The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 21, 1881, Image 2

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ll? Stftttitfiiiitr.
0. S. HVJtZU,. fiiu.t,
J. K. BITTSWB21.D33, f iltc"'
1 v1flny. JnfihMvy 31, 1881.
" " ---------L-
Iny 0,ml4 lif gtiia lo California.
Muntr S ynnl ,f tyeluwiue Imi Lcn re
r f to tim Unite! States Senile.
(3n, Orant, hfivliic consented to servo on
ti n World' Fnlr Cotnml!nn ,1ms loen
iKnnlmouilr clitiwi ltd I'rftiilMit.
Wnr between Greece nod Turkey It now
r.nlderetl Itcvltafcle ly the liritbli Min
istry. Tha reol fWlttiitiim of " Washington Mr.
lam, 'imin wlitoh ho mnny coiipremtn
h f r, I nd to li'o rum nntl tnbncco. Only
sand iHrthliift mnrtti
It h Uted that Frnnklin 11. Gocn lias
1 ff t i id i ad tlie iHVlilou of ooiMel to the
J) Ware, Idckiiwannn nnd Wwtern JRnil
y .id company, nt i wlnry of $10,000 aypnr,
l m now UMierco mm ii lie is Uetenlcil in
I' e(VH to rc'iiln hit present iosltlnn, ho
Will n tire to New York', mttl engo lo tho
r r iciec of "aw, hhd (it. the satno time feet us
c 'UH'tfnr t"t) Dtlawnrp, Lackawanna and
' 'tprii Cobpsny.
i nn bride of Governor l'ortor, ol Iudinnn
is in? sister vi j.icuierintu uoernor clone
oi tlusSta'e. It is Haiti tint Oovernor l'or
fir nuiio ll.nn Swne'.-t iiequiititanew durin
ii vitit to Lako Clmtttauriia, some 'linn ago
Nulniq'imlly homol her while the was vis
i 'us Judgii tfcofielcl, Hr;latty of tliu Trens-
ry, and Air. 11'?, in Wasliii'gion. At
t ,h time their acquaintance ripened Into
i 'luislo friendship A few iikhiIIh sgo
lie met lier iit Cincinnati, on her way Sou'li,
m.d they became crgngctl.
Harris'inr?, .1 mi. lSlh, ISSI.
"Well what do yon think of thin)--?" In
ttic utiiversil Intel rogatory, here. Suoh n
'.ling in iiu actual well organized bolt from"
'iio choice of a political caucuj hsu not been
heard of at IIarriburg fur many a day and
Grangers ot'holh political 'partisa liavo been
u traded hero from all por Ions of tho Stale
to view the curiosity. The situation may bo
Biiaiiued up In a few words. Thu Iriends of
GaliHln A. Grow' candidacy for United
HtntesSemttor nfter frittering away all their
chances For eltctinj.' him by unskilful
management nt tho outset of tho contest,
have succeeded in doing a wiso thing
in consolidating the opposition to tho ma
chine candaHto Into a determine little
coterie of half a hundred votes which fears
neither tho lashing of caucus nor tho per
sonal threats of men. The two factions of
the llepublican party are arrayed against
each other in bitter figlir,with tho DeiiK'Cra
cy as a balance of power quietly looking on
When fifty odd Republicans refused to par
ticipate in tho general Caucus of last Thurs
day night, tiie .question at once was "will
thoy slick?" audit must bo admitted that
some, even of tho most ardent supporters of
tho cause espoused b.v tho holtem wero a lit
tle doubtful as to the final issue. The suppor
ters of Oliver wero outspoken in denuncia
tion of the courfo pursued by the bolteis and
in expressions of doubt as to their eincerity
nnd determination. Whatever doubts.hoiv
over, of the present determination of thu
nntl-inaiihino men, which heretofore may
have been entertaiutd wcro dispelled by the
eyouts of to-day. When tho hour of threo
o'clock arrived this afteiuoon, every .Mem
ber and Senator was in bis seat, and the
lobbies everywhere were crowded willi in
terested spectators. After withdrawing the
names of a score or more of statesmen whrt
had received complimentary nomination',
the Houses at once procfededto tho ballot
for candidates for IJ, S. Senator to be pre
fented to tho joint convention of tho two
youscs tq-morrow lor t lection. The mono
toious respmtnoi of mombers nnd the
counter responses cf tellers wero listened to
by the spectators to the close with attention,
when it was announced that twenty Sena
tors, and seventy five Hepreeentalivcs,nine
ty five in all, had voted for Henry Oliver Jr
Twelve Senators and forty four Represen
tatives, fifiy-six in all, had voted for Galu
sba A. Grow. Tho Democratic vote of tho
Senate sixteen and ot the House seventy-
seven was cast solid for William A. Wallace.
The scattering votes were, in the Seriate.
Senator 1'arkcr of Schuylkill voted for Duu
iel Aguow.and in the JJouie,Mr. Lawof I'lill-
ndt'lphla voted for Wayne MnoVesgh, Mt
H-jddiman, of Philadelphia fori). Harrison
Brewster and Mr. Welsh of Schuylkill for
Oircy Heard. Thus, were the lines drawn
nnd both Houses adjourned until to-moirnw
and speculation again became rife us to the
out-coiuo of the future. The general im
pressioii now is that the boltrH will Bland
firm and . if Oliver is to be elected at alt must
be by Democratic votes. That this will be
accomplished it is said that tho friends of
Oliver aro confident, but I am unable to find
any Democrat excepting those who are here
employed as workers for the machine, who
will agreo that it is at all possible for the
Democrats to vole for Oliver, and do any
thing but a foolith thing. It is not at all
likely that any de fiuite result will bo re ich-
ed in tho joint convention to morrow,for the
indications aro iinsltive that tho Democrats
whatever final disposition thoy may make
of their votca will ndhero to their caucti
nomlnoo fur some days nt least unless a
compromise between the contending llepub
lican factions shall soouei elect Hoyt or
some liko comproinlso candidate.
Your readers may expect to hear of no
work until this business of United States
Senator is out of the way, for although the
Senate Committees will be announced, short'
ly, it does not seem that the Speaker of the
House will announce the Coramitteesof that
body until "the bone of contention"
ried away,
II' lie. llernlardt's Earnings.
The gross recelpls of SI 'lie. Sara Itfrn-
hardt'is first fifty perfnnnanccs in this coun
try (one, half her riifragemriit) aro $179,820.
She appeared four weeki In New York giv
ing 25 performances, nnd receiving $03,740;
two weeks In Boston, 13 performances, re
ceiptg, $19,104. The seventh week she sp.
peared once in Hartford, or ce In New Ha
ven, nnd four times In Montreal ; receipts,
$10,190. The eighth week olio appeared
ouceln 8prlPffleld, Mamdiucetts, and fire
limes In Haltlmor; celpt, tl5,7I4. The
iill.tb week ilie ixnt lu Pblladelplil.
Wellington, II. (i. January ISHi, 1881.
A fter dnngprnna delays Mr. Cox yesterday
firecnted to tho HniifP 1 is re-apportionment
bill. Notwithstanding thn time lost the
bill was expected to be ready December 121st
there is n fair prospect of lis p.usaga.un
I'M tho llr publican's debate it length
ily In order lo brlrig around on extra tension.
I'horn are Indications that many of tho mofe
Kadlcalo'fllicnTilfilro such nsK'slhn. Tho
bill as reporiod provides for 301 llopreacn
tntivrs as follows.
Alabama Arkansas fi; California 5. Col
orndolj Connecticut I; Delawnrcl; Morldal
Gforpirt.O; llllnoU, t'J; Indlsnn, 12; Inwa.10;
Kansas, 6; Krnfnuky, 10; Louisiana, (Ij
Mnlnc, d ; Maryland, 0; Massachusetts, 10
Michigan, 10; Minnesota, f; Mississippi, 7,
Missouri, 13; Nebraska, 3; Nevada, 1; New
Hnmpsliircf 2; New Jrrsoy,7; Nw York.Dl;
North Carollm. 8; Ohio. 19; Oreeou, 1:
l'ennylvanlfli 20; Jlhode Island, 2; South
Girolmn, fi; TnmeCP, 0; Texas, 10; Vnr'
moot. 2; Vlrgialn, 9; West Virginia, -1;
WUronsIn, 0;
Ys'ciilay,tnr,saw the belnnlnc ot the end
ol tho Kellqgi? Jenatnrlal cns This Kellogg
was sent up here by the radicals of Liuis
latin as Senator, His cato was Inquired into
nnd debated, and he was seated by a fnriral
vote of the S?nate. Since that vole, Messrs.
