The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1881, Image 1

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    'COLCUbia DimocRAT, mn op Tim north, and COLOM
Imri1 Wcfklt every Krlilnr mnrnlnir, nt
at two pni.t.M for, W) cents discount allowed
when patrt In navnncn. To BulrwrllKTS out tf tho
county tho trtiH nro H per, strictly In niWniwo.
urNopnpercllscnntltiiieil except nt tho option ot
His puullihers, until nil nrrenrnges are paid, tmuoni;
coniinued credits will not lio given.
All pitpera eent out ot tho stnto or to distant poil
onicesmu'?tbopild forln tidrnnce, unleai a rcspon
tllilo penion tn (.'oliimtiln county assumes to pay the
mtiwrlntlnn duo on demand.
in 2 it an fin Ir
nneincti HW isw tun .'..n) lino
Two Inches ,, io B.ft) .m
Threo Inches 4 01 .M 7.m Jl.oo noil
Kotir Inches 6.M r.eo .n) tiro t.oo
()iiartercol(imn.... ft 0) .m lam urn srvin
Hint column law nix) I7.m .m frtni
ono column ., svw saoo can)
Yearly advertisement, p.iyaMfl nuarterly. Tran.
ent ndvertlsemenis innit bo paid for before Inserted
vjxeept where parties have accounts.
Iwl advertisements two dollars per Inch for threo
Insertions, and nt that rato for additional insertions
without refcrenco to length.
Kxcculor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's notice
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted,
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regular
advertisements half rates.
Card, In the "lluslness Directory column, ono
dollar per year for each lino.
rosTAfll! Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
tho county.
job nsiisrTnsra-.
TlioJohblnff I)ep.rlinent.ot tho Colombian H very
compu te, and our Job I'rlnlliiR will compare favora
bly with that ot tho larffe cltlea. All worK Uono on
demand, neatly and nt inoderato prices.
0. E.ELWELL. ,, . .
J. K, BITTENBEHDSn, roprletorB.
ley Pi w w 111 Jp t Hi 11$
A T T 0 It N 12 Y-.V T-L A W,
Columbian iictum.n, Cioomsburg, ra,
Memb r ot tho United Slates Law Association,
Corcetlons nunc in any pari ot America or j;uropo
oct. I, is;n.
12 WALLEll,
A I ... .
on:;, Second door from 1st National Hank.
ntooMsiiuno. ta.
inn. II, I5 .
U. I'UNK,,
dloomsu una, rA.
omcoln r.nt's llcii.biKd.
tlloomsturc. ra.
times on Main Street, first door below CourUloute
liloouBburg, ra.
OMce over Scli'iyler's Hardware store.
orrtcx In Harman's Bulldlnu, Main Btreot,
llloomaburff, ra.
1i. It. LITTLE.
11 II. & U. R. LITTLK,
Hloora9burg, l'a.
omcoln Browcr'B building, second noor.roora No.
Dloomsburg, I'n.
omeo corner of Centre and Mala Streets. Clark's
(!ati bn consulted in German.
Jan. 10, '8'j-tt
QKO. K. KliWEWi,
nn.ntrrtiu unir.nttjfi. liloomsburg. I'a.
in, nf thn united states Ijiw Association.
Collections inado In any part of America orEuropo
00. 1, 1879.
' ' " ' . a urtuirvuBTDl'M.
"'if'0""' Notaiy rubUc
omeo in Hartman's llloek, Comer Main and Mar
ket streets, l'.loomsburg, l'a.
3VcnMn ami Bounties Collected.
onico In llrowcr's I'.lock, one door below Coi.vmbun
jnlylO, '50 tf
onico in tho Coi omcian Dulldlng, second floor.
Oct. s, '80,
i. lice, 11. J. Claik's llulldlng.lldstoiv rooms.
IlloJmsburg. may 7, 'SO-t f
, In llrowcr's building, 2nd story, nooms 4 & 6
JR. ROIJISON, Attornev-at-Law. Office
'. In Hartman's building, Alalnstreet.
U. WM. Jl. ItEIiER, Surgeon anil Physi-
clan, onico Jiarkct iircec. fiear uepoi.
-T" ij inr.ivo nr r B.i,,i ami lliva!.
. clan, (OHlco and Hosldenco on Third street
T R. jrcKELVY. II. D.. Snrccon and Tliy-
0 . slclan, north sldo .Main street, below Market.
i. J. 0. RUTTER,
Onico, North Market street,
Oct. 1, '!!.
Dloomsburg, I'a.
R. I. Ij. RAIJB,
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, lllooms-
nr Teeth oitracted without pain,
oct. 1, 1813.
XJ .CIAN and HUIIOF.ON. special attention given
o ttio Diseahfb and hki tcth of tho Kvk, Ku
Thhoat nnd Huhiikky In all Us varlovs branches.
but Also carefully adjusts the J.YK with I'l.oi'KU
(8 10 a. m.
Hours 31:30 p. m.
.7 8 p. m.
AVIIltenbiirre, I'll'
July io, 'So-lf
Tonsorial Artist,
s again at tils old Bland under EXCIIANOF. 110
TUI, and has as usual a FIltST-CLASS IlAHUKIt
Bliol'. tin respectfully solicits tho patronago of
run om customer unu oi inu puonc Kuceruiiy
All styles of work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represcmeu. iektii i.jitki.t
mi WirnouT 1'ain by tho uso of Oas, and
freeot chargo when artlllclal teeth
aro Inserted,
onico Corner Main and Iron Streets.
'Jo be open at all hourt during the day.
ov, Ki-iy
i -
Sowing Maohlnosnnd Machinery of all kinds re
paired. OrEiu Hocsk Building, Bloomsburg, ra.
AVID I.OWRNHERQ, Jlerchant Tailor
Alain St., abovo Central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, ilealer In Jleat, Tallow, etc.,
, uemro street, between sccona anu num.
collocttons promptly mado and romlttod. onico
uvpuaiiu iiauiwissa jieiwsit AianK. aui-no
Catawlssa, ra.
omeo, corner ot Third and MalnBtrocts.
mraxsiMTSTni rou.owirta
i.ycomlng of Jluncy rcnnsylvanla.
North Ame.'lcaa ot I'Wdolplila, l'a
ltanklln, of '
Pennsylvania of
Farmers of York, ra.
Hanover of Now York",
Manhattan of .
til. It. I.yiftl lonny HitiRct In Iho
inuut. Jl, mi mb, ,., sl.,i
II In If mnnhtul brfarn vnn
'"! fur II. Tim h I'd km,
Mlntl-r rcnnipitni"! Mill fit $60.
All Mft't.lnfn tTirn.ntr'l for thn i
J - R.fiil fnt fur lllllFttntril L'lr.
cular nil I'f. -.tititnt, i ut. AiIlreM
ciiAiiMS i.,on a cn
i? H. T.Liia, ti.iij.ijhii, a
.'-i t.Wnrti.l. f tlntlny mnilo
..111 -l.I.vrrilllM t'AMIIA
Hi 'l LiBLli .'Ucvl.r. VlkliintoKr.lhil. Il.tnll
i'l.f.0. 1 miiutrrlno Akcnli.
