The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 24, 1880, Image 2

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0. E. EIJ7 SLL. IeIUcts
J. K. BITTEHB2MD2II, fEllt4rs'
LVielny, Hoc. Q l, 1880.
(I .v. hoyt auJ Hen I.m.i were In Will
i.iitti'orl on Motility. They were eeeiorteel
I i hi Imni lien iloiitl liy Hie military.
U in nf tlx mint e-iiiiiiiienilatile things (lie
Deiniitrals have iloni' for some time as
when lliry fnt c'umi i 11 John Kellyln New
Yc tk. The stumer tlm parly is purged ol
purh men tlife bettor oft It kIII be.
Justice Strong, nf the Supremo Court of
tlin Unitetl Stales liaticleil in bis resignation
on tlie 1 lib to the President, to take effect
imnicillaiely upon Its acceptance. Jud(?e
Woods of Georgia tins been appointed to bis
'I'lic colored men pull about 110,000 votes
I i inn 4,ile, mid mint of tlisni Itqiublican,
j it not a colored "Kcmuicn" Is given ft neat
in the legislature. In South Carolina the
Democrat: treat them better. There are
four 1). nii'cratlc members of the House there.
It seems to u it Is about time the negro
tec who are his friends. '
The senatorial cauldron In this State is
Mill boiling. OroA's friends are confident
ol success. They think they know where
tho noc-ssary nuinbei in aldltion to those
Jus'ruclfd for thiir favorite is to come
Ir jin. They appear to forgot those in
..iith'iioin will come under Cimeron' obstr
vaiiun, and that he knows a thing or two
about getting around instructions, as the
at has demonstrated time and again. The
opposition are not yet solidified, although
Mrenuous tlTbrts are being made to unite on
Jfenry W.Oliver. Time alone can solve the
It now looks as if John Sherman will
have a walk-over for the senatorshlp, as
Governor Poster has unexpectejly conclud
ed to withdraw from the contest, which was
already waxing warn1. Thisunlooked for
withdrawal of Foster has its significance
While it is probable that Sherman would
liaye beaten him, yet had he remainel in
the field tbo liveliest kind of a fight would
have occurred, engendering a good deal of
unpleasantness among the "bosses" and
would have effected more injury than good
to the party. Now the signs on the politi
cal exchequer plainly points to the selection
of Sherman without serious opposition, and
"Calico Cbarley" has but to bide his time
and all will be well. It must begratifying
to the better class of Republicans of Ohio
to know that the most unpleasant factor in
the canvass has been cllminatad, They arc
fortunate in being relieved of the danger of represented by a numb-skull.
Washington, II. (' Ilt-icinber 2lst,lSS0
Last week the Senate disatrreed to a Houe
resolution to adjourn over the holidays
from to-morrow, V eduesday,but to-day the
objecting Senators having folded their tents
and stolen away to their homes after mak
ing a record against a recess the Senate
concurred, and lor two weeks from to-morrow
the Senate and House chambers will be
vacant. This adjournment resolution, by
the wy, is about tbo only piece of legisla
tion upon which the Senate ever exactly ag
reed with the House. It amends everything
else, even if only by adding a superfluous
The long recess was urged particularly by
Kepublicans.acd from this and other things
it is bclieycd that party desired an extra
session. There are several reasons why such
a session should be desired by the Radical
leaders. The first and most important is
connected with Garfield's well-known liberal
ideas. The leaders are afraid to trust him
unless they are by to watch him. On the
uso of troops at the polls, on the subject of
deputy marshals at elections, on reform in
the civil eervice, he has given expression to
ideas worthy of liayanl or Thurmau, or Mc
Donald, but when the actual test of voting
has comp, and he has been surrounded by
his party associates of the House, he has in
variably been bulldozed into party subser
viency. So they wish to compel him to call
them together in extra session in March
next, that tbey may be with him here in the
early days of his administration, for fe-ar that
tiie good impulses of the man will prevail
For this reason they will undoubtedly make
use upon one or moro bills ol all the dilatory
tactics known to them, and for this reason
they voted two weeks out of a short session.
Jlr. Woodhopis to get up his funding
bill to day and pass it through the House
to-morrow. He had an understanding with
the appropriation committee yesterday mor
ning ou the subject.
The four appropriation bills so far passed
in the House are those which almost invar
iabfy pass without debate, or material
amendment. The army bill, which will be
reported to day or to-morrow, the legislative
executive and judicial, the Sunday civil etc ,
will not only cause lengthly debate, but al
io id. npportur ity for our Republican friends
to put to use that knowledge of parliamentary
tactics which teaches how not to do It. On
these and the electoral vote resolution, and
the funding bill I expect the fight for an
extra session will be made.
I am very glad to say that the committee
appointed to locatu the proposed new Con
gressional Library building have decided on
ii la-ge Kjjaro in too centre of the city, in
tilrail of disfiguring the Capitol bildlng by
wings, or extensions Everybody is pleaded
with the building as it is, and uo one knows
that any one would bo pleased with it after
some successor to Mullctt hadwotked his
will upon it.
A Maonipicest Newspaper. This com
pllmentary designation has been fully nplitd
10 the J luladelplua It iri'y 'cs under its prrs
enl able management. With a greatly slrenuth
eneil e-ditoiisl stall.t lrge corps of trained spe
cial correspondent and elMinguislitil fx cation
al contributors, and an unsurpassed mechanic !
equipment, it may fairly claim to have dis
tanced all rivals in an enlarged field of useful
ness. In iditoria. dlicussion It aims lo be
coiiitfous as will as fcailets and independent
in the collection of iu its enterpiite is gteat;
in Ihe family departments nothing of interest
in the homo tircle is slighted; In fiction its
elandnrd is high, and the best ttorics ejf foreign
anthers Btpear exclusively in ila columns by
arrangi maul with ihe publishers; there if
fomtrthing in lis pages orery week to interest
nil clasre. We (omnicnd the Philadelphia
Wf-kl) J'ltei lo all who are making up their
li-ls of tiwpapers and periodical or lie new
year. 1 1 Is a ucaily pnuled paper of eight pa
Hit, and is eQYicel tocluba ou particularly t-
i active turns. Send to the Ye, I'hUadel-
I hit, (or a ratnrJe copy,
A Terrible Kxample.
