THE COLUMBIiVN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. III.OOJISIHIRO.FIIIDAY, 5IAU0II IS, ISSt runuo BALKS, Tho executor of Georgo JJvan, eleccaMel, will nell "ill cslnlo In Hrlarcrcck (ownslilpon TncsJay, March 22nd at 10 a. ra. The executrix of Jamei Liman, decerned, will roll real cslnto In Hriarcrcok on Monday March 21st tit ono o'clock, p. m. .lames Koat will tell personal properly In Hemlock township on Wednesday March 10th. Mrs. 13. A. Bhnrotts will sell peronnl prop erty In Centro township noir Fowloravlllo on Mondiy Mirch 1 1 at ton n. m. l'arvin Swisher will sell porronnl properly on his premise In Madison township on Tuon day March 22nd at 10 a.m. Tho administrators of Win. 0. Quick will cx pose personal property to publlo salo in Mon tour lownsliip on xuciusy March anu Wall Paper Ilrowns, Whites, Flats and ullts, In great variety nt George A. Clark's. WyoMtNO Sf.mwauy. On Wed nesdAT ovo nlng tho2Ut inst., tho literary eoclctlos of Wy oming Seminary will ttivo their closing enter- It is r'portnl Into that Hiram I'. Everett lms purchased tho storo of Kolir McIIcnry nt IScnlon. Shcrld Knt went to Wllliamsport on Monday to servo notices on the city council, tlilriy-fonr Slgnor Blitz's performance wai fihigshotr for the money, and ho hul a full house. Ill company showed at Kspy, Tucdsy and Wed nesday night, and at Berwick, on Thuridsy. Business Notices I.ulr. A Slnnn nave the largest stock ol Black Cashmeres In Uloomslurp,vory clienp. Wllliamsnort anawfrcd nn o .. .. . .". . ... . . ------ t - j n - ... . loinmem ior uic winter term, consisting of or them, and iho clly Treasurer, lo show causo advertisement in a No lorls piper nnd sent orations, dcclamitlon!, essays, &c.,intcrsporsod why an attachment shall not lssue,for contempt one dollar to find out how to Improve his WHU inUSlC. (M lUCSUay OVCnlns IllO elniinit nf miirt. In tint nivlniy llm tnlflrofit nn lliplr I trnfna Hit rppalvnil il lflller 51 I JW d IVS n fin r sociablo will lake placo In Iho chapol, Wanted A Uaker, a slnglo man preferred, ono thai can work on confectionery. $30 nnd hoard per month. J. 1 Caldwell. F. T. Sorhcrt U now n full lladged M. D. lie camo liomo on Monday, nflor passing a very credltablo examination nt JcfTorson Col lege. Ho was ono of n largo class of applicants for graduation. Korly-oWlit of hlsclasidld not come up to tho standard nccesary to mnko them competent doctors, and sa were rejected. Wo congralolalo Frank that ho was bo suc cessful, Fon Sam; oh Kekt. Snyder's tannery, lo- bonds, Thecaso will be hoard on tho 20th. The Wllliamsport papers Bay tint tho council- men bad n lively tlmo dodging about lo korp out of (bo hands of the SlierllV. ward ndvlslng him to go to UoHon and peddle fish. Jtlmira Ficc l(t Tako a Calico. Miles Alherlson will sell yaluablo personal cMc.11 in Moomsburg, Is for salo or rent. l'o property on tho premises In llohrsburg on Wednesday March 30, 1831. O. M. Dlttonbcndcr will sell personal prop erty on promlsoi on Fifth slreot, Bloomsburg, on Saturday, Marcli 20lb, 1881. S' II. Miller will sell personal goods on his session given April terms apply to C W. Blocmsburg, Pa. 1st, 1881. Neal or F. For prlco and P. llillracyer an 7lf Mrs. Ami Masters died nt tho residenco of her husband on Canal street on Sunday. Tlio deceased was about forty years ol ago and ilittl premises on this Saturday, March 10th at half I of consumption. The remains wcro conveyed past one o'clock. Col. S. Knorr has a fiuo team of ponies. Thoro will bo an adjourned court on Satur day, March the 20 th. Vcnnor predicts that wo Bliall havo two snows yet In March. Fifty Italians from Now York havo been added to Iho forco on Iho now rail road. A flock of wild ducks flew oyer tho town on Thursday morning, Wall Paper It will pay you lo examine the handsome styles nt George A. Clark's. Mr. John Bono of Wayno counly, who is introducing a patent churn, called on us at this office on Tuesday. All that is aikcd is a call to convinco you that there i3 a full line and new stock of Wall Paper at the Peoples' 'Book Storo. Tiipnlnv was a voiv fnrinc-liko day. Tho Hue sky and warm Bun rays made all in good spirits. Wall Paper, Window Shades, Fixtures, Cord and Tassels "and Fringo at tho Peoples' Book Store. II. A. Swcppenhiser, county treasurer, prom ises a statement of tho tax sales matter in next week's issue. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Ask to see samples and get prices at George A. Clark's before making yourpurchases. During the past week much testimony has been taken in the contest oyer tho will of the late Banjamin McIIcnry, of Benton. The weather is growing very mild nnd spring like, though the liilU in Iho distance are still covered with pnow. William Mowry, an old citizen of Catnwissi, committed suicide by drowning himself in the river on Thursday or last week. The body has not yet been recovered. One price nnd always the best at thel'eoples' Drug and Book Storo. Ilemember Wall Paper is also kept there. Tho sugar camps in Crawford, Eric, Warren, Mercer, Wayne, Pike, Potter, Clearfield, Mc Kean, and other northern nnd eastern counties were opened last week. headacho, Metlaur's Nervous headache, periodical nniirnlirtcf headache cured bv Dr, iremlache and Bmnemia Villi. Price cents. march 11-lm Wall Paper. Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. George A.Clark has tlie.largest assortmentand latest style, nnd takes pleaauro in showing samples. Wu desire to extend thanks to Col. John O. Freezo for his valuablo service rendered in having our charter amended. Friendship Fine Co. to Benton, Columbia counly on Tuesday for burial Mrs. Masters was a sister of Hon. I. K. Krickbaum, Associate Judgo of IColumbla county. Shidshinny Hcho rj latt week. The hanging on to carls nnd wagons, ns well ..I.,... ... . ns oiucr light vehicles by youngslors in our streets is dally becoming more of a habil, ami should bo prevented as far ns possible by the parents of tho urchins. One llltlo fellow csme near being crippled for lifo on Elder etrcet.llnr- risbuig, says tho Patriot. lie climbercd to the till-gale of a wagon witli other striplings, when loosing his bold ho fell lo the ground and came near being trampled beneath Iho feet of a passing horse. This Incident should be read mid servo as a note of warning to boys who are addicted to fun of that kind. The many accidents