1 w It . ftTr- 1 ' i;wwem,iia ft" nii.in, wwawawtjia Att'fiWn 1 VimMiimaaiiimihiinUiM mvbHmm ., ..l6,, BtBOMSBURa COLttilBIA ttOTj'NTY, PA.' THE COLUMBIAN AND DEM6ckAT, 3g lliniioliiliiifiili l'avorlily Mrntlnnrd. The wniM U full of t1Unininimtiit, mill it In ovcrllowii witli Mont icnlllks. Many iitonrVel jiillow nt tiiulit lirtji Iwtn tin? resting place (if joy In the morning. Many u t im-iti of nudum 1ms licOn tlio antl ('liainl)i't' of ,Ii:ii1iiosh riilur tlian tlreatus over lirouglit it Many a lit of Mckitoai has been a renewing of Ijfo's great policy, and from many a grave. iiiih lliuro gono into the wothl again, a frcMjd nnd loving heait,-tromliing with iU own silence Willi the nign of some tlUtuiit dove bringing a new leaso of life -a chunicr of joy with dmiwn and repining omitted. "Many a cold wind lias blown away the heart, miivin!i,tliuugh its blast piped right mcrrilj for : time, and wo trembled at tho 'lorm which brought us the nun. We nro all born to troiibld. In every hMrt w a safo-vOod know? where tlio key i.v In Jvcry heart is Homo ticeret of life or death. In tlio lito of every man, morn, noon and night are marked with ilk'iiiimiiittiicntii. It is the grave of events from wiiich spring and grow vigorous deeds. 1'eaee lol lows war as shadows follow the sun. The thicker the iou tho dceiicr must have been tho water. The longer lasts tin winter, tho more rapidly enmes tho sun which starts anew tho frozen current Dbappolnuteuts are tho lessons of life They aro its dark background which sets forth tho 'moU lasting and beautiful pic tures. Life is a forest. In it arc dead trees and living ones. Tho ono gives shade let in rest under their branches. mw makes tho heart better. Disap pointments renew our lo.'o. 'I ho lu.p -d-cil river stops not forever, hut tinds a new current, and like tho llshing of his anger, rushes on with now force. AVhat if you havo been disappointed! Others havo been. All may look cold to-day it will not so look to-morrow. Tho deepest sorrows hnvo brought the choicest hlessings--the sickness of hope proved tho convalescence of joy. Nov or givo up. Never say fail! Never bo discouraged. Failure is the servant and success ot the child of cfTort. Look up. Look to tho future of thisilife; to tho coming ono. Your heart may bo tho cemetery of a thousand disappointments there is room yet for leaty-boughed success to spring from and around every grave, making tho blessed future, a laby rinth bowers a wilderness of joy an oceau of prosperity a heaven of heartfelt bliss. Hunted Me. A Wnrkingmmi : 'Debt, poverty anil nift'erinR hunted me for years, caused by a ick family nnd largo bills for doctorinp-, which did noenod. I was completely dis ouraged, until one year ago, by the ndvice ot my pastor, i procured nop uiuer aim coramem ed their use. and iu one monlh we were all well, and none us have btou sick a day since: and I want to say to all po men, you can keep your families well a yenr with Hop Bitters for lesi taan one doctor visit will cost.' Chrufian Advocate. Advnntaces of Poverty. The advantages attached to poverty in most religions are sumcionuy uoiuuuum. Tho four leadimr orders of Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustines and Carmelites aro all of them orders ot heggars. aim Beranger calls the Gospel to witness the truth of his assertion that they arc a hap py people. Their pleasures aro at length described bv tho picturesauo writers of Spain, by tho sago who calls their life a boneless morsel, a chain of delights j and by Hrotne, in his "Jovial Crew, or Heg gars' Chorus," in which their happiness is preferred to that ot kings. And thero bo still any person with soul bo dead as to ba' incapable of amnecinting at a hich value a condition of life which is sweetened by pleasure and made noble by art and religion; if there bo anv one 't.- ; i. . .. WHO IS pel V erBU council IU uuuamvi nimn a state distinguished" less by glory than disgrace, let him look to cure his folly.as tho Israelites looked at tho. nrazen ser pent, on tho names of those great beg gars traced by Time's finger in golden letters on tho wide walls ot tho world,on tho names of philosopher, general and poet, on tho names Diogenes, Uelesarius and -Homer. Messr. Elv Bros.. Ditipeists. Oweco N. Y. To your inquiries regarding our sales of ' ('ream Halm' tor (Jiuarrh, llay Pever, i&o., I will pay tnat it has by its superior merits nearly supplanted the use of iilher like remedies with mv customers aid constantly aud rauidlv inert rsinir in ap.n Tlmueli oiitiosed to recnmmetnlluir patent medicines as a olaff, I make this cue of a few (xcent ions, aud fiff.r it to my fiienn aod customer as the best remedy fur il nurnoie tbutl have cvcrsnld. V. A. Con over, Druggist, Newiuk. N. J. My son, aged nine years, wes afflicted with Catarrh: tho uso of Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. E. Hammnn Dmggitt, Eastou, I'a. Hislrprleed Advertising. It is sometimes questioned hy mer chants whether advertising pays. The Question will hardly bear discussion in the light of the following facts, tales for transient aavertisemems oemg ngurvu Tho Chicago Tribune, it is said, for column a year receives 20,000: tlio Now lork JlcralU receives tor its lowest- priced column $89,72:1, and fortho liigli est $318,000; tlio New York Tribune for its lowest $29,701, for its highest $.', CIS; and these papers aro nover at a loss for advertisements to till their columns Their patronage comes not from any do sire to assist tlio respective paper, but from business men who find it profitable to advertise. Jlochester CnioH. Kighty-Five Dollars host. "You don't toll me our biuliand Uuy and about again, and entirely cured by m pimple a medicine as Parkers Ginger Tunic? "Yes, indeed, I do," t-nid Mrs. Bel jsniin to lier Inquiring neighbor, and that too when wn hid loolialily faid eighty.five dollars in doctor's bills and pretcriplions, and atter lit had beeu given tin by bis physicians to die, Now my husband feels bh well as fvu, en linly turwl by this ixcellent Tonic.'1 And icany a t-lrk ninn mlghi be well iu a week I they" would only try it. Easy on Itellglon, The bridogrooui of a Wnukegan wed ding was a llaptist aud tho brido was a Methodist. Thoy had agreed that imme diately after tho ceremony they would decide by chance which would embrace tlio other's religion. Theplliciating cler gyman declined to toss up a cent, partlv becnuso he would not countenance such a proceeding, and partly becausp,beiug a Methodiit, ho might bo accused of fraud if the brido won. The' brido herself fi nally throw the coin and lost. When she went to join tlio UaptiBts, however, they rejected her because sho did not be licve iu eloso communion. That dis pleased tho husband and ho went over with her to tho Methodists. With every exeition tho best man can do only u moderate amount of good; but it seems iu the power of tho most con temptible individual to do incalculable mischief, Ayer's Ague Cure is uo infulllble euro for Fever u J Ague In all Hi forms The pro prietor! warrant itaud their word Is u good U.Sl.feood. Try It. Take Car or Willv In the House of Lords. Lord 11 roil gham once mentioned two souiowhat re markahlo facts, showing tlio necessity of having a vale place lor the depository oi wills. Tho lirst ease was ono In which ono of hif noble friends, in heir-at-law, lost, nud another of his noble frieuds,as a devisee, gained, i;il),000 a year How tlio first lost it, and the last gained it, was by a will being found in a rusty old box in an old travelling carriage, and which, therefore, might have been naturally lost by accident or destroyed from ignorance. 'I he second case was one, also, in which soino of It's noble friend were concerned and the sum in question was no less than Z 1(10,001). This sum would havo lieoh entirely lost to the purpose for which it intended, it the inquiries relative to tho existence of a will with respect to it had oeen instituted in'tho winter instead ot in tlio summer. Tho will was searched for everywhere, but could nowhere bo found, until nt last it was discovered in a grate, and stuffed like a piece ot waste .. .1 .1. .1... I !f . I 1 1 iu per uitimmi inu iiarss ii ii. 1 1 : i iicen winter instead ol summer, iu all probab llity when tho lire had been lighted i would have been destroyed. It docs not make any difference how fo vern the cane of billtousderangeinent Is, Sim mons' liiver Kegulntor will euro it speedily and eirectually without salivation, or that prostlatlonsnf the system ensuing from tlio mo of drastic purgatives. Vi there aro many spurious Imitations ot this valuable medicine, take care you get the genuine. 'We have been selling your medicine for tome time, nnd wo find it belter adapted to tiin cure ot billout ntincfci than any otner medicine wo have ever ued or sold. Janic M. Ueasley & Co., Mumiolla Ark.' A Man of Nerve A thrilling accident occurred at the American Iron Works, in l'lttsbnrg, recently. While Cohort Moore was at work at his rolls his catcher failed to sei.o with his tongs a barot red hot iron which had been laced between tho roll ers. The iron twisted itself thrico around tho roll, forming a 'collar.' The catcher struck tho iron, when there flew oil a piece in the shape ot a ring, with a stem twenty inches long running off at right angles to the circle, l no nanu new duck and fell around Mooro's head, resting on ills shoulders. Quick as thought ho grabbed the long stem with his tongs and the while hot ring with his hand, and with steady nerve and gentle movement lifted tho ticry thing from his shoulders. llis Jaco was badly burned, ana thonesn of his hand was cut into the bone. After tho iron had cooled he put the ring over lus, head. What Everybody Wants. It is a iileasaut. reliable medicine that nnver docs am body anv barm, and nreveuts nnd cures c'iseaso by keeping UieeWmacli in per led order, the bowels tegular, anil me kidneys and iiver active. Such a medicine Is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relieves every rase, and we havo seen stacks of letters from tliou'ands who have been taveu and cured byil. See other column. Tribune. A (laecr Kotnttn Custom. There is an odd custom which is ob served by all true ltomans, namely, the eating or large beans on the 'M ot xsc vcmber. The origin of this custom is not known, but it is thought that in old en times the dead were honored in May instead of November, and that, as beans were then in season, they formed pat t of tho feast. Now, however, dried beans have to be eaten, and, as every one does not like that food, the Church allows im itation beans. These are mado of sugar and pastry, mado up