Pczev Henderson's
rrffl tit Xaltctl 1'rce l clI-icAo aprlyby
n,it Tvtinfltiioiilnl nrntrmn tn
j which wo tent our Votfetahlo and
1 1'luwcr sooui nromoHiroinpicic)
J nuil our (ircciiliiitmeM Torl'lautH
5(((iverliiii :t neri-H In nlatis), uro
35 Cortlandt Street, New York,
X will mntl n copy
oruiy r4cT uoou,
1 lti.i;,to any pcricn Trno wuivAnnricna;'
i nemo anil tostKiIlica fiJi
lurcw, aua six cuius
in Btamps to pay post arc
To nny on. pnnrrlnic wllh CONSTJalPTION,
orltltONCIIlXIS, Iho Inlormnllon In th Hook U
0 Kreni niuoi mm uiuay in luo proTMeiiCQOX uoo,
avotnanvtMPfiil llvii. AMren,
feb 25 1-m
n 'Ilduntl'i'i li it iii'tnitl',
V.'iMiK :Ji' ll'tirm
III i'.'-'M ' t'I'llHt.'t'ttl'illt ti'illllllti
We uinrolittc
In v.ilii-'. Wu have hiinilrcd' of TotliuonlaKiid.
te I la I'm r yi'.iiN, niln' iimi liMw'iv line
it nt re iv 1 1 rjoi' 1 1 ur. i iiiiiiiiui mi ,im,
t)i-.tiiiyrr t i leiauvu I! o Murms lull kllnN. J.'i'i.i.i,
.v. li. i.i'.nii i t rii'Miii-i iiiu'm me iiiiiiiiui hjMiiu.
rinKic.mii linn I'n n nn I kIvo llicm tu their Milleiiiig
paiionK 7i'--f! ii no Inimlwjitr tnninmi ulKiut Ihls
thor.iu'li1y lull iblu iiuvllrlno. rrlce, !i"c. per Lux.
A.W.VtflUiir a CO., Vholcsali urucpisis,
Marks! and Troat Slrccli, M.ihiMpUa.
To Nervcus Suffsrcr: tho Great Europeaa
nr.. j. r, muesoN's.Bi'iiciria mkdicine.
nr. .1. II. Slinnsnn's Snrclllc Medicine lsanosltlvo
enrn forrirrutiik(jf liodv or br. In urexcrss ofiiny
klu 1, such ns weakness and all diseases ra&ultlng
from Nervous Debility, lrrltablllty.Muntul Anxiety,
Ijict'uor, Lassitude, Depression 01 Spirits and tune
tlonal dorangements of thn nervous nystcrn yen-
eraiiv. I'ains in uiu
nac ; or n ai'. 1.031
or Memo', rrema
turooldngu and dis
eases that lead ti
ty ft au early rav
or both. Nom.itlei
how Bhaltered tin
system maybjfron
excesses o t an
t-lnil. n ftlifM I. eoun-u i.i un in.dlLlno will n-eloru iiiu
lost lunciions nnu ioeuro neimn nuu nnppiuess
whero before was despondency and gloom. 1 he Spc
cltlc Mt'dlclnu U being used with wondei fill succiss.
I'ainplilets Rem ireo to au. ruo loriuimunu
gettu'l pnililcuiar.
Price. SnecliM ll.iio per pe.cknge, or six packages
for fs.'ii. Will busrnt by mail on lecelpt of money.
Address an orders, . i. n. tii.Mi'M'MijMi-.uii,iii.i.v.
Nos. I'll aiidl'C Main street, liumilo, N. V.
lo'j. 11, Sl-t
iieiiu JS lflllKINKlMtANCi: COMPANY.
i liesn m n rniirouiTioNB nro well Bcnsoned by age
and kike tksted end have never yet had a loss set-
Mini i.v nnv rnnrt. nf inw. Their afiseU aro all Invest
ed In soi-in SKCDKiTiKsnnd arc llablo to tho hazard
of hue only. . .
i nssna iM.niiPTi.v niid iTosESTLY ad ustcd and bald
as soon a3 determined by ciibistun F. Knafp, bfec-
'i'ii i nf rniunitiin onuntv should natronlzo
tho agoi cy where losses If any nro settled and paid
oy ono or iiieiriiwjii:iui-ii. .
" ....n.,..n.,n..ii Tir.llimir OITU III! IT TV M
NOV, l, 0.
mum fiimimeii tree. with full Instruc
tions for conducting tt'u most proiltablo
lmttupKLi tiint. flnv ono can oiieneo In.
TiinimsinessissocaBvto learn, aiidour
Instructions aro so simple and plain, that anyone
ennmakegrent prolltB Iromtrevery start. Noono
can fall who Is v llllrir to woi k. Women are as suc
cessful as men. Hoys and girls can earn largo sums.
.Many have made ottbo business over ono hundred
HMn' in Mi l l:. Tv'ntlilncr llko It ever known
before. All wlio engage nroraninsra uuuri
and rapidity with which they nro nblo to miiko
money. You can engngo In this business during
your spare llmcat gr. at prollt. ou do not have to
invest capital In it. Wo take all tho risk. Thosowho
neeo rcany money, siiuum iu uaimuuv.. ....
furnished irec. Address Tuuk Jt Co., Augusta.Malne
oct. 15' -bc-iy
cor. Centre and Itall ltoad sts., near L. & B. Dcrot,
Lowest Prices will net bo undersold,
Manufacturer ot MINE CAUWIIEKLS, coal Break
erandllriiUo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin
ware, now?, IllON l'ENCK, and all kinds of iron and
Brass C" clings.
Tho i rlklnal Montroso, Iron beam, right hand
left hand, and Bldo hill Hows, tho best In tho mark
et, nnd nil kinds of plow rcralrs.
cook Stoves, r.oom Stoves, and stoves for ucating
Btorcs. fchool bouses, churches, ie. Also tho larg
est stock ot renalrs for city stoves, wholesalo and
retail, such as Flro Brlck.Oratcs, Cross rieccs, Uds
to. ic.. Stave ripe, cook Boilers, Bkllllts, Cake
Flatca, large Iron Kettles, i!0 gallons to ltf barrels)
Farm Bells. Sl:d Soles, Wagon Boxes,
"Allontown Bono Manuro"
Jan 9, 'SO-iy
Silverware Watches.Jowolry.Oloolcs.&e,
aii kindanf Watches. Clockw and Jtwdry ntat
ly repaired aim warrauieu.
muy it, -o-ii
Manufacturers of
0arriag03, Bnsslw, Phaotona, SlelghB
First-class worlt always on hand.