upon tho streets nnd railroads should keep children on their guard. I'EUSONAL. Miss Clara J, Olhauscn, of Mahanoy,a young lady well known here, was married last week to Mr. George P, White ot Philadelphia. Mr. William Wilson spent a few dayB visi ting friends in Wllliamsport recently. Mrs. F. II. Jenkins is visiting relatives in town. T, C. Ilarlcr has just returned home, having graduated in n medical college in Baltimore. II . W. McKclvy expects soon to move to Colorado. Mrs. Valentino Beidleman and Mrs. Jacob Bomboy returned from Michigan on Wednes day. Rev. E- II. "i'ocum is attending the M. E. Conference. II. W. Kahler has left Ihc office Iho Milton Arijus and returned to this (own. SPAnitOWS ON A SPltEE. The Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman tells n curi ous story or an ornithological j imborce which took placo there recently. A local entomolo gist having on his shelf several bottles of in sects preFcrvcd in spirits for which he bad no further uec, emptied them upon tho ash heap in his back yard. No sooner had ho emptied the bugs than the srarrows lit all over the heap in a perfect cloud, swallowed the bugs, and in about ton minutes were drunk drunk as men could get and cut up the tame idiotic capers. They tought in freo fights of half a dozen, a dozen and in fifties, and suddenly half of one party would break oh" from their fight and dash into some of the other fracases. Almost all the nests wore pulled down and tho whole colony was in a state of anarchy and the direst confu sion. Tho whole drunk was over in half an hour, but that short time served to allow the cats '.to slaughter over fifty of tho sparrows, whoso combatative qualities and forgctfulness had brought them too near the ground. Not n sparrow has been seen in that neighborhood since. Window Shades, Paper and Cloth, a larger nsortmcnt than ever before a full lino of Fix tures, Cord, Tassels, Ac., at Georgo A. Clark's. No troublo to show goods and givo prices cm all things kept at tho Peoples' Drug and Book Store, especially Wall Paper, Window Shades, T.isscls, Cord, fits. Thn Bloomsburg band has just purchased eight now Instruments at a cost of about $300. They wero mule by Booicy ti Co., of I,ondon, r.ngland, who havo a wldo repulnlion as manip facturer of musical Instruments. Our band now has seventeen members, and under tho leadership of Prof. Brooks, It is ono of tho host in tills section. The instruments arc on cxhi bition at C. A. Kloim's drug rtorc. The A. fl. T. Co. Black Tip for children's shoes is superior to all others for the following reason. They prolccl iho too from "Wear just nt the point wheic tho wear comes, mid do not give tho shoe a bungling nppcaranco as do the caps. TEACIIEKS AND PAKKN'TS. COMMONWEALTH VS. CItMlt.ES CMiAVBR. Sick Headache, Norvotis Ileadaclip.llead- neho from sour stomach.aro all cured by Dr. Afctlaur'i Jfcadache and Jhspeima IMlt, Prlco 25 con la. march ll-ltu WALL PAPER nt George A. Clark's Book Store of all vario lic, latest patterns, best quality. Tho largest nsorlmenl over opened in tho counly. F. I). Dcntler has purchased iho shoe storo of W. O. McKinncy and will lako possession April 1st. Mr. McKinncy wilt continue the express business. E. IJBrowor is prepared lo do all kinds of plumbing and gas fittine. IIo has also a full line of stoves, ranges, liuware Ac, at the old Btand of I, Ilagcnbuch, corner of Main and East streets. Call and exumiuo a largo slock of Wall Pa per, latest patterns arid low prices. Peoples' Book Store, Evans block. Tho influx of Hungarians and Poles is on tho increase. On Tuesday quite a number camo to Naullcokc, which seems to be their central point, as Ihey all get work in the mines there. David Lowenberg is pushing li Is work nt re palrincr with nil possible speed, iu order to be ready for a full display of his spring stock of goods. He will have a lino Btoro room when it is completed, Mr. William Sloan camo homo on Tuesday from Schoolcraft. Michigan, nfier an abEenco of about a year. He is engaged in bu siness nt that place and will return llicro in a few weeks. The Lutheran congregation of this place, at their election on Sunday last, gavo a unani mous call to Rev. W. H. Gotwald, of Milton. We have not yot learned whether ho will accept the call. What Bloomsburg needs more than anything else is the investment of cipital in some sort of manufacturing Interests that will bring trade and money to us by increasing tho population of tho town. In tho last ten years the number of inhabitants has only been enlarged about three bundled, whllo in Berwick it has increas ed by llircc times as many. Tho rolling mill and car shops tbero givo employment lo a gnat many people, and to these establishments that town is greatly indebted for its thrift and pro gress. Jn order lo iinng somcimng oi me mnu here, inducements must be held out lo cnpilal1 its. In many places ground has been given by the citizens to companies of manufacturers, and in other places buildings have been orcct cd for the use of such companies. Why can not our pcoplo ofl'tr land lo any capital ist that will come here nnd start a manufactory of some kind? It would bo a great help to tho town, by giving employment to all the laboring classes. It would bring new peopio here; it would necessitate tho erection of a large num ber of dwelling houses, and this would givo work lo our carpenters nnd mechanics. Il would put more money in circulation, and double our population before another census is taken. Let us think over this matter, nnd not slumber while neighboring towns are gelling far in advance of us by reason of their greater en terprise. coiwcn, ntocEEUiKas. March flth, 18S1. Council met at 7 o'clock p. nr., being the regular monthly meeting. Present, Iho Presi dent, G. A. Herring, and Mc?srs. Rabb, Has sert, Thomas, Sharplcssand Holmes. Minutes of last meeting read nnd approved. On motion permit was granted H. J. Ularlt Pcoplo will find it to their advantage to call for Ue erection of building with the use of one liret at the Peoples' iiook blore to seo uieir new mf 0f ce,,(t0 Blrcet Ktock of Wall Paper, no old stock, as it is on- liroly new; also Window Shades, Cord, las b:1s nnd Fringe. A boy by tho name of Shook had Ills foot cut off by the cars on which lie was stealing a rido nt Lime Rldgo last Friday. Tiie large number ofaccidcnU occurringln llilawny