in the shape ot and called dead mens bones. J. ho very name is sullicient to deter many from partaking of this pastry, though it is said to lie delicious, but the sight of a human bone, even when being eaten by tho prettiest, of mouths, is not pleasant. Tho custom of placing these death-bones on dining tables had the same origin as that ot introducing skeletons at leijlivais to remind tho guests that all were mor tal, aud that it was best to einoy me whilst they could. Mica is now used in the soles of boots and shoes. A thin layer is placed under the in sole. A Clock Made of llreni!. Milan lias a curiosity in a clock which is mado entirely of bread, Tho maker is a Peruvian, a native of India, and has devoted three years of his time to the construction of this cnaiosity. He was very poor, and, being without means to purchaso tlio necessary metal, deprived himself regularly of his daily bread, which lie devoted to the construction of this curiosity, eating tlio cnibt and sav ing tho sost part for doing his work Ho mado use of a certain' salt to solidih liis material, and when tlio various pieces were dry they weie perfectly hard and insoluble to water. The clock is of re spectable size, and goes well. The case which is also of hardened hi end, display! great talent in design and execution. Neither Washington nor Jefferson were specchmakers, audit is noticed that their names are venerated and respected by everybody. A trump wuko up suddenly with u cold pwial standing in great beads upon his foiehead. " hats tho mattei; ask ed his compnnion. "A frightful dream! I d reamt I was at work. lloatmen tiro kept tit each of the three bridges at liomo to rescuo persons at tempting suicide. A suburban Paris dealer announced that lie sold donkeys like his father. FERRY HE US!; MMk. DAVIS' VEGETABLE PEItrSY DAVIS & MRS. LYDIA H. PINKHAM. or LYNN, MASS. ruoivtnrn or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE&ETABLS COMPOUND. The I'oMHti Cn For nil Fomnlo Complaints. ThUrrtpAffttlon, M It hftrri tlgnlflrfl, rnnslrti ot Vt aU&l0 rropei i IM lliat are LAtinles to tho tnt del trat Invalid. Vimr'to trial tliontertti of tbh Com KunJwKIIsivwi.Tiil Hlf ai relief I luuncdUtoi ml VitiU II ' uvU i-tiiitliiiKtli la itlnvtr-iiluec'KlD ft hurt. dHJ,arUftitr.tcurultriruttd(MthoMtJtiiiU IH iit j. Oil luvuuut tifltipruvtnucrltfl, ltfto-drii iuimnen.UitAuJiiew'i)bNltjr the U-tt i.h)itclaQ Iu Ihoti'Uhtrjri It lll cure rutlrrt tlio wort form of filling ot tho iiterun, IxttoorrliaA, Irirtfiilnr nnd rxilnful Mcnitni.ition(sllOTnrlonTroublcii, InflammAtlon and Ulceration, FlwKlIn(fsaUl)Irilacfmenta atl ttia con liientiitlnAlwra1tiieM,andta rfiivlaly adAtod t V.to Change of Ufa, ItwUldhwolve and etrx-l tumon f pnni tlio uterus In an rarly Btage c t dcTclojmpnt. T!ie tj.iJv(iey tjranccroJilraiuoratUero 1j chocked ery mHitil by Us uso. 1.1 fail It liqi proveil to to the jtrcat c t and boit nmt-dj that ha crer tcn dlxcottr r I. H Kfimato every portion of tho (jetem, and trtves luwllfoendvljor. ltrMnorcsfalntness,flatalottcy,dr Ktroya aHcmTinj f or ntUnuUuti.and rcllerc w akncK of tlioito.uich Itcurwrirtatlntr, llcadaelicit, SerTtm iYostratlon, acucral debility, riccrlcunca, lerrcalon ai.it Iudl Ccstlon. That fucKnjf of bcarlna down, cauFlnjp jmln, we'eht mid boefcac he, ts nhrayi ienaanently cured 1 y tUuaa. It willftt all V.r.tt Mid under til clreuuuUin cm, art l-i hinuony nlthtlio hw tliat poerni tlia (cmfllosyi-trj, . Fjr KMnryCowitlaiitli of t liber Kf tl.U romti.Dd tnmstiri awi Lydia C. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lutircimrrdatKUanlCSWc-Ttcm Avenue, ijvn, .! Ice Ci.ai. f, U bottled for Bc,ii I y i. tl I the fjn:H'f iHli,altlntbu foiia vtlwniyx, i.n iwcl. t of pr!te, J1.C0, r Lor, for tltlior. tln. IINKItAU ficclyansveriiOll.ttcrjof iJ;'Jry. Bend for pum .hlct. A ddnss-j as abovo Mtntton IV i;wr. No famKyslioulJ bo without LYDIA K. rXNKnA?l UVUnntTA They re Conrt!latlon, ruicuinc and Torrllty of the Liver, n ciptu cr box. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAI & 10., General Agents, Ihila., Pa. SOLD HY MOYSR BB07HERS., Bloflasburg, Pa .Piny n, ly. If you are a man 1 f.f Iiivimioi.weJLk. 1 ened bi;.o rti'tiii or 1 yoar Cutlcs avoid fttbuulantiaud uiv ' tirstoIltniroTrrn.l inin lirnf'i t.rtvand Hoo uittors SWaMf, UM) HOP Urn nfferlnff f rom ary ln- 1 f rnn fire Tountr and dUuUbu or 0;tfila ried or lini'le. old or . i.r th ci tajiirulxh Itioni II ypunroriar- ititr on a umi ui atea- I irfM. Hly f HOP iBlttors. . VVliocver you are. whentvtr you ftl thAt ynr Byntem Tfiowanasuie oo nuaUy Iron aowo i foru or k unav lineal tua isu'H. Inr or rtlmulatimr. I harvljeciiiircituitii by a timely uooof i tfiko Hop llnveyoiirftf- D. I. C. iirMW.iaryeom filitint, chca of tVv Atonmcti, It -e blnod. tutrvnttrvft Vnu t ill be Is an etaolute and lrre&ifita ble oure for no? drunHoaneaa, uwi nr nnlutn. tobacco, or e-rid If yo'tiiM Hop Dltterg IWIXVUM I f yon a mill nv Poldhfdrti. rtt K-odlor NEVER FAIL oc:lntfl,try tl It may onvo your llfo. It has bop umxia ra co unvod hun 0ehclrrt II. T i urecs ATorenlo, Out. FAOT8 WORTH KNOWINC. J OlBg.r. Bithn, Ui1rk., Ktllltnct tni muiT otber or mo uost mwuuiiM uiuwu ore Ullrullr combined la 1'ahk Kit's flisatn Toxio. u to roaka It tho CTetet Elood Purifier .nil Tb. Utl. Ileum in. airsiiKbu nciivnf Efr t'ed. RnTvrfect Is tho compofilUon of Pahm OrKriin traaa that no dlreaso can lODZ eiitf hrhereltlaused. If you nave Dy.pep.lt, Hud-. one, Khumti.m, nranijn, """Lf'T' ,. niuntf mild etlm-' n. I n.aardar. OT II TOU ntt"U Bk milu BUJU' ulant. or appetlier, the tosio U Just the rati- MKT, UO w mw . . . u It la hichlr curstlre and In- icme tor juu. ' lt tou aro slowly wasting away with Con-; 'umpUon or any aicimesa, u you navu a r.miui Cough or a bad Cold, lVaua'a uwodj TOino, Tlmr to the feeble and anil, and la acoruln. . m - .. . 