(t4 kUTjU.iJj THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. wfnK Oralri. ' Vo how our grain too thick, junt na vo6t our ftlmtbs mid ttuos nud ilnnt our i'oi n too close. Willi land Hindi' mel low nnd li-vi'l, mid llio m-cil diHtiiliutcd evenly nnd inoit'ily covered, linlf tlic (iimititv now used is n trient iibtttidnnco. Tho drill ! a convincing proof of this. Here Is llio nil important condition of itnlforni covcrinj:, nnd ns nil llio seed yrows, light seeding is necessary, if llio sod Is Hound nnd undamaged. More at tentioii to the. seed is therefore called for, mid securing this.greater cleanlinesi will follow. Our grain will eventually bo drilled In, thtw lessening the seid to n'jout ono half, liven this will be re- diuvd, for wo sow too thick with tho diill. Where the land is well ireiared, ns it should be, and the seed is nil sound, broaduastinir will admit of n reduction of nearly ouo half, and tho crop will be better. There will be lnrgo straw, a larger nnd fuller head, and less disposi tion to lodue. Jlore labor should bo be stowed upon the seed bed, which enrich oh it ns well as improves it othervise,nnd less seed sown, passing it first through tho fanning mill with t full wind on, ns tho light or imperfect seeds make feo bio growth. Michael Burrinbcrgcr. -100 Broadway, losssco of tho H. Sido baso ball grounds, savs he has used tho Kcleetno Oil lor sprains nnd contusions sustained by ball playing, and considers it valuable 111 ono instance whero bis thumb w,i3 severely sprained a steady application of it cured him in three days. New Wrinkles in (Iraio llrowimg. Truly, thero is no account for tastes or methods. AVo havo a statement from tho San Mateo (Cal.) Journal, relative to grapo growing on tho Alpine ltaucho which ignores pruning and cultivating of the grape, as it causes too great a growth of wood, thus drawing nwny from tho fruit bearing tendency, in tho first place; and in tho second plaeo the pruning causes the vines to havo a high straight stem, thus- elevating the fruit from the ground in tho cool, moist touch es of the fogs at times; while letting the vines run, caused them to spread out flat on tho ground, and the grapes lying Immediately upon tho warm earth,and in contract with it nro thus sheltered from tho adverse influences operating higher nbove, and were thus lully developed nnd ripened. This is one side. The other side wo find in tho Gardners' Monthly from a correspondent who says that tho Cataw ba grapo is not played out, as is general Iv asserted, but tho failure, in crowing it is because wo don't know how to do it, and. that it is useless to try and eel good fruit from it without tho vine is trained hitrh enough to havo the fruit at leat ten feet from tho grounds hence when so trained it trives plenty ot trood trait. Perhaps tho variety of tho crapo and tho latitude may havo all to do with it, as in tho caso with many other fruits nnd henco tho best way to succeed with grape3 and other fruits is to experiment, and when having found out which are tho right-ways to doit, to hold fast to them. Wo all know how it is with pears, apples, plums, Germantown J clc graph. tiik roar ov noxoit. When vico prevails and impious men bear sway, tho post ot honor is a pit vato station. Addison. When rheumatism and nournlgia prevail Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil is the best remedy. Foter Milburn & Co. Splint In llimej. It is well known to nil owners of hor bcs that there is. what maybe called i tumor which at first is callous and after wards becomes bony, which sometimes crown upon a horses lee, thenaso rcstin upon the lino of union of the shank- bone, which frequently causes the horse to go lame indeed almost lnvanablv when it invades tho knee ioint,nnd whicl; is frequently beyond the reach of tho far rier to euro or remove. A shoit time ago; however, a farmer who appeared to lie laimliar with the ailment ot the horse, ip formed us that ho used a remedy for it which was completely successful with Jiiin; and having obtained tho ingredients in the belief that tho ointment might bo of service in similar easeB, we append them as fellows: Oil of Amber, Oil of Spike, Spirits of Turpentine. Mix well and apply twice a day, and creaso with a little lresh or unsalte lard; or, what is better, tho marrow from uncooked beef bono. It will make the parts soro and it will run a little, but each ono must bo his own judge in the frequency ot the application alter it be conies somewhat sore. Gcrnutnloton Telegraph. C.ray hair may bo made to take on its youthful color and beauty by the use of Hull's Vegetable Sicilian llairlJenewer, the best prepcrntiou lor tho hair known to the scienco of medicine and cliemis v A Prediction Verified Only in I'art. From a Rpeccli ot the Hon. Mnhlon Dickson In tbe UhllCU 0111148 BOUUIU in ISIO, Sir, tho time may coino when our country will bo filled with an army of pensioners, always tho friends of urbi trary power. Tho timo will como when wo shall have a numerous host of officers, civil and military in every department ol the goverment, spread over our un liienso territory, looking up to tho l'rcsi dentns tlio fcourco of power