The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 18, 1881, Image 1

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le dolturbi2ir(.
. i ttauAKn i mn niittii Vflnrit Anil mtltU.
t t
I.tiieit Weekly, every I'rlilny inornlni, rat
two I' per year, M cents discount allowed
t . : i am u It
Ooelnch Hi l:'J m PiM
Two indies. iw i ii v.f wm is.eo
Threo Inrhes 4.0 1 i.M ?.r il.oo
roar Inches .m ; m .m moo
Suarter column..,, a) .ii K).n tveo evoo
air column ii'.i" liix) 17.iT) S3.0I ao.m
lien paid in advance, to Miirnnom out, or tno
lirNoriaperi.1lcnntlntird except nt the option or
All papers sent out of thosintoor to distant post
one cotuinn sa.iw .m aaod eaoa loom
tearlr adrertlsfmenls pirabli fpiartoilr. Tn-n-Kf
nt adve rtlsomenls roust Im paid for before Inserted
except where parties have accounts.
llo person in coiumiilit county assumes to pay mo
iNcmniuii uue nn ui'innim. . .
FOSTAiiK Is no loiijrcr exacted from subscribers In
I'gal advcrtlsemcnM two dollars per Inch for three.
Insertions, nnd nt Hint rate lor (irtdlltonal lnsertlous
in rounty.
croze ii3i3sria:3sra-.
wiinout, rcrcrcnce to icngw.
Kxecutor's, Adinlnlstratir't, and Auditor' notice
three dollars. Must bo paid for wben Ins, 'tied.
Transient or Local notices, ten f cnts a line, regular
advertisements half rates.
Cards In the "lluslness Directory'' column, one
dollar per year for each line.
Tho Jobbing Department of the Columbian Is very
nnpldn, nnd ntir Job J'rtntlriif wilt comparo fatora
y with Unit ot tho large rltlcs. All wort done on
raamt, nently find nt moderate prices.
0, ? EL-WELL, ..
3, K. BITTENBENDEB, pP"8tori.
. m a km i
Coh'mbhs' HctutiNfi, Dioomsburi Pa.
r Hi r t'rtltiul ctotna l aw A ttt"irlat Inn .
i: U'AlTl.Kli,
A ttoi'iioyat-Tnw.
on: :5. second dcorfioii lit National Bank.
nn II. i4
T I". l'LW'K.
omc-Mn Knt' Itcn.nlN i.
t iiii.ii. . , ,-i.
I H in w J. nu'.nA i.i. 11 i
Dlourtiat urn. Pa.
ufflceon Mate street. firfrtuor below Oourtllouef
uitn n,
titoomiiburg, r.
nice over setj'tytors Hardware store.
tivrion-tn ltnrman's llnlldtn?. Main street.
itioomsoiirg, i a.
II. MTTl.K. MIP 1. n.lllllBi
, 11. a rv. r.. lit i i ijl,
A I I 1 11.1 VI I nA 1 i,A w,
Hloomsbnrg, Pa.
V. MlbbKR,
omceln lirowor's building, ocond ttoor,roora No.
P.loomsMirg, PR.
A.ttOVW!V-Mf-T ,nwi
m.ooMsmTno. pa.
onico comer of Oentro nnd Muln Streets. Clark's
(!.m h rnnwlteil in Germs').
Jan. t", s'-tt
i vi t,' l.u.U't.'t.t.
A T TO N V. YA T-l, A W,
Cot.rMBlAN Htili.iiiKH, H1onm,lmrrf, Pn.
Meicber of tlin Hutted States I aw Ahsoclnlloi..
lollretlonRmadoin nnrpatt of America orKurop
oet. i, ts;a.
Notary Public
. 1
A tt oiTioy s-nt-j jjvw.
omcotnltartinan's lllock, Corner Main und Mat
ket streets, liloomsburg, Pn.
CSS"Vhio ami Jlntinhcs Cvlletltd,
(inioe In llrowtr's Mock, one door below Coi.vmiuan
lulytC, -S0 If
onico In tho ooLt'iiniAK IPillitlng steond floor.
Oct. 6, 'SO.
IV .flco. II.. I. Claik's oulldlurr.tldatorv room 5,
Hiojimburi;. may 7, 'su-t f
U. nAKKI.EY, Attorney-at-Law. Oflici
tti nrower's building, Jnd storj-, uoouib 4 6
II. ROBLSON, Altorney-nt-Law. Oflice
In Ilartman'a building, Main street.
'1. WM.M. HEBKR, Surgeon iinil I'livei
clan, ontce M .rkct uicet. Near depot.
T It. EVANS, M. D., SurKcon and P!iy?i
) clan,(Onice and Residence on Third streo'
T B. McKELVY, M. D., SurReon ami Phv
U , slelan.norttiBldo.Maln street, below Market
ortlce, North Market. etrtct,
Oct. 1, n. " Hloomsburg, Pa.
R. I. L. RABB,
lluln Street, opposite Episcopal Cliurch, llloorav
to;. Pa.
! f Teolli extracted wltliout pain.
Oct. 1 is;,
I J , OMAN and KtllKIIION. special attention (riven
ro tliu imskiSph and hufkuth of tho Kvk Uau
Tiikoat and Siihiikhv In all lis varlovs branches
J i- Also carefully adjusts tho KYIS with PhOPKIt
( 8-10 a. m.
Houns a 1:30 p. in.
17 H r. in.
WllkCMbnrrc, Pa'
July 10, '?o-tt
Tonsorial Artist,
Is again at his old stand undor EXCIIANOE tlo
l Kb, and has as usual a I'lltST.CLAHS llAltliEH
Nllop. lie respectfully fcolMts tho patrnnangu of
ui3 ijiu u ual, 'ii if r uiiii ill i ill, nil nil, in nrrn r.
jmyioso-tf "
w. n, HOUSE,
All styles of work done In a superior manner, wo.k
warranlMlns renresentcd TBKTn Kxtkaot
so wiTiiorr Pain bv the use of (iaa. and
free of chare Urn artificial tfelli
nro Inserted
onico Corner Main and Iron Streets.
7o be open at all hour) during the daii
Bowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
datred. orwu House llulldlng, Illoomtburg, Pa
AVID LOWENBEHoT Merchant Tailor
-nam di auoyo uentrai Hotel,
8. KUIIN, dealer li, Meat," Tallow, dc.,
. Centra streot, botween second and Third.
A UGUSrUd FREUND. Practical houieo
XLuathlo Horao and Cow Doctor, llom:,burg, Pa.
fob. u, is-tf
Catnwtsaa, Pa,
iiUwilonn proiuptly inado and remitted, Ofllco
, .y ,,ii,-, auiwiHsa uepisir iiank. omss
A 1' T () RKEY-A T-L A W ,
Catawlsba, Pa.
ortlce, corner of Third and Main Streets.
ruiKyTnx roixowixa
Lyonminj.ot Muncy Pennsylvania.
r.irnnjnaot Yortc,?-.
' W-reror NawVorit.
M inhnitH-ioj "
K'n limit tr,f .nh. ... i . . ..
Mrifliiln. Immigrants or pcrvpolltiCRlcmpoxlon,
Virginia ru-UUll, IUU Wl'iULIHOJO
Write for 'lal Estate Mm" free
AddrctsII I STAVtKH tc CO., Htchmnn'i, Vn.
