THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTS', VA. hit n n n i n m I) u I 1 11 Hi U J u U in u in. i . ni,oosisut)!t(i. fmiuy, rmmuAttT u.usi ' ATirNVtdiicaJ iy 2nd of March, llsrwlck wants an Opera Houre." - A dtnind for leuant houses Ibis year U ex j tensive. Wonder If Vennor hain't been employed by tho plumbers, Milton will have n firomoti's parado on the 22ml. but, The Democratic Watchman hn? a lady com ago. HOltOf. There wainn Immonso amount of roail bust ners In court this week. The Ilfinpty Dampty troupe stopptd at the Ktdisngo, Tim k:il!iiL' rink bai been booming this week. The thought of tho flvo weeks more of cold wither makes us shake. Cash paid for oals by W. 0. lticbart, Iron street talow Main, Itloonixburg. Lockarda nra running out ssvon cars per day no. The schools of Nnntlcoko havo been closed . r II on accouni oi sinnu iux. No grumbling about the scarcity of Ice this winter. A largo number ol calvos are being shipped from tho depot at tills place to different cities. Somo fine specimens of poultry from Onto- wissaworc on exhibition at tho Reading nnd l'oltsvlllo poultry shows. Contrary to our expectations matrimonial stock Is Btill on the decline. To much timidity in the buyers. In this Stato physicians are required to regis ter their names in tho 1'rothonotary'a office. Many, however, neglect to do it. Tho erection of a number of cheere factories in Northumberland county is urged by tho newspapers of that region. Tho Central Pennsylvania Methodist Epis' copal Conference will hold Its annual session at York, commencing March Itilli At present writing, Wednesday, it looks as though tho ground hog was going to fool us this year, "Tho house was crowded, enthusiastic and immensely pleased." Uric- n-Brac. Phila, Mirror. Canes are now mado which hold n plntofl whifkey. All a man has to do is to raise the cane and imbibe. Pon Sale on Kent. A valuable home and lot with identy of fruit and berries. For in formation rail at this ofllco. Drunkenness Is siid to be domorulizingtho regular army, and there is some tnlk of Bead ing it to an inebriate asylum. Sarah Bernhardt is said to be "immense on the faintact." She did it so well in Cincin nati that the audienca thought she was dead. A hrakeman of the D. L. & W, H. It. named Khmer had one of his wrists badly crushed whilo coupling n car at Rupert last Saturday. Rumor has it that Allen C. Laros, the mur derer and escaped ''lunatic," has married Hat- tie Blaine, who killed her husbnnd, William Illaine of Easton. Rev. T. P. Iieesor, of St. Paul's Lutheran church, of Williamsport preached an able ser mon in the Lutheran church of this place on Sunday. x "Mr. Basset's impersonation of an old maid sighing for some one to love was perfect." iY. Y. 'Iribune. A oloifihins jinrty consisting of twenty-two ladies visitsd Danville Wednesday and took dinner at tho City. Three or four men standing around a corner, holding a confidential conversation with their heads close together, indicates that a elate is being fixed up. There is a splendid chance for some one to open up n first class hotel in Shenandoah. There isn't n good hotel in that city, which contains over 10,000 inhabitants. This cold weather has broken up, for the timo being, that detestable practice indulged in by so many of our young men, of loafing around tho entrances of church doors during service. "No man and wifo should fail to see this ingc nious Bric-a-Brac. Originality is no name for it. Even poor Mrs. Finch would have gone wild over il." Wilkie Collins. Wo have received nn invitation to the second annual ball of Co. F 12th Regt. N. G. P., of Danville, to bo held in the Opera House of that place onTuosday evening, February 22nd. The Repasz Orchestra will furnish tho music. For rent from the first of Anril. 1S81 A Store Room and also two communicating rooms on second floor ia the Ent building. Ap-1 ply to N. U. Funk. Fch4tf Soon wo can expect to see our streets swinv miog with newly painted "tiles." A man so liciling for a hat renovating establishment was in town gathering up dilapidated "cadies." Tho Fourteenth Annual Ball of the Frlend uhip Fire Company will he held in llrpwer's Hall on Tuesday evening, February 22nd. The boys will be around to see you, Buy a ticket, it will only cost you CO cents. If your girl has treated you shabby, and you wish to make her mad, puichaso one of thofe hideous caricitures displayed in bookseller's windows and mail It to her. If sho don't get angry then there remains no revengo for you. There is being built, at the Scott Foundry in Reading, a cannon that is expected to tbroar a ball with a velocity of 3000 feet per second, which will fly a distance of about ten miles. Frank Vanderallce, who together with Frank Cosper, lias purchased a job printing office in Fitt'ton, circled around among his many friends here several days ago, We with him and Mr. Cosper success. Lockards have recently added to their ma chinery a new wheel press, bolt header and turning lathe, all labor-saving machines, the holt-header doing away with four fires in the blacksmith shop. Mrs, Sarah Roberts, formerly Mrs. John Thomas, died in Plymouth last week and her remains were conyeyed to this placo on Monday and interred in tho Old Welsh graveyard. The deceased lived for many years in this town. Nino persona were Immersed in Fishlngcreok by the Rev. J. P. Tustin on Sunday, in the presence of a large concourse of people. The Rey. was assisted in tho exercises by two min isters from Lewisburg, Revs. Redding and Williams, llie Anentijia American gives a recipe for curing a burn that has been tried and found to work like a charm. It consists in rubbing tho burn with ordinary cooking soda. It re moves all pain and trace of the injury. A monster steam engine was hauled through town ono day this week, It was manufactured at Zanesvllle Ohio, and, wo presume intend ed fur raw-mill use. It took eight mules to pull the engine and fixlures. J. H. Maize and CO Peacock were admit ted (o the Bar on Wednceday morning. The former was a student of Hon, 0. It. Unckalcw, and the Utter of K. R. Ikeler.Efq. Both passed creditable examinations, and we have no doubt t tbey wlllbe successful In their profoanlon. "llflc-a-llrno" will bo played here on llio loth of February. Our tliontre-itocrj will then liavo nn opportunity of nltcmllnR a, first class lioir. Foil Sale on Kent. Snyder's tannery, lo- Mtoil In Hloom9burKi h for ule or rent. l'os- session filvcn April Ut, 1881. For price unit tnrmi apply to 0. W. NmI or P. 1'. Hlllrnejer, HloomsburR, Pa. tan 7lf An nntlqatcd Mylo uf bonnet hai Its revival In the poko bonnet now In voine with tho la- dies. To the best of our recollection It la shaped exactly like those worn ninety years