Thurmnnjlayard, McDonald nnd thretor four
other Dniociu's liavo unlforuily held that
thn cao was finally settled. Scnntor Hid
alid other Democrats liavo held the contn
ry, nnd yesterday called the ens? up. The
ncnicratlcScna'ors who voted against tak
ing it up were Butter, I) ivh, of Illinois
Bayard, Whyte, William?, Thtirnian, Voor
Itccs, Pendleton and l.imar. All theso meu
nlll voto in the, suna way wliensver fie
cuso is sough( to be brought before tho Sen
ute, nnd they nru sufficient in number to
prevent itSjConsldcration.
Tho IIouso is again lost in its consider.!
t!ou of tho funding bill. Spoiker HanJsll
hst week' appeared in the loid for two das
and progress was mad.', but inombers of the
House, seemed to think, upon rrllcction
that tho progress was taking them further in
tho woods, nnd they havo beeu t.trng'
gling slncn as before, without a guide. The
Senate is preparing to consider the subject
in a moro orderly, if not n more intelligent
manner. Republican Sonntora hive bad a
caucus to secure united action. They will
almost unnoimously agreo upon a threo and
one-half per cf nt bond, redeemable in five,
nnd payable lo twenty years. And t') tin
complexion will tho mens.ire come at last, I
There are further nnd conclusive assuran
ces of Senator Blaine's acceptance of the
Stnte Department in the now Catvnet. One
of tlio-o inumerab!o young men who are
worshippers of tho Maine Ssnatnr, told mo
yesterday that the position would materially
aid his Presidential prospects, inasmuch a:
though the appointment might at first intrn
sify the enmity of a fetV persons agai nst
him, it would put him wbero no naw am -
mies wnnld be made.
Tlio liemarkalilo Activity in; Itallroad liuilil
Last year was the most remarkable in the
history of the American railway business
Tho earnings of the roads wcro much greater
than ever before ; nearly nil the lines west
of the Mississippi River wero brought to
gather under connected systems ; whila the
increase in the mileage wns larger than in
nny -previous year except 1872. Then our
excessive railway construction was followed
by the financial crash of 1873, from which it
took the country years to recoyer.
The Financial Chronicle published nHl
beginning of December a table of the groi
earnings of forty threo railroads for tb
eleven months of 1880, comparod with thopc
for the corresponding period of 1879. Th
figures for 1880 were $180,GG0,789, ngauu
$113,310,029 for 1879; a gain of $3G,820,600
or nearly one quarter.
In 1879 thn business of railroad constru
tion, which since 1872 has received a serious
cherk, showed great comparative activity
1 ho total number of miles of roads bui
reached 4,721, or more than doublo the ne.
rago of the previous five years.
It was this increase of railroad building
accompanied by a vast augmentation of
traffic owing to the great haivest, that
revived the drooping spirits of the iron
manufacturers. Besides tho rails needed
for tho mileage added, repairs were every
whero necessary to meet the accilmulatiu
business. Our production of pig iron wn
accordingly greater than that of the year
before by about half a million tons ; and it
found a largely increased prices
The production even exceeded that of 1873
the previous year of largest supply, bv
nearly a quarter of a million of tons. W
manufactured of iron nnd steel rails nearly
the same nmonut in excess of tho pro lut
tion of 1872, tho year when railroad build
ing beoamn almost a mania. Their irapcr
tation, wbicb had dropped off altogethp r I
ioo, rose io uu.ouu ions,wuiie o: all KUnl o
iron and steel wo imported about half
million tons, against abjut n fifth of that
nmount in 187S,
But the activity in railroad building i
1879 was far exceeded by thntof'last year.
The addition to tho railway mileage of the
United States for 1880 was, according to a
table compiled by the Railway Age, 7,207
miles; an iucreasoovr 1879 of 2,480 miles.
ine nuuioer oi miles autieu in it7 was
about tho same, 7,310.
Tho cfl'tct ot this increaso on the iron
trade wns of course very marked. The pro
duction of pig Iron ro6e from nbout two nnd
three quarter millions in 1879 to between
three and a quarter and threo and a half
millions in 1880; and our importation of pig
iron was nbout 700,000 tons. We produced
1,2000,000 tons of rails, and impoited about
7.r),000 tons. The new roads took about a
million tons of iron nnd steel, aud there
was bfsldfsan enormous coufumptlon for
repairs to the roads and rolling stock of the
lines already exiitirg. As n oousequence,
tbo Iron trade has had tho busiest year it has
ever known.
Of the 7,207 miles of railroad built in 18S0
more than one half, or 3.8G8 mlles,weru laid
In the Slates and Territories west of the
Missitsippi. The rapidity with which rail
road construction is going on In that portion
of tho Union prefcges n still greater in
crease in its population during the next ten
years than tho census shows for lie last
decade. Already in the region wcrt of the
Mississippi considerably more than a fifih
of the population ot the country is gathered
whereas iu 1FG0 the projiortion was only
nbout a tenth.
The promise is that railroad construction
dudng tbo present year will be even larger
than that for I860. A'. )'. Sun.
See a woman on horseback in an
other column, riding near Kpeer'a Vineyards
wttti x tiuncli ol grapes irom wnicn cpeem
Port Grupe Vine s made, that lo so highly
ebtcetmd by the medical ptofcciion for the
use ot invalids, weakly ttersons and the
aged. Sold by O. A. Klelm. jtu7'801y
Coal Oil StilcMfs.
Another victim of coal oil ignorance on
Saturday, ttletil. n young married woman
who probably could rend and write. It docs
senn, after thl, that nil coal oil cans or all
coal oil lamps should have some kind of
tng.with n labrl, 'Don't fill inn at nlcbtl' that
would remind careless people of the horrible
Isks thty run, Kvcn when the light Is out
there may bo n charral end of tho wick hot
nough to set flietn tho-vapor of kcrocne.
Onoof tho most terrible nrcidcuts In this
city (o n lovely young girl was caused by
poniitig alcohol from a drmljohn into the
illlo heating lamp under n rolf, o urn.
Tho lamp Was out, but tha wick was no
cold, aud so a terrible explislon occurred,
wrapping the )otmg lady In 11 lines from tho
burning nlcobnl, and seriously endangered
her Ufa. If It had been keroseno there
W6uld have been no oc.ipe, ns this oil lh so
much moro penetrating than alcohol, and
burns with a bolter fluno. There nro peo
ple who still fill their lamps nt night, by n
hot stove, or near another, Thias should
rend all tho details of tho coal oil lamp sui
cide in New Jersey on I'Mday night. It was
not only suicide, but inf intlclili, for n little
child wn.sburnod tndeaih al'O, It would be
a irood tiling to give public school children
suno lectures on coal oil nut in chemistry
binks, but bv such bits of nowspapcr read
iuir, for a text,nnd by showing tho properties
of common kerosene to be oven wore than
gunpowder, which has no vapor, and neith
er runs nor spreads. I'iikilctphh Ixdijcf,
Tho medicines of Dusdas Dick it Co. aro
unexcelled for elegance, pnrity, nnd relia
bility. Their Scidlitlno Scidlltz TowderR,
nro ns pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft
Cnrwnles aro world famous. Seo Advt.
July 30, '80-Om
A Hnrrbb'iri! Kirl recnnlly eloped with the
d ig trniricr of Ilsrlz, tho mush inn's show, lie
ini8lhivo been Isking les'Oiis of Hart, in
mesmerism. In order lo I e nhle to captivate a
fair ma hi un in so slioita time tbo few dsys
tho troupe stopped there.
The Handsome Nickel Pinted New Home
Lamn being inlrodund to I lie public this set
sun. is tlio most uieiitorimis artitlo ever (florid
agents lo make money wrh, is salcr and more
convenient lliau llie sluHont 1 unp,(wliich has
hcret' furc hul die rtpalntinn of tehig the saf
est lamp mule, it lins a clnmp lo iitinth it to
tho sewn g insculiw, pi mo, organ, d'fX, olr.
