The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1881, Image 2

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I On reaching (ho mnln c.itr.itico leading ' the national substance were brought to . $1 ((() A V B A 11 ily nfti mSn "SrM
from tho rotunda to tho platform, tho an ciul. ji,uuu u limn boyjor girl, you win not
... ...l!,..l n,1 1i ..u1.1n. I 'I'lin iit-nlliirntn n viipinlil tiros tn tho 1)c- 1)0 obliged to letiro volir own town, or bo away from
I ivniiiii n.i i ................ homo ever went, Any ono cancouductlliobusl-
I II liauV rcac lCtl l ie SM HI. iUlfi. uar- linruiu'iii, in .iiisiiuu, iiiu i umnig ju- ih-ss iirequiimnocapuai.
lcl.1 Jl other ladles of tho party were lean, tho Commtniarinl and other, do- Uw.u.JrAiir vtot an outfit w
I . ' I
i catiKht In tho crowd and fxperienccd piutmcnts wcro exposed, and if unlinp
t I I.. .K1M...I1..I .11.. ...I ..M,.,.I I. I In no r.l.,1
icport a proilt of f 23 In n bIiikIo flay. Write nt onco
ror run imnicii ais iuk.ii. iuiiuiut. so uarcio
A. 1 1. .1... 1..l.1....t lo.i,.1,n.,a .na nt-nrlltriiml mil I 111 t II ft V "SCO morcil 11, m-oui
his wince nt tho front of tho iilalform and knaves who had been living on tlio pain
look n seat with Chief Just co Waito up- tier ol licliiless
on his 1111 it hand and .Mr. Haves upon iroin tlio liaunis
the left, with Senators Pendleton, An
thony nnd Jf:tvnri,wliilu iinmediatcly be
hind him sat Ills mother, Mrs. Garllcld,
Mrs. Hayes and Yicc-l'rcsident Arthur.
Somo delay ensued while n photograph
0. E. ELWEIiI;. Iratiarf
Friday. Mavoli 11. 1881.
Tlio Apportionment Hill passed tho lower
Unn.n nt rrttfnaa (ivltirv tlin IllllllUnr
of Representatives 'nt 'lUO, but did not of tho sccno was being taken from mi
i. Rni.ntn imt lining tntrnn mi for elevated stand, a Bhort distance to tho
. I V. MbtllUV " ' r I 11. t I .
;..., f ii.,,n riL'htand front.
. 1 At. I'Jillfi Sonntnr Vniiilluton nrose.
President Qarlleld's Inaugural address mi introduced General Unrficltl, who
hai been well received nil over tlio conn- bcirnn his inaugural address. Chief .lus
trv. It indicates that bo proposes to bo tin Waito then administered tho usual
tho President of tho wholo nation, and mix t0 whlch Garlleld responded with
, f . n ........ I . .
not mcreiy 01 1110 uqniunuHii iuij. reverential lcrvor.
- . . :: . Mr. ltnvcs Immediately prcBscd forward
General Hancock attended tlio man- nml congratulated his successor, and nf
gural ceremonies nt ashington on tlio t,,r ,,-,. tho President's mother nnd wife,
4tli. no was eninus nsucai.y iueuiti both of wll0m Hahltc(1 wiUl a kisSi
on ins arrival aim louuiy cnecreu wnerc-
baleful luterfeieueo of tho army in civio
proccduro was checked, though not bo
effectively as law-abiding citizens could
wish. Tho Fortv-iomlh Congress may
lm R.'liil to have found tllO COUtltrV ill tUC Anvtirrann In In Bprtnmlv III without ft weak stom
. . - .1 ... r..ll ..!..!! ...1 .1. I ni'.h nr lii.irtlvn llvnr nr khlnfUR? And whnn theMO
enaos inai, ionows uivn wm, mm iiiui.u.i neocoudilon "do ydi not lln.l llu-lr ' . LB". ' .."".rn
and their successors wero not nblc poTOMorpnjo.iingBoo.1 hcaitii? i'ahkrh'b iiikuih ''uuioiuiuiniiiouui i" i si
over ho went. Jlo saton tlio piauorm B,inkjI)g el,8ucd, after which tho Presi
when the oath ol oflico was administer- (1untjal an acsccn1ul from tho plat
ed to President Gariield and was among fon 1)y n ,,riVato stnir case.and proceed
tho fust to congratulate bmi. tJnly a 1 t0 .f 0 iWuiollfH ,.0oni in tho rear of
very narrow
done otherwise,
man would have
the Senato chamber, where an Informal
reception took place. At IsitO tho party,
ntitnt'itw tlimi onrrinifftu U'nrn i1rili1l 1(1
. r nr ArAr..:..t. -""""fr -," . -;
npiioiuiiiieuv, ui Miiviiui.iuu, .... their place in tho lino ot tlio procession,
Binner ot mo iiiew caoinei was 1101, 1 wliiclt. at 1:10 started on its return to
" llW i h llnnun
Udoh returniiiir to tlw executive man
ciam ilwi Tfntawlntitlfil inrtr nnnti mniln
many Uepublican Ucpresentatives signed tilcir m)Cnrance upon tho uraud review-
ii paper asking the President to nppoini - tam-j j ront of t10 ,unn8;0n. A
jir. Jiarmcrio a camucioiuue, unii.out.-ri- fc. momcnt8 later a sceno ot indcscnlia
ingto crowtl iMaoveagu oui, um. it um l)o confus;on began, resulting from tho
not work. Tho only objection to linn is efforts of tho mounted police to clear a
uiai no is not uonnmci t.ii v..v-..e.. Daasatre lor tho approaciiinc procession
ns n mem
a nart of tho machine promanune.
was onnosed bv tho bosses with Canier
on nt tlio head. Jloth the Senatoi-s and
for tho ringslcrs.
Tim last act of II. 15. Hayes whilo act-
imr ns President was to veto tho Fund
ing bill, which provided for tho refund
intr of several millions of tho Nation-
Tho procession then passed steadily in
rcviow past the stand, each rec'nnent,
company and civio association making a
proper salute.
President Garficlilduriiigtho whole of
tho timo that tlio procession was passing,
al debt that falls duo this year, in bonds . d n out t0 ti,0 front 0f til0 piat.
linnrini' it nor cent, interest. He says he I ,,, nt y timo wiili linnd unnnv
" O I . . ... . - . . .Villi J 1 t V. V....W ...... ....... ..
would not havo vetoed tho bill had it orC lowing in acknowledgement of the
provided for threo and one-half per cent. repcatcd demonstrations of respect which
bonds. His reasons for his actions arc for over tw0 i,ours wo rendered time
weak, and show a great lack ot calm an(j tjme arjain,as each platoon company
consideration. As tho debt nuiBt bo pro- or ass0cia.tion, passed tho stand. Among
vido 1 for there will probably bo an extra ti10S0 Heatcti 0n the reviewing stand with
session of Congress called. President Garfield, wcro Mrs. Hayes,
Secretaries Evarts, Sherman and Scliiuz,
DEMANDS OK HKWOIOUS I.1HEUTY VS. ex.p08tmaster General Key, Chief Jus
llinilTDV AVtl IVTIIl.t-'l! IJIrH. 1 IT .1
Wo demand that tlio U. S. Constitution ba go
nmended that no recognition ot God bo dcduciblo.
