t If; AW f.bl. '81-3m BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DIST1UCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TltlSSClIOOl,, as at present constituted, oners tho very best facilities for I'rofesslonal and Claasfcai lenrnlnff. nulldlngs spacious, lnvlllni; and commodious i completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted hy gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of purc.s&ft spring water. Location healthful, anu easy of access. Toachers experienced, cnlclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and tliorouan. Espenscp moderate l'lfty cents n week deduction to all expecting to leach, students admitted ut any tlmo. Kooms reserved when desired, Courses ot study prescribed by tho state t I, Model School. II. Preparatory, III. Elementary, IV, Classical. Adjunct Couiscs : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Mu!c. IV. Course in Art. V. Courso in Physical Culture. Tho momentary. Hclcntinc and Classical Coursei nro I'llOl'IWSION'AL.and Students graduatnt' therein, tecclvo Stnlo Diplomas, conferring tliefollowln corresponding Degrees i .Master of tho Uleincnts: Master of the Sciences; .Master ot tho Classics. Uraditates In tho other C'ourjcH rccctvo Normal Coitlilcates uieiruiLnuunciiiH,, iuuu uv ttiu tjuicern ut tuu jiuttru gentandcniclenlTeachersforherSchools. Tolhtscinllt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, lho.se who dcslro lo Improve their tlmo and their talents, as Mutlcnts. To all such It promises ntdln developing their powers, andabuad.int opportimltlcs for well paid labor utter leaving School, i o Catnloguo.nddrcsstho Principal. r HON. Wll.l.I.V.U i:i.Vi:i,l I'realdent lloarit or Vrnstrra. P. P. lllt.UIYKi:, Sccrctarr. Sept. 8,'TC- 'XU&.ZE TUB THE GREAT B TURLINGTON ItOVTE. 37No other lino runs Threo Through I'ns Bcnitcr Trains Dully between Chicago, Dos Moines, Council Illuffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Tiipckn and Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Wyomlnp, Montana, Ne vada, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregou and California. Tho Short ost. Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble ltouto viallonnlbr.l to Tort Scott, Denlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Autonio, Galves ton nnd all points in Texas. Tho nncqualed Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers and Tom 1st?, nro tu follows: Tho celebrated Pullman (lG-whecl) I'alnco Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C IJ. St Q. I'nlaco Drnwing-Tloom Cars, with Ilorton's ltcclinliis Chairs. No cxtrn chnrgo for Seats In ltecllnliiK Clialrs. Tho famous C It. Sc Q. I'nlaco Dinln? Cars. Ooruoous Smnklnif Cars Dtted with Kleprant High-Hacked ltaltan lto volvinfr Chairs for tho exclusive uso of first class passengers. Steel Track nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their 0 rent Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, nbovo all others, thofavorlto ltouto to the South, South-Wcst, mid tho Fur West. Try It, nnd you will find traveling a luxury Instead ot a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for f:iIo nt nil otliccs lu tho United States und Canada. All Information about ltates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c will bo cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BRAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent, SOU Washington St., Iliiston, Mass. and 31" llroadway, New York. JAMES It. WOOD, (len. Vasi. Agt Chicago. T.J. rOTTr.lt, Gou. Manager, Chicago. March w, 'SO, -lot SALE CLOTHING, HATS nud CAPS; SHIRTS, AT COST Bis; ISnruiiiiiis, ' MUST r.K SOI.T) TO JIAKH UOOM Exten save AKci'atins. O.VSSIMKKKS MV- THU TAH V13RY CHEAP. AT THE- Popular Clothing Store OF David Lowcnbei'g. Bloomsburg, Pa 30 lil S ut j ustue SPEEll'S PORT GRAPE M Usod in the principal Churches for Conimunlon Eurposes. EMJEIiLEN? FOR LADIES AHD WEAKLY P3HS0HS AMD THE