THE COLUMBIAN. nuioMBOBa, rniDAr, m.cKJinn si, i&so A Merry, Merry Christmas, Tue1y was the liortnt clay of the season. The season for shooting doer clomd on ihc 11 ires of business will bo closed on Christ Villlamporl is to have a blcjcle rink iN.11. A hianineraile, at the skatlne rink, is being Igilaled. Slioeniaklnp: business istlull considering the uscol year. S. A. Wornun is lying seriously ill at his ijnicile In Kfy. McKinney move Into his new store on WeJnesilay. We nre r1J to foe that Mr. Haltier t.sycock i, convalescent. Jimf-s Keilly has an excellsnt assistant in t, luirlwr shop. 1 here arc twenty candidates for court crier in P.erk" connty. Shenandoah's opera House will be opened n or about the 20th. On tba 31 si there will bo a new moon, the fond this month. Tin-re will bo an adjourned Court on the Mi January, for aruumciit. Ire that is Doing taken out now averages uht inches in lhicknes The "Kichanito" fed lis guest", last Sunday, Li l'lrirint-cs anil Uuinoa hens. The churches are finely decorated with (fruoeand laurel for the hoKilays. The dry weather is a boon to the logmen H alleviates their lihor considerably. The famous Port Hart is heard of again, trsvelTing wun some mmi oi a nan snow. The American Union Telegraph Company ttm'iuit messages at very low rates to all parts The dead nouy oi an unknown man was f jn.l In the canal at Danville on Fiidiy last. tears are reported more numerous in Pike C'intv this winter than for man? seasons past, The ltaptlsta will have a Christmas tree for their Sunday school scholars this ovening. Kvauiinntions were held this week at the Sirinal School. The term closed on Wed nes- diy rmaqua is being depopulated. Two streets lut lifiy residents by removals from town. Two married sisters of Joseph Weaver, liv ' in Illinois, were visiting him about a week ICO. A new style bonnet may be photographed by uuimin" a ripe tomato against a board lince The merchants were busy this week, the town being full of people making their holiday jrchases. It is reported that lhat dread disease small pot is making its appearanco in the lower end it Luzerne county. Two fair damsels of Cataw'ssa, recently ilated from that place, to Bloom, and back. Well done, for girls. It is rumored that small pox has made its ap pearance among the workmen of the North A lVc-st Ilranch Hailroad. In the absence of snow, sleighing carnivals being imposssble, these beautiful evenings aro ithghlfiil for skating parties. Kpizooty is disappearing to a great extent, iliat few cases remain are not of as malignant mature as heretofore. Kapielly approaches the day for making new resolution's Wonder how many have kept tho-e made last New Years I. Kuhn has laid in about SO loads of ice in his new ice house. The house has a ca- city of nearly ono hundrtd loads. Wo learn through our exchanges that the American Union Telegraph Company intend mining a cable across the Atlantic. Many are complaining of ihe length of the day?, but you don't hear the youDg folks com plaining of the length of the nights. I. Iward Verry.a workman at Lockar.l's car srorWs received some severe bruises by the fill ola wheel on him, which he was rolling across We hope that all persons who have received Otcments of their accounts from this office ill settle up promptly by the first ol the New iiar Judge Walker, of Schuylkill conn y, held jun for Judge Klwcll at Danville ibis week, le being forbidden to attend by the doctor on a. -omit of sore throat and hoarseness. The Coialmuian for u year would make a c-eful and acceptable New Years present. There will be a partial eclipse of the sun on l-e Jlsi, which can be seen without the aid of amoked glass, In this State there are 87 daily newspaper', 'lb weekly and 137 others, making a total of tuiupany D of Ilervvick lins been disbanded art Company I of Wilkeobarre taUs their - 'ler, Undidales fjr county cilices to be filled i.e.xi 'U are getting as thick as molasses in Janua' t) Too soon, gentlemen! The lit'Ie opera hat worn by theladieB is fist iptrstdmg the derby, Holla are very becom j, to a good looking female. Go. Ilrown, the excellent "caterer of the 'eniral, intends serving his guests with dainty easants and luscious venison oil Christmas jy. Hti licking, mirth fill 1831 hovers in ihe dim stance, amized at the tottering ni d uged brm of old 18S0, whose fandsof life are nearly tuorge Jim Johnson, two piison- eentenced lo the penitentiary, were convey el thereon Thursday ol last wetk by the Mienir. series ol meetings will be commenced at 'he lijpiUt church. Preaching commences lo. u-'trow evening, I'evs. Hall and lleddirg will "' -late, There will be services at the Episcopal 'lurch on Christmas day at half past ten 1 clock. The Sunday School exercises will oc Jr on Monday evening. novel feature of a firemen's fair given in Heading, by ihe Neversinls, was a baby show A prize was. given the child prononced the I'Wtiest by the lady judges. tiimuel Ilurnside, of this place, received near 'y f)ur hundred dollars pension money from 'ha Department, on Saturday last. That is only fart of what hn expects to receive. I'aiuts aro cheaper now than they have been fir years, in fact within an iota of being at low they were ever known to be. Now is the time for dialers to lay in a good supply. James Finkbone, charged with the murder of his fiilier, was tried al Sunbiiry receiitly.nnd 10 'he utter aston shuient of all hero who bad "ad the account of the killing and Ilia evidence ""the trial.was aciuitled, Charlolle Tbtuiifon was' bwolid" to play ''ere, but for some mnknown rown the engage ttmt ,c cnicill(d. W ope k my jet ''ve the jdetsuie of hearing litr. persons were converted lo the faith of tUi-i " ... "it .... r.vangcucal Association on l-'ri- ro on. ' Uilt" 800,1 wotlt It Is easier for a camel to go through the eye or a needle (ban to convince a woman