fill? COLUMBIAN. !" ltUIJItll, nillMY, I'Kllltl'AKY is, m "ruiiuo SAtr.8. Tlia ataetilori of JhIiu llflnk, dceeiseil, w'll 'ti vahiiblo tji estate In Hug.iiloaf on Much Oil. .SioAlvorti'Piinnls In ibis papfr. M)m mjv liU M iml.ty. T.i j IHu'ti wa-o rloo 1 o i Tucsd 17, Just received n UriM I fllirr 111(1 .V.I.Hnur NhmUt nl litl. . - "juhjvo at tin; & cui'ic B f .1 t hook more. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRMV BEOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNT 'y7paT HOLMES & SCHUYLER. II. J. Clark St Son will mnlri. .,. iwMIiIa.. to llielr store room by building an extension on I... 1 1 mo uiianjri.k 101. Samuel ShafTer ha) the con tract for the work. 'Dr. Sonet's Ooiioli Hvriii.' will ftnintn writ qoou nuiiit n rest. It Is the brnl cough medl cine in the umket. Price 25 cents. ftblMw lUtBM TUB TERMS OK TOWNSUIP OFFlCEuS Cjurt u In SH'bi until Htturdav ovenlnt.. ...... . . ' " "y ineprovKionsolnnnctor nwembly np Ther' will bo an niljourneil court on Monday prove! tlio I1I1 day ol June, 1870, It is tie March lltli- (hreil K0BSAtr.-ABnodrIlcwonw!lh!onffriJ.Jh,.U, 'erm .of 'f. "f om' low",h,P and -half. Apply .0 John (1. 1W. 1 18 0M 3 T 1 . ' , iom , T wnul I limit r cxlstlrp; law expire on tho first Dr. Pierre's l'.l ici Hotel nt DuO'tilo was de I Monday in April in any yeir, bIi nil cxpiro on stroyed by fire on ihe 17lli Inst, tho first Mmi lay In March next preceding said Tho Indlrsoflho Pre hyllrkn church tlear- firit Ml,J April, ami the terms of the el about $1)0 at their -upper last week. "cc ?"r 01 m, ,ow'" V1 'n,iew ,,m11 Lein ... on Iho hrst Monday t, Mircli and shall con- Wall I'apsr Wind j shades all ulyle and liniie for Ihe period now fixed for (he duration prices just received at tho I'onpU's IIjok Store, thereof by existing law. There wa,acrowdod'ho..sont the tho 1'hllo- , .ff "?,2, '""i ''' ''Ji!.or" eshf ormnSicletr entertainment nt Normal II.11 . "l'co"-' Mind iy of March of .he on Tuesday night. r"r ' m" " ecani1 UomU7 of March Kev. Joel Swarlz, D. D. of llurilsbiirg, will preach In tho Lutheran church on Sunday reuruary 2iili, Much the 2nd U Ash Wednesday. There will be service In tho Episcopal Church in the noming. Auditor Uenerat Schell his our thank for a in each year thereafter, for the settlements of an accounts by litem to bo settled, except llio nccoiints ol school directors and school treas unr I . nl, n n,...n.l f- Ol ......I,. 1 M- U.J i. no i,iiu uiiicii IUI mU uciun. Kty ISTt iliCl taur't Headache and Dytpepiia J'illt. fob 11m A TUltll.UNU 8T0HV Ml'OII.ED. copy of his report for 18S0, received through jXylKrin T" , 1. the hands of W. II. Jacoby . comIn,! down thB Nor"' I!r',,,c,' 00 cnkc of lce canaid. Mr. Van Alen and others, who were OKpnlnrr liv Vlr. T T . 1 1 ...I.. , nn ll,., ,! t...l,...,.n. n.,l .... " ' ft " v. ii , iiiurs Ul Vnera I luuuun 4.iviiMiniuia uun iiiuumuui(j 'ao sengcr train on that morning, goini; to Sun 77 - , , . uury, were positive tliey raw tlio men, nnil up- If you want to Ket rid of piuiplo,, boiU. let- on t, arrival of ihe train at Northumberland r. iVC. U10 'LlniUev'il Itlnnil Manmlier. KnM I n t . ... .. . . . . tor, ,Vc, uio 'MniNey'n Ulood Searcher. Sold by nil druggists. ftb 114w Mr. David Lowenhurg was tho only person m town who iIlBplaycd any pitriotism on Wnshinglon's birlh'lay. His ling was Hying lo 1 1 1 c urer.p. Mr. Van Alen flopped the nail works and had his men take ropes nud go to tin mythlcti man's rercue (including the dog). The hands of the Philadelphia nnd Krle stiopi at Cake lAwn nUn tmincvl vnrlr nnil ivnt In ilia reamta When tho pasengtM saw what they supposed wai the llsating men lliey were near tho south thoro. 'Hundredi of nerHoiiH lined the slinrpn In upn (l it motl fnmtlir ilnwn finil lia mfi.i rd fVi 1 hey must liavo consulttd last their rescue, but' they ilid not come. After I i i . . . i r .1... i . i out to bo several pine buthes sticking up through the ice and high water. An exchange announces that a certain conplo in i.uzerne cuuniy win be married on ihe 'Jlltli ol this month, year's almanac, iJViiuiiuuL'i nil uuniua iinuiiiriiii uicuci'" on miu ii-ivif a mil kuicu uj j ri . iiiiiiu Headache and ytptptta Pile. Pricfl ccnU. It 1m bron given as tho opinion of rome eminott physicians that decaying cibbage will proiince uipincrta anu scarlet lover sooner Ihau auv oiucr nuisance nuoiil a bouse, For rent from tho lirat of April, 1 SSI A Store Koom ami also two communicnting loom on second floor i;t the Knt bulldlnif. Ap ply lo N. U. Ftiiik. Kcblif On motion of counsel. twenlvnnf. niulilnrn wore appointed by the court at the recent Urm, in lliat number of estate. This looks as though the Orphan court hminesi was on iho incrove. Thera wa a nltvisau t birthdiv nartv at tlin -i iv . 11. auooii, list., siarieu lor ioi( resulonco of Jeremiah Hew on East streut last Tuc(1 mottting l0 vWt hh brolher. 1 imi'Inv Punning. A tinn i oirlv rriionrj wnn I urt 25 feb-llm ri:it.soN.u P. Drinker took allying visit to Ohio last week on business. W. At. (fparlinrl. Prothoiintarff. An., nf Montour contily, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Trus. who has been visitine Mrs. Zali ner, returned home on Monday. Mis Mary Elwe'.l is viaitlng in Towanda. W. II. Abbott, Est., started for Colorado on Tuet lay evening. present. Parents will find the A. S. T. Co. Black Tip not objectionable as tho metal was, whila it wi'.l wear as won. tiy asKing lor it on tueir I'liild- ren s ahoes, they can reduce shoe bills one half. A man will wait for a shavo in a barber shop for an hour with perfect tranquility, but when 1... 1 i r i i. . . . n ne cumeti iiume anu lincis dinner len minuti" late ho will tear around and roar like a bull 0fju''t!es under ihe new Constitution Baikal. Attnrnpv fi otipimI IT. W. Palmer wad t. tiipt j .. r - - - ut the Exchange Hotel last I'riday night. Mr 11. F. Fruit U nt the Exchange Hold ICcv.W. 11. Gotwald,of Milton preached in the Lutheran Church on Wednesday evening, Rnnlrfilpnr in Atlnndln? Rnnremn Court- lie is engaged in Ihe argument of the cuseol Iho Lominnnwcallli nninat Urumbauld nnd Grilli Ih ,two associate judges. The question is as to what counties are entitled to associate For Sale or Kent. Snvder's Innner. In. catcd in llloomsburg, is for salo or rent Pos session givon April lt, 1881. For price anil terms apply to C. AV. Ncal or F. P. liillmoyer iiioomsuurg, ra. im 7lf Thus far the Delaware peach crop is all right, anil lo prevent Iho buds from bolntr nii'.u uf riiiu HUB!-, llio iiailUTB UIU IIIIIK I U11U WIIIL'U lrt U!lUeBIIUUB Uljf UIV in put on musinru piatitrs and men wrap them most important literary enterprise this century in uudicated red flannel. has seen, is being waited for witli curiosity and anxiety by hundreds of thousands. It is not A GOOD STUDY Tim nroper rtudv of mnnkind is man. nnil me proper euro ior sick iieaaacne and liiuous nets is Spring Dlossom' Prices: :$!,, 50 cents, and trial boltlts 10 cents. TUB NEW I)IBMJ.