Tlio fear Ilm oriiim rj 1 ni I uii.g aecidt nt
ally nisei nr ilin.wn tr. m tlio la'de, is enlircly
relt-ivtdbv lli p:iiii-ti- clnn i ronliiviti ot-. It
ran ho ndjii'ttil tn thro- 'In- .inhtjnst wl.cre il
Is wanlnl t" suit ilip . t , a- il em l,o convert-
cd a hsnil'imio wjII la"ii ii I ns tlio livst
srg.iud bitrilt-r, nlill'ou uulicil r, lonvtm
cm match hoi, mid il p-tte is within ih; n-.tcl
of every one If hvs It1 fid v tes'itl nnd idi
tori, lly fiulors d bv Hie HVitftvn Christim .!(,
iwiife. ViW'tiun Ittrmr, IhraM and I'm-
byter, JomntU nnd Mawngei; unit Clttitiai Htiiti'
tnK, tlif lenung it'l'giout p ipers ol Uinvin
nati, nnd is u d used ny tin- .Miiycv and I'.i-t-
mnsU r nf Cini im nti, H o ueeiit (if thy A mcri
can e-x press eonii n-iv n.l pr-sldet.taof lii'tir
unce eoiii it'iiL", ns I emu I'tt safst, most t on
cninrit fl il ll t liiltin m .dit.
Tlieitj ere thtro muingwhy sstnis should
sttk men :m nrlici In (unvj-s Ijr lirsl ttr iti
alsohiti- entity nn.l gteat cnine'ileic. it
needed in ivtrv S'cond its low price
makes Us said niin'en-c Ihir.l it will lie
great credit to IiiimIi'p ruch an iitticlc One
southern nn,enl wrilv", it sells ftttir ll-nn Gen
Lee's portrait Id right after tlio war, nnoth
er write, it bents tli-i nilniv divs of llm stw
ing mnrhine,! rip'd nib-, low price, nntl lib.
ctal linns surprise 1 1 1 tgiul Adtlress llom
Linip t,o , Uiih inniiti, t)., iiiHiiinii'iiii: cu ni
jier sod thry w 1' giv jou full pirttrulurs nnd
rxvliMte lerinory to canvaat in. nov.6-13w
KSTAiKorMinve. kasns, ma-aisiu.
Lutlera cf atlinlntstritton on tlio estntp of Mirv l1
Ka-ns Inf of nentoa totviisulp, Columbia county,
itrrntiod. liav U- on irruntcd Uv thu Ui clster of saw
coanly lotho nnilersiff,letl,ninlnlsiriitor All persons
liivint; claims aulnsi, tlid t-.-itaM ot said decoilf-ni
aro reiticstt-d to present tuunfor tettltment n'i'l
iiiomo inocoioii ioiuo t'siiu loniaKe piymeneio in
uidimlsni-.d udmlnlstrator wlihoiiKlolay,
JAC011S. KAltNS.
E. II. it. H. Littu:. Administrator.
Aliornoys. lienton r. O.
Jin. -.'l-ow
lUTATaor Rkiitrti. iiujmb, dsckased.
Ultctsof ailmlnUtritliQ on tha csutoof Samui'l
luiune. talc or n-mnjcn'CK townsuio. columol
cpiinr..-, (! coiscd lnvii lvt?n Kranteil liy the KefflB
tcr (re.tld county to tlio untlei sinned pdmuilsiriitor.
All p.oi s havl' B claims nirainst thsestato of snld
uicoji-iii am rtiii-sifu loprcsvni uii-in lorsoiue
mentn d tliojo indebted lo m .kt) paymsnt to the
uiueiaigne,j uiiauni.srHiorwiiaoui uei.iy,
Jui. 31-5W Denton, l'a,
Letters cf Adinlultrntlon on tho estate of .tohn
J. LoDcenb-reer, late or tho towrndilp Lf Jliniln,
Columbia county.renna, deceast'd, uhvm tx-en gram.
ed oy tm noielsterorsaia county to. John j, I
enbergcr, of sarao township. AU persons
hnvlnif claims acalntit 'ho estato of tho decedent
nro renuosteil to nrest'U" them for settlement, una
tuoso Indebted to tho cstato lo mak pavmunt to
tno imacrsiuca aaminiMruior wnuout ut'iay.
U. W..M1U.111. Atty. Administrator.
J.in7, V-Cif.
notice Is hereby given tint tho ratlo-.ttng named
pcn.eris havn uiul wimths Clerk nf tho (juaner
Kilons (it tho I'eacoof ColumU uvuuitv thtlr pe
titions lor licens-i which will Iw prtsioiitetl toiha
suti uuurt ou ttiuutHtiu, iiiq vuiuity ii reuruur
Cortex 11. Itobbtns llloomsburg, liquor fctoro
I UUDd o. VJIlainnurilllU uo IIOU'l
Kredtrlck M. tillmoro do itestaurant
Jonn H. .Mann Centre, Hotel
Mamuid llugenbuch llratge, Hotel
J. K. Caldwill. Iiloom, Hotel
Auifustus c. Itabb, Iiloom. Liquor atoro
WlUlain Williams, Berwick, Hotel
Clerks onice, W.M.
liloomhburir, January, Ibxi.
Clerk Q. H.
TEHM, 1881.
A Monnt z, adm'r. vsltanlolph Yeager.
AmosHivnga to Abrum Kltno.
JaooO'ierwiillgtr va Moruecal Millard.
AmosMavago vs Abram Kline etux.
John Wi lsh vs Susan .Mulligan.
Kit Klndig vs thu Hcliool District or Cooyngbam
W a Vukv W 1! nnd It K llnwer.
William schectiUTly a KdJabjth WSoudn-a.
Thomas Kearns vs Charles I) .Norton,
s I) itinard vs Ferdinand (.all et ux.
Ol) L Kostcuhauder v s Joseph Knlttlo.
UenrvoiOsmanMusovs Juhn W UoHraan, Bhor
IB. Henry Miller vs () ltoth.
tioorgo liucktl vs WB llaker.
.Martha IS Croasy ct al va Joscpk II Vandorsllce nnl
terro tenant.
Henry nhodes vs Daniel Dover et term tenant.
AblUli Hhhsvs William l'llob Ins etui.
Irani licrrvs llouinanu Kose.
James il Fnlon et ux vs M o Woodward
TruHetHsnf .Stillwater Lodge No. w li of I'va Oeo
I'ennlunton el al.
William U nion trustees vs John W IIotTman,
Jacob Voager us W L Kytrly.
Henry nird er alvs James Ulrd.
t'hebo Wolf et al administrators etc. vs Mary A
John Mt-utlinvsIraKBuUlfr
Jos W n bi'H, executor vs Jas O lieederct ux.
J I'nul Krny vs ratterson nnd EdHoids.
John Al'Pletnuu vs Lemuel Voice
Ulllicrt x Kllue vs William liaumelster et ux,
Henry l-'ul mur's use i sOotlulb llaitinan.
Martha Adams vs Jospph Hi nrle and terro tenant,
ll K Oilm i bona vs Jobcph Htei,beiibon.
llates, lletd it Coiley ys Jos ph htt'pheuson.
Caleb O l'.rlen 1 1 ux vs U II Knt, llfgh fchcrllf and
Denton SIKl'sl, itsoclatlon.
Conjngham & I'alne vs Jsmcs MoAlarney et ux.
Xloom I'revt ling et ux vs Jacob lleU, Jr.
I K Krtckbaumot aladmlnlatratoisvs Samuel Ap-
o Ii liroekway ct at vs Wo tore VanDtwcn et al.
I) I Wuller vs I'enn'a Canal Co
tsaiauel Applomau, admlnlbtrator vs Iteuben J Da
vis et ul.
Ijiznius Hover vs a H llleterlck.
uu lireckwsy vsJohu liurko nlthnotlco to terro
nictatd I'utrell vs iJiwrenee Harrett
Jainou I anion's adnilnlatatorvs Joseph Lamou,
Jncob Lynn's exK'utor vs William K Cotrman et ol,
Hxrnuel liegtirtvs 11 II Karnes.
liar thy Albertson vs A II Klrkcndall.
Cuius nocks sMv Ilcrougb ol Dnivlllo.
We have for aala Cheap, both large and email
Karros, improved nnd unlmprovtd, in ull pans of
Virginia, immigrants of every political ceinplexlon,
and Irom oery part tit tbo Union, nro Hdcomuto
Wiite for 'W Estate Review" free
Address 11. U fcTAI U2J k CO, ItlcbmonO, Yn.
Columbia County Agricultural Society
Toil TUB YEA!! 1S50.
tinlsnco In tiandsot Treasurer from ls"9.
llcKcts miul, uoot, ,
Ilorso entries., .. ,.i ,
Atnp'dlientro , ,,
Maud renin ,
.Membership tickets
,y I -,!.,
110 70
111 vv
nay hoiu. ,
'Hi on ren' estntc tJ.ton oo
rnr ftiiim.
