The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 14, 1881, Image 2
as; THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNT?, PA. 1 i SnliittiBiiin 0. E. ELWELL. 1 P.,(9 J. K. BHTENBEND2B, JEauMt" BLOOMSBURG, PA. l'Yldny, January 1881. The Stnte 1' lltortal AmocUUoii will meet ftt HsrrUburg nn January IS. It l now conerally bslleved that Ulalne II be Gntfield's Secretary of State. Judge Woods ol Georgia linn been nppoln. t'd to fl!l the vacancy nn the United State S.prerue bench, caused by ilia resignation Cl' Judge Strntiir. There wore two double hanging an tho lith. llnj(s mid Siillivnn were executed."' Philadelphia mid Iiiinmna nnd Mrs. Mel frhoflbr at Newark, Now Jenoy. O.vrernor Murray, of Utah, has slgued tho certificate of Allen O. Campbell, as delegate ii unwrc-H. fjjorga (J Gannon was tho -Mormon candidate nnl received the highest number of votes, but bis opponent, Camp hell. Med a paper protecting against the Is mi of a certificate to him on the ground that h is not a cltir.m of tho United SUtpg, mid in a pohjgamist, Is not capable of becoming niltizen In good faith, llelng Ineligible, the votes cut fir hlui amount to notliing, iind Campboll thorcfoic received tho high est vote. The Ghvernortoik this view of It nod gave Campbell the cert.fL'ato. UNITED ST.VTKS SUJi.VTolt. IJ y tbo time tliH paper reaches you some' holy will havo been elected United States Henator asfucccisor to William A. Wallace, The election takes place on Thursday even ing of this week. Oiluiha A. Orow started in with the best chances, but ha did not Buit the Camerons, and their Influence has been thrown in favor 'of Oliver of Allegheny county. Whether they feared that Grow would not bo ruled by them, or that the name of Oliver had peculiar attraction for the elder Cameron is not known, but it is crtain that they do not want Grow, and this fact alono Is sufficient in the eyes of the Mibservient republicans of this state to tie feat him, A comb nation may be made that will beat Oliver, but it is hardly prob able. There are not enough republicans jn the Legislature, who date to exercise their own judgment, when Cameron wills otherwise. Why not elect the old man again, and keep the whole thing in the lam ily ? That would save all further trouble. WASHINGTON IiETTKK. Washington, D. ('.January lllli, 1SS1 Speaker Randall and other Representa. tives yesterday called on Secretary Sherman for consultation upon the subject of refund log. There was so much diversity ofopia ion among members of the House but still so great a desire to dispose of the subject in some form that the unusual course of call ing on tho Secretary in this way was agreed upon. The Secretary is fixed in his belief that three and one-half per cent, interest should be authorized, and suggested that discretion be left with the department to put it at that rato if a lesser ono appeared impracticable. A week ago I should have paid no such discretiou would be given the Department. At that tlmo, too, I should have said that Speaker Randall would not heid a delegation in vIsitiDgSecretary Shcr mm for information as to the duties of leg islators. Now I am sure no ono can tell what will be done. It is most likely the House will put through some half finished measure, and leave its completion to the Senate. Representative Re1 gon says his inter-state commerce bill will have a majority of fifty in the House wheu a yote Is reached. lie thinks too, that it will pass the Senate. Tho better opinlou is that the bill will fail. Senator Cox is again on duty, though not fully restored to health. He says hisappor tionment bill will probably provide fur about 300 Representatives perhaps ono or two mure, at d perhapit one or two less. The uucortaiuty arises from lack of exact knowl edge as to population. Full report on that head wilt bo ready to morrow. Yesterday the Indian appropriation bill was diseased in the House. It will be disposed of to-day, substantially as reported. Indeed, so far not a material amendment has been made to any appro priation bill as reported by the committee. This speaks well for the committee and shows a determination on the part of Dem ocrats to avoid all pretext lor an extra set sion, for in two of the hills they have re fused to debato subjects heretofore held to be matters of principle aud of some im portance to the party. General Lovan yesterday introduced i the Senate a bill authorizing the appoint ment of Ex President Grant as General on the. retired list, with the full pay ot Gener at. This action is ttken becauso it is feared the House will not act at this session on tho similar bill sometime since introduced i that body. tienaror Blaine authorizes a denial of th report that be has said he had been offered and would accept the Secretaryship of State in President! Garfield g administration He does not deny the offer, or my that he will not accept the office. No one here doubts that the r lie r has b;eu made, and very fow doubt that Ulalne will be the next Secretary of State. Hilton Subscription books have been opened fo subscription to start n nail factory or car shops in this place. The shares are of the value of $50. The capital stock Is to bo $30,000 to start with. Application will be made at the February court for n charier, incorporating the enterprise. Judge Shu- man makes a very liberal proposition to the citizens of Oatawiaia to further and accom plish tbo object. He agrees to give about four and a half acres of ground at tho same price per aero that he paid for the entire farm and take tbo amount in Mock, besides he will guarantee to dispose of $10,000 worth of stork if the citizens will raise $20, 000. Hero is a goldeu opportunity for the citizens of Gatawissa, aud ono of a life time, and should be 'snapped up' without a mo ments hesitation. All that is needed to have the works in operation at the end of six or eight months is a little enterprise, and we believe our peoplo will not bo Blow to take aJyautageof tbo opportunity. Hem, Aud ret Illoouisburg, with far greater fac. lilies and larger capital, remains passive and allows lie golden opportunities to slip away, A nail or axe fictory in thin tonrn would pay Jmudsomely. Finclll, the famous cater of Philadelphia, as rcllevtU rectntly of a $550 gold watch. Xy u adroit thief in crowded WW car. THE i'HIII.IC AND NORMAL SCHOOLS. In his recent messago Governor Hoyt speaks of the schools as follows ! The State is carrying on Its system of public Instruction in three directions ; Pub lic schools, normal schools, and the soldiers' orphans' schools. The report of tho Super intendent of Public Instruction, Dr. J, P. Wickcrsham, will receive your careful atten tion llli views and recommendations are entitled to your consideration, by virtue of his long, Intelligent and effectlvo service, and his very extensive experience- with public schools In our own Stale