The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 18, 1881, Image 3

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iu.nojisminn, fiiidat, KKiiniurtT is,i8i
Thb lioiw of W 0, Quick, decried, will of.
for vnliinlilp ten! estate for tnlo on February
Villi nnil 20ili.
Tho executors of Joshua llrlnk, deceased,
mil valiiihto real statu In Susitlonfon
March Gllc.
So n Ivotll'emenlf In lliis paper.
Ntw York city, tins 717 Chinamen.
Chisago has 1 1 niturslUo I Chiimmen.
200,000 vitellines pised through tho Now
York poet-office,
Ton SAt.E. A Rood Iruck-wnion with tonr-iio
amlshalt. Apply to John O. Freeze, f 18 3-t perrons were rdmlttcd ns members
of ti e lliplHt Church last Sunday evening.
In 1870 Inxes were paid on 13,831, 117 cigar
ettes, and in 1880 on 103,703,30-3.
tlpmUebn cured for 25 cents, bv Dr. Met-
tmtr't Headache and Dyspepsia Pills, leblltn
nioomsbnrg souely seems to have wakened
up. There has been n number of social gathi
orlngs recently.
K II. Ilrowcr Ins purclncd the sleek of
stovis ni il tinware of Hiinh lli-gohbuih, and
will ial.o liiitiiuliato.po-waiuii.
Quito n number of the young mtnifuir
town are engaged in removing tin- land Miilu ai
HcrwIclAn the D. L. & Y K. It.
The I'hllologian Lltcr.irv Society, will give a
pratriotic dtnma in Ihe Normal Hull, on Tues
day evening February 22nd,
llev.J. Wagner, of Ilizleton, will preach in
the Lutheran chnuh on Sunday morning and
Thero aro only throe living widowsof ex-I'res
idrnt", Mrs. l'olk, Mrs. Tyler, and Mrs. Lin
side. Apply to John S.
or Jnucs C. Sterner, Uluomsburg.
feb 1 3-w
Tho high, water and ice on FUliingcrceK (ere
outtho dam at John . Hoffman's mill at
Lightatrcct- It will be repaired atonco.
Dr. J. Joy Villersjthe celebrated Humorist.will
dolivcr one of his amusing lectures at the Op
era Hoinso on Friday evening, February "3th,
under tho auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
Kdward Williams and tho C.uliuan boys have
resumed their contract in HutTalo Valley, Un
ion county, and left for there on Tue.-dny
The Danvillo mid Hazle,ton railroad, running
from Sutibury to the latter ( l.ico. has been ser
ioii'ly damnged, Fomo of the bridges in Cata-
wisfa mountains being washed Out.
'Dr. Seller's Cough Syrup' will enoro you a
good night's rest. It is the best cuugli medi
cine in the market. Price 20 cents. febll lw
A valuable hore of William Pursel dropped
dend in his linrnrsa on Thursdsy last week,
while hauling ore. It hadrhown no symptoms
of illness.
All persons having wheat and rye for sole
tflnuld call on H. W. Aul, Espy Depot, before
iielliii elsewhere.
Win eat ihe first oysier? is tho conundrum
propounded by a New York Journal. i liv,
wo thought .-very one kne.v that.tha first oyster
was ciaien by a wallow
Von Sai.k on Hent. Snjeler's tannery, lo
cate I in Mloouithurg, is for enlo or rent. Pos-
fle-sion given Ap'il 1-1,1881, For price and
;lorms npplv to C. W. Neal or F. P. Ilillmeyer
Jiloomsburg, Pa. an elf
.Hiram Ucece offers for salo the property on
Market slrict formerly W. E. Sterner.
It is a corner lot with good buildings and will
boa bargain fur any one dosiring a fine town
resideiici. See advertisement.
Every thing was sjuiet cn election day.
There was but little exciiement. The only of-
lice on which any fight was made was Jmticeof
ihe Pence, there beinc four candidates. Wo
give ihe vote elsewhere-
Tho neruliariiv nf the A. S T. Co. Work Tip
is .Inn ii is iii.le p-iiilcnl ef tho upper, and pro
reel llw lot-lr uii cnr, wiitmut cr.iiHi'gern e
the urn or fr m r ni.n tr, as is the case wi ll lb
One of ihe best D mneriits m iIipc un'yiu
fxrin us tint when .he Columbian icnch.s
bis biieise il is at onco cut in two, ho thai two
cm read it at the same time. It is very graii
fying to know tliat our efforts to make a good
pajKir are appreciated,
Tho Danvillo Intelligencer denies tho preva
lence of nuiallnox in that place, and, sny
that a fow eves, one varioloid, occurreil in that one boil;, but the authorities enjoined
.sanitary care and measures.and it has not spread
beyond the family mentioned.
The recular monthly meeting of the Gospel
Temperance Union will bo held in tho Metho
dist ihurch on Tuesday evening next, February
22nd. A fullnttendancu is requested as thete
is business of importance to transact.
Mr. Peter Balely, organist of Christ Church,
Danyille, unci his well trained male choir, sang
at the Wednesday evening sorvico nt the Epis
copal church. J. M. Peck pleached the sermon.
There wat quito a large congregation present
The Jamier says:
People have little idea to what extent the
carying of deadly weapons prevails in Will-
iamsport. In a cortaiu public room the o her
night a young man pullo I out a new kind of
pistol, which ho wanted to show tho virtues of,
mid out of eight persons in the assemblage, live
.pulled pistols from their pockets. The habit is
ihioitly confined to young moil.
Tho Illustrated Guide Hook to Washington
eCily, noting every place and object of intercsi
at llw Naiionnl Capitul, and contaluii g a map
.showing tho route of the pfoecsiiou on tlie 4th
.of Mutch, r.i.el among other illustrations a view
.of ihe new museum where the grand inaugura
.tloii ball is lo given. 'I iio view a lone aro worth
snore thin the prico of the book. Price 2.3
cent j. Address J, H, Poule, Washington, D,
O, Mention this pH er,
There lissbon much feurtlmt gieat damage
would bo by high water. Lil week the
r. In nn.l warm wr.itlior swelled ih stiosms all
uver tho c '.irnry,aud w.s done in miuy
place . M. Is ulo .ii tl u hchuy kill n Man yu. U
wem floo'letl fhu D-liwire, Juuiala and u.-
quehanna rivets in uiauv places ove (lowed their
b n's, mid -ov.r.l ees.a ul dr.iwiiiiighave bcoi
reported fire.a.or ek.nag. was prevented by the
...I.I j.i ... ih,,l t.. L I.. l,.,.1. .1 ....
.".u ou in uii'.uy mt.i iiiLh.u i'
iue a.inw on lUi nuts I no lilgll water lias uii
gone eluwn
Tho members of the File board, met miTuos-
slay evening Lf last week, nnd llxid Saturday
tho 12th, beiweni (be hours of l! unci 8 p. ui
n Ihe tlmo for the election of crliiera of the
I' Ire Deiiaitinent. Mmui. Kris. Venv ui.d
0(Klhouse were insneciors of theoleclion. and
- ' ' - i
f A Herring, Presidi nt of Town counoil acted
a'Judg-, in ccordunce willi thu rules uf the
d-paitm. ut, There was n full vole n lied bv
tr.n ti'.rn n. . u.l 'be , emit was ibe eleo'lon of
Wi 1 am Wei,'., i In f i on r. Ellis U. Eur.
iu u t'1! , ,i n n i, . , ,i w ii i .
(id s:s n ; .".. r. to. ir e III "
ei "i' l 1 1 . uii i nit ii a .1 J.,,
"y 1st, 1882.
Cash pan! for oals by W. 0. Htchart, Iron
Blrccl below Main, l)loonibiirg.
Tl.o "VlrKlnlft V.trran" will be rendered by
the I'hlloloRinti Society on tho 22ml of Feb.
