The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 04, 1881, Image 3

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rti Colombian.
v "
Sleighing I exceljfni.. '?v . . f
BlolRhlng pirllts tiro numerous
Lrtit commences Match 2ml.
'Kvcn Ihb litol believe In waxlnatlon.
Vnlonllnot luvo iiivle their spp'aranco
Only four nris- norn in tlio illootiidijitrir jtll.
Mi rannlngiun U visiting at Of. It. 1
It Is repirlul ll nt llicre Is n cae of mjbII
pox In D.eiivllle.
Sii'pielon Is the eonipitiion of iiunn fouls anl
tlio bine of nil uowl ociety.
V. U. Uirhiri, llloimbitg pays null fuf
Tlio long loft Charley Koes lia b- en faittul
Jihn Honcock hut lum Bpp illilnl lVs im-l-cr
nt Iloinon.
Mr. utitl .tr J. K. llittdibciiiler rtliirneel
home on SetiireUy lat.
Eliai Hicta, ol Lycoming
town mi Tt.o-elnj.
c, wa In
Hrwick has a fine public library of about
one Ihonnaiid volumes
Mose Miitloirv, of Stillwater, d ropped Into
our Sanctum on Monday.
Th-ire ln'( ono llnmr attain or hotel In
Grten, county.
The lb Imbutg end llenton communications
nre crowded (lit ihiaweek.
Col. A. I). S cloy, F. 8 Hunt and 0. D.
Fowler of Ueiwiik epmi Iftol Sun lay In town
Stain & Bro. Inva n few tmroof ihelrfine
elo gbs on hand. Nuw is ihe tiuie,and there h
the place to buy.
J. If. Kinpirti lin etiblihed a good bul
n-s nt the People's Dru Store. He is n firsi
cl.i"S druggist.
The Blitz Dime Kxliibi'lnn will not he here
na noiiccd sotno wnekj aeo until tato in the
ltuv. Shlndel. of the Lutheran Church of
Danville, preiched to the Lutheran denomlna
tinn ol this placo on tintlny.
Tlio Bov. Beeser of Williamnport will prencl
in the ivillioran ennren onoununy morning
and evening,
Less Alexander, of the firm of Aloxander &
Woodhome, wai in Wilkcuinr.o tho fore put
of tli i- week.
Samuel Snyder K'ti. and Lswis Creisy of
Mifilin maile in a plonsint call on Saturday
200.00C, bri-ks for fide. Apply to John S,
or Jnnie C. Sterner, Illootnibiirg.
ftb-l 3-w
Dr. Ji. W Jncobj, of Berwick, was 'in town
i on Monday. He reprerenis busbies, in that
borough, ns moving.
Tbrco tramps occupied the"Cooler" onMon
day night, One of them was H one-legged
Foil Salt: on HnST A valuable lioue and
lot with plenty of fruit and bertits. Kr in
formation rail nt this efllce.
Large number of wild turkeys can be seen
i almost daily between Cnlawiaj and Miinvill
Station, on ihe 1' & H. Railroad.
Senator Mellenry and Ropr-sjiitative' Van
elerslicoanil Ivniitl spen' Sutnliyiet heirlioine-,
having obtained 1. lives nf nbctice.
John Hie bus (akin hi woolly hor'e u
1 Pnilddelphia lor the ptirpo-e of pnttiig him
on exhibition
Th' Phiuiolphii Times Alnit-iic for 1891 i
ahuidsnme, w 11 b.oind b )ok, and conuins a
large nmnuiit of valuable infuriimlion
The county .iit mtnl a penrs in this is-u
We have t ol yet bad lime to uive it a criiie
H F. Snyd-r Inn so'il bis Pliiigr.iph Gal
lerv lo U C, Wirt, who lak'S !imiiidiate po"
session. Mr. Wirt has leirned tho art of Sny
i der and Is a workman.
" Korrent from the first of April, 1S81 A
'Store Kooin and alfo two communicating
ronm on second flnor in the But building. An
ply to N. U. Funk. Fcbllf
"Tow i the w'nter of my discontent," solib
, irpiiz-il a man tho oilier day as he cotnmenred
operating on n 30 pavement covo ed with
I snow and ieo.
Tumo's, irysipt-la, mercurial dienes,scrof.
itla snd g.nerd d-billly cund by 'Dr. Lind
say's 111 ,od Searcher Sold by druggisls.jl44w
I 1 ho largest hearted man in town i one who
111 m mken out sixteen sleighing parlies Ibis
wlnt"rand never received a cent for his learn or
John Vann.ittn. the Jeweler, at Berwick Ins
siccee id in buililirg up a fine trade, We
laro nlwav pleassd to nite tho succesi ot
young men from litis place,
Mr. B. F. Driesbieh, traveling salesman for
fth hnus of Hood, Hit-bright & Co., of l'hila
fdrlnhia. U also duine a cord trade in Estcv
lOrgans and Davis Swing Machine' nt Her
: wick. .Mr. Droislmch is an enercotic business
The more cosily ihe shoes which patents buy
for Iholr child ten, the more important it Is
! that they should he protected nt Ihe tne by (be
uaiiitirnl A. H.T, (Jo. Black Tip, as ihey ilou.
;ble the wearing value of tho shoe, while glv.
ing It a neat appiaranre.
The Zion Church In Fi.hingcrcck township,
Jwhicli 1i?h been undergoing repairs, will be re-
lopeneil lor tllvino worship on next Stbhath,
ll'ehrunry the 6th, ai 10:30 A. M., on which oc
1 caslon the new organ will bo dedicated.
A gentleman who was along with n sleigh
Hng party that visited Jlenlcn last wtek.saya ho
thai only one objectlcn to tho Hos Hotel at
that place. 'Ihe culinarv department Is too
well conducted. He always eats too much
' when he stops there.
Ihootloro Tiltnn will Itcmro at Anocletbn
Hall, Berwick, on Thursday evening Ffbru
; ary J7lh Subject. "The Wc rld's To mnnow.'
Tickets can cm be second by mail of lb" Seo
ireiaryoi tne 1. si, CJ. A. far tb" benefit of
whose library the bciir' Is givtj
j Alt' nun ch of Juror for the ccoinl week of
i I'ebniury term, ai d of pHrtirs and wltne'-es,
will inn be r'qulr.d until Wedtusday, the 10 h
- insiimi si y o'clock in ihe forenoon
Wm Elweix,
Ul.dimsburg J-rb. l.'Sl Pie'denl Jmlgo.
Where we have lnfi bills for siilurripllon due
. li'o prtseiii on,rs ollhl. paper in the hand
of c llei ior', ll Is t.ottliH iniin'l n of having
iiiihiu coueipu uy suit buiiimply for the con
fvemiTf tf uratrtns as wo 1 m our-elvt
Ul snv.s Hum the ir.ndih (,f coiulig lo lown,
id it'Attaua ibe neiuslty ofgumjj to see
A Democratic town Meeting will be held at
Kvan.' tlallon Saturday evening, Kebrnnry
Bi h nt 7 j o'clock, for the purpose ol nominat
ing n ticket to In) voted lor at the coming clco
tlon A full Attendance iloslreel,
Many Democrats.
The Catawlna Item nppeiira thin week with
an additional column on each puge. TliW lathi
second thnoitlmn enluged Inca it was started,
"I lolil her I'd never smoke another otgar,"
he enld, eofily, "and I won't. A pipe's good
enough for me," he drew a match over the
leg of hl trousers.