-2UICK WORK. Tho new version of tho New Testament, winch has been so many years in course of It ansliv tion, and which is unriueBtionably the l anxiety by hundreds ol thousands. It is nc On Monday Mr. Knitlle introduced a 1,111 In fener.illv known llmt a llmi eiliih ,n nf Ann IllO I.t'L'ifl.ullire. providinc far mldilinnnl rnri I (100 rnnlis li:is nlrpsiW linen mnnnliptnrcl in its of Smnll's Hand Hook, and Mr. Vanderslice England nnd 100.000 ronlns am said to he ul. introduced one reipiiring tho nssessment of ready in New York Cily, not one of them per- livery Ftnhlo keepers, and imposinc a pen ally milled to be sold. Thev are awnilint? a telegram on persons hiring hores and vehicles ofllvery from the authorities in England authorizing stable keepers who have not been licenced. their isme. The fir.-t copies csn only be had at Ihe extravagant price of $!0 per copy. The Jaraes Reilly received on Wednesdiy one of Eitcary Revolution proposes fully to meet the tho Ilalko Billiard tables and has KCtilup in demands which its army of friends are nnkinc the room bick of the birber shop. It is a nuiet I uron it bv doinir nrobahlv tho nntnlcRt wnrk spot, and the lovers of that came will find iln. in book-makin? which lias nver vet ln-en an. pleasaut place lo while nway an hour. Tlio la- ronn li-hed. Arrangements have been fullv hie isone of the bo-it. (live Heilly a Bhare of mad' Ito put the entire book into type insido patronage. I of 24 hours from Ihe lime a printtd copy of I th million ran h iirnenrcil. anil wllli. Wo will publish iho charco of Judiro Elwell I ' l - uuiu ui, vito '"iwi"" vu mil nil! UU lo Ihejury in tho case of the Commonweallh bound ready for delivery to waiting purchasers, ug iinst Cleaver, as soon as Coutt Stenographer alul at lea,t 5.000 conies will be manufactured W.ilLi... .on On, I limn n .rw1l t 1. ... 11. I ... ...... . . iiiit"" every nay inercaiier, until ine ueniand is met is very busy at present writing out the teslimo. Jt wm be printed in larce beautiful Ivne. neat ny in along ease in yomii.g county. The Iv'nr d Imnml InH, lnlnlr.i charge referred to discusses Ihe relalivo rights bout f.00 pages, and sold it the nominal price I1U0KII0HN NBWH. llft'KlloRN, Feb '. Him lino fin- Ij 1,-mI,I.,i nt il... 1 ....!. I .w.. 'v...b. n ivniuviik v IIIU 1 lllll- Hyivntiia AVL'ipuitiirnl rollvuf. wliiidi in in nil,, , n n..x.l l! I..I .... ll - I Seo r nomnti picking n btirdi of grapes n Huoiucr column, at Srcr V nevan s. anu n m.m I .... I ..I il . ... I lrrt.i tlnl. L!.....f. 1 lllll I t. oi . I pum i uwiMiiiiuii iiiiii fui i flu it' mill i Mil i ". ii p vi i tripffr n idtl urn d winn i meliinJ J Sn ,n,,,rMUB Ca.ncroiulng of tlio Hopttbli.'-att rmiv f. fMKMf. fsiceme.l by the Kev.Sivldl. holding n mtelliu nt itif very dny tlio IIo.ism f ltviitvwnliillvos ffl, "W ' t'','' poit. More than Iwentv lift V. hpnn nnnvnrlm). I ill VOO.i Oil 1 1lO Kfnlti 'Pi .tnaiirm in cfl Iw.lil I 1 J1" ' o'My OiiFfldiv aflernodn whtlfl Mn. .Tniu ni,i I pnymoiil of further ntnroiiriatiMa until tfow U tho tlmo to 'SntiVrtl.A fnr lint. .1 ... 1 1 - . it. m Hiinvrn Umf 1 im itiaiitntinti a 1 (crick .V. (;n'ii. i'Hliwitt linnba ai n t 11 ' Marr's. W .alltnn . t . .1 ...o va .u.H n uciB,iuur, inn nnii ion uireo lilllo chlldiea alone, whllo they were playing n"gw. wiui me lire, a nine girl three years of sgo caugnt lire, and was severely burned. Doubt less the house and children would have been consumed had not the neighbors noticed it. Au other wtrnlng to mothers Whoarerorry lo note tint Mr. Jesss Ohl, who camo here from MLhlgin to visit bis brolher, Is now lying In a critical condition with palsy. There Is litllo hope of his recov cry, Crimes in Cumberland. ion which r km a mm iiavk suikkiikii TUB DUATII I'KMAI.TV, Tlin nTP.nllnii if Wva Aflllni fnv .m.r. (lor ut AVIIlininniirii'l. rnpmilU. ni,,l lli,. Rtntumcnt Mint but eight wonieii imvo 111. nit nvniHilnil It. lli,. Ulnl. f.... ,.lnl.i.. ..!.. uvv.. va linn hi mil- uiiiiu IUI tlulllV-nix yinis, nns cnueii loi tn n niiiiiDcr or loin- 1..! . r r t .1 . been tho guest of Mr. Italph Ivey leaves .'or his hone to-morrow. Mr. Hopkins is a gentleman, and during his short stay has mauetnatiT warm Inends. That his Imrnev ... . rf home miy be a safe one Is tlm w h nf nil I COUIIT I'ltOCKHOINOS. BCC0X1) WERK Uiurt convened on Monday mornlnir nl a O CIOCK. deceased, confirmed nisi AcCOUnt ef committee Of Samuel Hhnnp.rnn urmed bnally Ifnrrlet A . Kutcl l.l- r i I P ill ..iviii, on j B. i ivivo vuiuuu, lCuCr in my nniiu iy tnrce appiica linn nf niml,n. Mill, n.. i....i..!.'i ...,..,, i.illIV, uusunuii was cured of old running sores by lifting it. It cured my son of a spraimd ankle, Price 26 nnnln (Js-. 1 .1 1... t t ICI . I . ..a vwuio ijuiu uv jt iv. ivmim. iiinniiUhiirfT t.M in tan 1 ' ' Important Notice to Parties Attending vyourt. For Thirty .Days Great ltnrcffitna Can bo HniiRht In rlothlng. iou can uuy a winter Bint oruvercont At (lust. Mutt He Sold to 111 n Lr a rnn m t. - ALTKUATIONS IN BUILDING at JJavid Loweuberg .t Rl.iittt l... tl- t ..ii... rt-.i i Tt ",WM,i ...iu pia j.auirs URin mill two Dolmans yet that tliey will sell a little uuiuit uusi ii you want mem n .i ' : ;. "i " .. nen nml won shirt ncum, at i. w futf im uttii in.- tin it nuivuiiti nariniau a. r . 1 1 .1 I in nuiviiii iaiiiiiiL.1 j rum nur c'li'voiiin i ve;ir. Mnlo residing with John Doug- A new lotjof Lrcih, Kmbroiderlea nod ins, near Jiogesiown, sue nccimo le.ilous XV w ' l,,,u A""u"nR8 juii iu nt L,utz iV pi Ann, ft iaug.itor ot John Unrothei-R, pv"" a All LIIU Dili I III II LI L! Ill II II IIIJIIII. IIIIII III firilfll-l SJ riArtAA II n . 0. ... . jiHiUUU lli!4. nt tronrl ticiatin i.ft.l. to make away with lier noiMoiieiHiio In iho nPTt nihf ..i,i V... di, IT rthera family. John tliuil Llghlstreot. I want hoes that ilress 50 lbs bO, 7o, 100, 125, 150. 175, 200, 225, 250 up qiirnrltvti..'...mii. i. i i f.L '"i'coiiceH or li'inalf executions. How Dr. ourprise nirtles seem to bo lm rr,Ier nf ihn I n n. e . Ol UMnSGVl le. A llnnnllnn urn a nl n I f. . . . . 1 Mm Kl e Pinllh and Anna Hoam. Thni wr i .. i... i . r - WIIIIII'II I i H I I III I II I II I tf ll'l I'll I llllltlltt chariiable act, and (he djnors will plsase ac Tlio rcconls of tlio court of oyer nn.i cepl thanks. terminer for C'timl.oihinil cnnnlv fur flu. air. uosiaii noskins, orViconsin who has years 1 ilRMKH, pages 5J-12 gives an nt! ien tho guenl of Mr. llalph Ivey this winter, oinit of two women wiio were executed avii. In. 1,1. I.ama ln f . 