Tho Ladies nf tho rrcslivttrlancliurch wilt
Klve n supper thin Friday cvenlni: from 5.30 to
10 o clock, In the store room formerlf occupied
V 0. McKinney. l'ntronlio lliem. Supper
Dr. .1, Jay Villera Is endorsed by ttio prers and
pulpit evctywhero IIU I dure In excendlngly
funny, but perfectly rcGnci'. Ho ha delivered
il minv time for the benefit of religious de
nomination", do and hear him on the 25th.
It mnt not ho understood that everything
ndvortUed In a ncwipapor Is recommended and
endorsed by the editor. He has no bettor
,nein, o( knowing w10 nro ilUmuUR8 among
nilvorti;crs thnn hi renders havo. No honest
editor will ndvirtlso what ho knows to be n
swindle, though there are tuch nd.eitlscmcnla
that get into rtlmott every paper in the coun
try. As n general rule, we would odvhe our
readers to pay no attention to advertisements
llmt prcml'o Immense profit", and ntk for a
small sum of money to be sent for samples, If
the ,b ii s in cm Is legitimate, and the advertiser
trustworthy, ho would not hcsltatu to state
publicly what It is that pays such baudomo
Forrn' tins firt of April, 1S81 A
Stoto Itooui and nlso two communicating
room on scond fl or in the K"t building. An-
ply to N. U. I'm. It. Fchtlf
Mr. Cyrus II. Mrllpnry called on us in our
sanctum recently. His visits are always pleas
ant. Ho will so in enter upon bis duties as
Mercantile Appraiser, am' everybody who
Is acquainted willi him knows that they will be
faithfully and satisfactorily performed,
Mr. David Pritchard, a former resident of
this place, but now of Michigan, Is visiting his
lather at Light Street
I. W. McKlvy has been confined to the
house for several days past, by Illness,
W. C. McKinney was in Philadelphia this
Ex-county commissioner Hcrncr was in town
on ednetday.
During the past winter n number of ladies
have been attacked cn Ihe streets nt night by
an unknown luau. The outrage wns repeated nn
Monday evening in frontof Hey. D.J. Waller's
residence, between six and seven o'clock. As
two lullos wero passing thero a man rushed
upon them, and seizing one of them by the
arms attempted to throw her down; but being
nlarmed by the screams of tlie" ladies he lied.
The only description of the man that we have
been able to obtain is that he wore n cap. The
audacity of ibis villain is startling. Most of
ihfsu attacks have been maae early in tho ove
ning, when people wero moving about on tho
xtrcls, and in places where cries for help could
ensily be heard No one seems to have any sus
picion of the oll'e. dei: but if he is found out be
should le summarily dealt with If beshould
bo soundly ihru&hed we do not beliuve he
would pro-ccuie an. body for assault and bat
tery. If the thing continues, the vigilanco of
the police fcrco should be inereascel, and some
means adopted fur tho capture of the scoundrel
or scoundrels. It is not safs for a woman to
go out of the houo nfler dark now.
llarrisburg, Feb. 15th, 18S1.
I last wrote you upon-the eve of tho anlici
patod change in the senatorial situation. That
change bus taken place, but it has left matters
in ei much wur-e shapo than before. The first
disturbance of tho old order of things occurred
on Vtcetncsnay when twelve Democrats leu
Wnllaco and cast llicir vote" lor Chas S. Wolfe,
of Union. These Democrats were Senators
Nelson, Qroffand Gordon and Representa
tives Ackley, Ammrman, Dierly, Iiolaud,
Coolbaugh, MtCocbran, McNulty, Woodruff
and Lockwood, This diversion in Wolfe's
favor was evidently mado with the intention of
breaking up tho old lines in wnich event Wolfe
and a few of his democratic friends had calcu
Idled that the disorganized elements would con
centrnte upon the doughty reform leader from
Union, but their calculations were far short o:
the mark as (he sequel proved, for on eune-s-
d ty iiiu'1 when vrt In Id be b tn f .c
tinlls to deti'riiiine up n .i line . f p dice for tho
mnrr"W, W.dfo iuno iiini. n-ly f.iled in serur
ir g ih.' en.lnis-inent if the bol it-' rucus. h!
il ou -h i.iu eff ir's wto mud., in his be
ha'f. Hon. Tlimnns M. IN; tie, of Allcgln-iiy
was unanimously chosen ns Ihe residuary lega
teo of the Hon Galusha A. Grow, whose name
withdrawn absolutely. This nction, of
course, crushed the incipient support of Wolfe
amongst, tho Democrats. In the caucus of th
regulars, after a heated discussion, Oliver ;
name was withdrawn, and that of Gen. James
A. Heaver substituted in its stead. And so a
new order of things was inaugurated, and
Thursday morning witnosssed an oxpectnn
crowd in the lobbies of the Hall of Reprercnla
tivos to see its effect upon the joint assembly
The monotonous call of tho roll began but soon
from tho votinc it was evident that the relative
Btrengtii ol too old candidates una neeu trans
fVneJ intact to their successors, nnd llmt lli
simo dogged determination to hold out was
still cherished by both sides. Two ballots wore
taken, which resulted as follows, so fir as th
principal candidates were con erned: 1st bal
lot, lleaver, 03; ll.yno, 02; Walluce, 80 2nd
ballot. Heaver, 08; lltyne, 00; Wallace SO. Tli
ballot on Friday, which was tho last day n full
vote was cist, showoJ no change. Since Fri
day ihero Ins not been n quorum In the Join
convention and tho proceedings have bicn ill
tressingly monotonous, It is clearly mnuife
to every one now that the situation has not
been bettered by the change of enndidste
If thero has been any change at all in the feel
iug between the two factions it is for the' wom,
Tho regulnrs were very angry over ihe
nf the bolters to endorse tho nomination
Heaver. Tito boilers, on tho oilier hand, we.
angered at the courf pursued by Grow, who
suspected by many to have sold nut for a prom
incnt po-ltion in Unrhold s Cabinet, which ti
doesn't stand the slightest chances of getting
Wolfe is said lo havo had an interviiw will
Cameron, in which lie (Wolfe) is rcprcsen'ed si
having dfcltred tint ho was determined lo stand
firm to Ihe end ngsl,isil!eaver So the dead lock
s III exists, Tho. o are sp'culiiors who decl u
that it will booU'e.n rhursdiy nf this week.b
by whin positive sum iliU hrenk up is furecas
I nm uucrly tin ible to ttulicat" Tne only pos
itlve results of lii'i week's proceedings are, tli
the star ol tho paliticnl ascendancy of the very
young statesman from Allegheny, Oliver, hit
ruliul.tnod and set forever, that Urow, an o
polillc;il chicken. Ins been caught upon
Lll)(rllf ns,wc ,,r0mis.s, and that Genera
I ' . . . . .
jainM a. Heaver has dope lo-slv ruined I
thinces fur the gul .rnatorial notninilion ne
jreir, nnd I ns left Ihe way clear for the Hon
IUomm . Uopor, "I Uelnwar,',
Legislative work, of course, still remains
la stind still Humes without a rjuorum are
noor places for the cousIdsMlioii of bills. On
inoaauro. liowover. lias uscome UW, VIJ
i ' . .
tlie Mil consiltdailwr theoUices of receiver an
collector of elcllnqiiont taxes in rimaneiptii
ThU bill was, strange to say.favored in its pa:
sniro. by both Its fi lends and its enemies, Ii
its fcionds In hopss llui Mie uovernor wou
si n lit bv ii en m us in h") 'l)tl l" won
I v, ... i . hut Ii . Kx ii't'iic In- ttt I'd t, nid
ib.e b. cell d I w .mill In 'I Iih l li'O
Mti.ith mis if the nil t r f Plula lelpliU, but
tbete is ouo lei ring olllco there. A,
Tho llcene of J. F. Caldwell was refused by
the court on Wednoday,
Lost On Sunday .evening, n ecal ring wlih
blood alone fotllt'g. The finder will bo nulla"
bly rewarded by leaving It at this office.
