THE OLFMETAT AXD PIW OCR T, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 'HE OOLU M Bl AN. ni,orinnimri, ritinir, nuwn 4, fssi public saliis. TlU otoiii'ort of Ju'ut n fnk, tleeefaeil, ill ell Viluibla rjil ottala In 9'iguloaf on ttrcliClM. The executor of Ocorgo, tlocoaeel, Ml ..It .1 I t 11. 1 n rtrnt Inu-nflltltl mi 111 Ffll rtlll lOl.l.u . miiiiiii ,vi'..' w.. i'liojJnyi Mft'ch 22iiit nl 10 a. in, Tli? executrix of J.itim Liman, tloeonicd, vlll poll real cststo in llriarcrcok on Monday March 21st nt ono o'clock, p. ra. 8enlvorllcnioiils in th'u pnper. JamM Koat wilt toll personal propotly in llcm'i'ck township on Wiiliieielny March lfllli, Mrs. Hi A. Sharetti will soil personal prop rly In Centro lownslilp noir JAiwlorsvlllo on Mindly March 11 at ton a. m. March 1st cam t in with a snow storm. Jmlrc El,vctl held Court In Danville tills week. Tho Kpiscopnt Choir lins been reorganized. All tliomnlo incmlcn nro lawyers. Tho regular monthly mooting of the W inona Firo coininny will Inhel I next .uondiy nlgiil. Wind iw Slnd.M, Fixtures, Oor I, T.iscl.i nnd Krinaj in largo v.triet at th-orge a. uark's, Tliore ii some talk of goltltiR n water moloi lo pump tho organ nt tho Episcopal church. Tho Lutheran Congregation wilt iiold an election for a pastor on Sunday morning Much 13. It li not always sifo to piny n joko on a Indy friend by trying to frighten iicr on tho street. Sometimes llio wrong person ij caught. There have been fourteen lea and evening parties within tho lmt two or tlireo wcoks. The coming of Lout lm put an ond to them . Louis liornhard is still further, improving bit fine residence by tho addition of a bay win d iw. We have a largo lir.o of samples of fancy and litimorom business cards. When you want anything of the kind call and aeo thorn belore ordering elsewhere. Kor rent from the first of April, 1SS1 A Store Room and also two communicating room on second floor in the Ent building. Ap ply to N. U. Funk. Febltf Mrs. Catbarino Sfcloy, mother of Col. A I. Seeley, of Ilorwick, died nt that place on Tuesday ol hst week, ngnl Go years. She wa a woll known and highly respected lady, Wo wnnld n,ain remind iho elegy nnd nil interested "parties that n clisrpo ol z& cen's h mado for the insertion of marriage notices The cash must accompany tho notice in all ca'ts, Fort Sale on Kent. Snyder's tannery, lo catod in liloomsburg, la for salo or rent. Pos session given April 1st, 1881. For price and terms apply to C. W. Neat or F. 1. IHIlmcy er Bloomsburg, Pa. )an 7lf Mr. William D. Hockley, son of Postmaster Beckley, and Mhs Joey Collcy, of llentou were married nt that place on Saturday last. We exteud our congratulations, and best wish's. Tho Columbia County Merchants Asrocia' lion will hold their rfgular monthly tneeling in tho Council room in Ilrower's block, Friday .evening nt 8 o'clock. All licensed merchant: ure invited to attend. If you want to get rid of pimples, boil, tet ter, Ac, uco 'Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Sold by all druggists. feb lMw Iho largo plate class of iuoyer Uros. new .oro rooms were successfully placed in port lion on Monday. Tliiynre the highest in town measuring 42 by 112 inches, and a quarter of atijineli in thickness. Hoadacho, all bilious disorders, dyspep ala and constipation cured by i)r. Mtuaur, Jleadachc and Dytpeptia Pilk. Prico '. cents. febllm Have your palo bills printed at this office Hy to doing you will get a local notico in tl paper frco of charge, which will give your sal wider publicity than any other paper can give it, because our circulation is the largest in tli county. 'Dr. Seller's Cougli Syrup' will ensure you good night's rest. It is tho bfst cough med cine in the market. Price 25 cents. ftblMw The A.S.T.Co. Mack Tip for children's shoo should bo ra'lcd for by parents, not only upon heavy shoes, in placa of tliu metal as it wears in woll but upon all fino shoes, as it look neat and doubles their valne. F. P. ltillmeyer Eti., was elected ono of lb vico-presldcnta of tho North Ilranch Associa tiou of Lay fayctto College Alumni at tho meet wirr lipid nt Wilktsbarre last, week Tuesday, 3'rof. 1). J. Waller was appointed orator lor th uext meeting. Col. S. Knorr and L. S. Winterstoen on Wed. nesday last purchased from the executors of William McICclvy tho homestead property on tlio cornir of Main and Market streets for 39,500. The sale Includes tho buildings and ten feet of ground on tho upper side. The lecture of Dr. J. Jay Villers at the Op tra IIou'c last Saturday night was well attend ed, and Iho audience was much pleaded with tho entertainment, Ho is a capital mimic and a good vonlrilcipiist, and bis facial expression and change of voico aro remarkable. Tho au dience was kept In good humor for two hours, Two cow?, ono belonging to Dr. Gardner nnd the other to Snmuol derringer, got their horns entangled on Wednesday, of last week. On Thursday morning they wore found Inn ditch with tho water and mud frozen hard around thrm. Gcrringer'a cow had her neck broken nnd was dead, but Gardner's cow was alive her horns still locked to the other. The horns of tho dead cow wero sawed oil io order to get the other ono out of the frozen mass. Every attempt was made to save the lilo of the Gardner cow, but of no avail. The success of Urlc-A-Drac during a brilliant engagement which extendod over fifty nights in New York, was of tho most flattering and une quivocal nature, Tho high opinion unanimous ly held of this entertainment iicr.dorsed by the ivliolocf the Litorat and Dilettante of tho me' tropolls, and tho enthusiasm bestowed upon this performance by delighted audiences ssseni' Med in tho largest halls of the principal cities anl towns throughout tho United States and Candada for the intt year pronounce it to bo tho most meritorious and ntnu-iug entertain went of Iho age. Moonibburg Opera IlouseSat urday, March Cth. Oscar J. Harvey, Esq,, of Wllkobirro, has been nominated for tho office of Grand Warden of tho Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow, of Iho Slate of Pennsylvania. Mr. Harvey who Is a prominent young member of Iho Luzerne coun. ty Har, n graduate of Lafayotto Cellose and an officer of the 0th Regiment National Quard of t ennsylvania, has many friends in thli vicini ty. For n numbfr of years ho has been tho leadirg spirit of Lafayette Alnmnl Atsociation I'repofsetfing in appearance, of high tocial and scholarly nttalnmontf, of rxlenced acquaint onto throughout Ihe Slate, Mr. Harvey Is In very way qualified for the iksIUoii for which ho baa been nomiiiatol, and wo doubt not will U uleclnJ. Examine- Ucorso A. Clark' Moek of Wall 1'sper Litest Patterns and low pricts. Oscar Alexander, brother of Lester Aloxan' dor, will inovo lo llloomsbnrR on tho lt of April, and occupy tho liltte-nlemlcr properly on Pi fih street. The