THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLiQOMSBURG, COLUMBIA mtOTY, BAIT Clirlst'i I'rrstneB In n Minf. Heoeiitly n tllslrefwiiix ncculcnt oc curred' nt,n,injiio!lnrWnlc'' ly- WJiloli four w'oi kefs' vtfr(lrovnMf nuU fiVtntii lirlsonoil for ton 1nys witlioiit.lialil mid without f Joif. A ilioro ilisinijl Mtlifijtoii rouM linrtlly bo conceived. Tlio woiuler is tlmt liny of tlio nuinbqr Mioutd iwvo been icpciumI in iofses!on of life and rittfton. We lienr soinellmefl of insanity ru tlirj Vofuilt of religious' OJceiteiiietit,bnt wo do Hoi Ileal1, and ierliaH cati ufcver Know in this world, of mntiy casn in wliiijli the te.'it peace uinl miiinatln liopta tiiat leligion only eiinjjivu, jiro hoi'vo moll, in cnnliliit; oatmiitty, from MnMiij; Into insanity or diMpidr. Ontf of these niiiilM Who win n-sciied stated tliat lie add liU companions 'uontluUd to pray iniieii during their imprisonment.' The men Weio Hinmng a well know'n Welsh hymn when tho tappings of tho Ttnple incuts of their liberatoiH wcro hcardl'lio following is a Iraiislation: Tn tho deep and mighty waters There was none to. hold my head, lint my only Savior, Jesus, Who was slaughtered in my stctul, lie, n friend in .lonrdan's river, Holding up my sinking head, ith his smile 1 11 go rejoicing Through the regions of the dead. Tlio square man tiiezaiiroa tho s.nno each way, and hain't got no wintry edg im or shaky lumber in him. lie u. free from knots and sap and won't wary, llo iz clear stuff, and I don't care what you v oik him up Into he won't swell, and ho n't shrink. I In is men what j ood kil-dried boards arc mong carpen ter he won't season cr.tck. It don't make any diffeiencc which sidoof him you cum to. ho is tho sailio bigness each way, nnd the only way tew get at him, eiiny how, is to faco him. lie known lie is Hpi;tro and never spends en ny time trying to prove it. .The square man is one ov thu best shaped , men the world has ever produced, ho is one ov theut kind ov chunks that cant alter to lit a spot, but you must alter the spot to lit him. .losh Hillings. A llousi: Fn.t. or Spiders. Tlio queerest companions for a man are those of an old man in New Orleans. He has a mania ior spiders nnd in his rooms are more than r00 of every shape and color. Tho ceilings are hidden by the webs that the spiders have spun. Occasionally the old man throws n handful of ilies into the webs, nnd is greatly delighted at seeing-the spiders seize their struggling victims. The house which Davy Crocket onco lived in at Lawreueeburg, Tcnn., is still standing nnd divers persons in' tho ticigh borhood possess legal documents written out by his own hand ns Justice of the I'caciv He had n mill near the house, but, it is said, went off hunting mid electioneering while his wife took care of the mill, ill's. Crockett wns a woman of great strength, mid could haudlesaeks of giaiu wilh-ense. , E'biy-Ka i- Unllurs Lost. "Ynu diiii'i toll hip our liu-band H.ay nnd nboti' Hiriiiit. unit rnlinlv cured hy m f xii nb a niMlii ii e a- Purl'tr Ginger Tunic? ' Y s. iti'tt-ed, I do," (mid Mrs. Beijmnin Id lier u.qujripg nPJglbnf, and that tyi when we h,d iolilily paid eifsiny-five dollars in dociof Villus' and nrfrcriptions,1 and'nltrr hi had been given up by bis physicians to die. Mow my husband feels an well as ever, en lir ly uTf In .tlii xiellmt Tonic" And many a tick man might be wtll in a week il iDey would dtilv tr It. 5Ir. Cox met Judge Kelly and said: 'Well, you are elected judge, and protiatiiy will tie lor lite. 'I told my people,' replied the judge, 1 was a candidate tor lite, barring luua cy or paralysis.' Your exception was too broad,' said Co; lunacy is no disqualification for a seat in Congress. We have often beard the remark made that u certain individual wai co homely that ni race would "stop a clock.' Thai la had for the clock, but wbiu Dr. Brownim.-' 0, & C, Cordial -a ill stop :i cold or cough, tlmt is j;ciod for the person that is troubled with the cold. There is not tho least doubt i this bnppy result, if directions are carelully followed One teaepoonful every three hours is all that is nccrsary. It Is pleasant to the taste, and children will easily he in duced to taku it. Give it a trial. 00 cent i the price Dr. Browning Proprietor 1117 Aicn street, rniiaileipliln. Washington swords sire quoted or val ued at $10,000 apiece, at least that is the price set by Senntor Whyte, of -Maryland, in a resolution offered in the Senate which proposes to purchase ono from Washington's nowphow Lewis for exhi bition at the Yoiktown Centennial, The State Library at Albany has two of Washington's swords which cost tho State $20,000. Locomotives are tiled in France on cnntl towpathi.-. They weigh legi than live tuns, are eily managed by ono man, and draw loapo I boau at h morj rapid speed than the pace of a horse. Euip'y boau are drawn at the rateol six miles an hour. A greater speed would damage the canal bout, and is prohibited' They will never get to the North polo imui it is .iiuiouuccu mat mo govern inent will establish it into a now and in dependendent congressional district. 1 Iicji look out for a rush. There nro men in the State of Ohio who will walk to it. Jiurlliitton Hawkeyc. 