The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1881, Image 2

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ll)'ll,ilillll,''lrtfWilflli,lli,it-iilri nww lWltiwillVl)ilimWIIAaiiSw
. :i ""V'i " J " v-.1friffrf It. t.-r.J. . . r . . r .IT ,
1 'suttfm -
WaililriRtbrt, I). llJitniiary 25tli, 18S1
A fen- weeks ego I had pltaturo In
giving nn Account of (ho Supreme Court
ctlon In conipcllltiR the Secretary of the
tntorlor to orform his olUolat duty. Bo
foru thif decision w rendered. Cabinet
Mechanics Lien; Lw. A Mnitandi Fortitude.
As nearly every ono la More or 1cm Inter- taking flesh rnoM ins Ann to
eated In the law relallne to taccllaulca, llcna, vlkst on his wife s body.
wo publish tho aunexed lUtenionl of 'facta
and recent decision of the Supreme Court of
this Commonwealth
Walter II, Dlclf, owner, and Albert J,
McLauKhllu, contractor, vb. H Ptovonson
liy virtue or sutdry writs Hsucd out ot tho
Court ot Common I'lcss ot Columbia county and
tn IMA Almt1t,A Mill Iia h.miwJ Ia MiMId m)a .tin
About five weeks ago a Mr. Wllion, of I Court llouto In Blooruoburg, at p. m.on
0 B. ELWEIiI.nti iltiito
olllccr by a sort uf gaucral eotiseut vim hold & Sou. Tlili was nn action upon n uiechan
irt llA .IMVfii.ii ll i rnarh rtl Coiiru. lie Hcu, filed by Stevci-son & 8011 agalmt a
rn1glit.tnketh9 moat absurd courso In order certain building on Fifteenth street, above
: to deprive indlvl'diia'a of their" property or "petTer-eon, In Philadelphia, owned by Wal-
Friday, .Tammry QS. 1881.
their rights, and thoro was no appeal to liU
attcceMor. The Courts were not open to
such appeal. In tho chho mentioned the
Uoiteil Statea Court for tho District, held
that It had no control. Tho Supreme Court
revcrcod tho decision, Another case has
The HanlanLaycncfc rowing watch has Ijnat been decided by tho Supreme Court,
been tnufponoil until February 14, Rtid, thoURh It 1 less immediately impor-
I tnnt to a lifw number of citizons than tho
Kxdov. Hendricks, who has been sick at fnrinpr u faltM, vindicates tho funda.
HotSpilnga, Ark., is rapidly recovering his mcntnl truth.thnt tinder our form of govern-
Tint what the outcotno of the Senatorial
fight at JlarrlsburK will be, it Is hard to
conjecture. Oliver republicans feel confi
dent that their favoilte will bo chosen.while
tho bolters aro more determined than ever to
defeat iiltn. There is no prospect of tho
Democrats helping cither side, and boouo
f tho other must go back on their promise
to "Hick " It does not seem probablo that
either Oliver or (4row can be electod Thp
fight against Oliver is a, fight against Cam.
iron. Who will win?
Ilarrislmrg, Jan. 251b, 18SI.
Unaltered Btlll, and seemingly unalterable
ifl tho situation of tho Senatorial iiglit, and
what au anomoloUs thing It is toseo a l'cnn
eylviiniu Legislature thus embarrassed aud
that too when tho bosses havo entiro control
of the machinery. Tluio was, and It Is on
ly a year or so agoue, wheu tho hoys
know no law but the dictates of King Cau
oils, and hastened to do his bidding ore
tho crack of the party ivhip had died away
in the distance. "Their'H not to question
why; tbeir'a but to do or die" politically.
The present Leglslativo deadlock, however,
seems to have pawd entirely beyond the
control of the bosaea. The balloting during
the past week has beon monotonous in the
extreme, tho anie old thing over and over
again until outsiders have become wearied
of the performance, and tho participants In
the same thoroughly disgusted. Last nlht
an effort was made by the bolters, ostein!
bly to break the uea'l I'iclc. A caucus was
held and eocn exudates were agreed
upon by a two-tliirds voto, wuose names
were presented to the regulars with tho view
of having dome one ol them accepted In lieu
oi Oliver. These were: tirst Urow, as n
matter ot course, next Bayne and Shiras,
of Pittsburg ; Wharton (Jos.) and Mac
Veagh, of Philadelphia; Stewart, of Frank
lin county and Wolf, of Union. Now a
glance at these names at onco convinced the I hereafter,
mont, the Court have power toprotect an
Individual. Tlin former decision put n limit
tn Executive Interference with private
rights, this one checks the exercise of arbi
trary power by tho Houses of Congress,
The following are the facts : Uallot Kilburn
was confined lu the jail of this District, by
order of tho House of Representatives, with
out trial, because It appeared by tho records
of tho Houso that ho had refused to answer
questions put to him by a Committee of the
ilousoand by the House Itself. After his
release from jail ho commenced suit in the
District Court hero for damages, against
tho officers of tho House, but the Court re
fused relief upon the gr6und that the Homo
had n right to imprison him. That Is, a
statement by defendants counsel that Kit
bourn was confined by order of tho House
was held to justify tho officers of tho House
in depriving Kllbourn of his liberty, it 1
this decision which tho Supremo Court hn
just reversed. The House had uobucu right,
Thus, within a month two decisions have
been rendered by tho highest Court in the
laud which giyo protection to the Individ
tial against the exerclso of arbitrary power
on the part of government officials, and the
subordinate Courts of the United States are
commanded to give tellef to citizens In
countless cases In which they had heretofore
refused it. For tho honor of tho party 1
wleh every member of tho court rendering
these two decisions was a Democrat. Tbey
have done service to us and to all who come
after us
Yesterday the Senate refused to take up
the bill putting Ex-President Grant on tht
retired list of tho Array. Several Democrats
voted with the Republicans, and others an
nounced that their votes were not to be
understood as condemning the bill, bui
only as against Its present consideration
The bill will probably be passed. Th
course of Senator Logan, -vho is in charge
of it, shows, however, that he is simply try
Ing to magnify, the apparent importance ol
the Grant-Conkling-Logan wing of the Re-
publican party, with a view to its standing
tcr H, Dick, and erected by n firm of which
Albert J. McLaughlin was a member. In
the bill of particulars filed with tho lien
items worn charged for lumber furnished In
the month of December, 1877. Dick filed
an affidavit uf defence, setting up that Mc
Laughlin was not tho contractor ; (hat,
moreover, the building was not begun until
February 23, 1878, and that the Items charg
ed In December were not delivered at the
house or upon tho lot In question, but were
dollvered at tho shop of one of tho contract
on. Upon this state of fjcls Judge Lud
low htld that if tho materials were furn
ished 'for' tho building, no matter 'where'
they were furnished, tho lion was valid, and
gave judgment for tho material men. Dick
thereupon brought tho case to the Supremo
Court, where ho claimed that the lien, to bo
valid, must, at least, bo of the dato of the
commencement of the building and not pri
or thereto, and that, moroover, the contract
or was improperly described.
