The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 07, 1881, Image 2

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    0, S. EIiWELL. t.a
J. K. BITTENB3UD2H, JE1116"-
L i idnj', Jjvtiutu-y 7, 1881.
Srnntnr Uatlaro.
ran i'A s r a s I) Ktninii: or drmocracv.
' rrif minion or Tin: t)i:MornTir rAmv"
( naleir Wallaco In North American Hciow.
Tim i unlit and progress of moro tlinti a
I eneratltm lmvo taken ttio control of goy
Muuicutat all'slrs away from tlie intelll-
Kent ruloof the tnntaei and vested it inn
power m yet formative nuil undefined.
Among these were the civil war, tho crea
tion and peculiar manipulation of tho pub
lic debt, reconstruction outside tho consti
tution, universal negro utl'mge, n plethora
i I paper money, looso public morals, enor
nnm growth of private fortunes, and r
clo?e loniiectton of the g.vcrnment with
tne banking Interest. Hioh had Its
bright in Mpplng the foundation of a gov
mount by the masses, and In shaping our
.'M toward n difTtrenl rule. Whether
i it rule Is to bo eufl'mge qualified and
rarefied, or sulIYngo controlled by the
power of nggregited wealth or monopoly,
or a senatorial oligucliy, or hereditary
government, 1 beside the present Iwiuiry,
k-ivo as they oacIi und nil show distrust ol
Hie ptople, and build their lotitidations
upon universal mfTinge, debased, corrupted
nnil ileiioininateil.
The tendency toward a so-called stronger
(jf.vemmeiit is us manifest as b:c the causes
that have given It form. It is In the nature
of things furgovernnicn h to grow stronger at
llioexpenso of the governed; but tho plain
proof of the exUlonce of this tendency I
founl in the opinions: of the federal juditiary
in federal legislation over .natters heretofote
xutlilu the control of the people of the
Mates, In the modes of execution of those which Iwcal rule,local courts, and
personal liberty are overthrown, nnd in that
ramification of executive patronsge wide!
seeds its mandate to the extremities, ami at
will gathers in a siugle hand enormous cn
tributlotia and unscrupulous obedience from
ninety thousand paid (ificials. ''Executive
patrouage will briog us to a master." A nrt
work of office holdeis, bound each to the
otner, wieiaing time arm money aim power
of placo to pack primaries, dictate nomina
tions, crush independent thought and action
and subordinate local control to the will ol
on executive who governs in the namo of
party, points the road with unerring certain
ty to tho end that Franklin, the wise man
predicted. Further guide boards on that
road are seen in large donations of money
by corporations, monopolists and wealthy
men, to supplement the power of the ex ecu
tive, and carry the elections in the intercut
of an aristocrat. c class who dislike and ills
trust the people; in tho domination of em
ploye by employer; in the marked ballot; in
the third term candidacy and pilgrimage
on the stump; in the National and Labor
organizations, which are but over-zealous
protests against this tendency, and in that
ill-concealed demand for energetic govern
ment, which has been the fundamental
thought of the opponents of Democracy
siuce ttio uays ol John Adams.
The issues of 1790 and 1800 again ion
front the people. The theories of that day
are again to struggle for tho mastery. Tne
government of the Republic is already cen
tralized. Tho canvass of 1860 teaches this
The federal executive has been felt from the
ward caucus to tho vaults of the treasury,
from tho primary to tho presidential election.
A high federal tilicial quits his place to take
a nomination lor governor of the pivotal
state, and at once the executive arm is ex
tended to his support. Marshals, dettctives
collectors, secretaries, and all else that are
needed, locate themselves within tho state,
and its sulirago is debauched aud its uu
doubted will reverted, A suffrage, firt de
baaed, then conupted, then obedient, is cen
tralizttion in its worst form. This is but
one meuns to tho end sought. The mission
of tho Democratic party is decentralization.
Its duty is to restore the government of the
republic to the intelligent rule of tho masses
of tho people. It uiidt teach and practice
the doctrines of its illustrous founder. It
must appeal to the people themselves in
thtir own interest. It must preach the eter
ual truth that the individual citizen is tbo
unit in government, from whom proceeds all
power, in whom is vested all rights save
those which are granted by him for the
good of the whole. The people at the base,
the statos and tho federal government each
supreme within its Bphere, is the sjstem to
which it looks fur liberty, und it must teach
that ho who looks to paternal goyerniitcnt,
to centralization, or to empire looks to des
potism. Care for and perfect tue govern
ment, and it will protect Jhe liberties of the
people, was tho thought of Hamilton
Qive intelligence and information to the
people, teach them that it is their govern
ment, and their interest to preserve law and
order, was tho thought ot JetTersoa. Pater
nal government aud vigor in the federal
head on the one hand, information to the
masses and energy from the extremities on
the other. The former gave the republic
alien and sedition luws, direct taxation,
federal marshals and centralized rulo in
1709. The latter swept theso out of exls
teuce lu 1800; carried ussuccessfully through
two foreign war; acquired an empire ot ter
ritory, and governed the country for sixty
years, We must chooie between these two
now. The Democracy mut again plant it
self upon the axiom. "Governments are
mode for men, not men for governments."
It must bo true to tbo people and aggressive
in its fealty, Dominated labor must be
taught its rights and its interests. Capital
roust aee its t-alety iu the intelligence and
justice of individual rule, and not in the
exercise of arbitrary will, Honest perform
ance of everygovernmental contract now in
existence, but a change of policy by which
the debt shall be managed in the interest of
the ptople and not of the creditor; equrl
taxation ou every form of property : thor-
ougn inquiry Into taxation for revenue and
ita readjuetment upon a basis just to every
Interest and to all the people; no monop
lies ; forfeiture of the franchises of corpor
ations aud punishment of aggregated wealth
or individuals, for coercion of employees, or
tho use of money lu elections; our own car
rying trade made to be our owu preserve;
nnd a divorce between government aud
hanky, aro ilioughla which find place in such
no Issue. The cry vf a "Solid South" is ex
liauMtu end Impotent at last. It has served
ita purpose. Divided councils uj-cu ques
tions of admlnittration have kept the Peuio
c.acyauiere paity of opposition, and con
cealed the silent approaches of tho enemy
to strong government. Jt will continue to
bo ft parly In nppollion, untriuUd and un
tried, it defiantly Averts Its ancient theo
rlta and goes to the people for their vioill
Tho Ih-mocraUc patty Is not dead, An
Itrjs-like.Hlter each defeat It arises from Ihe
people stronger than before. It cannot die
whilst It teaches aud believes in the rights
of tho tnKses. Tho hour for Its trltimnh
will have come when It boldly, assert Its
true theories and Ignons the blnndMimcnts
ol money, monopoly, and corrupt power.
itu whose Interest, judgment, or teachings
are advrHe to tho rulo of the masses will
J ilit itsenemle", hut In his room it will re
cruit scores ol tlions In wIioko Interest It
strike?, or who reaped It aUl'iide and de
test strong government. The future of tho
Demoeralln parly is the fitlure of the
William a. Wallah:.