5Iammn "Wiry, my dear Willie, what in tho world is tho matter with lit tle Oscar's head" Willie "Well, we'-re playing Willinm 1 ell, nn somehow mv arrow won't hit tho npple.bnt keeps plug ging' his eyes and nose." A man in Georgia has become im pressed with tho idea that air is puru one hundred leet above tlio ground, and Is going to run n pipe up a chinch steeple and pump tlio air into las house. A young fellow being asked how it happened tlint his sweetheart had given him tho mitten, replied : "I was such a fool that I praised her so much that she got so proud sho wouldn't speak to Hie, Mr.Brineyjfaanns In England as a yacht man, and a large contractor sod operat or In various ways, lias recrntly bought tno room tracti of land nl CO, 000 acres each near tho hire of lie IUdy mountain, fti tho window of a fashionable fruit and vegetable shop in Paris was recently oxiuuitetl a lumen ot asparagus valued at m. The I'ittvburg water works hftTe cost V 0(10,000 ai:d iLey are not flultbtd. The American Union Telegraph Company has contracted fdr (wo new Atlantic cables. Cornell .professors nil usolobttcco. A Fight In Congress Years Ago. Tlio recent set-to in Congress between Spaiks and Weaver recalls n seeno en acted in the House in 1850 between Lawrcilco 51. Keitt, of South Carolina, and Galusha A. Grow, of lViiiisvlvaiila. The question of admitting Kansas un der tno ticcompton uoiisutuilon was under discussion. Grow was on tho side of tho IIoiho occupied by tho Southern members, and objected to Quitman's making any remarks. Keitt said, 'If you nro going to object, return to your own side of the house.' Grow replied: 'This is n free hallj every man has a right to bo where he pleases.' Keitt then came nearer to Grow and said! '1 Want to know what you mean by such an answer as thatf' Grow replied, re neatting what he had said before. Ke nt seized Grow by tho throat, saying! 'I will let you know that you nro a d d black Republican puppy.' Grow knock ed Ills hand, cxclutmiLg: 'I shall occu py such place in this hall as I please, and no negro-driver shall crack his whip over me.' Keitt again grasped Grow by tho throat, and again his hand was knocked off and Grow knocked - him squarely down. Tho respectivo friends of tlio parties rushed to the fray. Blows fell thick and fast. Washburne, of Il linois, and Potter, of Wisconsin, tower ed among tho combatants. At this crit ical juncture Covode, ot Pennsylvania, seized a spittoon. Iho obieetivo point was the head of llarksdale, of -Mississippi, who was approaching him of tlio spittoon in a menacing attitude, Hut liarksilales wig tell on ami Lovode low ered Ins suspended missile, jleanwlule tlio Sergcant-at-Arms was running here , .1 . ., . i. , !, .! , una mere -iikc inepeewii, cxinniiuig ins mace without ellect. It was near two o'clock in the morning when these 'pro ceedings' took place. fter ien'linc hundreds of dullnra with out relief Day's Kidney I'nd cured ine, nrt t tie words ol tbousjntK A Journalist's Funny Position. Onco a funny thing occurred behind the scenos that might have been still funnier. It was a wet, cold night, andn writer for ono of tho papers, with his overcoat on nnd his pants rolled up over the top of his boots, and nn umbrella in Ins baud, and an old slouch hat on his head, stopped a moment to have a chat with Pauline 5Iarkham, who was play nig "btalacta. Jlarkliatn was waiting below tho stage, standing on the trap that was to bounce her into her fuiry realm. Iho writer got to talking to Polly, and they got interested in the chat and betoro they know it the trap had be gun to go up. Jlarkham noticed it first and cried to the reporter, "I'or Heavens sake, get olt 1 liut getting oil wusn t as easily done as said. Tho reporter was pretty tan and very clumsy, and thor oughly scared, so ho stood lookin' about him liko a fool goin' up, up, all the time. But Markham at Inst and iust at the samo moment, too. gave the fel low a sliove and knocked lnm oil the trap. He struck his liead against the floor of the stage, and then tumbled down on a coil of ropes. Ho mitrlit have broken his head, or his bones, or his back, but he diiln t liut it was mighty close shave, and 51arkham kept i l.f.... i ir ..ii liiuyimiy iu iiureuu uii uiu evening, thinking how tho audience would have roared to have seen that long, slab sided fellow, with his dirty wet boots, and his rollcu-up breeches, and his slouch hat, ana ms oid cotton umbrella, coming up out of cloud land along side of ail hor silks and satins and spangles, as tno queen ot tne lames. isunuay Call. Living in tbree States. A, correspondent furnishes tho follow ing to tho Jlcnnett Adoance. I noticed in tho last issuu of your pa per ot tne nth inst., an item headed "Men who live in two and three comi ties.'' Sir, I have had the pleasure of be ing in each of these houses you named in that item, tho latter being on the corner of Chester, Lancaster ami Merits counties, and is not far distant.from the Conestoga pike, and near tho farm of ..Mr. JUart, 1 behove Jacob Mart Now Sir, lhat or those places aro a long dis tance from Uennett Square. Suppose I name a point much nearer than those to you, although you may not bo ac quainted with tho place or places, and in tins instance it is not only conhned to counties, but also to states as well, or to neither township, district hundred, coun ty or state. They are those farms cov ering the corners of Pennsylvania, Dela ware and Maryland. By going about a mtio or two soutu ot btnekersviJle. in London Britain township, you will come to tuose points, i nave sat at the table in tho kitchen of a house and ate my dinner in Pennsylvania, while'the per sons opposite tho table to me were eating their dinner in Maryland ; the going out of the door on ono side found invself in no State at all, but going a little further found myself in Delaware So here was a house in Chester county and in Cecil county, as well as in Pennsylvania and Maryland, and a few steps further in no state, ana tno next jarm to it, m New Castle county, Delaware. To explain how some ot tho farms in that section aro in no state, I caunot take up (he room of your valuable paper so to do. So you can do as you please about that' explanation. Prejudice Kills. 