, v , COtVAlI DKHWnAT, FTA " "I '" " I MAN, fONSOMIUTItll.) I Iinnrit WrfUIi rvrry I'rlitnr ttinrnltt, nt I DLOOMsnUIlO, COMJM lit A COUNTY. V.)-, ....nkfliiiiuraiTrnnr. Mlntll rlta-mint, nll'IWPd nlicnp.ud In advaiue. To sulHCrlbors out of tin) county Oio tcrmi nro w per oar, at tlctly l '" J5j 1 17 ri7 paper lliwJiu.i.uiv.1 ua.tii..i. l."- v,...v.. ... tho publishers. untJI all arrearages nro but long continual credits will not bo gKon. All papers sent out ot thoHlatoor to distant post omces rttust bu paid for In advance, unless n rciinn in.mnorwin In fvtinmbla county assumes to pur tlio suliicrlpilon duo on demand, r posTAOKlsnoloii(Ccri'.Tactpillrom8uljscrlbcr In tlio county. t I toe KrbTGznisro-. Tim Jobbing Department or tno countnttN h very complete, and our Joti Printing will compa.ro faVOra- lliy Willi lllUI lilt: 1IMHU . tit.-a. on nui uvuv vu denund, nentlj nnd at Moderate pilocs. LAW YE IIS, r 15. UROCKWAY, Jt ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Cot.t'uniiM tlciLDiho, Dloomsburg, Pa. Memb r or the United states Uw Association, Col'ectlon made in any part ot America or Europe. oct. l, iw. E. WALLER, AttornoyntL.aw. omee, Sccond.doorfroin lt National Banlt. lit.coMSBuna, fa, lan. 11. l? N U. FUNIC, Attorney at- Ijiw, DLooMsiwno.rA. omee tn Knt's ddii.diku. c & W.J.BUOKALEW, ' ATTOUNBVS.AT-LAW, nioomsturfi.ra. times on Mali) Street, first door below Courtilouer TOIiN M. OI.AKK, ATTOKSBY.AT.LAW, ninnifiaburff.ra. Olilce over Schuyler's Hnrdwnre store. P. HILLMEYER, ATTOIINRY AT LAW, orrlCK In Harman's llulldlncr. Main atreot, llloomaburi:, l'n. r. n. umx. ROB'T. R, MTTtl. E. II. ft n. K. LITTLE, ATTOItN EYB-AT-LAW, Dloomsburg, l'a. p W.MILLER, ATT01tNKY.AT-I.AW omcoln llrowcr's building, second floor, room No. 1. Dloomsburg, Pa. B FRANK ZARR, Attornoj'-nt-Tinw. l)l.7l.lOIW A . nmco corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark's Tiulldlng. (!nn bn consulted in Germnn. Jan. m, sd-tf Q.EO. E. ELWELL, A T TO H N E Y-A T-L A W, coicmman UniLntNO, Uloorasburg, Fa. Moirbor of tho tlnttod StaWS Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Europe oct. 1, 1SI9. 8. KNORR. . H. WINTttnSTKKN. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttoi'n e v f-n t-3-a w. Offlco in Hartman's Illock, Corner Main and Mar ket streets, llloomsburg. Pa. tSfPenwiii and Bounties Collected. pUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law, omeo In llrowcr's Illock, ono door below Coi.cmdian Ilulldiug hloomsbuiiq, pa. July 10, 'so tf 1 UY JAC011Y, Attorney-at-Law', IlLOOMSnUUO, PA. omco In tho Colcmbun Ilulldlng, second Door. Oct, s, '80. BL00nTjRGlil RECTORY. PUOKESSIONAL CAltDS. "O I1UCKINGIIAM, Attornev-nt-Lnw. Of- XX .nee, u.J. Clark'B Building, so storv room 0, Hioomsourg. may i, eu-i. 1 CU. J1ARKLEY; Attornev-nt-Law. Office . In Drowcr's building, snd story, Itooms 45 J B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law. tn Ilartman'a building, Main street. Oflice D It. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon nnd Pliysi- T' i vuivii r r o. pi,..;. I., MA 1 Ht.,J, .,1. A,.. Ulllltull Ullll . n;ri tJ , clan, (Ofllco and llesldcnco on Third streot T H. McKELVY. M. D.. Surgeon nnd Pliy- t) . siclan, north side Main street, below Market. TR. J. O.RUTTER, PHYSICIAN & SOKOKON, Ofllce, North Market street, Dloomsburg, Pa. Oct, 1, 19. I. L. KABB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, Hiooms ourg, ra. tir- Teeth extracted without pain. Oct, 1, 1819. T WILMOT CONNER, M. IX. PI1YSI IJ .CI AN and 8UI10KON. special attention given fu tho IWRASus and dkkkcts of the Ktk. Ear Tiihoat andsuiKiERT In all Its varlovs branches. 5B Also curcfully adjusts tho EYE with PIiOPEIl UL.Ar.SllB, 8 10 a. m. Houns 34:30 p. m. .7 8 p. m. Wllheubnrri', Vu' July 16, '8o-tf "AMES RE ILLY, Tonsorial Artist, isntriilnnt hi, old stand under EXCHANGE 110 n-l.-l ..An . ..a.... uiimni l.t auu .,..J.,tM HIIOP. llo resiiectfully nollelis tho patronango of uis nm riiHioiner ana or tno puonc generally. Jtllyio.'so-tf W. H. HOUSE, BLOOaMSBTJRG, COL. 00. PA. All styles nf work dono In a superior manner, work warruiitra a, represenu-u. -i kktu i'.atraut kii wiTiuirjT Pain bv the use of (las, and freoof charge hen artllUUl teeth ate Inserted, onico Corner Main and Irou streets. In he open at ail hourt during the day. ov.ja-iy MISCELLANEOUS Q M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- dalrcd. Opkka IIocse Building, llloomiiburjr, Pa. TAVID LOWENItERG, Merchant Tailor j Miun st above central uotoi. "I 8. KUHN, dealer II. Meat, Tallow, etc., j. . uentrt) street, netween ueconu ana ruira. A UGUSlUd FREUNI). Prnctical liomeo- S oathlo llorso and Cow Doctor, Blonmbburg, Pa. 1CU, 14, 'IV-II (JatawTssa; M. L. EYERLY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlasa.Pa. Collections promptly made and remitted. Office opposite, Catawlasa Deposit Bank. , om-38 II. RIIAWN, 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawtssa, Pa. Office, corner 01 Third and Main streets. B, F. HARTMAN irKiaiNTa mi rou-owma AJlPiltlUAK liNHUKAKUK COMfAWIKH! i.ycomtng ot Munnv rennsylvanla. North AmcMciui of l'Ljdolphta, Pa trankUn, of I ennsylvanla of 11 Farmers ot York, Pa. Hanover ot New York. Manhattan of 11 otnoe, on Market Btroot No, , Blcoiniburg , I'a, Wh l-AA , . K. BITTEN 3EHDEB, J fw' MIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. k-taik OF MART V, KARNS, DElKAstli. iIfJic&f.?.rt!!l!S!l ocea'ed, have b-en (trnnted by iho lt"Jls er of iifd i.M?? "? '.h!! "irtersi Krocl ninlnlfitrAtor Al persona liavlnir c alm, naa mat t in nmi nf r.i,i irnior Ai persona I of anld diecdi'tit iKPnTMraiiiVn1 ,,n.i..rj ........... ;vr ..i'""'. 'vEl"'" uiibloilKU llUllllUIOllHlUr IMIJlUUT.IICia JACOll H. KAltNS. AdmlnUtrator. licnton p. o. E. II. k It. It. I.ITTLK, Atwniera. Jan. sl-w Oxilr 3530 ,V f ,. . n k i.pi 1 1 a nlUMI. .'mllo.ii;fln8prlntb mtkt. 7,riirnif,fr, ir ,t,l it In lin nrm(iicif btfare um l'V for II. Till. U 111. ..m, .. hrr c',n,i"1" rui f 5o. All Michlm-i Knir.nlrJ for Into fjr. Bnrl forour IlluHr.lMrir. cul.rntid Tontim.ulila. AdJr.M ciiA!tl,i:s a. wnn a to., 17 N. Ietli St, IbiWilph.i, a caw Feb.I9'81.8w M, HUI GfilNSON'S All()lilniidTiliaitciilril'. l'.rmmoUitWormt i i t','i trrrctl'iMtli'ltlrvUtrtiitttivi: Wo tinni nulrf IH vlrtuo. u h.ivo liundrod, of Tetlnioiilnls,rol. li'.Ud 111 tlmliM 15 jeii r, jnn Inif coik luslvi lv there hi mini' equal 1 1 l)r. lliitililniaii'ii Warm Dcl rurcr tn ruiiiovi' the Wtinm mil kind. Ihntuil. Krixl, H(,nud YliiC), thai Infot tho hmnaii fyHcin, I'i'liiriani Imfi ttirm ami nlvn thpm tn thnlr Kiirfurliii patlouU Tlu if (' no humbug or mmtltru about thti thorciushly rdlatili) medicine. Price, Sc. per box. A. W. WRIGHT & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Market an J Front Streets, Philadelphia. feb-11, 'si-3m To llwTOus Snfforcrs Tho Great Europow iiczeaj. PR. J. B.StUrSON'8 SPECtFIO MRDtCtNK, rrnhv. 