l'lilt.AiimriltA, Dfcrinlier 1!. The fol
lowing correspondence appears In lVogrcss
of this date :
Axcnott Wiiitk I,i:ai Company, Cin
cinnati, December 11, 1880, -Colonel John
II'. Jhrney, Philadelphia Drab Sill! 1
have just read your criticism on Mr. John
Welsh in Voiicm (December 4, pngefil),
aul regret that, in lmv of the political
'nurrc uf your paper, ami especially this at
tai ls on one of our oldest and lust friends,
than whom there Is no one In 1'ciladelphln
who is more I'steemiil and ri spieled for the
purity of his life, ( must request you to dis
continue sending tne the IVugrtss from this
dale. Yours respectfully,
A. T, Gosiioiin.
Orricr. "PnoonnsV Philadelphia,
Pa., December 1-1, 1SS0. lion, A. T. (lot
horn Cincinnati My Di:An Sin: The
right to stopn newspaper Is like the right lo
breathe God's air. ltut with certain other
rights it may sometimes be abused. So 1
hold that no man stopping his paper has a
right to glvo confidential reasons insulting
the editor. Having goue through this bus
iness for more than a generation, I propose
to discuss the question with perfect candor
In this public reply to your letter of the (itb
of December, ISM), As the wrong I con
demned was n deliberate outrage upon the
American people, I claim the full privilege
to justify mjsell in denunciation of It.
Twenty one years ago James Uuchanan,
president of the United States, set the ex
ample to his army of office-holders by stop
ping my paper, the Ireis, because I con
tcientiously declared f'oi the freedom of Kan
sas. I boldly exposed his proscription to
the people, and with their aid broke down
his administration at the polls. When I ad
voc.itcd, almost nlono among my contempo
raries in Philadelphia, tbo movement In fa
vor of letting the earn run over our stroels
on the first day of the week for the benefit
of the laboring poor of this great city, my
paper was stopped by thousands who now
go to church in the same cars every Sunday.
For that sincere effort I was assailed by a
concentrated cordon of angry clergymen,
one Sabbath day, calling upon the congro
gations to stop the Press ; and now most of
these men of God frequently ride to and
from church on Sunday. When, equally
solitary and aloue, I pleaded that the col
ored people Bhould be allowed the use of the
same cars, hundreds of those who now amia
bly sit side by side with the negro in these
Cirs, also stopped the Press;
Hut my last and crowning crime was that
of declaring for General Hancock tor Pres
ijout. One man withdrew his subscription
because he declared I was dishonoring the
lame of the dead General Meade, the most
of the survivors of whose family voted fur
the living hero of Gettysburg. Another,
who was one of the loudest to applaud Gen
eral Hancock in July, 1803, for his magnifi
cent service to our state and city, stopped
J'royress because he could uot train, he said,
with the party which supported Lee in the
rebellion. Still another discontinued his
paper because the election of General Han
cock, in his belief, would be a decree against
the control of his special ring in this coun
try. Others, not epjite so bold, waited to see
if General Hancock could be elected in No
vember, in wlrcb event no doubt your name
would still be inscribed on my books.
John Welsh was among the list. He liko
you, waited for Hancock's defeat before he
aired bis anger. In addition to bis note
withdrawing his name Irom Proyress, ho de
clared that he could not stand my theory
that the empire was certain to be successful
if mere money was hereafter permitted to
crush and control free judgment in this
Now I have youf letter of the Cth of De
cember. Instead of meeting the direct is
sueinstead of discussing on fair grounds
the doctrine that there can be no freo un
trammeled suffrage in this country if cap!
'al is allowed to muzzle conscience and to
turn tho laboring population into so many
white slaves, you speak of Mr. Welsh as
"one of your (my) oldeBt and best friends,
tbau whom there is no one in Philadelphia
who; Is more esteemed and respected for the
purity of bis life."
All ot wh ch I Ireely admit exept that
which relates to the friendship between Mr.
Welsh and myself. That has always been
maintained by perfect independence of all
money relations between us. Hut if,in this re
mark, you mean that I went abroad under
his invitation as Centennial commissioner,
in 1874-75, please remember that, besides
loing my duty honestly, according to your
records and the public judgment, I spent
thousands of dollars out of my own pocket,
in addition to the $250 a month allowed by
the finance committee. So much for that.
It is because Mr. Welsh is precisely what
you say he is, because be is so good a man,
because his lite heretofore has been a model,
because of the purity of that life (virtues
you claim for him, and I concede), that a
fatal rorce was given to his secret applica
tion for the money of the millionaires to
buy a man into the presidency, convicted by
tho republican party of the United States of
brazen corruption in the American cm
The purity of John Welsh's life nude
the impmity of that example more terrible,
Until he signed the monstrous circular of
the 14th of September, 1880, General Han
cock was the foreordained president of the
United States. Hancock's friends had just
carried Milne, and Mr. Girfield himslf,and
the trained bands of bis party the office
holders and the reckless managers who have
been getting rich for twenty years from the
plunder of the general government saw
and trembled bsfore that 'handriting nu
tne wall. At this point John Welsh took
the field against Geueral Hancock. Up to
the Maino election in September, John
Welsh stood aloof. The thrilling record of
General Hancock, bis splendid contradiction
of all charges or suspicions against himself,
the attractive incidents of his stainless life,
and the graceful dignity wi'h which he
avoided all offensive advertisement of his
person and his claims had reached thousands
of hearts, and there Is uo doubt that If these
evangelizing influences bad been permitted
to control, Hancock would have been the
choice of ihe American people.
At this moment, John Welsh, of all men,
the very man whose punts of life should
have led him to yield to lhe.-e great facts
made his ap earance as the author of the
extraordinary circular which I republish.
Up to that time lie bad Blood aloof. And
when that paper appeared there was not a
gentleman In Philadelphia, ouUldo of the
aspirants for office, who did not read this
demand for a corruption fund with amaze
inent, This shameless pjrcular was a blow
lo the dark, struck from an unexpected quar
ter, itruck under the mask uf confidence lu
the hope that thoss It was Intended to de
bauch and destroy would uever hear of It.