'Eleven years our daughter Buffered on ww oi misery urcler ltie care ol nyeral 0 Iho best(and nonie of the worst) physicians, wu-j gave ner ummse varum names out no relief, and now she is restored lo iii In go'.d health bv am Aimnlf a rpmp.Iu n Mm, lllur that wo had poobrd at for two years, befoie using it. We earnestly hope ai.d pray that no one else will let their sick sulIVr as we did, on account of prejudice snaiuit so good a medicine ns Hop Bitters.' The Part uts. i (it gram. Had Pf t ii Cnl if the Umlft) Statis. ' lien I was abroad,' remarked 51c Sqipnt, 'I ' 'You what,' exclaimed Hob.'tvhen you were abroad t vhv. hauir it. I known you all of vour life, and to known you ail of vour life, and to tnv1 certain knowlediro you have never been out of Arkansas. I wouldn't bet that you were ever tifty miles from Little JJock.' 'You will lilnnsit pvi-nai, tno.' .'niiiin tied McSimint. 'lint I'll lnt fivo dollars that I went out of tho Uni ted Mates some time ago. '1 11 take you. rut up. The inonev was lrivon to n stnkp. holder. 'Now.' snld Hob. enn von nrove vnin- assertion V I said that I hail been out of tlio United' States, didiYt I?' 'Yes.' 1 ' T ' Wtll, I have.' 'Whent 'In 1801. when Arkansas went nntnf tho Union.' Tho bet was deeldcd iii JfcSoulnt's favor. Thu signal service observer on the top of Pike's Peak holds tho hitbust office io thtt fift of the imlion. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. iiiv.iivr.nEn or LYDIA E. PI NKH AIM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. For all Fomalo Complaints, TMaprepArallo4, At Itt tiam tiinitV, eonUU ot VejetAblu rmikn tie lliai nro Lnrmlowi to tho tmwt del loatelnralU. I'pnticmotrUiltlioiuertti of'thl Com pyrin I will brceojnll,(urfllet la Immediate tuul !icn It i use U continued, lit nlnoty-ulne c9f In a hun, dm1,AtKnnanrt)tcarol4Cffttted,aHhouuirid will tc tirj1. 01 Account t Hi proren merit n, It la to-day r cotnmctiJodAnJpreKrlbedby tho boat phjilcUnt la Iho country, It will cur entirely the womt form of ftlllnaT rf tno utoru, Ix-ucorrhn, IrrcguUr and painful Menstruation, allUTArlanTrotiMpti, Inflammation and C!ccmt!on, FloodtnfiisaUMsr'lacemcnti and the c-Efclally adapted I t:n)CUaccootLlftv HwilldlatiolTe and Ml tumon fromthouU'rualuancarlataffe of dorelopnent. The tjndency to cinceroui humor there U chocked very rivniuy ly ltiuw. Ii fact It hna prorfnl to be the Frrrat r t nnd bovt it-mcdy that Laa cter been dlscoTer fl. H itruipaU j rnry pwrtloa of the Byitom, end ctrea tit wlifonnlrlffor. l;rrraoTDSfalntnci,nataloncy,rt ft. yjnlKrTng for tlcuulAnta,aud rellevi'i weaknee vt t!ie itomarh H vurci Uoattnj, ITcfldftctici, Kcrroui rrotret(on( nuKrJlvMUtlrJcctl('finril Pcprcwlon and Iwil .poet Ion, THatfctUnitttf bearing down, causJnd pain, weight and bftcUatlw, la al aye permanently cuml by ltd use. It will at all tlux, and underfill circumstan ce, act l-i h&rtnony with the Liw that govern the feiAntuftyateci. For KllncyOomplalntinf cither kx tld compouud UunsurpasucJ. Lydla E. Pinkhara's Vegctablo Compound Is prepared at 3 and KJ Wotcru Avenut Lyon, Man, rlooCt-t). Bit botlkafor&'i.OO. (uttyuialllnthe fjnn of pills, frt"Mlt((h form oflaeupc on receipt of price, eUW, r lox, for iltbrr. Hra, 11KK1IAH frctly aniwcraalll'-ttoraof Iui'iItt. (tend foy pam phlct. Ad JrcsJ cj t&QYn Mention tlM pajxr, Ko family Uwuld bo without LYDIA U l'INKIIAM iaVEniXS. They cure Com I pat Ion, Illouineaa aoJ Torpidity of tboUrcr, UctPtaperbux. JOHNSTON, H0LL0WAY & DO,, Gcnoral Agents, Phils., Fa. SOLD 11Y M0Y3R BBOTHBRS., Bloomsburg, Pa. If you am invuii enod by the (train of TAtir tlntlre .old ' teratoUlntroTerii lUffot won, o rwj 6tlmul:nd nee Hod Bitters vtftue Hop B. Trvnn km Tounff and I fuffenes from any id tlon if you are mar- fuunff, Buffering from ns; on a bed of alck Bitten. . dlacrttlon or dUpal A Invi. nM nrl poorheaUh or UnsuUbl ntM, nly oo Hop! TbouMAda aie as niuUly from aomo tnrm nf H Irin AV rtemcTer ton ttti C that your ayetem J Tuxwl i-LA1u1D7. ton ' Inj nr atlmniattOff. I EaTebeenpreienlcd wahout(NfoTfa('Affi I take HOp nupoiueie Have you dv D. I. C. la ao Abeolat ao4 lrretistA hlaanri fuF of the afonlocA, txtwtln, blood, liver vrntrvitt Ynu will be hop drank enseal, U33 VI UMIUU, tobaeeo, or .uArcotlca. cured If you uae Hop Hitters IfyouaroaiDV p wenk and fowapU1ted,try itt It may! snve your Ufa. It has! snvod hun- Sold bT dm AN eintx bend lor Circular, NEVER FAIL por Brrma Tfl CO., KMaetttr, X, T areas A Toronto, Oak FAOT WORTH KNOWING. dim. Sacba. Diadraka. Etllllitla and- ramy ottusr of the beat medlclnea known are bo' mklllfully combined In Pamir's Oinoib Iokw', ;aatomaKeuineBTcau'n uiooa runner fng TBa urn utaun aaa niransia ttiiigrar tier Cud. fln twrfept la the contioaltlon of I'lnsxa'sJ r . ji . . . . .j uaruEa iwno ui nu umuttao van iooy uiu- wnere ii la usea. u you iwyu