The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 25, 1881, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 0. E. EI.WEI.Ii, tmi BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, February Q5.1881. At the ciul of tlio county stnteiiiont in thin Ismo will 1)0 founil a correction of n clerical error, by whioh tlio balnnco in tlio county Treasurer's hands is incienaed 818. In tlio lmriieil manner in which tlio soveral accounts have to bo closed mj nt tho end of the year such nn error easily occurs. The auditors did not notico it, but iMr. J. H, Casey, eominis sioncrs clerk, discovered it, and proceeds to correct it. A SENATOR EliKCrKD. Tlio dead lock in tho Legislature was broken on Tuesday by tho selection of Hon. John I. Mitchell of Tioa county as candidate for tho United btates Sen ate, by thu joint committee of the two factious of tho Republican party. On Wednesday ho was elected by a party vote. The Legislature will now havo a chance to do some work for tho people who sent them there. AN OFF YEAH. Next fall tho people, of this county will elect a l'rothonotary, Register aud Recorder, three county commissioners, two associato judges, aud a county treas- lircr. Js mis is tin oil year in uuiiui;b, it behooves tlio Democratic party to be very cnrcim m mu buh'umuu ui urnim dates for tho several offices, for expen enco has shown that where there is any suspicion of nu unfair nomination, the independent voter comes out in force, mill on several occasions has succeeded in breaking tho slate. Such results tend to weaken tho party, and ought never to occur in a county tiiat has a clear Dem ocratic majority on 1'resnlcntial election of ovcr'tiSOO Tho eamraimi will soon open, and there will undoubtedly bo a long list of candidates for each of tho offices to bo filled. As vet we do not know who they may be, hut there will be amnng them enough good men to till tho positions with satistaction to tho people, Whoever they may be, wo warn them now that thev must secure their nomina tions by honest menus, if they would bo elected. At tho delegate election Dem ocrats should voto for tho best man, and should be very careful to choose del eirates to the convention whoso charac tors are such that no man will dure to approach them with offeis of a pecuniary consideration for votes. With delegates who cannot bo bought, and with candi dates who will not attempt to buy them, tho whole county ticket will he elected by the usual maionty. o do not know of our own knowledge of nom inations improperly obtained, but we do know that tho charge of paying dele gates for votes has been made, and has resulted in tho deteaior regular candi dates. Let the nominations of this year bo made honestly and iairly; let all in dependent candidates' bo frowned down, and then above all, let us have a full voto for tho nominees. If they am selected without suspicion of fraud they will bo entitled to t ho support of tho party and will receive it. Inaugural reparations- Preparations for tho inauguration of .'resident Uarueid onavcalool niacin licence hitherto unknown in Washing ton nro going on rapidly, and many distinguished men from all parts of the country arc expected to bo present. The military and civic displays will excel in numbers as well as brilliancy any former demonstration oi the kind, while the at tendance of private individuals will run up into thousands and tens of thousands, Colonel Corbin, the corresponding sec retary of tho inaugural executive com mittee, has received tho following letter from Gen. W. S Hancock; "I havo tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of the invitation of tho executivo commit tee on inaugural ceremonies to myself aim Htnu to bo present m Washington, V. V., on tho 4th ot Jlareh next and par ticipnto in the ceremonies and festivities incident to thu iiiaumirntiou of General James A. Garfield as President of tho United States. Mv staff havo iudividu ally been notiiied of the invitation, and should I conclude to bo present I will notify you later. Thanking you, and through you tho gentlemen of tho com nuttee, for tiieir courteous attention, I remain very truly yours. General Hancock is tlio military com mnndcr of tho district ana has been re quested to coma ns a citi.en. Tho Into Democratic candidate has sonio doubts as to tho propriety of his being present, tor reasons which havo their lotnxiutioii in Ins respect for General Garfield rather than in any disinclination on account of being a defeated candidate. The friends of General Hancock, almost ton man, seriously object to his taking part in the ceremonies, minor as a civilian or sol dier. Tlmy think hispiesenco would cause troiiDio because ot tho great sharo ot at tent ion ho might receive. Wore ho to appear at the head of the column, follow nig Gtmurnt Sherman, ho would be the recipient in neaiiy us great an ovation as tlio now President, and tho' Wcpublicans uro really not anxious to havo him here, fearing sonio ill-advised persons might do something which would be construed ns mi insult to Garfield. A ca?c of moro than ordinary interest lias been decided by Judge Jenks in the Hrookvillc, Jefferson county, Court. It was tho petition of Dr. M. 15. Loivry for a mandamus to compel tho School Hoard ot Jimokvillo borough to admit Ins child ren to tho public schools they having been Uinutsea by the rnncipal because of a refusal on thu part of tho father to allow them to comply with tho rules of tho school, tho issue being tho desire ou the part of tlio doctor that his chil dren should not take tho usual les sons in writing while in attenUauco at school. Tho case was ably argued, the whole scope of tho teacher's authority belnir reviewed, and great interest sur rounded tho case. Tho opinion of the judge is quite lengthy, in which ho cites the law relativo to tho cose, and con cludes by lefusiug a mandamus, and or dering that each paity shall pay their own costs, but no responsibility on the part of tho directors. This ending of thoraso will bo valuable to other Hoards of Director and to teachers generally, us it defines their powers i and parents will also bit guided; Jy it, tho conclusion nrrived t being that they surtender all authority over their children when they pass within tho doom of tho public tchtiol Imlldiug, thb teacher assuming au thority to dictato their studies as well n ihdr deportment TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Hkavuu Constable, Jos. Klingnmaui Supervisors, J. P. Fry, Josinh Fisher t I'oor Uversecrs, John