ritullmm THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 5 ijifninfiim HANCOCK. IIiiikIilmI-i nml tlioimml of men who voted for Gnrfloltl lit tlio lulo election nro now nsliamcil of tlio net. Driven to It under stress of jiolitlcal persecution, or jiroinlsefl of fnvor,or coerced by still moro dlsyracofnl means, tlio sober second thought would now induco them to vote for llnncock. Those who have read carofully the account of tho Inaugural proceedings, must bo convinced, that ol tnoio who went lately, ilisintcrcsleu to Wnsh!ngton,thoso wo mean who did not go to procuro an office for themselves or niiotlirr. went Ihnvn snlelv lo tmv their Brevet Minor General Emory Upton resnects to General Hancock. Wnsliititr- eommitted suirido on Monday night by (on be'intr in tho denai tmciit of which ho (hooting himself through tho head. Tho js connnander, it was known that ho jusioi was HvnigraMn.-u in ni iiiimis wuuu would do ouiciauy present, nun mo peo thcy found him dead in his bed in the i,le went to hco him. In woof of this IIo was staying at Presidio, Wo givo extracts from the reports of va- J. jr. BITIENBBNDEB, Ealte" ULOOMSBURG, PA. Vriday. Mnvoli 1R. 1881. morning. California. nous correspondents, who were writ ini? the facts, not ns ii.irllsans. but ns AV. A. M. Gricr, of Ilnzlcton, this chroniclers of tho time. ptate, who voted for Garfield at Chicago T1)0 atcat sonsltlon ot tu, m ln th0 Btrceta llist, last mid Itll IhO time, mill Who IS was tho extraordinary crowd that cathcrod at tlio called tho "original Garllcld man," wants mitimoro and rotomac dcp.t to rect General ltan- to bo assistant postmaster general, and cock. " wm expected by tlio limited train from 5t is said tint ho is backed bv Cimcron Now Yotk whlcU tt"lvcs Ucr0 at ,our 'clocl: ln 1,10 it is sam ui.h, no is imihiu uy v,.iiiiliuii. A..pnnnn .w rn.vil .,. . r,,,,u,n form in Tlie Dcniocratio minoritv in tho next Btrect was nilcdnnd tho expectant, cnthualastto Jlouso will bo under skilltul leadership, hero-worshipers welled upintol'snnsyivaniaatcn Their best men will bo those who havo uow r03atllocarllDCsnndln,ronto,JloNftlIonal had tho vnlno of Con-ri cssioinl ovner "otol cxtcndlns up tlio avenuo to Bovcntn street, pa tno -niuo oi vongiessioiMi txpti 1Vom nrtCcn to twenty thousand people wero cntli- leucu inKcrvicu in u iii.'iiurity ami minor priv, ,wnn ,, 0f humanity so denso as to ity. Mr. Kaudall returns to the iloor, block nil travel tor a time savo on tho Btrectcar llolman and Hewitt aro regained to tho tracks, iwhicuwcro kept clear only by dintofhard membership, and with Morrison, of llli work on tho part ot the police. Tho number of la- iiois ; Jtandolph Tucker, ot Virginia Cox, of New York ; Carlisle, of Ken tucky j McLane, of Maryland t Bragg, ol Wisconsin , anil other trained par liamentarians to oppose tho leaderlcss Bcpublicans, their slender majority will no ot very slight nilvantnge. dies ln tho lmmcnso gathering was rcmnrkablo. Homo ot thorn stood thcro lour hours, merely to c itch a gllmpso ot tho famous General, rcrbaps no crowd ever waited moro patiently i.nd pcrsl3tonsly to soo a man who had been detcntcd for tho rreM dency and who had nothlDg wherewith toroward them tor their consideration. HANCOCK'S ROCSINO WELCOME There. It is now half-past 7. Uven as 1 write these linos I hear tho guns; I lioir tho roar of voices well ing up tho street; I seo tho Hash otnre-worksonly a square away, and 1 know tho "old man has come." Since Peter tho Great died in 1725 no less than tlvo of his successors have been put out of the way by violence. In 1727 stopping out upon my office balcony I seo a denso Peter II, his grandson, was deposed and throng ofexcitod people surjin? to and f ro and nil- f. . ,' 1VI .i Ins thnbroid nvenuo and overuowlng;tho walks, auerwanis Kllieil. lan i, a j,iaiiii TUdlIlrl.t 0, the nro-works betrays tho presenco nephow of Peter, was proclaimed emperor 0f carriages in m very centro otthis howling mob when an infant in 1710, but ho was im- In front is an escort of tho National nines, their mured in a duweon fur eighteen years black Bhikos whito with tho failing snow; b;hind,a niw l( vnlinl i iliinrr itnv nt I'nfrr rpiiMiei (luring ms captivity, no was muruereu B0 ioud th0 clamor , uarJly ,,car u,0 marching in 1701 lest hu might provo a dangerous band which precedes tho corwgo. They aro oppo- 1'ival to tllC aiUUltlOll Ot (JainarillO It. Ill Bite now, ana i Know wuauuai crowa nna emmor 1702. Peter III, drunken Peter, husband "eans, of Catharine, was deposed and died mys- "Tako out the horses!" is tho shout. The crowd ter'ionslv sooinfler but h'u'death is be- strugglo and tight forplaco and clasp hold ot the teiiousij soon auu, out nn-i eatn is ue , 3 TJia raounted poiico nght and struggle to lioved to have been no mystery to his w.rrt th n- '-ii n i i ,i r i " iiiiniioiu spousu. vyiii.y x .mi, mo buh ui ..Tak00ut the horses and glvo us a chancel" Hut vainnnne, was iounu ueaa in ms cnaui- tuo military mnvo steadily on. The coachman In bcr in 170G,tho victim of a conspiracy of his white oilcloth gives his team tho curb. Tho tho palace. .Last in this list in a govern- snow tans in wuuo onus against mo carnaKu hiu ..,.,.. r ,i.,(:t,. ii,iln,i i, n.l.;,. I dow. behind which Is the faintly defined figure, . t tt.i i f I TUO moo 01 enuiusiasia amx-p lpj jitii-uicn wnu tiou is Alexander II. tho crandson of .Vv . i.,, , ,v hnn,.i-, Paul. It is truly a dynasty of blood and isnut my window, knowing now tor certain that tho "old man" had come, wen, hunureas ot men had waited In the Btrcet nil tneso hours, and thoy must bo pardoned It they yearned for a llttlo physic- nlcxcrclso. When Hancock reached his quarters at Worm. lev's an tmmonso crowd gathered ln front of tho ho tel. filling tbo street for holt a Bquaro each way, Tho clamor was bo great that as soon as the Qcncral could get rid of his wrapj ho camo out on the bal cony, llo was saluted by doafcnlng cheers, Tho General was then introduced uy Governor a, j, Creswcllnnd made n short speech, In which ho thank"d the assembly for their expression ot es teem and apologized tor causing them to bo out on such a night as this, llo was frequonuy interrupted with applause, and at the cioso tuo crowa secmea wild with oxcltemcnt. Alter me uenerai uaa re turned to his parlors he received a good many per sonal friends, most ot them being army