Holmes A Schuyler have something; to say
abcut us this week In tholr csray on "Scissors."
We must admit that the scissors sold bv them
are ol gicat assistance to an editor.
m '
Our second page Is printed In new Long
1'iltner typo this neck. It Is a larger face
than the typo we have been using, but nbuut
the sumo body,so that wo cm give lust as much
cadlng tnattor as herelofoio.
At a meeting held by sevenl citizens one
evening list week It was decided to organlio n
Land League in this town. No further steps
ave yet been taken.
A donation will be held at the M. K. parson-
age, lliickhoin on the afternoon and evening of
Thursday March 3id. All ntwons nro cor-
linlly invited to nttend.
Uv Onnnn of Committer.
"firic-a-llrae" which was announced for the
10th has been postporcd until Mnrcli filli. It is
first class play by nn excellent company, and
tho managers of the Opera llouo should be lit
erally supported in their iffurts to furnish tho
amusement loving public with good entertain
The great trouble wlih wells is that in the
coupe of the- cr.'Und around tho house
nd barn become-8'i nie.l wlih sewsgo
nd oilier cunt inilnaiions as to ull'-ct the wutor.
u the first report cf tlie Maernchusetts Hoard
f Health, Dr Derbv says: 'As a rule, a well
receives drainage from n superficial circular
area wlioe diamo'or is from ono to three times
!io depth of the well, vnrying with the char
acter of the soil. On this principle, no well
lirly feet deep should bavo n privy, pig pen,
barnyard or cess iool within in fifty of it
n any direction, nor should any slops of the
houe or rofuo ct nny kind be thrown upon the
ground within tho nreaot tins circlo. How
many farms aro thero on which this principle
is not violated? It is not a sufficient reply to
say that the family have drank from such wells
with impunity for n scoro or more of yeard. It
must be remembered that when the wells were
first dug the water waspuro, but the ground
lasbeen gradually impregnated with foul mat'
ter which, it It bns not already permeated to
the water, will finally reach and contaminate
After a fi'al case of typhoid fever it will
bo too late to resort to n crystal spring.'
If you want to get rid of pimple, boils, tet
ter, Ice., uso 'Llndsey's Blood Searcher. Sold
by all druggists. feblllw
Thero wore 072 votes polled on Tuesday.
Last fit! their were 820. The following is the
result of the election.
iVifnf of Council.
13. W. Te.tsl
G. A. Herring 244 130 3S0
E. K. Drinker 130 130 271
Win. Ntal 1 1
Members of Council.
W'm. Rabb C07 200 77G
Geo. Uassert 501 291 79:
K. Lockard 501 308 81'
W. Neal 201 253 514
I.W Hartman 219 232 4.31
G. W.Correll 229 240 4
Justice, of the Peace.
John M. Clark
T. J. Morris
J. J. Brower
R. Houscl
R. Harris
D Laycock
M C Woodward 229
&Aoo I Directors
Stephen Knorr 4111 270
U. Hrown 21 201
Judge of Election.
Goorge Lockard 234
Caleb Barton
Judge of Election.
Peter Jones
D. Knse
J. K. Ever,
U. A Klcim,
K Olrton,
F. M. Evore.t,
L. H. Rupert
Isaiah Hngenbueb 252
Headache, tell bilious disorders, elyspcp
sia and constipation cured In' Dr Mettaur',
Headache and Dyspepsia 'ills P. t-
cents. lea-Ilin
Totiu: ElllTOtl op thk Columuian :
Silt : Some liuia before the late Februiry
election, tlie undersigned suggstei to n numb
of persons, members oflho Diinocratic parly
in tho town of Illoomsburj, the propriety
olecting elelegates to form n town ticket, unde
tho same general rules and regulations govern
ing tlie election of delegates to a county con
The suggestion did not meet with favor, and
tho cour'O proposed was not adopted.
The result was, the assembling of what l
popularly known as a oaiiciw, and amidst the
usual confusion of such n volunteer bjily, in n
ball not arranged for public mretiugs.what was
intended to bo a Democratic town ticket wa
formed. Ono eandldato supposed hiimelf to
have beon unfairly treated, nnd lie announce'
himself n, and became a volunteer candidate
before the people. The result was, that the
Democratic vote was divided and the Demo.
o atio candidate for the Justice of the Peace
was defeated. The Republican candidate, wa
elected in a town fairly and undoubtedly -Dem
Other matters which entered into tho mnkin
npof this result ncod not bo here discussed. I
is em ugh lo state tho fact.
For the uncertainty and irregularity ol the
voting, wo refer to the election tables, publish
ed in this issue, and submit that It is not tl:
sort of voting that ought to have been
In good M Democratic limes the watch'
word of tho party was "Tho tlrkct, the who
ticket, and nothing but the ticket," and under
that party slogan we oarried the country from
Maine to Mexico. J hen ihe opposition, whetb
er under the party name of Federalist Whiit
Antimnson, Knnwnothlng, &c, Ac, cat Int.
ur teeth o a tcppncli, tho tvaitv to pir'y
voting. Andlhov kept on abusing us unti
mime weak-kneed Drmorrals iboueht 'hat nr..
mlscuous votirg showed liberal mindedness.
and vo-e accordingly Kiev forg it tl.efebl
t.v .lv"i of tlie out mm sua his son", .
tl.o bundle of stlrks. We shiill never soccO' d
I and we ought not f.H.icc-e.l uo-il wo re urn i
our ticket fedly. And .lit' is the rule, i ugl t
to bsr.i.d iiiusi Do Uio ril' local u .uuty.Kta
and national lf ir. Individual opinion u
preference should snd must u'lvo av In lb
ieneril wi-h and ludniucut We cannot hav
i.ersonul clmloe, hut our clioico musi be Me
Hrlrl when formed.
I nui now moro ibnn over satl-ficd that if
mv siiesresiion had In in sccented. nnd d le.
ir .les Imd b en elec ol mid a convention held
nn dllllculty or misunderstandiug could have
occurred. My idea wa 10 uioci one ueiegeie
f.r every tweniv-five elemncrutio voleis. nnd
then we should have all fill Unit tho ticket was
the act on o the parly lairly rcprescnteil
Thon tlie.e pooh! bo no reason for n Drtnorrnt
eeekiri: Repuiltcnn hp1)') m thtr. uy ouugtnt
hlni.olf subsiquenlly to repay that help, by de
featlrg u portion of his owp parly t'eket. Bucb
ihlnes neverceaio. Tho arrancement of "yo
tickle my knee and I'll lick 1 your elbow," goos
uu snd on in a widening Crete.
Who profits by (ur dissensions Who
slrniiil' e ed bv our wenkne-scf? Whro do, v
I ed hrnt O "ins lire nunc" I n
ei illio i but I ui. pru'P, I tiimoii) i d inn
f ul ( and ir tl'B-u Vie t I opinions, J gjv
ion niy nwe, ,,
Tho nakedness of the In Wgent world, mny be
cl ithed from tho trimmings of tho vain 'Gold
Safferers form disordered stomach, billions-
nes, olo.,can be cured bv Spring lllosiom,
Foster, Mdlmrn & Co., Ilufl'al ), Prices $1, 60
cents, nnd trial bjttles 10 cents.
Feb, lfllb, 1081.
During tho thaw last week, considerable
anxiety wss exhibited concerning the btldgo
that spans the river nt tills placo. The heavy
cakes of ica tore sway the planks that
faced tho piers for tlie purpose of protection
galnt tho Ice, and for a while It seemed as If
the piers wero in serious danger. No further
damage, however, was done.
Tho election pased off qnielly yesterday.
The vote fell far short of that of November the
2nd, Willi tho exceptions of four, til the new
officers are Republicans.