J. P. tlurnham, Nashua. N. II., says l Tho A. S. T. Co. Ulack Tip is tho best protection I have found for children? shoos. Sell them every day) can't keep store without them. Daniel ICalbfus, an able lawyer and orator of Mauch Chunk, who has been nu Inmate of the Danvillo Insane anylum for oveJnl years, Is dead. Mr. (valbfus spent bis boyhood days In llerwick, this county, and litulu hrge circlo of pcrxtinl and political friends hero. If you want to gcttld of pimplop, hoili, tet ter, fee, tifo 'Llndsey'a Dlood Searcher. Sold by all drugghta. ' feb lMw Mr. T. 0. Mullaly, of l'lanes.I.uzerno aiiinty met with a serious accident recently whilst out with a sleighing party. The sleigh was upset and the occupants thrown out, Mr, Mullaly iia(l ,;3 rlgtit arm broken In two places.and was the only one injured beyond slight bruises. He Is well known bore, having spent several months in the Recorder's office, assisting in making new Indexes. Headache cured for 25 cents, by Dr. Met- laur'a Headache and Dyspepsia lllls. febllm Two young men named Van I lew and Drake wcro convicted In court on Tuesday morning of libel. After dinnor their ball delivered them up, when they deliberately attempted to run away. One was captured by the Sheriff be. foro he had gone far. The other gave himself up on Thursday morning. 'Dr. Seller's Cough Syrup' will ensuro you if good night's rest. It is tho best cough medi cine in the market. Price 25 cents. feblMw The report circulated around that tho propri otor of the Hess Hotel, of Benton, will not re ceive any moro sleighing parliis.we are author Ized to state is utterly false. Mrs. Hess, the landlady, is ready and willing to accommodate all who mny desire to visit Benton, and will bo glad to entertain them, should there bo nny moro sleighing this winter, Notice Second Week op Count. The attendance of Jurors for the second week of February term, and of parties nnd witnesses will not be required until Wednesday, the lGtl instant at 9 o'clock m the forenoon. Wm. Eiavei.l, Bloomsburg, Feb. 1, '81. President Judge. Hivulardie. nil bilious disorders, dyspep o!n nnil onnatinatlon cured by Dr. Mettaur'; Headache and Dusnensia IHlls. Price 25 cents. feb41m A OA HD TO THE PUBLIC. I would inform the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity that I have sold my Photograpl: Gallerv to Mr. C. C. Wirt, whom I consider capable of producing first class pictures, Thanking tho public for past favors and solicit1 ing a shave of your patronage for ray successor, I am Respectfully R. F. Snydkb. The vendue seaon is approaching. All per soiis,who propose having sales this spring,will do well to consult our prices before ordering elsewhere. No extra charge for illustrated bills Orders by mail will be promptly attended to, jan 23-3W The Managers of the Opera House have had tho Hues cleaned out and tho entire heating ap paratus of the building put in good order. It is to be hoped that hereafter tho house will be comfortable. It has been bo cold this winter that the greater portion of the audience has left beforo tho plays were half over. Wo havo much pleasure in recommending Thermnllno to our readers, as an absoluto cure for Malaria. Tho manufacturers' namo nlono is a guaranteoof ita merit. It sails at cenU per box. For portioulars sea Advt. july 30, '80-6m The republican candidate for justice of th poacecan hardly expect to get many Democrat ic votes. All through tho campaign he never spokoofour party except as "rebels." Sho liira that there are still too many of the same party that ho abused last fall to permit his eleclion now weddincr invitations, with inside nnd outside envelopes, calling cards, printed or en graved, can be obtained at this office. We have a large line of samples to select from. There is a great advantage in buying at home where you can Bee the proof and know exactly wh; at you are going to get. Tho low prices will as tonish you, January 28, 3w When vou seo a young man sailing down the street shortly after midnight with his collar mashed down his neck, you can make up your mind that there's a young girl crawling up stairs not far distant with her shoes der her arm and an extingushed lamp in her band. Ex. The large attendance at the Democratic cau cus held in Evans' Hall on Saturday evening attracted the attention of some young ladles who came tripping up tho steps with tho expec tation of enjoying themselves witnessing so many rollor-tkaters ou the floor. Wordi are inadequate to picture the grave look cf disap pointment that overshadowed their ueautuui countenances when, rushing up to the entrance to the hall to gain admission, they were cour teously informed that tt political meeting was in session. The medicines of Dondih Dick : Co. Mi unexcelled for elegance, purity, and relia bility. Their Seidlltino SeidUtz Powdern, are as pleasant as Lemonade Their Soft Capsules are world famous, Seo Advt, july 30, '80.6m The residenco of Capt. Glaico Cameron was the scene of a jolly festive parly of colored genimcn and ladies from Berwick on Monday. There were fifteen or sixteen of them ranging in size from four and a half to nearly seven feet in height, all of whom covered the-floor gracefully to excellent dsncing music provided for the occasion. They returned highly elated with the kind reception and splendid time, and particularly Itie gocd mini piovidcdlhem by the "boss." WEATHKIt FOU FEWWAltY Vennor's almanac has the following weatlur predictions for Ftbruary. The mild s ell with which January closes will probably continue well into the month, with balmy, spring-like wealhor prevailing in many parts, nnd snow rapidly '.disappearing, A couple of days of blustering weather with rain or snow wll ho followed about the sixteenth by storms of wind rain and enow previous to the seltintr in of a cold snap, Willi the beginning of tho last weekofthe month, brilliant, mild spring-like weather will again appear, melting tho snow and rendering (leighing impossible in somelo calltlcs, A few days before the close of the month high winds will prevail, with gules around' New York, Long Island Sound and other points, wllh blustery weather in Canada and tho northern UniUd States. The Usttwo days, however, Uie likely to bo fair, aud the month will end with little snow on tho ground. The manaK'ra of the Opera House went to great trouble lo get liasset's Ilrlc-a-Ilrao here. They have been obllgod to Insure them a err In amount, limn oneshouhl attend, iborebr showing that ihey npprcclnle the cflbtls of the tnig.r., nnd that HlooimbuM can and mil glvo a good house to adrservingeutertainmcnt. Itemembcr the date, Saturday the 10th. Hnmply Diimpfy was very well patronized on Wednesday evening. The programme was on the variety order, and