seems lo bo no warning lo boys. Tho lecture at the Opera Houpo on Tuesday evening by T. Y. Powderly, of Scranton, on the Irish troubles was not largely attended. We heard only tho latter part of it, and it did not strike us as being n very strong presenta tion of the wrongs of the Emerald Isle. Remember Wall Paper wns never kept hero heloro, all paper is of this 6cason, so you may know it is all new and latost styles. Peoples' Hook Store. W, II. Jacaby, Register and Recorder, Is bu sily engaged In making now mortgago Indexes, incompliance with an order of court. They were much needed ns tho old ones wero worn out. Thcnewsyitom will bo a great conveni ence to persons haying occasion to examine liens. Tho patients sent from Danvillo to the liar rU)jurg hospital remained in a much disturbed condition for sevoral days aflpr their arrival, but by degrees became reconciled lo their new home, and recovered from the excitement pro duced by tho panic at tho fire and Iho exposure nnd change incident (o their remoya), Petition was presented asking for tho grad ing and paving of Catharlnu street, from Third street to L. and I), railroad, Blgned by the fol lowing persons: Georgo Hnssert, Harriet Ober1 endor, F. Gilmore, Knorr .V Wintersleen, Frank S. Kinporl, H. W. Aul, Jeremiah Hess, James W. Ctulow, J. Schuyler, Fannie Mc Klosky, Win. Chrlstman and wire, Martha Mntchler nnd J. G. Frerzo. On motion peti tion was received and the prayer ol petitioners grantee. The following hills were read, examined and npproved, nnd tho Secretary directed to draw orders for Ihoir several amounts! E. B. Beidleman, street commhsloner S7 85 0. A. Jaroby. GO 28 CI.M.& J. K. I-ockard 7 00 J. J. lirower.councll room lo April 1,'81 '10 00 ii " swearing lu council l io " " rent for Fricmhlp Fire Co, 30 00 Pelor Gross, rent for Refcuo tiro Co. 7 60 Reuben Hess, hauling cinder 0 10 llloomsburg Gas Co. 70 00 0. A. Clark, stationery 3 12 M. C. Woodward, Town constable 8 83 R. Hanis, pollco duty 0 00 Secretary's salary for February 15 00 ciiAnoi: or Tin; court. Gentlemen or the Juhy: It is alleged by tho Commonwealth nnd conceded by Ihe de fendant) thnt an nssnull nnd battery was conv milled by him upon Iho person of Samuel Gil bert, unless he wns justified in what he did un der the circumslnnccs. The defendant being a school loacher, inflict. cd punishment upon Gilbert, n pupil. Schools for the education of the youth of tholandare provided for bylaw. The power of selecting teachers nnd placing Ihcm in charge of Ihe schools is delegated by tho pcoplo lo the school directors in each district. When they havo cm ployed a teacher, nnd placed him at the bead of a school, whether he be young and inexpo rienced, or of greater ago nnd much experl ence, it is tho duly of fcholars to oboy his rea sonable commands, and to square their conduct by tli a rules which ho may adopt. rarcnls primarily havo the right lo govern their children, nnd in training them up in the way they should go, havo the right to inflict upon them corporal punishment When children arc sent to school, they nro placed, for tho time being, in tho hands of the teacher, to whom the authority ot the parent is delegated by tho act of Bending litem to the school. It is absolutely necessary that the teacher nhould havo parental control over his pupils during tho tlmo tboy are tn his charge. If ono scholar is allowed to havo his own way, and openly perform nets of disobedience with impunity, tho contagion spreads through out the school and others become equally way ward, until insubordination becomes general It has always been tho law that a parent has the right to inflict corporal punishment for the correction of his child. Whether there nro bet ter modes of family government is not now tho qncstiou. Wo must take Iho law and the prnc lice as wo find them It may be that there are circumstances where a teacher would not bo justified in going to tho extent that a parent might lawfully go in pun ishing a rcfrac'ory child; but Iho general rule is, that the teacher stands in the placo of the parent, and is clothed for the time being with the parent's authority. If, however, a teacher inflicts corporal punishment, it must bo within rensonablo limits. IIo must be guided as to mode and severity, by the nature of the offence, tho ogCjSize and sex of the pupil, his power of resistance and his manifestation of a disposi tiou not only to disobey rules but to resist pun ishmcnt. When a teacher discovers from a pupil's course of conduct that ho intends to make trouble In the fchool, lie mav, for any act of disobedi ence, punish him, not brutally nud beyond icai son, but with judgment and moderation. I ap prehend, however, that the extent of the pur- ishmcnt in such a ease ougiit not lo be consid ercd unrensonablo if it should somewhat ex ceed proper punishment for an inadvertent vi olation of rules. If a teacher should severely punish a young child fjr whispering, every person would conclude that ho exceeded the bounds ofrea son; while tho same amount of punishment in fiictcd upon another scholar of a inherent nge, different size, diflercnt temper and different conduct, would not be considcied excessive- Tho right which the law cives may bo abus ed. Whether it was or not In this case you will judgo. If after consideration of all the cir cumstances, vou linu that tho uefrnuant was unnecessarily severe, vou will convict him; but if on the other, reasonahle punn-hment ho ought to ho nc quitted. Exercise your best judgment upon the evi dence. The law as f jund in our test books,nnd ns we havo given it in charge to you, is conred ed bv the couscl to bo applicablo to the facts of the case. I Bishop Criminal Law 771. Com monwealth vs. Jane Baker. 