Fortunately, such monstrous transactions
always see the light of day, Y)U cannot
print a pipped wrong in this age and bide
it from human eyes U)d heart, any more
J than you cn hld t from God ; -at,i at,
when John Welsh promised lo keep the
money sent to him to buy tbo suffrage a so
cretjie admitted all of which he now stands
convicted, liy tills pledge of secrecy he
confetsod be was wrong, "The purity of his
life" was a living reproach upon hU delib
erate act, and the success of his wrong
crowned bis own dishonor. It was he who
souuded the challenge. His was tho bugle
call to bribery. Uo re-aroused tho elements
of hatred against tho south. He organized
capital against labor in tho north, He stim
ulated the worst passious amongst the worst
men. Ills bid wns the boldest bid agaltist
conscience since the days of tho II ink nf the
Uuited States, and it was a more audacious
assault upon individual Integrity than that
great corporation. It was n more forml-
Ulilo temptation to parties anil to the
ii ess, lii proportion ns thi inoticy John
Welsh, marshalled against General Han
cock was a thousand times more than that
organized against General Jackson, fifty
years ago, by the bank of the United
And so, long before the day of election,
John Welsh became the text ol sectional
hatred on thoone side and sectional humil
iation on the other. The money be raised
was the open treasury from which desper
ate men could draw ad libitum, and last
November the statos bought by that money
were handed ovcr,llke manacled prlsoners.tu
the tender merclos of the rescued oflico hoi
ders and their chief at Mentor.
Was I to stand silent before such an inci
sion as thisf Was I to remain muzzled
before the exposureof thi dark secret? Had
I cooseuted to such a shame 1 would have
been a partner in the conspiracy itself.
23 South THiitDSniLKr.PiiiLADHi.i'iii.i
September 11th, 18S0. At a meeting of a
number of business men ol Philadelphia,
held Thursday, September 9tb,llun, John
Welsh was chosen chairman, and Cyrus El
der secretary. Tho undersigned were ap
pointed a committee to procure funds for the
tisa ofthn republican party in the present
You know that on tho result of November
election depends the prosperity of our
manufacturers, the existence, probably of
our national banking system, and the safety
of our national finances.
You know that the inevitable and legitimate
expense! of such a campaign are large, and
that in some of the doubtful states, where suc
cess is absolutely necessary to our cauic, the
needful funds cannot be procured. Seven
weeks from this day the great battle will be
fought and, if the pres -nt apathy continues
STANTLY, and to you, as one of the mod
erate number to whom such au appeal can
be undo, tbo committee) look for a prompt
liberal contribution. This note and your an
swtr or contribution to be held confidential.
Payments are to be made to Wharton
Baker, treasurer, No. 23 South Tu ird
lou will perceive, Mr. Goshorn, that I do
not stop to discuss the sincerity of the ex
cuses of John Welsh tor this corruption
fund. If I did, I might say that thero is uot
an holiest mau between tbo two oceans who
believes that if General Hancock had been
elected president last November he would
have destroyed our manufactures, impaired
our national banking system, or interfered
with the safety of our American finance.
Hancock's whole life is a protest against
the scandalous assumption. He is i citizen
of Pounsylvatiia, known to John Welsh, far
better known to John Welsh than John
Welsh is known to you or by you. Hancock
was born in Montgomery county, aluios'.
within sound of ludepeudeuce Hall, and yet
because a man whose whole life heretofore
has been a single illustration of "purity of
character," alleges all these things against
General Hancock (1 will uot Insult John
Welsh by the intimation that ho believes
what he wrote and signed,) but because
he alleges such things against General Han
cock, ho did not hesitate to recommend
of great slates, and to take the lead in a cru
sade aua!n-t the consciences of thousands of
poor workinguieti who hud to vote against
Geuersl llauuock on the matter of being
turned nil', iuto the streets, or being made
beggars Hiid pauper-.
Together with thiussnds of others I de
nouueed this most cruel, unprovoked and
daugerous proceeding, and I am convinced
that the American people wi'l never forget
the menus by which, under the name of a
man boasting ol his "purity of life," a brave
soldier has been deprived of his electoral
Under tho rule ut tho iiritish touse of
commons, tht practice of a government to
wbicbJohn Welsh was the accredited Amer
ican minister, a member of parliament, elec
ted by the process recommendtd by himself
in regard to the choice of the president of
the Uuited States, would have been unseated
almost without a vote ; the very petition
stating the fact that ho bad puichased tre
ballot, would have left him without a
I am glad that you have done me the
honor tu strike your name from my list of
subscribers, because I should feol degraded
in taking the money of a man who attempts
surreptitiously to proscribe an independent
American editor for denouncing practices
which if done by an ordinary citizen would
consign that citizen to deserved contempt
and shame.
John W. Fohney.
The ljand-oms Nickel PlaUd New Home
Lamp beini- inlrudiicrd to lb uiiblic this sea
son, is the most nirritonous aitule ever offered
agents to muke innney wt h, is sster and more
convenient than the student Uuip, which has
nerrinure niu tne reputation ol being the saf
est lamp nude, it bus a clamp to attach it to
the bewii g midline, pUno, organ, desk, etc.
1 he fear ol tlm ordinary limp being accident
ally upset or ihrown from tbo table, is entirely
relelvtdhy the simple clarup contrivance. It
iau be adjnstid to lino the light just where It
is wantid tu suit the eyes, and can be convert
ed iuto a hsnibsoiue wall lump It bus the best
argund burlier, a filling iudicat r, and convent
enl match box, and its price is within the readi
of every one Ii has been fully tea'ed aud edi
lorblly endorsed by the H'wrem Chruium Ad.
xoeatt, Am. Chistian Rniew, Herald and Pres
bytrr, Jourixat and Messenger, and Christian Stan'
dard, the leading religious papers of Cincin
nati, and is endorsed by tho Itfayur and Post
master of Cincinnati, Ihe agent of the Ameri
can express company and presidents of insur
ance companies, as being the safest, most com
venleut and best lamp made.