Wo .demand thut any and all laws which, now
sanction iho use ot the bible in schools supported by
the State, shall be repealed. Tho blbio Is ix bone of
contention ond should be rem. veil.
We demand that State constitutions be bo unpad
cd as that such exclusion shall bo guaranteed. Wo
been living on mo piuu- ijii rnrnutn oim
Comn.ouwealths chased & U JJ
of civilized men. I no
iini 1 Mu . m u.ah. I tint MnnAa
J. march ll, mw u
A Colcmnn and 3, 11. Dlldlno and on the west by n
riibllo road, contalnlnu nro acros, more or loss,
whereon nro erected a two story framo dwelling
houso and a blacksmith smop.
seized, takon in oxccutlon at tho suit ot tho Ben
ton Mutual Saving Fund and Ian Association
against Jeremiah silica and to bo sold as tho prop
erty of Jeremiah Stiles.
Lime, Attorney, Al. Vend. Kx,
All Hint certain mcssuago tenement or tract of
land situate In Monlourtownshlp,;c'olumbla county
and stfito ot Pennsylvania nnd bounded and de
scribed astollows, to-wlti licgtnntngat a point on I
tno western shoro of tho river Susquehanna, at low
water mark, on tho north sldo ot tho river brldgo at 1
Citawlssa and iun"lng from thonco northwest-1
wnnllyn straight courso twenty porcios (more or
I ss) to the mlddlo and centre ot tho canal brldgo
leading over the north branch canal on tho public
road loading from tleorgo wants1 to Cotawlssa,
lev mid
i ileal with tho wrontrs nnd anomalies
crowding upon them for rcdres-j, it must hffi
bo owned that they did not altogether boranooutit, u
e r . i. .....! 1..... !
Jllll SII011 01 IMU li ving iimimmu iiiiiiubuii
upon them. They rescued us from band-
f .i' 1 i i. 1
TONtiT nhViLtK fnruiutpfl thnhn lmnoriant oreans.nnd
nnti-r rnlln l.i Innlrn Ihn hlnoil rlnh I lid Dure, and to
Hem. ii wis mrra
Ask your neigii
lilies of thieves, law-breakers and
demairosiues, to whom it would bo a
fecblo comparison to liken the merce
nary lemons of tlio ltoinan benalo in its aiwids m good nmrt on. uun i sores c u briiiscs
i ' i b . .1 Alonitn... f nndcorns. Uoltsbutllltlotnurutlianthalmllatlons.
dccadclieo or tho corrupt Alsatians Ot Kcrypacicagohaitho trade mark, tail for tho gen-
tho Stuarts in tho worst days ot llicir "tarcii ii ?-'v
tlacitious lawlessness, ixorwiu mo iu-
tnrtf historian dealiinr pi
I nsta linger than any other.
,.l,il,a,.,il,Sn.,1li. E A.,,1 TT,iT,r,1n rnrtlri with llmltid
,,.,,,.,.....; 9U xjiui uiivvaiua. citillnl desiring to uu.
miu .i.oi........ f. V , I x.iiti upvvamo. ciplliil desiring
with the untried tjioup called til power, coma luterrsiiii In Mining entciprMm, at ...i i. :,(,, ',,.,-,1 llgurca, ph'iiMi njnil ndiliess for tree proapc
nna cxrenRCS to agenir,
A.1lr..C 1 fl Vlf'KICItY.
Maine. r rcuu-iw
bolt m
...i.n , ,.,1 i.naiiniM n 'iprnvil lUurcs. rl.'iiMi mail artdiesi for free proapcctui io
11I11IU Itt, nvniimu ..v..... , .ii,uIA Kl.l'.TL li iironiiwcv. a. i..t;iiy.
.. ' . f -i r-.. l.i 1.. '
mem a eciinin gioiy joi inui'iuu icsuiu-
tion in tlio iaco ot an opposition more ory rv Yioutnt i-w.
powerful than most untried men nro call vi t I Augusta, it's
i ... r rni... 11 ,..,. l.n.l
imi iiiiuii iu jiil-u. jiiu J'u.u-u..u; ...... Annnayenr to ngcntn, and rxpcnie'. H Out
been out of the habit of responsibility lor "?tjreo. Address I'.swnin & co., Augmw Me.
such a term of years that Inno ami prac
tico alono could nualily tlicmior tho exc
cution of tho vast work expected of them.
All their ablest men had been lured by
oflico and honor or by conviction into
tho ranks of their adversaries. With
cry rare exceptions tho men who guided
the councils ot mo party Know oniy ny
tradition the methods of Democratic
Tho nusriilo of ten years had plunged
tho countrv into tho most deplorable rc
suits that attend civil war, without that
reflex buoyanoy that sustains a great peo-
ilo who havo just emerged lrom success,
ful battle. The credit of tho govern
mont was doubtful, the trade of the
country was paralyzed, a great section ot
tho territory seething in a revolutionary
panic. The new Concress undertook
tho colossal burden of rc establishiti"'
nnncn and nrosneritv with a certain tin-1 at the southwest corner cf land of C. It. Funston and
t , i 1 !. .-! 1 !. I llilrd fctrppt nnrl rnnnlnir tltipn
suriUKing conuueiicu in iisuu ;mu in iiiu i - - - - . -j
t , it n. 1 ..... ..n... nu M ulmnllta I BUIU UlllUOUUlb IU UlUVf 11IUU3 Ul IUU (jlUUV-
.,,..1.1.... D,....t.-D . ..,J;,V uca hero to 51 feet, thonco by the same southwest-
tudes that the party has sinco under-
lly vlrluo t.t sundry wtlts Issued out of tho
Oourtof Common l'leas ot Columbia county nnd
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale ut tho
Couit ltoueo In lllocmsburi;, at i p. m. on
All that certain mossuago and tract of land sit
uato In tho towns'ilp ct llrlaicrcclc bounded y tho
lands of (leorgo Ilow erontho cast, by tho heirs of
Stephen Adams and Tofcus smith on tho
tho hdrs ot John Mnsteller, deceased, nnd others on
tlio south, and by landj of heirs cf Ocorgo Kvnr.s
west, whereon Is erected a frame grist intll, a brick
storo nnd dwelling and two dwelling houses nnd oth
er oulldlngs, containing sixty acres more or less.
Seized taken la execution at tho suit ot James
W, llayman, administrator ot Peter Ha man, de
ctascd against tleorgo llcltord,and to bo sold as the
property of George llelford.
Knomi 4; Winieksteks, Attorneys Al. Lev, Fo
All that certain piece ot land In Catawlssa beginning
wardly seventy-live lect more or less, to n lot of
party lias since miner- wmiam John, thence by tho samo northwestwardly
AVitllill two years tho affairs of I twcnty-onofecttoalotof Kunstoa, thencobj
al P. II. Sheridan. Mrs. Garfield and
Mrs. Hayes wero also present on tho
About half an hour previous to the
arrival of President Garlleld, General
Hancock, accompanied by General Phil
Sheridan drove up to tho reviewing stand
aomand that no religious services shall bo paid for !n a closo carriage. General Hancock
by the State, and that Governmental recommenaa- 8teppeil imlckly from the carriage and
.r; ."T, I passed toward mo stand, no was in
property la taxed. No buildings erooted tor school siuuuy lecoyuiisiiu uy u uuiuut:i w it;i-
purposes by tho taxation of nil tho people, shall bo sons in tho crowd and was cheered hcar-
used for religious worship, unless compensation is tily beforo and after ho ascended tho
trlvnn therefor. ..1.,r nM. ...nn l..Ui:n.,t1.. illtin.