uyipcpcii. nua-. oh. RtMumatitm, nauralgla, Bowel, Kidney ai LJm Ditsrdar. or If vou need & mild etim- .ulast, or appetizer, tho Toxic la Just the med icine for you, u It la highly curatiTe and In-. ;Tlxoratlng but perer Intoxicating. . ilf tou an alowtr wasting ftWOT with Caa. ttmptlea or anr dcVnrss, It you nave a Painful. will mrelr hero rou. It xivra new life and' frror to the feeble and eJ. and la a certain! ;cura lor Hnaumiiit m ana wnoiara innnium. II Ott Band Ilaadnda of IJiei It Mty Saie loan. If ran ara feellni; miserable don't wall until' you are down Kick, but uae tho Toxio to-daj-.J the It will kIto prompt relief. a rum drink but the Beit nnd Puree! Femilyi Medicine erer made, compounded by a new- oa. ana.eniitviy uuieren i rum jjuwri., ir prcparitlons and nil other Tonics, Try; bottle, your druggist can supply you. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ta Bett and SI cut Xeonoalul Heir Dreiileg asquliluly perfumed and perfectly harmless. tTIU AIw7i Iteitore Cray or Faded Ilalr (9 Itt oridul youthful color and eppearance.'aad le vuruted to ttop iu fiUwc. w it growih and Bet-rent baldness. A few applications of the TUlsam will soften the hair, cleanse all dandnift" and cure itchinx; and hu saoursct the scalp. Ss1dbyalldrugcistsai3or(. Oct, 1, S0-tf THE WORLD F0R1881 Tho World for 1931 Will bJ tha twst' and ehnam.t. newspapers puoinhed In lUo Kngllbh toniruo on eltn- 51 lUO Ul tUU AllUUliU. VltU new Dreaded Hurnasalncf anvever hefnrA mn. ufictured even by lloi & Co.; with newnndune- muuicu vjuurApmuai uuu Dusiiieai laciiiuea or an Mortsi, and with a tiott-r otvaulzed teleirraphlo cor. respocdencB throuubout tho woild than rhat of any other Anjeilcan Journal, Tho World lor. 1MI will af. ord lis readers dally a coruolete, condenso :and trtii.tworlhy record of all cunent events. In lis live mlnutea witu the news of the Day The World meets and k!tna n.m., with tha in creaking demands ruado by rapid tranalt, tha tele- kiupu mu K-iuiiuoug nun mo tiinij nnu aitsntionor businc.68 men. ,Ua i daily cablo letters from London bring tho Old World to tho breakfast table of tho New. In Its Wall street Oosslp and Its Items for Invest ore. taken, together with Its accurate, candid and absolutely Impartial financial article. Tho World daily reprtiwnts an unrivaled picture not only of tho true condition ol tlio mullttud nous enterprises In which tuu adventurous aod uctlve people of this country Invent heir saviogs. but aUo of all the tluctuatlug li tlucncea exerted upon those enterpris es by tho tpooulutlons and thu bpeculatora of tto stock Uxcti.uigo. Notnan whjownaoreiptcts to own an Interest In any corpt.raio tiropeity Can afford to miss for a ilngla drfy tho Information dally and exclusively given In 'iho Woild, not only as to tho nn ural and legitimate course t-f affairs arrectlug ttock values, but a i oo as to me plans schemes and combinttlous hlch are inctssantiy ladklng and unmaking In and .r v.. . . v v iv ";,fc uusu vuiuca. Tho "World also contalos every day the freshest, fulleotnnd motlnyructle notices ol everything now and Inter sting in tho iojIbij of art, of litera ture uiuufsoptn) nro, lin'l nwric it . accredited rgan of tho collegos of tho Union, and tho accuracy and vivacity ot Its aport-lDgcjiumus,cov.-r'iJ(f alltho various forms ofoth. leflo ainuKemeW which havo multiplied among us of late yeara.oonimeiKl It to tno 'I lalug gcneratlou1 uiiuuuuui. mo country. AS tUO Onttf mmmmtlll in Innrn.l miKlkk Kngllsh language which malutalus an uuswerv ng wratlulalih lu politics, The orld for issiwlUba found, absolutely loyal to Democrall. citnclples: nbaoiut iy Independent of pen-onu, cllnues and fac tious wlihln the Democrat Ictwrty. " f World wilt mat tula the causi ot the Union ayalust scctlonaliam In all Its torm and the causa of.lhe pr oplo .galust monopoly n all IU form TKHM3-l'0)jTA)K PAID. th?w w?2tl.fw.a'',,,0n0 jetr'W bl months. ; paiiy, WMnoutBunaays, one year, $10; m months pLVmomi?.00 ,1,Wil8'S tll"a U,reii Bn,1)tS Tbo Sunday Worn, one year, il. .-Hll.?:x,,ona'?..VVor1.11! eoutalntogthg Book Kevlews nnd "College t.'hron cio" one year, tl.w . . .v..- 1 1 nua i o anu rriaaTBl 1be Weekly world (Wednesda))oijedollaraycar. Te club agents-an extra ropy for u c ub of ten. tho Wf'ty C ' twewy.laedauy for acluh e navesio traveling agents. specimen number mat tree on application. Address tiik Wdiri.ii. dec. IMW 55 PAHk "oV.NKW Yotl. outfit -furnished frBe,wllb full instruo tlons for conducting to moat profitable tD L. J SS' ,iem. lnT " ona can engage In. , ' . 17 mi MuoiucBowuutjusy uj learn, audour Instrucuonsare so simple and plain, that any one ! mf,ka Wl r,r?n,a from " v"y rt. No one can fall who la willing to work. Women are as sue emful as men. hois and glrueao earn largo sums. Many have niadaatthobuelnees ovrone hundred dollars In a alngla week. .Nothing ilka it ever knewu befoie. All who engago are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which "they are able to maku monoy. you can engage In this business during your apare time at gr. at prodL You do not have t5 Invest capital In It. Ve take all tho rLk. ThiSe who need ready money, should wnteto uaatonoe. All ,lJ.a4Ae'-.Augusta,Malno fOB PBINTIisQ ' Naeily tuA cWfl axeooel e4 tit Cathartic Pills Cotniilno llio fliolcest rntliatllc prlnrlplM til liii'illcinc, In iriiKrll()ii. nrrttrati'ly nil JihIimI In serum nothlly, certainty, mm ti.ilforinltv of effect. They nro tlin result of