in other States, and In the Old World. It Is most gratifying that ho reports tho organization of the common schools more complete than ever before "In all departments character iz;d h; a vigorous II lo and a tiroirresslve plrl(." The whole number of graded schools Is 7,037 the number of schools not graded, 11,018. Tho total number of pupils on the roll) is 037,310, with an average attendance of 77 per cent. The expenditures olall kinds fur the year ending Juno,1880,nnt including orphan or normal pchool4,were $7.4S2,677.7fi Tho value of the school property of tho State Is $25,107,007. The total indebtedness of nil the school districts in tho State. Including thoso in cltla and boroughs, is only,fc!,G4S,4!)0,84,whIle there remain ic the various treasuries of tho dist, lets, balances amounting lo $1,125,213 10. Theso are satis factory figures, and indicate the permanent value which this agency of progress holds in tho minds of the people. XOKMAli SCHOOLS, The condition of the normal schools and of their property will reel u ire, your notice. Thero havo been twenty-nine hundred stu dents in attendanco during the past year, The value of their property is estimated at $1,305,305.17. The schools are ten In number. In their establishment, there may be set down as contributed by private subscriptions $100,000 The Stato has contributed for grounds, bull dings and apparatus up to the year 1878, $045,000. The debts of tho sehrols may be put at $250,700. The appropriations by the State to these schools has, for some years, been $100,000 annually. By a mere arbitrary mode of distribution, and no other seemed feas ble, this sum has been parcelled out equally $10,000 to each. For these sums liens have been taken in favor of the State They have been compelled to rise their np proprlatlons in paying old floating debts, or in keeping down interest on tho mortgages und other Hens aeainst them. Resources which should beexpended in the active con duct of the schools are thus absorbed in the reduction of debts which cripple them ; and this reduction is not being accomplished in the best and most economical manner lor the Stale or the schools. D.sides,the annual ap propria! ion has a tendency to induce tb belief that it is to be a permanent relief, and weakens tbo administration and efficiency oi the system. The correct policy for the State now to adopt will be to pay off the entire endebt edness of the normal schools; and so far as a surrender!" the rights of shareholders and contributions can be secured, place the own ersbipof the several properties and all liens, in tho State. Afier such provision in their behalf, the schools ougbt to be self suppor ting, aud doubtless will become so. No fur ther aid from the State should thereafter be expected by them. Congressional Apportionments. As a matter of timely interest at this date, when the question of Congressional appor tionment is the leading subject in political circles, we give the number -of Representa tives in Congress and the ratio of apportion ments under each census, from the founda' tlon of the government : Whole No. Reps. Ratio 1789 65 30,000 1793 105 33,000 1803 141 33.000 1813 181 35 000 1823 213 40,000 1833 240 47,700 1843 223 70,080 1853 237 93 423 1SG3 243 12G.381 1873 293 131,425 The question of party should not for a moment be allowed to influence Congrcf men, m this Is an exclusively mathematica question. Should tho number remain the same the ratio for a Congressman would he 168,161, and Pennsylvania would lose two members. Tbo South would make a net gain of one, and the North lose one. The Pittsburg Post, in figuring upon the subject goes on and states that if 300 Representa' tives are allowed the ratio will be 164,233 Tbe Southern States would gain eight and lose two a net gain of six, while Northern States would paio ten and lose nlno a net gain of one. Pennsylvania would lose one member. If 325 Representatives is allowed the ra I tlo will be 151,600, and the only States that would lone members aro Maine, New Hamp' shire and Vermont. The Southern States would gr.ln 15 members and the Northern 17. Pennsylvania would gain one mem ber. After O.ingress fixes the number, tbe State Legislatures are required to redistrict their States so that the election for Congressmen in 1882 will take place und.-r it. Williams port Manner. lluyt on tbe Prevention of Crime. The Ring Governor of Pennsylvania sent his messago last week lo tho Legislature, He reminds his fellow citizens that "Penn sylvania has, in many rerpects, realized the best human anticipations of an ideal re public," At the same time lie finds it nroess' ary tndovote nearly nan ms message to a dlscufslou of the best methods of diminish ing the enormous amount of crime within the State's borders. Gov, Hoyt's theery seems to bo that great latitude should be allowed to authorities in preferring reformatory to punative meas ures, "It Is not aoutitnentalism," says tbe Ring Governor, "but sound policy and con formity to the ordinary motives of human conduct, wbiohkeepsa prisoner out of tbe fixed classification with hardened criminals' if possible; which gives bim hope, a chance for tbe recovery of social Influence, and the means of cultivating self-respect," It was on this principal, we suppose, that Mr. Hoyt made haste to pardon the con victed criminal William H. Kemble before begot into the pcnitenliary. Ho was anx lous to keep Kemblo out oi fixed classifica tion with jailbird', and to give him a chance for tbe recovery of social influence That may be all very well; but the Inter ests of the community are larger than tbe interests of tbe Individual prisoner, and the community's interests often require that the adroit rascal shall be locked up, even at tht sacrifice of bis social influence and self-respect. No, Mr, Hoyl; you are altogether too ten der hearted to be Chief Magistrate of au Ideal republic). Tbe best human anticipa tions will never be realized In Pennsylvania to long as Its governor aro too soljcitoua for thefcoclcl influence and leif-reapect of its xmrictd crtoluak-A', l. j Suffrage In Ihf South. TUB OF TIIK llt.ACK MAN DF.CIIliNQ DtbMJTKS )F WMTK AMBITION. To A. K. MeOlure of tho JPhlladolphla Timet, b9longi the credit of bolng the first sojourner at tbo South to discover that tbe political solidity of the white peoplo of this section is not only not dangerous to the country at larg.i, but has heretofore proven An effectual birrior to the real evils that would havo resulted from tho bestowal of tho right of suffrage upon an ignorant class of voters, To tho people of the youth tho permanent danger of the situation is ono of tho cominiiiplaces of our politics si ob vlous to everybody that itseomod hardly worth discussing. The tono ofnstonishmout with which Colonel McCluro deals with this desperate side of Southern politics, however, leads us to suspect that our newspapers