The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1881, Image 3

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ni.oonsni!ii(i,FniiUY, maiioh ii, iesi
ruiiLto balks.
Tha executor of Clcorgo Evann, elcccancel,
will pel! rtnl cslnto in Drlarctcck township on
Tuosilny, Mnrch 22,-iet at 10 a. m,
Tlie excoatrix o( Jamoi Ijunin, itocoatl,
will cll rtnl cstntc In llrlarcrcok on Monday
Mjrch 21 il'nt ono o'clock, p. m.
Seo tiiWottWonionls In this paper.
James wilt tell personal proporty in
Hemlock township on Wednesday March lGlli,
Mrs. E. A. Shnrotts will sell personal prop
crty In Contro township noir Fowlcravlllo on
Mondiy March 11 at ton a. m.
l'arvln Swisher will Sill pcrronnl properly
on his premises in Madison township on Tuosi
day March 22nd nt 10 a.m.
Very heavy fnow storms ocourrcd last week
all through the west.
If you want fino photographs, go to C. 0,
Wirt's gillory over Clark's store.
The Town laws and ordinances in pamphlet
form (or tale nt this office, 2ft cents. Alio at
G. A. Clark's Hook 6lore.
Mnllhew Quick has bought tlio farm at Ru
pert) from tho estate of his father, the hto W.
O. Quick.
Wall Paper, Window Shado, Fixtures, Cord
and Tassels and Fringo at tho Peoples' Book
Representative Vanderslico returned to liar-rn-burg
on Tuesday, The Legislature took n
recess from sVcdnesdiy to Tuesday, Mr. Vani
dcrslico spent the time at home.
Call and examine a large ftocl; of Wnll Pa
per, latest patterns and low prices. Peoples'
Book Store, Evans block.
Mr. C. K. Francis, General Agent of tho
Home Insurance Company; has removed from
Scranton to this town.
In style nnd finish the pictures sent from C.
C. Wirt's gallery comparo favorably with any
taken anywhere; promptly finished.
Subscribers who change their postofilce ad'
dress on the 1st of April will pleao inform us
of tho fact, giving their present nddress as well
as Hie new one.
Wanted A Hiker, a single man preferred,
one that can work on confectionery. $30 nnd
board per month. J. V. Caldwell.
Mayor Powdcrly, of Scranton, will lecture nt
tho Opera House on Tuesday evening, the loth,
on the situation of alftirs in Ireland. He comes
nt tho invitation ot the Land league.
All that is nktd is n call to convince you
that there is a full lino and new stock of Wall
Paper at the Peoples' Hook Store,
Another man nt Williamsporl went to bed nt
the City Hotel last week and blew the gai out.
This is tliti third cao of tho kind in tlmlcily
within n month, one of which proved fatal.
All persons indebted to this office for sub
scription, job work or advertising, are earnestly
requested to settle their accounts befnro April
Nervous headache, periodical headache,
neuralgic headacho cured bv Dr. Mcttaur'a
Headache and Dyspepsia Pills. Prico 25
cents. march 11-lm
Tho burning of the Orphan nsylum at Scran!
ton was catieed by a servant girl who went into
n clothes room to change her clothes, nnd set
fireto a skirt hnnging on tho wall. She went
out and closed the door without discovering
the fire.
Tho objeclions to the metal tip upon children's
shoos do not hold good against thoA.S.T. Co
beautiful Black Tip, nnd it is time parents
were inquiring for them, for fine bIiocs as well
ns common, ns they reduce bIioo bills one half.
Emerson Dillon, who for roveral years ha
been working with L. Hernhard, has obtained
n nocilioti with Reynolds k Co., Jewelers, of
Plymouth. The firm will remove to Scranton
in April. Mr. Dillon is n good workman, nnd
wo are nleajed to ltnrn that ho has got a fine
People will find it to their advantage to call
first at tho Peoples' Book Storo to seo their
new slock of Wall Paper, no old Block, as it is
entirely new; also Window Shades, Cord, Tn
Bels and Fringe
In a collision which occurred on tho Balti
more A Ohio railroad on Saturday, to the train
in which Hayes and family were returning to
their home.a man named J. Weimer Young,nn
excursionist from Shamokin, was instantly
killed. Helived in this town some years ago.
Secure a sitting for ono of C C. Wirt's pho
tographs. They are promptly and highly fin
ished in card, cabinet and panel sizes, and will
give satisfaction. Gallery over Clark's stcre.
Sick Headache, Nervous Ileadache.nead
ncho from sour stnmach,aro all cured by Dr.
Metlaur's Headache and Dyspepsia Dills.
Prico 20 cents. march 11-lm
We learn that Mr. H. Rush Jackson, of Du
nhore, Sullivan county, who was a prominent
candidate fur Stale Senator last fall before the
Senatorial conference, is about to remove to
Mount Clemens, Macomb county, Michigan, to
becomo the proprietor of tho Clifton House.
Prof. G. E. Wilbur has shown uo an excel
lent portrait of hisncently deceased brother-in-law,
Elmer E. Hiller. It was drawn by
Jliss Iinricjlormorly of the Normal
Mrs. AVnrd.of Columbus, Ohio. Considering
the fact that tho picture wns made almost en
tirely from memory, it !b indeed n remarkable
likenrsi, nnd exhibits the skill of a master
hand in Its execution.
Foil Sai.i: on Rkst. Snyder's tannery, lo
cated in Bloomsburg, is forsalo or rent. Pos
session given April 1st, 1881. For prico and
terms apply to C. W. Ncal or F. P. Billraoyer
Bloomsburg, Pa. jan 7tf
Tho destruction of tlio Danvlllo Asylum
shows that it is impossible to b loo careful in
protecting against fire. Tho water nt tho jail
is yery bad for household purposes, nnd in ense
of fire the building would undoubtedly bo Ue
Btroyed, having no connection with the water
work. Now is the tlino to provide rgainet
such a lois by the county as (lie S'nle has just
To the lairoycH of Columbia county: Wc,
the undeislgncd Auditors, having In en duly
elected to settle, audit nnd adjust tho accounts
of the Commissioners nnd Treasurer of said
county, nnd after having been duly qualified
and n copy of the oath having been filed with
tho clork of the Ccurt of Quaiter bcnionB, do
Hlro to stale that we did, thrrefure, according
to appointment, meet the above officers nt their
office in Hloomeburg, on the 3rd day of Janua
ry, i( leinrthc first Monday, A. D,, 1881, and
carefully examined their bills, accounts, and
the several foucArrs thereof, nnd eel ihem forth
as they wiro presented to us, and our loport
having been presented to tho Court for con
iirmation, wo claim that we have etono our
duly nnd if theio Is any party that feels him
self aggrieved ho must tee-k It through anoth
er channel limn the board ol Auditors,
J. U. BElifillOI.TZ,
County Auditors.
llUomvLurg, Pa., Much 7, 1681,
Howorth's Comedy Company and Grand III.
hernlca navo n very laughable nnd meritorious
entertainment Inst night nt the Grind Opera
House. Their ton specially neon cms nil first
class nnd tho scenery and Inhlentix nro grand.