HKrAlMNU NEATLY DONK. rednced to enlt tho times.
vinn. irrrn I
WILL IT CURE WE?,l a manwho,3 woebegoio eountcnaneo and
broken ibw i constitution sh )-.vcil traois of dlseaso
a sutrerer with Nervom Hvspep3la,ln whoso atom.
aeh tin moat do'lcato morecl lay llko lead, llefresli
In? slocp and quiet nerves woro Rtramrars to him,
nndhi3do3pIr4dotovor bcliu Well. Wj ndrtaod
htm to taVo
which ho did, and In a short tlmo was not onlyro
HeveJ but cured,
Keader; It .von aro sintering with 1yspopsli or Liv
er Dlseaso In any form do not wait until tho dlsenso
has taken a fas' hold upon you, but iwo tut) Regula
tor when the symptomj llrat show themselves. It
has relieved untold suffering. SIMMONS' I.lVKIt
ItEClL'LATon Unot an alcholiolio Btlmulatit, but a
Purely VegotaWo Romotly
that will euro when ccrjthlng clso falls. It lsn
faultl(83 family medicine. Dots notd.sarrnngutlin
system. Is iu vlolont drastic purge, but naturo's
own remedy. Tho friend of everyone, and will not
dlsdppolnt jou. A single trial will convince you
that It 13 tho cheapest, purest and best l'anilly Mcd
clne In tho world.
ASIC tin recovered dyspeptics,
bilious surfercrj, victim i of fever
and ague, tho mercurial diseased
patient hj.v titer rcjovero 1 their
health, cheerful spirits and good
appetite they will tell you by ta
king Simmons' Liver llcgulator.
Liver llcgulator 1
Original and genuine, piepared only by
J. II. .Ull. IN : V.,
Trier $ t ,00. Sold by all Druggists.
April Id, '80 ly.
JO M,i4..JJt
'-01 Ulllltf llilit
' pat -ui i,j-n it. aii ."9 iv
fpiiw l.l,lllnll!oJOIM., -.i' 'M-.urJrltdi
R n-tio ttM1)N.UJ.i,i. o.l loii,b 1,11 n'O'rtJ
i-ri iii jj nr n,(i.iiiiii fi nno't'j
KI!iiivl Jo un.jI i.j ijuu ,,3.1011 P'i'J
craraj ft'ai'HAVi., injiin.uj'uoiiioitKiu-
Vfll p u iF-j-nj o'J ir-l umJl-o-i u j-iuatp
liJ5nji (ii c" l Wdl'd il'Jir'
a don MnoiNi1""!' osjnpiretininq'jonni
tptl3j;jnoA-.iuo MJin WJ Cij Mi.litJn.-una
J"U m Xoii nsKUVJ02I,sdoIIIA,O0SS
vpuruim pAin5"1''Ul''JINt'0.(pi',Xtnilt
omo uiotji tvn ft'ol'IUJi fitt Ju pwi J.1J AiH3
BOA' J 1;SJ, ftliuil'l5ltlllll1t1l.rt1,t:(HI VIOJ
lid 'it'll tn r i luimiAliy J innt-rip out iwt am
eu.u)JuiXii jo sukjClJ Jno:Ciii!u jjiiviiiojc
-irou inctHM'otirutii"-"'t "'lvadcn
'joninuiiigiiiiuiiimi onmiV-uilimdv miojpii
l oqiv jo Vinj.'Mo Jiujin AJavtinoqcnnjoij
,jL-tni!ajj i,.c.luci:loilColiu.-Jo ot Ipiol
XJSlptttStmCJIAtftiViH"3 3li
Jiotn iun iijjI p-re rKjjmopii in un kjohiii
iiviiioncr3ShS3rA.t" '"v
Sotjimi mrenit pinie;rtP'n' 'JOiuinaou
joaii 'jouiind poo'jiioitMj:toqt,ai'n"i'
'Mnni joijii iu jo ratii-vlii'
rnoi3.-Kiiu-np'iU!1,0!l3pui!fl pirjO1tUJP
-ucj -nuonrj 'cuo;! jo uoiniuiqaiBos
opvif "3IPJIC l'lll'B1un,itt oii,
July io, 'so tr
i mm m
Viillnril,or Willi Copper. I'orc lnln,or Iron
I.lulux. Kuch ono Heiielled wllli my inline m
manufacturer warranted In miildlul nnd con
urnetlon. l'or alo by tho bc-t houses In llio
trade. If you do not know where tu ret till
pump, wrllo lo mo us Inlaw, nnd I ulll tend
narao of nueiit nearcit you, ho w 111 tupply you
at my lowest prices
OHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer,
308 I.Iarkot St., Philadelphia, Pa.
march 4, '81-tf ats
Statoof Pennsylvania, Columbia county, SS.
Amonc tho record's nnd lirocecdlnL'S ot thotlom
mon l'leas In nnd for said .county It la Inter alia
mus comnmca.
In reassigned cstato of I. John &Son.
Andnowrebruarye. issi. in men court, on mo-
iion ei w. 11. ifiinwn. .uiornov lor ,1. ai. aiiiuii. it'
slenes of I. John ton. 0. (1 iliirklev.Ksn. nmiolnt'
ea as Auditor lo iilairnmte baintieu in nniitnoi unci
assltrneo acccrdlnp lo Iho becond and partial ac
count onx proceedings Uicron lonnunmoni; tuu pur-
lies euiiiieuiiieieiu.
Ccrtllled from tho record this Fifteenth day cf Feb-
luary, a. u , imi.
a. ji. (juick, wji. KIlICKUAUf,
iieouiv. i rum
In niiisiinnrn nf llionliovo nnnftlntment tho un
rterslL'ned will meet the nartles IntereMed at his of-
tlco in liloom&buri; on Saturday tho lath day ot
JIarch, A. V. IS-A, between thu houis of 9 a.m.
nnd 1 p.m., at which tlmo anil place all persons
having claims upon a.ilil fund will appear and proio
ineir uinima or no ueourieu irom any Miuru ui cum
tuna. ,
U, U. ll.Milvl.l.l,
feb. 16'15-lw Auditor,
Tlin miderfclfrrril nuiltlnr nnnolnted bv tllQ Or-
riinns iinurt or Columbia count v. to maku dlitrlbu
lion ot tho balance In the bunds oftlio adtnlnlstriv
tnr nr mild deci-iipnr. io anu ainoni? liio names uiui-
tieil thereto, will kit at his oltleoln llloomsburi: on
Hntnninv Aitrii in. K-i At. ten o'clock tn ttio forenoon
of satd day, when and wheio all persons Interested
aro requested to prosent their claims upou (.aid
fund or be forever ueuarreu irom a snare tueieoi.
mnrclu-lw Auditor.