Tito State Legislature.
coxi: ki:i'i:hi-.s to take the oath or
llAimiaiiuno, Jan. 1-Thei Senate wns
ealled to order at 12 o'clock by Letutcuant
Governor Stone nnd opened with prayer by
Hov. W. A. West, of Ilarrlshurg. The
Deputy Secretary of tho Commouwealththen
presented tho roturns of Senators elected,
which, ou motion of Sir. Cooper, were
opened and read. The roll was then called
and forty-nine Senators responded. Presi
dentJudgo William Pearson, of the four-
toenthrjudlclal district, then administered
tho oath of office. Tho most remarkable)
incident in tho organization of the Senate
was tho refusal of Senator-elect Kokley 11
Coxc, of Luzerne, to take the o.ith of office
because ho could not consistently do bd
lie read a loag nddross to his constituents
in which he mya that he .spent money for
politic il assessments and contribution;; ad
vertUlng political meetings, orgmlzing
clubs, and paying tbeir expenses, paying
taxes, clerk hire, naturalization, to men at
tho polls for work, etc. In conclusion, Mr,
Coxo says: It may be asked, why did I
spend this money, knowing Ihe consequcn
ces. The answer is, I did not understand
until I was well Into tho campaign what I
would be called upon to pay for, and then I
felt that If I should retire I would, as
there was a third ticket iu the field, endan
ger not only the success of the county ticket
which I was very anxious to see elected, but
also, perhaps, of the national ticket, and al
though in the heat and confusion of the cam'
paign I was very particular not to contri
bute a cent for any improper purpose, I was
not ab'o in the few weeks it lasted to con
sider the wholo question as I have since. I
did, however, determine twice to retire irom
tho field., but upon rtilectiou I resolved to
fight it out ou the liue of spending what I
could honestly for the success of the who'e
ticket, so as not to endanger its defeat by my
withdrawal, and to decline to take my seat
if, upon careful consideration of the subject
in the nine weeks that would elapse until
election day and tho meeting of the Senate
I should decide that any part of the money
was used for expenses not expressly author
ized by law. Having made this full and
frank statement of the facts, I wish to say
that if I bad done anything that I consid
ercd wrong, or anything which I would wish
to hide, I could have resigned before the
meeting of the Senate, giving as a reason
my business engagements, or something of
that kind; hut such is not the case. I have
nothing to conceal, nothing to bo ashamed
of, and am ready as every honest man should
be to suffer the consequences of my actions.
I make uo claim to having been deceived
and kept in ignorance. What I did I did
with my eyes open. Regretting that I can
not, as I had originally hoped, be of some
service, however slight, to Luzerne and
Lackawanna counties in the Senate,
I am yours, very respectfully,
Eckley 13. Coxe,
Lato Senator elect from tho Twenty -first
The House was called to order at twelve
o'clock noon by Resident Clerk Wm. P.
mull, and was opened with prayer by Rev.
-Mr. ISeck, Chaplain of the House nf 1879
.Mr. Pomeroy announced that, by an agree
ment between Mr. Smull, Resident Clerk,
and Mr. Huhn, Readiug Clerk.of the House
of 1879, and iu order to avoid any dispute
as to which of the two should be entitled to
prccedence.MrSmull would aotas temporary
Chief Clerk. The Deputy Secretary of the
Commonwealth presented the returns of the
electlou of members, wblcb.oj motionof Mr
Graham, were opened and were read by Mr.
Huhn. A call of the roll showed that all
tho members-elect were present except
Messrs. Boyd and Wballey.who were dead,
a nd Derrickeon, of Crawford county. The
oath ot office was then administered by
Judge Pearson. Chronhl e-IIerald.
The Hand'orae Nickel Plated New Home
Lamp being Introduced to the public ibis fen
son, is the most meritorious article ever offered
agents to make money wi b, is safer and moie
convenient than the student lamp, which has
heretofote had (he reputation of being the rar
est lanip mulo, il has a clamp to attach it to
the sewii c machine, iihno, orcai, desk. etc.
Tho fear c,l tlie ordinary Lmp being accident-
auy u set or inrown irom the table, la entirely
teleivtd by the simple clamp rontrivai c. It
can be ailju.ttil to thro the light just where il
is wanted to salt Ihe even, and can bo convert
ed into a hand-nme wall lamp It has the best
argand Lmriler, niilllni: inulcat r. and rotivmi
eut match loz, nnd Its price is within ilia reach
o every one It has been fully tested and edi
torially ei.dorsed by the Wtxttrn Christian Ad,
vocute. Am. Christian Ikvitw. Herald and iV.
oyrer, Journal ana Jlatcngtr, ana Vnrultan irun
iMf-ii, tlio leaume religious naoeraof Cinuin-
natl, and is endorsed by the Mayor and Post
master ot uineiopatl, tlio agent or the Ameri
can ex press company and unsidents of Insur
unco companies, as being Ihe safest, con.
venieni anil urn lamp made.
There aro thrro ruons why agents should
seek such an article to canvass fjr first f r its
absolute safety and treat convenience, it is
needed In every home second its low price
makes its sale immcno third it will be a
great credit to handle such an article. One
'cuthem aiient writes, it srlls faster than Q.u.
Lee's portrait stld rieht after the war. anoth
er wrlio, it beats the palmy dsys of the sew
ing machine, lis rapid tale, Ion price, and lib
eial terms surprise M agents. Address IL-me
Lamp Co , Cincinnati. O., mentioi'irir ou m
per and they will give you full particulars and
exclusive territory to canvass in. nov.a-iaw
Death of William 1. Furey.
Altoona, Pa., January 3. Mr. William
P. Furey, lato editor of the Altooni Daily
Sun, died at San Antonio, Texas, last night
or this morning, whither he had gone for
his health. His disease was quick consump
tiou, but lie had likewise taken a fev er
since his arrival there, two -reeks since. The
parents of Mrs. Furey, who were) with him,
reside in Illinois. Mr. Furey bad a large
acquaintance in the State aud country. He
was an eloquent orator aud was olosely iden
tified with tho InteiesUof tho Democratic
It should be tbo aim of every owner of
ilorses,v;ow,iVc.,to mane them as banusome
and useful as possible. The German Horse
and Cow Powder helps to develop all the
powers of tho animal It improves ita beau
tv and Increase its usefulness. It makes
milk, tnucle aud fat, Uy using it a horse
will do more work and a cow alvemore milk
and be in better condition with lets feed.
Bold only by weight at 16 cents pound by
O. A. Klelui, Dloomuburg.
Dr it, '79-17
As LOUISE, tho Wind Girl. asltcd by a
company of exceptional excelltncel
Admission 2o cents. Kcscrvetl
seats 35 cents.
No Extra! No Higher .Price.
Tim Moce will bo nnxlueed with tlio orMnil mu
sic costumes, e as prctented at ttio t'nlun Square
Theatre, New York.