nnd emolu uiunts. Tho timo will como when luxu ry and extravagance will banish fioi our country every species of lepiiblicau virtue; and the time vrjll come 1 lcar when this Senate will bo no mora thin tho shadow of what it was intended t be bv those who framed our Constitu tiou; when it will be no check upon til Executive; it shall bo ns insignificant us tho boasted Senate of lloiwi in the timo of Tiberius. Tho whole patronage ot government will centre in the l'lesi dont, and that patronage under our iiits out system ot choosing electors, will be coiiK' a iiiachiuo of irresistible power The management of this power will be como a matter of Ecience. He will be deemed tho greatest politician nnd the uulCfit minister who can, with a give portion of ptitronago, produce the great est effect. Tim force of this power will bo applied to effect the purposes of mil liitiou. with as much economy and ski as water is applied to tho wheel, or that ot steam to tho engine. The approaching retirement of Judge Thuriuaii from the United States Senate, calls out the expression of regret on every sido that Congress is about to loose one of the Joreniodt men in public lite that the present generation lias known, ill: career nffnid!) evidence that emit talent high character and u natiiotio spiiltcoir uiuiided appreciation even in these days of assumed pblltical degeneracy and nar low prutisfinsliip. Slpr' llorrliouud Ityc ami Itock. Made of old pearl rye, rock candv crystal, nnd the horeliound herb, n sim ple nnd ellcctivu remedy lor coughs, coliN, hoaiseness and sine throats, high ly rcconiiiieiiiled for coiifiiinptivef. '1 his is no patent hiedicmu mixture, but it is tho pure extract of rye, horeliound nnd rock candy, combined with ouo other medicine much used by consumpties. Sold by 0. A. Klclm. Why Cows Utleii Kick, livery farmer and dairvninn knows that there U a very great dilTereiieo in the disposition of cows. Some nro ready to kick witlt apparently no provocation, wiiiio others win bear a great ileal ot ill treatment without showing scarcely any resentment. A kicking cow is certainly a very disagieeablu animal to hilvo around, nlthotigli it is said of llalbh Waldo K uiersou that somo of his bright est thoughts havo como toliim while be ing kicked half away across tho stable, I do not doubt that sparkling thoughts would coino to any ono at such a time, for I know tlint ono's mind (and tongue too, sometimes,) is quite active when a cow puts her loot in tho mil, or sends it spinningncross tho stable, and it takes a person of good disposition to endure it patiently, ono must certainly hnvo good disposition to deal with such cow, or she is made worso or soon spoiled. It is usually the caso that bad treatment makes a cow vicious. If a cow has kind treatment from the timo sho is a calf up to maturity, sho will hardlv ever be bi nned to show any temper, and it sho iocs happen to kick, it may bo, taken lor ranted that sho has a very cood reason or so doing. On uo condition whatev er should she be kicked or pounded, but mo eauso should bo lound and measures taken to remedy it. If a cow's teats are soro she cannot bo blamed for kicking Hired men olten mnkc cows kickers, and when a hired man is caught treating a cow cruelly ho should bo rebuked and warned to bo more care tin in tho future Ieifers most certainly must receive kind treatment when teaching them to bo milked, and for this reason they should not bo entrusted to tho hired man, but the owner himself should milk and care for them. When a board of eminent physicians .t - i t .t i - aim ciieiuiHiH aiiiiuuiieeu mu uiscovcr that by combining sonic well known vn liable remedies, the most wonderful med icino was piodiiccd, which would euro such a wide range ol diseases that almost all other remedies could be dispensed with, many were skeptical; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that 'rent medicine, Hop Jiltters, are honor ed and blest uy all as benefactors. J)eniocrut. llow to gtt Along. Do not stop to tell stories during bus! ness hours. And if yon have a place of business, bo found there when wanted, No man can get rich by sitting around storea and saloons. Never "fool oi business matters, Havo order, system, regularity, liberality, promptness. Do not meddle with business you know no thing of. Never buy an article you de not need, simply because it is cheap, and the man who sells it Avill tako it out in trade. Trade in money. Strivo to avoid harsh words and personalities. Do not kick every stone in the path; more miles can be made in a day by going steadily on than by stopping to kick, l'ny as you go. A man ot honor respects his word as he does his bond. Aid, but never beg. Help others when you can, but never give what you can't afford to, simply because it is lashionnblu Lear to say no. No necessity of snapping it out dog lasmoii, but say it lirmly and respectfully. Have but few confidents, and tho fewer tho better. Use your own brains rather than the brains of others. Learn to think and act for yourself. Be ; i lr .. 