1 L . I lnJn,,M It Hi Bated Unadredi of IJtetJ It MJ If you are feeling miserable don't wait until you are down hoc, du ujso urj .ui..u h'-j No matter what your discaso or symptoms may. , Kememoer i j-arkkh uwuw mwu w a rum drink but the Be.t and Purett Family. UaiIka am, mnnA- ramnwuuru uv ,. nun inroooe, and entirely different from Bitters, a COc. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Deit and Hoit Economlc.l ll.lr DrtMlot exquisitely perfumed and perfccOy harmless. TTlil Alwajs rteitore Oray or Faded Hair to Its orirjnal youthful color and .ppcarance, .J I; wurutcdia .top lu Wlbs, assist iu growth od "Vaptfction of the B.uM will .often th. tulr. clems, all dwdniff and cure itching; and hu, lUunefthcKalp. SoldbyalldniK(i1,l",SO(''. 0.t. I, !i-tf 181. Harper's Weekly. IIL.T.XJSTI,-A. fED. 'I liis periodical, by lUablo and BCholarly dlacus bloni otitis questions ot the day, as well as by Its Illustrations which are prepared by I he Ikbi artists -h&HAlwayH eicrted tho must pon ertul uutl bsum clal lutlueiico upon the public u.lnd. The weight ot Its lDducno will nlwayn be found on the side of morality, enllghtenmvnt.aud retlnement. HAEPEKB PERIODICALS ilMII'iltt WKHKI.Y.cdo year ,.! uo UAHPKIiiMAOAZINK, cut) year , 4 oil 1AUPKUS ha Z A It, 01.0 year 4 oo rho Tl! It Ki; above publications, one year 10 uo ny TWO aboionatned,jBO jenr J 40 lAitrliayoi.NU riiWLE, ouejear 1 M l'ostarie Kree to all BubJcrlbeN in tho United iut;s or Canada Iho VuluineHOf the WuxtT begin wttb tliutlrst dumber I r Jununry tench year. When no time is urntloi f d,U will be undcrntood that tliu subM ilbcr w h to cuniuivLCu with tho number next utter the receipt of order. Urn U-t Kii-vcn Annual volumes ct lUvrsxs WKKLT,laneatcloth binding will bo sent by mall, wiintfo pald.or by express freo of expense (oroTldcil be freight doeB not eiceod one dollar per volume,) for I 04 each " Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable forblnilln?, bo sent by mall postpaid, on receipt of $1 ca:h. Itrmtl tances should b made by rnst Gffico Money Order or Uratr, to uvold chance ct loss. Newspapers are not to copy tula advertisement without the express order of Harper & Drothers. Address lUTtrXli 4 IlltOTUEItS, New York. PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and External Use, Il a SURE CURE for all ths DUeaiet for which It Ii recommended, and l ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE la the hind, of even the moit Inexperienced person!. It ii a sure and iiulrk remedy for COl'tillS, SOKIl Til It OAT, I'lIIl.I.S, and iiliull.r troiiUiat afford. l.iui nil' U ! ml ialtoaiil of DII'llTllKUIA, od la the be.t knuyru rtnicdy for IHIKTJ3IATIM3X aud MilUtAMlIA. THE OLDEST. BEST. AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It lift beeu iMftl wllli atu-h wouderful urt'fi it ah partt a uorlj tor JHAMIrt, ('IIOIJIUA, DIAUKIKIU, UVHKNTKUV and all HOU'liL COJiriaiNTH, Ma( it h vnt4n4 u faltlf tutt Jvr lKs4 dltut$t HA8 STOOD THE'TEST IF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It i. ltCCOMSIUNIIUD by Physicians, lUluiauarlm. nilalsters, Jlunuurr. ot rinnlutlnaa, WorU.KUop., and Factories Muritr lu llu.pilula-la iholt, by liver) body eeryhcro ho hu eir given It a trlid. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL ASA LINIMENT. It ahouM .lw.y. bu uned for 1'uln In the Hack uud Hldr, and Irtfgt jMiy aAf j,rMaA(M( till In all raws of llrulae Cut., Hpruium Severe llurua, Hculd, eta M 1'A.IIII.Y CAN HAFEI.Y HIS WITHOUT IT. II wul annually wv. toauy times It. cu,t la doctor. UUm. and lta price brltun It within Uia reach of ah. It 1. mid at S!5c. fiOc. aad 1.00 a Imttle, and ca U M.lMd from an drarsiata. SON, Providence, ft. I. jdttKM jL -" !L -R I 1Mb I A0Lbr3- Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. 1 r Is a most nc;rocalilo drcssltiR, which Is nt unco liaunlcM nml effectual, for pre senilis tlio hair. It restore", with tho gloss nml freshness of youth, fnilcil or gray, lij-ht, nml reil hair, to a licit brown, or deep btock, ns may bo dcslrcil. Hy lis uso thin hair Is thickened, and baldness often thmiRh not always cured. It checks falling of tlio hair Immediately, and causes a new primlh In all caes where the p,latn!s ata lint decayed ! while to brahy, weak, or olherwlM! illeased hair, It Imparls vitality and itii'nqth, and lenders It pliable. Tho Virion cleanfics tho calp, cures and prevents tho foiniatlon of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing ptopettles, It heals most If not nil of tho humors and diseases peculiar to tho scalp, keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair ate Impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair Tho Vkiou Is Incomparable. It Is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil whlto cambric. It Imparts an agreeable nnd lasting perfume, nnd ns an article, for tho toilet It Is economical and unsurpassed In lis excellence. Propnrctl bv Dr. J. C. Ayor 84 Co., I'l.iclli'&lniid Analytical CliemLI.. Lowell, Mass. (!UU lit All. UKfSllUTa EVERTWUtnt. 