1 Brewster Re ports 311. Tho facts are submitted to you. Gilbert tes tifies, and tliero is other corroborating evidence that the teacher took him by tho hnir nnd vio lently bumped his head on the floor. This is denied by the defendant who testifies that if Gilbert's head was hllupoii Ihe floor, it was done in the struggle between them, when the defendant was endeavoring to obtain possesion of Ihe knife which Gilbert had. In order that the greatest benefit may be had from the least sums of money expended In the maintenance of out- public schools, it is necessa ry that tho rights of teachers to maintain order nod proper discipline in tho schools be upheld by the court, and respected by parents and pu pils. If lltliould come to be understood that for the reasonable exerclso of their dolegated authority, teachers are in danger of conviction and punishment, advantages will bo taken of that fact by unruly scholars and tho result will be disorderly schools. On tho other hand juries should tee to it that children placed under the charge of teachers oro not wrongfully and excessively punished. If a teacher abuses his power and lull ids wan ton nud unnecessary injury upon his pupils therd should he no hesitation in finding him guilty of assault and battery. The jury acquitted tho defendant nnd put the costs on tho prosecutor. Howorth's Illbernlca will othibtt at llio Opera Houso this (Friday) evening. As it has been horo before cvorybody knows Its merits, nnd wo predict n crowded house. Sco a woman picking a bunch of grapes in another column, nt Spccr'a Vineyards, from which Spcer's Port Grnpo Wine Is mnde, thnt Is so highly esteemed by tho medical proicssioti lor tho use ot invalids, weakly persons and tho need. Sold by 0. A. Klclm. jan 7'8l ly COUUT l'ltOCKKOlNOS. Bloomsburg, March 11,1881. Court met pursuant to adjournment nt fi a. m., his Honor, William Elwcll on tho bench. I. K. Krickbaum, associate, camo afier court had convened. Estate of Wm. Henderson, auditor's report confirmed nis). Estato of Peter Gcnrharl. Answer lo cita tion fileJ. EslaloofMary Haycock. Answer of John G. Hnwley tocltalhn ifled. L'conse of Reuben Rouch transferred to B. T. Loacock, allowed. Commonwealth ex. ret. Balr & Shenk vs. City of Wllliamsport. Rule to show causo why an nltaehmcnt shall not issue, granted. Returnable March 20 at 10 a. m. Citation on Jesso Hicks, guardian of Flora Hicks, allowed. Washington Parr vs. Robert Gorrell, Opin ion of Court filed, dismissing rule, Sc. Auditor's report in tho cstato of Masonic Association of Catawlssa. Opinion of Court filed. Adoption of Potcr F. Eycrly b7 W. J. Bel- dlcman decreed by tho court. Commonwealth vs. Joshua 1-owlcr. Peti tion for discharge from custody of Sheriff, filed. Bond npproved and filed and discharge al lowed, II. C. Bowman's use vs. John W. Hoffman, High Sheriff. 21.85 taken ofl'by agreement of parties, balance for which judgment shall be entered is $87 40 instead of $109.25. Agree ment filed. J. B. Robison vs. W. M. Monroe. Petition to slay judgment filed. Answer filed. Estate of CollinsW. Sutliff. Bond filed lo sell real estate. Chas. Rink vs. E. L. Riuk. Petition to amendment filed. Estate of David Dcmolt. Petition for admin islrator lo file account. Citation awarded. Frank Rontz, assignee, Ac. vs. Ccnlralia M S. F. & L. association. Rulo in said case made absolute in open court. Petition of Frcas Brown, cunrdinn of S. C, Creasy to invest fund. Order granted. Estate of Margaret Whitcnight. Order al lowed to sell real estate. Estate of Jacob Bomboy. Petition filed and statement filed. Court adjourned to tho 20th of March, 1831 at 0 o'clock a. m. Lots of cood Olovorseed nud Tlmothv- seed nt Silas Young's, Light Sticct. m-l-lw Clearing Out Winter Goods to mnko room for Extenslvo Alterations nt Tho PopulnrgOlotklDg David Lowenborff,, A full lino nf Lisle open at Olark & Son's. New Prlnts,I)rc!S Ginghams &c., Son's, at Clark look at I. W. Hartman'a Spring Thrcnd Gloves now Havo you seen I. W. Hartnian's 25 cent Dress Goods, reduced lo 8 cents a yard, C. C Marr nays the hlchcst price for But. ter and Eggs. Wo still havo n few ofthosnJ nil li nen Napkins nt $1.25 n down Olnrk A Son's. Hats nnd C.ipsnt Cost fur Thirty Days nt D. Lowenbcrg'a. nice Prints nnd Dress Go to Marr's for Ginghams. Do not forcct that Olark A Son have n full lino of Trimming Silks and Satins cut bins at low prices. Harriet A. Ncwkirk, of Salem, savs: 1 was cured of tetter in my hand by thrco applica tions oi uamniior muk. iwy husband was cured of old running sores by using It, It cured my son of a sprained ankle, l'rico 25 cents. Sold by 0. A, Klclm, llloomibtirg, npril 16, ' Dan't forget I. W. Hartmati wants lard now. Unless ho can keep up a supply at home lie will have to send off for it and then country lard will bo refused. It will do your eyes good to look in and seo tho new Stockings at I. W. Hartman a. If you want aoodsnoutlnirandliollowwaro at Low Prices call at L. li. Whary's 11EI) llortSU l'OWUEIl cures mora horses, mules ana Bhcep than any other medicine, suro every lime-. ui-LKi, -au-ljeuw C. C. Marr has a splendid lot of Cnsslmcrs lor men and uoys wear A full lino of Gimps, Fringes, Buttons, Tics, Collars Sou'b. and Ruffling) tit Clark & Important Notice For Thirty Days Groat Bargains Can bo Bought in Clothing. You can buy a Winter Suit or Overcoat At Cost. Must Be Sold to mnko room for ALTERATIONS IN BUILDING nt David Lowenberg's If you want Towels, Napkins or Table Linens Lulz A Sloan will sell them very cheap. C. C. Marr wants ButterjEzgs.Lard.Sides, atiouiuer, nam, unions anu ueeso icatu ers. HOLMES 8c SCHUYLER. SQUARE EALING HOLMES & SCHUYLER BRUSHES. Wo lmvo opened this week a fine tiFBortinent of Painters' J3rtisli 03 of every description, und think wc lmvo by fur the finest assort ment to select from thnt can bo found in this section. Tho prices Nothing should bo bettor nnnrcciatcd bv u mitronizine public thnn in some lines lmvo been reuueed. reliable merchants of whom thoy can mnko their purchases, confident and wo havo marked down our that thoy will not misrepresent their goods in order lo mako sales, whole stock lo correspond, Wo This is oftentimes a great temptation to tho merchant and in strictly havo been selling this mako of adhering to his principle, ho loses many salc3, which nro made by his brushes for some time nnd they less scrupulous neighbors. Jn no business is there greater chance for lmvo been giving excellent sntis- (loccptiou than in the Hardware trade, as tho stock to a great extent fnclion.wlnch warrants us in kecp- is manufactured of steel or iron. Fancy paint or bronze together with ing a larger assortment thnn over, n high polish, renders it difficult nt times to distinguish tho mntorinls Poor brushes arc dear at any price, and you havo to rely on either the reputation of tho manufacturer, if Our low prices together with ox- io nits ono, or inc nonesiy t tno dealer, lit many cases you would cellent quality you will Jinil wor- ncver Know, it misrepresented to vou. and tho morchnnts profits (liv of vnin iitic-nlion. i : i i" .. -. , . ........ t. i- r "J-"- mvivuy uiiuiy uiuiuiiiji'ii, which inaKcs id a great temptation io uis honest dealers. Never in nnv instance, havo wo misrepresented nn article in our storo, nor do wo knowingly allow any employee to do so, nnd we trust any article bought of us and not found as represent ee, wni uc promptly returned, wiien we linu it neccs3.iry to use such r,. means in order to make sales, wc shall move our stock to some point f f wncro square doming is better npprccinled. We do not claim to carry tho cheapest lino of goods. Our aim is to givo dollar for dollar in Wo would call Iho allcntion ol value. In solcctinn our roods, our first consideration i3 to bnv onlv tho drivimr public to our assort- from reliable manufacturers of standard crcods. and sccondlv lo buviis ment of whips. In no storo in tho low as we can, and this is all wo ask of you, examine our goods, get county can be found half the stock our prices, and if neither suits you, don't buy. Wo cannot ask vou wo have on our rack, Our stock In .1.-V u.ltnl ...r ,.P.. 1 .1 l .1. H iJ. 1' I-! L !!.. iu viu liiiin yu iuuicl: lu eiu uursuivua, nor cio wo ntiow inc iorcing sys- wuuuua u ii.ii, vaiiuty ui si-yiua tern, i. c, trying to talk you into something you don't want. Wc and matcrial,fitncy and presumo you know what vou want, when vou come to seo us. nnd leave nine in nrico from 15 cents to such matters to yourjudgment as you will bo better suited in the end. $3.00. In making our selections, Thanking the public for past favors, wo trust, by strictly adhering to our first move was to find a relia our principle of Square Dealing, and giving dollar for dollar in value, bio manufacturer, and to confine to lmvo it lair share of your patronage in tho future. ourselves to but one line of goods, thereby avoiding n great deal ot worthless auction stock. Wo try to sell :t3 good a whip ns you aiv willing to pay for, so if you nro not willing to pay much,you must not expect much. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. G. 23. ROBBI1TS, (SUCCESSOR TO D. W. HOBBIlttS,) DEALER. Xltf Fine It rnn (lias, WIiIsUlcs, lns, IIiiiuk, anil all kliulH ol ivines con- ftnntly on lianel, MFOltTliD ALES AND l'OttTEllS IN BOTTLES BY TIIE DOZEN. Landlords throughout the county will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. July o; '60-1 y iMronTANT to TKAVEii:ns Special in ducements nro offered you by tho llurlington Routo. It will nay you to read their adver tisement to be found elsowhero in this issue. March IS 40-w HEALTH AND llAl'HNKSS. It seems tlrango that any ono w 111 suffer from tho mnny derangements brought on by an linpuro coa- uuion oi uiu moon, wueu buuvil b JH.UUU nnu I.IVKK SYHUr win restoro perfect health to tho physical organization. It Is Indeed a strengthening uprup, ple.iMut to take, nnd has proven Itself to bo the best blood purlller ever discovered, effect ually curing Serofnln, Mi phllltlo diseases, Weakness ot tho Klduejs, all Nervous disorders nnd Debility, It corrects Indigestion. It mnkes tho old feel youn;, and tho young feel gay ; and will lwailably drlvo out of tho system tho many .Ills that human tlesh 13 heir to. A slnglo bottlo wir prove to you Its mer its as a hcnltli rencwer, tor It acts ltko a charm, especially when lUo complaint 13 of an ex haustive nature, having a tendency to lessen tho natural vigor of tho bralu and nen ous system, oct w.'sulyeow Total. , , F, llrown, 'interest on bond Costs on Itidge Alley S209 7H iil 00 19 2.r. $309 OS Tnlnl. ( nn tho followlncr bilU were refuroili Hill of Hooiobur Water Coin-niiy nnd bill (..,, ii,. I 1,'r.nrr for In'il services. On motion council adjourned to meet March j uutli r.t ( o ci ck p, in. John K.Gbotz, Scc'y- ltA Better Ahgaztnc tt-e da not bwie' mtmd Chronicle Atlrocale. GOOD COMPANY NUMHEIt EIOHTEKN. "Cicod Company, (S3. 00 a year; Springfield, Mas., Number Eighteen, lias a second arti cle by Dr. G. II, Ilepworth, ono oflhecom' mitteo for the distribution of the New York Herald relief fund, on Ireland and Irishmen in which ho relates his personal experience among tho famine ftricleen people, and expresses his views as to tho situation in decided language. Annccountof Sergeant S. Prentiss U given, tho man who attained such wonderful proficien cy in eloquence by his twenty-ninth year as to rank with Webster nnd Clay ns an orator. There is a sketch of modern travel in Egypt. Mrs. Ij. W. Champney has a cleverly done sa tiro on ephemeral literary reputations entitled "Tho Slory of n Lion." A bit of fiction true to lifo ii tho quaintly weird New England story "On Ihe Edgo of tho World." A story of which the scene is laid in Spain is "A Girl of Cadiz." There i-i nn installment of "I!oe nnd the Doctor" 'Kllcn W. Olncy'a charming nr.d pow erful terial' as ono of tho papers calls il; Octave Thanct has n Colloquy in which the - 1 ,.. .1! 1. edid not exceed the bounds of mfi,m.,s 01 vu"" ho ought to ho nc. there is a paper on t no - ew it an nnu e.recus; aim hcvci.ii uiumua nunc, iru-,-eion nnd Suggestion,1' ono of which deprei catcslho opposition manifested by some of the southern bourbon papers lo the views regard ing llio condition and needs of Iho South, re cently expressed by Senator llrown of Georgia nnd others. YOUNG ISAWIiON'KS. Homo young siirgeons when accidents happen, In order their great skill to nhoiv, Cut t'.ie leg oll'cloe to tho Ihiirli, When Ihey only should cut oil tlio toe, I.Ike cutting oll'a dog's tail by tho ears, Or ilia skinning alivoof the frog, It's all very well as a rase, Itut devilish tough on the dog. lis much tiellor by lar when you're wounded, Or have either cut, bruise or burn, To find Eclfclrio Oil is tho very best thing, And it won t tako you long so to learn. Jickcttie Oil l'iiroyraphcr. HTEIIAUY REVOLUTION. CIIAMIE 01- HASH. Tills very remarkable enterprise continues lo mako such progre-ssas lo astonish its friends and nstound its enemies. Its greatly increas ing proportion iiavo compolled tho rcmovnl of lis headquarters from the Tribuno building lo tho very largo nud beautiful building No. 701 llrcndway, which is in the very midt of Ihe "book district" of New ovk city, and there fore of tho publishing cntcrpriro of ihenallon. This building, though b'ix stories In height, 25 feet front nnd IOC fcete'eep, is sufficient