1'nlnH In thn iihi;k ur riuu, oi Aieino y, rrrma- tare uiu ago ana ui- eases thai lend ti connmptlon.lnsarl ly snnenny grav, or both. NoinatU" how shuttered lln system maj bjfron uxevtses of a ii J kind, a short course m.. nituieinu mil iteiuiu tnu lost runcuons mid procute heulili and haiplness where beforu was despondency and gloom. '1 he Spe clllc Mealclne Is being used with wonderful succtbs. Pumphlets sent treo to all. Wilte forthtmaiid get full partrlcuiar. Price. Sneclllo l.m) tx p nncWnee. or rIt nnpVncrpR lur u. hi uu pcni uy man ou receipt or money. Address all orders, J. 11. si.Ml'S'iN'sMKDlCINKLO. os mi nnu ni .Main ureet, liurtulo, N. Y. loo. ii, ai-i DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE Ono of t ho most d slrat lo restdencea In Uloomatounr mi ttin iJt.nb-WL-Ll cuintr of .Muiktt ana Kiftti I Streets funnurly oceujiluU by V. ii, burner. The TWO STORY BRICK IJUILDINO. nicely f urnlshcd. There Is also a hT.f!I.E AND OUT-IIUII.DINfJS, Tho nronertv lll bo fold on easy terms. I'os ess- crsIou gUen April Ut IS8I. For particulars Inaulro of .1. II. Mulzo Ksi., llloom&burg, Pa., or lllram Iteeeo llucKiioru. uov. M. 'S0-3IU F IRE INSURANCE. ClIllISTIAN F. KNAPP, DLOOMSBUHO, PA. UUITISII AMKltICA ASSUltANCE COMPANY. 11RHMAN FIHl!I.N.-.UltANCK COMPANY. NATIONAL, Fl HE INSUKANCK COMPANY. i hevo oLn conroRiTiONB aro well seasoned by aeo and firk tkstsd and have never yet had a loss set tled by any court 01 law. Their assets aro all lnvesi td In solid secL'uiTiKsand aro liable to the hazurd i.f Flute rinlv. Losses riioMiTLT and uonbstlt adjusted and paid as soon os determined by Christian f. Knaft, sko al AOKNT AND AUJVSTEHUI.UUKHIIUKU, ri, Thn neoniH or Columbia o ounty suouia naironize the agency where lossos It any ore settled and paid 77 Olio 01 ineir uwiiuiluuuci. rl.UAU avuii l tain UflftWI.O $101 outfit furnlthed free, with full Instruc tions for conducting the most proiltablo business that any one can snEraee In. i in- business 1, so easy to learn, ai d our Instructions aro so simple nnd plain, that any one can make great profits from tr every start. No ono can fail who Is wllllnc to work. Women are as suc- eessf ul as men. Hoi sand girls can earn larjje sums. many uave mnou si iuu LiuMiicro u... unu uui.uicu dollars In aBlnglo week. Nothing like It ever known Mio eucago aresurpnseu nunc en so and rapidity with which they aro ablo to make mnnnv. Ynn on pnfnL'il In tills DUSlneSS QUnni! your sparo tlmont grjat profit. You do not have lo invest capital in 11. nuiuhuuiiiuuiiBAi mwio nuu need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address Tbck tCo.,Augusta,Malno oct. 16 "80-ly B. F. SHARPLESS, Cor. Contro and Hall Iload Sts., near I.. & B. Depot. Lowest Prices will net ba undersold. Manufacturer ot MINE CAK WHEELS, Coal Break er and Drldgo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin- waro, Plows, IHON FENCE, and aU kinds ot Iron and Brass C'Etlngs. Tho trlglnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, nnd sldo bill Plows, tho best In tho mark et, and all kinds of plow ropalrs. Cook Stoves, Itoom stoves, and Stoves for heating stores, fchool houses, churches, ic. Also the larg est stock of repalra for city stores, wholesale nnd retail, Buch as Flrollrlck.Oratcs, Cross Pieces, Lids ic. o Htovo Pipe, Cook Hollers, r-kllllts, Cake- Plates, larsr Iron Kettles, 120 gallons to ltf Carrels) Farm Bells, Mrd Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allontowii Bone Manure" PLASTtll, salt, sc., sc. Jan J, 'to-iy C. E J. SAVAGE, DKILKR in Silverware. Watches.Jowelry.Clocks.&c. All kinds of Watches. Clocks bud Jiwtlry neat ly repalied and warrauteo, mayll.'is-tf II. C. SLOAN & BRO. IILOO.USUIJRO. TA, Manufacturers of Carriagos, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFOIIM WA00N8.40. First-class work always on hand. HKPAIltINQ NEATLY DONE. Pi-tees rodnoed to suit the times. LATEST STYLES OP 4 n. T T T TvT t. 1. C. A TP .Tj!5 .. .. Inntminrin ntinmnil AtthO UU-jUiaJ.iA VECLVb, cfroVoVOTiTcWSr0 Wr'nxM?!? "' no. prew , ed only by kin 1, such iti weakness and all aliases raiultlng J' " 'Vuiit iwn i.V.V. from Nervous Debility, Irrltablllty.Mental Anxiety, n . M ,. ,, n,,,,,.,,.1,'1"1"'1-1 U1A- Longuor. LnSMtude, Depression oi Spirits and f unc- Feittht,5nJSa by nU Df "KB,3,S' tlonal ihirangements of thu nervous ssten mm. April io, so ly. lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, WILL IT CURE ME? matiwhoao woiuco.io countenancn and 6rokl!n " )W1 conitltuUon slowed traca of dHoaw ncrniui utpepn,in wnoio sura, acli Hid most do'loato morjel lay llko lead. Itefresli. ln.rtacpninn.trttiwe.woro' ntnuiri to l ln. an(inod03pilrsdof over bslnj well, Wj alvhod htm to talo ,ikn,i...i.,.i.. I..... ..... .... ... .: SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, wli'cli ho did, and Inn short tlmo was not onlyro Hero 1 but cured. Header; If yoa aro sufferlnir with Iiyanjnslt or Lly. er Dlieate In any form do not wait until tho disease has taken n fa,', hold upon yoit, but U90 tho Itegula tor when th symptoms tint stuw tlnmseivos. It na, relloved untold surferlnz. HIMMONS I.1VRU iiuii'LATOll Is not nnalchohollo stimulant, but a Purely Vegetalilo Romedv that will euro when ever thing else falls. It tsn faultless family mcdlclno. Docs notdlsarranirelho system. Is no vlolont drastlepurgo, but naturtfii own remedy, Tho frlcndbt ovcrjone, and will not I disappoint yon. A single trial will convince you that it l, tho cheapest, purest and best Family Med ietas In the world. ASIC tin recovered dyspeptics, bilious surtererj, vletlm t of fever and ague, tho mercurial diseased patient how the recovered their health, cheerful spirits and good npretlt they will tell you by ta king Simmons' I.lver Hegulator. ASK YOlMt IIRUOOIST FOIt SIMMONS' Liver Regulator HOP BITTEHS: (A .llcdlclnc, not n Drluk.) C0STA1SS iitir., nrcmr, ?i.muaki:, l)AM)i:i.It)N. Axil Til rftlltsT AMI IlKKTMCMPAl QrALt--IIEHur ALL '.I1IIKII 1111 ILIia. All DIkphtii nf tlivStnm li, llool. Pltind, l.llrr. lilillH')..tuii i nniirymk'iw.. mt uuhiii:... slrcDli ..liffKriiiil I'FpccUHr Ivlnalu Cunilnlut $1000 IN COLD. W1t! be piM for ft rft thevntll not rnroor futimt lu tin in. Aknur ttrtiRctftt for IIti ItlttT nnt try itteni Ltforo )o ftt'cp. TaUu iiu ulbrr. D 1. C. i an nhnoluteRinltrrrMMlMcrnre for jjrunKennc", "piuui. louacco una it arcin'9. Sum Ttu C liter nn. All ilM 'MvtrmiUt. Hop dttfri Mil-. (! , It hwtrr, N. .,, ATcTrtnlt.Onl. July lG.'Sft-tt A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Statu of Pennsylvania, Columbia county, ss. Anumff tho record, and liroccedlnirs ot tlio (lorn- mon Pleas In and for said coiiDty It 13 luter alia thus contained. In reassigned estate of I. John .t.son. And now Februarys. 