Ilciimtiifcr, V. A. Shumant School Directors, J. J. Ilnrtzcl, Jacob linker i Assessor, A. W. Mann i Judiro of Election, Levi H. Michael, In- spectors, Wm. tlouek, Josiah Kitten- house; Auditor, itdwln Selieii. Jiknton Constable, 1$. U. Kaso i nti- iicrvisors, Samuel Appleman, G. M. Gib bons; Poor Overseers, W. S. Cole, Hi ram Ash; School Directors, T. 1). Cole, Ruben Gibbons; Assessor,Chas. II. Knsci Judge of Election, A. L. MoIIemy; In spectors, .1. M. Long, Thou. S. Davis; Auditor, ii.ll iUcHcnry, i . lyase. Ikuwicic lloiiotiaii Chief Burgess, I. W. Evans; Ass'tBurRCSS,!!. C. Frcas; Town Council, J. D. Thompson, Daniel Reedy, J. M. Moorehead,F. R. Jackson, Ell Sherwood, Hudson Owen ; High Constable, Lyman Fowler; Constable, John G. Jacoby; Poor Overseers, O. 11. Kitchen, Kubcn Mover; bchool JJiree- tors, U. It. Woodin, three years, A. IS. McCren, threo years, Abner Welsh, one year; Judge of Election, Geo. II. Wells; nspeotors, Wm. M. ISredbender, 31. Thornton; Assessor, Win. B. Hnrtman; iVuditor, Garnck Mullory. , BniAnonEKK Constable.A. B. Croon; Supervisors, Levi Shaffer,Lahmon Mnrtz; l'oor Uversecrs, M. U. li. ntty, itnocn Rittenhouse; School Directors, L. J. Ad nms, tiidcon JMtchnci; Assessor, n. in, Evans: Judcro of Election. Emanuel Yost; Inspectors,.!. L. Hess, M. II. Hittcnhousc; Auditor, Wm. Lnmou; Town Ulcrk,ij. ). Adams. Centoama Bonouaii Chief Burgcf, .Tnmes Colihnn; Town Council. Morns Lewis. (X B. Millard, Robt. AVhite, D. F. Curry, Jns. Daloy, Jno. KillOeti; High sjonstnble, Samuel Smith; bchool iJireo tors, Geo. Troutmnn, John Mordnn; Judge of Election, Daniel Dougherty; Inspectors, Richard Benson, T. I. Killer and ilout. Morgan had n tio vote; Asses sor, John J. Jones; Auditor, B. I. Cur ran; Poor Director, David Welsh. CoNTCKinAM Justlco of tho Peace, John I'. Hannon, Constable, 1'ctcr ISro dlv. Supervisors, John Parcel, John Crane; Bchool Directors, Chns. Wider- man. Arthur Nash,' Jos. Monasihan; Ass essor, Chns. Weizcnitrccr ; Judiro of Election, Ed. Dempsey, north, John Ho iran, south; Inspectors, Pat Cain, Chas. Ilatreitv, north, John W. Tiley, John Burkc,south; Auditor, Pat Haley; Town Ulerk, Joseph llannon. Cattawissa Constable, David Gift'in Supervisors, Daniel Gensel, Wm. sharp less; Poor Overseers, Jesse Mensch, J. II. Geary; School Directors, Luther fcycr Geo. Reifsnvdcr; Assessor Lewis Ray hurst; Judge of Election, Wm. H. Guie; Ins))Cctors,Pierce Kiefer, John W. Dent; Auditor, fc. Jts. Uicner. Centrk Justice of the Peaee,, Philip Harris; Constable, b. J. Iless; nupervis ors, J. E. Hagonbttch, Lafayette Creasy; Poor Overseers, Joseph A. Hess, Geo. A, Hartman; School Directors, Jeremiah Walp, Jesse Hoffman, Assessor, J. II Aikman; Judge of Election, Samel Rid ley; Inspectors, Wesley Hess, M. M. Hicks: Auditor, II. A. Schweppenheisei FisuiNGCiiKEK Justice of the Peace, Moses MoIIeury; Constable, E. L. Lem- inon; Supervisors, Aaron Bender, Nor man McIIcnry; Poor Overseers, P. J. Wcaver,Hiram Karns; School Directors, W. E. Eveland, Stephen Dresohcr; Ass. essor,L. M. Creveling; Judge of Election John Wenner; Inspector, J. L. Runyan, W. C. Pennington; Auditor.B. F. Edgar; l own Clerk, J. 1(. Knelly; lreasurcr, UaviU Yost. Fhankmn Justice of tho Peace,Ben- jttnun Sheets; Constable, J. L. Artlcy; Supervisor Wellington Clark, Wm. George; Poor Overseers, G. W. Fisher, Philip Mauhart; School Directors, Wm Bumastcr, Sylvester Hower; Assessor, W. F. Mauhnrt,David Rceder; Judge of Election, J.Kostenbauder; Inspector, J. W. Ueeder, C. Artley; Auditor, Jackson Clever. Grkknwoou Justice of the Peace, J. L."Preston; Constoble, K M. Kisner; Su lorvisors, J. G. Girton, John Thomas; School Directors, G. W. Utt, W. A. Thomas; Assessor, I. A. DeWitt; Judge ot lilection, JS. lu Watts; Inspectors, C. W. Kline, P. A. Kline; Auditor, P. D. Ulack. Hemlock Constable, S. S. S. Shoe maker, Supervisors, Philip A. Stroup, Richart HcIIenry; Poor Overseers, Eli Old, Passewell Folk; School Directorc, Geo W. Dreisbach, Wm. Miller. Asses sor, Wm. P. Leidy; Judgo of Election, James A. Harris; Inspectors, Ed. Kes ter, Matthias Girton; Auditor, Eli Old; town Clerk, C. Lenkcr. Jacuson Constable, Richard Hess Supervisors, Iratn Derr, Geo. Hurleman, sr.; I'oor Overseers, Moses bavage, Ilec ry Hurleman; School Directors, Wm. 1j Manniug, J. A. Butt; Assessor, Frank L. Hess; Judge of Election, B. F. Fritz Inspectors, Frank L. Triplepicce, Fred' crick Hess; Auditor, Augustus Ever- hart; Towu Clerk, S. W. McIIcnry. Locust Constable.A. S. Knittle; Su pervisors, Chas. Billeg, Sol. Strausser; Poor Overseers, Chas. Beaver, Christian bmall; bchool Directors, Itolundus Her lieiu; Herman l'ahriugcr; Assessor, Chu ton S. Rower: Judge of Election, Jon athau Beaver; Inspectors.Jeremiah Scott Lams bcliaeffer; Auditor, bamuel Camp, JIapison Justice of the Peace, Sam uel Farnsworth, Constable, Abram Ilart- line; bujK'rvisors, Wm. Johnson, George Beagle; Poor Overseer. T. II. Gingles; School Directors, Josiah Maust, James Kinlin; Assessor, J. M". Smith; Judge of JMectiou, Wm J. Allen; inspectors, J M. Masteller, J. D. Cotner; Auditor, D. M. Williams. Main Constable, Isaac Yetter; Su. pervisors, Geo Breisch, W. K. Shumuu; l'oor Overseers, J. C. bhuman, J. F. Hniiinati; School Directors, J. W. Shu- man. Geo. Fisher; Assessor W. II. Fish er; Judgo of Ejection, D. S. Brown; luspeclois, G. W. Shumnn, Solomon Deaner; Auditor, J. B. Nuss. Mikkun Constable, S. H. Wolf; Su pervisoi, Phineaa Smith, John Yohe.jr; l'oor Overseers, Jonas Hartzcl, Aaron Hess; School Directors, A. C. Millard, Jacob Bittcnbouder; Assessor, A. W. Hess; Judgo of Election, Isaao Andrews; In snector M". V. B. Keller, D. M. Hotteu- stine; Auditor, Henry Ilittler. Montouii Coustable, Isaiah digger; .Supervisors, Michael Rouch, Samuel digger: I'oor Overseers, Philip Foust, Isaao Yost; School Dlreutors, James Quick, James Roadarmel; Assessor, David Mauser; Judge of Election, Peter Heinbock; Inspectors, Geo. W, Meant, Henry Lazarus; Auditor, P. S. Kerch ncr. M"t Pleasant Constablo D, Stroup; Supervisors, Hobt. 0. Howell, Stephen Crawford; Poor Overseum, Jas. Mo Aiahoii, Aaron Kester; School Directors, Howard Grimes, Joseph IVIiue; Assessor, Frauds Miller; Judge of Election, David Oman; Inspectors, John Vance, Jacob Stroup; Auditor; G, II. Everett ukawik jusiico oi mo i eaco, u. j. Conner, J, B. Hiirman; Constable, M. C. Keller; Supervisors, Win. Mosteller, A. II. Kitchen; Poor Overseers, Geo. Fleck- (Mine, Samuel bharplesui Moliool Uireo- tors, J, Howaid Kline, John