each uclor sustained his tpeclallly In a fine manner. The Lnmont family were particularly good, being tho brat acrobils we have ever sten, 200.00C brHs for Mile. Apply to John S. or James 0. Sterner, lllcoimbmg. febl 3-w All the llccne applied fir on U'tdnesdny were grantjd, except tho I), lowing! William Wllliam, of Berwick, which was refucd for tbo same re.vons fir which it was rejected on several prevljiH occasions, Intemperate, habits f tho applicant, No cvidenee was dlfered to provB that ho hni roformod. The application f A C. Rabb was rtjcclid'on tho ground that tho public tiecesMty for a new liquor store wts not snlllclently shown. The application of J Cildwellwas continued until Thursday af ternoon. A meeting of tho 0. A. R. will be held on next luesday night for special business. A full attendance is desired. W. H. SWEXTZEt.L, Quarter-matter. A. Democratic caucus, putsuunt to announce mont, was held in Evans' Hall on Saturday evening- February 5th, and the following tick' et was nominated to bo voted for at the coming election, Tuesday, bebruary 15th, 1881: President ot Council Geo. A Herring. Members of Council William Rabb, John Lockard, Geo. Hassert. Justice of tho Pence John M. Clark, School Director Stephen iuiorr. Constable Reuben Harris. Judgo of Eleclion Geo. Lockard, Eist Ward: C. A. Klelm, West Ward. In-pector Piitcr Billmoyor, East Ward: J K.airton, Westward. Assessor L. B, Rupert. We havo not obtained tho particulars of an accident which happened on tho D. L. & V, R, R. on Saturday last. All thatwe have learn ed regarding it is, that early on Saturday morn ing n coal train coming up slopped a short dis tnnce above the Oatawissa depot, and owing to the negligence of a hrakeman to flag a train that was following, a collision occurred which resulted in severely injuring two men,inasmucl ns the condition of one is very precarious. Tlisre is likely to be some hyely work on Tuesday. Everybody will hive a ticket of his own ana vote it. Though both parties bave nominated "straight" tickets, it is doubtful whether the voting will all be that way. Many DemocraU will vote for the Republican candi date for President of the Council, because he is in f.ivor of water and gas and improvements generally, and on the other hand many Repub licans will vote for the Democratic candidate) because he has heretofore been opposed to these measures. Party linei cannot be drawn in a municipal election like ours. No matter who is elected, neither party can claim it as victory. The vote will simply show which of the candidates is believed to be the best man by a majority of the citizens, irrespective of politics. PKliSONAL. Miss Truss, of New Castle, Delaware, is the guest ot Mrs. 1. banner. Miss Annie Morris, of Susquehanna county. qas ueen spenuing a lew days with Miss lMI; JicKinney. Miss Lottie Powell is visiting Miss May brower. P. W. Kline and Georite Lavcock. both tv pos employed on papers in W.ilkesbarre, were in town iuis wvett. L.A.German, En., of Pine township, was toreman ol the uranu Jury. Misses Lizzie and Annio Hassert hnve re turned from a visit to their relatives and friends in Philadelphia. Keller Sliarretts, of Briarcreek, contemplates coming lo town to pursue tho study ot the law, W. A. Marr, Esq.. of Ashland, attended court this week. M. C. Woodward is an independent candi date lor tho cilice of constable. J. J. Brower proposes to be an Independent canuioato lor justice oi the peace. Miss Everilt is the guest of Mrs. J. F, Peacock. J. Lessigand daughter, of Shenandoah, regis tered nt the Exchange on Wednesday, Hon, T. J. Vnnderslico spent Sunday here, J. M, C. Ranck Esri. uttended court th week. W. J Ijaldy E"(i. of Danville, wns register cd at the Ex mango .Monday, 0. B. Melick, of Williamsport, mado his pa rents at i.ightslreet a visit recently. R. F. Snyder intends locating in Philadel pl.ia, The members of tbo Winona Fire Compan tendered a banquet on Tuesday evening Mr. R. F. Snyder, one of ibeir number who is about to leave town. Mr. Snyder has taken a very active interest in tho compan and this mark of lespect was g ivon to show thcirappreciation of his worth as a memberand a friend, Tho dinner war, fcrvtd at tho Kx change Hotel, and the general expression entire satisfaction by those who participates proves that Mr. W. R. Tubb-, the popular pro pritor, loft nothing undone for tho comfort an pleasure pf bis guests. The affair was a very plcasapt one, nnd Judging from thereaso laughter that issued from the dining room, it presumed that tho boys had a jolly time, Speeches wero made by Messrs, Elwell, II, W, McKelvy, P. E. Wirt, W.C. Sloan, R. R. Lit tie, E. B. Clark, B, P. Vnnnatta, L. S. Win tersteen and the guest of the evening, Mr. Sny der. The speeches were nil mwgen t and appro' priate to the occasion. The dinner lasted from 8 tJ fo 10 o'clopk, ad l)ie company then ad journed to their rpopt where a social hour was spent. No wines or liquors of any sort tfere included in the bill of fare, and none were in dulged in by nnjf present. This Is greatly to the credit of tho i,oaipany, Jt is not otien mat thirty young men.mpet to spend ft social eye ning without some Indulgence, The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by all, Tho report that tho supper was paid lor by company funijs, is not truo. Each person paid his own bill, What a remarkablo bead Dr. Ananlus Bumps must have. Once upon a time be had a chart mado of It by some itinerant phrens!C!!i anu the result of the survey was so gratifying to the Dr. that he at once determined to apply him self to the study of the science, and to inform, ed tho professor who encouraged him and con sequently sold him a book disclosing all the se crets of the profession. For six long years he assiduously devoted all his spare time to thestu. dy of that work, besides spending three months under instruction, and if be is to be believ ed he is now thoroughly prepared o ttnter prac tice. He hath manfully withstood the scoffs and frowns of his associates who used every method to discourage him in aspiring to a bust ness for which he was specially adapted, and we sincerely hope that great as has been his labor, his reward will not be priceless We had nn audience with him on Monday evening and, wo must admit, pamo away greatly edified and strongly convinced that the Dr, knew whereof hu spoke when be eloquently expatiated on the men's of "humps." "Figures don't lle,"saya the Doctor, as ho goes over your cranium with a tape measure large enough la lane the cir cumference of a good sized wagon wheelf To iioir him dUcourte on tjie functions, nropenal, lies, tc, (giving to each Its technical name ol course) isa ireat which tbo Doctor cordial, ly iuvltis every one to come