have not dwelt with sufficient emphasis upon (ho real dangers contingent upon the breaking up of the political solidity of the South an event that is so devoutly prayed fur by the unthinking partisans who havo control of a majority ot the Republican papers of tho North, Tbcso local divisions mean nothing more or less than political demoralization ol tho most deplorable kind. We do not draw the color (lino wheu speaking of tbo ignorant voters of the South, Unchecked iguorance, whether it be black or white, is demorali zing, degrading and dangerous wherever its Influence is felt. Armed with tho ballot, this Ignorance becomes tenfold tnoro dan gerous than before, for it then becomes au Instrument most thoroughly fitted to the bands of demagogue! who desire, through the medium of political preferment, to prey upon society. If Northern editors, wise or superficial, could have the opportunity of Witnessing nu election in the Sou h from which party lines havo been eliminated tbey would not dare to advlso eveu local division the South, An intuitivo fear of the results of such divisions has kept our people prac tidily solid, and this solidity has operated as an effectual barrier to the effects of ig noraut suffrage, but it -will be an evil day for the South and for the whole country when .indiscriminate divisions headed by unscrupulous demagogues shall make ignor ance the balance of power in elections. This Colonel McCluro very clearly perceives and he warns tbo country against it. What effect this will have upon tbo guperficials at the North is immaterial, but it is a warning that ought to address Itself to tbo apprchen sion of every thotigbtlul southern man. Atlanta Constitution. Pennsylvania's Population. THE OFFICIAL nETUHNS BY COUNTIES AC' COItDINO TO THE KI'.W CENSUS, The following statement of tbe population of Pennsylvania, according to tho census of 1880, is luruifhed by (lie Ceiirus Ilureau at Washington, The statement is still subject to possible corrections, by reason of tho dis covery of omissions or duplications of names in tbe list of inhabitants returned. Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berks Itlair Bradford liucks Butler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawf-.rd Cumberland Dauphin Delaware E'k Erio Fayette Forest FranMiu Fulton Greene Huntingdon Iudiaua Jefferson Juniata Lackawauna 32.45-1 Lancaster 139,413 350,759 Lawrence .'13,311 47,038 Lebanon 38,470 39.6H3 Lehigh G5,G69 34,932 Luzerni 133,000 122.699 Lycoming 57,482 52,761 MtKean 42,600 58,534 Mercer 60,102 08,654' Mifflin 19,677 52 530 -Monroe 20,176 46,824 Mont( m-ry 90,494 6 169 Montnur 16 466 31.922 Northampton 70,316 37,920 NorthumbTd 63,123 83 478 Perry 27,522 40,320 Philadelphia 846 984 43 423 Pike 9,661 20,278 P.dter 13,798 32,408 Schuvlklll 129,977 64 004 Snyder 17 797 45,978 8omersct 33 140 70,127 Sullivan 8,073 50,102 Su-nuehanna 40.351 12,h00Tiiiga 45,814 7;. 081 Union 10,905 05 U38 Venango 4J.U70 4.3.S3 Wnrreu 27 981 49 853 Washington 55,417 10 149 Wuvne 33.512 28,230 Westmoreland 78,018 33,iii uymnming 15,5'JH 40 553 York 87,839 27,93 18 227 Total, 4,282,738 oil liUS A NEW PAYING OCCUPATION ron LADIES & GENTLEMEN Tho Hand-nine Nitkel I'latid New Home Lamp being inln dund to Ibe luiblic ID'S sea son, h tho won meritorious aiticlo ever offered agents lo make money wi Ii, U fa'cr and more convenitnt than the aluuent lamp, which lias heretofore had iherenulation of beine tho m(. est lamp mule, it has a clamp to attach it to mo uewn g inscmne, piano, organ, uesk, etc, The fear of tho ordinary lamp beinc accident. ally upset or ibrown from tho table, is entirely telrivtd by th simple clamp contrivance. It can be adjusUd to lhro' the light just where it is warned to suit the eves, and cjii be conven ed into a hand-ome wall lamp It has llio best arganu burner, a tilling indicat r, and conveni ent match boi, and Its price is within ihe reach oi every one itlms been Inllv tested and edi loriilly endorsidby the Nesta-ii Christian Ad locate, Am. Christian Iieview, Herald and Fres buter. Journal and Masmner. and Chritlian flinn dard, the leading religions pipers of Cincin nati, anu i ei.uorspii by lh Mayor and l'oat master of Cincinnati, Ihe agent lif the Ameri can express company aud pnsidents of inaur nnce companies, as being the safest, iaoH com venient and bet limp made. There are three uaions why ajjenls should seek Mich au mliclu to ranvat fir first fir its aos'dute ealely and great convenience, it needed in every home scoad its low price manes us saie immense mird It will be great credit lo lnndle such an article. One Houthern agent wrile, it Srllt fistt-r than Gtn. t,ee s portrait anld right afier Ihe war, anoth' er write', it bents the nalair dsvs of ihu new ing machine, lis rapid rale, low price, and lib eral tetma purprise lid sgi nta. Address Home Lamp U , Cincinnati. O., mentioning our na. per and they will give you full particulars and tAtianivc iurritury tu cauvaaa 111, nov.o-Jow Prince Hannibal Brown died near War . tr. .1. .,1 i , , re urn ii, ., ine omor my, agcu aoiut a hundred years. Hannibal was stolen from tbe cost of Africa in 1820 and brought in a slave ship to this country. He always held that tils father was au African king, Wheu no was a ooy no nau several slaves as per sonal attendants, Doing set free after his arrival in this country fan learned the black smith tradi and became a skilled workman. Ue accumulated money enough to buy a plantation and several shves, and he was the only negro slaveholder In America, Dur ring (he war be was devoted to tbe Confed eracy, and was imprisoned at tbe old Cap!. tol u Washington because be refused to shoe tbe horses of Union troops. It should be tbe aim of everv owner of make them as handsome and tueiui as possible, 'lueUermau Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of tbe animal. It improves its beau ty and incrcass its usefulness. It makes milk, niuclo and fat. By using it a horte will do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better condition with lea feed. Bold only by weight at 16 cents a pound by O. A. Klelm, Illoomsburg, Drl2, 79-ly A fatal collision took place at Stony Creek on the Lehigh and Surejuehanna R.R. on tbe 8tb,whicb resulted in tbe fatal injury of five men, and probably fatal result to two man. 'The collision took place between a frf lgM train aim wild M tbgtue. Tho conductors, baggage masters and breakmen on the Lehigh Valley passenger trains have been measured for new suits at the expense of tho company, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Columbia County Agricultural Society FOIt TIIK TKAK 180. RKOEIPTS. ttalnnco In bands ot Troasurcr from 187. 