firm of Wagon'ollor Si Co..' having been ilUsolvcd by mutual consent, L, T. Sharpless ffires to giva notice that ho will continue tho Notion UiHtnesvcAoMafcaiW rc(ai7, at tha room formerly occupied by tho old firm In his build ing on Main street, two doom above Centre. Ocorgo A.Chrk'Bfpring stock of Walt Paper and Window Shade ju?t opened, Is larger and finer than ever uofote. PKliSONAL. William L. Manning, of Jackson, was in town on Tuesday. Chester Dates, son of George Date', now do ing btnlnestnt llizlaton, spentSunday In town. Foil Sam;. A good truck-wagon with tongue nnd shalt. Apply to John G. Freeze, f IS 3t- ACCIDENT OK TUB ItULltOAD. On Friday latft a man nttned Uibblns was crossing the rail road track at the ear shops with a team, the down pas'enger train striicK the wagon between tho wheels, cutting Iho hor ses loose, nnd throwing the man nnd part of the .wagon upon the ciw catcher, Tho train was stopped nt Cathntiiie street when it was found ( lint Uobbins' nose was broken and be was oth erwise injured. It was n vory narrow escapo, nnd should b: a tufiioicnt warning to the rail road company to put a watchman nt that point. It is n dangerous crotsing, and many accidents havo been narrowly avoided thoto. The town nnthorillcs should enforco tho laws against 'tho railroad company concerning the rate of ppcedl used In parsing through town. Their usna rato in crossing Eit street Is from tliiity to foriy miles nn hour. If an ordinnnco of tho town is ni'co'snry to enforco this law, it should bo pas'cd at once, nnd Immcdinlo steps taken for the appointment of n watchman. The following account of the marriage of Mr. John D. Armstrong of this town nnd Miss M Wells of Lycoming county is taken from the Willinmsport Daily llanncr. "One of tho social events of the season enmo off on the evening of Feb. 23, nut., at ihe rcsi lence of M D. rt'ells, Eq., nt Bubours' Mills tho occasion being tliu marriage of Ins daughter, Miry D. Well-1, to Mr. John D. Armstrong, of Bloomsburg. Six o clock being the hour name! for tlie ceremony, found the large parlor com fortably filled with frlondi and invited guests Shortly after the hour named the brii'al patty entered tho parlor in tho following order: Mr Lloyd S. Winterfteen, of llloomburg,and Mies Snllie Dlrd, nf Montoursville, Mr. Chat. Arm strong, brother of tin groo r, nnd Mbs Laura Kupert, of Dloornnbtirg, cousin of the bride, followed by Iho bride and groom. After the bridal party iiad stationed themselves nt Ihe cast end of llio parlor, 'immediately under a feooned horse shoe of evergreens, they cre approached by the Eov. C. Starr, of Moun toursville, who by the beautiful marriage cero mony of the Episcopal church pronounced lliom man and wife. Afior receiving the congratu lations of tho friends and cuosts, the company repaired to the larco dining room where full justice was dono the bountiful repast, consisting of all the delicacies of the season. After all had partaken of refreshments the company rc returned to the parlor where social games and conversation were indulged in. A large number of valuable, useful and or namental presents were received, quite a num ber of which wero accompanied with regrels from friends in Willinmpporl,Muncy, Blooms burg, Hnrristurg, Towanda nnd New York, who wero unable to bo present." BUV AT HOME. The following artiele from tho Wilkefbarre Record is a seasonable one,and wo publish it, making only local changes in it. llio spring trade will soon urgin nnd "nany of our merchants have already purchased thoir stocks, and arranged for their display, so soon as the weather becomes sellled. It is a fitting timo lo speak a word to our readers, as lo their coming purchases. Buy of your friends, neigh bors and fellow townnmen, the merchnnts o Bloomsburg. They aro the ones who pay heavy taxes to support tho town government. They spend their money here, and invest largo sums in the purchase of goods to suit tho tastes o our people. Thoy deserve substantial encour nsemcnt in business. Agents of New York ami Philadelphia bouses will soon flock hero in droves, offering wearing apparel, books, gro cories, dry goods, &c, all of which can bo pro cured of our merchants at as low rates and o equally gocd quality. Tliero is no reason why those traveling men should rcceivo orders that ougni properly lo go to business men in our midt. Tho money expended is nil taken away from the town nnd benefits no one hero. It i disbearlening in I he extreme to merchants, to know that their efforts to satisfy their Mlow townsmen nro not appreciated, nnd that the! extensive stocks aro passed by in favor of for cign doalcrs. Pationizo homo enterprise buy ofthoso who aro entitled to your custom help the roon who help you nnd assist in hearing Iho burden of taxation. This is no more than simplo justice nnd certainly no one should be unwilling to arard that. If Iho stores Bloomsburg aro to be creditable lo tho town well slocked and handsomely decorated, tl; proprietors must havo tho trade of the people, D15VW OF JOSEI'II E. BAVUS, Ex-county commissioner Joseph E. Sands, died suddenly in Philadelphia on February 2 lib. In company with his son, Charles L. Sands, be had gone to Iho city to purchase new machinery for ibclr woolen mill nt Mordans ville, and In the afternoon of Thursday ho went alone to complete his purchaes, and whllo on Vine street ho was seized witli illness, andstei? ping into a place of business, fell dead. He had shown no symptoms of sickness and appealed all tho llmo to bo in gocd health and spirits. The body was removed lo iho Morgua as his hotel was not known lo the persons present at his death, and the end intelligence was not receiv ed by his son until about nine o'clock in the ovening. Tho body reached hero on Salnrday morning and the funeinl tool place on Sunday nt eleven o'clock, Hev. J. P, Ttistln conducting the servios, Tho Masonio ceremony was also used. The pall-bearers wero Divid Lowen berg, John Ponman, T. J. Vanderslice, Dayid Jones, W. Shoemaker and W, Cor, The at' tendsnco at the funeral wjs very Itrgo, The burial tool: place at Iho McIIcnry burying ground in Orange township, Joseph E, Sands was born at Brown's Mill In MifUiti township July 11th, 1811. His fslh. cr remored with his family to Driarcreck whero Joseph learned his trade,that of a wool, eu manufacturer. He subsequently lived In Bradford county for a lime, and on his relnrn to lids county llvod in Greenwood, where ho was mariied In 181)5 to Either Lundy, In 1858 ho moved to Mordansvllle where ho engaged in tho manufacture of woolen goods nnd continued in Ihnl business up lo Ihe llmo of his death In 1875 be was elected county commissioner by tho llfputllcnn8, being llio flift minority com. missloncr under the new constitution, nnd held thocflico for ono term. Mr. Sands was a gocd citlzrn