only for the offices and retail storo of the company. The manufacturing is carried on in several largo buildings located in other parts of Iho city, though it is contemplated concentrating thorn soon in ono immense factory to be erected, Their list of rcront nnd early forthcoming publications nro extremely interesting to nil who enjoy what is choicest in literature. The Library Magazine is unique in both form and character and altogether delightful in tho rich ness of lis conten Is, Of tho books announced, Green's laigor 'History of Iho English I'eople,' reduced from $10 to SljCarlylc's 'Hlslory of the Frencli He volution,' reduced to -10 cents; Oarlylo'8 'Heroes and Hero Worship,' 25 cents and the 'Itevlsed New Testament' which Is promised to bo manufactured with rapidity heretofore unheard of,wlll attract special ntloip lion, Itisworlh while for every ono who has not already seen It, lo send nnd got Ihe Illus trated pamphlet, 'Hook Making, nnd Tvpof-iel ling by Slenm,' which will bo sent freo upon application. Address, tho American Hook Ex chongc 701 Droadway, New York, 0, 0. Marr has Splendid Mackerel to ecII for Oats, Corn, and Potatoes. Tho highest cash price paid for wheat bv Z.T. Fowler, at Willow Grove. No dif ference ns to variety. Kye 75 cents a bushel. Avondale lied Ash Coal, !. 5, and 0. always on hand. Knilroad Ties taken in exchange for coal,or cash will be paid for them. jan 23 8-w. Lul7. & Sloan are Belling llrocado Trim ming Silk, black nnd colored, cut bias for 7C cents a yard. I. W- Harlman will sell you Neat and Good Whito Dishes for $3,50 per set and tako in payment Lard &c. loos lenrri a nuuun i ni WITH DUPLEX GRATE1 UDITOIl'S NOTICE. Among tlio records nnd proceedings ot tho Or phans' court tn and for said county It Is Inter alia iiius coniaincu. In tho estate of Maiy ncmlcy, deceased. And now February 11th, lsi, on motion of d. Knorr and agreement ot counsel, (lur Jiicoby, ISti.. Is npDOintcd Auditor to distribute balntico In hands of htephen mil, administrator, by 1U3 first account amoug parties entitled thereto. UY TIISIOUKT, Certified from tho records. WM. KUIC1C11ATJM. o. M. (Juick, clerk o. c. uopuiy. In pursuance of, tho foregolnz appointment tlio undersigned will meet tho partljs Interested at his omco In Illoomsburtr on Tuesday tho nth d ly of April lssi, nt l-i o'clock a. in., at wuicli tlmo and piacoiney arc nereoy nouneu to appear or uo de barred from couiliu' la oa said fuud. uuY.uconY. fo. 25-4W Auditor. 1881 Ia UDITOIt'S NOflCE. Tho Greatest Success in the History of Cooking Apparatus. Over Eleven Thousand Now in Use. 1, TT..1 - C r i 1 1 ! .V writes May 10, 1878: 'I upset n teafcettlo of boiling hot water on my hand Indicting a very sovcro wound. I applied Dr. Thomns' Eclec- trio Oil, uml tako grcut pleasure in announcing to you, mat uie efit-ci was to nuay pain nnu pre vent blistering. I was cured in thrco days, Wo prize it very highly ns a family medicine,' A Hio Cow. 1'osey county, Indiana, claims to havo raised tho largest cow in Ihe world. Her namo Is Lndy l'oeey; breed, mixed Dur ham nnd English, Hor measurements arc: Greatest liolghl, 5 feet 10 inchc; girth, 8 feet 9 Inches; length, 10 feet 0 inches, or Including tail, 17 feet. Her form la good; and, though not fat, she weighs 3,000 pounds. Her color Is red and white, red predominating. Age, six years. Her present owner Uvea In Slatk coun t, ill. A MODEUN 1'OET- Wlml U a modern poet's falo to wrilo hi thoughts upon a fdalc. 1 he critlo splls on whnl U done,tlves It ft wlpo mm Hit in i-nnt II, Ike rheumatism from our bodies fly, When Thomas' Eclcclilo Oil wo try, "VAi.NtrrI,KAFllAiBlli!STOiiKu"ls entirely differ ent from nil others. It Is ns clear as water, nnd ns its namo Indicates, Is nlpcrfect Vegetable llalrllo storer nnd docs not In nny innnner nffect tho health whlcn Sulphur, Sugnr of Lead, unci Nltrnte of Mlver preparations havo dono. It will Immediately freo uiu ucau irom nil lmuuruu, iicbwru tiniy iiuir iu ua natural color, nnd produce a new growthwhero It has fallen off. Itwlllchango light or faded hair In n few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Every bot tlo Is warranted. ARk your druggist for it. For salo nt JIovkh linos., Illonmsburg, I'a. Mnlth, Kline & Co., Philadelphia, and Hall s liuckoll, Now York, mucsuiu agents. uci. a. w-u A largo assortment of ladies' Summor Skirts nnd tho material to make niorejust received nt IM7. ct bioan's. Wauled at I. W, Hartmnn'a lluttorEggs, iaru, urietl iTitit, ci-o. HENIIY'H CAHIIOMO SALVE, Tlio Iiestt.Salvo In tho world for Cuts, llrulses, Sores, ulcers, Halt ltbcum. Teticr, Chapped Hands, tlhllblalns, Corns nnd nil kinds of Skin l-.rupllons Krc-ckles and I'lmplcs. Tliu mrtoUcuaranlcea to givo perfect sntlsinctlon Iu every caso or money re rundMl. llo sum to i;ct Henry's C'aruolio Snle, as all others nro tint imitations, l'nco :a cents. 1 or sale uy an uruggms. oct ti, -so.iyeow lion, flf-orgo N, Uorson, NorrlRtown.siysi Tho l'hcunix l'ectornl Is indispensable in my family. It nets like a churm in curing coughs and colds with tho children, uml 1. always use It when addressing a jury, Price 20 cent?. U. A- Ivlelm.lllooiusburg, aprlG-ly Our Questions. Arc you n buyer of Men's or Boys' Clothing at retail? Do you need clothing for thu farm, the office, the work-shop, the court-room, or tho pulpit? Do you want boys' clothing for the school-room, or for dress? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order ? Are you in need of shirts ? If yes, to any or nil of these eme ries, statu your needs to us, that we may send you samples and prices. Your Question fv is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You must judge. We will make up the case, you must decide it. Hut we must tell you that wo have crcatctl the Largest Ectail Clothing Business in the United Stales by the simple method of giving tlio best clothing for the least money. Wo mean that it shall pay you to buy of us. If you buy and are not pleased, return the goods for exchange, or demand your money, W anamaker and Brown, S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. UDITOU'H NOTICE. KSTATK OP OEO, UUKKCK, PKCKASKP, Din undersigned auditor appointed by tlio Or rlmuii' court of Columbia county, tu dlstilbuto bal nnco Inlinnds of Win. .Masleller, administrator o ileo, lireece, deceased, nsuppenrs by bis Hut am ilnnl orcouut to nnd