oniccrs, Times Dupctch March 3rd, All Emperor's End. tup. czAit oi' nusstA. at TED. LAST ASSASSINA- London, March 13. llcutcr's dispatch from at l'ctershurg says : As tho em pcror was returning lrom a parado in tho Michel mcnago with tho Grand Duko Michehabout two o'clock Sunday afternoon, in a closed carriago escorted by eight Cossacks, tho carriage was at tacked opposito tlio imperial stables. The first bomb fell near tho carriage de- Blroymg tho back part ot it. xlio czar and his brother alighted uninjured. Tlio assassin on being seized by a colonel of poiico drew a revolver but ivas prevent cd from firing it. Tho second bomb was then thrown by another person and fell closo to the czars leet. Its explosion shat tered both his legs. Tho czar fell, cry ing for help. Colonel Dorjibky, though lumsclr much injured, raised the empe ror, who was convoyed to the winter palace, in Colonel Dorjobky's sleigh, whero lie died tnisatternoon. two per sons were concerned in the crime, one of them was seized immediately. The ex plosion also killed ati officer and two Cossacks. Manv policemen and others wero injured. A largo crowd assembled boloro tho palace, but wero kept away mo(lost Hnnd plclns t0 see. it by a troop of Cossacks. The impeiial bearing of a private gentleman towi family wero assembled at tlie death bed Amonir tho inaugural proceedings on tlio -Hli in tno nenato tJiiarauer, wo una the following: UlNCOCt KECCM1NIZED Tho Senators were early ln their Beats assigned on the left, looklm as btlff and uncomfoitable as country merchants ln holiday clothes. The cyno3- lire of all eyes was the burlyfirm otnoner.u nan cock In full uniform, no occupied a front seat upon a leather-covered bcttce, beside ono of his staff. When ho entered the chamber he was boisterously applauded, with a universal clapping of bauds and shouts of enthulasm. Tho solemn uecorum ot me Senate chamber nover before saw such a wild and ncull.ir demonstratljn. The senators crowded araund him, llepuoucnns anu uemocrais unite, i-utu pressing forward to take tho "old man" by the nana Ills reception ot these flattering attentions was was witn mo ards his friends, Tho personal attention to Hancock naa scarcely Tho council of state was immediately ceasod.whcn General ri-.U. Sheridan c ntere ( from f-nnveiied All nliees of nublio resorL Uw norUl loVb wltWQ a ,ew ,ect 01 0enEral IIlm" COIlencd. iUI piacts OI pUUUO ltSOH 0,ck.anai mmedlatel y Joined him. Thero was on- arc closed. WASllIXOrUN LETTEIt. Woiliingtoii, I). 0. March 15, 1SS1- cock, and Immediately Joined other round ot applause, though ot a less D0istcrou3 naturo Uian before. Tho two dlstlngulsUsd aoncr als Bhook hands ln a hearty manner, Sherldin la moving his military cloak. It wa3 remarked hiw nearly allko these men look, both being of tho saino build and facial fullness. Sheridan had tho appear ance oi a sooond and smaller edition ot Hincock. Olivo Logan, by no means a fiieudly Tho Republicans now have coutrol of tho Presidency and will have control of both Senate and House. Iho Senato observer, writes on March fith: .i i... ,i... ,.r c. .... i h'"-'s i t r"" , i ".t"ul."' What a coup do theatre when Hancock tramped iuanoiie, oi t iiyniia. iiut 111 in, with gold lace voluminously employed and ma. formed I think no ono is yet ot tho tor generals' buttons all over him. With a grace In. price which is to be paid by Kepubll- Imltable conkimg arose, the very first to grasp tho caus for Senator Mahono's vote in organ band ot the defeatoi candidato and to welcome him r. . t , i.i ., .... to the Senata halls of dazzling light. They formed wing uiu owning x ..... .u,MJ aplcturo.lcan MU you, the great Senator and the whether or not his action will piecipitato Maj0r 0eDOrai of tho forces, erst tho Presidential an extra session, a series of cougression- candidate, standing hand grasped in liand, la tho al investigations in tho South, and a re- widopasagowayieadingtothe'piaker,sdesK,and turn (o tho bavonet nolicv of Grant: but verily, such applause I havo hardly heard slnco my 10 V , , 'v, . "7 r ''lul' "ut ,wt ,,4tu nlJfMi senators and Itepresentatlvcs, I cannot help fearing that, unless Pre- Dem0CMU ll(.pUbucans.aii joined in the tribute fildentj uarneiu snail very luimy si.iiiu nancock was escorted to ono of tho hugo, com. bv tho nriucinles enunciated in his inau- fortab'.o. leMher.covi-red arm-chairs placed thero trural. wn shall havo a reopening of tho tor this exceptional occasion In a scml-clrclo around SmithPrn miostion and a condition of tUo speaker s desk tliinrs in iiolitics as discrcditablo and These are a few of the spontaneous danticrous as any that occurred between testimonials which the day and tho timo 1805 and 1370. Thero is good reason cvokcn irom tne pcopio lowanis uiu gai for belioving, however, that Garfield lant soldier and the honest man. lo wards linn wno nan no ouices to give no honors to bestow, no rewards to ten nrRPiluwil from the oath of dutv. der.tho hearts and wishes and eyes of tl ..... , . - I . , i -i ,.i ;.. ThoJlotiso will beyond doubt bo Jto people turned, Jivery wuuiu uueeini nublican in its organization, xso one ciuestions- that now. It is not thought, though, thntjmy extra session will bo called. Tho President in renominating Stan lion. Simon Cameron celebrated Ida 2d birthday in lli.vana, Cuba, on tlio 8th instant. Tho freedom of tho Island was extended to him by tho Captain r .. 1 I -.1 vtuiienii aim uu was ouicnviso uisuii- giushed with markn ot respect lie vis ed .Moro (Jastle in tho morning nud re ceived his friends in the afternoon, In io cvcnlinr a dinner was irivcn in his lonor, and during tho bnutiuet ho was presented with a diamond ring. It soenia to havo been determined in tho councils of Governor lloyt that Su perintendent Wicliorsliani must go, Mr. Wickcrsluini has been superintendent ot tho Common Schools of Pennsylvania ever since tlio administration of Gover nor Curtin, and in tho opinion of a great many people it is about timo that thcro should bo a rotation in office in this case, if only to discover whether another Su perintendent can bo ioiind. iNocoin- ilalnt is made in regard to tlio manner which bupcrinlcndout Vickcrsliam has conducted his olllcc. During his service ho has disbursed vast sums of money, nuditing his own accounts, but the integtity of his financial manage ment has never been called in