Hauling Daily ICagh Vcb. 18A, 1881.,
lhls company will exhibit at the Optra
Homo on Friday March 18lh. Go and see
Ono prico nnd always tho b?t nt the Peo
ples' Drug and Hook Store. Remember Wnll
Paper is nhokept there.
June, 1870.
Tho following jxplatna Itsclfs "At one time
when on account of flcknoas, I could not fill
my appointments mode for the examination of
teachers, ho (T. H. Miller) ns deputy, perform
ed tho work with ability nnd qulto satisfactori
ly." CitAS.G. Bahki.f.v.
Ludicrous nnd occasionally mortifying typo
graphical errors are ono of tho incidents' of a
newspaper office, Though the cyo of tho proof
reader may delect nil mistakes, tho composi
tor sometimes fails tD mako the neccssnry cor
rection. Such an ono occur led in our last is
sue, but ns it is ono of thoo things nbout which
"tho lenst snld, soonest mended," wo shall at
tempt no npology.
S ili'facliou guaranteed by photographer C.
C. Wirt In nil kinds or work in Ins line. Gal
lery over Clark' 8 store.
Last Friday it snowed. Ordinance No. 1,
Section V, Arliclo I, rcidsas follows:
"Tho owntra ,or occupants of all property
in tho built up portions of the town, shall wltln
in six hours nfier n fall or deposit of snow or
sleet, removo the snmo from their respective
pavements or side-walks, nnd upon neglect or
refusal so to do, they shall upon conviction, pay
a lino not exceeding ono dollar lor cacn oi
fenco." ArticloG of the samo section makes it the
dnly of the street commissioner to enforce this
ordinance. Forty-eight hours nfter the snow
fell there wero many pavements in tho most
thickly settled portions of the town that were
almost imnassiblo by reason of tho slush. If
thostroet commissioner is afraid of offending
citizens who will not comply with (he
towu laws, he had better resign and let some
rue be appointed in his place who will perform
tho duties of his office. Tho bad condition of
tlio pavements last Sunday was owing to the
fact that they had not been cleaned off.
Remember Wnll Paper was never kept here
before, nil paper is of this season, so you
may know it is all new nnd latest styles. Peo
ples' Book Store.
Tho followine which wo cony from the Pemi-
ujlvania School Journal, edited by J, P. Wicker-
sham, Stale Superintendent ol I'uiiltc octiocua,
is much to the point nnd carries with it consid
erable weight:
"On tho second Tuesday of May next, a new
corps of county, city nnd borougii superin tend'
ents munt be elected Ihrotichout the State. There
will be nearly ono hundred of llieso officers to
elect. We speak of the mailer now in order to
remind school directors of tho important duty
of looking around and fixing their eyes upon
the man within their reach best fitted for the
place. Tho salaries of theso offices aro now
fixed by law, so that the only duly of directois
is to obtain tho services of tlio best man they
can find for tho safary. The success of the
school for the next three years will depend
greatly upon the choico made, and no preju
dice nnd no partiality should ha allowed to in
Icrfero with it. Fitness alone should guide the
selection- Other things being equal, experi
ence should tell in favor of the men now in of-
fico if their services can now be procured. New
men iiave much to learn. No course can be
more wise than if a man has served well to lot
him serve on. Experiments in such a matter
nro ton matlv. if thev can bo avoided. Hut
when anew man mut be chosen, his qualifica
tions should be well welched Better have no
sunerintendent at all than to have a poor one.
Tho men who supervise our schools ehould be
good echolars. skilled teachers, men of business
and gentlemen."
No troublo to show goods and k'ivo
. . , . . .in l..l
on all tilings Kepi in me a-chimm
and Book Store, especially Wall Paper, Win
dow Shades, Tassels, Cord, Ac.
Buckiiobn, March 7, 1881.
A ideasant evening was spent at the M. E
Parsonaie on the 3rd. It was the occasion of
n donation visit fur the pastor.
The funeral of Mr. Jesse Ohl, from the rcsi-
lcnce of his brother, Simiiet Ohl, was largely
attended. Revs. Sividze and bharotts otlicin-
led. The decca-ied wa3 59 years old. He had
rent his whole life in this community, un
lit nlinnt tlireo vears sinco when ho movcil
to Michigan, and had but recently come back
on n visit and died. Ho was very much re
elected by nil who knew him. The friends
certainly have tho sympathy of tho commu
nity. After an nbsence of nine years, Mr. Hugh
D. Ohl, of Michigan, returned to this place
to attend his lather's funernl. We are sar-
lie did not arrive in time as his father
wns buried on Saturday and he arrived on
Mondav. Hugh looks woll and his many
friends are clad to seo him
Misri: A.H. Hnriman, Seth Shoemaker nnd
David Harris are in Shenandoah city, attend.
Iiib the funeral of M. G. Shoemaker.
Miss Maude Hartmnu is visiting friends at
Turbolnvllle.- I-
Photographer C. C. Wirt, successor to R. F,
Snyder, has city facilities for taking pictures
The backgrounds aro beautiful nnd accessories
of all kinds aro'adaptod with beautiful anil ar
tlstio effects. Call nt his gallory over Clark's
store and examine.
March Oth, 1881
Miss Martha Jemlson.n highly respected
maiden lady, of Salem, Luzcrno county, died
on Tuesday afternoon. She leaves considera
ble properly; to whom, is not yet known.
The silver wedding of Mr, Jamo3 r-poncn-
berg was celebrated by his friends lnt Wednes,
day evening. More than a hundred peupl
wero there mill vnerwm of cooil will i he
presents were numerous nnd valuable. In re
turn Mr. Sponenborg nnd his estimable wile
treated the surprisers to an elegant repast.
The mcrrymnking continued until a late hour,
Every night, in the Armory Hull, sln:o last
Saturday, theio Ins been preaching em prophe
cy, tho millennium, etc. The preacher, teems
to uuderfctand thoroughly his sut.kct. no lids
had larce and Intelligent audiences.