AiiOlilniiitTrlidlt, iiimI)-. HmmntkrWomii
nnil'lm : 'trthiutluitlc iilhnnnlivr. We (tunrnlitrr
IH lrtuo. Wu liuvu ImudreiN of Tttlnionlala,ti,1
letted In tho lnt 1", yeiiK, ,rnvliiff conclu'lvely lime
iin mnnlf) omtt lliitililn-ou'ii AVoriu
I)rtioyrr tf reniiivo the Worun (all kliul,7?oiii,
.Vnl, )ir,nnd r;wi, that lnli"t the human fyMetn.
I'iyiictanibti'ithnii mul Rlvo them to their miflerlnjc
pitlciit". 77m re id iid humbug or qimcicrii about thla
thorotuhly rellnblo lueillelno. Price, U3c. icr box,
A, W, WRIGHT 4 CO., Wholeialt OrugRlstj,
Market and Front Strccti, Philadelphia.
feb- II, 'Sl-Sm
To ITervoiH Gufforers tha Or. at Eurcjcan
uq : cay.
Dr. .1.11. Slmpsnii'H Spcclllo Mcdtclno U a positive
fill., tnr lAniiintl'i , I.. .It. . , M ,.H
m.j .i-. ... t. ... n i . .-v..., v tioiii VI rati SO UI Mjy
kin I, such as weakness and all diseases rasultlng
from Nervous Debility. Iirtnblilty.Mintnl Aiixletv,
.ariguor. IdsMtiidv, Depression oi splritH and func
tlmal derangements of tin i"rvom hyttciii non
.eraby, Pal s In the
m.ick nr m no. i.ns
of .Memo y, Pruivi
Ptl.,pn til it Iml.l ,i
dn'iuutlnu.lLFn' I
ty iv an cany (jravt
or both. No nut ti i
ho" tlnttered tlx
system mayb'froit
Hxeetsos nf a n
kind, a Hiortcriiirfc in , I m. iin-tut, ulil .ir,wnTii
lost runcticns and rrnctnc healih aim happlntss
whero beiorn una dest ondenev and gloom. 'I be -elite
Mcolclnc li being ind llb woi deiful suociss.
I'ninrhnis K'td free to all. Write fortbimnnd
rt f lltl t ai Irl, ttlni
Price, Si(IJli! tldo per package, nr tlx packages
for ts. ii. Win bo tent bv mail on rceeli t of money. 1
do rcss aM eiders.,!. 11. M.M''S .MrDK'INKCO. ,
Noi lei 1 6 Main streit, lUltTalo, N. Y.
Iet. II -Sl-jt
Oneoflliom-istd flia lorcbldenccsin tlloomsbnrg
on Ibn birib-Me-l cuincr (f Moikci rnd I',nh
itreits fi rnieijy orruplid by W. E. turner. 'Ibe
lioUrO Is a large and convi i Imi
ntc ly furi.l.bcd. he'ie is nlro a
', li Tirnr , 1 1 v. Ill I ,. i, i.n.i- li.n.u
CSn nil L'U, 11 A 1 I II t I 11 l-'i r tiiil MfiiLifd Ir.nnli..
of .1. H N al. i:n , llluriiihliiiig, Pn., nr Illruni
llecce mil knorii.
nov, vn, 'so-am
A Farm in Montour County
Will be sold or cM'h.mscd for u t
bv the 'indendmixl. The salilfmin Ison Iheroad
from Polifcrmo tn Wuhlnelonvilli'. in
township, ubi lit, sw mlli s frcm l oltgroe. and
contains ill A('i:i:. A
Iiar:i and outl undines, on the nremhes. NuLnar
tlcularwhciu prep it) eichai.g' d tor Is located. U
Hes:onal!o rod Eac- 'Jems will be Given.
Fer.paitlculara, address,
. P. KKIfiUAiiD
Pot tpgrove or I.tghl.treet.
J u. m
'I hce oi n coitronATiovs aro well' Reasoned bv aire
nitu rrnTKii nml ImviiiinYprrff liud n Imti at.
th'd by any court or law Their assets aro all Invest- S
ed In oi.iiisKccmriKsand are liable to tho hazard F
oi riHE oniy.
Losses i'komiti.v ana noniisTi.T aajiiRiea ana paid
is snou as rlete mined by Cuiiistian P Kn ire, bpso-
The people of i.'olurublii e .unty should i)iitroril7c
'ho 'r' cv nhprn !owb If any uro settled and du
by one of their own cttl7eos.
niuanoM", jiuiii train uumiu
r i r ouint ruriihlii'd fice, Iih full Instruc
ts. I I I tloiisfor cuuluilin t i iii.i-t ),clllaWe
,TA I I I IjmsIiicki that, .m)' ouo can engage In.
V v' 'i lit, business la so eaM' In learn, ai dour
Inst I net Ions at u so Silrnplti nnd plain, that tin) one
can maKe gieai t ri rut, noutii - very nun. one
can fall who is willing to wink. Womru are as suc
cessful as Ken. t uvs and rlrls can earn lnnosums.
Many hac niaOi atthu buslt ess cviroLe hundred
dollars tn a single week. Nothing like It eer knewn
befoie. All who engage nio surprised utthecase
and rapidity with which they are able to make
money. You can engage In this business during
your.spaie llmeut jrr ut prom. You do not haxi lo
uic-iCiipiiuiiu ii. iiiKu an me iisk. imucwiiu
need rtadv monev. should write to us at once. All
furnished lrce. Addrers Tkue 4: Co., AugustA,:aIne
oct to" 'NMy
Cor. Centre and Hall ltoad his., near L. & U. Depot.
Lowest Prices will net b: undersold.
Manufacturer of JIlNE ('Alt WHEELS, C'cal Ilrcak
er arft Ilrldgg Castings, Water ripes, Moves, Tin
ware, Plow, 'IKON PENCE, nnd all kind-iot Iron anil
llrasaC rtlngs.
Tho 't'glnal Montroso, Iron beam, right band,
loft band, and Bldo hill Plows, tho best in tho mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook Stoves, Koom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
Btores, i chool houses, churches, &e. Also the. larg
est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and
retail, such as Vlro Urlck.d rates, Cross Pieces, Lldi
Ac. tc, sieve Pipe, Cook Hollers, SkUllts, Cake-
Platea, large Iron Kettles, ifio gallons to IX barrels)
Farm Hells, SIM Soles, Wagon Boxes,
"Allentowu Bono Manure"
I'LASTElt, Al.T, 4C...M.
jan , 'so-ty
C. 33. SAVAGE,
Silvorwaro. Watches.Jowelry.Clocks.&o,
All kinds of Watches, Clocks kid J, well) neat
y repa'rei and warrantee!,
may 17, T-tf
11. C. MAH & Biln.
iif.uo.usiwina, va,
Carriagos, Buggies, Phaotono, Sleighs,
FLrot-clu.i work always on hand.
rYbv rediuind Hi lult the Uiqm.
oALX-insro- cards
airoai. inu.