question. llio clnet u not tho only ground lor Superintendent Wickersham's removal is political. It is well known that for number ol years ho has not been in larmony with tho Kopubliean machine. lie has persuaded himself that his emi nent party services entitled him to higher eward than that or clnel school-master of tho State.an opinion of his own merits in which the ring managers did not con cur, in isi he was a candidate lor Governor, and failing to receive a nomi nation no went abroad to study Iho man ner in which tho young idea is taught to shoot in Germany and other foreign lands. In tlio recent contest lor United States Senator his sympathies wero with tho in dependents, nud though he tried to pur sue such a course as would not involve the loss of his position, his zeal some times got tho better of his discretion. Political circulars ludalory of AVickcr- Bham have been issued in which uovcr- nor Noyt, his official chief, is denounced as a tool ot tho machine. It was not sup posed that Mr. AYlckeishain would de sire to remain any longer in such an ad ministration, and accordingly a success or has been looked for. Some timo ago there was a rumor that the lion. .1. A.M. Passniorc, ot bchuvl kill county, was to bo tho successor of Dr. Wickd'sham but tho relations be tween life insurance and common school management wero not perceived. It is now understood that the new Superin tendent of common schools is to be J)r. Iligbee, of Mercersburg College, who is regarded as veiy competent to till the position. But whoever he may be the Legislature should uo longer delay in (unending tho law so as to hold tho Su perintendent of Public Instruction to a more strict accountability in thedisburse. ment of tho finances that come into his hands Under existing law his accounts arc not subject to the scrutiny of tho auditing department. lie disburses more man twenty six per eont. or the entire expenditure of the Treasury, and for this disbursement he is held to no otijciai ac countability. The next Superintendent may not be as scrupulous as Dr. Wicker sham or there may not be as much con fidence in his integrity,and therefore the laws should bo amended so that his ac counts be subject to the supervision of the Auditor General's department. -I'airwi, JgMDQK LKITINO. will bo at Cowman's mill tn ilrlarcrook township, on Satunlay, tho second dty ol April, issl. A atono nrch bridge to bo repaired over Iirlarcreck near How man's mul, one now stono pier, two now stone arch es, and wing walls to bo repaired. BTKHIKN rOIIK, ciiAnt.KsitmciiAitT, A. 11. llltHHINIl. commissioners' omco, county commissioners. Dioomsourg. rn,, .Mtircn io, si. Attest: J. li. oissr, clerk. march 19-sw DMINISTKATOK'S NOriOB. X3TATX or JOSlril K. 8iND3,DICEA8KD, tjGltcrsof admlnUtratlon on thrt mlAtiinf .Tnrmh H. Mimlsiiato of Mt. 1'leasaut township, Columbia countr, deceased, havu been granted ! tho Itegls terof said county to the undersigned administrator. All persons having claims against thoentato of said decu'lent nro requested to present them for settle ment nud thoso Indebted to make narmont to;tuo u.tuu.siguiu nuu.i.u&i.iuiur wiuiuui uvmjr, JOHN HANDS, Administrator, Itolirsburg, IM. tnaclilS-Jw OT1CK. vrlirt Upnton Rrlia.il lllstrlnf. hftrelu trlvpfl notion that nil outstanding sch )ol ordars of tuo said Dis trict will bo paid uetween tho nrst nnd llilecnth daja of July, nil, at Uinton. All persons laving oracrs will present thorn nt that tlmu or bo forever debirred from payment of tho samo. isy orucrui mo iioani, JOHN J. .MclIKNIlV. 11. T. SMttii, President. secretary. inarcn ii-om UDITOU'S NOTICE. KSTATK UV fKAHKLlN UKKVKLInU, A LUNATIC. Tlio undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court of Common rims of Columbia co. to make distribu tion of the balance In the hands of Samuel crevcllng, Commlttco of said luDatla as per lilsnccountcon Ilrmcd, to nnd among the parties entitled thereto, w 111 sit at bis onice In Uloomsburg on t'rlday.thu 1 Jtu day ot April, lsil, to perform tho duties of Ills ap pointment, when nail whero all persons having claims against said estate will appear nnd provo the samu or bo debarred from any share thereof. li. II, H I I MS, march is iw Auditor. SHERIFFS SALE . For County Superintendent, T. B. MILLER. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS TOIICE IN PARHTION' ESTATE OK WILLIAU KC1C1INE1I, PECElbEI). Whereas, by a writ of partlUon Issued out of tho Orphans' court of ColumbUi county to me directed, tested th3 third day of .March, A. D 1831. 1 am com. inanded by an inquest ot six mn to i;iake partition otaceitiln messuaL-o nnd trretcfland sUuntn In .Miiuin lowrihtiip in saiu county, oonnaea on me norm dy mo ausi ueiianna liver anti on mo souui by Unas of otorro l etter, containlmr about forty. seven acres ot tho estate of William KeMiner, into of tho township and county ufniesald, deceased, to anu amonir mo ne:r aaaiepii represeniaiives or iho said d cedent, n such manner nnd In such pro portions ai uy uiu iaw oi mis vomraonweaim is ai rected, It tho same can be done without nreludlco to orspoUlai: the whole, but If such pailltlonoannot bo male or tno said premises c mnot be divided Into sinresor purparts or eauaivaiua then to anDm se the same or tho several shares or purparts lsto winch tno sime may uo uitiucu oy tne saia inciuest. anu matte icmin io ti.u uu eouri. ou mu iirs& jiou day of .May next: Now, I hereby pivo nolljo to nllhelra andlegil recretentiitlvcs of William Kelchner, .docejiseii, abovo nanied. And to all ptrisons interested 1q the Durtltton cf l is said real estate, that an Innuest will be held for tho partition or valuation of land above menuoucu upon me premises in jinuin townsuip on Saturday, the oth day ct April, isi, pursuant to tho said writ and order of Court and between tho liouis of ten o'clock ln the forenoon and threo o'clock ln the afternoon of that uav. ' The following aro heirs nnd persons Interested ln nit i-hi a v ti aaiu uni, ttwuiuter, uect'ueu, naineiy; I.John Kclehncr. a Lrothercf decedenii II. Jm.ob Kflclir.cr, a'b.