Tho frozen fields afforded a little skating to
the lovers of tills sport, during tho past two
Rev. Waller, of RIoauburg, lectured last
ovcnlng in Association HnllonSclf Education.
Tho audience listened attentively and were
welt plea-el willi the lecture.
The new Llbrnry, connected with tho Y. M.
C. A. comains a largo selection of books. The
arrangement nnd classification of the books, ac
complished by the gentlemanly librarian, Mr.
Kfmb'rly, aro everything that could be de-
Nearly every evening, about twenty-four
young ladies may lo seen wending their way
out lo tho hall, unaccompanied by the omni
present young man, Tho inquisitive make vain
flbrts lo see what they do In tho ball. They
hear marching and music, but no moro. The
invnrlablo answer to questions concerning the
exercise, is "Practising Ihe Fan Drill." Tho
28th of this month will reveal to tho public
tlie scret. On the evening of that day, nn ex-
ilbition will bo given for the benefit of tlie
'resbyterian church.
There are few voices in tho world, but mony
echr-es. There arc fow if anv medicines in the
woild lhatard better for billinu'iiesj, indiges
tion or sick headache than spring Uloss. m.
Prices $1, 50 cents, and trial bottles 10 cents.
Honi. 0. Welch, of Kivcrfiui'. North-
imliL'i-faiiil county, who is receiver of
the Muitcy Creek railroad, owns and rci
resents :i majority of tho bonds of the
conuianv. burvevs were nintle several
years ago and the grading done for its
extension a number miles ttti .Muiicy
creek with the view of extending it into
Sullivan county.
Free frcm satiety care and anxiety, charms
in variety fall to his share,
Hacchus's blisses and Venus's kisses, this
boys, this, Is the bachelor's fire,
Hut when indigestion assails, and you cannot
get ro-t,
Who but wife can administer Spring Blos
som the best.
Prices $1, 50 cents, and trial bottles 10 cents.
TIME January and February.
QUE JEOT Aa follows t
" "iw lot mo think : tho Holidays aro
over, aju for theso two months I roally
believe I shall have moro time than dur
ing any part of tho year. In March and
April cpring dresa goods will como out, so
my tnno mil bo taken up thon, and I'm
irc I don't want to havo much on hand
when v.-.irra weather comes; so I'll just
ceo what I need for Housekeeping, get tho
things ready, and mako tbcm up.
"Thero aro Ehoets, ptllov-ca3C3, and per
haps some other articles for bedding j then
I must hive a supply of tablo-clotha, nap
kms.towcls, and and oil I a good many
things, so I'll tend a portal card for a
Jlousclccper's Price List, and sco what I
do want. If I go to tho city I can then
have my memorandum mado up, and if
I don't go I'll order by letter, as I havo
done before, and got promptly just what
I want at tiio samo pricc3 that I would
pay if in person.
"Of courso something might not bo just
exactly as I expect it, so I must send my
order to a storo that will let mo exchango
or will pay my money back if I want it.
To do thb, and bavo tho greatest varioty
of pooda in any ono establishment in tho
United States to select from, I must
address my postal card 'Jons Wana
jj.::nn, CJr.ASD Depot, I'aiLADEirniA.'
" Thero, I came near forgetting 1 This is
n good timo to mako up underwear, too;
so I'll add to my postal card' &nci me
an Underwear Price List' and seo if it
won't bo cheaper to got it already made,
and savo all that tiresome cutting, sew
ing and trimming.1'
Fred. Amos, Tyler Street, Rochester,
writes. Your Spring Rlossom is wonderful, I
never Ufceel nny thing thp.t acted so well on the
Rowels, and at the sumo tnno was so freed
Ironi the Drastic properties of medicine usu
ally sold for tho purpose. Prices : 1., 50
ce nts, nnd trial bottles 10 cents.
Snvukh In Orangeville on ihe 9th Inst.,
William Ralph Snyder, infant eon of William
and Sarah Suydtr, sged 5 monllis and 11 days.
Business .Notices
I inn paying Ihe highest cn-h price for
Wheat, Rye, Clover and Timothy S.-ed.
II. W, Am, Rspy Depot.
I am paying 70cts for Rye. feb 18 2-w
Hon. George N. Corson, Norristown, siys:
Tho Pbccnix Pectoral Is indispeusablo in n.y
family. It acts liko n churm in ctirii g
couglia and colds with tho chi!drcn,and 1
always use it when addressing ft jury. Price
25 cents. O. A. Klolm, Rloomsburg. aprlG-ly
Lulz & Sloan have a largo assortment of
Table Linens Napkins nnd Towels very
Good Clover Seed wauted by Silas Young
at Liglitstreet. jan 28 81 -lw
- ...
HEI) HOUSE l'OWIJUli cures moro horses, mutes
ml. sheep thau any other medicine. Suro oery
luiui. oct 82, 'MM cow
Win, O. McKinney has removtd his etock
int.) hU uew building ncrcfis tho Btitet, unci
t'xi.Mids u cordial invitation to every one
to call,
. . . -.
Clearing Out Winter Goods
to make room for
Extensive Alterations at
Tho Popular Clothiug
Store of
Davl Lowenbcrg.
Conner U selling his stock of Queenstvare
Glassware and wood and Willow ware ut re
duced rates to save moving ell imd see
hitu. feb 18 2w
Lu.z & bloati will sell Applcton A Miulin
yet a stiort time for 6 etc. u ami by the bolt,
llnntUotuo Blioes anil Slippers at JlcKlti
ney's Hoot and Shoe llHzaar,
fiOO nlco white thrifty sholcs wanted by
Silas Youni?, Lluhtstreet,- that nru 2, 3, i,
5 tu tl mouths old that elli from W lbs.
110, 35, 10, in CO to GO lbs. each .
I'crnons that want to buy shot? please
call around, I handle Arm 30, -10 to 50
a botes per week,
dec, 2l,'80.2ai.
You will And thp best erade of Sugary
aud Syru) always at dinner's.
See the Uuchltigs, Neckties and Embroid
eries in l.n z nnil SloHii'ri windows.
Hats and Gaps at
Cott f r Thirty Days
at p. JfOwenberR'a.
Sco n woman tilcklnir n luinrli nf frranosi
In another column, nt Bpccr's Vineyards,
from which Sneer's Port Ornno Winn Is
made, thai Is so highly tsteemed by tho
uicuicai proicssion lor me use Ol invalids,
wrnkly persons nnd tlio aged. Sold by
A. Kletm. Jan 7'801y
Harriet A. Newklrk. of Salem, lavs 1 was
cured of tetter in my hand by threo nppllca-
eions oi uampnor miik. Aiy nusuanei was
cured of old runnlnir sores bv uslntr It. It
cured my son of a spraintd ankle. Price 20
cents Sold by O. A. Klolm. Uloomsburir.
npril 1G, '80,ly
Important Notice to Parties Attending
For Thirty Days Orat '
Can bo Iloughl In Clothing.
You can buy n Winter
Stilt or Overcoat
At Cost.