I'rlnttinr. Btntloiisrv anil tickets
!l Tns
ra ll
so on
lot) eo
Ml on
s-n ci
Tat , ,
Opera House tor I' ci Ion
r.xnr-rnf. oi in ii'gntu i.i ftr.-io rtiucgo. ...
Aunlsslon rifmi'lml tuilres
I" ll"ennil nsslttnlils
Jtt-H hltiillsti nml n t,nirs nn arnund
Ktilmtico foe ri'fusiled nntl expenses pnltl
tu iit-avrn, iiitKH v i-rrcK...
'ntd iilMlrv rxi-ninH dim irm
iTi'MPiirs sstnry ,
Treasurers aulurt
Nicr tnrv'HK-ilav.t
iao rrt-siiu. u unu i.xecu no ucm
Total, $IM1 IS
tialanceln handset Troas, Jan, I, iss'. tlct w
fnmi. II. lUiiiMAv, B. .1. MsllKNItV,
nerretary. rrosinni.
ltl bo a' Hid resilience rf Alexander Kramer's on
Situnlsy. tlo ll'tn Hill- or .laniinr.v, Istl. nt 10
o'tSo tin m. A trldjro tnbeert-ctitl over lilff linn,
near Alexander Kriiincr' In (tiwnwood township.
To lio a wooden liraco covered t, S" let t Ion-, in
d"!t ltlo. -Ahiitlncnls to lio liiillt hy contrai'trr
so ns to admit, ot sKdivuack a feet from top ot wall
piaie. . .
I'lins nnd sperlilcatlons em bo seen nttlmu.-m-mUsluncrs
umcu. ilio Coimnlsiloiietsu-sinotlio
rhrlito let iiDiitments null wood work
btE'-iihv t'otin,
i!ii.s. in:ioiiAnT,
Conimts'loners'onice, county commissioners.
Illftomsbtirg, I'.i Jan.s, Ml.
Atttst: J. 11. cassv, ClciK. Jan. 14-8W
Ily vlituc ef sui.dry wrlls Issued out ot tho
Court of common 1'ltns ct Columbia county nnd
to me directed, w title expnscd to public snlo'ftt the
Court IIouso In lltncmsbuig, at 1 p. in. o.i
MOiS'lUV, I KI1HUAIIY 7H, 1881,
11 that ut.dltlded one lnlfof nil Hint messuage
or tenement nu.t Iriiclot piece tit ltnd tltint-, iy:ng
and balngln tin township of Hiwtloit, Columbia
county, nnd Stato cf I', bounded and
described ns follons, to-l(: liegliihlng ntnwldte
on'..-, tho corner ot llclntcr's lnnd.thencoby Undct
Joshua Ilrlnk njrth elifhtyd;g-ces west ono hun,
dred nnci twelve nnd n half perches to a post.thencc
by said land north thlrty-llvn degrees west itfty-nve
lurches to a chestnut tree, thenco north sixty tie-
glees w at toventy perches to n p jst, thenco by land
or Montgomery Colo uib seventj-Iour degrets
wo c'ghtj-lwu (erchts lo n prst, theneo by lann
ofsnllloshua nrlnk sou'h fortj-threo nnd tlucc
four! lis degrees east forty-four perches to a post
thorcu by said land bouth twenty-four degrees wen
thlrty-nlna porches to a post, tlienca by sild land
south forty threo and three-fourths degress cast
.sixty-one pe relies to a pot by np ib'tc roai, thenco
houth t tventy eiegri es eastslxty.threo nnd onu-ha!
perches to a post, thenco by land of William MeKel
vy north sixty-one nnd three-fourths degrees enit
thirty-two ocrehes to thoplaco of beginning, co i
mining elghtj-nvencrcs and slxty-mo perches of
land bo tho same moro or less, on which aro erected
a two-story frnmu dwelling hous.1, barn and out
Sclred, taken In execution nt tho suit ot Isaac K
Krlckbaum nnd William Ilrlnk, executors c. ot
Joshua llrlulc, deceased ngnlnst James Lunger nnd
to bo bold as Hid propel ty of James Luuger,
FnKEZK, Attorney. Vend. Ex,
AH ttioso two certain lots ot ground sltuato in
the borough of contralto, Columbia county, and
Stato of I'ennsilvanla nnd bounded nnd debcrlb"d
as follows, to-w it: on tho noith by lot cf I). P. Cur
ry, on the cnslby an alley, on the south by Ceure
street nnd on tho west by Locust A venue, being lit
ty foot in front and ono huudred nnd fort ft-ct lu
depth, on which nro erected n two-story tennut
dwelling house and out-building".
All tuoso two certain vacant lots ot ground bltuato
In tho Borough of Centrulla, Columbia county nnd
bteteof Pennsylvania, and bounded nnd described
as follows, to-wtt: On tho norlh by Centro Btreet.on
tho east by J'axton ttittt, cn the south bynnnlley
and on tho west by lot cf L'dward Williams.
Helzed, taken In execution nt tho su tor Johanna
O'Connerngalnst Patrick ituiphy and to be sold as
tho property of Patrick Jiuiphy.
Know; & WiNiEiibis.E.v, Attorneys Fl. Ka.
All tint certain fleco of groind sltuato in Jtltllln
township, Columbia county, Pennsj liunla, debcnu-
ed es follows, to-wtt: Hounded on tho north by Ian
ot John Aten, cast by II. Schwepponhlsef, south by
lands of Thomas Aten nnd on tho west by Charles
KUngerman, containing ono hundred nnd ten acres
moro or less, ou which aro erected a framo houso,
i nrn and outbuildings.
Oae tract oll.uilalltiue In said township of Mlt
Ulu, bounded on .ho north and cast hi land of Thorn
as Aten, on tho so ith by Michael drover's heirs, on
tho west by land of William I'arr, containing twen.
ty-four acres moro ones, on which aio erected
frnme houso and outbuildings.
Ono tract bojiided on tho north by Hndof 1. K
tsChweppuhUer and Himuol snjder.on tho east by
Lnwreuco Waters, on tho south by Abraham
Schwcpponhels;r nnd on the west by John Aten,
containing thirty four utos. more or lets, on which
aro erected a frauio house, barn niU out-bulidlngi
Ono tract cf .'and bounded on tho north by lind of
btephon aearheart and others, cn the oast by land
ofI,K. Schweppenhelsir, on tho south by land of
John Aton and oa tho w.)stby luul of Joseph Oeir
hoirt, voiitululng onohundrud acres, more or less.
ou Hhlfh are erected n framu housa, barn aud out
One, lotct grouud situate in tha town of Malnvlllo
OolnmbU loitnty, Pa., bound'd and dc&cilbed us Hounded by land of J. E. LoDgenber
gernudttopibl'c roaK being acornerlotln bald
town, on which uru ericted a tHObtory brick Storo
houso, with tho appurtenances.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Low Ilros,
& Co., against 1. u M-hweppvuIu-lscr and to bo sold
as.tho proiwrly r I, K. Svhivcptienlielscr.
Knokb, Attorney. 2d I'm.', Fx. 1'a
Al! tint cod ilit lot or plcca of land fcltuatu In ilea,
ver lownahlp, Columbia county Stato cf IVnn
sjlvanln, bouudednnd descilbedns f Hows, tc-wlt!
lieglnnlng at an oak at pubi c road, thence aloug
said nad i.ot lh clghlj.blx and onu-rourtu degrees
west twenty-nlno rods to n stone, thenco by laud of
Jacob Longenbergor south throe and ono fourth do-
grecs est Lkiii unit one-tenth porch s to a stone
thence by tho north seventy-two and a halt
degrees east slxt y-ono nndone.tenth perches to tho
place of beginning, conlulnlng ono aero moro or
less, onwhldinre elected a ono story frame dwell
ing ho'lio.btablo an I otit-bullillugs.
Belied, tnk n In ex cut'on nt tho butt, of Tho Co
lumbia County Mutual titvlug Fund and Loan Asso
ciation agalust Charles Lorigenbergernnd to bo sola
as tho property of Charles I-ongenberger.
Lnrix & Millkk, AttoruuiB. Vend Ex.
All that certain k t or plcco c f lard sltuato In Madison
towiibhip Columbia co., ami Suite ot I'enmtjlvanU,
and bounded nrddetcilbcd ns follows, to-wlti On
tho north by land ot Fl unk Eves ou the east by land
of Samuel Lowry, on the south; by land of William
Hanllne, and on the west by lander l'hlllp Llchard,
containing thirty acres moro or less, ou which nro
erected a ono and a half btory Iramo dwelling house,
barn, and out-bulldlngs.
