THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. lidUn m Thry- Art. Wo din the foltowlnir from tlio Jhn- tbn llecord, of Mnntnntin Icrrltoiy, ntitl glnto of ifo cim rcaoi, oul ni,()V0 or i,0. reprinted by tlio Jeffenonutn. It s nn j llis ,)C,g0tmlnB90clntlong. l'rcsitlent expression of tlio situation our Iii.lmns linyes, unfortun'ntely, never onjoyed tho Hitstaln. Tins nrtk'la.coiiics direct from aavnntngo of nny ncrtiinltitniice outs'ulo mnongst tliosu who eo tlio doings of tlio 0f Ohio. Tlio men with whom red nwn. conu, ln COntnet within Ohio circles wero To tub Lihtoim ok this IIkcoiiii: ho, f1l i,,,., ,,, i.n ..,.. Conseotieiit- tho poor Indian I How often do wo seo iy ji0co1ici,ic,i thnttho hest men in this this sentence, derisively ,loted in oiir w,lo(J Unor) must bo 0Ilj0 nlclli ij different papers and periodicals. ( Only went inl0 0ico determined to 1111 tho recently tnero appeared in u e'""-11" civi service in Jlarptra Weekly representing a liar- niltHrn11v, ty of Indians dancing nroumi a wnue aCfiiiiuiitaiic( man. whom tliev had lust killed and ,i tr scalped, and under It was written: 'Lo, licc tho Door Indian!' The caricature was intended to portray the sciitimentsof an editorial on Indian affairs, wherein tho Indians woro represented as men worse than beasts, who deserved killing off in stead of beinir well cared for by the kov- eminent, as the only returns they made t for our generous provision for tliem was ,mtc, rc,,oto from Ohio his first thought to butcher every unprotected while man wo1(l i)0 t0 ftgcertam whether somo man they could find. could bo found thcro who ho had former Some years ago an eminent statesman , . kllown n Ohio. It was only by this in a Rpeoch on Indian affairs said: 'In cour!i0 that Tresident Hayes could satisfy the beginning God made tho land and ig 0vtn conscience that he was making gave it to the Indians. Assuming that proper appointments. It may liavobccn thH is true, let us see what wo have unfortuunto for some people who were done to gain tho hatred of thu Indians. not oiiio men" that President Hayes With tho notable exccptioii of tho il- ,iaii a consciel,CC) 0r that, having a con liam l'enn treaty, about all the land the ci0jfct?,it. had been so strictly schooled to wniio peupiu hvu uion iii-iuiiKi-ii mi.- . tndiiuis and was t.ikun noin uiein tuner by forco or fraudulent means. We have driven them from their homes ami tho graves of their ancestors i we have wntonly destroyed tho buffalo and oilier animals which wero food, Hhelter and clothing to them. liem. In exchange for all land wc have taken from lian Territory has been giv- tho valuable lam them, the Indian en thcnii and now, not satisfied with our millions of acres of unoccupied lands, we wish to take that from them also. And tho few tribes which yet live upon their ancestral soil aro envied, and steps are being taken to deprive them of it. 'Ln. the tmor Indian!' Wo have trlven von causo to murder us. Tlio amount of our blood you have shed is no coinpen- nation for the injuries wo have done you: and vet on everv hand we hear the Christian exclaim: 'Kill 'em all 1' 'Wipe 'em out 1' 'They're dogs 1' 'Thev don't know how to use tho land. If Ood ,.,...! n.n wi.!i it, tnniln tin. In. I .linn lTo matin tlin u-liltn mini tn livo n a civilized being and the Indian to live bv the pursuit of the chase; but wc have deprived them of that employment, and now comes the question: What is to be .innn , vitii tim imVinnT Hut. liofnrn i. -innu'iip timt. fitii-Rlinn Int. lis urn u- lmt. is i ..Siu i. n.... l. I Uenm done with them now. Our Ea-st W. Will J.l? L I cm nconlo nud those of flirt AVi-st who Invo had no oDiiortunitv to look at the situation, will renlv: 'Oh. thev have more than they deserve; the Crows re ceive an annuity of $100,000 per year, tins PlcfraiiR 8 10.000. etc . etc' No.thev do nut. Thev ai siiDiinspd to rreeivo that amount, and the money is from the tempt to ascertain the strength of Juda U. S. Treasury to individuals who are ism on this contiueut has just been' pub- supposed to distribute it among them in thu shano of urovisions. elntliintr and general merchandise. IJut I repent, they were 78 congregations, with a member do not receive that aniount probably ship of 12,510, and that the number of not one-quarter of it. Where does this Israelites was 230,557. Making allow moiiev co? Not beinr versed in the in- mice for the places not heard from, the tricacies of political stealing I cannot say ior sure, but tlie agents at heart know, beeausu thev receive thu eroods for the Indians, know tho amounts and how lnnch tlmv aro wnrth: ro wn m.iv s:idlv assert that tho agents know of and eon- nive tho stealings. The Indians know thev aro beinc robbed, for nlentv of white men talk with them about it: and to mv eertnin knowledge, manv white men tiave advised certain Indians in this Territory to kill their agent in the hope of getting a better one. To my certain knowledge, no blankeU were issued to these Indians last summer, and I know that their weekly rations lasted only from two to threo davs, when thev were bud- 1 posed to have nlentv to keen them until tho next issue. And when thu Indians remonstrated