THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA; , SATILE,0r .WATERLOO. ( t It wni llio night of .liino IVth Wr TI16 FrctitSll army uiijh'rNnjwlooii Houn f;i-to,nit Ua K'Ui.isl. nli.i their allies tin Ucrtliolhikcof Vi'HiiijtonlayfiicamK?(l near Waterloo. It was dark and stormy - tlm ..11 1.. i I ...... i ..... B.i IUIIL 11 ...111 L11U 1 armies lay down hi the tall rye to await aiM ' who h Miort timo bdure the morning that was to .IccMo tho fate ',e' wf 0 of a" ,,,clr ,K " m." of Napoleon and Iiuroi.o. I l?1; N T' ?" ""-m ,"i'!M8',t At llrtnel there wim a sound of rev 1 w,,h J error ninl ilwimir. Uig Prow dry, by night. On the eve of battle tlwro f", ow li1' n wl "''7 ga,' wa. a ball, and from the Hcenu of .! MUjrlpr.liiiU n ugh ered every l-reneh-,...,1 , ' ......... . man that Ml into their hands. Olio ..i., .i.ii.ii, iiiuu, i.iiliiisii uiiiui-ia nuiu t up hy tho mud wim anklo deep, while the tall rvo lay matted beneath tho feet of tho sol diers. Tho morning of the IHth came, and the two armies aroso front their lamp couches and took up theirpoatlions for tho contest. On tho Held of battle there wi'io two slightly elevated, semicir cular ridges or slopes a half mile apart curving gently forward somewhat in tho form ot a parenthesU. On tho summit of one 61 these was arrayed tho French army coiisirtting of about 72,000 men iiud 240 cannon; on thy other was drawn up tho allied forces consisting of nearly the same number of men with 150 ciiii non. After nil prcpanitibns for the strug gle had been made, Napoleon conliilent i mcco'tq, and appearing to be in ex cellont spirits, rodo along Ills liiu's,giviug directions hero, speaking n word of en couragement there, and everywhere greeted with the shout "vivo le' Emperor" which rolled after him shaking the very ground on which ho stood, and falling ominously upon tho allied army. At eleven o'clock tho signal for attack was given. Tho forces of Wellington occu pied u space of two miles, with tho right resting upon tho Chateau Hougomont, which ottered defenses equal to a re doubt, tho centre being protected by a farm house, La I Inyo Salute, while the leit stretched out into tho open field. Jerome Konuparte opened the melee by leading a column of six thousand men against Hougomont. In tho face of tho most destructive fire they forced their way up to the very d mr of the ohateau.biit they were there repulsed by the Cold Stream Guards, leaving l,10i) slain behind them. In a short time tho engagement extended .aIong.thc whole lino. -The cavalry of tho French camo thundering down on . tho steady English squares with almost superhuman effort to break them. Hut their attempts were effectually resisted, -and linally, driven to desperation, with t the utmost reckles .iess, rushing in at (.every place made vacaut by a fallen man. The contliut soon became terrific at tho centre for thero was tho crisis of the battle. Napoleon rode with unpar-, raueiea oravery up to the very bayonets 'of tho English, cheering on his exhaus ted troops who continually rent tho air jwlth their favorite cry of "vivo lo' Emper or." While Wellington watching anx iously tho progress ot the battle, stood with nearly his entire guard fallen at his "feet, under a tree whoso boughs were splintered above his head by cannou shot r Napoleon, enraged at tho stubborn ob stinacy of the Hritish rodo over the field now certain of final victory, to hasten .that end. Then it was that Wellington, tseeing that it would bo impossible to sustain much longer the charges of tho French battalions exclaimed: "O! that Bluchcr or night would come." 'Thus from eleven until four the battle "raged, the contest growing more severe at tho centre every moment. The nian- gled French' horsemen advanced feebly 'upon the worn-out English squares which, though lessened and bleeding seemed rooted to the spot where they stood. Many of their heroic leaders had fallen. Among them were Pictou and I'oiisoiiby. Slaughter and terror sur rounded them. The cavalry continued 'their fearful onsets regardless of the murderous fire of the British. Tho mud-. dy field ran blood and still the foemen; pressed on to the conflict. Everything sieracd favorable to the French. But at this moment of Napoleon's apparent , victory, "a change camo o'er tho spirit ot nis dream, a uark body emerged iiom me distant wood and soon a lorci of 30,000 men appeared upon the field, It was Bhicherand the Prtissians.the allies of the Duke. Hut where was Grouchy? IIu was leit at Liguy where Bluchcr was defeated, with 35,000 men lo hold the Prussians in check, so they could not, communicate with Wellington at Water loo. Grouchy remained where he had been stationed, and Waterloo was lost. Napoleon saw at ouco to attempt to con quer these fresh troops with his own in bo exhausted a condition, would be folly. He therefore resolved to stake his fate ,on one bold cast, to make one more des perate effort to pierce fhe centre and thus,. lighting between them, hold both at bay. Tho Imperial Guard which was lield in reserve all day was called out and divided into two immense columns. This corps consisted of three thousand five bundled gigantic men mounted on Colossal horses, and armed with horse r)istuls and sabre-swords. One tlaviaioit wan placed under Biello's diumnud, but it Imd no sooner entered the fray than it disappeared liko mist. Then Marshall Ney, called by Napoleon "the bravest of the brave' drew his sword and placing himself at tho head of the remaining column led them on to victory or annihilation. Soon followed a i-.ulul sight. All those, mounted men wit a sabres drawn ami trumpets sound ing rushed forward us uno man, sweep ing ove.ything before thein. But all at .once the advance line staggered back. Tli4-y saw before lliim what Napoleon did not see, wlirii lit sent them forward, .a narrow ravine two fathoms deep. It was the sunken road to Ohaiii. They could not turn back, At the very feet of their horses yawned (hit. living grave to receive them. The first rank was for (ccd in by the second, the second by the .third and so on until the defile was Jxlletf with a struggling, breathing mat of men and horses. Then those behind ruslnd over' this human bridge -as it were, und with Ney still their leader the handful that remained of this noble baud rushed up the plateau of Mount Ht Jean. They had nearly reached the summit when tho artillery that had been concealed behind the brow of the hill, opened fire upon them, and the foremost .ranks sank iu the dust. But those iu the rear immediately eatne forward and took the places made vacant by their fallen comrades, but only to die as they had died. The bravery of Ney was hero, lully displayed. Alter Having pad five horses successively shot under him, with Ida uniform riddled with balls and bespattered with blood, hU hat goue, aud a broken sword iu his hand.he cheer ed his men on to the very mouths of tho cannon. Thus they gained tho rising ground lof Mount St. Jean. Here the Belgian.Dutch and Brunswick troops instantly gave way before them nnd Wcllingtou was compelled to rally them in jierson. Before the Imperial Guard could deploy, ho gave tho word for tho British Infantry to advance, Tiiemen who had beea lying prostrate on the ttlopo of Ml sprang forward mi oJoaing around Ky aaaiuvf ollowow pouttsd upon tiieia a j Hiulilenly munitioned to the field, and """"" cnpellea to i,.m the night in their elc- JftmV, " 1 ' ii T ' ant attire, shivering with cold, and 1 i,0,r s? MZC '' 1,0 drenched with rain. The ground had f ' ,H' vniimslil. ' natcd the been no cut no by tho artillery that tho mtl V' ' " nlc.w ?0,"i",.t. wns. perfect torrent ot bullets. Tho guard at tempting to deploy were thrown Into con fiifttot'nnd nifihedin a crowd to T.a llnyc Salnfc. - Tiffin followed H Scene bf des truction and Maughtef. Tlio cry of "The Utinrd recoils" threw the entire Krcnch nriny into n panic. The Kinpcror tiled to rally theili, lull they would scarcely . ... Europe, and on the other, that of a sin gle man. Europe was successful. Tho man failed. Living Witnesses- Ttie himdreil.1 tif strong, heatly, rugged and vny health; looking mm. women hihI chlMreu that hnye been rescind from hMls nf pain, slekneM mid wfll tilfh death by INik'r's dinner Tonic arothe hrst evidences in .he w rid f Us sterllnc merit and north Vui will find auch In aluioat every community. Il.'nd of It In another column Tho Oyster lied of Florida. Oysters grow everywhere around Sa vaniiah, in riotous abundance, nnd are often found so proliliu iu one spot ns to nggregato into bunches weighing 100 pounds or more. Of course, when so crowded, nnd forced to sink into the mud by weight ot tho mass, tho nidivid tint ovstcrs have a hard time, nnd onlv ; very fuw ever obtained any respectabil ity of sizei tho rest must ho Btunled, elongated and distorted. Nevertheless, tney are well flavored, and tho smallest, scarcely larger than one's thumb nail, are often tho sweetest. 1 his wild growth is known everywhere as "coon oysters. the tradition beius that the raccoons were especially fond of them and every now and then got caught by trying to open loo stout a bivalve, which shuts its shells on the poor beast's paw, and so held nun until tho rising tido drowned him. It is a common saying,too, among tho shore lolks, that the coons have piled up great heaps of .shells along the shores; but another oyster lover did that the Indian, ile ate them, coining to the shore in the warm mouths ns his white successors annually flock to their seaside resorts, and leaving these neaps of (lis carded oyster shells to tell us where he pitched his lodge. 1 he coon oysters. however, are not a different species from tho delicious bivalve of tho Delaware, tho Sound, or the Great South Bay; not even from tho'so of Providence river and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Speer's Ilorebound Hyenuilltock. Made of old pearl rye', rock candy crystal. aud tbe Hnrebound herb, a simple snd ef fective rrmfdy for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throats, highly recommended for cnnumptlves. Tbls is no patent medicine mixture, but It la tbe pure extract or ttye, Hurehnund and Rock Uandr.comblced with one other medicine much u-ed by consumpt ives, com oy u. a h.ieitn. Tbe derivation of the word "blizzard" is ti"t generally known. We will elucidate When one of those superior creatures who inhabit Boston enters his aesthetic homo on a cold nignt he removes his cultured mufll-r from his refined throat and remarks: ' The atmospheric exuberance is antagonistic to the preservation of caloric in physiological stiucturc," which, translated, means, "blow hard." When a degenerate Uhicago man returns home at 3 a. m, from a chicken tight a ter haying observed the fall of the me cury and severe! other things in liquid fo m. he expha-i the state nf atmosphere to tbe an gry partner of his juyo ai lollows: "My dearth, bl'sh'ar'l lil'zzare'1 after which he encounters a bbzzird from his Indignant xpouse. "Detroit Fne Piesi." NoUotip'tal deeded. No hospital needed for Hop Bitters patiento, nor large salaried, talented puffers to tell what Hop ISitter.i will do or cure as they tell their own stnry by their own cer tain and absolute currs at borne. New 'ork Independent. "Yes I'm going to skate," he answered, as his teeth rattled together and his cars stood out like sheet-iron medals. "They tried to stuff me with a story of a boy who froze to death