Thn unilersleneil auditor nnnolnted by tho Pr-
piians'i'ourtoii;oiuinoiacouiiiy iuiiihku uiainuu
(ton nf tlin funds in thn hands of Datld Ixiwcnbcri,',
iiriminumirnr fit RAtil deeeil-jnt. to and ntnonc Iho
paitles ( untied thereto, hereby gives notice that bo
will bit In the discharge of tho duties ot his appoint
ment aims LlllCd 111 ItlU IU1V11 11 lUUUUiauuiK nil
Wednesday Iho tith day of Anrll. A. 1). 191. at ten
o'clock In Iho forenoon of said diy. at which tlmo
nnu n ne nil nersonn luiuteHiuu iu Bum iiiiiumu
required to attend or bo forever debarred from any
snare oi tuo same. .
march i-lw Auultor,
01' VAI.UAllt.i:
In pursiancoof nn order Issued out tf tho Or.
phanV com tot Columbia county, John W.Bvans.
Bxccutorof (leoriro i:vaup, late of uriarcreeK town
ship, Columbia county, deceased, will expose to
I'ubllo Bale on tho premlscu In llilarcitek township
Tuesday, March 22nd, 1881,
All that eel lain
pii:oi: ou iMiicKSi or mmi
bltuato Iu llrlarereek township, Columbia county
1'ennsj lvanla, bounded aud des crltol as follows, to
wit: on tho noith by lands of (leo. Hess, on the
west by lands of Charles llaclimsn, routh by n pub
lic road, cast by land of Ueorgu milord, contntulu
T II I R T Y-N I N U A 0 R E S
and eighty perches. Alw, ono other pleco
laud to bamo township, boundod and described ns
follows, to-wlts On Iho north by lands of George
Belfordandon thn west by (leorgo llelford, south
by public road, on tho east by laud tf II, 0. Mart
and (leorgo Bower, containing
on which are erected a :
framo Barn and out-biilkllngs. Also,one other pleco
ot land In same township, bounded ou thu north by
lands of u. (l, Marti, on tho west by lands of lUclla
Modeller, on the south by lands of Win, Kvons, and
on tho cast by publlo road, containing
Tkhms ok she, Ten per cent of ono-fourlli of the
purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down
tho property, tbo one-fourth less the ten per cent
tho continuation of sale and Iho remaining threo
fourths In ono year thereafter with interest from
confirmation nisi,
Feb. is, '6i-u Executor,
Ho sleeps wllhln a namelefs grave,
Whero spring's limirhnt blossoms wavo,
For Summer's reign Is nigh.
Tho solitude around his tomb
Is beautiful as Kdon's bloom.
l'.ro beouty tenrnol to dlo.
Her fairest nnd most fragrant flowers
Kind May, tn bright profusion Bhowcrs
Upon that lovely spot,
Where the sick heart and weary Im 1
Host In their last duk, narrow bjd,
Forgetting and forgot.
No drooping mourners kneel bcsldo
That lonely grnvo at even-tide.
And batho it with their tears;
But oft tho balmy dews of night
Leavo It In rlty when the light
Of ktndlln; stars nppcarj.
No loved ones broatho tho holy , raycr
But Nature's Incense fills tho air,
And ftek? the distant sky.
Her artless hymn the rong-tlrd slogs;
Tho dreamy hum of Insect nlugs;
Aro prayers that never die.
Chamber) Journal
Select Story.
""Why, where are von iroinir, Isabel
Kasltnaii? Not in the farm yard, Bare
ly r
les, Alms Lome Alayell, 1 am ROini;
ntotho farm-y.'ii'il, suiulv," replied Isa
bel, with a mischievous light in her
biir "ray eyes, and a charmini' smile on
her pretty curved lips, as she opened tho
iiato lcad'uiy to that place. ''Nowhere
Isu can we bo eonlulenlial without liiu-
n'ui'I the risk of beiii'' overheard. The
farmer's family are in the orchard ; Char
ley and a half-dozen of his playmates aro,
playni!' in the llowcr-Karilen : there s a
yottii couple in the parlor at tho piano,
iu tnakui' love,atm she not niakini' inn-
sic.and a still younger couple whispering
anil giggling in tho bay window; auntie
is in my room enjoying splendid misery;
and grandma is in aunties room darning
stockinirs. And so, if vou really want to
hear 'right away why I am here instead
of at one of my usual suinnierhatiiits,you
e'en follow me to thu farm-yard. Hesides
wlneli speaking with increased anima
tion "I have latch, strange as it may
seem to you, developed quite a passion
tor iiirm yards.
"It doesn t seem at all strange to me,
my dear, for during our ten year's friend
ship you ve always been developing sonio
odd passion or other. But l'vo never
lost faith in you. Lead on ; I'll fol
low." nd stepping daintily and gracefully
unimpeded by trains or demi trains, thu
young girls threaded their way through
the crowd ot liens and chickens holding
i loud and lively conversation prepara
tory to going to roost; past the cows
waiting to be milked, anil turning their
heads to look after thu intruders with
great solemn brown eyes, and old Low-
leail, the white horse, slaking Ins thirst
at the water trough to tho extreme end
of the yard, where a pile of cabbages,
neatly arranged in the form of a pyramid
confronted them.
"Heboid," said Isabel,stopi)ing before it,
how Nature lends herself lo Art! (That
sounds well, though I don t know as it
means anything,) X his mighty structure
farmed of the green and succulent cab
bage, is no doubt tho work ol some hum
ble lliild laborer, who, having read of
the byrainids of Egypt, has sought
to bury the monotony ot cabbago by
building as close an imitation as his ma
terial would allow. Let us hopothat this
(light ot immagination may be lead to a
higher one, anil that tho cabbage man,
like tho butter woman, mav meet with
public i ecogiiitioii,aiid at last be crowned
with a wreath ot laurel. Ulten Irom
the humblest sources spring the greatest
works ot genius
Hums Lottie
breaking off suddenly, and assuming
reproachful tone "why do you break in
upon mv cloqucncu with rude and un-
I was about to re
peat to you Longfellows hut jioom; now
I won't. Seo what your frivolity has
lost you and take a seat on the extremo
baso of tho pyramid (I prefer the mound
of sods iu this secluded corner, saeted to
somebody's hoe and rake,) while I go
back to tho commonplace.
"Thank you, Bell dear, I'll share tho
sods with you, if you please. I havo an
idea that a cabbago would prove a very
uncomfortable seat under any circum
stances. Aud do go back to tho com
monplace, that's a darling, for I m dying
to know what has happened siuco wo par
ted an ago ago.
"An ago ago ! Ono year and a half
exactly. I was then engaged to Claud
Yenner. 1 retty name, isu t lit Ami lie
was a nrettv littlo fellow, with nice curly
hair,, and lovely bluo eyes, with lashes
long enough for a bang.' small dimpled
hands, and not an idea in his little round
head. Mv mother with all duo defer
ence I say it and his mother to whom
I accord much less delerence mado tho
match when I was eighteen, and I un
made it at twenty. I never loved Claud.
How could I? And ho never loved me.
How could he? AVci were tho victims of
circumstances and match-making mam
mas,'dtid two moitalsmoro unlike it would
bo hard to Iimi. Ho was tho most con
volitional of mon and would have nearly
died if at ono of those dreary dinner par
tics in which his soul delighted somebody
had whispered lo him that his back hair
wasn't parted straight, whilo I havo of
ten been strongly tempted to shock tho
full dressed guests, at tho very start, by
asking for moro soup."