S.lzed, taken In execution at tho sultof Thomas
J. Swisher against Jot 1 bn j der ntd to be bold as tho
property of Joel hnj der.
W, J, lluckulew, Attorney. Kl, Fa.
All that real ettnttibluiale in Ililarcrccs. township lend leading frem llerwlck to
llloomsburg, bounded and described as follows to
wit : On tho ninth by land cf Daniel I'ursel. on thu
east by landcILjdU Bpoucnberg, on the wtbtby
landot Daniel 1'urtel and on the bouth by I. y ill. i
Sponcnborg and Daniel l'ursel.eontalnlng two acres
moro or less, on which ore eit cttd a two-story brick
dwelling, frame stable, airing houso and out-build-
lags, good spring of water and large orchard on tho
Beliod, token tn exerutlon a',' tlio suit of E. I,
Adams, surviving raitnercf Adams Bon, against
Mary J, Oansel, and to bo bold as the property of
Mary J, Oansel.
Jacxsoh, Attorney, Fl. Fa,
The following described real estate bltuato in
Centra township, Columbia county, beginning at
a gum tree tn lino of land ofnecrgo Kelchnernnd
otheis, thenco by Undct O, K. litis south twelve
degrees test one hundred and twelve perches to a
stone, thenco by inn.e and land of I. Ernwlue south
three decrees west ono hundred and flfly-Hva and
two-tenths pen lies to a stone, lu line of door go
MuDly, tberco ty nine etd Clulbtlanna Munly
south eighty six ondono fourth degrees east I Inc-
ty and nlne-ttntl s ton pine stump In lino
ofHarah Holrncnacd cthtrs, thenco by same north
eight nnd tlirce-fourtha degrees west Ml nnd
ebfht-teuths ptrche lo as! one, thtnee north eight
and tLree-tourtbs degrees, east setenten and
eight-units ptrchts to a none, aenco north ten
ana one-half degress wtttdenbty-clgUasdilght-
tenthsporclieston Btono In lino Ooorgo Kelcli
ner llvo hundred and clghty-two and one-fourth de
grees west setenty-clght nnd eight tenths perches
to a gum tree, tho placoot beginning, containing
ono hundred nnd twenty-four acres and ono hun
dred and forty-six perches, strict measurc.on which
aio erected a largo framo two story dwelling with
kit ben attached, log stable with "wagon abed at
tached, framo pig pennndcorn crib and oul-bulltl-Ings.
seized, taken tn execution nt tno suit oi Anna
.Jackson and O, ll. Jackson, executors of M.F..
Jackson, deceased nga'nst (leorgo A. beam nnd to
bo acid as tho property of tleorgo A. Heam.
Terms caih on day of sale.
All that certain traotor plcco of land sltuato In
Main TownshlrsColumbla county nnd Stato of l'cnn-
sjlvnnla bounded nnd described ns follows to-wlt I
lieglnnlng nt n stfine, thenco by lantl of sniu w iiuani
.Menslnger nortli B' venty degrees sixty eight nnd
ono tenth perches to a stone, thenco by land late cf
(locrgii iAngehbrtgor, rotth twenty soven nntl a
half degrees wes,t e ighty six and nvo tenth perches
ton atone, thenco by thosnn.o south ectcnty mm
threo iptarter degrees west boven nnd threo tenths
pinches tonSlon, nnd thenco tiy bind of tho said
tlatdct Miller south fourtcon degrcs east Uglily
seven and two tenths perches to tho placo of begin
ning containing thirty ono acres nnd sixpercnoior
land strict measure.
ono other tractor pleca ef land bltuato In satd
Main Township, County nnd Stato nforcsnld boun
ded and described ns follows to wit I Ilejlnnlng nt
stono n corner of land of James, lcAl.rnoy south.
sixty nnd a minrtcr degrees west litly threo nnd
four tenth petches to n stone.tln'iico by lands of said
tVllllun Menslnger south twenty eight nnd ono
ghth degrees cast thirty nlno aud Uvo tenth perch
os to a post, thenco by bind t llenj iinln Nuss sixty
nlno ard ono half degrees east fifty threo and four
tenths perches to a btono In lino cf land ot Henry
llowtnan, thenco by tho satno north twenty nlno
nnd three fourlh degrees west forty eight and llvo
tenth perches to tho placo ot beginning containing
fourteen nctes and eighty eight perches ot land
strlclmoasuro lo tho snmo moro or less.
ono other tract or plcco of land bltuato In Main
Township County nnd stato nfon sitd nnd bouuded
nnddoscrlbedasfollowsto-wlt: Ueglnnlng ntn stone
corner In the lino of land cf John I lifer nnd thncc
north sixty-seven nnd a lulf degrees oast ono huh,
dred nnd llfty-two pc relies a'ong tlio lino t f Jt hn Pel
fer nnd l'eter row man thenco north 81 degrets
west sixty rcrchts to a stono ccrncr, thnnc-' south
slxlysovcn nndabnlf degrees westono hundred
and fitly two perches ton stono corncr.thcnco bouth
thl'ty ono degrees catt sixty jerehes to tho place of
beginning containing lllty three acres and twenty
llvo perches inoro or lc33.
8rd described ;
Containing llfty throo ncres and twenty nvo per
dies moro or less on which nro erected n two story
framo dwelling houc, largo bank barn, wagon shed
nnd outbuildings
seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of Illram
Shufars, admlnlst rn.or of Ooorgo llollenback deecas.
od against Wm. MenMngor, and tobj soli as tho
property ot Win, Menslnger
V. ntn Attorney, al. nun. ux.
lots of ground sltuato In Locust Dalo Conyngham
All thoso certnm two tiwnbhlp, Columbia county
nnd Rtato of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described
as follows, to-wlt: Sltuato on corner cf Fifteenth
and Chestnut streets between Front nnd Market
streets: being lots No. los and no and each 1st being
twenty nvo feet In width nnd one liunUred feet
more orless In depth on which nro erecteu a two
story framo dwelling house, with shlnglo roof, nnd
a framo Btnblcon rear end or lot.
Fel7Cd taken In execution nt tins suit ot William
II. Bright .agent, ngatnst Jncob Dcnncrandto bo
sold ns tho property of Jncob llcnncr.
MAtiit, Attorney. Fl. Fa,
Tho following described real being tho
llfuoatato ot oeoigo Cuvnnco in thesame, st'uato
In Mount Pleasant Township, Columbia county nnd
btato of Pennsylvania bounded and described ns fol
lows to-wlt : on tho north by lands ot George Ixelcr
and Andrew lkelcr, on tho cast by lands ot Daniel
Mccarty and Samuel Jneoby, on the north. by lands
otE It. Ikelernnd Jarkson lkelcr, and onthowebt
bylandsof William Jclmsen nnd I).,vld Demote
ostate, containing ono hundred and twelve ncres,
moro or lesson which are erected a two and a half
story framo dwelling house, a largo bank barn.
straw bhed. wagon houbca and other out-bulldlngs,
also a good orchard etc.
Holzed taken in execution at tho suit of First Na
tlonal Bank of llloomsburg, against lieorgo Cuvanee
and to bo sold na tho property of (icorgo cavance,
E, 11. LnitE, Attorney. Venu. E,
All that certoln irnctcf land situate In Lccui
township, Columbia couuty, Stato of l'enrsjlvanta,
Hounded on tho east by lands cf Ellas Ilelwlg, on
tho west by lands of fleo. Marks, on tho norlh by
lands ot Abraham Whltncr, and on tho south by
lauds of Frederick riahler and (icorge miner, eon
talnlug thirty-live acrtsmoreor Ices, whereon nro
erected two (two-storj) framo dwelling houses.banlc
barn, nnd out-bulldlngs
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of J. II
VasMnu against David S. Ilelwlg nnd tobosoidns
the properly of David S. Hclwig,
ltiiAWN, Attorney. Al. Vend. Ex.