"WodTmand that Church shall be wholly divorced piuwurm. auu """"
from State. It U claimed they are now married, mated and tlio streets lillcd With people,
Wo demand that no religious test shau bo requlr-1 At eicht O clock a very nanusome dis-
odasnualiacaUoafor any onice.or to perform any niv f flr WOrks took nlace immediate-
to iur u..,!.,.., . !01tl of th0 Tl.easuiy Ueparttncnt
sanandrlght. Lr.t.:.,i. ,,w,,j ra,,ia m-V.! t,a
We demand that all lawsio enforce the observ-1 tu.u .
ance of Sunday as the Christian babbath be void. I streots and squares in tne vicinity oeiug
The State meets the Churches at tho threshold I utterlv impassible.
nf thn mihlli- bphnnl nnd Rfiva: 'Nfl trnsnnJlMnlr lipre. I
Va.. nnMKn. Antaw Til nnmntnn .MlWl l mi Fllll
commonwealth. You are for the propagation of I Congress A Retrospect
theological religion. The State knows nothing ot
theological religion; hasnoplaw tor UaptlstorQua- Th(J fnctj0n8 0f t10 Forty-sixth Con
The State sees only a clJzen of Uio Common- gSS came to aneud on tho4tllltlst, and
wealth." And thus It rebukes tho pretentions of I tne ucmucr.uiu uuuuuuuuii ui bis yvuit
the sects to pubiie favor. I was broucht to a close. Though not call
"Wo no longer pay church-Jithes, directly as ,i ,innn (n ,lpai w:ii, events ro inonien
such; tut by exemption ot church property from , ' ,,, pnroopa ,v),i,,i, fl.
payer tuiho commonwealth." "Jn national schools, lowed tho advent Of the Kcpilblican par
tn schools supported by tho state, you can only ty to power in 1801, these Hix years nro
teach lhat on which we an agree; uonco when chll-1 marked Wltu 801U0 excellent as well as
dreu belong to different seen, you caunol-teach nsinnnliln wnitr. Hnmcmbcr nrr tlin
l.nAlr.rtf llct.olnur. I 1 . . .
Keep tho Church audStato forever toparate." P"""""""" Yl j "
pres'dent Grant, tho uuiraineu leauers 01 1110 inaioriiy
Envelopes printed liko this for Wc. per hundred; took their lilaccs to deal with public at-
$3 h perl,-oo and sent post paid by led. Tract So- fairs. ciilii?htened nonular iudirment will
ciety.VNOrcestcr,iiass.j ,.,-n.lit. tlin unrtv now rroiiifr out with
Wo take tllO foreD-oillS; from tllO bad vn-.-,1 tlm tlmlr, nnt In. nalmmnil nf.
of an envelope. It will be seen by tho .i,,!, i, ,.-,,,.1, ni.r.ninnlilip.l fnlla f.ip
note at tho bottom that theso envelopes bci0 wj,at ti10 fticmla of reform had a
uro iiriniuti ami iumisiiuu uy uiu inue- r,rrhtto expect. Tlio Deniocratio party,
lieudent i ract society ot orcester, however, must forever bear the honor of
juassaci useiis. v o no iioi surprised lho fi,.ststep3 in turnin' tho Kovernnifciit
that such sentiments should exist in the baok t0 tho C0UVB0 0f UCOnoiny in admin-
cctiimb-ncu tv;1iuuiit,.ui otuiu ui iiiiwau- iSt,ation which sicnalized tho early tra
chusotts, but wo are surprised that such dit;0Ils o t)10 C0llutry. They set the
envelopes uro permitted to pass through oxamplo ot selectniK their best and pur-
tho mails. 'UllS llllldel society seeks to I. . fnr voanmmililn lti...n nnd tln-v
lisseiutnato its wicked doctrines anioii! ninai !,;,. pni.(.nr ...wi, i,n muiuro nf n
me peupu iiii iei 11m uovcr iu "" fundintr bill markini; tho hisrhest water
organization lor tho abolishment ot tho lnn,.i. nf untinnul credit and enlinhtonei
Biblo from publio schools. Thoy -'- legislation.
r,,i V r i f y -l i It can never bo forgotten that a timo
with a httlo b, shall not bo recognized . nnrtv l1ornillatl had eomo to mean
uy nu ouai or suuo coii u u ions, arm tho "t0 phln(cr tho National Treas
that all Sunday laws be abolished. The ..... . ...;. ,i .. :..
i 11 . r .1 . i l I UI Vi iJ liiuuu uutuwuuni v t.u, i iiiiu itiuii ill
civil libertv ot the nation is based unon . . . .i -r.
tho morals of the people : morals nro
ifoverned by tho Jlible. Tlio abolish
ment ot tho isible would put an cud to
civil liberty, and without that thcrol
the samo northwestwardly scventy-llvo feet to Die
placo ot beginning. On which aro erected a two
story framo dwelling house and outbuildings,
Seized taken Into execution at tho suit ot I. John
& Son s assigned to Pouglos Ilughos vs. Almtra A,
llarnes and C. It, Barnes wlUi notice to M. M. Drobst
tcrre tenant and to bo sold as tho property ot Almlra
unrncs and C. it. llarnes,
lluiwM, Attorney. Lev. Fa.