"Well, last Juno, at Newport, my di
minutive friend Kdu Snivlhe.with ahoad
tho exact counterpart of Claud's appeared
upon tho scene, and she and my betroth
ed fell iu love with eaeli other nt fiist
sight. Mamma fretted and fumed and
scolded, and asked me, with tragic em
phasis, how I could look on and seo so
many thousands of dollars lost to tho
family, for she was sure that artful minx
would pursuado poor dear Claud to clopo
or something; nut 1 continued to look
calmly on, until ono evening Claud, witli
a deeii sigh, kissed Kda's hand nud'liid
Kdu 'Uood night,' when I turned sudden
ly upon them, and hid them follow mo to
my room. ihero l lorgavo quite in
tho manner of a stago parent tho in
fatuated midgets their baso duplicity,
gavo them my blessing, kissed them
both; and as soon as they, beaming with
joy, had departed, I, also beaming with
joy, and not quite in tho maimer of a
stilgo parent, except peerhaps a l'inaforo
ono, executed a pirouette a mad, rcvolv
injj plrouetto- In honor of my newly no
quired freedom. Mamma was awfully
angry, but thu'ro nwfully happy, nnd
tho vo named tho baby after me. My
ohulns (they wero not very heavy I must
J cofess) broken beyond repair I llirtcd more
than over, all tho tiino growing ns weary
as could bo of hearing the samo compli
ments nud making tho samo replies, nnd
that iu tho nflenioon, and in the
evening, and nt last I lied from the old
familiar throng, preeipitantly one rainy
day, leaving my maid to pack my ward
robe and follow. And 1 determined that
this euininei' 1 would try pastures entire
ly now. Aiintio had often told mo of
tho pleaiant, old-fashioned farm-liouse
which she discovered years ago. and I
coaxed mamma promising to take Char
ley, our youngest, who is tho 'worrit' of
her lite, with me to let mo spend threo
of my four out of tho-eity months here.
And, Lottie, I havo never been as happy
before, and I nm lirmly convinced that
hero 1 have found tho kind of life that
would suit iiio best. I was born to lore
cows and chickens, to make butter, to
build pyramids of cabbages."
"You l" laughed her friend. "I think
I seo you in tho dairy, in neat cambric
dress, with sleeves rolled up to tho el
bows, stamping tho pats of butler with
monogram for that s as near as you'd
over como to churning ; and iu tho hen
nery scattering corn to the chickens from
a dainty whilo apron, a curiously shap
ed rustic hat meanwhile shading your
rose-and-crcatu complexion from tho sun.
You bourn to love cows and chickens!
You who havo reigned a city bell for
four long years!"
"And for three been the most ready
to amiicate. m-mooy with assum
ed carelessness "havo you seen the
young fanner, tho only child of our host
and hostess 1"
"Certainly not;" and MisMayell glan
ces at her watch. "I only arrived two
hours ago, and havo seen no ono but
you and your aunt. Hut I can seo him
in 'my mind's eye' tall, ungainly, and
speaks through his nose; cats with his
fork; says 'IIowV and stares at you as
though you wero a being from another
"Your mind's eye needs an eyo glass,
Miss Mayell. Iu vision is weak. Tall,
bioad shouldered, anil gainly, if I may
use tno word as 1 mean it. 1 saw him
tossing hay to day, and he looked like
an Apollo who had exchanged his lyro
for a pitch fork,and profited bo the change.
And his table manners are as exquisite
as your own, Miss Mayell; and ho has a
deep, full voice, and does not say 'IIow?'
Jet alone 'stared' at me. I havo an idea
that ho regards girls of our ilk with a
quiet scorn, mm thinks of us,if he thinks
of us at all, as hol-houso (lowers not to
bo compared with thu daisies growing
wild in the, meadows." .
"How long have you been here,
"Six weeks."
'Quito long enough, I think. You'd
better go away. You are regardin
this young fanner, who never looks at
you I don't believe thai, however-
too sentimentally. l on might come to
believe thiit'you had fallen in,love with
"And if I did, what harm could result
from that? He'll never come to believe
he has fallen in love witli me. lie is so
different from tho soft voiced, perfumed
darlings by whom I have been surroun
ded all my nie mat, to use your own
words, with a different application
stare at him as though ho were a being
from another sphere. The young farm
er reads, Lottie, and reads books which,
though printed iu our native 1 angiiagc,
would bo Greek to you and me; and he
numbers tho poets among his friends.
peeped into his room ono day, and saw
them all, m bluo anil gold on his book
shelf. He is au honest, manly fellow
with no lalse pride about him. I was
idiot enough to fancy that ho might bo
the least bit confused when I saw him at
work iu his rod shirt, and coarse very
broad brimmed straw hat, but ho saluted
mo as calmly as though ho had been ar
rayed iu tho finest garments. And his
naino is Nathaniel not as pretty as
(Claud, but it means 'tl
Tho gift of God, indeed,
tho gift of God.'
his old mother
says ho has been to her, and so will ho
bo to the woman ho marries. And that
woman must bo a bee, and not a butter
fly. Lottio" with sudden fierceness
"if ever you tell, I'll kill you."
"My dear when I do, you may. Isabel
1 begin to suspect that you tiro really in
lovo with iathaiuel another ot your
old passions and that beneath your but-
teijjy wings lurks tho spirit ol a bee,
And I may live to seo you helping tho
litchfotk Apollo toss tho hay, build obe-
isks and pyramids of cabbages, cony
celebrated sculptors iii beets, and heap
turnips iu immitntioii of classic old
'I fear not, Miss Mayell. For thougl
1 would bo proud to share in each am
every one ot those occupations, as soon
would l expect that compact mass ol
greens to suddenly tremble to ils has
and then toiipio over, separating one
huge body into a hundred or moro head
as dream that Nathaniel Leo would eve
caro for me.
Tho pyramid trembled to its baso an
its apex tumbled to tho ground. Tho
girls roso quickly from their throne o
sods, i h littlo shrieks fled to a safe
distance, then turned to look again
toppled over ils many heads rolling in
every direction, aud in tho place it hat
occupied stooti the young lanncr.
"1 bless your brother for building
pyramid to-day, Miss Kstman," ho said
"though ho did unload ono of tho mar
ket wagons nil ready for market for tho
purpose. And I bless tho happy chance
that kept mo from tho orchard,, and sent
mo hero to lall asleep behind wake
at tho sound of your voice. Spell-bound
I remained concealed half beleiving that
J was slill dreaming, to provo tho falsity
of tho old proveib, 'Lislners never hear
any good ot themselves. But can I
daro I hopu that grains of earnest iiiin
gled with your jest, and that tho pr.ts o
uutier iu our usury may somo nay n
stamped with our monogram 1 Stan
my friend, Miss Mayell. nnd vou shall
not bo forgotton when wo make tho beet
slatues ami tho turnip ruins.
