The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 14, 1881, Image 1

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MmiBfiiociiT,mHorTniHoiiTnANBooi.O). (
I it ued weakly, evory Friday morning .at i . '
BLOUAISUUItd, columma county, pa, I
P. i ma dolUM Per year, Mronu discount aiiowca
. rrn .i.iiaeriruir. i l l. ill nil:
ZiiVnil tun terms are H per yeaf, strictly lit advance.
?"Dl.L"2 If IS;fS,arttnt Vt me onion m tnu
leiintlniiea crooivs mt s.u,.,iii..--
f All pipe s wnfoutbf iho state '!&SM?&l!Sl
otncoi must ba paid for In advance, unlew W
Smnnn In Columbia county aasumoa to pay tlio
V,M ro .ubscrlbendn
fc""PJA?i5?f ?i?f ah wSr TdoVo on J. I. BITTENBENDEB. I "eprletort.
aemandinotUr ana at moderate pn.
r I-
Onolnrh fi.oo
TwoliiJiiea ....... a.oo
rbroe mciies
Four luetics s.oo
ouaner coinmn .oo
Half column
ons column
4. tO
IM. M,
M.OU 15.01
f.OO 8.1,0
1.00 I1.W
10.00 H.OO
u.oo ts.oo
to.oo to.iO
f J.On
to v
yearly ndverttsemcnlft parable Quarterly
alenladrortlieiiicmauiiiatbe paldforbefoulnscruo
except wuero panic navo accounts.
Leiral advert leir-'ilMivndo1li.rsiyrlnelifnrlhrer
Insertions, and nt i l,.u i jiu for addlllOEaliimi Hots
wimou i re rerc n im J I U'u I u.
Riceiitor's, Arolnlntrator'a and Auditor' notice
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty rem. a tin
Oards in the "Unslntan Dlreotory"column, on
dollar per Tear f or eachllne,
mm rient.iuatre wn nam biwou.
wiliUm Krlckbanm.
:i...iain. tf if npnriipwiiiinmiKiQ iiiiiruuuji
lininui. " j tfc"i iiuj .
8 irvu'or svnuoi roynru.
1. . .... tf a OMAniunhA in,.
ijt nminiiiiioi o aii'w"
; 1 1 1 1 . j i . ---
hpltl. , .J.' mi nvWlMeT ST-fcaArinrA W.
Smith. .... itmilnm IT QntrilAr.
n ...., irei K.irman. ncnLLi uuuu.iimwui
t,rvuu .-,vv - 1 ! . -
niAAm.liiirff. I '
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
rrcsldent ot Town Counclt-0. A. IlKnulNO.
Clerk I. K. orotz.
Chief of rollce B. Harris.
President of Oa, Company 8. Knorr.
secretary C. W. Miller. . , ..,.
iiinnmsburB nankin? company Jon? A.Fnnsjon,
..j i... ii n.riMi nnahiir. Jnnn reacocK. lot
tTUBlueui. ii ...
'Flr3' Na-lonal ll&nlc-CharlosU. raxton.Tcsldent
j, p. Tustln, Oashlor.
Utnli'cr-Itov. 0. 1). 8. Marclay.
Sunday services iom a. m. and 7 p. m.
?CvSoTn8-Kvemry Wednesday evening at 7
O'ilOCk. , iii.Mw.tMmn.
seatsircp. hupubh:uiu.
Mlnlsier-rtcv. Stuart MP".helt.
Sunday Services I0K a. Ui. andT p. m.
(ffiTwfew Wednesday evening a. 7
oTiafroo. Nopowsrentod. siraneera welcome.
UBTItODtST KriscorAL oncBcn.
Prosldlng Klder-Itev. W. Evans.
Mlnls'or llov. E. II. Vocii-J.
Sunday Servlces-ln and 7 p. m.
foiinff Mon's Praier Meo'lng-Kverv Tuesday
WS' pVa7erfeotlnS-Every Thursday evening
7 ociock. ...oRHUDcnnBcn.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
sunrtav servlces-iovf a. m. and 7 p. m.
sunrtm' school a.m.
I'raver Meeting-Saturday, T jv m.
Ml are Invited There Is always room.
PsU)r To bo supplied.
Sunday Services -m a m and 7 p.m.
KwTO-l&ff WedMsttv evening at 7
saats'froo. The publlo aro Invited to attend.
st. PACL'a cntmcn.
'lector Itev L. Zahner.
sunrtav Sorvlcos Wtf a. m., 7 p. m.
services preparatory to Communion on Friday
avenlnir before the at Sunday in eacn oiuuu..
pews rented; but overybody welcome.
Presiding Elder-Hev. A; I tteeser
s iXr sTrvlcc-ip. m.. In the Iron street Churo
f'raver Mectlng-Kvery Sabbath at.S p. m..
CoLcuttAK tlctLoiKo, Dioomsburg, Pa.
Memb'r of the United States Law' Association,
Collection, made In any part 61 America or Europe.
OCl, I, 1'IV ,
otace. Second door from 1st National Dank.
All are Invited. All are welcome.
BUCKINGHAM, Allorncv-nl-Lnw. Of-
Clare's liuuaiop, u Biur
' - - may 7, 'so-t t
,.flce. n. J.
CO. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
In llrower's building, 2nd story, nooma 4 ft 8
B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law.
in nartraan'8 bulldlng.Maln streot.
REBER, Surgeon and Physi
cian. OniCO MarKCu curucuu
rit. WM.M.
T U. EVANS. M. D.. Stireeon and Physi
tl . clan, (omce and Itesldenco on Third street
n Afr-KF.I.VY. M. TJ.. Sureeon and Phy
slclan, north sldo Main Btreet, below Martiot,
Oct. 1, TO.
OfQce, North Market Btreet,
DIoomBburg, Fa.
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms-
ttr Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct. 1 1879.
I ) .CIAN and 8UKOEON. special attention given
to the DiSKASig and dkfkcts of the Etb Eab
Throat nnd nukhkrt In all Its varlovs branches.
iv Also carefully adjusts the EYE with PKOPER
July io, '8o-tf
( R 10 n. m.
34:30 p. to.
(78 p. m.
Wllkr.barrr, Fa'
All styles of work done In aupertor manner, work
wiirrnnieu as roi'rrnciiiu
an without Pain bv the use of f!as, and
free of charge hen artificial teeth
are Inserted
(Mice Corner Main and Irou streets.
7o be open at all hourt during the day.
if vnu reel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have frenucnt
I headache, mouth tastes badly, poor nppellto. and
tongue, coated, you aro aufrcrlcg from torptd liver,
or bllllousncss" nnd nothing will euro you so speed
ily ahd permanently as to take simmohs' Ltvait
HxoDLATOB or Medicine.