A lypogrtphlcil trror ieppcard In our lust
Imuc. Wo stved that ill i-pilng election
would he h lif mi Tiieday tlio "14th" innead
of the loth
Utilities an American, ha beaten tho best'
lm mi cori in lb" ricnt walking match
i.. New Y .rK. In 142 limits he sc r d 608
uiile. Ixntim; the finest time made by Howell
iver two miles
Tint cental and ttitettalnlng hotel man,
hi. M. Htrtnn, i f this town, is again Inck in
Berwick managing the Vellt-r llou'c Custom
ts can'aUav -xpcct tlio but accommodations
a hotel where John is "at tho back of tlio
b r."
Kon Sale on Hunt. Siijdfr's tannery, lo
catcd in Illm.msliurg, is for sale or rcpt. l'o-
session given Ap'il 1st, 1881. For price and
tprms applv lo C. W, Neal or F. P. Ilillmcycr,
Illoomsburg, Pa. (an 7tf
The impecunious youth now puts in hi spare
titno aiding by the fire'ido and relating to his
fair enamored the ltrce number of fatalities
and serious accidents happening every day to
sleighing partic. And she, poor dear, sits and
takes it all in.
A Goon Idea. In ec me.of the first
of New Jemy local and dally newspapers are
placed In the hands of tho student", and they
re required to give occislonal ab'traclaof the
news of the day as learned from the papers.
20 Members of the Rescue Hoik and Lad
der Co. of this plice vWtcd the Good Will
Kiro Co of Dinvllle on Saturdy night last.
They speak verv highlv of Ihe kind and cour
leous treatment received at the hand of th
tiood Will boys.
Miss Elizabeth Pelerman propoes having
constructed In the near future a three story
brick building where her millinery slore now
stands. We understand she has contracted
with Cha. Krug for Ihe building of the same
On Mordav, Tuesday and Wednesday of last
woek Itch r Mellenry of llenton Bent out from
his lumber yard forty loads of lumber avera
gtng 1500 feet lo n load, Ho still bns
largo ciuinlily on band. Mr. McIIcnry is one
of the leading busincs men of the upper end o
the county.
It was Mr Creasy who did it so nicely with
his large and commodious sled drawn hv four
in.hand. He tonk twenty of Ihe Centre young
people to Mr. Fowli-r's of Berwick, laH Salur
day alternoon, where a splendid supper and
a very pleaant evning was enjoyed by all.
vote ot thanks is due Mr. Fowler and Mr.
Cren'y for their extreme kindness.
One of the Paiity.
The vendue season is npproachirg. All per
8on.i, who propose having sales this spring.wi
do wi'll to consult our prices before ordering
cl'ewhero No exlra charge for illustrated bills
Oulere by mail will be pre mpily atttnitrd lo.
jiin 28-3
On Sunday last as "Jmimie," a potter nt the
Rxchang , wa driving n gu-m horse around
thecorner of ihe alley loidim; t the -table.
ihcslHigh struck the corner stnne which so
fright n d tht h'Tso that h und- averd dnn
g-rou jumta..(l plm ges whi'h ihreitent-
the utt r d st'iict on of the -l!gli, b it fnrtu
nntely Ihe animal was rendtred docil" wlthntt
anyilimiue occuring (ithrr than he hreakin
of "ti of the shafts.
The r'cent and pr spee'ive weddings aroun
aliout K.etn to have uiHetiled the mitn
moniil market. A feverish a d excited feel
tm is reporP-d among the dealers. The com
blnalions ae aclivo and quolatinns higher.
Good eligible husbands with a rash basi aro
lemsnd and but f.w oflerings. A market
feature of this speculative biom i the incren
nir souneS' i f 8 'tne of tho fair operator' oi
the sha ly side, who have not as yet been nble
o realize on their expectations. Tilts is a mi
itlo and indicates a want of pluck. The old
adage is, as long as thete is life there Is hope.
Though ihe tendency of the market is still up-
warJs, w believe there will soon be n reaction
and a return to its notmal condition.
Creay'a ettremely interesting volume nar
rating tho history of the fifteen decisive bailies
of the wotld, tho.o few balilos of which a con
trary event would have essentially varied ihe
drama of the world in nil Its subsequent scenes,
biiibly esteemed by all readers of history. It
has n long time been on Harper's lint as one
of their standard b ioks, at tho price of $1.50
Now it is isued in a very bandi-ome cloth
bound volume, by the American Book Ex-
ch mge, New York, at tho nominal price of 35
cents. It funis one of their Acme Library of
History, which includes Macaubiy's ICngland
$1.25 (leducid from $7.50), Gibbon's Rome,
.00 (reduced from $9 00,) Hollin's Ancient
History $1.75) Frnissatt'sChronicles, $1 60pand
to which llxt will soon he equally low
prices, Gro'e's Greece.Green'g (larger) Englind
Moramsen's Guizot s I ranee, Carlyle's French
Revolution, Schiller's Ihitly Years' War, and
others. Catalogues of Ihe f-tondard low-price!
books of the Liternry Revolution will be sent
on application to thp American Book Exchange
Tribune Building, New York,
BecKuonj.', Jan, 31, 1881
Rev Savldge has Jui o itd a very interest
ing meeting In Ihe M. E church. Soveral ao
cessions were made lo ihe Church,
Protracted seryicca have begun in the Luth
eran church.
Mr. Davis organized a singing class here cn
fast Friday evening.
Clark Purse), while teaming one day last
week, met with an accident In which bis nose
was broken.
Mr. Je'seOhl and wife, of Michigan, are
visiting hero at present.
Mr. Harry Vanderslice, of Illinois, is visit
Ing his futli or.
Mi's Annie ICemp, of Hamburg, 1 Ihe guest
Rev T. O. Clees snd wife made a flying v!si
and called on a fw of their many frit ml.
On Ssturdty about threee o'ch-ik quhea par
(y ws seen lo siart nut. Hue w cr--? was the
qu'stioii. Being one of the number we soon
fm d "lit) f ir a hli a mad nt thoresi'icii
of Esau Girmn. A bo'imci'is til'lo was so. n
spreau with tukeys, ihb Ui b, beef, snd lit fnct
vorvthing tbt beau could de-ire, when Just
sixty-five persons didjuliee to ihe foo and
perbips injustice lo tli.m elves. A merry time
for iwo hours was had and at nine o'clock the
party lei! fir home, all fe,JI ,g that It was good
to be there, The surprise, was genuine. Mr.
Glrtou is seventy. eight years of age and his
wife a few ye ir younger, bul even lo iheln Jt
wa a pbasuil occasion that will lor g here
bp inhered, I.
If you take our ml v iep v on will lose no lime
in cilllng cm vi ut divggbt for , 'Siller's
Cough Syrup' ultbotit an qual, Piioe
Last Silurdity evening about flvo o'clock, the
slacks of wheat helonglt g In Mr. 8. II, Hag
enbuch, if Centre, were dlrovercd i be on
fire, A number ol men haste ul to llin t'lacc,
ntid weio able to savo me s mk lr. m llio
flames whllo three were btirnid They con'
lalned between flvo and six thousand sboavts
hlch would hato yielded probably three hun
dred biuhcls of wheat which Kgethcr with tlio
raw might fairly be cMlmatid at a less of
$600. Trucks abuiit the me of a n. 8 boot
rce.n about the stark and cou'd be traced
lo the toid but no fartlicr
Via hnr.oMr II. miy soruro the fiend lh vll-
hln and punUh blm to ihe full extent of the
Tho medicines of Dundab Dick .t Co. are
unexcelled for elegance, purity, and relia
bility. Their Seidlltlno Scldlltz Powders,
nre as pleasant as Lemonade, Tlieir Soft
Capsules aro world famous. See Advt.