1J....I... I fni lilltl'iliti itt llit.1 .mil. ili .w. ........v.. i..,o bumiiii Tim lirut nua.t m-iii ' IM....1. ...u& ut.v ,.n nil Vl.lll, il young girl who was born near Carlisle nlinut lTfifi. nnil liml lii-ml wnoio arotiiera lamilv. John died LlBhistreot. ti....i -r ... i.. . . ....... . I liViln-nni.t. n l-nu ...!r .. r I i:n ir. mo in j.ei'un ui auu inr in p.inm nt v. ifinim..! wui.i.ii . fui hum inn iiu nuuiiiii i iw, iuj. rmed nisi. icrwnrns, hut Ann survived. Two oth- '. "a ,u. "Piece. 1 always want my pork nu innf Inif mil nil m.(.ln t 4 I . I Ulinnm iiii r-tt nr innfTnntiiiit tHnttuJa umn mnrli inrnlm I UrCHSeu OH fcaturd.1V nnd hrniirrlif In nrl w. ...(.x,uMti i.uvniiiin nuvillilliu W umU m i V 1. " vti tj the life of Ann by poison, in tho last of ?? SaLB,.r"1' Venom wishing to which Sallie was discovered, arrested, d2y mornft eCalUr0Uud Catly 0,1 iIon dec. 25, 80-2iii. f! f! Mgr. nivD tl,n ..,.l..i ...! . I, lV" '"(i'"1. lllrtlftlL IIIIVC for Butter, l.ggs, Potatoes, Lard, Ac. ninghamton Hoots I liny them at Mc- ! Ivlnnpv'. i j A Rnlpnrlhl lrl.tia Cl.:i 1 l T tr -r 'iu ui.iii, iui -i ni. i. iv f Hartinau's. His P.nnf were leather and made to stand tlio h er for he bought them at Mc-Kinney's. . which Manic was discovered, arrested, Exceptions filed to account of commitlpn nf i.:.i f.,,..,.i ...,:ii.. r ......i :.. .i. . ,, I .J ........ ,..)VJ HI1.IUVI III IIIU IIIOl JJorcas Oreveling. detrree. and sentenced lo bn limin nf. il.n D. Vocum vs. Bloom Sphrtnl ni.trtnl An. I Oi'inliir form nf nviir nml I ftrttiitii,t t.t swer of defendant filed. Carlisle in 1708. The President ludm. l-'rMniln. I.P1...1.. . . I WHS .Tames Hlddlo and llio nqsnnintn f. W. fin.tii iii,.u. . i iudi'es were .Tonathan Hone. Samuel . ...... ,, llu iriuit uuilliruicu, t it 1 11 . riit i , I I ntt.l nti.l li-ilin,,,,.,,. rri,r. ...l.nlA I HI.IU 1. -.1-1..! T i,.ii...ii.iu.iiiiiiuiiiBuiim., a uu HUIU iu iiuiTiii, iirninr III .1. I.. I ' . ' 1 . . .1 I . . r. . . . .. incmeni was in tie l ie sti meet ot a noi'i iAd.oo, deceased, to l.le an account. bv Miss Isabella Oliver. Amendeil bonds filed bv ninnlian nf children of John Hicks, deceased. was liuiilislicd near that time in a volume E. L. Adams vs. Mary J. Gansel. Slip-iffa f poems by her, introduced by Dr. l!ob- ralnnii ni .Ia ...1 f . I urt IlnvtilulM nml lifltiifiil nt I 1ot'1!ulrt lt wu( ii ui naie ivnu IU UI1CU COUrli I " .' ii im I'liiuvn it), vniuoiu l4.1l11Ti M. K. Jackson vs. Geo. A. Beam, fiheriir. "u;"" '' return ofsala read In onpnnnnr. i no secoiul case was tl.i.t ol the lie- Kslalo of John Illcka. decened. for specific nerformance of conlrnpl decree ol court made Ppllftnn fnt .A.t ..1.1. Limon, deeeised, filed, and salo ordered. woman was a blave iu the family of Mary &Vat MnvSSn Court adjourned to 0 o'clock on Wednesdav Vnro,l,BW' V' w,f,0.w ot. Atltlrow yam- wiioiesale SVi"' unu ,lnclif.w mnriiinL. Huts, ami being lelt at home iu eharsre ...... ' ' .i.r.i it.iii i. Fannie T. Wrhrht vs. AlflxandBr w,..i. I0!. Jt-n. wo tuo ru.i.iiy were a .The highest caSl, price paid for wheat by i 1 1 it nn ill.. ai,i,nii, iit.A,,.i,n,i nni i.t v I. n,.l.. .. . tt'iti On nrnnf .if nitldip. linn -,!..:.. . , . "' muniiuu um ui . iuitin, ill tlllllliv urove. i0UU- .. - - . uH.ik.tivi. wuuil.DIVIICl IIJIU ed to take testimony. - I niuiMi'ii iiinii. il I il.. ....ii .p. !!..... I t . . . r .Uv ....v. u. .iiioiuu ui i- muiiigtruuK I IICT IIIIBiri'NM. BIIC III I (.MlUl It'll IIIU Oilier I !. , , .,,1 ., i ...,l nr:.i, ....i.i.. ...r.. i i...l ..i.n.i !.. i... ' i.:..i. i i ..... 'or coal.or cash will benaid for them .Vnu.Hit.a, iciuii ruiuiruu iiihi in lauiiii.iuu iviiil'ii aiviiKeueii sus-1 ' no o a , ..:..:.. ei... ..... i:...i i c- i -i... I jan o-w. Kmlth, Kline l orw, so-u i IJ We wish (o say something this week in regard to Hrtller's make ot vu icry, winch wc Imvo been sellnig tho past six years. Wo have mm iiiiiwiu limn in foot ita mnt-tio .. .1 i.,....i.i i . mi , - w '"""1 iiuuuruus ui our uuaiomerd will ciuloreo our remarks in its favor. Any lady knows tho valtio of a 00(1 Dail' nr Rnisani'o nml 1 " ; "-v. ..w.i nam it J0 iaj gel tiiein, owinc 10 llio TVOHt. nllllllflfir r .l.nni. n...1 . 1 1.1 i .i ' .. . . " i uuii nuiimusa goons wnten noou tne market. A. nnnr nnii1 ia ii cnn... p ,in:i i .. .. 1 - : ...ww. vianjf uiiiiuynuuu unu vexation, in tne niimu acttirooi cheap scissors it requires no mechanical skill to put tl 10111 tOfrntllPlMvllOfllnu 111 .1 nnn.l n.,li'J ! L i . .1 1 I i I 1 Ml 1 I O ...nviv,un;iiinai, awvi Illliat, UU HUIUCI- ed, skilled mechanics to know how to temper the steel, and adjust tlll'lll fn n mrnfv en na il. ...... t it. J. . a n Vi i r J i 1 ri,luulu even cut irom neei to point. All this adds to the cost, ami yet sometimes, how little ladies think ui una HI IlinKlllrr r inn niirn lnuno m,i 1. i... .. .j , "Pi "...iiuui, unu UVUHKC IUI UMK il CCI1IS iiiuiu IIIJS.HIIIIV iiiim t inn wnm r.llnt.n.1 l...l. .1 i.. 1 t . i .1 i r J , J "v cieuniiui-f. inoy concluded to tnc cneap ones, these are the people who always have poor cissors uno ot the best recommendations wo have is the seamstress' and tailors' trade, who know what a good article is and to whom price is a pcc ondory consideration. Wc can also refer you to the editor of this Hanoi'. Wlm wnfna wiflt o tutl.i 1. ii p ... t.. f . ' . : " i"wi io, uu ust-a jiuui ior cutting editor ials ami other matter of news from his exchanges, and palms them off 011 Ills Stlbsen )frs n nrimnnl T-Tn i:i.1.. A .l.L i . ho told us in confidence ; our only reason for giving him away is to illustrate Unit "there's cheating in all trades but ours." To avoid" inisiiiici's iiornntrni. in iinnt ..!. .i.i t i 0 TT - juui luiwmora uu unu iiiu name J0iin 3. nailer is stamncd on tlm hi uiu cauy in iiis pocKetis a poor knile, and how well he knows it, sec how anxious he is to make a trade with some one, just "because its too lanre or ten sum " fm n'm nml 1 int.. lin . .1 . . . .t. I .... i 1.? Ii. 1 , . ,. . - ...... ....v. ..ut! uu uum;ivii;s iu jiuusuii jig no im agines lie is taking in Ins unsuspecting victim, watch his face change color as lie examines his nnw trraem-n VI n ,i0 .,i t.... r. 1-Jaller s name on tho blado.owners don't want to trade them off. With his mind now made up to come to us and receive valuo for his money, ho ol era tlio old one as a reward to his young hopeful to ceaso cutting the cherrv troo witli Ins liitlo n.,,i n .. i. i , " , . .v i.u ..uivuuv mm uu uiu IlliUlU lliliniy. Jilll seriously speaking and shaving with a dull razor is a serious business. Wc claim .Inn. K. Inl nr-'a u l,nli.. i!.p..i;.. .i , , . iiuuui Muisiauuon tnnn any other make sold in the county. We have various kinds at various Wo have so'd complaint. it-US, suiiiu jiuuvy, oiuers ground as thin as papci Kindreds of these; fn harbors "Mi.l nfl Ail wo ask is a trial to prove their superiority. single HOLMES & SCHUYLER. OH. "T cS!r,rnnV''ip.!lerJtlons aml ri,"3 allowed Ex Districts Coin Ex Ita 14 Madison J'ora iitiii r. 4i (;o 111 Districts Heaver llprwli L ?ii,j Outnwtssa ioi ai uoni nciiam 4rm riMiniKcreeK ;i (ui I'rnnLlin u (ircenivood ;u iw Jackson nm.i lJCUSl 11.1 i.iii us a fx; ii; 1MJ) 4 r. i Madison fur iiiaiii a; , i Mimiu t,u 9T JlU'ieasant.ftfti'j Oraneo Mtsa pinion, hhe was tried and found guilty or murder iu tho lirst degree, and at the iiuno term ot tne court was sentenced to ac- A f.