Cadman; Assessor, Thomas, McIIenry; Judgo of Election. Cvrus McIIenrvi Inaneotom. John Mosteller, D. W. lhcks; Auditor, O. CovcuhOven; Towu Clerk, E.II.SIojin. PiXu Jusuoe olltaoft, It. A. German, John Lore; Constable, .Tnmes DriblebisjSu- pervisors, E. Bognrt, W . Kei-shner; Poor Overseers, John Bruner, Jacob Long; School Direetors,Emnntiel Bognrt, L. A, Gerntnn; Assessor, W. A. IIunler;Judgo of Election, T. B. Gnrdner; Insiiectors, John C. Snndcrs, C. L. Soncs; Auditor, i. E. Girton. RoAniNiiciiEEK Constnble, John Hampton; Supervisors, David Long, Joseph Levant Poor Overseers, Abrnm Witner, Wm. Znhner; School Directors, John Rnrig, Isaac Cherrington; Assessor, .lereminh lvuukle; Judge ot hleetiou,W. G. Linvllle; Inspectors, I'. Cool.Jeremlah Mensch; Auditor, John Mowry. SuaAiit.OAi' Justice ot tho 1'eace, Jesso Fritz; Constable, James Shultz; Supervisors, Jas. N, Pennington, John Lewis; School Directors, Norman Cole, Jacob H. Fritz; Assessor. Jas. O. Hess; Inspectors, A. M. Vnnsickcll, Gearhcart IIcss; Auditor, J. M. Lnrish; Town Clerk, Jncob II. Fritz, Scorr Justieo of tho Peace, II. G. Crevelinir; Constable, H. N. White; Supervisors, Wesley lhickle, Jos. Mus selman; School Directors, John Craw ford, Wm. J. Ilidlay; Auditor, C. C. Trench, Assessor, C. M. Terwilliger ; Judgo of Election, Samuel Hutchison, west; Jno. W. Reynolds, east; Inspect ors, Robt. Pursell nnd Jno. B. Animer- man, west; Thos. V. I'owlor and Wm. Petit, east. Tin. Ghavks or Smith anhMh.i.ek. When tho body of Smith,who was exe cuted at Williamsport, nrrived at Jersey Shore it was taken to tho houso of his brother-in-law, a short distanco below tho borough, and that night it was car ried to a 'ravo which had been prepared for it ou land owned by relatives and secretly buried. And it is said that only those who buried him know wliero the grave is. This secrecy has been obser ved for fear the body would bo exhumed for dissecting purposes. Mrs. Miller's boJy was taken direct to tlio Pine Creek burying ground and there laid by the side of her murdered husband as sho had requested. And it is reported that relatives havo found it necessary to watch tho gravo at night to proveut the body from ncing stolen and sent to somo medical college. James Ground fell from a trestle about twelve feet high, in Clearfield county, tho other day, and broke his neck. Instead of instantanoous death, us is ordi narily the case, physician thinks ho will recover. Ho remains in a sitting proture and hasfasened to his neck u contrivance for the purpose of keeping his head in the same position till tho injured parts become united, Dr. Mary Walker was given work by a subordinate ot the Treasury Depart ment. The Secretary of tho Treasury re fused to confirm her appointmcut, and sho was told to go; but every morning for weeks sho made her appearance at tho department, insisting that she had been employed for one year, and finally had to be forcibly ejected. The first controller of tho Treasury has now de cided that she is entitled to one veat's pay ninl she will be given S'JOO. It is a great triumph for the little doctor to say nothing of tlio money. NEW ADVERTISEM-NTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue c( sundry writs Issued out of the Court or Common ru-as ot Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to public Mo at tlie Court lluuvo In Bloomsbure. at 1 p. in. on SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1881. All tl it certain messuage and tract ot Iinlalt uato In lUe toivns'ilp oi Urlarcrvek bounded Vy th Unas of Georgo Boner oa tlio oast, by thenelrsof Stephen Adams nnd Tobias Smith ontbo north, bj tho h Irs ot John Masteller, diceaeed, and others on tho south, and by lands ot UoL-j ot George livans west, whereon Is erected a frame grist mill, a brick store and dwellliigund two dwollln houses and otb cr oullJlngs, containing sixty acres mora or Icbs. Seized token la execution at the suit ot JamrB W. llayman, administrator ot 1'eter llajman, d. ceased against George 13dford,nd to be sold as the property ot Georgo Beltord. Uso u WiNTEKSTits, Attorneys Al.Lev, Fa. ALSO, AU that cert Un piece of land In Catawlssa beginning at tho southwest corner ot land of C. It. Funston and third street and running thenco soathwestwardly along said third street to other lands ot tho gram, ecj hero to II foot, thenco by Ue same southwtst wardly sevsnty-flve loot more or less, to a lot if William Jthn, thenco by tho Bamo northwestwardly twenty-one feet to a lot of C. K. Kunston, thence by the same northwestwardly ecventy-flve feet to thu place ot be.'lnnliu. On which are erected a two story trams dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution at tho suit of I, John & So j s assigned to Douglas Uugbes vs. Almlra A Buries and O. H. Barnes with not lco to M. M. Urobst ta.-ro tenant and to tw sold as tho property of Almlra Barues uud 0. It. Barnes, ltnjtws.jvtlorney. . Lev. Ka. ALSO, Tract no. 1. All that certain messauge tcne uenl aud tract ot land sitiuto lu Minim township, Columbia county and State ot rennsylvuma, boun ded and described as lollows. to.wlt ; Beginning at a gum, thenco by a mountain south olghty-seven degrteseas. onu hutdrtd snd lorty-rour end slne- tenthi parches to a btonu, thenco north forty-avo degrees .astono huudro-1 and thlrty-ono porj hos to awhlto oak thenoo north sixty-two degreos.west ono hundred and nlnttten perched to a post, thence south ntly-ilTo degrees west forty perches to a stone, thenco by laud of south six degrees cast slxty-nro perches U a stone, thenco touih forty, nine degrees,cst ono hundred und fourteen perch ea to the place of bcglunlng, adjoining lands of 1'e- tcr Mlehnel nn tho cat, Abraham and lloruco Bchwuppenhlsjr on Uij weal, south and ncrtb, con tatnlag 8) acres and ullo ances more or less n hereon aro erected two (i) two .story (rnniu dwelling boubo, a two-story and a halt frame grist or Hour mill, a frame barn; a framu wagon shed, and other out buildings Tract no. 