with tho ncent on the state of affairs ho would reply, 'I'ooh, nooh! Ho away, go away! You have plenty, you have plenty!' And then they would turn away with a sinking heart mid a fierce gleam in their eyes which boded no good to the agent. If it wero not for tho buffalo and small game from which they mauago to get a scanty living, God knows what they would do, or where they would top. There would bo death and desolation on many a hearth-stone which burns with fancied secueity. And fow comes tlio question. What aro we to do with tho Indians' Wo know that they aro not capable of taking care of themselves and battling for their Hvc- lihopd with their sharp white brothers; wo know that as affairs stand at present, they do not receive their annuities an- nuitieslargeenoiigh tokeepthem in com- fortablo circumstances thu vear round, That being tho case, let us suggest a chantre of Indian affairs. Let ns do wav with Indian agents and mvo the United Stales nrmy full control of the Inilians ami their allalrs : then thev would reoeivo every dollar duo them. Let us keep them on their reservations ; show them how to build houses j give them plows and farming implements, somo Btock cattle and horses, and they will livo peacefully and contentedly. That tho Indians aro anxious to live this way is evident to all who have talked with them on the subject. Last summer several head chiefs of the tribe came to us iu great excitement and said that thoy had heard that tho reservation was going to bo taken away from them. We assured them that it could not be done without their consent. With tears stand- ing iu Ills eyes an old.whito headed cheif stood un and said : "We don t want to leave here. since tho great at those mouiitul iainers to usj we iovo uiein, uuu our eyes would nclio it wo coiuu seo tliem no more. Oueo we owned tho world meaning tlio whole Northwest Terri- tory, but tho white mail has driven 11s hack ana back until wc can go no liirin er, and now wo only own enough hind to livo on. Tlio buffalo aro gone. We have 110 more use for our guns. Aro are now obliged to livo on the white men : but thoy starve us. Wo are anxious io livo like tho white man. Wo want to have houses, cnttlo mid poiatoes. If the Great White Chief will only tako away our ngent nud put soldiers in his place ; if ho will give us what belongs to us help us to build houses and show us how to farai, wo will ask no more. When wo thiiik of years gono by and of the present time our hearts arc sad, and we almost wish to die; wlien wo think of what wo wero and what we are, our strength leaves us and our ambition is gone." Tho old chief was right. His opinions woro mora to tho point than all tbo speeches which havo ever been inado in Congress, ft was practical. Our states men's are only theoitical. Ai' ru-otw.NV. Comjnuul'm. Why is Dr. Thomas' KcUctrio pil liko a glazier. T Aus. He cause it takes out bad pains. Moreovei it relieves throat and lung complaiiijs, niW kiiliiMv li-.iiilili s. etc: is economic I , .., --- --- . - jirotnpi, jmro hiiu is c-uiiinweu vi . the beat oils Icooirn. wui iiiuu iKirjiitvit liui I IO-(i;tV WHll fIl80rOLTtU DlUltUlUIli HVtT vl I vi m, u tuuou it. tu uo hu j n.ado them. Look H.l.,nvU n, l,n.,Vi.,.r nnu, ,.,,.1 f 5.VE' JU0 '? ' 1 w niiiiii iui w aua v a uruaa wa-aai unv i 11. u. iikiu. 11 iis. xiivy nave- net 11 1 toot in tho grave, wueii uouoems. ooitie I Ilnjn and hlit Mania for Chi Hrn. with thu beat men, and hu from his restricted circle of looked to Ohio to furnish nl.niirl.itm.1 (tin iirf.vtmia nrnr. of mkil wwm wjt, Congressmen simply because tncy were iongressmen, and has conllned himself to Ohio influen ces. If ho wanted a good Supremo Judge or a eri.od whtskct' trhtitrer he recurred im mediately to Ohio as likely to furnish tho best material. If offices were to bo tilled -Vashiniiton or In some State unfortu- lu (jllt) ,,iwl i,ul ,L, c0itl not reasonn- bly bo expected toHtranglohiseonseietieo on that account. Ho has done the best he could for Ohio. Ko Goad Preaching. No man can do a cood iob of work preach ngood sernion,try a law suit well doctor a patient, or write a good article when ho feels miserable and dull, with sluggiyli brain and unsteady nerves, and nom) should make the attempt in such a condition when it can bo so easily and cheaply removed by a liltlo Hop Bitters, Sec other column. Albany Times. General Grant's houso at Gelcna is in charge of an. old soldier and his wife, who take priQo in keeping it in perfect order. Many of tho presents bestowed unon tho General and Mrs Grant during their sojourn in China and Japan aro to be wen in tho parlor and library. A Foolish Mistake, Don't make the mistake of confound- ig a remedy of acknowledged merit with tho numerous quack medicines that are now so common. A o speak from experience when wo say that larkcrs GiiiirerTouio is a startlinc health restoia- tive and will do all that is claimed for it Wn imvo nam! it. ntirplvfK with tlin liaii-1 ' ' " " I I mest results for Kchumatism and Miien by overwork. Seo adv. worn out Times. Jewish Strength In America. The result of the first systematic at- lislied. Altogether, returns received from 1000 i duces to show that in 1878 