-viit. .vn. rvn.l 1.I...1. ii.a.,n,1 K. . i .uiu -jii viit,, i uii.iv .iiiniit.ii tJj doy Ie.i)cl from a ledge of rocks above the station house- at Kitlaiining Point to tne railroad track below, a distance liU leot, and was instantly killed. Business Notices C. C. Marr buys geese feathers. Tin tint inrirtil liml ! ,,! Rlnnn mill ..11 ..u. .v.p.. v IM" U'UUU rvii I you Black Dress Silks aa cheap as you can ,.r.t .nm 1.. .1,. .11.. 11. t... 1... kci. uicui hi .nc tiiy, uiiug yuur nuuipies IUI WUUipuilDUU. price for I am paying the highest cah pric Wheat, Kye, Clover aid Timothy Bpcd II. W. Auf,. Espy De I am paying 70cts for Itye Depot. feb 18 2-w and duties of parents and school teachers. Isaac I' ltoiirsuure, was seized wiili a fainlini; fit on Kriday afternoon,whilo lulk iiii' with his wife on the court house stens. Ho full down and struck his head on the stone Kleps, cutting a gish and knocking him sense' los. When he fell, his wife rushed into the court room nnd called for nssistauo. and there was great commotion fjr a lew monunls until the couse of her alirm was ascertained. AVe of.'lO cents. A fine elition In half Russia, gill Inn. will lip. unlil lor Till ppnls. nml nnp In full Turkey nnroccn, gllto lgo, forlJo. Of course, tiie.popuiaruenianii win do eiormius. urn era will be filled in the order in which they are re ceived, with remittance. American Book Kx change, New York. NKWSPAPUR ADVKIITISINO. Few persons so fullv annreeiate (lie vnlun nr , , . . . newspaper adyerli'inj as llioje Hullenng from Icara that Mr. hvans was not serlouslv inlnrnl. ..... ... .. . . , " J I iiiiiounness, 01 i.ivcr complaint, wlien luey read llio adverlucment orsprint; HIoksmii and try it, The jury in the last ciso (r ed In court on hutiirday, Grim ajatnst Siephcnsou. took a strange freak. The Judgo rhnrgd (hem In Fiicb a wav lliat they should hive rendered a voidict fir the plaintiff without Ifavlnc ihe hoi. Instead of that they went outandaficr remaining Home tune came In with a virdlctfor Ihedctcndunt. A motion for a new trial was uinde, nml will probably be irrauli'd as ilm . r diet was iig.tinst tho ovidouce, am' the law as i , . . .. luiuuown uy uio court 1'iiresi $1., CO cents, and trial bottles 10 cents 11KUWICK LK ITKII. Ber.vick Pa., Feb, 23. '81. Washlnton'a Ittilh D.iv wnn nnt nlt.Atvi1 here this year except by Ihe Hank and Schools. A few Uro flags alone Indicated Ihe differ ence between this and any other day, Cliapliiu McCabo was hereon fr'undav. offi. ciaiing in tbe M 1.', Church iu the morning and cven'ng, Church extension formed the morning subject, aud Woman's Foreign Mis sion the evening topic. Last Thursday evening lha long looked for Mr. E. IC, Kolllus and family left this town on lu.sday morning, for Scranton, where they will tnako their resldonce. Mr. Uollins ll.lS bt'Cn ill hllllnisil llirn f.if mm. v.n.i a.wl , . . , , . . ' T lMl iiiurwlay evening Ilia long looked lor has gained the reputation of being a thorough leclureuy Tilon wa, ijlonej to Lv a ,a and business man, a first-slars mechan ic, and an fttlenlive nudenco, "The World's' To-morrow" ciiiup , ci jen. ii,. urm o which no was waa bU (ubjedi anJ fur , hour an(1 , Le uinuiiier, nou ns ,v uo.mos, alterwards ol. r,roteJ ,he ofhd Je!l.htej luJenC9 ! V? " y'vr, ro well known will, uh magnifiCeDul doquence. Uurdette 1. ....uus .i,i9 oeuon oi me Diaie, navuig tauen expied neitt iiuuy comracts Tor steam healing in public ' . , , , , , , I' dldlngs and private dwellings in diilVrent Llbo Wtry boclaly Is more fliiirl.hing nUces. Allihnlrwnrk . ..,u ,ua uvir- J-a oaiuruay evening, a large facllon. Holmes and Rchuylrr continue Ihe "TUr ofl,.co',le "'teneJ to ,l10 dl,cu"ion on 1'uslnosi. We wl-l, Mr. Itolllm abundant sue ' 1)0 any 'r1,fa"cl0 warrant a deparlur. cess In bis now fiold. rrom trut1'- 0n die adlruutive were, K. Kaiser, J, Kurtz and Mr. llo.ler, and on the negative, ltev. Kumler, and Dr. II. L Freas, Our Clilt f II irgiss has Issued a proclamation concerning mu ill pox, advising the citizens nol lo visit or receive visitors from the Infected districts, also, advising vaccination. The fruo night school Instituted some months C. F. Knnnn nltmdcd the msntln nf il, Grand Council of Hoyal Suptr.Excollent and t. i . ... ncieci .AlaatCM ol 1'ennsvlvanli. at A limn. n.. the 10ih Inst. He was the first Grand Eminent iOiiimanrter nf PennsylvanU who was ever pub' III'IV 111H1M .11. IL' , n , lv.,u..I.A.l . II It I.. -- "i mii'iio 111 iiuamiigin i ne iruo nignt scuooi insutuieu some monins 1800 at which lime Ihe first procesdon of the ago, continues to fl lurish. About twenty young Knllihts Temnlar was hnlil. All tlm r li ....... i..i I .. r a..,. ....i... r . ... ...w i, . mmi muv nil rnut.ti;u ui nil uppuuuiilijr iui ...., Eiui'u ma organization ol llio instruction wiiiiuu m iom were present at the meeliug IturoiiTKn. extent A fred (VhI,.I, , I l'u,1.l.,,.i r. - ho was tho first il. V. Orand Mn.trr and Geo- llroet. Clinton Htrcot. Ilufl'alo. ssvs. vour ':rvc.i iineen years, lie was kept at home by spring Ulossom Is a lirst rlnss remedy lor sick ..t.i i.t ... . . i . . . . . . .mi ItHfl. ueinir nvr .uhl. eni. nM .In I ,.nlin mnn, il.innifniflnta nnil nlan ' . - ' - UIU, 'l I , I ..VW V..W ".W...MVM . W . M.. ....... . , ... '- Knapp succetdid him aud also aerved fifteen acts well on the kidney' Priced ?! , CO cents. iear l I ami trM l.nlllna 10 nnl. to cummisiiioners, William Schachtcrlr vs. KlimlMiili V Km, ilara. leatnipnt fu. Irlml Vurlt.t r.. .1 . . . l, 1 luuasiii, i ""frt r.inmn pin. ,iii f , . 1Jih these fientences were earned into LJinlon .IIii annointcd ouardi&n of Kpnlmti I .. ...... n,.m i nil ew n . . execution nt Carlisle, soon alter tliey Urantre. minor child nf V in. OrtniiA i!a..niaw1 I . . T. . . -were passed. Uotli criminals contessed oamuu.j. rvase, u. iv. uu uons and J. u. their guilt and related the facts iu TnKha .tinnlnt.rl bIbwim nf . .1 I n l.ti.l. !.. I 1 .... ..I . .... .. rr....t ,.v..c.o a .unu U . imiiin;- cuiuiuicu wiin me auovu 8iaicmeni8 creen lowusuip, nearuiniei stecker s. Pierce Shoemaker appointed guardian of Alary i,. onoemaker. H. C. Bowman's use vs. Juhn W. IToflinan. Sheriff. Suit for damages. Ca-e tried. Ver diet for plaintiff, rule for new trial cranted uid and allotment in eslale of Jacob Shy gars filed Isaac A. DeWitt. John Mnnm nnil Pliilin Appleman appointed viewers of a road in Jack son near uenjamin Moore's. Samuel Neyhard sworn in as counlv Snr veyor and bond bled. II. Miller for nse of I. W. Willils. Case triod. Verdict for plaintiff for S137.03 Iram Derr vs. P. G. Kase. Cano iried. Vpr diet for plalntill fir $40.38. UoudofN.