The Chcapost, Purest and
nest ramuy .neaicino in'
tlin world
AMErrscTUAL fraciric
for an disoasos of the uy-
er, Stomach and spleen,
ItcKUlato tho Liver and
HKsri.itr-,,ii.t, jAUfi'
Vi I vi ii i: fvm
tan. II. 1974
pJ" U. I'UN'K.
Attor ney-at-T .nw,
omce in Knt's lloti.Dimi. k
lllooni U'd. Pa.
mce on MalLSliect. first dooi below Court ilouif
r sch yiei's Hardware Store.
In narman's llulldlng. Main atreet,
Dioomsburg, Pa.
Dioomsburg, Pa.
w J7- X
II itl tlrtntli!
Nothlnctssount lcasant. nothlnir so common as
bad breath and In nearly every case It comes from
the stomach nnd canlm so easily corrected If you
will take niuuons' Liver lUon.tToii. no not ne
glect bo sure a nmray lorinis repuioivo aisorner. 11
will also improve your Appetite, Complexion and
General Health.
How many suffer torture day after day. making
llfo a burden nnd robltne existence ff allnl'asuru.
owlfg to the secret Rum-ring ftom plica Yet relief
i is ren'iy 10 in" nnua ui nm ui i. anj oiiu no win u-u
BiBtcinatleally the remedy thai Las permanently
cured thousands Simmons Livkr HFntiKAioit.lsNo
draMlc violent purge, but a genlloa slstant to na
ture. l .-... i i .... ,
Should not be regntd-i! as atrlllliiBnllment-ln fact
nature demands ti e utmost regular! y ot tho bow
els, nnd any deviation from this demnnd raestho
way often to serious danger. It Is ipilto as necersa
fy to removo Impure accumulations from the bow
.'UnsltlHtoeatorslecn. una no lualtlican bo ex
pected where a contlve liattt ot body prevails.
SIcK llrniinciif !
This distressing a miction occurs most frcnuetitly.
Tho disturbance of iho stomach arising from the
imperfectly digested con'ents, causes a severe pain
In tlin httd. accomnanied wlthrislaereeablo nausea.
nnd this constitutes what. Is pipularly known as
pick iieaancne; iir inn renui ui wiuun, uks nm
.1. II. .Ill I. IN ,1- I'll.,
Prlre 11,00. Sold by all Druggists.
April io, 80 ly.
omceln nrowcr'sbulldlng.BCCond noor.roomNo.
, Dioomsburg, Pa.
Attor no v-aT.n,w.
, ii l
1 r '
u bu'-s Ku sit Qlil
omce corner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clark'f
Can be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, -SMI
A T TO RUE Y-A T-L, A w,
COt-UMDUH Ddildino, Dioomsburg, Pa. nf the United States Law Association.
Collections mado in any part ot America or Europe
oct. 1, 1879.
bliI all nlAfAISIAI.. KSSKAMa.
!..l.l iriii rtri,eji,t. M.iU'i FREE rwiri fcrvtlcn.
Ofllco In Hartman-s Dlock, Corner Main and Mar
ket streets, Dioomsburg, Pa.
t&'Pcntiont and Counties Collected.
Offlco In Drower's Dlock, one door below Columbian
July 16, '80 tf
Auornoy'in-Ajuw ,
Ofllco in tho Columbian Dulldlng, second Boor.
Oct. 8, "80.
'lonsoriai Ariisi,
is again at his old Brand under I
TKCand has as usual a ynisr-i;
HIIOP. lie reBpeciiuuj souriia uio p1'"" v- i
bis Old customer ana 01 me jiuuiiu ucuti .
julyu.'so-tf -.
The well known C D. WHITE, Proprietor of tho
... DAtii a hnir interest In tho same to J. W.Conner.
Tho company havo repaired the works, ana are pre
pared to uccommodate all who want anything In the
tine, of Arlcultural Implements. They have Just
completed a new left hand White plow.whlchlf po
i,hioH win tout tho rleht hand. Also surface plow s
or Jointers for "ho samo. A new Thresher and Clen
er with centro shako ot rldJlo thoc. called the
White Tlirenlicr ami Cleaner,
with hoth lever and railway powers on a greatly;
imnriwert nlitn. We manufacture LAND UOLLhlts I
.na Unn henri. n ,rn mows, double and single
Cultivator- side hill Plos, Mill Cablings. Turning
of every description done wltn promptness. e
ken constantly on hand a large assortment of Plow
shares for our own and many other plows that are
used in the country. We will not be undersold In
work or material ot the ame quality. All our work
Is warranted toglo satisfaction, or tho money re
fnnnVd WK DEFY COMI'E ITION. Farmers, and
the public In general are requested to callanu ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Jan. i, 'fo-iy orangeville, pa.
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
ipllred. Opkha 1I0U8S llulldlng, Dloomaburg, Pa.
Cor. Centre and Rail Road Sts., near L. D. Depot.
8, KUHN, dealer it, Meat, Tallow, etc.,
, centre atreet, neiween econn ana rnira.
PREUND. Practical homeo-
A pathlo llore and cow Doctor, Dioomsburg, Pa.
fen u,
1110 1101
, 7-tf
WID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor Lowest PriCOS 7?ill not b3 Undersold.
m ain ft., atxm, ueniriu uuiei. i
Manufacturer of MINE CAR WHEELS, Coal Break
er and Urld..p Castings, Water npes, Stoves, Tin,
ware, Plo.v?, IRON FENCE, and all klnda ot Iron and
Dross O r tings,
Tho I Rinai Aiomroae, iroo ueuui, iib""
left hano, and sldo hill PIowb, tho best In tho mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook Stoves, Room Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, chool houses, churches, sc. aiso mu larg
est stock of " repairs for city stoves, wbolesalo and
retail, such as Fire Drlck.arates, Cross Pieces, Lids
o. c, Stove Pipe, cook Doners, Skllllts, Cake,
ITates, large Iron Kettles, i0 gallons to 1 barrete)
Farm Dells. Sl-d Soles, Wagon Doxes,
"Allontown Bono Manure"
Ian , 'so-iy
Catawtssa, Ha
I'ollectloua promptl made and remitted. Office
inpoalte Catawtssa Deposlt.uank. m-38
jr. RHAWN,
Catawlssa, Pa,
Ofllce, corner of Third and Main Streets.