1M. In civn court, on mo tlon ct W. II. Ithawn, Attorney for J. M. Smith, As signee of I. John & son, C. O Ilarkley.Esq. appoint ed as Auditor in uisinuuic oaianeo in iihiiuui Auditor to distribute balance In hand, of snld assignee nrcrrdlmr to the nconiWiind partial uc- eountaMproeeedl-ngslheroutoaiidnmongtliepur- ties entitled thereto. Ur the coniT. Certified from tho record this Fifteenth day of Feb ruary, A. D , issi. (1. M. (Jncir, WM. KIIICKUAUM, ULTUIV. 1 IUL1I. in nuraiianra of the above nnnolr.tment the un- drHltrr.riS will inir. thn nurtlt'S Interested athls Of- tlcu in llloomsburg on Saturday thoiotli day ot juareii, ... it. ibi. uei..t'uu 111.1 uu.ua .11 vu. .u. nnd 4 p.m., at which tlmo and placo all persons having claims upon s.:ld fund will appear andproNo their cialn.s or be debuned from any share oi said 'und. .. U. U, il.UllL.l, fob. 1 S'IS-lw Auditor. 1) RIDGE LETTING. "Vlll be nt Hiram Hess Ir. Benton on Saturday the 56lh dav of February, issi. at 11 o'clock n. m. A uiiuku io ui: u.ctii-i. u.u. ..va.v.cu ... oiiiiflimm, near John II. Cole's. To be a wooden brace coi cred bridge, 3.1 feet long. Id feet wldo. Abutments to be built by contractor so ns to admit of skenback s feet from top ot wall plate. Plans and speculations can bo been at commis sioners omee. HTEI'IIUN I'OUE, CHAIILKS UKIC11ART, A. II. llEltldNO, Commissioners' Offlco, County Commissioners. Hioomsourg. i'a Jan. si, si. Attest: J. U, CA8XT, Clerk. Feb IS-aw EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE U U A I . l-t'S' 'A H XVXJ1.XJLJ JLUKJ J. . The undersigned executors of Joshua Brink, de ceased, will expose to Public F alo on tho premises tn Sugarloaf township on SATURDAY, MARCH 5th, 1881, at ono o'clock In tho afternoon, the following tene ment and THACT OH PILCE OF LAND tlluatc. iruig nnu ueiu iu uiu iu..usnii ui oukui.uui, Columbia county, Pennsjlvanla, bounded nnd desarllcdas follows, to-wll: Beginning utawhlte oak, the corner of Helstcrs land.thencoby undo! Joshua Brink north eighty degrees west one hun dred and twelvo and a half perches to a post, I hence by said land norlh thlrly-flve degrees west flfiy-llvo perches to a chestnut tree, thence north flxty de grees wt st beventy perches to a post, ttieucoby land ot Montgomeiy Colo 'uth nventj-four degrees west eighty-two peichesto aprst, thenco by land of said Joshua Brink sou'h forty-threo and three- fourth, degiees east forty-four perches to a post, therce by said land south twenty-tour degrees west thlrty-nlno perches to a post. tbCDCO by said land south forty threo and Ihrfe-fourths d.grees cast sixty-one perches to a post by a p'lhde road, thenco south t-eventy fegri-es eastslxty.threo and onc-halj perches to a post, thenco by land ot N llllarn Mcliel- vy norlh sixty-one and three-tout lb, degrees last thlrty two perches to the place tf beginning, con taining 85 Acres and 65 Perches of land bo tho same moro or less, on which aro erected a two-story nt ;ii i: inriau.vt; house, barn andout-bulldlngs. This Is one of the best Fltl'IT 1'AItMS In tno upper end of the county. Tei in, made known cn day of salo. I. K. KIHCKIIAIIM, WILLIAM UIIINK, Februraryl ,1Ebl-l3 Executors. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! In ptira'tanco of an order Issued nut tf tho Or phan,' Couittt Columbia county, John W, Evans. Executor of (Icorgo I.iaus, late of Brlarcrtek town ship, Columbia countv, deceased, will expose to Public Hale on the premises In llilarcreek township on Tuesday, Mnrcli 22nl, 1881, All that certain riiXT. ok ivtiM.n:i. or i. ii sltuatoln llrlurcreek towrshlp, Columbia county, llu,.nutli,i.li liMinU.1 ,n, .li...h.:, ... . .i,-j, v.........m -v.v.iu... a.-, ijuui.-.iu- wit: on tho north by l.indsof Oeo. Hess, on tho west by htndt of Clurles llachnvm, toulh by a pub lic road, east by und of aeorgu Belford, cHitiiliilng TIM UT Y N I X E A 0 It ES find f Ichtv nni i-Ik u Akn mm il Imr r,l tt luiit) tn Hime townMil;), boui.iled onil deficrlbtU as llPltorlandon Iho wett by Cleorgo Bellord, south Vuwww? " U one ache &'ninlty-mnk PEiiCHEs, ouwhichareeruteda FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, framo Bom and out-buiidings, Aito.ono other pieco ot landinBamo towmhip, bounded on tho norlh by on tho east by public road, containing SIX ACRES AND SIXTEEN PERCHES. n-...,anu....T. nurchosu moiiuv to ba tmlrt hi. il,., Ririi.in,..w.. lantijv! urn l.n, aw UlltUl UUU-1UUI Lit DI UIU mu piujivi.i iuu uuu-iuuiiii K-tj, uiu per cent at tno coniirmaiion ot saie aim tno irmaining three- com rraauoa ntsL I "' i-tyvo, I Fob. H.'ji.u Executor. i . Poetical. tub tiiipm: plka. Law, Physio and Divinity, lielng la dispute; could not ogrco To settlo which of all tho three Bhould have supetkrlty, Iaw pleads, ho doth protect men's lands. And all their goods, from ravenous hands, Thcrcfjro ot'rlght, clullengith ho rohivoaupcrlorlly. I hyslo prcscrlhc) receipts for health, Which men prefer ibovti their wealth. Ihereforo of right, challengclh ho To have superiority. Then straight steps up tho ptlcst dctnuro, Who for men's souls ptoclalms tho euro. 1 hercfore ot right, ehalh ngeth ho To havo superiority. If Judgo's end this trlplo flea, Tho lawyers suro will gain tho fco i If eplores tic verdict give, Tho doctors best ot all will thrlto. If bishops arbitrate the case, Thn priest will havo tho highest place ; If honest, sober, wl-o men Judge, 1 hen all tho throe away may truugo. It men will lUo In peace and lovo, Tho lawyer's act, they need not provo j If men forbear excess and riot, They need not feed on doctors' diet- If meu attend what God doth teach, They n!d not mind what parsons proach i Hut It men knaves and fools will b?, They'll ba hard ridden iy alt threo. Select Story. THE HUNT ON THE HIGHWAY. TI....