'llckcta soul, lsoei,,,.,,,, llorso entries IIMtT H.0I0J5 103 70 (IS9 MSS Ml 00 It 18 Ampltlicalrc ,, ,,,,,,,, Stand rents , ,,,, Membership tickets liny sold , Total, (1,18164 EXPENDITURES. P.ild on real estate ., 2,lonoo I'rotrlums., (130 si 1 184 Frlollng, stationary and tickets Tax 85 P0 800 89 11 SSS 184 0 SOW 100 00 MCO 3 60 Ml 00 75 00 loom 2MOO Opera House forelccilon Expense or ueiegalo tn Htato Collego. ... Admission refunded Judges I'oHch and assistants Jicrciiandiso aim repairs on ground..,.,. Sluslo Kntrftnco fee refunded andexpciiss paid vi iill-ool B. A, F I ILK . . . ,,,, raid sundry persons dimaees.. President's salarr Treasurer's salary rw-un lary saainry , i ivo i ivnmuuut uuu jkAl'UMUtu 1 om , Total, s,m 19 Dnlanco In hands of Trcos. Jan., mi. SIM 44 fBxi), 11. IUmtmiv, B. j. MeIIKNUT, Secretary. President. T 1CENSE NOTICE. "Mitlcc Is hereby given that tho following named persons havo nicd wltlitlio clerk of the Quarter hesslons nf tho I'eaconf ColumM county their pe titions for license which will be presented to the Nld court on Wednesday, tho othday of February cort'ez ll.Itobblns Uloomsburg, Liquor Rtoro Tubbs Chamberlain do Hotel Frederick M. Ollmore do llostnurant JonnH. Mnnn Centre, Hotel Samuel llagenbucli orange, Hotel Clerks onioo, W.M. KK1CKI1AUM, llloomsburg, January, 18SI. clerk JJ. S. B HI DOE LETTING. Will be at IhO rcsldenoo tit Alexnnilor Krmr'a nn Sntimlny. tho S91H day or January, IS'l, at 10 o'cloota m. A brldgo to bo erected over lilg Hun, near Alexander Kr mer's In (irermvood township. To be a wooden braco covered bridge, .n rt lnnir. in feet v ido. 'Abutments to bo built, bv contractor so as to admit of skowoack 3 feet from ton of wall Plans and specifications can bo seen at thn(!,im uilsslonern omce. The Commissioners tcscrve tho ngli to let abutments and wood work separate. It STRPnitN POIIB. CHAS. KKICIIAMT, A. II. HBHItlNO, Commlisloners'OBlee, County Commissioners, llloomsburg. Pa.. Jan, 8, Attest: J, u. CissT, Cleric. Jan. ll-sw ARTER AMENDMENT NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that application hasbeen uiuuu iu iub luuri, uy uio "uioomDurg riro vcm pany," for an amendment f Its Charter, bv chanir. Ing Its name, style and tllloto "Krlendli'p Hre Company No. 1, of uloomsburg" and the Court has in ui.-nii mar upon puoiicaiioo or notico tnereor in two papers of general circulation, published In Col umbia County, for three weeks before tho tlrst Mon day ot February next, a decree In accordance wlin uiu Hipucaiiou win uo uiaao, uno valid Objection WILLIAM Wkbb. JOHN W. FRY, secretary. President, Jan U '81 j-t c. OMMlSSIONER'S NOTICE. All collectors aroherekmotined that. ih return of seated land as well as unseated must bo made on or before tho tlrst day ot February, l-st Land upon which no property can bo found from which to make taxes must oe returned and thoao who fall to make iciurus u oiuu uuy will uo neia ior sucu loss. HTKPI1EN POIIB, CIIAIILBS ltKICIIAKT, . . A. II. IIKUH1NO, Commissioners' ODlco, county Commissioners. Illoomsburg- Pa Jan, 8, "81. Attest: J. II. CissT, Clerk Jan. 14-3w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE KSTATX OF JiCOl S. IVANS BECK18ED. letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob 8. Kvans, lateot'Dloomsburg Columbia county. Pa. deceased, havo been granted by the Iierlster of said county to G. A. Herring, of Bloomsburg, adrnt. All persons having claims against the estate of said de cedent aro requested to present them f r settle ment, and those Indebted to tho estate to make payment to tho undersigned administrator, without delay. G. A HKU11INO. Administrator. JanT,81S-w Illoomsbnrg.Pa. HOP BITT ERS euro all diseases of the Stomach,Dowels,Blood,Llver miiuuj nuu uriuurj urana, ervnusness.eieepiesB nesB, and especially Female Complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop Hitters and try them before you sleep. Take no other. Bend for clicular. Hop Bitters MTg Co., Rochester N. Y. and Toronto uuiariu. Jan is '61 4-w rt IMPROVED FARMS lu low n, Kansas, Ntbrnka nml .Ulnncnotn FOR sale: Ureal narfratno, 10 yeirs time on three fourths ot Parties in tending to go West,, send for lists. HlJtfn tnrnlltvln v uu u lauua cue ucoilCU, ia j k.u. hukhwuuu, 115 Broadway.Mew York, Jan 14 '61 4-w d O P CL A XTQ30 to $l,ooos to sa stops, i uno WlAjrilNn$iSMip. 1'aper Freo. Addro-s uaniei tr. ueauy, wasnmgton, N, J.Jan. H'SI-lw d AGENTS WANTED For the Complete and authen tic record ot tne achievements STANLEY IN AFRICA The dovelopments by Hianloy In tho Dark Contl nent, his remarKable discoveries and wonderful De cent ot 2J0O miles ot tho I'onroltlver. Shootlne Han- Ids, and Cataracts, amlds'. tho most dUrfuTt and thrllllosr situations, liarlne Adventures with Wild Hflfl fin lfbJ9 VVIIjl Uuvomxi hoa nn nn.llnl In the annals ot explorations, ft in morn fnj in .ii than ltomance contains over 70o pages, and many Ol(.n.,U ItfUOllUMUUO. Send for circular and terms and secure Territory at once, for this, tho most popular and Interesting boolc ot tho day, Jan H '81 -w VM. FLINT, Philadelphia. SHERIFFS SALE. uy virtuo or sundry writs Issued out ot the Court or Common 1'leas of Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho court House In Illoomsburg, at a p. in. on MONDAY, l'EBKUAKY 7ih, 1881, All that certain lot or piece of land situate tn Den ver town&hlp, Columbia county and Stato of I'cnn. sylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Ueslnnlns; at an oak at publlo road, thence alone buiu ruau norm eiguiy-su ana ono-fourth decrees west twenty-nine rods to a stone, Uieneo by land of Jacob Lonuenberger bouthtbreo and ono-fourth de crees west eleven and one-tenth perches to a stone wenw oy tho samo north seventy-two -ud a halt decrees eatt slxty-ono and one-tenth perches to tho place ot beclnnlnc, containing ono aero more or less, on which are erected a ono story frame dwell- log house-, stable an i out-buUdlngs, Seized, taken tn execution at the suit of Tho Co lumbia County Mutual Stvlnif Fund and Loan Asso ciation against Charles Loncenbercerand to bo sold as yie property of Charles Longenbercer. LtiTLE & Miixkr, Attornois. Vend Ex. ALSO. All that cert tin lot or piece of land situate In Madison township Columbia co., and state of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; On the north by land of Frank Kves.on the east by land ot Samuel Lowry, landot William Hartllne, and on tho west by land of rhUlo Uchard. conl&tnlnr thirty acres more orless, onwhlcharo erecea a ono and a half story.frame dwelling house uarn, ana out-ouiiaings. S.lzed, taken In execution at the suit of Thomas J . Swisher against Joel Snyder and to be sold as tho property ot Joel Snyder. W. J, Iiuckalew, Attorney. fi, Ka, A LSO. All thaf real estate situate In Urlarcreek townshln columblacounty, on road leading from Berwick to Illoomsburg, bounded and described as follows to wlt ; On tho north by land of Daniel I'utsel. on the east by Und of Lydli Sponenberg, on the west by landot Daniel Pursel and on the south by LydU Sponenberg and Daniel Pursel.contalnlng two acres more