and listen to at the cheap tune of one dollar a head. k LADY'S SOLILOQUY. TIME Jantmry and Folraary. PLAOE-Homo. SUBJEOT As follows " Now let ma think t the Holidays aro over, and for thosa two months I roally bellevo I shall have moro timo than dur ing any part of the year. In March and April spring dross goods will come out, so my timo will bo taken up then, and I'm ture I don't want to havo much on hand when warm weather comes) so I'll just soa what I need for Housekeeping, get tho things ready, ond make them up. "Thoro aro Bboota, pillow-cases, and per haps somo other art iclea for bedding tlion I must have ft supply of tablo-cloths, nap Itins.towols, and and oh 1 a good many things, so I'll eond ft postal card for ft Housekeeper' i Price Lul, nnd seo what I do want. If I go to tho city I can then have my memorandum mado up, and if I don't go I'll order by letter, as I havo done before, and get promptly Just what I want at the eamo prices that I would pay if in person. ''Of courso somothing might not hojuit exactly as I expect it, so I must send my order to a storo that will lot mo oxchango or will pay my monoy back If I want it. To do this, and havo tho greatest variety of goods in any ono establishment in tho United States to soloct from, I must address my postal card 'John Wasa- MAKER, GliAJID DErOT, PniLADEWntA.' " There, I came near forgetting I This is a good timo to make up nndorwear, too; bo I'll add lo my postal card ' Send me an Underwear Prxca List! and seo if it won't bo cheaper to got it already mado, and savo all that tlrosomo cutting, sew ing and trimming." itttonsuuim ITEMS. Ritonsnunu, Monday Jan. 31 '81, Many changes havo taken place during tho pist few months In our little town. The de stroylng hand of tho reaper death hath taken somo deir ones away. Mr. Isaac Black, who was severely Injured by tbo up'ctllng of his loaded sled in Ornnge- ville last month, is still unable to attend to bis business, Mr. W. W. Bbcert, and MIsaArwilda Man ning have bid farewell to single bliss. Ibey wero married on the .-ml ot January. Mr. John Barber and wife wero aerecnbly surprised on Friday last by their friends from Jiyersgrove and vicinity, Mrs. Keller nnd daufjhter are visiting m liiizerne county. The Lvceum was a success on Friday even me last in everv senso of tho word and th young workers showed thnt they bad taken much pains to make the entertainment a pleas l one. Poor Pen. Fred. Amos, Tyler Street, Rochester, writes, l our Snrine Blossom is wonderful. never used anything that acted so well on the isoweH, ana nt the same timo was so treed from tho Drastic nronertles of medicine usu ally sold for the purpose Prices: 1., f0 cents, and trial bottles 10 cents. Business Notices Seo a woman picking a bunch of grapes in auotner column, at speer's Vineyards, l' ... 1. : L a i - t . r liri : tium iruiuu cjpeer a jruri urrupo v lue i made, that is bo highly esteemed bv thi medical profession for the use ot invalids weaKiy persons nnd the aged, cold by J. a, Kleim. jan 7'801y Ladies' Calf Shoes 1.30 Store. at Gross' N. Wm. C. McKinuey has removed his stock into his new building across the street, and extends a cordial invitation to every ono to call. Wanted 2,000 bushels Good White Oats at onco, For Lash. H. W. Am,, Espy Depot. Harriet A. Ncwkirk, of Salem, says: 1 was cured ot tetter in my band by three appllca tions of Camphor Milk. My husbaud wns cured of old running sores by using it. It cured my sou of a spraintd ankle, I'rico" cents, bold by O. A, Klcira, Bloomsburg. april 1G, ' Important Notice to Parties Attending Court. For Thirty Days Great Bargains Can bo Bought in Clothing. You can buy a Winter Suit or Overcoat At Cost. Must Be Sold to mako room for ALTERATIONS IN BUILDING at David Lowenberg'a Men's Boots formerly sold nt S3.00 now $1.70 nt Gross New iork Store. Hon. Georco N. Corson, Norristown, says: Tho Pbcenix Pectoral Is indispensable in my family, it acts like a churm in curing coughs and colds with tho children, and always uso it when addressing ft jury. Price 25 cents. 0. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg. aprl6-ly ItESCUED FltOJt DEATH. TUo tollowlncr statement Of William J. Couehlln. of somervllle, Mass., Is so remarkable that wo beg to ask tor It tho attention ot our readers. He says: "In the fall of 1S70 when I was taken with a Violent Bleeding of the Lungs followed by a sei ere cougn. I soon began to loso my oppetlto and flesh, l was so weak at ono time that I could not leave my bed. IntUe;summer oflstT I was admitted to tho city Hospital. Wlilla thoro the doctors said 1 had a hole In my left June; as bin as a half dollar. I expended over a nundred dollars In doctors and medicines. I was so far gone atono timo a report went around I was dead. I gavo up hope, but a friend told rao of I)H. W.M. HALL'S DalSaM FOH THE LUNOS. I lai'ghed at my friends, thinking that my case was Incurable, but I got a bottle to satisfy them, when to my surprlso and Erratlhcatlon.I commenced to feel better, .My hope onco dead, began to revlve,and to-day I feel hi bettor spirits than I hayo for thrco years. "1 write this hoping you will publish It so that ev ery one aflllcted with diseased lungs will bo Induced to take Dr. Wm. Hall's Iialsam for tho Lungs, and bo convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN HE CUItED. 1 havo taken two bottles, andean positively say that lthasdonomoro good than all tho other medicines I havo taken slnco mv sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and I shall soon be able to go to work, sold by druggists. Tako Wm. Hall's ltarsam only Howaro ot counterfeits. ocutHycow Olearing'Out Winter Goods to make room for Extensive Alterations at The Popular' ClothiDg Store of Oavid Lowenborg, Handsome Shoes and Slippers at McKin- ney a uoot aim olioo Jiazaar. 50Q nice white thrifty abntes wanted by Silas Voting, Lightstreet, that are 2J, 3, 4, 6 to 0 months old that weigh from 'Ct lbs, 30, 35, 40, -15 50 to 00 lbs. each . Persons that want to buy sbotos please call around, I handle from 30, 40 to 50 Bhotes per week, dec 2J, 'SO 2m, Hats and Caps at Cost for Thirty Days at D. Loweaberg's. Blngbamton Boots I Huy them at Mc ! Kinney's. Ladies' Morocco Lace Shoes 1.00 at N Y, Store. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. It bcoms strange that any ono will mrfer from tho many doiangements brought on by an Impure con dition of tho blood, when St'OVIL's HLOOD and LIVKH SYHUI' will restore perfect health to the physical organization. It Is Indeed a strengthening spi un, pleasant to tako, and has proven luelttobe the best blood nurincr ever dlscovircd. effect ually oming Scrofula, Hypbllltlo diseases, Weakness of the Kldnej s, all Nert oua disorders and Debility. It corrects ludlgebtlon. It makos tho old feel young, and tho young reel gay; and will luvarlably drlvo out ot tho system tho many ills that human tlesh is heir to. A mnglo potto will prove to you Ita mer its as a health ronewor, ror It nets llko a charm, especially when the complaint Is of an ex haustlvo nature, having a tendency to lessen the natural vigor of tho bralu and norvous systom. oct K,'8dlyeow ' ' Don't miss this opportunity to buy your Shoes below cost at Gross' N, Y, Store, on ly during court, 100000 lbs. of good prima pork wanted the next olcht weeks bv Silas Ynnnir. Llghtstreot. I want hogs that dress 50 lbs. (10, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250 up to 275 lbs, aplepe. alwoyo want ray port dreued on baturday nnd brought in early on Monday morning, Persons wishing to buy pork, please call around early on Mon day mornings, Ueo.25,'80iri, I am nnvlnsr tbo blabest cash nrlce li r Wheat and ltyc. Loading every day ( x- cept .Vundays. Cannot come nnilss, Will pay 77 cents per bushel for all Rye deliver ed within the next two wpeks. CaMi paid for Itnllroad Tics. All sizes uf coal constantly nn hard. IJ. W, AM, ISipj IJopot. fob 1, 2w. Children's Shoes from ross' N, Y, Store. 25 cents up, at Good Clover Seed wanted bv Silas Yountr ttl LightUrcet. Jan 28 81 -l-w Ladles' Button Shoes formerly sold nt 2 00 now 1.15 nt New York Storo. You are hereby notified that L. Grow will soil bis entire stock ol Boots and Shoes bo low cost In order lo tnakn room for Sprints Stock of Clothing. New York Storo, Shnrp- icss building. ills Hoots and mado to stand tho weath er for be bought them nt Mo Kinney's. wero leather Tho highest cash price paid for wheat by 55. T. Fowler, at Willow Grove. No dif ference ns to variety. Rye 70 cents n bushel. Avondalo Red Ash Coal, 4. f. and G, nhvnvs on band, Railroad Tits taken in exchange lor coai,or casn win ue pant tor tnein. jan 8 8-w Men's Finn Call Roots No. 9 nnd 10 nt, 1.60 at Gross' N. Y. Store. Sho word frencb with opera toes nnd snld sho bought them at Mo Kinney's, heeled shoes The Great Bargain Room' at Oak Hall.) There never was any where before, so far as we know, such a sale of clothing as is now going on at Oak Hall, taking up the whole ground floor. A hundred thousand dollars' worth of good clothing, nearly all of it new and fashionable, all of it well made and of good materials without exception (for we make no other) is being sold at prices which bring loss instead of gain. Clearing sales occur at the close of every season ; but they commonly are sales of broken assortments and odd garments, and of small quan tities. Here toward the end of our most successful season we are clearing out what ever, for any cause, has shown signs of being slow. Tlnusands of whole suits and overcoats and odd gar ments as well. Now the sole reason for selling this mass of valuable clothing, without even an at tempt at profit, is that stated above, which may be put into different words, thus : To get our stock into the most at tractive condition, without regard to immediate profit. And so, while this sale is going on, the choicest, most approved, most successful, clothing we have is up stairs. The prices there are not re duced at all. This sale will hurt that while it lasts, be cause the clothing in the bargain room is extremely good. For this reason we want it short ; and to make it short, the prices are low. Bring back promptly what you don't want at the price. You can order by letter, or buy here, according to your own convenience. On receipt of a letter from you, will send the means of tak-: ing your own measure. Then you can tell us what you want, near enough so that we can take the risk of suit ing you.y Wanamaker'& Brow, OiK Hail, Market and Sixth, FniUDiu-su. QTATEMENT OF TUB FINANCES OKTnE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA From January 1st, isso to January 1st, isai , Statement bhowlnu taxes assessed and balance ttlll due. AKS.SK1. 8TIM.DUE. V ' , Ho J? I oB P g h a v M F p ft28 77 SS60 IT 32 C6 9T M 60 iihio 2a at to mso svm ur.i KISS 75 13 00 155 85 (M 11 45 00 405S 87 33 00 ) 35 35 2005(15 63 00 1454 70 78 011 21 65 037 04 7(1 00 2002 47 79 UO 175 20 79 00 7G9 02 4 35 r(13 95 1972 47 60 50 CO 55 1002 SO MS 50 !K50 24 T 00 .'.0 352 49 7 00 1339 M 95 UO 4i 39 C54 14 95 00 1150 07 '3150 "12 30 453 IS '34 SO 149U70 101 00 07 50 11S2 37 101 UO 1202 97 00 50 11 20 059 13 00 50 M3 hi M 00 4 10 141 41 51 10 1410 59 MU) 10 71 7U9 20 70 CO 1211 Oil 79 UO 2125 303 31 791,0 720 21 47(0 2 25 170 39 47 U) 122T09 IWMI 10 00 MO 19 04 60 1017 SO 51 (0 17 70 270 92 51 CO 7H6S 65 01) 09 94 304 63 6510 lOlt 8S tOCI 60 70 519 52 60 60 401 19 59 00 2 21 321 99 69 09 493 20 44 00 7 Si 110 27 44 0.1 1634 60 09 60 111 61 4S3 40 09 60 4S0 94 09 60 2 05 439 CS (19 60 DISTHIOTS. Heaver Uf utun llerwick lilooni lirlarereek,. .. Catawlssa . . central!.! Centro ,.. conynshaiiu.. Klshlligcreek. Franklin druenwood. .. Hemlock Jackson Locust . iladhon .. vain Mliltln Montour Mt. Pleasant .. Orungo I'luo lloarlngcrcek . scott sugaiKuf (32525 3i 154) 00 1011 10 1)070 W 1524. UO AMOUNT DUE KOK TKAH3 VUKTlpUa 10 ISSO, Districts and Collectors Year Co. Doir. IScnton, 1' s bmltll, 170 (224 34 50 oo 11100111, A I. rrilZ. 1379 951 34 29 00 lirlarereek, Jolin F MUlor lt7 819 74 52 60 Centralta.TUomas oeraelity H79 675 23 500 centre, Joseph Wlso ls79 371 05 so 60 Hemlock, Wm V Foust ls79 178 so 60 110 Jlontour, Wm II Weaver b79 17740 61 00 Oreonwood, Jacobs Evans 1i7s 321 is 4200 Hemlock, A 11 llartinan 1874 18131 17 00 Sladlson.Jamcs wolllver 1878 79 o 14 00 Suirarloat, Wm A Kilo 1878 i 53 9 20 conyncliam, Aaron rcrsoa 1STI aoo to g 00 Catawlssa, Joseph Slmu, 1S70 9043 3550 Conyneliam, Aaron Person 1670 1S3 4I 900 Ontawuiaa, Jpsepli Wans li73 494 CO, 14 50 t-IMJ 52 J4S320 H A Bivcppenhlser, Treasurer of Columbia county, In account wltn said county on county lunds January 1st. lihO. uit. To am't uncollected prior to 18.40 J1SC10 84 " " on band at last settlement 112a so " county tax assessed In liw 82525 98 "taxoniectsiryofvdtera 97S59 " added ta on Catawlssa duplicate tor '7a 0 10 " Frank Jones, rent for old Jail 3503 " II o Jolinfor Win ..., 90 '(costs paid by K J Albcrtson , .., 1 110 ISIUIU llfs.l. qui Ufiuii J m ain't piln by Montour county-liooks . Uantlllo boroiiKli , ., 11 Frank Jones, old fenco 'l ctiuuty tax on unseated lands ., .... ' oounty taif on seated lands i road tax on unseated lands , 11 to roaa tax on beatcd lauds scuool tax on unseated lands 118 75 1 00 1331(9 403 04 93T95 353 70 1010 25 " school tax on teated lands it 49 jwui iu uu uusuuicu miiua MM,,,..,....... " poor tax on seated lanua ,, special poor tax oa unseated lands, , , " special poof tax on soated lna, ...... ...... " spoclal roai tax on unsoatod lands " special road tax on seated lands " seated laud tax since distribution........... 11 unseated land tax slnco distribution.... . Win Krlckbaum, Jury fees, tu . ... ' assesMuff, managing c-V?,, 01 nog Nod," 03197 257 33 ft 31 T41 17 HI 81 2S 00 VI 11 41 ro roooo CIt, )J,4AUi HOJbMESf & Wo carry tho largest Block of furnishing goods in the coun ty. We have never been known to true thnt wo would contess to, and it you doubt the above look nt what tho others keep and then look over omu Every year brings many new things useful in tho kitchen and elsewhere throughout the houso and wo aro constantly milling to our stock such articles as wo think saleable. Unless you havo looked over our stock iroin tune to timo you would be surprised to know how many little articles thoro aro made for kitchen ubc, labor saving and just what you have so of ten wanted at a low price. Wo sell lots and lots of Tinware, our trndo increases every year and wo do not sell lower than the others cither. Sometimes wo want more nnd we g(-t it and the reason is simply that our customers are huding out that made ami most durable Tinware in the county; you can hardly wear it out, and therefore it is cheap. We huy the best tin anil have it made under our own eves, anil wo know how its done. It is not lontr since a "Cheap John" located here whole cart load ot tinware tor ItU took the bait, tJut tho old experienced ones didn't; thoy had been there before. Well, it lasted stayed, which was a very short time. traders to move often, and then you commenced to bring it in for new bottoms and tops, &c. If you want any more of it civo us a few days' notice and we will make you our shelve.", We are opening this week a now scriptions for table and cooking purposes. Of all tho improvements in kitchen utensils, none lias met with moro invor than Mnrbleized Ware, its beauty and durability commending itself to every one and the demand is greater than tho supply. A lady (old us the other day whenever her friends spoke of buying table cutlery she always sent them to us as we kept such a large variety of patterns and they had more choice. Those of you who were in last week saw wo had a largo stock then, but it is all sold out. The manufacturers of Table Cutlery have a meeting in Ntw York every once in a while and besides hav ing a good time they' decide as to whether to put their prices up, down, or leave them alne. This time thoy decided to put tliein down and we bought several very handsome new patterns which we can sell lower than over. AVe keep Woodenware, Washboards, Tubs, Churns, Buckets, Bowls, Ladles, t&o. Space will not permit us to go further and we will wind up by saying almost every thing useful for house keepers may be found among our stock except (modesty forbids) but Cadman has theM next door. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. lly commission, exonerations on returns allowed collectors forls79. Districts com Ex Districts Com Ex $17 46 0 42 7 73 2 37 19 10 10 OS 0 43 1 ) 112 4 1 97 Beaver f."7 M nerwlck 74 m Catawlssa 104 34 convngbam 4320 I!M4 Madison $fi0 7.t 18 Ul Jlaln 37 75 24 16 Mimtn 69 97 60 07 Mtl,leasant!'0O9 14tio Orango 62 09 4 61 I'lno 23 25 20 09 Hoarlngcr'kvoao .1 0 KCOtt 81 87 21 61 sugarloat 27 20 1S7S. 10 04 Centralis 40 30 16 90 Conygham 4240 IS75. 11 81 CoDynghm 121 8 f isuingcreci: 0:1 00 Franklin 32 99 70 00 10 9:1 73 OS Greenwood Jackson Locust Benton Berwick Sugarloaf 62 03 70 93 1S70. 16 49 80 31 S7 80 112 1,209 20 1572 97 By total commissions I12M20 " total exonerations 572 97 " county orders redeemed S3S15 32 " am't duo from collectors 19203 51 "am't to meet sum paid State for quota charged on coupons 29 20 " commission to Treasurer U52 77 " balanco in hands of Treasurer. 4207 04 f G0,450 01 II A Sweppenhlser, Treasurer In account with dog fund. January 1st, isso Dlt. To am't due at last settlement $1401 3 am't assessed In iss 1544 00 " am't on hand at last settlement 181 co $3,12743 CR. Districts Beaver Berwick Catawlssa conyngham Ftslilncreek EX $100 60 3 60 260 R 60 7 00 1 00 3 00 1150 1 UO 1 60 Frank n (freenwood Jackson Locust Benton Berwick Conyngham $01 T.9 $83 60 $04 09 ttf 60 41 60 381 75 Bycommtslon to collectors exonerations allowed collectors., " orders paid of '79 uruprs paiu 01 'mi., am't paid county for assessing, 0 500 00 tommissiun 10 Treasurer.... 21 10 ' am't due Irom collectors.. 2009 2(1 4 09 21 57 am t refunded to E J Aioertson coictr. " balanco In hands of Treasurer $3,12743 By orders for '67 and 10 not presented and uuui'eucu 14 00 n A Sweppenhlser,Treasurer, In account with Stato Fund, Dlt. To stato tax assessed In '80 $,C81 10 Clt. By commission and exonerations on duplicate set- lieu ior 6u. Com Ex Districts Con? $4 40 1160 Madison $.197 185 160 Main 210 3 77 4 60 Mimin 3 02 22 3 60 Mt.l'leasant 295 402 7 50 orange 242 1 so Fine 2 97 497 7 60 Koarlngcr'k 205 2 25 Scott 3 02 607 soo hugarloaf 3 co 1878. 2 77 200 Briarcreek 407 1 27 3 60 Conyngham 37 1875. 900 Com Ex Com Ex Boaver so Jackson 22 Benton 1 41 Locust. F4 Berwick 7 79 Madison 1 00 30 Bloom 0 70 4 00 Main 1 21 a 40 Briarcreek 1 07 Mifflin S3 Catawlssa 8 70 Montour S7 fentralla 52 Mt. l'leasant 3 60 400 centro 302 ornnito 2 63 Conyngham 03 rino 11 Flshlngcreek 20 40 itoarlngcreek 39 Franklin 01 Scott 5 57 Greenwood 3 37 Sugarloat 13 Hemlock. 60 $3198 1110 By commission to collectors $3394 " exonerations allowed collectors 11 10 " am't paid to Stato for quota .' 53? 40 ' commission to Treasurer b 89 " balance in hands of Treasurer 123 74 " am't due from collectors ) C9 $1081 10 Commissioners' expenses for 'so, for which orders were issued on tho Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. J W Hoffman, sheriff's deed Bright lot... $3 00 3911 2 23 35 00 31 CO h I 0 1 00 45 IB 72 n 'n 18 67 2000 43 1 35 1 12 15 00 801 57 6.1 69S0 01 46 oca 2 00 S3 60 155 05 178 60 20 00 OiUO isa 73 Mover Bros, express u iuuiuuut'y, u.pi tss It Buckingham, auditing publlo accounts W Krlckbaum, recording nmncstwp officers 11 G ort, hauling safo Kd -Moody, view ot court house J Drcshcr, road tax Bright lot A 1) Stewart, lumber old Jail fenco Jas Thomas, costs Col, co. vs Person et al . . Ell Jones et al building fenco old Jail lot.... A I) Cochran, survey and map curley trial. o M Low Son, iron for Jack screws Ell Bobbins, taxes on Bright lot T J Morris, cosls Columbia co va Hower 11 F Gardner, bill ror post mortem ease E Mendenhall, lumber for old Jail fenco U II Ent, taking two prisoners to Phllad'a , . , 1, M (1 Hughes, redemption money ,,,,, L Hunyon C'o, bill rendered old Jail W Krlckbaum, Indexlngjudgment dockets. " Prot honotary bill W II Snyder, bill for Teachers' Institute I) Mcllenry.for damages w end Zaner bridge J licrevellng, daiuago brldgo Kimble's mill n A SweppenliNcr, Treas. deeds to Commts $1,27$ 59 HKTCKNH, I'OCKTS, JU1I0RS' I'AYANU COKSTAKlUi' Grand Jurors during year Traverse jurors during year Constables' returns during year court cryer during year $719 24 2949 13 2xf) 03 137 60 214 69 MM 11 40 T 60 .110 S3 30 j ipjiuvus miring year, i'alker, stenographer. $10 per day......... " Whiting vs Mllnes estata. .,. , , , , Onrnmnnwrtftlth r nnrlffv . " Christian vs l'enn'a Fire Ins co . c inckson vs stoetel " Stiles ft at and Benton USKt L Association 12 40 it a Ai j or, court caieuaar Klivell Blttenbender, court calendar Kit Bobbins, Jury commissioner. ......... . John Hartman, " J 11 Casey cleik to same I'll KntBerMng Jury notices $4.9.12 79 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CAStS WIIEIIK T1IK COl'NTV BECAME LU1U.K. Justices, constables nnd witnesses $1,209 09 H It I.lttlo, district nttorney no 110 Wm Krlckbaum, clerk at court 85 40 Mrs Jane Brown, Jury board curley trial.... 12075 $1,691 24 KOAI) ANP BHIIXIK VIIWEKS AM) ItOAI) PAMAOES. Sundry persons as vlowcrs... tw 11 100 eo 111 ix 1000 71 uo WW 15 00 1500 soo 33 00 72 UO 07 33 C5 00 13 00 09 2-i 20W 4.5 DO 50 UO 1 00 43 00 83 00 70 0O 40 09 " in i. runts, uamagu Jacxsou Jas Dennis. 11400111... Aaron Bovd, Alex Kuouse, John Fritz, t'entro Jackson ... nasn unoiise, John nilnir II llarrlnirtuii. Mt Pleasant,.,, Centro,,,, llloom Aoron Kolbliner, llrsotsiioyi&co J II Crovellng Mrs Jane Brown, (lea ikelor, Clark VeteB, Moses Savago Henry Klelm, Henry Yost, Geo Walters Abraham lildlay, K A Piatt, 1 AltmJ Hterona, Jas Eves est, Abrwn. nildine, lteeeo M'Uenry Joel ltelfendtfer, Emanuel Appleman, Samuel Trump, Henry ortvrtne Dai Id Demottest Mt Pleasant,.., llloom Jackson Bloom Catawba",'."','. .tackson 'i 11 Mt Pies'ti-oYg" ,. J2SP0 ,. to) 00 .. 63 00 ,., 213 05 ... 190 UO ,. 10 0(1 ,. I1M .. MW 12.741 $1 Uloou. Stephen Pone, coin'r attending lews. . SCHUYLER. inuUc an assertion that wns not lor the money wo tnve the best with a HI) cent storo and sold a cents, You green housekeepers about as Ions: as John It is more healthy for such some but you will riot find it on lot of Mnrbleizcd Ware of all de COlIMISSIONKll'S 01T1CK AND COURT UOUSB. Wm I, Manning, Auditor $ SK smith 0 11 Seeaboltz " Jacob Metz, repairing stovo drawer c m Drinker vault lock &c J 11 Carey, stating accis for 1S7 Wm. Hitler, palming J C Sterner, repairing vault 0 Krug, lumber Ac. for Coart House It Hams, rep lounge Comr's olllre Thos Gorry rep Law Library and offlre Mosler Safe & I ock Co. safo treas onice Ed hearts painting roof court house Holllns, Holmes s. bill rendered V C Gnllgnan " M J Casey plastering Lewis Bernard repairing town clock (1 M J K Lockard bill rendered Wm Crlsmnn ct nl ror woik nt ofllcc B L Thomas 3 gross pens I. Itunv'ui Co bin rendered II F ltlce step ladder tor court house It II sands ror wood OA Jacoby for coal I) It Coffman repairing blinds com t room .... 1 Ilacenbuch renalrlnir stove 1.1 rn 13 110 15 01 60 4 51' S3 irl 6 10 .VI 211 17 ( (10 R3 73 481 110 4 00 11 37 9 45 3 00 7 00 M73 21 CO 3 00 5 07 4 00 tm 50 79 I m 1 M 75 3 (" II HI 85 04 M II Fry repairing court room 1' Dlllmevcx bill rendered E Mcndenuall Agt Lumber court houso M Cox cleaning court house, .Vc John Cox ' " " 1 00 Gas Co for gas sou3 Htepnen roue, commissioner xw 50 Chos ltetchart ' sen to A 11 Herring " 337 00 E It Ikelcr attorney luioo .IB Casey clerk 7;ooo $2,690 37 COUNTY JAIL. Stephen Knorr, bill rendered $ 3 91 r Jones repairs , 3 on w Hitter painting 13 so llarman & Hassert repairs 1720 Geo Zimmerman bill rendered 2 05 c L I'oho et al lining bed ticks 4 93 T Gorry repairing 30 50 Holllns, Holmes & 8. nails 70 C 0 Gnllgnan repairs 253 85 C E Ilowcr plastering... 1 60 Jas Cadman, Agtfuinlturc 7 25 0 Krug lumber .- 60 It s Ent, bin rendered s 70 W c Evans repairing barrow 2 00 E Mendenhall, Agt lumber & 04 OA Jacoby coal 115 29 Lutz Sloan, bill rendered 2 20 L Gross, clothing cuo J Beagle, wood 6 00 Al Freos, trees 3 uo L mmyon Co bill rendered 3 07 1) t Jones, stono floor cellars 42 79 1) V nice, step ladder 4 00 (! Helchart, plank for stable 0 84 Wm I'ursell, wood 6 00 OA Klelm, medicines 6 50 W W Barret, work about prison 24o so I) Lowenberg, clothing 13 no W C McKloney, shoes . 7 60 P Blllmeyer, bill rendered 094 1 W McKelvy ' 32 44 II W Mclloynolds, tending prisoners 7 00 oasCogas ibio U II Ent, boarding prisoners 447 60 U 11 Ent,washlng ic 05 34 $1,429 CO PHINTING, STATIONARY POSTAGE, Jiiwell nittenbender. Co Statement $25 00 " election proclamation 20 uo " advertising 17 50 " blanks 2: 35 C M Vandersllce, county statement. 25 r.o " election proclamation 20 eo " advertising 13 50 " blanKS 13 50 James 0 Brown, County Statement 23 00 " election proclamation 20 00 " court " .., 41) uo ' blanks , 8 60 " advertising 15 00 a E Meyers, County statement 25 00 " election proclamation W uo blanks ... 4 63 I) A Ilecklcy, postage and box ront O A ciark, stationary for onu and court WFBtselHro " 14 75 6 78 10 60 17 so wm Manu, llutter, election blanks 13 33 ?al ub Co. Daily Patriot.. 700 o A potter, blanks.. 4 25 $112 05 INQUISITION. Sundry persons for Imiuests $101 40 BHIUaES-llUILDINll AND KErAIHS. DEAYKK. ' fcbelhammer, Dals bridge ' Shuman bridge BKNTON, Colo bridge KPnblo bridge Colo brtdgo.....'.'.'.'.""!"!! Knrnnbildgo Mendenhall brldgo Westcreek brldgo Cole bridge Kimble bridge Colo brldgo Geo Keeler 1 50 n 50 2 ou vt m unger, Ira J Thomas Jas Conner, s Appleman, (1 Jos W'elreman, z t Butt, SO 47 2 3 84 1 25 1 25 KIM 11 09 SO 25 2 09 2 20 L.U11UUCU, Ed Mollenry Sam Appleman Uenton bridge,,.. Cole bridge J E Edson. s w sicllenry 1 '.137 ,1 u vuir, W A Kile, contract Klmblo mill brtdge"!!".'! B1.00U. Wm 1'ursol, Shaffer brldgo Mlirt7. A: Ivv. Hurtmi Ix-lloa (165 .Vj 00 aoa Wm llarman, ShaHer bridge'.'.'.!!!!!,'.'.'!!!"" '.'! 3 S Mensch, ltupett brlJgo..,, 31m 1". 19 2 25 16 (HI , EllIAKOUKEK. u He chart nlank Hllipniiniin hrirloA J A Wanick 1 60 mj ' Jlowmau " Ed Stewart . Hlttonhouse ,' LowliroCo ' ' !.,... , ," Bowman " '.." M Brlttaln, Itlttenhouso " EKrumm " ........ . " Ill SO " 1J60 1 S7 5 9i " a " 6 23 " 3 50 CATANIMiA. 0 Helchart, plank McKelvy mill brlilgu 11 72 CBNTHK. t. mngrose, Jiutton brldgo 700 Jacob lletler, Centrevllle brldee 4 co y ituuui 1, (iiiiiiK lenircviuo unugc 34 71 I, Hunyon co keg spikes..,.,,..! 4 00 I'lSHIKQCHEKK Jno Zahncr. weat end brfrtvn at 'n Juo Drcsher.Mcllenry mill bridge '.'.'.'.'.'. a 25 .. V, . .smiwater brldgo, .' t & w a. .'.iurtcmj, via vuuiruct, uriage nuatano Zaner 237 HUNiuisi, uutuu nmiiin, jiiemiennau linage ... 82 " Hom-bach bridge 29s UKEENWOOII. II F Ilattln, Iron bridge MlllvlUe " EyerOrovu bridge,.. '' " Alkuian bildgo .. " lola brldgo, J 11 Quick Kyer tirove brldgo. ...!,,, II Coitermau, Ed Mclleury bridge Wm Lawton, Eckman bridge...?... Jno Leggott. Mlllvlllo Ironbrldire 1 25 1 23 1 25 1 25 a 10 11 3 360 13 97 J K Weillver, Ed Mctlenry bridge 54 75 1IEU1A1CX, iuunzs jvy,i'ureeu bridge,.,, , 00 JACKSON, J M Larlsb, Elk Run. bjldgo lt I8 LOCUST. Moramon niniusor, Knyaer bridge , 2 es n llelwlg, Wallor brldgo .... !.......... I w Comr'a of NortU'd county cont Walter bridge sis 00 MAIN, V E Ueutz, MalnvlUe, brldgo 00 MT, rLKASANT, Q S Mordan, Wilson bridge " Mordansvllle bridge,,,,,, Amos Wanlch, W'amcb. brldgo ,,, M Kindt, sands bridge , " Wilson bridge,,,, " Koster bridge Philip Miller, Wllsou brldgo (above)..., " " " (below).,,, ORANGE, 60 60 1 60 1 Oil 1 W 02 5 75 j iicmeureuv, iruuunagu,, .,,,,,,,, vs HOLMES & SCHUYLER 9 A FAIR OFFER. We have a few 'Heating Stoves and double Heaters on hum!. which we will sell to responsible parties and give you time until June 1ft to pay for them. HOLMES & SCHUYLER rlNK. M W Shoemaker, shoemaker bridge.,.. 10 00 son SO 00 0 02 2 01 llll 2 60 4 SO 1 72 SCOAHLOAl'. K cole, E Cole bridge .i u rnrz A coia bridiro Wm A Kile, A cole i ridge ne oniige J () tlesi... E Colo, K Colo bridge 1 1 li ness, uess Driago I M Mmltz, A Colo bildge $1 08812 ENITENTIAItV AND ASYI.l'M. Support ot Llzzto Milton, Danville 107 oo David Miea 170 30 Convicts In Eastern Penitentiary iur'7H cot 73 1999 03 $13 S3 22 OO m 7:. 10 75 21 02 10 75 10 00 14 60 10 76 11 30 211 M) 15 23 ASSESSORS PAV. Beaver Uenton llerwick llloom Briarcreek Catawlssa fentralla Centre Conyngham $25 41 Jackson 13 23 19 75 V IKI 11 75 25 on 19 75 19 37 22 no 20 60 9 20 2160 locmt Madison Main MUliln Montour Mt Pleasant (Mange Pine 'Itoarlngcreek scott Sugrloaf nsuingcreeK Franklin Greenwood nemiock 10 73 Aa8.iota for fall registry of voters 117 on 39l S'J SCALPS FOH POX AND WILD CAT S aid sundry persons 7370 ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid spring election oillcers $349 35 ian " " 433 00 spring room rent 132 00 fail " ' 132 00 tonstables advts & nttendlng spring elc 140 40 " " " fall elec 1879 5200 " " " 18S0 60 00 C TJ Mason, overseer 1S79 2 011 Benl KUtler " " 1S79 200 Evan Bu kalew " 1S79 2 60 J M Clark, senatorial It Judgo 3 60 w j nucKaiew, congressional 11 Judge 13 70 V L llutter, election blanks 17 34 w Krlckbaum et ul counting fall vote 20 39 $1,40S 21 T.XES REFUNDED. Amt township taxes refunded $4,195 cs BLANK BOOKS. W F Murphy & Sen, 1 doe Froth's ofllcn $to 60 " " !" Hecorders office.... 2s6i Wm Mann 4 ' Froth's office 47 co " 2" Hecordera omco. .. 26 00 F L llutter, S4 registry books 16 81 " 13 duplicates 44 2D $179 61 COUNTY BONDS. Amt county bonds redeemed $3,00000 " coupons on Fame paid i,ssi 00 Int paid on overdue county bonds is on $9,899 uo KECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous f 1.27S 69 4,932 7U 1,691 24 2,741 31 2,890 37 1,429 Ort 412 65 101 411 l.OSS 12 9r,9 05 691 S3 75 75 1.40S21 4,195 OS 179 91 9,699 00 courts, jurors pay. constables returns, xa Costs In commonwealth cases Itoad 4r bridge viewers and road damages Commissioners office and court house County Jail Printing, stationary and postago Inquisitions linages Dunoing ana repairs Penitentiary and Asylum Assessors pay Fox and w lid cat scalps Election expenses Taxes refunded Blank books County bonds, coupons and Interest paid uuuicniuu cuuuvy uouus $33,81S 321 Vrftm amntin nt rritna Idb.ia.I AnA.tnt tft.RCAO taxes refunded, and XS69 rrrlcmntlon moner ana $9,699(0, bonds, coupons and Interest on overdue bonds paid, leaves $10,713 95 which Is tho actual or dinary expenses tor the ear A. D., isso. SHEEP OKDE1W ISSUED. Beater 2000 9560 33 76 ." (HI 7 00 13 011 67 25 7 60 Jackson Locust Madison Montour Mt. Pleasant Pino Sugarloat uenton lirlarereek Centro Fihhlngcreek Franklin Oreenwood Hemlock $3.S1 7.1 STATEMENT OF 1)0(1 TAX AND SHKKPFUNII. Dog tax duo from collectors $2,009 20 Probabablo commission and ex off 321 uo $0s2d Add amount lu treasurer's hands 21 5: (lives total assets COUNTV FINANCES. $1,705 s:s AAriKTri- Tax In hands of collectors' duplicates $1920:1 nt .uul,wiv LUtil (JltaoiUM mm I'AUUCIUIIUU UUa SOIHI ("I A.i 1 vif ft, Add amount In hands of Treasuror 4207 04 .,mi,muw,numjmi properly liMl'l uo Add value of Mary Blight prot'yF Creek IN) 00 Am't duo from Benton twp for Colleys.-, : 7s Balance dueou (lei a Hower note- 9100 Two double set assess books r, so Two set duplicates 29 30 $24viav.t I1AHIMIT1KS, Costs duo In Commonwealth eases $343 43 Amount tax due the several districts 1 191 or " road brdg'e vtewers duo on bks 19.1 1 " county prison bonds unpaid 2030000 county prison coupons unpaid.- 373 M " road damages assessed and unpaid estimated as nearly ai can be 4000 00 $33,1113 90 24.S03 9.1 Actual Indebtedness ot the county Janua ry ISt, 1SS1 :. $9,499 97 We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia County, do hereby certify thattbe foregoing Isa coi rect sratement of accounts ot said county, for tho year a.D.hv), STEPHEN POlIE, A. ll.UEKHINd, OHAH. ltEICHART, , . commissioners ot Columbia County. Attest: J. II. CAsxr, clerk. Vo, the undersigned, Auditors of Columbia Conn ty, having been duly cloctod to adjust and settle tlie accounts of the Treasurer and commissioners or Columbia county, do hereby certify that we met at tho office ot the Treasurer and Commissioners, lu lllqpmsburg, and carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of tho Bamo from Uie 1st day ot Janu ary, A. 1)., isso to the nrst day of January, A. D.. issl, and ttnd them correct as above stated, and wo nnd a balance due Columbia county on county fund of four thousund two hundred and seven doi are and tour cents (4,207.04) from II, A, Sweppenld ler Treas. ot Columbia co. And we tlnd a balance ot four hundred and twenty.three dollars and sevenly femr senta ($423 74) on state fund found In tho liandi pt II. A. sweppenhlser, Treasuror. And we llud a balance of tvteuty-ono dollars and fltty.soveu centa ($2167) 011 dog fund found lu Uie lianas otll. A. Sweppenhlser, Treasurer. January Vsi ba0(ls uul 8ettl tWs 6tu ,luy cC WMl L. MANNING, C. 11. SEES1IOLTZ, SAMUEL K. SMITH, Paid slnco settlement. Auditors-. Commissioners' office, Feb. 4, issi. Pl.AYh! PI.AYN! 1'LAYH! PlAVht For Heading Clubs, for AmateurTheatrlcals,Tem perauco Plavs. Drawing-room Plays. Fairy hays. Ethiopian Flajg, Qulde Hooks, spelkurs. Panto mimes, Tableaux Lights, Maguentuiu Ughts. Color V4.?1"?' .urnrtk iJeatrttral Face Preparations, Jarley's Wax Works, Wigs, Beards and Moustchi at reduced prices. Costumes, scenery. Charades. New Catalogues sent frt containing fun ducrln-fifSii"!?118- NAMUMi HtKNCU SON. US fc. Hid. street. Now York, t Jan,4.4w 16 6(1 IS Ml a 110 r.uM nfio 2(1 26, (0 611