tho nation wero brought back to their
normal condition ; the credit and etirron-
cv of the country were ro established
trade revived and an era of prosperity
akin to tho good old times set in and
continues ns tho result of tho wisdom,
moderation and Bagacity of these inex
perienced but conscientious and serupn
Iaiid 1,1,. ani'vonta linl'n la Willi nil
," , . ' ', . . , , , , I Tract no. 1. All that certain mcssaugo tono
tlus, much undono that should Jiavo been mcnt and tract ot land situate lnMimin township,
Gone anil tilHcn (lono inaiimgiii, nave Columbia county and Slate of Pennsylvania, boun
been left undone, but no criticism, irotn ded and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning nt
however hostile a point of view, can a w'um. DCa "i' a mountain south oighty-seven
1 n,- In w. degrees, cast ono hundred nnd forty-four and nlne- v.,,t,t Bv.. ..... leniiis DorcUcs ton stone. thonco north fortv.ilvo
IeSSDCSS COlldOtied. JNO monopolies liaVC .irfi9Bast0no hundrnd nnd thirfv.onn nr-rnhM tn
been built up througli tlieir lnstruuicn a whlto oak. thenco north slxty-two degrees.wcst
tallty,llO constitutional compacts llltrill-l ono hundred and nineteen percho? to a post, thenco
(to,1. ,invirlit of inaioritv invaded, no outh tlfty-llvo degrees est forty perche3 to a
nno;,..,. 1n,.li,.,.nbn,. votv-nv,!,.,! nr s'one, thence by land of south six degrcescast
..... i Bit,..Hvo porches to a stone, thenco south forty-
nlno degrees, west one hundred and fourteen perch
es to the place of beginning, udjolnlng lands ot Pe
ter Michael on the cait, Abraham nnd lloraco
Schwcppenhlscr on the wc3t, south mid north, con
taining S3 acres and alio .anccsmoro or less whereon
are erected two (2) two-story frame dwelling houso"
a two-story and a halt frame prist or Hour mill, a
west six and nine tenths perches to a point In said
c.tnnl, thenco diverging from stld canal north forty-
tour degrees, west ten and threo-tenthi perches to I
tho cornnr of fence on tho cost side of tho publlo road
leading down tho aforesaid river to th3 borough of
Panvllb, thenco by said public road south sixty-
threo and a quarter degrees west soventy perches I
ton point In tnld road, thenco by tho samo south
eighty and n quarter degrees west sixty perches to
a point In lino of land formerly ot l'hlllp l'oust (now
Illshcl) thenco by said lino north ono and n half do-
degree?, cist seventy-ono and six-tenths perches,
thonco by tho samo north sixty-seven and a halt
degrees west six and seven-tenths perches, thence
by His snmo north seven degrees west seventy and
nine-tenths perches to n post, thenco by land of
said Georgo H.WI1IIM south Bovcnty-elght nnd
thrco-iiuarter degrees cast hlnety-thrco and a hnlt
perches to a hickory, thenco by tho samo south
i lghty-nlno nnd a quarter degrees cast thlrty-tlvo
anil n half perches to n post, thenco by tho samo
north eighty-two nnd a half degrees cast ntty-slx
perches (mora or leu) to n low water mark on tlio
western shoro of tho river Susquehanna aforesaid
nnd from thenco down tho western shoro of lho rlr-
or aforesaid, Its various courses nnd distances ono
hundred and thirty-livo perches (more or less) to lho
place of beginning, containing ono hundred acres
neat measure, bo thosimo mora or less, on which
nro erected a two-story brick dwelling house, n two-
story framo dwelling houso, a large bank barn nnd
All that certain lot and parcel ot land tltuato In
ho' township cf Montour aforesaid, bounded and
described ns follows, lo-wll; licglnnlng iitn point
In tho Wyoming Canal, n corner ot land recently
conveyed by tho parties of tho llrstpartto said John
frharplcss nnd running from thenco by tho samo
north forty-four djgrccs west ten nnd thrce-tcdtlis
perches to a post at tho south sldo ot tho publlo road
leading to panvl!Io,thcnco down tho said road south and a quarter degrees west nvo and
three-tenths perches to a corner of land recently
conveyed by tho parties of the Ilrst part to Duponts,
thenco by tho samo south thlrty-throa nnd a half de
grees cast twelve perches to tho mlddlo ot tho afore
said canal, thenco up the mlddlo of said canal north
ntty degrees, cast six and eight-tenths iperches
to tho placo ct beginning, containing elxty-rour I
p:rchcs, bo the sams mora or less, ou which aro I
ircctcd a two-story grocery store.
seized, taken In execution at tho suit of L. n.
onover nirilnkt 'Jet riru II. Shamlcss and to bo sold
as tho life c3tato ot ueorgo It. Sharpless la said
AnBoi-r & smith, Altornoyj. Vend. Kx.
Terms cash.
Sheriff's oflico, Fcb.s;th. Sheriff.
From January 13th, ISSO to January If th, isst.
WM. KltAMElt, Treasurer for District to April 1st,
To cuh received from Woom duplt-
o tte 1S70 $37 St
To c ish received from Scott dupll-
Clto IS7D STl 87
To cish received from ureenwood du
plicate 1S7S is no
To c ish received from Greenwood du-
p icato isjd 370 oo
10 cash received from Sugarloaf du
plicate, ldiu un oo
To cash received from CatUiwIm.i 39110
To cash received from products of
rarm 13 on
$1351 37
armed with a riuht to prey upon the
helpless. Wiser and better traiued men
might have made betttcr laws, might
have more complete! v guarded the peo
pie against the swarming evils that the
next lew vears are likelv to let loose unon
us but no men who nave yet been caned frame barn; a tramo wagon shed, nud other out
to power havo so thoroughly, so consci- buildings
cnt ouslv woikedfor the interest conli- Tract No. 2-.ll thtt certain tract of unimproved
(led them as the three Congresses whoso
mib'sioii ciuls with the roily sixth. -1'liila.
places ol trust, tho now majority, after
htteen years exclusion lrom power,ctioso
Michael C. Kerr to tho Speakership and
drew tho lines openly against subsidy
and tobs. binco ibvo it has been the
11 I 1. .1 .! . ,'1.
Wm.m uo no sueiin ng as m.g.o .s nu-1 comulalnt of tho free-handed in Wash
UIU1U 1S 'u cor"-r 8l0.01 imrt mthat there was no longer a nlace
iiemovo mo , .... . . . ,,, . . , vo",.a ,,i.u
Tho Bible is tha
n -.;i! i ...
mi eivinzuii Kuvuniiuuuis. iieiuuvu inu 1 .1... ii.t... rni... ..7i.a i l. ......
. 1 .1 1,. . -ii I 1U1 lliu liiuuy. xuu luvtai ..iiiivo ji iiivdu
corner stone and tho wholo structure will ... . ,, ,, ,i , ,iwl i,jai,i
fall. True lovers of religious liberty de-
mnud, not what this atheistio society
asks for, but thoy ask that laws may bo
passed forbidding the dissemination of
such principles ns aro expressed on this
envelo(.c,through iho United Mates mails.
All obscene literature, and lottery corres
pondenco is prohibited because it is im
moral. Why should not infidel litera
turo bo put 011 the same ground 1
Washington, March 1. Immediately
after the work of organization of the sen
ato was completed it was announced that
the Senate, Silpiemu Court, and invited
guests would proceed to tho east portico of
the capitol to participate in tho ceremon
ies of tlio inauguration of tho President
elect. '
A procession was accordingly formed,
and all tho Into occupants of tho lloor of
tho Sjuato proceeded to the corridors
and rotunda to the placo indicated.
At half past 11 o'clock the bead of the
procession, passing around the south
wing, reached tlio eastern front of the
capitol. Tho Presidential carriage was
driven to the lower entrance- of tho Sen
ato wing, and tho President-elect, accom
panied by tho Vice President-elect and
Senators Pendleton and Thurman, enter
ed tho building and proceeded to tho
Vice-President's room, where they re
mained until 12 o'clock. Ah early us 10
o'clock crowds began to assemble In
frontof the platform erected on the steps
leading to tho main entrance, and ut 12
o'clock it was estimated that 60,000
people wero massed iu front of tho buil
uing. Ai tiie procession filed out through tho
main corridor to tho rotunda, tho crowd
pouring flown from tho galleries soon
caused ii blockade, and finally bi caking
iu upon tho procession, merged with it,
nud passed on to the rotunda ft dense,
confused mass, Senators, Uonresentfttivofl,
Wlplomatu und citiwiiB, without much rc
Html to precedence.
between 1801 and 1875 lotind their oc
cupation gono under the austere regime
of Kerr No member of the lobby was
permitted to go upon the lloor of tho
1 louse, whereas beloro his day they had
swarmed iu the seats of the members.