On Friday evening, Mr. II. I'. Crispin and
Isdv entertained, Tho affair was conducted in
the imial manner. The guests thorouchlv en
joyed Ihetnsolves, A similar party wns given
last evening by Mr, nnd jura, u, k. uoouin
The acting charades wero elaborato and highly
smuslnir. It was demonstrated that card;
dancing and wino are not essential toward wak
inc a lone evening short.
Mr. Frank Distlehurst, our popular furniture
dealer, nailed all afternoon last Saturday. The
occasion was twins. Wo regret to add llml lit
joy was short. The infants died the nextday,
At the Literary, last Saturday eyonhig, there
was an interesting debalo on "Is it wrong to
take Interest on money lent" On the affirma
tive were W. E Smith, S P. Hanley and Dr.
Frensi and on the negative, Mr. Trescott,
W. Kurtz nnd A. M, Freas. Tho judges decid
cd in favor of the nllirmattvo. Another inter
citing feature of tho evening was an Impromtu
f peech made by Dr, l'r8. H" acquiiica mm
tt( creditably,
Danville Asylum Burned.
About ten o'clock on Saturday night n bright
light was observed in the sky in (ho direction
f Danville. A llttlo later word was received
that tho Insano Asylum at that placo was burn
ing, There havo been many rumors ofloat, but
tho following is n correct account of the great
fire as nearly as wo can glean It from the dally
A few minutes nfter 8 o'clock Siturdnyere-
ing, during the ehnpel hour, tho dread cry of
firo was raised by so mo of tho attendants, and
on making n huirlcd examination, imoko was
discovered issuing from the door of nn unoccu
pied ward from the female side of the great
iilldlng, in what wns known ns tho cast wing.
This ward which was ono hundred feet in
ingth hnd been undergoing repairs for some
time. The wood work was being repainted
nd the walls kalsomlned, preparatory to its
speedy occupancy.
When the attendants entered they hurried to
tho closet whero the hose was colled ready for
tho water to be luruod on at a moment's notice,
ut to their horror they discoveicd that tho
wooil work In tho clotct was on firo and the
hoso could not bo reached. Tho dust flue, or
small elevator, leading down to tho kitchen,
from this closet, furnlihed a draft and the
mouldering fire was spo;dily fanned into n
ainc, which shot upward and soon reached
the pine sheeting nnd felt under the slato roof.
It at once became apparent to Dr. Schultz aud
his assistants that there wns imminent danger
fa serious fire in that portion of the building,
but they did not imagine for a moment that
the enormous structure would be a smouldering
ruin before Sunday niht.
Tho hospital contained about four hundred
nnd ninety patients, one hundred nnd eighty of
whom wero females, nnd tho next movo was to
chango thoso In tho threatened part of the
building to the sido apparently free from dan
ger without exciting alarm. There was a ruih
ng hither and thither through the coirulors
and soon tho startling cry of fire was on every
lip. Tho females wero hurriedly removed to
tho wards in the wing west of the central build
ing occupied by tho quiet nialo patients, where
they were made ns comfortable ns pos'iblc. In
the meantime the tiro continued to make slow
and steady progress in tho roof and along thi
cornices, and by eleven o'clock tho situation
had becomo alarming. Many of the insane pa
tients wero sensibly impressed with the danger
that threatened them, and they became consid
erably excited. WTord wns sent to Danville to
hurry out the stenm fire engine, nnd telegrams
wero forwardod toSunbury and Milton, asking
for ns'btnnco. Upon inquiry tho firemen of
these places learned llint n supply of water was
not convenient, and as they did not have a suf
ficiency of iioso to reich the canal or river, it
was considered useless to send their engines to
the burning building and they wero not for
warded. The Danville engino was dragged through a
foot of Bnow to tho nsylum whorejan inadequate
supply of water was obtained from a small
brook in rear of tho hospital, but a the firo was
then eating its way through the sheeting un
derneath the slatoroof at a height of four and
fivo stories, they could scarcely reach it with
their limited supply of hose, and they failed
to make any impression on tho devouring ele
ment. Tho flromen worked failhfully, howev
er, but their engino soon became clogged with
mud sucked up from tho bed of the shallow
brook nnd wns partially disabled in n short
It was now nfier midnight and the sky was
lighted up with the glaro of tho burning build
ing ns the flames belched from the upper win-
lows and through the roof. The wholo popu
lace of the town wns on tho alert nnd hundreds
f persons hurried out to tho nsylum to render
whnt tt'sintanco thoy could. As the night wore
away tho eceno became grander nnd finally as
sumed appalling proportions. The thought
that nearly five hundred persons in nil stages
of lunacy were impri'pned within the stone
walls of the enormous buildings, and in danger
of being consumed in the fiery furnace raging
wilhin, was startling in the extreme, and hun
dreds turned pale as they gazed upon tho ter
rifying spectacle. Dr. Schultz was now con
vinced that tho greater portion of tho asylum
was doomed to destruction and lie at once gavo
orders to remove all tha patients to the out
buildings in the rear, which consisted of tho
boiler house, laundry, slora&e rooms, work
shops and biilto house, which were located
about one hundrod and fifty feet from tho main
Now commenced tho most touching scene of
Ih is night of terror, the removal of tho patients
from their comfortable quarters to tho out
buildings. They were hurried out by their at
tendants and escorted to tho temporary rooms
provided for them. Many of them wero wild
with excitement and could not realize what
was being done, whilst others comprehended
the true situation nnd were anxious to flco to n
placo of snfety. It wns necessary to hurry out
come of the patients in a half drei-sed condition
to escape the suffocating smoko which was roll-
ng through the corridors, fc'orreof them did
not hnve time to get their hats, boots or coats,
but special efforts were made to savo as much
of the bedding as posiblo in order to make
them comfortable. Thoso without shoes march
ed through tho snow in their stocking feet, nnd.
others shivered ns the frosty nlr touched them.
All were secured, however, without the loss of
n single Hie nnd they havo been kept in as good
condition as possible,
All Iho furniture, much of the clothing of
ho ipmates, the library, and everything be
longing to Dr. Schultz, who resided in the
builJIng was destroyed. Ho devoted his wholo
lime to seeing that tho unfortunates confided
to his charge were saved and never thought of
himself or hi own property.