One of tho most df slraMe residences m Dioomsburg
on the norlh-vtf't corner of Market and Fifth
stretts formerly occupied by W. K. Sterner. The I
houH3 la a largo and couvement
nicely furnished. Themis also a
iha nrnnert v will bo sold on easy terms. Possess-
esslon given April Ht 1881. For particulars Inquire
of J, II. Malzo Esq., uioomsouig, ra., or inn
Iteeco Duckhoru,
nov, S8, to-3m
Lycoming of Muncy rennsyiyania.
North American ot Phidelphla, Pa,
Franklin, of ' "
Pennsylvania ot "
Farmers ot York, Pa,
Hanover ot New York.
Manhattan ot "
Offlco on Market Street No. f, Dioomsburg, pa,
Silvorwars. Watchos,Jowelry.Cloca.&o,
Twas but a bubbln-yet It was bright,
And gaily danced along I lio stream
Of life's wild torrents In the light,
Of sunbeams sparkling llko a dream
Of heaven's own bliss for loveliness
For flectncss like a pissing thought.
And over of such dreams of theo
Tho tlssuo ol my llfo 1, wrought,
For I havo dreamed of pleasures when
The sun of your existence smiled
Upon my wayward piths nnd then
Her promised swectnes, my bead beguiled.
But when t camo thoso sweets 10 sip.
They turned to gall upon my lip.
And I have dreamed ot friendship, too,
For friendship thought wn mtdo
To bo man's solace In th" shado
And glad him In thoMght, and so
I fondly thought to find a friend
Whoso mind with mlco would sweetly blend
And ns two placid streams unite,
And roll their waters In one bright
And tranquil current to tho sea,
So might our happy spirits bo
Homo onward to eternity.
Hut he betrayed me, and with pain
1 woke to sleep and drenm again.
And then 1 dreamed of love, and all
Tho clustered visions of I ho past
Seemed airy nothings to tho last
Bright dream. It threw a magical
Rnch mtmcnt o'er cxlstcnco cast
A glory ou my path so bright
I seemed to breathe nnd feel Its light,
Dut now tint blissful dream Is o'er,
And 1 havo waked to dream no more.
Bevond the farthest glimmering star
Tint twinkles In tho arch nbove,
There Is a world of truth and love
Which earth's vllo passions nover mar,
Oh, could 1 snatch the eagle's plumes,
d soar to that bright world away,
Which God'd own holy llghtllitimes
With glotles of eternal day;
How gladli every lingering tlo
That binds mo down to earth I'd sever,
And leave for that blessed homo on high.
This hollow-heated world forever.
Select Story.
Mm. Do Vere Dnvciiport finisher
read'niir the letter that a servant had itist
brought in. Then she folded it slowly,
and returned it to the yellow envelojie,
that was addressed to her in a coarse,
sprawling hand. Then she looked at the.
gentleman sitting at a window rending not the selfsame 'girls'
lainily as the 'children.
Then a roguish littlo snap of mischief
Hashed up in Clauds eyes.
'Ylio did you expect to he hero?'
He laughed.
'I didn't know exactly whether my
grandfather would come, or send my lit
tlo cousin to direct me a stranger to
me, although she is my cousin. Perhaps
vou may know her her name is Daven
Aland frowned thoughtfully. This
handsome young man was her cousin
can hurt her, and it beyond a shadow ot a doubt.
to deprive her ot her 'IWennort? Daveimt.rt ? Tho name
laminar. Uh, yes: that s the
TZi ?,'MK,V IBItStit VM
t WS3I efcftH
ri aj'r mm
aii kinda nf WatcheB. LTonka ana Jewi iry oe&i
ly repaired and warrauiea.
way it, 4o-w
Theso old cobfohationb are well seasoned by age I
and riKi tkstxd and have never yet had a loss set
tled by any court of law Their asseu are all Invest- I - , TJ,nno RlatnVn
ed la solid SBCBBiTUBand aro Uabloto tho haiard CaiTlagOS, BugglOO, fnaOW-B, Hieigna,
Losses rKOMrTLT and noHum.T ad lusted and cald
as soon aa determined by Cukistian F KNArr, ario-
The people of Columbia oounty should patronlie
the agei.oy where losses Uany are settled and paid
bjlone of Iholr ownolUxeos,
CT, , HI.
ni.ooni8m'n, pa,
Manufacture rs ot
First-class work always on hand.
Prtoea reduced to suit the ttmea.
A Deodorized oxtraot of Petroleum,
Tho Only Article that "Will Ito
Ktoro Hair u Haiti Heads.
What the World han been
Wanting Hor cnuricrt.
Tlio greatest r.l.'covery of mr day, to fir as a
large portion of humanity U concerned, H CAR
BOI.INi:. on article prepared from petroleum, nn.l
nhkh eltectii a complete and rudlcal euro In casu of
lialilncsi, or where tlio hair, oIug lo ilUcascant
tho scalp, has liccomo thin nml tends to fall out.
Ii I j aim n speedy restorative, nnd while Its UfO se
cures n luxuriant grow th of hair, It also brings bad:
tho natural lolor, and gives tho most complete sat
Irfuctlon In tho using. Tho falling out of the hair,
the nccnmnUtioiis of ilaudrull, and tho prematura
change In color aro all c ldenccs of a diseased con
iilltn of Iho icalp nnd tho glands which nourUh thu
hair. To arrest tlicsu causes tlio nrtklo used must
iiohecsb medical us well as chemical virtue, andtha
change must begin under tho tcalp to bo of perma
nent and lasting benefit. Such an orttclo Is CAR
DOLINE, and, lilio many other wouderful dUcov-crk-H,
It Is found tu consist of elements almost In
their natural ttatc. retrolcum oil Is tlw artlclo
which Is mado to work such extraordinary results ;
hut It Is of tot It has been chemically treated and
omplctely deodorized that it Is In proper condition
for tho toilet. It was In far-off RustU that tlu
effect of petroleum uon thu halruas flrt abscrtcd,
a Government ofllccr having noticed that a partially
bald-headed seriont of his, when tilmmlng till
lamps, had a habit of wiping, his oil-bcsmcarcd
hands In his scanty locks, nnd the result was In a
few months a much finer head of black, glossy hair
than he ever had before. Tho oil was tried eti
horses and cattlo that had lot their hair from tlu
cattle plague, and tho rctults were as rapid as they
were marvelous. Tho maues and ccu the tails ot
horses, which had fallen out, were completely re
itorcd In a few week. Thews experiments wcro
heralded to the wurld, but the Lnou lodge was prac
tically useless to tho prematurely bald and gray, as
tio nno In rliillzed society could lokrate. tho uso of
riflucd iwtroleum as a dressing for thu hUr, But th j
klllof one of our chemlets lias overcome uiuumi
culty, and by a rroccss known only to himself, ha
has, after very elaborate and costjy experiments, suc
ceeded In dcodorU ns reflned iietroieum, wuicu
lenders It eusceptlhlo of belug handled ns daintily
m the famous eau di cologne. Tho experiments with
iho deodorized llnuld on tho human hair were at-
imded with the most astonishing results. A few
rmnllcatlons. where tho hair was thin and falling,
gave remarkable tono and vigor to tho scalp and
hair. Kvcry parlldo of dandruff disappears on
the first or second dressing, and ino nquiu so scarcn
log In Its nature, seems to penctnto to tho roots at
once, and set up a radical thango from tho start. It
is well known that tho most beautiful colors aro
made from petroleum, and, by 60iuo mystcrloui
oneratlon of nature, tho use or uus nrucio yrauu,
oily Imparts a beautiful light-brown color to tho
halt which by continued use. ucepens io a liuck.