'J -All that certain tract ot unimproved land (being wood and), situate and 1 InglnUeaur township i.nd lUtlllu township county ulorrsald, oounuia anu utseriocu as follows, to-wlt: Brain nlng at a chestnut luUno of Und of Jacob Nuss, h corner of Jonailun N ungesser, thence by land ot OQorgoSpold and others south clghtyuo and one. fourth degrees west slxty-wlne and nyo- tontbB percft a w euesiuub vuji, uience uy uuud lave oi Law rence Wallers and Creasy south eighty-three de grees west tblriy-nlno and ftx-tentha perchtstoa ,1jo, thenoa by land! latu of Creasy north elgtitj- eigut oegrooi, wit tweniy-lx and one teuth perches to a stone In line of laud of Jircmlah Zimtn. oriuan, thenco by tame and Mucgcsscr south four (eeu and three-fourth degrees ca t two buudrtU und nthety.plno and two-tenths ptrrheatoan o-k iud stone, thenoe by landisiinejed in a uairant u An ilre.v Clark north seventy-oue aud tUioo-ruunus ,iu grees,east one hundred aud fltty four aud tlve-tenuu perches to a stone heap, Ihince b) lauds of Swank aud Nuss north nineteen uud one-fourth degnes wi-B' two hundred and seventy and slx-teuthj perch- os to tuo luao ) or rwginning.coataintng two hundred and tltty-three acres and nfty-six perches. Tract No. S Alt that oertaln other tract of unlm- proved laud being wood land, and adjoining tract No. slluatH lu Mirtlln townhlp aforesaid, bounded anudeacrlboj as iouowsi Beginning at astoue, formerly an oak, thence by laud ot George Nungos- ser north seventy derieoiewt nluety perrboi to a chestnut earner, tUenco north stxty-two degrees. out three and seyen.teatas perches to a stoui cor ner, tneaco by land of itiury sterner souui twooty ono d-grcejeat thirty-six an 1 tlvo tenths perches to a ehnitnut corner, thenco by same north TO and U degrees east tblrty.sjyeo parches to a stone heap, thenco south TO degrees west clgbty-two perches to a stone coiner, th?uce north thirty-tour degrees west two hundred und M p-.rch ja to a stone cor ner, formerly aa oa to thu pi ou of begjnulng, con taining two hundred and eleven acres and one h jn drod and thirty-four perches. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of J. r. l'f .bier against active Nungesser and to be sold as tun prop-.'rty of George Nungcsier. Itiuws, Alt'. Vend St. ALSO. All that certain tract of land sltua'e In Drlarcreek township, Col imbla county, and state of rennuylru nU and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt 1 Ueglonlcg at astoue In line of Und ot John Toit, (henonnortlielgbly-onaandatiuutttr degree east forty-six anijafgurth perches to a stone to land of Jonas Wright, theooa by the unie tod li. Utiles south thirteen derate and twenty tnlnntea east tw tiuudred an forty-bint kn taree-tounk perettes V taba U David 8aSr,UieaM ty At Mat (orvr-elgltt Ctvroei aU Dtto txd&utes trtt UiKV-'attr ro)ie tonmufl sltler, flincoby tho ssmo north ntt' a itegro.sand ntty minutes wo two lmnltcd anl sercnty-two perches to tho plaoo of beginning, con taining Mxty-two acres and fcrenty-elght pcrclifi nnd allowances b thxsima mora or lo.s, on whUh aro created a two story rrntno ilwcitliig house, b.nn and put-buUdlngs. ALSO, All tint othf r certnln tract or pleco of Una slttuto In Brlarcreek township, Columbia county and stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wttl AdJ lining lands of Jon.n "Wright on tho norlh slty-sevcn nasntxty-ono to a put, llienco n'rtli cloven nd a half won thlrty-sevnn to a stoao ndj lining land ot William Walp, tlionco south forty, eight nnd a half west sixty-eight and xtx-tenthi to a yellow plnoatjjlnlttilanlof (leorgo Bower south right east fourtoen and siren-tenUis, containing ntno ncrcs and one lnndrcd and nvo Porches, Stlzed, taken In oxecutlon at tho suit of Joseph Lnmon ngalnst Wiutam Walp and to be sold ns the property ot William Walp. Limns, Attorney? . At. fieri Facias ALSO, AH that certain lotorp'ccoof l&ndMtuito In Or anevllle. Columbia county, and sUto of I'cnnsyl. vanta, and d( scribed aa follows, to-wlt I Hounded on the north by lot of William Fleckonsllno, on the enst.bylotof tsatah Conner's estate, on tho south by lot of 1). K.Sloan nnd on tho west by tho public road loading from Orangevllle to nioomsburg, said lot being lift feet mire or less In front ahd about onu hundred feet In depth, ou which aro erected a two Biorj framo dwelling bouse nnd ouubulldlngx. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of the ltloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association against Abraham Coleman nnd to bo sold as tho property of Abraham Coleman, WlBT, Attorney. Vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot and pleco of ground sltunto In Slabtown, Locust township, Columbia county, rem sylranla.ndj Mnlng lands of Jacob Voager on tho east, Itoarlngcrcck on tho south and public roads on north and west, on which Is erected a two story frame dwclllntf house. Seized, taken In execution at tha suit of Ch tries Krugngalnst William Uolwlgandto bo sold as the property of William llclwlg. Ixki.xr, Attorney. Levari Facias. ALSO, All that certain piece or tract of laud situate In Benton township, In tho county of Columbia, bound ed and described as follows, to-wlr, i On tho inorth by Und of Thomas Sclgfrlcd, on tha cast by land of Alcxandor Kramer, ou tho eoutu by land ot William A. Colcmnn and J. II. Dlldlno and on tho west by a, containing live acres, moro or loss, whereon aro erected a two story framo dwelling bouse and a blacksmith shop. Seized, taken In oxecutlon at tho suit of tho Ben tou Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against Jeremiah Stiles and to bo sold as tho prop erly of HcrcmUh stiles. Littlk, Attorney, Al. Vend. Ex. ALSO. All that certain mossuago tenement or tract of land situato In Montour townsulp,;ColumbIa county and Stato ot rennsylvanU and bouded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning ut a point on tho western shore of tho river Susquehanna, at low water mirk, on tho north sldo of tho rlvr bridge at Cutawlsja and running from thenco northwest wardly a straight courso twenty porc03 (mora or less) to tho middle and centre of tho canal brldgo leading over tho north branch canal on tho public road loading from 0orga Wants' to Catawlssa, thence down tho aforesaid canal south tlfty degrees west six and nine tenths perches to a point In said canal, thenco diverging from sild canal north forty four degrees, west len and thrco-tenthi perches to the cornt r of fence on tho east side ot tho public road leadtntr down tho aforesaid river to tu 3 borough of Damllle, thenco bysatd publio road south slxty threo and a quarter degrees west seventy perches ton point In t aid road, thenco by tha Bamo south eighty and n quarter degrees west sUty perches to a point In line of land formerly ot Philip Foust (now Illshcl) thence by said lino north ono and n half de tlegrecs, 0 1st seventy-ono nnd stx-tonths perches, thence by tho same north sixty-seven nnd a half degrees west six and srven-tcnths porches, taenc by th Bamo north seven degrees west seventyaud ulno-tenths perches