There are three lessons wbv ai-pnln sknnlil
seek such au article lo canvass for first fur its
absolute safely ami great convenience, it is
needed in every home seoood its low price
makes its sale iinoiene third It will be a
great credit to handle such an article. One
southern agent writes, it sells faster than Gen.
Lee's porlralt sold right afier the war, anoth
er write, it beats the palmy days of lh sew
ing machine, lis rapid tale, low price, ind lib
eral terms surprise old agents Address Home
Lamp Co , Cincinnati, O., mentioning our pa
r ami they will give you full particulars and
eiciuinie territory 10 canvass lo. nov,o-13w
There are 87 daily newspaper! in this
See a woman ou horseback la another
column, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with
a bunch of Grapes from which bpeer'a Port
Grape Wine Is made, that is so highly ea-te-emed
by the medical profession for the use
of I oval Ida, weakly person and tba aged,
gold by druggist. dec. s, "WHf
Prince, Democrat, was re-elected Mayor
of Boston, on Tuesday, by about POO ma
jority. Agents and Canvassers niako from $25 lo
$50 per week selling goods for K. G, Hide
out & Co., 10 Ilarclay street.Now York. Send
for tho Ir catalogue and terms. sep,10,'80-ly
A veteran of Iho war of 1812, named Jo
nathan Conanl, died last week in Councils
rlllc, aged J2 years.
A company has been formed for the man
ufactii'e of harrows nt I.tno Lexington,
Montgomery. Tho capltnt stock Is (',0,
000. John W, Coleman, weighing "l5 pounds
and Mss Mary Lemon, weighing 245, were
married In Grant County, Kentucky, last
It should bo tho aim of every owner of
IIorses,Cows,ltc.,to make them as handsome
and ueful as possible. Tho German Horse
and Cow Powder helps to develop all the
powers of the animal It linpruves Its beau
ty and Increase Its uselnlness. It makes
milk, mucle and fat. Hy using It a linrfo
will do more work and a cow give more milk
and be in better condition with less feed.
Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by
0. A. Klelm, Illoomsburg.
Dai 12, '7U-ly
The stove season this year lias
been an early one, and notwith
standing we have sold double the
number we did last year, we have
still it good stoek on hand; there
will be a good many cold days yet
but our season for buying is over
and in order to close out our stock
we are oilering inducements to
cash buyers. Wo buy all our
stoves for cash (not accenting like
most dealers do, consignments ol'
stoves to l)o paid for when sold)
This gives us an opportunity of se
lecting the best stoves in the mar
ket, and does not oblige us to re
commend an inferior article. Wo
carry at all times a good assort
ment of cook stoves and ranges.
is here, and we wish to say a few
words to you in regard to articles
we have suitable for holiday
presents; among them is a line of
consisting of knives and forks.and
spoons of the best manufacture
in the country. This trade has
not been for the lust few years a
very satisfactory one, and we have
decided to put down our prices,
and close out our stoek. We guar
antee every article just as we rep
resent it; our stock is not large
and we are not buying any
more, but if you come early we
may have just what you want.
We have also an endless variety
of Pen Knives from 10 cents to
$'1.50 each, scissors, shears and ra
zors, Wo have opened this week,
especially for the holiday trade, a
large assortment of Ladies, Gents'
and Children's
Rollins, Holmes & Sciiutleii.
pursuant to an order ot the Orphans' Court ol Co
lumbia county, I'erineylvaiila, will he sold at puhltc
sale on the premises In the township ot Centre la
sild county on
Friday, January 21st, 1881,
at two o'clocn p. m., the foUowtng described HEAL
ESrATE, late of Andrew Glnsles, deceased to-wit,-The
undivided ote-hair ot all tuit certain Lot or
Lime, Limestone or
situate In satd Centre township, Columbia county,
Fa., bounded and described as follows: rjeKlnnlnK
at a stone on the north side of the Lackawanna and
DloomsburK railroad, Uicaco by land late ot rhlllp
Miller northtwenty-ets-ht and Uirec-fourtbs degrees
west twenty-three perches to astono, thence by the
same south seventy-four and three-fourths degrees
wpttnvc perches to a stone, thence by other lime
stone lot south twenty-eight and three-fourths de
grees east twenty-three perches to said Lackawan
na and Uioomsbtirg railroad, tkence along the same
north snventy-four and one-lourth degrees east Ave
perches to the place of beginning, containing
be the same more or less.
Etceptlng and reserving unto the heirs of Philip
Miller and assigns all the timber they lnsy want for
fencing within two years from the Itth day of No
vember, 1670, also reserTtng the uso and occupation
of tho north end of said lot as the same can be
farmed unttisuch time or times that the same shall
bo wautcd for quarrj lng purposes. Hald lot Is opened
as a limestone quarry.
Also, all that certain piece or lot of ground situate
In said Centre township, Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described s follows, to-wtt
On the north by public road leading from Blooms
burg to Berwick, on the east by lands of the heirs
of KUza Thom"s, deceased, on the eouth by land of
Toman reagle and on the west by school house lot,
containing nlnet) -eight perches. This Is a very de
sirable buUdlng lot.
The above lota wui be sold on tho following terms
and conditions;
Ono-tbtrd otpuribasa money to remain charged
on said real estate during the natural Wo of Mary
Ann (tingles, widow of said Andrew Glngles, do-
ceased, and the Interest thereof to no annually and
regularly paid lo her, the said Mary Ann Olngles,
by the purchaser or purchasers, said Interest to be
computed from tho confirmation ntst of said sale,
and at her death tho principal to be paid to the ad
mlnlututors ot said Andrew utngltw, deceased; ten
per cent, of two thirds ot tho purchase to bo paid at
tho striking down or tho property, one-half of l&e
balanco of two-thirds of tao purchase money at
thh confirmation of sale, and the other one-half In
one year thereafter with Interest on tho mino rrom
confirmation nlsL
Purchaser to pay for deed.
dtc.ii 'so-ts Adm'ru of Andrew (Jingles.
undersigned Auditor aonotnted bv tint court
of Common Pleas ot Columbia county to make
distribution otthe rund la the Lamia or W. 11. Ab
bott, Assignee tor the benent of creditors ot Wiutam
Itaup, to and among the parties entitled thereto,
win meet tne panioa Interested at hla office lo
Bloomsburg on Monday, the Slst day ot January,
issi, at two o'clock In the afternoon of said day to
perform the duties of his appointment, when and
where all persons Interested are required to pre
sent their claims to said fund or be rorever debarred
from cornlntrlQ for a share of said fund.
0. It. 1KKLKK,
dec. u, so- Auditor.
BSTiTkorwiu-uus. ivixs, nictiitn.
The Commonwealth ot I'eunsylvaula to J. II.
llojt, Askirnce of N. B. Kvans, Berwick, Pa.. Mrs.
Mary I Miller, White Pigeon, Mlclgun, t-arsbN.
Miller, Washington, l). c. Julia M. Kales, Phlladel
phla, Pa , Mary l louts. White HaveD,Pa0. K. Dod
sou. Berwick, pa, Julia Dodson, by her guardian.
II. L Kress, Berwick. Pa . descendant!! and helru of
vWlilainN. Kvans. late of Berwick, Pa., and to all
Krona lntereated.(irtellng: Yon are b-reby Idled
ba and appear before tba Judnes of our orphans'
Court at ao!orphans' Court to bo held at BloorasbU'-K
on tho r.rsl Moudavof February neit, then enil
there to accept or refuse to takn the real estate of
satd Wm Kvans. deceased, at ttio uppnil-ed valu
allon putuponlt by tbo Inquest, duly rawsraed by
the said Court, and returned by tho Hherin under
thoctof Assembly In such case wado and provl-
Utreof fall nouUSe "aU8 kt"UI 001 B0a-
Witness tho Ilonorable William Vlwell, P.tbldent or
our said Court, at BloouuDurg, the eighteenth
day or December, A. jM one thousand ellht hun
dred and ulgbty.
o. VI. oeicx.
' OiMfc (J. to.
mmon'.s NOTieu.
In the matter of te cstatrtof Alexander Itess, late
of Sugarloaf tounslilp, Columbia co., Pa., decoas-
The tiniterslgnod Auditor appointed by Iho Or
plians' Court til said county, to inaki distribution of
the Balance in the Hands ot llachel Hem and An
drew lAUbarli, administrators ot satd il- cidi-nt lo
and amongst creditors, will met all parties inter
ested in said distribution at his onioe In the Town
of Bloomsliurii In said eounty, on Tuesday, tun SMIi
day of January, A. Ii., lsst, at ten nVlock a. m . ol
sal I il iy, when anil where all patties Inteii-Mi-.l In
said fund must attend or lu turoer led from
nny sharo of said fund.
milium' ii. utti.i:,
dec. M.lswMw Auditor.
In tn
tmiTotrs NO TICK,
n tno matter ol Iho estate ol Philip Itess.late ot .su-
K'Miuiu iununuii. v uiiiinoiaeouniy, renn a , oe
teased The undersigned Auditor appointed bv the Or
bans' court ut wild county to mnko distribution of
(ha Balance In tlia lianas ot .lames l'l ti' nil
inlntstrntor ile bonis nnn of tho said decedent to
tho iiai ties legally entitled to tccelio Iho same,
will meet the pirtles Interested In said estate nt
his union In Hie Town of Illoomsburg in said cum
tj.iiu Ttiesdi), tlioa'.thdiiyot J.iuiniy, v. I)., Iss.,
nt ten oileak a. in , uf said day, when ami wle re nil
turtles liiten-strd In said estate must, attend or be
roreu-r debarred from any sharo ot said fund.
11. FltANK Uttt.
dec. 54, 'SMw Auditor.
OK VALCAlll.r.
In pursuance ot an order of tho Orphans' Com t of
Col Co, ra-thc undersigned administrators Of
David Lee, deceased, will exposo to public salo on
the premises In Iho town of Light Street, "cott
township Columbia county, Pa., on
tho following described real estate!
A Houso and Lot,
situate In Light street In S'ott township and county
aforesaid, bounded on the north by lot of John War-
den, on tho cist 'y an alley, on tho south by an al
ley, ami on tho west by Main street or road running
Ihrou.h Light street, containing onc-tlilrd of an
nere more or less.
Tkkms oe mi k. Ten per cent ot one-fourth of the
purchaso money tu bo paid at the striking don not
the property, the one-fourth less the t- n per cent nt
the eontlinntlon i t salo slid the remaining three
touiths In one jcai- thereafter with Interest from
confirmation nisi.
dec. 21, 'Mi-fa Admlnlstr.itojs.
Used In the principal Churches for Communion
m::eixewt roa ladies and weakly
T?jfvS S A 1 C 7kX
Speer'a Port Grape WiDe
mills Celebrated Natlvo tlno Is made from Ihe
s. jma- ui.iuu upuno iirapc laiseo lu this country
lta Invaluable-
Tonic find Strengthening Properties
are unsurpassed by any other Natlio Inc. Ueli ir
tno puro Julcuot tbodrane. produced under Jir.
bpoer's own personal supervision, Its purity and
genuineness uro gurautccd. 'Ihe joungesi child
may partake of Its generous qualities and tho weak
est Intnlld uo It lu ndvtmtage. It Is particularly
beultlclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited lo
the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It Is
inotery respects wink to UKHELIED on.
1. Jf. Sherry,
The P. J, SIIKIIRY is a Winn ot Superlorcharacter
and partakes or the golden qualitlisot the grape,
rrom which It Is made. For Purity. l(tchnei,s,Plaior
and Medical Properties, It will bo found unexcelled.
I. .I.lSraiKly.
This BRANDY stands unrivaled In this Country,
being far superior for medical purposes.
IT IS A PUKK dlatutatlon f om the grape and con
tains valuable medical properties
It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of tho
grapes rrom which ltls dlstllled.and tsln great favor
among nrst class families.
see that the signature of ALFItnn srEKH.Passaic
N. J , la over the cork ot each bottle
dec 34 'eO trf
State of Pennsylvania, Columbia county, sh.
Among tho records and proceedings of tho Com
mon Pleas in and for bald county It Is Inter alia
thus contained.