-,. u-nu il ,l..-,.u-.1 vnl.tinr .nm,.. ..,.,. TI... fn,n, l,.w,.a ,.nl,l,..,1 . mm were robbed : tho tills at tho bars robbed, and of the wavsido inns were thu people, had their pockets picked. AH tins happened in tlio region betwoen Sidney and Lowstonu nota Held of vast extent and yet the robber or robbers could not bo found. OH'icers had search ed in every direction, and several sus- ..;!,. if,:.. :n.i:..;.iid i,.i i.,. irn HJ it's lvnriiiLL iiniii iiiinin nnu uv.vii u r H'chended; but the real culprit remained I .... A ... at large. Unc dav tlio mail was robbed and 011 tho next a man had his pocket tucked of live hundred i)Ounds,while rid ing in t tic stage coaoii lor my narrative dates back to tho old coaching days. Thu money had been carried 111 his breast pocket, and ho knew it was stolen lrom him while he was enjoying a dozo on tho road. 1 had Peon contiucd to my house by a severe cold for several days, nnd was not tit to go out now; but as this matter was becoming serious, I felt it my duty to bo on the move, and accordingly I fortified my throat and breast with warm flannel, and set forth. I had no settled plan in mv mind, for I had not vet been upon the road, and was not thoroughly posted up, A ndo of five miles brought us to Sidney, and thence 1 meant to take a rnor.li tn T owxtone where Sam Stickncv UIIU Ui. IIIU IJlUPty BIllUHUl'Dli JL illUil IMLU, .!nl.n.. 1,.1 nlvon.U. l.nnn tlw. BnrnU ...i t . i.r i. ing any decided movements. I reached Sidney at half past five in tho morning and the coach left at six. Lowstono was sixty miles distant, so I had a good . . . . . . ride before me. iJiuing thu early part ot tho day I rodo upon the box with a driver, and from him I gained consider able information touching on the various robberies that hail been commuted. He was forced to admit that several people had been robbed in his stage, though ho declared he couldn't seo into it, for ho had not tho remotest idea oven of whom it could be. We reached Hounivillc at noon, whero D...,.,i i,v ,iin ,,.i ,vi... i,.f, rjLU ILVI H' "!-) "nv" ' v V i.t. ninnn t .ti... M..i,,,i, At little tlio distanco of twelve miles at a village called Cawthorne, we stopiied to change horses, and here another passen gor got up. I had been occupying the lorward seat, as that happened to bo wi- lit. tlimi 41ia AMint'ti nn1 trn' inn n liul. ter opliortunity for lying down : and - ,, 1 l, ,!J. ,!, J!U11 IIPJ HCitt-UillVi ;altvtv:.lf IIU iJl lilt. back seat. He was a young man, I judge, and not very tall in stature, but so completely was ho bundled up in shawls and muflhTS,that his size of frame was not easily determined. He was very palo and coughed badly ; and 1 at oncu . . 1 1 ,i ,1 , . 1 i'. i".iu j " ii.. ti-- ..t to travel than I was. After wo had got fairly on our way, I remarked to him that I had been suffering from a sovero cold and that this was the first time that I had ventured out for quito a largo number of davs. He looked at mo out nf ti nnir of dark br irht eves : nnd when ho seemed to havo determined what manner of man I was ho said : "T Imvn xnini.t h nc wnro than a r-n hi. .. ;. . . . . ... - .. ' sir. He broku into a lit ot coughing, which lasted a minute or so. and then added : "It won't be. a great while be- fore I shall take mv last ride." Again ho was seized with a snasin of coughing, and when ho recovered from it ho continued, "tho disease is eating mo up and shaking mo to pieces at the uniim linn. lln fiirtlief lnfni ino.l inn tlmt lie lind started on n trim- fnr his health, and that he had given it up, and was now on his way home, which place ho was anxious to reach as soon as nos- sible. Another paroxysm seized liiui at this point, and intimated that ho was mi- l.ln In i.rmvni'-tP. m tlin nlYnrt lit-nmrl.t nn tho cough. I had noticed this, ami had miido up mv mind to trouble him no ...... . more, even belore he had given mo the hint. After this hu drow his outer shawl about his neck and face ; ho closed his eyes and I was not long following his example. Toward thu middle of the forenoon tho coach stopped at a small village, whero wo changed horses again, and where four passengers got in. This broke up tho arrangement of my friend and self for rest, as' he hud to take one nf the Htraiifcrs on lii.J sent. Tlio nnu- .... ' ...... comers soon broached tho subject of tho I -.lt 1.I..1. 1...1 1 " ... roouenect, vvineii nan open uomuiiiicd in tl.t.t tmrlm, m.,1 I li.t.mn.l tr, !.. f..-. -neu io gain inior- but they knew no io knew. They hail were inflated with L ' ... . . " . ination, it possible! but moro than any ono elso . , .. , ... , iieani an auoui u anil were iniiaied with wonder. One, an old farmer, asked mo if 1 know anything of tho robbery. I told M' that 1 knew but little of the affair anyway, having been sick nnd unable to bo out among folks. Then ho asked my coiisumpted friend if ho know nny. thing about it. The latter raised his head from its inclining position, and was hoard our driver, in quick, abrupt tones, ?r!lt'" ?T 0IIU 10 B0t.0iu ,ot t,,u ,0!Ul' i iiiBiiiicuveiy put my i can out oi me WllldOW to SCO WlllU tllO trOllblO WHS. I .. I ........ vj .a ji.nv ...itutv i'liuilll lu delect a lor.d ot lagots, In timo to dodge "acK and cscnpu them. Tho road was quite narrow at this point, nnd as thu fagots were loaded very widely, it waa lEBRUARY 25,1881. I itnpossiblo for tlio driver to wliollv avoid them, mid tho flido of the roach wru swept by them quite Hinnrtly I ceenped witiioui being touciii'd, lint not so my friend. 