July 20, '8(l.(!m
Kleesnt wrcMlnit invitatbiti. with it. side nnd
outsidoenvchipes, calliuK cards, in In led or on
graved, can ba obtiimd at Ibis ofbee. We have
large line of samples lo telict from, lhor
is a grcnt advinisge in bnving nt Ikuul' where
you can see tho pn of and know exattly wlml
you aro going lo get. 1 ho low pricts will as-
tonisu you.
January 23, 3w
Tho heavy fall of snow yesterday and last
evening, promises to prolong tho period of
sleighing but pu Is n damper on the hopes of
skaters. I
There wero probably more sieigning panics
matlo up this winter in town, unnuuring any
pre' Ion winter. Young and old nliks parllcl
pateil in this pleasure A pleasant alf iir of this
kind started for Bloombnrg last brld.iy, some
in sleittb and others on the train. The Lx
change Hotel received ilim and cnterlaintd
them mi 111 an early hour.
Ve saw a duplicate of a petition for license,
off-red by Mr, Williams, but not yel presented
to the Court. The signers who vouch for tht
gentleman's character, are prominent cllizi ii"
It seems singular that these men should nlTix
their signatures Inn petition font hofld, which
was rcftifcd a license twice by Iho Court, for
very good rtnsons no ooubt.
Miss Sheep, an accomplished elocutionist and
vocalist, lias ratlin id lo her home in Wilkes
barre, alter a visit ot several weeks among
friends in lown.
Mus Helen Jamison, of Danville, Is a gucsl
at present. ofMtB. C. G. Jackson's
Sir. Jlelltck graces Ihe counter of Dr. Little s
drug slom, whero Mr. an Ttiy I was lately
foutu' dispensing drugs,
Tliii Literary Society seemed lo he in good
humor last balutdsy evening, piou.iniy on ac
count r,f the increased ntlcnd.incu MissG,rli0
Phillips read an esay; Miss Fannio Frnntz
fang a charming scng, followed by Cliff I-nas
with a recitation. Thoqtiesiion for deb i'o was.
Resolved that a government has no rglu lo
make a base metal or anything a legil tender
for more than its instrinic value.' On the af
firmative were W. H. Smith, L. Thiimpnn,and
Rev. Kunil rj on the negative, F. Stewart, J.
Kurtz amd Dr. Frois. Of course the "rag ha
by" was resurrected, hut only to be cineigutd
to n deeper grave. The speeches weio spir
Berwick Pa., Feb 2. '81.
The report of Robert Buckingham, Kq., oil
ditor appointed bv ihe Court to examine the ac 1
ounts of county officers, shows th" amount of
taxes on wills received by W. Krickbutim,
Prothonotsry, and remitted lo ihe State Ttcas
urer, $222.75
Tnxc tereived by W. II. Jacoby,
Register & Kocorder, unit remit
ted to State Trea-urcr, $331 00
Collateral Inhoiitnneo tax, 520 85
Mr, and Mrs. Giorge Conner, were tendered
a magnificent eurprbe on Ftidayof last week,
it being olie twcnly-fi fib nnnive ttavt of their
marriage. Mrs. Conner is Ihe seeod daughter
of the late William White, ef Lif; lit Strict.
During the past quar'er of a century they
have met w Ih th-v.iru u scenes and eirciim
stances of life sharing its pleasures and trials,
its joys and sorrows, striving ever to mek
their homo pleasant nnd attractive, and success
and prosperity have been their reward.
Seven cbtloron, three .boys and four girls
grace Ihe family circle; while Mabel, the little
daughter of their oldest son, Mr. C h. Conner,
of Bluoiusb irg, is tlio first favored grand child,
This fimily of children, desiring to celebrate
their purents wedding anniversary in n proper
manner, decided upon t silver wedding, winch
should be a complete surprise lo their father
and i. other. Accordingly, arrangements were
ado. Invi alion were sent lo about eine bun
dred of their friends nnd lelatives, and while
preparations were being made at home, Ihe pa
rents were feastid by the good neighbors in
blissful ignorance of what was going em about
them Friday morning, January 28lli, dawned
briuhl and clear and at an early hour a neigh
bor ca led lo tike them out to dinner. Sub
all unconscious th ey ptcparcd and accompi'
nied him.
fho invited guests with n fow exception,
wcte nssrmbl'd, nnd by iw,ve o'clock all was
in reat)ir.e s for the bride and gtoim. They
wero sent for, and informed thai cirtaln gentle
men had called nnd wished very much to see
them. Supposing it to be a1 mailer of business,
tiny tmk loave of their friends, regretting that
Ibey should be deprived of the pie if u ro of en
joyb'g the day and anlicip.iled illniirr. When
Ihey reached home, they ntre ushered into the
dining rcom, where Ihoy beheld the festive
board loaded with all the good things of ihe
season, anil vlien lliey were tea to tne paiior,
and precented the splendid silvpr lea spt which
hid been secured for Ihe occisinn. liuht dewm
til npop their unconsri us mind Mid turning
to IheguestP, ipey exclaimed, "vi no unl tin
On being Informed that t was the work ot
their children, tlieir hearts were too full ol
lovo and uratittido for expression, hut tho lo. .lc
which each received, as Ihe fond parents view
ed tlieir loved one nbout them, inure than re
paid for Ihe anxiety nnd care experienced in
he preparation or Ibis, their piients, surprise
The parly a wen as too surprise, was a com
tilele success, all enl vying the dav and the oc
caslun. While the brde and gionm were at
dinner, those not a table, j Inset in an old
time serenade w)tb pots, pans, Homes, Ac,
The presents consisted of a verv boauliful
sllvor to set. The tea sel was furnished by
Mr. J K. Vsnnalla, of Berwick There were
oilier gifts sent by a bro'b r and glsler of air
C. nner's. residing at Tr. nton, N, J , and a sis.
lerofMr Conn-r's, llv lig at Munoy, Pa.,
who could not he present.
The day being thus plattniv nntl urnfiliblv
snent.' theirnests re'Ired at an earl hour, lose
lug this happy fsmllv mote firmly united bv
the bond of lovo nnd gratitude and with the I
asn ranee ipat Hie events ol iih day would ever
be remembered.
A more worthy couple upon whom tolivlsh
honor ami aiioi ini'i coiipi not nave neen setici
ed than Mr aid Mrs, ('sinner, nnd tint thev
mav continue to he hsnny and prosperous "lid
live to cnjnv a golden wedding is the wish of I
their many menus.
Norn Mr and Mr Conner, feeling highlv
houoiedby this expression of friendship and
esteem on tho pari ol ill Ir many trlends, bet:
to return thank for the gifla ipciv. d and f .r
the Interest manifested in 'heir b half snd in
"Wi-h you all well.'1
We liavo much pleasuro In recommendlug
Tbennalino to onr readers, an an absoluto
cure for MiUariii, Tho manufacturers nama
nlono is a gimrautooof its Merit. IUellnatUS
ftjlUipcrboi. Tut jmrtiouUra sea Adrt.
uly 30, '8O-611,
Tho Republicans held a meeting In the ginnd
juiy room last Svntday ii'idit and nomlnal'd
tho following psr n lo bn vo'ttl for at the
coming town tlei'tcnt l'riltlint of Council,
K. H. Drinker) M tubers of Co.tncl', C W.
NTnl, 1. W. Ilinmut, li. V Coricllj Ciisl.i
ble, D. Laycoek) School D'nctor, J, C, Brown)
Justice of the Peace, T J. Morris) A'j.oor
Isilah Hhgcnbtieh) Judges of Klcction, Kat
District, Caleb Banon, Wot Dittlcl, J. K
Kyer)' Inpeclors, Kit District, L. D. Kase,
Wod District, F. M. Kvorett. All of these who
ato ule ted will undoubtedly fi 1 tho po.ltlona
crtditsbly. But a Ihe H;piibliotnj invited it
pirty fight, ihe Democrats, too, niU't nmntnato
the! best men and stick lo litem. This will
lu re an efficient set of town matter
who of all the nominees are oltctid.