& W. B. It. It. Co. to Catanisra Bruise Co . in sum of 5.1 000 filnil John A. Funston annoinleil fnnr,itn nfmi norcnuuren oi barali ilelwig, diceaBod. Cilatlon ordered to euardian of Lilllo Mo Uann lo tile an account J. M, Eaton et. ux. vs. M. C. Woodward. Case tried. Verdict for plaintiff for S25.00. John Annleman vs. Lemuel Fnrni. Hme tried. Verdict for JplaintilT for $337 02 to bo pain on or netore April Ist,1881 Marina Adams vs, Joseph Henrie and Or angeville M. S. F. .t L. Association. Case tried. Verdict for de'endant. D. K. Grim & Son vs. Josenh Slonhensnn uase irieu. erdicl for de endant. Ku Ih Pm tered for a now trial . Samuel Applemin vs. II. J. Davis. Case tried. Equitable ejectment. Verdict for nlain - , iui. Bond of X. & W. B. II. It. Co. to Mrs. H-i. ner filed In sum of $100 Bond of sime to A. Lewis in sum of $100 tiled liond ofsame lo W. llrumbacb iu sum of $100 filed Opinion of court filed in estate of Thomas r . , ... uavn, exceptions to widow's appraisement. III. III... II r, . r iuhiji a. munn ys.i-jarau J. Jlrowu, Di vorce decreed, libellant to nav cosl.. Ilenton Siving Fund vs. Daniel Bogart. Utile discharged. Benton Saving Fund vs. Solomon Dirk. Rule uiscnarged, Maggie Lord vs. J. L. Girton court filed. Court adjourned. She worn frnnnh heeled shoes with opera toes and said she bought them at Mc-Kinney's. Our Questions. Are von a tiiivir nf XTin nr Tlnvc1 fTIntllino' nt rtnil ? Tin vnt clothing for the farm, the office, the work-shop, the court-room, or the pulpit ? Do you want boys' clothing for the school-room, or for dress ? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order ? Are von in nppil nf shirts? t If yes, to any or all of these que ries, state your needs to us, that wc may send you samples and prices. licnton Berwick ' M (, i TU'Jj lt;a. Suzarloaf in v) ai on lloarlngcr'kvi!S!i a "0 Scott si S7 il r.t siigarloaf a: sw 1004 t'cntralla 405 liitw Conjgiiam 4a 40 lb7S. 11 M oonynghra iai sf 1!) iu 16 lit 0 4 11 -J 4 in; W31 iia l,wo .-,u; Ily total commissions ui,9 jo " total exoneiations 6;an7 " county orUera redeemed .T.1M5 aa " um't duo rroin collectors naoj 51 "ain't to meet sum paid state for quota tnirced on coupons.. ., 59 ao " commission to Treasurer iwiajl " ualance In lianas ct Treasurer sjuj 04 1110,450 01 n A Sweppcnldscr. Treasurer In account with doc fund. January nt, isso nil. To am't due at last settlement tun a " ain't assessed In 1SS3 1&1400 " am't on liand at last settlement 181 co DTon. Oporuo N. 1,'orson. Norrlstnwn. pav! 'in. . 1 1 1 : ii...... 1 t ,. ! 11 1.1. .' I iiiu l uiguiA x truiuiui ia iuiiijieueuuiu 111 uiy family. It acts liko a clinrm in curing coughs and colds with the childremand ! !..... .,,. it ...i. !.:..,. . :.. t).:.. uitiao uau lb 11 lieu auuioiu ujuijii I nkD 25 cents. 0. A. Kleim.Blooniaburg. aprlG-ly White Dress Goods lust nnenril nt I. W. Hartman's. Good Clnvtr Seed wanted bv Silas Yountr nt iiignistreei. jan zssi -1 w If you want goad Cooking Sloven, Tinware at Low Prices call at L. E. Whary's. C. C. Marr's Coffee. Tea. Suears.aod Svr- ...... - tips can 1 uo uear. New lot ol Napkins just in at I. W. llart- mar. s. Your Question is. Will tilts nnv fnr t1ii trnnliV Vnn must judge. We will make up the case, you must decide it. IJut we mtKt tall Vnil tltir U'A llUfA rrnnlml the Largest Retail Clothing lJuslness. : .1.-. 1 1.!.. j r-. , . . . , . . in mc uiuicu ouues ay ine simple method of rrivino- the bo5t rlntlilncf fn the least money. We mean that it snail pay you to uuy ot us. If you llliv nml nr nnl n1ieor1 rali 1 - -H; vw i.wfc jjilujvvij ivtuti) viiu (joods for exchange, or demand your Wanamaker and Brown, S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Will. O. AfnTv intlfH? iaa mmwoA litu ofn t intn hi nur tin t lilt n nnridu it .,-,,1 uvn uuimui Utiuoq iUQ DV1C HiVj Al4 I extends a cordial invitation to every ona to can. 19 nfefwa nf 'I'nhln I i nonu ul T W TTnii. ..0..tu on 1A .1 1 ' ' mnil s, .11 vcilin IU .?! U jrlllU. Clcaring'Otit Winter Goods. iu uiaKe ruuin ior Kxtenslve Alterations at ine J'omiior Clothing M.w.U III David Loweuberg. gTATKMKNT OF THF FINANCICS UP THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA From January 1st, lsw to January 1st, issi. Statement sliunln? taxes assessed and Lulauco still diif. ASSGS.SKU, Opinion of iu" PT3oi ueatitiitti Ualico at I, W. 1 4. ni iuiuii a. DISTIIICT3. Kclectic Magazine. Dealer.,. II.. Mini, Bern lei'.".'.' liiooiu lli-lniii ... ,H, V V , 1 'nitiu i.u (eniraita I Vllt I ll I'lllll llt'll lllll KlsUlnSerct'li. 1 ruuMin (Ireenwood.. ii.,,,,iruL' ilUl'KhOI) . Pnnnop Iu unlllnra lit. .Innl. r ii...... wwv. .- ..i....jft ma oiul. 111 VUCCllBtVaiCl Glassware and wood and Willow waro at re- uuceu raies to save moving can and see Tlio Marcli number or tho u. a .h..i I ' Bad lLterestlair tahlA nr rnntpnta Mhini, .i.n.a i.A I iaaa - 1. r 1? 1 t.i. 1 advanlaireaof thBrBcnnteniiiTOn.nn. 1. ....,.. I 1 . t .. .. . .. u.. u' tbefouowmgarticW'TTnoB u" u " ' "W", cent, to 70 cents IfrWh hv If Xt A t-nrv.nn . I J " 4 nrM ton UeleiTVo 5 l(f!;S T "Ust, ? lo MV2$S?. Navlgatloa,', by Dr. WUltam Pole. V l(. s. a Day ! fJ T C'Kllt .lew PiecH ullha U7n m IlntlAAt. ft ... tf .. . .. . I HUM HIUOllll U11CI1IIL II1CUI V II f V 1711 r II 1 1 niLunum imuwu, UJT UCUr XaajlJQ, 1(, JJ, "JOrU I rf 1 rowj"TUo Jows In Germany," by tho autnor of 'Qer. ucjr " "uul n"u "uo aar. man Uome Lite:" "Oeonro Eliot:" "A wintrr-n kub,. ,nglntbelVns;- -Kltn and K n.a novel to "jessTe bii v t, I. . ly . BU?lM W8ntcU b? Uerglll, cbapters J. to 111. :" -nil Z !"VADR' IlWf,"et .,1,.at 2 hJ. l'owcr,ot J, v. blia.rp. Prolessor on-oet- "Jn 7-. r'n in ,.?f l.WelgUi Ir0m "S lbS" ry at oxlordi "On tbe Trutbfulnesss or Human fu t0 f.lb9.' Cacl,. . , Knowledge(Tbe Unity otlbe Nature, Part V) by j ewons that want to buy shotas please , . MHiiuig JIU111 oy, iu iu UU Si Co hllmli, I lloniuur Mt. Pleasant... onuiL'o I'lno I Itoailngvreek. .! .scolt Siifurlual j V2 V 10DC23 imaT! 4053 o; suoaii U.tlil WttJ asrsj a4 law r.s 05(07 14IM IS rnoaui ai 1410 so unu 7fei a vu: m 1017 sa Tlb&s. 101! SS 461 79 49.1 VI. ISM Ul 43SVB O o Hi bj Ul 7s Oil 0 00 Mi W 700 93 00 SI SO 101 00 M oo Ta mi 50 00 4t(U frtMl SI (0 MOO COM C9(HI 41 no CO Ml en CO u. sni.i. nt'K. ' I so rj s s ' 17 aa 00 01 Us Hl as ."11 57i4'i 01 CI) Wki Cv u 43 611 1U3S 2M(tJ t3oa 1153 007 W 7b 00 1T3V0 kUVs 79 00 4 93 CU 95 00 ii 100a 80 it 30 1-0 S3'2 49 7 03 45 39 634 93 00 '11 SO "433 Is S4f0 07 60 usaa; 10100 ltao 0.VJ13 CO 30 4 41) 14141 3110 10 ii tnuao 70 to ai a3 3113 si -g 00 i4 S3 170 39 47 ID 10 00 M0 19 08 60 17 70 a0 9i 31 B0 09 04 304 (3 I.3U) W70 519 6a 60 60 i ai sm a rg no 7S 110 97 4IO.I III SI IS3 40 1,9 511 8 03 439 ts VH 131393 n 1511 00 lOjl 10 14070 W 6'.'l UO IMOl'NT ptIK I'OK YKA113 I'KEVIODS TO I860, tbeDukeolAriryll; "DeatUandlta Huperstltlons:" r?'