The Supreme Court, In passing upon tho
case, says : The survivor of two joint con
tractors is rightly named as tho contractor
tn tho claim uied. lie had tho power as
such survivor to bind the building, and, so
far as the owner was concerned, it mat
tered not whether the materials were turn
Ished at the shop ol tho contractor before or
after the building was begun, provided they
woro furnished on Its credit. We think the
opinion of tho learned presideut of the
court fully sustained both on principle and
"regulars" and outsiders at the same time,
that there was no sincerity in the bolter's
proposition because Done of tho name men
Honed could be placed in the category of
what are known here as "compromiso mo:
fur there is not ono of them who has not
been, or is not now openly Identified wilb
the opposition to Cameron, It was uot
therefore surprising that tho ballot to-day
was not in any particular affected by the
last night's proposition of tho bolters. It
was recorded as follows: Oliver, 80; Grow,
65; Wallace, 82; MacVeagh, 3; Hewitt, 4;
Agnew,!: Suowden,!; Baird, I; (Greenback
vote) Curtin 1, aud Joseph Allison, a new
candidate, 1. The only changes from the
vote of yesterday which creatod any
sensation wtro four votes from Oliver
to Grow, but as no significance .was at'
tached to this change, it was not com
mented upon much afterwards. A little
breeze was created after the first ballot, by
an attempt on part of tho Grow men, to
force another ballot, which showed that tbey
were li better temper than the opposition,
but the motion lacking the requisite number
of votes, was lost, and the movers of it were
compelled to submit to an adjournment
without accomplishing anything, except
ing that those who opposed a second ballot
were compelled to go upon the record. A
little amusement was created by the Green
back party of the House (Welsh of Schuyl
kill) just before the adjournment. That no
table statesman succeeded in getting in a
resolution, which after being laughed at,
was nlled out of order by Speaker Stone,
Mr. Welsh, unlike the other political partieu
represented upon the floor, seemed anxious
to make & reform record for bis party. His
resolution provided that the joint couven
tiou should not be permitted to leave the
hall until they had chosen an United States
Senator. The .Sergeaut-at-Arms of the
House beiug called upon to close the doors
and windows to prevent members from get
ting aw ay.
Almost on a par with this resolution but
proceeding from a rather more unexpected
source was that offered by Senator Mc
Knight from the Jelfersou district. It pro
vlded that on and after Wednesday that the
joint covention should cast uot less than 30
or more than 100 ballots each day. Tho ab
surdity of this proposition will be manifest,
when the fact is stated that it requires a full
half hour to call the roll of Senators and
Members and to record tho ballot
Although there is much talk of tho Demo
ci.its finally assisting In the election of
Oliver, from conversation with the Demo
cratlc members, I cannot find anything that
will substantiate tho rumor. Ou the
Yesterday in the House, Mr. Cox rcpor
ted the re-apportionment bill. As reported
it provides lor 311 Representatives, in plact
of 293, as at present. A minority repori
was presented, providing for 319. The bill
introduced a week ago by Mr. Cox provides
for 301, and the indications now are that
that number or a smaller one will, be agreed
on. The events of last week, constitute a
powerful argumeut In favor of a email aud
therefore manageable body of Kepre
Amongst all the estimates that are made
for Cabiuets no one has suggested the name oi
Carl Schurz. This political adventurer ha'
no future. He baa heretofore traded upon
his control of the German vote ; bis tin
impeached personal character, and bis cry
of reform. But bis stock in trade is all gone.
The party will reform him out his char
acter is smirched all over with scandals, not
only as to money matters, but in regard to
some otber and more disreputable affair.-
which have heretofore been hushed because
of "the party of the second part." His in
fluence over his German compatriots is
gone, and Carl Schurz will soon be what
Senator Jones of Nevada, some years since,
so emphatically called him "a d d
Dutch tramp,
A Discovery.
That there is one State in the
where the telegraph consolidation cannot
take place, is a declaration with which the
UarrUburg Patriot and the Lancaster Intel
ligencer lead off. The Constitution of Penu
sylvania says that 'no telegraph company
shall consolidate with or hold a controlling
interest in the stocks or bonds of auy otber
telegraph company owning a competing
line, or acquire, by purchase or otherwise,
any other competing line of telegraph.
The American Union came into existence
since this Constitution was adopted, and so
far as it is concerned, neither it nor its sue
ccssor corporation cau put in the threadbare
and exploded plea of vested rights, as
aiminst the Commonwealth, The Patriot
insists that both tbo Governor and the Leg'
islaturo have an immediate duty to perform
iu the premises ; and since tho telegraph
companies have no such political power as
the railroad companies, it is possible that
something may be done to check tbolr oper
ations la violation of the fundamental law of
tho State.
But it would be strange indeed if Mr.
Gould and Mr. Vauderbilt should uot dis
cover the means of protection iu a Stato
A telegram from London says that the
celebrated actor, Edward A. Sothern, died
in that city ou Thursday oi last week. Mr,
Sotbern was born lnLlverpool,April 1 1830.
tie was educated by a private tutor, lit
coming disgusted with several scenns the
dissecting room he abandoned ve work. He
then studied theology for a coup, of years,
and believing that tie wan not fitted to uc
cupy a pulpit ho began the study, or old
dramas. At the ago i,l twenty-one be made
his first appearance ou the occasion of a
benefit at the ibeiitrti lUyal, Island of Jer
sey, iu the character ol O. hello. T.iu uiana
ijirof the theatre off .-red U'uo an engagement
at,35 shillings a week, which he refused, and
afterwards accepted til'.een shillings. II
was, up to 1853, known as Douglas Stewart,
aud when playing Charles Surface In New
ork he used his own name for tho first
time. In '.April, 187S, 31 r. Sotheiti left
the United States fur the last lime en-routo
for London, where his new piece the "Crush
ed Tragcdiau," filled very badly. Mr. Soth-
ern's raasterplcco was L'ird Dundreary.wbich
cbaractor he personated for several years
His last performance was In Liverpool in
November, 187S. His ailment, according to
his own statement, was overwork of the
brain, but physicians pronounced it paraly
sis aud Bright' disoa c,f the kidney-j.
A Miracle iu Maine.
From tho Calnl3 (Mo.) Times.