Tlio opulentfeastsof the rings which had
been wont to enliven tho social lifo of
tho capital came to an end, aud it is the
glory of tho retiring party that their
tenure was ueneunccii as nun ana un
profitable to overy form of the shifty
tratlo ot lobbying lrom mo astuto log
rolling of tho Pacific monopolists to tin
transparent bullying of the venal news
paper stool-pigeons.
Tho court of tho king of tho lobby,
which had been before resploudent with
overy rauk of legislative life, came to uu
end. ami tho fallen monarch becamea wan
derer, without hopo or purpose, until tho
revolution ol lusUutuuiu opened tuc way
for a renewal of his reign. J tut the majority
did not content itselt with merely tenta
tive well-doing. It pushed the practice of
reform aggressively. I he lirst session ol
tho House was illustrated by the uiicov
ering of thu colossal eoriuptlonstlien ex
isting. The hands of Seetctaiy Uristow
where upheld, in the lace ot strong ex
ecut vo opposition, to lay bear tho nieui
orablo thefts of tho whiskey ring, invol
ving tho reputations of nearly every em
incut friend of tlio administration in
mom or less intimate connivance, anil
tuiu'iHg tho guilty ring into tho very ol
licooftlio President. The expenditures
of the government em cut down nt
one blow thirty or forty millions. The
6caudnls of the post tradership. system
were exposed and corrected, implicating
thu Secretary oi warm inu uirunu
nary rmoalitics, and in Bpito of tho clam
or and adroit olwtuuletf of tho still now
,.i ful ininoiitv. ho was driven In igno
inlnv from his iilaco. Tlio robborlon of
the Navy Department perhaps tho
moat shameful and reckless of which an
iidministriitlon had oyer been convicted
were laid bare, nmj, though the chief
culprit MtoaixKl by technlciilitjeg a tho
lIlierpOBlUOII UI mwuiiu 1""V
land (being wooj'ncd), sltuato and 1 Ing In Heavci
township and Miniln township county aforesaid,
boundtd and dm'ilbcd as follows, to-wlt: lleglu-
nlnirnr a chestnut In lino of l'.uidct Jacob Nubs, a
corner of Jonathan Muigcsscr, thenco by land of
Gooign Spald nndothois south eighty-one and ono.
louilhdesrceswuitslxty-nltioand live tenths perch
is to a chestnut oak, thenco bylind ltto ot Law
renae Walters and Creasy south clghty-thrco dc-
gr.'is wist thirty .nlno and jlx-tcnthj perches ton
pliw, thjnco by lindi lato of Creasy north eighty
eight degreo.t, west twcnty-tU nnd one-tenth
I crehes to a stcmo in lino ct laud ct Jeremiah Zlmni-
iiiun, thonco by snnc and Nuugcsser south tour-
teen nnd ihrco-fourthdegices cn-ittwo hundnd and
nlnely-iilno andtwc-teutln ieivhcstoan oak ind
hlime, thenco by lands survejed In a warrant to An
drewciaik north s-jventy-ouoandthrco-fourlhsdu-
gre's,east ono hundred and lltty-four and Hve-tcnths
perches to a (done heap, thenco by lands ot Swank
ami Nuhi north nineteen timl one-fourth degrees
wist two hundred and soventy nr.d blx-tentln perch-
03 to tho placo of beglnnlu?,coataliilng two hundred
and IKty-thrco acres and lllty-six pciches.
Tract No. 3 All th'.t certain other tract of unim
proved land being wood laud, and adjoining tract
No. i slluato Ui .MIMIn towuhlp aforesaid, bounded
und described ns follows: Beginning nt a stone,
formerly nn oak, thenco by land of Goorgo Nunges.
ser north seventy degrees oast nlnoty perches to a
chestnut cornir, north sixty-two degrees,
oast threo and seven-tenths perches to a stone cor.
ner. thouco bv land of Henry Sterner south twenty
W.13 .1 iiiiuu .nit.iiu.iiii.u iu uiu I OIin,wrwnn.i!.tllilrtvAlx nnd llv.i tnnllia tuuvIiar
gallflies wnell tne oenaio uiei ai uootii to a chestnut corner, thence by samo north 70 and
ou the Gth. livery body seemed to Jeei mat u degrees oasttnirty-sovou poreuos to a stono neap.
tlm d.iv was to ho ono big with events, thenco south ;o degrees wo-:t eighty-two perches to
Vice 1'res.Uent Arthur took .ma sea and r perci m a stocor:
was vigorously ap niauueii. uener.u ii.iu- ,. ,nrmr,r, n,,inih.Bh1.ii,.iii,..Mn,
cock was given tho privileges of the taln'lng two hundrod and olovoa acrej and ono inn
lloor.and rsuune onercu a resoiuuoii tuai urea ana miny-rour perencs,
........:n1 A........ilt.. nt 111... Sunn nra tin I rUlZCU. UlKtU III L'AUUUllJIl UL LUU HU1L UL U. 1
appointed uy tne vuuu io i.iku huu con- uiupiopeiiyoiueorgenuugisser,
Hiileration the mode of voting for Presi- IUiawn, Att'y. Vend. Ex,
lent and Vice President of the United Ai.&u,
States, and the modo of counting and All that certain tractot land sltuato In llrlarcicck
certifying the vote, who shall report township, ColimbU couuty, and stato of fcnnsylva-
......i. .....T..n:ii.w r.-,,. n ,.l,.i,,n ;,, ii, nla and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt
3iit.ii b iieglnnlngatnstoneln lUe ot land cf John Yost,
laws and onsilimiuu .la in.iv bl-uiu a- tilcncn north and nnuirter ilesr.-cs east
pedienl; mat said uoniuutteo nave pow- lorty-slxandafouuhpeiclies toastcnu to landot
er to sit during the recess of Congress, Jonas Wright, thoaco by tho samo and 8. stiles
and that thoy bo directed to report on or south thirteen degieta and twenty mluuteseast two
lmfn,.,. il,n wnn,l W,.,lnr.,l.iv Af .Tnnuavv hundred and torty-nlno and Ihrce-lourlh perches to
"VWV Hl- WVVV.. T . v...wv.. J
The seven wise men who for the next
four vears are to help President (lailield
uu tho allairs ol tne uaiiou nave ucen
iiniiounced. Thev are-; James ti. ltlninu
of Maine, to be Secretary of State: "Will
iam Wimloni, to be Secretary of tlio
Treasury; Wayne MaoVcagh, of Penn
sylvania, to be Attorney General: Thom
as U .lames, ot iNew lorn, to do i'ost-
masler General, Samuel J. Kirkwood, of
Iowa, to bo secretary ot tho Interior
Hobeit T. Lincoln, ot Illinois, to be See
retarv of War: William II. Hunt, of
Louisiana, secretary ot tne wavy.
mere was a largo aiieiiuanco in inu
Uy orders redeemed ot is'o itc 1 1
" isso sai ns
" commission on same 2j 21
amount paid J. K. Grotz now
treasurer 13 31
1350 37
JOUN k. GltOTZ Treasurer for District from April
i&i, iosu tu iiituuurjr iuiu iosi.