nnd a genial companion, and bad hosts of friends wherever ho was known, Ho was kind to the poor and lihrrul In nil his dealings, His widow and eight children, seven sons and a daughter, survive hlui, till of whom live in this county except tl o yottrgest ton Joseph, who is ono of llio leading business men of liow Jirg Green, Ohio. ItOlllHUUltn ITKM3, Iloitnsnuito, Monday Fob. 2381, Thoporplo of this phce have not been fa- vond by any protracted meeting! this winter. Tno mow has been nriwine less fjrsomo time, but while it listed waif well Improved, and In a grand sleigh rido one lady bad the tnisforluno loosua bijou of n bonnol. Tho lonnct is not so groat a loss, but the txiienslvo flower that adorned it Is regretted, Wo aro pleased to know that our school has an able nnd industrious teachor and It is his mention to give an nxliibition nt the close of tho term. G. W. Utt is trying to cct up n subscription school lo begin tho 1st of April, nnd an amn- teur loacher will tench on the hill, If sho can pass a prlvnto examination, A fino affair for this place is the Instruction school for cutting and fitting by measure which win opened hero Inst week at Mack's hotel. Clyde Appleman has takon charge of Itcd- line's taw mill, at Mifiltn, It is currently reported thai Geo. Fullmer has bought the Dtz lot. Tho Benton coirespondent of a few weeks ago, was disappointed as Kohrsburg still claims Its popular harness maker, Mr. Wilton. Howard McIIenry lias returned from Bcntcn where ho 1ms been visiting for n while. Miles Alborlsoii and family will move South n a fow weeks where he will engage in lumber ing for a while. Incognito. HOUND AUOUT ItOAIllNOOHEKK. March 1, 1831. The rovival meetings at tho Fumnco and Mclntyre have closed. Tho bluebirds put in their first nppenranco on the 22ut ull. Kov. L. Kramer is at present attending tho Eastern Pennsylvania U. D. Anntul Confid ence nt Sleelton, Pa. Mr. T. B. Miller, of Bloomsburg. a candi date for county superintendent was looking up hlschancoj this side of tho Susquehanna the latter part of last week, Our county superintendent, Mr. W. II. Sny tier, visited tho public schools in this part of tho county last month. Catawissa church bolls aro very oftfn audible here on a still evening. Tho distance is five miles. Mr, A, S. Knitllo, constable of Locust, is do- ing a rushing business In lifo insurance. Ho is representing the Maliony Life Insurnnco Co., of Selinsjrrove, Snyder county. Pj. uame rumor lias it imi tills village is soon to have ft resident physician. We think Mr, would undoubtedly receive a liberal sbaro of patronage here. Miss Emma Ilelwig had a pleasant birthday pirty Thusdny evening nt the residenco of her. father, Mr, J. II. Helwig. Miss Anna, daugh ter of J. K. Herncr.nlso bad one nt her father's houso Saturday evening. The M. E. Quarterly Confereuco convened in the Methodist church in (his placo February 10 tit and 20th. The Presiding Elder, Kcv. William Evans, of Bloomsburg, was present on Sunday morning and preached nn eloquent nnd improssivc teiinrn, afler which Ihe Lord's Supper was administered to quite a number of persons. iNEOrilYTE. BEUWICK NOTES. March 2nd, 1681. Mr- John Brugler, nrchltccl, had a severe fall last Wednesday, from tho roof of the addi tion to tiio new car shop. He received a so vere sprain in ono of bis things which may keep him in doors several weeks. It is earnest ly hoped that the injury may not be permanent. Mr. nnd Mrs, F. R. Jackson received a few friends last Friday evening in their comforla bio parlors, and entertained them in thoir usual pleasant style. Music nnd games were the amusement of Ihe evening which seemed very short in consequence thereof. Miss Shclpjof Wi!kesbarrc,and Miss Search, of Shickskinry, two elegant sopranos, spent sev eral days in town with friends. The famous Fan Drill is n mystery no long er. The veil was Illicit last Saturday evening in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, The Drill exercises wero preceded by musical exercises, opened by Miss Bessie Thompson with a piano solo This was followed with several coprono solos by Miss Shelp nnd Miss Search. Owing to the ill ness of Mr. Frank Disilcburst, there wero no quartettes. Afler Iho singing, Col, Seely, in uniform, conducted Miss Etta Jackson to the piano, to furnish llio music for the Drill. Then came twenty young ladies, in white dresses decked with innumerable fans, who, under the command of Col, Seely, inarched,. wheeled saluted and went through exercises similar to tboso of soldiers during a diill, only more va ried and poetic: the young ladies were armed with fans instead of guns. Tho drill wns very interesting and admirably performed, The largo audience Opas delighted. Very likely it will be repented. On Tuesday evening of ibis week, tbero was an entertaining concert in tho Hnll,by young girls, for Ihe Missionary Cause. Tho exercises consisted of singing and elialrgues, the per formers acquitting themselves very creditably. Messrs, Sieley and Hunt started for Wash ington on Tuesday. Tlioy are iho only ones who, from our town, will be present at the in auguralion exercises. Mr. Ed. Davenport opened a saddler's shop on Secsliolz' coiner last week. He has engaged a skillful saddler to supply all bis customers with their wants in his line of business. ItEroriTr.n, LAND LHAfJUIJ OUOANIZATION. In pursuance lo call a meeting was held on Saturday night at the Commissioners' offico to organize a land league. J. B. HobUon, chair man of committee on call in a few brief and ap propriate remarks, tailed the meeting to order, when n temporary organization was effected lj the election of the following clllceret Presi dent, J, n. Mallei Vice Presidents, Geo. E. Elwell, Wm. Krickbaum, Caleb Barton, Flor ence Donahue, E. It. Ikclcr, Geo. Carr and 0. 0. Marrj Secretary. J. C Sylvis. The purposes of the Land League being explained, it was on motion of J. 0. Sylvis, resolved lo proceod lo the permanent organization of an Irish Nation al Land League. On motion of Dennis Mo Donald, n committee of three was apposed to report officers for the permanent organization. The chair appointed the following as tho com' inlttoej Dennis McDonald, J, D, Casey and J. B, Koblson. Aftcj a oqrjsqltatiqn, the commit tee reported the following as their cliqioo far the officers of tho League: President, Itobert It. Littlo' Vioe Presidents, Florenco Donahue and Geo. Carrj Secretary, J, C, Bylvlsj Treasu rer, Dennis McDonald. On motion the report of the committee was adopted and the commit- Ice dUclmrgoJ, On motion n oommittoe of five was appointed lo arrange for a publlo dpin onstration and to engage prominent speakers from abroad. The following wero appointed as tho committee: J. II. Koblson, 0. 