. xmm , 1 c Lullablos," by Erelyn Carr- suole' Per weeKl "tfalnte-Ueuvei" Folic ington; -renny notion," by James 1'ayn: "The Ants as Farmers:.' "Pl.nnni, nrnni'.nAa, I nml n .. , . wwvu.v , HU1 U strlktnif poem by Alexander Anderson, "iirow the muinf imyci-., uesiaas ineso there aro woll-dllod odllorlal departmst3 ui tlterary Notices, rorelsn jaieriu-y inoies,cienco ana Art, andMtsceliany. . umuucu ui u. it, i-eiion, as uoaa Htreet, New York. Terms. 13 nor vear t Ritinii. wiiw. onnta . . . - . o - i .v vvwve , ifiw ouusvnimou ior mrce months, 1 1, deo. 24, '60-2m. Oood Comiiauy Number Seventeen. 'flood Company." (Snrlneneld. iriwi . ta rn n vn.n Number Bejentecn, contains an wstallment ol unu mu uovior," ino serial oy Jtuen w.Oney which will do tound ot marked Interest and In which tha "nlntthlplrAtiQ .' Tli.mi.ihai,..i ...i. compuwonr. oi notion complete In the number. Two of tho sketches aro about tho experience of anln Tostorlu Arliona mines, and Achmer, au Egyptian main, r guuu iiurruiiyns nas a collection vi uiivi (jiui uu aoiurai ujpiL-s, Tho mora substantial inat,rlnl iniin,i,iy it, a ..i. stance ot a paper on t lilglicr cdi)caltoa of women v. hlcli was read at Bialth College by President D. p, unman or jonna iinnL-ina rTnivnraiiv uniii.nn i i 1 """'ii ..i.uiw j uii uriiuiu uu "iruiuuu uuii irisiimau" vy nov, ur. U, ii. iiDBworm, one or me committee for tho dlstrlbu Ilulterlclr A. f!n'a Morl. If.i,in li i. i . , 7 . . . fiiiuiuu auu raiierns av u. u, ilair a. finrlni. Ima nnntA Ia T V TTnlMntn .1. v....,u , t , uuimiaii o Biuio A 1 .... I - . . 1. 1 ., I in t mu. at uib guuus ivin cuuvince you Hats and Cans at uoet lor Thirty Days at u, jjuweHuerg a. HKSCUKU FIIO.M DEATH. Tllft fiOllfiWlnfi ntntumanl-nr ItMllln. t n ... ofMomervllle, S(ass.,l8 so remarkable that we ii'!: toak for It iho attention of our readers, llosajs: I,, ., ""'"" nucu i nas laxcu wun a violent Illeedlnif of the Limes followed by awieiocouirn. 1 soon liepan to loso my anpellto and flesh. I was so weak ut one tlmo lliat t' could Mt leave my bed! i'osiddr'whllotheVehedci 0 my leit luner as big as a half dollar. I expended i.. A. uuuumiu uuciuru ana meuieluea. 1 was so far eoueatono tlmo a rmirrt n t.iiS WQ4 llnrl I IHV. (In l.nn.. I.. .' .7. ... t iiii i.Tr . . ...ul Mui'u. u"b ineiiu iom mo or 1 ! WM. 1UU8 UALAM TOII '1'UK MINUS. I allied at my mends, llilnhlnir that nw casu was ncBrablo, but rt'ot a bottifi uf satisfy liem Twlien to my surprise and irratincatlon.I commencod to feel better. My hope, olieo dead, btean to!3 yea 1 ,eCl w Wtter s,lr,", lUau 1 ot '" tion of the "New york Hera4 relief fund In Ireland ml&.JSSSS!i a srv hlo summary ot the career of tho A Woaq , lo take Ur. Wm. llaU'a lialJani ro? tho VynL" . ka tilumr llaurv U. kiai.i .v. anil . , .7: Ihj convinced that lukhiimpi'IIin ,V,t,'i.. .oiaooflheabusescoanectod with patent, 7t2S fflaarttSi United Ststes patent rhlbt Una, I Ihayo uvSn since anv itJkneis. My ciuffi or rpe.iai timeliness aro vt nttf by S, 8. Gilbert I KtSbXX "'"Ppewea ana I auuisoou beaUo 1'utllM lD....I. l.'lc Hemlock, Win F Foust llnntno. W... It ll'nnM .4W...WMI, ...iu.1.1 (ireenwood, Jacob 8 Kvuns llMIIllnL- . II lln.l.n.,n Madlson.James Welllier Hujarloaf, Win A Kilo Conynt'ham, Aaron Person CatiiMlKta, Joseph Mtru C'onjnuliatn, Auron Person Cataw lssa, Joseph .Martz llklllMa nn,l Pr,llu,l,,a ... ... ItHntnn. H H siiiltli. twnt .?.'..., Uloom, A I. Friu. it.79 931 IJ w 00 Ilrlarcreek, John F Miller 1S79 31474 taso centralla,Thoma3 0eraKlity imn 373 as son ii uu sii6o 1S79 17SS9 ttf (Nl 11.79 177 40 61 CO ists 3ai is 4a no 1S7S 134 17 Ml 1878 70 91 14 Oil ISIS 11 6J 9 ao 1SI7 800 01 8 00 1H0 90 43 33 30 1S,0 ls3 4t 91X1 491 GO 1)60 1133161 MVO II A Sweppenhlser, Treasurer of Columbia county In account wltii said county on county funds January 1st. lssa. 1111 ' iuuus . . , . .. To am't uncollected prior lo ISM " " on hand at last settlement , . ' " oounty tax assessed In Isso 'I tax on registry of voters .'.' ,.'" ,.' 5dJo!1 V11 " ''-"swlssa duplicate for "79 innuv lli in, UIU UUOtw , , " Frank Jones, old fence!!','.'.'.'."'.! "county tax on unseuted lands ....'..',".'.'.', w.j .11 uu Di-airu laaus, nistilcts com Heaver (4 40 llcrulck I s.l Catawlssa a 77 Conyncliain aa Flshlncieek 40a Franklin (ireenwood Jackson Locust 1 si 497 a2i 6 07 en. Ex Districts 11 ro Jladlson $.197 1 bo Main a 10 im Minim 3 62 aro .MU Pleasant ass 7 .' orange a a Pino a 70 Hoarlnger'k aoi bcott a oa 6 w Migailoar 3 us a 00 Piiarcreek 4 07 3 mi conynglium sj 175. 9W) t04 I!) $3,ia743 Com Ex I'OKMISSIOSKIl'SOIMl'E ANDCOl'KT UOI'SX. Win I, Manning;, Auditor HKumltli i. .,.,.....' O II Sorsholl " , . 'a,c,nh Mctit, repairing stove dran'er '. C M Drinker lault lock Ac -',1!J'. Mallrii; accts for 1S7S Win. Hitter, palnilnir .,.' 'V Mcrncr, repairing vault (' Krug, lumber Ac for Court Home It Harris, rep lounge comrsomee Thos (lorry rep Law Library aud onti-e Jlnsler Safe Lock Co. safe Ireas omce f;" Pearls painting roof court house 'tolllns. Holmes & s. bill rendered; (' c (lallgnan M .1 Casey plastering Lewis liernard repairing town clock '.!" S 'f K '-wkard bill rendered ;Pi',rlwanetal for woik at omce 11 L Thomaa 3 gross pens ! L Jtunvnn Co bill rendered ! Il F nice step ladder for coutt house II 11 hands for wood OA Jacoby for coal P.1.' t'0II'aan repairing blli.ds court room!!.! 1 Hagenbuch repairing stove .'.!' ',y feP"1""!.' court room P lllllmeycr bill rendered " " E Mendcnhall Agt Lumber court house '.. M cox cleaning court bouse, John cot 11 II H.Q Pn fni rraa Mephen Pohe. Commissioner Chas Uelchait " . A II Herring E 11 Ikeler attorney !" J 11 Casey cleric.,.. ., ism 1.11m 13 IHJ cn 4 61' anw 5 HI on '."117 rnn m;s 4S1 no 4 00 II 37 ?43 3 00 700 III 73 11 50 :t ihj 5 07 4 00 a 00 61179 1 IH) 1 03 75 .103 14 40 S.1 fft 100 SO 03 878 60 SOS to S37 00 101) Oil 7t0 00 1100 50 3.10 a 50 360 700 1 00 300 3 50 1 00 160 I Ilenton Ilerwlck Conyiigbnm Ul'CnillmUInn In nlt,trMT. " xnm ratlons allowed colleciOrs orueis paid of '79 " oiclprs paid of So " nm't paid count' for assessing. Ac Commission toTieasurer ' am't due lrom colkctors " nm't refunded to E J Albertson colctr. 