with very large feet that akating is a healthy and graceful exercise for the fair sex. A notion artist claims lo have painted an "range peel on the pavement so naturally that six fat mm slipped on it before the deception was discovered. The American Union Telegraph Company, hiving put in a beautiful set of Instruments, bavo opened up their oflice in vV. U. McKln ticys' new building. Dr. David Deibler had ono of the "pa.Mios on the rail rotd" arreted, on Monday, for as sault and battery. In dofault of bail the per son charged wis incarcerated to aalttrial. The Kescuo Kire company sent W. Hagcn buch lo Heading, to represent their organisa tion in Ihe Volunteer l'ircmens' Convention, held at that place last week. He reports a good representation- The report lhat Wm. Maxwell, ol Danville, had committed suicide one day last week is wlihout foundation. The rumor was started by some one as a joke. illl,m still breathes ihe salubrious air of Danville. l'rof Cluilmeite'" name is a limi-eho'd irril in Frame, and -o it,t be, for he is Ihe inventor of Ihe French Kidney Pad, which has performed such wnndrful cures In disea'isol i lie kindneys. W. ....,. - l .i... ?.,. ., " -iBiuiu nun --IHZ-- iieers was nn ac complice In Ihe assault made uoti Dr. David Deibler, and lhat a warrant his been issued or ms arrest, bnttlio olli its hive not as jet I inesuayi been able to rapture him. C. II, Penrose, Millereburg, Penn., says. 1 sell the A. S. T. Co. Tip shoes, nnd can rwoni iiiendlhem above all other tips. They five pcriect satisfaction. I sell more shoes with ih A. S. T. Co. Tip than any others: The audience room of the Methodist Episco pal ennrch at J.crwick, that has been closed for several months undergoing repairs and im provements, was reopened by Key. J. II. Mc Uarrah, of York, Pa lal Sabbath- Danville is one of the liveliest towns in this section of the State. lis mills and furnaces are all running, and ihe men are being paid caih for their labor, which caues all branch es of business to flourish. A balance of $10,000 has been relumed to the Slate by the Commission to build an in- sine hospital at Norristown, being the amount ot the appropriation not ued. Over jGOO.OOO however, have been expended. We nre in receipt of nn elegantly printed in vitation to be present at the annual reception of the friendship rire Company, of Danville, to be given in the Opera House on Friday eve ning, December 31st. The two "sharpers" spoken of in lat wick's i'sue were arrested by Constable Harris and la- ken before Mayor Herring No one appearing ;ainst them they ero released on their prom ise to leave the town immediately. The following from an exchange applies ery well here: "One by one they come from abroad nnd take away our best girls and still the young men of this city hacg back.'' The liovcrnor has respited (jeorce Smith and Mrs Catharine .Miller, who were sentenced to be hung at Williamsport on the Oth ofjanu ary, for one toonth. This i)l allord a great but short relief to the new Sheritl whose un pleasant duty it is to perform the execution. The roads throughout the country ate in ex cellenl condition, smooth and liard. A if od fill of snow would mike magnificent sleighin W ill not sonic one drop Yennor a postal and procure in a good supply? Not that "Kleven feet" though. Our Stores were well paiked with everything to please iho most fastidious, as is clearly evln ted by Iho coinpirativily small number who went away to make their lioldiy purchases. Our business men are alive to the wants of the people. A young Miss was Iiesrd rturitk lo a com panion the other day : ''I think it fuolUhncss to get marritd in the winter and miss all ihe n ce sleigh ride-. I wont do it." Consider that lliu ,ikuker was oidy about l"i eirsof age, we agree with her that it would be policy to wait, at least three months. The Kescni I'ireC't., will L'ive a ball in I'rower's Hull on Nov Year's evening. It will be their a-iniMl leceplioit. The attendance ai these sociables has liln.iysheen select and siriii order and decorum m unlainu!. Thore ing to have a goud time should purihae tickets Music, the very best The exhibiii m given by the C'alliepian Lit erary Society last Friday evening, was a sue less in every rerpect. The ) rugranime was varied and spicy and the a'tei.elaiuL' large rins sueieiy always furnishes a gotsl entertain merit. We h eve not heard the amount of the reteipts A commit!. has been appointed by each ol the fire eoinpu.iss for the purpose of drafting a constitution and by-lava for the organizati n of a lire department. The joint committee met on Tuibdey evening, mid ii is probable thai theliiedcpartment will le fully orgniztd in a f-ew weeks. Girls, your delei-iable privilege is fist me ding from you. If you intir.d embracing ihe glorious opportunity and Fccuro some one lo get up these cold mornings and build the lire, now is ihe allotted time. Tho hoys are grew ing impatient and mnv get ir.ies if you d m t soon act. 'Tis your cl anee for I ji'"" Grasp it. There will be no picr pnbl shed in ihi' of. fieo net eek. Asthls is the lirl ti ne- in live yoars that we have nii-elil week, w,. snnv ournadcirs will gni.t us tlii' iiiduUeniv. M..-I country papers t iktt the I olid-iy and !'' inh "f July week f r a vteai'i ul, but our legal iidier tiedng huiilwiys rirjiirtilui ' pul li-h e pa ler at the f H-ison, and we- have never Ihoughi of failing on the latter- O ir office willbeoi'iu r.11 ihetiuie. The Wromliu; ( oiinlv Toaiheu' -isiiiute uiill l.e held ill TuukllJll"Oc k, colliniini'ing ihi rl.e'-lih hiiiI endiiiL- on the Mill. Tnrotigh the meritorious exerlio.M nf tho Superinleudaiit, whoisChirlesM. Lee, a gradulteed Ih- Nor mal School ol this plue-,a l.r?e num'ier of hue Ucturers hive beeu sut-ired in ullrtes ih ineetinK.auong it.- He'- 1 W'llBr Jr- " isllioujhl In igrmd -luces' Mr. l.