AnnfTA Nmvfpai'KH. Some people ci!-
ma'o tho .iblllly of a uewpipor anil tjjo tab
ent rf it editor by lb" quantity of its' otlgl
n d millir. It H c-inipamllvely no eisy link
f .r a fnitby wiilcr lo pour out ilnlly a column
of ward word upon any nnd nil subjects.
Ills Ideas may ll iw in ono wink, wahy, ever
a st I Hi; find, and the command of hi l.ingitngo
mav eiiahto him In siring Hum ti gethcr like
bunrlic of onions, mid yet his paper may be a
meaner nnd poor concetti. Itnlec.l, Ihe ineto
willing put of editing n paper I butnsinill
P'ltllnii ol Ihe work. The rare, the lime cm
ployid in silccllng, 1 fur innio luiporlnnl, and
the tmt c f a good editor i better sbtum by bis
Ki leclb lis than by anything ele i nnd we
know, is half the battle. But, as wo have said,
an editor ought to be estimated, and his labor
uiiderslor d nnd apprielnlcd, by ihe general
conduct of hlsi It lore.ils uniform con
L,tcm course, Its nim, raatillnes its dignity
and Its tironrletv. To nrienrvo ibess ns the
a,mM lie .ctrvC( j, ononch to occupy fullv
lhl, ,jn)c fil)1 uention f Rn. man, I( lo t,i,
be lidded thegeneral supervision of ihe news
piper establishment, which most editors have
to encounter, tho wonder is how tlicy find line
to write nt all. Ijottmille Courier Jou no.
Feb.l, 1831.
Jir, uaviti iiitatti'. ol tMicnanuoali, wns in
lown uu Siltirday and Snndiy:
The ice on Roaringcreek here measures over
two fc.t.
Snyder's mill property was sold on Saturday
fjr $0,090, and purchased by Peter Swank.
h'q., of Ntimidn.
Mr. Willitm Pfablcr's two smallest children
were sick with scnrltt fever, but ate about well
Mr. William Helwlg, of Ibis village, propo
esstnr'irg a shoe shop near Catawissa at nti
early diy.
Mr. Dmiil Ilruck, the blarkmith, has just
turned out c f his shoo, a fine new set of hob
-lids fir Mr Geo. C. Yengrr.
Mr Jcho Brofee had a short runaway in ibis
pl.icj o.i Sunday vvith fogrroi mules, b.-eak
ing th e longue of a two fcnUel elcigli.
Mr Wiboii Yen i! or, our popular tin smith
is maniifacltirlttg large quanlilies of tinware for
fundus lit re til onto and thu several stores in
this vic inity
Unect .Mr Attain iuatks iluldrcn wasjte
rerely burned recently by falling into a small
ketllu full of hot wat-r.
Mr. Stmiiel Houck, of Riarinncreek town
ship, bad a severe fall on the ice a few week
ago, from the cflccts of which ho has not yet
fully recovered.
Our lownsman, Mr. Maybeny Yeagcr, the
saddler, will soon take tic position of a btnke
man on the P. & R. railroad,
Mr, Britlcn Hughes informs us that I,
brought ninety-four bushels ol oals over the
river w ltb a sled nnd two horses one day la
w-t k.
We heard ibecl.iip of a robhin some two
we-eks since. Jlr. r.lias Leiuy also tntorius u
that he saw a land turtle ctawling about on the
now abut the loth nil. Is this n token
Spring or docs it concern Mother Shipton'
Hon. Georce N. (Jorson, Norristown, Baye:
Tho Phoenix Pectoral Is iudispeupable in my
tnmilv. It nets like a churm in curing
couths autl colds with tho I'hilelreii.nnil t
nlwavs use it when addressing a lurv. i-rice
25 cents. 0. A. Kleiiii,Blooniburg. aprlli-ly
Pennington Laudaucih, At the lmm
of the bride mi the 24 of January, by Rev
A lloulz, Mr. William Pennington e.f Vim
Camp to Miss Alice Lnubacli ol Forks.
Business jXotices
See a woman on horseback in an
other column, riding near Specr's Vineyard
with a bui.cli ot crapes ironi wblcli eneer
Port Grnnc ine is mudr. that io so highly
esteemed by (be nitelical pioicftlon lor in
use ol invalids, v,eiikly persons nnd ll
aged. Sold by 0. A Kleim. jan 7'801y
On our Batgain Table yon'l find Shoes,
Huts, Caps, way down beloiv cost to close
out at Clark & Son's.
Men's Fine Calf Boots
No. 9 and 10 at
1 50 ul Gross' N. Y. Store.
Pieces of Tablo Linen. 25 cents to 1.C0
at I
W. Hart man's.
Wo still olt'ei our Dress Goods at Cost
This is the last month. We take slock tbl,
mouth alter that you lose the oiler, Clark
Don't miss this oimoptinlty to buy you
oho below cost at Uioss JN. 1, store, on
ly during court.
8 Pieces doiiblo width Shirting and Til
low Case Muslin at 1. W llitrlimin V,
.Corsets nt Clark & Son's.
Ladies' Calf Shoes 1,30 nt Gross' N. Y
15 Styles of heavy Sheetings, nt I. W. Hart-
mill) a.
f Linen floods at Cnuk cSt Sun's.
Ladies' Morocco Lace Shoes 1.00 at N Y
Butter, KK. Lard. Pmatoea and Dried
bruit wnntecl at 1. W, Kuriiniin'g.
Clearing Out Winter Goods
to make ropm for
Extensive Alternti'm.9 at "
The Pnpuinr Clothing
Store of
l)avi Lowciiborg,
Court people are iYivittil to call nt I. W.
Ladies' Button Shoes formerly sold at 2 00
no 1.10 at New York Slore,
Important Notice to Parties Attending
For Thirty Days Gn'at
Can be Bnugbl in Clothing,
You can buy a Winter
Suit or Overcoat,
At Cut.
Must Be Sold to
make room for
al David LoAu.iberg'g
Men's Boots foiinetlv seild at J3.00 now
$1 76 at Gross' N ft York Store.
, -.
Hats and Cap at
Cost fur Thirty Days
at D. Loweiiberg'a,
You are hereby notified Ibat L. Gross will
sell hli e iillio rteick o Hoots utid Shoes bo
low cost In iircur 'o tutikc loom inr SnritiL-
Stoek ol Cloihlug. New.Yotk Store, Shurp-
164 DUIIUiUg,
I am pavliiir tho bihrst iisli prloo Inr
Wbent and Rye. Loading nvety day x
pl Viitulays f'linnot ctuine nnil. Will
pay 77 con's per bushel f ir all Rye deliver
ed within tin' next two week',
(.Vll paid for lUilrnad Tie.
All sizes of coal constantly n" hand.
II. W. Am,. Kipy Depot.
fob 4, 2w.
Children's Shoes from 23 cants up. at
Gross' N. Y, Store.