on tbe rink at the park, but I wouldn't take it." "Did he freeze to death?" "No! Como to find out about it, he just froza his ears and nose and fingers and toes, nnd the rest of his body wasn't touched at all! They can't scare me with any of their tales of horror." Ouo of my children was recently attack ed with a severe caso ot croup, which really assumed a distressing phase, I was recom mended to try Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup after all other remedies had failed.' The effect wa; most happy and speedy, causing au en tire cure. F. Albrecht, 241 S Sharp strict, Biltimore. An Indian came to an agent in the north ern part of owa tD procure some whiskey for a ynungar brother who he said had been bitten by a rattlesnake. "Four quarp!" ro plied theageutjwllti surprise;"mucb aithat" "Yes," replied the IndIao,"Four quart; snake verry big." Honesty Is tbe best pnlicy in medicine a well aa In all other things Ayei's riariaparilla is a genuine preparation, an un equaled spring blood purifier, decidedly su perior to all others Iq the market. Trial proves It. PERRY DAVIS & yru f, 1 sayw 1 ..ll! 1. .... .7 ..I 1 1 in uruiiii- on uiu uuu iiiiuii inu iniu ui i 1 6m If I m MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. 11115 ! l JflPfcs t. MHBriK LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEQETABLT3 COMPOUND. For nil Fcmalo Complaints. Thtu prestation, m Iti tiam a lehlflt, ronnlot of VftfetAblij lYoportlf l that tx LarniUi to tho lnoit del Icjito IataIiJ, Upon cno trial tho merits of till Con pound wUltorccoff&Ucd.Mrtllof L lmmcdlat ) and tthtn Its ll continued, In nine tj-nlno cases In a hun. drcJ, a ;crmaric nt Cu rc I j effcxtcil,. t hounndi IU U-t tif. o-icccouut of itfproTcn merits, It ii to-day ro tommendcHiiindprefrrloedbr tbo bast phyilclaos la tbe country. H will euro entirely tho wont form tt fUtns ftf th titcrus, IiCneorrban, IrirgruUr and painful M(ntnwtion,allOfrUnTrouMop, Inftammatlou and noerntlon, Flooding alt DitiUcements and tho con requent spinal vrrakness, anil Is rrpcrtftUy adapted i th Chang of life. It wlUdliwntTa and nptd tumors fromtliouteruslnancftrlystaffe of dvelopi.ient The leniency to rnncerous humors there Is checks J very fpevdlly by ItiURe, In fact It has proved tn bo tho srrrtt rt snd best remedy that has ever toea discover tt. It ermcsto9 errry portion of tho system, andglrcs new Ilfoaodrlor. It remores f alntnoas,llatutenc) d plrojn allt -fiTlntf for M tmuhnti, and relieves n enlcnpsa ft tho stomach It cures nioatlniTt HoAjaehes, Nervous lVostrntlon, Oeitenl iHbllllytBlocpljsfiitM, Ivpiertion and lu'A post Ion. Thatfix'llnRof ticarlngdown, cauistng pain, weight and laek.icl)e, la always irrr.MjrnlJy cured Ly Itsiine, HfftllfttalltlaiC3,rjidunderr.H clrcurnttan res, act In harmony with tho Uw that toverus tho fmalystem. IVrKldncyCoiopIalnts of either st-z this compvunl lsunsornosbci. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Isprepftmt alS33 and 3 Wettora Avenue, I jrn, 3Io.-. rlco ei.M. Six littles for C0, Gcut ly nail In tU fomiof i-tllis alio In tho form of Lo ten ires, on rorelpt of price, per box, for either. Mrs. X1XK1IAU rrt-eljr aaawtw all Utters of IniUry. Bend for auv phltt. AdJrcssn.sahuvu Matt yis tbf yw-r. Nv family khvuld bo without LYDIA I; ITSKltAM HUJ. They cure Conct flatten, IUUuuanef sndTotTldlty of the IJver, 21 tet'ti t liot. JOHNSTON. 1I0LL0WAY & t'0 General Agents, PWh., Fa. hOLU UV MOYER BROTHERS,, Bloomsburg, Pa, (A MctULlue, no: i Dilnk.) linrs, lit :t . 'inmi i.AMi: .' - i Asi)TBv'r''i,E'-t nit Hi Mri'iru Qt'ii... 1 IT V. V of II, l,r H r i'i . i'r, I.UItiiJk. " I.I, .1 1 nua " ' 'ii .KIL SIOOC iM GOLD Will Wpttl fM n raet' ll t r fur UIITtl't. r., .in' i , i' in. m I ifure i, r ll 1 ( ' nn nhsAim i)UUh.e.llHE, !-( Srn n a l'i.:rr ' A. i i . I. If-, s. ., July 10. -SJ-tf FAQTS WORTH KNOWING. ) (llifar, Bieho, Uaadrake, SttltlnnU uid buii otnsr or tco Dest meuicineg mown are io; tlolirulljr comDmea m rAoua mikoeh 'loiqg, lUHSUBlblDDKn-iwu mgeu I unucr inu lb lUit Ulth il (itroiigtU Utitortr tier Tied, : ' Bo perfect Is tbe composition ot Pinxra'8 Omasa Tohio tint no diseasn can long edit' where It U used. It you have Dytpcpila, Hud-; eh, Rhaumatiun, nauriicjia, uowti, riianey. ap Livr unoraer. or ic you oecu a muu sum- or appetizer, tbo fomo la juit tbo mcd or you, aa It Is blRbly curotlTO and In line but oerer lntozlcatlnr;. n I n n r or Heine for wlffYinitlnt- . It nm clvrlv wnntlnr ntpnv with Rah, umpUan or any slclaiesa, tt you have n Painful: .will tnralr hnm TOIL Ih. in fhn fMblA find nriil. ie feeble and aged, and la a certain; cure for RheumatUm and Cholera infantum, It Uaa Bated Hondrula of Ureal It Bar; nave miin. If yon wo feeling mlserablo don't wait until you are down Btcir, but use 1110 tonio lo-oay. No matter what your dlsoaco or symptoms may u. It wHIl Hvn nmrnnl mllff. . , ltemembcr I I'AAKe s umaEn 'ionic is noi, a rum drink but the Beat and Purett Family, Medicine ever mane, compounded Dy a new process, and entirely different from Bitters, ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try a We. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beit sod Boat Economical Hair Drenlif exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will Alnaja Keatore Gray or Faded lUIr t. ts orizbal youthful color and appearance, and la warranted lo tlop its fallinz, asul IU growtli and prrvent baldness. A few applications ef the Dauam will senen tha hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu saeuncfthetcaln. SoldbyaUdnigcisuai.assrtV. oct, i.fwy a Rowoll & Co'a. Advc'b, SCIENCE v?s. EPILEPSY or Doctor Against Quack ! A Leading London Physiciai. Kitabllshei nn Oliice iu New York for the euro of Epileptic Fits. J'rom Am. Journal 0 Mcdicme. Dr. Ah. Meiorolo. (late of Loudonl. who mikes spectaltv- ct Kptlepsy.hasi n itbout doubt treated and curyd morn cases than any other UMng physician Ilia Miccebs has simply been astonlntilng; wo haie heard of rases ot over 'M years' Htniidlutr, eueccsstul ly cured by him. I lo has publlf In d a ruluab le work on this dlsoaso. which ho sends wuii a largo botile othlswondctliilcurelreoto utiy sunerer who may send thi'lr express and I". O. address. We ndvlso any one wishing a euro to Address llr. All. MKSI'.ltOLK, M. John bt New York. r Jan. U-nv $777 A YKAU Ann nxTwnRrn rn agents KKlty, 1 Outnt Free. Addrcbs I'. O. VIC Augusta, Maine. r JanlMw AliVHliTlKlins by addressing OEO. l. ltoV m.L 4; CO., 10 hpruco street. New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line 01 Al VKliTlMINU In .Mnerlcau newspapers. nr-no rime I'liiiitiiiiii tar. r jn.ic-iw HOMES IN VIRGINIA. Wo havo for sale Cheap, both largo and Binall farms, improved and uniuipiovnl, fii all pans or Vlritlnla. Iinmlgrautu ot every poliuoul cemulexton. and frum etery part of the t'ulou, aro welcome to Virginia, WritB for 'Real Estale Review" fret Addicss II. L. STAPLES & co Itlchmond, Va, ,i.l Dflltj Ii.'. j ,f t",i,., ri'iiy 9 r.lail. 111! l.llll I', J III V .nfnr a, 1 ui ii in (.nil m I VEGETABLE t3 m A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY Tor Internal nntf Ettarmil On, ll a SURE CURE fir all ;l 01 'ic fnv,l! H . i: 1 tfm.r.M, ni It ALWAYS PEITFfTLY SAFE h m .if CV1 the ir'u-t rxh, 1I1 rife J ,rr:,.i:, r,..I.',..mV,r.",.V';iL iute'i'rfiiicay f -r (ULCUS, SO ill: TIlltOAT, t llll.l.S, wi 1 1 Inu ar tr i.t i) Ida .', iiuul I.. w.l w,H$mtunu of DIl'IlTIlli;! , and la I Iks licit kuosru remtdjr fM HHHtWlATISM m.a M!I'I1AI,(II.. THE OLDEST, DEST, AND WOST WIDELY KHOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It 1ms been until Illi inch ondrril lurrrm Ih alt lir' ., ik. I'ltAAll'H. CIIOIXIIA, III Al(ltlIIIL, DVHllNTI'.IIV, aal ail IXnilll. t.'O.Il'UXK.TH, lAii'fl U ro.Ki.rfr.ii un uy'illi'itj t rt hr lAi.a Ulwf. HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 1Q YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It U lti:CO.H.Mi:M)l:il ly I U- .Iriinu, nilulonarlra, .Ulnlatera, .IfiuiiiKm nf I'luiitntlunr,, ','nrU.Mioiia, and l'liilurio, .Nuraia In Ifuaiiltiila, Iu ili'Jrt, 1 7 llvvrybody overyivbiTU he ban id, in It a trial IT IS WITHOUT A" RJVAIL AS A LINIMENT. It .twull il;ja tm i m J r l'ni'i In tho llmli 11 ml Hide, and Mi nn 1 jifnawtxii '( Iu all conj rj UrularK, tVlm r-prnliiis to'trrc lluruii, Keuldn. ito. Ml I'A.IIII.Y CAN HAl'JII.V III: WITHOUT IT. It will anniuily m" man) 'In, It t in doctura' Lin. and lta pries brio. 11 srithln Hi.- j. a. h of all. II la w4J at U3e, 0Oc. and 81.00 a Xi'AXts fcud can l - Mtt :od frum all draevtats. SON, Providence, R. I. ProDflotors Is a rnmponnii of tho virtues of s.trsaparlt In, llllliila, inaiiilraUe, yellow dock, with tlie liullili' n imtnili mill Iron, all powerful liliinil-iiiiiliili'ti liUioit-t'lennal.iKi niiif llte-sus-ladling elemeiils. It In llio purest, safest, n.iil most t'lTri'liinl nlteratfvo ineitlcliio hiuin 11 ur HVnllabli' to llio piitille. TI10 sci ences nl tiii'illi'lni? nml clieiulotry linvn never luislitci'il so vnlunlilii n remcily, nor 0110 so jioti'iit to rum nil illseuies ri-niltltia from lniiiiiri liliiinl. It ernes Scrofula nml nil scrofulous discuses, Kryslpclua, Hoar, (ir St. Anthony's Ktrc, IMiiiples nml Kufe-Ri-ulis, I'ustiiles, IJIotclies, Hulls, rumors, Tetter, Humors, Suit Itlictini, Sciilil-licml, ltliiK-worm, I'lerra, holes, Itliouiimtlsiii, Mercurial Illsi'iiso, .Nciirtilftlit, Kemnlu Vcnk. ucsics uiul lrrtKUlarltle9, .Iiiiunllce, Airecllons of the Ltvcr, Dysprpsln, lCiuiicliitlon, and General Debility. Ily Its hcuivIiIiik unit cleauslng ini.tlltles It pttrRt'S out the foul corruptions whlth eoiitniiiliiniu th hlooil nml eiuiso iteituiRe nml ileeuv. It Htliniilntc9 unit enlivens tho vital tunctliiUH, iiromotes e.icrpy nml slnMiptl., restores unit preserves health, unit luliises new life mill vigor throughout tho whole, system. No sullcrer from uuy ills eaio which arises front impurity uf tho lilnoil tieeil ilespirir who will Rive Ayeii's .SAl!.i'.iill.t.v 11 fair trial. It Is follv lo experiment with tho numer ous Imv-pi'lccil mixtures, of cheap materials, runt meillclnal virtues, olferctl as liliKiil-piitllliirs, while disease becomes more llr.ulv seated. Avkii's Sausapauilla Is a inedlcliiu nf such coiicenlratetl curative power, that It Is by far the lust, cheapest, uiul most reli.ililu blooil.purillcr known. rnyslelans Know its composition, aim pie scrilm It. It has been widely used for forty vears, unit has won the uncptalilled eonil. ih'.ii'c of millions whom It has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., IViellnil nml Anal) Ileal Clieuilsls, Lowell, Mass. aui.n uv a 1.1. imcuUsTa littttrwuEitr;. Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. Wc Aro NOW Making Tho fiHKATRRT I -rr I BOOK OFFER I AGKNTS ! w.n moilft htf nntf nntlllsblni- llOUC. It Is ft ill!! Thlnrf and will bo mudo for only a short time. For particulars address iluiiUAitu unu., l-a. d l'hlladclphla, jan. Ttt-iiv Parker's Ginser Tonic i.,Mintnatiin .inmnrh. liver and bltlnet s. and nev arll In mntil Ihll blood Hell and PUfO UDtl to strcnirthcn overy parte f tbo ajstetn. It hascurcd hundreds of dcspalilntr Invalids. AK jour newi bors about It d Jan. a-iw AGENTS WANTED V,oe SK tho yoar. IDOL WORSHIP OF THE WIMD nv v. H. liouuiaN. . . .. . - . ti'ntur Lato or lOKonaina, .laiuiu. iir. ,,v.,. ot MatcnltRs interest, descrlblnB tne strango supcr- Wnllnn. trt nil n. HQ ttnt ni70R flf S1111UU3 UI nrnuivu ,nuua .u ,' -a-- 1 be world. The only volume tver issued covcrlnir urnneer than action the wild Imaginations of M,.inru.u Mn..rnli.n llnl.v nnd Nnlrifa. ihn Destiny of Man, with all tbo ttranvo belief 9, legends, cus toms, forms of worship temples, shilties sacrifices, I .,.vn,i.t. la Mltt.tralmlHnrl linnnrl In unlquo stj lo. A truly wonderlul book, certain to sell immensely, torsampio P"Ke. "'""t,"j;SMUU itrtss Ht'lUIAHI) llltOS. Jan:s-4w d 723 Chestnut St., I'bllade'.pbla. HOP BITTERS riiro all diseases of the Rtomach,lJowels,Hlood,IJvcr Kldnoy and Urinary Org-ans,Ncrvnusne33.S)eepless-nss, and especially Female Complaints Ask your druggist for Hop bitters and try them before you sleep. Take no otber. Sjnd tor circular. Hop till era MTr Co., Itochoiter N. y. and Toronto uniAiu. Jan 11 '81 4.w d IMPROVED FARMS In Iown, Kmisna, Nebruakn nnd Minnesota FOR SALE dronr. llnrmlns. 10 years time on three fourths of the purchase money. 1 Merest 8 per cent, parties In- lo'iiiimtnenwut, rnd for lists, state localityin which lands aro desired. j h.u. n.imn.uwu, lis nroadway,Now iork. Jiu 14 '81 4-w d MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, EIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF Ed Jl. Jb 1 ,H I S . THE ONLY EIGHT-FLANGED SAFE IN THE WORJGD AND COHTAWINO MORE IMPROVEMENTS THAN ANY 8AFK MADE, BDCH AD Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners, CHAMPION RECORD IN THE GREAT BOSTON EIRE. Largo lumbers Now HKINd SOLI) IN THIS STATU. KND VOIt PKSCniPTfVB CUTAIXX1UE, 'MORRIS & IRELAND; ttato,MftM. V?IM,afc BLOOMSBUHU STATE WUHIViAL UinuuL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev; D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. THIHSPtlnni. nsnt nresent nonstttutpil. oilers thn verv best facilities fur TrofesRlonal and Classical learnlne. Ilulldliius spacious, Invlllne and commodious j completely heated by steam, well lenlllaled, ilirhted by Ras, and furnished with n bountiful sumly of piire.sott 'Loeftlonhealtlif ul; ana easy of access. 'Toachersoxperlencod, edlclent, and allro to their work, Dlselpllno, llrm but kind, unlrorraand thorotiL'ii. Kxrenscr moderato. fifty cents a week deduction to nil oxpeetlnir to teach. Mudcntit admitted at any time, ltooins reserved when desired. courses 01 aiutiy prehcriocu uy 1110 oiaioi, I. Model Kcliool. II. Preparatory. III. Klemenlary. IV, Classical. Atljunct Coiirson i I Aciulemic. II. Commercial. III. Coumo In .Music. IV. Course In Art. The Elementary Bclcntlllo and Classical Courses nro I'ltOFKastuNAl and Students ftrnduatmr therein, tecelvo rttato Diplomas, conferrlnu llio followln oorrespondlntflieKrcesi Master of tlio moments; Master of tho Sciences ; .Master ot tbo Classics. Uradtiatcs In tlio other Couraea receive Normal Certificate' tuoiraiiaininenis,, siifneu uv 1110 uiiicersonno tioaru 01 1 iiiec-. Thocourso of stud y prescribed by tho state Is liberal, and the S jlentlflo and Classical courses are not Inferior to those of our best Collcires. The State iivpilrcsalilshor order of citizenship. Tliotlraes rtcnandlt. It Is ono of tlto primo objects of Mils Scliool to help tosectiro It. bv fiirntsblnir Inlelll, irnnt nml enietnnt Tpiifhurs fnr hnr limits.. To this end tt, solicits rotinir Persons of BOOd abl it es and cood ii'irnosps. ihfwn whn .main,' ,.?i. ,.. audtncltalentH,astlld'nts, To all such tt promlsos Catalogue, address tho Principal. HON. tVim.lA.II I!l,Vi:i,l President Ilonril nepi. o, 'in.- BEI1Ij I T I N E. I'Ki'iuu't . H ! itiii r v '). All DrnUloiTR. 1.4 y. rV 1. TNT J2. Lniitlin Liirfiiffns for lleRiiliitlni; tin lltiwelM. rrcwiiw uiul C'tina Ouiitliutlon. 1;.", ii'tits 1t bail AU DniB Ktorea. 3'noM XIi-tiEn TaoMso:r, rnstor of Ibu Church of tho Dibdpli i tir Clirist, Detroit, J.ieli. "Jly Bon ,ui daiiRcrously ill ami citlrcly lirostratcl from Chills nmH'cTer, Qiimiuontul othertnocllcinenlmil been tried nithout clfect. Mr. Ciulpj who hail used I'liriualinoruinlcnic, nhised n trial of it, v.htt'U Was done, r .ultitiK in Wa coaiplcto r.'corcry vritUm a lew tlaya." ICAPSULETS. j HafiiondrellaWocurofor IHIilaev CotUDlslnta. nml llMscaai'S or tlin Urinnrv OrKaus. lldciLUtui'i iirouic. Ihpy will euro any icvuiicaNjiuBcvcuuajfl. juo woni jjoctlta 11 on every box. lTloo tcr box. nllb mil clir.i lions, Capsnlpts (amall alio) "B ccnla. CarHiilcs (l.iwo slxaltl.M. AtnllDniBRInrixi. JtalM on rcrolpt oli)ricobyI)UNI),tSIiICIC&00.,35Wiioal fc'llout,Now Vert, circulars ftoo. K'i'iiTS'KS Iwtnutly telloTwl, by tho s2Sfliaw xmoi Maciiueeii iiltiticti Oliitiiitnit.nnilJROTKIOTSnncrs Ti tl npplicationdofit. KiifiitSa80 '' n' DiunRifita, or mailed on receipt of j hy DUNDA3 UICK ct CO., Jiff-. HOLIA PAD . v'urp.H jrcilleliie Simply Jjv Aiisorpllnn. Tlio Only Trim -uulai'liil Antidote. Dr. llolmiti rnutlonstho public acalnst eoilu. forfeit ami Imitation "rails," ol nil kinds. In. sist upon tho kind hearing tho nbovo likctn's and Kreen jirlvato revenue ftamii of Ilolmm l'ad Co., Now York, Tlilslaatruoremedy without medicine. Itn inniB la n liOTisehoidwordthroughoutt bo world. ,-f, I", cured of Mnlarln, Vevrf, CIiIlN, IHIIoiiHncNti, IJier t'oii-.pliiin: mid Chronlo Stoiimili IllseiiM'h, 1' la onlr necessary to gettho OEMUINU Jlulmjv -j tad. It never falls. IIoImau'H Tad (Rennlnc) Is sold by Driurcbtp. II In doubt nbont tho trenulneners of h'li oirered, enclose ij.2 In registered letter to ui and receive tho remedy by return insll, post, paid, orwrlto us for freo treatise. If leverely sttllctrd with chronic ailments, deHcrlKi Hymi. toiim fully. J)r. IIolniau'H advice Is (.uvrw. Address, IIOMI.VN PAD CO.. W William Blrect, Now Voilt. HAIR DYEIsthn safest and best ; acts Inptiiii taiirously, jirodueiiii,' the most natural chad ) of black orbriiwimlnits RISTADORO'SMSil .preparation ; l.ivorito Fllnou evurv vi-l. nn. pointed toilet for lady or gentleman. Fold by nil (lrilfiYlnla nn.l ilod hy nil tuilr dressers. J, CUISTAD0110, New York. WILLSON'S (Norwegian) In retnlneil liy tho AVoulcewt Ntoinnch. ls It'r.