-u I')' the wiy, H survnii his ond term. Mr. Marshal Kinn-y, in 'gi I a"1 re-p-t-ed man, died al Ashland, where he has '.i-eu resi ding f.ra few years us!,at.d his remiius ere brought to It'oo'ii.burg and iuterred jus-er-clay. Mr. Kinney l.v.d fr years in Light S-reel, from wheiiie ho uiovod to ibis pi t e- md wasengigedfor a long period at lioi.d lie, a. diiel inrpenter. The news of hi dtini.e- will convey sadness to the he-urts ol many in ihiscouiinuuity am ng whom, at one lime, he .,..! ami a' regirde.1 as an exemplary, .i.rtaiUei eenllemau ihe bereayeu laiuny ..i. i., sviniu'hv of the ci'izens of .Liownandviclul'yln their irreparable loss of kind and loving fall'". Knur THE COLUMBIAN AND There Is small pot In the air. Kvery mm. woman and chll I In Iho town should bs vac cinat.. IWt put It olT but attend to ll at once. We notice that Wellington Hariman and tcr dress hare keen beautifying their respect, lycrcsldmces, ky giving them new coats of paint. Good paint, skillfully manipulated, has wonderfully Improved iho appearance of these two houri'S. (Ml who love to trip thellcht finlastlo should attend the ball to-night, given under the auspi ces oi the rrienlship, Nothing has beeo lelt undone to make everything comlortskle and pleasant for their patrons the koys never do. Good music will ha in attendance. Give the company a 'hand.' TheToy and Candy store of W. II. Oilmore Is a sight lo gladden the hearts of children' The stock consists of toys of every description. dolls, wagons, menairerles. eiieinta and cars. and a thousand other things. Qo nnd see them. It is just ihe place for Cbrlitinas pres ents for the Utile ones. dec 17 2w An exchange aptly said the editor discharg es many gratuitous services for individuals, so cieties and the public generally, for which be is not oven rewarded with an appreciative 'thank jou.' Hut let him omit tho perform ance e f these gratuitous services, what an nngry howl is wafled to his ears! We bal e much pleasure in recommending 1 litrnialinn to our readers, na an almolnto cure tor Malaria. Tho manufacturers' namo alone ianguaranteonf its merit. Itsellsat25 imtKpcrliot. l'or particulars seoAdvt. inly 3d, SO flm The slating rink is f u-naining its former popularity. Mo-t of the skaters of last winter recognizing ihe hia'.tbfidness of tho exercise nnd n precianng the ploiute it nllords, are buk again, enjijing themselves; and a gnat nuuil er of othtrs are commencing to learn, tin Saturday night last Mr. F.vuns bad a giod bind of Music in attendance. It is very important lhat all deeds should be recorded, the back ones as well as the one by which you obtiined title. The fee fjr record, ing is light, and by so doing you may savo trouble and rcne to yourself or to Ihorc ac quiring from you. It is only by having them afl put on record lint you can show a clear, un broken ihsin ol title. If you have any nnro corded deeili rend or bring them in, The medicines of Drxrus Dick ,t Co. aro unexcelled for elegance, pnrity, and relia bility. Their Stidlitine Seidlitz Powders, aro as pleohant as Lemonade. Their Soft Capsules aro world famous. See Adit, july 20, 'SO-Om There are, by actual count, just SO young men in lliis place who would gladly give them-i-elvcs away as Christmas presents. The figures are lined on (he large number of young men that corgpgite before the church doors night ly in carder lo catch a girl only toco away dis' appoiitid. Now, lojs, this is a bad practice and, wishing to be islled gentlemen, you should abandon it. Aitend ihurch and perhaps you will be presented witli something ditlerent from the 'milieu.' You can neve prow into ihe gocd graces of alidy by making a etatue of younelf before a church door. William Gilmore has the Ingest stock of toys ever brought lo P.tcomsburtr. It compris es eiery lb ing from eni.y whistles up lo doll babies worth lilteen dollars. If we want to please Ihe little lolks go there and buy them eomething fur Chri-tmas. Agoidslrini; band is an ornament as well as n public benefit lo any town. In order so make sucli a baml it takes time1, trouble anil mi ney Pi-it g for ihe benefit of the cm the peo le t.pect it to exist long iftliey do not patronize ihe ifitrte made lo keep up the organ izaiicii7 If we are rightly ii.-finr.e-l, the Illocunburg string bar.d failed to make enorgh let their ball lest week lo meet necessary expenses Weare mrry, because the boys' pers-istent eideaiorsto meet the public evpectatie ii a difiicull ibing to do, for the 1 iiblic slviays expects big tilings should re ceive a liberel acknowledsment from our citi zens cm such occasions, llnod Ireatnient and c'licoiirageiii.ut will producegoc d music. Mr. ainl .vtrs. Jnhn 1 Pursel celchrateel tin- iwe-ntv fifili anniversary of their marriage on l i.t r-ntmday eieninj I D. e. IS, IhjO. I Al a ve-iy early h ,ur ihe guests nsseinbleil. The -upper was served up in a grand stile, and all -e-m-il to enj'.v this es pari of the pro gramme. This sili-ei-.v ehliiig ciremony was pe-elups ono of the u.o.1 Miigular that ins been witnessed fir some lime. Mr. 1. S. Kuhn, of llloomsbiiri;, and Miss Martha, of Dan lille, who were present, and acleel as bri'les nnid and groouisinan at the marriage twenty- live veers .ego, u,re present at this cele bration. Miss Harriet Miarpless, formerly of IXtouiHhurg, now of Washington City, was also on ot the h'ippy roupl-'s bridesmaids, but was unable to be present at this re union. Mr. Peter Pursel, of Kalamazoo, Mich.,thc other groom man, being fo fsr aay, could.'not be in attend ance, but is enjoying cxcelltnt health Tb pisior, Hev L- A. Sharretts, who united them was also present. It was a jovial occision in deed, and while the lrst mil h'-stess were in their glee, those who were tl e least inclined to be ejuiel were observing bow seemingly young all wire and it looked hardly credible that twenty five years could icll aay and br!ng to gether rigsin almost the same company and with so lew gray hairs. 