W'Al.Ntrrt.tiAPltAtti I1estorI!h'Is rntlrclv dirfcr-
cntfiomnil ottiers. It Hasciear ss water. nnd as
s name Indicates, Is ajnerfect Vegetable Hair llo
Inrer and does lint In anr manner nrTeet tlin he alt!
widen sulphur, Hugnrof Lead and Nitrate of silver
'reparations lino done. It will Immediately trco
n ncriii r nin nil ninnruii lirsisirn tirnv iimr in iih
natural color, am) prrdu 'o a now growth whero It
has fallen ift. Itwillchirgo light or faded halrln
a few days to n beautiful glossy brown. Kvery liot
tin Is warranted. Ask your druggist for ll. Kor
sale at vovkii lino., iitoonistiurg, rn, "mitn, Klino
I'n., Philadelphia, nnd Hall fi lluckell, New York,
eiuuiuenii) iigenia. ocu xv, esi-tl
Good Clover Seed wanted bv Silas Young
nt l.ightstrtct, jan 28 81 4 v
HK! ItonsK POWDKH cures more horses, mules
and sheep than any other medicine, sure eicry
tunc. ocui, Vo-licow
Harriet A, New kirk, of Salem, snvs: I was
cured of tetter in tnv hand by three nppllca-
ions en uampnnr junk, aiv niisiinuii was
cured of old running sort by using it. It
tireel my son ot n sprained ntikle, rri'e5!0
cent Sold bv O. A, Kleim, lllonmsblire.
April 1G, '80,ly
Blngbntnton Boots
lluy them
at Mo
The Host Balvo In tho world for Cut. Ilrnlses.
Mores, Ulcers, HM Itheum Ttt er, Chapped Hands,
i-niiniitiS, cornR nno nil Kiuasni kiii hrupllons
Frecklcsnnd llmnles. 'Iho silvn Is minrant. en to
give perfect fntlsfactlon In elery case or money re
funded, llo sure to ed Ilenry'a Carbolic salve, m
nil others are but imitations. Price ts cents. For
sale by nil dtuggUts. oct 22, sei-l j cow
Win. 0. McKlnney has removed his stock
into his new building ncrcss Iho slnet, and
extends n cordial luvitntion (o every ono
o call.
Farmers and all persons having Wheal or
Ryo for snle will find it lo I heir ndvantnge lo
call on me before d'spo-ing of satno else
where. H. W. Am,, Espy Depot.
000 nice white thrifty shotes wanted bv
Silas Young, Lightstreet, that nre 2J, 3, 4,
H In C innhlhs old that weigh from 25 lbs,
30, 35, 40, 45 50 to GO lbs. each .
rersons that want to buy shot.'s nloase
call around, I handle from 30, 40 to CO
snotcs per week.
elee. 24 '80 2m.
30 Pieces tf Ginguaiu at 1. W. Hart-
It seems strnniro Unit unvnnu will surfer from thn
many d.'.nng'ineMs brought cn by nit Impure con
dition e,f the Mood, when t-CtiVlt'ss 1II.OOI) nnd
I.IVrll hYliUP will restore nerftcL lcnlili tnltm
pin steal organization Ills 'iiieid a strengthening
ep.un, pleasant lo tike, and has proien llsciftobe
th- test blw el purifier ever discovered effect
ually cutlng scrofula, H..plillltic diseases, Weakness
of the Kldnc's, nil Nervous tllsonters and llebdlty,
1 1 v ... ir. in imuik'&i ion. ii iiiiKen uie uiu reu tiling,
and the ycunir feel car: and wilt t vmlulilv clnvn
out of Ihesyttem the nmn Ills that human flesh H
heir to. A sltit'lii bottle will provo lo y u Its mer
its as a Inaltti icncwer f.r It. acts like a
cbinni, esprclul y when the complaint Is of an ex
hnustuo natuie. having n tendency to lessen Iho
uuiunn viRor oi me oraiu nnu nervous Bystera.
100000 lbs. of uood prime tmrk wanted
in the next o'ght wrek by Silas Young,
IJgbtatreot I want hoirs that dress 50 lbs.
(10, 75, 10(1, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250 up
to 275 lbs. apiece. I alivuvs want mv nnrk
dressed on Saturdnv and brought in early
cm Monday morning, Persons wishing to
buy pork, please call around eatly on Mon-
uay mornings.
dec. 25, '80-2m.
Handsome Slu es and Sllnnera at McKln.
iiey's Boot and Ship Bazaar.
Columbia Wools at Clark & Son's.
Hi Boots I and made to stand the weath-
were leather er for he bought them at Mo
The highest cash price paid for wheat by
Z. T. Fowler, at Willow Grove. No dif
ferences lo variety. Rye 76 cents a bushel.
Avondale Rod Ash Coal. 4. 5. and G. nlwavs
on hnnd. Railroad Tics taken in exchange
fortoal,or cash will be paid for them
jan 28 8-w.
She wire frencb
heeled shoes
with opera toes and said
she bought them at Mo
The Great
Bargain Room
at Oak Hall..
There never was any--where
before, so far as we
know, such a sale of clothing
as is now going on at Oak
Hall, taking up the whole
ground floor. A hundred
thousand dollars' worth of
good clothing, nearly all of
it new and fashionable, all of
it well made and of good
materials without exception
(for we make no other) is
being sold at prices which
bring loss instead of gain.
Clearing sales occur at the
close of every season ; but
they commonly are sales of
broken assortments and odd
garments, and of small cjuan
tities, Here toward the end of
our most successful season
we fire clearing out what
ever, for any cause, has
shown signs of being slow.
Thousands of whole suits
and overcoats and odd ga
'tents as well.
Now the sole reason for
Ml!ng this mass of valuable
'.-:'.. ing, without even an at-
mpt at profit, is that stated
' 'iw, which may be put into
rent words, thus : To get
r stock into the most at
raclivc condition, without"
ard to Immediate profit.
And so, while this sale is
uing on, the choicest, most
approved, most successful,
clothing we have is up stairs.
The prices there are not re
duced at all. This sale will
hurt thtit while it lasts, be
cause the clothing in the
bargain room is extremely
good. For this reason we
want it short ; and to make
it short, the prices are low.
Bring back promptly what
you don't want al the price.
You can order by letter,
or buy here, according to
your own convenience. On
receipt of a letter from you,
will send the means of tak
ing your own measure. Then
you can tell us what you
want, near enough so. that
we can take the risk of suit
ing you. j
Wanamaicer & Brown,
Oak lUUMuL-MudUxtle.t'BttAMlMill.
AVe carry tho largest stock of house furnishing goods in tho coun
ty. Wo have never been known to make an assertion that was not
true thnt wo would confess to, and if you doubt the abovo look nt
what tlio others keep and then look over ours. Every year brings
many now things useful in tho kitchen and elsewhere throughout the
house and we are constantly adding to our stock such articles as we
. 1 I ill " - s,
tiiinu saleable, unless you have looked over our stock irom time to
time you would be surprised to know how manv littlo articles there
are made for kitchen use, labor saving and just what you have so of
ten wanted at a low pneo. We sell
increases every year and we do not
Sometimes wo want more and wo gfct it and the reason is simply that
our customers are finding out that 1'or the monoy wo give the best
inade and most durable Tinware in the county; you can hardly wear
ii. uisi, mm uitiwuii; ii in uiiuti.
made under our own eves, and wo
since a "Cheap John" lo'cated here
wliole cart load ol tinware for 99 cents. You green housekeepers
took the bait, but the old experienced ones didn't; thev had been
there before. Well, it lasted about as lonir" as John
s'ayed, which was a very short time.
traders to move often, and then you commenced to bring it in for
new bottoms and tops, &e. If you want any more of it give us a few
days' notice and wo will make you some but you will not find it on
our shelve.0.