The origin of the fire is attributed to Bponl-
neons combustion in tlio ward wuero ino paini
crs had been at work. The theory is that rags
had become snluratod with turpenllno and oth
er chemicals, and were piled in the closet whero
the fire broko out. As tha building was kept
at an even temperature of about peventy do
grees day and night, combustion might tako
placo under such conditions; or fire might
havo been communicated to rags or other com
bustlblo matorlal from n pipe or ligar used by
some of the workmen, ami smouldered till it
gained sufficient strength to burst forth into
Hume. At prat It was thought that the fire
originated from a gas explosion, but ths could
not bo, as uo gas was known to bo lighted In
tho wanl nfier the workmen had retired, Many
thought that tho building was as nearly fire
proof as it was possible to make it, but the se
quel shows how badly they were mistaken.
Dr. Schultz superintended tho construction
of tho building from tho foundation up, and
took cxtraoidinary rare to have it nude as free
ts possible from firo. There wero hoso on ev
ery floor, and an abundance of water in the
retervoir, but when the firo gained a lougmout
In tho roof it could not bo I cached and at
titice be camp uncontrollable. The walls of Iho
wings wore itono, poatly df.ened with brick
filling; the lloors were of pilch pine nnd tho
doors of wood, and ns tho heat Increased the
I llib soon Ignited and the great corildors be
came a seething mass of flame- which roared
like a furnace aud heated the thick walls en
lirely through, The great building was about
J ,1 13 ftet in length, and three, fair and fire
ilOtUs in height, The centre building wm
802 feet in depth, and tho wholo covered nn
area of nearly ono and llnoc-lourlhs acres.
To this ccntint building were attached tho
wings, extending east nnd west. There wera
twenty-two wards nbout ono hundred feet in
length, nnd there were nccomtnodatlons for
seven hundred patients. The entire series of
buildings wero uippllcd with every conveni
ence on nil the floors, and nothing that would
contributo to tho comfort of the pntienls wns
omitted. The work of buildlnij was commenced
cloven years ago, nnd tho last wing wns com
pleted about two years ago. Tlio entire sum
expended by the Stato was nbout one million
of dollars, nnd tho loss caused by the burned
pcrllon wilt reach about ihrco hundred nnd fif
ty thousand dollars, on which there Is an In
surnuco of two hundred and fifty thousand dol
At neon Sunday It was thought that tho two
west wings wero safe and Dr. Schultz com
menced making nrrnngements to hnvo them
heated nnd put In order for the malo patients,
there being room enough to accommodate them
nil, Tho female patients would havo to bo re
moved to other hospitals, as ho could not
care for them. Later in tlio afternoon the fire
workid its way into the roof of that portion of
the strucluro which had been regarded ns safe
and a second alarm was raitml. Telegrams
were sent to Mlllon and Sunbury, asking for
their steam fire engines, which wero promptly
forwarded by Supcrlendcnt Relnhart, of tho
Catawlssa dlvUion of the Reading railroad, nnd
the Lackawanna nnd Bloomsburg brought tho
other. Upon tho arrival of the engine 8 nt4:30
p. m., connections wero ruado from the hospi
tal to tho canal, nnd n strenm was got on the
firo which stayed its progress and rendered it
sufficiently safo to transfer a good portion of
the male patients from their temporary quartern
in the outbuildings to the wards in tho west
Many of tho patient have been removed.
Tho most violent have been taken to other asy
lums, whilo milder ones were taken charge of
by their friends. On Sunday morning scyeral
male patients came to this place, having walked
from Danville during tho night. Thoy seemed
dazed and could give uo account of the fire. One
man was provided for nt tho jail until his
friends could bo notified of his whereabouts.
There nas a largo crowd of visitors to sea tho
ruins on Sunday nnd Monday.
The most economic, ns well ns the best out!
ward nnd inward remedy in nsa is Dr. Thom
as' Ecieclrio Oil, becauso it requires such a
moderate quantity to achieve dcclaivo cffiCls
in ca80 of lung and throat diseases, rheuma
tism, kidney troubles, piles, hurts, sores, etc.
The Postmaster General has issued nu order
defining the classes of ninil mutter which pro
duces na important change in the postal ratts,
and which should bo noted by nil. Beginning
last week, firl-cl.its matter,threo cents per half
ounce, will includo all matter wholly or par
tially in writing. The only exceptions to the
rule are; Postai;card,corrected proof sheets nnd
the manuscript accompanying tho same; tho
dalo of issue of a circular, the name of tho
parly addressed and of the sender thereof, and
mere correction of typographical errors there
in. On third class matter, or on tho wrapper
enclosing the same, may bo written the nnme
and address of the sender with the word
"from" nnd there may nlso be mndo marks or
lines to draw attention to a particular word,
passage or article. On tho cover or blank
leaves of n book, or of any printed matter of
the third class, mny be placed a simple manu
script dedication or inscription, but must be
confined to this and not contain anything that
partakes of the nature of a persounl correspon
dence, Qn mutter of tho fourth clas?, the
sender may write his own name or nddress,
preceded by tho word "from" and rJso the
number nd tho names of tho articles
enclosed, and they mny nlso write upon or at;
tach to any such nrtieles, by tag or label, a
mark or number, name or letter of tho alpha
bet, for purposo of identification.
This, it will be perceived, abolishes the fine
drawn lines between bills with or without re
ceipts, commercial papers, deeds, policies, etc.,
signed and unsigned, etc., etc, and pimply re
stores the law to what was the intention of its
To state It in short, the rule now is this: If
there is any writing or numbers of any kind
whatever, no matter how much or little, the
rale is tin eo cents per half ounce, unless the
writing is tho data of the circular, tho namo of
the sender or party addressed, the word "from"
the name or number of tho articlo enclosed, or
a number, mark, or letter of the alphabet at
tached by ,tag or label for purposes of identific .
(ion, or a uiinple mark of respect or dedica
tion, or la the correction of typographical er
rors, or are corrected proof sheets with manu
script copy accompanying the same. The pub
lic will do wisely and escape annoying delays
by carefully reading nnd remembering the
There- Is a Halm itiGllcad.
Tho success which has marked the in-
tioeltiptioit of Cream Halm, a Catarrh
remedy, jircparcd by Kly JJroH.. Osweyo
N. Y. is indeed marvelous. Many per
sons in Pittftton nnd vicinity aro using
it with most satisfactory results. A lady
down town is recovering tlio sense of
smell which she) had not enjoyed for
fifteen years through tlio use of the Halm.
So had given up her case as incurable.