The color remains jwrmaucnt for an Indefiulto length
of time, and tho chango Is so gradual that tho most
Intlmsto friends can scarcely detect lis progress,
In a word, It Is tho most wonderful discovery of
the ago, and well calculated to make tho prcina
turely bald aud gray rejoice.
. . .... A- .-I... - ..,..1 ...II..
we aawse our rcaucrs io kivu u u uw, itu
.atUflod ibut ouo application will conUnco them of
lis wonderful effects. JWtbunjIi Commercial tf
Oct. S3. 1877.
The artlclo Is telling Its ow n story in tno nanus or
thousnnds w ho aro using It with tho most gwilt) lug
Mid encouraging results :
ti- it Tin,, .Pn . Vlfth Avenue lhsrmaev. sars.
(.'Jl,Bia anM nrciwrflt Inns rur Iho hair forutiward
cf twenty years, hut hao neir had ouo to sell as
well orghosmh universal satisfaction. e there
furo recommend It with couudenco to ourfrleuds
end thcncneruipuuiic."
Mr. Qi'stavcs F. Hau., of the Oates Opera
Troupe, writes: "After six weens- use i am cou-
a nrn uln tnv rnmrailes. tll.C VOUf Cart)0-
line' his and Is producing a wonderful growth of
hair whero i nad none lor years, -
n ir rUt.m a, si.m .Ti-nnln Tllrtht Combination.
writes: " After using your ' C'arhollno' three week
1 am convlncid lhat bald heads can ho re-haired.
It's simply wonderful lu my case."
D. F. Antnun, chemist, Holyoke. Mass.. writes:
" Your ' Carbollno' has rcstorti' my hair after every
thing cue niu laiiea." V.. Pont,. attornev.Qt-law. No. Attlehoro.
Jlass., writes i For luoro than KU ) ears a portion of
uiv head has been as smooth and free from liair as a
blllUrd boll, but tome eight weeks ego I was in
.liifl irir vnn, riirbnlhie. and tlio effect haj
been simply wonderful. Where no hair has been
seen for j ears thero now appears a thick giowth,
and I m convinced lhat by continuing Us usa I shall
havo as good a head of hulr us 1 ever hid. It is
crowing uow nearly as rapidly us. hair does after
it is cut.
t. f r,pBniAil fn the iinhllc without fear of con
tradiction as the best Restorative aud Ueautlner of
the Halt the world lias ecr prouueeu.
Price. UNI'. noi.IiAll per buttle,
Sold by all UruguUtK.
ttU Ajuli lr th Ulud SUteo, UwlVaaadat ai4
the morning 'Herald.'
'Jlaud s summering is settled most
conclusively by tho news in this letter,
Mr. Davenport. Sister Cynthia writes
that her son Willard, Maud's cousin,
will spend tho summer between Newport
and Saratoga, and, as a natural conse
quence, ho would join our party. So
that poor littlo Maud must not go with
Leo and me.'
Mr. Davenport looked sharply up from
his paper.
'What r tho reasons 1 don t suppose
.Mauds cousin
seems a shamo
Mrs. Davenport's thin, handsome lips
relaxed into a cold smile.
'I dare sav men never think ot such
tfiings; but, my dear, it would be sheer
est idiocy on our part to expose Maud to
the society ol her cousin, lie may Du
handsome all the Maurices are and he,
certainly is poor. Suppose just sup
pose Maud took it into her head to
to fancy him ?'
'Well, suppose she did f
Mrs. Davenport gave a little.impatient
exclamation, that her liege know, from
long experience, meant that she fully
intended to carry out her own arraugu
ments, in spite of his view and perfor
'Well, ho won't that is ono consola
tion. Maud shall not meet William
Maurice, at least this summer, whilo she
is so young and romantic, una impres
sionable. She will havo to give up New
port and Saratoga and spend tho time
we aro away with her grandmother, up
lit the Jarm in .lelterson county.
So all because Willard Maurice's dear
old mother had written to her elegant,
wealthy sister, who lived on Fifth Ave
nue, New York, that her son Willard
would join his aunt and cousin at the
fashionable resorts, poor little Maude
Davenport was forced to give up her an
ticipated round of pleasure and gaiety.
'I think it is too bad, mamma; just
too bad for anything,' she said, her nret
tv eves, blito as forget-me-nots, filling
with rebellious tears.
'You must make tho best of it,' Mrs
Davenport said chillingly. 'It s unite n
shame but unavoidable. And really you
will find that, up in .Teiterson county.
there are most charming places, the
Thousand Islands, the fishing, tho boat-
Oll. U'f.llt tl wnn'f mntn itiunli .llffni.. !
enco either wny. ( Qrnndtia'll hitch
Nellie up to tho carriage, and you might
drive down to the hiiding and'hring up
whoever comes girl or boy.'
Tho Idea was delightfully exciting to
Maud, and she entered into it with nil
her girlish enthusiasms and when olio
drove over to tho 'steamboat lnnding, nt
Alexandria Hay, tho next day, sho was
gaily Important.
'There's no telling who or what I'll
bring back,' sho thought. And how rid
iculous it seems to tlilnk I cannot tell
who to look fori I suppose 1 must bo
governed by appearances and the gen
eral strange awkwardness my cousin
irom ino country ue no iioy or no sho
girl, will manifest.'
So, when the boat landed her passen
gers, thero were not ho matiy but that
Maud, standing a littlo aside, could scru
tinize every possible cousin ainoiigtliein,
thero was no boy or girl of any kind,
awkward or polished, among them. A
little feeling of disappointment went over
her as alio turned away.