there total Jewish population is placed at 250,- 000 souls, ui inese, aooui iz,uw are located in Pennsylvania. The oldest conirrecatiou in the country is the Shaa- rav Sliomaviin. of Lancaster, orcauized in" 1770, while the Ilodef Shalom, of Philadelphia, is the next oldest, having been organized in 1780. Tho richest conirreiiution is the Templo Kmanuel. of New York, which although only cs tablished in 1813, and having but 402 member, owns real estate and other property to the value of $700,000. The public institutions established by the sect in the United btates include hve liospi- tals, cleveu orphan asylums and six free schools. Its doctrines arc enunciated bv seventeen newspapers and magazines. between them property valued o,7oo,- 000, and over 13,000 children attend the reamous schools. SUOllTI.r KXIIII.AUATED. 'Be-fol-do Riddle! How well I feel!' ohiroed an elderly bachelor t'other morn intr. 'That Thomas' Kclectric Oil seems to havo cured my lumbago completely, I feel as if I wero youn attain and be- ,. T,l, 1 . I . .1 I IT.. neve 111 ssk me wmow m imrc mo. ji did so, was accepted and is now the hap- 1)V parent Ot a line boy. Tnmn Antltnnv Vrnmlp thn li'mtni-inn I aillCS Jmil0ny r lOUUC, ino msumuii, s been making a study of tho Ireland, has ' Ho has little sympathy with tho senli mental aspects of tho Irish grievances, but he gives his judgment of tho only way ot dealing with Ireland 111 tnesc re markablo tenus: We cau govern India ; wc cannot gov- em Ireland. Ue it so. men let irciami no free. Wc cannot keep people chain edtotis tobc perenially wretched because ablest 1 n is not, luuejicimeni, jreiauu inu and strongest would eomo to the front and the baser elements be crushed. This, loo, is called impossible yet, if we will neither, rule irelwnl nor allow the Irish to rule themselves, nature and fact may tell us that, whathcr we will or no, an experiment which ha lasted for seven hundred years shall be tried no longer, Worlli Kemcuibering, Now that good times are again upon us, before indulging m extravagant shows, it is worth remberiiig that 110 one can euiov the nieasantest surround jugs if in bad health. There aro hun I dreds of nielli Ui"';wu,w r T,w ut t'arkers tiiuger more good .than all the expensive doctorr and ijuaol medicines they have ever d ied. It always makes tho blood pure and rich and will build yon up and give you good health at little cost. Head of it 111 another column. CIM I I I, '. "... " -. . ... I - Tome wouiu tto them li K rSI IfN S IRON P A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON IUTTIiltS are kMj recommeoded for all diseases re qulxing a oertalu and efficient tonic ; especially Indication, Dytptpeia, Inter' witteni Foot, Want t A ppttUe. Lou of Utreuijth, Lack 0 Energy, tic Knrichca tho blood, tHrangtheoa lha niuaties, and gives new lifo to the nerves. They act like a charm on the dlgcrip organ, removing all dya peptic iTmptoms, uoch as Turtii) JU Food, BdcMug, Heat in lit .Stomal, Utarlbvra, tic Tbo only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tbe teeth or lvo bcaduoue. Sold Ij all druggbu. Write for the A U O book, 22 pp. of useful uaA amtulDg reading teat jrtt. ISUOWN CIIKHIOAL CO,, Baltimore, Mtl. BITTERS MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. mnwincn or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Th Potltlrr Crifft For all Fomnlo Complaints, Trilirrfprtlon, M Itl nm Henlflm, ronalitt of Ket U-bl rrprtlM Dial ro harm l cm to tbe moat tit I toatelBTAlltl. VponoiMtrUltblnrtts ot'thU Com lound wUlbH)eojnlKv!,irllf Is lmnidlU and bcn Its uieli ccntinucO, ln alnvtr-nlne cami In a hun. dm!.atrmftnc)itcun)lflcffctoil,Athrauinds will tr tif On account ot Hi frown merit, It U lo-dty tv eommemteJ and preMcrlbett bj tho best phjdclwn ta lh coaatry. It will car antlreljr th worst form of (tiling bt tint uterus, Icucorrha', Irrrinilar aM ttnful McntruAtIoo,aJlOtarUnTri)ublMf Inflammation ant! Ulceration, noodIn(ritaUt)ltplAremrnti aM tti con cncnt spinal wcakno, and Is iipcclally adapted ta thoCumtrecf Uft UwIUdlssolro and txprl tuinora from tlieutoruilnvn cart staffo of dcTclopmcnt Tho temkney tacanccrounhutnorithero in checked ry ijKwllly ty ltuo. tn fiwt tt hm frorM to bo Iho (rrvat eft and beat l-cmcdy that hu orer been dljcorer Cvt It rcrmratct crrry portion of tho rjstem, roul gtrei ncwliroandvltrnr. Itreiaorca fftlntnciflatuloncy, do utroys nil crarlnff for illmulanta, and rcUoTca wcaknM of the ntuinncli Itcur(MRl)atln7, ItcAdache, Jfcrroua Proet ration, acnvralDibllltytSlocploacncM, lHprcuilon ar.d lndt (rcntlon. That foclln of bearing down, causlnsr pain, wclsht and backache, U alwayi permanently rared by U tiA, t will at all timed, and under ell clrrumiitan cea, act In Iwrtuony with tho law that coTerni th fcraal system. For KldncyComplalnta of cither mi thla compotutj tunurpaiscl Lydia E. Pinkhans Vegetable Compound Is prepared at S33 and K5Wetern Atcnuc, Lynn, rlco 1 1-00. 