to a post, thmice by land ot ald George II Wlllit. south seventy-eight nnd three-quarter degrees east nlnety-thrco and a half perches to a hick ry, theneo by tho same south flghty-nlno nnd a quarter degreos oast tlilrtj-tlve and a half perches to a post, thenco by tho same north elghty-twq and n halt degrees east fifty-six perches (miro or lesi) to 11 low water mark on the western shore of tho ilver 3uquchama aforesaid and from thenco down tho western shoro ot tho riv er aforesaid. Its various courses and distances one hundred nnd thlrty-nve perches (moro or less) tctho place of beginning, containing ono hundred acres neat measure, bo the same more or ;less, on which are erected a two-story brick dwelling house, a two story framo dwelling houso, a large bank barn and oul-bull (lings. ALSO, All that certUl lot and parcel ot land situato in tho township ot Montour aforesaid, bounded and de.'crltx d as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the Wyoming canal, a corner of land recently conveyed ty the parties of the first part to slid John fUarpless and running from thenco by tho same nnrth forty-four degrees west ten and three-tedtns perches to a post at tho south side ot tho public road leading to Danvllle.thcnco down the said road south slxty-lhico and a quarter drgrces west tlvo and three-tenths perches to a corner of land recently conveyed by tin parties of the first part to Duponte, thence by the same south tbtrty-threo and a half de grees east twelve pertties to tho middle of tho afon sald canal, thence up tho middle of Bald canal norlh n.ty degrees, east six and eight-tenths iperches t tho place of beginning, containing sixty-tour porches, be tho same more or less, on which arc erected a two-story grocery store. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot L. II Conover against George II. Sharpless and to be sold as tho lite estate ot George li. Sharpless In sold propercy. Abbott 4 Smith, Attorneys. Vend, Ex. Terms cash, U. II. BNT, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Feb.uth. MJAXOE. WMUD,Wm UUlt 41.60. TrrmainjprUt AffnU. Mrvrio bona Co-. Cmcanpau. u. IPetelTSendereon'sl COMBINED CATALOGUE Qlf WUl be Mailed Free to all who apply by letter. f.. T?m-lmpntnl fironnila In I which we teal our VcRctublo uutl I Il'luwer Bceaa uremonieamiucii') and our Ureeuhoiiae rorl'luntx (covcrluz 3 acres In class), aro th larceat In Auierlcu. PETER HENDERSON & CO, 35 Cortlandt Street, New York. ' I 'will mnll 11 copy of my New Book, FREE! -MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," FIIISE, to crjypenon who m'M' 1 n , 1T1 , 1 lend till nami and post-oUlca adareit,iiua ill. cents Id ituopi to pay poiUR. to any ona nnmnir wna uin(iftw"rjurf. Asthma. oATAnitii, boiik tiikoat. cr llUONCIli riS, the Inlorraatlon In 111 Imot li ot rrrat valua l and It may In tbe prorldcnca ot Uod, lavamaBTvitrul liv. , Addrriia, PU. S. U. W0L1T, 140 '101111 hi, ClMhmatl, a feb us l-m ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VA HAHLK RAL ESTATE! I'ursuu t to -n T lord tho Orphtns' t'mrt of the on nty nf Cnurn'Jli, I'eimsylvuHIa, ihe inder Igned adinltiistratrtx, do binl non cum test.i me'itonnn"xo, ot Jimes Umoa.Uto of ihe township of Brlarcreek, In aal -ounty, will exposo to publio sale on thu premises on Mouthy, March 21st, 1881, atone'clw:k lu tha afternoon, tha followlns de scribed re 'J oitato, t J-wlu l'hat certain TlliCT or IA.VO situate In the township ot llrlarcroek In tho county of Columbia and Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows t On tho north by land of M, R. Jacksjn, deceased, and Join lleaveuer.oa tbe wsl by land, of nald John ljeayoncr Xfra. Adim Ui ttteilck uud Francis Eyaus, on tho south by land of M, II. IMtt) and on life east by land of said i'et- tlo und others, containing 219 ACRES aud one hundred and thlrty-slx porches more or S3. This li the farm lately occupied by William Umoa etiiato about two miles from tne borough ot Brr. 0k, qn wr,icn afo created a goq-j two sfory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, out kitchen and other out-bulldlngs, a largo frame bank barn with shed attabed, also a small tenant hou9), a well of water at the dwelling houso and cis tern at he barn About UO &:ro3 1 cleared !an t un der cultivation, has a good young apple orchard, and other fruit trees. TIKW4 or 8ai.i. Ten per cent of one fourth of the purchase money shall be paid at the striking down of the property; tho' one-fourth leus the V$ per oent at the oonnrrgatlon absolve nud tbe renwln log tlfree-lorths n one year thereafter wlih Inter est from tonurmalloa fiitl. JANE EVANS, AdB,At,n.). t. , JJ H UAL STATK.UKN T 111,01)11 I'OtMt IMSritlCT from Jjuuary ISIb, lso to January tntti, 1MI. W.M, KtlAMKtt.Trcnwrer for liuttlct to April 1st. 1830. nn To rnh received from Bloom duf II. l&iu iniv. .. , ... f 1JI M To riKli received from Scott dupli cate lsto , . Bit li: To cash received from uroenwo-d du plicate 1S7S is oj To cah rooem d from (Jrecnwood du- p'lcnto IS79. S7o 00 'lo cah received irom sugnrloaf du- pltctto. II ., os tw I'mwh recrtved from Cattnwlssi.,.. 89 oo I'o cash rccilved from products ot farm , IS ot $133) 87 Cr. By orders redeemed of IST.., isi .. .... 47(1 It SSI IM " commission on same ,. ss 91 " amount paid J. K. tirotz now treasurer 13 37 1350 37 JOHNK. OROTZ Treasurer for District from April 1st, 1830 to January loth 1891. Dr. To cnMi received of W. Kramor (lato Treasurer) 13 37 To cnxli received from Bloom dupli cate 187 m 01 To cash received from (iroenwoud duplicators tu m To cash received from Scott dupli cate is. 9 43 70 To cash received from Sugnrloaf du- I llcato, 1879 183 57 To cash received from Oreenwood cliip'IcatH 1S7 4 60 To oish'recplvcd from Bloom dupll- pllcato 1680 ssl 23 To received from scott dupli cate 1&40 ISO 00 To cash received from Oreenwood du- plicate 1880 637 11 To cash received from sugarloat du plicate l&K) TS 00 To cash received of County Treasurer Uxes returned .. 87 83 To cash received from i roducts ot farm . 113 94 SG93 40 Cr. By orders redeemed ot I87P 89,1 77 By Interest p Id un Km order so oo By orders redeemed of lsso ims 90 Bv commutator. 60 09 lly bank stamps go llybalnnco In I'reasurers hands Jan. loth IMi 189 01 2CM 40 Directors of tho l'oor In account with tho Bloom l'oor District To amount of outstanding orders Jan 10th 1831 1239 40 To amount received by Kramer seo Treasurers account 13)0 37 To nmount received by Orotz seo Treasurers account 1318 (14 To amount Bloom duplicate is3 it 14 87 To amount (Ireeuwoud duplicate 'SO tuu 37 To amount Scott duplicate 1-8-1 741 01 To amount Sugarloat duplicate Ism) ai7 19 To nmount balance- 01a Ureenwood duplicate 1S79 SOt 43 75l 87 Cr. By outstanding orders redecmod, Kramer. 