To 01H1 rcccltcd of Vf. Kramer (lato
Treasurer! n 37
To cash received fro n Woom dupli
cate 1S79 101 04
To cash recelted from a.-ennwood
dunl catolsTe 423 S2
To cash ire Ived from Scott dupli
cate 1879 48 10
To c ish ricelvid from Sugarloaf du
plicate, 1879 13S 87
To cash rectlved froai Greenwood
im iir" H7 4 fin
To 'caeh frecclved from Dloom dunll-
phcato isso csi lis
To cash received from Scott dupli
cate 1880 150 oo
To cash received from Greenwood du-
nucateisso 657 ii
To cash received f ron Sugarloat du-
TJllCatO 1880 75 00
To cish received of County Trca'urcr
Utxcs returned S7 3S
To rah ncelvcd from products of
iurm WM iu
Uy orders redeemed nf 1S7(' ss 7
lly Intrrestiuld on Krug order rn (id
uy oruers reaceineu or isso 1S7S oa
Itv eommlsMon no no
lly bank Mumps so
uy t uiauce iu Treasurers lianas Jan.
luta iui 13'J cs
Directors or tho roor in account with tho liloom
roor jusinct.
To nmount of outstanding orders Jan
loth 1SS1 1238 40
Tu nmount received by Kramer seo
Treasurers account 1350 37
To nmount received by Grotz seo
Treasurers nccount mis ni
Toamount Bloom duplicate isso iri4 87
To amount Greenwood duplicate '60 cor 37
To amount Scott dupllcato nso 731 31
To amount Sugarloaf duplicate isso uu 8J
To amount balance ou Greenwood
UUpllCalO 187S 304 45
75tl 87
landot David Shnlfer.theneo by .be samo forty-eight
degrees aud lllly mlr.uio-t went thlrty-nlno perches
Samuel bluer, thence by tho samo north lltteen
grocsand fitly mluutas wost two hunlrod and
MliYUU .V HON, t trch tla-lt I'lilladilphla.
Illghost Awards (or Uie bet,t I lotos: London. i...AbkUt iu, etnitt r I m
cr, tiro jiractlcciJ y!ill V!) wasting ta&rciiii.l.qn vco
Tho galleries seemed to think that this to Samuel Mtler, thenco by tho samo north lltteen
.n ll... lnut Ii,.,,. At,- ltl-IIIWI WAIllll 111) dC
IT .l.U IUOV ..t.W . i ....... W ,,w,..v. " I , I
, t. , , i auveuij-iivu jicieiiua u ma piato ui ueuiumug, vuu-
titxii ujiuii uiu uuui in a uuii.iuji, uuu tulnlng sixty-two acres and soventy-elght perches
iney nsiciied lo ms lesoiuiiun .uii'iuivi-i ftna allowances bo tho sirao more or lass, on which
are erected a two story frame dwelling houso, barn
and out-bulldlngs,
All that other certain tract or piece ot land sltuato
In Urlarcroefc township, Columbia county nnd Btate
ot I'ennsylvanla, boundod and described as follows,
to wit: Adjjlning lands ot Jonas Wright on the
north suty-seven east sUty-ono to a post, thonco
iwtll eleven and a halt west thirty-seven to a Etono
adjoining land ot William Walp, thunco south forty-
eight and a halt west bUty-otght and Blx-ttuths to
ujeltja nine aJJololnj lanlot (Uorgo llower south
eight cast fourteen and seven-tenths, containing
nlno acres nnd ouo hundred and live perches.
heltod, taken at lho suit ot Joseph
Laiuon against Wllll.iu Walp und tu bo sold as lho
prupenyoi wiuuui naip,
1.ITTIE3, Attorneys. Al. Fieri Facias
All that certiln lot or p'ccj of land situate In or
aiKOVllle, Columbia county, anil state of I'ennsyl
vanla, aud described as followti, to-wlt t Hounded
on lho north by lot of William Flcckcnstluo, on Iho
o.ibt by lutot Isal ill Conner's oitate, on tho south
by lotof I). K.sioin and on tho west by tho publlo
ru id leading from Orange. lllo to lilooinsburg, said
lot being llltv foct more or less i (rout ui,d uhonf
ono hundred fcf'l in uepiu, on vuion are erotica a
two u'or) framo dwelling houso and out-buliqings,
Hel.cil, taVeu In execution at lho suit of the
IMrwirnt.l,Hi' Mutual HlMUU' FUlld Ab.SOi:l,ltlull
ag.Ubbt AUruham I'ulemau und to bo sold us lho
pioiieily of Auruuam uoiouiau
Wisr. Attorney, VendKx,
All that ctrtain lot an 1 loco of ground Mtuato In
Blabtown, Locust towushlp, Columbia county, I'enn.
h If aula, aiJ lining lands of Jacob Ycngcr on tho
I'HtfX, lloatliiBcreeW on thi south and pt,blld rod-i Pn
nni 111 aiuj west, on !llcu 13 erected a tno atoiy
frame dwelling house.
HeUcd, tUrn In execution ut tho tult of t'hailes
KrtlgagaiUSl lYIIliaiil liuinig uuu tu uu wm us iiiu
pri'in'iiy ui iviumiu iit-iniu.
IKKI.KK. Attdruoy. Levari Facias
All lliatoeitaluplcco or tract o land situate la
Ileuton townbblp, In lho oounty ot Columbia, bound.
td and descilbud as follows, to-wlt t On the north
by land ot Tltomu 8el,(trlod, ou lho oast by laud of
Alexander Kramer, n the toutu by lona ct wutium
ami every eye was turned upon him
He had no sooner finished than Pendle
ton aroso and reported that the Presi-
1 ... , 1 1 . ...1 .!
iieui would navo sumeiuiug 10 cuiiiinu
nicato at 3 o'clock. There was a buzz iu
tho galleries. Everybody knew that
thu Cabinet selections hail been made,
There was nothing for tho Senate to do
but to tako a recess, aud it took one un
til the appointed hour. When the Sena
tors came together again thero was not
nn Inch ot room to spare in tho gaiier.
ies. IJIaiuo and Arthur, when they on
tered, wero so loudly upplaudcd that Sen
ator Anthony considered it to no his tin
ty to rebuke thu offenders, which ho did
so well that the Vice Piesident instruct
ed tho Sergeant at-Arms to prcservo or
dor. Thu people had gathered for no
thing, however. They had only got llvo
minutes' wid th of Senatorial sight seeing
for their trouble when a message from
the Piesident was received. It contain
ed thu Cabinet appointments nud imme
diately tho galleries were cleared and the
Senato went into executive session and
before tho doors wero reopened thu names
had all been acted upon favorably.
V County Superintendent,
T.f. MlLLHlt.