'I think it very singular that nobody
came. I wonder if ,
She never finished tho thought, for
sho suddenly discovered a pair of the
handsomest gray eyes sho had ever seen
looking cautiously and admiringly at her
and they belonged to n young gentle
man who was dressed in the most npbby
ot traveling suits, with tho tinest dia
nioud studs in his linen, aud an imma
culate, pale gray tie.
'I beg your pardon, but I would like
to impure if you know where tho Cleve
land Farm is?'
What a charming voice it was, and
how gracefully he lifted his hat, and
how oil I how handsome those halt
smiling gray eyes 1
Maud looked demurely up in them.
'Cleveland Farm is just about two
miles in that direction, where the clump
of trees are.'
The handsome gray eyes followed tho
direction indicated, and then camo back
to tho sweet, girlish face.
I expected somebody would meet me,
but I dare say tho detention was tut
All at onco it Hashed over Maud, this
was 'one of tho children invited to come
over to tho farm. It Beemed absurd to
think of making such a mistake ; but if
Grandma Cleveland always called her
married daughters 'the girls,' why should
speak ot their
sounds laminar. Uh, yes :
little girl lip at the Cleveland Parm
'Yes I know her quite well.'
'I suppose sho is a very nice littlo girl
Grandmother has sent for one of us to
come amuse her. I'll try anyhow.'
il dare say you'll succeed.
lie laughed, and lifted his hat again.
'I am afraid I have bothered you very
much, but I am sure I am greatly obli
ged to you. Good-morning.'
And," as ho-went away, on foot, ho de
cided that he would search out tho little
beauty before long.
While Maud, inspired by her wicked
little brain,mado Nellie fairly fiy home,
and was in tho parlor, demure and
proper, when the young man was usher
ed in by grandma, so proud and sur
prised. 'I never thought your mother'd send
you,' sho said, delightedly.
'Well, you see 1 was so awfully dis
appointed in my calculations for tho
summer, grandma, that they concluded
Under Fire.
Whenever you can find a soldier who.
under fire, nlms low nnd shoots to make
every bullet wound or kill, you will find
fifty who aro nervously throwing nway
ammunition, seeming to reason that tho
reports of their muskets would check or
drive the enemy. And yet this nervous
ness need not bo wondered at, for they
aro playing a gamo of life nnd death.
At Ainlvcrn Jlill.soventeen soldiers be
longing to an Ohio regiment took cover
in a dry ditch, which answered admira
bly for a rifio jit. A Georgia regiment
charged this littlo band three times, nnd
were three times driven back. Tho firo
was low and rapid, and the loss in front
of their guns was more than ono hun-
Ired In ten minutes. Hegimcnts have
been engaged for an hour without losing
over half that number. Tho lire of these
seventeen was so continuous that Mc-
Clellan ordered forward a brigade to
their Biippott, believing that the entire
regiment had been cut off.
At Alum Kun tho writer was just in
the rear of a New York regiment which
was suddenly attacked. A single com
pany of confederates, cut off from the
regiment and dodging about to rejoin it
suddenly debouched into a Held, and
loitnd itselt lace to lace with a union
regiment. Fighting commenced at once.
A regiment fought a company, both ly
ing down for cover. L, lav so near a
third sergeant that 1 couid touch his
heels, and I watched his lire. livery
time he pulled the trigger ho elevated
the 11111.7.I0 of his gun at an angle of foi-ty-tivo
degrees, instead of depressing it
for the enemy lying down. I saw him
repeat this operation fourteen different
times. The man next to him fired as
many bullets plump into a stump in his
front, and tho man 011 the other side
shot into the groundabotit ten feet away.
Uthcrs must havo been wasting bullets
about tho same way; but that little com
pany was shooting to kill. In that ten
minutes of lighting the New Yorkers
suffered a loss of thirty six killed and
wounded, aud then a bayonet charge
doubled them hacked and opened a gap
for the little band's escape. I walked
over the ground and found ono dead and
ono wounded confederate. Not a gun,
blanket, knapsack or canteen had been
left behind.
Any soldier will no doubt fight better
under cover than he will in the open
field, but cover does not always insure
good fighting. At Pittsburg Landing
live thousand Union soldiers skulked
under the river bank, safo from the one
tny's fire, and many of them threw their
guns into tho river rather than firo a
shot. Again, at Yellow Tavern, five of
Custer's men, dismounted and lying be
hind a lence, held live companies ot cav
alry at, bay for twelve minutes, and kill
ed twenty-live men; and this without
getting a scratch in return.
At .Mine Kun a Union regiment went
into the light with sixty pounds of am
munition per man, making a total ot
perhaps four thousand bullets. This re
iment was placed to act as a check to
any advance of the enemy in a certain
direction. They did not see thirty con
federates during tho whole dav, and yet
it was twieo more supplied with ammuni
tion. It hied away at least twelve thou
sand bullets, and yet only killed two reb
el skirmishers.
One cool man will do more execution
with his musket than thirty men filing at
random. One must have a will strong
enough to crowd down all emotions, ami
to oblige his hands to cease trembling at
the word. Out of every regiment not
more than ono hundred men were iight-
Tlieso shot to kill. The others
lllpli and LdW lleeli.
Somo time ngo Mr. Moray devised an
apparatus for registering the steps,which
ho called an odograph. It consists of n
small cylinder, rotating by means of
clock-work 111 its interior, and ot a pen
which marks 011 thu cylinder, and is rais
ed at each step by an impulse communi
cated by it ball of air beneath tho sole.
Observations have been made 011 a
number of voting soldiers. It was ascer
tained that tho step is longer in going up
hill than down hill. It is shorter when a
burden is carried; longer with low than
high heeled boots; longer when the solo
is thick and prolonged a little than when
it is short nnd tlextblo. It thus appears
that the heel may with benefit bo almost
indefinitely lowered, whilo it is' disad
vantageous to prolong the solo ot the
boot beyond a certain limit, or to give it
nn absolute rigidity. Some influen
ces which lengthen the step lessen its
lrequency; so 111 going up tho lull
tho step becomes at tho samo time longer
anil less frequent. In walking on level
ground, the length of the step and its
irequenoy nro always proportioned.; the
quicker tho walk tho longer the step.
Jsaturo here proves the iollv ol the high
heel in a most practical manner; and
the objection to them in men is equally
applicable to ladies; and it they could
only see themselves as they totter along
perched on high heels and walking as if
stepping on egg shells,their ludicrom ap
pearance would at once stop the tashion.