11. Ilrock. way, J. 0, Sylvia. Dannis MoDonuld and Hen ry G, O'Neal. On motion, 0, B, Drockwny, J, 0. Sylvia and J, B. Casoy were appointed a committee lo roport at the next meeting a con stitution for tho government of tho L;aguo, It was also ordered that any person may become a member of the League by Iho payment of fiftv cents. The Secretary was requested to fur nidi n copy of these pracec4l2t to l!Q county papers for publication On motion adjourned to meet at Ihe usual place on Friday night, Match 'lib, at half past soyen, J, 0. Svi.vis, Secrelaiy, To Buimjehs Senator Wolvcrton his in troduced a bill Into Ihe SlsU Ssnato "ixpitrlrg ptrsons who rutnisli malorlnl for Ihe construc tion cfn building lo Inform thoownpv when be begins fiirnl, hirg the matctlal that bo will filo a Hen against the bull ling In case ihe contractor docs not piy for It, Unless nieli no tice Is given no such lien shall be filed norlo be of any validity. As Ibis bill, If pnol, will be nn innova tion on tho presont lien law, wo publish Its main feature so that our builders liny Inkoc.c- niztnee nf it. Ileadacho cured for 25 cenls. by .Dr. Mel laur't Headache and Dytpepula 1HIU. febllm WHY miltUAHY VIVO, IS OP3UHVED A8 WASH INGTON'S UlltTHDAY. Tho following compilation of timely and In teresting Information Is the work of Geo-. B. Kulp,Eeq. of Wllkesbarre. Goorgo Wfthiagton was born on ibo lllh of February 1732 ard It is n question whether that day ibculd not bo celebrated instead of Iho Iho 22nd. The reason why the 22nd oCFebru ary Isobssrvcd instead of Iho lllh grew out of the new style of the calender by which the days were put abend eleven days, but this chaneo was not made by Urott Britain until nf. ter tho birth of George Washington. In early times iho Roman nnliffj rruulated the length ol Iho civil year so Impcrlcclly that in the days of Julius Ctcsar, tho spring occuircd in what tho calendar calls suminsr. Creiar, with the help of Lodgenes, reformed tho calendar -IB 11. C, and inlroduced our present arrangement of having three years of 305 days followed by onoof30G,dlvIdinglho year into months nearly sa at present. Tho irregularity of alteration In the months of 30 and 31 days was introduced a fow years after to gratify Iho vanity of Augus tus, giving bis month of August ns many dsys as Julius Cieiar's month of July. Tho addi tional ilay was given in Leap year lo Ftbrunry by calling tho 5th day beforo the calends of March a second sixth, whence Leap Year is still called in the almanacs bissoxtiie year. This calendar of Julius Cresar is still used In tho rtuenlnn empire, and was in use in all Eu rope until 15S2. lis error consists in making the year 3051 days, which is about eleven min utes too much, an error which hasnow amount ed to about twelyo days. Popo Gregory 13th, by a brief ordered October 5th 1582 to bo call ed tho 15lh and that Ibo years 1700, 1800 nnd 1000 should not be accounted leap year. This is called tho Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was soon ndopted in tho Catholic states. In tho Protestant states of Germany it wa3 but pittially ndopted in 1700, and not wholly until 171 1. The chnngo from Julian to Gregoiian reckoning was mado by act of Par liament in Great Britain September, 1752, the 3rd of the month bclrg called tho 1 Ith. TO DACHELOHS. Only Bachelors should Lclong lo clubs, Hercules f,nve up his tlub, when be married Urjnruirn, "bul"l when married, they should never fail In lay in n supply ofSpriuc Blossom lo cure Indigestion, sick Hcadaclie, Lassitude, utn Prices : $1-, 60 cents, and trial bottles 1U cents. General News. Washington county lias farms full ef wool waiting for some speculators to of- ier Halt n ttollar per pound lor it. The Mifllintown briilae, which sue- cuinbeel to tho Into iccllooel.was the first liridgo ever erected over tho Juuiata. Fifty tliousaiitl elollars will bo reeiuir eel to replace tho bridges elestroyeel in Huntingdon county by the recent Hood. Senator David Davis, lias intimated that ho will act witli tho Democrats in tlio organization of tho Senate. Senator Jlaliono remains non-committal. Tito Pennsylvania railroad company's experiment witli paper wheels on locomo tives having proved entirely successful more ot iiiem will bo lntroelucctl. In tlio IIouso of Ifcnresentatives at Ilanisburg llio appropriation committeo reported with a negative recommendation tho bill appropriating 10,000 lor an ll liuninated clock on tlio Capital dome, Tlio memliersof tbcLegislature never be ing out after dark don't seem to realize tho importaneo of keeping tlio wicked Ilarrisburgers posted on tlio hours of tlio night. Some timo ago an old man in noithcrn Iowa, wroto to relatives in the East lor aid, as tbero was tt. bo a hard winter anil lie was likely to suffer. None respon di'd exceitt a niece, who wns n school leacher, and who sent him .)0, and said Ilia! she would send him more as soon as slio drew her salary. Ilo wroto back that tlio .)0 was plenty, ami that slio need not senel him any more. Last Do comber tlio old man died and left tho nieco $30,000. Eutcno Cross, Swan Street. Biifl'alo. writes I have used Spring Blossom for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and have found it to act admirably as a gentle Aperient and Blood Purifier, I con sider it unequaled, "you are at liberty to use my name ns a reference." Prices: $1., &U cents anu trial Lotties 1U cents. Cioncral Gni'liolil nt liis inauguration on Friday, will occupy tho chair from which AVimliinyton nroso to take tiio oath of Prositlciitial oflit-o in 1789. This interesting nrticlo lias lieen in charge of William O. WiuMull, of New York, for the past fifty years. U: Wnrtelell, who lias forwareleel tho chair to Washington nt the request of the inauguration com mittee, was made United States Marshal for tho Southern district of New i'ork by President Jackson in 1831. LOVELY WOMAN. ITarii is the heart (lint never felt for woman in di-trt'88, Anil cold tho breast that never throbheel tomako her portow !es ; J"or man's caress anil man's delight was lovely woman horn, And cur l be he, where'er he moves, can treat her worth wi'h scornt Tlio tear It starts from woman's eye, lo fee ynu raciteu wuii uolicky mm, Anil sho wifely cols Spring Blofeom to make you well spnin I'riceni SI., 60 ctntf, and trial hollies 10 cenls. Deaths. DftBlspAPH Near Jonentown on Iho 2 lilt tilt., Infant son of Natliapiel and AnnaF.liza Dreisbach, aged 10 days, KuMCMi. In Jonestown on the 25ih nil., William Albert Kunble, aged 0 years, 0 inonlhs and 3 iyj. Business Notices Drew Goods nt Clark it Son's. See i a woman picking n bunch of grapes lothcr column, at Spcer's Vineyards, which Speer's Port Grape Wmo is Iu ano irom which cpeer s l'ort Urape Wmo Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession for tho use ol invalids, weakly persons and the apod, Snitl by 0. A. Klelm, Jau 7'81 ly ltillmeyer & Co. oiler