niuoug iho parlies entitled thereto, will sltnt his olileo Tn llloom!,burt,' cmBat urtley. lUo lClh day of April, lbSl at ten o'clock a. in. to perform Iho denies ol Ills appointment, w hen and wm-ro nil perbons having uny claim on said fund w ill uriH-ar nnu provn the sumo or bu elcbara-d from icwniiig uuy tmirei iiiervor, (C-U. 85,tW It. It. LITTI.B. Auditor, to VA u o o o 11 a fj o o n . o : o 11 ft ESTATE Or JOHN OFI.LIVEH, PZCSASED. Tlio undTSlzned Aulltor annotated bv tho Or phans' Com t of Columbia co.;io mako distribution of iuo uaianco in inn nanns oi oames euuuvcr. nu- mlnlstrntor of tho salil decedent lo the Par ties legally entitled to rccelvo tho same. will meet tho parties Interested In said estato at his ofllcoln the Tuwn of llloomsburg in said coun- ft,, t. ... !. o,.,, ., ft. X,,l. a at ten o'clock a. m of said day, when and where nli parties Interested in said estato must attend or bo forever debarred from any sharo of said fund, It, HUCKINOIIAJt. fcb. 55, 'Sl-lw Auditor. UDITOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK Jt. W. NfS3, PECEASKO. Tho undersigned Auditor nrnnlntcd bv tho Or phana' court ot said county, to mako dlstiibutlon ot tho balance of tho fund In tho hands of tho ad ministrator ot the estate of said decedent tnand among parties entitled thereto, will sltatlilsolllcoln iHoomsnurj iiisaiai'ouniv. on rt rancsaay. iuo xani day nt March, A. 1.. ISM, at ten o'clock a. m.. of sold ilny, when and where nil Turtles Interested In said fuud must nitend or bo debarred from any sharo of said fuud. JOHN St. CLAIM., fcb.M.lSsl-lw Auditor. EXAMINE TIIE "HAPPY THOUGHT" Uoforo Purchasing your stove. You will sale by C. C. GALIG nan, UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OP APAM HELLAS, nFCKASKP. never regret it For DEALEU IN STOVES, HBATEES .STD R,.STC3-ESS PA. BLOOMSBURG Shop in Opera House, 6th door reb 4, St DMINISTltATOK'S NOTICK. JJSTATK OF 0. D. S. MAKCLEY, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on tlio cstato of o. 1), . Marclov. lato Of tlio town nf lllnn-iislmrt.-. Columbia county.l'enna, deceased, havo been grant ed by ti.o lloKlsterof said county to II. l-'ranl: .arr, oi mo town oi moomsuurer. All persons lu ins claims against tho cstato ot tho decedent nro ruquostvd to present them for settlement, nnd luusu iiiui-oicu iu iuo cmuio io maito payment w tho undersigned administrator without delay. II. FItANK ZAltlt, Administrator, feb. 23-ow liioomsbure.l'n. JDMINISTItATOIt'S NOTICK. ESTATE OF MAltOAKKT UEI.I.E1I, DECEASED, Loiters of Administration on tho cstato of Marira. ret Heller, lata ot Hemlock township, Columbia eo. , l'enn'a., dtx eesed, havo been granted by tho Hogls ter of.sald county to tho undersigned Administrators All jwrsons liavlnj claims against tho estato of tho decedent aro requested to present them for settle ment, nuu inoso inacuicu to iuo esiaiato make pay ment to tho undersigned Administrators without delay. AMUb ui.i. i.i;k. UEO. WIUTKNIOIIT, IlucLhorn. C, W, Miller, Administrators. Aitroncy. fob, m-cw ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I A UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OP SAKAII AHNWINE, PECEASEP. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tlio Or nhans' Court or Columbia county to mako distribu tion of tho balanco la tho hands of tho executor of Sarah Arnwlne. deceased, to and amone tho Dai ties entitled thereto, will sit at Ills olllco lu llloomsburg on Saturday, tno ism uny or aiurcu, ii, nc ten o'clock In Iho forenoon, to perform tlio duties of hts appointment, wheu and whero nil persons hav ing any claims upon said fund will appear nnd provo tho t-ainoor bo debarred from receiving nny Bharo thereof . li. llimf.l(, feb, 25-lw Auditor. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or phans' court ot Columbia county to maldistribu tion of tno fund In tho hands ot tno executors of Ad i am Hellas, deceased, ns 6hown by their second and partial nceount, tn nnd nmorgthopartlesintlllcd thereto, will sit nt his olllco In llloomsburg on fnt- uruay nu xcin or .-viarcu, ism, n1. irn o cicck hi tho forenoon to perform tho duties of his; nrpolnt ment, when nnd whero nil persons having nny claims upon said fund will appear and proo tho samo or bo debnrrnd frcm rtcelUug nny i-haro iiieror. JOHN JI. CI.A1III, lob, 23 '31-lw Auditor. UDITOK'S NOTICli. I.S iATU OF J1ENKV KIMiSEUUY, "ECK SK1'. Tho undeiBlsrned Auditor appointed by Iho Or phans' court of Columbia county, to mako distribu tion of tho funds lntho hands of eieo. A. Doty, ad mlnlstrjior, 4c of Henry Kingsbury, deceased, as shown by his Mnal account, to and nmong the far tics entitled thereto, will nit at his olllco In lllooms burg on Tuesday Iho 25th day ot Mnteh itsi, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon topeiferm tho duties of his appointment, when and where all persons having claims aenlnst said estato will nppcar nnd prom tho samn or bo forever debarred I rem any share of said fund, C. U. HI'.OCKW AV, feb. 25-iw Auditor. -A UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF OEOROF. ZAltlt, DECEASED, UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF IlIltAlt LUKCIElt, DECEASED, Tho undersigned auditor anDOlntcdbv tho Or. phaus' court of Columbia county to mako dlstrlbit. lion of tho balance In tho hands ot A. J.lless, nd mlnlstrator of Hiram Lunger, deceased, asshown by his Unal account, to and ntnongtno parties etitltled thereto, will bit nt his onico in llloomsburg on Sat urday, the vth day of April, 1631, at ten o'clock tn tho torenoou, to perform tho duties of his appoint ment when and whoro nil persons havlDg claims against said estate will appeur and provo tho samo or be forever debarred from recclt ing any part ot tho same, L. E. WALLKH, feb. 251 iw Auditor. Pursuant to an order of tho orphans' Court ot the county ot Columbia, Pennsylvania, tho under- blgned administratrix, do bonis non cum testa tnento annexo, o( James Lamon.Utoof Iho township ot iirmrcreck, in Bin county, will oxposo to publlo sale on tho premises on Monday, March 21st, 1881, at ono o'clock Iu tho afternoon, tho following do scribed real cstato, to-witi That certain TRACT Ol' ..1M sltuato In tho township ot lirlarcroek In tho county oicoiumbi.i anUHtatoot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows i On tho north by land ot M, K. Jackson, decoased, and John