71 " balance m handi of Treasurer $3,la743 Ily orders for 'o7 and "70 not presented and cancelled i 00 II A Sweppcnhlser.Trcasuier, In account with htate Fund, in:. To State tax assessed In 'so $i(si 10 Clt. Uy commission aud exonerations on duplicate set- 1 ImiI Ir.r 'Ml. 113 50 (0109 S3 50 41 M al 7.1 600 00 ai 16 aoo9 a 4 00 ai .17 Com M 1 II 7 79 llcaier ilenton Herwlek Uloom Uilaicreek Catawlssa entralu centre CnnvniTli'im isiiingcreeicji vu Yiink-I n r.l (ireenwood llfiiilix'k. Ex 1 07 S Til Ji 3 lli 03 3 37 4 00 Jackson Locust. Mmllson Main Mltllln Miintour com aa M 1 1ll! 1 vi t7 Ex 30 a 40 Mt. Pleasant 3 60 orange a 63 Pine 11 Koarlngcreck 39 seott ,1 37 Siigarloaf 13 Ily commission to collectors UAUurrauuiis unuivt'u i'OUt'ClorS... " am't paid in statu Ior quota " commission 10 Treasurer " balani-e in hinds of Treasurer. , . . 1 Ain't duo from collectors f.11 98 11 10 133 9S 11 10 is? 40 &S9 423 74 a 99 commissioners' expenses for 'o Mere issued on the Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS EXPKS-SKS .1 W llnifin.iti. uhi.iirrv ii...... iirit,. i.. llucklngham, uiiilltlng public account's 11081 10 fumlileliordeis $3 HO 390 aas 33 00 31 CO Mil 1 Oil 43 10 7a n ro 18 S7 '.'0 00 43 133 1 ia 1.1 IH) 8 04 f7 69 30 01 45 0 09 a 00 S3 60 13301 17SM an 00 HAsWemniilser, r.lM.n ..,.. II.VI8 69 vu. ...... I A I AI.U I UISHT. LI.I.K ItFTt'lf.-u uiuuu jurursuunng year S7i9i Travi i-sh lllrnru ilni-ltt.A.. .T'f.r'1 i'nJL;..t.iv. .:..7...r. '. '"I" 13 wuflMtmro Il lUIUS UUI lUg Jl'UT , vyui.vijvi lllll 1IIK Jl-ur,. 'I Ipstuviis during j ear s N Walker kti-uugraplier, tin jier day'..'.'.!.... . uiuiiii in .mines estate. 11 Comirionncultli vs Curley..... " Christian vs Punn'a l'lro Ins co . " lackson isHioetel 1 a Jjsctatand Ilenton .MSfT p EMjeri. couitcaicnda'r.'.'.,,',.'.'!.'' S . f ,1'Utenbender. court calendar ..T!'.'! 1 Kll Ifnlili nu liirv i.n,,leL...H.. .... . muiUJ,VUn ....... John llaitinan, . . ' " .1 iicasoy cieikto ,amo V II Eut servlnj jury notices,.,, . . . . Mover Pros, express.., W O HcKlnnpy, express , 11 ltll.L-lnl,a,n ,,,Sln ,. .. ' """"'ill. 1'UUIIvi llvlUUUlO JJ kilckbaum, recordlni; lumeslwponiceis .. ui,, iia.iiiu uiiT.ii.,,,.. . ,..(.,.. I.'ll MnnilV iV itt Killtrt J Dresher, road tax llrlght lot A 11 Mowart, lumber old jail fence Jas Thomas, costs col, co. vs Person et al "um ..ui uiii tun luuie uiu jail lot... 1 A It I'lVhrfin. llri rtv and i .... .i.i C M Low i son, Iron for Jack screns .'. i-.ii iiuuuius, uu jirigut lot .... ... ..... T J Morns, costs Columbia co vs Hower II 1 (larilncr. bill rnr nnsl. tnnt-t. t,, E Mendenhall, lumber ror old Jail fence.'.'.!'.'." u II Mil, taking two pilsoners to Piuiad'a . 11 11 .. M (I Hughes, redemption monev 1 . Illln...... ifn ..111 ........ ..... .. '.'.' It. .J. . 'sv, iii iciiucieu UUI jail krlckbaum. liidexlugjudidiient dockets. ... .. . ivmuiiuuiry ulll, ., .. . ,..,.. V II finviln. 1,1 11 tA. T.n .1. i ! !!.'. '" iV.7... ' . ":'" in.i.iiriB- iiiaiuuie li Mcllcnry.for damages w end Zancr bridge . . si '"iii'.H unuge uiuiu e s unu II A htweDDenli er. Tiiinn. . Au,ia .v 1 9S103 137 60 VI 4. V) 3M)U1 11 40 7 60 510 3.1 30 17 40 7 00 aoci as 73 15 00 81 (10 !! fm! U 00 MDHeatotl lauds'." ,, " J"1U. uu seaieil laniu school lax ou qnnoaled luhds! SChnril tnr nn u,ntu,t " ikw Ux on unseated lands..'.'.'.".' poor lu on heated lands......,..;,... 11 i tjCX- Pi v" uiMuuveu lanus,, -i-v.. ,'wv. iua uu vuieu lunus.... spec a road lux on unseated lands " !K,cl1,roai' tat on seated lands...... fit1". 'V!11 tax lnce dlsti Ibuuou... M fA "fhrt ti Unce dlsinUu t on ! ." . "5n htfbaum. Jury fees, to ' ,lpi,4Wl COSTS IN C0MU0M1EAI.TH CiSES WIUBI1 TnS COIIKTV ''ustlccs, constables and witnesses n wo 00 !!." i iiiit'. uiouici iniorney; - . ii,v, J111 vrlekbaum, clerk at court "... "t" 'UiS Mrs Jane llruwu, jury board Curley trial...; isojj ,. $1,691 at nuAv Ann bipu. VUWXK3 ASO K0AH UilliuSS. Win I. I'urL ,i,.," .'. 49j 11 juisiuD limim Uloom 1000 enim , in Jackson..... ! ii ,1 ,'' j. ...... 10 eo ., 13 00 " MtPIeas'ant!::: "00 leuire sjoo Jas lli'iinls. Aaron liord, Alex Unouse, John Frit, asli Knouse, John Voung 11 Hairliiglou, Aaron Kulchner, llisiifblloytACo J 11 1 reiellug Ml-H.lnl,.! Hi lieu Ikeler, ' Clark Veles. .Moses Havage llenrv Klein, 11A. .7. V. Ilv-Ull Wi ' Yns.1 Valters (len Abraham llldtay, U A I'lall.. " Alfiol btoiens, 1 us r.icsisi, Alirnhi I'll, Una IteiTH sl' Joel Itelfeudlfer, r.ui4uii.-i Appieiaao, .Sl.11,1,,,1 Tri.tnn I uT;..r.....I. V!. lleuryorlwine 11.1. 1,1 llanr.i, .... 'I'MHili. Uloom ; Mt Pleasant.,,, Uloom , lscksun lilooui Catawlssa',;.!',! Jackson,, m'ti'on:., Uluom .V" .Mtneiiit." 7a 00 0133 03 00 13 00 ca aa voto 43(H) 109 00 60 00 1 00 43 00 M 00 70 00 40 00 VJ0O aono (3 00 V43 03 HO 00 10 00 tlio UK UTUIl COUNTY JAIL. Stephen Knorr, blll.rcndered P Jones repairs W Hitter painting ............"... ! Harman A 11 assert repairs Geo Zimmerman bin rendered o L Pohe et al ni.lng bed ticks T (lorry repairing 1. ,..!., Itolllns, Holmes s. a, nails c (! (lallgnan repairs c E llower plastering , Jas Cadman, Agt furniture c Krug lumber II s Knt, bill rendeied !.'.','.'.'.'."". JJ C Evans repairing barrow E .Mendenhall, Agt lumbor OAJooo'iy eoal l.utz & Sloan, bill rendered !!.'.'..' '"! I. dross, clothing J lleagle, wood Al Freas, trees kliuuyon Co bill rendered'.'..'.7.V.V.Vr!ir.'."".'.'. J. JSne8 8tone flr cellars 7: ;...'" i' ""'.'-. ................ h.. ....... . . citelehart, plank ror stable !!!!!!!!!! .. ... iHiarii, HUW ?..A..N.elm wedleines .".'.' "I W W Harrel, work about pi Isou "Lowenherg, cloHilng.. Z JV C McKInuey, shoes:. ....".. P II llmeyer, bill lendeied '.. ". 1 w .veiioivy " flVsgi.!;"0!!!1'"01"-"''' i i D"!' "O'nifiulsoners u 11 Eni,washing c.,,, .!..!!!.!!!!!.....!!! . . tl.4'.D 00 1-lllW 1I.M1. K'I'ATImV.IIS. . tii-iass 1 l. I.l ' 11 I. , ........ ..I, tv IWlAIIHi ...v.i o- uiiieuoenuer, uo statement t.'3o advertising r. .. .. . wanks C M Undersllee. County statement. '""I" v ,v ...wm uimiaiiiailOQ adiertlslug , -. oianits James C Ilrowu, County Statenient...'.'.'.'.'.'." rirs.uuu pruuiamation court " blsnks .1 .,i...,.,. o ik Meyers, County statement!......;,....,..;, cieuiiuu prociamauon , iiami., ,'"vr:'' ii . ;..... .! ' utic rent W F lllseV Hro0n4rjr for.orTUe a,,1 rou'l'' Wm Uann, u F t, llutter, election blanks .. al,'l'b1l'uI!aiy patriot .:..;......;;";. o A Potter, blanks ' ' HOLMES A SOHUYLBR A FATR OFFER. We ImVO It fnw TTn:ifiiifr Rfnvna mill (loilhlf! ITcnfpi'snn lumil wliinli W0 will Sell In romnnsililn nnrfina ami give you time until June lt i n . i o pity ior ineni. 