special inducements iu riuallty and prices for Spring Trade. Tliey innko n specialty of Groceries, Que cuswnre nnd Glass. Tea Sets, Dinner Sots, Chamber Sets, &o , can bo bought very cheap, 0, 0. Marr U veiling ioods cheap for cash or produco, Our Corset department is Aill, direct Irom tho manufsctury of tho best makes and fits at Clark etc Sou's, Nftv Onllcoes nnd Drs Glrirlinma this week nt Liitz & Sloan's. If yon want irojtl Cooklne Htoves.Tlnwntn nl Low Prices call at L E. Whary's. ltRl) ItOllSR roWtlKllciiri"! mnrn lioriM. mtilps anil sheep thin any other medlclnn. Sure ever time. oct89, 'eu-Ueow Wm. 0. McIClnnpv ban remnvfA lit frwlr i ri to his new bislldlnir across tho street, nnd extends n cordial Invitation to ovcry ono iu can. O. O. JIarr wants seese feslhers. Lots of good Oloversetd and Timothy seed nt Silas Young's, Light HUcct. m4-lw A full HtlO nf New Prinls.Oiinrliams.Min. litis, &c, nt Clark & rfon's. Clearing Out Winter Gtiods to make room for Extenslvo Alterations tit Tho Popular Clothing Sloro of David Lowcnborg. IIENIIY'SCAUDOUO 8ALVR, Thn UfRL Rfttrn In tlm evnrlrl fni- Pitta TlritlnAa Hores, Ulcers, Salt ltlieum. Tetter, Chapped Hands, ('.tilltiMtns, Corns and all kinds of Hkln eruptions rrocKicsnnu ninnies, Tno BilvolSBiisrnntocato glvi' perfect r-ntlsfactlon Incicrycasoorrr.oneyrc tundtd. Ilo suro to irnr. llenrv'H e.'nrhnlln Nnlvn. ni ail other aro but Imitations, l'rlco S3 cents. For Balo by all druggists. oct 22, 'su-lycow Wo have n lino of ladlo's Paris mado Ho- aiory nt low prices, which wo invito you to can ana see. uinrk y son. Hon. Qeoreo N. Corson. Tho Phconix Pectoral Is indlspcnsablo In my lamlly. It nets like n churn, in curing coughs nnd colds with tho childrcn,nnd I nlwnys use It when addressing a jury. Prico io ccnis. j a. lueun, jiioomsDure. npriu-jv Hnndsorao Shoes nnd Sli liners at McICin- noy's Boot find Shoo Bazaar. IT. .T. C!lnr1? & K-H1 Iiova nn, n C.ll and complcto line of Hamburg EdglngB, j'jyi-imsii&K j. n minings, null ItlCKtng, &C.. to Which tll!v Inviln vnur nlfnnftmi. Prices correct. lints and Cap3 nt Cost for Thirty Days nt D. Lowenberg's. Np.lV RlvllS Olnflktnir fnr lilfltra lanl'nla anA circulars at Clark & Son's. 0. 0. Marr still buva nil kinds nf nroeluco at tho highest market price. Harriot A. Kpwl-lrlr. nfRnlnm antra. 1 tuna cured of tetter in my hand by threo applica tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was mlrfirT nf nlfl rnnnlnn nnrn. lit. ii.Imm If Tf cured my son of a sprained ankle, Price 25 C.l I I . T. . ... cents, ooia oy u. a, luoira. iiloomsburc. april 10, '80,ly HEALTH AND HATPINESS. It seems Btramro thnr nnv nnn win Rnrri-fmm thn many rteranifements brought on tiy nn Impure con- uniuu vi tun uiuuu. wnen suuviis 1JI.UUD ana Livmt SYltUT win restore pertcct liculth to the ploslcnloifrnnlzatton. It Is Indeed a strcngthenlnc spiun, pleasant to take, and baa proven ltselt to bo the Best blood purlfler ever discovered, eHect-uallv- curlns Scrofula, SjphUltlc dlsenscs. Weakness of the KldnejK, all Nervous disorders and Debility. It corrects indigestion. It makes tlio old feel youne, and tlio youn;; feel gay; and will Invariably drHo out of the system tho many ,111s that human flesh Is heir lo. A sliiRlo bottle wli1 rrovo to you its mer its ns a ncaitn rencwer, tor it nets like n chatm, especially when the complaint is of an ex- ..uuBLi.c iiuLuiL-. uuviiiu luuuciicy w lessen uio natural vigor of tho brain nnd nervous system. WtW'FlllvPfiw Snrinr? stvlcn of Ilrpss ninMinma unit V.n. glish Long Cloths now open ut Clark Son's. 81 cents a yard for Apnleton A. Muslin by the bolt nt Lutz & Sloan's. Important Notice lo Parlies Altcnding uourt. For Thirty Days Great Bargains Can be Bought in Clothing. You can buy a Winter Suit or Overcoat At Cost. Must Be Sold to make room for ALTERATIONS IN BUILDING nt David Lowenberg's Hioghamton Boots I Buy them at Mc- j Ivinney s. A new line of Cord'i and Tassels. SiU Fringes, liuttons, Laces, Ties, Tassels, Uinips, Ornaments, &c, at Clark & Son's Now is tho timo to subscribo for Butter- icks & Co's spring fashion books at C. 0. Marr's. His Boots and made to stand thoweath wero leather er for ho bought them at Mo Kinney's. Black Silks, a good one for Go cents per yard up to one dollar. In extra we nave a line of TrimmlngSilks in Plain Brocade and l'laius just received at Clark & bon s. Billmeyer & Co's. No-1 and No 2 Extra snore Mackerel are warrantee! llio best tno market affords. No short weight packages, Bargains in Napkins, Towels, Counter- Jiaiua niu inuiu tJiucuanivinift ix. uvu. Lutz & Sloan have received their Sprinf styles of Mme. Dcmorest'a Patterns. Cal at their store for a catalogue free. "WAi.NCTLEAPlUirtliESTOitKK"ls entirely differ ent from all otlicrb. It Is as clear es water, and as its name Indicates, Is alperfect Vegetable llnlrlio storcr and does not In any manner arrect the liealtn widen Hiilphur, augnr of Lead, and Mtrato of silver nrcnnratluns bavo done. It will Immediately free tlio head from all Dandruff, licuoro Cray Hair to Ha natuial color, nnd prcdueon ne-w crowtli whero It nas iuiie'n en. 11 wiiii-uanco iiuior luucuuuirui a few days to a beautiful clobsv tirown. Krcry bot tle Is warranted. AKk jour druggist tor It. For sale at Movmi linos., liloomsburg, l'a. l-mltli, Kline s uo., riiuaaeipnia, anu nans jiucKen, isew iutk, wuoicEaioguuiti. veu , ou-u For Ihe Lenten Season. Genuine Boneless Codfish, lino Mackerel, Lobsters. Salmon Sardines, Covo Oysters, Soused Mackerel uaked ucane, JMacaroni,eVc. Tho hlghctt coth prico paid for wheat by A. t. fcwitr, at billow urove. rnodll' for enteBB lo varicly. live 76 cents abutbel Av eudale Bed Ath Coal, !. 0. and 0. alwayt on iifiHi. jtiuiicfii Jies mien in excuange lor coai,or cnfcii win tie paiu lorineui. jau 28 8-w. Sho wore french heeled thoes with opera toes and said sue Dougtit tnematfllC' Ti'tnnon'fi Our Questions. Arc you a buyer of Men's or Boys' Clothing at retail? Do you need clothing for the farm, the office, the work-shop, the court-room, -or the pulpit ? Do you want boys' clothing for the school-room, or for dress f Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order f Are you in need of shirts? If yes, to any or all of these eiue ries, state your needs to us, that we may send you samples and prices, Your Question ?v Is, Will this pay for the trouble ? Yon must judge. We will make up the case, you must decide it, But wo must tell you that we have created tlio Largest Betail Clothing Business In the United States by the simplo method of giving the best clothing for tho least money. We mean that it shall pay you to buy of us. If you buy and arc not pleased, return the goods for exchange, or demand your money. Wanamaker and Brown, S. 12. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts. rniLADKLl'HIA, HOLMES & Wc wish to say eoinctliinc this Cutlery, which wo lmvo been selling tho past six years. Wo have had aiiiplo timo to test its merits, and hundreds of our customers will endorse our remarks in its favor. Any lady knows the value, of a good pair of scissors, and how hard it is to get them, owing to' the great quantity of cheap and worthless goods which Hood tho market. A poor pair is a source of daily annoyance and vexation. In tho manufacture ot cheap scissors it requires no mechanical skill to put them togethcr.whoreas in a eood articlo.tho finest sttel must bo select ed, skilled mechanics to know how biiuin eu it uiwbjr bu 113 IU give.' II mhuuui UVCI1 CUt JPOIll I1CC1 10 pOlllt. All this adds to the cost, and vet sometimes, how little ladies think of this in making their purchases, more possibly tJian they were oilered elsewhere, thoy concluded to take the cheap ones, these aro tho people who always have poor cissors One of the best recommendations wo have is tho seamstress' and tailors' trade, who know what a good article is and to whom price is a sec ondary consideration. AVc can also refer you to tho editor of this 1iitn ,n..!lM ,..!!. !.. lt.i ?.. t. ... ,1. V 1, mi;i, !v,iu win us wuii ii i'uii, uiiti is, no uses ;iicm jor cutting eunor als and other matter of news from his exchanges, and nnlma them off on his subscribers as oritriiml. TTn ... o - to told ns in conlidcnco : our onlv llustrato that "thurc's choatinc in linking mistakes Jiercatter in vour a TJ..11-... :.. .i .... 1.1...1 v. xAiiuui is muni iuu uu uiu unities, can carry in his pocket is a poor iow anxious no is to make a tritae with some one, just "because its too urge or too small" for him and how ho chuckles to himself ns h im agines he is taking in his unsusnectinir victim, wntch lii.t fnpp. uliniio-n uuieji us uu ejxiiiiiiiira ins new treasure, lie does not nnd J no. o. Hallcr's name on tho blade.ownors ns mind now made up to como to ie offers the old ono as a reward to the cherry tree with his littlo hatchet and all aro made hnnnv. Hn?. i.: i-i - - ouiiuuaij Bciuving, mm smiviiig wiin a mm razor is a serious business. Wc claim Jno. S. Haller's Razors gives better satisfaction than any uuiui luuke sum in uiu county, prices, some heavy, others ground nunureusor ineso to uaruera and All wo ask is a trial to prove their HOLMES & jUDITOH'S NOTICE. Ainonffllie records and proceedings of thoOr pliaus' court In and tor said County it is Inter alia thus contained. ' In the cstato of Mary Hcraley, deceased. And now February lltu, 181, on motion of S. unorr and agreement of counsel, liny Jooobv, Ksct . is appointed Auditor to rtlntrlouto balnnco in hands of Stephen 1 1 111, administrator, by Ills nrst account amcng parties entitled thereto. ,, , UY THE COURT. tertlfledfrom tlio records. W'T 1? TITf-Tf It A TTf a. 31. Qpicir, ClcrUO.C. ucpuiy. In nUrsUanCA Of. Mm frtrpc-nlnr- finnnlntmpnt. Ilift underslinod will meet thn parties Interested at ma uuitu iu muomsDurir on 'i ucsaay tun l?tn day ot April H81, at fi o'clock a. m.. at which tlcno und iniiuu iuur aro nereDy notined to appear or be de barred from coming la on said fund.. - . JU .lAUOllV, feb. !3-4w Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOnN QCLtlVEB, DECEASED. Tlio undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia co.!to make distribution of iuo uaianco in tne nanas of James tlulllver, ad ministrator of tho said deeednnt in thn tinr. ties legally cnUtled to recelro tho samo. will meet tho parties Interested In said estate nt his onico In tho Town of Hioomaburir In said coun ty, on tiaturdar. tho Mth djiv nf Mnmh a. iv iqmi at ten o'clock a. m., of said day, when and where all imi uca uiu.'imu;u iu saia cstato inust attcna or Do forever debarred from any share of said runh, K, IIUCKlNtlimt, fob. S3, "SWw - Auditor. DIIINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MAKOAKET IIELLEU, DECEASED, letters Of Admlnlstratlnn on thA rutntn nf Mflrra, ret Heller, lato of Hemlock township. Columbia co , l-nnn'ft. . rtlVPn fend linrn Wn m..nlnrllu.llin llnnl.. tcrofisald county to tho undersigned Administrators All nersons havlni? claims fli-jiinst thn fhtni.i nf thn decedent aro rcqussted to pr'sout them forsettle- iuuiiv, uuu uiusu luuL'uit'ii io mo esiato to maKO pay ment to tho undersigned Administrators without A5IU8 IIIiLI.KR, OKO. WIIITKNIOnT, llimklinrn. C. W. Miller, Administrators. utroney. feb. w-esw UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF U. W. NUS3, DECEASED. Tho undcrsttrned Auditor nnnnlntiil hv thn fir phans' Court ofsald county, to make distribution of the balance ot tho fund In tho bands of tlio ad ministrator ot the cstato of said decedent to and among parties entitled thereto.wlll sit at hlsonico In liloomsburjt In said eounty, on Wednesday, tho 23rd day ot March, A. D lsal. at ten o'clock a. m.. of 1(1 day. when and whero all Dartlcs lntcrcKted in said fund must attend or bo forever debarred from any snare 01 saiaruna. JOHN M.CI.AHK, feb. 55, issi-lw Auditor, jUDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ADAM BELLAS, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court or Columbia county to make distribu tion of tno fund In llir hands of tlio executors of Ad. am Hellas, doccased. as shown bv their second and partial account, to and among tho portk-sentlUed thereto, will sit at his onice in liloomsburg on sat- uruuy iuo xciu any 01 murcu, imi, at. lenociocKin euu lure-uoon to perioral tne auues or uis; appoint ment, when and whero all nerbons bavlnt? onr claims upon said fund will appear and provo the samo or bo debarred from receiving any tharo IUITUI. JOHN M. CI.AltlC, feb. 23 'SMw Auditor, jUDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF lIENltT EIN03SCRT, DECEASED, The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or- iJimua tuun or uoiumDia county, to maKoaistriou lion of tho funds In the hands of Oeo. A. lKitv. ud mlnlstrator, &o or Henry Kingsbury, deceased, as buuivu uy uis jiuoi aetuunu to una ainungiiiupier ties entitled thereto, win sir. nt his nnicu In lllooms. burg on Tuesday tho 29th dav of March 1881. at ten o'clock In the forenoon to perforin tho duties of his uupuiniment, wnen anu wnero an persons naving clulms aealnst said estato will SDnear and nrovu tho same or bo forever debarred from any share of DU1U 1UUU, C. D. DItOCKWAY, feb. 23-4W Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF QEOaQK ZA11K, DECSASID. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by Iho Or. nhans' Court of Columbia county, to mako distribu tion of tho balance In tho hands of tho executor ot ueorgo Zarr, deceased, to and among tho parties cntlllad thereto, will sit at his onico in llloomsbi'rf,', on Friday tho ssth day of March, IMI at ten o'clock In the forenoon to perform the duties ot bis appoint ment, when and whero all persons having any claims upon said fund will appear and provo tho samo or bo debarred from revolving any sharo VUCIIU1 IS. II LITTLE, feb. 25-1 w Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ISAAC KAOENSVClI, DECEASED, Tho undcrsltned auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court ol Columbia county, to dlstrlbuto bal- ui,i.u iu nuuua ui iiiu I'xrvuwr ui jmibu iiBgeuuucu, decensod. to and ninonc tho mini eniitiml there. to, will sit at tho omco of is. It. Uoler In the town of liloomsburg. on Katurday.tho second day of April A. D lisl, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon to perform tho duties of his appointment, when and whero all persons hiving my claims unou said fund will ap pear and proo Iho samo or no debarred from re volving uny biiaro iiicroor, C. C. l'EACOCi:, feb. 23-4W Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATH OF SABA U AHKWINK, pEf EASED. Tho underfclgned auditor appointed by the Or. nhans' Court of Columbia couulv to mnkn iiutriim. Hon ot tho balanco In the hands of tho executor of Harah Arnw Ine, deceased, to and among the parties entitled thereto, wl'lsltat his ontcoW liloomsburg ou Saturday, tho Mth day of March, mi, at ten o'clock In iho foronoon, to perform tho dutla of his annolntment. whon and wheru all Ing any claims upon said fund wilt appear ard i.iuu iuo Bantu ui wo iitunnvei iruiu recviving any E. It. IKKUJIt. reu, 25-4w Auittor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF UUtAM LCKQElt, DECEASED, The undersigned auditor appointed by tlio Or, phaus' court of Columbia county to make, dlstrlbu. Hot of tho balanco In thn tmnrtJ ,,r a i ii: mlnbtrator of Hiram l.nni.r ,ii....i Li, hlsllnal account, toand mong tno parl'es entitled J," v f"""'1 ihuuoiu moomsuurg on Nat vmViy.tlioWh uayof April, lf81, at ten oclockln tho forenoon, to perform Iho duties of his appoint ment when and where all peiaons having claims against Bald estate win appoar and provo the Bame ihaJ oroverdobarwet from, reccivtor any pirt of lob, 25IIW I- K. WALLKIl. Auditor. IKQ VL ULA.NK8 OP ALL KINOT A O.H U AMD AT TBI COLUMBIAN OWICK, SCHUYLER. week in rccnrtl to lluller's mnko of to temper tho steel, and adjust and because wo ask a few cents will liknlv rlpnv lliisi Ire vnii lull --v . ' V J"" reason for L'iviiiL' him hwilv 5h In all trades but ours." To avoid purchases sco that the niinin .Tnlm nn ... jlho irrcaicst nuisance it man knife, and how well he knows it, see don't want to trade them off. With us and receive value for his mnnnv. his vomicr honnl'nl in mnso nit Mnrr .i i ii . . . we nave various icinas at various as thin as paper. We havo sold others without a siiiplo nnnmln int. superiority. SCHUYLER. ANNUAL STATEMENT OK BLOOM POOR DISTRICT From January utli, 1SS0 to January lOtli, 18SI. W.M.KUAMKR, Treasurer tor District to April 1st. l)It. To cmli received Irom liloom dupll- , umy io,;, JJ3J g. To caslt received Irom Scott dupll- 1 o cash received rrom Urcenwocd du plicate 1878 IS 00 To cash received from Greenwood du- p'lcatoisra 870 00 '10 cash received from bugarloaf du plicate, 1S79 7 . M ew To cuMi received rrnm e To casn received from products of iui ui 13 GO tlSW 37 Cr. By orders rcdeemod of IS'9 47r, it Wt GS 20 21 " 1S80 ...... " commission on samo uniuuni, paid j. it. urotz now treasurer JOHNK. OHOTZ Treasurer for District from April 1dt ISUlin t,inni.ii1iiil. r Ifl'Jl T17 Dr. To cash received of Vf. Kramer (lato Trenfinrnrl 11 nr To cash received from Uloom dupli- -u'" w Vi To cash received from Oreenwood uupueaio mill 425 82 To cash received from Scott djpll- vutv ia. , 4u To cash received from Sugarloaf du- To cash reccle'd"fr6m 'oVe'enwbod duplicate 1S7N 4 to To cashrrccclvcd from Uloom dunll- nlleatn 'ftsn rei 00 To cash received from'scott'dupii- v.v. ..m.. , Jyy w To cish received from Oreenwood du- piieuii; iysi, 537 j To Cash received from Sugarloat du- pllcatoisso 7500 To cash received of County Treasurer Uxes returned 67 !5 To cash receUed from products of "'"' - 113 so 2C95 40 Cr. lly orders redeemed of 1870 95 77 lly Interest U ,ld on Kmc nnlpr rn n,i lly orders redeemed of lsso 1 ss oa Hy commission .... w Uy bank stamps o Uy balance In Treesurers hands Jan, iuut jooi ... 131) CS Directors of tho Poor tn nw,nnt win, iim limnm Poor District To nmount of outstanding order? Jpn luthissi 1230 40 'io amount received by Kramer sco Trexsurers account 1350 37 To nmount received by urotz see Treasurers account 131s M uumeaij invi 11 14 si To amount eireenwoud duplicate 'so ewr 37 To amount Scott duplleato iVmi 752 3s no amount Sugarloaf duplicate lssu 217 39 To amount balance 011 ureenwood uutiiieuiu 111a o-t 45 "7.IIH Cr. Uy outstanding orders redeemed, By outattndtne" orde By amount 'duo' o'rrBi''d ' 'so, less exonerations and com 1133 69 Uy amount duo on ilroeuwood dupll- cato 'so loss exonerations & com. Ilo va By nmount duo on Scott duplicate 'to less exonerations and commission C02 38 By amount duo on Sugarloaf dupll PA,n 'rtrt lpn,n,nn.h,fin.. .. .. . . .,L,aiiuuabUJIIl. 14 i By amount duo on tireenwood dupll eato 78 less exonerations A com. SO I 15 "J wnwu HUtLVIU. UU UIUUU- wood duplicate ls;9 By amount exonerated and com. on scott duplicate lb7 By amount exonerations ond com. on susarloaf duplicate 1S79 . By amount exonerations and com. on Bloom duplleato is7 Lato directors paid as follows, vi'i': fit K 52 SO 38 63 1C2 01 6 00 10 III 3 (0 32 72 10, 14 ...tua Lun,uB uiveriontoitusu Brockway 4; Klwoll attorneys...... a. Snyder renelrlng nump.... . Tax In 1879.... r.......... Hush township conins 1... MKeRattornoy fBo In WoYver'ton ItopiiulleananilT'oiumbian'puXllsiU 25 00 25 00 Auditors for Jan. 13th isso! ti 30 00 Tom Recce balance on Treasurer..'.'..'. 25 os CIO jaeunuo on salary....... 3,17 M order or relief....' , 5 , Woodward constable ",, ", in 00 Moyer Bros. Drugs and medicines 73 as Ntmrt.v nnrt-nnc In. ...... w lul vUOJtt " " " roervhandlso Treasurers commission ... .. .. New directors puldas follows, vizi 3d 42 13 02 20 21 11 T-2 Taxforisso .., , m llulldlucwaiih-houaoanii rnnoS .! IMMaiiiiallMni. .--r u i Collins .'11"".'.V.T Interest ou Krug orders .' Dletenbach for brooms......... Dr's. McKclvy and 1 Making duplicates Vanrsllco publishing statcment'ot 10 ou 41) 00 co 00 3 25 75 00 10 00 15 CO viueiB u, leutl. sin! statu Hospital Fox and Uughcs".T.:'. SS3 75 state 11 eupltal for KphraimKbncr. ".., it Is Insuranco Bucknlew Bros for taking Dennetto Poor liouso .7. Mlxwull, stoves lii . , sundries for Mrs. Raider, so.ured by b5 35 25 1 M 85 25. ludi?mer.t . ' I 8. Kunn beet for Poor liouso.. " uw Taking c. Kurti to Kchuvlklll Poor Huuso ' ls n, Order removal from p. icvans to lien- tpn.... ..(,,,.,.,,,,.... o A.. UurlejmanforhorBU 1,! Sundry iwrsons for coal iu: Via " " drum and m,.,ninJ , . , ... . . ...viiuauuisu Qualifying directors ; ... ?ie?f V,1!? n"uworit. Light street II. 1 . bite, merchandise bill 11, W. Crevellng m Z- K:auPt?n oabbiigo Plants. ,;.';'."".' Kat Bro. ualanoo ou old t 111 "iwarls sal.ry Api In bo 10 January Directors BalwylV",",,"!".".Ti """ So.'retary'B Kulary Treasurer's exuamUsloa., . .. ...'.l.V.'Z'. 7ei us 75 15 05 Vi 39 10 CD 1 60 91 4SI 60 Jt-S ou 60 M 0 09 Uaianco lu treos. hands .inn'VnVh"-o'i" , iieaauier uuiik bluiniM "--..-,., v. i , TOU1 75C16I A Pursuant to an act of assembly passed and vedA.l). Ibl9by wlileirit ls nnmlnnnionlll,'l..',V.1C":;"" .V""' ' nJS?,'11'' nud adjust tlio actxiunisM 'n re estate oMIenry Harlman. deee-ascd. I'uat we tho unders'gncd iudltors did meet P.or House ot tho i l.looiil PooFdlstrlct affi cu iiib uetounts or the directors from Janua V i-T.'JIS"?" 10111 !8S" na vouehem for Tliu "jui vui rcce, as sot loriu above. WILLIAM L. MANNINQ I SAMUKLK, SMITH ( C AUdJtors OUTSIDE RELIEF SETTUJDTO Al'IUL 1st 18'0, lly late directors to sundry persons ie 1M14 "oiw " 'O'LI'VoVveVtb'u 1 Cu4 HOLMES & SCHUYLER A FAIR OFFER. Wc have a few Hoatinc Stoves und double Heaters on hand, which we will sell to responsible parties and give ynu time until Juuo 1st . - .1 10 l);iy 101 mom. HOL-MES & SCHUYLER. OUT SIDi: ItEMSF HEl'l'I.KD TO JAN. lotll 1S31 By now directors for Caroline Den nis 43 41 uy now uirectorj ror llaunali John son . 41 20 ti5 51 30 111 31 mi J CI Uy new directors f r Peter Hhaok.tng naniei mgoia . . " " " Joseph May 2 2 OH iiaitou uoiicr shroud and ronin 14 SI Uy new directors for .Mrs Jacob Fish er, coai . 4 xi llj-new directors torlluyd llowman KhrouJnndconin 21 33 Uy new dlroctois tor Mrs. Oeo. tlraul co.U 3 35 lly now director for Mrs. Kahiersc- curea on juugincnL ei vi lly new directors tor Wm. M. Hopper e,f Scott !! on lly no-directors for John Miller of OCOll 14 till U j- new directors for Stalo Hospital for Fox and Mrs. Hughes 431 10 lly now directors for tickets for tramps ks 795 10 VALUE OF ItK.U, ESTATE AND PiSHSONAL PHOP- ERTV HELONQINO TO S ill) POOlt DISTRICT. Farm nnd buildings with mprovo- inents mauo in iny uiuii mi Catlurluo Long rronerty Mio oo Judgment on Doiinls property loo oo iiuc. iv.iuiei iu vumi tlio expense S7 72 llalanco ou Uloom duplicate less ex onerations and 11S3 .',0 llalanco on tircemvoud duplicate loss exonerations iinu cumiiussiua.... 1111 llalanco on scott duplleato less exon erations nudcommhulon GC2 39 llalanco on Migarlonf diipllcatoiless oxonrrailonsandcoinmlEblon.... 143 39 llahineo on tireenwood duplicate for 'IS less ex. and coin 304 45 14 ncroi wheat lu ground 14 Ji 1 12 ml 2 rye 111 ground eu hi 12 on Wheat, no. oaH. corn, and potatoes 609 00 Cabbage kraut, wncgar, butter and cn cKens iuo 00 Po'k, beef, sows, and plgj 01 60 Unions, beans, hay, beets and clover 8oeu,;nppiei nppicDuncr anu eggs m 20 Furnlturo In steward house 125 00 noor house 22J 00 Farm Implements .". 010 on Wash houso und repairs In lss) 131 41 Balance In Treasurer's hands 139 e 1S9I2 59 Dr. Ordcis outstanding .lan loih'si 123c; 41 Uaianco In favor of district 17c;c is IS 912 63 PRODUCTS RAISED OK FAHM. 201 bushels ot wheat .... KU on .... Hi 41) ... 431 1,1 2111 "oata ,. l ms " " corn ears 1 3a' sheaves or corn rodder .... 1 shi uusneis or potatoes. 9S3 headse.f cabbage.... 49 'IT. Wl 21 V.i :w 2 Ikl C Oil 2 IHI 2 II mi 112 Oil 12 mi 12 mi 0 (HI 41114 pouniM 01 J10IU 423 pounds of bee f 4 bushels of beels 3 biiiUels of onions 2 bushels of bonus 15 ton or nay 14 acres of wheat In ground 2 ncros or no In L-ruund :i buihcls of clover seed S7 1 J """CN or winter npples 4 t-u u unrreis 01 ciuer jjUKUUn Ut U'JIIlJUUltl'l .. I t INI lean iiu&eu , in mi 112 chicken,!, 2.3 uo 433 pounds ot butter M 00 ni uozen 01 eggs , 51 70 iushiii.ts 84M, 5 pigs 5 Oil Number of paupers remaining List re . i""t 11 Number of paupers admitted during uiu year H 11 Number of paupers removed a ' died 1 Number of paupeis remaining Jan. WW 01 lu Of tho above exnenses thero went tn ttin I'mr liouso for merchandise, smith wotk, repairs tor farm Implements Ac 329 ci For coal ,. . 74 y) f 403 94 Directors CALEB 11AUTON, ) RKHSK FAIIt.MAN. ! MILKS ALBERTSON,) DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 0. D. 8. UAKCLEV, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on iiiAMnmnin 11 8-, Mijicley, lato of tho town cf Bloomsburg, Columbia county.Pennn, diccased, havo been grant ed by tl.o lteglsterof said county to II. Frank .arr, ot tho town ot Bloomsburg. AH persons having claims agulntt tho estate of tho decedent aro rouuestod to rrcsen. them for settlement, and those Indebted to tlio citato to mako payment to tho undcrblgned administrator without delay. II. FRANK ZAItlt, - Administrator. fob..25-ow Bloomsburg.Pa. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF fllORIIK EFSSLEK, DECEASED. lIlO UnderKlL-nf ll nllclllnr annnlnl.,1 I... ,h. Phnns' Court of Columbii to tnuko distribution or tho fund tn hands of e hnrtes K(.a,.r rt,i,,n,ra,. of said decedent to and among tho parties entitled v.. i ; ' uu"eu luunie win kit in tno discharge o! the duties ot his appointment at hla oilleo in tho town tf Blotmstuirg on taturday, March set I. ISSI. at tun nvil- i n, ,v,l jald day at vthleh time and place all persons ln- , , V M,u "uuiiiu tn aiitnu or oo .w.viui ui-uuueu iium uuy snaro oi iuo same. 1IKHVKV I". SMITH, Auditor fob. 93th, 81. Iw UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MAKTIIA C0IXM, DECEASED. Tho undersigned uudllor apiolnled bv thoop. phans court or Columbia Co. to mako distribution of 1 a !'Pt V10 "a.Bda 01 adtnlnlslralor or ?Si,..t..t?l!c'.,t ,0. ftn" "inougtlio parties entitled llicrelo, heiuby gives uotlca that ho will sit In iho S.Vlv "llu'.H 0I. lUo ''"lie of his aptwlntnient at hl o lieu P. tho town of Uloeunsburg on ThursJay.Maicli I'.L1',' .,68.,i ttt u o'chxk lu iho forenoon of sn d elny at wlilrh time eml piaco all rersons ln tolnv uwi"!.'.'"111 aro fV'lu'red to attend or be, forever debarred from any share of tho same. feb. 5 "Si.4 w PAUL K. WIRT, Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTRE. annrn. I VM'-MU,A ' and P MIMA COUNTV. KSS proceedings of tho Or. "IW I lllm enntnln.rt ,K Iulci n,i .n,mtv If I u nil at tlm I iikiVA?,Y!nFSbrl,Z l4"''1. ot Idollon cf If. .Rm ? ,V ! ' 0 s "ITOlnUd Auditor le iiii. ii,7, n,i.,,i. iV. . luwDawuve iiuuo uauusoc Mine .., Ccrilncdiiomilio rcceids FebrusrV i6thrnst: WM, KllirKIIAfAr. CI trie o t? Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court will ntteiid'li lit i dulles t f His apili,iini'iit onvedm4dar, the va dayot Morch, A. 1)., Iom, at ui0 o'ciexk a. ui ut iia omo in lilooinsbutg', pi w hen ami whero nil' Kfi,J.l'l'iI!r.l'VJ, l,r nnwtvp lu innko lliMrilaliui - v... vuuuuic iu upon bum lunu. J. II. MAIZE, Auditor. 1509 11
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