Any 0110 accustomed to country life and
long walks on hills, must have felt that
terrible leg weariness which a day's shop
ping with a lady entails. The slow ir
regular walk, tho frequent pauses, and
tho dilliculty of taking short steps with
proper balance, .aro trials well-known to
men. Without'a good-shaped, low heel
ed boot, no lady, however pretty her
foot or graceful her carriage, can walk
becomingly, with ease to herself, and a
proper tlexion ot the muscles ot the leet
and legs. Half the ricked ankles come
from the heels being too high to torni a
proper steady base for the weight of tho
body, and the narrow pointed toes pro
vent their proper expansion and use.
Make a footprint in tho sand and then go
and place your boot m it what n mar
gin thero will be !
Horses even, with a horny hoof, suffer
terribly if their shoes aro cramped and
do not allow the foot to expand. Much
more might be written of the aceompa.
trying ills of tight and high-heeled
boots, but as long as women will bear
the pain so as to appear taller and have
tiny feet, so long will they do violence
lo nature's gift. Legs and feet were
given us for uso to exercise the body up
on. In fact, so cramped up and stilted
has fashion made the walk now-a davs
that a lady with wooden legs might mus
ter in the park undiscovered. London
Tlio Stars.
Venus is the evening star. She is
called evening star bceaso she cannot bo
seen after sunrise. She comes out early
every evening anil never sits up late.
This beaulifiil planet is named after a
lovely goddess whoso doineslie rela
tions were only lem happy than they
were more uiimi'ioiis, which is saving
considerable. Tho planet is not larger
than .lupiter, because Jupiter in his day
was a 'bigger man than old Jones, but
she is much brighter Venus is How re
ceding from tho suii. not hastily, but
with dignity Hko a man with u .lanuary
ulster in .lime.
lupiter is also evening star. Ho is
moving westward to grow up with tho
country. He is breaking out into red
spots like a planet with tho mcasles.until
he looks something like tho nine ot diamond-,
if uiu know what that is, if you
lo not know ask your huntlay school
teneliei; don't ask us, wo don't know the
names of any of these now dances. Ju
piter is the planet that knocks the bot
tom out of our teirestiial thermometer, tho barometer, gets up corners
on earthquakes, incites the epizootic anil
blllaes the best plans ot tho I tilted
States- signal service. Jupiter sils up
until two a. tn., concocting fresh devil
try every night. This wicked and ma
lignant planet is named after a god of
the same inline, whine wife was never
easy in her mind for one minute when ho
was out of her sight. This was tho
kind of a god he va; what can be ex
pected from the plnncl.'
baturn is another evening star. J 10
travels in style, like a Connecticut circus
with a Greek name; he has rings, and
moons and belts. Mays out until llireo
o'clock every morning, lives in the best
style; won't show himself to any family
that cant alloid a $-,'l,m.) telescope,
sleeps with his belts 011, travels mi his
shape and never pays a cent. He is
named after a god who traveled with tho
old Olympic combination, aud was very
loud ot his lamilv, especially Ins chil
dren. He liked 'em rare.
The i-tudv of the heavenly bodies is
called botany It is dangerous to look
at the stats by yourself. Personal safe
ly can only be a-sured liy having a heav
enly body you can call by the first name
just on the other side the gate. During
the cold weather, the study of botany is
best pursued 111 trout ot theparlor grate.
New Stile of Adveriisln-;
shot at random, and killed only by accl
dent. Thirty cartridges would last a
good fighter for an all day's tight. Tho
ordinary soldier would fire out his sixty
111 an hour aud a halt, and like enough
have his eyes shut half the time when he
Motives of Suicide.
The St. Louis Chronicle says : Tho
(Jorouers olhce gets remarkably low
cases of colored suicide. Tho happy go
lucky disposition ottlie averaged colored
man has much to do with tho small
showing. The fact is, thero are no re
cent cases except that of the colored
woman who, about six months ago, be
smeared herself with coal oil and witl
tho aid of a little firo walked herself into
the great unknown,
Tho records ot suicide furnish some
eccentric statistics. Iho Coroners
books shows that .after the recent revi
val in business tho suicides in this citv
were increased rather than diminished.
They couldn't stand prosperity, prob
i he showing, however, has a demora
lizing effect on some psychological
speculations that have been fiauuted
about with considerable vigor
What havo been tho principal orepell
nig lorces to sell dortruetion.
Mental derangement lirst, with strong
drink overshadowing it. This accounts
for suicides nhout election time, partial
larly during tho municipal scramble. It
would merely havo been a question ot
time nnyliow with these lellows,
six persons with lucurablo sickness
killed themselves in St. Louis last year
iive uniortuuates unable to get employ
ment in a maniifactuiing centre like this
wore milllv nf Kelf-flpstvni'linn- 'I'luirn
A novel banquet took place 111 Now is a sermon on elmiitv contained in this
and Hushing witii rougish '- m-ie io nuiiuieu per- statement somewhere.
she stepped demurely up to him. sons were present as guests. Mom the Love doesn't play any very sad havoc
4 ant Aland uavenport, sho said fteiving , me hiein u, me oiiumii vi m mis matter ot notion. The "plenty
InmrhiiKf. the COltce, not il WOld Was Spoken. '1 hero of (ish niicaii(ht" nrnverb RPPins in nun.
'And I am Wllinid Maurice! Hut, were some, speeches, but there was no Uole tho boys, or perhaps mittens havo to ,llu L'll,ow- 1110 necklae
why didn't you tell mo so down at the conversation, It was a banquet of tho qono out o'f fashion. b' 0,1 ,ll1' dark, rich tlesh, an
.. I .i....r !.. 1 r .1...:.. .i. I . .. . . .1 1..,: 1 ......1 11 1 1 iiiiiiL-n 111 iiuuor ui iiieu pauou, me
Kev. J-r. 1 nomas iiitilauilet, who had
just returned from a live mouths trip to
Alilau, whither ho went to attend a
conterenco ot thu worlds instructors ot in p-ive nn all bono
cleat mutes, lhoy were not tlio solemn Jealousy which
in his eyes and sombre people we nro apt to regard i,cei, referred to
brought the warm blood ehariu- then), but very happy anil merry nuleetl, mo,lster(" aosen't help to pilo up tho
a trip up hero would heal my wounded ,miiL.,i the digger. A member of the
iie.iu, ami i.iuijiieu eij mium; iui siroud .Michigan iiitaiitiv hit tho case
a lellow with a sorrow.
'Do tell!' grandma said.