-oilier ci decedent; ill, thlldrenand crandchtl'lren of (leorjo Kelohner, deceased who was a brother of decedent, to wit: 1. ElUibeth, In tcinuri led with John ileal hart; S.Mary, Intermar ried with Samuel (lenrhart: 8. Uobtcca, lutermnr rled lth Uetri;3 Fetter; 4. Children of Callinrlnc, (a daughter of said (leorgo Kclchoer, deceased) who was lutermariled with Drchr, but nowao- ceased, to-wlt: JInttlda, Intermarried with Edward Fisher, and Clara Drehr, unmarried, 5. Children of I.villa, (a daughter ofs ild (leorao Kelchner, deceas ed), who wss intermarried wltn William Ash, but iiiiw muu.ocu,unii! ui izu nail iiim , iiiiuu. .-leu; it r of decedent, w ho was Intermarried with Charles Kredrlol, but now dooeaned, tn-witi 1. a.llyAnn, .nierinarneu wim Amos Loie; v. .Maria, intermar rled with I'hllln Wlnterstcen: n. chiirlotte.lntermar marrlea Willi Ira limes; 4 Hophla.lutermurrledwllli Ata Howard: s. Lydla Intcrmirrlen with Charles llrown; 6. t'hlldren'cf Mury,(a diuifhter otsald Jlrs. uiiiiiuriiie i-reariei) wno was inierinarrieu wun in ram II. Drown, (who yet sunlves), but now deceas- to-ulti Mary Catbarno, lntcrmnnei with John llnnnen AU'rustusUrbwn nnu Aaron Drowni 7. Dan lei l-'redrlcl; s. halali FrcUrlcl, and StU, Jovial) Krtd rici. II. n. KNT, Sheriff of Columbia county, Sheriff's orrice, Uloomsburs, March II, lfbl,4w . I l uimim iiWWii. , ' 1 1 crowds met him thousauds of men ant women stood for hours in the storm to welcome his arrival grave and digni fied senators crowded around him and tholatoYico President himself, having ley Matthews for u place on tho Supremo adjourned tho senate without day, court benclu was doubtless liilluenced seeuing tuo piace oi minor, mai:eiiiuy 'I'cntlv by tho fact that tho same noun nation had been made by his predeces sor and not acted on bv tho Senate. To . . . nominate another iierson lor tho place, under tho circumstances, was not to bo expected of so good natured a man ns ... ?, ... ,.. i .r..i. (pillteil Ills OIIICIUI eiiiur iiiiu luuft. i. BL-.ii. between Generals Hancock and Sheri dan. Such tributes at such times and in such places havo a significance beyopd a mero formal tender of respect. They President Garfield, though ho might 80v that deep in tho honest heart is re havo preferred some ono else than btan- H1)COt for tho honest man. 1 hat politic ley Mathews. Thero is no doubt of con n excess is not a criterion by which tho Jirmation. m-eat mass of tho people nieasuro men, Tlio number of oflico seekers horo seem yuc, tributes mean that they will yet he to bo littlo diminished, but tho President stov iinou their favorite tho highest ad has earlv learned to bo spanni; of his ditlonal titlo which they can confer, that timo in granting interviews to these in- 0f Commander-in-Chief and Chief -Mag satiate people. No man could long jsUate. X. stand the physical pressure ol liitermiii .1.1. ! fl.-..!n.nn 111 tlu-itm mid In tin. tin. f4i.:. u tun tn niin Own of t ho Lackawanna miMnbcrn of ..ni,n. i..d.nna .WiBinim ilm Lei'islaturo has jntroducca a in inuumerablo cases thm. brought for an which proniujM, uuuer i.-u.m.i:r.,iii instant before one. ig ol taxes of voters by po itic a coin ArL-mmnn hn kunt hero a rivn ol tho iniliees. mm mis .n.i.u . i.v.,,.,. Cardiir giant. It is a .mall rival-a sort ed o a whbi.u m, . ;. u s the one intro fimply chniiL'O Coinmittecs niight ulk for iiupecu io money over any peoplo who over lived on earlli. It to sucii jicrsous, mm w.ey u..,.. B ...... waH found, but how long it had been pay their taxes with it in i peisou I J, is U'lHllll III! III1IV I. of ii.iviii to loA'ui yorK uoiiiun imt it is an object of interest. It may bo but would such a bill ns .... i..r... .J .. ....i.tuir.1-!,, it nmv I iliif.e.l renllv do more than III! 111. ..Ill' Ul .. M VII.O.Pllw ...w. v .....J i... n uxfiii.tm-Pil mUhio. If n L'enulno in- Uwinot(its operandi.' r.... ' 1 ... .1... l.iMlnrv rif ilu lint tlll'IIDaV tHXCB 111 ll j:illU lllllll'l. IU BWHU HIV ,n..j " I V , ! ,1 .....1.1., na !j (l,-il ,f I TIIOIM VOtCl'S. bllt lllllld ll 32: S3 .1 I ,1.,,,'f .m... ii iiml iiini' leet. mi. WOll tl HO omy ll vii.iuk" i..i-u." dcr ro uiitl, at u .laeo calle.l IC.tieka ..rineiple It wpuld be precisely ho same Hm iS, in Arkansas, nml is brought Tax collectors and U'ceivers would scarce. I.e. ' Xy Dr. Honfraw. All of scientijio ly bo expectl to ask partiw paying their Vlhi.igtm. is examining it, ..ml is so InscH how tl.ey came f.r nuzzled over it, Vroi. I In w, perhaps used. whe her they had earned it m S mZ$ .my, sny iU not whether it was give,, to the..,. There trincd bodAut AW 5tf Stt llOL IIX 11 IlIlAieill I lUl.u .1. H.I- . . Htoue. but ho uoch little for thVfAVoik. Hilton. fernil to would not ftccomplum THE CREAT r.uuziXGToy route. fSTSo other lino runsThrco Throuch fas- siiiKcr jiiiuis iiiuiy uciwccn ciucngo, lies Moines, uoiiucu uiiiirs, umnhn. Lincoln. St, .Inscnh. AtcliUoii. Tonekn nnd Kansas Cltr. Direct connections for nil point In Knnsns. Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, No- vniia, fiuw Mexico, Aruona, luano.urcfouaua Cilllfornla. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta tilo ltnuto vlallannllml lo l'ort Scott, Denlson, l)-)!.l?, Houston, Austin. Ban Antonio, Calves- ion nnu an poinu in Texas. Tho uncounted liidiiccinent pfferpij (ivlhls Lino to Travelers nnd TourUts. are lis liillons) Tbo colcbratcd rullnian (Hl-whecll 1'alacu Hlcpnln? Cars, run nnlv on thli Line. C. II. k O. I'aiiico Prawlng-ltoom Cam. with Morton's llccllnlnjClinlis. No tirn clinrito for Peats. In itet'llnincr Clmlra. Tho fimimii (!.. II. Si I). I'nlaro lilnlnir Cars, (lorgoous Smnklntr Cars fitted with Klci-aiit IllKh-Il.uki-il Ilattan llo- voivmn inairsior u.o cxuuiivo uo ui ursi cluii n.iMCiiirers. fti't-l Tradt and Superior Equipment, com Mncd with their Great Throium Car Arianiro ifitr.ti makes ihl,nbovo sllntlicrs, lliufuvorlta Ilputo la thtj eu,ittii 6outU-1V est, nnd thu Fur West. Try It, nnd you will find IraVclius n luxury Thri'iiyii Tickets via this Celebrated I.lno for mlo nt all ollli.es lit tno l. lilted ttaits and AH Inforraatlon nbont Hates of Fare, Sleep. Iinr Car Acrniiiinodjlloiis, Time Tables, &c., win in- chtcriuiiy ill veil py applying to J. O. A. linANTOLll'l K.lllcin Ao-lint. Hud Wiishiiiirtim ht., jlustiui, Mats, uut.ui. nru.uwuxil.uw . ir J A MILS ll. WOOD. (leu. lus. Aut..L'htCuro. T, J, t'O'iTKll, Oco, Mtuiajcr, CUivaeo. lly vlrtuo ot sundry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common I'leas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court Ilouso In Uloomsburg, at s p. m. on SATURDAY, MAKOII 19, 1831. All that certain mcssuno nnd tract ot land sit uate ln