1881. Harper's Bazar, This p ipular periodical ta pre-eminently a journal for the bousthold. Kvery Humaer furnldhcs the latett information In regard to fashions In drcn und ornament, tho new estandmoft approved patlcrns, Willi aoscriptiv arllcloB derived from authentic and original sour ces ; while Its Stories, roems, and Kssays on Social and Domes' la Topics, give varltty to its columns. HAEPRKS PBRT0DI0ALS- UAHrilRSBAZAn.ono year H oo HAItl'KItS.MAOAZlNE, one year 4 0 IIAItl'KUH WEEKLY, ono year 4 Ou Tho THIl&K abovo publloattons, ono J car 10 Any TWO abovo named, ono year 1 HAHl'EIt'.S YOUNfl 1'EOPI.K, ono yenr 1 I'estatro Vrco to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada Tho Volumes of tho Uizik begin with the first Number for January ot each year. When no time mentioned, It will bo understood that tlio subscriber w tbhes to commence with tho numoer next niter me rocelDt of order. Tho lastKlofcnth Annual Volumes ot lUnrKit' nizAit. In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mnl' postage pald.or by expross.treo of expense (provided tho freight does not exceed ono uoiiar p:r voiuuw. for 17 each. Clotli cases for each volume, suitable for binding will ba sent by inall.postpaid.oa rccept of H oo each. Kemlttano slnul l bo maid by Post omce Money Order or Droit, to avoid chanco of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advestlscnent without tho oxpresi order ol Harper llrothers. Address II ATU'KIl IlItOTIlEUM ew York', MORRIS & IRELAND. NEW, IMPROVED, EIGHT FLANGED FIRE PROOF S J&L. Jb ' . . H i 3 . rilU ONLY EIQUT-FLANQKD SAFE IN TH13 WOKJLD AND CCiSTAININQ MOKE IMPROVEMENTS THAN ANY SAFE MADS, 8UCH AS Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Patent Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Comoro, CHAMPION RECORD IN THE GREAT BOSTON FIER Largo Numbers Now UKIKti BOIjU IN THIS STATE. HB.ND FOU IIESCIUITIVK CATALOGl'E, 'MORRIS &JRILAP; Boston, MWrBki hfltlH.io-W. I' ) I . ,. - . BLOOM SB UBG STATE NORMAL S U h O u L SIXTH NOHMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIllHsnitiOb, aunt, present ronitltuU-d, OttfMthe very best facilities for l'rofi'sslonal and ClanMCai learning. llidldlhesspaclous. Inviting and commodious : completely heated by Bloum, well icntllntcd, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.iofl :..tV-Lll, ...... i nna.. n .hMM n.A,mi,..rvt ..nnTnttA. nfiiolnnt. nnd nvn tn thnlr work. 1iliclnllne. modorato, Kitty cenW a wceK deilucllon to all expecting lwm iuu liTOH mm,."". !";:?" .MJ"V."'J" courses OI siuay prcaeriueu ujr mu niuiui I. Model School II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Claosical. I Academic. 1 1. Commercial. III. Course in Music. Adjunct Courses i i Elementary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'ttOFKSSIONAb, and Students graduatng thoreln, locclvoSlnto Diplomas, conferring tho tollowln sDondtnglklitreest Master of tho Elements! Master of tlio Sciences j Maitcrof tho Classics. Uraduates in tho other Courses recolvo Normal certificates Tho corresponding tueir IlllUIUIUL'IHB,. diuv,. t,tv.v. n j. iuu Tho eourso ot Stud y nrc9crlbed by the State Is beral, and tlio E :ionimo ana uiassica; courses are not iniorior to iiiosp 01 our oest uoucyes. 4.!: uV..i;in MM,. nr,iar it Mii,.n.i,in TiiniimM rim intid it. 1 1 H ono of tho Drlmo ob octs of this Sclioo to holo to sect ro It. bv turn sh HL Intclli- eentnndcmc ent Teachers for her Schools. Tothtscndit solicits young persons oi iwuuumuc. uuu goou uurliusca,-iiiou wuiiuusiiy iu nui ro.u umr i and their talents, as students. To all such It promises aldln developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving school, r or Catalogue, addros tho Principal. l'rcntileiit llonrd lira VYII, IIIA.il Itl.WKIJ Sept.8.'T(l.- OIF FALL Ai WINTER CLilTffiC Tlic Finest oflg9 The liSitcst Styles, T'lie IiOvesl Prices IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHI1TG. MAW ( MA'TS i MAW I JUST RECEIVED, PEAKL fflEf nun AIB liOWEKBEM. Ulei'cliaut Tsiilor & Oents3 Outlitter, 151 00111 sluii'g, Pa. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, HI alu Street atiovc Iron, BLOOMSBURG PENIS 'A, DKAIXK IU Drugs, Medicines, Ch(iraicals,Fiin- ey and Toilet Articles, Soaps Brushes, Sponges, Per fumery, etc. I'hytlclaD.s ' rf f uilpttr.jiH caulully compoundeil anil orders answeieil with care and deeratch. Farm ers and rnyslclans from tlio country will nnd out stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine and ot tbo best quality. JOHN II. KINPOltT, Jan. 88, 'bo-ly Proprietor. 1880-1 1880-1 The Patriot, Daily and Weekly, lor the ensuing year Tlio subMrttlon of tho Weekly Patriot lias been reduced lo i r annum. To ciubs of mtv and upwards tuo Weekly Patriot will bo furnished at the extraordinarily cheap rate of 75 cents per cony per annum. Thfl mtly Patriot will bo sent to anv artdrpss. du rlnfr tlio sessions of congress and the Legislature at the rata of so centi per month. Undertheactof coigrefs tho puHUher prepays tha pobtage aixl subhcrlbers aro rtlltwd f om that eipemo. livery tubscrlptloa must bo accomoanlod by tho casn. now 13 thetlms tOBubscrltio. Tho opproachlntr sessions of coegreFB and the legl-latuio will boot more than ordinary Interest and tntlr proceedings will be fully repcrted for the Dallynnaacumplew synoptls of them will bo given lu the Weekly. Address PATRIOT PUUL1SIIINO CO , S'JO Market btreet, Uarrliburg. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Whereas, the world renowned reputation of tho riiito Sewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort in all kind of mean trlckt to Injuro Its reputation, we bee to caution all Intending purchasers not to buyn White Machine except from lu regular auUiorlzol dealers, wlk win be sustained by the following warranty, WK WAltltANT THE NATURAL WEAK ANDTEAK OK TUB White Shuttle Sewing MacMEB, PLATE NUMBER 10331) FOR FAMILY PUKPO HEU, AND IIKIIKIIY AOKKETO KVEP TUB HAMK IN itEPAIIt FOR THE TERM OF I' I VP. VUAItrt KllOvt T11IH UTK. FREE OF CIIaROB. This warranty excepts the breakage of noedles bobbins aud shuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless the plaU) number above irtven corresponds with Um number on the shuttle race slide, Iiewarn of defaced or altered numbers. WHITE 8E W1NU MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shutfo Sewtaff Machkot Ilaa ouirit cirioirr than any otter family bowtog; j Machine tor aotog overy vhik ty oi work. j i, BALTZKR, antral iMttt, f ) to teach. IV. Course In Art. u u. . . . . of Trustee. lEtedMied to ANU Paper Hanging. WM. F. J3Q.DINF.I IKON T.. I1ELOW SECOND, llLOOMbllL'HO, Py ts prepared to do all kinds ot HOUSE PAINSINO Plain and Ornamentnl PAPER HANGING, BOTH DKCOIiATlVK AND PLAIN. All lilailN olTiirnltui e Itcimli-eI nml marie un (;oo(I :h iinv, MONK HUT iiltST-CLArlS WORKMEN H1PLOYKI) Estimates ZMCado on all Work, WM. V. IJ0111NE. Oct, 1. 1S7S. IIEAI.KK IN Silverv;aro. Watchcs,Jcwelry.C!ccks.&c, All kinds ot Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat ry repairea ana warranieu. may it, is-lt ELiSTIO TUDSa 1 lu a Tad dlflurtnK from tl I otb, U COB tr, wilt tH,l(-AdJull 1U1 Ila wn ut, itpiA t bl I U Hi fun 11 tool Of tbff trOtty, whUt lh I Ini U rap prcuea buk tb iBtttttBilJasiAi sprJat.l4 to lik tfc Vlinp. Utth lb hi l4Mnr 1 hah lainU b midhI JifiDd b'stl. mil n.l(c&lruttCfiUln. Hit iwf, duubU i&hl tU-p. cWBtbUftil. Ctculut ( E0QLESTOH TRUSS CO., Clitcaso, IU. nov 19 3-m aid Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, importers Dealers In Velvet Framesj Albums,GraphoRcores( STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings! Ohromos! Photographs. And Indred goods Celebrities, Actresses, eus., PhotographMaterials We ore lleadiuarteis tor everything In the way of Storooptlcono and Magic Lanterns, Each style blng the jeBt of Its olass In tha market. lleautltul Photographic TransparencUs ot Hutu ary and Engravings to' the window, Convex Ulass. JtanV.acturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Com ex olass Pictures, , Catalogues of Lanterns and slides, with direc tions tor using, bent on rcoclpt ot Un.ocnts. . Jan ,'80-ly rOB PRINTIttQ I Neatly and cheaply xecuta!I at the OOLUMSUM O0O. "nri,. Ji:..iil. T- r .V.i n ti'm. 1M nrm hut klntl. unlfnrm and thornm.Q. Kxrt&nscF il,, . .Vt., ' V. Course In I'iiynical Culture. ., . , K. r. lllM.MYElt, secretary. THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLAKfi 1'llHMlUM pirteil 10 ANY PERSON U.at will .lo m OHEAT A ItANOE OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE KZW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wide hem on Bhcets, Ac, hem all or goods dinicult to hem on other machines, li makes n moro elastic stttcu man any oiucr macnine, 1 1 "A ill turn a hem and put In piping at samo tlmo, I twill turn a hem. sew braid on tho right side and stitch on trimming at one opcrat'on. It will do f Ring bias or straight, cither on cotton or ivuuie u kuuus. It wllffcll across seams on any goods. I will bind a Press or8klrtnnd sew on factnir. cither with or without Bhowlng stitches: bind Dress Goods with the same material, eltherscallops,polnta, fcqnares or sfalght. 1 ho only machlno that will bind Mats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or siik, irom x io 3 inches in wiotn, without basting. it will gather with or without sewing on. It will gather between two pieces and new on at tho same time. II will mako aruftlo nnd stitch u pillow slip on to It will shirr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trimming cither with or with out sewing it on. It will mtko plaited trimming either scalloped or airaigui,. piiuM-ir upipirguuui ino same lime, it m iuuku kuiio piuuiug. J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, i iiioomsburg, ra. oct. i, 'bu-tt. "cancerTcurFd At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Addlscn, M. t. HUNDItEUS OF I'KUSONS from nil nana rr thn world havd been cured of this much dreaded Dis ease and are now living witnesses that thev have been rescued Horn a terrible anil untimely Uea'h. Doctors, JtlnlsterH nnd tho Poor Heated free. Write luruuircumr giiingiuiipuriicuiais. Adaaress lire. UUU. I'HAAK l.Ubll U1IOWN, AddliOll, N. Y. Oct. 1, 'mi-ly Weaver & Co's Ads A VALUABLE - BOOK FREE. "A treatlso on Chronic Diseases." fmbrnclnr? Oa. tarrb. Iliront. Limes, llcnrt. Mtmach. I.ivpr. Km. neys. I'llimry and Female lilsi-nsc-s ; also lies; sent tree to any uddrehs. livery surrert r Irom thehe dis eases can bucuied. Send fur this bock to the under slgt.ed, a phjblclancf large expcrlei.ce, cnaoibeilby liULdrcd" of Uadli giltlzi-ns who t(MII to his tklll. Send stamp to liuy postage to O. K. LIMngston, M. nurll li. -bu.ly . wco PENSIONS. EVERY SOLDIER dlsoblcd In line of dutv hv wound, dlraue. or Injury, is entitled to pension. PKNMONN INCREASED Many ore drawing less than entitled to. 