1 ill; lion t
Aiinnuiinn In Ihoir iimnv Columbia county friends that tho spring stock ill caeh of tho thiily-thico depnrU
incuts of their establishment, aggregating a value of nt least
Is now ready for inspection. , ,
To givo only n partial list of tho new nnd novel things on exhibition would occupy this entire pnper so wo
must content ourselves by mentioning n few items in Silks and Dress Goods that aro especially appropriate to
early spring. ,
For the coming season wo havo spared
neither pains nor expense to secure a stock
of Bilks which will surpass all ever before
shown in Philadelphia.
In stripes, checks and bars,
From !)7i to 75 cents per yard.
In sliipes nnd checks, with cheviot nnd
changeable effects) the best ipialilies niade,
$1.00 to $1.25.
In now colors Heliotrope, Olivo Green and
CO to 80 cents.
All-Silk Black Brocades,
In novel designs. A favorite lias a treat
ment of pinks and morning glories. Theso
goods aro in great vaiiety,
$1.00 to $3.00.
23-Inch All-Silk Brocado,
In bronze, myrtle, olivo green, grcnat, navy
blue, marron, and ULAOIv,
Ono dollar per yard.
All-Silk Satin Brocades,
In all colors and black,
One dollar per yard.
All-Silk Heavy Qro Grain Damas,
An extra quality,
$1.25 per yard.
All-Silk Brocade, Satin Grounds,
at $1.35 per yard.
These will give the best satisfaction in
wear of any Figured Silks made. "Would
be considered cheap at $2.00.
Our American Black Silk,
at $1.00 per yard,
will givo perfect satisfaction in wear.
A Bellon Black Silk,
fullp 22 inches wide,
at $1.11 per yard.
fully 21 inches wide,
at $1.21 per yard.
Everything new and novel that will ap
pear this season nt tho European Fashion
Centres, will bo found in duplicate on our
counters. A visit to this department is ab
solutely necessary for every lady who de
sires to seo a coinpleto collection of Foreign
Novelties iu dress fabrics.
The following illustrntivo list embraces
but a Rinall portion of tho now stock :
Shepherd's Plaid", -11 inches wide, with
fancy satin sido bands, $1.50 per yard.
All-Wool Cheviots, -t 1 inches wide, nl
$1.25 per yard.
t Illuminated Ueige, -M inches wide, willi
sido bands, nt $1.25 per yard.
Konibrnndt Checks, I I inches wide, with
sidebands, al $1-50 per yard.
Cashmere Plaids, new combination of
blight colorings, -M inches wide, nt $1.25
per yard.
All Woo French Plaids, in new light
color combinations, -1 1 inches wide,nt$1.25
per yard.
Fancy Novelty Stripes, silk nnd wool, -l-l
inches wide, at $1.50 per yard.
English Checks and Plaids, iu new com
biualions, at 31c. per yard.
Tricot Ueige, M inches wide, illuminated
colorings, nt $1.00 and 1.25 per yard.
Illuminated Ueigo Foule, -l-l inches wide,
at ioc. anil to $1.00 per yard.
lleigo Foule, ! 1 inches wide, at 75c.
Solid Colored Foule, -11 inches wide, in
light nnd dark colors, nt $1.00 per yard.
we have everything manufactured in both
nnd in single and in double widths, at prices
from 25c. lo $1.10 per yard.
Lace Huntings, three quarters wide, 25c.
per yard.
Laco Buntings, six quarters wide, at 50c.
per yard, lloth of the nbovo aro in threo
distinct styles.
All-Wool Laco Buntings, nt 37c. for
single width and 75c. lor dottblo width.
Also iu threo styles.
3 -1 Silk Finished British Plaids at 50c.
per yard.
Gerster Cloths, 3 1 inches wide, beautiful
French colors, at 50c. per yard.
Chevron Melanges, 31 inches wide, extra
quality and especially adapted for wear, at
137c. per yard.
3 -t Extra Heavy Serge Melanges at 25c.
per yard.
British Checks and Plaids, in five styles,
at 31c. per yard.
3-1 All-Wool Cashmere Beiges at 31c.pcr
3 4 Wool Check Suitings at 25c. pcryard.
0-t Wool-Face Momio Cloths, in spring
colors, at 25c. per yard.
3--1 Wool-Fnco Cashincro Beiges, in gray
and brown shades, at 18o. per yard.
3-1 J Wool Faco Cashmeres at 15c. per
During tho past few weeks tlio machines in our Mail Order Department havo been kept running night and
dav. nutting up samples of Spring Goods, so that wo havo now ou hand a suflicient suiinlv lo fill all rnnnnata
A specimen number of tho JOURNAL OP THE HOUSEHOLD, (tho organ of tho Mail Order Department,) mailed
ireo to an wuo huhu uwu uuuivh,
Uy outstanding orders redeemed,
Kramer no 11
lly outstanding orders redeemed,
flrotz m 71
lly amount duo on nioom dupllcato
'so, loss exonerations and com 1133 59
lly amount duo on Uroenwood dupll-
Hy amount duo on Scott dupllcato '60
less exonerations and coin mission aa S3
lly amount duo on Hugsrloaf dupll
cato '&o less exonerations com. 141 S3
lly amount duo ou tircemvood dupll-
uuiu ici iL-M uAuuuruuuus & com. gui 43
lly amount exon. nndcom. on Ureen-
nuuu I9,tf. ...........(.(. ... 1.1 OS
lly amount exonerated and com, on
Scott dupllcato ls'D 62 80
Uy amount exonerations and com. on
HtU ai loaf dupllcato ism cs S3
Uy nmount exonerations and com. on
Dloom dUDllcato 1SJ9 102 r,i
Lato directors paid as follows, viz:
llrockway & Jilwoll attorneys lo il
a. fcuydur repairing pump s so
'Pn v In 1RTO V . i -n
ituMitownsliIn !!'.'.'."... 101 14
conins :j 00
liUcll attorney fco In Wolverton
case 23 00
ltcpunllCHu and Columbian publish-
lni statement IB) so 00
Auditors for Jan. 13lb isso 1100
Tom lteico balance on Treasurer iu 03
Mcuriuo onBainry .. co
or Jer of relief 157s
wooawaia consiamu 10 00
M' cr Pros. Uruirs and medicines 73 ds
sundry persons lor coal 311 41
" " " mcrcliandlso 180 W
Treasurers commlsMtn so 31
Now directors paiq w follows, vii 1
tax lur 1611; 11 7-i
Tax fur lbs -. C3 00
liulidlne Mahii-nouso md repairs lit -H
Koblaou attorney 10 uu
conius - 40 0.)