Slid n man whoso Vfo?birj"fl coiintcnneo nnd
broken d ,w i constltiilton Mowed tracis of dUeaso
-a suiTcrer with Nervous llisDep'U.ln whoia at im
nch tho most do'lcato morjcl lay l:ka Ici.l, Itefnsh.
Ing si jep and iiilot nerves went Rtrpi.TI 1 1 him,
and tie ddip tlrecl oi ovo. bMiif w.;ll Wu u Ivlio.l
him to tn' a
wh'cli he tl'ii, and In n shoit Hun was not only re
llevel bnteiirfil rj II vo'i ire mrferlni with hrspipilt or Uv
er l)lieao In any form do not wait nulll tho dlscasa
hai takjn a fas' h )U npin yo't, but me tho tlegulA
tor when Hi? HfmpWmi llrit. shjw thsnielvoi. It,
Im relieved untold suffering. SIMMONS' I.IVKH
IHidPLVroit Unot nnnlcholollc sllmulanl.buta
Puvoly Vego table Romoily
tbat will cure Mlien cer)thlng clso falls. It Ua
faultless rnnlly iiedlclne. Dots not disarrange th"
system. N no vhtent dr.istlopurio, but nature'
own remedy. Tho frlondof everyone, and will not
disappoint ou. A slnplo ttlal will convince you
that It Is th luapjat, purest and best Family .Med
Iclno In tho world.
ASK Hi) reojveriJd dyspeptics,
blltout RtitToreri, vlillin tof fever
nnd ague, tho mercuMal diseased
ju'lent li j v tin, roojvere 1 their
health, cheerful spirits and good
appetite they will IcP you by ta
klif Simmons' Liver Hcgulator.
ASK VOt it llHL'titllST POK
Liver Regulator !
Original and genuine, prepared nn'y by
.1. II. .lill.IN .t- CO.,
Prior il.oo. Sold by all Druggists,
r.pni ui hii iv
Glnj.r, Dacha, Ilasdrako, EIIIIIbkU and
msnr other ot the best medicines known are so'
sldlltully combined In Pakkeii'b uikoeii Tokio,
as to make It the greatest Ulood Hunn.r and
i Th. Health and Strength Ile.tor.r '
tier Cieil. ;
; So perfect Is tha comixsltlon of PArtsia's
QtHOER Tohio that no disease can long exltt1
where It la used.
. l ni ..I.
If vou havoDviD.Dila. Held
aohs, Rheumatitm, Neuralgia, Bowel, Kidney,
pn,, nn,imii,iii, iiBuiiiyi,, uunci. niunsj
or LW.r Disorder, or It you need a mild stlm
ulant, or appetizer, tho tohio Is just tho med-
iclne for you, as It Is highly curatlro ajid In-,
vhroratlng but never Intoxicating.
, If you ore slowly wasting away with Con'
umpUon or any sickness. It you huvo a Pninful.
Cough or a bad Cold, FAnKxn's Oinoeh Tonic
will surely help you. It gives new llfo and'
rigor to the teems and aged, and is a certain:
leuro for Rheumatitm and Cholera Infantum.
It Ilai 6ied HnnJreil. or LlieiJ It Bay'
Nate loan.
! If you are feeling mlserablo don't wait until'
you are down sick, but uso the Tokio to-day.;
No matter what your dlseaso or symptoms may.
:ta It will glvo prompt relief.
. Remember I Paskeji's UrNQcn Tokio Is not;
a rum drink but tho Dett and Pureil Family,
Medicine ever made, compounded by n now.
process, and entirely different from Hitters,'
ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try,
! 6oc. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. .
Th Beit and Moit Economical Hair Dreitlag
exquisitely perfumed and perfectly turmless.
1T111 Always He i to re Gray or Faded Ilalr
la Its orletaal youthful color and appearance, and !
vamatea to stop its felling, asUt its growth and
prevent baldness.
A few applications of the Balsam wi'l soften th.
hair, cleanse all dandrufT and cure itching and hu
saoun of the scalp. Sohlbyalldruzcu;tsai0,sor.
Oct. I, 'tO-ly a
(A .Uedlelur, nut u Drink.)
hops, iimn;, .m.indhaki:,
,M TI1K t'l'Ill.hl IMI llrSTMlTI'-! fJCAI,!-
iirns'Ai.i. 'iTiirn I.itykici..
'1-1 1 ICY C'UJi lC
All r(M'.ti'nr,f III, Slul'iurli. lloni'l, lllood.
1.1 mt, Kldni'itsiuu! t Oiiranii, Nfi-
lousues, M'pna'.ni'huini cpcLinuir
r ,-uiuiu ui;i,ttii.,
M'lll le uM for u cnie they will iiotrurc op
iifiu, lt iur arjiniii!! iiiijH'rt vriujunuun
fuiiuU in thtiii,
iIiliu Kforo )utt fcki'). '1
1) 1.0 Inanatn-oliiif ftii'Un"!t''1.(,runfor
AJruiiKfimeiii, ti-tii ir oniuiu, (ctj.uto..u4
Itop It'tWi Ml,. li N, 1
July 1C, '&t)-tt
Tlio undersigned, Allorne)s 111 F-ct, cf tholtelrr
of William 0. tjulck, latu of tho lotwislilp of Mon
tour, In tho County of Columbia, Pennsylvania, wllj
olfer nt public hale, the following real t bUts, lut
the proptrtyor said d( ceased, naiiicl):
No, l. All that certain m.'fsu.ige.or tenement and
tract of land attune In sold Montour township, Co
lumbia county, bounded and described as follows,:
lleutniilng at a black rakntnl mutilng thencoby
laud of Llojd Paxton. (late Juseph Paxtou). north
sixty dogrees cast slxty.four perches to a slone,
thence north nlnitrcn degrees west twenty-sis
perches to nicd rak, north llfty-tour de
grees cast foity-slv p'tcliCb and seven-tenths to
Hlg I'Hhltigcieck, thence up tho same north thlrty
Ilvo degices west thlrly-cno perches to a atom!,
thenco by land of Jiiula, Kvans,(luto Peter Apple
man) south slxty-'our d egrees west ono hundred
and twenty perches to a plnn stump and thenco by
land ct John. Meusch, (lato Jclm Jilthaidj) sauth
thirty-six degrees cast tllty perches to tlio plauo of
beginning, containing TIIIUTY-1WO At Itfcrt. and
onu hundred i.nd lour i ialts.tttlct measuro, bo
tno same 111310 or less.