A young daughter of Mr. John Itobison
of CiUis, lias been perfectly cured of thai
terrible ultlictiou, St. Vitus' dauce, since the
New Year, by means that has excited much
interest among those acquainted with the
facts, Mr. Kobison thus relates the particu
lars ot the strange case: "My littlo girl only
given voirs old, suffered every hour, night
and day, with lite disease, so that she had
to be watched constantly to prevent her
falling on the stove and dishes. The pbysi
c'wos who attended her said that she must
bo sent to the'bospltal at Augusta. I re
lated the case to an old man whom I hap
pened to meet and told him how bad I felt
at sending her away. Ho said thnt she could
be entirely cured iu nino days and that 1
was a lucky man in having the means of
cure at my own home. Ho told me to stand
my donkey with his head to the South;
then to take my child and sit her on its
back with her face to the east, and then to
pass her over the donkey's back toward the
west, saying; 'In tho name of the Father,
Sou and Holy Ghost.' Followbg his in
struotions I did this for nine mornings be.
fore breakfast. On the third morning the
child began to improve and the donkey be
gan to take the disease. From that time to
the end of the uinedays the child grew rap
idly better and the donkey grew worse
in proportion, until it died on Monday, the
10th, after frightful suOering from tbo dis
ease. The child is uow perfectly restored
having no trace oi iu trouble. These were
the facts and all the neighbors are witnesses,
It is certainly a strange case and that it
should coutiuue to excite much comment Is
uot sui prising.
Philadelphia, was so dangerously burned
by her clothing Igniting that her life had
been despaired of. For weeks she lingered
without au Intermission of her agony or
apparent improvement. Last Wednesday
Dr. McLean iuforfnfd Air. Wilson that It
would bo absolutely necessary to transplant
live flesh to those parts where tho tissues
had been destroyed, aud Prof. Levis, who
had been called In, decided In favor of the
operation. Although her mind was wan
dering, Mrs. Wilson Appeared to have some
idea that a painful experiment was Impend
ing, and screamed to tho doctor to take
away tbo lancet, although he had not dis
played, nor Indeed, at tho time, spoken in
her hearing, of any Instrument, but her
nervous exhaustion was so great that it was
considered unsafe to cut tho flesh required
from her own person.
Dr. Levis asked Mr Wilson If ho was
willing to submit to the painiul process of
furnlshlnp llie uesh irom his arm, "Cer
tainly" said Mr, Wilson ; "if It takes my
wh'ilo right arm, cut it off from the shoul
der to savo my wife," Mr. Wilson bared
and extended his right arm, while Dr, Levis
with tho assistance of Dr. McLean, cut ten
pieces ot skin a quarter of an Inch square
from its upper surfaco and transplanted
them into tho back of Mrs, Wilson. During
the whole operation Mr, Wilson never
moved ft muscle or showed n slcn of the
pain tuai no suuered, while it required me
strength of six women to bold Mrs. Wilson
as tho delicate transfer was made. After
tho operation was finished the patient seem1
ed more comfortable, tho brain trouble
gradually subsided, and she is now in a fair
way to recover. The self sacrificing forti
tude of Mr. Wilson Is the more remarkable
because of the fact that for two years past
uis neaiiu nas been lading.
'The Associated Press is a great boon. Is
it not?' said the cigarette-smoking scion
of a South Side Biro to a beautiful Boston
girl, full of sentiment and oysters, as they
were roturuiug from the theatre. 'It is In
deed,' she replied, In soft tones ; 'George
and I bad one all last winter, but papa came
in one night before George could take his
arm away and acted dreadfully. Do they
havo them in Chicago ?' I should blush to
murmur,' responded tbo untutored Chlca
goan, as he measured her surcingle belt
with his strong right arm, Chicago Tribune
An old Vermont farmer came home drunk
the other night, and became the victim of
an irrepressible desire to get still drunker,
So he thought he would bring out his wagon
and drive oyer to Hheiburne rails lor more
whiskey. Just as be was about putting the
finishing touches on the harnessing arrange
ments he said to himself, 'This horse has
got horns I' He brought out his lantern and
found he had harnessed the cow to the wag'
on, tie muttered, 'I'm Urunt enough now,
unhitched the beast and went into the house
to sleep It off. Rutland ( Vt.) Herald.
See a woman on horseback in an
other column, riding near Spcer's Vineyards
with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's
fort Urape Wine Is made, that lo so niebiv
esteemed bv the medical profession lor tne
use ot invalids, weakly persons and the
agod. Sold by O. A. Kleim. jan 7'801y
A Farm in Montour County
Will bo sold or exchanged tor a
by tbo undersigned. Tho said farm ts on the road
irom rotugroYe 10 wosnincionviue. in UDertj
townsnlD. about 3vmll8 Irom Pottserove. and
CUnuUQtt 111 ACKUIS. A
Ham and outbuildings on the premises. Not par
ticular where property oxchangtd lor Is located. It
Reasonable and Eur Terms will be Given
For particulars, address,
rottsgrove or Llghtstreet.
ThefoUowlng appraisements or real and
EerBOnal property Ret apart to widows ot decedents
ave been filed In tbo ofiice or tho Register ol Col
umbia county, under the Rules ot Court, and will be
E resented tor absolute, continuation to the Orphans'
nurtto be held In Illoomsburg.ln and rorsala coun
ty, on Monday, the Ith nay of F eb. 1881, at two
o'clock p. m., or said day unless exceptions to sucb
confirmation are previously nied, of which all per
sons interested In said estate will take, notice :
1, Widow ot Wltllts II. Moycr, late ot .Madison
township, deceased.
3. Widow ot Hiram II. Droadt, late ot Bloomsburg,
Rods tcr.
where the Fcnnsvlvauia Railroad, with its
contrary, I find that little faith is placed In charter at tho mercy of the sovereign who
the promises oi the regulars in regard to the Kave it, has calmly treated the Constitution
apportionment and any talk of conceding
anything to the Democrats in that panic
ular meets with strenuous opposition from a
great many unver iiepuuucans who are
utterly averso to any alliauce with the Dcm
ocrats. The idea prevails to some extent to
day that there 111 positively be ;a break up
in the lines to-morrow.; Such an event may
transpire, but I catinot find any grounds
upon which to base a proposition of the
During the week one step at least has been
taken in the direction of actual business
The standing committees of both Senate
and House have been appointed. With the
exception of the apportionment committees,
the assignments have given as much satis
faction as usual, The apportionment com
mittees are regarded unfavorably by some,
because they are "bunched," many sectiuus
not being represented at all by Republicans.
It is claimed by the mal-conteuU that this
was done to facilitate auy.proposed arrange
ment with the Democrats,
.Some measures havo already been Intro
duced, As these come up for consideration,
I will acquaint your readers with the con
tents of (hose which areot luterest.