11VS1ENIAL. morning, Dec. 22, was ushered in witli the un shining in all its splendor,and ths beautiful day was to mark the marriage of Miss Ann i M. llittenbender, of Iiloomsbiirg and Mr. Francis If. Jenkins, of Cliiilenaiigo, N. Y. I'ards having been issued lo the nu merous friends early before the lime of the ceremony at five o'clock, they began to gather alSt. Matihew's Lutheran church. The church was beautifully decorated with arches of Uurel and trailing pines. The ushers, Mr. E. V Hartruan anil C. M. llittenbender, were at the church eaily to receive the guests. The bridal party arrive'.! at tho appointed hour, and were met nt tho hesel ol Iho stairs by the Ushers and were led up 'he nislis, while Prof. I. W N'iles, who had kindly consented to preside al Ihe organ, gave n beautiful wedding march Following the ushers were the bridosmiid slid groomsman, Miss ,U jo Culm and Mr. J K i.itienueiiuer, or liicomsnurg. Tbe brhle was dicssed in her trauling suit, and looked beau lil'ul, indeed, and was entirely romiiosid Hev. O. D. S. M.irel.ay.the pulor, gave a beau tiful ceremony, and in aboul seven minutes the two weie nude happy In Ihe bonds of matri ni'iny and were again ou their way lo th humc of the bride, previous to taking the train for Chiltennngn, the groom's home. At the house they received a great nuiiihir of friends who ciuio lo express Ibelr regrets thai the hap py couple were about to leave qur town and make their homo in another staid. Tho presents weie haml-ome and mostly of soul silver, consisting pirlially ufsilvor cas tors, silver sp' ous, napkin ring, bouquet hold r butterdishes with gilden lining In moroc co owe, cake ba-ket, pickel castors, cluck, card receivers lined with gold, knives, Ac. Then iheio was a hindsome inoroc-o album, very beaulll'il counttrpants, tl.gant Chlni tea set walnut e hauiber suit, complete set of glassware, Japaue-e fruit plates, full toilel set, linens, vus es, toi'ot bottles, late work, easy chairs, Ac At 7:!i0 the party lock the train and thus closed the beau tiful day. If the brightness of the sun portends the future, we may speak for them a life wi'l out a (loud to mar their hippb li ess, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The homestead farm ol Samuel Shaffer, de- ceased, was oiTsred for salsoi the 21st Insl.. hut the sale was Indefinitely po'tpincd in ac count of the low bidding. The woodland was I sold, hut wo have not learned who was the purchaser. Orant Herring has returned from l.nfiyo tic college tospend his holidays, P. V. Weaver, Ki., of Uazlelon, gave lis it friendly call on Wednesday. Hev. Ne S. lltickiheliam, formerly Presiding Elder of this district was in (own this week. Miss Alice McKatnoy, of Espy, paid Will Edgar, ofthii office, a flying visit on Wednes day. Mrs. Phillips, wife of J. 8. Phillips, return- 1 from n long visit to Canada, last week. Thomas Oorrey, carpenter, has relurned lomo from Milton, haying finished his con tract at lhat place. Lewis Gordon, of Piltston, made us a friend ly call on Thursday. Mr. Charles Fruit, son of It. F. Frult,a med ical student nt Jefferson College, Phils,, was in town on cdnesday. Gomer Thomas, W. C. Johnson, Esq. and itauglifers, and a number of members of the Friendship Firo Company, all of Dinvlllc, attended the Winona concert oa Wednesday ight A. A. Engle, of nuiTalo, Fred llittenbcnde r, f Plymouth, and Miss Annie Hess, ol Mont gomery Station, were present at ihe marrlauo ceremonies of Miss Annie M Ilittenbcnder and Francis H, Jenkins. Mrs, Dr. Harter has gone to Baltimore to pend the holidays, where her husband Is at tending mcdlral college. Wm, Hagenbuch, formerly of this place,ditd on Tuesday morning at his home in Light Street. He was about 05 years of age. Evan llefohlinc, a law student registered with I!, llrockway, Em)., at present teaching 'chool In Luzerno couDty, made us a pleasant little call one day day this week. He was on lis way to attend Teachers' Institute at Wilkes. barre. H. D., son of J. K. Edgar, of this place, spending the holidays with his parents. Dud' reports Unzleton, where ho has been working, as a 'ftV town, lull of vivacityand bu siness. George I.auer, son of Fred. Latter, the big beer man of Heading, was in town on Tues day, making his father's patrons a friendly call. THE WINONA CONCERT. One ol lllnonisburit-'s best audiences, in quality, greeted the ladies and gentlemen ho took part in tho concert last Wcdncs day night at the Opera Houe. Every re served scat was occupied Tbe principal part of the programme consi-ted of quar- tetts by Mrs. D. C. Swsnk, Miss Katie It. Jamison, Mr. 1). O. Swank and Mr. L. S. Wintvrstren. Of Mrs. Swank it is unnec essary to speak. She has many admiring friends in this section. Fifteen years ago he sang at the concert in the Lutheran church for the raising of funds for a sol-- dicra'.mominicnt, and ever sinco she has been pleasantly remembered as a most de lightful songstress. She fully sustained her reputation on this occasion, and was loudly encored in her solos. Miss Jxmisou has a fine contralto voice, and the audience was captivated by her singing of "IJ iiuiie Sweet l.essie." As a encore the recited a young lady's experience at church She also re cited "The Kcd Jacket," description of a fireinans life. Mr. Swank sang "Happy be thy llreams" and was encored. His yoice is n good one, and though he was slightly hoarse it did not prevent any one from en joying It. Mr. L. S. Wintfrsteen surprised every body with his heavy bass. It was tbe first time he has appeared in public in this town. His name was omitted from the bills and from the newspaper notices at his own mod est request, but now that the coticert is over wo shall not permit bim to suppress men tion ol' the cr. dlt that is due him from the public and the Winona Company. He has been singing in this quartette for some time and it was at bis invitation that the party came here and gave their i-ervices gra tuitously. Prof. Nciinan is worthy ofis pectal mention. His expressive accompani ments to the t-ongs added greatly to the gen eral effect. It is not every one who can play the piano who eten accompany sinking sat isfaciorily. Prof. N'cimau can do both. In the haste with which the programme was necessarily made up his name was omitted from it, and the error was not discovered un til too late to make the correction. There was a duett by Mrs. Swank and Miss Jamison, one by Mrs-Snauk and Mr. Winterstcen. Prof, Nilcs and daughter who kindly gave their assistance, played a piano duett from the Opera of "II Trovatore." Prof. Niles and Paul E. Wirt played a duett on tho piano and violin, and Mr. Wirt eaug "Jack's Farewell," accompanied on tbe piano by l'rof. Niles, all of which was beautifully ex ecuted. Messrs Snyder and Winterstecn played on times with organ accompauiment with pretty effect. The entertainment closed with "Good Night Gentle Folks" by th-; quarlotte, and Mr. H. Iluckingbam, Presi- lent of the i inona, made a neat little speech thanking tbe audience for their pat ronage. Tbe piano used was furnished by Clomer Thomas of Danville, and was a first class instrument. The Estey organ was from J. Saltzer's room, and gave entire sat isfaction, All pontons who assisted have the sincere thanks of tbe company for ser vices. The marriage of Mr. Charles Ewingof Har- riahurg to Miss Alice Smith, daughter of A. C. Smith Esq., tootc place at the Episcopal Church on Thursday morning in tLe presence of a la-ge number of Invited guests, Key L. Zihner olli cinting. Messrs II. 11. Clark, W. C- Sloan, John M.Clark and Arthur Smith, brother of the bride, acted ss ushers. Promptly at ten o'clock the bridal party entered the church and the ushers led the way up the centre aisle, the bride leaning on the arm of her father and the groom following with JJrs. Smith. The rector met them at the foot of the chance) steps where ihe first part of the ceremony was performed, ihe father giving awsy tho bride. The con tracting parties then advanced alone to Ihe chancel rail where Ihey exchanged vows and were declared man and wife. The dress of tbe bride was a very pretty traveling suit of plum colored cashmere, trimmed with brocade silk. The church was very prettily decorated. He fore thu ceremony some selections from differ ent operas, were played on tho organ, and at Ihe close Mendelsohn s eddjng March. Mr, and Mrs. Ewing left for Harrisburg on the noon train, MUluug so good for Headache and Dys pepla as l)r, MelUiur't Jleailaohe ami lv jiemia llu. Price 25 ceuts, All druggists sen mem, ueo. 2-1 Jm Deaths. riiKAtf-On Ihe 1 1 1 1. Inst near Hhorsburg Charles H. Freas, aged 47 years, I month and a days, The deceased was a man of family aud aortal sull'erer from rbeu lualiiui, not being able to wain lor lire years. cot'irr piioonmiiNds. l'slatf of Collins S lllill', Hole on heirs. Estate of Jacob Shugar'. liuto nn hrirs. Estate of Wm. White. Order of salo con firmed fir part unsold. lloadln Centre township nur Philip Creasy, Petition to vacnte road. Jam Like, Aaron Iloono and Isaac McKamey appointed viewers . Itoad In Centre township "noi.'Goorga Eck' rote. Petition for a private road, Wm. La mi)ii, l.ainon Marl and Andruw Fuwler np pointed viewe rs. Petition (or road in Centre township near H. C. IlarlchV Jacob Tcrwllliger, A. 11. White and Silas Young appointed viewers. E'tale of Daniel Vnndersllce. Petition for appointment of guardian. Wm. P. Vander slice appointed. Petition for road In Centre township near Chss. Whllmlre's. Chai. It-e-l, Ad tin Suit, and Geo. W. Miller appointed viewers. Commonwealth vs. Dmicl (larmtr. Nolle pros nllowisl on piyment of ccals. Hattle Eclair vs. Gen. W. Edgar. .Subpn.' nn in divorce. Petition for rule lo show cause why responden t shall not pay JJHJ to her for her costs as llbellant. llond matter of N. Ic W. It. K. H Co. taken up. lit, Jacob Hwink tiken up for disposal. After hearing testimony drall ordered to be filed with the bond. 2nd. ll-md to M. 0. Yctter presented and consented to be approved In sum of $100.00. .Ird. E. M. W. Koslenbauder presented for $200 and agreed as satisfactory, Phlla, k li. K It. Co for J20O0 approved. Wm (1. Yetter appointed lor land hohler and nn affidavit read. Petition for viewers In inspecting (he work-man-hip nf a bridg in FisliinKcreo'i: J. M. DeWitt, E. S. St'ker, T. N. Elgir, John Ze ner, Elias Lnubach and J. M, Peale-r appoint ed inspectors. Commonwealth vs. Stephen Dietlcri' k,Emor piette'tck.Levl Shaller and Stephen Dietlerick jr. ltic guizant-e of defendants in tho sum l SoOO each for app-arinee of defendants ni next term. Stephen Dietlerick, jr., nnb red lo be eli-clmrged by the court. Estate of James liirry. Auditor's rejsirt colilitlned. P. G lhcliman audit. Itulu to show cnuse why altathmant for costs shall nnl be issued. ' Maguie D. Lord vs. J icob L. (litlon. Ver dict for the. defendant for tho horse and bar ni'ss and for the plainlifl' iho bucgv mentioned ed in the wril and tweiity-fivo cents damage lor the pheintill for tho detention of the buggy. Henry Gersghty for useofO. II. Millard vs. the township of Conyngliam. W J. Ilutkalew by permission of Court, withhraws his appear ance fir defendant and on motion of 1). F. arr judgment is entered for waul of nu ap, pciratice. Unlets for venires for February court, 1SS1. And now December 111, 1SS0, ordered that n venire be issued fora errand jurv in the Oyer n-id Terminer and Qu trier Ses-ioiis fir next session, and lhat venires be issued in the Oyer and Terminer and Court of Q-nrler Ses-ions for thirty-six truverse juiors lor next ses-lon, returnable on the eighth dayof February, 1 SSI, for the first week of said court, and that a ve. nirc in Ihe Common t'lejs fir thirty-six jurors be i-siied for the second wcik of Februiry lerni 1HS1. HvThkCoL'iit. Sale of real estate ordered iu tlis estate jj John Snycler. Estate of Geo. Kester. Citation allowed on petition. C. II. Hrockwny vs. Theo. Vandusen el. nl Hole to show cnuse why an attachment shall not is.ue for costs. Application for additional 5 mill tax for Su garloaf township continued Estate of John Kline. Hiram Ash appointed guardian ol four minor children. Commonwealth v. Vanliew, Dench warrant ordered for Drake and Vnnliew. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Miy, Called for final dispoFiiion and confirmed. Commonwealth vs. E. L Myjrs. Uecigni .nice forfeited in op n court. Report of W. II. Abboil lo distribute funds iis bands of Lucas Fahringer. Filed. Court adjourned until January Ith, 1SS1, ot 9 a. tn. A thorough and safe remedy is J)r. iUt taur'i Jltddacfie anil J)ytpcsia Jills, Sold by all druggists. Piico 2.1 cents, dec2 II m Business Notices "War nct Lvaf IlAtn IlKSTOitFK' Is entirely dltTer eut trenii all others, ir Isasilear es nater.aml as its name linltcatee. Is alperrect egrialile Hair lie slorer and does not tn any manner atTe ct Hie health widen .sulphur. Miliar ol b ad nnd Mlrate or Mlier preparations hale done. It will immediate!) tree llio heiiil foin all nandriilT, lie-store elrav Hair to Us natural color, and produce a new crow th win le It has tn lien Dir. It will change. Held or laded hair In a lew dajstoats-aultrul ,'lossjl.irowii. l:ierj bulla.- Is warranted, mv jour Uruirk'lst for It. lor sale nt Jlovne linos., llloomM urir. 1'a. Unlin, Kllnn t'o., Philadelphia, and Hull ,C ltuckcll, New Mill,, ISholeside .t;elilH. ott X'Z, sei-ir Christmas coming, tlents Slippers at McKinney's. rinbroidi ri cl 500 nice while thrifty shntes wanted by ilas Younir, Liuhtstreet. lhat nre "J. .1. 1. f. to II months old lhat weigh from 25 lbs. :in, Hi, 10, -15 5(1 lo 0 lbs. each. Persons lhat want to buv shot's release call around, I handle fn in 30, -10 to 50 notes per week. dee. 21, '80 2m. Cards and Picture Hooks at tho PermW Drug nnd Hook Store. No trouble to show iroods and eive iiricrs at the Peoples' Drug and Hook store. Silver Fruit Knives nnd Nut Picks. Iluncl Mirrors, powder I'till'-e am boxes. Fine, c-iit- class Extraction. pue and Hay Uum bottles Fancy Celluloid and Di.etite 'I'nilet Seisin great variety, Pocket (;.i,es containing biuli and blacking only 2."and -ID cents, tjolga'is special perfume in small boxes Very Cheap ui iiericit-rsumi s irrug .-store. Eleirant Phntnoraiill Albums nl llin Pen pies' Drug and Hook Storo. Come one. come all. comn lnri.A nnd small ami see the large Hock of Christmas Goods at the Peoples' Drug and Hook Store 100000 lbs. of eociil mime nork eenoi.,1 in the next eight ivteks by Silas Ynunc, l.lglilstreot. I want iocs that dress 50 ll ou, ,,), iuu, j-JS,, 170, 200. 225, 250 up ... -sr. it ; , 1 I ... .iu eu-. apiece, j always want my pork dressed on Saturday and broiiirht in earlv on Monday morning. Persons wishing to buy pork, please call around early cm Mon- uiiy Clioilliogs, dec. 25, S0-2m The most fitnev Christina koii.Is In !. line nl Neck Ties nnd I llnir. unu sonars at u. u. -Mart a. Ink Stands. Paper Weicnls. Gold Pens ami i-ei ciis, at me l'coples lrtig and Hook oiure. sVnotlier car load of Harrel Salt at Hill. meyer s, Gentlemen's dressing cases m tho l'-.m.!.,. Drug and Hook Store. Don't buy your Chiistmas nresenls till you loon nt (J, V, .Marr's. Hirgliamtou Hoots at McKinney's. Ci-lliiloiel Cases. Perfumeiv. Eviraeta In cases at mo peoplca' Drug and Hook Store. leu bets. -If nieces, best I'm. It. I, is nr. nl Itill..,-.-. B ' He member, but a few elnvie en, iitieil Christmss, When you can't be suited at other iilaies.then calf at tho Peo.d eu' Drixr and Hook Store and see the handsome Hue ami cueap prices. Oo to Lull ,i Sloan's and buy one of those gooei uotioie euawis lor a Cliristmas prcent .u. joe.,, Ilanilsomi, Ulsters for Little Hoy's at I), Loweiibcrg's, Any book you waut you can get at the urn-si pnvu at uie j eopies Drug and Hook .cu.u. Lamps and lamp trimmings, something nice lor Christinas at Ihe lowest retail price a complete line of Vases, II Hjuet Holders' loilet bets, Table .Mats, .Moustache Cups unci .-saucers.iauits- and children's cups am l).i not forget that I.uiz ,t Sleiaii have the i'1-.-i asaeirunem OI i.auies Uoats aud Dol U'SU) ... l.lOUIUSUlirg, English and Ameriesu Poets at the IV, pics' Drug and. Hook fiiore. Cannttl floods nf ev-ry ilest.-rlptl m, Fancy Figs and ltalsins, Evaporated l'rulls nf all kinds, at lllllineyer's. Clark d. Su will sell you Dress Goods nt cost for a reiioit time. Tho largest Stcck of Ilrady Mado Clothing Can now be seen ut the Old Kellablo Sluro of David Lowcnberg, Call nt O. O. Mart's fur splendid Glass ware, Gold and Silver Vases and cako Dishes. Diaries for 18S1 at '(VXcfark's. Handsome Felt Skirts at Lull! k Sloan's for Christmas presents. Harriet A. Ncwklrk, orSnlcm, says: 1 was cured of tetter in my hand by threo applica tions nf Camphor Milk, My liitsbntul was cured of old running sores by using ll. It cured my son of a sprninid ankle. Price 25 cents Sold by C. A, Klcim, Hlouinsbiirg. nptll 16, '80,ly Mnte Silk Handkerchiefs) and other gooels fir Christmas presents at I.ntz h Sloan's this vtck. M A fine assortment nl RS Diaries and Memorandum Hooks at G A. Clark's nook Store, Hlllmeyer has the Shillield Nickled Silver plated ware, Knives, Folks, ami Spoons. They areola superior qua'lly and sold nt hall the cost of other p'ateel ware. Cull and examine. Holiday Hats, Seal Skin Caps on bund at 1). Linvenbt-rg's Tai-.i.i: mtcialtikx. Plum Puddliii's, Mince Meat. Fancy Cheese, Olivia Cable Oil, French .Mustnni, Table Sauce, Catsup, &e., ut Hillinijer's, You can get Toaols, Napkins, Table Lin ens and all such useful presents nt I.tuz A Slo Hi's. A very fine tssortmi'iit of l.