6U bottlea for 00. Bent hy mail In ths form of piliJ, alsulntha form of Lnacnrra, on receipt of price, $1.00, tier box, for (ttlnr. Mrs. MNKIUM freely anwers oil Ictteri of tniuiry, Hcnd for pam phlet, AddroM aj bhovo Mention tW )xt)xr. Ko family ihould bo without LTDIA K. I'lNKOAM LIVTItriLlA They cure Constipation, ZUliouanea-4 and Torpidity of the Urcr. SiccntipcrUt. JOHNSTON, 1I0LL0WAY & f0. Qenoral Agents, 1 hih., Fa. bOLl) 11V OYSR BROTHERS.. Bloomsbnrff, Pa. JUDO H, If. FAOT WORTH KNOWING. fllanr, Rtcki, lt4rk, 8tlllliU sad' min Other OX U1B OCSfc meuiciuca u"J" u o 9v . MUrully combined ln 1'inKin'i Quran Tome, XII Mil UI1UB DirasKta Kr l!iid. u la Km mmnnltlAn tit PAnxxmV nrnim Tnicio that no tlKeasfl can long exlit; fwhereuuuseo. you w'ppt7v or Urr DitonUr, or It you neod la jottl jUm-; ulaat. or appetizer, tho Toino Is luit the med- aa li la bJghlr curaUra and In- Ida for you, IrUroratlscDui l tlifSam UowlnrMUag way with C;: HIIIUHVa m awj - -r - - - Ttcor to um reewo ana axru. du i II BM KATM Banafl or utqii mmj, If 70a are feetlng miserable donH wait until Touar down rick, dui un w mmu iia MHfi whi t votir difipase or -nrxsDtomi mar ba 1 It wUl c!t promptreucr. . . a rum drink but tbe Bt and Purtit Family, Mtdkln ever maoe, conipuuicu j AMi MtiMt ,1 frMn.nt from Bitten.' liamr oreoaratlona and all other Tonics, Try, Sedabottla. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tfc Sett aad Moit Ecoaomleal nlr Drtitlag iqiAlttly perfumed and perfectly harmlesi. Will Always Ititor Cray ar Faded Hair la Its erlrinilyeuthful color ind pieirnee, sad Is vumled to stop iu UlUoj, auut iu growth and ''SlJi'srotouoiu of tli Baisau will loftej tfia kalr. cIcabm all dindniff sod curt itching and hu aWtnaois scalp. SMbylldruitutil.J04i. ovt. l.'tO-ly LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICF. Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. fVT 17a mv to sell Vrult and Ornamental Trees. AiAJLa urapes. suruos. noses, eta .mi kx Wanted rxmmcE hxuuiHKD. Salary and ex-1 penses paid. j. v. lxci.aiik.hoc es- ter, N, Y. a leb. s;.4r TRAdH'RRS WANTED! . . . . . . . . -. . .. . . . . j 1 too to sia per inoniu. Kieaoy wotk an spnnir unu i siunmer. I-or partlcula.-s, aadrets j. v. xiccuitui 14 CO , rhlladeipbU, I'a. feli.5-4w . PTT'Virriy' wan iJSSl WANTED for tbe National Hook of AMBll'UAN uoeumenUry, iboicrapblc- al, ,titUUral, Finanulul aud lolltlca LI. Six U.MIS in oxs. Edited by llev. B o. llavrn. Lu D. Incuain I un 01 ISM?, in ffreai urmaua lorme iniuni.-1 an insllousuand Home Clbrary. overt ulustrdtlons, Vl. -iVrmi to agents unei thkat, rususner, ni liroauway, K, y over coo psKes. so equtieu. k. u. 1 a leu The Hclisli of the World ! HALFORD SAUCE ! Sultl by all Grocers). fcb.W-iw d Map Mittm (a Medicine, not a Drink) CONTAINS Hop', Buchui Mandrake, Dandollon nul Itio purest and beat med'c il itualltle ot all oth er uu;ens. THKV CURB all diseases ot the Stomach, Ilowels, mood, Ltvcr, Kidney and Urinary Organs, Nervoasnesi, Sieeo. lesuieii. and esDeelallr Femnla L'omDlnlnLa. Auk your drugiflst for Mop iiltters and try them before vou&leeo. Tki No;uUier. Send for circular. HHP HI rrKKS MTU. 00 HocUoster, N. V.,and Toronto, ELY'S CREAM BALM Messrs. Bly Bros.. 'Druggists, Owego. N. y. For I tuo DUHiuirei winters 1 nave tieen amicted with c I tutu auil cold In tlu beaa, I applied beverttl reme. I tilea without good rrauita. UM winter ! umx! jour ruu rvprtHMJUietl. I BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. No Remedy more Wldelv or favorably known, .9 11, iciicmg. iiuii iuvuuuki fur I.UII1U Hack, lbuinall-m, Kidney Anvellous, and aches aud piliui generally, il Utlie unrivalled remedy, J-l.J L.L.- . .ICUblADiir KENEWERl V n Ixen In romtanl f ut by th nubile for oyer twenty yran and la the brut preparation ever Invented for 11ESTOU INO OIlAY HAin TO ITS Tho Stato Asiayer anil YOUTH t'UI COI,OH AND L1FK. j Ohcmist -.1 of Mass. foml nud color to the hair Klmula without staining the kin. It Trill Increase and thicken the growth of the imlr, irTent It blanching and fulling off, and thua and loading endorse and it as a creat triumph in medi cine AVKKT ltALDNKSS. I It . cure Itching, Erup tion and Dnndrufr. A n HAIll DllKSSlNQ It U very denlrable. kUIuk tho hair n liken Koltnea nhlih nil admire. It kcepa the head clean, awvet and healthy. cWWs Ore WHISKERS will change the heard to n imOM'JC or ULACK at tlltcretlon. ltelng In one preparation It la easily applied, and produce n permanent color that will nnt waih off. 1'lCKl'AUKD IIV 0, P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H, Sold by til Dealer, la Medklnt. ATTENTION FARMERS! In c II In v mi r ntlrntlnit tn our new COMBINED HINGE & ROLLER FOR FARM GATES, Wn tv-sh It. fullv understood that we are not oflrrti-r I a fpaieni giue,"or auy oinur nuinuur, anuyun aui no fsrm rights to buy. We do, however. In.ite ever; llllClUKeni llbU pmciicai tarinrriu vub ixiuuij iuhi examlaa Inn of what, we aro contldent you will con jllei the VKKi iikst ukviuh kvbh ikis-tsi f-T hat glng comm 111 bourd or frm gales. Hy u-li-i .tlieCUMlllNKl) II1NUK AND ltOLLKII, Willi I dozen f nru boards and a few nails, any one can, li & lew minutes, make n gate ttmt wl,l werk caler. iK-t Innurr, com leu, nna prove iinire anllilar. lory Hi tn anv gato usmI on the farm A gate hun: wllh ths lllrgo and Holier requires no Diaeinir.roi It 11 i-f no unuency lo'iur, nor win it loosen ur uru the nosi.q over, therefore