"Well, 'pon my word!" exclaimed Miss
iMayen, with a lratik glauco of ndmira
tion at the handsome young fellow, and
n Binilo thatthreatenctl tobecomoalaugl
in another moment.
And "Of all things 1" exclaimed Miss
Kstman a lovely blush mantling her faco
and then youth aud fun conquered all
three, and lliey laughed until tho farm
yard resounded, nnd Lion, tho wale
dog, camo bounding toward them, nsl
ing witli loud bow-wows what was tho
A few weeks after Miss Mablo Est
man bocamo .Mrs. Nathaniel Leigh, he
husband, lying nt her feci in tho iirelinii
nud looking un into her fueo with ndoin
ilig eves, snid! "I never u-nnl.l lmv,
J gained courago to have told you of my
love, though I loved you from tho very
rst, nan i not hoard trout your own
sweet lips th.'U you over cared for inc.
What good sjiinl, my blessed, sent you
t an places to the liuni-yard that niter-
noon 7
"It was an linn sent mo there." sho an-
swered, demurely. "Mother's youngest
...I.!. 1 ... . T 1 t . , . t
ivnu wuispeicu uj me, ns i ion inu nouso
ith liOllie, 'lhoros something awlul
jolly 'way back in tho farm ynrd a
yramiil of cabbages nnd Nat Leigh
mi uaill-jr 11U111III1.
Wicked for Clergymen.
Uov. , 'Wnshiiigton, I). C.writcs:
I bcliovo it to bo all wrong nud oven
,'icked for clergymen or other nubile
men to bo led into giving testimonials
to 'quack doctors or vile stuffs called
medicines, but when n really meritorious
article mado of valuable remedies
nown to all, that all physicians uso and
trust in daily, we should freely commend
it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily
commend Hop Bitters for tho good they
have done mo nnd my friends, lirmly be
lieving that they have no equal for fain
ily use." New York liaptist Weekly.
Gulzot's Creed.
rom his will drawn In September, 1313.
I have examined, I havo doubted, I
havo believed that the human mind had
power enough to solve tho problems pro
sented by man and by tho universe, and
that tho human will had forco enough
lo regulate human life according to tho
dictates of law and morality. After a
long life spent iu thought and action, I
became, and am still convinced that nei
ther the universe is competent to regu
late its own movements nor man to gov-
rn his own destiny by means only ot the
permanent laws by which they aro or
dered. It is my profound conviction
that God, who created this universe and
man, governs, preserves and modifies
them either by tho action of general
laws, which we call natural, or by spc
cial acts which wo call supernatural, and
which, ns well as tho general laws, aro
the emanations of His free aud perfect
wisdom and His infinite power. We
aro permitted to discern them iu their cf
lects, and forbidden to understand them
n their essence and design. I have
therefore returned to the faith of my
childhood. I am still firmly attached to
he uso of my reason and to tho freewill
which aro tho gifts from God, and my
birthright and my titlo of honor upon
earth; yet I have learned to feel myself a
child in tho hands ol Uod, and sincerely
resigned to my large share ot ignorance
and weakness. I believe in God and
worship Him without attempting to un
derstand Mini. 1 seo His presence and
His action not only in the unchangeable
law of tho univcise and in the secrctlife
of the soul, but in tho history of human
society, and especially iu tho Old and
iSew lestament those records ot reve
lation and of tho divine action of tho
mediation and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus
Christ for thu salvation of tho human
race. I bow beforo tho mysteries of the
Bible aud tho gospel, and I refrain from
the discussions nnd scientific solutions
by means of which men have tried to ex
plain them. I havo a firm faith that
God allows me to call myself a Christian;
and I nm convinced that when 1 shall,
as will soon be my lot, enter into tho
full light of day, I shall seo how purely
iiiman is tuo origin, and how vnm aro
most of the discussions in this world con
cerning things which aro divine.
Lxi'r.itniNTiA dockitt.
Wo must tell sonio men a great deal
to tench them a little, but tho knowledge
of the curative properties ot Spring Islos
som in cases of sick headache, indiges
tion ami biluousiiess is bought by expe
rience. Prices SI, 50 cents, and trial
bottles 10 cents.
Tho "Broom Drill."
This new attraction for church socia
bles and parties of that kind is thus de
scribed by an eastern newspaper, in giv
ing nn account ot ono exhibited there
ono evening recently : Tho squad con
sisted ot twelve young ladies armed with
i i ; r, .i i
uiouius aim uuiiui iucu iipproinaieiy,ie(i:
white and bluo alternating in the ranks,
under tho command of n captain, with a
drummer, i ho brooms wero all deco
rated with red, white and blue ribbons,
and as tho ladies marched with gay col
ors flying, keeping perfect timo with the
tap ol tho drum, they presented quite
war like appearance, nnd usual military
by tho word of command, an exhibition
of the silent drill showed a proficiency
which was truly surprising. At the
closo of tho drill tho brooms wero sol
by miction, bringing from fifty cents to
ono dollar aud a hall.
iho best gut to give your enemy is
lorgiveness; to your opponent, tolerance
to a mend, your heart; to your child,
good example; to a father, deference; t
your mother, conduct that will make
her proud of you; to yourself, respect
to all men, charity, nnd to the sick, Sim
nioiis Liver negulator. 1 found it ex
cellent for sour stomach, indigestion, diz
ziness nnd headache. A. .1. Adkins.
How Ho Won His Suit.
A Galveston man met a friend from
tho country on the street. "How do you
comu onf exclaimed tho lormer. "Who
I last heard of you you hail
hand with Tom Smith nbou
d n lawsuit on
tout a fine horo,
How did that end?" "I won it. I com
pletely got away with Tom. You see
the justieo was the most honest man in
tho world, so I wrolo him a nolo asking
mm to accept the enclosed iso bill. "I
should think tho judge would havo ruled
against you for trying to bribo him."
So ho would if I had not been careful to
sign loin Smiths nnmo instead of mv
own. I tell you there nro several other
ways of killing a dog than choking bini
in iiu.iiii.
I'orty years experience has Mumped
public approval on Aycrs Cherry 1'ecto
1 it i . Ull ii
i.u, hi inu most rename ot nil renicdiot
for Throat or chest disease. Its con
tinned nnd increasing popularity is con
elusive evidence of its superior curativi
Wait till Garfield has given away all
l. in i. . i .. . . -,. ....
nm iiiuucs no uas to dispose, 1 hen w
shall hear from tho great army of dissaj
jiuiihcii uues uiai mo new President is
the meanest of ungrateful men,
Of far greater vnluo than houses and
lauds is henlthi therefore preserve it
against Coughs and Colds by promptly
using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. All
druggists sell tt for 25 cents.
Tim M-,,,,I nf tnfiiHInf.n llt-n t. nf.