1 . i vigucuu u-eep aueau raiucr man ue hind time. loting men, cut tins out npd if thero be folly in the advice, let us know. Wo have tested its virtue personally, nnd u!iow that for dyspepsia, billions ness and throbing headache ansint therefrom, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. Wo had tried foi ty oilier remedies beiorc the Miumons Liv er iieguiator, but none ot them gavo us more than temporary relief.but tho lletr- uiator, not only relieved but cured us. Extract trom the Telegraph and Jlcssei; ger, Macon, Un. RRY DAVIS Is as lrr(Si; PI rrtf' PERRY DAVBS & AprUMy-cow $ao A TROk """"" ..a.- M HiiMi 1 HM11 A PERFECT STRENSTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON BITTKItS pro hl-My rocomraendcj f;r r.H dlscas.13 ro qnlriug a certain and efficient tonic especially hulltjeMitm, Dyiptptiu, 7u'ir tnttol J'VvtTf, Ifanl of Appetite. Lou c Strfnith, Luck tj iiVioyy, trr. Jirlclics the blood, ttrciigtlieiin tho uiur4lQH, uui glvus new llfo tu tho ncrvcu. Tlic act liko a charm on tho JlgsW; oralis, rvuiqvlng ull lyvri(Ic nyiniitoniH, tuch a llulinj the tbixl, Jlehli'a.ij, Jfmt inthtHtO)nach,JIeaTUium,tte, Tliu only Iron lYuimrittion thut will not blacken tho teeth or k!o licaduohtt. Bold by all dnigglsta. Wtllo for tho A 11 0 llook, 32 jh. cl useful uud amualiis reading icut Jra, HKOWN CIIKMIOATi CO., Dalllmoro, Md. Dll ILno Feb. if, l-ijr Wei LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. liseovBnr.n or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tho rcMltlTyCiifa For all Fcmalo Complaints. Tbti rn'r nlon, M tti nam ftlgnlflefl, cooiliU ot VckcUUq rroiwrtUs that aro tianalctu to tho iwwt del IcaUi larftlld. Upon oiwtrlnttlie merit of'thti Com pound will bo rocojolied.M relief Is lmnwdlatoj And when ltt use U continued, In lilnet j-ctno caaci In n liun, drod.AtiomiAncntcuraliblTcttoditlitiuiAnda will tes tify. On account ot It proTcn merits, tt U to-day re commended and rrcscrlbod by tho beet physicians la tho country U will euro entirely tho wont form rf falling of tlio uterut, Jxucorrha'a, Irregular and alnful ileiwtroatlon.&nOrarliinTroublcB, Inf-AmmaHAn and inceratIon,noodlD4,allPIrilacemcnt and tho cod tcqnent spinal wenknei!i,ntid Is (ppcdally adapted t tho Change of life. Uwttldttaolvo and cipct tumor from tho ultra In an early ntftgo of development. Tha tondonoy to cancerous humors thoro Is checked Vury tpccdlly by Its use. In fact It lias prored to bo tha rrtat est and boit remedy that haa over been discover ed. 1 1 permeates Cvt rf portion of tho eyitf m, and jrlvea new lifeondvltfor. It removes falntncM.riatukncy, de stroys alleravtnff for stimulants, and relieves wcakocM of tho stomach' It curus Bloating, Headaches, Nervous rrontratlon, General tHihlllty, Slecptevitneflfl, boprcMlon ami Indl Ccstlon. That fecllnffof bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by Itsuja. U will at all tltnod, and nnderdl clrcunnUn ccs, act In harmony with, tho law that governs tho femalosyitcm. For Kidney Complaints of cither sex this compouni Is unsurpassed. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I j prei tared at 233 and 2tt Western Avenue, Lyn n. Mom, .'ilcoJLM. Bli bottles for $3.00, Bent by mall In tho f orra of pills, ahw In tho f ona of Lozence, on receipt of price, $1.00, per bot, for either. Mrs. I LVXJIAH freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pom phlet. Address as obovo Mentha tXU jmn Mo family should bo without LYDIA 11 11NKUAM' UTEUl'ILLS. They euro Constipation, lUUousiwa and Torpidity of tho Urcr. 3 cent per box. JOHNSTON, IIOLLOWAY & 10., General Agents, Phila., Fa. OU) BY MOYER BROTHERS., Bloomsburg, Pa( UUDW 1-4, iy FA0T8 WORTH KNOW I N Q. Otiftr, Backs, lltudrake. BtlllliitU and many olner or mo ;rst meaiciue. unwn are bq klUfullr combined In Kuuun's Qinoch Toino to IBEXe IC uw KrvaiVkl uiuou rur.nvr ... tTcr Cicd. Oi. urft la thn rnmnofjtion of Piltm'l Qn.au Tohio that no illbcflso can Iodb ezUt' wberaltUused. Uyou bRTpDytppiia, Hd-, .eh. IIMumatiim, nauraigia, iiowai, niun.jr. ulast, or.pp.Uxcr. tlie tokio la just tbe mod. a i iw ii.tnrdar. or ii vou neeu a miiu nun1 ICIIIO IOC you, Uu uiiu.)r vuihuiv wm w rlgontuig but neror intoxlcatliig. amptlon or any atelmeaa. If you ba?o Palnfut cunh of. bad Cold. Fjjuun'o UntQin Toxic will Birelr help yoa . It glvts new uia ana im tn ihm fanhlA and atred. and laa certain. ire 'cure tor Hh.umallim ana vnoi.ra inranium It Ua Saved Hundred, of LlieiJ Jt Hj utb aann. If you aro foellng ml9crablo don't wait until you aro down ucic, ou( usu mo imid No matter what your dlscaso or kymptoma may. Iba It wUlelfe prompt relief. Bemember I Fnun a QiKom Toxio la Dot; a rum drink but tuo Uett anu fureit ramiiy, Medieln. ever mado, compounded by a new. prooeaa. and entirely different from Clttera,; ginger preparations and all otber Tonic. Try, 'a 60c bottle. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tie Sett and Holt Economical Hair Dreitlif atquliilely perfumed and perfectly hirmleil. Will Alwajs Bettor. Gray or Faded Hair ) t Its oricinal youthful color and appurance, aad la wamnted to atop lu fallinz, aulst lu scvth aad rtnrent baldneu. Afew applications of the Baisam win aofiea th. hair, cleanse all dandrufT and cure ltchinff and hu- . awunofthe ittlp. Soldbyalldnigjiuat.jorti. CCt. 1, '60-1 y LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE for COLDS AND GOUGHSolu ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT W. CHAMPION BDOWNINO.M.D. aoLK rnovuiKTon, 1311 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 18. Ml-ly MRS. VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Interne! unU External Uoj, ti a SURE CURE fcr all (ho Disease! for hMch It Is recommended, and Is ALVfWS PERFECTLY SAFE In Ihe hands of tci thj most Inexperienced persons. It la a sure nml onlck remedy for COUCIIR, 80IM! Till td AT, CIIII)I.M, aud einUlar truuUuHt allcnlu InXaal rill,? U Hi. mi of DIl'lITIlUltIA, and In tb. beat Uuuwu remedy fpr IIIILtfJIATIHJl aaiq MIUIUMIIA. THE. OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY1 MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It lini been lined with tncli u-ouilrrful lucccuiw in ah pans f fA torl-l ror CUAMPM, C1I0M!UA DIAltltlKIlV, DYHISNTKUV. uai lUl UOH'i;. fU.liri.AINTH, that it i toitttJertd c i Vffutltvj wr4 J'vr tUi dUcasti, HAS STOOD THE TESfOF 40 YEARS' CQNSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It li ItHCO.IUIIINDHI) hy ! li vuli lulu, nih.loimllca, Alinlaitr. JIonmioM it" 1'ltintutloiiK, VorI.hliop, and l"iietorlrt., NnriiM In HeM'lIuIa In abort, by IJfcrybody tveryulieru wlio bu over cl.tu It n trt-1 IT IS WITHOUT A HIVAIAS A LINIMENT. It tboulj alw.pi bo st for lrilii"ln llio llnrlt nnd Hliv, an I Mm, tf.,i itrintiA'Hi niuf lu oil cuuuj tf Urulaea, I'uli. tirnW-i, Mlc.-u liurka, Sculdii, M, N 1ASUI.Y VAN MVLi.V Ills WITHOUT IT. It til au-iiiallr tad many fine. IU cnt In do. tern' tllln. au.t 1U rrlio tilumit n1t!iln(l:o rnu vl all. It I sold el y3c, SOu.aad MI.00 a bottle, and iau bokLtabwl fnu all drus.-i.U. SON, Providence, R. 1. Proprietor. TONIC Vvm iwtviw VlH I THE BEST REMEDY Diseases of Uo Throat and Limes. rfIVTT,n,5 Iiiillacinc.tiif llio (ml. ill 1ji1 moiiarv (irualu 11 mifo nml rell.itilo tuimily Is liiviilimlili1. Ai:n' Unciiiiv rrtToitAl, U Kiiili 11 lciiicily, mid un ollieroociiilncntly mer its llio ronllilclK'O ( tho iniblli'. It N 11 scl entitle combination of tliu iiii'dlclnal I'rliicl )Ac nml ciivnllvii vlt IllestiltlK! Illicit ilrngi, 'li.'iiilrnlU' united, nf lim Hllc'' l'0Wl'r iii-'tnu JIM, tho Rri'iitcst ixwllilo tiW. I'lllclciicvaiiil linlforni. nrrr"rrnni liyof rcsiilH. itstriUci L ilXi lUliriU. ,,,'tlin foundation of nil pnlmonarv dhcascs, nlTorilltiR iiromiit tclicf und lapld cures, and i n.ltiptt-it Id jtiif lenu of nny ajju or either acst. Ileitis very lulalalilc, the xomijfint children taku It leadlly. lu ordinary CoiikIis, Colds, Soro 'lliront, Ilt'oiicfiltli, InlHieii.n, Clci'syninii'D 8010 Tliroal, Astlimn, Croup, nnd Cn tiirrh, tho crtefti ot Avmi'. Unmiiiv l'lX tuii.w. nro niaizlcid, nnd imiltlludt"i nro nu nnallv iiri'iiTved lrom ncrlotw lllnen liv lu tliiit-lV nml falllitnl Hie. It lio;ild lo Kept nt li.t'nd In every lioits-liold for tho pro. tcclioii It nffordl In sudden utlnrki. In Whooping-eonsli mid Consiitnptloii tlioro H no other remedy m fillcnclom, HuotldiiK, mid lii'lpful. Low iirlceiiiri'liidncentcnt.itotryi.imi'of t'.iiim.uiv mlxtntes, orivrnpH.inadoof clieaii and liielTei livo InsredlenH, now offered, hlrli, in lliev Kintaln no citrntivn iiinllllei, ran nllnid oiily Ictnporary relief, nnd am Kiiru loili'ielve and disappoint tliu lutielit. lllioascH ol the throat mid ImiRs ilemaiiil actlvoiindcrfi'ctlvi1 treatment! mid it hdan peroin experimentlne; with unknown nnd cheap medicines, from tho Brentll11hllltyth.it thesu ill.ii'ae.t may, whilu o Hilled with, jiciomo deeply sealed or IncuiMble. C.ks Avcii'h Ciikiiiiv Vixtohai., nud you may conlidcnllv expect Ilia best lestllls. It H a standard medical prcpaiatlon, of known and acknowledged curativn power, nnd U at chenp ns its enrelul prep.-natlnu nnd fine hiKredlelits will allow. Eminent idiysichun, knowlnj,' Us composition, presctllm it In their practice. Tho test ot halt a century has proven Its absolute certainty In euro all pul monary complaints not nlrcady beyond tun reach ot human nld. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., 1'i'iictlcr.l nml Analytical CliemliU, Lowell, Mass. COLD ttv AIL luituui.Ta .vi.tivwiir.nE. ATTENTION FARMERS! In rnllliitf jour ntlrutlnn t mir nvw HINGE & ROLLER FOR FARM GATES, w'Bh Rfullv understood that we nro notorrcrlne n "pj tent irate," or any other numbuir, and you li ive no rnrni nuuis lu uii. u uu, uunu.ur, iuiuu uver iiiietupnnt and er.icttcnl fsrincr In tho couutv in an cxamUa.lon of what we nro confident you will enn- SI let mo viill 11e.se nr.viuK l-.n.ll iriTiili for hai cine coinnun biard or farm cates. lly u-Imb the COMlllXKD IIIN'UK AND HOl.LKIt, wild half h dozen fenco boards aud a raw nails, nn ono can, In a lew minutes, mako a rate th.it wl.l work rit.ler, la.t Iniiaer. eni.t Icin, nml prnvn nioro HiitUI'iir lory than any tfuti usd On tho (arm A irato huin; with Uo IIIiiko and Holler icqulrosno bnicliiir, for Itlus no tonuency lon?, nor will It loosen or draw the postd over, there fore only light noMa are re quired. It Is very easily operated, and can be net to allow tmu'l anlraalii to pass tluounh, and at the Himo tlirokeeplirKcr ones back. Also, you may havo two rates In ono bv making yourgaled of If. feet luinVr, have a small 4 feet cato to go through on footer hc-sebaclc and a IS feet gat", or the hlngi and rol'er can be put on tho oto .von nlrcadv havo 1 1' SAVES MONFA.'IIMK .iNI) b.MIOIt, andlsjust ha' Is wanted on every farm as proven by thcu sinds that aro being mca wherever It has been In troduced. 