47o 11 lly outstanding orders redeemed, Orotz 6 '3 77 By nmount duo on Bloom dupllcato to, lessexoueratlonsandcom 1133 69 By amount duo on (lieenwuod dupll- oito'so lss exonerations A com. llo SO lly amount duo on Scott duplicate o less exonerations an 1 c-iiu mission C02 33 By nmount duo en SugaMoaf ditpll catc') loss exonerations!: com. 1113) By naaount duo on Oreenwood clupll- cato '73 loss exonerations coni. 301 -I) By amount exon on Green- wood duplicate ls; 01 M By amount oxoncratcd and com. on SOOtt llUplUalC IS79 62 S4 By amount oxoner.illjn3 and com on su.arlual diipllea'u is;u 33 33 By aiiiount exooi -rati ins and com. ou Bloom du.illoalo ls79 1C2 CI Lato dltt-Uors paid us lotions, viz : Olbbs taking L. Wolvorton to wxia 0 00 Brockway K Klwoll attorneys 10 (0 a. Ruyiler repairing rump 3 tu Tax In 1879 32 72 KUslltlWU&hlp llli 14 cofJlns - I uj 00 KlH li attorney fee In Wolverton se -.. '23 00 ltepu.ii.rau una wulumttau publish ing statement is-,0 bo oa Auditors for Jan. I3t!a isso 12 0) 1 um lt.iecj balance on Treasurer 25 oj Mcllrlde on salary ;ia7 to order 01 relief 16 73 Wuodwurd constable 10 iu Moj er Brus. Drugs uu 1 medicines 73 91 Sundry persons lor eonl sa 4? " " " merchandise 12,1 01 Treasurers commission 23 21 .New directors paid as follows, viz : tax tor 1379 11 7'2 Tax for isstt i;j ou Building wasii-liuubo und repairs ... 131 41 Itobtsou attorney lu eu Collins 4a 00 Interest on Krug orders tu od uiefenbacu tor brooms. 3 23 Dr's. McKclvy nnd Koeber 7S ou Making duplicates 10 uu Vandersllce publishing statcmcntof 1979 - 15 0) Orders of relief sou state Hospital Fox andUughes 431 10 Tickets for tramps ts Insurano 83 23 Buckalcw Bros for taking Bennct to l'oor House 1 60 Mlxwell, stoves & 1 , S3 23 sundrl-.s tor Mm. Kalilcr, secured by Judgment , 67 72 I 8. Kuun, beet for I'oor House.. . . 11 M Taking o. Kurtz to Schuylkill I'oor House is 03 Order removal from 1'. Kvans to Ben ton - 2 00 Ilurlejmanforhorse Ho uu Sundry persons tor coal 107 72 " " drugs and medicines 21 42 " " mercnandlso 7U4 33 Qualifying directors 73 itepalr and smith work, Light Street 15 93 11. II. u hlte, mcrchandlao bill 22 39 (l. W. Creveling " " 10 00 T. W.ounton cabbage plants I 50 Sat Uro. balance on oa r.111 91 biewurds salary ApiU I 'so lo January 11)1 437 60 Directors salary , if 5 00 So Ti'lury s salary so uu Treasurer's commission 60 u-J Treasurer bank stamps 90 Ualanco lu treas. hands Jan. luiji, 'si 139 03 Total 7381 87 Pursuint to an act of assembly passed and appro ved A. D. istuoy which It is made Incumbent on County Auditors ot tho several couutles of this Commonwealth In which there Is a i'oor House erected to Bottle, audit, nud adjust thu accounts of the bereral on cers thereof. That wo the undersigned 1 jiultois dkl meet at tho P. or House ot tho Bloom l'u district nnd ex iinlu ed the accounts of tbe directors from January 13th IB.5O to January luth 13s;, aud vouchers fur tho same and find them correct as set forth above. WILLIAM L. MANNINO I ... ,,. SAMUEL E. SMITH ( to Auditors OUTS1DB ItKLIKF SETTLEDTO APItIL 1st 18 iO. By lato directors to sundry persons nt 23 " " for conins 23 uu " " " for Lt.zto Wolverton O-BO ,., - 0 14 f 2iS 43 OUT SIDE HEI.IEF SE TTLED TO JAN. 10th 1531 By new directors for Carollno Djn- nls 13 41 By new directors for Hannah John son 41 20 By new directors for Livlla J. lieeser 03 61 by now directors for Win. Lewis sa 21 Uy new directors f r lVter snankitng 34 ou ' " " " Daniel Ingold . 2 to " " " Joseph Iay 22 uu " Bat ton llolter Miroud oiidcoflln 14 S3 By new directors lor Mrs Jjcoo Fish er, coal 4 3) By new directors tor Boyd Bowman sbroudaudcofll'i 21 83 By new directors for Mrs, Oeo. n runt co.U 3 3.1 By new director for Mrs. Kaliier se cured nn Judgment 67 72 By newdlnicioislor Wm. M. Hopper cf scott 2 60 By nn " directors for John Miller ot Scott 11 tv) By n-'W directors for Sluto Hospital for Vox ami Mrs, llmjlie.s 431 lu By now directors for llikets for tramps 83 793 to VALUE OF HEAT, ESTATE AND PEIISON VL PItOl'. KHTV BELONOINO TO S t) I'OOIt DHritlOT. Farm nnd buildings with tnprove- ments mudo in IST9 13400 no Catharine Long property run uu Judgment on Denuls property lust ou " " Mrs. Kanlir to cover tho expe'iso 67 74 iiaisncoon tii'ioiu uupiieuiu lessex- onerattuns and couim sslon 1133 69 Balance on tlresnwnud duplicate less exom-rutlonsan l ''omm sslon.... Balance nu scott ilupllcatu less exon- riitiuus and cominlxsuin Hilani-- nn -ititarlonf duplicate lesa nx r')r,ul ,ns and cumin .sou,... Balance uu in eenwnoil duplicate fur '73 Ussex uml cum , 14 acres wheat In irrnund t-i'ti ltd U C3 33 U'2 39 SOI 43 112 UO 2 " ryolu grouncm Jii 12 ou Wheat r e, oan, corn, uu I pratoes Oi) 00 caunagu Kran, vinegir uuuer auu chekeus Po k, bi-it, sows, and p!g2 unions, beans, hay, li els and clover 1011 00 102 59 Hji'd 'iidu1o onnl butter aud eerra 69 2) i'23 UU '21 UO cue 00 131 41 139 63 Furniture In stowurd tiouaa " " poor houso Farm Imnlerrenu Wash house and repairs In 1S3I Balance In Treasurer's hands,,,, Ii3l2 6S Dr. Orders ouLstjindlng Jan luth '81 123 41 Balance lu favor of district itoto is IS 812 63 riPDUCTSIt.UbEDOX FAK.M, 201 bushels of wheat..... sat no 2111 " "oats U40 1733 corn ears ai 5,1 3137 sheaves ot corn fodder IT is t!0 bushels of potatoes M CO 9-13 heads of catibago 49 23 4164 pounds of prirk T49 21 4!3 pounds of boct 26 .li 1 bushels of beeta 2 01 a bush la ot onions , e m 2 butlicl 1 of beans 2 00 15 ton of bar 20110 II ocrcset whoat Ink-round, 111 uu 2 acres or no in gruuu.i , B bushels of clover seed 6 turn-Is of elder II bushels nf winter apples ... '2d gallons of applebutter 1 oslf raised .... ,,, IllehteieuK .., 433 pounds of butter 2HT dozen ot eggs VAftborts. ,,.... 