Air. llarber, tho dniyytut, lias used it in
family and eonimcnels it very highly. In
another column, a young Tiiiikiiauuoek
lawyer, known to many of our readers,
testified that ho wan pttreil of partial
deafness. It is eei tainly a very ellica
cious remedy. 'ittston J'u., Gazette
Attj l!i 1870,
The Dric a-Ilrac entertainment by Iho Bas
sets at the Opera House Inst Saturday night
was fairly attended, There wero but two per
formers, but tho rapidity with which they
changed characters made one think there wns a
tjaien of them. It was very amusing.
Fancy free nre a Bachelor1
reveries, cheer!-
iy merrllv nuises tits I no.
Nothing knows lie of coi.nubinl deviltricf,trouL-
csome children and clamorous wile,
Bui when bonos nro aching through rheumat
ics "not ion"
Who but wife can rub woll in Ecleclrlo Oil.
Sovcral tanneries in AVayno county
havo been compelled to suspend for want
of bark. Tlio supply is becoming ex
Pool's island, N. F. September 20ih.
Dr. A u Slits:- I have been watching tho pro
gress of your Ecloctric Oil since its Introduction
to this place, and with much plcnauro slate
that my anticipation of its success have been
fully realized, It having cured mo of bronchitis
aud coriness ot noscj while not a few of my
"rheumatic neighbors" (ono old lady In part
icular) pronounces It to be tho best article of
jls kind lhat has ever besn brought, before the
public Your medicine does not rcqnlro any
longer a sponsor, but if you wish mo to act ns
iucti,l shall be only too hippy I have my name
connected with your prosperous child,
I Jim,, James women,
Albeiuson Aitll'man At llloomsburg,
March 3rd, 1881, by Rev. D. J. Waller, jr.,
W, C. Albcrtion and Mary E., daughter of
Matthias Appleman,of Rob rf burg, Columbia
county, Pa,
Business Notices
O. C. Marr Is sell
Ing goods very cheap for
Seo a womnn picking n bunch of grapes
in ntiothcr column, nt Spoer's Vineyard,
from which Specr'a Port Grapo Wine is
made, tbnl Is so highly esteemed by tho
medical profession for tho use ol invalids,
ncnkly persons nnd tho ngod. Bold by
0, A. Klelm. Jan 7'81 ly
Wm. 0. McKlnncy has romovctl his stock
into his now building ncros) tho street, anil
extends n cordial invitation to every ono
to call.
0. 0. Mnrr wants geese feathers.
Lois of edod Oloverseeel nud Tlmothv-
seed at blias Young's, Light Stiect. ral-lw
Clearing Out Winter Goods
to make room for
Extensive Alterations nt
Tho Popular Clothing
Store of
David Lowenborg.
Hon. Gcorce N. Uorson. Norristown.savs:
Tho Phoenix Pectoral Is indispensable in my
lanmy. it acts iik-o n ciiiirm in curing
coughs nnd colds with the chlldren,nnd I
always use it when Addressing n jury. Price
25 cents. 0. A. Klelm, Rloomsburg. nprlG-ly
I. W. Hartman's Hamburg Edgings and
Imertings nro n marvel of beauty and cheap
ness, Co mo in and subscribo for Hulterlcks &
Co's fashion books for spring, at 0. C.
Handsome Shoes and Slippers nt McKin
ncy's Boot and Shoe Bazaar.
lints nnd Caps at
Cost for Thirty Days
at D. Lowenberg's.
Harriet A.Newkirk. of Salem.snvs! 1 wns
cured of totter in my linnd by three applica
tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was
cured of old running sores by using It. It
cured my son of a sprained ankle, Price 25
cents. Sold by 0. A. Klcim. Bloomsburrr.
npril 16, '
If you want gooel spouting nnd hollow waro
at Low Prices call at L. E. Whary'a.
Tlio following Btatcmcntot William J. Coughlln,
of Somervllte, ilass.. Is bo remarkable that we hoi:
in osk mr it eno attention or our readers, no says:
"In tho fall of 1S70 when I was taken with a VlolcTut
lUeedtnsr of tho Lungs followed by a severe coun.
I soon bceran to loso tnv annctltn nnrl MnOi. iun
so weak ut ono lime that 1 could not lcavo my bed.
inino;suinmer of isi; I was admitted to tho City
Hospital. Wlillo there the doctors said 1 had n holo
in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expended
over a hundred dollars In doctors and medicines.
I was so far goneatono tlmo a repcrt went around I
was dead. I gavo up hope, but a friend told mo of
lai-Khcdatmy friends, ihlnklot; that my case was
Incurable but I got a bottle txj satisfy them, when
to my surprlso nnd irratltlcatton.I commenced to
feel botlur. My hope, oneo dead, began to rcvlvo.and
to-day I feel in better Bplrlls than 1 havo for three
"I wrtto this hoplnt; you will publish It so that ever)-
ono mulcted with diseased lungs will bo Induced
to take Dr. Wm. Hall's llnlsam for tho Luncs. and
bo convinced that consumption OAN nu eJUIlKD.
I have taken two bott'es. and can positively say that
It has done moro good than all tho other medicine s
I havo taken since my sickness. My cough has al
most entirely dlsappcarcet and I Bhalt soon bo nblo
to go to work, sold by druggists. Take Wm. llall'a
Ualsam only lleware of counterfeits. ocUMyoow
I. W. Hartman has Just opened a hand
some lino of Spring Dross GiDghams.
Important Notice
For Thirty Days Grant.
Can bo Bought in Clothing.
You can buy a Winter
Suit or Overcoat
At Cost.
Must Be Sold to
mnko room for
nt David Lowenberg's
Binghamton Boots
Buy them at
All the Best Dress Makers in tho county
uso Butterick & Co's, patterns,
I. W. Hartman's Combination Store is
convenient for the purchasing of Dry Goods
aud. Groceries.
His Boots
wero leather
nnd mndo to stand tho weath
er for ho bought them at Mc
Kiqney's, You can't go amiss nt I. W. Hartman's
for Neat and Cheap Goods.
"Wai.vlt Leap Hair Itis3T0UEn"l3 entirely differ
ent from nil others. It 13 as clear as water, and as
its namo Indicates, Is ajperfect Vegotablo Hair lte
storor and does not In any manner ntTcct tho health
whlen Sulphur, Sugar ot Lead and Nitrate of silver
preparations havo done, it will immediately freo
tho head from all Dandruff, Hestoro Gray Hair to Its
natural color, nnd produce n now growth whero It
has fallen orr. I twill chango light or faded hair In
a few dnj s to a beautiful glossy brown. Every not
tlo Is warranted. A si; your druggist for It. For
nalo at Movkk linos., llloomsburg, Ta. Kmltb, Kllno
& Co., Philadelphia, and Hall & ituckell, New York,
Wholesale Agents. oct. ss, so-tt
I. W. Hartuian has just opened 30 dozen
Ladies Cotton Hose, from 70 cents a pair
dpwn,Misses and and Childrens to follow..