I'SKliVlU) SKATS A T .VcAVA'A'A' J',9.
Hy vlrtuo ot sutdry writs Issued out of the
Court ot Common l'lcas ot Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo at the
Court llouso In ltloomsburi;, at i p. in. on
All that ccrUIn lot or piece ot land situate, tn Hea
rer township, Columbia dounty and SUto of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fillows, to-wlt:
UegtnntOK at an oak at public road, thenco along
said road north clghty-stx and one-fourth degrees
west twenty-ntno rods to a stone, thenco by land of
Jacob Lonjjcnbergcr sooth tbrco and one fourth do
grecs west eleven and one-tenth porches to a stono
thenco by the same north seventy-two and a halt
ocgrecs east sixty-one ana ono-tentu perches to tho
placo of bcglnnlDg, containing one aero rnoro or
less, on which are erected a ono story framo dwell
ing houae.sMblo an 1 out-bulldlngs,
Hclzcd, taVen In execution at tlio suit of Tlio Co
lumbia County Mutual Sivlng Fund and Loan Asso
ciation agalust Charles Longcnbcrgcrand to bo sola
as tho property ot Charles Longenberger.
Liitlr k MiLt.Kii, Attorneys. Vend Kx.
All that ccrtiln lot or plcco of land altuato In Madison
township Columbia Co., and State of Pennsylvania,
and bounded and doserlbod as follows, to-wlt: On
tho north by land of Frank llves.onthoeastbyland
of Sarnucl Lowry, on tho south; by land of William
Hartllne, and cn tho west b; land of Philip Llclmrd,
containing thirty acres moro or less, on which are
erected a onn nnd a half utory frame dwelling hou
barn, and out-bulldlnga. '
S leel, taken In execution at tho suit of Thomas
J. Swlfchcr against Joel Snj der and to be sold as tho
property of Joel Snyder.
W. J, lluckalow, Attorney. PI. Pa.
All that real estate situate la IlrtorcreeK township
Columtilacounty, on road loading from llorwlck to
Bloomsburg, bounded and described as follows to
wlt : On tho north by land of Daniel Purscl, on the
oast by land of Lydl i Spoaenberg, on the west by
land of Daniel Purscl nnd on tho south by LydU
SjKjncnbcrg and Daniel Pursel.contalnlng two acres
moro or less, on which aro ercctod'a two-story brick
dwelling, framo stable, Bprtng house and out-bulkl-
lngs, good spring of water an J largo orchard on the
seized, taken In execution a'.j tho suit ot 11. L
Adams, surviving partner of Adams & Son, ajalnut
Mary J. Oansol, and toba sold as the property of
Mary J. Oansel.
Jackson, Attornoy. PI. Pa.
Tho following described real estate situate tn
Centre township, Columbia county, beginning at
a gum trco In Hue ot land ot neorgj Kelcbner and
olhcis, thenco by landof fl. K. Hess south twelve
decreet east one hundred and twelva perches to a
stone thence by larce and lanaof I. Ernwlno south
three degrees west ono hundred and (itty-tlvo and
two-tenths pofcheb to a stone, In line of Ocorgo
JIuffly, thenco ty same and Chrlstlanua Muruy
south clKbty-6lxandouc-fourtn degrees cast nine
ty andntno-tcntts perches to a pine stump In lino
of -tarah Solmou and others, thence by same north
eight a id three-fourths degrees west 201 and
elKht-tentbs perches to a a: one, thenco north eight
and three-tourths degrees, east seventeen and
eight-tenths perches to a stone, thence north ten
and ono half aegrces west Boventy-elght and eight
tenths perches to a stono In lino of tleorgo K;lcn
ner nvo hundred and eighty-two and one-fourth de
groes west seventy-eight and eight tenths perches
to a gum tree, the placo ot beginning, containing
ono hundred and twenty-four acres anil one nun.
drod and torty-blx perches, strict meisurc.on which
aro erected a largo Iramo two story dwelling with
kit. hen attached, log suiblo with wagoa shed at
taehed, frame pig pen and corn crib uud out-butld-
Seized, tak;n In execution at tho suit of Anna
S. Jackson uud C. 11. Jackson, nxecutora ot M. E,
Jackson, deceased aga'nst Georgo A. Ucamandto
bo sold as tho property of George A. lloam.
Terms cash on day of sale.
I'. U. BNT.
J in. Mo fcberlff.
In pursuanco of an order of the Orphar s' Court of
Colmuiila county, Pennsylvania, the undersigned
administrators of Michael Grovcr, deceased.wlll sell
at public Mile on tho j remises on
TflCKSDA 1', JASUARY 20, 1881.
commencing at 10 o'clock lu tho forenoon ot said
day, the lollowlng described valuable Itoal Estate,
to-wlt :
All tlu.t 'Certain tract ot land sltuato In Mtffltn
township, county and s'ato aforesaid, containing
165 ACRES,
and tnenly-two perches-adjoining lands ot Jacob
drover, Moiize aud Aten and other lands ot said de.
cedent, blent twenty iivo acres of whtch If Good
Oak Timber Land, balance Improved, where on aro
erected a two sury
barn wajon bhed and other outrbulldlngs.
TEHMS OP SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth 01
tbo purchase money to be paid at tho striking down
of tho property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent
at the confirmation absolute and the remalLlBg
three-fourths in one year thereafter with interest
from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for
deeds. Purchasers will bo required to give bond In
double the amount ot their bids wlh good and ap
proved security for tbe faithful rayment of money
according to the above terms.
Jan 7 "SI t-s Administrators.
The undesigned auditor appointed bv the Or-
iMtittiD- muri ut luiumuia w iuuku uibiriuuuon 01
Ihe lund In th hands of Geo. M. Howell, executor of
mid decedent lo and umongthe parties entitled
thereto, hereby gives notice tnal ho will Bit In ihe
dl-charge or too duties of his appointment at his
emce m me town uioempourg on saturdav.Pebru
ary Mb. A. 1)., Jfcil, at ten o'cloekinthe forenoon
of said day at w lit- h time and place all persons In-ten-stca
In said fund aro required to attend or bo
luruvrr oeuarrcu iroiu any satire 01 ine same.
Jan. I, 'tO-Aw Auditor.
Lizzie Kline by her nein
In the Common Pleasof
rriena samuei noner I
Joseph 6. Kline. j
coiumoia county, no.
vrs, oeii. i t-riu isso,
"ubpeena In divorce, ullas subpoena In divorce.
To Joeeph ti. Kline, ttspondent In above stated
uaou oin i ou are nereoy required tooo ana ftprv
in your proper pe rson at a court or Common Pleas
to be held In and fer sld countv at lnonmsbnrir-i'ii
on the first Monday of February to answer thoabove
. .... u- KNT-
Jin. 7,'ol-'o Sheriff,
Ill bo let at David LawlH' In Suo-Arlnaf twnhhln
on Saturday. January Stud. lssi. a biidire to b
erected over Cole's Crt-e-k near David Lewis. To bo
a wooden brace covered bridge M feet long between
abutment, le feet wide from to out al .top abut
ments, to be feet high above low water mark.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the Coni-
utisBiuueni voice.