We aro opening this week a new lot of Marbleizcd Ware of all de
scriptions for table and cooking purposes. Of all the improvements
!.. I.,..! i !1 I . .l n
in Kituuuii tuuiisiiB nunu mis itici wun more lavor tnan filarbleized
Ware, its beauty and durability commending itself to every one and
the demand is greater than tho supply. A lady told us the other day
whenever her friends spoke of buying table cutlery she always sent
them to us as we kept such a largo variety of patterns and they had
more choice. Those of you who wero in last week saw we had a. larfie
stock then, but it is all sold out. The manufacturers of T nblo. (jiitlnrv
have a meeting in Nbw York every oneo in a while and besides hav
ing a good time they decide as to whether to put their prices up,
down, or leave them alone. This time thev decided to nut them down
and wo bought several very handsome new patterns which we can sell
lower tnan ever. We keep Woodenware, Washboard-t, Tubs, Churns,
Buckets, Bowls, Ladle, &c. .Space will not permit us to go further
and we will wind up by saying almost every thing useful for house
keepers may be found among our stock except (modesty forbids)
but Cadman has them next door.
Uy vlrtuo ot fiitelry wills Issued out cf tho
Court of I'ommoti 1-Icuh of Columbia county anil
to me directed, 111 he exposed to public tale at tho
Court Ilouto In Ulocmsbuiir, at s p. m. on
-MONDAY, I KB11UABY 7ib, 1881,
II that undlMdcil one half of all that mc9suagi
or tene ment an t tract or piece of land situate, lying
and being In tho township of Susarlojf, Columbia
county, mid Mate of Pcuusjlvahla, bounded and
described as follows, to- It: licglnnliig ntawhlto
oa!:, tho corner ot Helster'a land, thence by land of
Joshua Drink north eighty deg'ees west ono hun
dred ana twelve and a half perches to a post.thenco
by said land north thlrtj-llvo degrees west Dtty-tlvo
perches to a chestnut tree, thence north plxty de
grees w- Bt seventy perches to a post, tlenceby land
of Montgomery Colo ruth 6eventy-four degrees
wo clghty-two pe rches to a pest, thence by land
ot said Joshua Drink souih forty-throe and three
fourths degrees east forty-four perches to a post,
thence by raid land south twenty-four degrees west
thirty-nine perches to a post, thence by said land
south forty thieo and three-fourths degrees east
slxty-ono perches to a post by a p ibilc roaa, thence
south t evenly degrr cs east sixty-three and one-half
perches to a post, thence by land of William SIcKel
vy north slxty-ono and three-fourllis degrees east
thirty-two perches to Ihoplaco of beginning, coo
taming tlghty-nvo acres and slxty-nve perches of
land bo the same more or less, on which aro erected
a two-story frame dwelling house, barn and out
buildings. Spled. taken In execution at tlinsulr, nr Inane K.
Krlckbaum and William Drink, executors Scot
losliua Itrlnk, deceased atutnst James lunger and
to bo sold as the property ct James hunger.
Fkeezk, Attorney. Vend. Kx.
All those two certain lots of ground sltuato In
tho borough of Centralla, Columbia county, and
state of Pennsylvania and bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt: On Ihe north by lot of D. P. Cur
ry, on the east by an alley, on the south by Cenro
street and on the west by Locust Avenue, being fif
ty feet in front and ono hundred and forty fott In
depth, on which aro erected a two-story tenant
dvnlllng house nndout-bulldlngi.
All those two certain vacant Iota of ground situate
In the Ilorough of Centralla, Columbia county and
stetoof Pennsylvania, and bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt! On the north by centre strcet.on
the east by I'uxlon stiect, on the bouth by an alley
and on tho west by lot of Fdward WU)hyns.
Seized, taken In execution at tlmsnltri' .Inhnnnn
O'Couner egulnst Patrick Murphy and td; be sold as
uiu jirupirij- ui i-aeiicK .vurpny. n
Knohu & Winieiisteen, Attorneys 1 FI. Pa.
All that certain pleco of ground sltuaii In Mifflin
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ
ed as follows, to-wlli Dounded on tho north by land
of John Atcn, east by II. 8cb.weppenb.Isel, south by
lands of Thomas Aten and on the west by Charles
Kllngerman, containing ono hundred auf ten acres
more or less, oa which aro erecu-d a house,
barn and outbuildings.
One tract of land situate In said town
htpot Mlf.
Uln, bounded on .he north and east bv lafcd of Thorn
as Aten, on the south by Michael arovr's heirs, on
tho wost by land of William Parr, contilnlng twenty-four
acres more or less, on which iVe erected a
frame house and out-bulldlngs. i
Ono tract, bounded on tho north by band of I. K.
Schwcppenhlser and Samuel Hnydcr, em the east by
Lawreuco Waters, on the south By Abraham
Schwcpponhelser and on tht west bj John Aten,
contilnlng thirty four aerea. more or lss, on which
are erected a f ramo house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract of 'and bounded on the north by hnd ot
Stephen (learheart and others, on tho east by land
of l,K. Bchwrppeuhelser, on thesoutnby land of
John Aten and on tho wpst by landof Joseph Hoar
neart, containing ono hundred acres, more or less,
on which aro erected a frame house, barn o.nd out
one, lot of ground sltuato In tho town of MalnvlUo
Columbia county, Pn,. bounded and described as
follows,to-wlt: Dounded by land of J. E. Locgenber
ger and two public roads. being acornerlotln said
town, on which aro erected a two story brick store
house, with tho appurtenances.
seized, taken In execution nt Iho suit of Low Bros.
4 Co., against I. K and to be sold
na cuu pruiieriy ot i, k, rcuweprenneiser.
knokii, Attornoy, 2d Ptu, Yi. FA
All that ccruin lot 0r pleco of land sltuato InUea-
ver township, Columbia county and Stato of Ponn
sylvanlo, bounded and described as follows, to-wlts
iiogtuning i an oak nt public road, thence along
said road north elghty-slx and ono-fourth degrees
west twenty-nine rods to a stone, thenco by land of
Jacob Longenberger souththreo and ono-fourlh de
grees west eleven and one-tenth porches to a stone
thenco by tho same north seventy-two nnd a half
degrees eabt slxty-ono and one-tenth perches to the
piaco oi Beginning, containing ono acre mora or
less, on which are erected a one itory frame dwell
ing house, stable and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken in tfxi'eut.inn nt.itin mite nt fm rv-
lumbla County Mutual Bavlwr Fu,nd aud laan Asso
viuiiuu m,'iuui, vuurics mugenuerger ana la be sold
as the property of Charles Longenberger.
Little ti milieu, Attorneys,
Vend Ex.
.Ml that certain lot or pleco of land sltuat In Madison
township Columbia Co., and Htato of Pennsylvania,
and bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt: on
me nort n by land of Frank Eves.on tho east by land
of Samuel Lowry, cnthobouth by landof WlUlain
uuriiiuu, ana on tuo west by landof Philip Llchard,
containing thirty acres nioro or less, on which are
erected a ono and a half etory.frame dwelling house,
barn, and out-bulldlngs.
, u'.!?'i(1,.,ak''D '1 fM'Cftlon at tho Bult of Thomas
property oi rSort! m jrffir, UCr Um 10 00 80W M U,
W, J. Uuckalew, Attorney. Fl, Fa.