Heavencr.on tho west by land of said John lleavener, .Mrs. Adam DeliiorlcK and wancu Evans, on tho south by land ot JI, II, Pettlo and on tho east by laud ot eald l'et- tlo and others, containing 219 ACRES and ono hundred and thirty-six perches more or less. This Is tho farm lately occupied by William Lainon sltuato about two miles from tho borough of ller- wiclt, on which nro erected a good two Btory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, out kitchen and other out-bulldlngs, a largo frame bank barn with Miod attached, also a small tenant house, a well of water at thu dwelling houso and cis tern nt iho barn, About lco acres Is cleared land uu der cultivation, has a good young applo orchard, and otuer fruit treos. Tekms of Hale. Ten per cent of ono-fourth of tho purchaso money Bhnll bo paid at tho striking; down ot tho property! the ono-fourth less tho ten per cent ut tho coullimatlon absolulo and tho remain ing throo-fourtlis lu ono year thereafter with inter est irom continuation nisi, JANE EVANS, Aetmx. d, b. u. e. t. a. reb, k, U' UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF CANFIELD IIARMSON DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor nppolntcd by the Or phans' court of said county, to make dlstnbutlon ot Iho balanco of tho fund In tho hands of tho adminis trator of tho estato ot said decedent to nnd ninong pariles entitled thereto, will sit at his ofUco In r.loomsburg, ou tho bth day ot April, issi, nt 10 o' clock In tho forenoon, wheu and whero all parties lntereste-d in Haiti fund must attend or bo forever debarred from any bharo of bald fund. C. W. MILLEIt, inarch 4, lw. Auditor. UDITOKS NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOUK IIAHTMAK, DECEASED, Tho undersigned Auditor nppolntcd by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia counly, to mako dlstrlbu- uon oi iuo uuiauco iu mo uumis ot j, a, nowitt All mlnlstrator of John Hanman deceased, lato of Or uiigo townbhlp as bhown by his nnal account lounu among iuo parties entitled inercto, will bit at hlsnnicoln llloomsburg on Saturday, Aprllu.iMl uv ii-u uuwb,. v. iu imiuuu luuuuutta ui Disap pointment, when und whero all nersons havliiL- nnv claim on said fund will uppear and prove the samo or bo debarred from receiving any share thereof. JOHN M.CLAIIK, March. 4 4-w Auditor. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court ot Columbia rounty, to mnko distribu tion of tho balance In the hands ot the executor of llcorgu S-Inrr, deceased, to nnd nmong tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at his cnieo In Hlooinsburg. on Kildny tho 25th dav of March, issi nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon to jierform the duties of his appoint ment, when and whero all persons having nny claims unon said lund will nnoenr nnd nrovn tho samo or bo debarred frctn iccetvlng any tharo thereof. E. II LITTLE. feb. ss-iw Auditor. UDITOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE 01' ISAAC IIAOENia'CU, DECEASED. Tho underslcricd auditor nppoluted by tho Or phans' Court ol Columbia county, to diurlbuie bal ance tn hands cftho executor of lenao llngenbueh, deceased, lo and ninong tho parties entitled thero. to, will sit at tho onico ot K. li. Ineler In the town of moonmirg, on saturuay.tiio Et-cond day ef April A. 1)., ism, nt u-ii o'clock In tho forenoon to peifuim tho duties of his nppolnlnient, w hen nndwlieroull persons luvlng tiny claims upon suld ford will np Ioar and provu Iho sntno or bo debarred Iroin re ceiving any share thereof, V, V, i'JSAUllt lv, feb. 2S-4W Auditor. UDITOIt'S NOTICE, ESTATE OF nrOKUE KISS I.Eli, DFCEAhEP. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia to make distribution ot iho lunrt in hands or Charles Ktssler. administrator of said decedent to and among thn rnriles entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that ho will sit in tho discharge ot the duties of his appointment nt Ills onico in tbo town et l'.locmsliurg on Saturday, March torn, losi, at ten o clock in tho forenoon i-t said day at which time and place all persons In terested tn said luud are required lo attend or bo roro cr debarred from any Hiaro of tho samo. HBUVEV E. SMITH, feb. 25th, 81-tw Auditor UlHTOll'S NOTICK. (STATE OF MAUT1IA COLLKV, DECEASED, Tho limPM-slgncd nndltnr appointed bv iho Or phans' court ot Columbia Co, to make distribution of Ihubalaneo lu tho hands of Ike administrator ot unlit tit cedent lo nnd Hinotig the turtles entitled theieto, Iicreby gives notice that ho will sit In thn dl-thnign of the duties ot his appointment nt his ofileo In llio town of llloomsburg nu'niursday.Mnrch Siili, A ' 1)., imi, at ten o'clock In tho foauioon of said day nt which tlmo nnd placo nil pt-itnns In-ten-sled lu said fund nro required to attvnd or bo luruver ueourieu uom any biiuiu or iuo e-nme. JUDITOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JAC0II IIAHTEIl, DECEASED Tho underbtgned auditor oppolntcd by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia counly, lo make dlstribu. lion to and among the parties entitled thereio.beit- uy sno iiuuuo uiai no wiu sit in iuo niecuargoof thodullesof his upjiolntmeut nt his olllco lu thu town of llloomsbui-L'. on Tnui-miuv. th tin iiav n, April. A. 1)., .to,i, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said day at which tlmo and place all persons Inter ested In suld fund uro required to attend or be for- uicr uuuar.uu irutu uuy buare or tno sumo. feb. 23 DWiv 1'AUL E. WIKT, Auditor, march 4-lw I H, WINTEUSTEKN, Auditor. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT TUE MOST EEABONABLE; TKIiMB A UDITOIVS NOTICE, CoT.UMUIA COUNTV. SS: Amoug tho revords and proceedings nt tho Or phans' court In uud for bald county, It Is Inter nllst Ihuscoiilulned. In re estato of Henry Harlman, deceased. And now February uthiMl, on motion of it. HucklUKham, J, II, Make is appointed Auditor to mako distribution of I lie balance In the hands of the administrator. . . . llv the Court, Certified from tlio records Februnry tsth, ist, WM. KltlCKHAl M, Tho Auditor appointed by iho Court will atte'nd'tn the duties r-f his aptnlntment on Wednenlay, the vs nay of March, A. 1)., iwi, nt nine o'clock h. in., at his onico tn liloomsburg.'l'a. when aim whc-io ull paitles lutere-btt-a tno required lo moke their claims or uu ucuumu irom vviuu g ui upon bumiunu, . J.JI.MA1ZK.