tho township of llrtarcrcek bounded Vy thu lands of Georgo Dower on tho cast, by tho heirs of Stephen Adams and ToMas Smith Mi tho. north, by tho heirs of John Mastcller, deceased, and others on the south, and by lands of heirs of (leorge Evans west, whereon Is erected a frame grist mill, a brick store and dwelling and two dwelling houses nnd oth cr buildings, containing sixty acres more or less. Seized taken ln execution at the suit ot James W. Ilnyman, administrator ot retcr Dayman, do1 erased ngalnst (leorgo Uelford,and to bo sold as tho rropetty of (leorgo llelford. Knohu & WiNTKiisTEES, Attorneys Al. Lov, I'n ALSO, AH that certain piece ot land ln Catawlssa beginning at the southwest corner ot land of C. It. Funston and third street and running thence southwestwardly along said third street to other lands ot tho grant ees hero to 21 feet, thenco by the samo southwest wardly scventy-flvo feet moro or less, to a lot of William John, thenco by the samo northwestwardly twenty-one feet to a lot ot C. 11. Funston, thenco by the snmo northwestwardly sevcnty.Qvo feet to tho place of beginning. On which are erected a two story framo dwelling houso and outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution nt tho suit of I. John 4: Son s assigned to Douglas Hughes vs. Almlra A Barnes and c. It. Barnes with notice to M. M. Iirobst tcrro tenant and to bo sold as tho property ot Almlra Barnes and c. It. names. IIuawn, Attorney. Lev. Fa. ALSO, Tract no. 1. All that certain messaugo tene ment and tract ot land situate ln Mlfilln township, Columbia county and Htato of Pennsylvania, boun. ded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at n gum, thenco by a mountain south clghty-sovcn degrees, cast ono hundred and forty-four and nlno tenths perches to a stone, thenco north forty-tlvo degrees east ono hundrod and thirty-one perches to a whlto oak, thence north Blxty-two degrees.west one hundred and nineteen perches to a post, thenco south nfty-ilvo degrees west forty perches ton stone, thenco by land of south six degrees cast 6lxty-llvo perches to a stono, thenco south forty- nino degrees.west ono hundred and fourteen peroh os to the placo of beginning, adjoining lands of Pe ter Michael on tho cast, Abraham nnd Horaco Schwcppenulscr on tho west, south and north, con taining 83 acres and alio ances moro or less whereon aro erected two (2) two-story framo dwelling houses, a two-story and a half framo grist or Hour mill, a framo barn; a framo wagon shed, and other out buildings Tract No. S All that certain tract of unimproved lantl (being woodland), sltuato nnd li login Beaver township nnd Minim township county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning nt a chestnut Inline ot land of JocobNuss,a corner ot Jonaihan Nungesser, thenco by land ot George spall and, others south clglity-ono and ono. lotntu degrees wo.t slxty-nlno and nvo-tenths perch es to u chestnut oak, thenco by lands late of Law rence Waiters and Creasy south elghty-thrco de- rocs west thirty nlno and six-tenths perches ton pine, thsnco by lands late of Creasy north eighty- eight degrees, west twenty-six and one-tenth perches to a stono in lino of land of Jeromlali ximm eii;vui, tlienoo by rame and Nucgesscr south four tceu and threo-fourth degrees cut two hundred and n1n'3ty-ntneandt'.vo-tcnth3 perches to an oak and stone, thence by lands surre) cd In a warrant to An drew Clark north sjventy-ono and three-fourth3 do grcis,east ono hundred nnd fifty-four and live-tenths Fcrches to a stono heap, thence hy lacdj of Swank anil 'Nuss noyth nlnet&en and one-fourth degrees west two hundred and seventy nnd six-tenths perch es to tho placj ot biglnnlng.contnlnlng two hundred and llfty-threo acres and rif ty-sfx perches. Tract No. 3 All that certain other tract of unim proved land being wood land, and adjoining tract No. 2 sltuato In Mlfllln townhlp aforesaid, hounded and described as fnUqwai liealnnlnt at a stone, formerly O.H Mki thence by land of George Nunges scr north sevonty dogioos oast ninety porchos to a chestnut corner, thenco north sixty-two degrees. oast tlireo and seven-tenths perch03 to a stone cor ner, thence by land ot Hanry stornor south twenty ono degrees east thlrty-slx anj nvo tenths perchos to a chestnut corner, thenco by same north 70 and U degrees cast thirty-seven lurches to a Btono hcapi thenco south 7u degrees west eighty-two perches to a stone corner, thenco north tlilrty.fonr degrocs Vt esf two butdred and 9-1 perches tu a stone cor ncr, formerly an oaic to the phco of beginning, con taining two hundred and clcvoii acres and ono Inn drad and thirty-four perches. Seized, taken ln execution nt thn Riitf. nr .T. V VI ihler ngalnbt (leorgo Nungcaser nnd to bo sold ns iuu pruperij- ui vieorgo i-iungesjer. ltiiAw.y, Atl'y. vend. Ex ALSO, All that certain tract of land sltuato In Brlarcrcek township, Columbia county, and stole of I'ennsylva nla and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a stono In lino of land ct John Tost, thenco north elghty-ono and aimirter degrees cast forty-blxanda fourth perches tun stone to land of Jonas Wright, thenco by tho samo and S, Stiles south thirteen degi et and twenty minutes cast two hundred and forty-nlno and three-lourlh perches to land of David Shaiter.thcnco by .he samo forty-eight degrees nnd tllly mlnutoj west llilrty.ntno perches to Samuel bluer, thenco by iho btrnio norlh flltoon degie;snnd fifty minutes west two bundled and seventy-two perches to tho pl.ico ot beginning, con talnlng sixty-two acres and seventy-eight perches and allowances be tin samo moro or less, ou which are erected a two story framo dwclilug house, barn and out-bmldlngs. ALSO, All that other certain tract or plcco ot land sltuato ln Brlarcrcek township, Columbia county and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; Adjoining lands of Jonas Wright on tho north slxty-soven cast slxty-ono (o a post, thenco nirth eleven snd a half west thirty-seven to a stono adjoining land of William Walp, thenco south forty eight and a halt west sixty-eight and six-tenths to a yellowplno adjoining land of aoorgo Bower south eight east fourteen and sivcn-tcnths, containing nlno acres and ono hundred and tlvo perches. Seized, taken In execution at the butt of Joseph Lamon against Wllllar.i Wulp and to be sold as the Linus, Attorneys, Al. Tier! Facias. ALSO, All that certain lot or p'ece of land sltuato In Or. angevllle, Columbia county, and stato ot rcnnsyl vunla, and described as follows, to-wlt; Bounded on the north by lot of William Kleckenstlno, on tho east by lot of Isaiah Conner's estate, on the south by lot of li, k, Sloan and on the west by tuo pubiio road leading from Orangevlllo to Uloomsburg, said lot being titty feet more or less tn front and about ono hundred lectin depth, ou which aro erected a two Htory framo dwelling houso and out-bulldlngs, Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of tho Uloomsburg Mutual sating Kimd Association against Abraham Coleman uud tu bo sold as ll.u propel ly oi Auruuain iwinuu, Wiiit, Attorney, Vend Kx, ALSO, AH that certain lot and loco of ground sltuato In siabtown, Locust townbhlp, Columbia county, 1'enn sjlvanla, adJMnlng lands of Jacob Veager on tho cast, lioarlngcreek on tlu south and public roads on ucith nud west, on which Is erected a two story iramo dwelling house. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Charles Kriigsgalnst William llelwlg nud to bo sold tlio property oi mutant ueiwu. UttEK, Attorney. Levari Facias. ALSO, All Uiat certain piece or tract o land situate In Benton township, la the county of Columbia, bound cd and desmlbcd as follows, to-wlt i oa the Inorth by land of Thomas Selgfrled, on tho out hy Uud of Alexander if rimer, on tho south by loud ot WUIlum A. colomnn and J, n, Dlldlno and on tho west by a publloroad, containing- nvo acres, moro or less, wheroon aro erected a two slory framo dwelling houso nnd a blacksmith shop. Seized, takonln execution at tho suit of tho Ben ton Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against Jeremiah Stiles nnd to bo sold ns tho prop erty ot Jeremiah stiles. Littlb, Attornoy, Al. Vend. Kx. ALSO. All that certain mcssuatro tenement or tract of land sltuato In Montour townshlp,;columbla county nnd stato of FonnsylvanU nnd boundod nnd do sctlbod asfollowg, to-wlt; Beginning ut ft point on mo western snoro of tho river Suso.uehanna, nt low water mark, on tho north stdo of tlio river brldgo at Catawlssa and running from thenco northwest wardly a straight courso twenty ticrcbos (moro or l.'ss) to tho middle nnd contro of tho canal brldgo icnuing over tno north branch canal on thopubllo road leading from (leorgo Wants' to Catawlssa, thenco down tho aforesaid canal south ntty degrees west six and nlno tenths perches to ft point tn said canal, thenco diverging from sid canal north forty four degrees, west ten nnd tlirco-tonths perches to tho corner of fenco on tho cast Bldo of tho publlo road leading down tho nforcsnld river to tho borough of Danville, thenco bysald public rond south sixty threo and a quarter degrees wost soventy perches to a point In said road, thenco by tho namo south eighty and n quarter degrees west sixty perchos to a point In lino of land formerly of 1'hlllp Foust (now itlshel) thenco by said lino north ono and ft half do degrees, oast soventy-ono and slx-tcntlis perches, thenco by tho samo north slxty-soven und ft half degrees west six and soven-tcnths perches, thenco by thn snmo north seven degrees west soventy nnd ntno-tcnths perches to a post, thenco by land of said Ooorgo 1I.W1U1U south seventy-eight and thrco-quarter degrees cast nlnety-thrco and a half perches to n, hickory, thenco by tho Bamo south clghty-nlno nnd ft quarter degrees cost tltlrty-nvo and n half perches to n post, thenco by tho samo north eighty-two nnd a half degrees cost ntty-slx porches (moro or lcs3)to a low water marlc on Iho western shoro ot tho river Susquehanna aforesaid and from thenco down tho western shoro of tho riv er alorcsald, Its various courses nnd distances ono hundred nnd thlrty-nvo porches (moro or less) la Uio place of beginning, containing ono hundred acres neat measure, bo tho samo moro or less, on which nro erected a two-story brick dwelling house, a two story framo dwelling house, ft largo bank bam and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, All that Certain lot and parcel of land sltuato In Iho' township of Montour aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a point in tho "Wyoming Canal, n corner of land recently conveyed by tho parties ot tho flrst rart to said John bharplcss and running from thenco by tho bsuio norUi forty-four degrees west ten and thrce-tedths perches to a post at tho south sldo ot tho public road leading to Danvllle.thcnco down the said road south slxty-thtco and a quarter degrees west Ave and three-tenths perches to ft corner of land recently conveyed by t In parties of tho nrst part to Duponts, thenco by tho same south thlrty-threo nnd a half de grees cast twelvo perches to tho mlddlo of tho afore said canal, thenco up the middle of Bald canal north ntty degrees, cast six nnd eight-tenths perches to tlio placo ot beginning, containing sixty-four perches, bo tho samo moro or less, on which aro erected a two-story grocery storo. Seized, taken ln execution at tho suit of L. II. Couoier against Georgo ll. Shnrpless and to bo sold as tho Ufa estate of uoorgo U. Sharploss ln Bald property. Abbott ASiiirii, Attorneys. vend. Ex. Terms cash. Sheriff's office, Feb. 23th. U. II. KNT, Sheriff. ANNUAL STATEMENT OK nLOO.1I POOR DISTRICT From January 13th, 1SS0 to January loth, 1SS1. W.M. KKAMElt, Treasurer for District to April 1st, DIt. To cash received from Bloom dupU- CatOlSID , 4 To cash received from Scott dupli cate 1SJ9 ... DTI 87 To cash received froinGrccnwosd du plicate 18IS 13 no To cash received from Greenwood du- pucuio 151U 370 00 0 cash received from Sugarloaf du plicate. 1SI n.i nn To cash received from CattAu-isA.i nun To cash received from products of larm 13 ct Cr. By orders redeemed of tS'9 " iswi " commission on samo amount paid J. K. Grotz now .treasurer M nnn 117 J01INK. QHOT55 Treasurer for District from April lot- ICtntn .Tnnnnrir inMi ' Dr. To cash received of W. Kramer (lato Treasurer) n 31 To cash received from Bloom duplt- iulv .oil cam ui To cash received from Greenwood duplicate 1S70 .125 62 To cash recilvcd from Scott dupll. catolSTK 40 jo To cash received irom Sugarloaf du- rllcate, 1879 13s 27 To cash received from Greenwood dup lcatn iS7 To cash'rccelvcd from Bloom dupll pllcnto 'S-o ..,. To cash received from Scott dupli cate issj To cash received from Gi'cenwnnrt rlu. plicate 16S0 r.57 11 -io cisn reoeiveu irom t-tigarioar clu- puuuiu ibSU 0 c ish received of County Treasurer Uxes returned To cash received from products ot I'inu in us $1330 3T 47ll 11 b.14 O S li 24 13 37 4 GO. Ml W 130 00 75 01) 67 33 Cr. 2m 40 By orders redeemed of is;ii ms 7 By Interest p ld 011 Krug order 30 ik) Hy orders redeemed of lsso uis iw By commission ou By bankstnapji 90 Bybahmce In Treasureis hands Jan. mm .33. 133 cs or.11 An uireuiun 01 me i oor in nccount with tho Bloom . uur iiiiu lut To amount ot outstanding orders Jan lUth !M1 1230 40 To amount received by Kramer seo Treasurers account 13:0 37 To amount received by orotz seo 'Prpnmtrra nwtir.t .0,0 i. To amount Bloom UuDlltito'Viisc!''.""'' itii k7 To amount Greenwood duplicate "so got 87 . J .....WM..V .'VUlt. uunvuiU 1-C-M ......... a. To amount Sumrlcmt dimlir-ntn iwri n To amount balance on Greenwood uupucuio liS..... 301 43 Cr. orders redeemed, 731 st By outstanding Kramer 17,1 11 By tutstniidlng ordi-rs redeemed, uruiz 513 77 By amount duo on Bloom duplicate "so, lebs exonerations and com 1133 w By amount due on Greenwood dupli cate 'so loss exonerations com. 110 2J By amount due ou Scott duplicate 'to 109s exonerations and commission C02 38 By amount duoou Suga'loat dupll iiuiu ou .uaa uxunuruiions com. i-ii 3J By amount duo ou Greenwood dupll. uaiu ,a .u&a UAUUL-runous a. com. 11114 43 lly amount exon. andlcoin. on Green wood duplicate lb;n ci a By amount exonerated nnd com. on Scott dupltcato lbl9 , C2 SO By amount exonerations and com. on Suirnrloar dupltcato 1M ss 63 By amount exonerations and com. on Bloom duplicate 187U ... 102 ot Lato directors paid ns follows, viz ; i.iuusiaKiugu.ioivcrtouioltu&n 0 03 BrockwaV& Kin ell attornevn 111 111 a. bnyder repairing pump 3 fo .umu ieiv , 32 72 ltush township 111:, 14 conins no ei uii attorney ico in wolverton care 23 00 llcpubltcun and UtUmblaii publish ing stntcment lsi so CO Auditors for Jan. 13th lei n mi Tom Ileece balance on Treasurer 23 m Mcunuu oubuiur 3.17 Ml Older ol relict 1515 Woodward constable 10 00 Moycr Bros. Drugs and medicines..,.. 73 03 bundry jierbous lor coal 30 42 " " " mcrchandlso Mi ut Treasurers commission yo 21 r.ew uirecuim ijamtu luuons, u t tax for 1879 117a Tax tor ltsao 03 im liuimine wakii-nousu ana repairs ..... lai 41 ltobUon attorney ' 10 110 cofllns - 4a ini Interest on Krug oracrs tu 00 DluteubacU for brooms s 23 lir's. McKelvy and Iteeber is im Making duplicates iu 00 Vandcrsllce publlbhlug btatementol Uiu is 00 ordeis of relief out state Hospital Fox and Hughes bs:i 13 Mato Hospital for Uphralni Kbner 4135 Tickets tor tramps ts Insurance 33 23 Buckalow Bros, for taking Bennct to 1'ot Houso 1 60 Mlxwell, Btoves fi 1 33 sj bundrb s for Mra. Kahlcr, secured by Judgment si 72 I 8. kuiiu, beef for I'oor Housa,. . . u su Taking C. KurU to fccuuylkill poor lluuse is 03 Order removal from 1', Kvans to lien ton 2 00 Uurleymanforhoibo 14000 sundry persons for coal 107 1 j " drugu and medicines 2141 " merchandise 704 33 (JuallfJlng directors 73 Uepalr and smith work, Light Street 13 33 11,11. hue, merchandlto bill 2299 GfW, CieMilng " " 10 cu T. W.duntou cabbago planU i 60 Knt Bro. balance on old Mil m stewards salary Apill 1 'so to January ltd 491 60 Directors salary , ll s 00 so retary s salary , do 110 Trcaburir'i commission .009 Treasurer bank stamps...., vo Balance In treas. hands Jan, loth, 'el 139 M Total tsoi si rurstunt to an act of assembly passod and appro ved A. D. Ikitiby which It Is made Incumbent cm coumy Auditors et ths several couutbs of mis Commonwealth ln which there Is a poor Unuso ciectou 10 seine, auait. auuaujust mo accounts of the several 0 ccrs thereof. That o tho under.lgned l udltora did meet nttho P, or House of the bloom Poor district and examin ed ttiirnccouutBot the dlrcctus from January Ulli ISjU to January lothis!, and vouchers for the Wiiio ununnu mvmvuirevt luwuwiu augve. WILLIAM L.IMNNINU I SAMUEL H,eMITU Co Auditors SPRING- SEASON OF 1881. ilcparU irMiA WlBMUDtGrl & (CLOT HEm Atinotinco to tlicir many Columbia county friends that tlio sluing stock in each of tlio tlihiy-llirco ( incuts of their establishment, aggregating a value of nt least ONE MILLION DOLLARS, Is now ready for inspection. ' To givo only a partial list of tlio now nnd novel things on exhibition would occupy this cntiro paper, so wo must content ourselves by mentioning a few items in Silks and Dress Hoods that nro especially nppropiiato to early spring. SILKS. For tho coming season wo havo spared neither pains nor expense to secitro a stock of silks which will surpass nil ever before shown in l'hiladelphia. SUMMER SILKS, In stripes, checks nnd bars, From 37 lo 75 cents per yard. THE LOUSINE, In stripes nnd checks, with cheviot nnd changeable elTccts; tho best qualities made, $1.00 to Sl.Sfi. THE OHENE, In new colors Heliotrope, Olivo Green and bronze, CO to 80 cents. All-Silk Black Brocades, In novel designs. A favorite has a treat ment of pinks and morning glories. Thoso goods aro in great variety, 81.00 to S3.00. 23-Inch All-Silk Brocade, In bronze, myrtle, olive green, grenat, navy blue, inarron, nnd liLACIv, , Ono dollar per yard. All-Silk Satin Brocades, In all colors and black, One dollar per yard. All-Silk Heavy Gro Grain Damas, An extra quality, 81.2.) per yard. All-Silk Brocade, Satin Grounds, at Si. 35 per yard. Thcso will give the best satisfaction in wear of any Figured Silks made. Would bo considered cheap at 82.00. Our American Black Silk, ' at 81.00 per yard, will givo perfect satisfaction in wear. A Bellon Black Silk, fullp 22 inches wide, at $1.1 1 per yard. A BELLON BLACK SILK, fully 2 1 inches wide, at 81.21 per yard. 75c. per DRESS &OODS. Everything new nnd novel that will u p pear this season nt tho Kuropenn Fashion Centres, will bo found in duplicate on our counters. A visit to this department is nb solutely necessary for every lady who do sires to see a complete collection of Foreign Novelties in dress fnbrics. The following illustrative) list embraces but n small portion of tho new stock : Shepherd's Plaid", ! 1 inches . wide, with fancy satin side bands, 81-50 per yard. All-Wool Cheviots, 44 inclics wide, nt 81.25 per yard. Illuminated lloigc, 44 inches wide, with sido bands, nt 81.25 per yard. i I'einbraudt Checks, 4 I inches wide, with side bands, at 81-50 porynrd. Cashmero I Maids, new combination of bright colorings, 44 inches wide, at 81.25 per yard. All-Wool French IMaids, in new light color combinations, 41 inches vide,at8l-25 per yard. Fancy Novelty Stripes, silk and wool, 44 inches wide, nt yi.50 per yard. English Checks and IMaids, in now com binations, nt31c. per yard. Tricot Ucige, 44 inches wide, illuminated colorings, nt 81.00 and 1.25 per yard. Illuminated lieige Foule, 44 inches wide, at i .ic. and to sji.oo per yard. Ueigc Foule, 44 inches wide, at 75c yard. Solid Colored Foule, 44 inches wide, iu light and dark colors, nt 81-00 per yard. IN BUNTINGS wc havo everything manufactured in both PLAIN AND LACE and in single and in double widths, at prices from 23c. to 81.10 per yard. Lace Hunting?, three quarters wide, 25c. per yard. Laco Huntings, six quarters wide, at 50c. per yard. Uoth of the abovo aro in three distinct styles. All-Wool Lace Hunting, at 37c. for single width and 75c. for doublo width. Also iu three styles. 3 -1 Silk Finished British IMaids at 50c. per yard. Gorstcr Cloths, 31 inches wide, beautiful French colors, at 50c. per yard. Chevron Melanges, 3 1 inches wide, extra quality and especially adapted for wear, at 37c. per yard. 3 4 Extra Heavy Sorgo Melanges at 25c. per yard. British Checks and Plaids, in itvo styles, at 31c. per yard. 3-1 All-Wool Cashnicro Beiges at 31c.pcr yard. 3 -1 Wool Check Suitings al 25c. per yard. 0-4 Wool-F aco Momic Cloths, in spring colors, at 25c. per yard. 3-1 Wool-Face Cashnicro Beiges, in gray and brown shades, at 18c. per yard. 3-4 Wool Faco Cashmeres at 1 5c. per yard. During the past few weeks tho machines in our Mail Order Department havo been kept running night and day, putting up samples of Spring Goods, so that wo havo now on hand a suflicicnt supply to fill all requests. A specimen number of the JOUMAL OF TILE HOUSEHOLD, (the organ of the Mail Order Department,) mailed free to all who send their addross. STKAWBRTOOE & CJLOTIIIJER, MARKET STREET TO FILBERT. li V. COR. EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUTSIDE I1EI.IEP SETTLED TO AI'IIIL 1st 1BS0. By lato directors to sundry persona C4 S3 " ior cuiuns H -.a uu " for LI7Z10 Wolverton CJbO 136 14 $220 .12 OUT SIDE ItEI.lEP SETTLED TO JAN. 10tll 131 By now directors for Carollno Dennis lly new directors for Hannah Johnson lly now directors for Lnvlla J. iteeecr uy now directors ior wm. i3wis Uy now directors f.-r Petr siiankilnff " " " n.inli-1 Immld.. 43 41 41 20 CS 81 .11) 21 34 IK) J 60 11 00 Daniel Ineold. " " " Joseph Slay tianou noiier shroud nnd cnnln 14 83 lly now directors for .Mrs. JacoO VlsU- it, euui 4 By new directors for Boyd Bowman ebroudandconin 21 SS By now dlrectorsor Mrs. aeo. (iraul tuai a io By now director for Mrs. Kaluer se cured on Judgment C7.72 By new directors for Wm. SI. Hopper of seott 2 oo By now directors forJoun Sillier of Scott 14 CO By new dliectors for Stato Hospital .ur ruj. uuu pinii ..UK.ica -.o. ,v By new directors for tickets for tramps to 703 10 VALUE OF HEAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PJtOP- EllTV BELONGING TO SAID I'OOI! DI3THICT. Farm and bulldlnss with mprovo- mcnts inauo in isv wi' in Catlmrlno Lomr rroDcrty too m Judgment on Dennis property 100 uo Airs, nauier iu cuver tbo cxnoiiso ST 71 Balance on Bloom dupltcato less ex onerations and commission lltt 19 Balance on urcenwood dupllcato loss exonerations and commission,... no 24 Balance on Scott duplicate less exon erations anu commission c.2 is Balanco on Mi'arlont dupllcato. lets exonerations and commission.... 112 39 Balanco on (iroenwood dupllcato for 'U less ex. nnd com 301 43 14 acres wheat In ground w 1 12 no 2 " ryoln Bi'ound oj to la on Wheat, ri p. oats. com. una nolatoos G!t no Cuubafro kraut, vinegar, butter uud circKens iuo u ro'k, beef, eois, nnd plm 101 w Onions, beans, hay, bevts and clover beea.MPMO' nnni. nutter and et'--) 10 20 Furniture In btcwurd houso 123 no poor house vi. 011 Farm Implements , coo mi Wash houso nid repairs In in 1:11 41 Balanco lu'l'ioasurcr's hauda 132 cs Dr. Ordcis outstanding Jan tot h 'nl 12.111 41 ii.ii.uicu in tavor ot uuarict lium is CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BY USING DR.METTAUR'S HEADACHE PILLS euro meet wonderfully In a very idiortttmo both SICK and NERVOUS HEADACHE; and.nhllo acting oa tho nervous pjftera, relievo DYSPEPSIA In Us uonsilormn, cloaiia ing tho system of excess of bile, producing a regular healthy action of tho bowels. Afullslzoboxofthoso ValUQbto PILLS, with full di rections for a complete, euro, mailed to any audma on receipt of , nlno 3-cont Postauo Stamps. For nalo by all Druggists. BULd; I'KUl'iMJSTOltS, EM tJam S- CAUTION. GET THE BEST. ESTBT ORGA1TS, VltODUCTSltAlSEOON FAltM. 2:1 bushels of wheat '.'01 00 vnl " " outs mi 40 iT3s 11 corn cars 34 50 3 137 sheaves ot corn fodder ills 2iu bushels cfputiitocs si ai tl-3 heads ct cniib.iRo 42 23 4154rounasefp.il; U'i vi 423 poundicf beef 25 !H 4 bushel! of bee Is 2 110 3 bushels ut onions 0 00 2 bushels of beans ., , 2 no 15 ton of liny 2 0 no 14 acres of wheat In ground 112 on 2 acres nl no In fiuund 12 no 3 bushels of cloer teed 1210 11 barrels ol elder u co 12 bushels of winter apples 4 hi 25 gallons c f applcbutler 12 mi 1 calf raised 10 no 12 cnickenx 2s 00 43J pnuiids ot butter FO (VI s.( uua-u 01 ckk , ai tu IMtOloUS 1,4 50 5 ptS 5 (HI li 1112 SS Number ot paupers remaining last ro port 11 Number of paupers admitted during thu i'iir 'hi M 11 im 11 Number cf paupers removed . " " " died.'.".."."" Number of pauneis remalnlDt; Jan, lutu 'ol 10 Of the abovo expensos thero wont to tho Poor liouso for merchandise, smith work, repairs .or farm implements Ac , , ... zntt For coal ..., .. 74 2i OALKll llAUTON, l(Ki;SK FA1IIM MILES ALIIBlt (TON, 1 IIMAN. y BHTBON.J 1103 9( Directors LEGAL nLANKS OP ALL KJNDS ON UAND AT TaB OOLUMUIAN OTIUH STKOM COMPETITION Tn Iho lnnnufacturo of Organs ia resulting in tho production ami Eal of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence without any merit.whatever, except to ho ofi'ercd cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing thjo names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles of tho celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at tlio now rooms of tho Only Authorized Agent foi tho Estey Organs in Columbia County, A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ, J. SELTZER, Agent. Juwu BloomsbSrg, km.