1 lienid nnexclamntion,I thought rather a profnno one, from liis Hps, mid on looking toward tiini I snu' that one of tho fagots had strtich 1 1 i tit over tlio lelt eye making nuito a mark upon tho palo skin. This ineldcnt turned tho con versation from tho stibiei'l of tho rob beries, and it was not again alluded to tuiring tne tiay. Wu reache'd Lowstono sliortlv nfter ilark, and I wont at onco to tho residence ot .Mr. btickney, wliom I found at home. lie had been out all day. and mado all sorts of efforts to obtain some clue to tho perpetration of tho robberies that wore being committed but without tftWt. Ho said that he could learn notliinL' on which to hang suspicion. Two shops had been robbed in his town, but ho could get no cluo to the perpetrators. e consulted touother. and linallv nro posed to go on in tho morning and seo another detective oflicer named Oatnlit. who resitted about twelvo miles distant, in tno town oi Urton. Ihis met the view of niv host, and so wo left the matter for tho cveninc?. On tho following morning wo wcro up early and as the couch would take its directly to Gamlit's house, wo chose that mode ot conveyance, and repaired at a reason able hour to tho tavern for that nur pose. n neii wc readied tlio inn, wo found the old fanner, who had been ono of fellow passengers on the night be lore, stopping about the door in a statu r t. . -... : ,t , . . , ul rault'lllm' "u IliUl DeCII lOUbetl 01 l",L-u imiUHIS, atlll 110 WUS SHU! !l ".u,s,1 h.avo bce." .,ono ,ll(r' 8ti.'Se (' '"i'l sk'l,t J' hjs P01'1 lpok under his pillow. He had not thought to loo' into it when lie rctired.biit ho had found it empty this morning, when ho got up. llo said tlio wallet had been taken from his pocket and put back again ho was sure ho know it. As soon as he saw ""-' w mo ho was anxious I should be searched. 1 n . , , 0f com',.1 -f cd the operation to bo I i-lnim it'iilinirlt A f t i 1... nvA l....ni done was all allayed, I asked him where tho palo young man was that came in the coach, and was told by tho landlord that no went away soon alter tho coach came. My first aim was to satisfy myself that the old man had been robbed in the stage coach, and ot this he succeeded in con vincing me. After tins my suspicion rested on tho consumptive man, and if I found the man I had tho rogue. So I bado tho landlord to keep a sharp look out; and also spoke to the driver who had brought mo from Sidney, and who was now on tho point of returning, re questing him, if he saw anything of tho alo man, to seo that he was secured. The suspicious individual had only re mained at mo inn a lew minutes on the re 10,13 cve,'"'K. and had then gone ; tf whic,, llil(lconl0 for ?.!,. I . . " 1 1 . 11 t . i . i UUl " UIIU 1:0111,1 l-' Wll.1l dllCCtlOll 110 had taken. , 11,0 "V10'1 T ?rt0" H00n C!J,n? - "oor w? wok our scnis insmc, ino ,n.nner1 ,mv,,1S fcnjica to remain V " . w . 1 S I illinllt thn iiinnnv l linvr .-.ifn t.t.rt .vtl.,,.. - . passengers inside, and two or three out side, but they were strangers to me. We had gone two or three miles when the driver pulled up before a small farm house, where a woman and a trunk were waiting by the garden gate. The lady was handed into the coach and took a seat facing me, and as she turned to give the driver some directions about the baggage, she threw her veil over her bonnet, bho was pretty, very pretty, with I I I J "1.1. IT 1 1 ufj uiiuukm una k iiiiMiiig eyes, iter nau' 'n,nS 1,1 gls3y brown ringlets over her neck aiul shoulders, and was a type oi beauty in useu. i looked nt tho rosy cheeks again, and into her dark lustrous eyes. ily gaze was fixed upon this lat ter when she caught mv glanco and quickly droped her veil. At first I felt a little ashamed at having been caught staring at her so boldly; but as tho face was hidden lrom sight, and I had an on portunity lor relleeting, it struck me that 1 hail seen those leatures before Here was a study for mo and I was buried in it at once. Whero had I seen that face. I whispered to Stickncv, and asked him if he had ever seen her before. "9 81,1(1 "c."aa not, and joked mo for being so curious about a pretty face. We stopped at a place called 'Turner's,' in "'o eug ot Urton to exchange mails.and liul' 1 jumped 'out to seo tho post master WHO WHS ail Old lrieild Ot mine, .Hid as I was returning to the coach tho thought Ktruuk "10 ,0 look "l the trunk which had eeu last put on and see it any name was i .... ti t. i..i t t I " U" mo simpiu Hhtiai" ji. so mat was all that 1 gained from that source. As I came to 1110 uoacl1 aoo' 1 approached lrom be- '"" am' as c-w my eyes up, I found tllat 1,10 wauty had her veil raised, and ,,,ul"'o 1110 post omee, as uiougi nnow for the mail to come, that wo HUgllt 1)0 Olt. I he expression of ailXIC- tv deiraeied somewhat lrom her beautv. and as I looked upon her now, seeing 1,e.r frtte different light, I was struck with a snake like cast, which was per- 1 coptiWo in tho whole character of her 'catures. l was on tho point of with drawing my gaze, lest she should catel st'L'0,1'l t'1"10 when a slight motion of her head rolled her curls over her teniplo .....i r ....... .. rn.... it .,. ami I saw a faint line, something like vein, over her left eye. It was a mark i livid scratch whero something had struck her. It might have been the stroke ot a whip. Hut no: I iiiuckly glide back behind the coach, and thero I re flected. Such a mark as that could bo iniiilu by a fagotl hen 1 returned to my seat in the coach, thu fair passenger's veil was again down. Could it bo possible that my sus. liieions worn enrrei't. nnd tlmt ,,1,-i.w.n i I --- - - - , - ..... v..,..,v.w had thrown in my wav a solution of tho I. l.t. !.!..!. ....1 ..... 1 l .. piuiueiii wiiiun nun vexed my depilliei I ml tnlli-lif Vi. T i-nu awvn f It ,,,,.1 ti.. iinu-ui i es, i wassuro ot it, and tho moro I compared the two faces in my mind tho more I saw tho resemblance, Either these cheeks had been painted 1 . ' . . - I'.uner tneso eneeks hint been i red to-day or they had been painted white yesterday. T ho eves wcro tho same, and that brow with tho tell tal mark, not to bo mistaken. Wo soon stopped at tl inn nt (Jiton. Tho driven iu door of tho nimoiined that they would stop thero minutes, to exchange hi for tho mail, and also infi accommodations m the 1 they would stop thero ten or fiftee minutes, to exchange horses and wait tinned tho pas find plenty of house, if tlmv , H '"' , xuu iiuiy at ursi din not get out. but ... F at length SlIO 41111 SO, fllld WCIlt into tlin 1 ti.'. I. A ..VI-I III 1 1 iL-tl nil y III u IK 1 Ollt WHO sho was. 1 lelt my deputy at the door m me rooui sho enterctl, having ordcrei him to rush in.in case ho should hear any thing that would warrant intrusiou. On going into tho npartmont, I found tlio beauty sitting by tho window gazing out between tho blinds. She started tip as I entered, and let her veil fall. , ' I thought tins was a private room, sir, shu said. Hervoico trembled and sounded unnatural "It may be," I resumed, "but that docs not excludo thoso who havo business. I caino onpurposo to sec you." mere was a moment: then she appeared as cal "What aroyout" she "I am an olhcer from There was a momentary struggle, and dm as could be. io asked. How street." 