,.f ii. I,,,.,,,,,' I. n m,li,'Mi n
hich philosophers havo indulged in hcandinavimi my thology tno same posi
Itln sticriiliiidii I tiun that Juno held with tho nncient
History leaves us entirely in tho dnrki
iniKrli if u'n nm in i,.,.niit .tlm itliii.. nn
0 nro to accept tho Bible ac
1 creation of man, without for
onsidcringlholawsof nnltire,
Dlicvo that Adam was born
count ol thecrci
moment consii
n fnlldf. linlinv
ith language in his mouth. But this
cannot bo what was intended to be un
ul-ali.nrl. liv ilmnliiwl u-vilnr. Tlin
,. . i J " i-. -'-
iblo does not protess to bo n complcto
:count of the creation, nud it is only
ithin comparatively recent limes that
geology and other sciences have proven
to us that, although tho sacred writings
nro wholly consistent, they give us the
merest outline of tho creation. It is, then,
only by speculation that wo can attempt
to solve the mystery. Tho loasonings
mployed by learned men iu their re-
searches on this subject arc governed by
,no laws ol common sense, applied by a
ogical process, to tho laws of nature;
linurrli inniiv nf llinni tini-n aim,..,,,!,
ed iu being so painfully logical ns to
losu sight of common sense. Opinions
appear to be divided as to whether spo
keu language is a divine or human insti
union. Thoso who think it of human farm is brought to signity iiio very cs
origin bcliovo with the ancient philoso- t't "r 11 so held upon farm or rent,
. n , ... I . . . 1111 II Tl .. iliu
ihcra and poets, that men were original-
a "dumb and low herd; that they
ero rudo and savage, had no knowl-
ilgo of tho arts, and communicated with
aeh other onlv in the ininprfivt. m.'iniu.r
f beasts. II mm smw "Tim lim,.
as when men. like beasts, u-andernd ev-
et vwheiethioiirrlillinlifilils; nnd minnnri.
ed life bv online tlm fund nf lu.naiu."
Main' ollirr nni-innl. u-iilur n.nnn in lliiu
opinion, and hold that it was only nfter
a long and gradual improvement that I
men camo to their present enlightened
Housseau .iiciirespnls limn .is nrimiifillv
without language, and as totally i'p6-J
rant, oi mo lies oi society. J le does not,
liowcver, seek lo explain how language
urose, being disheartened at the very out-
set by the difficulty ot deciding whether
ant oi tno ties ot society. Jledoes not,
ine-uaL'o was moro nei-i'ssnrv for t m n.
stitution of sociel.v. or Rnmntv fnr tlin in.
....:.,.. r i i
ii'iiuuii ui i;inini;iL;u. luuimcnins,
however, ovi'i-nonics tlin iliuir-nlfv. In-
advancing tho absurd theory that "lan-
gnago was formed by a sesMo'n of learn-
cd societies assembled for that purpose."
Mr. Darwin, who holds that the com-
ical little bruto that wears a cap mid a
ong tail, and usually accompanies a
land organ, is but an undeveloped man,
n speaking of tho origiu of articulate
anguage, says: "1 cannot doubt that
anguaL'u owes its oriirm tn lim imitntinn
and modification, aided by signs and lie bank was established by Jews in Ven
gestures, of various natural sounds, tho ice in 1550.
voices ot other auimals. and man h own
instinctivo cries. "When wo treat of
sexual selection, wo shall see that prim, article, however, upon the word says
. . .l..... , -it, . i . . .. r, 1-.
evai man, or rather some early progciu
tor of man, probably used his voice
largely, as does one of tho gibbon-apes dolus frequently used the word in spcak
at the nresent dav. in nroducincr ti-uu mu- ing of a routed army. Tho Swedes and
sical cadences, that is in sinrrin.r. wn
may conclude from a wide spread analo-
gy that this would have been specially
exerted during the courtship of the sex-
es, serving to exnross various emotions
. . . - O CI' -
as love, jealousy, triumph, and serving
as a challenge to their rivals. The imi-
talion by aitieulato sound" of musical
cries might have given nso to words ex-
nressive ot various zcomnlex emotions,
As bearing on tho subiect of imitation.
tho strong tendency in our nearest allies,
the monkeys, in microcephalous idiots,
aim in mo uai unions races oi mankind;
to imitate whatever they hear, deserves
notice. As monkeys certainly under- Koinan ampitheatro crowded to its ul
staud much thnt is said to them by man, most with the beautiful and tho bravo
and ns in a state of nature thev utter of that ancient city. Within the cirelo
signal-cries of danger to their fellows, it
does not appear altogether incredible
that some unusually wise anc-liko ani
mai should have thought ot imitating a
Least of prey, so as to indicate to his Jul
low-monkeys tho nature of tho expected
danger. And this would have been a
first step in the formation of a language."
But such theories aro too weak for our
iicceptance. Languago is, undoubtedly a
divine institution, invented by God, and
by Him made known to man. It was
tho result of a direct revelation from on
high. God endowed man with tho now-
eis of speech, and a knowledge of their
.1 i ; ,
use,unu iiaviug provided au tuo Clements
llo lelt tho development of languago to
man. Just as a mind was given to
him which ho is required to cultivate and
lit for the performance of ils duties by a
long course of training, so the ijiero elo-
tnenis wero imparled, out ot winch he employed to the destruction ot our ltn
had to form by'successivo iinnrovemcuts I mortal parts. Therefore, select your
a perfect means of communication. Tho
Instoryot many languages shows a grad-
uai progress irom imperfect beginnings
to a finished state, and this is strongly
exemplified in our own tongue. If you
will turn back to tho writings of the
thitteentli century, you may lie surprised
io mid mat tiiougu younrercf
has sinco become tho English
reading what
ish language,
lomnrehcml it
you arc as littlo nblo to comi
as though it w.ero Sancrit, All languages
nro constantly undergoing changes, now
words beiug introduced, nnd old ones be-
coming obsolete. It is not nt all strange
then, that in tlin first, n-innt nnti, ,llln vi.,,.
language, similar changes took place.
And the fact that such chatifres n.i.iirii.,1
docs not provo that nt that time, nil mim
wero monkeys.
Our languago is a complex mm. Stm-i.
ing back with' the Ccltio under " ' that there aro but 10.5,003 China
went various oh-inim!' tlm mi. ian i" this country. Thero aro more
premacy, tho Saxon conquest, and tho
Norman invasion, each producing their
results, and it was not until tlm fim-.
teenth century that the inn.
guago becamo a distinct tongue, nud
from that timo to tho present it 'has been
constantly improved and onriclied until
it has become tho noblest tonguo spoken
. ll.., t f .!. .1. '
", ,""u''. .
oumucn lor ino origin ol languago!
i.niiig aswot o in a pureiy.practical peri-
oil, when all tho superstitious and myths
of the dark and middle nges havo passed
away, and been. nliuot forgotten, wo
cannot but havo our attention arrested
by the history that is contained iu inanv
words iu constant use. Tho very names
oi uiu days ox ino week, the mouths ot
tho year, nro full of interesting tales,
runway ami Monday take us back to tho
earliest history of Scandinavian and Ice-
laudio customs, when thoso days wero
dedicated to tho worship of the sun and
moon, winch wero then believed to bo
gods, Wednesday is named from Wo-
den, an Anglo Saxon" deity who is sup-
posed to bo tho same as -Mercury, tho
messenger of Jupiter, of tho Homans.