1 fOLMKS ct SCHUYLER. M W Shoemaker, shoemaker bridge S t'flA KI.O A 1. El'ole, E Cole bridge .1 11 Frit A Wm A Kile, A Cole rftlms" " .".".V..! IIIIII!!! ness uililge .1 11 it,..,. Wl'nln Pr'ftl.l,H,i. J II HeVs. Hess brioge'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.!.'''!;!.'.'.';",' u piiuiix, a vuie ouage PENITENTIAIIV AND ASVLPM. support of Utile Milton, DanMlle Convicts In Eastern Penitentiary lor '7!!,'! Ileillpr ilenlnn IltTWlCk Illnniii Hti.iri'rppL- catawlssii centralla Cenlnt Com 111.l1.1m Flsblngcreek rianklin (Ireenwood neniiocK ASSESSOItsPAV. 123 43 13 V3 19 7.1 S9IHI '.'1 7.1 V3 0I 19 7.1 19 37 aa 00 ao 50 9 ao a:i so 10 75 .laeLfinn Lot list Manlson .Main Mllllln Montour Mt Pleasant (Uange Pino Hoarlngrreek .Scott Siigarloaf .. 10(10 ,, 3 IS) . 311 ihi ,. '"'i am , 5 INI . a -1 4 so 1 ;a tl.OsiTs ,. 107 ihi .. 170 31 .. 00173 t',199 11.1 113 a.-. 2a (11 19 7.". 10 7i Si 1.3 10 7.-. icon 14 51 It. 7.'. 11 oil vu t 1; i a no 17 30 j na mo ao to 1.1 50 13 60 '.'3 no aa ihi 40 IH) 850 13 011 aa 00 Vd IHI 1 S3 74 73 5 loco II so 13 33 7 IHI 4 as 1 )risiTio.. Sundry persons forlnnucsti 1 1 II I IKI K x 1 1 1 -H.l ) I NJ A N i j J Kl' A Vl j tkAVEK. P Shelhaiiimer, Hails brld-e " sbiiinan brrdgt"".';,' ttvrov. cole bihlge Klaiblebnuge .'.;'."' cole bi lilge.....'!'.'."'"'" KnnisbHiiee .. ., MenUenhull bridge !"" Vtesicreek bildge Cole bridge Kimble bridge '..'.'.'! Cole bildgt'.?..;.,. ,"' (leo Heeler Win 1', Ira ,1 Thomas Jas Couuer, s Appleman, Ilenton bridge.'!! Cole brldgo"... III'.' os f 101 411 1 I .V) 0 .-.ii V IHI 30 4 J-.'J 3 SI 1 '23 l a.i IU SI 11 no 10 ai a ii 31 1 ai 13 0 63 ;,! 00 Jaa U'eh'ninni, T Ilutt, ' c. IJiutiaoli, Ed Mcllcnry SaiMAppieman .1 K KMunn S JJ' M.cllenrjr o 11 vuie, 4, w A Kilo, contract Kimble uillt'brrd'g'e';::.'Z" LOOM. Win IlitrflAl ui..m.. . ... ,;: vv I'uiier uriuge Marti A Ivy, liarton brld'-e ' Will llBrmSn vi.iT..'..1!??- j s ituer;:::::::;::::;.;;;::::; jnAt&-plonk,4. Kd Stewart "a,V.i,sn I', ! Low' 11,0 a co ll".,.eDhous V. p-'-'""" EKVru.fmD'Imwull.?usa :: C Itclchart, plank McKelvy alii bridge K llln, . CKNTXC, Sbrtdge:!:;:;::: . , HSUINOCRtXX Jilil XlllltiAl (Fill.-) AH W . . . "an?r enry 00 Mnifa b'rt'dgo'near jnd Vu 1 war -iu 11 F Battln, Iron bildgo MIUvUl,.. Alknun br dge.... lnl 1,1.1 . J 11 Quick Eser (iiti.'iiViV.!.'.''"" 1 iron brtc leury brld uxuLori, 300 3 IHI 18 19 aaa 13fl 1 60 luso 1.1 50 1 87 3 90 5 V3 360 iua 700 4 30 3S7T 400 44 OS ICS an 00 .... IVb 1V3 .... I '.'3 la3 .... Gill 11 .1. jnoi7rsTr,rj ?.'."""? 3 to jk weinr;?. m m.. ... hkh ? . ,,utJ lin,.,, 64 73 Marti A Ivy.Pursell bridge JMtailsh,Hi: Ituu bridge.,.! I Anna.. V.0!?11,10-? B'-:fuser, Knvder bridge. comr's ol Norlh'd couuty'coai W.lter'LV'ld'Se ais w Y i Ueuu, Maluvlllo bridge Ur. a E Mprdan. Wilson brldee. . ' AmosWani,W " Wuson bridge.'.','.;;; Philip Miller, WUon brtdgV ibove) " " (below! Ami',. 110 ma yes a 5 aiKi 60 U) 1 60 100 1 IX) CI (tt 1 w Assessors for tall itglstry of voters 1 17 wi SCALPS FOR FOX AND WILI1 CA1 s f Paid sundry persons EI.BCTIOS- EVPRNIMItsi paia spring election onicers.... , sprtng room rent !!.!!!! ran .. tonstablesadvts A atteua'lngVpruigeic no 40 " " ' Ulleleois79 .ia no " " 1SSO v. 11 Riuouii, uverseer UenlKlstler " " Vv... In, ..n. . .T W Pldrlr ManninHnl tl v....... S',J.!luc,:'llew. congressloi iil'ii'judge.' F LHutler. elic'lun blanks Krlckbaum et al touutlug faU ote... 1349 1.4 4S3 h. lain t3a i.i 1S79 1S19 179 6 en a 11 1 Ti.'ES KEFUNDED. Amt township taxes refunded 1ILANIC HOOKS. W F Murphy A Sen, I doj Proth's omce..,. . ".. " a" lleconlerscmce... WmMann 4" l-roth's tmce , . 1" llecorders omce. F L llutter, S4 repistry tooks ' 73 duplicates ai tl,4l-i $l,'9i ii , 110 Ml as 511 , 47 1.11 , .': 1 ! . 10 Si , 44 '.'il COUNTY IlOVtlS. Ami county bonds redeemed t ihhi ini " coupons on rame paid 1 a, i, Int paid on ovenlue county bonds 1 hi llECAPlTUI.ATION. Miscellaneous courts, jurors pay eonstsbles returns, Ac costs In commonwealth cases lfoad A bridge viewers aud road damages Commissioners oitice and court bouse Counlv 1 in Printing, stationary an'd"nosta'i?R Itlrtt.B " '.IJ IHI ;s 59 ;i.:a ; a 1 4 .-J ui 4 '. 1,(91 4 a 41 ::' a.syo : InntitMtMniiB 111 Idges building and repairs Penltentlaiy anif Asjlum Absesois pay Fox and wild cat scalp3 .'.!!!!"" Election expenses Taxes refunded lilank books ... .! ! County bonds, coupons aud Interest "paid on overdue county bonds 133,316 3a Prom mount nf orders Issued deduct tl.lsio-, ii ilia" i1,'.'1''.1''1'',1' i'19 redemption mone) slid ?.n VPU" l'0"Ins nnd Interest on oieiuue tailild,leaifij;i!iiililcli Isihe ueliialnr dlnao cxiiensesfor Ihe 5 ear A, 1)., lsso. MIKKP OlllltltS 1SSPKU. 41" im in t.oss la 9' 'J 113 591 .3 75 73 1 405 ai 4,19.1 lis 179 91 9.S99 ihi Heaier iiiitnti Ilrlarcreek ceniie l'lsidngercek t'rankfln (lreenwo(l Hemlock an M 9 Ml 7.1 :.ihi - IH) 13 IH) 67 8ft Jackson l.ociisl Mullson Montour Ml. Pleasant. Pino sugarloaf 1.13.1 l:.i 0 ou 3 ui. 1710 vu a;. II) CO till STATEMENT OF 1)0(1 TAX AND SHEKP l l Nl). Dog lax due from collectois fa.ima as 3a.i "0 j Probabable cnininlMlon and ex off Minuiiiib iu iit-usurers nanus filves mini assets COUNTV FINANCE'S. A ist Viv ,haPds " colleciora' dupllcitfts . . w.v suiiii.ineiuu mm fAunerauon on dd Ji'i'S'n1, !!i '.ia",?s...f Jf.Mrcr Add value ot Maryllrlght proVyF "creek ;aSn,:0nm?.'P'.? Two dounlo set asses !lks.......I.'"" 1 nu sci uiipiicaies LSI Kll ai 37 1 1.70.1 S3 tl9aisi.ii Villi 1.1 110,703 31 4207 04 !W'.H (M IfJl IHI Ml IS 1 (HI 69 :l'i IUBILIITIES. CO&tR tlllll Ill 'nniitiftnu-ABin. Amount tax due ihe seieral dlstrlc'i'sV.!'.'.'.!!! iuuu . urug o 1 letters one on bks ' oounty prison bonds unpaid I. cou!u'? P'lwu ioupons unpaid., road damages assessed and unpaid esilraated as nearly as can be....... til 91 69 as :iu "3 91 f.143 43 149107 193 IU acoo OU 47 60 lOOUOil I '3,103 9H VI SU3 9 I Act"a,Isnuf';,"heisof the county Janus-' ll."9'J 9: isu eui I Of tlm n. ' "j "cioitueu vommisooneig of Co utnb : . . year A, ). isso. STEPHEN 10 II E, A. 11. IIKIIICIN'U. CHAS. HEICHART, Attest: J.u.cmr, Clerk. ' u,uw,lla '"". U'n lh.l,r,l.,.l....l . ..j.. . . tv iri.i-. . "u"5'K"t". Auuuors or coiumb s Couu wcoun sHiMbn d..Utel!;,1 'U'"t and Jellle lir r.TSr.S .a ".?.?. treasurer and cnmnilssioneis r wuiuiuum cuuniy, uo Hereby certify that w mVi if and roncbeA Zru'V.J1" . ry. A. D..issiTin S;,:,"S'S? ": .J"- InurtliniKM.n.l i i.7."r'' .v" 11 . 1, ml ne Cnumi- ciru iior CllVfll llfkilrii . , anuary. A. 1) . ltSi. "'uu "a ,ul n "' ' January, a. i.. issi. wm. I 1UNNINO, c. 11. sEKsaoi.Tx. SAill'KL E. SMITH, Paid Mnce .et.lement. CoUU, MtUtnt tommlnioners' omce, Feb. 4, imj, I liai'H Immrl an .. ... JOHN il, CASEY (Ink. JOB PRINTIttQ Naatly and cheaply txaooUd M lbs Oe&OKiLUi OaW J lieldebrant.lroti triage IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers