The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 14, 1881, Image 3

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    THE C0L.DM;B1AN.
tiLooasBCRO, rnioiT, JAHUARr it, irsi
Jan. 7J.tljr. . 1 S
j 8 4 S 7 a 8 4 f. 7 S (
0 li It t IS 14 15 10 11 I? 19 U 18 Id
III IT 18 It M 1 II IT l 18 l l 8 28
83 14 tt M M 84 28 W 81 tS t 80,
SO t ., . 81 . . I
Ptbl .. i 8 8 4 5 An. . I I I H1
11 M 10 I 11 t s V 10 II It 18
18 14 I 18 IT 18 18 14 15 18 IT 18 i.
f) 81 I? 18 4 K W II 88 83 84 ii W 8!
8J S 8b V8,S 81 ,.
Mnr. . .. 1 S 8 4 f Hep. .. t 8
T C 8 10 II It It 1 1 f I 10
18 14 18 10 II I' 18 II 8 18 14 18 18 IT
!0 81 W (9 14 85 1' M 81 88 til 84
81 i 88 80 31 85 ,! 8S ml BO I
April IV Oel. I'
848818 I II t I 1 I
10 II It 8 14 1 It toll 1 18 It 4 If!
IT IX 18 0 1188 48 It 17'lS 18 20 81 88
84 8 Vt 81 t- 88 HO 83 84 to tt 81 81 88
S'l 31 I
Jltey 1 8 4 6 t T Nov. ...1 8 8 4 5
ft 8 0 .1 18 18 14 t T 5 8 I II 18
tt It II It 18 80 81 It 14 II I" IT IP 18
tl 83 84 15 8t 81 88 8 81 ft V8 81 "5 It,
W id 9 81 8 89 3 1
Junr .... 12 14 lire. 1 8 8
' 6 t T 8 9 10 II I I I I M 10
18 18 14 15 It IT 18 It It It 14 16 It III
18 811 134 8.1 84 25 13 18 80 31 22 83 24
I S 81 2'W0 85 87 88 3li 31
O. II Mel lit k Iirk gnno In Texas.
Harry Ulrkenblne in in town.
Water pipes have been put into Krug'a
pinning mill.
Enquire Hlrleman, of Benton, was in town
on Tuesday.
Blank louses and tavern license papers for
sale at this office
Ofet fifty cases wore argued at court last
week, occupying three dayt.
Col. W. N. Monies, a prominent citizen of
Scranlon, died on the lOtl. Inst.
Tom Chrlslmau is the only man in the coun
ty that brings shaved hoge to matket.
The communication from Pomona Urange
was crowded out. It will appear next week.
The WUkttharre Album is the name of a new
paper storied recently in that city.
Tho liverymen are happy. Their teams have
been kept busy since the good Weighing came.
Mis Bellas of Philadelphia is visiting Mr'.
Bisliton and Miss Sloan,
Tho Convocaticn of Willisimiort met at
Wllllamsporton Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tbe force on the nw railroad was increased
by CO men list week.
Wellington (lartman has purchased a farm
in West Hemlock township, Montour county.
Those who know ray (lint it is tho .proper
thing now to carry an umbrella ntida band box
when you go out wilb a sleighing party.
Onions, pounded to a pulp, and bound on
the neck, are said to bo an excellent remedy for
Dr. Mitchell will exchange pulpits will) tho
Rev. Arllirr Johnson of Shickshinny on Sun
day next
Five good dwelling houses in BloomaVmrg
for sale, cheap, and on good teims. Apply to
jn 14-2w " Paul E. Wirt
Lockard's car shopB aro running night and
day in order lo fill a contract which they have
on hand.
There were six conversions at the Baptist
church on Sunday evenirg. Good work ha,
been done at their protracicd meetings.
H. L. DierTenbacb, at one limo editor of this
piper, has been appointed mercantile apprais
er of Clinton county, by the commissioners.
A sleighing party of twenty Indies from Dsn
ville, took dinner at tho Exchange Hotel on
Miss Quii.n, of Allentown, Pa., and Mis
McDanitl or Packerton, Pa., are visiting at
Sheriff EntB.
The Inige and increasing business of Lockard
Bros, renders it necessary tor them to build an
addition to their shops, which ihey propose to
do soon.
Several ladies have been asaulted on the
street recently, by some ruQin. The fellow
ought to be caught and dealt with as he
The Williamport Gazette t Bulletin recent
ly published an interesting hi'tory of the courts
in that county, and also n list of the members
of (he bar with short biogrnphical notices.
We have made arrangements with an able
correspondent for a weekly letter from Iho
Slate Capital during the sessions of the Legis
lature. The first one will appear next week.
On Tuesday last Thomas Bunyan was buried
near Watsontown. He was of an advanced age
Many of his descendants an i relutiyes live in
I his and adjoining counties-
Tho villige of Paris, Clark county, Virgin
la, was completely snowed under December
20th. Peoplo got out of their houses by going
on the roof and walking on the snow cruBt.
An unusual number of disasters at sea, rail
road accidents and deaths from fire have oc
curred wilbin the post (no weeks in different
parts of the country.
The sleighing has ben excellent the past
week, and judging from the constant jingle of
the sleigh bells many people have been enjoy
ing it.
Most of the causes on the trial lint for Feb
ruary term are lets than a year old. There are
few counties in the Slalo where the business of
the courts is in so good a condition. In many
places the lawyers think they are lucky if their
cares are reached in two or three years.
Hereafter, twen ly-livo cents will be charged
for the insertion of marriage notices- Clergy
men who send ui notices, and all others will
please bear this In mind. No charge will bo
made for death notices. Obituary poetry, ten
cents a line.
A party of about fifty ladies and gentlemen
drove down lo Danville on Tuesday afternoon
and had an elegant supper at the Montour
House. Mr. and Mrs Reibl knew just how to
make it pleasant for such parties.
The Normal School is well filled with stu.
d onls this term. There are twelve from Shan.
nendosh In attendance. If all other portions
of the district would do as well as that town
has dnno lor eeveral years past, the buildings
would be too small.
There are many pstementa in town that are
in a dangerous condition. When It might ea
sily have been done they were not properly
cleaned, and the water that r' ained on them
because no opening were made for it to run in
to the gutter, has froien, making them very
slippery t It ia lo be hoped that no one but tbe
occupants of such premises wilt get a fall on
these pavements.
It is a great source of annoyanco Ibat no
change list yei been made In the mail routes
through this county If any one should ar
range the routes with the view of inconvenienc
ing the largest number of people he could not
I ave done it more successful!--. A Urn nnmi
ber of petitions have been signed but nothing
Has yet resulted from them. If our postmaster
his any inUuenca wlih tbe deptrtuitut at
'Washington very body would U (really
oUlgtd io Mm (fUta&dtetfccUBetj.
There were four sleighing fiirtlia wrnl out
of town on Friday night, last reek, ono lo
each of tho following points, UenKn, 11 rwlck,
Dauvlllenntl S slitown
0. T. Fay, IHyoke, Mass,, aiys: Almost
allnf the clilUr-n's times e id hare ilio A,
8 T. Co. Tip i'n 'h m in fac we rnnldno'
sell them without In fait it lias become a
nccolly to l ave llitm.
We nr tliak'ul to our many subscriber
who have pa d for h- pap-r fir tho pest tear.
There are still n few wli-i have not peld Brad
er, II you aro one of lli'te, you will confrr a
gieat fivor mi ns, nd feel mu'h more com
fortable you tsol f by ptylng up. 1 1 i much eisier
to pay over j eir tlnu lo let ll run several yevs
and pny a largo bill. Ai tho low rate of $1.60
a year, we expert evrry one lo pay promptly'
Somi thing nter fifiy nl the citizen of Dan
ville, latlln an.l gv.tletueo, iliov up here In
sbdjibs on Tlitnstley n!glii,l lot week, and were
cnlcrUimcl right mynly a the Exihange hotel.
They brought musicians with thera and dsn
clng whs indulged iu fur Into the morning.
An elegant supper was repsred for ihem by
.'tilths & hitnb rlin- The member if the
pa ty wrre much plea'-.l wllh Iheir Ireaimtnl
at llie Hotel.
A fhiirnuuh and safo remedy is Dr. Mtl
(aur't Headache and Dytpeptia 1HIU, Sold
by all druggists. Price 25 cents. dec241oi
A terrible accident occurred at Allentown
one day last week. A boiler at the rolling
mill exploded, instantly killing a number of
persons, end others have died since from the
Injuries. The boiler was supposed to be in
good condition, Mr. Harold Kogets, son in
law of John A. Funston, Esq., is connected
with these works.
The three fire rompaniea of this town hate
agreed on n constitution and by-laws for tbe
government of the fire department. As soon
as the town council approves of tbe action of
the companies, the department will bo organi
sed, and a chief engineer and two assistant en
gineers be elected, Such an orginizatlon will
be of great benefit to. the town In esse of tiro.
We have much pleasure in recommending
Thermalino to our renders, an an nbsoluto
euro for Malaria. The manufacturers' namo
nlono Is n guarantee of its merit. It sellsat25
cents per box. For particulars see Advt,
inly 30, '80-6m
Dr. D. W- Conner removed to Wilkesbsrre
on Tuesday, where he will open an office for
the practice of his profession. He is a thor
oughly educated physician and we have no
doubt that he will meet with well deserved
cuccess in his new field.
A young man tiy the namo of Coleman, of
Orangcville, slipped on the ice at Light Strtet
on Sabbath last, breaking hi collar bone. He
was immediately brought lo tbe residence of
Dr. J. B. McKelvy, of this place, where tbe
fracture was dressed, and he returned home
shortly afterward.
Tho medicines of Duxdib Dick A Co. are
unexcelled for elegance, purity, and relia
bility. Their Seidlitine Seidtitz Powders,
aro as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft
Cnpaulos aro world famous. See Advt
july 30, '8U-6m
On Friday evening of last week, a party of
eenltenun ard ldis. well known in social cir
cle, enjoyid a splendid sleighride behind
four spirited horns, controlled bv the master-
hand of John Gil bs, and pnecrded to Hess'
Hotel, Benton, where a grand time was had.
Dane ing was pnrtiripsled in until the wee
small hours, the party having taken Iheir mu
sic with ihem. All spoke in the highest terms
of the elegant repa that was rerved them by
the hostess, Mrs. Hess.
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial dieaes,8crof-
ula and general debility cured by 'Dr. Lind-
sey's Bluod Searcher. Sold by druggists.jl44w
Wo have received the i flicial report of the
State Hoi-pilal for tho insane at Danville, for
the two years ending September 30th, 1S80.
For the year 1878-0 there were 2 males and 4
females committed from this county. Fur
1870-80 there wrro 3 males and 3 females.
Since tbe enction of the institution there have
been 33 males and 22 females smt there frcm
this county. The report Is neatly printed and
appears lo be very complete. In speaking of
Mr- F. C. Ever, Steward, formerly of lliii town,
the report says he "still eonlinues in bis posi
tion and fills it with his customary fidelity and
The announcement of the death of Bev. O.
D. S. Marclay on Monday morning was so
startling that the community could scarcely re
alize it. Wednesday evening after golrg home
from prayer meeting he was taken with cramp
in the stomach frcm this he rallied a little
but on Thursday afterroon ho attack became
more severe, frcm which came inflammation,
and mortification set in, which ended in
his death about five o'clock on Monday morn
ing. Mr. Marclay came to Bloomsburg in
May, 1878 and took charge of Ihe Lutheran
congregation ihen urder the care rf Dr. J.Mc
Cron. He took great delight in doing all pos
sible for the ehureh under his rari. He bad
made extensive preparations for conducting
a series of meetings for tbe winlor. Bev. Earle,
D. D., an evangelist of great fame from Mais-
achueett, bad been aecured to asait in
conducting the meeting and would have beou
here on Saturday The week of urayer was
commenced on Ihe 3rd of January and Mr.
Marclay assisted up until Wednesday evening,
and bad appointed the following Sunday as the
day to commemorate Ihe Lord's Supper, When
he was taken sick au announcement was inide
that Ihe communion servicts would be postpon
ed. He had commenced his teimon for tha
Sunday, choosing as his text I Corinthians
xith chapter and xxviih verse Thus, with
Bible open, the text chosen, and afrwnoUs
written, be was in the grap of death uioi at
the same time he was to have given his ciimon
In bis death thechurih has lost a beloved pas
tor, the community an exemplary et'iien and
the family a very kind and devoted fmbtr and
husband. Aside from hit church member be
had endeared himself lo a good many people,
whom he always met witn a kind and pleaisnl
smile, Ha was always active in Iho woik for
the Matter, and whenever posiibl9 would en
courage some one to renewed energies. He wis
born in Seward, Schoharie county, N. Y ,
March U 1840, and died January 10, 1831,
being 40 years, V months and 29 duys old.
The funeral services were held In the Luther
an church the church being very hiuvily
draped about tbe altar. The body was taken
to Bosemont Ceueterr for interment.
The regular annual meeting o Oen. Wei'
llnglm 11. Ent Pot, 0. A, it., No. 1S2 was
held at Bloomsburg on Tuesday evenligef last
week. The fullowing officers were unanimous
ly electee for the ensiiingyian Pest Command
er, C. B, Brockway ; Senior V. Command
er, N. B. Fowlerj Officer of tbe Day, John
Dodsong Chaplain, 8tephen Collins; Quarter
Msster, W. II, Bwen tielj Officer ol ibe (Juard,
U. H, Kntj Surgeon, Daniel Boisj Represenfa
live lo Slate Encampment, C. P. Sloan) Ooun
ell of Admluisiratlon, 0. 8 Fornwald, 18
months; B F, Hicks, 12 mouths and Frank
Boii, 6 moolbt,
Tha installation Of rfficei will Ukt place at
Fatwan'tt tlttl Friday tTtDibf,
Vick's Fuirai.Guidk Of the many guides
anet seed and pUnt culngnoi sent out br our
see smen and nurserymen, and that are doing
lnt so in noli lo inform ihe piople and iK-nutl
fy and enrich our co'tntrt j none nr t j
beiutllul, nono so instructive ''Vlck' Fl ral I
Oiildf It naiier Is the chntc-t. lis lllu-trs-l
lions handsome, snd given by the hundred,
while its coln.eil nla'e tin gem, This work,
although costing bill 10 c-nl, is handsome
enough fnr a glf book, or a place on the parlor '
tsMc. Published by Jsmes Vlek, Ito dirstcr,
N- Y.
Ourladv render wi I iloubtl-4 br nleiscd lo
learn oi a simnle nrec-'S bv which c lored
lure miv be nppllid to silk so pnif.ctly that
iht-ornam ntsllnu Ik mislaid f.r hand-paint
ing. The pictures of ll .w,rs, frnll and othor
obj-ca are print"! in oil co!or i.n upoclnMv
prepared tapr, snd nsy be i rnnittd In de-
aliens tonill une's 'amy They nru translened
bv simply eiiol'lenliig ihe luck of tho picture
with water ami pres'ing il on with n red ho
iron, This iticoration Is so much easlor dono
than hand painting Ihnl the bulbs arousing It
fnr ornaincnlirc the panels, collar, and siali
cs iif dresns. Banner.
WhiU there it no immediate danger of the
spread of i-mall pox in this town, it is well to
take every precaution lo prevent it from get
ling nny loothold. There are rainy cue-) in
Pblladephia and either places, and thedlirne
may easily be brought here by strangers. We
would therefore advise the following course to
be puruid. Ltt everybody b vaccinated. The
town authorities should require this to bo
done, and appoint some physician lo whom the
poor ran go at the expense of the loan, and
be vaccinated. Any one who is taken sick
should be very careful not to go out of the
houre unlil sstlefied of the nature of thet
dUease. If it should bo small pox it mijth
easily be communicated lo others. An ounce of
prevention is better than a pound of cure.
We Mil) have a thousand dolla'S insuhscrii
tinn to the Coi.UMnuN etsndiug on our hooks,
which was doe Odder lei, 1879. PersoiH
sllll owing for tho piper ptior to that lime are
heieby notified that unless Ihey pay very soon
costs will be made. We nte tired of waiting
postage on bill to which no attention is paid,
but will try itonce more and eend a statement
to every one Indebted to the firm. Unless
thero is an early responso to the claims we
will put ihem in the bandi of a justice.
0. B Br.ocKWAY,
Geo. E. Elwki-l.
Nothing so good for Headache anil Dys
pepsia ns Dr. Mellaur'i Headache and Dyt
peptia PiUt. Price 25 cents. All druggists
sell them. dec. 24 lm
AVm. M. Hughes, the populnr liveryman, has
been very unfortunate, On ChUtmaa day, one
of tho beautiful grov match team, which he re
cently puribaird of F R. Jackson, of Berwick,
was olmoct ruined for 1 fe by a runaway acci
dent. Last Friday, a hostler, who hai been in
liU emplnv bu t a ehort lime, took out iho o'her
grey horse. The animal being rathtr high
siriinc, the ricielesa homier over drove him,
and the next morning Ibe horse waifmnd
dead in his stall. This of course caused the
dihChari!o of tl e hnnbr, nhostarttd out, lak
inc wi'h h'm a valuable overcoat, whirh, how
ever, w i recovered at Stoik'on. Th" loss of
his best team, and one if 'he mo-t showy in
this end of ihe county Is rather tongh on the
good nalund and pe pnlar liverymnn, and we
trust lhat tbe season of his bnsiness mis
torlunes is ended. Hatleton Sentinel.
Freqnenlly our young men receive invita
tions fre m strange quarters anil ore at a loss to
understand why Ihey received them from the
parlies. In order lo intoim them how it hap
pens, sometime;; bow to account for unexpcit
ed invitations lo tliighirg carnivals, we will
relate a little incident ibat occurred a short
time since. A parly of charming lady vocal
ills were over to Heller's church, fa'cina'ing
the good people in lhat vicinity with their
wonderful voices and extrac rdinary musical
ability, and on their wav home it was proposed
that Ihey.should get up a sleighing parly. All
were unanimously of the opinion lhat horses
were absolutely necessary to take a slegh ride,
but how to procure them without much ex
penditure of wealth was what perplexed their
fertile bruins. Of course, silver was plenty
with them, but remembering the old saying
"Economy is wealth," ihey had determined to
economize this year, to resume "as il werf;" and
tohirenhorse would be wasteful and extravagant
In the extreme All were "at Sea," when a
brigiit and sprightly maiden from whose eyes
beamed ihe light of intelligence, anil on whoso
brow was Indelibly stamped expediency ven
tured ihe suggestion wlrch was to help them out
of iheir dilemma, that they should invite II-
for he had a horso a happy thought in which
all concurred. "Why, it's just ihe proper en
per," Ac. Now everytli ing will be delightful
and the tnticipaleil magnificent time will be
had if H - don't mar Ihe prospects.
Liter i The party was had,
Fore Sale or Rent. Snjder's tannery, lo
cated in Bloomsburg, is for sale or rent. Pos
sesion given April 1st, 1881. Fur price and
terms apply lo C. W. Neal or F. P. Billmeyer,
Bloomsburg, Pa, jan 7lf
January 5, 188P Council met at 7 o'
clock p. m., present tbe President, Q, A.
Herring anil Messrs. Thomas, Sbarplcs,
Rabb and Holmes. Minutes of last meet
ing read and approved. Bill for rent of
room.occupleel by Friendship Fire Co., on
fourth floor of building of J. J. Browcr was
presented. After consultation couuoll agreed
unanimously to pay thirty dollars ($30,00)
for use of ead room for tbe present year to
expire on tbe first day of April A. D,, 1881.
Council alto agreed to pay Peter Qrosj thir
ty dollars ($30,00) for room occupied by
Rescue Fire Co., for tbe year ending on tbe
first day .of April A. D. 1881.
Mr. Holmes moved that a committen bo
appointed to prepare a health ordinanco to
be presented to tbe council for their adopt
ion, and that the President of Council be
chairman of said committee, seconded by
Mr. Rabb. Pawed unanimously, whereupon
tbe President pppointed Messrs, Rabb and
Holmes on said committee,
BUI of Bloomsburg Water Company, for
the use of water from December 1st, 1880, to
January 1st, 1881, of ($133,331), payment
of which wai unanimously refused bycoun
Tbe following bills were examined and
approved and the secretary directed to draw
orders for the same,
Bill of Samuel Eastman for discharge
3 15
BUI ol Rollins, Holmes and
ler. nails and spikes.
Bill of John F, Purnel, for smithing,
ei ii peter Gross for 9 months rent,
" Bloomsburg Gas Co. for Deo.
" M. O. Woodward, town con
stable for December,
" '' M. O, Woodward, for arrest of
Wm. Metr,
Bill of 8, W, Sbutt, one night police
Bill of U. I). Freas, one night polico
Bill of J K. Qrotr, Becty., for peo.
Total $139,93
On motion adjourned.
John K. Grotz,
If you take our advice you will lose no time
in celllrg on your diugglst for 'Seller's
Cough Syrup' without an tquJ Pile 35
Jan.0, 1P81. '
Dr. Bjllck wai in town one day last week,
Rv. I,, R. Kramir, of tno U. 11, chii'cb ol I
this plnce, closed a re l.- of meetings at M. n
tana, this county, Sun J ir evening,
W. A, Berninger shut hlmse'f through ono of
hl flngors, wlih n pistol, while hnndllng it
rithcr toj curelenly, u few days ago,
Miss Stllle Ml ler, fotrocrly one, of Nu
ml'ilns falrort (Into-el-, has returned to her
former pi ins of shod.', from an extended visit
In iho far West,
Sirs. Dmltl Ilnitck, who purchased tha Dar
ius Yeiger propertTi npprsite Ycager's store,
Is making picpsratlon lo build a black'uilth
shop on Ihe premises .
Wo presume iho Rev, J. V. Ibdlno enjoy ed
a happy New Year, as a donation was tendered
him by his friends in the-, vicinity of Mill drove.
'Johnny' Moyer, the oyster man, 'Jake
Rhawii, thn beer man, 'Jerry' Frederick ihe
plow man, and 'Fill' Gelger, ihe tnnorial ar
tist, all sporting bojs of Catnv tail, (pent n por.
lion of the holidays in and around our little
rural village.
On December 23th, 1880, by the Rev. L.
Lindeustrutli, Mr. W. L. Snyder, ot this placo
to Mi's Hannah Fahringer, of Nnmldla May,
success and happ!no nllend friend Will and
wlfens down life's vale Ihey arm in arm do
Mr. Frederick Pfalilcr's team, of Calawlsa,
while nt Numldla one day lat week, ran down
the road toward the widow Fettcrmsn's, and
when near there, ono of tho hordes, a valuable
animal, about four years old, caught fast with
ono of her feet and broke her leg about the fet
lock. The horse was put in topes and tho limb
set by Dr. Mears
Mrs. Henry Fahringer, residing near horp
was very unfortunate on Chrismas eveniig.
She fell down a flight of stairs, which rcutted
In the breiklng of her arm just below the
shoulder, whlrh made it very difficult for the
physician to get it to its proper position
The Holidiys paued off evitli their various
amusements. The L. and R. Sunday school
had a very nice lime with iheirChristmai tree
and concert. The M K. schcol had no tree
but distributed confiClionefy among Its chil
dren. The bill at the National on the evening
of the 20th ull wai well patronized by both
sexes, and ihe hop at tho Numtdia hotel
Friday evening wai also largely attended,
Pereons who were abiut this place spending
the holidays with rilaiivcs nnd friends were
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Herbein and the Mirse
Fink, of Bloomsburg; Mr. Frank Averill nnd
wif--, of Mt. Carmel, our jolly friend Mr Ed
ward Stern, of Kington; Mr. Dennii Fahring
er, of Scranton; Mfs-rs. W. J. Hinrhei and
Char'cs Fahringcr, of Milti n; H. M. IMig,
of Danville; Mi-s Harriet Yeiger, of Biar
Gap and Mi' ltileccn Yeagcr of l stawl-sa,
Britton Huhu', accompinied by his broth
er, Will J., were visiting relatives in Birds
boro and Beading, and Mr, and Mri. B P.
Folk were at B'oouiBburg.
A verv pl.-a-ant aicial party, by invitation,
assembled at tne r-sidt nee of Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Yeager last Friday, in honor of the 25th
anniversary of their wedding day. Among
tho-e who were present were Ex-Judge
Hu.h8, and Mis, Kostenbauder, of Caiawi-sa;
Dr. J. II. Valine and wifrand daughter, Net
tie H. Vnstine, of Numidia; Mes-rs. O. W.
Cherrington and D. H. Cue with their ladies,
of Mill Grove; Mr. Charles Krug and wife, of
Bloomsburg; Mr. William llollowny, of Dan
ville, and Mrs. William Hurst, of Morcsbnrg
Mr. and Mrs. Yeger received several fine
The above comunication wa in'onded for
publication last week, but wai crowded out by
legul advertising, Ed.
Speer's Horohonnd Hyenndltock.
Made of old pearl rye, rock candy crystal,
and the Hnrehound herb, a simple aud ef
fective remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness
and sore throats, highly recommended for
consumptives. This is no patent meUicino
mixture, but it is tbe pure extract of Rye,
Horehound and Rock Camlr.combiccd with
one other medicine much used by consumpt
ives. Bold by O. A. Kleim.
The columns of a paper are the publisher's
stock in Irade, and ihe parties who ask to use
them for iheir special benefit must expict to
pay for the Bamc, Every publio spirited citi
zen of a place should have a pride in seeing his
town and surroundings Improve; every now
house, every new road, every new rr.snufuctur
ing establishment erected, every now busine-s
opened enhances tho valuo of property in our
midst, Every reflecting mind knows this to be
true, and it should not be forgotten that the lo
cal newspaper adds much to the general
wealth and prosperity uf the place, as well as
increasei the reputilion of the town abroad.
It benefits all who havo business in ihe place;
enhance Ihe value of property, besides beioi;
n desirable public convenience, even ifnot con
ducted In tbe interests of the ruling political
power. It increases trade, it caution against
imposition, it saves you from loss, il warns you
of danger, il points out d flerent advantages,
and increases your profits, The local press is
the power that moves the people; therefore
support it by advertising in It liberally, sub.
scribing for it and paying for it. Mcnamin't
Printers' Circular.
Hon. George N. Corson, Norristown.saye;
The PhoMiix Pectoral Is indispensable in my
family. It acts like a charm in curing
coughs and colds with the children,and 1
always use it when addressing a jury. Price
25 cents. O. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg, aprlG-ly
The following &as been prepartd by the o fl
eers of tho Agricultural Society,
Statement of the purchase, amount paid and
preent iudebteduess of the Columbia coui
tv Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanial
The properly now occupied for the holding
of the Columbia County Fair, annually, was
puichaaed on the 25th dsy of November, A.
D,, 1870. The purshase money to be paid for
tne tame was $8,000. The amount paid at the
execution or signing of ibe agreement v.m2,
000. The balance was to be paid in six annual
Installments of $1,000 each, with interest from
April 1st, 1677. The amount paid Octoker 25,
1877, was $480, instead of $1,000 and interest.
The amount paid November 23, 1878 wafi)3'J,
instead of $,0C0 and intereet. The amount
paid undpr the management of 1879 was $1,000
according lo agreement, )es Ihe Interest, The
amount paid under ibe same management for
1880 wai $2,100, which sllll leaves a balance
due the vendors on May 21, 1881, of $3,010.35.
So that the management oi the society for the
past two years, 1879 snd 1880, havo paid on
the purchase money nearly three times the
amount ofthetwo preciding years under iho
old minsgement.
The Columbia County Fair was originally
organlted and held its tlret exhibition In 1851.
After llie lapse of 22yesrs they concluded to
purchase ground, The society was incorpora
ted in 18C8, fourteen years after lis organiza'
lion, aud yet in twenty-two years the society
was only enabled to clear less than $1C0 cr
year, which ia shown by Iho books and by the
down money paid at tie (liue of the purchase.
Harriet A, Newkirk, of Salem, says: 1 was
cured of tetter in my hand by three applica
tions of Camphor Milk, My husband was
cured of old running sores by UBlng It, It
cured my son of a sprained ankle. Price 25
cents. Bold by O, A, Kleim, lilootntbure,
prll IG, '80.V
Is iiownssrly nineteen jearaslnci' helf-ub-
llcatlon of tho first edition of Appleton's Amor-
lean Cyclop lla. and In the Interval, ,i only
professional scholirs, but men of culture coir
erally, have watched with eitjter interest iho
pngrcss of Irrpilrr In eviry etipartment of
knowledge, and a new work of re ference has
bien felt tobnan Imperative wsnt. Tr.TirrsfM
a comprshcniivo add at ihe same time clear
and populer exposition of the piogrois made
In tnorcthnii a decade nnd n ha'f, d msrded
almnlanew work rather than thi re-i tilling
ot mi old en-; something sui'etl to lie clicnm-
Blat.cs of n liiny snd ncilvc people having lid
tin lime In rrndilaboralcand extendi d trellises;
and Mpiinng Ihenfore a lileraty rether than a
scientific ileslment, so as lo itddic-s Itself lo
the public minil in Ihe most acceptable and
useful mariner.
this want the new Issue of the American
Cych prelia e laimi lo mcl, not by it patching
up of the i Id edi'ion. admirable as lint tu fur
lis day, but inalnle aa a new bonk, with brief
conlined article, not ls useful lu the etu.
dent than lo ihe general reader, antl so preem
inently the Ctclor relit the people, llmay
be quite true that some Bubjsils aro In !lu-just
ly celebrated 'Brlliannica,' treated more elitb
otatcly, nay for ihe llmo exhauitivcly; but the
rapid advancement in nil departments of knowl
edge reqnirei that a student, desirous of mas
tering any one, subject, miit.t have recourse to
the dally journals, aud the mot recent and
elaborate monogriphs nf the worktr and
thinkers of the day, rather than Ihe articles of
an encyclo; eedla, which are, of necessity some
what behind as soon as publisbid; and besides,
such tlabcralc lioatises can only he civen bv
the exclusion of many articles which, even of
minor importance in themscivts, nre collect
ively of far more value. The anunal volumes
of the American Cjclopiedia have iu a mens
tire enabled the pn-svssori of the first idillmi
to keep pace pn;tially witli advancing knowl
edge, but after all they could not meet the
wants of ne w subscriber', Hnd the iiblug n
ersll. New iibos, I ew proci tses till 'inl H s
in science art, changed pol-ilcd sn i s ci I ret
lition; wonderful flcci"i..ns to to.r
knofthdge mailt; th- rc-Usue of tin- Am tium
Cycloiretin in its present f .rru a rncssiv,
which it moots bv a comprehensive, yet ii.
lnr treatment of ihe vario is subjecs up to the
dalo of pohlimtior, by men oi eminence in the
-evernl drpartm nts of learning iu Atneirin,
England and ihe continent of Europe. The
mint r-c-nt scientific di-c iveriei, the freshest
rtsra-ch, anil the bearing of all on civilizitnn
ami progrow. are fully nnd clsnrly preiented;
nndsojlu hard works I men with limittdop
porlnnitits, like most of those fjr whom the
Cyih'pru lin is spciilly iiilindcd, it is agrnit
storehouse of Information resent?,! in a man
ner as f sciut ting as lhat of the moit ingenious
work of fiction. The wonderful telephone, Ihe
phonrgraph, American inventions, the improve
ments in telegraphy, the natural hi'tory o the
parasites which of Iu0 years havo been so destructive-
to vegetation, many peculiar to cur
own couniry, in fact the whole range of topics
nre so dl'CUFSid ns to make llie Amerlcm Cy
cloprelin tho look for llioAmoricau people;
wisely disseminating nnd interpreting, ai il
tloes, the le-uhsof the vast impub'o imparled
lo the arts, science', and several industries of
a busy world; ar,d embracing in its comprehen
sive grasp, the intellectual and moral forcis
which have enabled a great people, in n few
year', without any calamity, or that ruin ol
credit which usmlly atlerds such a charge, to
return to specie from paper money depreciated
inlwushoit jears to half tbe standard val
ue. The customs, tb laws, Ihe history, the
geography, tho education, tho biography, the
j ... .e x. t .
science anil Ihe arts of such a eople, ai giycn
jn the American Cyclopia, cn no longer bo
ignored, nor ate lhe.y at piesenl el-ewhere lo
ho found collective ly, a fact which should com.
intnd llm Cyclofte.lia, not less lo iho Europe
an nations than to ihe citizens of tho United
Stales, for whom it is peculiarly adiptcd.
H. L. Smith.
Profeforof Natural Phibsophy, Hohart Col
lege, ai uereva, imiw xoik; also President
of the New York Microscopic Society.
Ueorge Eliot's Itomola.
A timely interest is given, by the death of
the author, to the new edition of her mas
terpiece, 'IRomoia," just issued by the
American Book Exchange, New York. It
shows ber work at its best and strongest.and
nt the same time gives the reader an oppor
tunity to acquire a lasting familiarity with
the scenes and society of mediteval Italy.
It is one of the few really great historical
novels of the world. It is issued in hanty
and beautiful form, extra cloth binding,
Bimple but rarp elegance and taste in design
antl like the other Ksues of the "literary
Iteolution" its cost is almost nominal, vis.
35 cents. It Is one of the series intended to
form a library of classic fiction, which will
include ono representative and characteris
tic work of each of tbe great authors who
have won lasting fame In the realm of tic
tion. Lifo is too short and too full of work, to
permit the reading of nil that is beautiful
and valuable in these creations of the im
agination, but even very busy people can
find time to read ope book by each of the
score ot authors who have won immortal
fame and place in tho affections ot the peo
ple. Not to be acquainted with tbcra ia to
be ignorant of much that is most important
and most Interesting in the history of nations
and of men. Not tD poseess them is to be
deprived of tbe most fruitful and profitable
sources of enjoyment. Among thoso issued
or nearly ready are Scott's "Ivanboe," Bui-
wcr's "Pompeii," Irving's "Knickerbocker,"
Cooper's "Mohicans," "Tom Urown at
liugby," "Adventures of Don Quixote'
and "Uarda.a Romance of Ancient Egypt."
f till catalogue of staudaid publications will
be sent on request, by tbe American Book
Exchange, Tribune Building, New York.
' " I '
Tainting a Corpse.
The Baltimore Sun sars an investigation
in the case of Miss Barbara LeifeleT, the
young lady who died a few days ago in tbe
western part oi tnai city, and whose corpse
was so life like that some people, seeing a
rosy tint on ber cheeks and ears, were lm.
pressed with a belief that sho was in a trance
and, as a matter of precaution, was not bur
led, but deposited in a vault with the cofliu
lid loose, has revealed anew art. the inven.
tion of au undertaker, who, by tho use of
sulphuric licid and other scents, is enabled
to give a temporary bloom to the checks of
llie dead, lustead or the customary pal
Bee a woman ou boneback In
other column, rldliic near Sneer's Vlnevant
with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's
Port Grape Wine is made, that io bo highly
esteemed by the medical profession for the
use ot invalids, weakly persons and the
agoti, eo'q uy v. a. Kleim, jan 7'S01y
OlIL CAIlOW III Blnomsburir. on llm !Rtl,
nil,, it the residence of James W-Cadow, by
Kev U II, btrunik, Mr. Chailes II, Ohl, of
nioomsuurg to .hiss -nary J. Uadow, of liar
risburg, Pa,
Ecoaii Peipmi At Danville, on the 27th
mi., ur hid euv, , u. oninuei, at the I'ine
sweet Lutheinn parsonngc, Mr, HutUnnO, Ed
gar to Miss Emma Pilfer, both jf Danville,
Muntour oouuty, Pa,
Ovkkkkiier SciisiiCJC-On the 23th ull.,
by tbe Bev. J. U. Pelsuiova. Mr. risnr v,
Obercnder, of Muoui.burg, suid Mist JUbecca
ownier, oi vaiawiEsa,
Bu.siiiPN.s N minis
"WAi.NiTtArllAri Kritorsr" is rntlrMv differ
ent fioin nil rtners It Isssrlenr swaler.nndas
Its tiftsno In lloile'S, Is a'r r ect V. pv'et.iH Hair Ite
sinier and .' nny nisiiner Hie' l' o In nlin
wlitcn Muipluir, Hugnref Usd snd N
i Jhc heaii r'oin alM)adn"tnrW
ttrftie- or silver
lnenltirli Irrn
Dsnflritfr. llr4tin, flrav llolr In Ha
S;' "r.icnirhrra'dTr i'n'
a few davs to a beautiful ittossy brown. Every tioi
t to Is warranted. Ask your druggist for It. For
salo nt Movkh Urol, ino-jimliurg, Pn. mtti, Kllno
Oo., Philadelphia, and Halt lluckell. New Yoik,
Wholesaler Agents, oct.S8,R0-tI
Hatidjome Ulsters for Little Boy's
nt i), Lowenboig's.
IX) not pav 15 cniiti fur n linen Towel
when you can get one just in good for 10
coins iu iiuiz a aioan s.
000 tiles white thrifty shnlcs wanted bv
Sllai Young, Llghtslrcet, that are 2J, 3, -I,
5 to 0 months old that weigh from 25 lbi.
30, 3.i, 40, 40 00 to GO lbs. eaob.
Tenons that want to buy sliot.M please
call around, 1 hatidlo frcm 30, 40 to 00
shotcs per wee k,
dec. 24,,80-2m,
Corn and Oat wanted in exchange fur
unoua ni i, w, ii.irtmati s.
100000 lbs. of gootl prlmo pork wanted
In the next o'pht weeks by Silas Young,
Ltghtslreet, f wnnt lings that tlremfiOlbs.
(iO, 7fi, 100, 125, lfiO, 170, 200. 225, 250 up
to ioi. aniet'c. t aiivnys want my pork
dresietl cm r"aUirilny and brouclit in onrlv
on Monday morning. I'erimis wishing to
buy pork, please call nround emtly cm Moil
day mornings,
dec. 25, '80-2m.
Itinglninton Hooti at jrcICInney's.
About 30 ladiei' Coal j and Dolmans yet
i i.uiT.x, oionn s, cheap,
Tho largest Stock of
Ready Made Clothing
witn nutv uu seen tie ine
Old Reliablo Slorn nf
Potatoes. I.srd, Butter, Dried Fruit etc.,
wanted nt I. W. HarlmanV.
Holiday Hats, Seal Skin Cnrs
on hand at D. Lowenberg's
Ladles' Laggings only G5 cents n f air nt
ii1 17. nun sioau s.
Itii-he-Hl f!nh Prlcp pnlil for 1,000 Good
Fir, Live VEAL CALVES lbi- Full him!
Wlnii r. Ymi can theio rinhl ulo'ner
now on Monday, Tuesdav itncl "'cdne'tlity of
p. en nnu every wee K this pnij aril winter.
Bring in vnur good tnt calvci unw and gel
yjur ciisli fnr them. Bring them from the
north, south e:nt hnd west. Let them cme
right along now to Silas Young, Light
Street. ott. 1 4m
See I. W
Ilartman's new 50 cent Cash'
The larceit. bet and cheapest stock of
tt - ... 1, ,-, , r
oiios iii .iii'uinney ,
For Fine Gloves-
Kid (Imported)
fcr Opera PnrllrR Dress &c,
. L'o lo I. Lowenberg.
Get ynur glove filling Shoes at McKin
ney's. A new line nf Laces nd Euibrnider'cs at
I. W. Hartnnii'x, aln 1,h-c? Ties eti
Hnw health can be maintained
Buy a Good Over Coat at D. Lowenberg's.
i ' lit-i
The follntvlnc sratempnr. nf William .T. rnnniiiin
of Homer ville, so remarkable that wo hep
to ask for It the attention of our readers. Hp says:
' in the fall of 1670 when t was taken with a Violent
ui nu i imps rouowea oy a eeverec.'Uirn.
1 soon lietran to lose mv nnnptitp nnrt fip.ii i wn
ho weiik atono tin t rlmt I could not lcavunv bed.
in mo .summer or 1871 I was admitted to theOitv
IIOSDltal. WbllR rlierHthnflnctnrfl smlil 1 hart ft hnl
In my lert lung oh bt as a half dollar. I expended
over a hundied dollars In doctors and medicines.
I wssso jargoneatone tlmearepcrt went around I
was dead. I Kave up hone, but a friend told me of
lavghodatmy friends, I hlnkltg that my case was
"t'uueti ai my rnenas, imnKitg mat my ca
Incurable, but I got a bottle to satisfy ihem
MX, ttXT&'Z'l
uy enem, wuen
commenced to
n In rstlun nnd
to-day l feel In better spirits than I have for throe
'I write this hoplne vou will publish It an that ev
ery ono afflicted with diseased lungs will bo Induced
to take Dr. Wm. Ilall'R lialsam for tho Lunes, end
be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN UK CUItGI).
I havo taken two bott'es. andean positively say that
It has done more good than all the other medicines
i iiavo uiKrn since mv sickness. My cough has al
most enllrelr dlisDDeared and I shall soon ImdMa
to go to work. Sold by druRglsts. Take Wm. Hall's
Ualsam only Beware ol counterfeits. ocua-Iyeow
in pursuance of an order ol the Orphans' Court of
Cot, Co, Pa-the undersigned admtnlstratora of
David Lee, deceased, will expose to public sale on
tho premises In Ihe town of Light btrcet, Scott
township Columbia county, Pa., on
the following described real estate:
A House and Lot
situate In Light street In Scott township and county
aforesaid, bounded on tho north by lot of John War
den, on the east ky an alley, on the south by an al
loy, and on tha west by Main street or road.runnlng
through Light street, containing one-third of an
acre inoro or lees.
TKRU3 or Sale. Ten per cent of one-fourth of the
purchase monoy to bo raid at tho striking down of
tho property, the one-founU less the ten per cent at
the confirmation ot sale and tho remaining threc
fourlhs In one year thereafter with, interest from,
confirmation nisi,
dec. si, 'Sets Adralnlstratojs.
Pursuant to an order or the Orphans' Court of Co
lumbia county, Pennsylvania, will be sold-at public
Bale on tho premises In the township ot Centre In
said county on
Friday, Janunry 21st, 1881,
at two o'clock p. m., tho following described REAL
ESTATE, late of Andrew (Uncles, deceased to-wit:
The undivided ote-halt ot all that certain Lot ot
t.ime, Limestone or
situate In said Centre township, Columbia county,
ra bounded and debcrlbed as follows: Bej-lnnlng
at a stone on tho north side of the Lackawanna and
Bloomsbure railroad, thence by land latp of PhUlp
JHller north twenty-eight and threo-fourtbs degrees
west twenty-three perchos to astoue, thence by the
same south seventy-four and three-fourths degrees
westnve perches to a stone, thence Uy other lime.
stone lot south twenty-elght and three-fourths de
grees east twen ty-three perches to said Lackawan.
na and Bloomsburg railroad, thence alODg the same
north seventy-four and one-fourth degrees cost five
percuesto tne place of beginning, containing
be the samo more or less.
Excepting aDd reservlntr unto theheiranr Phiim
Miller and assigns all the tlmberthcy may want for
fencing within two years from tbe IU day of No
vember, 1870, also resenlng the use and occupation
of the north end of said lot as the same can be
farmed until such time or times that tho same shall
be wanted for quarrj ing purposes. Said lotls opened
as a limestone nuarry,
Also, al that certain piece or lot of ground situate
iu atuu wemre township, Columbia couaty, renn
sylvanla, bounded sad described is follows, to-wtt
On the north typubllo road leadlnir from ninnm..
uurg vj uerwick, on the east by lands of the heirs
of Ellis Thorns s, deceased, on the south by land of
Tliman Nagle and on the west by school house lot,
coutalnlnii nlncty-elght perches. This is a very do.
Blrable building lot.
The above low will be sold on the following terms
and coudltlons;
one-third of purchase money to remain charged
on said real estate during the natural ltio of Marv
Ann (Hogles, widow of said Andrew Dingles, de
ceased, and the Interest thereof to be annually and
regularly paid to her, the said Mary Ann Ulngles,
by tho purchaser or purchasers, said interest to be
ccupuiuu irum iue connrmatlon nisi of said sale
and at her death the principal to benald tounrt!
mlnlstators ot said Andrew Glsgles, deceased; tea
por cent, of two-thirds ot the purchase to be paid at
trie strlktog down of Ihe properly, one-half ot the
balance of two-thirds' of the purchase money at
Oih confirmation o( sale, and tho other one-holt ib
ono your thereafter with interest on the same, from
uuuuriumivu ui&i.
pure baser to pay for deed.
dec.Si.HM4 A.jU1v t Alidrw CtlU.
Pursuant to aa order ot the Orphan's Court of Co
lumbia county,,', will bo sold at public
salo on the premises In the township of Catawlssa
In said county by the undersigned administrators
of the estate of Jacob Clewell, deceased, on
PA'JURDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1881,
commencing at tn o'clock a. m., of said tiny, the fol
lowing eli'scrlbel
Bltuatu In Catawlssa said County e.f Co.
lumbla. bounded tin tho north by Catawlssa t reek
and the Danville, llatlelon K Wl.ksb,irre llallroad,
on tho east by Hods of William Marlln.on the notiih
byl,ir.ite firmsrly owned by Flnchir and Themis
nti J ou the west by 1 indi of Joseph Ckwell, cohtaln
M.Vtt I Y-OMJ AC'llUN,
more or less,
tud: also one other tract of unlmrijrrd lar.d.sltu-
ate in C'atanlss.i to nsbln, ColuhiltH couutv. boun
dedand described as follons, to-wlti on the north
bylatide f William Marlta and others, on Iho east
oy lands of- - , on the south bj lands formerly
owned by Cox. nnd on the west by lands form.
erly owned by Flnci er and 1 homss. contalnP g
One Hundred Acres More or Less
1 Ksms oeSAl.K. one third (less Its sin re nt costs,
sc.) to to paid at Iho death of the.wldow.and Ihe t
teicst thereof to bo paid annually to he r by tli pur.
chase rhls hclrs,&c ; ten per cent of one-fourth of Iho
purchase monoy lobe p.ild at the striking down of
tuo property, the one- founhuf the bslance less the
tea per cent at tho conrtim.ttlon of sale nt,d the
remaining three, fourths ol tho la ote jear
inerearier wuu interest frcm confirmation nisi.
dec. IT, -so-ts
i;uitiauAn c;lki Ki.i,.
rmsuant to an orde r cf the Orphans' Court of Co
lumbli county, Penrjsjnonta, v.lll be sold at nubile
aiio on ene premises, in nw townthlp of Loc ist, la
said county, near Slabtown, on
Crttttirday, J miliary 29tli, 1881,
at ten o'clock In Uh forenoon, lhi following de-
scrinea rotir tracts or land, late of John St j der, do'
Ceased, to-wtt!
Vo. 1 llelng decedent's Interest In a timber tract
of .and containing
bo tho samo more or less, adJMnln lauds ot JoMah
II. l(l,o.ids, Iiattd, Joseph C. l.boads and oth
No 2 Being a timber tr.vt containing TfllltTV
ACHt.S, bo Iho siime more or less, adjoining lane's
of Washington Adams Cleorgo Yeajrvr, Frcdeilck
uuy, Mayherry Snyder aid amujl tdams.
t o. 3 BelDg unscsted, partly cleared, and the
balance Umber land, containing
be the stroc more or less, adjoining lands of John
l)crr, David Meager, Samuel Catapaadtao Quaker
meeting ground.
No 4 Being the homestead of the decedent, con
One Hnndrad Acres
bo the samo more or teas, adjoining lands of Samr-
son Ellis, Henry II. lthoadi, Chirles Wagner, Wash
ington AdartH, whereon aru erected a Urge
1th three run of Btoncs, and a
with a good water power, and other out-bnlldlnes.
There) is ulso on said promises a Good Orchard and
Ylnttjard and other frulttrees.
erms and conditions of salo made known on day
of sale.
Jan. 7. '8l-ts Administrator.
In rursuance cf an order nt the Ornhai s' Court of
Columi'la counly, Pennsylvania, the undersigned
administrators of Michael Qrover, doceased.wlll sell
at public sale on tho premises on
commencing at 10 o'clock In the foronoon of said
day, the following described valuable Heal Estate,
AU that certain tract ot land situate In Mifflin
township, county and state aforesaid, containing
165 ACRES,
and twenty-two, perches adlolnlng lands of Jacob
Grover, Honze and Aten and other landa ot said de
cedent, tbout twenty five acres of which lsciocd
Oak Timber Land, balance Improved, where on aro
erected a two story
barn wagon shed and other out-bulldlngs.
TERMS OT SALE, Ten per cent of one-fourth oi
tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down
of the property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent.
at tbe confirmation absolute and tho remaining
three-fourths In ono year thereafter with interest
from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for
deeds. Purchasers wilt bo required to give bond In
double the amount cf their bids wlih good and ap
proved security for the faithful payment of money
according to tho above terms.
Jan 7 l t-s Administrators.
The undersigned auditor annolnted br the Or.
phans' Court ot Columbia to make distribution of
ihe rund In the hands of Geo. M. Howell, executor ot
said decedent lo and umongthe parties entitled
thereto, hereby gives notice that be will sit in tho
discharge or the duties ot his appointment at his
office In tho town Bloomsburir on Baturdai.Febru.
nry.sth, A. I)., 181, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
ot said day at which time and place all persons In
terested in said fund are retjulrod to attend or be
forever debarred from any share of the same.
Jan. r, 'so-4w Auditor,
Letters of Administration on tho ratatA nf .Tnhn
J. Iingenbergcr, lsto or the township eif Mlftlln,
Columbia county.Penna, deceased, have been grant-
eu it e uegisier or sam county io Jonu J. Long
enbenrer. of rtiiie townshln. Alt nsrsnns
navins claims agauist 'no estato of the decedent
aro reque-aien to presen-. mem tor settlement, and
thoso indebted to tha estate to maka payment to
the undersigned administrator without delay.
C. W. MiLLxa, Atty. Administrator.
au i, tti-ovr.
tlnlo Kline by ber next") In the Common Pleasof
friend Samuel Bower f Columbia county, no.
n. t wi, Dept. icrm itsu,
Joseph u. Kline, J
Subpoena In divorce, alias subpeena In dlvorco.
To Joserh H. Kline, resnondent In Above stAtnil
case Sir: You are hereby required to be and appear
In your proper person at a Court of Common Pleas
to be held Hi and for ssld countv at vioomsbttris i&.
on the first Monday of February to answer the above
Jan. 7,'l-c sheriff.
iVlllbe let At Dai Id TwU1n KliiynrtriQf tnwtiihln
on Haturday, January ssod, imt a tjldye tu bo
vicv,icuuiTioicHtTtrK near uavia iwib, Tot
a wooden braoe covered bridim sa fcf t tnno- tiAtwAcn
AhUltnpnln IR fnf ulna fmm tn aii n
manta Inha a V,ik v. i !. .r." uwr
nana and snecincattons can be seen at the Com-
A, B. IlEItniNO.
Coin m lRfllnn p m .
Commssoncraofflco JHoomtburg Dec. wtli.isso.sw
Notice is hereby given that the following accounts
have been nied Iu the Protbonotarv'a office of Colum
bia county and will be presented to tbe Court of
Common Pleas of said county on Tuesdav. thn stti
day ot February A. P., lhHl, and oonormed after
two luurtu uay ui nam utru unless exceptions be
nied within that time.
1. First and final account of I. K. Krlckbaum Com
mittee ot Samuel Ithone a lunatic.
. The account of Samuel Crcveling, Committee ot
tsjivM wiuvcuuk a eiumiit;.