oulr Unlit unsls are rr- qulrr.l His vcr. easily operated, and can be set 10 allow 1 ma 1 anunaiB iu puss inruiiKu, uuu uv in nine time keen Urger ones buck. Also, you ma have two gates In one b- making jourgatos ot If feet lumber, uavo a small 4 leet gate ui go inrougi on fool or hoiBebaekandaUfeet gat, orthehlng nnrt rr.l'er n lie nut on tharate on already have I r saves money, HMK wu LAUuii, ana 1SJUS1 utini 14 wjinien nn everv rarm as proven nv inou' IRjims that are being used wherever It has been ln trod'iced. . .1 want criwid men In evi rv- tovrnshln to sell lh- Hlnno and Holler. I.etall price tl. Mb-rat dlseonm to dealers. WM..U. AI.KXANDElt, Inventor a;nl rulcntee, FRANK J. BURROWS, Williamsport, Pa., tlw-nrrfor Ihr Hlnle of l'ennaylfnala. Feb. 18, '81.1 m r PENSIONS ARE PAID rcrr soldftr dUaMctla iii .f fluty by acrlJfDt cr othrrw lie. A OL'M klrl,lAMn(fliiKrntt6 r ryr, Ul'I'TClaK. tfl-ut Hi".t.(lii- nittiltd tn an ii?rrnae rf pfii'luti Wiiluv.,t.r.tiim ui A d-injent rtlKi;r fr motluT ot Mtlir Uitln tl nrmy ft a irnirn, UOl'VT IHi iliarii fortnunl. InlurfM tr ru-turtt IlvrnfiillkAnntr. on.latmir 1 t(r Vfidftn an.l Itnitnt) X(i, A-l'lrr-; A.pAB;ia.V.Mr.!fn4 .'5'Mln. W-.'t IndlMia lUnklni !'.. n.l It. F. K-im"ly. I'n.-tC.ntral llink. Lutb ot tndiiu-ii-ulis. Nauettnl Jilr. all fob 4, 'i-1-3m MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, EIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF THE ONLY EIGHT-FLAN'GED SAFF IN TH3 W01U..D AND CCS7AISINO MORE IMPllOVEMExNTS THAW ANY BATS IUTJB, SUCH AB Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks, I . . -- . . 1 IllHiae Iron Lillllllfra w'ul' Aluu l""Bai Solid Angle Corners, CHAMPION RECORD IN THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. Largo Numbers Now BEING BOLD IN THIS STATU. SKND FOIt DESCRIPTIVE CATAWQDK, MORRIS & IRELAND; Boston, Mo. 1 U I BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL 3CU0UL SIXTH NOliMAL SCHOOL D1BTK10T. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. ientaiitiiii nreannt constituted, oilers tlin SS !inmDM spirjB.&",th Hhhit nm. nur of access. Teachera experienced, cnlclont, and allvo to their work. DUclpllno, nrm but kind, unlforra and thorou moderate fllty SKSil deduction to all oxtfnff to teach. Students admitted at any time. Uooms reserved when desired. Coure'of study prescribed by tuo Stato i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. I , Classical. rV,iirM I Academic. II. Commercial, in. joure in iiimic. i . course in iiu Th.nmr,ntnrtf sclontinoandClassleal Courses aro 1'IIOKKSSIONAU and StudonU graduatnif therein, lecclrostato Diplomas, conferring thofollowln TEiSf.K ?f.Vr.n . MMtiT ot tho Kleinenlat Alastcr of tho Sciences ; Master of tho Classics, ilraduutcs In tho other Courses rocelo Normal CortiUcatcs TKp ;inment slincd bv tho omceraof tho Hoard their attainments,, signed bv tho mcers i !SLrA"r.'S m.'.S 5 Tvriimt iiv thn Htnto la liberal, i.u. " .STAr::;,;i7iM,iiin. Thn inoHiaireiuirt.-iiiix-' ",.v;is:'"1. rnihiienriit snlleltji voung oersons of good abilities and good gont and oniclonl Teachers for her Schools, ro all such It promises !.. ... n,A IMnninnl uau !?guB.mi.iirn;. ";;-; .n llUJI.M !.!. UK. 1. - " Sept. 8. 'IS.- . . Rowsll & Co's. Advc'a. less than $10 In tiruln li the only sa w. iair ''" louo jetolfcred investors W make nionyy. H.n for clrcii ar and Innsllgatc Address 1 LU.NU N HI- in i 111 IJ1 NIlriL. tjlll(;,ill'i IIIHI'ht IM Pi'iitjfvi -Miii't . " .... . r,t ... .1 . .... Af.. r.u.niiiniiinrillil IIV IILIII T Ul aiVaiinicwxw.v .nntldence. r $777' a vbak ana extenses 10 m. Wnitm Free. Addre.H P.O. vicke 11, Augusta, Mait.e. r finriyeir to nuenls. unci ejpt-nscs 'um. J JaUfrr-o. Addrcbs K. Hivnln A- CO., Augi's'a u. no AnVUTISEIlS. lowest raies nrBuime iu L in o;n cood m-nspapi rs fcr.tlite. AuOfess (.l.l. HOW hi, I. CO., U tipiucCRl., I. 1. muni-n --l 4 MOW '0 !-owi 10 31 "TOPS. kItA Ji'iNiis till un. Pnner fin-. IdVressuinlei IIsattv, Washington, N. J. I1HW 30 SALE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS; SHIRTS, AT COST. Bargains. MUST BE SOLD TO MAKK ROOM Extensive Alterations GA8SIMEUKS BY TIIH VAitn; V-EUY CHEAP. AT TIIK Popular Clothing Store OK David Lowcnbcrg. Hlooinsuiirg, Pa for COLDS AND COUGHS ASK YOUR DRUGGISr FOR IT W. CHAMPION BROWNIIIQ.M.D. ai raoraUTou, IStl Aroh atraat, Philadelphia. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ONOTOKTEST NOTICE .AND ATTB'B MOST KKABOXkui: TEld' very best tacllltlcs for rrofesBlonal and Classical learning. Ucated su,am' wc" Tcatll4ttd' "S'1"1 ' Bn!1 furnished wltu a bountiful supply of pure.sott on'ustce . and tho 6 :lentinc and Classical courses aro not Inferior lines iletiandlt. UU onoot tho pruno ouiocts ot one ot tho prlino objects of Hits School to help to secure It, by furnishing Intel!! ns of sood abilities and good nnrnoscs. thosn whndeslro to linnrovn their limn nldlu developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leuvlug School. Fof f Tr...lee, PORT GRAPE WINE Cliurcbes forCoirniunlon ourpoies. es:ellsnt rou ladies and wsaslt PERSONS AND THE AGED. Spoer'a Fort Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mbls Celebrated Kathe Mno Is umde frorallie X juice 01 1110 oporto urape raisea in mini uumrj Its Invaluable Tonio find Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed b any oilier Native Wlno Tel v mo pure Julcoof thotlrnpe. produced unoir Jir Speer's own personal supervision, Its purity ant KenulnriH-si aro guran eea. 