or leaa, on which are erected a two-story brick dwelling, frame stable, spring house and out-bulld-logs, good spring cf water and largo orchard on the preinlsoa. Belied, taken In execution a'J the suit of E. L Adams, surviving partnor of Adams Son, against Wary j, (Jansel, and to be sold as the property of Mary J, (Jansel. Jaexsox, Attorney. fi. Fa. ALSO, Tho following described real eBtate situate In Centre township, Columbia county, beginning at a gum tree In Uno of land of Georgo Kelchner and others, mence Dy una or O.K. Hess Bouth twelve degrees tact one hundred aadtwelv perches to a stone, thence by tame and landof I, Brnwtne south three degrees west ono hundred and nrty.flvd and two-tenths perches to a stone, in line ot George Mutny, taenco by same and Christum n& Muniy south eighty-six and one-fourth, degrees east Mus ty andnlue-tenths porches to a pine stump lu lino ot Sarah bolinou and others, thence by aauo north sight and tam-foortus dsgrooa wst $01 and elgbt-Ubth perches to aatoas, thence north eight ana Inree-Vouraa docrcea, ttt tvc&tB and eUfct-UBtu tr P atoh. Uubo north Ua VM4 W-fetdttteNtt Wttatttetr-feMrttlnl cttfct. tenths perches to a stone In line of (leorgo Kelch ner nve hundred and eighty-two and ono-fourth de grees west scventy-elsht and eight tenths perches to a gum treo, tho place of beginning, containing ono hundred and twenty-tour acres and ono hun dred and forty-six perches, strict measurc.on which aro erected a largo frame two story dwelling with klU lion attached, log stable with wsgon shed at tached, trams pig pen and corn crib and out-bulld-tags. Solzcd, taken In execution at the suit of Anna H.Jtckson and O, il. Jackson, executors of M.K, Jackson, deceased against (leorgo A, Hcamandto be sold as tho property otdcorgo A. Iloam. Terms cash on day of sale. ALSO, All that certain tract or plcco ot land situate tn Main Townshlp,t'olumbla county nnd Stato of Fcnn sjlranla bounded and described as follows to-wlt t Beginning at a stone, thenco by land of said William Mcnslngcr north seventy degrees sixty eight and ono tenth perches to a stone, thenco by land lato ot (leorgo Longonberger, rorth twenty Bcvcn nnd n half degrees west eighty Blx and flvo tenth perches to a stone, thence by tho aamo Bouth seventy and threo quarter degrees west seven and three tcnihs perches to n Stone, nnd thenco by land of tho said Daniel Miller south fourteen degrees east eighty seven and two tenths perches to tho place of begin ning containing thirty ono acres and six pcrcnes of land strict measure. ALSO, ono other tractor plcco of land sltuatoln said Main Township, County and Stato aforesaid boun ded and described as follows to wit I Beginning at a stono a corner of land of James McAlarney south sixty and a quarter degrees west titty three nnd four tenth perches to a stone,thcnce by lands of said VUllam Menslnger south twenty eight and ono c'ghth degrees east thirty nlno and flvo tenth perch es to a post, thenco by land ot Benjamin Nusa sixty nlno and ono half degrees cast fifty threo and four tenths perches to a stono In lino of land of Henry Bowman, thenco by tho same north twenty nlno nnd three fourth degrees west forty eight and flvo tenth perches to tho place of beginning containing tourtoen acres and eighty eight perches ot land strlctttncasuro bo tho aamo more or less. ALSO, Ono other tract or piece of land sltualo In Main Township County and stato atorcsild and bounded and described as follows to-wlt; Beginning at a stone cernerlntbo lino of land cf John niter and th:nce north sixty-seven and a halt dfgrees cast one hun dred and fifty-two perches along tho line cf Ji hn Pel- f:r and Peter Bowman theneo north 31 degrets west sixty perches to a stono corner. thenci south nlxtysevcn and a halt degrees west ono hundred nnd fifty two perches to a stono corner.thenco soulti thirty one degrees cast sixty perches to tho place ot beginning containing tllty threo acres and twenty live perches moro or less. 8rd described : Containing fifty threo acres and twenty flvo per ches moro or loss on which are erected a two story f ramo dwelling house, largo bank barn, wagon shed and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Hiram Shugars.admlnlstralorof Goorgo Ilollenback deceas ed against Wm. Menslnyer, and to bo sold as tho property of Wm.Monslngcr Zrb Attorney, Au Vknp. Ex. A LSO. lots of ground situate In Locust Dalo Convngham All thoso certain two nwnsutp, Columbia county nnd Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ; Sltuatoon corner of Fifteenth nnd Chestnut streets between Front and Market street?; being lots No. Its and 110 and each let being twenty flvo feet In width and ono hundred feet more orlcsi la depth on which are erected a two story framo dwelling house, with Bhlngle roof, nnd a framo stableon rear end of lot. Seized taken In execution nt tb) suit of Wll Ham II. Bright agent, against Jacob Benncr nnd to be sold as tho property of Jacob Benncr. Mark, Attorney. Fi. Fa. ALSO, Tho following dcscjlted real rstatc, It being tho lire estate ot George Cavaneo In thesame, slUiate In Mount Pleasant Township, Columbia county and Btatoof Pennsylvania bounded and described as fol lows to-wlt : on tho north by lands of George Ixeler and Andrew Ikeler, on tho east by lands of Daniel Mccarty and Samuel Jacoby, on the northhy laids ofE It. Ikeler nnd Jackson Ikeler, and on tho west by lands of William Johnson and David Demotes estate, containing ono hundred and twelve acres. more or less on which aro erected a tn o and a half story framo dwelling house, a largo bank barn, straw shed, wagon houses and other out-bulldlngs, also a good orchard etc. Seized taken In execution at tho suit of First Na tional Bank ot Bloomsburg, against Georgo Cavaneo and to bo Bold ai tho property ot George Cavaneo. E, II. Litti.h, Attorney. Vkno. E-f. ALSO, All that certain tract cf land situate tn Locust township, Columbia county, Stato ot Pennsylvania. Bound'd on tho cast by lands ot Ellas llelwlg, on tbe west by lands ot Geo. Marks, en tho nortli by lands of Abraham Wbltner, nnd on the Bouth'by landB of Frederick I'fahler ond Georgo Bltner, con talnlng thtity-flve acres more or less, whereon aro erected two (two-story) framo dwelling barn, and out-bulldlngs Seized, taken In oxecutlon at tho suit ot J. II. Vastlno against David S. llelwlg and to bo sold as tho property of David S. llelwlg, IIuawn, Attorney. AI. Vend. Ex. ALSO, AM that certain bouse and lot situate In tho town of Catawlfsa, Columbia county and Stato ot Penn- lvanla, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning In Pino streetnt tho east side of an alley, laid out for ne convenience of tho Lutheran church situate In Pino street aforesaid ana running from thenco by said alley and land ot Stephen Ilaldy northeastwardly a course parallel t the street and alley.of tho town ot Catawlssa two hundred anu ten feet (VIO) then southeastward! n course parallel to tho aforesaid Pino street fifty feet (3 ) to a cor ner of lot ot Nelson P. John, thence by tho samo southwestwnrdly two hundred and ten fect (210) to tho aforesaid Pin" street, thenco by the samo north westwardly fifty feet (M1) ti the place of beginning, whereon Is erected a two-story framo dwtlllcg house and out buildings. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Columbia County against Joseph Martz, and to be sold as the property ot Joseph Martz. Ikeler, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain tract or pleco ot land sltuato in Benton township, Columbia county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- wlt: Beginning at a stone, thence by land of Fred erick Illlley south two degrees, wett forty perches to a post, thence by land cf Balrhold Klerchoff north eighty -eight and one-fourth degrees west one hundred and sixty-seven and eight-tenths degrees to ap03t, thenco by landot William McKelvy north one and three-fourths degrees east forty perches to a whlto oak, thence by land of said Georgo W Poust south el, Uty-elght and three-fourth degrees, oast one hundred, and sixty-eight perches to tho place of beglnnlntr.contalnlng forty-two nerta.strlct measuie, be tho samo moro or Ices, fifteen acres of which Is cleared. Seized, taken In execution at tho sup. ot John J, Mcllenry against Georgo W, Poust und to be sold as tho property of George W. Poust, Littles, Attorneys. FI, Fa, ALSO, All that messuage and lot of ground sltuato tn the village ot Hupert, Montour tow ushlp.Columbla coun ty, Peunsylvanta.bounded and described ns follows: Northwardly by lands of Arndt, castwardlyby tho Main road leading from Bloomsburg to Catawls- ea, southwardly and westwardly by tbo Main road leading from Bloomsburg to Catawlssa and lands of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Itallroad compa ny. It being the samo property lately occupied by Michael Dougherty for tho purpose of conducting n hotel, known as old Butler Btand; containing about oae-third of an acre moro (r less, whereon Is erect ed a largo and commodious hotel stablo and shed Ice house and outbuildings. A well ot water Is also on the premises. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Catharine Butler ogalust Iteuben Koucb, and, to bo Bold as tno property of Iteuben ltouch. Littles, Attorneys. FI. Fa, ALSO, All that certain tractor piece ot land sltuato In Brlarcreek township, Columbia county and State of Ponns) lvanla and bouhdea and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In lino of lan1 ot Jchn Yoat.thenco north eighty-one and a quarter degrees east forty-six and a fourth perches to a stone to land ot Jonas Wright, thence by the same and 8. Sltler south thirteen degrees and twenty minutes east two hundred and f woy-nlno and throo fourths perches to land of David Shaffer, thenco by the samo forty-eight degrees and titty minutes west thlrty-ulno perches to Samuel Sltler, thence by the same north fitteen degreos ana fifty minutes wost two hundred and seventy-two porches to tho be ginning, containing sixty-two arcs and seventy. eight perches and allowance bo the samo moro or lcaa.oa which are erected a two-story framo dwell ing house, barn ana out-butldlogs. ALSO, All that other certain tractor ploco of land sltuato la Brlarcreek township, Columblacounty, and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt) Adjolulng lands of Jonas Wright on tho north Btxty-soven degreos oast sixty ono 'perch es tn a. post, thence north eleven and ono half degrees west thirty-seven perches to a stone adjoining land of William Walp, thence south lorty-elgnt and one-halt degrees west sixty-eight andslx-tonthiperchsito ayelhw pine, adjoining land of Georgo Bower, south eight degrees east rourieen ana seven-tenths perches,oontalnlug nlno acres and ono hundred and five perches seized, taken in execution at the suit of Joscnb I anion against William Walp and to be sold as the propsrtyot WlUtain Walp. jieasojt, Auornv, it. p. XI. iL NT. Howell A Oo's. Advt's, SCIENCE vs. EPILEPSY! or Dootor Against Quaolc ! I A Leading London l'liysiclan Establishes nn uiuce tn iscw lork lor tho cure of Epileptic Fits. JYomAm, Journal of Medicine. Dr. Ab. Mowrolo. (lato of iLondonl. who nnkesa spcctaltrof Kpllepsy.has without doubt treated an cured moro cases than any other living phslclan ins success uas simpiy neon asionisuing; wo uavo heara of cases of over vo ) ears' standing, successful lv cured bv htm. Ho hnA nubllrticd a valuable work on this disease, which he sends with a large bottle ot his wondciful cure treo to any sufferer who may seiia mcir cxprrs? ana r. u.aauress. wonavisanny ono wlthlne u cure to address Dr. All. MKSEHOLU. so, John st New York. r Jan, 14-iw I.AYKl FI.AVN! I'LAYM! 1'I.AVw! rui iieuuiii iiius, lur Allliucur luuuuibiiiaiitui. peranco flays, Drawlnir-room Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethiopian Plays, uuido Books, speakers. Panto mimes Tableaux I.lahm. Mairnraluin Llchts. Color ed Fire? Burnt Cork. Thcatrioal Faco Preparations, Jurley s Wax Works, Wlga, Beards and Moustaches ai, rt'uuueu prut's, vosiuuics, pcenery, i;iiantuc3. Now Catalogues sont freo containing tu'l descrip tion and prices. SAMUEL KliKNCIl IC SON, S3 E. ma street, now loric r an, n-w $777 A YEAH ana expenses to agents. Augusta, Maine. jan u-4w AIVi:itTIKi:it.H by addressing GEO, P.ltOW ELl, CO.. 10 Hnrilfn fifrnnf Wnw VnpV Nn learn tho exact cost of any proposed lino of AD vitliTisiNG In American nowspapcrs. r"loo I'UKB I'nnilihlct x?3c. r Jon. 1WW lKSl-7tH YEAR Eclectic Magazine OF Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. EWiAROED AND IMPROVED. Tlio Eclectic Maiiazink renrmluces from forelim periodicals all thoso nrtlclos which aro valuable lo Amprli-an rniilers. It npl,t nf npifn.inn pmhrnps nil tin leading Kirelgn Itevlcws, Magazines, and Journals, nnd tho tastes cf nil classes nf readers aro consulted tn tho artlcle presented Its plan includes dwiuiiuu, iwjiijn, itu.iuws dkciciics, iravois,roeiry, Novels, snort Stories, etc, etc. With the number for January. 18SI. tlioKclectlo .Magazlno will bo enlarged to such an extent as will gtvH nuoui iwouunureu pages ot additional reading matter d inng thu year. This Increaso of spsco will afford tho opporninlly not merelv for an Increased quantity but tor a much ffieater varlotvof rendlna- muitpr, nnrl Hi mihtuii. er coulldnllally promises that theopportunltv snail bo so utilized that tho Kclcttlc will be moro valuable moro readable, and moro aatlsfactorv than ever bp. fore. Tho samo pains will bo taken as etlher to exclude- articles which aro trivial In character, or of inuiL-iy iruuHiemimercat; out larger spaca win oo assigned to articles of a popular and entertaining cast, and with ample materials of tho best quality at v,iuiiuiiin,tiiu ruicciiu mil oo mauo inoiueui r ainii The fallowing list of rnntrnhntara tn thn Tvr1nril. cols from which tho Eclectic ts selected will give some idea tf tho value ol its contents: nt, lion. W. K Gladstone, Alfred Tennyson, Professor Hux ley, Professor lyndall, itlehardA. Proctor, B. A.. J. Norman Lockyer, F. It. P., Dr. W. 11. Carpenter, K 1). Taylor, Prof. Max Muller,Prof Oweu.Matthew Arnold, K. A. Freeman, I), c. I, Jumcs Anthony 1 mil fin. 