M'iim of rnrrdll study nnil Jirnctlral ex luTliiictit, ntul nrn tho limit cfiectiml rem-i- Iv jet tllvnvcreil for diseases rntucil by ilerruispiiir-ttt of tlio stoiriarli, liver, nnd IkiwoIo, wlilcli rcrpilro iwoinpt nnil effectual treittttipiit. A vini'n rn.t.s nro specially nppllcalilo to thlt clnM of illtcues. Tlmy ml dlreetly on tho illacsllvo and nsslml l.ttltn procews, mm restoro reRiilnr liftltliv nrtloii. Their oxtcnslvo tno liV ptivilclani In tliclr practice, nnd liy nil rlv'lllr.eil nntloni, h ono of tlio ninny pronft tit tliclr vnlui) ns a safe, sttro. nnd P"ifectlv rnllalilo purpnllvo ineillclno. lli'liu roinponniled ot tlio concentrated lrtii"4 of purelv vegptulilo BitlistnncM, tlii-y nrn positively freo from cnlomcl or nnv liijiitluin jiroperlles, nnd can lio ndtnln hteteil to clilldren with perfect safety, Avhii'k I'ii.m nto nn effectual euro for Constipation or Costlvonrss, 1 ml lacs tlon, llysprislii, liss of Appctltr, l-'oiil Stonnu'h mill Itrcnlli, Dlz.Incss, Ilculaelie, Loss of Memory, Numbness llllloiimcss, Jntitiillco, ltlictinintitn, lCriiptlnns mill Kkln Diseases, Dropsy, 'I'liinors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, (it-lpcs, Dliurlinii, Dysentery, CSnttt. I'llrs, DNorilcrti of tlio Liver, nnd nil other diseases lesultlnjr from n disordered stalo of thu dlgcstlvu apparatus. As n Dinner I'll! they liavo no equal. Wlillo centto In tliclr action, theso rtt.t.9 nro Urn must thorough and searching cnllinr tli that ran lio employed, nnd never rIvp l tin unless thu liowi'ls nru Inllnmed, nnd llu'ii their liilhicni-u Is heallns. They stlinii l.ito thu appctlto and digest Ivn orR.msi they nperatu to purify and enrich tho blood, and Impart renewed health nnd vlcor to tho wliolo system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & C., I'l-nttienl anil Annlvtlciil Chemists, Lowell, Mass. , sold ur a li. niiuuuisTB r.vKiivwuiui. Danohy & Co'b. Advt'a. Cheapest Book Store IN TIIK WOULD, ITS072 ninsnlllernt Cllft Uook( Gorgeous Ju venue uuuiuii nupriu uiuit-H udu i rayt-r UOOJCSB most given away. Orand Holiday Catalogue tree. LEGGAT BROS., 3 11EEKMAN St., opp.rostOmccEW YOIIK. Jan, I, '8l-lw d ONE CENT win buy a postal on which to tepd our address nnd receive free by mall an eighty page book on "Thu IjlVEIt.lts Diseases aud their Treatment" Including jaundice, isuuousness, Maiana, uosureness, tieau acne, ac Auaress u. nAnrimu. I, Ml-4w d l, Broadway, New Y'ork, 0. & 6. C00PRR & CO BIT. VEIINON, OHIO. Am the Olsist ino Liroist Dcilders or PORTABLE AND TRACTION T? O HIT JliNGINES & OAW 1Y1ILLS IN TniS COUNTRY. Send for Large Illustrated Circular. Address as aiove. a Jan. 7, si.4W 'Merit Must Reap its Jest Reward.' Of tbemsny Catarih and nay Fever Remedies ire Keep in fiocx mere is none 01 w men our customers mruk- more hlclilv than of Elv's Cream Halm. A cimraiatlvel mw din every. 1 ut one nhlcb, from the many reports and evldecces of cures produced, H distlned to be ahadlng article. Wo have never bandit d a remtoy wnicunas increased as rapidly m sales or that bus given Mich universal satisfaction. I'rlce M cents. 0. N. CHITTEhTON, 115 Fulton street, new iora. a uec. i-4w Have You Ever Known any person to bo seriously ill without a weak stom ach or Inactive llvrr or kldneis? And when these orgaiBaieln good condition o you not find thMr posspi-sor enjnylng gocd health? I'AltKKK'H OIN UKK TONIOalAaya regulates these lmportantor gans, ano never i"iis to make ueoiooa ncnana nure. and to strenetben every ruirtof the system. It has cured hundreds of deopalrlng Invalids. Ask your neigunor a' out u. a uhc. u4 MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, BIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF 3 Jl. Jt? 1 JbLS . THE ONLY EIGHT-FLANGED SAFE IN THa WORJLD AMD CONTA1NINO MORE IMPROVEMENTS THAN ANT SATS MADS, 8DCII AC Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks. Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Cornors, CHAMPION RECORD IN THE GREAT BOSTON EIRE. Large Numbers Now BEING BOLD IN THIS STATE. BKND FOK DKSCHIJTIV CATALOGUE, 'HOIHIIS & IRELAND; BtMftoa,ltaM, BLOOM SB URG SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. T1I1SSCIIOOL, asnt present constituted, odors tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. llulldlngs spacious. Inviting and commodious 1 completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas. and furnished with a bountiful sun-lr of miir.w.ft spring water. vocation ueaunrui, nnu easy 01 access, rsacners expenenceu, euicicni, auu anvo uj meir worn. Discipline, nrm DUt Kind, uniform and tnorougn. Expenscr moderate, fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any time, ltooms reserved when desired. VOurscs ui siuay prescriueu uy mo oiaie 1 I. Model School. II. Preparatory. IN. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music IV. Course in Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. Tho momentary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'll0fK331OttAL. and Htudcnts trraduatnc therein, rniwivn Ktnm nintmnao mnmn-ian hhmii.. corresponding Degrees ; Master of tho Elements ; Master of tho sciences ; Master ot tho Classics. Graduates uu-iriiiMiiiiiuuiiiS.. siguuu ur mu uiucorH ui 1110 nuitru 1 lie course 01 muo y orescnocu uy tlio siato is uoerai, ana me a sicnuno ana classical courses aro not interior to tnoso ot our best Colleges. Tho Htatni-entitrpsAhhrher order nf r.ltlzpr.sliln. Tlint.tmns denandlt. It 13 ono of tho orlmo ohlccta of this Helinni tn hni n III antllm it fov t nrntelilnM Inlaatll. gent and cnicIontTeachora for her schools. Tothtsendlt sollcita young persons of good abutting and good rial nlrtmin arlrlrnai tlin 1-I nnlnnl lii.wiihi., I'rriKirnt no nru 8ept.97.