1 want good men in cvrry townshln to sell the Hlngo and Holler, hctall iirlco $1. Liberal dljconiit to dealers. WM.Jl, ALEXANDER, Inventor and Patentee. FRANK J. BURROWS, Williamsport, Pa., (Iwurr for llio Stnlc of I'eiiiiHjIrnnln. Feb. 18, '81.1m r PENSIONS lifiiiiun. I uJtr tiewlMw 11iubi(1 nro iitiilirtl tu an 1 unci ij vt pftifion. ViilHitDrilinuiiiiii di-tntlvnt fatlicri vr iiiutlicn of nldlcr' h 1M In tho nrniy fti a ieHlon, lJOL'NTV Dn viiarro fnrwotiml, intiiriv r mi'ture, rit fnlltrtuntj-. Seiul2tair,ifi tcoyy I'riitlni mni Itountv Art. Adilrfi .P.H. Fltlgeralcl n Co., nalm Affii'i, liitliaiuixtli.. lini. Wo nferto F.A.W.ItaTl. I'rt-i't hut Una IlaultlfiLj ('.. in J It. Y, Kfiinnla I''i'tCmtral Hank. LotU cf ImliiuajivUs. iNuiuu tbm Rid MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, EIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF SAFES. THE ONLY EIGHT-FLANGED SAFE IN THE WOBJCD AMD CONTAINING MORE IMPROVEMENTS THAN AnVbAVB MADE, SUOH AB Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks, Insiilo Iron Linings, Solid Anglo Corners, CHAMPION RECORD IN TUB 0 REAT BOSTON FIRE. Largo Uumbors ATow UKINU SOLI) IN THIS STATK. BUND FOU UK3CIIHTIVK OATALOOUE, 'M0BB1S 6 IRELAND; Bdnton, Mr. 6W M,Wf. BLOOM SB URO STATE NORMAL SG UUUl SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Colurtibia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TiitHfiiitinni. .1a nf.nrosent constituted, oilers tho BulI(llnirs8naclous. Iilvltini,' ami couimoaious i completely healed by steam, wcllveiitllated, llsUled by i;as, SPbocatlont!iealtitul, nnu casr of access. Teachers experienced, cniclent, and allvo to their work. IHselplInc, tlrm but kind, uniform and thoroutfb. Expense? modcrato. ntty ceiita 11 week deduction to all oxpectlnu to teach, students ndmlttcd nt any timo. ltooms reserved wUcn desired. Courses ot Btuay proscriDcn uy mo maio i I. Model School. If. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial, ill. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture, iptnn.mnii,. Hcinntirin nml classical Courses nro I'ltOKKSSIONAf,. and Rtudcnts aradiiatnir therein, tecclvn Stnto Illnlomas. eonferrlnw llm fnllnwln corrcSDondlncIieRrccs! Mastcrof tlioKlcmcntsi Masterof tho Sclencesj Master of tuo Closxlcs, tlraduatos In tlio other Courses rccelvo Normal Certificates tliclrnttalnments,. signed by tho oniccrsof tlio hoard otTustci''. Tho course ot Stud ? prescribed by tlio State Is liberal, and tho S elcntinc and classical courses aro not Inferior to thoso of our best Colleges. Tho State rcaulresalilirher order of citizenship. Tuoiimcs iicunnaiu 11 is ono ui urn primii oojecis 01 11111 ocnooi 10 neip tosccuro it, uy riirnlshlnelnlcllt. ccntandertlcleiitTcachersforlierScliools. To this end tt solicits young persons ot good abilities and pood purposes.-lhoso who deslrotolmprovo their time ?r.tl n.ui.int. m'i nti ,i.h it nmrniip. nidln iliive onlne Lhelr Dowers. andabundanL onnortunltles for well tuild Inlinrnrtf.rin.ivtnf.Htinnt vr. UUUUIUl .UICIHPU3.nH'H.UHH . Vf .l uu-.. Catalogue, ndi!res tho Principal. 11IIN. IVII.I.I.Ul i:i.M'l:l,l., Prraldrnt Ilonrd Hopt.S.'76.- ' Rowoll 8c Co'o. Adv i'a, SPEOULATION.piffi les? than $10 In Ornln t llio only Kate, lair and hon est ono i ct offered investors to make money. H nd tor circular nnd lnvrttlcatn. Address LONtl ,Nlu man, 114 I.a Ktllost, Ulilcatro, Illinois, notich. lnifA Nclmnn nro recouunended by bankcrjof tlielr city ns telne In every wav worthy of tuibllo conndenco. r tcb lU-w $777 A YEAlt ann cipenscs to ngents. ouint Tree. Addicts 1". 0. VIChKIrt , AuguMo, Jloltc. r febll.iw $999 a year to nceul.i. nnd expenses. M Oulllt frto. Address Y. Swain co., AUEUsinMe. TO AnVSUTlSEIlS. Lowrst rates fcr odvctttlntr In dio good newspaptrs bent luo. AdrucBs uko. 1 t l(U It ALU & V.U., .V Ull.' .(.. 1. KUill" ""n1 A "VTD 31 to ILIUM; 2 to 31 STOPS. I KljVlNoi'lANus JIM up. l'aper free. Addresa Daniel K; IISArrr, Washington, N. J. IlUw ELV'FcM'aftLl Mrsars. TJy r,ros . UrucRlsts, dweeo. N. Y. For tin past thruj winters I havo deen tinilelrd with c.i. tarrh nnd cold In th i hrnd. I applied tcvernl reme dies without snod results. last winter I ur-ed inur Ureani linlni, nnd mund It to 1 nil you rtpiosenled. T. !' .MeUoiimck (lu lgo Common riuu) Klliibelh, N. A u'. -a, iau. d ftb 11 4 w CAPCIHK POROUS PLASTER. No Hemi dy moro VlJclv or favorably known. It U Mjilcl Hi relieving, iiulck in curing. For Laino Ilaylr, Mieumatl-tn Kidney Aifectlous, nnd nehes aul palusgeni. rally, it It tliu unrivalled remedy, teUH4w d SALE CLOTJlINrG, HA.TS and CAPS; SHIRTS, AT COST Big Bargains. MUST 1313 SOLO TO MAKE T.OOM ' i o it ' UASSIMKUKS 11 Y T II H TABI), VERY G II 13 A P. AT THE Popular Clothing Storo OF David Lowanborg. Hlooinsbm-if, l'a PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Priulcd at tliifl Office SITOBTEST NOTICE AND AT THS HOST ItEABOALLF; TKIIM9 30 very best facilities for Professional and Classical learnlnp;. ' - of Truxteca. ' SP33Ell'S PORT GRAPE WINE Uccd tn tho principal Churches for Communion purposes. EXJELIEHT FOIl LADIES AUD WEAKLY FEBSCNS AMD THE AGED. Spt3 ;r'o Port Grapo Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mhN Ciltbrntcd Native Wlnols mado trom Ihe X Julco of tlio opono (irupo rnlscd lu this Country IU Invatuiblo Tonio and Strengthening Properties nro unsurpassed liv any other N'atlioWlno. licl c fio pnro Juice tf thndiapo, produced under .Mr Specr's own personal su crvialnn, Its purity and genuliieuisi nro frurnn'iid. Tho joungcsl (hllc. niiy parrnke of Its generous iiunlltles und the weak eft liivalht uso It to udvantoco It Is partlculnilj bui.lllcltl ti tho aged and debilitated, nnd suited V Ihe various ailments that alfect, tho w e.ikcr hex. II 1 In every icspict W1MJ '1 o HB UEI.li:i) ON. SPEEll'S Tho P.. I. snilltllVUa Wine of Superior charactei and pai takes of tins golden (inallllesof tlio grape, lrom which it. Is mado. For Purity, lllclinehs.Vlnvor und Medical Properties, It will bo found unexcelled SPEEll'S This llKANUV Rtauds unrivaled In iblsCountrj bolng farsupcilor Tor medical purposes. IT IS A l'lllti: distillation f om tho graro nnd ccn tains valuablo medical properties. It has n dcllcato flavor, Mmllnr to that of th( ginpes lrom which It Is dlstllled.and lain great favoi among llmt class families. Sec that tho signature cf ALVltKI) SPKEIl.Passalc N J., Is over tho corKof each bottle. SOLID 33Y O. A. KLEIM. dec 'il '0 t- AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi IKON ST., 11KLOW SECOND, IILOOMSIIUIKI, Pa Is prepared to do all kinds ot house FAinrxxzua Tlaln and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, DOT1I DECOItATlVK AND PLAIN. All IihnlH orruriilluic;Rci)alrcl. and mado as goou as new. NONE BUT FIItST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estlmatou Mado on all Worli, WM. F. 150D1NE. Oct. 1.1878. rsiza iiw ELASTIC TI1US3 lUl K P4 dlffirfnf from til otbtnb kmpitupwUE 8l(-At)uiUi Ikllla HDtcr. ftdpliliifllttll rtxllloBt of Ibt boHj. whllt tbt lift) li n lb cp prviM btk lb IalMtlBMialltka1iIMPMBSulrf t-rtMura tha llawfila la hA ucnral JifinJ Lctt, tni raJlclrurtcrulii. UU tuj, duibb avn4 cliar Ewol by tntvll Clreclan fi9 EGULESTON T1IUKS CO., Cblciso, III. nov io s-m aM Dnttlo Crook, Michigan, lUNCrioiuuEiia oir the onlt oxmuing THRESHERS, Tfactlon and Plain Engines nnd Horso-Powors. MutroinplttaTbrcahcrraclaiTi Eitabllahed UlhaWvrM. i 1848 V I? A UQ ofeonttnV(MKiniluceifulbiuL tl f I bHnu .(, without chanvo ox namo, t JL manaKvlucnt, or locution, to "lud, vp 11 1A ' trtxui warranty glnn vn all ouryoodi. STI.ASI-I'OIVBH HI5IAAT(IUH and Complrle Nlciiui OutfHnoftiMicklwiuatUi4S, ilMiTrarttou2uKiuviiHnd I'laln KuuIud rer twtm fu th Amerii'tn market. A vmUUmU qf tp4cial fttUutu and improttuuntt for ItSHla together wllii tuptrio tvatilUt u eouirwa. iion una tnaitrUU not dretmed of bf ether maker. J'our blzc of BeparaUra, from to IU liorito rjapaclty. far tiw ur hor poutr. Two vtyltM of "Mountetl" IInn'ft-X'oweM. ixiumiuii 4 un a, irom nmtu tx)uiarabld wtxxi woi k vt our mtcJ , from utilch I tullt tho lu .aciiiDery, TRACTION ENGINES .u4, w, 10, III l(uro lotr. NICHOLS, 6HCPARD 4V 00. Battla CroaX, Mlohluiu Jan. Tl-m aAa 111 and furnished with n bountiful supply ot pure.sott I uvwvv.. . J ,,,,. . ' P.P. DIMMYfill, Secretary. THE DAVIS. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS rne.jiiu.il tiiereil io AM' I'liltSON that will ilo ns GIIEAT A UNOK OK WOItK on ANY OTIIKlt MACIIINK. WHAT TDK Mil DAVIS VERTICAL FEED 117 do without basting. .v ..... ...uu aitJi. un o.illl., 11UJU Ull manner of bias woolen poods, ns sort merino, crape, or cootls dinicnlt to hem on other machines. It Innk-iiR n mnm nlnatlo cf Urli timn nm, nihA.n.i.i ... - w v w "nivn (.unit till UIIIU1 U1UUU1I1U. It .V ill turn a hem nnd nnr. tn nlnlnrr nt ortnii iim a " UUUIU IHIIXJ, l : VS yiru a &cw raia on tho right Bido ana stitch on trtmmlncr at nun niwmt nn. It will do Milne Mas or straight, either on cotton fir vnotrn trrirviu It will fell across seams on am irftnris. T will ilnt n ili-ixa c-..i.. . aMiro an r-iviitunu pcw on racing, nnnV m 1 ?' wlUl0Ut Howlnff stttchefc: Ulnrt Ureas Bnuaif a or stmlf hr. '1 ho only maehlno that will bind mi, uioans, or oilier articles with bias, sntln or ...... ,j munoiu niilll, nunuui Uiisnntr tin KiuuLT wiiu or wirnrnir. nwin(r nn. lhoVametlVnor tctccn two Th ccs and sew on at H wllI make amnio nnd stitch a pillow slip on to Ihn fPlri(ar I 1A r nnnllmn It will shirr nny kind of goods. I t will make plaited trlraralnj; either with or with out sew In;; It on. TI. rtll mnl.'a nll.n.l i.tmMU- .. ... nalsllVa,nil.,ew,n.I,l,l''Conut thobnmo timo. it J. SALTZEft, Gcr.'l Agent, , Uloomsburg, Pa, Oil. 1, 'SO-tf. CANCERS CUBED At Crane's Cancer Infimirrr. At.