'ino joungesi run. mt.n.innkp of Its irenerous nimllties and Hie weak est Invalid use It to advantage It Is parilculailj bCDlncui to tue agea ana aeniuiaica, una Biiueu 1 the various ailments that affect tlie weaker cex. It I In every respect WIM5 TO UK HELli:i) ON. f PEER'S i, J . Sherry, The P. J. SUKHltY Is a Wine of Siipcrlorcbaraetci and rnrtakesof tbe. (,'ulil'in iuaiiui-su iiiunrapr fnnt viiih ir la mniii. Knr Purltv. lilebneRS.Klavo and Mullcal Properties, It will bo found unexcelled SPEER'S JP oS.I2rsiiiaIy. Tills lUfANDY Mauds unrivaled la tblst'ountrj bclni? tur buperior ior uieairai purposes. IT IS A PUHE distillation f cm tbo frapo and con tains vaiuauio ineaicni propnucs. it hn n ilrllciito tlivor. tlmllar to that ot the grapes from which It Is dlbtllled.and la ln groat favoi among ilrst class famines. Sec that tbe signature of ALFHED SPEEIl.rassalc N J , is over tho corK. cr each bottle. SOLD BY O dec U 'so t- A. KLEIM. AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi IKON ST., BKLOW SECOND, IILOOMS11U1I0, Vl ta prepared to do all klnda ot HOUSE FAIZCTTZIffO rialn and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, UOTH DECORATIVE AND N.AIN. All UiiulN of Furniture Repaired, and made un good uh new. NONE BUT FIKST-CLA8S WORKMEN FMPLOYED Bstlmatori JVIado on all Work, WM. F. BO DINE. OCt. 1.1878. :st new ELASTIC TRUSS I Ui ft P4 dlfftrlflfl from kl I lttm. HUn cauUr, tdtpul Itilt tofcil tutlllom CI tb U.f, wfatl tk tttl II n tbi tup frM$j hik lb iBtcotlaaflatl uiMniiMoM lk lb lor. .UUU 1IU tMMun lha 1 Ur nla k hl J Mi-unl aytjftl1it i nJWlcuroMrUln. Hit , duikb ii ikup. 8nlbr I&aIU Ctrcnlut (rat tGQLESTON TUUS3 CO., Cblearo, IU uovi9 3.m (Ul Battlo Creok, Michigan, WAHUT AOTUttia Of 1HK ONLT OEMUINE THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engine and HorsO'Powors. MiM(t'ipUteThrfkvrFtteUr7 ) Established U the World. i I04B 32 VP A DO of conttnuov ni tuccttfulbuiL I bHUU nttl, Wltlioilt UiailKtt Ol Ul iitma. miiiaKt-xnentv or location, to " Mr v irvmi tcarranty given v ail our gvodt. MTIIABI . 1'OWHIl Hltl'AltATOUH , and iiiillilrle Mi-am (lulfllmt nairhUu'iualUtrt. linuiTrai-lluii Limliieaaiul I'lulii Uuiilnr niB uxiti In 1 AiiiAPUBitt tiimrkit i ui A multUud uf fjxcial VowrM af4 tmprotemrutt for l(l,lotrethor wittl jrior qwlUU in eoniiru ttun ai4 twtftriaU not drvAiuM of ty other inakt-r. Tour i7M of Kepttrutoin, from O to Iv uotm tVWitYt or tiam or horn vtr. Two bt j It of " Mnuntod " I Jarno-IVm f n. 7CAA nnA Frt't of Hrlected Jainiber UUUUUU U'rom thru tatlx ytrt air-triS) tfmnUatV ou liftud, from v. hlrh 1 built Uiu lu. iuiui&rablo wooautk of our inacmuery. TRACTION ENGINES' wMiW Hi IO, 13 Itorso Vm NICHOLS. SHIPAND CO. Burtto CrMk, MMitgmu aa. Tll-o SfsCNJIDLEW rr. . wiu in i nysicai vimnre. to ihosf .of our best Colleges. this scnooi to he.ln tosecuro It. by nnrnoscs. thoso nlmdcMrotolmnroTo their tlmn V. V. DUXMYKIt, Secretary, THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONK TIl.iL'SAND (l.OOO) DOLLARS I'KKMIU.M rnv,eil in NY I'UKSON that wll 1I0 n OltKAT A 1HNOE OK WOHK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mnko wldo hem on sheets. Ac., hem all m.nmrnr hinu irnnlnn imaiIo nu tnfi mu.lnn nnnA or coods dinicult to In in on oilier maeni es. It mnKea a more elastic much man nny otner machlno. It will turn a liem and put In piping nt siunu tlmo It will turn a hi m. sew braid en llin rlt-ht side and stitch on trlinmln? at 0110 ojierat on. It will do Mllnc bias or straight, cither on cotton Ul WUUll'U KUUU3. It will fell across scams on any goods. I lil hind a Ilreta or Skirt And jpw nn fiirlmr. -d'her with or without showing MUchcs: bind Ureas I Hoods wllh the siimeiiiaterlal.elllieri-cnilors.polnts. squares or st-nlRlu. 'I he only machine Ihatnlil bind lints, Cloaks, or other articles wllh bias, satin or aus, irum )j uja incui-sin wniiu, without unsung. It will gather with or vltmut snwlne on. Itwlllirathcr between two nh ei r nnrt sew nn nt the same time. II will mate arullle and stitch n nlllnw ,!ln nn tn luu lav. u, 111c -.aiut; iiitiu. It will shirr nny kind ot goods. It will make nlalled trlmmlnt? either wllh nr M-iih. out sewing It on. It win mako plaited trimming either fcallaped or iLiuifciib uuuocn u iiipn't; un in, ino snmo lime, it wui iuui.b Kuuu pmuing. J. SALTZER Gen'l Agcat, IJIooiiisburg. Pa. oct. 1, '80-lf. "cancersTurTd" At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Addison, N. Y, IllINDIIEDS oh' PKIthONS from nil parts of tho world haVrt been cured or Hits much itremiwi ni- caso and an-now living wltnessca that thev have hecn roscucd irom nierrlhiu and untimely den'u. fuuiuin. iniiimLL-ia nu uie 1 uor ireaicuiree. write luracircuiar giving run pun icui.irs. Addflress Urs. ur.u, l ua.M, it Jiuoil l,ira. AOUIbOIl, N. V. oct. 1,'so-iy Weaver & Co's Ads. A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A treatise on Chronic Diseases." embrnclntr Ca. tarrh. Throat. I.uncs. Heart, stomacii. Mver. km. neis. t'llnary nnd Female Diseases ; also Wcs; sent free to any address. Uvery suffer- r from these dls. euBt-Bi-uu ueeuriu. renuior una uooKloineunaer- signea, a pitj sician 1 1 largo 1 xpcrleticc, endorsed by bULdrcda 01 lendlcg clllztus who lesllfy to his f kill. c-euu oiamp louay posiago to u. is. Livingston, it. "..'