0. 0. Marr wants Ham, Shoulder and
Side Meat for Splendid Mackerel.
Tho highest cash price paid for wheat by
Z. T. Fowler, at Willow Grove. No dif
ference as to variety. Rye 75 cents a bushel.
Avondale Red Ash Coal, 4. 6. and G. always
on hand. Railroad Ties taken in exchange
for coal,or cash will bo paid for them.
jan 2S 8-w.
She wore french
heeled slices
with opera toes and said
sue bought them at J5lc
Our Questions.
Arc you a buyer of Men's or Boys'
Clothing at retail? Do you need
clothing for the farm, the office, the
work-shop, the court-room, or the
pulpit ? Do you want boys' clothing
for the school-room, or for dress ? Do
you prefer to buy clothing ready-made
or to order ? Are you in need of
shirts ?
If yes, to any or all of these ejuc
rics, state your needs to us, that we
may send you samples and prices.
Your Question
Is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You
must judge. Wc will make up the
case, you must decide it. Hut wo
must tell you that wc have crcatcel
the Largest Retail Clothing Business
in tho United States by the simple
method of giving the best clothing for
the least money. Wo mean that it
shall pay you to buy of us. If you
buy and are not pleased, return the 1
goods for exchange, or demand your
and Brown,
S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts.
Ttift unde-rsliineJ auell(or appointed livtho Or.
rhunft' L'eiiut of Columbia couiiiv. to iiiHirlbulo lial.
ahe-o In hands or Win. MaMcllur, administrator or
(leo. llrie-ev, de-ccaie-d, un apin-ara by Ida llrst and
tlual tcoount to and ainoni; the lurtte-a entitled
thereto, wllUlt at his oillto fie Uloomsburj,' ouBat
urday. 1 ho Hih day or April, 1WI at ten o'clock a. in.
to ttcriorm tho dutlra or hlHfltimlntmpnt. whpnanrl
Wllrro all rcrtulia having anv claim nn aalil fund
will appearand prove tlio aaiao cr bo deib&nvd trom
rcooltlut; any Uiare thereof,
Nothing elioultl bo bolter appreciated by n patronizing public than
rclittblo merchants of whom thoy can make their purchases, confident
that thoy will not misrepresent their goods in order to mako Bales.
This is oftentimes a great temptation to the merchant and in strictly
adhering to his principle, ho loses many sales, which tiro made by his
less scrupulous neighbors. In no business is there greater chance for
deception than in tho Hardware trade, as tho stock to a great extent
is manufactured of steel or iron. Fancy paint or bronze together with
a high polish, raiders it difficult tit limc3 to distinguish tho materials
find you havo to rely on cither tho roputiitinn of tho manufacturer, if
ho has ono, or tho honesty of tho dealer. In many cases you would
never know, if misrepresented to you, and tho merchant's profits
thoroby largely increased, which makes it a great temptation to dis
honest dealers. Never in any instance, have we misrepresented an
article in our storo, nor do wo knowingly allow any employee to do
so a,1.d wo trust nny nrticle bought of us' and not found as represent
ed, will be promptly returned. When wo find it necessary to uso such
means in order to mako sales, wo shall movp our stock to some point
where square dealing is better appreciated. Wo do not claim to carry
the cheapest line ot goods. Our aim is to give dollar for dollar in
value. In selecting our goods, our first consideration is .to buy only
from reliable manufacturers of standard goods, and secondly to buy as
low ns we can, and this is all wo ask of you, examine our goods, get
our prices, and if neither suits you, don't buy. We cannot ask vou
to do what wo refuse to do ourselves, nor do wc allow the forcing sys
tem, i. c, trying to talk you into something you don't want. We
presume you know what you want when you come to see us, and leave
such matters to your judgment as you will bo better suited in the end.
Ihanking the public for past favors, wo trust, by strictly adhering to
our principle of Square Dealing, and giving dollar for dollar in value,
to hayo a fair share of your patronage in tho future.
O. 33-
Fine ltinii.licN, wlilNhlcN, C!Iiih, Hums, ami nil UIii.Ik ol ivines cou-
ftmitly on limiel.
Landlords throughout the county will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
The Greatest Success in the History of Cooking Apparatus. Over
Eleven Thousand
Eofore Purchasing your stove. You will never regret it
sale by
Shop iu Opera House, 6th door
Letters ot Administration on tho e&tata nt n. n
S. Mnrclev. lata or tha town cr lltnomslmri'.
Columbia county,l'enna, deceased, havo been grain
ed by tho Register or said county to u. Frank
.irr, or ino town ot liiooinsourir. All persona
having claims against tho cstato of the duct-dent
aro requested to present them tor settlement, and
thoae Indebted to tho cstnto to inaka payment to
iuu euiuejnugneu uujmuisiraior wu uout eieiay.
teb. W-ow Uloomsburg.l'o.
Letters or Administration on tho estate of Marga
ret Heller, lato of Uemlocit township, Columbia co ,
l'enn'a., deceesed, havo been crauled by tho ltofrls,
tcrofisald county to the- uiidcralgncd Administrators
All persona liavlny claims against tho estate of tho
decedent nre requested to prsout them for bottle-
iiiuui, uuei mono inuouiou iu uiu eauuu 10 matte pay
ment ta tho umlorslemed Administrators without
AftiejH lll'.L.l.UI(.
tlKO, WlUTKNinnT,
C. V, Mii.i.ih, Administrators.
Attronoy. feb. !-6w
1'uwiant to un order of tho orphans' court of tho
county ot Columbia, Pennsylvania, tho under-
signed administratrix, do bonis non cum testa.
menlo aunexo, ot James Lamon.lato of the township
of Urlarcrcck, In sail county, will cxposo to publlo
salo on tho premises on
Monday, March 21st, 1881,
at ono o'clock la tho afternoon, tho following do
scrlbed real ostaw, to-wit: That certain
situate In tho township ot Urlarcroelc In tho county
of Columbia and Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded
aud described as fellows ! On the north by lane) ot
M. 15. Jackson, deceased,, and Jaa Ilcavencr.on tho
west by land of said John 'lleavoncr, Mrs. Adam
Delttorlck and Francis Kvans, on the south by land
of M. 11, 1'ettlo and on tho east by land of eald ret
tlo and others, containing
and ono hundred and thlrty-utx porsHejmgit) or
'ess, ' '
This ts tho tarm lately occupied by William Lamon
sltuato about two miles from the borough ot Ber
wick, on which aro erected a good two story
out kitchen and other out-bulldlngs, a largo framo
bank barn with Bhed attached, also a small tenant
house, a woll ot water at tho dwelling house and cla.
tern at iho barn. About lcuaores U cleared '.and un
der cultivation, hs a good young applo orchard, and
other fruit trees.