Commissioners office Bloomsburg Dec. wth.T8xO.sw
Notice Is hereby given that the follow log accouata
have been Died I
a I-rotbonotArvtonnifAnr i?nintn.
bla county and will bo presented to the Court of
Common Pleas of said county on Tuesday, the sth
day of February A. D, 1SS1, and connrmed after
tne fourth day of said term unless exceptions bo
Died within that time.
1. First and final account of I. K. Krlckbaum Com.
mlttee of Samuel Rboue a lunatic.
3. The account of Samuel Crevellog, Committee Of
Franklin Crevellog a lunatic
0. M. rjOIOK, Prothonotary.
"opiiiy, van. 7, -vi-io
Letters of Administration on the estate or Ju-nh
S. Evans, late ct tilocmsburg Columbia county, Pa.
decetsed, have been granted by tho Hejla'er of said
county to O. A. Herring, of Uloomsburg, kdm'r All
neruODB having claims nealntt the ratalei or said do.
cedent are requested to present Uiem t r ettle
ment. and those Indebted to the estale to make
payment to the uxulersurnod administrator, without
da lay.
it r,l -w ftlooauburc,!-.
nrnuMMA county, ust
Amoug Ibo records and proceedings ot tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county, It Is Inter alia,
In tho mattor of tho account of II. A. Kchweppcnhl
ser, Administrator of William Henderson, do
ceased. And now December IMh. Isso. on motion and bv
agreement of parties, Samuel Knorr, rm Is ap
pointed Auditor to mako distribution of tho balanco
in the necnuntaut'a hands to and among tho nartlcs
entitled thereto,
... . Ur Tint Court.
.Certified from the records December ntli.P-so.
. . . clerk o. 0.
.Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court will attend to
the duties cf hlsannolntmenton Krl.lnv. tlm fourth
day of l-cbruary, A. I)., issi, at ten o'clock a.m..
Btlilsortlco In Illoomsburg, Pa. whn and whero
parties Interest! l aro required to mako their claims
or bod (barred from coming In upon said fund.
Jan,T,'eo-4w Auditor,
Utters Of administration on I tio estate of Sophia
lllppeiistlel, lain of Drlarcreek township, Columbia
rountj, deceased, lmvo been granted by tho Ile-gls-tor
of said county to tho undersigned administra
tor. All persons having claims against tho estate
aro renucsted to present them for settlement and
those Indebted to make paj ment without delay.
C. W. Mn.l.KR. Att'y. Evansvlllo. P. 0.
Jan. I, 'so-flw
Letters of Administration on tho estate of John
J. lnigenbtrgcr, lato of tho township of Mlftltn,
Columbia county.Pentia, deceased, have been grant
ed Ly tl.o Heglstcr of said county to John J. Ivong
cnberger, or samo township, AH persons
having claims against tho estato of the decedent
aro requested to present them for settlement, and
those Indebted to tho estato to mako payment to
the undersigned administrator without delay.
0. W. M IU.KR, Atty. Administrator.
JiQT, 'Sl-dw.
. Letters of Administration rn tho estato of Sarah
Itobinhood, lato oiMilllin township Columbia comi
ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been graited
by tho Register of satd county to L. 8.
intcrstcen, of Uloomsburg, ndm'r. All persons
having claims against the estate of said docc
dent aro requested to present them for settlement,
and thoso Indebted to the estate to mako pa) ment
to tho undersigned Administrator Ithout delay.
Jnu7,'SO-6w Uloomsburg, Pa.
Among tho rrcords and proceedings ot the Court
of Common Pleas ot Columbia county It is Inter
Robert M Mcllrlde) No. 116 Sept. Term, 1RS0
vs. V Divorce.
Mary C. McUrlle. )
Now De-c, e, 1R80 on reading of sheriff's return to
alias subpiona and application of llervey K. Mnlth,
rtvi. j. tin nuueri. ait muuriue, ine- luun orocr dud
ttcatlon by tho Sherin.
Ttv tub rnt-HT.
CertlBcd from tho records this fifteenth day of
U. M. cicx, Proth'y,
Dcdu ty.
To Marv C. Mclirldafibavn named Vim urn hi.t-0.
by required to appear before the Judees of said
court at Rloomsbur' 011 Mondav, thi 1th day of
February, a. I)., iwi, to answer tho complaint of
ouiu JWUCIb -u, jut IK tue.
Jan. Uc
It The following annralsemcntn of real nnd
personal property set. apart to widows of dccedenW
uuvu ueeu nieu ia mo omce or me lteglster or col-
nmhfn nntinfv nnil.i. lh. If (iloa nf r..,,rf ... .m kA
presented for abaoluto confirmation to the Orphans'
Court to bo held In llloomsburg.ln and rorsaldcoun-
ij uu jiuuuuy, mo auaayoi reo. issi, at two
o'clock p. in., of said day unless eEcepllons to such
uuttiutttuiiuu tttu ureviuuajy uicu. ox wnicn an per
uvua luiv.v.ivu iu ouiu couiw utti iu&e uuuue ;
I. Widow of Wllllts U. Moyer, lato of .Madison
.unuauiu, ueeeuaeu.
i. Widow ot Hiram II. Broadt, lato of Bloomsburg.
Roglstor's Ofllce.
Uloomsburg, Jin.', 'SI.
Xv Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, crcdl
Cora and other persons Interested in tie estates of
the respective decedents and minors, that tho fol
lowing administration, executor and guardian ac
counts have been med In tho office of the Register of
CoL co. and will bo presented for connrmatlon and
allowance in tne
uiowimco in tne orpuans' court to bo held in
Bloomsburg, on Monday, Feb. 7, 16S1, ats o'clock,
p. m. on Bald day :
1. ThHllrktfiDd Anal ni-cnnnf. nf A. r tlnUer i-unc
dlan of Isabella Puis-ll, minor child ot Martha
vrunsiuy, into or nne townsnip, deceased.
if. The first and llnal account of James Gulliver,
iwjiumiaiiiiiui ut uuuu uuiitver, laiu ot ueni'
lock township, deceased.
8. Tho tlrst and tlnnl ncennnt nf II. Vrnnlr nrr art.
mlulstrator of Martin w. Nuss, lato ot tho Town
of Uloomsburg, deceased.
4. Tho account of Richard Stlleo, administrator of
.iiuniiu. uuuey, luio vi jjenion townsnip, ae
ccabed. 8. The second account of John Bellas and A.J.
neiwo, uiecuiors oi .aam neuas, lato or Pise
iut,vic lumttauip, utctaavu.
6. Tho llnal account ot Allen Mann, guardian ot
..,i..uwvu .icuuiufei-r, wiuitr vunu vi iteuuen
tiL-ttututfer taiu ui ueaver townsnip, aeceased.
7. ThO nnal account of Allen Mann, i-nortllnn of
Mahala Uennlnger, minor child ot Reuben lien-
uiuger,mu) ui nearer townsnip, aeccasea.
8. Tlio first and final account of nrnrtra A. notv
administrator, de bonis nou cum testamento
uniiexo. oi Henry KingsDury, lato of Benton
township, deceased.
t). The tlrst and final account of John II. Uetler
huu u. ii. nuner, aominisirators oi Jacob liar.
ler, jr., late oi .uimin townsnip, deceased.
10. Tho second and final account of William U,
Clark, trustee of aiary Gorrell, lato of the bor-
uugu or e;enirai-a, neceasen.
II. Tho account of William Hagenbucb, executor ot
Isaac Hagenbucb, late ot orange township, do
ceased. it. The account of Jacob Hartman, administrator of
iicno uoriman, late or iiemiock townsnip, de
ceased. 13. The, first and anal account of Abraham Lock-
ard and John K. Lockard, lato administrators
oiAiexanaer uickaru, late of Itrlarcreek town
atttjj, ueeeaseu.
11 The tlnal account of Goorge Moore, adminis
trator of Elizabeth Roberts, law of Sugjrloaf
bunuojiiji, uwuuacu.
10. Ihe nrst and final account of Miranda Ijw. nil.
mlnUtratrlx ot Nancy Connelly, late of the bor-
uunu vt uci ntiA, ueeeaocu.
IS, The nrst and partial account of B. Frank Zarr,
eci.uwi u. ucuic atr.tuve vi cutawibaa ujwn-
etup, ucceusea.
17. The nrst and partial account of John Hartman,
uuiuiumuuiur oi juicnaet e.ruoer, laiQ or iiem
iock tow nshlp, deceased.
18. The first and partial account of Dlhlnmr Itnrri
son, surviving executor of Canneld Harrison,
tuio ui eue iunu ti nioomsuuig, oeeeased.
19. 1 h flrvi. nnrl tlnnl nf tlirum U'ht,n.i.n
administrator of Sarah Arnwlne, late ot Centre
tuTTusuiu, ucteuseu.
DO. The first and Hnal account of Andrew J. Ursa.
administrator of Illram Lunger.late of Sugarlouf
tow iibhlp, deceased.
21. The account ot David Iowenberg. administra
tor ot Oeorge Relswick, late of the Town of
uiuouisu urg, aeeeasca.
it. Tbo becond and Onal account of N, B. Creasy
uuu u. n, viL-ua, ttuutiuiMruturs ui rjuwuoi
vreusy, laie oi jiimiD lownsmp, occeasei.
33. The first and final account of Henry Uetler ad
ministrator otjisac Lutz, late of Minim town-
snip, ueceaseo.
31. The first and final account of Isaac A. DewltLad.
minisirator ae Doom non or jonn uartman, late
ut viouku tun tiomu, uctrCimru.
Register's Ofllce,
Bloomsburg Jan. 7 til.
Berwick J K Adams.
Bloom W W Barrett, Samuel D Hosier, Wllll&m
itauo, Anurew ruuuaer.
Brlaicreek Ueorgo Lorn.
centre-S Krv.
Flshlngcrsek M w Meilenry, oeorge pealer.Dulel
areenwood-Joseph Redllnc.
lacKuon u m xounir.
Hemlock-Edwaid Ivey, Plerco Shoemaker, Levi
n ngui.
Locust Maj berry Hnjder. Jacob I Stluo.
Madron Thomas Ulogles.
Main Wm II 1-lsher.
Montour-J R Rhoads.
orange tamuel Seybert,
Roarhnrcreek Samuel llouck. D W R&riir.
Pine Luther A German.
riKST wxix.
Reaver Peter Eckrote, James T Pox.IIenry s Lebo.
llent'ia Der Moss.
Berwick V P snjder.
Hinom-cnas n iiousei, evan Jones, n u reagie, j&s
v rierner, iienr j v ou,
Catawlssa J. bn Babme. Nathan Cicasy, pink
uiutuucitcr, udc, it , tuici , nui; j uu.-iu.
Centre John DeLong, Joseph ulger,John White.
Flsblngcreek-Jo J Fullmer.
Pranluin Michael Menscb.
urumneuer. Josem waiter, uarry o Jonn.
(ire en MoodM M Applemin.
ixcust-jaooD nerner. eoiomon Howry, iicnry
llelwls-. David Helwlir.
Matn-D D Federoff.
Montour J Q uarkley.
Mimin-M n illetler, Abram Masteller, Jr., Jacob
Mt, Pleasant-Joseph Kline.
Pine Amos Long.
Ktt J Ii Ammerman. Robert Pursel.
Sugarloaf-Davld Kocher, Ueo Oett.
bxcond wxxi.
Beaver-Peter II Fisher, Jacob HartzeL Chaa B
Relchart, Daniel singley, sr.
Benton-Themas Bellas. John S Kline, Ellas Mc
llenrv. Jabob we liver.
Bloom-Jacob u Bomboy, Peter Unapp, James Len-
non. Jaa W Sehuv er.
Brlarcroek Hjmui-1 cmllh.
CatawUaa o W Clark, Jacob Federoff, C 0 Sharp-
Plsblnecreek John CrevelloD.
Franklin Jonathan Lohman.
Oreenwocd-llttdrkk Bangs, Chandler Kes, J
Mannlntr. B nl Kedllne.AucrufLtiia kLanilpp.
Jackson Augustus Everbart. D B Stevens.
i.ucubi iuaa Muier, ffonigemery locum
Madison Calvin Ik . HkmuAf Varnaworth.
Main John W chuman.
ut. I'leacast .lew (.TawronL 1-
Soott Abrun Ovutr, ruedUesa.
ougurnu-ucv ueao, Bmtui i ueaa, unsoa
Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co
lumbia county, Pennsylvania, win Ivn notd nt ruihlli
salo on tho premises. In tho townshln of IMut. In
said county, near Slabtown, on
Saturday, Jiimutry 20tli, 1881,
at ten o'clock tn tho forenoon, tin following ' dc
scrlfcod four tracts of land, lato of John Snyder, do
ceased, to-wtti
No. 1-Belng decedent's Interest tn a timber tract
ot land containing
be tho samo moro or less, adjoining lands of Joslah
II, Rhoads, David Long, Joseph 0. Ithoads and oth
No--Bctng a timber tract containing THIRTY
ACHES, bo tho samo more or less, adjoining lands
ot Washington Adams, Oeorgo Yenger, Frederick
Duty, .tiayberry Snyder nnd Samuel Adams.
No. It Being unseated, partly cleared, and the
balanco timber land, containing
be tho samo more or jess, adjoining lands of John
Dcrr, David V eager, Samuel Camp and tho Quaker
meeting ground,
No.4-Bclng tho homestead of the decedent, con
taining One Hundred Acres.
bo the samo more or less, adjoining lands ot Samp
son Ellis, Henry II. Itho.ds, Charles Wagner, Wash
ington Adami, whereon aro erected a largo
with tbrco run ot stones, and a
with a good water power, and other out-bnlldlngs.