In tho matter of the Sheriffs salo of tho real estate
of Ceorgo W. boult.
Dec. 10, IssO.the writ tn this case being returned
and the money paid Into court, on motion of v . J.
Buckalew, W. H. Abbott isarpolnteu AudltorJo dis
tribute the fund among tho parties eutltled tin reto.
Certified from the record this thirteenth day of De
cember, A. 1 isso.
Deputy. proth.
In pursuance or the above nnnntntmont n.n nn
deralgni d will meet tho parties Interested at his of
nee In Bloomsburg on Saturday the sth day of
January, A. D. issi, between the hours ot 9 a in.
and 4 p. m., at which Hmo and place all persons
having claims mion b. Id fund will appear und provo
their uialms or be debarred from any share of bald
dec. II 'so-lw Auditor.
unrroit's notick.
.State of pennstlvaula. Columbia countv. s-t.
Among the rtcords and proceedings of tho Oi
I bans' Court In and for said county inter aha II u
thus contained.
In tho matter of the estate of Uotloeb Uuniher, do-
UAnd now December 13. IssO. an mntlnn r.r ti w
Tin, Itobert Buckingham Is appointed Auditor to
Bv tuk Court.
Certltlea from the records this thirteenth day of De-
cernber, lsso.
11. M.Qtits, clerk o.o.
The undersigned. In pursuanco of the above ap-
K ointment win meet all parties Interested at hts or
es In Blocinfabur? on Mondav. tut, inn iixvt.f .iUn
iwry, A. D., issi, between the hours ot lou in. and
4 p. in., at which time and place they are hereby nc
tlnvet to appear or be debarred from receiving their
culm or claims against said estate, nut of tho funds
,u mo uuuua ui vue uuiiuuisirHiorH ii saiu aecedent.
, .. , . It. BUCKINHIIAM
ueo,n,'sMw Auditor.
ESTiTs or msiu n, saoibT, dkciiscd.
Letters of administration on tho estate ot Hiram 11,
Broad t, lato ef the town ot Bloomsburg.coluinbla co.
Penn'a., deceased, have been granted by ilia In gts
terof said county to Lydla A. Bruadt.admlnlslratrlx
Bloomsburg AH pen-ons having claims against es
tate ot the deceaent ore requested to preea-ut the in
for settlement and those Indented to the estate to
make payment to tho undersigned Administratis
without delay,
Admlulstrat Ix,
dec. 10, 'so-sw p. o. Blouomsburg, Pa.
Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's,
niri A MC3010"'000: stosjsiops.
vJItV Almoin-up. Paper I'rto. i
Daniel V. lleatty, Washington, N, J.K c. 11 w
'Merit Mast Reap its Just Reward:
Of the many Catarrh and Hay Fever Itemedles no
keep In stock there Is none of which our enstomers
speak more highly than of Ely's Cream Balm. A
comparatively new dn-cuvery. but one which, from
tho many reports and evidences of cures produced
Is destined to bo ah-adltig article. We ihvo never
handled a remedy which has Increased as rapidly in
sales or that has given such unlvertal autlsisctlon.
price to tenw C. N. CK1TTKNTON, 1)6 Kulton
streeti New Yprk U dec. IT-4W
Have You Ever Known
any person to be serloubly ill without a weak kloni.
sill or Inactlte liter or kldr.e)b7 Andwhen thesa
orgsxsaretn good condition oo ou not nud thetr
poasessor enjoying gid healtbt PAKKKlra (JIN.
OKHTONIOalvetrs regulates these Important or
gans, and never inu lo make tte Umx ndiaad
pan. tad to slrtbfthtn overypeutof the system.
It baa cured hundred or dtepblrUjg Uvihai lii
jnor ue Whbor acool It, a oeaTrUw
.'iir-iiiiM to an ordi r of Iho orr liarTs Court of t'o
luu.lil i rimit, IT!iilhU. hi , Hill ho mill) nt public
WlllotMltllU pI-llllVH III lllO tOtt!ll,lpOf CiWilUlll,
lii until rmlhtv lir tint iiti!erMirfji'il iidtnlnUI Hit nr
i-f MiiM'ilati' tf .liicun t'lewcll, ut'CPds. u, on
column, i lug nt leu o cloak a. in., of nnlJ il.iy. the tul
blluato In Catnnlssa tow hshlpjh said County of Co-
lumbla. bounded on thonorlh by Ca'awlssa creek
and Iho D.uiUIIc, llaleton ,t Wllkosbarro,
em the east by landsut William Martin, un Iho south
by lands fwini-rly owned by t'loclter and Thomas
and on tliuucst by lands ot Joseph Clew (II, contain
ing m.m: i v-oxi: ciu:s,
llllll'l- e.r less.
and: nlsuonn nllur I tact of milinprnuil land, situ
ate lu Cntanlssa township, e'olumbl.i eounly, boun
ded and described ns follows, to-wit: On the north
by lands f William .Marlln nnrt others, on tho east
by lands of , on tho south by lands formerly
owned by C'oi and on tho west by lands form
erly ow lied by Fluent r ami Thomas, containing
One Hundred Acres Moro or Less,
1 kkms op HAt k. One third (less Its slnroot costs.
a ) to Lo paid nt the death of thc.wldow.and Ihe In
terest thereof to bo paid annually to her by Hie tmr-
chaser.hls helis,ic ; ten per cent ot one-fourth of tho
purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of
Ihe property, the ono foiirlhof tho balance less tho
ten per cent nt Iho confirmation of sale and tho
remaining three-fourthsof tho balanco In ono Jear
tnereniter with inteiest from confirmation nisi.
t'llAHt.t-.n ( I V. III I,
e IlltlsriAN cl.liw Ul.l.,
dec. IT, '.in-ts Administrators
CullectoiHOf countvtaxes In arrears nrelnus tn
H. ure herrliv liritllli-' I hut I In. mm. Hunt In. tf I.
tied un or hi tore the tiTth nst. Also oolKctu'rs ot
I so, to Hiatal pa) in' nt on or before tho nbou- date.