Interest on nrng orders co 00
ii f-iiimacu lor uroomt. a iu
Dr's. JlcKelvy nnd Keebir 7J 00
M.ik in? au wienies iu ou
Vandi-rbltco publishing btutiinciitot
1S7U , 15 m
ordeisotivllef sua
Stato Hospital Vox and lliit-lies u3 75
htntq lloipltiil for Uphialiu Ubncr 41 S3
Jiuvuis iur iiuuipa.. ,,,
Insurance 3533
lluekalow liros fortaUng ltenticltu
I' llou.o 1 30
MWwi'lt. atoiiw i m
sumlrl s fur Mr, Kuh'er, seturcd by
J.IIIKUIVItv 01 12
I B. Km u, iiietfor 1'oor Houso,. .. 11 tu
Taking u. Ktirt 10 siiiujikiii roor
lluuto 1? 03
Order rimoVAl fcom I'.l.vai.Blolien-
ton 2 00
llurlevimnforliuno tin iu
Mundiy pi 1113 tor on.i ,, , 107 7J
" " uiuKii uiih mcmi'iucs 21 -u
" luerthanaiso im m
Qu.illllliiff illri flora 73
lit pair uiiu biuii 11 ivuik, ijui. nircut la Vi
II. a. lillfl.mcivliinUli.0 bill 'ri la
11 W. Crevillug " 111 mi
I . w.iiunioii i-.iuu;mo plains 1 00
Knt lira. baUuco un old Mil 111
ti towards saury Apt 11 1 vi 10 January
1 01 -Ill IiU
Dln-ctoi a salary 1 15 00
Kn rtarvH sal.irv ut iki
TrtMsurt r's commltslon co vi
'ITI'.ISliriT UlUK tllUllll do
ll.ilaui'O tu trcu. b.iuiU J.ui. luiti, 'tl 13 C1
Total i.toi 67
I'ursucnt lo an art of assembly passed and nppro-
VillA. II. IHi'JbV Hlitcll Ills in-ld.i liiiiiiinlH-iit nn
Ooiiniy Audlmrs of tin wivi rul count I. h of this
Ciiuiiii'uiwvullli In wiilcli there Is a 1'oor llnuso
i recioii loseitie, uuiiti, uuu cujust luo accounts of
11 u htivuruiu CL-ni inriuui.
'1 11.1t wo tho tiiidfrnljf ucd i uilitors did meet at tho
i. or 1 uiiho 01 11111 iiiuoin roor uisiriot ana uxamin.
id lllo uuoouutu of thu dint tors from January Utu
Hsu iii.iniuary lutn w,, ai o vouoners t or lho eauo
itliuiiuvi lui-uiwiiw, tuibvviviyu ivuuvv.
CUTSIDK UEI.1KF sm'LKOTO Al'Jtlb 1st 1SJ0.
lly lato directors to sundry persons f4 2
- " lur 1 uniim to w
" " for LIzlo Wolvoiton
oso - ll5 14
By now directors for Carollno Den
nis - - "
Uynew directors for Hannah John-
nun "
lly now directors for Mvlla J, lteeecr w 6t
uy now directors for Wm. Ixswls an 21
Uy now dlroctora f"r I'etcr Bhanlcilng s I no
iniiuci juuuiu. w
Joseph ifay an 00
11 uaiton llolter
Khrnuil and cotllll 14 S3
lly new directors for Sirs. Jacob Fish
er, CUIll
lly new directors torlloyd Uovtman
clirnurl nnd enntn 21 33
lly new dlrectors.for -Mrs. Geo. (iraul
coal 3 33
lly now director tor II rs. Katuerso-
curou on juuuicui. v .
lly now directors for Wm. JI. Uopper
of Scott 2 00
lly now directors for John Sillier ot
bcott ll oo
lly new directors for Stato Hospital
for Fox and Mrs. Hughes 431 10
lly new directors tor tickets for
tramps oa
793 10
Farm and buildings with mprovo-
ments maue in n.-j liuu i-u
Catliarino Lone rroperty too 00
Judgment on Dennis properly 100 00
jurs. nauicr ui cover
tho exn.ViEO 57 71
Balance on IUoom duplicate less ex
onerations and commission 1133 w
Ualancn on ureenwood dupllcato less
exonrraiionsnnuromm'ssion.... uu vm
lialanco on Scott dupllcato less exon
erations and commission CCS 33
Ilalance on hugarloaf dupllcato 1 less
exonerations and commission.... 141 80
Ilalance on Ureenwood duplicate for
'Is less ox. and com 80 1 43
14 acros wheat In ground Ci ti 112 uu
2 11 rye In ground Ci to 1201)
Wheat, n e. oats. corn, ana potatoes coo 00
Cabbago kraut, vinegar, butter nqd
cniCKens uu uu
Fork, beet, bows, anil plgi f 01 to
Onions, beans, hay, beets aud clover
Beed.iapplmnpplf butter and eggs co 20
Furniture la steward bouso 123 00
" poor house v j-i 00
Farm Implements mk no
Wasli house mid lepalrs In IS31 131 41
Valance In Tresuier's hands K tu
Ordcis outstanding Jan toih '81 1231 11
liaionco in favor 01 utinci uotg is
1S9I2 53
201 bushels of wheat 901 011
vul " oats to 10
1733 corn ears 431 50
3UI sheaves of corn (odder , II is
'ii biiili"l.-i of potutmu.,,,, H 11.1
li5 heads 1 f cinib iKe..,,, 49 V3
4151 pounds 1 f K'lk ii ' 24
4-.'3 puiind s of bei f 23,'l
4 buslieli of boots 2 im
3 buslit Hot onlins 1; (11)
3 biislu-U of bv'HUS 2 110
13 ton of ray 2 0 no
14 acros 1 1 wheat In ground 112 no
I 3 acres 01 r)o lufiiouud u iu
3 bushels of eluvtr teed uiu
a barrels ot elder u no
12 uusiieis 01 winter iinnies 4 111
23 gallons i t applebutter , , 12 Ml
iriill ruiMva iiuim , iu mi
UHClllCkCUS.,, , 23(11)
433 pounds ot butter , to co
3s7 dozen of eggs ei 70
UiUUoita 84 to
0 pigs , s on
IS 1112 C3
A' f I
ff. H
Ej e:
3 r
f h
E 9
if.W'MjBiiA sv! b vwiP, " if ' A 1 A trul Bill!! ' ' "1
DR. NIETTAUR'S HEADACHE PILLS euro most wonderfully Ins
very ehort timo both SICK and NERVOUS HEADACHE; and, while
acting on the nervous rytra. rellovo DYSPEPSIA In Its worntfornw, cleans
Ing tho system ot excess of bUo, producing a regular healthy action of tho bowels.
A full slzo box of theso valuablo PILLS, with fall di
rections torn co trip lato euro, mailed to any mulrres on receipt of
nlno 3-Cont PoctnKO Stamps. 1'or nalo by aU DrugKists.
cole rnopiUETons,
Number of paupcr3 remaining last ro
luri j
Number otpaupeis admitted during
iuv ?eur cv..,,, ,,., 11
1903 11
Number paupers removed
died M ,
Number of paupers remaining Jan.
' lUll 'el...'.....
linnuii Vnr inni'i'tnirtillLit Ltiltli wt.rtr sn..i..-.
;,..r. ,.i.,:,-. it. ' - "n,.:?r.", ,ui
For coal .
U 23
muu aluuuiuonJ
f 103 01
BAUUKLli,tiUmt f
tO Xudltwi
III tho rannufacturo of Organs is resulting in tho production and sale
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that nro continually springing into existence without
any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. "Will yuu not then, reader,
IS" you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of tho celebrated Esloy Orgnns can now boEcen nt tho new rooms
of tho Only Authorized Agent foi the Bstoy Organs in
Columbia Oounty. A guarantee .for five years from tho manu
facturers accompanies overy Estoy Organ,
filootttMburg, F.Mii