12 00 19 nu 8 no 4 to 12 6U 10 UO SS DO ft to Si IS 1 so lt II dumber ot paupers rtuaUtng last rs port.. ...7..;. , ., u Number of pupri aoiialtUd durtug Hit J ej o,H,,,,mM,MI,, ,, s 0 4 -v. 11 Number nf pattp-rs remaining Jan. loth 'si 10 . of tha''ovo expenss them went, to; tho I'oor iiouso for merchandise smith work,'rcrnlrs ior farm Implements Ac, 8J9 ni 1'orco.H : 74 21 (103 91 CAt.Kll IIMITON, 1 HKESH FAIHVUN 1 MILKS ALllKltTSON,) Directors JVM I NISTHATOH'S NOTICU. K9TTS or 0. n. R. MAllCtkr, peckaksd. Letters of AdmlnMtrntton on tho rstAto of o. D. S. Mnrcler. lato of tlio town if Illootnsburir, Columbia county,ronnn, deceased, havo been pro til ed Ly tl.o Heglstcrof snld county .to 11. Frank Zarr, of tho town ol Iilootnsburg. All pertons having claims against tlio rstnte of the decedent aro requested to prcsen' them for settlement, and tho30 tudehte d to tlio estate to mako pivment to tho undorstgned administrator without delay. B. FXIANK ZAItll, Administrator, feb. S3 6w Bloomsbui g.ra. A UDITOll'S NOTJCIC, psTiTis oi,. ntniinR RtRAt.Rit. nrcKAfiRn. Till undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or 'linns' Court of t'olutnbl.1 to tnnke distribution of lm tiind In li.wirfn nf ( liArlns ICoMttnr. nillnlnl&trntor of said dTcdent to ant among tlio pantos ciill.lcd thereto, hcrrhy gives notico f. lathe will sit In tho discharge ol the duties ot his nppolntmcnt nt his otllco in the town of liloomsburg on saturfay, March 26lh, I9SI. at ton o'clock In tho forenoon ot said day at whlrli lime and Place nil persons In- rercsKsi in sum iiiuu nro requireu 10 uuenu or uv forever debarred from any share of tho Bamo. HBItVEVE, SMITH, feb. !3tl), 81-lw Auditor UDITOK'S NOTICE, lOTUMniA COUNTT. SS: Among tho records anl proceedings of tho or phans' court In and for said county, It Is inter alia thus contained. In ro estalo ot Henry Itartman, deoeased. And now February ItthtSSt, on motion of K Buckingham, J. II. Maize Is nppolnted Auditor to make distribution of thebalanco In tho hands ot tbe administrator. Br Tn Cocsr. Certified from tho records February isth, l8l. WM. KUICKBAUM, Clerk O. C. Tha Auditor annotated bv tbe Court will attend to the duties cf his appointment on Wednesday, the 23 uhv ui .Mttrcu, u., 1311, a. nine uciuck n. m . at Ills offlco In liloomsburg, Fa. when and wh're nil pa tics lntercslcd are rt quired to make th"lr claims or bo debarred from coming In upon said fund. J. n. MAIZE, feb, 25, '61-4W Auditor. UDITOU'8 NOTICE. ESTATE OF (IIHT1U COtLKV, DECEASED. Tho und rstirned auditor nnnolnted bv the Or phans' Court or Columbia Co. to mnkodh-tilbuilon of the naianco in mo nanus 01 the administrator 01 said decedent to nnd mongtbe parlies entitled thereto, hereby glres notice mat ho will sit In tbe dlschnrgo ot tr.o duties ot hts appointment at hl onico In tho town of liloomsburg on Thursday.March 24th, A' D 1SSI, nt ten o'clock In the forenoon of sntd day at v.l.l'b llmo nnd place nil persons In- lerrsieu in bam iiinu aiu requirea to aucnu or oe forever debarred front nnj share of the samo. l'AUL E. WIRT, feb. 26 'SI -4w Auditor, UUlTOIi'rf NOTICE. ,Mnoncr1ho records nnd l.rncprillncrs of IlinOr. phanH'Ciiuitlnand for said count It Is Inter alia 11, us uviiuumu. In tho estate of Mary Hemlcy, deceased, And now l'Miruiiry tltli, l-l, on motion of S. Knorr end nunemi-nt of counsel, (nty Jjieobv. Esq . Is oppiinted Auditor to tllstilliulo lialaiicu In liniid.s of Stephen Hill, udintnlstrator. by hlsllrd account am jug parties entitled tht reto. Iiy ihkCouiit. Certified from the records. WM. KUICKBAUM, O.M. tiniCK, ClirkO. C. Deputy. In pursuance of, tho foregoing appointment tht undersigned will meet tho partial Interested at Ms olllce lu llloomswirir on Tuesday thn mh day H April ts8l, at Pi o'clock a. m ut which llmo und place they aie hrehy notlded to appear or bu de barred from coming In on said fund. OUY JACOBY, fob. 55-4w Auditor. AUD" TOIl'rf NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN Ot'LUVKK, DECEASED. The UOdnrstirned flnnntntori hv tlmni- plians' Court of Columbia co.Jto mnko distribution ot iiiu uiiauuu 111 um nanus 01 uames uuittver, ad mlnlstrator of the said docedent to tlio par. lies leirany cuiiucd to reccltn t he nimi. will meet the parties Interested In snld estate nt his ofliceln tbeTuwnof Bloomsburgin Bald coun ty, on Saturday, the 20th day of March, , I)., iss 1, at ten o'clock a. m of said day, when and where all parties Interested lu said estato must attend or be iviuierueuuneu iruui uny snare 01 saia tuno. K. BUCKINOIUM, Auditor. feb. 23, "81.4W DMINISTttATOIt S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MAHOAKET UELLKIl, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on the estate of Marca- rnt lldllar Inln nf ilrmlr,nltn.h.i,ln n I'enn'a.. deceased, have been e-rnnteri hv in,, itpt-tel ter of said county to tho undersigned Administrators .v,i iivifiuLis uavuiar t-ianns esta'e or tlie decedent are reo iiwstcd to nr'senr. tiinm rnrRnttn,. ment, uud those Indebted to tlio estate to mako pay ment to the undersigned Administrators without uuiuy. AMOS nELLEIt, OEO. WlIlrKNtOIIT, , .. Buckhorn, C. . Miller, Administrators. Attroncy. feb. 95-ow UDITOR'3 NOTICE. ESTATE OF JI, W. Nl'SS, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or rhaos' court ot said county, lo mako distribution of the balance of tho fund In tbo hands ot tho nd minlstrator ot tho cstutai of said deccd-nt to and amonif parties entitled thereto.will sit at his ofliceln Bioomsburglusiilduouiiiy, on Wednesday, tbo 23rd day of March, A. 1)., lbst, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day, when and where ull parlies Interested In said fund must attend or bo forever debarred from uny sharo of said fund. JOHN M. CLA1IK. feb. 23, 1831-iw Auditor. A UDITOll'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ADAM CELLAS, DECEASED. The undersigned Auditor nppolnted by tho Or nhans' Court of ColumDU count v tu inakRrilstriiui. tlon ot tne fund In the hands ot tlio executors of Ad utu Bellas, decoused, as by their second and partial account, to and umocg tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at his oBlco In Hioomsburg Ion Sat urday the sotn diy ot Murch, ten o'clock in iuu luii-nuuu iu periurm tr.o amies 01 uts; appoint ment, vihen and where nil nersons bavlmr nnv clalnn upon said tuud wilt uppear and piove tho samo or bu debarred from receiving any tharo IUV1U1. JOHN M. CLAHK, fob. 33 'Sl-iw Auditor, UDlTOU'd NOTICli. ESTATE OF UENUY KINUSBUKY, DECEASED. Tho understcrned Auditor nnnnlntfri hv timnr. pliiius' Court of coluuibla county, to mako dlstrlbu lion of tho funds In I ho hands of (leo. A. Doty, ud riiltiUtiutor, fie, ot Henry Klugsb iry, deceased, us shown by his final iiocount. to and among the par lies entitled thereto, will sit at his onico In Blooms, btiig 011 Tuesday U10 29th day of March '831, at ten o'clock in the forenoon topetfi'rm the duties of his uiijiuimiuciu, wnen anu wuere an persons having claim njnlnH said istntu will appear and prove tLpsamicr burorever debarred liumnny shiuo