Must He Sold to
mako room for
at David Loncubcrg's
It seems Strnneo Hint anv nun win m.rrrr fmrn hn
many eieinngementg brought on hv an Impure con-
11... !..,..'.' neii Bi-uriL-a nuiun anil
LI Kit Hltlll' Wl.l rp.fnrn rtnrfpt linulflt
plOBlcal organization It Is tnleednstrcnt;thcnlng
tpiun, pleasant to take, and has rroven Itsetrtobo
tlie uett hlood piirtiler ever rttscovtrcd. cacct
ually curlnif Scrofuta, Hypbllllto diseases, Weakness
ot Uio Kldnejs, all Nervous disorders nnd Debility,
It cot recta Indigestion. It makes tho old reel younir,
andtho younp feel gay; and will I variably drlvo
put of tho system tlie many .Ills that human nesh Is
heir to. A stuitlo uottlo wit1 rrove to y..u Its mer
its as a heattti rciiewcr, for It nets likes a
clmim, especial y when the complaint Is of an ex-
..ur,,u u.iui,-, uitviiiK n ii'iiuency 10 lenacn xno
Laturat vlcor of the brain and nervous system,
oct aj.'swjeow
100000 lbs. of crood nrlmo imrb wanted
In tho next eight weeks .by Bilas Young,
Llghtstreot. 1 want hogs that dress 50 lbs.
i0. 75. 100. 125. 150. 175. 200. 225. 250 un
to 275 lbs. nptcce. inlnayswant my pork
dressed on Saturday and brought in early
on Monday morning. Persons wishing; to
buy port, please call around early cm Mon-
tay mornings.
elec. 20, 'bO-Um.
RiDgbnmton Roots I Buy them
j Kinney's.
at Mc-
Tho llest Salvo tn tho world for Cuts, nrutses.
Sores, incerji, Molt Hheum. Tet er, Chapped Hands,
e-iiuoiRina. lott.h ecu on Kinusci Kln f.rupiions
Ficcklesnnd l'lmplcs, The S'lVelsRuarnnteeato
Ktvo perfect satisfaction In eiery case or money ro
tund, d. llo suroto eict Ilenrv'a Cnrbolto Salve, as
ml others n re but Imitations, l'rlco ts cents. For
saH by nil druggists. oct S2, '60-lyeow
His Roots
nnd made tn stand the weath
er for be bought them at Mc
Kinney's. wero leather
"WalndtLkhfIIaiii IIestobeb"Is entirely differ
ent from all others. It is us clear ns watcr.nml as
its name indicates. Is alpcr'ect Vegetable Hair He-
srnrer nnu noes not ia nny manner anect tuo ueaun
wliten hulphur. Sugar of Lead and Nltrato of Silver
preparations hae done. It will Immedlaiel) free
ine neaa I'oia nil iranuruii, itesiuru iiray liair eu lis
natural color, and nrcduio a now crowth whero It
has fallen nn. Itwlllehango light or faded hair In
a few days to a beautiful clossy brown. Every noi-
tlo is warranted. Ask your druggist for It. For
saloat Mover linos., lsioomsburg, Pa. mtti, Kline
X. Co.. r i ade nil a. and 1 1 all & ltucke l. New York.
Wholesalo Agents. oct. S8, so-tt
The blchest cash Prico paid for wheat by
Z. T. Fowler, at Willow Grove. No dif
ference ns to variety. Rye 75 cents n bushel,
Avnudale Red Ash Coal, 4. 0. and C. always
nn hand. Railroad Ties taken in escbange
tor coal, or ensu will be paid lor them.
jan 1!S 8-w.
She wore french
heeled shoes
with opera toes and said
she bought them at Mc-
Our Questions.
Arc you a buyer of Men's or Boys'
Clothing at retail? Do you need
clothing for the farm, the office, the
work-shop, the court-room, or the
pulpit? Do you want boys' clothing
for the school-room, or for dress ? Do
you prefer to buy clothing ready-made
or to order ? Are you in need of
shirts ?
If yes, to any or all of these que
ries, state your needs to us, that wc
may send you samples and prices.
Your Question
is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You
must judge. We will make up tho
case, you must decide it. But we
must tell you that we have created
the Largest Retail Clothing Business
in the United States by the simple
method of giving the best clothing for
the least money. We mean that it
shall pay you to buy of us. ,If you
buy and are not pleased, return tho
goods for exchange, or demand your
and Brown,
S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts.
From January Ut, 1SS0 to January 1st, lsst.
Statement showing taxes assessed and balanco
still due.
1 ' v ' ,
M '
h s 9 -
DISTRICTS. g j " g f
Heaver '2S 71 fs&o 17 32 cos! cw 60
Henton 1000 v3 tibo 'is so r72 42 04 su
iterwlck 1055 75 41 00 153 85 04 11 45 on
lllOOln 4018 97 K3O0 133 33 85CSU3 3 0U
llrlarcreck 145470 7soo 2163 cor 64 ?soo
Cataulssa ... 2"Oi47 79 00 17520 S14 Ss 7900
centralta 709 Oi 435 fC3 9S
Centre 1S72 47 80 tO CJ55 100iW 60 60
conjngliam.... 7110 m sss49 700
PIMilmrcreeW. . 1339 w, 9300 43 39 C51S 93 01)
Franklin 'omo7 "31 60 '1230 M53 1-. 3if0
cireenwood... . 1490 7s lot 00 0750 nv37 Jul 110
Hemlock 1202 97 00 60 11 SO C5913 CO 60
Jaekvm S33 8I m 00 440 14141 Alio
IlOUSt 1110 59 70 60 10 71 709 20 70 60
MllllthOIl 1211 M 79 00 21 23 303 31 79 00
Main 720 21 4710 24 23 170 39 47 60
Mlltim 12i7 00 f to 16 00 610 19 M60
Montour 1017 89 61 tO 17 70 270 91 5160
Mt. Pleasant... 71K68 65 M C9UI 2&1S3 6310
Dl-.ingO 10U 3S 60 60 60 70 519 62 60 60
PlIlO 40179 69 00 S21 B21 99 69 r.O
Hoartngcreck. . 493 20 4400 7 Si nasi 440.1
SCutt 1051 50 69 60 111 61 IU40 69 50
.SUgarl0.1f 430 94 69 60 2 05 439(8 C9 60
(32325 98 1541 UO lOlt 10 14070 1)9 1624 00
Districts nud collectors Year Co. Dou
Itenton, FH Mlltttl, 1S70 U4 3l 60 00
llloom, A b FrltZ. 1879 951 34 29 CO
HrUirreek. Jolm F Miller 1879 812 74 82 60
Centralta, Ttiomas HcrBghty 1879 675 23 boo
Centre, Josepli w'lso 1S79 371 (5 80 60
Hemlock, Win F Fnust 1SI9 I7b9 60 oo
Jtontour. Win HWeaver lsl 177 40 M eo
cireenwood, Jacob H Evans 1878 321 18 4200
Hemlock. A It Hartman 1878 181 81 17 00
MaUUou,.lames Welllvcr 1878 79 90 14 00, Win A Kilo lsts si 63 920
Conynt'liam, Aaron Person 1i7I sooso sou
i;atawisa, josepu .Mri7. wa 9045 S36
Conynguam, Aaron Person 1870 185 41 guo
Catawtssa, Joseph Martit 1875 494 CO 11 60
flMlt'J fl55'M
II A Hweppenlitser, Treasurer ot Columbia county
tn account wlta said county on county tuads
January 1st. two. Die.
To am't uncollected prior to 1M0 $18010 84
" ou 11 inu ut last seiiiemcDt
" county tax assesieil In 1840 ,,,
" tax on registry of voters ....
" added lux on Catawlssi dupllcato tor 79
" Frank Jones, rent for old Jail
" II 11 John for Win
costs pild by KJ Albertsn...
" lu.iiio Hess, old brlek
" am't pild by .Montour county llooks vs.
Danville uorougU
" Frank J mcs. old fence
" county tax on undated lands
' county tax on boated lands ,
' road tax on unseated lands
" to roau tax on seated land!
" BCliool tax ou UDBoatod lands
tjctwoltuxoii beated lun"a CI149
lrior tax on unseatod lundst.
poor tux on kcaled lands
" s poclal poor tax on unseated lands
" special poor tux on seated lands
" bpeclul load tax on unseated laud
"eii. clal road tax ou seated Iands.w...