-'tt C-UVllUI fiUCCI, lUlL'UU, UI1IU. aorll a, " w-4co PENSIONS. EVEItY ISOLDIEIt disabled In lino ot duty by wound, disease, or Injury, Is entitled to pension. PENSIONS 1NC1IEAHE1). Many are drawing less than entitled to. Thousands of Heirs entitled to Pension and Bounty. HEJECTKD CASES re-opened. ABANDONED CASES finished ( nnles nt lnkt rim. chartes obtained. Claims of every dcwrlpilon pros ccutod. Patents Pkocokad. Address with stamp, II. H. BEUL1N CO.. Attorneys. sept. 10, 'SO-cm wtco Box 692 W ashtugton.D, (3. mlTT.TAT Morphine Habit cuiea In in to 80 i. U Ul dajs. No pay till cured. Dr. J. bia- 1'Ukns, Lebanon, o. aprll 8. 'bo-ly $5! Outnt free tothocwho wish to emraceln the most pleasant and nrolltable busineso Known, l-veryiiiing new. capital not otilred. We will furnish mi etiTiiliincf adayanrt upwards Is easily ruadu without slajlng nwuj uvui nuiuv uei uikui. ro n&K wnaiever. Many new workers wanted at once, ilanv are mak ing fortunes at the business Ladles make aa much as men, andyounir boys nndirlrls makeureat nav. No one who Is willing towuik r. lis to make more money every day than can be madu in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once mu mm a anon, roaa to online. Aaareus u. uil- lkttti-o r-omann mhitw e. 'r.'Mr THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE- Whereas tha worm n-nnwnnii rnmitniirm nf miueiw, tno world renowned reputation ot "Uri.Ii, t nr. 1 : powers. It effectually cleaohes tho nsaal pasogea M llllO loGWlllir MllClllIlfi ot catarrhal virus, causing healthy secret tens, at u '""O iixuvmiuv hays imlammallou and Irrllal Ion. iro'eclKlhi-mein- lndneemnnvnniuriiniim.ia nnrn-.iun . I uraum iininga oi iiib neaii noai .inaiuoniiiiiiiHs, S I kinder wrin WE-S tT, fr.iniL'fn, ?.H6J?rti2 completely heals the pores, and rest, rea the wnso HoniSiiS re ol tasto and smell. Ilonellclal nwulis aro roallied bit lotaullou all Intending purchasera not to puya bynfi-w appllcaitona. A thorough treatment mill. VV rl 1 I I. IVI Ml 11 I lJ H 4- Ilinvll 111 Jj except from Ita regular autliorlrod dealers, who will Bend for circular, with full Information, be sustained by tho following warranty. ELY'S CHEAM BALM CO., Owego, N. V. v K A II It ANT TH B NATUUAL WEAK AND TEAI1 rousalo by C. A. Klelm, druggist, Bloomsburg, 1' White Slnlile Sewing Machine PLATE NUMIIKIt l(i:t:i:ltl FOB FAMILY I'UUPO. HK8 . AND 1IKKE11V AdIIHBTO KKE1 THE HA ME IN IIEl'AIH KOIt Tl'K TEIIM OF I'lVH YliAltM FltOM THIB U.VTE. FHEE OF CHaIUIU. This warranty exeepta tho breanazo of needlea bobbins aud shuttles. This warranty will not bo sustained unless the plate numlier nbovo nlven corresponds with the uumher on the shuttle race elide. Beware of defaced VI -UlCiuU UU1UUVID, WHITE BF.WINO MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sowing Machine Haa QBimK cinciTT than any ether fdinllyBewlng roe printihq O Noatly and cheaply fexeoutoJ at U Oei,UKilJB OBm, RAIL ROAD TlM TABLES pyj-OHTHEltN 0ENT11AL KAILWAY WINTER TI.MK TABLE. tin and after Runiltv. Not. T. thn train a on the I'hl adeiphla & trie Ha lro id Division will run as ioiiovts i WESTWAtll). Brio Mall lnT0s I'lilladrlphta 11 M p m " Ilarrl.iburtf 4 53 am " " Wl'llam iwrt 8 41) n in " " .lersov Miore. i vt a la 11 ' l-ock llnnn 9 40 am ' ' llehovo liofiam " arrive at Krlo t 4 p m Niagara Kxprcss leaves I'hllodelrhla 8 00 a m 11 HtrrHmirir 1216 pm 11 arr. at VMlilmnsport stdpm ' Ick llaxcn 4S0pm " " llenovo 8 40 pm Fast lino leaves Phlladi li tila 19 to p m " llnrrlchuig tdlpin 11 arrive at Wllllninspcrt t es p m 11 11 I.ockllaon KlOpm KA8TWAHD. Pacioo Express leacs Ick Haven ' Jersey Sfcoro ' " NMlllnmipoit " arrlvo at llarrlsburg " " I'hiladelrhla Day Express leaves llenovo ' Ixx-k llacn 7 OS am 7 T a m 8 so am lios pm a 43 pm 10 03 11 m 11 i;.ain l :s p m sio pm es.ipm , vnopm lotopm 11 to p m 3 to am ;os am lv 18 nm s 15 0 m 1 os a ra w llllnmsport " arrlvo at Harro-burg riuiadclpKla Brio Mall leaves llenovo " lock Haven " " WllllamsDort " arrives at llarrisburi: l'hliaacipniu Fast Lino leaves WllllamsDort arrives at Harrt9burg l'uiiaucipuia Erto Mall weatand Day Express East make closo connect ions nirioriuumncnauu wuu i. u. II. II trains tor Wllkesbane and Wcranton, Rrin Mall West. Niagara Exnrcss West and P-1 Uno West mako closo connection at Wllllomsi r Willi N. C. It. W. trains north. Nlatrara Express West nnd Day Express East make close conncctlun ntI-ockllaen wltliu.E.v. It, It. trains. Krlo Mall east nnd West connect nt Frio wltlt trains on U H. t M. 8. II. K. : at Corry with O. U. t: a. V. II. It. : at Kmnorlum with U. N. Y. Si 1", It. It and at Drlltwood with A. V, It. It. Parlor cars will run between rhllaiclphla and W lllamport on Niagara Kxpicbb west, nnd Da Ex prets bast. Bleeping cars on all night trains. Ucnerul Supt. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. on and nfier November ifoth. 1S73. trains will icavo Sunbury as follows! riUlUllWAlfLI. Brio Mall B.!0 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .B Canandalgua.,, S.R0 p. m Rochester CIS 11 Nlagaia 40 ' llenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. arrlvo Williams- port U.BS p.m. Elmlra Malt 4.1B a. m., arrlvo Elmlra a. m. lluffalo Express 7.15 a. m, arrlvo Ilaflnlo a tn SOUTIIWAltD. Uultalo Expreos s.50 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg Baltimore 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.10 a.m., arrlvo Harrlsburg l.M Washington 10.31 Baltimore Washington Harrlsburg accommodation burg 10.M p. m. arrive jitiiuiuui o " Washington 6.13 Krlo Mall 18.cs a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3 oa a. m, Baltimore 8.40 " Washlnnton 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., tloneral rassongcr A gen A. .1. CASSATT, General Manage pUILADELPIIA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT Or l'ASSEINUUK TRAINS. May 11, 187. TR1IKS LSAVK ROrXKT AS rOtLOWBlRCHPlTIXCXPTID For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, rottavllle Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 7,31 and 7,35 p. m. For WUIlamsport, 0,23 0,03 a, m. and 4,0c p. m. TB1IN rOB BtlrXBT LKATB 18 FOLLOWS, (8CN0AY tX CXrTED.l Leave Now York, 8,45 a. ra. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,63 a. m., Pottavllle, u, p. ru and Tamaqua, 1,35 p, tn. Leave Catawlssa, 6,20 8,60 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo WUIlamsport ,,45 a.m,,15p.m.and4,co p. m Passengers to and trom Nevr York and Philadel phia go througa w ithout ehapgo ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Ueneral Manager C. O. TIANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, Hit U. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WE8TEKN KA1LUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. S9, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHTII, 1 STATIONS. I 80UTII. p.m. P.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m 4 13 9 45 S 87 , ..Scranton ,..BollcTue. ...... ..Taylorvllle.. . .Lackawanna.... ...,1'lttaton West 1'lltaton... 8 86 8 49 II III O ID S S3 8 18 8 83 3 SO 8 33 3 44 8 49 2 83 87 3 t'B 3 16 8 10 3 16 3 31 3 34 8 88 3 80 4 03 S 17 9 t3 80 31 3 13 3 14 8 59 3 51 3 49 8 41 13 41 13 88 3 80 8 10 8 88 10 07 8 El 8 48 Wyoming ...uaiioy .UennetU I I 8 S3 8 13 3 04 8 44 Kingston 10 18 10 83 10 39 10 31 10 43 KingBton ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth 8 23 3 30 8 65 Avondalo 8 18 S 04 3 13 S 04 a si 8 89 I 84 8 li B 47 NantlcokO, 8 89 8 8S 8 17 8 18 8 00 .Munlock'a l reek. T Bl 1 38 1 I'i T SS 1 18 1 14 ...snickehinny.. 10 88 11 07 11 13 ....Hick's Kerry.... ....ucacn naven... .Berwick .... Briar Creek ...Willow Grove..., Llmollldge Espy.......... 4 10 11 1W 4 18 4 28 4 89 4 83 4 43 4 49 I 10 T oa M 8 04 1 87 1 01 1 48 1 87 T 441 7 S3! 7 33 7 S 1 11 11 39 11 43 Bloomsburg Hunert 6 CO 40 11 61 4 65 8 00 B 18 Catawlssa Bridge, 11 87 13 18 6 il 10 uanTiuo Chulaaky....... Cameron 9 18 9 81 u SO 9 8 48 a no 1 00 p.m. S 48 .Northumberland. 13 48 p.m. a.m, cm. B.m. a,m , Hupu W. Y. UALHTEA nnnAHntendenti Ollce. 8-inton, June it), : ii-m. re- I tin I TSrAINWRIOHT & CO., I raiLlOILPUU, Dealers ln TEAS, BYllOI'S, COFFEE, BTJQAK, MOLABSKS. am, sricia, bicisb bodi, c, c N B. Oorcer Bocond and Arch strooto, Mr-ordera will rocelvo prompt attention. Directions For Catarrh Hay Fever, Cold In tha heid, c, Intel t wllh little noirer, a parllrlo ot i he llalm Into tno nostills; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will to ab Hoibed, cleansing, and healing the diseased membrane. For IKnfiicNN, Acnly a nartlclo lmo uu eur. ELY'S 0RKA.H BALM navlnc ealnert an enviable local renutatlnn. U'snla- elug nllotber preparations In the xlclnlty of Ulv illWMvery. Is, on Its merits alone, rccoirnletl ns a ih.. I wondei fill remedy wherever known. A fair trial tho wl, r0u,inca tha moat akentical of tu euratlio i iui i uiu ,ii inn iteuu Ik is uueiiunicu. tic liiiui I pnsv In nn, i.ii.l iiirr. i-nlil,. HnM Iiv cents. On receipt of 60 cents will null a package and by Wbolesalo Druggtata generally, ocr,3l,'60-ly a HELP Youreclves by maknir money when a troldtn chance Is of fered, thereby alwa) s keening nnverlv frnmvniirrtnnr.'lboitl Who always take advantage tit the i-nnil chances for intklng money that are olli-ri d. generally beconu' wealthy, wnllo thoso who do not Improve such cuHui-a icmaiu iu iuieriy. yo want mtur wuiur, bcyi and glrla to work for us right In their own ! call Un. The business will pay more than t'.n t m oidlnarr watns. We furnUh nn nilennliunutllt aud an mat you ucca, irie. ko one who engageB lans n aka money very rapidly. You can Uuvote your wi.ole time to the work or only your spare momenta Full Information and all that la needed sent free Address Btimsox & Co., Portland, Maine. oct.l6'SO-ty gDBLNE88 0ARDB Yioilinu uAiiuo, UTITKH UKADH BILL HEADS, rOtiTUUI, CU to., Neatly nnd Ohe&ly pilated t the OoluM- sun uow, 80 6 88 8 83 40 48 80 ( 88 69 7 10 7 IS T IS 7 88 7 39 7 43 8 04 8 88 8 48 8 86 9 08 7 18 7 83 7 30 7 44 8 () 8 i'i 8 80 8 31