Dec, 11. taso. Treasurer,
hsreTK ni'Minv mouhan, iiK'kasmi.
lettersof Administration on tlini-Htiiln nf Murv
Miinlan, late ot Mt. Pleasant tonshlp.coluinlil.i co ,
Penn'a.. decepM-d. linve ben i-rant, ,1 bv tho iipi-ih.
leror said counn to the undersigned Administrator.
All porsous hating claims ngnlnst the esta'o of the
decedent are reiin.sti-d to pr-sent Hum forsettlo
mciit, nnd those Indi-bttd to tlm estate to makn pay
ment to tho undeiblgned Administrator without
. J. 11. PATTON,
Dec. 10, eve. Administrator.
Tho World for 1S31 will bo tho best' and
news-papers published In the English tongue on eith
er side uf tho At untie.
tMlth new pres-es surpassing any etcr.before man
ufactured even by Uo.) A Co.! with newandune
qualed typogriplucal and business facilities ofull
sorts, and with a Lett, r organized telegiaphlc cor
respor deuce, throughout the world tluii rhat of any
other Amei lean Join n u, '1 ho World for. l-i will af-
.urn us reauers uaiiy a complete, condense fand
trustworthy record of all current events.
In Its tlve minutes wltn thn newsnf tha linv
Hie World meets and keeps pace with tho In
iiu mini,- ut-muiiui iimui uy rupiu ir.insii, tne teie
giapli una lileptiono wllh the Hmo and attention of
business men
lis dally cable lelteis from London bring tho Old
World to tho breakfast table of Mm Ww.
In Its Wull Street oosMn and lis Items fnrtnvi-vt.
ma, uini-u n-Kuiut-r vun u, accuraiu, canuiu and
absuluu-ly Impartial llnanclal article. Hm Wnrl.l
dallv it-prest-nts nn unrivaled picture not only ot
the true conillilon orthc multitudinous enterprises
In which tho adventurous nnd actuo people of this
country invest heir savings, but also of all the
fluctuating Influences exerted upon those enterpi Is
esbj the speculations und the speculators or tLo
iiick i kciiailgi'.
No man wll'i ownor exnerts tnnwn an lnt,.r..vt
Inuiij i oiK.i'.iiu iiu)srty caunrford lo miss for a
Unglo day the Inlurmatlon dally and exclusively
given In 'IIh- WoilJ, not only as to the natural anil
li-ultlniaUi coursuof aUalrs ulTecnng stock values,
but aisu as to thu si hemes anil combin-uions
which are Inccbsantly making and unmaking In and
onto! Wall met tiinirect those values.
The Win Id alio loutalns every day tho freshest,
i. in. oi .in., u.uav IU3.I iiuii,i; ui.llCU Ol everjllllllg
new ami Biter, sting In the realms of nit.ot lltera-
lllll- 1IIIU Ul C.UCI.I1 Hit'.
ItlstheiKiieiiHeil urgan of tho Colleges of the
t hiol), nnd the lu-curncv and Mvacllvrf It-iRnnrr.
lng columns eovi ring all the various forms of nth
leilcniMUsiineiitwhii.h have multiplied among us
ui nit- ji-um. cuiiiiui'iiii ii 10 me 'ruing generation
thlutiKhoul thecouutrv.
As tne only meiropolltau Journal published In tho
Lngllsh language which maintains an unswerving
lldellty lo tho krreat endurlnL-"nrliietnlpHr,r tn lii.m.
nciailo fallh tu politics, The World for I sal will be
lumiu, uuMiiuieiy lovai 10 ueinocratic principles
absalut- iv Independent of persons, cliques and fac
tions within thu Democratic palty.
'1 ho World will maintain the cause of tho Union
ukuiiii. sicuuiiiiiisiii in an ius lorms. aua tnecaute
ui me peopiu against inonoiroiy in nu its tonus.
llallv and Sundava. om, irup 419. lv nntiih. ?
Datl), wlihoutHundajs. onejear, (10; six months
j; unit- muni us, a.iRi; iui.s man inrce months, fi
'I ho Sunday Worl I. one ear. t2.
'1 he .Mondav Wurld. linnt.ilnlni- f hn ItrkMt- l;..i-l..u-u
uim v uiu-K" V.1UOU1CIC OHO JClir, l.00.
Thu f-cml-Weikly World (Tucsiiais and FrldasM
I! a ear. lo club agents an e.lra copy torn tlub
it ii, ,,n. uii, nu u iiiii, oi i eniy-ino.
To club agents an extra conv for ae-inb nr ten. inp
iuu eehiv un.i i weuiit-stirm nri,i i n nr n nur
m uu-necKiy lor a emu oi iweniy.ijiu dally for a club
Wo have no traveling ngents.
S'pecliiHh number sent tree on application
'lerm-'-caMi Invarlablvin iidviiiu-ii.
send Post oiilco inuiii-j orSir, bank drift or lcgls
tered h i u r. mils ui risk of the - i,ntl
uuriss TIIK vvilltf.l),
dec. lT-cw , Pahk Low. saw ouk.
The 'I'lmcs for lssi.
The Times will ent-r tho Nowear with a larger
eircloof n-gular leaders than it had ut any previous
l-iiod nt lis hi io.-y, and tho Important events ot
.u.-i.r 11,111-ir.K-miuj i-ni.irgtMiie neiu or in.
dependent Journalism.
a new numlnlsuatlnn w 11 bo Inaugurated: new
political occasions will create new political duties
tho ureal i ommerclal and Industrial r,m.nirtt, .,r
the country must stimulate progress and
thrift In all bciiIhiis' and tho tcndincj ot political
itowerwlllbo toward corruption and ilospoiism, as
It ever Is when iho people are dUertiil from tho
bi'-i ii cnucistii oi utiiuoriiy ny jk-uco anil plt-nt .