Jan. 7, 'tl-to
OTICE TO COLLECTOIiS. inim.M ....... .
issti, aro hereby notlfle that the same must be set.
ea on or eioro the th Inst. Also collectors of
-w, vw yuj ut4 1 uu ur ueiure cue aoove date.
Dec, 14, t&.
The New Magailne for Little People,
Edited by W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Oullei.
Elegant Illusttllons by the beBt Artists, all
Sew ami Orlgiiinl.
JilngNew eery month for a whole jenr, and costs
JSW it the Hne lo tubtcribe.
The Great
Bargain Room
at Oak Hall.
There never was any--where
before, so far as we
know, such a sale of clothing1
as is now going on at Oak
Hall, taking up the whole
ground floor. A hundred
thousand dollars' worth of
good clothing, nearly all of
it new and fashionable, all of
it well made and of good
materials without exception
(for we make no other) is
being sold at prices which
bring loss instead of gain.
Clearing sales occur at the
close of every season ; but
they commonly arc sales of
broken assortments and odd
garments, and of small quan
tities. Here toward the end of
our most successful season
we arc clearing out what
ever, for any cause, has
shown signs of being slow.
Thousands of whole suits
and overcoats and odd gar
ments as well.
Now the sole reason for
selling this mass of valuable
clothing, without even an at
tempt at.profit, is that stated
above, which may be put into
different words, thus : To get
our stock into the most at
tractive condition, without
regard to immediate profit.
And so, while this sale is
going on, the choicest, most
approved, most successful,
clothing we have is up stairs.
The prices there are not re
duced at all. This sale will
hurt that while it lasts, be
cause the clothing in the
bargain room is extremely
good. For this reason we
want it short ; and to make
it short, the prices are low.
Bring back promptly what
you don't want at tne price.
You can order by letter,
or buy here, according to
your own convenience. On
receipt of a letter from you,
will send the means of tak
ing your own measure. Then
you can tell us what you
want, near enough so that
we can take the risk of,suit
ing youjT' '
Wanamaker'& Brown,
Oak Hall. Market and Sixth, Fsilad Wau..
I CtlCta Of Administration nn thApatntA tf Vsrr
Mordan. lato Of Mt. l'lcusznt tiwnshln I'nlumWa on .
Penn'a.. deceased, have) pranlfii hv thn leposia.
ter of said county to the undersigned Administrator.
,'ciauua uavixiK claims ugaiust ene estate oi iae
decedent are requested to pr-sont them for settle
ment, and thoso indebted to the estate to make pay
ment to tho undersigned Admlntittriitir wtthnnt.
Dec. 10, w. Administrator.
State ot Pennsylvania, Columbia conntr, an.
huiuuk tuo itriuius uuu uruLceuulKV oi iae UI
bans' Court In and for aald countr inter aim ir i
thus contained.
In the matter of tie estate of Gotloeb Gunther, de-
And now' December IS. 1S80. on mntlnn mn w
Zajr, Bobcrt Buckingham is appointed Auditor to
Certlflen from the records this thirteenth day of De-
WM KinrirrniTv
o, M. Qncx, cierk o.c.
Tho undersigned, in nursuanra or the hnt nn.
polntment 111 meet all partleB Interested at bis of-
noe in uioombourg em Monday, tho nih day ot Jan
uary, A. D., ts-si, Fetween the hours of ion. m. and
4 p. m.. at which tlmoand tuhch thpv nrn iin.hv en
titled to nppear or be debarred from receiving iheir
culm or claims atralnst suld estate, out ot the funds
In the hands of the administrators ot said decedent.
decir.-so-iw Auditor.
Letters of administration on thnptntA nf litpam tt
liroadt, late cf the io.n ot lUooraaburg.Columbla co.
Penn'a., deceased, havo lieen granted by the lit gls
terof said county to I ydla A. llroadt.sdmlnlslratrlx
inuuutuurif a'i persons naving claims sgainst es
tate of the df cedent are requested to prewnt ihem
for settlement ard those Indebted to the estate to
make payment to the uuderslaned Administratrix
without delay.
Admlnlstrat Ix.
dec. It), 'st).6w P. o. Blooomsburg , Pa.
Amontr the records and nrnr-,wrtinc nf ih.ns.
phans' court ot Columbia county, It is Inter alia.
Iu the matter of the account of ll A. Sehweppenhl-
p. .. nuu.miau.iu, UI 1.1U1UU4 lltTUUCrUUU, UO-
Aud now December 15th. lsso. on mntlnn nnd h
agreement of partleB, Samuel Kuorr. sq. issa
pjluted Auditor to mako distribution of Iho balance
la the aocnuutaut's hands tu and among Uie parlies
... . Br THIS COCHT.
Cefilned from the records December 17th, ist.
. . C'ert O. C.
The Auditor annolnted hv thn rnnre. win nttnd ti
the dul lea r t his appointment on Friday, the fourth
davot eebruary. . D.,lssi, at ten o'clock a m..
at his office Iu Uloomsburg, Pa. whn anu where
parties interested are rinuued to make their claims
or be debarred from coming tu upon said fund.
Jan,r,'6fl-4w Auditor.
Letters rf admlnlHrratlnn nn ttiHsutfltsni R,t,t.tu
Hlppenstlel, late of llrlarcreek township, Columbia,
county, deceased, have been granted by the Iterls
ter Of bald County to the UI.den,lo-netl rtrnlnlslru.
tor. All iiersons having claims against the estate)
are requested to present 'horn for settlement ana
those Indebted lo mako pument without delay.
O. W, illt.i kk. Att'y. KvansvlUo, P. 0.
jan, i, 'tsMttv
llie undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court
ot Common Pleas e.f Columbia counly to make
distribution ot the fund In the hands of W. It. Ab-
umi, As-iguen tor i no eienent or creditors of William
Ilaup, to .nd among tbe rartles entitled thereto,
will meet thu partlea Intel esled at his office In
utouitouik on aiontiay, eutt list nay of January.
1KS1. at two O'clock tn thn Hllprnnnn nf sstrf ri.w in
perform the duties of his appointment, when aid
where all persons Interested are required to pre
sent their claims to said fund or bo foiever debarred
,ivu wiuiuK iu iw a suae? ui sola iueu.
a . . . K. It. IKHLEIL
dec. Si, twn Auditor.
The Commonwealth of Fennsyivaula to J. n.
llojt. Assignee of N. U. Kvans, Berwick, Pa- Mrs.
y I. .Miller, White Pigeon. Mlejlga'n, Sarah N
Ml ler, U ttshlngton, ll. ej.. Julia M. Kales, Philadel
phia. Va.. Mary Pfouta, While llaveu,PaU. K. Dod
son, Berwick, Pa.. Julia Dodson, by ter guardian,
William H. l.vuns. late of Beiwick. Pa., and to all
perouslnterested.CJreetlog: You are hereby cltex
to bo and appear betoret thu Judges of our Orphans'
Court la.n,,orPhana, court lo tie held at Bloornsburtr
on tho first Monday ot Februaiy next, then rn
Swreiiia,;Tptor 'U89 tak the realesUUs of
saldWm. Kvans, deceased, at tie appraleed vslu
atlon put upon It by ihe Inquest, duly awstued br
the said Court, and returned by the T Sheriff, under
the Act ot Assemblv In such case made and provl-
llereot UU nou" "UT ib" 'U"ae cot b 'ola
Witness Ihe Honorable William Klwell, Pietldeat of
our Bald Court, at lilooiusbuiv, the eighteenth
day Of Docember, A, D uu UmuisihI fliht tu.
MIUl B fin alartlfW
Vt-t, UJtlClfliA