The idea seems to be that Garfield let the
notion that he means to select Waluo for
Secretary of 8ue leak out in order that ha
may hear the opinion of the jxople aboo(
as a dead lotter, aud persistently refused to
bo restrained or controlled by It. If the
millions which it has exacted from the peo
ple of that State by unlawful discrimiua
tlons could be ststed in figures, the sum
total would be appalling. What tho com
pany meant by allowing the Ring Guyernor
to recommend to the Legislature the enact
ment of laws to enforce these provisions of
the Constitution, Is as yet a mystery. Rut
the Intelligencer declares that public opinion
and public necessity imperatively demand a
compliance with the Governor's recom
mendation ; that the Democrats, while not
desiring to make it a party issue, are deter
mined on their policy, and wait with no
little Interest the development of Republi
can views in the Leglslature,when It will be
seen whether that part of the Governor's
message was a sham aud a mockery, or
really meant a tardy submission to the law
and the popular will. Sun,
Unole Bam pays out a great deal of mon
ey that is squandered upon unworthy and
careless officials. Au exchange refers to
one set, saying that Congress does not tit
200 days in the two years of its life. In that
time each member receives 10,000, or ISO
tor every day that Congrers li in session,
whether absent or present, There are, on
an average, 100 absentees from the ilonse
tch day, m that $1,000,000 U paid during
each cmmm Of OoogTwa to nemben when
absent from iMt dtrtlw,
Tbo First Legislature or Pennsylvania.
On the 4th of December, 1802, William
Peun convened the first Legislature at Ches
ter, the port at that time of Pennsylvania,
Its session was Just four days. The house
Is still standing where it met aud is used as
a cooper shop. Sixty-one acts wcro passed
in that short session, as the body met for
the "dispatch of business." One act was
against tho "drinking of healths," and one
agaiost spreading falso news. It was also
declared in a preamble to certain laws that
they should be read as school exercises.
They allowed every man to plead his own
case, and further tried to pass a law to pre
vent lawyers from "pleading for pay," lest
it might "lengthen justice into trade."
Tbo Speaker's chair is all that Is led to us
of the first assembly. The laws were all
repealed or have become obsolete,
William Hchoener, who has been been em
nlored for some time In the grist mill of J, J,
Itobbios, on East Market meet, met with an
accident on Tuesday afternoon, that mar result
iatally. The unfortunate man was at work in
the necond story of the mill, ana whilst push
ing corn into the hopper, his coat was raught
b a rapidly revolving uptight baft and whirl
ed him arouud with trieiilful velocity. He was
ilaihtd agitinst the partition enclosing the hop
per, and both legs broken. As soon as potii,
Liu tbe machinery was stopped slid Hchoener
was rehaei). lie was insensible and wanca'-
ried into tbe othce ot the mill. Dr. Weaver
was sent for, and hfier making an examination
of Schoener's body, found that the right leg
was broktn below the knee, and the left lee at
the thigh, It is fetrtd that internal Injur ii a
were auaiaineu, much may prove taial. Hchoe
ner was atones removed lo ihe hospital fn
treatment. Witkobarr litcord.
Hon, George N, Corson, Norristown.says:
Tbe Phoooix i'ectoral Is indispensable In ruy
family. It .acts like a charm in curing
coughs and colds with the chlldren.and I-
.U.. ... .... I, ,.r. Jl . I,....
96 oeata: O. A. K)elaa,BlootaburK. apflWy
Register's Offlco.
bloomsburg, )in. si
XV Notlco Is hereby clTen to alt legatees, crcdl-
tors and other persons Interested tn tho estates ol
tnu reapecuvo decedents and .minors, that the lot
lowing administration, executor and cuardlan oc
counts hare been nied In tho orace ot the Register ot
tiuu wui do urcscniea lor conurmauon ana
allowance tn the Orphans' Court to bo held In
bloomsburg. on Monday, Feb. 7, 1S81, nt'i o'clock,
p. tn. on said day :
1. The flret and final account ot A. P. Heller, guar-
umuuiiBuueuu. rumrii.uunor cuuuoi Murma
Crossley, late ot lino townBhlp, deceased.
z. The first and final aocount of .lames Gulliver,
uumiuisiruiur ui uuuu uuuncr, mic ui ueui
lock township, deceased.
3. Tho first and final account ot It. Frank Zarr. ad.
mlnlstrator or Martin W, Nuss, late ol the Town
ui iiiuuui&uurg, ueeeuseu,
4. The account ot Richard MUb, admlnlutrator ol
Martha Col ley, lata or lienton township, ac
5. Tho second account ot John Hellas and A. J.
ueiias, executors or Adam lieuas, late or fisu
Ingcroek township, deceased.
o. Tbo final account ot Allen Mann, guardian ot
Elizabeth llenulngcr, inlnnr cbUd ot Reuben
Ileuntnger lata ot nearer township, deceased.
T, The final account ot Allen Mann, guardian ot
jiajaia uenntngcr, minor child or Keubenllen
nlnger,lato ot Heaver township, deceased.
8, The first and final account ot OcorgeA. Doty
administrator, de bonis non cum testamento
annexo, ot Henry Kingsbury, late ot lsenton
township, deceased.
0. Tbe first and final account ot John II. netler
and J. li. Ilarter, administrators ol Jacob llar
tcr, r late ot MIDlIn township, deceased.
10. The second ui d final account of William II.
Clark, trustee ot jiary Oorrell, late ot the bor-
ouga ui lemrara, uece&sea.
11. The account of William Hagcnbuch, executor ot
iBuao llagenbuch, late ot orange township, do-
12. Tbo account ot Jacob Ilartman, administrator ot
Henry Ilartman, late of Hemlock township, de-
13. The first and final account ot Abraham ILock-
arn and jonn K. Lockara, late administrators
or Alexander lockbiu, late or unarcree town,
ship, deceased.
11 Tbe final account of Ooorge Moore, adminis
trator of Elizabeth Roberts, lato of Hugurloat
township, aeceaseo.
mlnlairatrtx ot Nancy Connelly, late ot the bor-
sued or uerwicK, aeceaseo.
16, Tbe first and partial account of D. Frank Zarr,
executor vi ueorge arr,uuc ui vaiawiaaa tuvva
chlp, deceased.
IT, The nrBt and partial account of John Ilartman,
administrator of Michael Urubcr, lato ot Hem-
iuck ujwiuuup, uevcaovu.
IS. Tho first and partial account ot DlUlnger Harrl
son, surviving executor of Canfield Harrison,
late or tne iuwo ci nioom&uurg, ueceoaeu.
It. Tbe first and final account of Illrsm Whltmlre,
administrator of ttarah Arnntne, late ot Centre
towu&uip, aeceaseo.
SO. The first and final account of Andrew J. Hess.
administrator of Hiram Lunger,late of Bugarloat
31. Tbe account ot David I.owenberg, administra
tor of (leorge Relswlck, late ot the Town of
uiuumuurg, aeciaacu,
l. The second and final account ct N. II. Creasy
and D. A. Creasy, administrators ot Samuel
ere aey, late ot Mtoiin township, deceased,
is. Tbo first and final account of Henry IleUcr. ad,
mlnlstrator ot.lbsao Lutz, late of Mlfillu town,
ship, deceased.