I his derivation explains tho somewhat
peculiar orthography of tho word.
Ihiirsday is so called from having
been dedicated to 1'hor, tho god of thun-
dor, Ho was tho boh of Wodon and
Froy, nnd presided over all mischievous
-..!'.. 1.. ..1- i
spirits in inu eieineinp.
l'litlav was dedicated to I'rcyn, tno
goddess of iiianiagc. Sho occupied iu
halurday was nauiriiH day. oaiurn
Wils ,tllu oi Julor, nnd the son of
Caieltis and lerrn.
.Coming to later tunes, wo find tho doc-
Saturday was Saturn h day. Saturn
"j".0 .f trans-substantiation, or chnngo
?' l,,cmt VU) th0 .ncliml l!0,l! .ot 1u.r
Lord, a tlOCtllllO lailgllt 111 tllO U0I11IHU
.., - ... ,, i tr..... Tt !d
'" ..".'..
derived front a Latin form used by tho
l"cot in ndininiHteiing the Lords sup-
per. ''Iho words used are "1 loo est cor-
' "tl113 ll!c bo(1' .b,lt, XY a Bl,b,ht
coriuptiou it has icccivcd its present
fon" "'id come to mean any slight of
lml"l performance.
1 ' word Jarni, is an old Saxon word
signifying provision, and it camo to bo
"'ftcatl ot rent, because anciently
l,,u iul iuiinutivmi. in
.provisions, in corn, poultry and the like,
till the (ISO of money became 111010 fre
'l1" - '"'! so that a farmer was ono who hold
llis laml" 011 payment of a rent, or farm;
though at present, by a gradual depart-
'" Srom tlle original sense, tho word
1)1. V'Ulll. J), II II. .1 IO.
Tho origin of tho word culprit is found
in tho history of our law forms,as follows:
When tho prisoner lias pleaded "not
guilty mm cilliHibUtu, which was form-
crly abbreviated on the com l immilcs
non. cut. the clerk of tho court on behalf
of the crown replies that tho prisoner is
guiltv. and that ho is ready to provo him
SO. 1 IlIS IS dOUO 111 tWO monosyllables.
abbreviated, nil. prit which signifies
nrij m.-a uiu munei i i;m), iui. ui
culpabilit, and then thnt the king is
ready to prove linn so, prtt. pruesto sum
or vanillin veri.finare. 1 Ins was com-
monly understood as though the clerk
ul l,lu euun iem n.i
name on the prisoner by
"Cnlpiit, how wilt thou Iu
Com. 15. H, p. :i!59. Hence
ol llu conn, ni n.i iimuiniun
inu prisuiit'i iiv ;iiiwi"n iimi
tried." hi.
at this day,
nil prisoners at ine nar uro caueu ('in
'I'l.,. .m-,1 !lln ' iimi,! W I'lnlilivii in
' ..-v.. -
Slioit When attempting to lllglllen a
playmate, is generally supposed to be a
meaningless exclamation, and yet it has
it origin in a corruption of Boh, tho son
f Odin, so herco a general among tho
mollis mat tno mere mention oi ins
nanus spread i. panic among
Tho word bunk is derived
a bench. The benches were
4 Ull! JJUUII11.-.
d from banco,
e erected in
mo mai Kct places, ami ineru mu exeuau-
ges in money look place. 1 he hrstpub-
1 ho word siccua aaie is generally sup-
posed to bo slang of the worst type. An
mat it may no reaiiuy iraccu io a ureen
origin, and that Thucydides and Hero-
Danes havo a similar word bearing tho
i . . . ., . .
same signilieation. An old version ot
the Irish New Testament contains tho
passage: '"I will smite tho shepherd
and the sheep shall bo sgedad ol, (all
scattered.) The word was probably used
by nn Irishman ut Bull Hun, and being
very expressive, was soon taken up uy
every one, anil ingrafted into our lan-
Tho word arena has a most interest-
ing littlo bit of Homan history done up
in its binall compass. To tlio student's
eye n means iiitieu niuio iii.iu us uiiuu
latin signification, sand. Ho sees tho
two gladiators struggle for their lives.
They strive for liberty in vain. Eaeli
ono at tho samo moment gives thu fatal
blow, and bom lau weltering in tncir
blood. Tho audience send up a shout,
the ntl'endants drag out the dead bodies,
and the ground is strewn with fresh
sand, which absorbs the warm blood of
tho late combatants, and tho ling is
ready for another set. e speak of
the earth as the arena of life, where
men are struggling for right or wrong,
but the original meaning of tho word
has almost escaped us.
The uso of words depends as much or
I. .. . i e
moro ou vuo lono aim temper ot mo
user, than upon tho exact meaning ot
tho word. Words are but tho means by
which thoughts aro expressed. They
may bo used lo the comlort nnd happi-
ness of thoso around us, or they may bo
words first with reference to their niean-
ing. If they he. harsh think twice be-
loro they escape your lips,
How It Was Done.
'"How do you manage." said a lady to
'10r friend, "to appear sohappy and good
natured all tho time?" "1 always havo
Talker's (Singer Tonic handy," was tho
reply, ''and thus easily keep myself and
family in good health. When I am well
I always feel good natured." Head about
11 m another column.
Unmarried ladies may tnko heart when
lny 'irn mat there aro nearly nino
'"indred thousand moro males than fe-
males in this country. Tho completed
census shows another interesting fact.
t,mn 2.5,000,001) other men of other ra-
I cts' ov ")out two hundred nnd hfly to
every Chinamen. Of thu fifty millions
population in the country only six mil-
1: r . i
lions nro foreignborn.
oni: wav oi- otn-rixa i.oku.
Tho servant of an officer with a fiery
temper, was asked how ho got along.
"Oh, excellent, every morning wo beat
each other s coat. Ho takes his off to
bent, 1 keep mine on." Spring Blossom
beats everything for curing indigestion,
sick headache, billiousness, etc. Trices,
Si, 50 cents, and trial bottles 10 cents,
Near a lumber camp iu Clearfield
county iccentiy.a man was so badly torn
by panther, "which tho severo weather
had made ravenous, that he died an hour
alter being lound.
Super's Ilorcliouiid ltyeniulltock.
Made of old pearl rye, rock candy
crystal, nun ino iioiehouiid herb, a snu-
pie nnd effective remedy for coughs,
colds, hoarseness ami soro throats, high-
ly recommended for contuinptivcH. This
is no patent medicine mixture, hut it is
tho pure extract of rye, horehound and
rock candy, combined with ono other
niediciuo much used by consumptives,
Sold by 0. A. Kieim.