- HUB OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHE. The largest Stock, The Finest Ooods, The JLatest Styles, The liou est Prices IN MENS' YODTH'S AND CHILDREN'S MAWt MAT-MI MATS I JUST RECEIVED. IPIAB1L BAYIID) L0W1IM(&9 Merchant Tailor A Oents' Outfitter, BSooiiishur, Pa. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, ninln Street nliovu Iron, BLOOMSBURG- PENH 'A. UBAUitt IN Drugs, Medicines, Chcmicals,Fan cy and Toilet Articles, Soaps Brushes, Sponges, Per fumery, etc. riij-tlclans' jirucrlptlcrs raiffully compounded and orders answered witu caro and despatch. Farm ers nnd plijslclans from the country -n til find our stock of medicines complete, warrantcdgenulnc and or mo Dest quality. JOHN II. KINPOIiT, Jan. S8. -so-ly l'roprletor, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used la tho principal Churches for Communion tmrposes. EXCELLENT FOB LADIES AUD WEAKLY PEESCNS AND THE AGED. EXCELLENT FOR FEMALES. Spoer'a Port Gxapo Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. Hlljla Celctratfd Native Wlno Is mado from Hie ja. j.iituui mo ujiunu umpu raiuu in tins country Its lnvalmliln f Tonio and Strengthening ProportieB ara unsurpassed bv any other Natlie Wine. Hel ir tuo puru Juice of tbe(lrnri. produced under Sir, SpeerU own personal supervlfclnn, IU purity and genuinenerH are furan'eed. Tlio yuUiieeBl clilld may partake of lis generous qualities and ibe weak est' Invalid Uho It to advantage It Is parilcularlv benlflclal to U10 aged and debilitated, and suited to tne various ailments tnat affect the weaker eh, It Is m overy respect H v;n to he heuku on. PPEKR'S P. JT. Sherry, The P. J. SHfllllV Is a Wine of superior character and partakes of the golden qualities of thuirratie, from which It Is made. Kor Purity. lllchnes,Pjavor and Medical Properties, It will be found unexcellid. SPEER'g I. J.Ifii'aiKiy. Jnar5r,nmdrerP IT IS A PllltK distillation t om the grape and con. tains valuable medical proprrtlea " It h a delicate nor, idmllar to that of (he B rapes from which It la dlsUlled.and U In eraat fa.or Hmong: firm class famlUts. "r;inaior ttee that the fj-Tnature rt alfuku apJCKlt-Pamle, j . J. 'j ' STATE NORMAL SOUOuL ui 1 uiiut- m or Trumeei. QBWNBm Medwed to UM AND Paper Hanging. WM. P. BODINEi IRON ST.. liKLOW SECOND, BLOOMSllURQ, Vn Is piepared to du all kinds of house PAxarTixva Tlalu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, UOTII DECOnATlVK AND TLAIN. All UIihIm olTurnltiirc Repaired, unit inudc an go oil ns new, NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates Made on all Work. WM. F. HOD1NE. Wt. 1, 1878. cms inrrrr ELASTIC TRUSS IU. tU UIMsi from tl I hrnpiU with SU-AdVuiU.. Ml 1 1 a cm ur. ADtt 1 ImI r t 9 ' MltbM o( lb, bod,, wkO. tk. W.llftfc 1 I.i. 11 l.,.Banl(bl. toil. rUlcalcnrccrula. It la mj, dwabU EGQLESTOH TBCSS CO., ChicafO, Ilk nov 19 a.m aid Battle Creek, Michigan, uiMUMoruiuma or tbs ovix ucmdir THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Povyera. MiMir.BicltUTkrtakerriMtur I Catabllahod UUe World. I B40 AA VCADC fcontluout4tutUHflilhv4L III ErtrtO . wllliout chann cf nam., Ul punaKtment. or location, to "batk (A. Wood warroiifu alttn on fl our ovxli. fiTEA HI POWEft REFARATOOS and tjemu trie Wfm Untfltaeirucu..alfiiM. ITraietIaBKriariBir.flanjl Plain KnH.M iUul ver teen la tha American market. i,T''l,"itJf "M"' uw ar.4 iapntnwnU for iMl.lfwtthir with ujrir suali. U mum. lion ana MierlaU not drfamM of by other makera. your alua of Beparatora. from O to lit bone Cvuiir;for or A or,. Mver. Two atrlm nf ' Mounted " llone-Powcn. 7fifif. firVft VfH of Helccted Lumber oomUotlr on hand, from which li buUI the in ecmrarable wood-work of our machinery. ' TRACTION ENGINES h. o 10, 13 llerae Power. NICHOLS, SHEPARD t CO. Battle Creek, Mlohlgatb Jan.J.'ai-ein as PMBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Frinted at thia OfBoa ON BHOPTgST NOTICE AND 'ATTHK ml In tho other Courses rccclvo Normal CertlllcateB pnrpospB, those who desiro toiranrovethijir llmo r, r, uii.l.m Yicil. Peer c t-nry THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD, ONE TIIUUSANI) (l.OOO) DOLLARS l'HKMIUM olTeicd lo AM PEHSON that will 1I0 aa GREAT A KNOE OF WORK on ANY OTIIER MACHINE. WHAT THE MW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without baslina. It will make wide hem on sheets, &c. licm all mannerof biaM woolen crnodn. nn Rnrr. mr.rtnn f. or pooda dtmcult to hem on other machines, li luaaes u more cinsiio Btitcn man any otner machine, It Will turn a hem nnil nnr. In ntnlnvnl cnmn lima Hwlll turn n' hern, sew braid on the right sMo and Stitch on trimming; at one operat'on. It will do f- nine mas or straight, cither on cotton nr won en o-nnrlq. Itwillfelllicmsa I win bind a Dress orHklrtand sew on facing-. 7, i .:. """",u,nK diiiuucb: uiuu ureas Goods with thosamemntcrlal, either scallops,polnts. squares or stialRhr, 'ihe ODly mathlno that will bind 1 ais, oioaks, or other articles with bias, satin or 011, iiuni 10 o incuesin wntn, without basting It will gather with or without sewing on. Itwlllgather between two pltcesandsewonat uia buuju unit;. , Itwlll mako nruflloand stitch a pillow slip on to cuu luuiujii, mo vameiime. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trimming either with or with out sewing it on. 11 win make plaited trimming cither scallaped or .if ; " P'PrE on at tne same time. It nill IUIUD KU11U JJlltlllUg. J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, Bloomsburg. Pa. oct. 1, 'SO-tf. CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Adaiscn, N. 7, IIUNDHEDS OP PRUSON'S rrnmnll nana nr ih. world huva been cured of this much dreaded dls- oaau auu are now living witnesses mat they have been rescued Horn n terrible and untimely death. iioctor8. Ministers and tho Poor treatedfree. Wriw miBuiar guiug inn imruciiiiirs. AddarcssDrs. 1SH UIIOWN, Addison, N. Y. OCl. 1, '8U-ly Weaver & Go's Ads A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A trentlso on Chronic Diseases." embracing Ca- neys. Cilnary and Female Diseases ; also I lies; sent freo to uny uddretB. Every sunertr Irom theso dls caees can to cuied. bend for this bock to the under signed, a phj Hclnn of luige ( xperiei'Ce, endorsed by hULdredofleodltg tltlnnswho testify to blsKklll. SendMamptopay postege to o. E. Llvlncston.M. D..H16X huperlorsliett, 'joledo, Ohio, aorll ii. 8o.iv wcn PENSIONS. ''oi.i nuMuai. uiRitiUU'U III IIIIU Ol Uuly VY wound, dlscabe, or injury, is entuitd to pension. than entitled to. 'Jhoumnnds of heirs entitled to renslou and Ilounty. It EJECTED CAHES re-opened. . ...... a'v.i..,' . oor.o UU1D11CU. v.Upiea UI lOBk U1S- charges obtained. Claims of every detcrlpilon pros ecuted. Patknts Pbocuksd. Auuma wuii slump, 11. 8. VEKL1N & CO., Attorneys, sept, 10, bo-m wtco Dox m Washlngton.D, C. mDTTTAf Morphine Habit cured In 10 to to J. U Ol days. No pay till cured. Dr. J. Htk riiENs, Lebanon, O. wico aprll ii. "bO-ly KEW f)TTTfr Ponsumplon t Asthma. ..TT. .Jr.rJ , Ncryet failed, address !thstamp 'IIOME.-Froslburg, Md. febA'SO.yl wtcn $5! Outfit fron to those who whhto engago In . - """j"""" " liruiuauie oupinesa known. Everything new. Capital not re- QUlred. He Will fllrnlHli vmi nvUrvt on a day and upwards Is easily made without staying away from home over night. No rlfck whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are inak lngfortunes at the business Ladles make as much aa men.andyouruj bojs and girls makereat pay. No one who Is winiug to work fi lis to make more money every day than can be made In a week at any ordinary, employment. Those who engage at once will find a ahort road to fortun Addruw IL Hal Lay l. HnrtMnil. wl. I5,t TBE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, the world renowned reputation of the White feewiiig. Machine !S?,,.ceS Ia?ny ihK'rupulous competitors to resort to k'Bo'wean txlcks to injureTts reputation. wS White Machine Sarufd'yhuo Wh0 W WE WAHHANT THE NATUHAL WEAR AND TEAR OK TUB White Shuttle Sewing Machine, PLATE NUMIIEIl IH33UII FOR FAMILY PUltPO PS".:" "EREI1Y AllltKKTO K HEP Til B BA ME IN IfEPAIII KOll THE TEHM OF 1'IVIC Y1CAUH FROM TllIU DATE. FIIEEOFCMIaROBVi ioUlLsTdrash,urtt?S;epU m brektK0 ot nw!,e8 This warranty will not be suatalncd unlesa the plaU) nuaaber above given corresponds with the prtrMniwmbenilleraCU'U'le' B""areof defaced WHITE HEWING MACHINE CO. Tho "TO" Shuttle Sowing Machine nvi-a HAIL ROAD TIME TABLED N OUTHERN OENTItAU KAILWAY WINTER TIME TAHLE. On and after Bnndav. Nor. T. 1KM). tha train on tho Phi adelphla Kiln Ua lroad Division will run as follows t . WESTWARD. Erlo Mall Iavcs Philadelphia 1 1 65 p m " " llarrlsburx 4S5am " " William1 port 8 40am " " .lersey shore 09 a ra " " l)ck Haven S4oam " ' llenovo 11 0(1 am " arrlvo at Erie I n m Niagara Kipresa leaves Philadelphia 9 00 a m " uarrisourn; umpm " arr. at wiiilamsport is pin ' ' Lock Haven 4 so p m " " llenovo 5 40 p m FftJt Moo lcavoa Philadelphia Is 10 p in " " llarrlsburg 4 01 p in " arrlvo at willlamsport tupn " Lock Haven to p m KASTWAtlD. pacino Kxprcos leaves Lock Haven 7 fs a m uiTHej oituru latum " v miamsport 8 so am " arrlvo at Harrtsburif U on p m " Philadelphia s 45 pen Day Bxpress loavos llenovo 10 os am ' " Lock Haven imam " ' VlUlamBport Usspm " arrive at liarrlsburg 8 40 p ni ' " Philadelphia 85pm Krto Mall leaves llenovo ono pro, ' " Lock Haven 10 10 p m " " wuilamsDort II so pin " arrives at llirrlsbiirg SCO am " Philadelphia 7 03 am Fast Lino leaves U miamsport In is a m " arrives at llarrlsburg Hum Philadelphia 7 05 am Erlo Mall westand Day Kxuress Hast make close II. It. II. trains for Wllketibarro and fcrnnton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Kxpreis West and Fast Line West make clou connection at Wtlllumsuort with N. C. It. W trains north. Ntiurara Exoress West nnd Day Express East make closo connection at Lock Haven with 11. E. V It. 11. trains. Erie Mall cast and West connect nt Erlo with trains nn L. H. s M. H. It. 11. ; at Corry with o. C. ii A. V. It. It. ; at Emporium with II. N. Y. & P. It. It and at Driftwood w It h A. V. It. II. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and Wlllamaport on Niagara Express wost, nnd Da Ex press East. Sleeping cars on all night tralnn. WM. A.BALDWIN, General Hupt. NORTHERN CENTRAL KAILWAY COMPANY. On and after November 20th, 1873, trains will leave Sunbury as follows: NORTHWARD. Erlo Mall a.m., arrive Elmlra ll .r " Canandalgua... S.ssp. n Rochester 5.1s Niagara. 