-e Iriini Unrilcukuiit Tatlr, y. .. Lai's ucut,, IIUIlTRilV aUIll'l3. It lures C'oi.aumij((oi. Arruuto. Aattui,". Jlro; nehlllM, j:maclatloti, Conghii, "o!d, 11, . . uut'i s uuu uu 1 u up nun coiiaiiiHiianiK Ot.:j -j blliira. A a rif.'rl rur(lrptli Cnrhilated Oil I, r rinrkiiMy efficient, ltansoliiScrofulousAif ji ,'u'i , Itliemnailain. Ac., la dronply reco.nni mded. hi rurltiiii power Is wonderful In Couaiimntljn-.l.'. p'ndluK.asltfreqneciijrrioes.uponrcrofiilouatnbit. It acts upon the rational theory of Iuiiciuatci f AunciiKo Decay wttn-B it lluitDi i'f tub ivs TE, enalillu;r It to throw oil tlio disease. S-old only in weilge-nhapcd bottloa. IVlllaou Ii FpeilMulth u iloublo "L." Hemsmlier tho word 'CiiiBOHTrD" in onlerliiK froinyoar driiKjUt, aal owarcnEaisAiiCO.jH.?, BUOHAN'S CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT f , :s ma fluat Blr l tlis Vrnrld. araae atara, QuloU anil Startling Care, " It Ilonl Without n Soar. Allay it Palu& Stops Dioodlui, Soothea a Barn or Sould. H4ali a Cut Ziiko Mai;to. ursirar olaou out orn, Wonail. ' BUCHANS' CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT CONTAINS NO GREASE AND WAS1IE3 Orr WITHOUT EOAF. acts ImtanCy cut llkt Magic. Ton Suit lllmuin, Soi Thront, I ) " lliiiita, Hculila, (Juts, Wuiiiul, I in , Kypa, I'olaiinoiia KClnu ill. 'tie, ll'ailiMi'a Itrli, Cliuiipeit llumti. 1 1 int -Inn Sulci, and any aud every ether 1 urrilh J J - ' 1 !,.vh a Halvn or Ointment tai b,l uicl, I mil'-, uartioito iiajm iiintrannc 1 1 tepatallriii 111a. va tcau alwaya h'ji I 'a I itkk. la a b. j illful Icllv-eiilbrixl arttrK a, 1 1 In 1 U( 1 1 '.a vilh the rbova trtuloiairk," vllliM.t Mthnouola Kcnulno. B o tolt thjt jour drits ' tc'vn you lice Jas's, as above ik inbol, lie : tis fi'it frog ou p.dlcatli.u tj tU4 itcu.ia. cn?i;' niAMUfAcrintiNo co. Hayen Indollible Ink, if! lie st 1 11 the n orU 1 lU.-k as the 1 U f 1 T Ki:: ravcn'awln3(.lows;rt".tly ViUll I , ll. Ir. il,-K.a iiolanrcvlorrum ahv..yi if, lUUil ready, no prriiaratioa nccdcJ; l AT fi f UCC will not inliire any fabric. f cJcra aa4 butioccr. Ovtur Likuiial Cu. m to 11,000; to S3 htops. I'lana UJVVxAJNPIU up. l'ape Daniel V. Iicatty, Wublnttton, U. T i rev. Aiiuruin J.Jjn. N'SI-iW d PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thin Office ON BH0UTE8T NOTIOR AND AT TUB MOST REASONABLE. TF-EMB MVTtiaiWiiWii Utemtfcts, 35 Woobtcr Street, New lork. 1 jiiriu... j nldln developing ilielr powers, nndnbundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leavlna School. Vor of Trusters. F, V. llir.LMYKIi, Hecrctary. SP13 Klt'S an n E -1 Used In tho principal Churches for Communion curroses. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES ND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. Speer'a Port Grapo Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills Celebrated Native tlno is made from the JL pileo of tlio oporto orapo raised In this Country Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Proporties aie unsurpassed bv any other Natlvo Wine, lielnrr tio puro Julcoof thoOrnpe. produced under Mr Bpecr's own rersonnl Bupervlalon, Its purity and scnulueness aro guran'ecd. Tho joungest child may partake ot Its h'encrous tiualltles and tbo weak est luvnlhl lisn it to ndtnntat'O It Is particularly benlllrlalto the atted and debilitated, and stilted to tho various aliments that nrrcct tho weaker sex. It P In eiery respect wim: to j.E ItKMlII) ON. BPEER'S The r. J. SIIintllY Is a Wine of Superior character and partakes ot the golden qualities of theprapo, from which It Is made. For l'uilty. ltlchness.t'lavoi and .Medical Properties, It will bo found uno.velltd SPEEll'S F. .i .llE'aiHly, This ItKAN'IiV ttands untlvaled In ibis Country, belns far superior for medical purposes. IT IS A ri'HK distillation f om tho grapo and con tains valuable medical properties. It has a delicate tltor. Plmilar to that of the grapes from which It Is dlstllled.nnd Is In groat finor among llrsl class families. seo that tho MAnnture cf Al.ntKI) SPBEIl.I'assalc X J., Is over tho corV of each bottle. SOLD BY C. flee 24 '60 1- A.KLEIM. AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINRi IHON ST., IlELOtt' SKCONI), BLOO.MS1IUPO, 1a is prepared to do all kinds of Hounxj rAinxiwo rial a and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 110TII DECORATIVE AND PLAIN, All UlntlN of I'ltriiltiirf! Itepiilicd. uuu iiiiiuv un soon its new. NONE HUT riltST-CLASS WOItKMEN 1MPI.OYED Estimates lVIadc on all Work. WM. F. I10D1NE. Oct. 1.1STS. r.iASTi6'rHUS3 Hat rv! tUffurina from UI otbn. Ucunitapa.witii Ulf'Ad'tuUp UiU la rnur, aJajui tultto til r-aiilon of thai, wblU ih$ lUllin tbitupprrii-t tttktbt latciUaujBaiftiftjttrittftwauU Wlih ILa. rtattr. lh.t.t r.fiOLrSTOX TliUKfl CO., Chicago, 111. novloj-m all Bnttlo Crook. Mlrhlmnr, ItiNcricrrcKCHa or the olt uinc mi i THRESHERS, I Trnotlon und Plain Englnos ' and Horso-Powora. Uaat ComtilctoTLrMkfrVaeturr I Established In the VurtiL i IfLln O A VCADC 0continvovtandtxicctnfvlbuiL tit tfinO a..., wUhoiit cbaiiBD ,? name, XJJU piauairciuent, or locution, 10 "kit up" ia OTIUSI.I'OWKIl fHPAHATOItH and Clllllldl'te hleillll tluttltMlt MiilrAhl.aua.lflM. iliilTrurlliii IliiHlueaand l'lulu l.niilura em aii Iu tho Aiuerii aii uiarkri. jl nujilluj. o.rla. rvturu ami irimwiwnli for 1WI. tom.her with ivythr ualiu. U tonsmt. lion aad mar4i. not drtamed of by olh r makers. )ur aliai of Hnaratoni,from 0 to IS bono WP.Clt)', fur iInn or kor voitvr. Two arylm of " Mounted " ilorwxPoYrcrs. 