All that real cstato Mtuato In llrlarcreek township
Columbia county, on road leading from Ilerwlck to
Hloouisbui g, bounded and described as follows, to
wlt i On iho north by land of Daniel Purivel, on the
cast by laud of Lj dU riponcnberir. on tho west bv
(indof Daniel rurttl nnd on the south byLydla
sponenberg and Daniel I'ureel.contalnlng two acres
nnro or less, on w hlch aro erected a two-story brick
oellliig, frame stablo, spring houso and out-bulld-lugs,
gocd spring ot water and largo orchard on tho
nuizea. isKen in exefiitinn ntitiin ,.it, t . v
Adams, surviving- nartner nr Adima u.,n
lots and lots ot Tinware, our-trado
sell lower thitn tho others cither.
iru imy uiu UWl Ll II ItllU JIUVC 11.
know how its done. Jt is not loinr
with a 99 cent store and sold a
It is more healthy for such
Tho following described rc&l estate situate In
Centre township, Columbia county, beglnnlug at
a gum tree In lire otland of George Kelchnerond
otheis, thence by landof O.K. Hess south twelve)
degieee test one hundred and twelve perches to a
stune thenco by mire and lancet I. Rrnwlno so'ith
threo decrees wctt ono hundred and nny.flvo and
two-tenths perches to a stone, In line of Oeorgo
MuOly, thcice ty scmo (iLd Chrlstlaniia Jlitmy
south elghty-slx undone-fourth degrees east i luo
ty nnd nine-tenths rerches to a pine stump In lino
ot Sarah Rolmon and others, thence by same north
eight and three-fourths degrees west ioi and
eight-tenths perches to a stone, thenco north eight
and thrce-tourtbs degrees,, enst seventeen and
eight-tenths perches to a stone, thence north ten
and onohntf degrees west seventy-eight and eletht
tcnths perches to a stcno In line Oeorgo Kelch
ner Uvo hundred and eighty-two and one-fourth de
grees west seventy-eight and eight tenths perches
to a gum tree, the place of beginning, containing
ono hundred and twenty-four acrts and one hun
dred and forty-six rerches, strict measure.on which
aro erected a large frame two story dwelling with
Kit. ben attached, log stable with wagon shed at
tached, frame pig pen and corn crib and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Anna
S.Jackson and C. O. Jackson, executors ot M.K.
Jackson, deceased nga'nst George A. Dcamandto
be sold as the property ot George A. Beam.
All that certain tractor pleco otland sltuato In
Mala Townshlp.columbla county and State of Penn
sjlvanta bounded and described as follows to-wlt:
Beginning at astone, thence by land of said William
Menslnger north seventy degrees sixty eight and
one. tenth perches to a ttone, thence by land Ulo ot
George Longenbtrgt-r, roitu twenty seven and a
half degrees west eighty six and flvo tenth perches
tea stone, thenco by t lie same, south seventy and
threo quarter degrees west seven and three tenths
perches to a Stone, and thence by land ot the suld
Daniel Miller south fourteen degrees east eighty
seven and two tenths perches to the placo ot begin
ning containing thirty one acres and six percnesof
land strict measure.
One other tractor pleco ot land sltuato In said
Main Township, County and State aforesaid boun
ded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at
a stone a corner ot land ot James McAlarney south
sixty and a quarter degrees west htly three and
four tenth perches to a ttone.lhence by lands of said
vVilllam Menslnger south twenty eight and one
oighth degrees east tbl: ty nine and five tenth perch
es to a post, thence by hind e t Benjamin Nuss blxty
nine and ono half degrees cast ntty three and four
tenths perches to a stone in lino of landof Henry
Bowman, thence by tho some north twenty nine
and three fourth degrees west forty eight andHve
tenth perches to the place of beginning con willing
fourteen acres nnd eighty eight perches of land
strict measure be tho same more or less,
Ono other tract or piece of land Bltuato In Main
Township County and state atoresald and bounded
and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a atono
cernerlntho lino of landof John Pilfer and thence
north sixty-seven and a half degrees cast one hun
dred and fifty-two perches along the lino ot John Pet
fer and Peter Bowman tbenee north 81 degrees
west sixty perches to a stono corner, thenco south
sixty seven and a half degrees west ono hundred
and llfty two perches to a stone corncr.thenco vouth
thirty ono degrees east sixty perches to tho placo of
beginning containing filly threo acres and twenty
flvo perches more or less.
3rd described ;
Containing fifty threo acres and twenty flvo per
ches more or less on which are erected a two story
tramo dwelling house, large bank barn, wagon shed
and outbuildings.
seized, taken In execution at the suit of Hiram
Shugars, ndmlnlstrarof (loorge IlolUnback deccas
ed against Wm. Menslnger, and tob.3 sou as the
property ot Wm, Menslnger
zakb Attorney, ai. Vend. Ex.
lots or ground Bltuato In Locust Dale Con yd sham
All those certain two township, Columbia county
and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt: Sltuato on corner of Fifteenth
and Chestnut streets between Front nnd Market
streets; being lots No. lea and U0 and each lot being
twenty nvo feet In width and ono hundred feet
moreorlesslndepthon which are erected a two
story frame dwelling housei, with shlnglo roof, and
a trame stoweon rear end of lot-
seized taken In execution at ihe suit of William
II, Bright agent, against Jacob Benner and to bo
sold as tho property of Jacob Benner.
iUuu, Attorney, Ft, Fi,
Tho following described real estate, It being Ihe
lifoostato of George Cav&nee In thesame, spuate
in Mount Fleasant Township, Columbia county and
state of Pennsylvania bounded and described as fol
lows to-wlt t On tho north by lands of George Ueler
and Andrew Ikeler, on iho east by lands ot Daniel
Mccarty and Samuel Jacoby, on the north by laid Ikeler and Jackson Ikeler, and on the west
by lands of William Johnson andli-ivld Demon's
estate, containing one hundred and twelve acres,
more or less on which are erected atnoand a half
story frame dwelling house, a largo bank barn,
straw sued, wagon houses and other out-bulldlngs,
also a good orchard etc.
seized taken In execution at the suit of First Na
tional Dank ot Dloomsburg, (gainst George Cavaneo
and to bo sold as the property of Georgo cavaneo,
E, II, Little, Attorney, Vend. Ex,
All that certain tract ot land Bltuato In Locust
townsnlp, Columbia county, State of Pennsylvania,
Bounded on the east by lands ot Ellas Helwlg, on
me west ny lands of l.oo. Marks, en tho north by
lands of Abraham Whltner, and on the south by
lands oi Frederick Planter and George Bttncr. con
talking thirty-rive acres more or less, whereon are
erected two (two-stor) ) frame dwelling
barn, and out-bulldlngs
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of J, 11
Vastlne against David S. Helwlg and to bo Bold as
the property ot David S. Helwlg,
HuiwM, Attorney. At. Vend. Ex.
All that certain houso and lot sltuato In the town
Of catawusa, Columbia county and btatoot Penn
sjlvanu, bounded and described as follows, to-wlli
Beginning in line street at the east Bide of an allev
lald out for tne convenience of tho Lutheran church
situate In lino street aforesaid and running from
thcace by sa;j alley and land of Stephen Baldv
northeastwardly a course parallel to the street and
alley.of tho town ot Catawissa two hundred ana ten
feci (MO) then Bouthenstwardly a oourso parallel
. . ,rit tiiait
We have a few Heating Stovea
11 ml double Heaters on liaiid.which
we will sell to responsible parties
and give ynu time until June 1st
to pay for them.
ncroflotof Ne'pon P. John, thenco by the same
southwettntiidly two hundred and ten feet (10) to
tho nrorchuld Pin si reel, then b tjie name sorth
westwjnlls fifty fiei (M t the piaic of beginning,
lieie n wo-: tt ry framn epvtlllwr
hous. ;ii i Vi diiitr.