SI. The first and final account oflsaao A. Denlttad.
mlnlstrator de bonU non ot John Ilartman, late
Si The first aud final aocount of KUas OUrer. truar.
dlan ot Katurna (loodman, minor child ot Charles
uoouinan, late oi venire tuwnsmp, aeoeasea,
M. The first and final account ot Ellas Qlrer. guar.
dlan of Margtrrt Oooeman, minor child or
Charles uoofltnan, late or centre township, de
ceased, .
si. The first and final account ct WUllam Uaateller,
administrator ot Oeorge Vreece, late of Madison
as. The account of Char If a Krsaler, administrator
of (leorge Kettder, late ot Beaver township, de-
W. Tbs first and partial account of Senlaudn
uaniui aommiarraiur w ntuuio u. urknge.
UK ct CkUwlss Unrttshla, deceived.
BlBMtAwf t l, f Itestaiir,
All that undivided ono halt of all thnt messuage
or tenement and truct or plcco of land situate, lying
and being In tbo township ot Sugarloat, ColumbU
county, uhd Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to-wltt Beginning ui awhile
oak, tho corner ot Helster's land, tbeneo by land ot
Joshua Drink north eighty degrees west ono hun
dred ana twelve and a half perches to a post.thcnco
by wild land north thtrtj-nve degrees west fltty-tlvo
perches to a chestnut tree.theneo north sixty do
grecs west soventy pcrchos to a post, thencoby land
of Montgomery Colo 'uth scventj.four degrees
wo elghty.two perches to a pest, thenco by land
of said Joshua Prink sou'b forty-threo and three
fourths degrees cast forty-four perches to a post,
thenco by eatd land south twenty-four degrees west
thlrty-nlno perches to a post, thence by said land
south forty three and three-fourths degrees east
sixty-one perches to a post by a p ibilc road, thenco
south f cventy degn cs east slxty-t hreo and one-half
perches to a post, thenco by land ot William McKel.
vy north sixty-one and three-fourths degrees east
thirty-two perches to thoplnco of beginning, con
taining eighty-five acres and slxty.flto perches of
land bo tho satno more or less, on which are erected
a two-story frame dwelling bouse, barn and out
Belred, taken In execution at tbo suit of Isaac K.
Krlckbaum and William llrlnk, executors c. of
Joshua Urlnk, deceased against James Lunger and
to bo sold as tbo property of James Lunger.
FiiEEZE, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All thoso two certain lots ot ground situate In
tho borough ot Centralis Columbia county, and
Stato ot Pennsylvania and bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt! On tho north by lot of D, F. Cur
ry, on tbo east by Bn alley, on the south by cenro
street and on tho west by Locust a venue, being lit
ty lectin front and ono hundred and forty feet In
depth, on which aro erected a two-story tenant
dwelling house aud out-butldlngs.
All those two certain vacant lots ot ground situate
in tho Borough ot Centralla, Columbia county and
Stetoof Pennsylvania, and bounded? and described
as follows, to-wlt: on tho north' by Centre strect,on
tho cast by Paxton street, on tho south by nn alley
and on tho west by lot of Edward Williams.
Seized, taken tn execution at tho suitor Johanna
O'Conucr against Patrick Murphy and to bo sold as
tho property of Patrick Murphy,
KKOMt Wintebstken, Attorneys Ft. Fa
All that certain piece ot ground sltuatolnMtmin
township, Columbia county, Pcnnsylmnla, describ
ed os follows, to-wlt: Bounded on the north by land
of John Aten, cast by II. Schwopponhlscr. south by
lands of Thomas Atcn and on tho west by Charles
Kllngcrman, containing one hundred and ten acros
more or less, on which aro erected a frame house,
barn and outbuildings.
Ono tract of land sltuato In said township of Mil
tlln, bounded on .ho north and cast by land ot Them'
Aten, on tho south by Michael (iro'ir's heirs, on
tho west by land ot William Parr, conutntug twen
ty-four acres moro or less, on which are erected a
frame house and onl-butldlngs.
Ono tract bounded on the north by land ot I. K.
Schweppenhlser and Samuel Snyder, on tho east by
Lawrence Waters, on tho south by Abraham
schwepponhelsor and on the west by John Atcn,
containing thirty four acres, more or less, on which
aro erected a frame house, born and out-buUdlngs,
One tract ot land bounded on tbe north by land ot
Stephen Oearheart and others, on the cast by land
ot I, K. Schweppenbclser, on tho Bouth by land ot
John Atcn and on tho west by ,land ot Joseph Gear
heart, containing one hundred acres, moro or loss,
on which aro erected a frame house, barn and out
One lot ot ground situate In tho town ot Malnvtlle
Colombia county, Pa,, bounded and described as
follows,to-wlt: Bounded by land of J. B. Longenber
ger and two public roads, being a corner lot In Bald
town, ou which aro erected a two story brick Store
house, with tho appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution at tho suit of Low Bros.
tc Co., against I. K. chwcppenhelser and to bo sold
as.tho property ot I, K, Sohwepponhelser.
Knobii, Attorney. lid Piv, Fi. Fa
AU that certain lot or plcco of land situate In Bea
ver township, Columbia county and stato of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning nt an oak at public road. thence along
said road north elghty-blx aud one-fourth degrees
wost twenty-nine rods to a stone, thenco by land ot
Jacob Longenbergcr south three and ono-fourth de
grees west eleven and one-tenth perches to o stono
thence by the same north seventy-two and a halt
degrees east sixty-one and one-tenth perches to thu
placo ot beginning, containing ono aero moro or
less, on which are erected a ono ttory frame dwell
lng housc.stablo and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, takenlnexecut'onattho suit of Tho Co
lumbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Asso
elation against Charles Longcnbergcrand to bo sold
as the property ot Charles Longenberger.
Little & Milleb, Attorneys. Vend Ex.
All that certain lot or pleco of land sltuato lu Madison
township Columbia co and Stato ot Pennsylvania,
and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: on
tho north by land of Frank Evcs.on the east by land
of Samuel Lowry, onthosouthlby land of William
nartllne, and on thu west b? land of Philip Llchard,
containing thirty acres moro orless, on which aro
erected a one and a halt story.lramo dwelling house,
barn, and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Thomas
J. Swisher against Joel Snyder and to be sold as tho
property of Joel Snyder.
W. J. Buckalew, Attorney. VI, Fa,
north slxty-toven and a half degrees cast one hun
dred and ntly-two perches along tbe line ot John Pel.
for and Peter Bowman thenco hortb l degrees
west sixty perches to a stone corner, thence south
sixty seven abdarmlf degrees west one hundred
and fifty two perches to s stono eorncr.thcnco south
tht'ty ono degrees cast sixty perches to tho place ot
beginning containing fitly thrco acres and twenty
flvo perches mora or less.