1 10 plledi and I want to know who are." J'0M "Stop 0110 moment," she said; and as sho spoko she carried her hand beneath her cloak. It was tpiickly withdrawn, and in it was a pistol, but she had grasp ed n portion of her dress with it, and be foru she could clear it,I had spinngiipon her and seized her by the nrm. Hut it was her no longer. Thero were more muscles in that slight body than I had bargained lor. However, my man popp .,.1 i;. .i.... .. .. V 'V' W .i 'AY 1 W u Z V' ,,car,U,,u1BC" ' and the beauty was soon secured. The i ?, - 7 n 1 . f..0ui f ,1 J I rt Kin IhoXeki th 1a,nt WM re"l0V- Aim as soon as tlio prisoner was bo cured I had the trunk taken off and ,..!, :., .. 1 ... 1 i .1 T.yKSTVVlMa.Mi - 11 pined moru cadaverous coi- nrm., ...ntl.n- f.. II... .,,:.. S.1S ".-, nn.. ... J. .IIU VVIIIOIIIII III V I vidual ( .!.. a . 1 , vol... ut. .o nv niuti.1 ... ho was a small built, intelligent looking youth, but with :i cold blooded ex ires- . .- . . . sion upon his marble countenance, and an evil look in Ins dark eyes. e carried him back to J.owstotic, here wc found the money of the old inner upon him, besides other money nit had been lost by different individ- ds. At first he told strange stories of mself, but finally, when he knw that 10 worst must 'come, ho confessed thu hole. Ho was from London, and had omo nut Inln 1. . , in. He had two eonfedeates with him i. i.,.i...i i.s... r . i nu iiciiieu 111111 iruiu iiiiiue 10 iiiiiee. One of them had take, him from tho .1 ... ,.,... ..i... ... .... III. UIU UUIU, ..LlUlU .11111 HID UU1L1 IlilU our? it him nnd Hot. i in ilnvrn nt tin ra . . ... . I inner m im n flint, mnrninn Vi liimlo search for these confederates, but they had got wind of their principal's arrest, and were not to bo found. 1 However, wo got tho chief sinner, and had broken up tho game. After he had i i i" i . i . ... ueeii loumi guilty aim senieiiceo, ne Hnninn.l tn,.,,;nv.1,i,nanlf i,ni..:t,.ii: . . . w ... . . ... how ho had deceived the good nconlo of tho eoniitrv. Xmr lit wmiM turn l.ini. self into tho old woman who had given 1 ID driver sn miir-li trim i n n milt lior band-box. Then ho wpuld be a meek- browed minister, who had distributed acts to the passengers, ud picked their oekets while they read. Then ho would raw himselt into the little old hump- acked man, who had been, httcd into .... ... . . Hid out ot the coach, and robbed the f t - .. .. i ill t ma fn.i.ii. v-.r o.wl i.f.rl.o.,u r, miirlit. i.ov..r i.nvnr nnnnht. I..... I - " ,,.. ....... ... I'V.. I r.. .i... . .1.. .r. tei... . . na Kn iiinnv inr i in. titul I .innl.t f l.n found much fun working at our hard Rtr..,.. Lnmrnnvi,,,. ,.n,-i.r o.i i.,t ,..wi, an inexorable master over him to stir urn up when ho flagged. Speer's Horchonnil Rye and flock. Mado of old pearl rye, rock candy crystal, and the horeiiound herb, a sim ple anil oftective remedy for coughs. colds, hoarseness anil sore throats, inch- recommended lor consumptives. Hub no patent medicine mixture, but it is the pure extract of rye, horeiiound and ock candy, combined with ono other medicine much used by cotisumiities, ld by C. A. Kleim. Selllug Hay. jreat many good farmers regard it ,. "it i i I ' Tf" rT", inf ' ...v.nv-. . ....... '"'vl a! !. . ! . TI . 11. . . . tiiuy are wise in rigidly aiuieiing to me lan ot coneentrating the hay into good ...f ...Ml. ......... . . . r ., lirniiiMiiin m sell the. hay .and buy manure, and very oiten it is better to Bell hay and buy bran, oil cake, cta.both for feed nnU tnanurc We camo across a caso recently, that wo will illustrate. A farmer had twelvo cres of timothy meadow that yielded, last year, inirty ions ot nay, which was :ill saved in excellent order.- Hu sold twenty tons of it at 10 per ton, making SJ3G0 total, or !J0 per acre, with ten tons to feed on tho farm. TJiis liny was hauled about twelvo miles to market, du- ring uiu winter, anil as mo work was . ... , .. , lono without hiring and not neglecting itlirit- vi-nA- it ,.-iio ..nt .i.iim.ii.,1 ... .... imi-t nt tlin nmnnv r..,.n! .-..,1 for hay, iu bran and luiddlings. which ho hauls homo insteal of returning coarse feed ho needed, or all that ho do- Bired to feedi for ho claims that it is more profitable to feed some grain, bran. etc., to nil kinds of stock. Tins meadow is naturally rich a blaok loam but ho gives it a dressing of su- perphosphatc every year, using about 200 pounds per acre, ami in addition, puts on some ashes, limo nnd 'salt, in oc Jlllin Ull nuillU ilPIIVr, UUIU Ibid Still, ill OC- rusinnnl vra. IL. mita anit tui.na....,i limo on iii tin. full Into, mnl !,,.'. !.. t . . . ' ,1 puaio IU I uu Hllilllg, ills bai'livard ma nure is used on other crops. This year juuyui y.eiiL vaiuc. 1 maae ,,. whn nr.. m. tl.nlnvnv tr. Vuft , , .".t car wheels on ail average were used X.n h , . tcrrifi hem that they at thu Honaventuro (Canada) station per 1 i , 1 , , (lc(Jt" th or hording bouses, week of tho cohl weather in replacing I found that he l ad not only used red , . un,m,.)y Vounir la.lies to broken wheels. Impatient travelers can RottSte watchho front doo bdlia!; appreciate from thisUment the risks p beef, pork, milk, butter, etc. before sell- o,,; ',, " "i. r a uc" ll0l,st 0,1 contract, with every luxury ing. ''Thero is a double advantage in " ,? ,Wcd, V! oflic.e' which I had in college, at a rettuetion ol this, viz: getting, a better price for the " S Z cS 'uV iffi'Ji toward brought home by his neighbor. The extreme frost of Deo. 30 played empty laden, when hauling hay. flu ' . "lu -W " means iwn j e.ir mere nave ueeu '.titb,iniiMiev had live acres in fodder corn that yield- lirovt,;s that tho ghost is a New England orange trees set out, or wild trees ic ed according to his own estimate, fifteen Ht'l,0l teacher. It might with equal force claimed, in l'Torida, and planting is now tons of forago as good as an equal , 'T'ott'd to provo t hat sho was former- going at the ratu of 00,000 per year, amount of hav. and fiirnialiinir nil ii, ly a Hoston poet or formerly nu eminent There aro millions of wild or sour trees thu drouth affected the grass soverely in woma 1,0 welcometl to a hundred East- "w all tno bachelors aro blindly capti this section, but ho cut about two tons t,ra villaKe8.w.o. must assume that there vated by widows, and we are thereby ne icr aero from this meadow. Ho has sold iay irom mis meadow tor ten years tlflht Mllll it t'itll1l Ink litil n -A.. tlnr.., I,!,,, tlmt i. ia .nfi.i,u .,...1.1 , . , . ' VY i ' He Wiie mnl Huppy, ir tn ...... ..n .....v.. .... . and wrmig" notimrJ iu'tC oripj' voS nt. 1 fn. ,111 t.l 1 1 ..... ....... i.vn nun vxi.eiisnutioeiore Or l-'i-Pl-v onon l.ny l.,.n.. o,.l. t 1!... . .', , "" humbug cure-alls, that do harm always, y llelUmi wl en I sav I wal n 3 .7, "B '." vo the vamtv au.l use only nature's simple remedies for fo iui vc rs wbl tl n IU , 1 i" U'",k ''t'"" '" 1x70,1,1 T' M 1,U,'1' all your ailments vou will bo wlso well 'uan ,Jc',rJ ."'v'10 bverdis- is a great Imposition on us, who ought mf 1m. y m 1 savl mca expe so The VSmm Lloumlrellef,.' ri?B .r to have the prefeamce. This is humbly g ,'e .ttst m " ly oihiV ho grem w ,c,,ici,,e; " livnyouniudicino is taken recommended to your Excellency' coif. rely on It. See auolher eolumV-iV,,,. Kt Si" ' ZS wilUnn-iy7r 'M' Two inches. ...am i mfi mip in.tM l'rhrrolnrhcs,...V. 4.