AGED. Spraor's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Natlvo Wlro is made from tho Julco of tho oporto Grape raised In this country Its Invaluable Touio and Strengtliening Properties nro unsurpassed by any other Native Wine, lielng tno pure Julco of llio drape, produced tinder Mr. Sneer's own personal supcrvlMnn, Its purity nnd genulncncm nro guraufced. Tlio youngest child limy pai-rako of Its generous inialllles and tho weak est Invalid ii1! It to advantage It Is particularly beulllclal to the ased and debilitated, and suited to the various nlltneuli that nirect. tlio weaker fox. It is In eu'iy respect WINi: '1 o nil liHI.lKI) ON. SPEER'S aB. olTo 88iciiy9 Tho 1'. J. HIIUItllY Is a Wino of Superloreharncier nnd pariakesof the golden nu.Ulllt s ot the grape, Irom nhtcli lt.lt mado. for I'uilty, lllelinefcs.Vlavor aud Mi dlc.il l'ropevtles. It will bo found unexcelled. SPEER'S This llKANDV stand3 unrivaled tn this Country, bilns far supeilor for medical purposes. IT IS A l'lHIK distillation f om tho grapo and con tains valuablo medical propi rtles It has a del'cate ilivor, rlmllor to that of the grapes from which it Is dlittllcd.and lain great fuor amoDg m-ai class families. See that tho blgnature cf ALFRED SPEr.Ii.rnssalc N J., is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. dee it 'oil t- AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINBi IIION ST., 11EI.0W sr.COND, lll.OOSISllUItO, Vi la prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE FAXXCTXXNCt Dam and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, UOTIl DEC0KAT1VE AND JT.AIN. All UiiiilH of I-iirnittirclRcpalicd. anu nintin uh good an iu.w. NONE UUT FIItST-CLASS WOItKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates ZVXado on all Wort, WM. F. IiODlNE. Oct. LISTS. Battlo Crook, Michigan, MANUFAOTUEEnS or THE ONLY UKMU1NB THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnos and Horso-Powors. Mont Couipll T!i rcchcr Factory i Establlfthdd In (he WorU. 1 (048 O A VtADC of eonttnuovianjiueewifutbutt. I I tHnu nett, without cliautro of naaio, w ruaiiafcment, or location, to "W vp th ' broad warranty gin n oh allow goods. KTIUM-roWEIt KKI'AltATOItH and Com pi 'U Htl'iim Oillllluo tnatchhuMtiuaUtiei. Nrf Triirliuii KiikIiii'm anil Tlulu Kuuluv Ccr eorn in tho Aminiiiti market. A muttituth of tpecial frature ant improvement t lor 1BH. toC'tlitr with uptrtor quahtiet In eoitttrue tton ami imleriaU not tin Auu4 of by otiif-r inaliem. I oiir nlzea of tk'itratiru, irom 0 to 12 tioro caiucity,ur ittam or horm iwctr, Bt lo of " Mounted " Ilf rfc-rowr r. jUUUjUUU irotnlhrettoilxyeitr$uir-itnei1) constantly on hanj, from wliich in built tho In com lara Llo uuod-woik ol our uiacUiucrj'. TRACTION ENGINES B vui-U, Hi 10, I'd JlurMU JL'urtr . Farmeri) nml TlireHlipriuru nro invited to invt'etitruto Uiin vtatchUu 'ihrtwhuw Muhluery. Ciiviilarn m'lit froa. AdJni NICHOLS, SIIEPARD & CO. Dattlo Creek, Mlchltnn oXa PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at tins Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MQST HEABONAiLE; lEEilP bvfilrnlshlnfflntclll. THE DAVIS. JSl.OOO REWARD, ONH THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS 1MIEMIUM offfred to ANY I'EllSnN that will do a Oil EAT A 1UN0K OF WOHK on ANY OTIIKIt MACHINE. WHAT TI1E NEW DAYJS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wide licm on atieets, Ac, hem all manner of bias woolen poods, ns soft merino, crane, or poods dillicult to liem on other maclibes. It makes a moro elastic ntltch man any otlierinaclilne. It will turn a hem and put in plplnj; nt same tlmo It will turnn hem, sew braid on tho rltrlit Rldo and stitch on ti linmlnt; at ouo ojiernt on. It will do frlilmr bias or btralght, either on cotton or woolen (roods. It will fell across scams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt and sew on faclntr, either w ilh or without Miov Ing stitches; bind Dress floods Willi the same material, cithorscallops,iio!nts, Miuares or