1 fiOO nod J'JC1' ;r Heli cteil Iiiimher I UUU,UUU (iui7llAr.lo.lxVoiriairlr(.JI ooaatantly on hand, from uhlcli la buUt the lu. eoni)rubl6 wooil-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES Slrogt4i. Mow durattU.ami tfleltnt tvtr NICHOLS, 6IIKPARD 4 CO. Bt OrU, Mlhl3tu jta. T.Vl-eau tx V. Cpuro in Physical Culture. THE Da VIS. $1,000 REWARD, ''lTSANI) (l.OOO) DOLLARS run.tiiUAi olleied to AM rEUSflN that will 1I0 n (5 It K AT A IUNQE OK WOItK' on ANY OTIIEH JHCHINIC. WIIATTI1K NEW DAVJS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. , ,nJk0 wmn ,icm 0,1 sheets, 4c, hem all u u-, nuuieii Kuous, ns son merino, crapo, or Roods tlinicnlt to hem on other machines. '.?..? ? mor" e'asl 10 Btltcli than any other machine, It will turn ahem nnd nut. in nintm. m son... ,,Hv.l,1.lit"r".ft.llem B0W b on ho right sldo and stitch on trimming at one operat on. 0rwoolien)01J!.nif blanor 6lraSht. cither on cotton It will fell across seams on nnv nnmti I Utll lllhfl t nroo t'l... . . L".?rt:s.or.Bt,ll,Khf.-.rl ho only mochlno that w'fll bl rtSi ,1 , articles with bias, satin or ..uu,, io,in,ui-8iun1 iu, without basting, It will gather with or wltinut sowing on. UiesaKulof betlvcen two rhdsandsewonat lh.lil,!?aliMaunlonPl, "t'tchti pillow slip on to It Will shirr anvklni! nfcnniia ouUowhMt0o?ilata'1 trUnmlnK clther wlth or with Kirni,, ; oh .pllulea. "'uumng either Bcallaped or iiii mi... t..,?T.i.r.u,,, Ku"ul' mesamo time. It ..... u,ul,u miuu iiianiiijj, J. 8ALTZKU, Gen'l Agent, oct. 1, 'SO-tf, e' CANCERS CURFD At Orano'flCincerltifirTn.irT-. aim, v 7. .viJJvflJi1.'.'150??,'1-0'""11 l'Tts o'f the "-..-..'UUH .unii ui iiii. imii'ii nrfauta ulrt E 'XLW !SZ 'he? dls- Doctors. Ministers nnd the Poor treated fr 0Vrlto Oct. 1, 'su-ty ' aaals,c,l,1 y- Weaver & Co'a Ads A AM LU A RLE HOOK FREE . Kid- soul ills LT,m .?.!a,!'Al,.t:,.''.-u' ''i'1"1 t'"" hoc'ktoiheiind r. r.n. ,'. '. . i , " l,,""te 1 .ipeni i ir, t nooist htii dud otlHUlIiL'iiti.ijswhotfRtiii Kdb kill, lV L l .i l ,r"Ki' 10 u, k l-lv ng!,ton,.M, u'.! up'iiorbtieit, joltclo tdtlo. ' PENSIONS. 1 r.rihiONM lNCIIUbKl) J any urn drawlmr less than entitled to. Hiousands ot lie Irs entitled I to Pension and Itounty. ltPJlx-l Kl) . ASES rei,ned ABANDONED CAHr.h Ilnlalitd.-toplfS of lo'bt dh Address with stamp, II. S. HEltLIN CO., Attorneys. sept. 10, 'siMiiji wsco Vox m ashlngton.D. C. OPITTAI 'orrhJml "aWt cufed in 10 to so riiKhs, Lebanon, . wco aprllii o-ly S5i outfit fren totho'ewho with lo engage In fill rtlflfif nluatillit nnrl ..a. . " f h ?. i fverytbliiar new. Capital not rt u day and upw rdshs easily made ttifoiit " SVlng away trom home over night. No rh-fc " whatover Many new workers wanted at ouco. Many Vro mak ing fortunes at the business Ladles make as much No one who Is wining to work f. Us to mako more money every iuy than can be niadeln aw eek at any S3?ilV.?rH ''"'I""". Thuae who enguSraion?8 wui turn a short road to fortune Wdrusa U. Hal " Li t"irt,u, Vkiii h sCtY THE WHITE SEWTN&lACHINE. I M Whereas, tho world renowned reputation of tho rliito bowing Muchiue alH-milfnrLSCT ix-e to caution all intending iurchasJrs not to buy S WHIT-IS MACHINE 2? wRiltKiS.'!! dealers, who will uo aubtained by tho follow lag warranty. uAiiiiAixi'THIS NATU1UI.WKAU ANUTEAH OF THE White Shuttle Sewing Machine. I'MTE NUMllRIt l3:i.1l POlt FAMILY Pllltl'O KS., ,M IIKIIKIIV Adlthli TO KKP THE HAMK bobbins and Miultle,."' u'vau Ba'es This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho or altered numbers. WHITE BKWINO MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shutt o Sowing Mochlno I .,,!!!'.WJ!irlQnY 'han any other family Bowing Machine for doing every variety ot w ork. J, WALTZKlt, General Agent, tnu Uloomaburg, Pa, roR.i'itiNTiwa I ' Neatly and cheaply executed Bt the OoLUauuaui Oalio. 3 4r& .'M RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES jyOHTJlEItN CENTRAL RAILWAY WINTER TIME TAIJLE. On and after Sunday. Nov. 7. Itso, tho tra'nt a tho Phi ndolphla & Krte ita iroad Division win run follows 1 west w Ann. Erlo Mall leaves Philadelphia 11 68 p m " " Ilarrlsburg 4 so am " " WlilUm port 8 40 u in " " .lorsoy Miore 09 a is " 11 uxk llaven 40am ' ' lle.iovo 11 00 am " arrive at Krln I an n in Niagara Express leaves Phllndelihlft too am uarnsoiirg 11 10 p rn " arr. at Wllllamsport 818pm " " Iick llaven 4 so p in " " Kenovo 5 40 pm Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 so p m " Ilarrlsburg 4 ou p m " nrrlvo at Wllllamsport T ts 11 m " " Lock Haven 9 10pm KA8TWAIID, Pacino Kxprosa lcaics Lock Haven T en a m .icrsoy Dooro 1 attain ' Vi llllamsport 8 to am " nrrlvo at llarrlstiure liospm " ' Philadelphia 4pm Day Express leaves licnovo lo o a m " ' Lock llaven ll U a 111 " " v llllamsport 1 s u in " arrive at HarM-burg i 40 p .11 ' " Philadelphia 8!.pm Erlo Mall leaves rtcnovo 9opm ' " Lock llaven lo 10 p m " " winiansnort 11 mi tin " arrives at Ilarrlsburg stoa.n " Phllauelpii.a 1 05 a to Fast Lino leaves Wlilliimspurt lata a " arrives nt Ilarrlsburg 81 am " " Ihlladelpula Erld Mall west nnd Dav Kxt,r. as Ksi m.ike 1 H'ti- coiiiu c.lons at Northumberland Willi U A .1 Ii. b trains for wiine-ibarie ami vcrnuton, Krli' Mall West. Vlatrara Kxnre h West an t Ft t Llnu Wesi make close connection at Will iln in . with N O. it. w trains north. Niagara Express West and Day l.xpriss Ism make clore connection at IjucH liuicn wlthli.K.V It. It. trains. Erlo Mail east nnd West connect at Irle with trains mi I- S. C M. H. It. It ; at Corry with o. C. 4 . V. It. It. ; at Emporium with li, N. Y. 4; P. 11. It and at DTlf twood with A. V. It. K. Parlor cars will run between Phlla irlplili and 11 inmu'jnii , vu iiiiuii. i.n(voa nijoiiiiuu .u r.a press aast. meeplng cars on all nlal.t trains ucneral upi. OIlTIIEltK CENTRAL RaFlWAV COMPANY. On and after November soth, 1813, trains will teavr Bunbury as follows t NORTHWAKI). Erlo Mall a. m arrive Elmlra.... ll .1 " Cnunndalgua, Itochester.. Niagara 9 41- itenovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. .11. arrlvi uiiiint, p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a.m., 1 .'