9 40 Renovo accommodat ion 11.10 a. m. arrive William- portl9.M)p.m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a, m., arrive Elmlra 10.00 a. m. Buffalo Express a, m. arrive Buffalo s.w a rx SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg 11 Baltimore 6.40 Elmlra Hall a. m. suili'e llarrlsburg Washington 10.84 Baltimore S.S0 Washington narrtabnrg accommodation burg 100 p.m. arrive Baltimore Washington 6.13 Erie Hall II. DO a. m. arrive namsburg a. 05 a. m " Baltimore 8.40 Washington 10.88" All dally oxcept Sunday. D. H. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger A get, A. J. CASSATT. General Manager pHILADELPHA AND READINO ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May ll, ibt. TRAINS LIATI BUriBT AB F0LL0WB(8CNDAT IICKFTI For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, PottsvlUr Tamaqoa, to., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. T,si and T,85 p. m. For Willlamsport, ,S8 9,05 a, m. and 4,06 p. m. TBAlKS roa BUrlXT LXAVa AS rOIXOW8, (SCMOAT XX CIFTID.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, ,4S a. m. Leave Reading, 11,56 a. m., Pottsvllle, 18,88 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,55 p. in. ' Loave Catawlssa, ,so 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport,9,45 a.m.9,15 p. m. and 4,co p. m Paasengors to and from New York and Philadel phia go througa without change ot cars. J. K. WOOTTEN, Qoneral Manager C. O. HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. Jon. 14, 1314 tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANU WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG; DIVISION. Time-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY, JUNE 10, 18T8. NORTH, I BTATIONB. SOUTn. P.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p m. p.m 9 30 9 23 9 17 9 03 8 58 8 CI 8 45 i IS 40 9 87 ...... .Scranton .......Bcllevne.M.. ......Taylorvuio.. ...Lackawanna-. 9 85 1 IU O 1C 3 18 3 32 2 80 3 33 2 44 3 49 2 53 67 8 16 3 15 3 10 3 15 8 21 8 28 8 35 8 60 4 03 4 10 4 18 4 115 4 39 4 93 4 42 4 49 4 65 6 00 6 IB 9 IS t, 80 6 45 6 9fi S3 8 40 C 45 60 6 55 5 69 7 10 7 16 7 7 20 7 OS 7 43 8 04 8 33 8 41 8 66 9 Ot 7 16 7 2S 7 SO 7 44 8 00 8 83 8 V 8 21 9 61 9 9 9 SO 8 51 8 45 8 41 18 41 18 H 8 tO 8 10 9 91 . Plttston .. West Flttston... 9 19 9 14 ......Wyoming,.... Maltby.... -Bennett.. .....Kingston.... 10 07 8 S3 8 It 9 04 S 44 10 18 Kingston 10 33 . .riymouin .) una. ....Plymouth Avondale ...... Nanticoko 8 S3 3 80 6 55 10 19 10 34 10 43 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 ! 8 13 8 04 7 61 7 83 7 39 7 SS 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 OJ 58 8 60 6 43 8 37 6 10 e oo 3 13 3 04 3 61 889 9 34 9 23 8 47 S 89 8 98 8 17 8 19 8 08 .llunlock'a creek. ...Hmcksninny.... ....Hick's Kerry.... ....Beach Haven.., ...... Berwick .... -...Briar Creek .Willow a rove.... Lime Ridge...- .....Espy....M. ...Bloomsburg 9 C4 1 57 1 51 1 40 1 97 7 44 7 38 7 33 7 99 7 11 11 39 11 45 ........Rupert. Catawlssa Brldgo. 11 6 11 67 19 18 .....UUIIVIMU Chulasky..., Cameron .Northumberland, 1 00 6 45 19 45 P.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a. en W. F. DALHTEAfi, Kurt Superintendent's Offlco. scranton. June in ts TyAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PUILADILTUIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAH8BH ati i, srtcis, nciBB sonA, u., &o. N S. Onrner Second and Arch streets, """rd'ni will vm promt" ftntioi. For Catarrh, lltnv In tlin ivO.Anlliod, c, lnseit witu riU rfM R3 "z. 1 n9 llttla .. -.-..I,.. ot the Halm into tno I nostrils; draw strong bteuths through the nose. It will be ub- Isoibed, cleansing, and iiiruiing ius aise&aca membrane. Fur Dt-nfucBS. I Occasionally apply a particle Into and back nt tho ear, rubbing In thoroughly. ELI'S GRIMM BALM Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, tho druggist, and phjslclan. Never has an ankle of so much merit been produced for the treatment of membrai al diseases as this never.fallli g HALM.and H universally acknowledged as being all that Is claimed for It. The application Is easy and pleas ant, caublng no rain, Is soothing, and Is fat, super ceding Ihe use of powders, liquids and snuffs. Price 50 cents, on receipt of to oents will send a package free, send tor circular, with full Information. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO.,Owcgo,N. Y, At Wholeanle by Nxw Yom-McKeason it Robblns. Hall Iluckel, C. N. Crlttenlon. W. II. f-clieirjfllu f0 D. M. Ml ger, at on. Laielle, Marth & Gardner, Tarrant & Co. Frazer fi Lee. and others. PiiiLAusLruiA-smltli, Kline Co.. Johnston. Hot loway Co. scbakton. pa. Matthews Bros. . . AT RETAIL t ALL PBdQOlBTS.. OCt. II, 60-tf HELP Yourselves by makng money when a irolden chaneo la of fered, thereby always keeplug who always Uke advanUge of the good chances for m.klog money that are offered, generally become wealthy, wnlle those who do not Improve bucU chances remain In poverty. We want many women boys and girls to work tor us right In their own lo calities, 'fhe business will pay more than ton times ordinary wages. We furnish an extensive outnt and all that you need, free. No one who engages falls to make money very rapidly. You can devote your wi ole time to the work or only your spare momenta. Full information and all that Is needed sent free. Address stimson ft Co., Portland, Maine. oct.lto-iy pUSINEBS CARDS VISITING OARD8, LKTX1I lUtADA BILLHEADS, rotrnaiB, o to., raaavlrlallaS r bnrflM KuLAII.v rrAWtDf.sAU MHULt wrat l.S-SfrM 30 SOLO BY O. A. KL.EIM. MMI , SALT2BE, ftncrtl lxtst.