There Is also on said premises a Good Orchard nnd
Vlnej ard and other fruit trees.
Terms and conditions of salo inado known ou day
ot sale.
Jan. 7. 81-ts Administrator.
Tho New Magazlno tar Llttlo People.
Edited by W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic).
Elegant Illustrtlona by tlie best Artists, all
New nml Orlglnnl.
Being New every month for n wholo year, and costs
only f 1.(0 post-paid to any tddress.
AW i the time to subtcribe.
ono. A.CLARK.
Local Agent.
Jan. 7. "81-tf
Bnttlo Crook, Michigan,
uinuraoTtrBisa or the onlt uendihe
Trnotlon nnd Plain Englnos
and Horso-PowoTB.
MiMtCniplitcTllrakrractrr 1 established
la eke Wtrld. I 1 04O
A A VITADC of continuM andtcttlfulltuL
k I LHtlO ttM, wlthont cbanra of nam.
JL nuiumment, or location, to "txuk vp" rA
fr,vud warrunly givtn o-i all owrguwU.
Conilrte 8 team OutOtn nftnnuhUigqvalitiet,
Itntst Traction Knglnes md 1'lala La nine
ever men la tho American market.
A multitude of tpeeial features and improzemenU
for I881.t0trcther witn tvperior qvatiti in eorutruc.
Hon and material not dreamed of by other makers.
Four Hlzea of Separators, from Q to 12 home
Capacity, ur tteam or hor4jxttr.
Two ut leu of " Mounted " HorMsrowcrn.
7Kfih OHA Fret of Kelrclca Lumber
OUUUUU (rwn(Ar(otev"a(r.rfrl)
constantly on nand, from -which U boilt the in.
comparable wood-work of our machinery.
Strongttt, vtot durniU.and efflrlent trer
mad: 8, 10, 13 Horse l'owcr.
. Farmera nnd Thrft-hermrn are Invited to
lnveatlfate tola matchltit Thraihlnir Uacblncrr.
Utrcultra facnt free. Addreea
Battlo Creek, MIohlKOD
Jan. T.'si-em as
State of Pennsylvania, rolumbla county. SS.
Amonir the records and nrnrpetiinpA of thn rm.
utuu rteus ia auu jur uaia county it 18
Inter alia
In the matter of the Sheriff's sale of tbo real estate
of Oeorge W. soult.
Deo. 10, isto.tho writ In this cnbo being returned
and the money paid into Court, on motion ot w. J.
Buckalew, W. II. Abbott isappolnteo Auditor todls
trlbuto the fund among tho parties entitled thereto.
Certified from tho record tnls thlrtocnth day of De
cember, A. v., 16S0.
Deputy. i-roth.
In pursuanco of the above appointment tho un
dersigned will meet the parties Interested at his of
nco In Bloomsburg on (Saturday the stn day of
January, A. D. lbsi, between the hours of a m.
and 4 p. ra at which time and placo all persons
having claims upun n.;ld fund win nppear and prove
their cialms or be debarred from any share of said
, , W. II. ABBOTT,
dec. IT '60-4W Auditor.
State of Pennsylvania, Columbia county, ss.
Among tho records and proceedings of tho Oi
pliaus' Court In and for said county Inter alia it is
thus contained.
In tho matter of tho estate ot Gotloeb Ounther, de
ceased. And new December 13, t&so, on motion of II. F.
Zaar, Itobert Buckingham la appointed Auditor to
mako distribution.
Ilv rn cocrt.
Certlllco from tho records this thirteenth day of De
U'M KlMPirnATttl
O. M.Qcici, Clerk 0,0,
The undershrned. In nuraimnee nf elm nhm-n .
polntment will meet all parties Interested al his of
fice In Bloomsburg on Wondar. the mh dav of .ran.
Uary. A. D.. 1S61. between tlm hours of in,, m nnrf
4 p. m., at which time and place they are hereby no
ttued to anoear or be debarred from reepivini. ,iib,p
culm or claims against said estate, out of tho funds
In the hands ot the administrators of said decedent.
dec. IT, Auditor,
Lettera Of admlnlRtrntlnn nn Uinctnla nt tnM. tt
tlroadt. late of thn tnv.n of Itinnmt.iinrf7 PAinmM. n
Ponn'a.. deceased, havo been crrnntpif tiv thn i. h.'
terof said county to Lydta A. JVroadt,admlnlstratrlx
uiuuiuauurg ah pereons naving claims against es
tate of the decedent aro rpnupMeii tn nrr.ui.nt ih.m
for settlement nnd those Indebted to tho estato to
iiujiijutti. iu mu uuurrbiguea Aommistratrix
ittiuuui. ueiay.
Admlnlstrat Ix,
dec. 10, 'S0-w V. o, Blooomsburg, Pa,
Danchy & Go's. Advt's.
Cheapest Book Store
178011): MnmlOcf nt :tft Gorgeous Ju-
I.U.IO 1M..D, DUU11LI UIUK-O KllU 1IUIIT I W H . LU tl I .
ww. fc.tru ...j, uttiu ttuttuK imtiiogue tree.
8 BEEKMAN Bt., opp. Post Offlce, NEW VOIIK,
JanT.'SUw d
will buy a postal on which to send i our address and
receive free by raall an eighty page book on "The
LIVEK.lts Diseases and thi-lr Tf.-Klmpiif' Inr-lndlnt-
uuuuuitQ. uiuiuuaneHii. uaiaria, ixfeiiveneua. iieaa
acne,o. Address DK. BANrOKD.
jan. i, -si-iw a us, Broadway, New York.
C. & G. COOPER & CO-
Aug tw Oldest xn Ltitotirr Hcildihs or
ngines & Oaw Mills
iw this cotrxrsiLY.
Bend for JATtr IlIliNtrntd Plmnto- irirlMta n
abTe. d Jan. 7. -smw
Daniel K. Beatty, Washlnfton, ti, J.dec. I
Stops. Piano
ITW-4W d
Merit Most Reap its Just Retail'
Of the minv Catarrh and Ilav rerer TtpmeiUna ua
keep In l-tock there Is none of which our customers
speak mere highly than of Kit's Cream Balm. A
crmr-arittlvelx new riltrA..rv f.nt rm .t.t..h
the many reports and evidences cf cures produced,
. i r. r. o uutc cover
handled a re tuedy which has InereaMii u nninn in
sales or Ihat Lo, glv, nueu unlve7U MMliSioZ
i-rioe oq oenu. u, ii. WUTTKNTON. lis Fultoa I
attttt, Now York.
u ei lu tjtm i
Pursuant to nn order of tho Orphan's Court of Co
lumbia county, Pennsylvantn, will bo sold at publlo
salo on tho premises In tho township of Catawlssa,
In said county by tho undersigned administrators
of tho estato of Jacob clowcll, deceased, on
commencing at ten o'clook a, m., of said day, tho fol
lowing described
sltuato In Catawlssa townshlp.ln satd County of Co
lumbia, hounded on the north by catawlssa creek
ana tno uanviuo, Hazlcton Wllkesbarro Itallroad,
on tho east by lands of William Martln.on tho south
by lands formerly owned by Flncher and Thomas
nnd on tho west by lands of Joseph Cle well, contain
ing Niivm Y-OJVE Acni:s,
moro or less,
sml: also ono other tract of unimproved land.sltu
Mo In CatnitlssA township, Columbia county, boun
ded and described as follows, to-wlt! on tho north
by lands ( f William .Martin nnd others, on tho cost
by lands of - , on tho south by lands formerly
owned by - Cox, and on tho wost by lands form
erly owned by Flncher and Thomas, containing
Ono Hundred Acres Moro or Loss.