" beuted lund tax bluce distribution........,
' unsealed land tax stneo duirlbutlon
" Wm Krlcltliauia, Jury fees, no ,
1 awessing, inanaaing, etc, ot Uog lund,,
h,n i
Wo wish lo any Boinctlntig this week iu regard to Haller's mako of
Cutlery, which wo havo been Belling tho past six years. Wo havo
had amnio timo lo test its merits, and hundreds of our customers will
endorse our remarks in its l'ttvor. Any lady knows the value, of a
good pair of scissors, and how hard it is io get them, owing lo the
great quantity, of cheap and worthless goods which Hood tho market.
A poor pair is a? source of daily annoyance and vexation. In the
manufacture of cheap scissors it requires no mechanical skill to put
them togcthcr,vhcrcas in a good article,tho finest sttel must bo select
ed, skilled mechanics to know how to temper tho steel, and adjust
them to a nicety so as lo give a smooth even cut from heel to point.
All this adds to the cost, and yet sometimes, how little ladies think
of this in making their purchases, and because wo ask u few cents
moro possibly than they were olfercd elsewhere, they concluded to
take the cheap ones, these aro the people who always havo poor cissors.
Ono of the best recommendations wc have is the seamstress' and tailors'
trade, who know what a good article is and to whom price is a sec
ondary consideration. Wo can also refer you to the editor of this
paper, who writes with a pair, that ia, ho uses hem for cutting editor
ials and other matter of news from his exchanges, and palms them oft"
on his subscribers as original. He will likely deny this to you, but
he told us in confidence ; our only reason for giving him away is to
illustrate that "there's cheating in all trades- but ours." To avoid
making mistakes hereafter in your purchases sco that tho name John
S. Haller is stamped on tho blades. Tho greatest nuisance a man
can carry in his pocket is a poor knife, and now well ho knows it, see
how anxious he is to make a trade with some one, just "because its too
large or tco small" for him and how ho chuckles to himself as he im
agines he is taking in his unsuspecting victim, watch his face change
color as ho examines his new treasure. Ho does not find Jno. iS.
Haller's name on tho blade,owners don't want to trade them oil'. With
his mind now made up to come to us and receive value for his money,
he offers the old one as a reward to his young hopeful to cease cutting
the cherry tree with his little hatchet and all are made happy. But
seriously speaking, and shaving with a dull razor is a serious business.
Wo claim Jno. S. Haller's Razors gives better satisfaction than any
other make sold in the county. Wc have various kinds at various
prices, same heavy, others ground as thin as paper. Wc havo so d
hundreds of these to barbers and others without a single complaint.
All wo ask is a trial to prove their superiority.
Uy commission, eionerattous and returns allowed
collectors foriSTn.
Districts coin Ex Districts Com Er
Heater Pi'l tl014 Madison $ro:3 $17 46
Ilerwtck Tltrj 18 01 .Main 37 75 42
oatawlhsa loi si ssm jtirtltn t9B7 7 73
conwigiiara tr2ii ccci jit rlcasant t'.a ca 337
Flfclilngcreek 1 3 no is to oranco mcj 1010
Franklin 34 w 4H' i'lne sstffl IOCS
Clrcenwood 7o(.a ti0'J Itoarlngcr'k si) 39 4.l
Jackson lots ao tscott nt !7 lien
Ixcust 73 05 sim sugarloaf s:so 4j97
US 03
70 93
10 f,4 Ocntralla 40 so 31
10 P0 COI))gLam 4S40 37 80
CoiogLam 4S40
Conynglim 121 8f
Sugarloaf is 49
11 SI
$1,209 80 $o7K 97
tlMI 20
672 07
11 j- total commissions
" total exonerations -
" county orders redeemed
831)5 32
" om't duo from collectors 19203 si
am i 10 meet sum paid stato ror quota
cbarged on coupons 29 20
" commission to Treasurer ldM 77
" balance in liands ot Treasurer. 4207 04
J8O.450 01
n A sweppcnlitser, Treasurer In account with dog
January 1st, lsso DIt.
To m't duo at last settlement JU01
am't assessed in isss 1544 00
" am't on hand at last bettlemcnt 1st co
Com Ex Districts Com Ex I
(440 1160 Madison (3 97 (100
185 160 Main 210 0
8 77 4 50 Mllllln 3 62 8 60
22 3M) MM'leasant 2 95 2 60
4C2 7 50 orango HI 3 to
1 8J Pino ! S7 7 00
4 97 7 60 KoarlDger'k 2 05 1 00
2 25 SCOlt 3 02 3 CO
SC7 5 00 Sugarloaf 3 CO 3 50
2 77 200 Hrlarcreek 407 100
1 27 3 60 Con ugbam 37 1 60
1 54 I V (S3 CO
Dycommlslon to collectors (0409
" evoniTatlons allowed collectors f3 50
" orders paid of '79 41 60
" orders paid of V 0 38 1 75
"ill l pinu uquuiy lor assessing, au ovu w
coinmUslon toTrcosun r 21 1
nm't due lrom collectors 2019 2
am't refunded tu KJ Albertson colttr. 70 4 00
balanco in bands of Treasurer. 21 67
(3.127 13
By orders for '67 and O not presented and
II A Sweppenhlscr.Treasurer, In account with Stato
Fund. UK.
To State tax assessed tn '80 (1.C81 10
By commission and exonerations on dupltcato set-
Com Ex Com Ex
lleaver SO Jackson 22
llcnlon 1 41 Locust. M
lierwlck 7 7 Madison 1 Oil 80
llloom 0 70 4 00 Main 1 21 2 49
llrliircreek 107 Mllllln S3
Carawlssa 8 70 Montour r-7
Centralta 22 Mt. Pleasant 3 to 4 00
"centre sua orange 2f.3
Conngham 0.1 rino 11
Flshlngcieelsi 20 40 Hoartngcreck 39
Franklin 01 Scott 3 57
Greenwood 3 37 Wugarloat 13
Hemlock. co
(5198 1110
nycommtston to collectors (53 98
' exonerations allowed collectors 11 10
" nm't paid to ttato for quota iW 40
couimixston 10 Treasurer r sj
balance In h inU3 of Treasurer 423 74
nm't duo from collectors 2 C9
(1081 10
Commissioners' expenses for '80, for which orders
wero Issued on Uio Troasurer.
J W norrmau, sherltl's deed llrlght lot (3 00
Moyer llros, express 39 1
W O McKinney, express 2 23
It liiickinghaiii, auditing public accounts 35 no
W Kilckb.iuiii, recording namestwp onicers 81 co
II (I nit, hauling sate (no
i:d Moody, Mew ot court house 1 00
J Dresher, road tax llrlght lot 43
A II stow art, lumber old Jill fenco.... 10 72
Jas 'I homas, costs Col. co. vs Person et at.. n0
Ell Joins etnl building fence oia J ill lot.... 1887
A II Cochran, survey au.l mapcuiley trial. 2000
0 M Low son, Iron f ir lack tcrews 43
Ell Hobblns, tuxes on llrlght rot 1 33
'I1 .1 Morris, costs Columbia co s Howcr 112
It P ilardner. bill for postmnrtoneaso 15 00
E Mendenliall, lumber for old Jail fence 8 ol
V II Ent, taking two pilsoners to Phllad'a.. 67 05
" " " ' 69 30
11 m .. Cl45
M (1 Hughes, redemption monov GC9
I. Hunoii &Co, bill rendered old Jatl 2 CO
W Kilckbnum, Inilextngjudiineni dockets. 8r50
" Prothoiiotury bill lsstii
W II Snyder, bill for Teachers.' Institute IIS 60
I) Mcllcnry.tor damages w end Zaner brldgo 20 00
.1 11 Creu'llng, damage bildge Kimble's mill no
n A sweppenntser, Treas. deeds to Comnm nsa 7S
(1,278 69
(iratid Jurors during jear
Travt rso Jurors during year
Constables' returns during year
Court cr er during j ear
Tlpstavns during year , . .
8 N Walker, stenographer, (to per day
" Whiting va Mltncs esiato ,
" Commonwealth vs cnrlev
" Christian va Ptnn'a Flro Ins Co..