AU that certain houso and lot sltuato In tho town
ef Catnwlisa, Columbia county nud stntoof l'cnn
sjlvanla, bound, d and described as follows to-wlt:
Beginning In 1'lno si rectal tho east side of an alley,
laldout for I no convenience of tho Lutheran church
sltuato In Pino street alorcsnld nnn running from
thence by sold alley acd hind of Stephen llaldy
northeastwardly a course parallel utlie street and
alley.ot tho town of Catawlssa two hundred nnu te
feet (410) then southeastward!)- a courso parallel
to tlio nforcsald l'lne btrcet titty feet (5 ) to a cor
ner of lot of Nelson I'. John, thenco by tho samo
Eouthwcbtwnrdly two hundred and ten feet (iio) to
the aforesaid I'ltr btrcet, thenco by tho samo north
westwardly titty feet (M) t ' llie placo of beginning,
wheroon is erected a wo-story framo dwelling
houso and out-buildlngs.
Seized, taken in execution nt tlio silt of Columbia
County ngnlnst Joseih Maitz, nnd to bo sold as the
property ot Joseph Mnitz.
Ikelek, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All that certain tractor piece tf land bltuato tn
Benton township, Columbia county, and State of
lVnns), bounded am1 described nsfollows, to
wn: Beginning nt a stone, thenco by land of Fred
erick Illlley bouth two degtces, wet forty perches
to a rest, thenco by land et Balrhold KlercholT
north eighty -eight i nd ooc-fouith degrees west one
hundred and sixty-seven and eight-tenths tlegrecs
to a post, theneo by land of Wllliom McKelvy north
ono nud three-fourths degrees east forty perches to
a vhito oak, thenco by land of tuld (icorge W.
I'oustbouthel hty-elfht and I hrec-fourlh degrees,
east ono hundred nnd slxty-clght pciches to tho
place of begliinlng.conlaiulng fori) -two ucrts.tliiet
measure, be the samo mot o or letP, fltlcen acrcsof
which is cleared.
Seized, taken tn execution at tho suit of John J,
Mclleury against ticorge W. I'oust und to bo sold as
tho property of Oeorgo W. I'oust. .
Littiks, Attorneys. Fl. Fa.
All that messujge and lot ot ground sltuato In tho
village of Itupert, Montour towushlp,Columbla coun
ty, Pennsylvania, bounded nud described ub follows:
Northwardly by lauds ot Arndt, easlwardly by
tho Main road leading fiom Dloorasburg to Catawls
sa, southwardly and westwatdlyby tho Main road
leading I re in BloomtburgtoCatLwlsfaandlandsof
tho Lackawanna and llloomsburg Itallroad compa
ny. Ilbeing. thescmo prcirly lotdy occupied, by
Michael Dougherty for tho purpose of conducting a
hotel, known as old Butler stand; containing about
ono-third of an aero moro cr less, whereon is erect
ed a large and commodious Etablo and shed,
lco house and outbuildings, A well of water la also
on tbo premises.
" Seized, taken in execution at tho suit of Catharlno
Butler against Beuben Kouch, and to bo sold as tnc
property of Iteuben Itoueh.
Littlks, Attorneys. Fl. Fa.
All that certain tractor piece of land bltuato In
Brlarcreek township, Columbia county nnd Stnto ot
l'onnsjlvenla und boundcu and described as follows
to-wlt: Beginning nt a stone in lino of lad of Jrhn
Yost.llienco nortli eighty-one and n quarter degrees
oast forty-six and a fourth pciches to a Mono to
land of Jonas Wright, thenco by tho eamoand S.
Sltler south thirteen degrees and twenty mlnutos
cast two hundred ni tl forey-nlne and threo fourths
perches to land ot Dai id Shaffer, thenco by tho
samo forty-eight degrees nud titty minutes west
thirty-nine perches toSi'inuel Shier, Ihcncobytho
samo north lltteon degrees and fifty minutes west
two hundnd and leventy-two perches to tho be
ginning, containing sixty-two acicsur.d seventy
eight perches nnd allow unco bo the same more or
loss.on which aro erected a two-btory frame dwell
ing house, barn nnu out-bulldlngs.
All that other certain tract or piece of land sltuato
In Brlnrctcek township, Columbia county, nntl Stato
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
to-wli; Adjoining lane's of Jonas Wright on tho
north blity-seven degrees east blxty ono perch
es to a post, thenco noith ulcun and one
hlf degrees west thirty-seven perches to a
stdne nil Jul nli g lu.d ct Ulllljui Walp, theneo south
forty-eight and one-half degrees west sixty-eight
andalx tenlhs pcrchoMo ajtllnv pice, adjoining
land of Otoige llnwir.sculh eight devretH cast
fourtien and seven-tenths perchee.contalnlng nlno
acres and ono hu'i.drcd and nvo perches
Selied, taken In execution at the suit ct Joecnli
Union sgulnst William Walp and to bo sold as thu
property cf William Wulp,,Atlorney, Ft Fa.
Jnu, T-to thntf.
Eclectic Magazine
hrclgn Llieraiure, Science, and Art.
EWiiAiiaED aiatszmfivoviid,
Tho Tfct.ttcTtc MAUA7INK reproduces from foreign
perlortlenls all thoso nrtleles whlcli aro valuable to
i mcri -nil ro itirrn. unt-mui noii-uiiuu t'uiuiiiton
II Hi) iflailliitr Forchrn Reviews. Magazines, nnd
Journals, nnd tho tnsl es of all classt s of readers nro
consultetl In thonrtlclos presented lis plan Includes
'lenco, i;ss,iyH. noticws cikcicucs, -i ravcis,i ociry,
nvols, Short Stories, etc;, etc.
With thn number for January. ISSI. tho KclectIO
Mnaatlno will bo enlarged toBueh nn extent ns will
givn abour. two hundred pages ot additional reading
matter tl iring tlio yar.
This lncreaso of mvico will nfTord tho opportunity
not merely for nn Increased rntnntlty but tor a much
greater variety of rending matter t nnd tin- publish
er connd"nttallv promises that llioopportutiltv snnli
bo so iitlifzed that, tho I'clcctlc will bu morovnluatilo
moro readable, and moro sat isltctory than ever be
fore. Tlio simi pnlnswlil tio tnken ns etlherlocx
clndo nrllclt s which nro trivial tn character, or of
i-ereiv rrnnsietit interest; mil larger spuca win no
asle tied to nrtlc'es of n popular nnd entertaining
cast an I with amnio materials ottli.t best quality nt
command.tho tclectic will bo mado theldcnl l'anill)
'l In- fdllowlncr tlt of rontrnbutors to tho ncrlotlt-
enls from winch tlio Kclectlc is selected will givo
rtiinn nieiifi inc vaiuooucs coments I ' t. noil.
W. E (llndsinnc. Alfred Tennyson, Pn lessor Hux
ley, Professor 'lyndail, HldinrdA rroctor, H. A..
.1. Notmnn 1 oclyer, F. it. S Dr. W. II. Cnrpentrr,
r. H. Taylor, l'rnf. Max MttlltT.l'rof Owen.Mntthnw
Arnold, k. A 1 leemnn, D. C, I, .1 mes tnthonv
rnuilo homim IIiii7Ihs. AnthonvTrotlnnn.Wtl lam
mock, Mrs. oilnhatit. Utrrcnlcir. Miss 'Ihnckcrny.
etc., cto ,
tl-1hf nprtnrltMlfl nrn thn rrrrnt store-
liO'io irom wnleli nrodrnwii many f thobestund
tii's,t popular books ot4h"tlme, Tlio Ucleetto re
primands material fresh from tho nuthor s lianas,
nntl nt it tirlco fir lower th in It, costs Inbookform,
TUllMHi mho ronles. 45 cents! onn copy, ono
ear, M: tlo conies. . Trial ubscrlnllon for
hppn fiiiintlii, tl -l-hn 1-vlprtt nml fllivci inntf4llnll
to ono auuress, is. l ostago tree io an suusciiocrs.
1'. tl.
rniro.v. imiIiiinIhh'
SS Bond Street, New York.
Notice Is herebv etven that nnnlleatton hosbeen
iuihiu lotuoeourt uv too nioomourg eiro vouv
pany," ior an nmentiinent . i na inarter, u.v rnang
Ing Its namn, stylo nnd tltloto "Frlendsh1!) lire
I'oinpiny ko i, or luoomsourg" nnn tno eouii nas
orui'iin iiiar upon puniication oi nonco inercoi hi
iwu iiuiiors or general circulation, piiuusut'u iu t-oi-umbla
Cnimtv. fur tbren wpelcs hi fnrn thn nrst Mon.
dayot February next, a di'crco In nccordanco with
ui application win oo maue, lino vnuu ooj"ctiun
Wlt.tlAM Webb. JOHNW.rttY,
secretary. President,
Jan 14 '81 4-t
All collectors nro hereby notified that tha return
of rented hind ns vtell ns unseated must bo made on
nr beforo tho first day of Februnrs. 1 Bl Land upon
which no property cun be found fiom v filch to ma!.?
taxes must to returned and thofe who fill tomakc
returns by said day will bo held for sucli loss.