(11 HI t.m ll.no mi Four Inches........ wo T.oi n.ri uw moo iouartercotumn.... not h.oi ln.no .m voo -- i naif column ..Ian it.no ir.oo svnri Aun . . ,i" i,. one ooiumi io.no ran saw io.ou loam i Yearly futrertlwmmts piystili' quarterly. Trn : ulcnt advertisement mint 1 paid tor tieforo Inierlcd I txeept where parties lure account. I'iral advert tscmrnui I wo ilolla r per Inch for tlitw Insertions, nnd ntt.111 rate tor additional Insertion, without icfcrencc to length. Executor's, AdintnWraf ir's. mid Auditor' notices mmmm wMwaww wi three dollars. Must be p.tld tor when Inserted. Tratwent or Local notices, leu cents a line, regular THE COLUMRIAN, VOL. XV, NO. 8 , kl!'M,,"c"" '' im ,.. column on COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XLV.' NO. M 1 WjwiwlSe ' The CreerfitlJ Ghost. Greenfield, Ohio, has a real ghost. There cannot bo the least doubt about j, for looB, 1I(jni8ter wlliIo C0I1(llct! ...t..i .!.... .1 ' .1 i.. ...1.1 1 ing his hearers that tho ghost was a supernatur al visitor sent to warn tho people of tho near approach oi tho end of tho world. As tho samo minister also professes his belicf in the alleged words of tho pro- ..I.. 1 1.!. !...!!! 1 phetcss Slnpton, his intelligence and judgment cannot bo called 111 question, and we must ioin tho Greenfielders in tho genuineness of their ghost. jii uiu opinion ui 1110 woman 01 Green field, the ghost is by far tho worst that has over mado ils appearance. There havo been, according to ghost-Beers, all sorts of undesirable ghosts. Such were tho ghosts that threw things at innocent people, and smashed crockery j the ghosts that camo and stood by tho peo ples bed in the dead of night without having the decency to knock at the door cough syrup ns of all other cough reinc or to say what they wanted j nnd tho dies combined. .1. E. Hartley, druggist. or 10 saV what thev wanted! nnd tho glt that rattled chains and thumped wi ,i,m..,i 1.,.,, ...i ... .... a"'1 thumped 0.1 thelloor overhead inure- ly m order to makethemsetyeadisam'eca Greenfield ghost is, inSoca! local feminine estimation, more wicked than any of her predecessors for sho is a fe- , t .. 1 T. . . . 11. maiu iniosi. 11 is ner oat some nnu 1 tm .1.0 llilow, l,,lt mm, vouou ......... ,.....,.... .. ..... r " w" " . 1 !... .1 . ,1 11111. uegruu revolting to every wen il 1.. - iii-Miuni...... vn inir u'ninnn ni.M ..... i.ntt understand why tho Greenfield ghogt is linnly beleivcd hy one-halt of Greenheld to belong to tho'satanic host. Among the young men of the town tho ghost is, as a rule, greatly dreaded It must be remembered that Greenfield is an Ohio town, and, as we havo learned during tho last four vears. Ohio is a f, "N"r " ?' . ?Ya TCV .'U?n.0., 7 Hi l,,,m:, ,l' ltj?IM,tho .'""V s'"'"klg moAeaty. ." L,u ;" -'"C K"OSl OI 1101 UliailTaOI- v-wni"' i . "" " , . r iSow Kngland village and to violently i...ir.i "-' ... . ,a T ' 5 mm' V , 'T1, , that ninety-nine of every hundred local ,, ,-. .,,, .,.- ., ura thnt. tnu'n nil T.irrl.t n..H l..,t.... ..nt .1, 1 ' . . . '."''- i ZfiZ -a , ?a?k . "?' ! ,',been 9!ud ? ,total dfere,,t varlet- t young me exists, and young men of e nfield with few exceptions, declare Green-field, with few eiceptionVs, declare tl.nf t mrn 1- 4-.. 1,1., ...'.1.1 ...! ; ' " ;w. man a iemaio cnosi wno law ess v kisses ' , . iiii'iNfiitstiri u-it mil tin in i t rt o I ot io tti I,L,U3 lo "o is a total ptraii- cr' Those who havo seen the Greenfield ghost aro numberless, and their testi- a iu uer uiiimiici. is unvarying. On the night of the 12th of January, young Mr. Smithers. assistant pastor of a recently developed variety ot liaptists, wras met b" t"o gost at 9:30 o'clock. "V Yy1 maisno approached mm lrom i . . i. : . i 1 1. i . . t .it -''" wim noiueiess steps, tnrcw nor '"u iuuiltau(i kihhuh mm ueiore n...... .1 t. : i ii ' i r ho could call for belli. Ho instantlv OlOKU IOOS0 .111(1 11LHI IO I11S llOIllP. W lprn . - . . - ho was at onco Tint to bed and a TihvHi - ei.m ivnn mimmmiwl u-hi. nfinm-onl .nM I.1....1. '. . 1 ., . mat I lu nervous SHOCK WHICH 1110 liatlont lia'1 "fained ipiglit t;as.ily have proved fatal. Two riiclits later, and nt. filinnt t,ie fta'lnc l'01". Air. Edward Potter, one of the most respected young men of thu town, was kisse.d in front of Esquiro Dewey's liouse, :and left' insensible on the pavement. ' He says, that the ghost sprang on him suddenly and kissed him lw.fr,-.. ,....ln-..n.,A tl.;. A...! f l . -- ,.v;,-. kis e,L "ho X 'ZJXr' "XV ' t .1." .'..v-Vy u.iiibu ui uiu uiunigu to ina monestv. but because he feared that his life was in danger. He.has since wholly re covered from thu .shock, but he never goes out at li ght without tvin tin his mouth withalargeco,nfo,lcr?'mTd ke cp! i.... iif... r '.' ..ii 1(1- ... -. ot.a.j, iu.iu.ll iui nuuiieu gnostS. tin tne night ot I'ebruary 3, Mr. T hos, V:i-.. .1. .r .. . G. Wilson, whose purity of character ...,.1 r-.i... r .11 i , , iictuum iiuui mi Knowledge oi lagag Lave induced the admhrhtn.. t on to offer i in no ess limn tl,vn f, ,,;,. t.011H1Ii!l(PM. ..... w,, , ....... ,i. i .v. 1 ; , . i i r i v. , . . o i "Y" C" ' ' 3 n lU0! i ,,Z , , H"' BAft..?. lV-rl?t,0n 1,u,elb7 i t,..., ., n 13 known thero is but one young man in the town who is not in terror of his life. Tho young man is a notarious nlumber. ' - . . , 1 1 am. mmign ne nas repeatedly met the ghost, she has never onco offered to kiss uim. teacher nud that sho is now wreaking oi mankind her vengeance for their neglect 01 M' "ng "cr life. This theory is based principally upon tho liersnnal :m. is described ""'ii in) luit, very mm. it il who -. ... M"100'? to cast -a shadow when onu of lll'r l'u'l's w presented to thu light. This ti i w " 5ina'e I'l'uosopher. T ho ghost of a New J-"b''"111 woman oi any kind would nev er . Kl,l'ty of kissing, and even could wo imagine her cntoriaining for a mo 'UY"1 u.'1 ",ua 01 Perpetrating sucli a c.nmt'' B,' would bo utterly ignorant of t""a)'"1 wlllcl1 to perpetrato it. J bo rceiifield ghost is clearly a groat raJ"8t.fr.y. !lat she should forcibly kiss I ,7.V 7. "'.."