Terms of she. ono third (less Its sharo of costs,
ftc.) to bo paid at tho death of the.wldow.and tho In
terest thereof to be paid annually to her hy the pur
chascr.hls heirs, Ac.; ten per cent of one-fourth ot tbo
purchase monoy to bo paid nt tho striking down of
tho property, the one-fourth of tho balanco less tho
ton per cent at tho confirmation of salo and tho
remaining three-fourths ot tho balance In one year
thereafter with Interest from confirmation ntsl,
dec. IT, sn-ts Administrators.
collectors of county taxes In arrears previous to
tssi), aro hereby notlfie-1 tbat tho samo must bo set
tled on or before tho Jth Inst. Also collectors of
isso, to mako payment on or before tho abovo date.
Dec, 14, tsso. Treasurer,
letters of Administration on ihocstate of Mary
Mcminn, lato ot .ML Pleasant township. Columbia co ,
I'enn'a., decet sed, bavo been granted by the ltegls
tcrof said county lo tho undersigned Administrator.
All Persons havimr claims ncalnst the estat of the
decedent aro requested to pr-sent them forsettlo-
uieiu, itnu iuosc inueuicu 10 tne esiAte to maKO pay
ment to tho undersigned Administrator without
J. B. l'ATTON,
Dec. in, cw. Administrator.
Tho World for 1991 will bo tho best; and cheapest
newspapers published In tho English tongue on eith
er side of tho Atlantic.
iwith new preses surpassing any cver.bcforo man
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respondence throughout tho world than rhat of any
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In Its mo minutes witn tho news of tho Day
Tho World meets and keeps pace with tho In
creasing demands made by rapid transit, tho tele-
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Its dally cable letters from London bring tho Old
orld to tho breakfast table of tho New.
In Its Wull Street uosslp and Its items for Invest
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In which tho adventurous and active people of this
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es by tho speculations and tho speculators of the
Slock Exchange.
No man whu owns or expects to own an Interest
In any corporate property can afford to miss for a
single day tho Information daily and exclusively
given In Tho World, not only as to the naiural and
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but a'so as to the plans schemes and comblnitlons
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Tho World also contains every day tho freshest,
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ture uuu ut BUUU1 iue,
it Is tho accredited i
it Is tho accredited organ of tho Tcollcgcs of tho
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UnlOD, and tho accurac.
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As too only metropolitan Journal publlbhed In the
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Tho World win maintain tho cause of tho Union
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Dally nnd Sundays, ono jcar,$U: Blx months, U:
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Dally, wlihoutsundays, ono year, $10; six months
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per month.
Tho Sunday Worn, ono year, 2.
Tho Monday World, containing tho Book lievlews
nnd "College eJhronlcie" one year, tt.M.
The semi-Weekly World (Tuesdays and Fridays)
liny car. To club agents an extra copy for a club
0,.iJn'..!he dll'y tor " elub of twenty-nve.
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To club agents-an extra copy for a club of ten, the
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Specimen number sent free on application.
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tered letter. Bills at risk of the sender.
Till' U'HUf II.
dec. 17-dw
35 Pare how. New Yoke.
Tho Time for 18SI.
Tbo Times v UI enter Ihe New Year wlthalarcer
circle of regular readers than It had at any rTrevifiui
pcilod of its hi to.-y. and tho Important Events of
tho next 3 ear must steadily enlarge tho held of in
dependent Journalism.
A new aumlnlstratlon wm bo Inaugurated: new
political occasions win create new political duties
tho great commercial and Industrla prosperity of
tho country must stimulate progress and
thrift in n l sections' and the tendency of TOlltlcal
It0"' !', ,owaKrd corfuPtlonanddesMffim, as
It over U vihen thoneop o are diverted from tho
stern criticism of authority hy peaco and I pleMv.
Tho Times will be lu the future lis It has been in
the nast, absolutely independent of poimcaj par
ties, Wt earnestly and fearressly devoted to Integri
ty and patriotism in our statobmanslUp and I to the
freedom and scanctlty of the ballot. Deiwndent
pany organs win contlnuo to babble about party
men and party measures; to excuse tho public not,.
,!Ml rS fe'tK
mastert but the growing Intelligence of tho aire
dally multiplies tho readers of tho independent
nowsnaper. and the Journals which best reflect tho
rapidly Increasing Independence! ot the rwnlo will
ho thegreat American Journals of tho futiini.
thi in,iVS?rtSn?sniiS?S.tll0.!',5neSt andard ot
city, state or nation, it opposes every form of im
pcrtal political domination: wiSthSi v52I5l?L1ffi:
un individual, by a faction or by a party. It ofmoww
sect onaiism North and south as the fcmonPo?Uto
ltepublle, nnd it demands publlo tranquility -and tba
iiiIinnmacy ot "ber,y ttUU w ,or very ciffien of thl
Tbo Times will begin tne New Year strengthened
In all of ts a readv eicentinnniiJ ..ISS? 5 ?..a
ments. Its annals ot the war win ba TOntlnucd In
tho Weokly Kditlpn, with specially Interesting ex-
Mr . "'"'"iuih iu hid uuicr eajtions, and the con
ffiWy lm la 10,8 "npotant rcatuS of tho p?-J-uMi'i'.'S!"
li most 2'stlnguUhed soldlera ihd
civilians ot both North and Bouih. Ita larire llatnr
SK.?,!8 a5a.!n t0!.ciSP cotTntrief wiu bo
enoe It unsurpassed by that of anv
tho country! lis various departmenU essential to a
comnleto newBDaner for th hnm .ah 7,Ti.!
aro constantly enlivened by fresh wnters,and It wS
no n ..v.o Kr... !i . 1 "uu "lely n us mer-
Tekus: Dally delivered bv rarrioro tnr t.i
tlon-Doutle Bheet, two doUars a yea'n alniriaeoDles
fourcents. Weekly nubltohM
iiiK, I...U uuittuo ujrear: utu copiee. it: ben cohIpr.