A. 11. HEItlll.NO,
Comml'sloncrs' Ofllfe, county Commissioners,
llloomsburg PaJan. 8, '81.
Attest: J. B, casev, Clerk. Jan. 14-3w
letters of Administration on tho cstatoof Jacob
H. Kvnns. Into of llloomsburg Columbia county Pn.
deceased, havo been granted by tho Ileglster of said
county to (1. A. Iicrrlnir. c,I l'.loomsbuiv. arlm'r All
persons Iihv Ing claims ngnlnst the cMnto of snld tier
cedent nro requested to present them t r settle
ment, nnd those Indebted to tho estate to make
payment to tho undersigned administrator, without
JanT.sie-w Bloomsburg.I'a,
letters of Administration rnthocstnto of Sarah
itouinnood. latooi-Mlmin townshln Columbia conn
ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been gra ded
inu iti-gistcr ui uiu uutiuty to it. r..
Wlnteisteen, of llloomsburg, adm'r. Allpcreons
uaving eiuuns ngainst tno csmtu oi saiu acce
dent ii ro reoucstcd to rrrsent them tor stttlement
nnd thoso Indebted to tho cstato to make pament
tj tnt; uuuurbiut.'u juniiuisiraior,wuuoi!L uciay.
Jan 7, "so-cw llloomsburg, l'a,
Among the records nnd dimes or tho Court
or common Pleas of Columbia couuty It Is inter
ltobert M MeUrtdol No. HC Sept. Term, 1SS0.
vs. J- Divorce.
Jlary C. JlcllrHe. j
Now Dee, (t, if so on rending of Sheriff's retuin to
uiiiitsiiortena anu application or. iiervey 15. Miuin,
Att'y. for ltobert St. vtcurlde, tho court order ptib-
iiLuiiuii kuv nutiiu.
By the CncitT.
Certified from the records this nfteentii day of
ueut'mutT, j. jr., ism1.
WM. ItlllCKBAt'.M,
0. M. (Jcick, l'roth'y,
To Mary C. .Mcliridoabovo named: You aro here
by reirulicd to appear beforo tho Judges of said
court ut nioomssur' on 7th dav of
Kebruarj , A. i) ISM, to answer tho complaint or
buiu iiuutri i .m. inuiinue.
Jin. "to
t Tho following appraisements ot real and
pergonal property set npaii to wiuowsoi uecenents
unto ut-eu juou hi mo onwe oi tno Jtegisier or Col
umbia comity, under the ltules of Court, nnd will be
nresented lor absolute contli matlon to thn nrnhnns'
court to bo held In Bloomsburg.ln and forsaltl coun
ty, on Monday, thu 7th day ot Fob. ISSI, at two
o'clock p. m., of bald day unless exceptions to such
ouiiuiinuiiuii aio previously ineu, or wuien nil per
sons Interested In said estate will take notice :
. I. Widow of Wllllts II. Meyer, lato cf Madison
towiiauip, uttt-aseu,
2. Widow or Illrum II. Broadt, lato of Dloorasburg,
Hcglstcr's Office. 1 W II. JAC'OI'Y,
Bloomsburg, in. r, 'si, I Iteel ter
-- -v-
V Notlco Is hereby gUen to all legatees, cred
tills and other persons interested In the estates of
mo respective ucccuenls and minors, that tho fol
iiM.uiK uiiiiiiimtiuiim, uauouiou ttuit gll-lllllUIl lit-
counts hae been Hied in the ollltioor llio ltcglster of
tui. L-o, unu tiuuo prcsentea ror connrmniion ana
allowance In tho Orphans' Couit to bo held In
Bloomsburg. on Monday, Feb. 7, ISSI, at 2 o'clock,
1'. ui. uu puiu uiiy
1. Tln llrst nntl llnil account of A. 1'. Heller, gunr-
tiiuu 1 1 jMiot'iut i uih ii.unnur uiinuoi .Muitua
Crosslo) , Jalu of I'lno township, deceased.
t. 1 he nrst nnd final account ot .lames Gulliver,
uuiuiuiMrnior or Jonn t.uuner, late oi iieni
lock township, defeated.
3. Tlio first nnd llnal nccount of 11. Frank Zarr. nd.
mtntstrtitnr of Muriln W. Nuss, lato ot tho Town
or llloomsburg, deceased
4. Thn nccount of lllchnrd fill's, ndmlnlsttator of
junitna coney, lato ot Benton township, de
ceased. 0. Tho second peccunt cf John Bellas nnd A.J.
Delias, extcutoiscf Adam Bellas, lato of Flsh
lngueik towmh'p, dt ceased.
C. Tho final nccount of Allen Mann, guardian of
tllzabeth HennlnKcr, mltiT child of Iteuben
Ileunlnger lato of Beaver towcbhlp, deceased.
7. Iho final account ot Allfn Mann, guordlan ot
Mahalu Ileunlnger, minor clilld or Iteuben lieu
i.ligcr,lato cf Beaver township, deceased.
S. H he nrst nnd llnal account ot (ieorgo A. Doty
ndmlnlslrntor, do bonis non cum testnmenlo
nnu?xo, ct Henry Kingsbury, lato of Benton
towiibhip, deceased.
9. The flirt and llnnl nccount of John II. Heller
und J. II. llailer, administrators or Jacob liar,
ler, Jr., lato cf Mlllllu township, deceased.
10. Tho btcond m.d tlnnl account ot William II.
clink, uustee of aiaiy (lorrcll, lato of tho bor
ough cf Central'a, deceased,
11. The nccount ct William llugenbuch, executor of
Isaao llnenbuch, into if craige township, do
ceasi tt.
12. Thu account of Jacob Hartinan, administrator ot
lienn llurtmun, late cf lit mice; township, de
em ed,
13. 'I he hist nnd flnnl nccount ot Abraham Lock
urdund John K. Lockurd, lato administrators
of Alcxnnder Lccknid, lato of UUarcieek town,
thlji, tit et used.
U. TLo llnal nccount of Ooorgo Mooro, almlnls
t inter of Biizslcth Itobcrts, Into of Sugarloaf
towi shlp.deceaud.
15. Uio nrst and nnal account cf Miranda Lee. ad
ministratrix oi Ctnncy Cennclly, lato ct tho bor
ough if lit rw lik, deceased,
10. 'Die Hist and paitlnl acccunt of II. Frank Zarr,
executor of (ieorgo ZanMalu cf taiawlsbatown
b ltl p, deceubtd.
IT, llie run and paitlal necountof John llnrlman,
uilmliilhlratcrcif Michael drubcr, lato ot Hem
lock township, deceased,
18. 'i ho first nnd partial account of Pllllnger Harri
son EiiiMvIng executor cf Cantleld Harrison,
lato cf Iho Town if Blotms ceased.
19. Th llrst und tlnnl account ot lllnim Whltmlro,
i.Un.lnbtiiiiir tf Haruh Aruwlue, lato ot Centre
township, deceased.
20. account of Andrew J, 11 ess.
i iliniiitMiiiior cf Illram I,ungcr,lato ot Sugarlout
township, deceased.
21. 'Jhe acccunt cf David Iowcnbcrg, administra
tor of (ieorgo Itclswlck, luto ct tho Town of
lllccmsburg, deceased,
22. Tho second and account cf N, ll. Creasy
und I). A. Ciffisy, administrators ol Samuel
creasy, late er .Minim lownsnip, utcensea,
23, 'Jhefltstand llnal account of Henry lletler. ad
ministrator ot Jitao l.utz, late of iliniln town
ship, deceased.
21. 'iho llrMai dtlnai account cf If nan A,
mlulbiiulor do t onb non of John Hartinan, late
ot (Jiouuo iownsjilp, deceased,
23. Tho hrst and llnnl nccount cf lllas fllger. guar
dian of Katurnaccodman, minor child of Chuiles
Uocdinati, lato of Centro township, dtceused.
it. The first nnd final account or I'llas Cljcr. guar
dian cf Matgiiit (ioonnan, minor child of
Charles (Jet enmn, lulu ot C'ti.lio township, do
ccum tl,
27, 'i he rust and Una1 nccount cf William Mastrlier,
admlnlst inter ef ficoigo Brcero, lato cf .Madison
township, deceaicd.