-idii-s' ('oat, all nicely mado nnd trimmed in Silk, Satin and Velvet of Ihe latest styles arid fislibin for sale by Silas Young, l.lclit Stm t, just not in from Iheiitv manufacturers in prices from $1 00, .1 511, $5 50, ii) 50, s" 50, $S 50, i!l 50, fit) 50, $12 5(1, 15 50, jlti 50 to flS 50. (ct. 1 .'.in Another lot of Sleds at llillineyer's. Highest Cash Price paid for 1,000 flood Fal, Live VEAL CALVES this Fall and Winter. You can bring theid riubt along now on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "I each and every week this Fall and Winter. Hring in your good tat calves now and get yjur cash for them. Hring them from the north, south east and nest. Lttheni come right al mg now to Silas Y-iung, Light Street. oil. I lui C W. Low, of Ormgeville, is selling the fol lowing gr-e els at co-t, Ladies' and (. luhiien's Coal, Jackets, Utiderwe-ar, SI awls,, Arc tic Overshoes, nnd Hoods, Men's Ari-'io shoes, Underw,ar, Overcoats, Hufhel i Uohes, and Ilotse Hiiuikets. We al-o cull your a tun lion lo the five and ten c-nl counter, fiie cent Calico, 12J cent Di-I.a'ne Mid n-ven cent sugar. dec. 17-2w The laiirs-t, best -md ch'-ape-t stock of Shoes at M. Kiniiev's, ltftisin, French I'mm -, Italian and evap orated Peaches, L'.ilil .rnlii Ditesiinlv 12 rents per pound Florida O .inc, l.mtitis iVc., at Ilenel'Tsholt's Tea Store. For Fine Gloves Hiii'kskiti. I) nr-kin Kid (Imported) for Opera Partita Dres esc , goto L Lowrr.lierg. Get your glovo fitting ney's. Shoes ut McKiti- Tea Seisin while granite, -tone porcelain, and Freiuh China, Dinner Sets, from 100 pirces to any ilrsired number, handled anil unhaiidled Irasund coders, Turkey PlateSjall lies very cluap at llillnii jer s. Prepare for Chrisimas Tim largest ami best assortment of Holielay Luxuries in lib omsburg run be nt Hilltntyers gro cery, turner .Main and Ui litre streets. Iltiw health can be inniiitaiue cl Iluy a Good Over Coat at D. Loweiibcrg's Hon. George N. Corson, Norri-towti.snii: The Pheu-iix IVi-lnral is imlispeiisuble ill my .uuilv. It nets like a charm in curii g iiitths mid colds with the chilelri n.aud I Iw-ays 1,-e it when achlie'ssing ii jurv. Price 5 cents. O. A. Kleini,Hloonibur. nprlli-ly Every person in Hlnoin-lmr niiL'ht local' at lite Peoples' Drug anil Ho,k Store to see tho large aud fancy stick of Christina- (eiioeis. Demraled Toilet Sets In m H -5 lofO 2.r somi tiling nice lor Holiday Prisuilsal Hilb moyt-rs. Cbroinos, S'eel EnernvliiL". Pictures I. isles and I-r.itius at llio Pennies' Drue anil Honk blore. ItKH llllltsi: I't.WllKlt enrt'H lnon Iinrsi-ti e.nileR unu sneep cinn any oin.-r luedii'ini-. sun- t-i e r time. oetvi. 'si-tieoiv Have you seen the Pieineer (ila-swar- at illmeyer's. Somethiin new in sets. Fruit Dishes, Hrend Plates, eVo. 1IPNIIV M'AltllOLIC tssl.VK, The llest Salle In Hit- wor.O r..r e cits. llrnu.. soles. leers, suit Khetiln 'I', tier 1 Imem, il llm.l. i'htlbliili.s, corns nr.d nil klndsrr skin I riipttons Kle-Ckll-S lllirl 1-linples. 'Die s .111- Is I'li.irjn.t. , ft e., irlve perfect satlsiacllon Ineieiycasoorinon' re. ail others nre but Imitations. Price cents. Kor iuuo-11. on Dure 10 eel neriry s e ai none Mine, as. saie uy uu uruiifc'ists. oct ll, 'sn-lcow Another car load of Harrel Salt at Hill msytr s. 11KA1.HI AND IIAl'l'INKs.s. It seems stramre that an onouin sum e rmm eim many deianejeiiierds brought on by an Impure roo- elllleui ol Iho blood, when M'OVII'sJ 111.0111) and I. libit Mltll' wl:l re'Storo perrect heulth to the phMcalon;aul7atlon. It Is indeed a st reiiirtlienlnir r ! ui., -iiuwii. iu iuu-, uim iuW I'lUlCU I S-CICtOUC' t tie Lest blood nurlller e-ie-r illsi-nii r,..l . rfi-e. ii elli curing scri.rula, sj pldlllle dlse-ns.-s, WraknesK oi uie- uiiiiic-jie, ice. .-serTous eusoruers etna 1.1-01111, and Ihe ICiuriL' feel cai : will I. .trie., ....... n ,i iii.ises cell" uio ice I locinc- out or ihe sjstuie tin- man j Ills that human it. sh Is heir to. a slni-le bottle will r role lo jou lui mer its as a health renew er, lor It acts like u e-ieueiii, esjHiiuri wnen uie ccinpiaint isoruuex hillisllle nallire. Iinllnga lendeney to lessen the uuiueio eiKoreji cue uruin unu nerious sis.tem. oct -ii.'siiijeow 18S1. Harper's Magazine ILLUSTE, A.TED, vuditnB Iho siitiiici obiectlwlr unci from Hit) educational point of Uew-seeltr.Bto proildottut which, taken nltOKcllier.wlll be of the most sen Ice to Iho lart-est numtcr-1 Joiij; at;o concluded that. If l could huie but one work for a public library, I woum select a complete) set ot Ilarneis Jlonthlv."- Charts Pruiiils Adams, Jr. Its contents oru contributed by tho most eminent authors and artists ofEuroisjand Atncrlca.whlle thu lun.'cxiierienco of Us publishers has made them inorout'iiiyconierhaut ullhthodoslrosot tho pub ni. i,; mo sparonocnort loyrallfy. HARPERS PERIODICALS ii.Mii-r.iis i.ii.ziNi:,onocar i (o iiAiti-Eiisi WKEKI.'V.ono ear 4 ihi UAIll'KHs liA.Mi, ono jear , 4 csi 'Iho TllltEBabenaputi'tcatloi.s, 0110 jear 10 00 Any TWO abeno naineu, ono year j ikj it.Aie. ueca luc.Aci i-1'.ui-uis, onej year j to Postai;.' Freo to all subscribers In llio Uidlcd piutea or cieimua. Tho volumosof tlioMasaloe launn wm, tho Num. ucea.oruuuu uim iiooi-iuuer or caeu ytear. When no tltnu Is specnod, It will bo understoal that Ihe subscriber nislies to betln with the current number. A Complete set of Harpers -Masailue. comprising ......a,.u ms. tuna uinmui; wuibeiseiit l-(icM, tic-iL-iii uiexis-nse or nurelii.r.r. nn r.,....e..i ottl sspervolumo, slnelu volumoa .tiV til 11 11 tivwi paid.u 01 cioth e-ases, fur blndlne, Ss coins by mall, iwstpaU, ' llemittaricea sliould Iw mado by l'ostnico Moner Order or Draft, loavold chanoo if lor s. Newspapers aw not to ccy tM. luitcrtlse'ineu wlUiout n.0 etpresa order of narpc-r : Iirothers Aaelrui UAlll -nil n Utun-UKitti n(w Yort, PltOSLTOUS FOR 81. During tlio coming year it. is llio iiitoiitio.ii of tlio jiroiriutors of THE COLUMBIAN not (inly i ki'i'p tip ils pn.t .tnii ilanl of excellcMici', but to still furtlitir improve it. THE COLUMBIAN h lliu largest paper in Columbia eounty and tlierclbrt contains more reading matter than any other. THE COLUMBIAN U the cheape.