" lacksonvsstoetzel
' stllesetatand Henton Ms Yit
(719 21
2919 13
137 60
214 60
3H0 00
11 10
33 30
I. Association 12 40
O E Myer. court calendar 7 00
Elwe.l & lllttcnbender, court calendar 20 01
Ell Itobblns, Jury commissioner 2S73
John Hartman, " 2472
J 11 Casey clerk to bamo : 1500
U II Eut serving Jury notices si 00
(932 79
Justices, constables and witnesses (t,29 09
tc It Utile, district attorney ' 11000
Win Krlcktiaum, clerk at court 1.3 40
Mrs Jane lirowu, Jury board curloy trial,.., 120 73
(1.691 24
Sundry persons us viewers (59811
Jas DennK
1 111 11 ruiu, u imago .lackSOU 100 CO
Aaron llo id,
Alex Knouse,
John Filtz,
Wasli Uuouse,
John Young
11 Harrington,
Aaron Kefehuer,
llrsot sllot&Co
J 11 croiellng
Mrs .lane in own,
(leol kelcr,
Clark Vetes,
Moses Savago
Henry KKlin,
llenrv Yost,
(Jeo Wnlters
Abraham llldlay,
E A Plait,
Alfrul Stevens,
Ins Eves ret.
Jacksou .
Mt Pleasant.,
Centre ,,
Mt Pleasant... .
Abraui lldlae,
lioeeo M'itenrv
Joel Iti lfeiidlfer,
Emanuel Appleman,
S imiiel Trump,
llenrv orlvvlnu
David I) molt est
Stephen Pobe, comt Mtendlug vivins,,.,'
t.T41 II
Wm L Manning, Auditor. .
13 ro
15 no
15 IK)
4 6I
2.-. 00
0 (10
481 00
4 00
3 00
7 00
10 73
3 00
5 07
4 no
2 00
60 79
1 (HI
1 (.3
n c niuiiu "
C 11 Scesholtz "
Jacob Metz, repairing stovo drawer
c M Drinker " vault lock 4c
J U Casey, stating occih for 1879
Wm. Hitter, palming
J c Sterner, repairing vault
0 Krug, lumber &c. ror Court llouso
It Harris renloungoCoinr'soaioi
Tlios (lorry rep Law Library and oftleo
Mosler Sato & Lock Co. safe treos onice
Ed Searls painting root court house
Collins, Holmes s. bUl rendered
c c (iatlgnan "
M J Casey plastering
I.ewis Ilernard repairing town clock
() M .1 K Lockard bill rendered
Wm Crlsman et ol for woik at olllco
It L Thomas 3 gross pens
I, Kunvnn Co bill rendered
II F Itlcc step ladder for court
II II Sands for wood
OA Jacoby for coal
I) U CotTman repairing blinds court room ....
1 uageiiDucu repairing stove..
.11 11 1Y
Fry renatrlne court room
v isiiimcver ui 1 renaerea
E Mcndenball Agt Lumber court bouse 14 40
M Cox cleaning court bouse, &o 85 os
Jobn Cox ' " 1 00
(las Co for gas so 03
Htephen i'ouo, Commissioner 7S 60
Cbas Itelcliart " fins o
A 11 Herring 11 857 00
E H 1 kelcr attorney 100 no
JU Casey clerk 7tooo
(2.S90 37
. ( 3 91
Stephen Knorr, bill rendered
P Jones repairs
W Hitter painting
Harman & llassert repairs
oco Zimmerman bill rendered
c I. Poho et al mung bed ticks
T norry repairing
ltolllns, Holmes & S. nails
C cj Ciallgnan repairs
c E llower plastering
.Inn cadman, Agt furniture
H Krug lumber
It s Ent, bill rendered
W c Evans repairing barrow
E Mendenliall, Agt lumber
O A Jaco'iy coal ...
3 00
. 13 50
. 17 20
2 03
4 93
30 50
. 253 63
1 60
7 23
2 70
1 00
.. I ISM
i.uiz x sioan. 0111 renuerea
2 20
L dross, clothing cio
J Ileagle, wood 5 00
Al Freas. trees 3 no
I, Kuiiyon 4: Co bill rendered 3 07
1) T Jones, stono lloor cellars 42 79
11 V Hlee, step ladder 4 00
u Helchart, plank for stable .-. 0 84
Wm Pur-ell, wood 60'
(1 A Kletm medlilnea 550
W W liarret, work about prison 20 20
I) Lowenberg, clothing 13 00
W U McKlnnoy, shoes 7 60
1' Ilillmeyer, bill rendered 004
I w iicKeHy " 82 4
II W Mclteynolds, tending prisoners 7 00
nnsCogas ism
U II Ent, boarding pt Isoncra 417 50
U II Eat.wabhlng Ac Oj 31
(I.429 CO
Elwell i' Elttcnbender, Co Statement (23 00
" election proclamation so no
" advertising...... 17 511
" blanks 2J35
O M Vandersllco. County Statement 25 1 0
" election proclamation so no
" advertising 13 50
" blanK8 13 50
James C Drown, county statement 25 00
" election proclamation 21'. 00
" court " 4IIH0
" blnks 8 30
" advertising lsoo
a E Meyers, County statement 25 00
" eieetlou proclamation 2000
" blanks 4 85
D A Ileckley, postago and box rent .. 74 75
c. a i nirk, btiiuonary for ofll.o and court 5
w F ltlsel & Iiro " 10 co
Wm Manu, " ...... 17 to
r 1, nutter, election blanks 13 3.
i"ai Pun Co. Iiailv Patriot 7 mi
G A Potter, blanks 4 23
(101 40
Sundry persons for Inquests
P Shclliammer, Davis brldgo
nuuinan uriogo
Colu brldgo
Kt-nblo bridge
1 33
C7eo Keeler
win linger,
Ira J '1 nomas
Jaa Conner,
S Appleinan,
2 no
so 47
Colo brldgo
Karns brldgo
Mendenliall brldgo
Wi'Sicreek brldgo
Colo bridge
Klmblo bridge
i "t
lienton nrtdgoV!'.".'.'.'.'.'.
Colo bridge
2 23
3 84
Jos Welreman.
Z T llutt,
1 2!
n. iiiiuacn,
Ed Mcllenry
Sam Appleman
.1 E Edson.
s w Mcllenry
11 09
Yd 25
2 00
2 20
V A Kile, contract Klmblo mill bridge!!!!
Wm Pureol, Shaffer brldgo
Martz&Ivy, Dart 'n bildge
Wm Harman, whairer bridge
J S Mensch, ltupert brlJgu
. . DlltAKCKEEK.
O Helchart plank nittenhouse bridge
J A Wanick
" llowman "
Ed Stowart " ' ,
. ltlttenhouso "
Low Ilro Co "
." . ltowman "
M llrlttaln, ltlttenhouso '
69 UO
18 19
15 00
1 6(1
10 8(1
13 6H
3 90
0 Helchart, plank McKelvy mill brldgo 117
is itingrosc, nutton brldgo 7 m
Jacob llctler, Centreline bridge 4 oo
c Helchart, plank CentrcvIUe brldgo 77
L ltunyon Co keg spikes 4 no
Jno manner, west end brldgo nt zaner's 44 os
jno Diesner.siciienry mill brldgo.,,, 2 23
" Stillwater bridge 1 08
0 k DMoAenry, on contract brldgo near Jno
Zaner 237 im
Jacob Knittlf, Mendenball brldgo
" ltohrbacu brldgo
II V Ilattln, Iron brldgo Mlllvlllo...
" Kyer Urovo brWgo
" Alkiuan bildgo,
" lola brldiro
1 25
1 23
J II Qufck Kjer cirovo brldgo..
II Colteriiiuu, Ed Mcllenry brl.1
II 21
3 6D
13 97
1 00
Win Lawton, Kckmiui bridge...
Jno Iggott. Mlllvlllo Iron
J E Welliyei', Ed Mcllenry bridge,
Marti t Ivy,l'urecll brldgo
j N Larisn, Eli: nun brldgo u
sotomon strausor, snvderbr.dge , s oa
11 llelwig, waiter brldgo 2 so
Coinr'a ui NortU'd county cont Walter brldgo !7J on
r i. noniz, Jiainvitio bridge s 00
(1 EMordan, Wiuon bridge ,
" , Mordansvllle bridge..,.,,,,,
1 60
Ainun nauwu. )uilltll uriugo,.., ,
j. (iiln. nauivu, I.DUIVI1 u
M Kindt. Sands brldiro..
' Wilson brldijo
" Kester brldgo.,
r-hlllp Miller, Wllwn bridge (above)..,
' " v (below)...,
J lloldebrunt, Iron bridge
I (Hi
1 IN)
1 00
Wo have a few Healing Stoves
and double Healers on hand,which
wo will sell to responsible parties
and give you time until Juno 1st
to pay for them.
St V f-Uoemakcr, Shoemaker hrldgo...,
a 01
80 00
6 02
6 00
2 50
4 80
1 72
cole, n Colo bridge
II Frit. A Colo Lrldifo
Win A Kile, A 1 olo 1 lldgo
iit'i.. onuju,,.,
" .1 O llesi
Cole, E Colo bridge
II lli'ss. I less bildge
51 S1U1U7, A Colo bridge
(LOSS 12,
Support of I.lzzle Milton, Damllle 107 00
David Shea
170 30
Convicts in Eastern Penitentiary for '79..
, CC175
$999 05
113 25
23 CO
19 75
16 75
21 C
10 7,-.
10 0O
14 60
(25 43
15 25
19 75
.".I 0)1
21 73
23 00
19 75
19 37
22 00
20 50
9 20
Mt Pleasant
Centra lta
10 76
20 CO
15 25
2.1 SO
10 73
Assessors for fall registry of voters 117 00
$591 Sit
75 TS
raid sundry persons
Paid spring election onicers....... (349 83
an " " 485 00
spring room rent ir2 00
full " ' 132 00
constables odvt: & attendmg spring elo 140 40
" " " fall elee 1879 52 00
" " " " 18KO 60 00
c II Mnson, overseer ' 1S79 2 00
Itenl Klstler " " " 1979 200
Evau Hu kalew ' " 1S7B m
,T M Clark, cuatorlal It .ludiro am
W J lluckulew, Congrt bsIoi ul It Judge 13 7U
L llutter. o ccltou blui.ks 1734
W Krlckbaum ct al counting fall vote 20 c
(1,408 91
Amt township taxes refunded (4,1" 08
W F Sturphy Sen, 1 doo Prom's. onice (is 50
" " 2" Recorders ontco.... 2S6O
VmMann 4 " I'roth's tfflce 4700
" 2" Recorders otllce. .. 2fioo
F L llutter, F4 registry books 10 81
10 uupuc&ies 44 20
(179 SI
Amt county bonds redeemed
couDons on tamo nald
....( ox) no
.... 1,881 OO
.. .. l'OO
Int paid on overdue county bonds..,..
(9,899 OO
Miscellaneous 11.213 69
courts. Jurors pay constabls returns, &o 4 932 79
costs lo commonwealth cases 1,691 24
Road bildgo viewers and road damages 2,'4l 31
commissioners ofllce and court house 2,mo 37
County Jail 1,429 on
i-nnung, mationary ana postago 412 R5
Inquisitions 10140
Bridges building and repairs l.ossn
Pemtentlary and Asylum 9S906
Asst'H'orspuy 691 ss
Fox and w Hu eat bcnlps . . 75 75
Flection expenses .. 1.408 21
Taxes tefunded 4,195 s
Blank books 179 91
county bonds, coupons and Interest paid
wuu,ciuuovuuui uunus ., y,s'jv w
(33.SIS 32
Frompmnunt of orders Issued deduct (4.19568,
axes refunded, and rcr,9 trilemnttnn monev nnd
$9.M)9i, bonds, coupons and Interest on overdue
bonds paid, leaves (19 713 93 which Is tho actual or
dinar; expeuscsfor the year A. D., isto.
20 to
9 60
S3 75
67 25
7 60
Mi illson
Mt. Pleat ant
18 50
C 00
6 00
20 25
to 60
Frit ti kiln
flit 75
Dog lax duo lrom collectors (J,009 20
Probabable comiiihlon tirid nv nfr m mi ir.8ipa
Add amount In treasurer's hands 21 ST
fllves total assets
(1,703 83
Tax In liands of collectors' duplicates (15203 51
Probable commission and exoneration on. wuooo
(10.703 SI
4207 01
SNM 00
(9 78
9a 00
69 30
29 W)
Add amount lnhnnds or Treasurer
Add value of old Jail piorerty
Mid value of Mary Bright prot'yF Crc k
Am't duo trom Benton twu for Colleys....
Balance duo 011 (ieia llower note ,....... .
Two dounle set nssess books
(24s03 9J
Costs duo In Coinmonwealtli cases U13 is
Amount tax nun the several districts 1 191 07
" road C Lidg-e viewers duo on bks l'J.ifii
' ojuuty prison bonds unpaid tiCnouu
county lulnon coupons unpaid 47J6i
" rond damages assessed and unpaid
estimated us nearly us can be looooo
(33,103 90
Sl.a 9.1
Actual Indebtedness of tho county Janua
ry 1H, 1881 .', (1,299 97
We, tho undersigned Commlsstonei a of Columbia
County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a eoi
icct statement of accounts ot sold county, for tho
ear A, I), lso. '
A. It. llKlilllNU.
....... t Cwnmlss onew cf Columbia County.
Attest! J, 11. caskv, cieik.
Vc, tho undersigned. Auditors ot Columbia Coun
ty, huvlnglH'eu duly elected to adjust and settle the
aecininiH of tho treasurer and Com iiilssioucre of
( olumbla county do hereby ct itlfy that we met at
ihe oitleo ol thu 'l lensmer aud Coiiimlsnoncrs, iu
Bloouisburg, and cuutully examined tlioaccountu
and vouchers of llm same trom tho 1st day of Jouu
nry, A. D., 10 to the llrtt day ot lanuary, A. D.
lssl.undllnd lUemtonectasabovo Htated. and vvu
tliul u baliuce due Columbia county on county
fund of lour thousund two hundred aud seveuuoi
lars and four c-entB (4,su7 04) irem II. A. Nvvrppeuhl.
lor 'I reas. of Columbia co. And we ilud a balance ot
lour hundred and Iwerty.threoctollutsanU beveuty
luur bents ihm 74) on state luud found In tho bauds
pt It. A, svuppenhlser. i-reosutcr, Aud wo ilud u
'lanco ot iweiity-onH dollars and nfty.KOven centu
(157) ou dog fund found In thu nanus cl II, A.
hwepjienlilser, Tiensurer.
Ja'uuayUA'l8U5.U",ld'anl, xm S""U5 cl
Paid since bettlcment. AUdUWB
t'umiabbtuneW ontce, Feb. 4, nil.
.sntlooh henby given that ibe portnerbhtp l.rre.
toluie existing between 'I'uiiba k cimuil erlln as 1 it.
prietors of Uio Exchange Uotel, liloomtbuiv, l'e..
ui ul-solved Oh thellist dayof February lfl. by p. Uituterlln goii gout cf lie
Uim. Hiphpii'l buHiiiM will le conclueled leu.
sfierby W. K.TuUh. lelionsludeltid lo Ibe lute
llim cau bettle wlih either if the utiderblguod.
w, it. i units,
Keb4,.W. ".J'.CHAMbH.,..
1 1