This Uthe Into lesld ncy or llo.MIiSVSAD OF
THE bUPEASEP, about two miles tiom the town cf
llloomstiurg and ubemt one-ha'f a mile fr. tn the vil
li go of Kii ci t. a j rciulut i,t station of loth tho
Lackawanna .t Hlcon.sbuig'allrnudiir.dlLeCata
wlssa nnd WPIiamsi on division or tlio Philadelphia
k Heading railroad, at thclrcom.ettlon. His ono of
tho most benutlful and ferlllu 1 lecet tf land lutho
.alley about Hloeimsbiiig ctd Is 111 exc Ueut
farming coiiilltlcn. all iltartd. tt basgced build
tngi .consisting if a largo i.o.stoi) Irame DWHl.L
INO IIOI'SB, largo Iiamo barn ami calt'e shed.ii
good carriage house, nwcil: stop and a tmall ten
ant hume. There 11 u stiont, cud never falling
spring pear the l.tusu with lulli.houso ntlt nndu
small stienm of good water nowlng ihroiiglOho tract
cast and vust. It haan line Applo On haid bearing
good fruit, and e.lh r fruit tro-h,
No, 8. Tnciiti.ln Ktsillualii In the vllrgo of
Kycr's tiiove. In ll.e ftld tcuul.v of I'tlumbla, In
Oreeutt ood tt,wi ship and nuikcd arnl numbered lu
tho general plan cf said loVn b) thy Mimbcisnluo
(Si and leu ill.).
on ti-l-i pioptity I hero nrj a gcod two story divcll.
log hgiiaj with otit-bulldirigs at.d nstable, ulsoa
No.a All that ceitaln lot if wound Mtuuto In
thatonn el Hupeit, tn .Montour tcwr.vhlp, taldto
lumb'a county, bounded en the iie.uh by lnd of
Lloyd Paxton, on tho w. si by same, on tue south
by u street fori) feel w I 0 er.d mi the rait by tho
public road Icadli g to Hlooir.sbuig, tclng forty-live
feet In tldth along nald j ut llo load leading to
Hloom .burg and one bundled and ten lectin lenglh
along said street.
The sains will bo heU asOllows s No, a at Eycrs
drove on Thursday, Febru.ry. tth, ISfl, at twoo.
clock lu Ilia afternoon at the picmlses.
No. .and No. s, em 8n' unlay February w, isl, be.
ginning with No. 1 on tho Premises, nt ten o'clock
tn the forenoon.
TkiisisofSAt-K o' No. l.-Ttn er i-ent 01 on',
fourth ot tho purehaso money lo ba pali at 1 hI
striking down of the pioprty, the oncfoiuiu etl
tho tenter coat on tho llritdaytf April lsii, ,,"
Ihlrd of tho puichaso money less one thoutiv dj!.
lars shall bo secured by bond nud inoitgag-e rorthH
use of the wllowol deceased durlrg hc y ,e ,,.
Interest fro t the llrst duj tl April isl '.!. "
nu illy toiho said widow nnd at her int,t iho nrh
clialsurutotholitlrstifthosalddeco,, d H. j , "
reiintodrbhallboMTureUbybonas, ' D(1 "1
payable on the llrtt day 01 Aj rll k w
from tho tlrst day of April IMI. Hn "mre"
Tsms .r Saik or No. a ahia ' s Tb. k
ofNo-lexcoptthattbo tt,Vnii 'to bo securi for
the uso ot U,o wldatv i.l, tv y , one-IWrd Z
whole amount of the puwJtAwufg, u"
po sosilon will I, ttrnl, on, uJe nn a AW,
tMl II the wrimemia tlJnW TtW bMu ocV.
IIVOILt. Ivmr.. ,
"tAiMfrtifrfe "'j Attn') tatatu
i i mmm
i Itlttf r try Efl
.CTMrii:o,Onl. B3
01,1) IiKTTKIIS.
ly totters! written In my earnest boyhood
To one who left us but tho other tiny,
a nd 1 am sitting here, and try lo read them
Through tears I do not enro to brush awayj
Tears from my friend, nnd tears, ah! much moro
for him, myself, the self that Is as dead
As In to whom theeo fadort things were written
K'er youth and truitbid from my living Oed.
H tvasmysolf. icmcmber that, who wroto them,
Head them onco more, and note the liable life,
Tho vaste-nlenvor.nnd tho tle.'perato strugglo
Torlao above th J grovelemlu Iho strife!
Tne.sacflilco of sell for good nf Gthmi
Tno pas-Ion at the HiifTcrlngs of tho poor!
Tho angry flht 'galnst-prldo andslnnnd riches;
The looking unw.ird when tho prlro wts euro
Jurs too th hands to case tho ovcrlidcn,
ouritln strong voices whosa sweet words of
Should o'er compel a hearing from tho peoplo
Who n aw but scoffed at our Imp'jtuu'U youtli,
The world awak'iisd, soon would grow much
Sion sin and sorrow, U)lng tn tho dust,
WouM vuiiHli from tho earth beforj tho sunlight
Plashed from our swords, whoso blades should
never rust,
YeC he Is 1 am old and tired,
t do notcaro If all tho world bo sin;
I lhtcn dully to my son's loud vauntlngs
ot that bright futuro they are suro to win.
Ah! bum tho letters, h they fall to ashes
.Methliik theyio llko our fidluir mortnl
Wcr.Isuiwn woids, and little of fulfillment
of all win pronihed by our )0uthj bright
All the Year found.
elect Story.
A sitiiill room, poorly furnished; it pot
of liiigotiiiettu in the window; n gill at
u'ork at the table, Howittg steadily. She
would have been prettv if she had not
Ihmii so poor. If sho had been better
fi'tl, sho would have had a rosy cheek; if
slietiiul Hail iieeilom and less labor, sho
would have had dimples; if she had
worn a dress of violet silk instead of
faded I'ulit'o, it would have brought, out
tin' fiiii'tiess nf her skin and the gotden
hue! (if her hair. As it wasAlire .Monie
vv.ts pal'.', and pinched, iinil.sad, with the
I sewing girl's sloop ot shoulders: and the
suwitig gin s Heavy heart.
She rose suddenly and folded up her
work a child's garment, of lino cam
brio trimmed withdaintyhice. She made
a package of it, donned her bonnet anil
shawl and went out of her lodging
She threaded the commercial streets
rapidly, and soon emerged on avenues
of wealthy private residences, lleru it
was quieter. The dusk was gathering.
Now and then a carriage, rolled by. One
-or two stately houses wore lighted for re
ceptions. IMany moro were somberly
closed. Alice went on, with her quiet,
Vapid step.
She stopped at last, before a house all
in a blaze eif light. Costly lace curtains
concealed the luxurious rooms within ;
the soft notes of 11 piano camo sofllt' up
on the girl's ear.
'Tlio Tracy's give another party to-
I night, said Alice.
1 She went into the area and rang the
Ben. a servant aumitteit nor. ho went
in with her bundle.
She came out with a light step. The
work had been approved, and she had
been paid. A little dazzled with iho
se'ene she had just eniergeil from, she
paused upon the pavement to count the
'Give me a cent,' sai'tl a little beggar
boy stin ting somewhere out of tho silent
'What tlo you want it for .'' asked
'I'm hungry.' answered tho child. Jle
was pale and pinched.
Mere's a dime; I would give you more
it 1 couiti, sue saiti.
The child took it eagerly,
on, with less than 62 to bay
pay for a week's rent.
Sho hail more work. W
finished she camo tlio same
Sho passed
supper and
lien it was
way 111 tho
dusk. As she passed over tho widowalk a
iamt hue ot white attracted her at
tention. There was a knob of glass, generally
called "bull's eye," in tho pavement. It
is usually inserted over a coal vault and
is removed to admit the coals. This
0110 hail not been adjusted with exacti
tude, and at the crevice appeared1 a lino
of white. Alice Btoopetl down and ex
amined it. It was the edgo" of folded
She drew it out with 11 wild thought
that, it might bo some valuable check or
draft. lSut it contained only a few words
wi it leu in pencil.
'1 have watched for you constantly tor
a wiek. If ou would savo my life come
back hiTtvuid all night long phice matches
where you found this paper. You shall
be rewarded with all you can ask.
A J'ltlSONI-'H.'
Alice dosed the paper in lier hiiiidand
looked aroiinelJl)L'wihiered. lSTo one was
to he seen. Shu looked ilown at tho
lump of dull glass, but it -was entirely
opaque. The bull's eye wan not set quite
iivenly in its place. Sho touched it with
her foot but could not. movo il. After
waiting 11 momo,ii,e'onfusod mid in doubt
she passed on, recollecting her errand.
Tlie area door admitted hor. The ser
vant had a child in her anus, the dainty
little thing for whom Alice made gar-
Otis. Tracy Btiid yon was to conic up
to her chamber,' she said, 'you know the
Tho lady 'aIioiii sho met. was not, love
ly; she was (.allow and tlu-k; very disa
giecablti looking clutching her cash
mere guwn at tliu bit list, anil turning
impatiently toward her littlo sowing
'Why did von not. eoino before V she
nskt'ii, , ., iioarso voice, with a slight
I'l-cncr, accent. 'Tho child shoulel have
had ill ess to tliivi) nitn-dny.'
v was siek vestei'dav itnd I eonhl not
"'ish it,' iinsweied Alioe.
Maditmo snatched the package tearing
it open and letting the littlo emorotdeied
robe fall upon the bed.
'AVell, hero is your money,' said she,
opening it velvet purse. 'Next time I will
employ somo one who will do as they
Alice turned away willt n bursting
lietivt for tho woman's words meant,
starvation for her. Sho tlarcd not raiso
her voice in reply i sho devilled truly
that the heart tiiufer 1 1 Kit lith robe was:
ono of Rtono.
Ah sho passed downstairs sho heard u.
low voioo ii liroceeuctt irom ouo oi ine
roorna nbovo her.
kAnO ho is 21 tti-dnvr it snhl.
YcaSt is tbreo yeaiu sinoo Ida myster
ious Ofisiippeftronpc with n mt-eiluj;
Thiol Vrt'tv Vtcitlthy. vV Hoot I'VA
ed nnd ttliut tlicin in,
Altco passed down into tlio street.
Sho walkt'd fnst, trendintr initliinklnrr-
ly, upon tliu bull's eye nnd went homo.
When alio Hung herself down to weep
shu suddenly felt tho crumpled paper In
her hand.
Whnt should she dot She lav thSnldntr
a long time. Shu considered tho strange
ness of tho request, tho possibility that it
wits not meant tor her, tlio idea that it
wa4 n hoax or written bv some madman
for it was a man's handwriting.
jsut the girl h lienrt, was warm nntl
true, The possibility that soinu ono was
in trouble nnd sho might lielp thetn was
tho thought tlint had tho most weight.
Willi no one to counsel or object, sho
obeyed it.
She went to the store and spent 1 of
her preeious monev for matches. She re
ceived a largo pack :tLre, containing thou
amis of tho littlo lueifers.
Tho ritv clock was striking 9 as she
reached tlio bull's eve.
Tlio street was silent, the pavement de
serted. And she bent down, sotuo one
tapped upon the bull's eve. She slipped
ii sheet of matches into the cruvicc. It
(lis:i)pt'ineil. She waiteil a fewnioinents;
the hand tapped for more; sho supplied
As sho waited acain a pedestrian ap
proaehed. She rose and slipped back in
to the shadows until ho had passed, otli
crwiso she did not fear. The street was
quiet, and sho could see the stars twlnk-
inir in tho clear sky.
Hour after hour sho supplied matches,
at intervals ot onai ter hours. Uccasioti
ally tho rap camo for an earlier demand.
lint shu could not seo tho hand. She
only imagined il to bo n man's.
It was long past midnight. Tho city
clocks were near striking i.', when her
matches became exhausted. She had
not been sufficiently supplied, slie
Quito at loss what she ought to do,shc
rose from her cramped position, standing
in doubt when a voice said:
'Como with me I'
She started in terror for a man stood
beside her; but tho next words reassured
'It is I whom you gave tho matches
to; do not bo afraid, but take my arm
and walk last ; I am not sate here.
Alice could only seo a tall form and a
pale lace, the features of which she
could not distinguish ; but tho voice
though hurried, was gently modulated,
anil the sliaugcr took her hand with n
grasp tiutt was not unpleasant.
'You must be tired; but thin has been
a good night's work for you,.ittle girl,'
ho said.
'What did von want tho matches for
asked Alice trembling.
He had drawn her hand within his
own, and she walkcil rapidly besid
'It was the only way in which I could
get tire;' ho answered. The heat melted
the cement which enclosed tho bull's
evo in the wall of my prison, and I es
caped through the cavity. It was larger
than tho ono in tho pavement. I have
been a prisoner in my own house ifor
threo years.'
As they left tho vicinity of the Tracy
dwelling ho walkeel slower.
'I was quite helpless,' ho added. 'I
knew of no ono to appeal to whom I
could. Hut listening and waiting, as a
man only listenes and waits for freedom
I grew lamiliar with your step as it pass
eel so often over tho bull's eyo and up
the steps, and a week ago when I heard
your voice to tho beggar boy, I resolved
to trust you. I know your tread the in
st ant that you touched the curbstone,and
I slipped the paper tip the crevice. You
saw it immediately. Tho hour till you
came passed heavily ; you were my only
hope. You aro a brave, good child.
Now, where is your homo ? Can I go
there for a littlo" rest before eiayligliU'
-It is a poor place,' said Alice 'but you
arc welcome'
Daylight was dawning when sho re
vealed her poverty stricken littlo room to
him. llo tiling himself into n chair and
dropped his face on his folded arms on
tint table. Alico faucied that ho wns
praying, and moved about noiselessly,
preparing a little breakfast. Site did not
reniizu that this man was young und
handsome, and it was not, pcrluthi, pro
prioty to have him there. Sho was only
zealous in her pity to servo him, i.eeing,
by daylight how ill ho looked.
Hut by noon there were stratiyo do
ings in the littlo sewing girl's room. Sho
hail been sent for a lawyer, tho tnostre-
iiowneel and popular ono in tho city, nnd
lie came with two other gentlemen, bo
grand that little Alice was quite awe-
stricken, rinnllv -Mr. Lionel lracy
that was tho name of the hero went ,
away with them, and sho was loft alone
with her poverty and her wonder. Only
sho wns not quite so helpless nnd destross
etl as sho had been, for one of tho gen
tlemen had smiled upon her, and left a
few pieces of gold upon her table.
Hut theniarvel was all over with her,
and tho gold wns spent, and poverty
and labor and caro had como back, when
one day there was a knock nt the door,
and tho laiidlatly'ti little girl said that a
cariiago was standing for her, and a
man iii waiting said that she had been
sent for.
What could she tlo but obey tho sum
mons! wandering what fairy work it was
that luxurious ride until she began to
hpo through, for tho carriage ttopped nt
Clio Tracy mansion.
There lias been great public excite-
uioiit. the papers had been charged with
the development ot tho intamous plot
in high life, whereby tho true heir of a
great forrunu had boon .drugged, while
ill, and concealed, and a story tiunipcd
up about his mysterious disapiienntiice;
but Alice, in her solitude had known
uotldug about it. Her pennies went for
bread instead of news. Hut when hIiu
stepped upon tho threshold, Lionel Tracy
. i . , . -
nits resioreumabit'r, inti nor wiiu a ien
di-f eourtesv and took awav all her fear
and made her feel like n littlo queen in
the midst nt tho splendor,
'Have tho rest nil gono nwayl' sho
abkeil, seeing no ono but now bervsmu
nud ii pleasant woman, who was tho
'Yes; 1 am quite itlone, and shall be,
unless you will come and live with me,
ban! Lionel l racy
'Do you want n tsowiiug girlt' asked
Alice, innocently.
vmj; i want ii wile, he answered ono
whom I can love with all my heart, ns I
do you, Alice. Will you como und live
with meT
Did shot, well yea und thojmlllo hud
another episode to excite them the
fhiuoiu Lionel Tracy 'i warrlngo. Alice
mew iharmiuL' with bawiiuWi. ami aha
VftiC'hrOhitktlSh Ijuqt wLVuilij lA
- J vMtA-tr Itoiii,
From Poverty to Opulence.
AN II KIR TO 840,000,000 St tTKRINO FOR
There nro now in Now York tho
Mayor of Hamburg, Germany, nud sev
eral noiaiiles, who came to this country
recently to take steps for settling an ci
tato estimated variously nt from $35,
to ij4U,uuu,tJUo(on a man residing there,
who has for soino time been supported
in the net of charity. This man came
hero a few months ntro, under tho nnmo
of .Tohntin Spier, lie brought his wife
and a child about a month old which
had been born in Philadelphia, whero ho
....!.! 1 1 ,.. , , , t . .
sain no nan leceiuty lautteti uy tno Aine
rlcatt lino of steamships. His story wns
that ho was tlio son of Hoelloff Van Ila
ren, a wealthy German shipbuilder.
WrMtnn tin tilj intntm li!o rurvttinii Ititfttwa
,it.i,,,!.. . .i 1 .i I
111. ivta-i lutiiic inn iiiuiiii;i iitw nii' 1
VIIV Ilia llllltl UJitl I ttli tiLliMlla 1 I 111 it I lit IV I
1 i0 . . I
much ins senior. Jhis lady had two "" ' "V 1 1" ,7 . " : ,
sons. In the family arose n feud be "ccamcd. Iho stipendiary Magistrate be
cause young Spier, or Hoelloff Van Har- K?" to nmino her, when the following
en, r., was the heir of n great estate.tho
talliiil Iwtltn l.rtuJnaartl et n ni'it.i i.ofntn I
. " . ' I
His patents intended him for a Catholic
n,.n...l ,1.1m I
. . I
clergyman, lie was
.U I.C Cllll, IIIVU AUI -Ilin I
position and in duo time assumed cleric
al orders. For three years only was he
in the church and then ho seceded to
Protestantism. Thcro was much trouble
because ot this. In tho end thero was
something moro serious than worthy al
tercation. tJne ot his halt brothers bo-
entno excited in a discussion over liocl-
loff's change of belief, and struck at him
with a knife; but Hoelloff struck, inflict
ing a fatal wound of which tho victim
died three days after, To escape the
consequence ot the murder alleged,
ll.oitidi the German aavs ho nctnd lii aelf
,i,.f,V.n iJ.,nff .,!., i,,i f.
, JSULIIUII. lllttt VIIU tV- I p
doiu of Hamburg, fled to London. lie
took the advico of tho Mayors of both
Rotterdam nnd Hamburg to this effect.
Hoelloff had a graiid'unclo enormous
Iv- wealthy. Ho it was whoso estates
Johaun Spier, ns he hns been known
here, or Hoelloff Van Haren, as ho is in
reality, has inherited. After Hoelloff's
(light to London his grand uncle helped
him financially for a time. Then Hoel
loff married an English woman of cul
ture named Annette Wnrsop. This
brought nbottt a breach between tho
gram! uncle and Hoelloff, nnd the latter
left without resources, emigrated' to this
country. He had about $201) when ho
reaeheil Philadelphia. Thero his child
was born. When ho started for New
York he had about 1170 left, On tho
way this was lost or stolen, and he had
to nsk for aid immediately upon Iiu arn
vnl. His story about being an heir to
so much wealth was not generally be
lieved, but ho was furnished with cheap
lodgings, ami there without comtorts,
above the bare necessities of life, he has
lived to this time. Not until ho came
here did his wifo know that his name
v....v ..... i
vn nnt. .Inlifinti nnier. l.eariiinri' the
. -. . .i
truth fmm tin. dilution of- nn nivplnnn
coining from Germany, she insisted on
being remarried under the name ot Van
Jtaren, nnd this wns accomplished uy a
German Justice of tho Peace.
When little work, poor pay, cast off
appearently by Vou Haren s family, the
outlcolf was far from cheerful. Tho lat
tor pan of last week, however, Von
r? n frtti tirs?u on !! L!iii1 n ttioit f f.tai fits-
.IVtlLUlJ IA r- final. IIUIII HiV . Ml 1 t 1 1 1 f
surviving half-brother who had como" to a J el1 -'" n ,tho rf10,, ,of
this country to bring intelligence nnd to 1,10 one where Mahers mother, God be
male a proposition which sounds like one nierciful to her, is on her dyin bed. Av
of Monte Cristo's. The intelligence was go there quick ye 1 find Maher get
that Heinrich Spier, of Hamburg, whose ' mothers blissin, God help him.
family name was Vou Haren had taken, 1 lle VMti' ,)"cd bu' of, lc.u.ree'
had died in December at the great age disappointed, while the fugitives
of 103 years. The proposition was that
the now milliouairo should make his step-
brother the manager of his estate, ho
(Von Haren) tn reeievo 25,000 weekly
fron tho 06tato during his life and step
brother, to reeievo tho rest. 1 lie step
brother, Ileinrieh V on Haren, had ?25,-
U00 with him, which lie offered to hand
over to the heir nt once, if ho would sign
a paper to such agreement, Wit Koe Holt
refuted, with the stepbrother was Attor
ney William A. Beach, of New York.
Tho stepbrother nnd heir met in New
Haven lawyers olhce. '1 hero was little
good feeling between tho men, as mignt
be expected; After the interview with
Von JJoelloff arranged to go' to New
York and will visit that place and confer
with the Hamburg Mayor and notaries.
His estate does not come into his posses
awn until April, inere are prelimi
nary matters to be settled, The prob
able and estimated income form the im
mense le&taLe is about S4,".000 per week,
.... . ; " : i . 1
The iieaa lajinonniro is nam to nnvc own-
.i i . I..- .i . i ..I.:...,
I'll BeVCIjJJ fJm"iyt"lUB mm cvviliy omjia,
nntlinrr in vnrinita tinrta nf tlio rrlnlin.
Von Haren is much excited over his
good'forfuncwhich ho could barely cted-
it nt first, but he has slept little for some
tlavs. He s n modest npiiearinc man.
iged about thirty-five, not henvlly built,
and has light hair nntl blue eves, lie
M,,ntr Kn.rhsl, indiffflrnnil v. Til wlfo
i-"-- -?- ----- ' - - -
mifnk-H tint ii tii'i-innn mil Knfiisii t ueut.
ly. Ho says that he hn suffered sinco en to break the quarantine and visit Si- tho same ciieiimstaiices as those under
he has been hero for the absolute neces. oux city. This catastrophe was prevent which Mr. Miner is said to have oiigi
sities of life. ed by the olty obuneil sending Napoleon Hated it. Somebody ban evidently got
When Eve upon tho first of men, tho ap
ple pressed with specious cant,
Oh what a thousand pities then, that Ad
am was not Adamant,
Hut though bv his false step wo ware
doomed, to life of endless toil,
One certain comfort we can get to cure
Ktienniutics, Jiclectno Oil,
Rptft'lilrss trom hove.
A young woman now in Montana was
adored nt 10 by a young man who was
disliked by her parents, ouo reciproca
ted tho tender lecling, but, was an af
fectionate daughter, ami would not mar
ry him. Hut sho sternly resolved to let
th-ru know that sho wns u blighted bo-
ing. Sho continued to live with her
father and mother, but never spoke
again. Sho is ill now, but is still as
dumb us an oyster. Through the pur-
titioti ot her room
... ..-
im she will sometimes
crsiition pf those in he
nnlH. nnd occnHinnnUv.
listen to tho oonv
adjoining apartments, nud occasionally,
several days after it has taken place, it
will bo found on paper in her room writ
ten out verbatim
A Foolish Mistake.
Don't make tho mistake of confound
ititr it reined v of acknowledged merit
with the numerous ouuck medicines that
are now no commou. Wo speak from
experience wnen wo Bay mat rarker a
Ulnger roniois a startling health restora
tive autl will do all that is claimed for it
We have vued it ouulvtB with the Lop
ltt iiulxi;forJr,ebiu.tliuii tend vrltu
wfci uut xs fcYrf,Wk ttiy,---Xf4
A Fenlit lacldmt.
The following amusing incident oc
curred during the Feninn excitement of
1877 in Ireland : Two young men, fti
gativo Fenians, were hiding in the moun
tains, when tho mother of one of them
was taken sick unto death, blio wanted
to see her boy once more, nnd a faithful
messenger summoned mm lrom the lulls.
IDs companion went with him, nud he
had the melancholy satisfaction of ior
ing his mother alive. As soon as tho
vital spark had lied the fugitives made
tor the friendly laatncss ot tlio moun
tains. T hoy started alter dusk, an old
woman going n short distance before
them to look out for police nndj military.
They had traveled about three miles.
when the preconcerted screech ot tlio
woman warned them of danger. They
took refuge under a ondgo.
A flying
. " '
coluniti Ii at l come upon tiic old woman
, , ,, . , . . ,
otiil ttfa-innilitii-r tn nn Trtirhtm iiu! talm
ls. ' y
tnnnl f-iflininl ii'lin Itnrl irvoilii llAfno s1l I Im
iin-iii, unit-mi n iw iiati v it a n
convx-nntlon, took place. Her object
t .,..1.,. n..l .,..,., ,,t ,,lHi,n.d
,111. IU ttllll UUII1II IMV If ,41 OI,i:i n,
m, .,-..,
liio .viagistiatcs oo e.ct was tonneiii sue
wns a native of tho locality itnd knew
fall tho inhabitants!
'What's vottr name!'
'I forgot to bring it wttd me; ii's tit
'Come, tell your name.'
'Musha, begorra, an' mv name is
'Mary whnt!'
'No, inilade, but Mary Malowney.'
'How many years ago were voti Horn'
'Just two weeks before Jim Casscv's
"Kr ,00K mo mcumaiiCKS, an inai was
r ., , , ., , ... , , ., .
three weeks after Dromano Castle cot
firelan'it wns distinguished a month afore
IJounclly bato Uooper. ltickni that up
in ve have inu ngo, uv that s what ve re
Whero do vou live, ami how do you
get there!'
Troth an' I live at home, an' I get
there on mv feet.
What road do vou go home!'
Down beyand the bridge thero ye can
sec ii house on tho ihitmu-side ay tne
haystack oomih, up ; about threo mile
farther at this side there it pigan abnrn
sittin' down; that's n mllo from Lisken
churchyard. Whin you git there veil
hear n bull roarin't an' I live widin a ball
av an ass nv that.
You're a satisfactory individual.'
Your a lyin' thafel I'm nn honest wo-
man, so I am, an you're not.'
Uome, now, what tlo you know about
tti, TP.iIfini7 I
f IMil nnl mil,.,. Trtr llnthm I
1 umII tnur. vnn 9 f v,n w In 1 inn
whore two of them, named McCabe and
Mnl.n,. n,-.. I,, ,1 ' '
-.....v., ... ...... ,
tVrrah. they d kill mo avthey found
,n ,. nn' lou ulna I'.l lo nfnrm li nn
- -T -w ii... I
'" (-,". --."
i .i ,i n,t-n rrnnonn v ,x i tin, 1 1 w- i , 1 1 ;iv
ye on t tell who told ye 1 11 Bind ye on
tneir inracK xor u, aim nay me ino
monoy down.
l'ho money is all right; you 11 be paid
when they are caught.'
reel better be atther catchm
thin. The top av tho cvenin' to ye.'
'Coma back; here s the money.
'For God's gakj'don't ye tell who tuck
the bind money, mid go to Mailer's house
!$"' ."p trt' m mmy,
old woml,n l)0ckct tue "-
und the
Tlielllai'k Small Vox.
For several woeks tho small pox hn
been raging with great fatality in Jeffer
son, Union county, Dakota. A strict
quarantine has been enforced against
tho community, nnd the disease has not
spread beyond tlio settlement, although
it has played sad havoo there. The set
tlement consists mostly of French Cana
diaus, and when tho disease first broke
out they were unmindful of its conta
gious character. AH burials were public,
and moro or less attended by tho whole
population, ns the settlers are nearly all
of kin. In this way the disease spread
ot ktn,
, n " - ' - r
i ipi. I.. r i,,frw,.,w,,. i,,,,, i,
I aiiu iiuujitu ui mciii ihuu ,i-if c in
1 1 nt I'd for ncnrlv a month. -No mails are
received from thero nml none nip sent
there. The railroad uithorities forbid
trains to stop. Elk Point, the county
seat ot union county, nnu oioux cuy
have largely .contributed to tho relief of
I tno sttiienng peopte, out untier me re-
atrnint to which thov are subieeted the
i .", , , , . , ., .
seiners nave uecomo restive anil inreat-
Hroiieling. who has many relntives there
. i rr i . - . ) . i i
to Jefferson, prom him it Is learned
that there have been over ninety cases
of small pox in the settlement. Thirty-
two have died nnd only six have recov
ered so far. At present there are Bixtv
cases under treatmeut, and it is believed
that many of these will recover as the
,. - ,. l .f... r - .
disease nas iosi mucu oi us lonucr viru
lence. Mr. Hronelmg reports that
whole families have been carried away
by tno disease, and that in many instan
ces the dpad have been left unburied for
days through fear as to inability to ob
tain help to inter tliem.
At present I'.ik I'oint has two physi
cians in tho infected district; autl it is
beliuvcd that the disease j abating and
will bo wholly conhned within its pres
ent bounds. No cases have doveloped
in Sioux city, though isolated cnsesi are
reported in several towns in southern
Dakota. Tliu diseaso is said to bo the
black small pox, and is thought to have
1 I'tTVM WU I (111,11. tl-MIVl. I.J 4 imi,, Ul 411IH-
B;an Munuonilo limnigran,g, wfio passed
th rough 01) tUelr w ay to Yanktoi.Wo-
I . . , ' '
been communicated by a party ot Kus-
in, several weens ago. .
John Peeler, the warden of tho North
umberland county jail was knocked
down inside ono of tho wings on the 9th
inst., by a couple of the prisoners. Five
mode their escape i lie warden was bad
I ly injured about the head.
f our of the
prisonera were without coaU
The at
taok was made at six o'clock in the morn-
Ing. Tho warden examine the wings
every morning to. boo all u safe, and
be then luves Ui priionw out into the
Lull tloHtia the cIav. A lwnrd oi
it tiVa-Jcr a on) cf tU pfecir-
Geiioral News.
Tho electoral votes were counted by
Congress last week, Wednesday, nml
Gnrflcld nud Arthur declared elected.
Four persons were killed by tho fall
of tho roof of tho Lnko Shore Depot nt
Diiitaio 111st week:.
It is asserted that a constable ill Frank
lin a few days ngo, served a writ upon a
man as ho wns standing by the open
grave of his father.
A number of now summer resorts nro
to bo established along tho lino of tho
I'ennsylvania railroad on tho eastern
slope of tho Allegheny inoutains.
A Chester county firm of florists and
nurserymen mailed ten tons of circulars
one dnv rccentlv. Tho tiost:ii-e on Iho
shipment aggregated Sl,000.
Mrs. Hayes has n record of the White
House entertainments under her rulo in
the shape of n largo album, containing
diagrams of dinner parties, names of
guests, etc.
Ktnaniiel Kttingcr, Israel Herb and
Jonathan Moyer, the Snyder connty
murderers .havo been sentenced to bo
The House Committee of Foreign Af
fairs atlopted a resolution renllirming
the Monroe doctrine in reference to non
interference of Kitropean governments
in matters on thi-.continent.
John G. Whitter holds the opinion
tluil, ns respects suffrage for women,
whatever objections may bo niado to it
as a matter of expediency, thero is no
possible argument against it on the
ground of the principle.
hook out for those counterfeit '$!
United States notes, now in circulation.
They aro of the series of 187.", letter D,
mil can be readilv detected as they arc
poorly printed ami shorterthan tint genu
ine note--, ii nui I'umpiircii Willi goon
bills, they are likely to deceive.
Jul ifiv O'NVil. who wnxsi'iil to tho
K:it-i lVni 1'iitinrv for lif'. bv judgo
Hookefeller, of Northumberland county.
is reported dviug. Mis mother will ap
ply tor a pardon, at the next meeting of
the Pardon Hoard, in ordur that the boj
may die at home,
The ice in the Siisipiehanna til Wilkes-
bane broke lust Friday. The steamboat
H. IS. Wright, wan broken 'into frag.
meats ami dmppeared lrom view. Iho
Kingston tints were coveied with water,
and all travel between Kingston and
Vv ilkeslMire suspended.
' or uoi 10 acne iii.tts me t ues-
1 otiundi um. ye rheii
IllHllC SUIltTel'S, IS 1 1 V HO lUCails .1 llllilfltlt
i ,p.. ii n,i ,
Ln I"'1"' " '"
Auirwiiiu vn ii'iu vmi hiii mill u lull am
nnsv lint. In ni.hi- ia Tft ftlnn-
, - r - - - - w w
A survey was made several months
ago to determine the Donndarv line be-
Itween Wyoming ami Lackawanna coan
ne.. The Wyoming count v authorities
refuse to accept the report, as it lops off
too much of their territory,aml the Lack-
iwanna authorities have been restrained
by injunction from assessing taxes on the
la'ud in dispute.
Lieut. Burnett, of the Ninth Cavalry,
who as a cadet at West PointCast Spring,
gave tho leading evidence against Whit
taker, being the first man in his room af
ter the alleged assault, and who is now
summoned to appear before the
Whittaker court martial, was assigned,
immediately after graduation, to a regi
ment of colored men, and has served
with it ever sine'c.
The small pox scare throughout the
tiuieieiit sections ot the country nave
caused an unprecedented demand for vi
rus. The Jenner, Pennsylvania and
Franklin vaccine farms of Franklin co ,
aredailv shipping quills and points to all
parts ot the country, and are unable to
meet the demands innde upon them.
The i'ejiutntioiiof tho virus produced on
these farms is very high, ami the cus
tomers are from the bett class of physi
Mrs. W. N. Palmer, 149 Morgan St.,
Rtiffulo, N. Y writes: My child wns
taken Feb. 1st with croup in its severest
form and Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil be
ing the only remedy at hand, I be gan
giving according to elirections and found
it gave immediate relief. I gave three (3)
doses and the child rested well the re-
maindef of ilm limht
' I have used it
time with cum-
- - ; r,--
m my lamil v lor some
i i - -
i ihi'iu HUCCeSS.
-'here is some dispute as to the origin
of thp expression, "An Axe to Grind,
I" ur M issue we printed nn mttclo
1 num iiu, v . m-ni'i iimy wiwn,
in wpp h tio pxpression is nscriDCd lo
r-""iil'V"i1" " u "- "
article w He i says that Heniamin Prank
1 1: ,i, i r:, .-i :.,.,
" w" iiuiw w t , "iiun pu "i
things mixed
When a board of eminent physicians
nnd chemists announce el the disco v erv
that by combining some we'd known vn.-
li . - r, t
uauie remedies, tno most wouuenui medi
cine was produced, which would cure
such it wide range of diseases that al
most all other remedies could be dispells
ed with, many wen skeptical: but ptoof
of its merits by actual trial has dispelled
all doubt, and to-dry the discoverer, ot
Hint gieat medicine, Hop Hitters, aro
honored and blest by all ns benefactors.
Fuels Worth KunetubfriD'.
Ono thousand shingles laid four inch
es to the weather, will cover one thou
sand square feet of surface, and five
pounds of shingle nails will fasten them
One fifth more siding and flooring is
needed than the number of square feet
f.l 11 X.I
?f .urf"co t?,.bo cove1reU- be1c.m,8 ,e
fl 1,1 tho Hll"Hg nnd matching of tho
. . . . ,
tuwiiiiKiivi ihviii ffeae . vr f vij v
yards of surface, and eleven notimls of
- lath nails will nail them on.
Eight bushels of good lime, sixteen
bushels of sand and ono bushel of hair,
will make enough good mortar to plaster
- ono hundred squaro yards.
I A cord of stone, three bushels of lime.
- I and n inililo vard of Hand will lav nnu
j hundred cublo feet of wall.
Five courses of brick will lay one foot
in height on a cblmneyi six brick in a
tourte will iriRke n flue four incbtt wide
M)ti twelve inc long t nhd tipbt bib k
in . fourie Vll) uhk it tine etxU luvl'.i