-t, because our sttb si'i'ipliou price is only 1 .K) a year in advance while all nther any where near Ihe paint' size charge S2.00. vric Cohunbicii is the best, because we. employ more assistance, and devote more care and attention to it, than any other receives. It is the best ADVKIITISLVG MKD1UJI beeause our subscription list is larger by seveial bundled than any other in the eotinly.and there- lore it reaches more leaders. 11' others would do as we have done, to-wit, cut ofl' all pen-oils who never pay for their paper, our list would be double that of any other paper published here. Within the next year we expect to in crease our li&t to 2000 pitying sub- cribers, and this is the reason why we can aH'ord to sell the pa per cheaper than any other ollice though we occupy more roo!ii,huvc more money invested, and employ more hands than any of our competitor!-. Every family should lave it because it contains gener- tl reading for the young and old, tillable household recipes, and information for ihe farmer. Every business man should have it, because it contains all the court irocccilings-, sheriff's sales, deci sions oi ino conn, oi general in terest, and much other matter that everv buxiness man in the county should read. JOB DEPARTMENT is complete. "We have the latest styles of Type and Ornainenta Characters', and are nrcnared to sV I lo ii class of work that no other ollice in the county can do. Visiting Cards, Wedding Invi (atioiis, Programmes, Circular plain or ornamental. Posters, Pa per Hooks, Note and Letter Heads Envelopes, Statements, Shipping lags, and m fact any kind of printing can be obtained here at the very lowest nriees. Order - . - !).,! 1 111 . 1 t 1 n ijouixb Him jjiaiiK jjooks ot every deseniition printed and bound. Specimen copies of tho OOLlQiDiMAI will be sent on application. ELWELL & BITTENBENDKR, Columbian Building, Noai Court House, EastSido OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. ' K ' " JVorth Knowing. Thcro is a place in Phila delphia where a stranger may buy his clothes, and fare as well as if he knew the whole city by heart ; and if he knows nothing about the value of cloths, or of clothes, he is as well off, as if he were a good judge of both. The reason is that every thing to be found there is made there made and sold under a system which rarely allows mistakes to occur, and which corrects them, if they do occur. Oak Mall is the place; and its practice may be summed up in a few words. If you get there what you don't want to keep at the price, you return it, and get your money back. This means a great deal more than appears on the surface. It means that you are not going to get what you will not want to keep at the price, if the merchant can help it. It means that the clothes you get there will be of honest cloths, honestly made; and that they will cost you less than as good clothes can be got for else where. It means that they will be every way better worth your money than you can get elsewhere for the same money. If it means anything less than these things if it means poor cloths, trimmings, cut ting, sewing, or in any way dishonest or illiberal dealing; the return of his goods will plague the merchant, injure his credit, and dissipate his trade. If it means these things if it means liberal and honor able dealing, valuable and trusty clothing, case and safety in getting it, Oak Hall is the place for you to go to, or to send to ; and it is worth your while to know how you can send, if it is inconvenient to go. Write; say what your occupation is ; say what sort of use you intend to make of the clothes you want, whether for every-day wear or otherwise ; what color you prefer, or what color to avoid ; say about what you want to pay ; say everything that you think may aid a stranger in choosing for you. You will get in reply samples of cloths and prices of what-ei-r you want made from those cloths. You will get also the means of having your measure taken by an unskilful person. Then; is only one diffi culty left. Somebody has got to take the risks of the dealing ; for there are risks. Send your money along with your order, That covers the risk as to your good faith. We risk every thing else ; the fit, and your satisfaction every way. Our trade by mail amounts to half a million dollars a year; there's no reason why it shouldn't amount to five million.? W wamaker & Brown. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. IMPKIIIAI, IMI'KHIAI. IMI'KIIML IMPKIIIAI. VHOTOGRAPHS l'HOTOr.K.YI,HS l'HOTOOKAI'HS 1'lIOTOClKAi'HS I'ltKSKNTS I'HKSKNTS I'lil-SKNTS I'ltKSKNTS AT SNVI.KH-S (1ALLKIIY AT hNYDKll'S OAI.LKIIY AT SNYI'Klfsl IIALMCltV ATS.NVIIKIIU liALUtllY KOI! HOLIDAY l--m HOLIDAY l'Oli HOLIDAY KOH HOLIDAY rillAUTKH Monet:. Noii.-e is herein (riven that an application will be mad'-under the Ao. ol Ass. Vf the common, vee-.iiin ol 1-11 Ulcd "An Act lo proilce foi iho tneniHir.etioiiuiid rc'iilatlou of certain cor IH.railoim, approve d April w lsn, utid Ihe supple ments iieereiu, for me charter ut nn Intended cur. oia.lou to lie c alled -.Moniiina 1 oal u mpauy." Uio and character ot wlilch is the uilulnir! 1,1 el paiiiis-, .hipping HudMlllnrfulauinraciits coal, krid t dealers Iu utithraclie coal aim lor thiw purnose.s ujUaie-.posuss and enjy all Uie ilk-hlH, lieneillsaua prli lle-ire-H eonleiied hibalj Si of Assembly una in i,om, I. n, -1,1. .jsa au IWkl, A.WAKK, HovmbertJ-sott. a-itwiaf.