ol said I und , , , , 0. . BItOUKWAY, feb. 23-lw Auditor. A UDITOll'S NOTICE. ESTATE OFOEOKOE ZAItlt, DKCXA9ID. Tho uuderslRncd auditor appointed by tho Or plians' Coui I or Columbia county, to make distribu tion or thu balareo In tho hands of tho executor of oeorge zurr, di-eeated, to and among the parties entitled theirto, will sit at his oflue lu Blooiuaburu on 1'rMav the '2311a iliv of VArrh. tks m t,. ,,',-i.u 1 In the futenuou to perform the duties of his appolut- .t.t.., oi- nut, ntirir ni icin'.ua Having utlj claims upon sMd fund will nppeiir nnd provo tho same cr bo debarred from receding any tharo thericf. K. II LITTLE, feb. 23-iw Auditor. A UDI roit'S NOUCE, KaTATE OF ISAAO HtOBNBVCH, HKCEA8ED. The itndeif tnwl nudltor appointed by Ihe Or phans' Court 01 Columbia county, to dltrlbulo bil unce In handstf Hie exieulorof Uaue liHgmbuch, ileccBfMl. to and ntnoDg thepartlrs ( iitltled there- ui, win su at mo oiuce 01 rc. 11, ieier in the town or Bloom-burg, on Saturday, Hw hncoud dsy nf April A, I)., lvi, nttou o'clock In tlie rorewon to pei form tho duties this opp 'Ininient. when nnd where all persons a by claims unm tald run! win in. pcunird piivo Hie samo or bu debarred from re- ii-itiu ,uf nuuau mereei. . , C. C. PEACOCK, ftb. 2V4W Auditor. tUMTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK SAUAII AKNWIXE, TECtASI D, The underslgnwl audltar appointed by tho Or. phans' Court 01 Columbia county to nuke distribu tion of thu halaneo in tlw hands of tho executor of onmii -tiuiuf, u-ia-ituuu, iuan'iarnon7iiio Pat ties entitled thereto, w III stt at his onico In Bluouiblurir on Saturday, Hie 2Cth day of March, imi. nt ten ociock 111 tno frrenoon to p-rr-.rm the dul s of u-a ni'i'uuiiiui.-iU( nuou uuia wn-ro an persons httv Inir unv claims upon said fiind win anprar snd Ih ro lljm'ot M"rrvii iron) ro.eiving any E. 11. 1KELER, fb, 23-iw Auditor. A UDITOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF UIKAU ll'SOEK, DKCIAf ED, The nnderslcned nudltor appointed by the Or. phuns' Court of Columbu county to makj dlstrlbu lion of the bilunco lu tlio hands of , J. Hess ad mlnlurator of lllium Lunger, acceano 1, asshown bi his dnal account, lo and ninong the parlies eullllta tin reto, will sit at Ms oniuoln Blooinsburgon bat urday.thekth uay of April, nsi, at ten o'clock In thrfforenou, lopertiirinlbe duties nf his aiipolnt ment when and where all persons Laving claims afaiost asld estate will appear and Drove the suine or be forever debarred fiou reeelvlay any part 01 UM WALLER, Auditor. tab. M14W Number of paupers removed " " Inn " ' " died John Wanamaker. DRY GOODS If you cannot vlsIttliccky.Bcncl to tis by postal card for MOUSO' keeper's Prico for JANUARY Wo fill orders by letter from every Stato nnd Territory nt same prices charged customers who visit the store, and nllow same privilege of return. Tho stock includes Dress Coods, Silks, Lacc3, Fancy Goods, and general outfits. Grand Depot, O. IB.. ROBBIWS, (StrOCESEOR. TO D. W. KOBDINS.) SSALBR IN Fiuo UrantlicH, WIiisHlcn, H, . IMPORTED ALES AND l'OKTEBS IN DOTTLES BY THE DOZEN. Landlords throughout tho county will find it to their ndvuntaco it uAuimuu my fciiouK uciore purcmising cjsGwlicrc, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Julyoj'eo-ly 1881 HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE 1881 WITH DUPLEX GRATE. The Greatest Success in the History of Cooking Apparatus, Over Eleven Thousand Now in Use. to U O s o 3 a o EXAMINE THE "HAPJPy THOUGHT" Before Purchasing your stove. sale by C. C. GaLIGNAN, DEALEIt IN STOVES, HEATEES A.!N"D K-ZSTGES, BLOOMSBURG, PA, Shop in Opera House, 6th door A CURS GUARANTEED25 cents Br USING y a 3 M .IE d 1 DR. METTAUR'S HEADACHE PILLS euro moat wonderfully ln vr.rv.l,nfllmnhfltliCirV Hr1 IJITDUnilC LJ IT A n A O U IT . unH 1.HA actirKun tho ncrvotn tj.lrm, rclloo DYSPEPSIA 1 It" worttlSnn, cleans Ibj tbo ejttcia of cicms ot bile, producing a rcgulai healthy actlou of tbe bowels. A full slzo box of theso valuable PILLS, with full di rections lorn comploto euro, mailed to sny sddress on welpt of nlno 3-C0nt PostatJO Stamps. I'urimluby allDrugrmts. BOLE rKOPIUBTOKa, l:l:.V.. - i:ra. - .ii,i'so-em CAUTION. GET THE BEST. STKONO COMPETITION fn tho manufacture of Organs is of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that nro continually springing into existence, withouL any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear nt any price. Will yuu not then, reador, If jf ou Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles of the celebrated Fstey Organs can now boeeen at tlio new rooms of tho Only Authorized Agent foi the Eatey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies oyery Estey Organ. J. SALTZER. Aeent. Junew.-so-tt UDITOll'S NOTICE. E8TATK Or OtO. MtKltCK, PICIAtED, llin undmlcned auditor arpotntrd by the Or. ruauH' L'ourt of Columbia county, to distribute bal ance In bauds of Mm, .MaMi'ller, admlninrat6r of (leo. lireec", drceafed, sa urpeura by hla Drtt and final account lo and anions the parllra entitled thereto, will alt at blaomce In lllot mabunf on Hat urday. the leth day o April, 1(81 at len o'cioclc a.m. to perform the duties ot lilaarpdltilinent, whcnai.d vurre all peraobB bating any claim on aald fund will appear and prove tbe tame or be debarred Irom recelilsf any bar Uienct, . . . R. unw (tb,.iw Auditor, This Isthoparticular season In which to get and prepare House keeping DryGoodsShcettngs, Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap kins, Towels, etc. It Is nlso tho season for Ladies' Underwear. Tlio Grand Depot contains the greatest variety of goods in ono establishment in the United States, and exchanges orrcfundsmoncy for things that do not suit, upon examination at home. and FEBRUARY Philadelphia. iiiiiun, itiul nil Uliulsoi rriucH con- Door below Iron. o B - cs o S o E tr1 CD ga B Pt4 I You will never regret it For Feb 4, 61 - Hj:MH.l:,ljTn; m resultiiicr in the production nnd pnle Bloomsburg, Fa. DMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE. E8T1TI Or BiUCKL HUOXE, IICfiBIP, I.eUcract administration on tlie estato of Baraul lthone, late of Msblnecreelt townkhlp, t'olumbU couutr, deceased, bave been grunted by tlio KairU tor of aald county to the undersigned tdinlniafruW. All pettons having claims against the esUto of Slid decedent are requested to present them for settle, tntnt and those Indebted la make payment to the. ucacreii-ntd admlnlsuelor without dt lay. U.W.nillLXUAN, v, Adalplatrator. Io.I-W ttHUtU, t-j.