-i Elmlra I0.ii. u, Uurralo Express 7.16 a. n 3 Uuff alo h.iui h BOUTHWAHD., Uuffnlo Exprena a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg " Baltimore 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.1B a. m., arrive Ilarrlsburg ' Washington to.a llaltlmoro 6.30 " Washington Ilarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.00 p.m. arrive llaltlmoro " Washington ,13 Erlo Hall 19.00 a. m. arrive narrtsburg 3.06 a. m Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.88 " All daily except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ucneral Passenger A. J. CABSATT, General Manage pHILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1S79. TRAINS LBAVX RUrlKT IB rOIXOWStSrJNDATXXCirTID For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvlllt Tamaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,91 and 7,85 p, m. For Wllllamsport, 0,93 9,05 a. m. and 4,04 p. m. THAIHB FOB BCPBRT LXAVS AS rOU-OWS, (SCNDAT I CKPTXD.) Leave Now York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, ,4S a. m. Leave Heading, 11,0a a. m., Pottavlllo, 19,39 p. ru and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loave Catawlssa, 0,90 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport ,9.45 a.m,9,u p. m. and 4,eo p. m Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go througu without change ot cars. J. B. WOOTTEN, Qeneral Manager C. O, HANCOCK, Ucneral Tlckot Agent.,ls7G-tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA A NIi WESTERN KA1L110AD. BLOOM8BURO DIVISION, Tlmo-Tablo No. 89, TakeB effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHT11 STATIONS. KOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. b in. p, n, It 21 2! 9 80 9 S3 9 17 9 63 8 63 8 51 8 40 is v at Scran ton ..llellevue Taylorvllle., . ...Lackawanna.... ...... Huston 33 9 43 iu 1 18 a 92 t SO 9 SI- 2 44 9 87 9 so 9 91 3. 40 41 U M 10 1' I! tt St 4S I 2! 4C 6t Ot It 23 80 44 ll, 12 6' 21 51 3 61 3 45 3 4 19 41 19 3t 3 30 3 10 6S 9 19... West Plttston... 9 14 Wvomine, in 07 t 49 2 63 61 3 6 3 16 t 10 3 13 8 y J 28 a s; 3 60 I 03 4 10 4 18 4 26 4 29 4 83 4 42 4 49 4 5.' 5 0t 6 It 9 16 u 30 6 45 ..Maltb) ., .Bennett .. ..Kingston...... Kingston ..1'lvmouth June. 8 33 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 18 10 83 8 S3 3 90 8 OS ....Plymouth .....lo Avondale,... 8 19 8 04 7 61 7 33 7 S 7 25 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 e os e co t 46 c 97 e is s 00 3 13 8 04 3 ill 9 89 9 34 9 S3 8 47 S 89 8 S8 8 17 8 12 8 04 Nanttcoke.... .llunlock's reek . bhlckshlnny ....Hick's Kerry.... ....Beach Haven.,, Berwick Briar Creek ...Willow Orove.. Lime Itldge..... Espy 1' 34 10 43 10 66 11 07 11 13 11 S S f4 1 67 1 61 1 48 1 97 7 441 7 88; 7 33 7 S9 7 11 11 39 11 4S 11 6 11 61 12 18 Bloomsburg..... Iturjert Catawlssa Brldgo. uanvuio chulasky Cameron 1 00 8 46 .Northumberland. 13 46 P.m. p.m. a,m. p.m. p.m. a.rr W. F. n ALXTfl A 5, lupt Superintendent's omoo, Soranton. nine n ".is TAINWRIGITT & CO., WHOLESALE GHIKJERS, Dealers m TEAB, BYHUPS, COFFEE, SUOAK. MOLakR B.CI, BPICXS, BIOABB SODA, JtO., AO. N E. Corner Beooud and Arch streets, ""Orders will receive promct attention Directions For Catarrh Hay Fever, Cold In tlio bed, ate. Inset t with little tlnerer. a narttrle ot .be Balm Into tno nostrils; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be ub soibcd, cleansing, and healing tho diseased membrane. For DanfllCNH. lApply a particle into un car. EM'S OUEAM BAI.5I Havlug gained an enviable local reputation, dlspla clng all otter preparations In tho 1 Iclnlty of dls dlieovcry. Is, on Its merits alone, rccognliod as a wonderful remedv wherever known. A fair trial will eoiivlnco the most skeptical of Its curative) powers, it effectually cleanses the nasal pasages pf Catarrhal virus, causing healthy Becref Ions, al lays inilammatlon and Irritation, rotectatho mem branul linings of the head fiom addltlonalcolds, completely heals the Bores, and reBt reB the sento of wsto and praoll, BencUclal results are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment as d. jecied y III cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold In thu head It Is unequaled. The balm Is easy to uio and agreeable. Bold by druggists at to rents On receipt of 60 cents will mall a package Bend for circular, with full Information. ELY'S CIIEAM BALM CO., Owfgo, N, Y, Fou sain bv c. A. Klelm. druggist, Bloomsburg, Pa and by Wholesale Druggists generally, oct. si, "so-ly a Yourselves by makng money 11 I'll J I fercd.tbe u gumu cnanco js oi thereby alwavskeenlnir noverlv trom vnnr rffinr. 'rhni.H who alwa a take advantage of tbe good chaucea for 10' king money that are offered, generally become wealthy, wnlle those who do not Improvn Buch chances remain In poverty. We want mny women, boyB and glrlB to work for un right In their own lo calities. The business will pay moro than tn t mes ordinary wagi-B. We furnish an extensive outtlt and all that you need, free. No one who engages falls to mako money very rapidly. You can devote your wi olo time to the work or only yr.ur fpare momenta. Full Inlormatlon and all that lsneedid seutfrec. Address orotos A Co., Portland, Maine. ocU&'KMy jgURLNEBS OARDH VUHTINO OAHDB, LaTlTKlt ItVADH UILLHIADS, FOHTKHfj 4tO., Oh NtUy Ravi Qkmdj priateJat tko LVLUaa-