'There's nothing to tell, except all my
arrangements were made to visit New
port and Saratoga with Aunt Daven
port and tho girls; but Ilerriek, at the
oilico had to chango his plans, aud could
not spare 1110 at tho time'
A look of sudden amazement finished
his sentence, for ho saw Maud sitting by
the window, lair and sweet, dimpling
pretty well at Hlaokburn Ford. When
thu skirmishing began ho counted his
cartridges, and said:
'Just sixty of em, and I'll firo threo
a minute, ami navo these tellers licked
111 just twenty M mutes to a tick!
A 'ovcl Ilantiuct.
At nu events, mere were 111st three
persons out of (as Prof. Woodward has
it) who during last year considered them
selves sufficiently disappointed by Cupid
has also at tunes
as "tho green-eyed
ing, tho pio-nics, the views, tho air. You laudiiK't'
win not, nave hiil-u .111 iiiiuuviiiuiu nun-. wny didn t vou ask mef sho retorted
'Hut I want to go with you nnd Leo. Laucilv.
Mamma, I just hate lllard Maurice 'Jk'causo I was so heart-broken at the
for spoiling my summer so! .jeep disappointment of not spending tho
11111, ciespuo -u.imiuB e.iuiun .uiu inn- SUmmer nt JNewport with you, lie an
I n..,,n:i,,tn.i, nml llt-ittlir It, tin Vltllfll 1 1 fill 1 1 . , IJ 1
uiiiiiiiiiniiii, in... ..... .v.. BYrcrcii, cpiicKiy, wiiu a iook
when her mother wrote to tho farm, say- tlnt brought the warm hi
inir that, if agreeable, sho would send Her jiv tn i,r r.i,...ks.
youngest girl out for tho summer, when And her mother had sent her awav any body else can talk, nnd enioythem
tho time of departure came, two days nf- ,, lloro . void this snlendid fellow, selves thoroughly. Hishop Potter was
ter Mrs. Davenport nnd Leo left for their wju tho gray eyes and curling, golden- present early in tho evening, but after
outing, Maud was in good spiuts and brown hair 1 Weil ' saying a low words ot good cheer ex
went olt quito reconciled. im&eii liimsf )t aim withdrew. An excel!- It might reasonably bo supposed that
-T ..lw.11 lSlw. It ,.v fl.n G T r..m.ndn I . 1 I . a- , 1 It i I ,1 . .. . . ni. it t w.n . .1 1 4 1 . si ,.44...lin,. , t I 1. . , , ,
-i Mi.,.. iuw it uh uiu .i. ) ou can t ncin Avnat iuio lias orimineu tlM-vhuh imwnwuu m nut woum nave neon Jaruer
luvcr, inter an, sou asauicu nursc-ii. jir, ijnvenport Haul, consolingly, when "- ""' two uuuis, .win men an uno poor indv with it romantio pass
And then, when her lather bail kiss- t10 ncws 0 t10 engagement camo to address ot weicomo to Ur. i.allaudet ion for tier husband ended her life soon
who can talk with eaah other ns well ns nornoner's statistics to any alarming ex
somk or Tin: nr.vtms iti:soi!Ti:i to nv
vr.itTir. Tiii'.nt noons.
A Now York correspondent of tho
West Chester "Republican', writes tho
following to that paper in regard to the
new style of advertsing adopted by
somo of the leading men of that city:
Another offense against good taste was
an advertising girl who had been pent to
tho ball by a Hroadvvay confectioner.
There has of late been hot competition
between the candy merchants. They
put their workmen into the windows,uso
electric lights, and every means of at
tracting attention. Heautiful sales girls
havo been a device, and several types of
i emarkable American loveliness aro on
exhibition in the stores. They aro os
tensibly employed to sell candy, but re
ally aro set up to bo admired. They aro
vii Minus girls for all I know and, as a
rule, they repel any male advances. In
deed they are not displayed with a view
to draw men, but to please women.
Most women aro ardent admirers of
beauty in their own sex, in spite of jeal
ousy, and a candy store with lovely
clerks is sure to be thronged by them.
Well, one establishment has sictired a
surpassingly gorgeous brunette, with
sparkling eyes and lips sweeter than
the poisoned sugar sho sells. She is tho
talk of tho shoppers. In order to gain
for her a wider notoriety, her employer
sent her to tho ball, lie haddiessed her
at an expense of .)00 for her costumo
and an unconjectiirablo amount for di
amonds. These brilliants, consisting of
i necklace ami ear lings, were unques
tionably genuine, and their woith was
tally 5!5,,000. it was said that he had
hired them for tho night of a dealer.
The dress, however, was now, and lilted
her too perfectly not lo have been made
expressly for her. It was of white bro-
catellu and white satin, Princess shape.
Tho front was of gathered salin, covered
with laco and white beaded embroid
ery, aud the train was brocatelle, Mimm-
ed with plaited tlounces. and edged with
a coral satin balavouso. Thu corsngo
was cut out s-qttare and the sleeves came
necklace lay showi-
tnd her raven
hair was brushed well back fiom her
ears, so that the glistening pendants
might hang in bold relief. Sho was tho
centre of glances wherever sho went,
and whenever anybody asked who she
was, somebody was pretty sure to iccog
nize her as Hlank it lllank's cleik. Sho
will be discussed in society for a week
and no doubt the adveitiseinent will
tent. There is one solitary example for fost. To guard against the risk
tho year. '0S1Irt tno diamonds, threo private de-
A very strange fact is that only
person suicided through fear of disgrace.
tectives in immaculate evening dress,
wero constituted tho girl's body guard.
'Don't talk such iionseneo I' sho aa
swered, hysterically. 'If you were a res
olute, positive man, you would put your
toot down against it
A mel
ius eyes
'My dear, if I had put my foot down
against many things. I am convinced wo
would all bo better off. Hut in tho pres
ent instance, I'll bo resolute for once and
let Maud marry tho man sho loves.'
And Mauds summering was most
blessed after all.
ed her good-bve, and loft her safo and
satisfied in Grandma Cleveland's charge,
Maudo was quite positive that she would
enjoy it all vastly.
And so sho did, for a week or two,
and then bIio began to get lonely, and
dear old Grandma racked her brains for
amusements nnd diversions, nnd at
length was seized with a happy thought,
that resulted m nu announcement a week
later, that was most acceiitablo to Maud.
'I vo lust had a letter from ono ot the
gills, and she's going to send one of tho
children out for a spell. It'll bo quite
company for you, Maiidie.'
'Uh, clear, yes! 1 hope auntie which
nuiitio is it Grandma? Aunt Cynthia, or
aunt Samantha'i Anyhow I hope she'll
send somebody that knows how to havo
a good out-of-door time. And I am so
glad its ouo of tho younger ones. I be
lieve a grown up girl or a young man
would bo a nuisance instead a relief,
Grandma peered over tho silver-ninm-
ed glasses.