'thousands of Heirs entitled to Pension and Bounty. REJECTED I ASES re-opened. AUAM)0EI CASES tlnished.-coplcs of lost dis charges obtnlicd. Clulrasot oiery debcrlpilon pros- Address with Hamp, H. S. BERLIN CO.. Attnmpvo. Bept. 10, 'SO-Cin wico Box wa Washlngtcn.D. C. "13TT71T Mcrphlne Habit cured In 10 to 20 J1 1 U 1H tie s. No pay till cured. Hr. J. Stk- i-iik7,, j iimiiuu, w. w&co april2, 60-iy NEW flTTTiK or,Mtmp'lon & Asthma. xii vUJ.VJJ, Never yet failed. Address with Btomp 'IIOME,"Frostburg, Md. icu.o, wi-yi W&.C0 Eowell & Co'e. Advc'fi. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS ! I ! ri.lMIN nnd OltdANS nt i:TIt.MlltlllVAItV low tirlriH lor cn.li Inbtiilmi ntsieceHtU HI'I KN 1110 llltOANS, 145, $5,. 0. up MAOMFJCENT ROSEWOOD PIANO, no, I und Ccer. onlv m. wnnnnted fljeais. ifluMiut. d Catalogue rhslled. "tl"w auicu. jiuilfllf, . t. 1 XL J( X I u., JvmnU' facturers und Dealeis, ss lirondwaj, New York, Box ajso, r die. lo-tw d-IVIVyA YEA it aim expenses in agents. Kf I I Outlll Fie. AddiessP.O. VIClvltltY, vl I I Augusta, Slalro, r dccl0-4w AHVKllTISEItSFend for our Select List of Local JewsraperB. lieo. p. howell Co., lOHpruco w"-vti . u;o. iimw GUIDE 'SUCOESST WITU JOB TTTi "P Q Buoineas and X' kJ SOCIETY Is 11 V I'A It the best lliiblness nnd Social Ouldo nnd II ... J " . iiuuiiBiicu. ,-iiucn wie latest. utelU HOW lo 1)0 KVKltYTIIINO in the best way, , low to I o your own laujcr. How to do business correct, lyandfcutctsstully. llnwtouct In soilcty aud In every pai t of Hie, nnd ceuttiliiB u gold mine of varied Information Indispensable to nil classes for constant wtiirti v. ,it,i,irt iiAnuji lur an or spare time. To kno why this book of RKAI. value and ntllMPlInn Cfctla tulll.tp fltnn n,., ,.. terms to iwcauss Uuoh., Philadelphia. Pa. und Cincinnati, O. dee.l0,4w r AGENTSWANTEDmr Mnlnultt Itnlil aUoknit a srm la.nty of (ii'i. work I or 6lch iher It lwy a tH'tv market. Send f ,r circular and lu run to lb Vwumlily Kiilttllig Sepi lu, bv-4m old M, C. SLOAN & BRO. HI.OOISltMlO, IM, Manufacturers ot Carriagen, Buggie3, PhaotonB, DlolghB, PLATFORM WAUONB, First-class work always on hand. REPAIRINO NEATLY DONE. Prices rednoed to sutt thn times. $51 Outtlt free tothOKowho wish to engage In the most pleasant and profitable buffnost i,uuniif mvrimuK jiuw lupiuu HOC T'1- nulred. We will furnttth vnu evrithinL. tin "uijauu uyii.ma iacMiijr uiaiio wiuiuui DIU) Ing away from home over eight. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at onon. Many are mak. Ing fortunes at the business Ladles make as much as men, and young boys and girls make treat nay. No ono who u willing to work Mia to kintu riore money every day than can be made in a week at uv unllnary employment. Tfeooa who unn u oooe jOllTHiJKN GENTltAL ItAILWAY WINTER TIMK TABLE. On and after flundiv. Nov. T. 180. the tta'ns on the Pht adotpbla Erin Ra Iroad Division will run M follows l ' WESTWARD. Erie Mall leaves Phtlndeltilili " " HarrUburg William port " " .lersoy flion " " uxk Haven ' 1 Renovo " arrive at F.rlo It f5 pm 4 99 ar 6 40 h 10 o r 40 a iti tl vsa m I 4 p in 00 it m t 15 p III B ts p in 4 w l in S40pm II to p in 4 0. p in T 6ft p m 10 p m Niagara Express leaves PhllailelphlA uarrmnurg " arr. ntWIIllnmsport " Lock Haven " " Itenovo Fast Uno leaves Philadelphia ' llarrlsburg " arrive at willlamsport " Lock Haven KA8TWAIH). Piiclflo Express leases Lock llavcn T '5 a m i' " willlnmsport 8 Warn " arrlto Atllnnlsi'Ure lnospm " " Philadelphia k45pni Day Express leaves Itenovo looaln lck Haven II S5am ' Mlilotnsport lsnpm " nrrheat llarrUburjr a40pm i. Philadelphia csapm KrloMMIlcaves Itenovo onoprn ' " Lock Haven luiopra " " wiuiamsrort lltWpra 11 arrives at llarrlsburg 0 1 0 a m " Phlliulclplitd 7 05am Fast Ltno leuvcs Willlamsport is 16 a m " arrives at llarrlsburg a in a m i " Philadelphia t es a ro Rrln Moll wratnmt Dnv Kmri'sa Kast make closo coniiecltunRStNorthuniuerliindwllhIi. U. It. II. trains for Wtlkcsbarre unu Hcniuton, frin mii u'ml S'l.iunra Kmrpis West and Fast Lino West mako close connection at Wllllomsport wlth'N. c. It. w tralnsnorth. NinirnrA ltrniTiia Wps,t nnrt I)av Exnresa East lmkcclore connection at Lock llavcn with 11. K. V It. It. trains. Erlo Mall east and West connect at Krle with trnlns i'ii LHt M. S. H. It. ! nt Curry with O. G. ii rt. v. It. it. t nt Emporium with u. . l. r. Ji. and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Pnrlnr rum will rim between Phllfl iclDhla and ivillnm.nnrt. nn Nlocara Exotess West, and Da Ex pressfiost. Bleeping cars on nil night trains. (icneral Hupt. NORTHERN OENTKAL KAILWAY COMPAH. on and after November Mth. 1ST3. trains wul leavo Sunbury as follows: Erlo Mall 6.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .b Canondalgua. . . 