-?!. M IIUNDltEUS UV PKUSONS fromoll parts o'f tho world havo been cured of this much dreaded dls- uiniiuiY ii.Hijr witnesses inaitucyiiav bocniesciud lrom nteirlbio and untimely deaib lloctors. Sllnlslers and tho Poor tienteiirn'n. whi or a irouw r Blvlus full pari lculars. Adddrcss Urs. li .i , , munwi, AOOlson, Y. Weaver & Co' a Ads. A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A trcatlso on Cluonlc Disease 8."mbraclnir Ca. tarrh, 'ihroat, Lungs, Heart, .stomach, l.lvcrT Kid. uej a. l nuary nnu n-maie D.senbcs ; aw lies; sent ,w "uu'im- u.urj MiueriT irom inesodls. eases can bo cund. Send lor this bock to iho under- 1 'li oi iaiKo expel iei.ee. endorsed b I uiidredaot lending citizens who lebtllv tohlsskll ii ?iwm,?r ra.' 1t10s;e,R0 ,o l). K. Llvlncston.M - - : v DK-,t juit-uu, -iuu. PENSIONS. KVKIiY -SOLDIEU dlfiaLled In lino of duty 1D?li?,?,i?.ou,nAy; "EJEuteu casks reopened charces obtalned.-Clalmsot every dewirlpilon pros- CCllU'a. I'lTKKTi I'linItllt-n Address with stamp, 11. S. KRld.lW nr. At,nMKn- sept, io, 'so-6m wico uoxtaa Wuhhiut'ton.D, . c. m31 TTTVr J,orpldna Habit cured lnioto . J U OA days. No ray till cured, nr. .i. si 20 TUZKS, Lebanon, o. wseo nprll , so-iy $51 putnt freo tothosowho wish to cngacoln tlin inntf. nlnaciint n,. .n.u.i.i. Lnwn "lAi.l,... ..".','"V.''.U.'0.U.U?'UB8, .Tti . ... ... a lluw not re- .(u.icu. .u muiuritiMi jou eerymiuir. no a day nnd upwards la easily mado without staylne nwav rrom homo nier i.lf.l.. Vrt .(.t. Many new workers wanted at onco. Many are mak ing fortunes at the business Ladles mako as much NVnio'.SiVff ,i7i '? '"luKim manoereat Dav. .wu.iv ..uW mimiK iuiyuik ii us io mako n money every day than can bo mndoln nweck at ordlnarv emtunvnn.nl thau. ... more any wUl find a short road to furtuEB. aiiuV.'.m ii onco mtt t;o Portland, Matno. oct. is.'so-iy AX.- THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, tho world renowned tcputatlon of tho Wliito kowing Macliino Ln1m,y!y ""scrupulous competitors Io resort to White Machine f,ic.opt. tT.oml 13 ffR'Har auuiorlzed dealers, who will be sustained by tho following warranty. WK WAltllANT TIIK NATUHAI.WKAH ANUTEAlt Of TillS White Shuttle Sewing; Made, ,Jf.,!'.Bi,A.,,K. lou 'rilK 'rl1,M '!' 1'IVIi VltAtlH (ItOM THIS DATIi. l'ltl'.IS Ol' CIlAltllB. bol1blr.,Ynd1,lurttC.Cp,a ,"ob'ua0 Of needles niT,uJ!'.,f,ftrfa",y.wlu not b0 8dalncd unless tho Plate number ntiove. nlven corresponds with tbo or SlrredVumbcrs1110 rUC B"d0' uw,u'0 ot efaccU WI11TK BKWINU Jl ACIIINK CO. Tho "WHITE" ShutUo Sowing Maehlno 8SoKWceVV J, HALTZKIt, Oencral Agent, 0.l,i.. Uloomaburg.i'a. JOB I'KINTIIHQ " NcallT ana cheaply txccuttd at tht Ooteaaim OAm, RAIL ROAD TIME TA B LES jyroimiEitN oenthal kailway WINTER TIME TABLE. On and nftcr Bunday. Not. 7. Istn, tlio trntnn n tho Phi ndolphla Erin lta lroad 1)1 tilon will rnn 3 lOIIOVf'fl f WK8TWA11D. Erlo Mall lcavo3 Phlladelplil t " ' llarrlsbuiif " " William' port " " Jet soy Mioro " " t&ck Ilavcu " " licnovo " nrrlvo nt Erlo n 6s pm 4 ss aro s 40 u in ii9nm 40 n in 11 (in am T 4.1 1 m o oo n m 12 iRp in a in p in 4 so p m B 4ii p in is no p m 4 ou p m 1 65 p m v io p m 7 f r, ri m 7 ST A in 8 so n m isospm 3 43 p ni 11)03(11,1 li ssnm issspm Ntagarn Express IcavcnPblladelrhln ' llarrlsburir " nrr. nt Wllllnmsport " " Lock Haven ". " llenovn Kan Uno leaves Phlladelrhla " " llarrlUiunf " arrlto at williamsport " " Lock llnven EASTWAIID. Pacino KnprcM leaves Lock Havon .lerneyttnoro " " MIIIIam8port " nrrlvo nt llarrlsburir ., " . " Plilladolphia Day Express leaves licnovo " " Ixick llnven " " V'llllamsport ' nrrlvo at UnrrlsburR ,. . ... " . 1'hlladclphla Krlo Mall leaves licnovo " Ick Haven " " Williamsport " nrrlvcs at llarrlsburir ii 4u p ni fl as p m 9 oo p m 1010 pm li sopm 3 co n m 7 03 a m la ts am ii .. Philadelphia Fast Mno leaves Williamsport ' nrrlvcs at llarrlsburi; " " Philadelphia 3 l.i a m 1 05 n in Erlo Jtalt west and DavExnress East makn cloao connectlonsntNorthumberluudwltliL. II. It. It trains for Wllkcsbarro nnd cranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West nnd Pa Lino l est lnakn clnn rnrinecltnn nr. WlntnmhnrM- wllh N. 0. It. V. trains north. Niagara Exnress WcL nnd 1)av rxnrrnn ITnar. makoclopocouncctlun ntI.ockIlnen wltliU.E.v, It, It. trains. Erie Mall cast and West connect nt Frio with trains on I S. M. s. It. It. ; nt Corry with o. 13. ti A. V. II. It. i at Emporium with 11. N. Y. P, It. K and nt Driftwood with A. V. it. it. Parlor cars will run between, riill.i-irlnhln nnd Wtllamr)ort on Nlatrarn Kxnrcss west, nnd Da Ex press Ja3t. siccplne cars on nil night traina. W.U. A. 11AL11.VII4, , ueucral Bupt. NOKTMKKN CENTKAL KAIUVAY COMPANY. On nnd after Kovembor 20th. 1S73. trains will Icavn Sunbury as follows : KUKTIIWA1.I1. Erlo Mall S.SO a. tn., nrrlvo lmlra 11 .6 " Cannndalgua. . . 8.35 p. m ltochestor 5.18 " Niagara 9 io " ltcno70 accommodation 11.10 a. in. arrho Williams. portls.B5p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. , llutlalo Express 7.15 a, ra. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a. or SOUTIIWAltD. llutf.lo Esprcas a.eo a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg ' Baltlmoro 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.18 a. m., arrive narrlsburg 1.50 " Woshlngtoulo.se " Baltlmoro O.so " Washington Harrlsburg accommodation burg 10.50 p.m. arrive Baltlmoro Washlnutono.13 Krlo Mall ls.55 a. m. arrlvo Ilarriaburg xos a. in) " Baltlmoro 8.W " " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General I'asscngor Agcn A. J. CASSATT, Oencral Manage pUILADELI'IIA AND HEADING KOAD ARRANGE5IENT OF PASSENGEIi TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TRAINS I.BAVS RDFBKT AS r0tt0W8(SCNDATKXCirTID For Now York, Philadelphia, Bending, Pottavllto Tamaqua, &c, 11,43 a. m For Catnwlssn, 11,45 n, in. 7,21 and 7.EC p. m. For Williamsport, o,M 9,05 a. m. and 4,05 p. m. TiaiKSron kci'Bbt i.uave as rou)W0,(scNOAT xx CKITKD.) IiOave New York, 8,43 a. ra. Loavo Philadelphia, 9,4.1 a. m. Loavo Beading, 11,55 a. m., PotUvlllo, 12,39 p. ra and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Lcavo Catnwlssa, c,so 8,co n. m. and 4,on p. m. Lcavo Williamsport ,9,45 n.tn,s,15 p. m. and 4,r.o p. ra Passengora to and from New York and l'hlladel" phla go througa without chango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manugor C. 0, nANCOCK, ticncrol Ticket Agent, Jan. 11, is jo tf. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILHOAI). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1873, NOltTII, STATIONS. sotiTn. a.m. p.m. p.m. scran ton Bcllcvue Taylonllla.. . ...Lackawanna.... rittston .. WtstPlttston... Wyoming .iiallby Bennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nantlcoko .llunlock's creek. ..Shlckshlnny... ....Hick's Kerry.... ....Beach Haven... -Berwick .... Briar Creek 9 ss 9 45 2 10 2 10 2 22 2 SO 2 S3 2 44 2 49 i 63 67 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 21 3 SO 3 35 3 60 4 03 4 10 4 18 4 12 4 29 4 S3 4 42 4 49 4 63 8 00 6 13 9 18 u SO 8 43 9 63 10 07 10 IS 10 33 10 39 10 S4 10 42 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 2-1 ...Willow Grove.... Lima ltidgc...- .....Espy ...Bloomsburg ltunert 11 39 11 45 II 51 11 67 13 18 Catawlssa Bridge. imnviuo Chulosky Cameron Northumberland. 13 45 p.m. p.m. ft.ni W. F. nALBTlSAI), Bupt, Superintendent's oraco, scranton, Juno 10, 1878. TyAINWRIGHT & coi( WHOLESALE GHOCEIIS, I'UILADXUUU, Doalcrs la TEAS, BYHUP8, COFFEE, STJOAH, MOLASSES. BICI, BNCX8, BICABB BODA, IX., 0. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, Mr-Orders will receive prompt attontloa, Directions For catarrh ELY'S Hay Fever, Cold In tho gLATARRlT.COLBS 'WW head, ic insert wun ilneer. a nartlrla tlio Balm Into tmi nostrils ; draw strong breatlis through Ihe noso. It will bo idf noibcd, cleansing, anil healing tho ulEciitcU mombrano. All CO"-; 'HI.. WPS "O'U-'-KtS For IfcnfiicNS, lApply u parttclo Into no cur KlI'S CREAM HALM Having gained nn envlablo local reputation, displa cing nil otter preparations In the vicinity ot ells discovery. Is, on IU merits alone, recognUed ns n wonderful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convlnco tbe most bkcptlcal of Its curatlto powers. It effectually cleanbes tlio nasal passages ot Catarrhal virus, causing healthy secret Ions, al ias h Inflammation and Irritation, notectstho mem branal linings ot the head from addltlonnlcolds, completely heals tho fores, and rebtt ros the sensn ot tosto and smell. Uoncilclat;resulls nro realized Wy a few applications, A thorough treatment as di rected III cum Cutanh. As a household remedy for cold In tho head It ts unequalod. Tbe balm la easy to uto nnd agreeable, bold by druggists at M cents, on receipt of 60 cents wlllmall u package Send tor circular, with full information. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., OwCgO, N. Y. Foil sale by C. A. Klclm, druggist, Bloomsburg, I'a nnd by Wholesale Druggists generally, ocr. SI, '60-ly a help; Yourselves by makng money when n crolden chance Is of fered, thereby always keeping noverlv from vour ilnnr. TbohU who always take advantage of the good chances lor making money that uro oHered, eenerally becomo Healthy, wnlle those who do not Improvn eucn chances remain In poverty. Wo want many women, boys and girls to work for us light tn their own lo calities. Tho business will pay more than tan timca ordinary wages. Wu furnish an extontlvo outut and all that you need. free. No one who engages falls to make money very rapidly. You can devote your wiiolotlmo to the work or only your spare Momenta Full information and all that Is needed f-nt freo Address stikhon co., Portland, Maine, ocl.l6'80-ly SUHINESS 0ARD8 VISITING CA1ID3. LKTTKlt IVEADB BILLHEADS,. rOtflfKS, U JtC.i KeUlj wad CLely jnlntoJ at the OoLOtC MUM OAitre, p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 30 4 l'A 9 40 9 S3 0 II 9 37 9 03 9 SO 8 39 3 61 9 21 8 51 3 40 9 19 8 46 8 41 9 II 13 41 Vi lit 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 33 3 20 8 56 8 IS 3 13 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 89 7 01 2 SI 8 SS 7 83 3 SO 8 17 7 63 S 31 8 IS 7 25 3 SS 8 OS 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 02 3 04 7 44 OH 1 67 7 38 0 60 1 61 7 S3 5 43 1 46 7 29 6 27 1 37 7 11 6 IB 6 00 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. M 0 IS 6 30 6 25 C 33 5 40 0 45 6 60 8 5A 0 69 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 25 7 35 7 42 8 04 8 SS 8 43 8 68 9 05 7 13 7 23 7 80 7 44 s on 8ti 8 60 8 31 9 61 9 9