29. 'iho account ot t'hnrl s Ktssler, administrator
nt (.t o i go Ketslir, late tf HeaMr towusblp, de-
29. Thu Htst and rartlcl account of Benjamin
liaitint, tiinln!triui(r cf William II, Oruugc,
lulecf l'tuw lisa lew i.shlp, dectatt-d.
ItegUtert Cfnoe, I W.H.JACOHT,
BKioiiiiburg Jtua.T'81. I KecUter,
John Wanamaker.
lf you cannot
to us by postal
card for llOttSO-
keeper's Prlco
We fill orders by letter from
every Stato nnd Territory nt
samo prices charged customers
who visit the store, nnd allow
samo privilege of return.
The stock includes Dress
Goods, Silks, Lnccs, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits.
Grand Depot,
I'lno Itntiiillcs, IYIiIhUIcn, i.Iiik,
vtitiiuy un iiaiKi.
Lniullords tlirougl out tlio county will lintl it to their iid vim luce to
call nnd examine my stcck belore
Main Stroet, 2nd
$ JulyOJ'so-ly
a u "
an ,
Vi c :
3 E
DR.METTAUR'S HEADACHE PILLScnromnst wonderfully in a
very short lima both QCK nnd NERVOUS HEADACHE: nn.l.whilo
acting nn tho ncrvouB fytra, rcllcio DYCPEPSIAInits wiir.t Inrmsi, cleans
ing tho system of excess of bile, producing a regular healthy action of tho bow els.
InlV Afllllolzobc
isxof thoso
imillOtO CUro.
'nlno 3-Cont PostQKO Stamps. Voreahi by all Druggists.'
EOLI5 raopitiETons,
oct. 15, 'SO-nm
C. C. GALIG nan,
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
bhop iu Opera House, 6th door aprU M' T
Iu llie mnimfiicfuro of Organs is resulting in the production and eale
of cheitp goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. "Will you not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of tho celebrated Estey Oigans can now be seen at tho new rooms
of the Only Authorized Agent foi the Estey Organs in
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manu
facturers accompanies every Estey Organ.
J. SiMTZX3R, Agent,
June SV80-U
In tho matter of t'o t stato of Alexander Hess, lato
or bugartoat townbhlp.lolumbla co.. l'a., deceas
ed. The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or
rlituis' Court of Kold county, to innkillst!llutloii of
the balance In thu haidtt cr llachel Him nnd An
drow Lautoch, admtnlbtrntcra ot fald decedent to
and nmongBt crcdltorn, will meet nil partlen inter
ested In mid dhtiltititlcn nt his cnieuin iho Town
of Hloombburg In told county, on Tuesday, tlinVMh
day ot January, A. I., 1681, at ten o'clock a. m.. of
bald day, when andwheiouil pnrtlts lntercbtedln
bind fund mubt attend or bo forever debarred from
any thnro ot bald fund.
dec. 2J,lssc-4w
In the matter cf the cstatoof Philip Ilcss.Iatoof K11
garlouf townthlp, Columbia county, I'enn'a., de
ceased. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or
Plums' couit ot f-nld county to mske distribution of
tho balance In the bancs of Janus l'etertian, ad
mlnltirnior de henta nrn of tho sa in decedent to
tho parties legally entitled to rccelto the snmo,
will meet the parties intt rested In mid estate nt
his tniceln tLuTiwnof lilocmbbuigin Ealdcoun
ty, on Tuesday, the JMh day of January, a. D IS81
at ten o'clock a. in , of said day, when and win ro al
nattlesluttristcd In eulil ebtate must uttendorbe
forever debarred from nny bhaio of said tund,
dec w, 8(Mw Auditor.
Among tho records nnd nrncecdlnim of thcir.
phanb' Court ot Columbia couuty, It is Inter alia,
lliua vou, uuicu,
In the matter of tho account of 11 a. schwerpenht-
p., ..uuuuisiiuiui vi l.iiimui iieuueroou, uu
etobiil. Aud now December loth. Uso. on mctlon and bv
agri'tment of parllts. Hamuei Kntrr, Imj, 1.1 up-
,i iiittu nuunur luiuuketubinnuiiouoi ineualtinco
In tho arc untant's hands to and union- iho nnrtt. h
entilltd ihctito.
Certified from tho records Dccembt r uih, ibo.'
vim, Jlllli liliAlJl,
Clerk o. o.
The Auditor app'lntcd by the Ccurl will tlei d to
the duties 1 f liiNepiolntuieiit on Kilda), the fourth
day of rctiuury. . V..1W, at tm o'clock n in.,
athiscnieo In lilccmstuig, la when tun wheio
pa tlcbii ttitbitdau rtuuiiidtu uu ke tin Ir claims
cr todttarudfrciuccmliif In upon Mid turn.
. SAklUtL KNOltU.
lu,t,V)-r Auditor.
This is thcparticular season in
which to gct.mdprcparc House
keeping Dry Goods Sheetings,
Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap
kins, Towels, etc. It Is nlso tho
season for Ladies' Underwear.
Tlio Grand Depot contains tho
greatest varictyof goods in ono
establishment in
the United States,
nnd exchanges
for things that
do not suit, upon
examination n t
ttiiniH, unit all Kind ol' nines) con
jiuicliiifcing eltuvhtie.
Door below Iron.
valunhln Dili n ulu, fi.ii.n.
inailtd tonnv nildrcKs nn icrrlntnr
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Iterwlck J K Adams.
lilccm W w lurretr, Samuel D Hosier, William
liabb, Andrew Sounder.
llrlaicrcek-Gecrgo Lam.
ccntre-S Fry.
I'lsblngcibck M WMclIcnry, Oeorgo realer.Danto
Oreeiiwood-JrBeph Itcdllno.
.tntkbon 1) H Young.
llemiock-Edwatd Ivey, rierco Bhoemaker, Lor
I ocubt ilavberry 8115 der, Jacob I Stino,
Wml'bon 'lliouias Ulnglcs,
Jlaln Wm 11 Hther.
.Montour-J It lihoada.
orangt tamuel be) bert.
ltourlngcrcek Pamuel llouek, D W Itarlg.
l ino Luther A Herman.
riltST WKSli.
tlcavcr Peter Eckroto, James T Fox.Henry S Lcbo.
Kent n DterWoss.
llerwlck W l'Bn)der.
lilnom-chas 1 Iioiitt 1, Evan Jones, II 0 Nngle, Jas
o Mern'T, Henry Wolf.
Catuwlsbn-J hu palimt'. Nathan Creasy, Pint
Drumheller. Jetei h Walter, Harry O John.
Centre Johu Del ong, Joseph Ulger, John White,
l-'lbhlngcrcek Oct) J Fullmer.
I'rnnkllu M'chncl Mcnvch,
(lrtenood ll Ji Applcman.
I.pcuft-Jnceib linuir. Solomon Howry, Henry
Ilelwlg, David Ilelwlg,
Maln-Il II Kederorr.
Montour J Q liatkiey.
Miniln-M li lletler, Abram Mostcller, Jr., JaccA
Mt, l'leafnnt- Joseph Kline,
l'lnc Amos I.eng
t-cott J U Ammtiman, Kobrrtrursel.
bugarloaf-DuMd Kocher, oeo out.
Denver I'cter II I'niicr, Jacob Hartzel, Chas S
llelehart Daniel t-lngley, sr.
llentcn ll.tintK Helhs John H Kllue, Ellas Mo-
litury, Jabih Villler.
lHocm Jn'th 11 roinliey, rcter Knar.p, James Len-
iicn Jas Y i-rhu):ir.
Itrluitiitk-bi mini unlth.
Catnwltra-0 W I'laik, Jncob rcdo'ofl, 0 C Sharp.
It is.
FUI iMcrcck-jcbn t'rrvc ling,
l'rai kiln .HiiiiiliHii 1 c tin an,
(uu 1 v ti tt-1 ti tnitk nfv. thandlcr Eves, J
tan 111 1 ijl tt'Hi 1., up urn r Maudtr,
Jotktoi AbgtibtiuFveilinrt. I) llf-tcvin.
1 in-t in Willi 1. jiti.tgtinti) ccllm,
MrdiKii-l'alvlii 1 (mitt, buiuuel Faribworlh,
Main 'thn (.hnniaii.
)i, I'ihiii- tnuwcrd. '.
(eott-AlrtmCiibter, l'tedliths.
bugrut-ueo A Utss, bsiuutl Y Hew, Lnvsu
Let la.