'1 wrote particular to havo soma one
of tho children sent. I know you'd rath
er havo it so. You must bo all reiulv bv
to-morrow, Maud '
Maud laughed.
'I don't know how to get ready,
rrranilmii. 1 don't know whether to tret
. . . . : . o i . !.... .. , .,
out my dominoes and juckstruws lor a I nunuu puper nonces tiiai a marsnaii
uoy or my lancy woi-.nnu my uutograpn I " wniuo iiuiauu mwu aim iiiuu
uiburn loraoin.- iiiim uwu.
was read and translated into the sign after ho had paid the debt of nature.
luuKiiiKi-, i. wuiiiiuuui lespuuueu a gnet stricken mother closed Iierearth.
in ino samo silent tongue. ny existence that she might ioiii her
'I llall'Jl tiAltfl ltlilt'i-i iniulu nil fidlAii,.-! I M 1 v f
- fv nviw tn wiu iuini0 tin ji'iiu t p i CUml,
each dl'UIIKin SlleilOOl "IhOStatOOt S K-tv nersnns. (mm nil
rry, sarcastic twinklo camo into Jwl oik : May truth and law prevail; elded last year in the citv.
"The New York Institution for the Deaf
causes, sui-
ond Dumb; " I ho sign Language;" "the
church Mission; "Thu Deaf Mute press,"
"Tho Instructors of tho Deaf;" "Tho
I'orelgn Deaf Mutes in America;" "Old
llarttord.tho mother of American Insti
tutions; St. Ann's Church;" "Tho Na
tional Deaf-Mute College;" "Our Couti- early
Ayer's Pills are tho best of all uurgn
lives for family iho. They are pleasant, unto
ami sure ami excel all other Pills In healing
huu curative qualities.
Hunted Me.
A WVirWitiRtriau aai: 'Debt, poverty and
fuQ'erinn hunted uiei for years, caused by a
kick faintly nml Ixrgt tiills tor iloctorlntr.
which din nn K' ed. I was completely dis
Oiurnil'd, until oiih year ago, by the advice
ot my i4st ir, 1 procured Mop Hitters aud
ooiumemeil llit-lr use, aud in one mouth we
were all well, mm none ns liayo been sick
a day slncr; ami I want to say to all poor
men, ynu can keep your latnllies well a year
with Hop Hitlers for less than one doctor's
visit will cost.' ClirUtian Advocate,
Kly'a Cream balm has cured in h nf Ch
tarih nffeverul years' standing, 1 have to
covered my sente of taste and sinfll by Uh
ue, and can truthfully say ilie Italm ih ceedingly interesting ouo tl
micquH a-a cuie inr this terrible riUeaje. Thu Times reporter was prest
I'lankl) Orfdrti, Lluahetli, N. J., Apg M, e ' l)taf.-tllt' '
16711 Kt mivxrl uiii,ii " tUI'.V 01 ll,U lA'ai-AllllCS .
w " --v ... ....
, i, , .111 i pieiuy ever rear, on guage, both in speaking and writing,
the bosom of her soli, our own, our na- and also to abandon the uso of shi-ig
tivo lamli "Iho Manhattan Literary words and phrases. The longer they
Association. ino eveniuir was an iiv-lll-.. i,.. lr,-.i a ;m,.ii,. , ,
I ...V, IHU UtV.lU IIIIMllllll UIU Ull
Luv on No Law. A soldier of tho
Tenth Georgia leg'unent was court-mnr-
We advise all young people to acquire 'iuU'l fo1' wlmt hi' 1'i,fllua laying quar
arly in life tho habit of using good lau- terinaster, that is, for taking things
without paving tor menu ins punish
ment, among other things, consisted in
marking tiiuu lor an hour each day on
nilKiinn ..i" tho iieaii uni uarici. niiu no wasi
good language becomes. If any one's K'"gagcd ono day, a comrndo passed by
esented with earlv years' bo passed in abuse, tin. nn. ami nceosteci nun with, moo, why nru
py ol tho Ueat-Mutes Journal, a fortunate, victim nf .ii,..mi,M. you marking time thero lorf .loo nu
well prepared and neatly printed weekly is verv iiobablvdonmi.,ltn tnlU- ulm,r f,.,. swred us well as tho dilliculty of keep
During the pat five years I have mile red I newspaper, edited nnd published by deaf I llfo. Money is not necessarv tn semii-o "K Id" balance would allow: 'Don't
friim Cutu'rh ami used without relief rente
dies ptuscrlleil by viirlms pbyslciaus. I wai
aihli-cd to try Ely's Cream Habu, am ut-tug
it will) bentiiclul results, and feel confident
lhat I shall be CQinpleti-ly cured of a dieae
that haterlnuly rtlrcted not only my w
Irila but also my liearloir, W. A. liriiilzinn
holler, jr., wholeealo tobacconist, Newark
Pi. J.
mutes, It was after midnight when the this education. Kvorv man bus it in !! know Vaotly; believe its some foolish-
address of welcome wos begun, and at power. Ho has to uso tho in,,,,,,,,,,,, ness 'bout somo chickens.'
2 o clock St. Anns Churcli and tho Peaf which he reads, Instead of tho slang Comrade Well, thoy havo no light
AIUIO VOIIt'gO wero IllSt nbOllt belllg wh nh ho hears, to torni tnntPti from il... to hhu you. do that kincl ot a thing.
Vmi who lend &edf-ntfirv ltveunr1nl ,. 1 .!
........... , , i ins uieiuuiy, una uauituaio l list to
tailw, Bhoeiualcem, etc., will find a (treat .i.,,... .. nvnidime nt th., -,,,. ti. i,..
relief for the constipation which you in of- 1 , 1 ?1' nNpliu.nt nt V' B,l",lu '"""V"
leiisuflVr, bylalfimt Simmnn's Lim Uesu I'Pdaiitio precision nnd bombast which
lator, It U a aliunle. Iiarmlrm, vegetable) 'ow rniuer me weakness ot yam nm
compuuud, aure to relieve you, and can do I bition than tho polish of nu educated
uoiuiury, imiaa.
best speakers and poets of the country, " law for it.
to treasure up choice phrases in J' lon't earo whether there'i
and habituate himself to
s nnv
law for it or not, I'm a doiu' it.
Dr. 1. itawls. of Counernvllle. Ind.. tiro-
nouiic a Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ta an lu-
liillihle rcintdy in the community. Ileaaia
it finda a ready aale at all Unit. It la thu
(eople'a remedy. Price 25 cents.