Auarcai TI1K TIMES,
Times Building, PhUadclpbla,
rt -i r
putnt furnished free, with full lnstruc.
I I Itlonsfor cpnducUng tho most prontable
11 1 " , '7 " vuo uuu engage in.
VK -a. vy The buHlneaj, tn nn Aflnv t.,n.- . ..
Instructions ore soelroplo and plain, tiat any one
can make great fronts from tte very surt. Ho one
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cessful as men. Hoys and girls can earn largo sums!
Many have made at the bitumens over nVT ..r.Hri
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befoiei. All who engage arosurprlsed atthoeaso
and rapidity with which they are able to mako
money. Uu can engage In tbla business during
your spare tlmeat grrat prodt. You do not havoto
invest capl wl In It. Ve take all tho risk. Those who
need ready money, should write to us at once. AH
furnished free. Address Tbce & Co.. Augiuta.Matn
oot. i'-iy -.--"
Readinos! Rocltatlons! Elocution!
unin NOW READY. (
KSO 70HCMttnu!5t.,PWladilpM. ,
93 I 4-W
Have You Ever Known
iuy person to be wrlou&ly ill without a weak Btom
aeh or Inactive liver or kldcrvM And whrn ti...,
vi(....i. iu uvu wiiuiiiuu ro JOU DDI nuQ IhPlf
UKR TUNIC always retruUtea theta lmnort&nt. nr
gaaa, and never lll lo make the blood rich and
EV. ,? I tfJtL"
It tucunil iSSSr'XSSJ.J'XUS
v..v.:jr..7k..r;Tr. .. u... sh
tthir iiuintrD pI.d4I4 l-lfila, KtadlnA,
fit V"' iki N.w i rit. .hooU uV, .1:
W tlta luMThrw Uoukief "Dutouou." 1 1 Ji.ilS
CWW .WVklU ii aan IT.4 w
John Wanamaker.
If you cannot
visit the city, send
to us by
caret for IlOUSD-
keeper's Prico
wear Prico List
Wo fill orelcrs by letter from
every State and Territory at
same prices charged customers
who visit the store, and allow
same privilege of return.
The stock includes Dress
Roads, Silks, Laces, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits.
Grand Depot,
i'JllO IIl-AIIlUc, WlllHltlVN, (illlN, IlllllIN, mill till UllWlHOI-WHICH con-
ptttntiy on iinml.
Landlords throughout tho county will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stcck before purchasing elsewhere. .
Main Street, 2nd
DR. METTAUR'S HEADACHE P LLS ram raoft wonderfully In a
TrrTPliortllmnboinaiCK and NERVOUS HEADACHE: and, white
artfuif uu tl,o uervoua aj.ti-m, relievo DYSPEPKI All, i wn7., r,',. iSSi...
lag the system of cicem of bll
A full SlXO llOX Of thflSO
rilno 3-cont Postnco
oct, 1, 'SO-tt
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker.
Shop in Opera House, Gth door npmia, wiy
Or JOHN II. KINroitTS, Drucglst.
varg. Pa.
Prof. GuiJmette's F ench Liver Pad
will positively cure Fever end Agre, Dumb Ague, Ague Cke, Bilious Fever, Jaundice, Dytrepsla and all
diseases of the .Liver, btomach and Blood. Tne pod cures by absorption, and 1b permanen t. Ask your
druggist for thlir pad and take no other. If he does not keeplt, tend $!.to to tho FnKNOU 1'AD CO, (U.
Branch) TOIDO, Ohio, and receive It by return mall. For Bale by JOHN n. K1NP011T8, Brugglstl Main
street, above Iron, Bloomsburg, 1'a. aepiu 'so
In the manufacture of Organs is resulting in the production and eale
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence without
any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to
uuiuva ui mm uiutH, wuuny reeponsiuio maters. A goou assortment of
styles of tho celebrated Kstev Orcans can now be FOeil nl. tlio now rnnma
ot the Only Authorized Agent foi tho Estey Organs i
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manu
facturers accompanies every Estey Organ,
In the matter ot Ue estate ot Alexander Hess, lute
ui ttuguriuai iowuuiu,e;oiumDiaco i'u,, ucceaB
I'd. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
'bans' Court of said county, lo inaks distribution of
be balance In the lianda of llarhrl Hi mi unit An.
drew Lautacn, administrators ot raid d cedent to
and amorigrt creditors, will met all parties Inter
ested In mid dIMrlbutlon atlils emce In tho Town
of Illoombbure In tald tounty, on Tuesday, tbetstli
day of January, A, l.. iui. at ten o'clock a. m.. U
raid day, when and wbereull parties Interested lu
Mid fund must attend or be forever debarred trwa
any tnare ot said fund.
which to get and prepare House
keeping Dry Roods Sheetings,
Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap.
kins, Towels, etc. Itlsalsotho
season for Ladies' Underwear,
Tho Grand Depot contains the
greatest variety of goods in one
establishment In
the United States,
a n d exchanges
for things that
do not suit, upon
examination a t
Door below Iron.
lo, produclni; a rccular healthy ncUon cf tho bowels,
Vnllmhl. OH I n .,. ..
Stamps. i'oraiobraiii)mi.,!ii
A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed
In a!J cases of Gravel, Diabetps, DropBy, Bright'B Dht&e of tie
Kidne'yi", Incontinence and Retention ot Urine, Inflonmtion of
tlie Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, 1'nin
in the Back, Side or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all
disorders ol ihe Bladder and Urinary Organs, whether contract
ed by private diseases or otherwise.
This irrcut remedy has bien used with success for nearly ten ears Id
France, wltu tho most wonderful Curative Effects. Ii cures by absorption
no nauseous internal medicines belnercqulred. We have Hundreds of testi
monials of cures by this I'id when all else had failed
LAUIKM, If you aro sutlerlnc from Female Weakness, Lcucorrhcea, or dls
eases peculiar to females, or In fact any dlseaso ottbe kidneis. ask your
Prof. CullmctlG'8 French Kldnoy Pad
thcr. irhebasnoteotlt, senda.oo and you will rccel
lmull. Address U. S. Branch
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
Main Street above Iron, IUooms-
BCp. 10, Ifl-tf
select an instrument bearing the
Bloomsburg P a,
In tne matter of the estate) of Philip lfeas.late of 8u.
garloaf township, Columbia county, Ponn'a., de
ceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the or
rhoiis' Court of said county to inakudlstifbutlonof
ihe balance In the lianos of James Pcterman, ad
inliilHimcr de bonis non of the said de-cedut to
the rallies Ii pally entitled to receive the same,
will meet tbo parties Interested In Buhl estato M
his t nice In tie Tew not Uloomsburg in Baldoiun
ty, on Tuesday, Iheuthdayot January, A, I)., 169 1.
at l( n o'clock a. in , of said day, w hen and whrreall
rallies imi rt sled lu paid emalo must attend or bo
forever debaned from any sharo ot said fund,
B, FUANlt ZAUlt,