'I linmiD llMr.ll.10 A nllinn,, rtvnll nnn 11., I, Inn. Black. Mrs. Ollphant, Turgenletf, Miss Thackciay. VII.., CIA,, SJ?Tlia KnMIh nprtrw1lpr.U nmthnmvnt. stnrp. houso rromwiiich are drawn many of the best nnd ,11-bfc I'uiiiuur uuua.1 oiiuuume. Tnoisciccuc ro- nrlntStlllS material fl-PRh t rnm I lin nlttlinfa hnnrla and ata prlco far lower thanltcosts Inbookform.' TBHWS: single conies. 45 cents: ono cony, one year, W, tto copies, fan. Trial subscription for threo months, ft The Kclectlc nnd any ft magazine to ono address, $3. Postage treo to all subscribers. K. It. FElYrojV, I'ubllNllcr S3 Bond Street, New York. A DMINISTRATOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF B1IUI1 UOBIN1IOOD, DICEISEP. Letters ot Administration cntheestato of Sarah Tiobmhood, lateoiMiniln township Columbia coun ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been gnmtcd by tho Heglster of said county to L. s. W lntersteen. Of Bloomsburir. mlmV. All nontnna having claims ngulnst the estate of said decc- ueui. uru rcqucsicu 10 present mem ror settlement, and thoso ludebted to tho estate to make payment uuucipigugu vumiuiauiiiAr,miiiuui uoiuy. L. S. WINTEUSTEN, Administrator, Jon 7, f!0-w Bloomsburg, Pa, T) KOCLAMATION IN DIVORCE. COLUMBIA COtTNTY.SM- Among the records and proceedings of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county It Is Inter Kobcrt M McBrlde) No. 110 Sept. Term, lsso. vs. Divorce, Mary C. Mcllrilo. ) Now Dec. fl. ISSO on rradlnir nf HhnMfT'a return alias subpeona and application of llervey K. smith, Att'y. for Hobert M. MoBrldo, tho court order pub- Itnollnn l.i. (tin Uhn-lff 1 l.VMb.VU UJ WU IlllkllU, BV TnE COCRT, Certified from tho records this fifteenth day December, A. D., lsso. WM. ltltlCKBAUM, O. M. Quick, Proth'y, Deputy, To Mary C. Alcltrldo abovn named! Ynti nm tinrp. by required to appear before tho Judges of said tuuit ui, uiuuiuavur uii juonuuv, m3 tin nay February, a. d l& nnswer the complaint said ltobort M, McBrlde. U. II. ENT, Sheriff, Jan. "tc TSriDOWS APritA 1SEMENTS. Tf The following appraisements of real and personal property set apart to widows of decedents hao been filed In tho office of the Iteglstcr of Col umbia county, under the ltules of Court, and will be uicaemi-ii luruusuiiuu couuruiuiion io tno urphans' Court to bu held In UloomsburiMn and rorfialrt conn. ty. on Monday, the Ith day ot Feb. 1831, nt two ui.iui.iv ii. in., ui emu uuj uuii'hs exceptions to sucn uuuiiiiuuiiuu iwu previously niea, or wnicn an per- auuo iitiiivciiu tit oum uoutiv mil iti&u uuucu . I. Widow of Wllllts II. Moyer, latu of Madison township, deceased. S. Widow of Ulram II. Broadt, late of Bloomsburg, lteirlster's onico. Bloomsburg, Jju. 'si. W II. .MC'OBY, lUSflr ir. TEGISTEU'S NOTICES, JL V Notico Is hereby encn to all legatees, credl uirs ana other persons Interested In the estates of iiu luafit-eute ueccueiiis uuu minora, iiiatme roi- .-.-..ufcumuiiiiauiiuuil, C4CVUHII UUU UltrUlUll UC- counts have been tiled In tho office of tho Heglster of ,, "iiiuoiiii'ociueu ior cuuurmauon ana uuunuiicu iu mo urpuans' Court to bn lipid In uioomsuurir uu jiioouuy, reo. i, issi, at v o clock, p. in. on said day : 1. Till first and final account of A. P. Heller, guar- uMituiiDuucim i urn-ii, miuur cnna oi marina viuBMoy, mie or nne lownsnip, deceased. v. 1 ho tlrst and final account of .lames Gulliver, uuiuiuiaijuiui ui uuuu uiiiiiver, mit) oi uem- lutvueuip, UCCUUbUU. 8, Tho first and final account nf n. Front Znrr a mlnistraior ot Martin W. Nuss, lato of tho Town ui jjiuuuisuurg, uecciiscu, 4. The account of Illchard Stiles, administrator of .uuiuiu vuiiey, jam oi iieuion lownsnip, ao- II. Tho second account of Jchn ItellAg nnrl A Bellas, executors of Aaain Hellas, lato ot Fish- 11.11 l-i.ii. luwusuip, utceaseu. 0. The tlnal account ot Allen Mann, guardian of . iiiuuciu iicuiuuKcr, uiuinr cunu vi iteuuen iicuuiuger laie oi ueaver lownsnip, aeceased, 7. Thoj tlnal account of Allen Mann, guardian ot -iiuuuin iiciiujuger, miuor cnuu or iteuueniten- iuuKer,iuiu ii ueaver lownsnip, neceasea. 8, The first and final account of George A. Doty administrator, do bonis non cum testamento uuurAu, ui nenry tungsoury, late or ncnton lUnUQIllUI, Ul'lCUbLLl. 9. The first and final account of John n. Hetler and J. II, natter, administrators of Jacob liar. iei, jr., mie oi .Minim lownsnip, deceased. if). 1 ti. Kpcnnrl nr1 final nfimm, nr t.i,inM 11 Clark, trustee of juaiy Gorrell, lato of the bor- uuiju ui vtuirui-a, ueieuscu. , The account of William Hagenbuch, executor of Isaac llagcnbucb, lale ot crange township, do- H. The account of Jacob Hartman, administrator of neiirv iiuninan, iai oi uemiocK township, ae- 13, Thh first and final account of Abraham I Lock- uiuuiiu iiuuu n. LiK-aeru, mie aaminisiraiors uiAieionuer ujcuaiu, lato or jinarcretk town ruip, ucct ust'u. H. The final arcount of Goorgo Moore, almlnls- liuiui- ui r.uzttntiu jioocriu, law oi suganoai vu nutuiii, ucctrtuieu. 19. l he Urn and final account of Miranda Lee, ad- miuitirntrix or Nancy Connelly, late of tho bor ough if Berwick, deceased. 16, Tho mat and partial account of B. Frank Zarr, takvutu, Ullliutfcu oii,iaic A, i.iunioi3(i UIHU- t-hlp, deceased. IT, The flii-t and paitlal account of John Hartman, uuiiuuiobiniui vi jtiituaei ijruucr, luio ui new- iuva. iuvtuaiiip, uecetuy"i. 18. Tlio first and Partial account of Dtlllnirer Harrl. nuu, Buiiiiiug cifcuicr ui isDnem Harrison, taiv ui iuu iunii vi uiuuiusuuig.ueceaaeu. 1J. The first und final account of Hiram Whltmlrn uuu luiMiaiur crparan Amwiue, late ot centre luttueuip, uoeruacu. !0. The flrn and final account of Andrew J. II pkl admlulrtrator of Ulram Lunger.lato ot Sugarloaf luniiimu, uuicucuu. 31, Tho account of David Iowenberg. administra tor ot Georgo llelswlck, lato ot the Town of uiuuiusuurg, ueceasea, J, The second and final account 1 1 N, B, Creasy nuu i,, i, c-iruBv, auuiiuisiraiura oi rjamuei creasy, late of Mlftlln township, deceased. S3. The first and final account tf Henry Hetler. ad- uiiuiairaior oi.issao i.uiz, laie or Jiirainiowu- btilp, Ui'ccaBeU. l. Tbe Brtt aid (leal account cllsaao A. lujuinLruiur uu uouu nun oi jouq nartuian, late ot oraDKO township, deceased. 3 The nrat and final account ot Ellas diner, guar- u,u ui naiui un ifuuuuiau, minor .uuu oi Lnurics (Joodman, late ot Centra township, deceased. 