3rd described i
Containing titty throo acres and twenty flvo per
ches moro or less on which aro erected a two story
framo dwolllng hottto, largo bank birn, wagon shed
aud outbuilding
Seized, taken tn execution at tho suit of Illram
Shujars, admlnlstrar of George Ilollenback deceas
ed against Wm, Mcnslngor, and to bo sold as tho
proportyof Wm.Mcnslnger
zabr Attorney, aU'Vsnd. kx.
lots of ground sltuato la Locust Dalo Conyngham
All thoso certain two township, Columbia county
and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, tvwlt I Sltuato on corner of Fifteenth
and Chestnut streets between Front and Market
streets; being lotfl No. 1M and 10 and each lot being
twenty five feet In width and one hundred feet
moro orless In dsptlion which are erected a two
story framo dwelling house, Willi shlnglo roof, and
a framo Btableon rear end of lot.
Poized taken In execution at the suit of William
II, Bright agent, sgalnst Jacob Benncr and to bo
sold as tho property of Jacob Benncr.
maiib, Attorney. fi. fa.
Tbo following described real being the
llfo estate of Georgo Cavaneo tn tho same, Bl'tiato
In Mount Pleasant Township, Columbia county and
state of Pennsylvania bounded and described as f oi
lows to-wlt t On tho north by lands of George Iielcr
and Andrew Ikeler, on tho east by lands of Daniel
Mccarty .ind Samuel Jacoby, on tho north hy laads
ofE It. Ikelerand Jackson lkclcr, and on tho west
by lands of William Johnson and David DemotlB
estate, containing ono hundred and twelvo acres,
moro or less on which are erected a two and nuau
story framo dwelling houso, a largo bank born,
straw shed, wagon houses and other out-bulldlngs,
also c good orchard etc.
Seized taken In execution at tho suit of First na
tional Bank ot Bloomsburg, against ooorge Cavaneo
and to be sold as tho property ot Georgo Cavaneo,
E, 11. LiTTt.K, Attorney. vend, ex
All that certain tract ot land situate In Locust
township, Columbia county, Stato ot Pennsylvania
Bounded on the cast by lands of Ellas lieiwig, on
tho west by lands of Geo. Marks, on the north by
lands of Abraham Wbltner, and on tho south uy
lands of Frederick pfnhler and Georgo Bltner, con
talnlng thlrty-llvo acres moro or less, wheroon aro
erected two (two-story) framo dwelling houscs.bnnk
barn, and out-bulldlngs
Seized, taken In oxecutlon at tho suit or J. 11.
Vastlno against David S. llelwlg and to bo Bold bb
tbo property of David S. Hclwlg,
Hdawn, Attorney. Al. vend. i.x,
AU that certain houso and lot sltuato In the town
of Catawissa, Columbia county and State of Penn
sylvania, hounded and described as follows to-wlt
beginning In Pine street at tho east Bldo of nn alley,
laid out for tno convenience of tho Lutheran church
sltuato In Pino street aforesaid and running from
thenco by said alley and land of Stephen Baldy
northeastwardly a courso parallel to tho street and
nlley.of tho town of Catawissa two hundred ana ten
feet (S10) then southeastwardly a course parallel
to tho aforesaid Plue street fifty feet (50) te a cor
neroflotot Nelson P. John, thenco by the samo
Hcuthwestwardly two hundred and ten feet (810) to
the ntoresald Pin- street, thenco by tne samo north
westwardly fifty feet ( W) fi tho place of beginning,
whereon Is erected a two-story frame dwelling
houso and out-buildtngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Columbia
County against Joseph Mam, and to be told as the
property ot Joseph Martz.
Ikeler, A ttorney. vend, isx,
AU that certain tract or piece ot land situate In
Benton township, Columbia county, and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded anfl described as follows, to-
wlt: Beginning at a stone, thence by land of Fred.
crick lllllcy south two degrees, west forty perches
to a post, thenco by land ot Balrbold Klerchon
north eighty eight and one-fourth degrees west one
hundred and sixty-seven and eight-tenths degrees
to a post, thenco by land of William MoKclvy north
ono and three-fourths degrees cast forty perches to
white oak, thence by land ot said George W
Poust south eUhty-elght and three-fourth degrees
cast ono hundred and Blxty-clght perches to the
placo of beglnnlng.conuilnlng forty-two acrts,strlct
meosuie, bo the samo more or less, fifteen acres of
which Is cleared.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot John J,
Mcltenry against George W, Poust and to be Bold as
tho property ot Oeorge W. Poust,
Littles, Attorneys. FI, Fa.
All that messuage and lot of ground sltuato In tbe
vlllagoof Rupert, Montour towushlp.Columbla coun.
ty, Pennsylvanla,bounded nd described as follows:
Northwaidly by lands of Arndt, enstwnrdly by
tho Main road leading fiom Bloomsburg to Catawls
sa, southwardly and westwardly by the Main road
lending from lllcomiburg to Catawissa and lands of
tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Raunadcompa
ny. It being, tbe sumo prepcrty lately occupied by
Michael Dougherty for tho purpose ot conducting a
hotel, known as old Butler stand; containing about
ouc-thlrd of an aero more or less, whereon Is erect
ed a large and commodious stablo and sbed,
Ice houso and outbuildings. A well ol water Is also
on the premises.
Seized, taken tn execution nt the suit of Catharine
Butler against Reuben Rouch, and to be sold as tno
property of Reuben Rouch.
Littles, Attornej-s. FI. Fa,
All that certain tract or pleco ot land sltuato in
Brlarcreek township, Columbia county and Stato ot
Pannsjlvanla und boundea and described as follows
to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In lino ot lantof Jchn
Yost, thence north eighty-one and a quarter degrees
cast forty-six and a fourth perches to a stouo to
land of Jonas Wright, thenco by the same and S,
Sltler south thirteen degrees and twenty minutes
oast two hundred and torey-nlno and three fourths
perches to laud ot David Shaffer, thence by the
samo forty-eight degrees and fitty minutes west
thlrty-nlno perches to Samuel Bluer, thenco by the
John Wanamaker.
If you cannot
to us by postal
card fof IlOUSO-
koopofs Prico
Wc fill orders by letter from
every State rind Territory at
same prices charged customers
who visit the store, and allow
same privilege of return.
The stock includes Dress
Goods, Silks, Laces, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits,
This is the particular season In
which to get and prepare House
keeping IJry Goods Sheetings,
l'illow Materials, Linens, Nap
kins, Towels, etc. It IS also tho
season for Ladies' Underwear.
The Grand Depot contains tho
greatest variety of goods in ono
establishment in
the United States,
and exchanges
for things that
do not suit, upon
examination at
Grand Depot, Philadelphia.