8.85 p. m Rochester 5.13 11 Magaia 9 40 Renovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. m. arrive Williams port 11.65 p.m. Elmlra Mall 4.16 a. m., arrtvo Elmlra lo.so a. m. lluffalo Express T.16 a. in. arrive Buffalo 8.50 a. ra SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express 3.60 a. m. arrive llarrlsburg 11 Baltimore 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.16 a. m., arrive llarrlsburg 1.60 washlngtonlo.se Baltimore 6.80 Washington llarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p.m. arrive Baltimore ' Washington .13 Erlo Mall H.M a. m. arrive narrtsburg s,06 a. m, ii Baltimore 8.40 " i Washington 10.S8 " All d&Uy except Sunday. D. M. Boyd. Jr., (Jenoral Fasscngor Ages A. J. CAHSATT, Qencral Manager pniLADELPHA AND READING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TRAINS LB1TB HbrKRT AS rOLLOWSlStJNDATSXCXfTXIl For Now Tork, Philadelphia, Heading, pousviui Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,S5 p. m. For Willlamsport, 6,88 0,05 a. m. and 4,o p. m. THitHSrOB BOrKBT IKAVX AS FOLLOWS, (SCHOAT t cxrrED.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,55 a. m PotUvllle, 12,33 p. u and Tamaqua, 1,36 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, o,W 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Willlamsport ,9,45 a.m,3,is p. m. and 4,(0 p. c Passengers to and Irom Now York and Philadel phia go througa a ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Qoneral Manager C. O. IIANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. Jan.n, isia-tt. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AN1 WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. Ii MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NORTH STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p m. p.m 9 80 9 23 9 IT 9 03 8 53 4 19 9 40 scranton ...... ..llellevue Taylorvtlle.. . ...Lackawanua,... Plttston ..West Plttston... 9 85 9 45 iu 3 16 3 S3 3 80 3 39 3 44 3 49 2 53 6 U 6 Vt I f 0 J 6 III 6 49 6 M 6 li 6 tt 7 H 7 li 7 IS 7 9 87 0 SO S 51 9 il 9 63 10 0T 8 61 3 48 9 19 8 45 S 41 9 14 ..Wyoming.. IS 41 ..ma italtby. ...Bennett,......, 61 8 IB 8 15 8 10 3 16 3 Bl 3 S6 3 3B 8 83 8 13 3 SO 3 10 9 04 8 44 Kingston Kingston 1(1 IS 10 83 10 39 ..Plymouth June. 8 23 S SO 8 65 ....1'iymouui..... Avondale Nantlcoko .Uunlock's t reek. ...Shlckshlnny.... ....nick's Ferry.... ....Beach llavcn.. , .Berwick .... Briar Creek ...WUlow drove.... Lime Ridge Eacy......-., 7 SI 7 41 8 (I 8 13 8 04 7 61 T 88 7 Hi T S5 T 18 7 14 T 10 7 OS 5 66 6 60 6 45 6 S7 6 IB 6 00 3 19 3 04 S El S89 i 84 3 ta 8 47 8 80 10 34 10 43 10 65 11 OT 11 18 11 ftl 8 38 110 It 8 17 4 03 8 ti 8 IS 8 06 4 10 4 18 s t; 9 (4 7 II 7 SI 1 it 1 41 iss 8tf 8 SI 9 el 9 9 4 IS 4 29 4 83 4 42 4 49 4 65 6 00 6 18 9 18 u 80 6 45 1 04 1 67 1 51 1 46 1 Sf T 441 7 88! T 83 T 39 7 U 11 89 11 43 II 6 11 6T 13 18 Bloomsburg .....Ruuert Catawlssa Bridge uanvuiu Chulosky....... Cameron 1 00 6 46 .Northumberland, 18 43 p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. W. F. HALHTEAD, Hunt. I, U78. SiparlQtcndont's omce, ucranton, June lo, TyAINWRIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, FUlLiDXU-HIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SCOAIt, MOLASSES. UH, SriCXS, V1C1IB SODA, AC, c. .1 B. Corner fecond and Arch Btrocts, w'Order will receive prompt attention. thoroughly. ELT'S CUE AM BAL3I Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, tan druggist, uud phjslclan. Never has an article otso much merit becu prcdured for the tieutment ot memtirut al diseases as this never-fallli g llAI.M.nna Is universally acknowledged as being ull that n claimed for It. 'Hie application Is easy ondrni fts nnt. causing no pain, lstootblnir. and Is fa t buptr. ceding the ui-o of powders, liquids and niuns. I ilce 50 cents. On receipt of i o cents will tend a packagu free. St-nd for clicular, with full infoimatlon. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO.,Owt),N. Y. At Wholesale by New York McKesson ' Itobblns. Hall A- Rucki l, O. N. Crlttcnlon,' W. H. rche'fft 111. A I o , 1). M. Ul cer, C '. Lhzelle, March Gardner, Tarrnt & CO, FruzerA; Io, and others 1'uinutLFiiu-smith, Kline Co., Johnston, 1 lol loway & Co. bCKiNTON, Pa. Matthews Bros. At hxtiil by iix uuaaaiSTa.. oct. si, "so-tf HEJ Yourselves by makng mon? when a gold n chance is el- JI fend, thereby alwajskerplnf - Dovertv Irom our door. TLO-8 who alwaj s take advantage of I lie good chances fcr making money that are ottered, geucrully becintf wealthy, wnllo those who da not Improve mol) chaDCes remain In povertj. We, want muy woinrB. boys and clrls to u ork for us right In their own 1" cullUt's. The buslnets will pay more than Un t inej ordinary wages. We furnlsli an exieoslvo outfit i all that you need, free. No one who engages iliw mako money very rapidly You can devote our W' oio tune lo the work or only your hpare momi nw Full Information and all that Is needed sent Address bviMtox H Co., Portland, Maine. oct.H'o? TDBINESS CARDS VISITINO OAHDI. XJRY BB II If ADS Ul 1.1. HEADS, rOSTBIU, 410,, AO., ff'T nCAmnftU" Hay Fever, -Cold In the BWP.iJ"iJiuVAHl lied, HO., Insert will Sc3LArARRH,C0lo ffry little anger, a partlfle t'7n.vttj nostrils i draw strocj Rp f-; MAmSsy bteaths through m VriiULi tio'rbV 'JBsiM nose. It win be ate pNASAUPTca I S'? iUd, cleansing, an! RSI & 3 .rriJa'VS occasionally apply a XSo X&'i&'&Hta rartlclo into and bark yaiffirffiroa ""o far. rubbing la