Seized, i i.i.11 .Vi.iiiltn i.i the h "ll cl ( olumbla
'ouniy i.guit-i ,i.eIi Mattr, miltn bo sold as tho
pror n tf .Iom h .Mi,.
u e i.i., Altotn ,e. Vri.d.Kx-
Ui ).
Allh.i.c e.rtaln i rni or pifeoir land situate In
Mrem tot.n-.titt. e i.iunibu county, and suta ot
ennn. l-nt.1i. 1 ti tide d t,n del-cubed rutro lows, to
ll: I.e,-lniilngitu htoi'i. rheteebylatid rf Fred
erick I lile n..nthiwo I'lfciKf, west fo-.ty perches
to u int. tiiticu l) iin.a tf Iinli hold Kiercboff
uoilh tight) -4-IkIiI lid Ouf-fouith degrees west one
bULd.e e, ui el mtj-Mttti laid e.lf;bt.lei.tbstlegres
to a port. Il.eueob) Mi d tit Willi, in McKolvy north
one and Hire o fo.inl.s il giett- eata fort) lurches to
wblt oi.k ii.m.i h lulel i.fald George W.
'ouslHuiith cl ht)-,li;lit nnd ilict-tounhdegreee.
east oi.e huidie.l mil rOlj-eliht to the
place u legti.nluit,, oniulnti.g furt)twoacr ,trtct
inen'ti e, he tlic-Bime moio cr leo, r fte en acres ot
which l c.-ar.'d.
Seized, tnke , In c cut Ion al Iho n.l e f John 3,
Mellenry oguliirt ( edge W. I e utt , nil to te soldi
the properly ol ()oiro W. Poust.
Litilk, Attorneys, PL Fa.
AH tlu t mesf-u igo and lot of ground Kltuatu In Uui
mage of liupeir, Montour towiiBhlp,Coluuibla coun
ty, Pennsylvanla.bounded tnd dercrlbcd as follows:
Nonlmiirdly by laLdsof Atndt, eattwardly by
the Malu road leading fitin Mocmsburg to Catawis
sa, bouthwai-dly unci westwardl) by tlio Main road
leading Ire m BlocmtbutgioCaluwIsta and lands of
theLncknanna and lOooinsburg Hallroad compa
ny. It being, the w mc pnprrly lately occupied by
Michael Dougherty fur tho purpose of conducting a
hotel, known ns old Butler stand; combining about
ono thlrdof an acremoierr 1.1-ss, whrreonls erect
ed a Mrgo and commodious Btablo and Bbed.
Ice house and outbuildings. A well ot water Is also
on iho i remlfes.
Seized, take n In execution at the suit of Catharine
Butler again t 1-iuti n Honcb, md to ho told as tne
property of l.euben llouch.
Littles, Attorneys, FL Fa.
All that certain tractor piece otland sltuiteln
Brlatcreek township, Columbia coun'y and State of
Ponns Uiiii'h una bounfle a and described as follows
to-lt: Beginning at a stone- In line of MM otJchn
Yost.thencu north elchiy-one and a quarier degrees
east tort) -tlx and a fourth perches to a stone to
land of Jonas Wright I hence by tue same and 8.
Hitler south thirteen degrees and twenty minutes
east two hundred and f .rcy-nlno and three fourths
perches to laud of David Shaffer, thence by tho
game forty-eight degree s and fifty minutes west
thtrty-nlne peuhes lostmuel Sltler, thence by the
same north nttecn degites and fifty minutes west
two hundred nnd seventy two peiches to the be
ginning, contulnlng tlxty-two ancsar.d seventy
eight perches and allowance be the same more or
lots,ou which are erected two-story frame dwell
ing bouse, barn and out-bulldlngs.
All tbat other certain tractor piece otland eltuato
In Brlarcreek townthlp. Columbia county, and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and dcscrlb-d as follows,
to-wlt; Adjoining lands of Jonas Wright on the
north slxty-teven degrees east sixty one jwrch
es to a post, thence noith eleven and one-
hlf degrees west thirty-seven perches to a
stone ad Jul nlr g It nd f William w alp, thence south
fort) -eight and one-half degrees west sixty-eight
and slx-tenlhs percho-lo a yell -w pine, adjoining
land of George Hewer. south ttgbt deitrees east
fourteen and n-vcn-tenths perches,contalnlng nlco
acres and one hundred und nve perches
Seized, taker, In exe cution at the suit of Joseph
Lamon agulntt William Walp and to be soldustUe
property of William Walp.
LiTTLca.Altoniey. FL Fa.
Torms caU on clay of sale.
U. 11. ENT,
Jau, T-to SlwrlJI.
Anient? tho lee-ords and nrncec-rilnffH e.f th nr.
phans' Coutl ot Ct.luiublu county, It la Inter alia,
thus coutalntd.
In the matter of the account of 11. A. Scbweppenhl.
Ml', Aotnlnistrator of William Henderson, de
censed, And now December isth. lw0. on motion and bv
agreement of parlies, Samuel Kuorr, sti, issp-pjlnte-d
Auditor to iniiLeellMrilmilon of the balance
In the aec untuct's bunds to and eimoLg the patties
CUVltllU I ill , I If '.
Ceriltled from the recoids December lllh, Io.
WM. Kit! i KBAUM,
Clerk O. C.
Tho Auditor anrmlntrd bv the Court will atteim tn
tin. duties c f IiIh appointment on Friday, the fourth
uar ui 'enruary. a. ii., ii, at tin o Clock a.m..
uthlsofUcu In Dloomsbuig. Pa when ami where
pa i ties interested aro rtciuired to make their claim
or bo ele barred from coining la upon said fund.
)an. I.fVMW Andltor.
Notice Is hereby elven that arnllcatlon hatvn
mado to the Court by tho 'Illoumbburg Fire Com
nanv." for an amendment c f Its Charter, br r Inner.
Inglta name, style and title to "Friendship Fire
company ro i, oi uioomsourg ana uie court dm
ordered that upon publication of notice thereof la
two papers of geueral circulation, published In col.
umbfa County, tor three weeks tiefore the tlrat Mnn.
day ot February next, a decree lu accordance with
thn application will be made, it no valid objection
bo Interposed.
William Wkbb. JOHN W. FRY,
secretary. President.
Jan 14 '81 4-t
Among the records and nroccedlncra of tin court
of common Hess ot Columbia county ll is inter
Kobert!M McDrlde) No. net Sept. Term. ism.
vs. J. Divorce.
Mary C. Mclirldo. )
Now Deo. , 18$o on reading ol Sheriffs return to
alias subpeena and application of Uervey E. Smith,
Att'y. for liobert M. Mcurtde, the court order pub.
Ilcatlon by tho sheriff. '
Certified from the reconts this fifteenth day ef
December, A. D., Is-".
tl. M. Qmci. Troth.
To Mary c. Mclittde above named: You are be-re.
by required to appear before the Judges ol Mid
court at Bloomsburr on ilondaj,the Tlh dty ot
February, A. D., lSol, to answer the complaint or
said liobert It. McBrtde, '
4 t, hKilr.
tan, Tto
Jacxsok, Attorney,
---- . ' -- . .. . wvu luuauvi
to the etfomaJd tine itrm City roetrMr) to cor.