TKHUd ok Sale. Ten per cent ot one-fourth ot tho
purchase money shall be paid at tho btrlklcg down
of tho property; the) ono-fourth less tho ten per
cent at tho continuation absolute and tbo remain
ing throO'lourihg tn one year tlureulVcr whn inter
civ trom conprmauon fdii.
A4mi.d,Uu,.t. .
Now in Use.
. .
Feb 4, 81
Tlio undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county to mako distribu
tion of the-balanca In Lhn hands nf thn i.vpmimr n
Sarah Arnwlne, deceased, to and nmong tho parties
i-uuucu imciclu, wm mi. ui, uiu ouice iu jHoomHuurg
on Saturday, tho 26th day of March, 18l, at ten
o'clock In tho forenoon, to perform tho duties o
his appointment, when nnd whero nil persona hav.
Inif any claims upon aatd fund will appear and
provo ino samo or uo debarred from receiving any
sharo thereof IKKLEU,
tcb, 23-lw Auditor.
The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county to mako distribu
tion ot tho balanco In tho hands i,r a. .1. llnxs. nil
mlulstrntor of lllrain Lunger, deceased, as shown by
Ida tlnal account, to and nmoui; tho parties eutltled
thereto, will sit at hla oflleo In llloomsburg on Hnt
urday, tho nth elay of April, If 81. at ten o'clock in
tho forenoou, to perform tho duties of hla appoint
ment when and where all persons having claims
against said estato will appear andprootiio buire
r bo forovor debarred froai receiving any part ot
. , ..... L. K. WALLEIt,
feb, 85Uw Auditor,
Davchy & Co's. Advt's.
1W BT5 ! Bc" 1 rult aml Ornamcnta I Trees,
XyM.JMlt Orupos, btiruba. Hoses, etc. No Kx.
WoTitnil peiiiknck IlKouiKEi). Salary and ox.
r li penuu paid. J. !'. LKCLAHK.Hoches-
wi, i. u ieo, i..ivr
fwto$i&o per month Hieady work all enrtnir and
summer. For particular, aadreaa j. a Mcunituv
XT f"tl IlllllnHarnl.ln tA .1 . . ... .
A (TRNTS WANTKO for tho National
rltOU hKbiT Historical, nnrnmnnrnt-v iMnni.i
.Y ,Tv. i-..;;', . .. .. u-ltti- oiv hooks
in one,
w. Kdlted by Hey.B.o. Haven. LL. JJ. Incualne
CKNHUH ot IU. In greit demand lrtne Count.
House-and Homo Library, over 600 pages, e )
Illustrations, $J.
iltKAT, J"l
utllaner.-iM Broadway, K. . a feb 2vw
The itcllHh of tho World I
Solil by nil Grucci-M.
fob, IHW
(a Medicine, no a Drink)
Hop:, Buchu. Mandrako, Dandelion
and the purest and best medical qualltlos ol all oth-
all diseases ot the Stomach, Dowels, mood, I.lver,
lesness, and ispeeUlly
your druggWt tor
remain compialota. Ast
t ior Hop Hitters and uy tnera befuro
.?.. Kojpujtr. Mend tor.clreular. hoi-
111 I'l
M'ry. CO.;ieochestr, Nv VMid Toronto,
Wo have opened this week a
no assortment of Painters' Brush
es of every description, and think
wo have by far tlio finest assort
ment to select from that can bo
found in this section. Tho prices
n some lines havo been reuueed,
and wo havo marked down our
wholo stock to correspond, "Wo
iuvo been selling this make of
brushes for somo time and they
ittvo been civinc excellent satis
faction, which warrants us in kcop-
ng a larger assortment than over.
.'oor brushes are dear at any price.
Our low prices together with ex
cellent quality you will find wor
thy ot your atlontton.
"Wo would call the attention ot
to driving public to our assort
ment ot whips. In no store in tho
county can bo found half tho stock
wo have on our rack, Our stock
contains a errcat variety of styles
uid material,fancy and plain, run-
C in price irom 15 cents to
$3.00. In making our selections,
our first move wa3 to find a relia
ble manufacturer, and to confine
ourselves to but one lino of goods,
thereby avoiding a great deal ot
worthless auction stock. We try
to sell a3 good a whip aa. yoiitaiv
willing to pay for, so if you aro
not willing to pay much,you must
not expect much.
Ainonsrlho records and rrooecdlnw of tlnor-
Kins' Court In and for h:iIJ nnntrlr. Iu lnlrinlln
hus contained.
n tho cstalo of Jl.ny Itemlcy, deceased.
Ami now F- lirllnrv t Mil. 1-R1. nn mntrt nf .4
ICnorr and nreem-nt or counsel, eitty .lacobv,
Ksn . Is appointed Auditor tn il!.(.rrimirj, imlfini., fn
haneU of Meplien urn, n1in:nlstritor. by hlsllrjt
account am-jut; partlex entitled thereto.
.. . jivTHKCOintr.
Certified from tho records.
M. tlmcx, clerk o. C.
In Pursuance Of tho forerrnlntr nnnnlnlmnnt. tlm
nderstned will innnt. Mm nirMs, f nrjirnuM..! nt-
his oflleo In nloomsuurir on Tuesday Iho mil day of
April Ml, at Pi o'clock a. in., iu which tlm-iund
placo I hey nro hereby notllled to appear or uo ihv
barred from comln ' In on said fund
feb. 23-4W Auditor.
Tho undersigned AiUltor nnn.ilntnii hi iimnr.
plums' Court of e'olumbla co.;to mako distribution of
tho balance In tho nanus of Jamis Uulltvur. ad
mlnlstrator of tho said decedent to tho par
ties legally entitled to receive Iho same,
will meet ino parties Interested In said estato at
his ofllcoln thoTuwnot lllooinsburir in KnMc-vtin.
ty.on Saturday, tho SGtli d tyot March, A. D 1S31,
at ten o'clock n. m., of said day, when and whero all
parties Interested In said estato must attend or bo
forever debarred from any share of said fund.
feb. !s, "81-iw Auditor.