Fine II rami I cn, WIiInKIcs, CJIiih, IttiniN, ami nil KIikIh oI'TVIiich eon
flu ni iy on iiuiiii.
Landlords throiicli out tho county will find it to their ndvonlnce to
call and examine my stock before purclmeing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
Kt c
DR. METTAUR'S HEADACHE P I LLScnro most wonderfully In a
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, 6th door ' aprU M- r
acros and ono hundred and five perches
Helzed, taken In execution at tbe bait ot Joseph
Lnmon against William Walp and to be sold as the
property ot William walp,
LiTTUfl.Attorney. li. ra.
Terms cath on day of sale.
lau, bhsrlXf,
All that real estate situate In llrlarcrcck township
Columbia county, ou road leading from Iierwlck to
Bloomsburg, bounded and described as tolloivs to
wit : On the north by land ot Daniel rurscl, on tho
cast by land of Lydla Sponenbcrg, on tbo west by
land ot Daniel l'ureel and on tho south by Lydla
Sponenbcrg and Daniel rursel.contalnlng two acres
moro or less, on which are erected a two-story brick
dwelling, framo stable, spring house and out-bulld
lngs, good spring ot water and largo orchard on Ihe
Belied, taken In execution a'." the suit of E. L
Adams, surviving partner of Adams & Son, against
Mary J, Ganscl, and to be sold as tbo property of
Mary J. Oansel.
JiCKsoN, Attornoy. Fa.
Tbe following described real estate sltuato' In
Centre township, Columbia county, beginning at
a gum tree In line ot land ot Oeorge Kclchncr and
others, thencoby land of O.K. nets south twelve
degrees east one hundred and twelve perches to a
stone, thenco by tamo and land of 1, Ernwlne south
three degreed west ono huncbrcd and lllty-flve and
two-tenths perches to a stone, In lino ot Oeorge
Muftly, by seme and Cbrlstlanna Muflly
south eighty-six and one-fourth degrees east nine
ty and nine-tenths perches to a pine stump In lino
of Sarah Solmon and others, thence by samo north
eight and three-fourths degrees west 201 and
elght-tenthB perches to a si one, thenco north eight
and three-tourths degrees, east seventeen and
eight-tenths perches to a Btone, thenco north ten
and one-halt degrees west seventy-eldht and eight-
tenths perches to a stone In lino George Kelch.
ner Ave hundred and eighty-two and one-fourth de.
grees west seventy-eight and eight tenths perches
to a gum tree, the place ot beginning, containing
ono hundred and twenty-four acres and one hun
dred and forty-six perches, strict measure.on which
aro erected a large frame two story dwelling with
kit. hen attached, log stable with wagon shed at.
tached, trame pig pen and com crib and out-bulld
Belied, taken lo execution at tno salt ct Anna
S.Jackson and C. O. Jackson, executors ot M.i:.
Jackson, deceased aga'nst Oeorge A, Beam and to
be sold as the property ot George A. Iieam.
All that certain tractor piece of land sltuato In
Main Townshlp,Uolumbla county and Btato ot 1'enn
sjlvanla bounded and described as follows to-wlt :
Beginning at a Btone, thenco by land of sold WUllam
Menslnger north seventy degrees sixty eight and
one tenth perches to a stone, thence by land lato ot
Ooorge Longenbtrg,r, rorth twenty seven and a
halt degrees west eighty six and five tenth perches
tt a stone, thenco by tbe same south seventy and
three quarter degrees west seven and three tenihs
perches to a stone, and thence by land of tbo said
Daniel Miller south fourteen decries east eighty
seven and two tenths perches to tho placo of begin
ning containing thirty one acres and six percne i of
land strict measure,
one otber tractor piece of land situate In said
Main Township, County and Statu aforesaid boun'
ded and described as follows to wit i Beginning at
a stone a corner ot land of James McAlarney south
fifvtv anil R ntmrfpr riporppfl wkF. hflv thran anrl
fnnr tnth narrhaafn a ktnnn Ihflnfft hv lanrtfl nf HAliI I Vt H, DOHBION,
tVUllam Menslnger south twenty eight and ono .."VYsTn Sf. dVk'iwnr the straneesuK
ft 1hth fit(7TPfft ftflht I htrtV llinH Alii flVO ttmth nrCh. I .inu n ilocilm,, V'ollnna In ull icia ovTrl a.rJu
samo north nueen degrees and mty minutes west Lin tne nianulacturc ot Urgnns is resulting in the production and sale
riMcontrF wi acrand sevens P1 CUeP S00US Bao JI. ln miB'. WlCT particularly to
eight perches and allow onco bo tbo same moro or Dogus urgaus umi are conunuany springing into existence without
any merit whatever, oxcept to bo ottered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to be dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
Iess.on which aro erected a two-story framo dwell
ing house, barn ana out-bulldlngs,
All tnat otbercertaln tractor plcco of land .sltuato
in llrlarcreek township, Columbia county, and State
ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as .follows, consider it VOUV Olllv BSlfeL'linrd to Select an infilriiniPtir linnr-mr, tl,Q
A,ir. Aritnlnlntr Innrto nf .TnnftH wrli.rir.nn Inn I w . s- - " - ..,t- .uu
""--.v, ...--- . r, , ... 1 1 1 .
north .slxty-soven degreesenst sixty ono perch- I jiuhicb ui men, uhibo, vwiuwjr iuouiibiuic iiiHKeiB. 2. gOOtl assortment Ot
CS to a post, uienco norm eienu unu one- c v PH ol t ie CfilCbllltf (1 JlBtev 1 11 PHllR PlllHimv hocrwn il flm n,
half rtpcrfwn wrwt. Ihirtv-sflven nerches toalV.- . . iuuujo
stono adjoining land ctWIIlldin Walp, thence south OI 1110 UlUy AUtHOXlZa genCIOl tne Btfcy Olgans IB
,,,-,, ,, ri ,1 nnn.1,9 f doffrppfl irfkr. Rlvtv.Alf.hf. I -I 1-- 1- . It-mmm-m A . . .... .. f i ft .i
.u..,-..6m- --. --- - "i uoiuiuuiu wuuuw, Kuurumuu ioi live years iroui tne miinn
and six-tenths perches to a yelliw pine, adjolnlngl , . J t- . - j-o uum mu iiiimu
land of ocorgo Bower, south eight degrees east iaciurers accompanies every JLSiev urgan.
lUUri? IU UUU DO CU-KUUU) jJVIbU(,OiVWUIUiUUli UIUU I m mm mmm p - -qi j.
u. 3jjj-x xJiij, Agent,
Bloomsburg, P a.
Letters ot Administration on the estate of John
J. Longenberger. late or too towiibblp uf Jlimin,
coiumuia coumy,i -t-aua, uccchbcu, uu.o
teen rranv I P"ntwl Auallor 10 ma'' dUtnbutlon of the balanc
id ty the itenls tir ot said county to John Jaong- rh.tS" """" lu im ,UD
AmoDg the records and proceedings of tho or
phans' Court ot Columbia county, It ts Inter alia,
thus contained.