RtialRliti 'llio only machine that will bind I .Us, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or Bilk, from j,- io.i inches in w lath, wtilioutbasttntr. It will gather with or without sewing on. Itwlllgather between two pitcesnndscwonnt the same tunc. II will mako nrunioand stilcluv pillow slip on to the faclDgnt the ramoilme. It will elilrr any kind of goods. It will make plaited tilininlng cither with or with out sewing it ou. It will mako plaited trimming either fcall.iped or straight and sew n piping on nt the same time, it will mako knlfo planing. J. SALTZEU, Gen'l Agent, Uloomsburi;, Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. 1 At Crane's Cancer Innraiirv. Adalrcn. ti v HUNDHEDS OP 1'EltbONS Iromall lurts cf tho world have been cured of this much dreaded dis ease and are now living witnesses that thev liavo been rescued Irom atenlbio and untimely den'h. Doctors. Jllnlstcrs and tho 1'oor tieatedfreo. Wrlto for a circular giving full pat I k-ul.irs. Adddress Drs. )l!l. UltANU & hUsll 1IU0WN, Addison, N. Y. Oct. l, 'Su-ly Weaver 8c Oo'o Ads A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A trcatlso on Chronic Diseases." unbracing Ca tarrh, Throat, I.ungs, Dealt, btomacu, I.lvcr?Kld neys. Ui Inary and female D.s, ases ; also I lies: sent freo to any address. Kvciy sutrerrr rem these ills, eases can I o cured, bei.d for IhW book to llio under signed, n plij sicl.ni ct largo e.perlu cr, cnaoisedby liui.dHdofleadltgclllztiiswhotestlt to Lis skill, t-entl stamp lo tiaj postcgo to u. i:. l.ivlngstou, ji, l).,t!isij hupeilorslieet, icltdo, Ohio. aprll '.', 'su.iv wico rlTTTir Morphine Habit cured In 10 to 20 V I L X U U L days. No pay till cured. Dr. .1. Ste phens, LcUiuon, O. w.tco nprll 2, 'to-ly 1 flfin A VPAU caa "doat homo by Jjl.UUU A ifiAn nnyocllvo man or woman, V,uuu 11 lutiu toy.or glil. You will not tie obliged lo leavo your on town, or be away from homo over night. Any ono can conduct tho busi ness. Itrequlrisnocapltal. vij will bTAiir vtui with an outfit worth U :tFIllJ.-C!i If you nro employed during tlio day you can muko from 11 to t:i an ovenlog. t-omo rf our ncents report a proilt of t lu a single day. Write nt once for full particulars toIS.o. ltlDHoUT, so inuclay street, h. Y. wsco march U, 'si-om rt u Outnt freo to thoso who wish to engage In VI K tho most pleasant and proiltable busfnesd llf I knpnii. LverythlDg new. Capital not re (Uircd. We will furnish ou everything. 10 n day and upwards Is easily made without staying awuyirom homo over night. No ilsk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Jinny are mak ing fortunes nt the business Ladles make as much as men, and young bojs and girl make great pay. No one who is willing to work fi ll to mako more money every day than can bo mado In a week at uny orSl?rZ employment. Those who engage ut once will tlnd a short road to fortune. Addfei u. iul lxtt co l'ortland. Malno. oot. tr.-sc-iy THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Whereas, tlio world renowned reputation of tho Vliito hewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous rompntttois to resort to all kluds of mean tucks to Itijuru Its reputation, wo beg to cnutluu nil Intending urchaseru 1 hot to buya White Machine oxcopt from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by tlio following warranty. WU WAUIIANT Tim NATURAL WKAIt AND TEAIt OP TUB White Shuttle Sewing Machine, This warranty excepts tho breakage of needles bobbins ailfl Rhuttlt.fl This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho plate number abovo clvon corresponds with the number on tlie shuttle rnco slide, lieware of defaced or altered numbers. WHITE SEWINQ MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITS" Shuttle Sewing Machine SxJl7rci F1C,TT tlmn aQy otn!r I amily Bowing Machine for doing every variety of work. J, UALTZElt, aoneral Agont, oct.l,'tf. Woomsbttrg,?. TOR PRINTQ ' Neatly and cheaply exocuted at the OOLDHiUJt Q&of RAIL ROAD TIME TBLES. IKS N OltTIIKKN OKNTltAL KAILWA.Y WINTKU TIME TA11LR. On nml nflor Rundty, Nov, 7. 