ThO Undorsle-nrd Amlltnr nnnn!n!nil t.v llm nr
phans' court or tnld county, to mak--) distribution of
tho balanco of iho fund In tho hands cf tho ad
ministrates Ot the C3tatfl or f .I'll rt, erilnnt. In nn,1
among parties entitled thereto, will sit at hlsrfllcoln
luuuiu-suuiK in Earn uounty, on v e-unesclay, tho 13rd
tnj ui juuilu, n. II.. 1051, HI. U'U OClOCKa. IU.. LI
aid elay, when and whero till parlies Interested in
ltd fuuo must attend or bo forever nchnrrpn rrnm
any share ot said fund.
JOHN M. claim:.
feb. 53,1831-lw Auditor.
IllO UndprMcr-linl Anrlltnr nnnnlntAl Yitf Ihnn,.
phans' Court ot Columbia county to inukodistrlbu-
on or ino runu lu the hands ot Uiecxecutoracf Ad
nn Hellas, deceased, ns hnwn i,v thnir
partial account, In nnd nmor (r the porllt-Hi niltled
uviu, tMiminiuimiiitu in luocmsutirtr on Nil-
'dlV the 2Gtll d IV nf Mmrll. tmn-rlirl-ln
ho forenoou to rierform tin, rutiiMr,r nin mm. int..
inent, when and whero all pcrtoni havlnif sny
claluH upon wild fund will appearand piovoihe
samo cr bo debarred frcm ncelUr-fr any iharo
JOHN M. CI. A Hi;,
fcb.ts'SMw Auditor.
ThO llndl'inlcrlieil Allitltnr nrpnlntd l.n- llmn.
phans' com t of e'clun.bla e-ouuty, to mnkodlttrlbu-
iiuu uj mo luiiusjnuie nanus or eieo, ,. uoty, ad
ministrator. A'C.. of Itenrv Klrn-slim-v. r'pr-i.u.rl no
shown by his final account, to ntd nmoni: thopar-
..V.. tt.i-ii-iu, iu ru ui ma inneu in jueiums-
burtr on Tuesdav ilin Min iinv nf in,,-n .n.n
o cluck in tha forenoon to pel fu in tho duties of hla
appointment, when ntd whero all persons tavlnir
claims atralnM said estato win appear.und provo
tho Samn or bo rornvrr rif.linrri-.l tnimnr.vLlnM r.f
said fund.
, . , C. B. mtOCKW AY,
fob. S5-iw Atidlior.
Tho underslencd nn. liter iimwilnlc! hv tlm nr.
phaus' Court of Columbia county, to mnke distribu
tion of tho balanco In tlm hands of tho executor ot
tleorpo Ziur, deceased, to and ninortr tho parllen
entttlwd thereto, will sit at his omco lu Ulooiusbunr,
on Frlel.iy tho ssth dav of March, PiSl at Ion o'clock
iu mo lorcnoon to pcrioimuiii dunes of his appoint
ment, when and where nil persons hutiug any
claims upon Mid fund will nnnenr anil nrnvn tlm
samo or bo debarred fruni iictlvlnt; any Hiaro
thereof. '
E. II J.ITTl.i:,
fcb.SMw Audllor.
Iho undersigned nudllor unpointed by llm Or
phans' court en ColumbU e-ounty, to dlslrlbuiii bal
ance In handsel I hu e-Mcnloror bnac llHKe-nbuch,
deceased, to and iiuioni,' iho pntlles entitled Iheio.
to. will sit at tho omen uf u. if. ueler In Iho town of
liiuoiusnurif. on naiurilay.ihet wcond day tf April
A. 1).. ISSl. nlten O'eloCk- In tlm fnrnrtn In,. tni
tho duties cf his nppoliilinent, when and where nil
iierauus uvir.c nny claims upon said fund will np
rar and tirovn thn kinnn nr in. ,i..i.nri-r.,i r.,
celvlng any Miaro thereof.
feb. S5-iw Auditor.
Tho unitcrslirne-il nudllor npiolnte-tt by Iho Or
lhnns' court ot Columbia to mako distribution of
IlO ttind In hands Of e InirlPH Kessli-r. nrlmlhlMr-itnp
of said dece'Cenlto and nmone; Iho rurtles enlllled
thereto, hereby ulvca notteo mat ho will Mt lu ihe
ellscharco ot the duties of his appointment nt his
uiiv-u in iuu ujnii L, lumuibuuru; on eaiuruay.
March wtu, 1MI, at ten o'clock lu tlio forenoon It
said day ut which lime and plato all persons In
leresttd In snld mud are rcquiud to attend or bo
forever debarred trom ouy bhaio of tho saino.
feb, suth, sl-lw Auditor
Tho undersigned auditor appointed lv the Or
hans couttot Columbia Co. to inakedlsliibutlon of
htt balanetl lu thn hnn.tu nf tLn nrimlnlbtrritnr nf
said decedent to nnd smonirlho parties entitled
ineieto, hereby fives notice lhat ho will sit In iho
discharge of tbo duties of his appolutmeut at Ids
oflleo tn tho town of IUoomsburi;onThursdny,MarcU
8ith, A.: 1)., ibsi. at ten o'clock in Iho fort-noon
of said elay at whleh tlino and place oil perbtns In
teiestodln saldlund are required to attend or bo
iwivtvi ueuarii-u iroui uuy buure ox me tamo.
feb. 25 Sl-w
Amontr tho records and nrwMlncru nf tlm nr.
'liana' u inter nit
bus contained.
In re estate ot Henry Hartman, deceased.
And now Ftbruarv 14th lfcsl, on motion of It.
UuckloRham, .1. n.Malre Is appointed Auditor to
mako distribution ot tbo balance In tho hands of
tho administrator.
.. , . . Hv tiik court.
Cerllllcd from the records February 1Mb, usi.
WM, KltlCKllAUM,
Clerk o. o.
ThoAuditor appointed by the Court will attend to
the duties tf his appointment on e Jnewdav, the it
day of March, a. 1i., issl, at nine o'cltick a. m..
at lils onicu In I)looiusbuit;Va. when ami where all
pa i ties interested Lie rt quut-U to mako their clalnm
or bo debarred from tx-mltir In upon said fur.d.
. . v. H. MAUK.
tOb, SS.'SUtf AUdHer.