8. The tlrat ond tlnal account ot Ellas Oljer, guar- umu ui ainiKi-rri, uuouuiaii, minor cnua or Charles Oocainao, late ol Centre township, de ceased. ' The nrat and tlnal account ot William Mastellcr, iiTuVihi A 'i!fu,D ""-w-f, laieomauisori S. Tha account ot Chart g KesUer, administrator Ceiled vt wuvfr ownBhip, aei . The first and nartlal aroount of )ur,ir,,ir i nlBlolrrraior ct WUllam II, Oraqra, Utel( taUsaliVfHblp, OKfcU(l W, II, JAOOUT, IWirbter, John Wanamaker. DRY GOODS If you cannot vlsitthccity.scnd to us by postal card for llOUSO- keeper's Frico for JANUARY Wo fill orders by letter from every State nnd Territory at same prices charged customers who visit the store, and allow samo privilege of return. The stock includes Dress Goods, Silks, Laces, Fancy Goods, and general outfits. Grand Depot, C IB- ROBBI1TS, (SUCCESSOR TO S. W. K.ODDINS,) SBAXiBK IN Fluo IlrantllcH, WIiInIUcn, (.lux, piuiiiiy uii ilium, .DirOUTKD ALK8 AND POHTUUS IN U0TTLKS M TIIK DOZEN. Lnndlorils thrnno'lioiil. Mm nnimtv will find it, fo tlinir iitlviinfiurn In - - - can nnu exannno my stcck uoiore BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July o,"so-ly I A CURE GUARANTEED MaUWlra'lhW'lildllU OR. METTAOR'S HEADACHE PILLS cure mnf t wonderfully In a tcry hort tlmo Willi SICK NERVOUS HEADACHE ; nml.nhllo Ktinffunthc ncrToas rytni, relievo DYSPEPSIA In Ua word tome, clonm Ing tno system ot excess ot bile, producing a regular healthy action ot tho bowel. A full olzo box of thoso vnlunblo PILLS. wl'hfulldU rcctlona lorn comploto euro, lnnilml tunny niluremon receipt ot nlno 3-Cont Postaco Stamps. Foreaio by all Druggists. sou! ntopiuiiTons, nm i ih-ay a rmil r. !-,'. i-nt m OCt. 15, '60-tf C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, AND DEALElt IN STOVES, HEATERS A3STX3 ZEtA-lNJ QES, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SLop in Opera House, 6tU door ptua.w-ir CAUTION. CET THE BEST. bstet oK,a-nsrs, STRONG COMPETITION lu the manufacture of Organs is resulting in tbe production and sale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to be dear at any price. t Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at the newroomn of the Only Authorized A gent foi the Estey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ, June sa.'so-u UDITOR'S KOTICli. In tbo matter of te rbtate of Aloxander Hesn, late uyjuguiium iu,vutuii,oiiiiuuia co., ia., aeceas- 1 he undersigned Auditor appointed ty the Or phans' Court of said county, lo make dibtiitutlon of the balance In the hauda cf Iiacbel llem mid An drew Laubach. atmttilsfrntrru nt tntii ,1. rt ,i0,,t tn and amongst creditors, will meet all rartles Inter, estedlnsuld dlstrlliullon at his onico In tno Town of Uloomsburit In said eounty, on Tuesday, tbo ssth day of January. A. I).. IkSl. at ten o'clock a. m.. of said tlay. wbn and where all parties Interested In said fund must at tnd or be forever debarred from any share ot said fund. , HOUEHT It. tlTTLE, dec. S4,18Mw Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. State ot rennsylvanla, Columbia county, SS, Amone the records and proccedlnes of tho (Jom, mon I'leaa in and for said county 11 la Inter alia .UUS UUUU.1UCU. In Uie matter of the Sheriff's sale of tbe real estato Dec 10. lSSO.the writ In tliU rami hAln,. w,n ,..,. i and the money paid into court, on motlou ot v . j, lluckalow, W. ir. ALbott is appointed Auditor to dl. '"" "id .uuu uuiuui; uie parties eutinea thereto, 1ITTUR COCVT. Certified from the record this thirteenth day of Do. O.M.Qctci. ' WM.KKICKBAUM, Deputy. i-rotn. in pursuance of the above appointment the un. derslgned will meet the parties interested at hla of. tlCe in llloomsiblirc. nn Hntnrri.v ihn ci. fifiuary, A. D. 1B81. between the hours ot s a m. "i. nuiui uuw una piace an persons haTlnif c alms upon s, Id fund will appear and provo their claims or be debarred from any share of said W.1I.AU1IOTT. Auditor, dec, li 'so-lw UDITOR'S KOflCE. In S? ',nft'r ' 'J,'? e8tat0 0' l'ulln Hca.lste of Ku. ctased H' "'""""s coumy, fenn'a., do. The ULuerslfrneit Alldltnr innnlnlnn I... knA. Pk"' I'ourt ul Mid rouiily to make distribution of ir. t . ",,v" ,MP vi dames l eterman. ad m ulstraior up Li riu tun , i , fS, ..Nyi ..'t,. r ?u',II!,?.U?,,"n,.",ia itLreMea ,u fU estate ni bl ctucelu tbeTiwnot Iilocmsbuiif in laidooun t . h 1 uuday. the tub day of Januaiy. A.u.,m RS,'iiilfi!f47i5idi5ki,1 tk,,' uiust attend or be toteur Ctbarrtd trota uy ikn uum lund, B, VRANKttAItK, A ui tor. Tills is the particular season in which to get nnd prepare House keeping Dry Goods Sheetings, Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap kins, Towels, etc. Itisalsothe season for Ladies' Underwear, The Grand Depot contains tho greatest variety of goods in one establishment in thcUnitcdStntcs, nnd exchanges orrcfundsmoncy for things that do not suit, upon examination a t home. and FEBRUARY Philadelphia. Kiiiiim, mid till 111 mix of T"Iiich con- j ..... . ,- - - -o- purclinbiiig eisewliere. Door below Iron. 25 CENTS BY USING .1.1 il il I ,. r rlTE V F 1 E ' P i S i I A R i c u rV : J. SELTZER, Agent, Bloomsburg, F'a LIST OP JURORS FOR FEBRUARY TKllM 1M1, GRAND JURORS, llerwlck J It Adams. Uloom W W lurrctt, Samuel U Hosier, William liabb, Andrew Sollader, Brlai creek ueorce Lurn, fentre-S Fr'. Klshlngcisek M W McUenry, George realer.Danlel Kitchen, Oreenwood-Joseph Iiedllne. larkson 1) s younf, Hemlork-Ednaid Ivey, rieree Shoemaker, Levi Wright. I ocustMaj berry Snyder, Jacob I Stlne, Madison ihomas utngles. Main Wm II Usher. Montour-J It Ithoads. oraoke tamuel Seybert. Hoarlnircrei-k-Samuel Houck, D W Ilarli''. I'lne Luther A Uerman. TRAVERSE JURORS. FIRST WW, neavcr reter Eckrote, James T Kox.nenry S Lebo. Dent. s-Dver Moss, llerwlck W 1' Snider. Moo m-Chos K liousel, Kran Jones, H ONagle. Jas OMernt-r, Henry Wolf. Catawlssa J, hn Uabme. Nathan Creasy, rink, Drumheller, Joseth Walter, llarry O John. Centre John eLonp, Joseph Ulcer, John White. Klslilnircrcek Uco J Fullmer, Franklin Michael Mensch, urreuuood M M Appleinin. I.Mu8t Jacob neiuer. Solomon Mowry, ncnir llelwlir, David llelwlg. Maln-D fi Federorr. Montour J (J liarkley. Miniin-M 11 ,lietler, abram Masteller, Jr., Jacob Mt, rieasant-Joseph Kline. I'lne Amos Long cott J U Ammerman, Itobe rt PurseL Sugarloat-Davld Kocber, Oeo aett. SECOND WISt. Ileaver-l'eter II FUher, Jacob Ilartzel, Chas U itelchart, Daniel Clngley, sr. Ueiiton-Tbcmas Hellas John H Kline, Ellas Mo- llenry.Jabcb WellHer. Uloom Jatob ii uomboy, I'eter Knapn, James ten- non, Jas W Schuyler. Ilrlarereek s.muel rmlth. Catawi:sa-a W Clark, Jucob Fedo'otr, O O Sharp- FUhlnecrcek John Crevellng, Franklin Jonathan Ixihraan. u netiKocd-lirLdikk Dange, t'bandlrr Kves, J Mannlnir. II nlliiitllnp .m.iiiii,, ki.uHi,r Jackson Augustus Everhart. II U Stevens, i.utusi iuu iiintr. wonigtmery vecum" Madison-Calvin Dtmctt, Kainuel Karnswoith, Main ohn W tliiimun ' 14 1. 1 ItattLU-iui irswtord. J, Soott-Abrutn Cutter, Iteed lies. 8uffrtoat-oo Uess, SokuU Y Dess, U. "I 4