... .w.v.i.ij iviDa unwilling citizens of Ohio is simtilv inex- toi vjtiiois simply inex- plicable, and the longer she continues tho ilm i ltllQl fluf rtt ftin, n .1 ... t .1 . -.v.. ...n. .iu,ii.a.uuiiiiiiiu nro C I"K 1,1 tlielaco of tho fact that she .lu B,osl,J ,("018 s.weii as living Ureen backers. 1 m. , , , . -"any cases oi ieyer aim ague, t unib i ...... . . .. . . . . -i i. '"''v.i aim enure y oaiusned, by tho use of your biinmous I.lver Hegulator. i on (ion t say Halt enough i 11 regard I 1. I V..DVO Ui t.UV, iiiiviiiiiueni levers, 01C. OWS. bv t he r lorwaril enrr nm. dn it,,.,. lt ! M M It Onclnch utf !) . lii'i M-""' Genera1 News. When a man goes West to grow up with the country ho need not take hi neighbor's wife. That appears to be tho troublo in two or thrco Ohio towns. Tho Into lamented C'arlvlo onco called us "18,000,000 of bore," gauging tlio entire country by tho few cheeky Atncri- can tourists who used to invade bis workroom. j i.oniion paper savs : j.oru jeacous- . r . field has another novel which, it is possi ble, may see tho light ere many months have elapsed. Tho couplo that wrangled incessanlly'at home arc as loving as turtle doves in thu ril car. Advertised affection is gener ally bogous. From Sassafras, Kent Co., Md. I find that I sell as much of Dr. Hull's A black walnut tree of average size, cut in WiHcoiisin,shipped to England and reduced to gnu stalks, is woith from 81000 to $lo00. n ancient sago onco said : "Tho by fire, the ioodness of gold is tried goodness of woman by gob goodness of men bv women." il, and tho 11,..., ,.., j gentleman in Portland, Mo., has just received a letter from a brother that hu had not heard lrom belore lor 10 years. He had gone to South Amer ica and married there. John llandolph used to wear a blue riding coat and buckskin breeches in the Senate Chamber. He nearly always rnili. in tin. Cniiitnl. nttt'tiileil In- n lil.n.lr servant, who was as well mounted as hiiuelf. A celebrated preacher makes the roc ommeiidntiou of Avers l'ills a matter of religious duty. When people aro billions 1.1 ...i.. .1. .. !. . .1 ' 1 .' n . f 11 of health. In such cases, the best creed ,nu.nl t:luf 1,n , l.tw t.. .. J ""r." 'i!itil 111IK in n mil linr. -i 1 A town in Xew Jersey was sold out recently upon a mortgage the oiginid owner reserved as security at tno unit, "v lliu l.Hlil l !Mi-vuimwrn Willi villi . . . . , . .. i ii tiij unu ij.tn luin, null uiuv i . . . ' . . . .. : and ottenttmes lmnroveri it The peni - 1 tentiary is too comfortable a place lor such speculators to reside in. Mrs. Harnhofft, cor. Pratt and Hrond- way, has been a suiterer for 12 years through rheumatism, anil has tried everv remedy sho could hear of, but receivell no benefit, until recommended to try tho Eclectrio Oil, she says she cannot ex- press tho satisfaction she feels at having her piuii entirely removed anil he rheu- . .. . . . i .- . matiHtn (Mired. 1V"-'A 'IHL.luuilll gate .III I-IIIU- . " . , - . . .. . 1 oraio dinner to nine lrieuds at the L mon t lib in that citv. 1 lie entertainment inn. ii-nll n.li.niiiinil ...Inn tl. ..I u.l n.. ..u.nuuvu nio uiu oil-wain vis- femI . lno, .r00,n , a,,(l whispered lo tho "ost mat ins mother was at the door de '"anding his retirement from the festlvi- 1Ie went out to plead his cause, but Bbe resolutely laid hold of him, led him t0 t,le a"y carriage, and took him ,10,ne- ie guests hnished tho dinner wUn 01,0 vacant chair. i l l.-.n.i.l 1.;,. IT .. . ...... .. . V..I..V. nuiva ui inn llini. null ill 9 ' did ptctty much what wo liked. The re was such dissipation, and the whole manner of life was needlessly extravagant. We were turned loosu at eighteen, pleasures tempting us on all sides. No dean or tutor ever volunteer- i . t i n'i -i lp "ri ",uxl'clie" lh" Imc vjnui, wo ,)ai)i f01. everything weru tire ices posterous. Tho college authorities would take no trouble, and their own charges were on tho same extravagant scale. Tho wretched novice was an object of general plunder till he had learned how to take care of himself I remember calculating cul i"1" " hV that l couhl have lived nt a boarilinj. ?.Vavoc w tl, tlui orange orchaiik of riorum, mat oi .urs. Harriet needier Stowo being denned of nil its luscious inui, xno orchards oi greatest value are along thu St. John's Hivrr from -T'lnlrumiV H 1 A il Jlln Af 1U Si .u'n'u 1 mini twelve miles south of the citv. The Du- I VH-V- OUVIVII VIIV VI ,it grove, whieli last year yielded 80,000 oranges, which tho owner sold for 813,- i . .,.), .0,i :,, .i. .,,,.. .,.. r vmhii, n.,,.,,v.. I.. uiu vi... VII. jitll I 111 the State, has just been purchased bv tho Duko Castellucia. of Italv. iiu'tit r nf il extensive groves iu Sicily. "The giovo comprises about 100 acres, and li.'i-.;l,.'00 bearing trees. Tho Sicily orangrs jiehl fruit in fourteen venrs from tlit thn.. tin. iced sprouts, and will bear for fifty or v nxiv vears. who mo P loridu limlU'l'S i , . , ., ... . , will produce fruit in eight vears, and Mir- vivo about half a cent my In the past. in the State, which aru being riijiitlly - transtormeii into sweet ones bv en- grafting sweet buds in tlio bodv of - sour trunks. A curious petition was that which was addressed in 179N to tho Governor of South Carolina by sixteen maidens of Charleston. It ran thus: 'Tho.humblo petition of all tho maids whoso names aro underwritten. Whereas, we, tho htimblu I I ,.)t 1 1 1 n.i f.ru iix'n nt ,Miuiint ., ,,n... .....1 - I p....v.u ... p.puii ... .. ,Vi, nivi- """Holy disposition ot mmd, considering - giecien; in consequenco oi mis, our re iiucst is, that your Excellency will for S 10 luturo order that no widow prceunio . to marry any young man until tho maids aro provided for: or else to linv eneb of i v... .. ... our liberties, and likewiso a fine to be levied on all such bachelors as shall bo to married to widows. Tho great dlsad- H I. tTitbeVia