1n, thn trains on thn 1'hl ndelphla fi JSrlo Ita iroad Division will run ns follows 1 WESTWAttI). Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia 11 f..i p m " " ilarrlsbuig 4 'in u m " " William' iwrt H 41111m " " Jersey slioro v m a m " " Lock llnveu 9 40 11 m ' " lienovo llofinm " nrrlvc at Krlo t 15 ii m Niagara Express leaves I'lilladelphla 0 no a m " " llnrtlstiurg laloptu " nrr. nt Wllll.iinspurt niipm ' " Loci: Haven 4S0im " " llenovn B 40 pin Fast Lino leaves riilladelrhln m vo p m " " ltiiirlfcburg 4 01 p m " arrive nt wiill.tmspcrt 7 m u in " " Lock Haven 9 10 p m KASTWAItl). 1'aclno Express leaves Lock Haven 7 f n it m " " Jersey Shore 7 Slum " " w llllnmsport 8 so n ni " nrrlvontllnrtlstmrg 1205pm " " Philadelphia 8 45pm Day Express leaves henovo IDiiinm " " Lock Haven II vs u m " " Vllllainsport l'isspm " airiveat HnrtHbiirg B40pm ' " rhllndclphla oaspm Krlo Mall loaves Itcnovo uoopm ' " Imk Haven 1111011m " " Wllllamsport 11 so pin " strives nt llanlburg 8 do am " " l'hlladelpliu 7 05 am 1'itst Lino leaves Wlillumsport lvisatn " arrives nt llnrrlsburg 8 in am " " l'hlladclpula 7 03 a m Erlo Mall west and Day Express East make closo coniitclloiisntNuttliuinbcrlntidwItliUjc II, It, It Irnliis for Wllkesbarro nnd Kcranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Ktprosi West nnd I'as Lino Westinnko rloso connntlon nt Wllllomspor Willi N, O, It. W, trains north. Nlngnr.i Express West nnd Day Express East makoclopo coiintcUuii ntLockllnvcn with 11. E. V, It. It. trains. Erlo .Mall cast nnd West connect nt Erin with trains on L. s. &.M, M. It. It. j nt (,'orry with o. o. a A. V. It. It. i nt Emporium with 11. it, Y. 1". 11, it nnd nt Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between FlillalclpliU nnd Willam.poit on Niagara Express west, nnd lu Ex picks jbiut. Uleeplug cats on all nluhl trains. W.M. A. II M.I) WIN, General uupl. OIITUKRN CENTHAIi KA1LWAY C0M1'AN. on and after Novcmljer.2nth, 1S73, trains w III leavo Hunburyns follows: NOUTHWAIin. Erlo Mall B.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 ,r, " canandalgua... 3.3Sp. m llooliestcr 6.16 " Nlagaia 9 40 ' Kenovo accommodal Ion 11.10 n. m. arrivo llllains. port 12.65 p.m. Elmlra Mail 4.15 a.m., anlvo Elmlra 10.20 a.m. EuCfalo Express 7.15 a. m. nrrivo HuHnlo 8.60 a ra KOUTHWAltl). Euflilo Express 2.60 a. m. nrrivo Harrlsburg " Dalllmoro 8.40 Elmlra Mali 11.15 a.m., arrivo llarrlsbtirg1.50 " Washington 10..H " lialtlmoro c.so " Washington Harrlsburg accommodation burglo.wi p.m. nrrivo lialtlmoro " Washington c.13 Erlo Mall 13,65 a. m, arrivo Harrlsburg 3,05 n. m, " Dalllmoro 8.40 11 Washington 10.85" All dally oxcept Sunday, D. M. EOYD, Jr., (ieneral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, tlenerut Manage P HILABELl'IIA AND ItEAPINQ KOAD ARRANGEMENT OP TRAINS. PASSENGER May 11, 1879. T1UIN3 I.KATK KUrKKT A3 F0M.0W8(SUNDAYEXCKrTID For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottsville Tamaqua, o 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 n. m. 7,21 and 7,55 p. m. For Wllllamaport, o,3 3,05 a. m. and 4,eo p. m. THAIKS XOn KUVKUT LEAVR AS rOI.I.OWfi, (SCNDAT EX OKrTKD.) Leave Now York, 8,45 n. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,4.1 a. in. Leave Heading, 11,65 a. m., rottsvlllo, 12,S9p. m and Tamaqua, 1,85 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a. m. aud 4,oo p. m. Leavo WlllUmsport,9,43a.m,2,l5 p. m. and4,to p. ra Passengers to and from New York nnd Philadel phia go throug.i w Ithoutchange of cats. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager C. O, nANCOCK, (ieneral Ticket Agent. Jan.11, isi6-tt. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WE8TEHN HAlLIiOAD. BLOOJISIiUKG DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 39, Takes ctfect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1378. NOHTn, STATIONS, souTn. a.m. p.m. p.m Scranton llellcvue Taylorvllie.. . ...Lackawanna l'lttston ..West l'lttston... Wyoming..... JIaltby Dennett, Kingston Klngbton .Plymouth Juno.. , . . .Plymouth ...... Avondalo Nantlcoko Uunlock's creek. ....Khlckshlnny..... 9 35 2 10 c 15 2 16 2 22 2 so 2 S3 0 20 (I 25 C 33 9 45 9 63 10 07 40 2 44 6 45 2 49 2 63 67 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 15 60 0 66 G 59 10 18 10 S3 10 29 10 34 10 42 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 2J 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 25 7 35 7 49 8 04 8 29 8 45 8 65 3 21 3 26 3 S5 3 60 ....Hick's Ferry.... 4 03 ...iscacu iiaven... -llerwlck .... ....Ilrlar Creek ..Willow Grove... ....Llmo Hldge Espy. ...Vloomsburg llupcrt 4 IV 4 18 4 'JS i 29 4 33 4 42 9 05 7 15 7 23 7 80 7 44 11 39 11 45 4 49 11 61 4 6 8 no 8 82 8 60 8 21 9 01 9 Catawlssa lirldgo. 11 67 13 13 6 00 B 19 9 18 u SO B 45 .....uanviuo Chulasky Cameron .Northumberland. 12 45 S.m. p.m. a.m TEAD, Supt. Superintendent's oaico, scranton, Juno 10, 1871. TTTAINWRIGIIT fc CO., WHOLESALE OHOCEItS, l'UIUPBU-niA, Doalcrs In TEAS, SYltUPB, COFFEE, HUGAlt, MOLASSES. HICK, SriCBS, BICABU SODA, &C., 0. N. E. oorccr Second and Arch BtroeW, iworderu will receive prompt attention. Directions ELY'S For Catarrh P&f.r'''cSlil1,a3' Fever, fold In tho LATARnil.COLOS UK nil ho id, &c lnscit with )pCVlrHAl.Dl7'uIll.ul,, '"w. lurllrlo oi tho Halm Imn tno nostrils: draw strong breaths through tho nose. It win to ulir soi bed, cleauslng, nnd healing tho diseased membrane. Tor DrnliicsH, fiirtgsr I Si (Xpply u particle Into uu eur ELI'S OKKAM KAMI Having gained an enviable local reputation, displa cing alloti.cr preparations tn tho vicinity of ills discovery. Is, on Its merits alone, recognked ns a wondeiful remedy wherever known, a falrtilal will eouMnco tlie most bkeptlcal of Its curutlvv powers. It effectually cleauscs llio nnsal passages of catarrhal virus, cauhlng healihy hecrctlons, nl lajs liill.immattou nud lirllallon, t rolectsthe lium bmiialllniiiKs of tho head fiom additional colds, completely heals the sores, anil risti tes th M-nso of lasto aud smell, lloneilclal "rcsulis nro rcallied y u few applloattonH. A thorough lieatment ns dl rectcd will euro cntatih. As a household uiiuily fur cold lu tho head It Is unequaled. 'llio balm Id oasy to uto and agreeable, bold by diiigglstsntto cents On receipt of 60 cents will mall npaekago Send for circular, with full Information, ELY'S C11EAM HALM CO.,Owego,N, Y. Fou sale in Illoomsburg by Mover Pros., f). A. Klelm, N.J. Ilcndersholt and J H, Kluportsnnd by Whole silo Druggists generally. ' ocr.sl,,so-ly d TT T7 T T"i Vourselves byr M H i . M. when a gold m J I JjJ I f tered, thereby a makni.' money hi Mianco Is ex y alwnvBkeenlni! tmverlv l,n. m- ..... who aiwajstako advantage of the good chauctstor , , ,j utu uuereu, generally oecomo wcallhy, wnllo Ihobo who do not Improve i bucU chances remain in poverty. Wo want tnauy women, Si?.Dd.S r1to,worli ,0' ua rBt in their owu loi iid,RSfyvW,? a',vV u"!l" an extensive outtlt and all that you need, free. No ono who engages falls to K'aSi60,I!lS2e,?;,,ifrr ,Vou can devote yoi? whole time to tho work or only your kparu moments Full Information and all that 'is needtd wtli Address Btikbon & Co., rortlond, Maine. oct.l6'W-iy TDDSINEBS CARDS VIBITINO CAltDS, LfflTKH HEADS . 1JILL HEADS, roHTJuta, o o Neatly and Ohedy ptlntoU at the Ootcu . BUM Oaice. p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 30 4 12 9 40 9 23 9 17 9 87 9 03 9 SO 8 63 3 61 9 21 8 61 3 40 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 EO 8 33 3 SO 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 SO 8 66 8 13 3 12 8 47 5 04 3 04 8 39 7 61 2 51 8 28 7 83 2 S9 8 17 7 S3 2 34 8 12 7 25 If 23 8 06 7 18 7 1J 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 C 65 1 67 7 SS 6 60 1 Bl 7 33 6 45 1 46 7 29 0 27 1 37 7 11 A 15 6 00 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers