The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 18, 1881, Image 1

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    le doltui"btkt).
ImhfcI Wcelilr, crerj Frlilny mnrnlitx, nt
at two hollam per yonr, 60 cents discount tuinwftt
wbcnpaid in ndvanco. To suuwlbcra outer the
county tuo term nro 11 per yonr, strictly In ndranca.
Iitno paper illionritlnuM except nt tlio option of
tho puullshrm until nil nrrcurnircs aro paid, (jut 10113
continued credits will not bo jrlvcn. "
All papers Bent out ot lo slnto or to distant post
offices mint bo paid for In advance, unless a respon
sible person In Columbia rounty assumes to pay tlio
eutncrlptlort duo on demand.
rosTAdH Is no longer exacted from subscribers in
tlio county,
Tlio Jobblntf Department ot tlio Comjmiuan M very
comploto. and our Job PrlnlliiR will compare ruvora
bly with lliat ot tho larnc elites. All worn dono on
demand, neatly nnd at inoderato pi ices.
J '1
Ill C 3)1 f. IT
onnlnch Us fJ- ti.on t'od inn
Two Indies. a.0d 4.W .() .on ijco
Thrco Inches,....., 4.0) 4.M 7.00 11.00 1S.00
Pour Indies s.oo T.oo o.oo n.oo 20.00
ouarter column.... fl.M h.ou 15.00 sw
llalf column lo.on 1100 17.00 sn.oo mm
ono column 20.00 saw co.oo Maw
Yearly ndrertlscinenM payablo quarterly. Tran
sient advertisements must bo paid for before Inserted
except whero parties have account
Lernl mlfcrtlsomcnts wo dollars per Inch for tlirco
Insertions, nnd nt that mio for Additional Insertion:!
wiuiuui. mt-rciicu iu ii-iiiii.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's notices
thrco dollars. Must ba paid for when inserted.
Transient or Iwal notices, ten cents n lino, rcirutar
advertisements half rales.
Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, ono
dollar per year for each lino.
' 1 mi n n n tf T, r t tr
A 1 1 u iv 11 1 1 -ii i-u 11 y ,
Coi.cmeiah ticitoiso, Uloomsburg, Pa.
Memnfr ot Ibo United States Law Association,
Colle.'Mon ifAile in any part ot America or Europe.
OCl. 1, l""'
or.'.ce, second door from 1st National llanb.
ian 11. I9H
T U. 1'UNK,
In lint's llDtl.Titwj.
BlooinsturR, ra.
onict! on Malb Street, llrst door below Court-UouB(
ili lUiUIL-I 'A 1 IWVTTf
I omcd over Scluiylcr'a Jlanlwnre Store.
offioi! In llarman'B Ilulldlntr. Main street,
Bloomsburc, Pa,
Ie. It. I.ITTI.g. BOB T. B. HITIB.
Tj! II. ft B. K. LITTLE,
X a vl.ilaJi & 1 a. -am ii
Woomabure;, Pft.
omceln Drowcr'sbnlldlns.nocond door, room No.
llloomsburtr, ra.
AttornoyT -n
Offleo cornor of Ccntro and Main Streets,
(Inn be coD'Hlted in Clerniau.
Jan. 10, '80-tt
A T TO 14 E Y-A T-L. A W ,
coirjHiiiAN IIdildino, Dloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho United States IJ.W Association.
Collections mado In any part of Amorlca or Europo
oct. 1, 1970.
s. ENOim.
Notary Public
omco in Hartman's lllock, Corner Main and Mar
ket streets, llloomsburg, Pa.
ffSfPcnnonii and JSountics Collected,
Irinieo In Urowcr's Block, one door below Columbian
July 10, 'SO tt
Iquy jauoby,
Auornoy'iiviJitw ,
HLooMsuuna, pa.
omco In tho Columbian llulldlns, second floor.
itOCt. 8, '60.
llITf!irTNnriAM. At nrnov-n -Law. Ul-
I IV-ticfi. n. J. Clark's uulldlng.'Jdstorv room 5.
may 7, 'bO-t t
U. BAUKLBY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
In Urowcr's building, ind story, ltooms 4 & 0
II KOBISON, Attorney-at-Law.
ul '. in Hartman's building, Main street.
WM. M. REBER,5rgcon and
clan. Offleo Market 3trcet. Near depot.
T TltF 1 tt1 r TV CI.. 1 Tll.nnI
r. -,r t-. c, 1 ui
B. McKELVY. M. D.. Siinrcon and Phy-
Mclan, north sldo Main street, below Market,
p. J. O. KUTTER,
Offleo, North Market street,
Oct. 1, '79.
Bloomsburc;, l'a.
J, L. -RABB,
Main Street. ODDOslto Eolscooal Church. Dlooms-
burg, Pa.
ttr- Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct. 1, 1879.
Ily.CIAN and SUllflEON. special nttentlon given
0 tho DiskaSbs and defects ot tho Evu, Uau
Thkoat andSuiiaEiiv In all Its varlovs branches.
utr Also carefully adlusts tho EYE with PliOPEIt
810 a. m.
IIouns 3
4:30 p. m.
(.7-8 p. m.
WllUeuburrc, Pa:
Tonsonal Artist,
I b airaln at his old stand under EXCHANOE IIO-
STKI,. and has as usual a FIltST-CI.ASS HAUUEIt
IHIIOP. 110 respectfully solicits tho patronage of
kuih oiu euaiomer unu 01 mo puuiiu geueriuu ,
jwiy iu, -eu-n
I All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warrantea as represenieu. tkktii j'.xTnicT
ed without Pain by tho uso of (las, and
frcoot chargo when artificial teotu
aro lnsorted.
omco Corner Main and Iron Etroets.
lo be onen at all houra during the day.
iov, is-iy
sewing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re-1
Haired. Ofeha House llulldlog, Illoomsburg, Pa.
wLiJ Main St., abovo Central Hotel,
Merchant Tailor
8. KUHN, dealer lir Meat, Tallow, etc.,
uuuiru Hireui, noiween dccuuq auu iuiru.
I collections promptly madn and remlttod. omco
fjvpoauocauwisaa Deposit bank, cm-33
l"y 1LRUAWN,
. Auyr.oif E Y-A T-L AY j
catawlssa. pa.
juice, pprnor o: Thiro aoa Mam Ptroeta.
iParmers of York, Pa.
D'enrifivlVfinla nt
uuover or now Orl
ilanhattAnhr n
pn Matkrt BtreetNo. , Bloomaburg, i
l;ycomirig of Muncy Pennsylvania.
North American ot Phcdefphta, l'a.
i ranklln. of " ' h
1 1'tmiiii'i.i'iiti
ti-.iUt. 11, ntrntlu r, icn trial
it tn !,, nrnmiiint brforr
l'ty for It. Tim 1, mm.
," "tl'Mt- inlMnimifnllntJOO.
All Mrt'hliiii wmriiilcil f. r turi.i
y-'in. ii. pi fr our liitmimi. il t ir.
diiUrniiitr.-iii, .in,'., AiIUum
CHAM,! ,1.11(11)11 A I II,.
17 r.Ta:'jiS-,Hi.U4.1jkn, ra,
caw In Iha
Atcntii W,,ilri. CKnllAywii'lo
''I.A'iroltM I'AIIILT
M.f. v,niiiupto2r,n.a. iictid
,vi.uvi 1 taipurpri.i .xciu..
. 11. c'AI.O tu., (.'inrhujall, (J.
j lrili be Mailed Trer (ill Kho apply by
f.nt ISvunfln.oiitnl ftratiiiflq In
Jm lilcli wo ir-t our vc::gi.U1o ntui
!l'livcrHociit iii'oiiiotroiiicic
mill our Urcrnlintincs i'or J'luntii
(roverlns 3 nri-os 111 class), uro
llio Iuri;cHt lu America.
m 35 0orl.andlStroa.,NBV7
X will iiirtll
01 my rtvv mosh,
' ,iirninaL
.. - it. T
rend his name and r-KUco 6dJreB. tiui i
ii mnuipa iu uujr w.nw
ASTHMA, flATAUTllI, SOllli Till
Tn utiv ono miff
orllUONCITiTJS. tliGintomntlon in th sHook Is
ot Krcai vKiuei nii-i n may ia iug riovjaenceoi uod,
)iavc triAnr 'cfn livc-t. AdttrrM,
feb 25 1-m
mm mm
AiiOl.luuilTi 1, (Utiimily. litvtttnttthfW'orln
ruiU ','i? rt'i Jlo.i Ihtitlrrii tlicntuUt' We f.;i:i'diitc i-
in viruio. o n.ivo nuii'iron ni ieMiiiuiiiinis, (01
lei tat lu thn l.i-t 1 jviih, prnMtiir roiiiliilveiy mit
1 in r-nti hi in't'U ti Hi. lttiUUliifu. AVoiia
llt-.trot'tr tit rolumv Uiu Wiunis mil klnil..'olilnl
ti, Imisi, n:i I 'y.ijwi, lln.t Infot Hie litinian nyrtetn.
f.,,,jvllv, ,lin, fflr)ii una mv'o uicni to liicir Miiiirm
pat:.'iif.. 7V-.! fi v -Vi'i'i".' fmirtm r.bniit this
t'1,1. ii :nly r.'li.iiil,) liit'ilh ini. l'rlco, ."'C. per box.
A.W.Vhlulir U C0.,V:n!! Urtral-.t!,
M.n.J a.iJ Front Streets, rhikrfcU-Mx
feb-11, 81-5rn
To Keivous Sufferers Tho Great Euroscaa
Dr. .1.11. Mmrjsoii'M SdccUIo Medicine lsnnosltlvu
cure lor oicmuikot body or brln or o.ceis or any
kind, such ns weakness nnd all diseases rasultlng
from Nervous Debility. Irrltablllty.Mcntal Anxiety,
i.ttiit'iior. Lasbtiuue, Depression 01 f-piriis anu niiic
tlonal derangements or tho iiei'ons system gen.
eraliy. l'alus In tho
of .Memory, l'rema
tureold nKoanddl-i-
iiaci: or Blue, loss
eases inuc icuu
ly aneuny K'aie
or ootn. jno mairei
how shatuercd tin
sjfitem may bo from
excesses of a 11 3
kind, ashortcourfe m Una imiuciiie will itvtuiu inn
lost functions and piocuro neaiiii aim iinnpiness
where berore was despondency and gloom, 'llio Spe
cltlo Mealelno Is being used with wonderful succiss.
Pamphlets sent free to all. Willo for them and
get, full partrlcuiar.
rnue, PJU'Clllu yi.uu jifi jmKUKi, ui m iiu.MiKta
for ti, 0. Will be tenl by mall on receipt of money.
Address nil orders, .1. 1!. SIMPSON'S MKD1UINE CO.
Nos. nil and H'G Main btrret, llulTalo, N. Y.
icd. u, si-jr
UNION INaui.ANUB uujiirAn i.
1 hn.o old coRroiiATiONS nro well seasoned by ago
nmi vmr. tkstkii and have never yet had a loss set
tled by any court ot law. Their assets are nil Invest
ed In solid PKCUKiTmsand nro liable to tho hazard
of fihk oniy. ...... ..
Lorhps vimypTi.T nnd nONESTLY adlusted and paid
a3 soon as determined by christian F. KNArr, bi'kc-
Tho peoplo ot Columbia county biiouki paironize
tho agency whero losses if any aro settled and paid
by one or tneir own citizens. ...
tfv U. Ml.
outfit furnished frce.wlth full instruc
tions for conducting the most prolltnblo
business that any pno can engagu 111.
mm iinstiiesslssooasy to learn, and our
Instructions nro so simple nnd plain, that nny ono
can mako u'reat proilts f 1 om it ery start. No ono
can fall who Is willing to work, w pnicn are as buc
resstul as men. I'o.vs nnd girls can earn largo sums.
bcfoie. All who ciigftgo arobuipnseu unuBiiinu
and rapidity with which they nro ublo to mnko
,'' v?. Ant, i.nrai'n in this busincFs duilntr
y0ur spare tlmoat great proflt. You do not bavo to
need ready money, should v.ritoto usatoncc. aii
f urnt'hed tree. Address Tuck t Co., Augustn,Malnu
nvosteamtaun II. moiukhiuiuiuiwh. i
oct. 16' 'bo-iy
Cor. Ccntro and llnll lloaU Sts., near L. &. U. Dopot,
Lowest Prices will not to undersold.
Manufacturer ot MINE CAU WHEELS, Coal lireak
cr and llrldgo Castings, Water Pipes, stoves, Tin.
ware. Plows. IHON FENCE, and all kinds ot iron and
Tho rrlglnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
left hand, and side hill Plows, thobe3t In tho mark
et, and all klnd3 of plow repairs.
Cook Stoves, Itoom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, school housos, churches, o. Also tho larg'
est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesalo and
retail, such as nro lirlck.dratcB, Cross Pieces, Lids
to. c, stovo Plpo, Cook Hollers, skllilts, cake.
Plates, large Iron Kettles, $o gallons to ltf barrels)
Farm Hells, Sl:d Soles, Wagon lioxes,
"Allontown Bone Manure"
PLASTElt, SA1.T, &c, SC.
Jan , so-iy
Silvorwaro. Vatches.Jcwelry.Oloo'cs.&c
ah lrinim of watches. Clocks and Jcwilry neat
ly repaired ana warmniuu.
111,00.1181(1)110, PA,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Bnggle3, Phaetons, Sloighs,
llrst-clasa work always on band.
Prices reduced to salt tho tiinoa.
ra Pete.' Mcntferson's
Ml COMPTVLU f V' '-t. .t '! OP
1" ri Ha..B
fSrt tlcl U
Ickious. Amm. I
Hild a inan wlroso wooljjgono oollntenln!l, nnd
brokon ibwa eonsllttitlon shoivod lracf3 of dUiuio
-asurfcror wllh Nervous Hvap:paM,tn wlnso stum
ach tho moil dull.'ato morsel lay llko le.i I. llcfn sh
ln?sl??'p ithl jiileFii!ifvoH w.iro iitrnuiTi tt him,
andhoilojpilreilotovor bolu well. W.i advliod
him tn tar. o
which hod it, and In a short tlni) was not only rj
Hovel bulcurid.
Ita.idarj If yo t arc wirfprlnff with irsp?psU or Liv
er I)lseao In any form do not Walt untlttho dlsoasn
li u takou a Mi hold upau you, but, una tho llegula.
tor whoa th' nymp'.omttlrjt show th'jnuelvos. It,
his tvlli'Wd u'ntjU-s.iff-ilng. SlilMoNS' UVKIl
KE(H i, T01t Knot nn nlchd'iollo iiUinulaiit, but a
Ptu'oly-Vogotablo Romoily
1'i.vt will cine whon cvcrjUilug I'lsu full, it Isa
faultless family modlolno. l)ot tiotilwarrnngoilin
system, U wy violent drnstlo punje, but, naturo's
nwniemedy. Tho friend of evcrione, and will not
dl3appolnt jou. A slnglo will eonvlnco you
lint 11 H Ui'i :henD;st, purest ntnl best 1'alnlly Mod-
eluoitUhgwprlil. . ..
ASIC tin recovered dyspeptleu,
bilious sufforeH, victim i of fuvcr
nnd ngup, tho mercurial diseased
pitlent o-it the; rojovero 1 'their
health, cheerful spirits and good
.appetite they will tell j ou by ta
king Simmons' I.lver Regulator.
asic youii lmuuaisT fou
Original and genuine, prepared only by
j. ii. .in i, in ,v in.,
rli-rtf.oo. Soldby allDruggLits.
April 10, 'SO ly.
Pu riKt anil llikt MeJIclno rirr Jl.nle.
inUuMlou of llona. tlunhu. fnnn
cl rtiUao wid Dii nd ellon, "Itii Ul tin, best and
mostcvluntlvoirciiH'ttlca of all othct bitters,
iBwntoi.t uiooti purlfior, Livor
tnr.flndlatuan'tllcaltli Hcstornu?
Agcut ouHJsaicmssiiarjcarin.
No c jotM 1R '-s' "hero nop
bitters aro u&wnlo vai led au J a roc t arc their
H(7 Else tcu llYi-o ::1 v !::: t: tt J tj 5 wl Itlm.
To all whoia oS-Tl'loyiwubirnuHi IrreuulnrP
tyo(tbobont!oc m1n.iry ouruiJ, orho ro
qulroon AppitlzcrV- Tu"'" nilintM Stimulant,
I lop Illttora aro lnral'V",Lll!' Wlthoutlntox
I eat In n. ts:lX
2,"o matter wh.ilyourfoT.rlli1' or pynirtoma
aro what tho illeejso aiv7vnr.nj U use Hop lilt
tera. bon'Haitunllljo'llxV, s'olf but If Jou
only ful bail cr lnIaru!iId,UuaatJiem At onco.
It inly Bdvo your tin su v o,( Luodreda.
CSOOv.lBL'iiiUrorataV'.io py will not
cuioorl.clii. ,jo not sulTer A'letyourfrIciidj
t'jtr.r.liu. and urr llit'mton' llcp B
h' nu-nlVr, Hop nttcn ti ni Vllj, drupoj
d-jiilii n noi treu, but the rarost v." n J "t
K MldlcInei.virua'Jllho "IXVlUUj rnlKJD
fl iLoiiH Ui n.u.u'jttu. il tzzirzz.rrJJS A
W.I.C.Iifini'HoVito in llnh'ihto cur.. nfiS'-l'
l.irlirvinlielin. t.ii'-e'in-r'iuin, toliieco anCelCT'.ti,-.. a.Imi'II, ilniir--l.t &tutrtiS
rorCrutor. I,"p nilii-t. SHr. Ci., & t.,fa
l' h,N. V i? . nl T.irtiirt... O'l. -?X K.i
July 16, 'SO tt
TIiilliipil,orvllSiCoi,per,r,orfcInh,nr Iron
Linings. i;ach ono Hciielled with my Hume ui
miimifiu'turor is warranted In Material and con
ttriii'llou. Yft falo by tho btl homw lu tho
trade. 'If you 'do 'not klihw wheio to 'pet thM
jiiitnp, wrlti! to mo ns below, and I will tend
nainuof nKent lienrc-t you, who will tupply you
at my lunK prleei.
CHAS. 0. BLATCHIXY, Manufacturer,
303 llarkct St., Philadelphia, Fa.
march 4, '81-tt nts'
Statoof Pennsylvania, Columbia county, SS.
Amone; tho records and nroceedlncs of tho Com
mon Pleas in and for said county It Is Inter alia
thus contained.
In reassigned (stale of I. John 4: Son.
And now February t. ISM. In cnen court, on mo
tion or W. II. lihawii. Attorney for .1. M. smith, As
signee of 1. .John & son, C. u llarkley.Ihq. appoint-
eu as Aiiunor io uisiiiuuio Lnianen in nanus oi sum
assteneo iieccnlliisr to tha trcoml and partial ac
count aiW pi oceedlngs llicrcn to and nmong tho par
lies eiuiiieu uicicio.
Certincd from tho record this Fllleenth day ot Feb
ruary, A. I)., lost.
O. M. (flCK, WM. KlilCKDAUM,
Jii'fiuy. i-iutii.
In nuisuaneo of the abovo anoolntment tho un
dersigned w 111 meet the parties Interested at his of
lice lu Illoomsburg on saturdiy ihoVJth day of
.March, A. 1). issi, between tho hours ot oa. in.
nnd i p.m., at which tlmo and placo all persons
Having claims upon s,:iu iimu wiu uipeur uuu inuvo
their claims or bo debarred from any share of bald
fund. .
U. U. ilAJIKI.liV,
feb. 1 6'1S-iw Auditor.
Tim linrlpisle-CHil auditor nnnolnted by tho Or-
phaus' Court of Columbia county, to mako distribu
tion of tho balance In tuo hands of tho administra
tor of said dectdent, to nnd among tho parties enti
tled thereto, will bit at his ofllcnln Illoomsburg on
Sittirdav April 10, lSslattcn o'clock In tho forenoon
of bald day, when and whero all persons interested
ato reiiuested to present their claims upon said
fund or lie forever debarred irom a share thereof.
march I-iw Auditor.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
gans' Court or Columbia county to mnko dlatrlbu
inn tim rimdM tn iiui banns at Da.ld Ixiwenberir.
niimiiiistrainr ef said deeedeut, to nnd among tlio
tames euiliieii inereio, nenuy gives m ueo ui.u uu
will sit In I ho discharge of tho dutlc3 ot his appoint
ment nt his olllco in tho town ot llloonibburg ou
uv.inusiinv ihn I'.ih it.iv of Anrll. A. II . ISsl. ut ten
o'clock In tho forenoon otbald diy, at which time
and place all persons Interested In bald fuiidaio
reiiuiieii io inieuu ui uo iuiu.ii ucuiiiit-u own uuj
bharu ot tho bame.
march 4-tw Auditor,
In purs'intire of nn order Issued out rf tho or.
plums' Court ot Columbia county, .Tuhn W.Kvans.
Executor of Oeorgo Cvans, hue of linarcri i k towiv
bhlp, Columbia county, di ceased, will oxposo to
l'ubllosalo on tho piunlscs In Hi lai creek township
Tuesday, March 22nd, 1881,
All that eciloln
I'SVA'M Oil l,MU!i:?, Of lf,4M
situuto In lirlarcreel; lownthlp, Columbia county.
I'ciinslvanla, hounded and itecilbcd us follows, to.
Hit! on lha north by lands of (Jco. Ilcs3, on tho
west by lauds of entries lir.ehman, bouth by n puh
llu road, east by land of (icorgo Ilelfoid, containing
and eighty perches. Alio, oro oilier piece rf
land In same towiifhlp, bounded nnd described as
fu'lows, to-wlt: On tho north by luids of oeorgo
UrlfurJ nnd on thn webt by (leorgo Hcltord, south
by put lie road, on the east by land bf II, (), Maitu
on l,(leorge Power, conlnluing
on which nro erected a '
fraino Iiarn and out.bulldlDga. Also.ouo other piece
Of land in same township, bounded on tho north by
landi of 11, (I, Marlz, on tho west by land of IVcIU
.fosteller, on Vbo south by binds of Win, Evans, aud
01 tho cast by public road, containing
Teiims cr SAi.n,-Tcn )ier cent ot one-fourth ot the
puicliase money to bo paid at tho btrlklngdowiiof
Iho propel ly, tho one-fourth less tly ten per rent at
tho connimaiion of eaio inn! the itmalnlng thrto
fuurths In ono year thcrtafttr with Intcrcbt irom
continuation tlsl.
rtb. 19, suu Executor,
4 M hi
0 Villi AND 0 Villi Ad A IN.
Over nnd over again,
No matter which way I turn
I always find tho book In ot life
somn lesson 1 have to learn.
I must take my turn at tha milt:
1 mmt grind out llio golden gralni
I must work At my tnk with n resolute will I
Over ntnl over njalu.
Wo cannot inoasmv) tlio need
Of oven the lluh s Ihwer,
Nor check tha ihnv of lh g itden satidi
Th tl run thmjgh n slnglo hour ;
nut tin nuniltig dew mint fall,
And thy sun and tlumurnlng rain
Jluit do tli?lr pait, and pci form It nil
Ooratid over again
Tho brook in rough llio meadow Hons,
Allover an lover again
The ponderous inlll'V.hecl gt'ffi;
Once doing will nolsurnco,
Though doing bo not In vain;
And a Mousing Itlllng us once or twice,
May como If wo try again.
Tin path Hut has ones been (rod,
Is novcr so rough for tiw t'ct;
And th i los3on wo nnco have learned
Is ucver S3 hard to repoit.
Thsugh sorrowful tears must fall,
And tho heart lo Its depth be liven
With storm and tempest, wo nocd them all
To render us meet for heaven.
Select Story.
'Tlictc isn't rv pretty ono among 'cm,"
saiil Mrs, 15ciison,wtlh small rugnnl for
tlio fcoliiifjis of tlio ten little girls ranged
in a vow before her.
"No," said tho matron of tlio asylum,
"thevo never is niiiuli of good looks to
spare 'mong foundlings. Hut then somo
of 'em aro real smart, and you know you
can have your pick."
"Yo-o-s," answered Mrs. lituison, slow
ly, thinkingthere wasn't much of a:lioicu
and wondering which of tlio ten orphans
was the smartest.
The littlo mils looked at each other
critically. They were accustomed to
iear oeoplo talk of their plainness and
awkardiiess, and the remarks of Mrs.
Hetison did not disturb thorn in the least.
Each ono wanted to bo tho object of the
visitor's choice, but tho rules of the asyl
um lortiatie to speaic unless spoken to,
and they could only show their longing
by eager eyes and expressive faces.
Airs, lienson had said, tliero was
not a pretty one amoiit: them. Scant.
sad-colored stuff gowns, gingham aprons
clumsy shoes and closo cropped hair aro
not calculated to mako one appear well,
and these ten little orphans weru shy and
awkward as well as plain.
iilrs. lenson deliberated somo time be
fore she spoke again, niul then, pointing
ner unit niie'- av a uuio giay-eyed gin
who was balanciiiK herself on one foot.
she said, decidedly:
"Well, I'll take that one."
"Kuth Manniiigl" exclaimed tho mat
ron, "why, she ain't but ten years old j
she'll bo no manner of help to "you."
'olio can learn 1 11 risk iicr, said
Mrs. lienson. "Whero did von tret her
Mrs. 15rowu!"
Mrs. Brown had been matron of the
rjilfortl Orphan Asylum for twenty-live
years, and of course knew the history of
every child within its walls, so sho an
swered without hesitation :
"I Fur mother came here eijrht years
igo last December and asked for shelter
over ni"ht. Jt was stoiiuiiii: bard and
wo took her in, for she was a delicate
looking creatrre, and had this child with
her. The next morning wo found her
dead in her bed died from fatigue and
exposure, the Coroner said. Ot course
wo kept tho child and she's tho very mod
i f t... ,i.....
hi ui tin iiiumi-i,
"Well, I think she'll suit me," said
Mrs. Benson, who had listened to the
short story without a sign of sympathy,
"so please tell tho lady directess I've de
cided, Mrs. Brown and we'll sign tho pa-
, .......I.. 1
I'l-ia uiii. iiwiy.
Ami an hour later lilllc Kutu was sit
ting in tho cars by the side of her new
guardian, whirling along to her new
home fifty miles away. Poor child, how
happy sho was! Delighted with every
thing sho saw, and ignorant of what it
really meant to bo "bound out" until sho
should reach tho ae of 18.
Tho large, well stocked, well fruited
farm which Mrs. Benson owned seemed
at first liko a paradisototho littlo orphan.
Everything was new and strange to her,
uiu sho would havo been very well con
tented had Mrs Benson proved less ex
acting, But fiom morning till uicht the
child was not allowed to rest. She rose
at daybreak and kindled the fires, brine
water, and help her mistress in tho prep
aratiou or mo uieaiuusi. vnu alter
breakfast tho dishes had to be washed
tho chickens fed, tho kitchen swept, and
the cows driven to pasture Littlo ltuth's
leet were never still, tier hands never
idle, until sho lay down at night in tho
rude cot bed in the lumber room in tho
louse. Tho ltimbor and trash had been
moved out,but tho room was lai ge,gloomy
and lonesome, and sometimes tho rats
ran over the lloor, much to Buth's hor
ror. But sho did not coinulaiu.
As tho months went bv ltuth's hair
grew long and curled' over her shoulders
in shining rings, in spite oi her hard
and careless labor sho grew plump and
round, and tier cheeks were as red as
ro?4s in June. Mrs. Brown would hardly
havo recognized her, so much did sho
iniprovo ou tho good faro of tho farm ami
tho puro mountain air.
Across tho road from Mrs. Benson's
lived Mr. and Miss Moss, a brother and
sister who, by their peculiar modo of life
had mado themselves much object among
their neighbors. They lived, apparently,
solely for each other, and it was seldom
that a visitor crossed their threshold,
Miss Moss attended tho affairs of her
household, assisted by a handmaiden as
gaunt and grim as herself, and Mr. Moss
shut himself up in his study every day
and spent his timo in reading and paint
ing, for ho was an excellent artist and
might havo mado his mark in tho world
with his brush had ho eared to do so.
Ono day when ho was busy with his
paints and palletle, ho was startled by a
noise at his window, and looking up saw
his neighbor's littlo bound girl gazing at
him as u awo-struek. bho had olunbed
up on tho grapo vino and was seated so.
ciirely on tho window sill,
Mr. Moss' Hist impulse wai to scare
tho littlo thing away with a terrible
scolding i inn, loriuiiatciy lor litith Sal
ter happiness, a better thought camo into
his mind.
"Como in," ho suld, n littlo grullly,
'AVIiat aro you dointr there'!"
"I only wanted to look iust once.!'
answered Ituth. "When I stood on tho
fence over tliero I could just sco inj but
I couldn't tell what you were- doing,"
Sho sprang into tho room its sho spoko
and stood staling at tho picture on which
Mr. Moss was at work.
hat lus sister would havo thounht
fslio had heard him explaining ali bis
lietures to tho child, there is no telling,
till Until was charmed. and onlv remem
bered when tho clock struck 112 that sho
had left her beds tiiiiiimleaud the natlor
iindiis'ted. She rail homo ns fast at her
feet could carry her,but fortunately Mrs.
Benson was absent nt her soil's, and
knew iiothinir of the stolen visit.
It, was not 1,'iiths liiil visit to tho
study-by any moans. Before a month
ind parsed nho had learned to look upon
this strange old iniiii and his grim sisler
as her best fiicuds on earth, nnd they
grow to love tho golden haired child and
to watch lor her coming.
Ono day, about u year after Ituth had
irsl met Mr. Moss, Mrs. Benson found
her ono morning bending over a pieco of
paper ou which sho was drawing faces
Willi a lead pencil. The water lor tho
washing of the dishes stood on the table
growing coltl, tlio lues were swarming
over bread which had been carelessly left
uncovered, and Ituth was so much ab
sorbed that sho did not oven hear Mrs.
Benson's step or know bIio was near, un
til the pieco of paper was caught from
her hands and a stinging blow descended
ou her left ear.
"You trood for-nothing littlo plecel"
cried Mrs. Benson, who was thoroughly
angry, "bo this is the way you spend
your time, is it'! Who taught you to
draw, I'd like to know? The next thing
you'll be asking mo to buy you a piano
or a guitar. I supposo you havo an
idea that I mean lo leave you my prop
erty. "Well, you'd best know 'first as
last that I shan't leave you a cent, so
you've no call to get into idle ways.
You'll havo to work all the days of
your life. What money l'vo got 1 mean
to leave lo my son James, and not a pen
ny to any one else. You'll please not
forget, Miss, that you're a charity child.
I took von out ot chanty away troin
that asylum, and you ought to be grate
fill for it, instead of spending your time
over such nonsense as this" tearing the
paper she held into a dozen pieces.
"aow, go hack to your work, and keep
it in mind that vou'vo nothing to expect
fiom mo when I die, or whilo F live,eith
or. I'll clothe you and feed yon till
you're 18, as tho contract says, but after
that you'll look out for yourself."
Kuth shook and shuddered under this
rude blast. FFcr gray eyes full of unshed
tears, and her sensitive lips quivercd,but
she said nothing. Ono by ono she wash
ed and dried the dishes, and it was only
when they wero all put away that she
stolo timo to cry. Then she ran into
tho big, bare room in the wing, and
throwing herself on her hard bed, burst
into a fiood of tears.
Time went on, and Ituth was seven
teen. A tall, straight, slender girl, with
t wealth of golden hair, and a complex
ion so beautiful that even James, Mrs.
Benson's rough son, noticed and spoko
of it, though lie was married and had
three children and littlo thought for
beauty in anything.
Ilo lived three miles from his mother,
on a lino farm of his own, and ho was
in very fair circumstance, too. But ho
coveted his mother's property, and threw
out many a hint that ho would prefer not
to wait for it until her death, and
thought one roof largo enough to shelter
them all. But Mrs. Benson refused to
deed him an aero of land, or give him a
cent of her money.
Vou shall have it all when I am
dead, James," she would say, "but while
I live 1 11 take care ot it 1 m a good
manager, and the farm grows more val
uable with every year."
But one night tho labor of years was
reduced to nothing, and Mrs. Benson
found herself homeless and almost pen
niless. A lire, the origin ot which was
novcr known, destroyed her handsome
house, and burned to the ground every
outbuilding on tho farm, IForses and
cattlo were in tho stables, but all perish
ed, and worse than all else, Mrs. Bonson,
in endeavoring to savo her private desk
from the flames, was so terribly burned
that for weeks sho lay helpless at her
sou's house, requiting as much caro as
an mtaiit. .
On ltuth's shoulders fell tho burden of
nursing her mistress, and wen did sue
perform her task. No daughter could
havo been better to tho sick woman than
was she, and sho felt sufficiently reward
ed when tho doctor told her that Mrs.
Benson owed her lifo to the careful nurs
ing sho had received.
Tho prudent woman had novcr had
any faith in banks. Tho hoardings of
years of toil had been kept in her privato
Ilesk, and in spito of her efforts to save
it, tho desk had been burned, with ev ry
thing else in tho house. All that re
maiued to Mrs. Benson now was tho
farm, and sho had not a penny in tho
But her sorrows wcro not to end here,
No sooner than sho was pronounced out
of danger than her sou told her very
plainly that she must find another
'I have my wifo and children to sup
port," ho said, "and you'll havo to look
out for yourself."
"Jitit. .lames, cried .Mrs. Benson, in
amazement and grief, "how can 1 help
mysclfi My hands aro crippled prob
ably it will ho years lietoro i can use
them again, and you know you used to
beg mu to eomo and live with you, aud
said otien mat ono root was lug enough
for us all,"
"Donl's let's nrguo tho matter," said tho
undiitiful sou. "What I said onco aud
what I say now havo no connection.
only know that tho sooner you aud your
Hound gin nnd another homo tho betler,
I'll bo pleased."
Until was not present nt this liiter-
view,aud when she camo in from a walk
was surprised to find her mistress in tho
deepest despair.
'Wliat'suho matter?" sho asked, kind
ly smoothing the tumbled gray hair from
tho wrinkled forehead. "Can'l help you
-urs. liensoiiT
".o, no, inmost shrieked tho poor
woman. "You'll bo uugiateful liko tho
rest, l'vo kept you out of charity for
seven years, but you'll desert mo now as
my own tlesh and blood.
And then bhotold Ituth what her son
had said.
ltuth's checks Hushed indignantly as
suo iisieneii, nut wiien iirs, lienson ceas
edtalkuig sho had word if comfort
orhopo to utter. I'oor Ituth 1 sho was
making up her mind to a great sacrifice
sho wns( struggling for strength to reblst
"Well," wined Mrs. Benson, "why
don't vou suv sometlibnr?"
Then Ituth rose, and stood before her
mistress, iter cheeks wore pakyier eye
moist with tears, but sho Bpoko clieei
fully and heaitily ns sho said, taking in
her'a tlio two scared and red hands, still
bandaged and bound with soothing
"No, I will not desert you when
you need mo most, dear Mrs. lien
son. You say you have no home. Well
I will givo you one."
"Youl" cried Mrs Benson. "Why you
aro as poor as 1 mu und pooler."
"Yes, in money I am poor," said Kuth
"but, thanks to Mr. Moss 1 nm able to
mako a home for you, l'or six years ho
has given mo lessons in drawing and
painting, and threo months ago ho took
live of my pictures to tho city aud left
them at a dealer's to bu sold, To-day I
received SjUOO dollars as compensation
for my work, and tho more I practice
the bitter I shall paint, and, of course, I
will receive higher prices."
"Two hundred dollars I" reheated Mrs.
Benson in amazement. "W hy, F can't
believe it 1 When did you get timo to
lake lessons of Mr. Moss, I'tith t"
"You used to send mo to bed early,"
answered Ituth, a mnile stealing over her
lips, "but you never guessed that I climb
cd out of tho window of tho lumber
room as soon us you had left mo and ran
over to Mr. Moss.' Tired as I was al
ways after working hard All day, I was
yet anxious to learn that I mado rapid
progress in my studies, Mr. Moss encour
aging me by saying that I had real tal
ent for painting. Ami now that I am able
to mako a living you shall not suffer for
a home. "Wo will go to Barville-4t is
a thriviug, prosperous town, and I teel
sure I can mako enough lo support us
both in comfort. "Wo havo the $200 to
begin on, and it won't bo long before I
shall have pupils in drawing and paint
ing. You havo cared for mo for seven
years, Mrs. Benson, and now I shall caro
for you."
Vov a moment Mrs. Benson looked
steadily at Ituth, as if trying to take in
tho meaning ef what sho said, and then
covered her face with her bandaged,
lame hands, burst into tears tho first
she had shed for forty years. It seemed
to her that tho past seven years wero
spread out before her, and she could read
the record of her treatment of tho or
phan she had taken to her home "out of
ltuth's arms wero about tho neck of
tho weeping woman instantly ; but her
caressing touch and tender words only
made Mrs. Benson cry the harder.
"I don't deserve such kindness from
you, Ituth," sho sobbed. "Oh, how I
wish 1 had never boxed your cars or
called you names. You aro returning
good for evil, my dear, and no mistake."
Poor Ituth 1 Mrs. Benson never dream
ed what a sacrilico the "charity child"
had made for her. That very day when
Mr. Moss had put in her hands the 200
he Imd urged her to go abroad, to study
in Italy and France the art for which
she hud so marked a talent, and had of
fered to lend her the money for her ex
penses, to be repaid when sho opened a
studio of her own and mako herself as
famous as sho felt sure sho would be.
For years Ituth had longed logo abroad
and it was not easy for her to relinquish
all hope of seeing forcigh lands and set
tle down in busy life, bustling Barville,
as the prop and comfortof a crippled old
woman. ,
But her mind having onco been made
up that it was her duty to make the sac
rifice sho spent no timo in vain regrets,
but wont bravely to work.
Her success iuBarvillowas immediate.
Sho soon had as many pupils as sho
could attend to, and her pictures found
ready sale. She was as true and as ten
der as an own child could havo been to
Mrs. Benson, who learned, to love her far
better than sho had tho selfish sou who
had been tried and found wanting in her
hour of need.
And Ituth felt rewarded for tho sac-
ilico she had mado when sho heard her
adopted mother bless tho day sho had
lsited tlio Wilford Orphan Asvlum and
takendionio a littlo prav-oved mil "out
of charity."
Cured of Drinking.
"A young friend of mine was cured of
m insatiable thirst for liquor which had
so prostrated him that ho was unablo to
do any business. Ilo was entirely cured
by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all
mm, uuiiiiiig must; tooic away tno ap
petite for liquor; mado his nerves steady,
inti no has remained a sober and steady
man for morothan two years, and ho has
no desire to return to his cups. I know
oi u nuinuer oi others that have been
cured of drinking by it." From a lead
ing 15. It. ollicial, Chicago, 111. 'Times.
From an exchange the census of 1880
furnishes somo surprises, Ono is that
the centre ot population has moved west
ward only fifty miles in tho last decado.
But a littlo reflection will mako us doubt
whether it can travel so fast during tho
next ten years 1st. Tho Eastern part
of the country is not half occupied, and
tho South has room for four times its pres
ent population east of tho Missippi. !)rd.
ins quuu pussiuiu mat tno westward
movement of emigration may not (while
tiiuiuuaiu luiiiiiiaiu imieiaiivo strength
ror, so soon as political agitation leaves
sectional Hues, tho flood will divide, ono
stream flowing southward. 3rd. Somo
timo or other, probably within ton years,
mo vacant ami cneap and halt-cultivated
lauds of the east will command a liopula-
nun, jjuiii Jiunner.
Tlio Urceil tor ulllce.
When men onco go to "Washington iu
an official capacity few of them havo tho
heart to leavo there nnd return to
tlio quiet ways of private life, and so
it is said that representatives and even
senators nro anxious for President Gar
field to mako changes in tho bureaus of
(intercut departments in order toprovido
them places. Iu this Stato tho popular
sense of ..becoming dignitv has been
shocked more than onco by members of
.1... 1 .. !... . f .. ,
uiu j.i-gisiiiiui o uii me expiration oi men-
terms applying lor positions as pasters
and folders. It is to bo hoped that tho
rrosidont win do nothing to encour
ago so craven a thing ns this in the capi
tal of tho nation. J'ittabiiij Telegraph
Good Advice.
If you kcep your stomach, liver and
kidneys in perfect working order, you
will prevent and euro by far tho greater
part of tho ills that ntllict mankind in
this or nny section. There is no medi
cine known that will' do this ns quickly
or surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic,
which will secure n perfectly natural no-
lion of these important organs without
luierioring in tuo least with your daily
iiiiuva. ovu uuvei tiseiueiiu
1'itiMiTivi: i'i:uioi), 1 81 fl-1 805.
In tho year IHlfi He v. Jacob DcifTon-
bach moved to Bloomsburg and took
harge of llio weak and scattered inter
ests of the Iteforined church in this and
adjacent counties, lie was the first rcg-
lai'iiolorined minister who lanoied nys-
lematically and zealously for the unbuild
ing of these congregations. Previous to
his arrival, they had been visited only
occasionally by itinerants who in all
ases did not walk woilliy oi their voca
tion. Tho country being comparatively
new and thinly settled, and ministers bo
ng scarce, these lew leeblo mid scattered
ougregatious wero without llio necessa
ry dispensers of tho Word and bacra-
nients. Mr. Deiffenbach s field of labor
was long and wide; but he entered upon
its cultivation with much holy cotirago
and warm zeal. Ilo was then in tlio
primo ot lifo and had both the strength
and heart to work. Ilo preached at
Bloomsburg, Mahoning, Calawissa, Bri
arcreek, Milllin, Salem, and occasionally
) I'ishingcrcek. Jloorganiz"d both tho
ellcr and tho Fisher congregations
which at that timo wero worshpping in
school houses. His labor extended for a
time even to Conyngham, whero ho
preached during a vacation, and cate
chised tlio children. For several years
io also preached once a mouth at New
port, five miles below Wilkesbarrc. Ilo
csidcd in Bloomsburg till tho year 1822,
hen ho removed to J'-spy, and contin
ued to preach till the. year 1821, when.
ho was confined lo his bed with consump
tion to rise no more. FFo died peaceful
ly and in the hope of a blessed resurrec
tion, on the lilth of April, 182j, aged
11 years, l month and 10 days, lie was
buried in the old union graveyard on tho
hill in Bloomsburg. Through him the
Reformed church in this county was
placed on a linn basis aud took organic
shape, and he may justly bo regarded as
its founder in Columbia county. And
as we follow the outgrowth ot Ins labors
as it developed into several well estab
lished and self-supporting charges, we
can iustly pay this scriptural tribute to
his memory, "Blessed are the dead which
io in tho Lord Irom hencetorth: yea,
litli the spirit, that they may rest from
their labours; and their works do follow
them." Rev. xiv:13.
In the year 1829 ltcv. Daniel S. Tobi-
as was ordained and installed pastor of
the (then) Bloomsburg charge and serv-
dittill 18ol. During his pastorate it be
came necessary to introduce limgiisu ser
vice m addition to tho ucrmnn which
had been the only service hitherto ren
dered. Accordingly in the fall of 1814,
Mr. Henry F unk was called as an assist
ant English pastor to ltcv. D. a. Tobias.
On tho 8th of Deo 1811, ho was ordain
ed and installed at Orangevillo by ltevs.
It,. Iveilter and 11. llarbaugh. llcserved
tho English portion of this charge for
ten years with great acceptance and
faithfulness. Failing health compelled
im to cease his labor of love and at
length a slow consumption had done its
work, and ho fell asleep in Jesus, April
loth, lsoi), age ;la years, 1 1 moiitlisaiid
9 days. Tho I lev. "W. Goodrich became
his successor Aug. 1st, 18fll and served
the charge with marked success till ho
esigned Oct. 3rd, 1805.
During this period of fifty years,
(181,r)-05) tliero was much home mis
sionary work and reconstruction ot
charges done. New preaching points
wero taken up, congregations organized
and new charges formed. Tho de
mands for English as well as German
preaching had to bo met. Mountains
had to be traversed, rivers forded, deep
forests penetrated, and long and tedious
journeys over rugged roads had to Lo
made. Indeed all that belongs to tho
pioneer life of a pastor had to bo eudur-
cd. The nrosont trencralion cannot too
highly appreciate the self-denvitig labor
of those pioneer pastors
The old mother
chargo travailed much in her soul (and
wo may add traveled much in her terri
tory) but sho gave birth to several nour
ishing charges.
the okanghvii.m: iir.ror.MKD ciiaiige.
"When Row "William Goodrich resign
ed his pastorato of tho old Bloomsburg
Reform chargo (Oct. 3rd, 18G5) it con
sisted of six congregations. Upon his
recommendation it was divided into two
charges: tho (new) Bloomsburg charge
and tho Oraugovillc charge. The former
consisted of tho Bloomsburg, the Heller's
and the Catawissa congregations. Tho
latter of tho Orangevillo, tho Zion and
tho St. James congregation. The par
sonago in Orangevillo was sold and
thoso having stock ceitifieates wero paid
their claims. Tho sacrificing of this par-
sonago should not havo taken placo.
Tho Orangevillo charge, in which it was
conveniently located should havo mado
special efforts to buy out the claims of
tho other charge.
riius.tho Orangevillo chargo was a part of
the old Bloomsburg charge. It commenced
without a parsonago and with a small
membership. Its congregations wero
also suffering moro or less from tho de
moralizing effects of tho late civil wnr. A
new pastoi had to bo called; tho sub
scription for tho pastor's salary had to
uu increased, uuu it must act uuicpenu
ent of its former help. When this now
chargo started out, it was liko an orphan
child, without a parsonage, without a
pastor and with a longestablished stand
ard of salary subscriptions too low to
rcacn anything like a competent support.
Indeed, tlio nrosnect was dark to some:
but others walked bv faith and bnlliivpil
that provision would bo mado to meet
tho necessary demands. Thov took
heart and called a pastor. Tho St. James
congregation, being tlio largest, tho most
support was expected from it. How
should tho standard of subscription bo
raised was an important question. At
length, Captain John Beishline, (now
deceased) camo to tho most practical con
ciusion and said, "ivo must douuio our
subscriptions. I will doublo mine.'
They all soldier liko fell in rank and tho
subscription went up.
Ou tlio 1st of April Row E. B. "Wilson
was called to tho pastorale of tho Or
.uiguviiio cuiirgo at a salary oi ouu, Jio
served tho charge till the time his death
!,, 1 - , r ... -.
in May 1808, not qtiito two years. His
death was peculiarly distressing. Ho
had gono in company with ono of his
daughters on a visit to his son-in-law in
Adams county, intending to spend a few
days with them and then return to his
homo nud tho peoplo of his chargo, On
Saturday ovenlug ho retired in his usual
health and in tho morning was fnnnddead
in his bed. Hois supposed to have died
of apoplexy. His remains were interred
in tho cemetery nttaehed to tho Anita-
villo church, Mr. Wilson was not nn
cducaled man, but had somo rare natu
ral talents which were coveted by not n
fow. Ho commenced preaching without
any special preparation for this worl,
but endeavored earnestly and faithfully
in the foar of God to preach tho gospel
and ndininistoritssaci'ed ordinances, JFo
tried conscientiously to discharge his du
ty to his divine Master, ns well as to his
people. His work on earth is now done.
Tho weary laborer has been called to
his reward in Heaven.
"Asleep in Jesus, blessed slecji."
The chargo being again without n
pastor and losing many members by re
moval, seemed to decline. From tho
timo of its organization to tho present
period, it seemed liko a child. It need
ed special care and nursing. On tho 1st
of August, 1809. tho present incumbent,
Rev. A. Iloutz wn called lo its pastor
ato. During his paBtorato tho chargo
has made marked progress. The aliena
ted members havo generally been brought
back; tho children cntcchlscd and con
firmed; tho church buildings improved,
and the chargo now rests on a good fi
nancial basis. Its contributions aro more
systematic and liberal; its Sabbath
schools somewhat improved; and tho
chargo has been materially strength
ened by the annexation of tho Ilidley
congregation from tho North Susque
hanna charge in 1871.
Though it is a small chargo In com
parison to many others, and can afford
to pay rather a meagre support lo a pas
tor, yet its geographical position, internal
harmony and spiritual lone, have secured
for it tho appellation of "A Bird of n
Tin: st. .t.uir.s conoiikoation.
Occasionally in tlio latter part of his
ministry, (1820-1822) Rev. Jacob Deiff
enbach preached in privato houses and
in a school hotifjo located where tho old
Pealcr and Bellas graveyard is in Fish
ingcreek township. Tradition says ho
was a lino German preacher and an ex
cellent singer. After his death Rev.
John Nicholas Zcizer who resided below
AVilkesbarre preached hero from perhaps
1822 to 182.). His son occasionally fill
ed his appointments. About tho year
182.) there was a Lutheran Reformed
log church built at New Columbus. Tho
Reformed congregation moved their
place of worship to this church and pro
cured tho services of Rev. Isaao Shell
hammer. Hero they worshipped till
1811) when they moved to the Groveling
Cross Roads school house. Hero they
remained till 1S.')2. The St. James
church being now completed, they occu
pied it and have continued there ever
since. While the congregation was wor
shipping at the Cross Roads school house
tho desire for homo English preaching
was expressed on the part of a few
members. Accordingly Rev. II. Funk,
who had already been preaching at the
old log church where tho present St. Ga
briel church stands, was secured and ho
became their regular English pastor,
whilo Rev. Isaac Shellhaminer remained
their German pastor. They continued
thus to havo two regular pastors till
tho close of Rev. I. Sliellhammer's pas
torate iu 18.)S when tho transition from
tho German to the English language
was completed.
Rev. W. Goodrich became tho imme
diate successor of Rev. II. Funk in 185-1
and served this congregation with great
acceptance nnd success till 1805. Du
ring his pastorate of this congregation
ho baptized 07 and confirmed 01,
In the Spring of 18G0 Rev. E. B. "Wil
son took charge of this congregation and
served them till 18G8, during which
time ho baptized 15 and confirmed 8.
Ou tho 1st of August, 1809 Row A.
Iloutztook charge of tho congregation
and up to tho present time baptized 57
and confirmed 01.
In December, 1878 this congregation
was incorporated tinder the title of tho
St. James Reformed Church and adopt
ed tho charter recommended by
( .. -lhu.stll at. James congregation, at
first liko a tenant, moved from ono placo
to another until it finally settled down
permanently in its present hotisj of wor
ship. In its progress it has absorbed
kindred interests and elements, and now
has tho form of a solid phalanx. Its
membership is comprised of substantial
material. Hero all are attentive and do-
out ia their worship. Hero all from tho
least to tno greatest sing. Hero aro
found unity of feeling, singleness of pur-
)oso and great church attachment.
Hero parents generally bring their chil
dren lo tho church, havo them baptized,
atcchised and continued. Tho nein-
bors of this congregation are noted for
their liberal support of their pastor and
benevolent objects; also lor their attend
ance, those coming threo and four miles
aro as regular as thoso living near. This is
a mode congregation and has commend
ed itsell to tho observing nnd unprciu-
uiced community. V ithin the last lew
yoars, tho congregation added a number
of improvements to their church building
ind surrounded tho gravoyard with a
neat picket feuco. For a number of
years a prayer meeting and sabbath
school havo been successfully sustained
nud conducted. The prospects of this
congregation aro flattering. Hero tho
pastor and pcople.feeling their mutiinl at
tachment, can sing with profound sin
cerity tho hymn, "Blest bo tho tic that
binds, our hearts m Uhnstian love.
Sneer's Iloreliound Hyeandltoek.
Mado of old pearl rve, rock candy
crystal, and tho horehouud herb, a sim
ple and effective remedy for coughs,
colds, hoarseness and sore throats, high
ly recommended for consumptives. Tills
is no putont medicine mixture, but it is
tho puro oxtract of rye, liorchound and
rock candy, combined with ono other
medicine much used by consumptives.
Sold by C. A. Kleiin.
Every member of tho now cabinet is
married, secretary Hunt, ot tho navw
having his fourth wifo. Windom is tho
only Ohio man. Blaiue, James and
Hunt wero wings, ivukwood originally
n Democrat, and "Windom and Lincoln
consistent Republicans.. Bhiino is fifty-
ono years ot age; iiulom, lilty-tour;
James, till v; JWaoYeagh iortv-eight;
Kirkwood, sixty-eight; Lincoln, thirty-
soveni Hunt, fifty-two.
Cupid's twists and turns : "Yes."
said tho old Mr. Rich, "I'm bound niv
son shall marry old Mr. Woalthy'a
(laughter, and, though they don't li'ko
each other, old : Wealthy niul I havo ar
ranged it. We'll mako our wills, leav
ing them our property only on condition
that they don't many, with codicils giv
ing it to them anyway ; theso codi
cils only to bo produced after thcj'vo
doped and wed," Jloslon I'ost
1 I
I r.l
1 1 Jfi