In the matter of Ihe account of II A. Schweppenhl
ser. Administrator of WllUuin Henderson, de
ceased. And now December 15th, USO.on motion and by
agreement or parties, Samuel Knurr, l&q, isap.
jiuieu Auaiior 10 maite oiMnuuuon oi me oaiance
hiirimr claims airalnst tbe estate ot the decedent
art) requested to presen. them for settlement, ana
those Indebted to tbo estato to make payment to
toe undersigned aaministi ator wn nout ceiay.
C. W. Miller, Atty. Administrator.
J,m 7, nt-ew.
We Aro NOW Making Tho
Kvermadoby any publishing houe,
imnv ana win ue miuu lur uiuj
particulars address uuiiuaku u.
I'a. a
It Is a Illir
a short time. For
iiu., I'hiiaueipuia,
fuu teiw
Parker's Ginger Tonic
neirutatea the fitomacb. liver and kldnei s. and nev
er mm to make Ihe blood rich and pure and to
strengthen every purt' f tbe sisttm. it
uunurt-usot ucspairiuK iutujiui. ao
bors about It. d
has cured
your neigh.
tbe s ear,
eighth degrees cast thirty nine andnvo tenth perch,
ea to a post, thence by land f lunjjmln nuss sixty
nine and one bolt degrees east nny three and fuur
tenths perches to a stone In Une of land of Henry
Bowman, thence by tbe same north twenty sine
and three fourth degrees west forty eight andQve
tenth perches to tbe place of beginning containing
fourteon acres and eighty eight perches ot land
strict measure be the same more or less,
One other tract or piece ot land altuate in Main
Towublp County and Mate aforesaid and boun lad
and dwertkred u toOow lo-wlC UeglbhUig at a atom
Cvrnerta the Unto! lasdct John ITtrtMttd thnc
l bo world. 1 he only Hume ivt-rluued covering
this great subject. Contains a thoisand facts
stranger than fiction the wild Imaginations of
Idolaleis coucemli g Belty and f rlnu. iho Destiny
of Man, with all Ihe ttram.e belleU, leseuds, cus
toms, forms of worbblp temples, tnilnes sacrifices,
etc , connected therewith, is Itliutratedand bound
in unique tl) le. A truly wonderful book, certain to
twu immensely, rvtwuym v9Kvt vr,u. vw., au
Fm . u,i uIiili
TM Chestnut su.fblUdeipnta.
Neatly and cheap ueciltcd at the
OuUiMiiAln Otte.
Ht tiie fy,rnT.
Certified from the records December lltb, l-80.
Clerk o. o.
Tho Auditor apprinted by the Court will attend to
the dut lea ' f his appoint ment on Friday, I ton fourth
davot lebruory. a. U.. lksl, at tin o'clock a m.,
at bis office in lOoomsnuig, I'a when ami whre
pintles interested arc rtnuired to make theirclalms
or be debarred from comltg in upon said fund.
Jan, V8Mw Auditor.
Notice Is hereby given that application has been
made to the court ov tbe "Iiloormburg Fire Com
pany." for an amendment f Its charter, by chang
ing Its name, style and title to "i-riendth'p Hie.
company No l, of Bloomsburg" andthut'ouilhas
ordered that upon publication ot notice thereof In
two papers ot general circulation, published In Col
umbia County, for three weeks l fore tbo first .Mon
day ot February next, a decree In accordance with
the application will be made, If no valid objection
bo Interposed.
William Wibb. JOIIN W.FI1V,
ecretary. I'restdeut.
Among tho rr cords and procet dings of the Court
of common Iteas of Columbia county It Is Inter
Kobert'M McBrlde) No. lie Hcpt. Term, isso,
vs. Divorce,
Mary C. MCBrlle. )
Now Dec, t, 1660 on reading of Sheriff's return to
alias subiceria and appllcuuon ot llirvey K. tmllli,
Att'y. for noiiert M, Mcurldo, the court order pub
lication by the Hhentf. '
Certified from the records this fifteenth uay of
December, A. D., 16M. '
U. M. Qncx, 1'roih'y.
Deputy. '
To Mary C. McUllde above named: You am here
by required to appear before the Judges ot said
court at UlotmsUur- on Monday, tin fth day of
Pebruan, a. 1. issl, to answer the complaint of
letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob
S. Evans, late or 1-kx insturg Columbia county i'a.
deceased, have been granted by the httisier of eald
county to Q. A. iienlig, cf nlooimbuig, srtrar All
pcrsonw irnvmir claims igalnn ihe estate ct said de
cedent are requested to present thim t r settle
ment, and those Indebted to the estate to make
deiayent t0 lhV "hderslgned administrator, without
, .... Administrator.
Jan 7,61 t-w Uloonubuig.ra.
Letters of Administration n the estate of Sarah
llobmhood, late uiMlffim township Columbia coun
ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been era ted
hy the lieglster of said county 10 L. til
VWutuiBLeeu, ot Itloomsburg, adm'r. All persons
huvlng claims against the estate of said doce
dent are requested to prrccnt them for settlement,
aud those Indebted to tho estate to make pawnent
w .uu uuuc.oifcuEu Aumimauuivr.miuum ueiay.
L. H.
Jan I, "so-ew
Uluomsburg, i'a.
Letters of administration on the estate of Mary I'.
Ha'ns lal of lienton township, Columbia county,
deceased, havo bren granted by tbo Keglster of satd
county to the understgned.amlnlstrat 3r All persona
..ciub wuimo auuuiBi iiiu ebuiui ui turn accouent
are requested to, present Ihimfor bet'lrment and
muse inaeuica tome estaio toniako payn
undersigned administrator w llhout dniaj
he estate toniako payment to tho
llhout delay,
.TAPnll H K A tlMR
E. II, & It. It, Little, Administrator.
., , Attorneys. Uenton r. o.
Jan. 91-w
Notice la hereby given that the following named
pcrtons have nit cl with inn clerk of tho Quarter
btssloiis nf tbe l eaceef columt'l- c uuly their pe
titions for license which will be pr ben ted to the
sild Court on Udmsda),the tthday if February
cort'ei n.ltobblns Bloomsburg, Llqdor Store
Tubbs K Chamberlain da Hotel
Frederick M. (lllmore do llestaurant
Jonn H. Maun Centre, Hotel
Hamuel llugenbuch Orange, Hotel
J.F.Caldwell, Bloom, Hotel
Augustus o. ltabb, Bloom, Liquor store
William Williams, Berwick, Hotel
Clerks Office, VM. KHICKIIM1M,
UlbomitMrc, January, leal. cieik U. S.