Thf T lues will tie In the futiiri- nslr n.iqiu...n in
thu iwbt, absolutely Independent nf political par-
... . k v , . , . iiiii.-aiivB.sjj ut-ioicu to iniegri
ty unit pairt'iltsin tu our htiiti-smanshlpand to tho
fnedoin nnd Kcanclllv of the liallol. li.H-twi..i
parlj ingans will contlnuo to Babble about party
men and party iiie.ismes; loexcusothii public Job
ber and Iho demagog ue, lo suppiess, pervert or de
ny the truth, when party Interests dunuid It, and
to la Ish the regulation praise of the servant lu tho
master; but thu growing Intelligence of the age
dally multiplies the renders of the Independent
..unaiM...-,, unit ,uu jlf IVniCII Ul'Sl IfllCCt lllO
rapidly Inciu.islng Independence of tho people-win
be the great Ami rlcan laurnnts of thu muni.'
Tbo Times alms lo much tho highest standard of
iu.- ii.k-.-ii.ii-m- uh,buivi. ii iL-nricssiy opposes
cop-uptliinM-i and rings In all parlies, whether In
city, ht.ite or nation, ti opposes eve ry foi m of 1m-
' . , i 7 i , . , ' "ticiiier rt-irtsenied ny
Itrputillc and It deuiands'piiMIc tranquility and Ihe
tin'!""10' ' '""''rl)' a"u ,aw ,or UVI'1J clttieu of the
The Times will begin tno New Year strengthened
h .... V. .. i H... ..Mj Avi-)jiiuuii'ij- birong aepart
ments. Hsnuuals of lha war will bo continued lu
tho Week i Kil.llun. with sneciam- n.i... ......... ..."
tracts Hi- ii-ti-om In tlm other editions, und the. con
trlbutoisfor lssi In this Imtiotant feature' of them
per w HI lw from the most distinguished soldiers ami
elvllliiisor both North and south. Its largu list Vf
contributors In this and in foreign countries will tw
...... luaiummru, un i cuuoio new s corresiiid.
enco U unbiirpasn-il by that of any other Journal of
thoiouuiri; I aval Ions depurtmehts essential to ii
complete nowspnper for Hie nointi nmi nr,,n.. ,IiTii:
ureeunMantly enlivened by fresh wilters,und II will
malntalu thu position It lias won solely on lu mer
its, as ou of the most reliable andcoiupleto news.
t.irii-i-u if tht, wnrl.l -;,i,j.L.v.;;n,LV.t":?..v' Carrlc..'' ie-no
o ntir cents', r : " ?. iw.
Tin; times,
T.tnes llulldliig, I'hllailL-Ipiila,
H I I I Kfl '.or V""!lucnng the uiobt proiltabio
r r einttir rnriitvi.n.i .. ..... . .
e essfii as men. I ois aud glrUcan earn largo sums
ir.';!,'i',u,-' "iad',' Ulu bulniH ov.r one "und?ed
, f , "' f," 'K'c we-e-lt. .Nothing Uk II eve! knew "
Infiiie. All wliu engage aroburprtsed atlheeasu
und ropldlty with which tju-y are able to niakt
your spare nine at gr- at pront. You do not llavo ui
iuveht capital In It. Ve lake aU the risk. Those wlm
iievd ready money, bhould w rlto to us at onco All
Hescrlbe-s how gold is touiaa1 &, .Sfflffffl
companies are forni'-d and great fortunes rmYi?
(lives a graphic history ot various ducove-rieVnf
gold and sllv, r.eBp! clallj- thoso lately madoS i
Reatllngsl nacitattonsl Elocution! "
- o utlChestnulEt., Philadelphia.
tlon Ho lUe sh. e t, Iwo'.iolUrs a J e-u'r; sli tgle t-oV."s
TkU uiaVr 1 ilfonmrUlt thiStriecinJeenLaJn. ...
-mmim niW ! ?MtU. t bout J I
M'. . . IfI'lr . .
JF forlarlics goods.wrllconit as follows.
(County) u
II for gentlemen's goods, wrllo
In cither case you will receive
3 get goods from tho city cheaply, quickly and safely, vlth privilege of return
anurciuuuoi moueyit lioisuiiciliu every particular,
The ellstanco makes no dlOcrcncc. Wo send goods and ramplcs to orcrj
Btato and Territory.
urn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiTTnTnsI
(SUCCESSOU to d. w. nonnirja n-n at.t.ti ttvt
I'Iiic Itrmnlie s, M IiInUIcs, f.lns, limiiN, tuiil all Uhiels f )1 lues ton-
slunll on Iiiuiel.
Lumllords tliiouj'l out (lie eounly will liml it to tlicir nilvnntti"e to
will and examine nty stcek before luireliiising elsewhere.
Main Stroct, 2nd
v... ...k. . rswr. v, ril.1.0 i-iiru innri wniiueriuny ill n
vtrypltiirt tlmn liniti SICK and NERVOUS HEADACHE : aim, li.i.i
acting iiutluinerv jus rj.ttm, n lii vu O YDPEPSIA In Us wiirvlfi'rn s, cli-.uu-lng
thu pysttm of i icit-sof bile, produiUig a regular lieiUUiyae.lluu of lhuhuvtels
no MrTT.1llne urArmnur r- i n , , ...... .
A full slro box of theso valunblo PILLS, ultii full .11
Ira ricliiiiiK fnr comp lot o euro, uu... il tunny mulri Mini meiptof
M nlno 3-corn Pontaco Stamps, i or saiu by oil DrufKists.
BOI.B l'KOI'ItllnoUS,
Oct. 15, 'so-tf
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, Gtli door
i f ,- -, . I...-
gtlisnrilcrs nl iho
Vil ClI UV IllivatO tii -
eibX'l-nil'ir i,"f".!''
Prof Guilmette's
ulseas?s of tl o nwRSmn? ,tK!,b.Agw' ' sU"' ll,l,0,,s rOTtr' 'aondKc, DJrief sla i.U.
drufsi ror ihisnnmnuiiV0,1',.1,,1B.''IJd "" "nsorptlon, and Is peimnneiit. Am,- ir
HrSiVioii-ueftrnfo ,0"" Fi.KM.-ll I'AIUO. it
trt?t?ariVolron:ufc return mau. Kortale by JOHN II. KlNTOHlti, lerurelst. Mala
orr i!!L"'a!'Uff lm' ,fPrKa!
ot clieai) L'oods. iniieln liniti ;.,(v,..:
1 r 1 nutiiui iiiiufi iiii.s. j reier iiai ticiiiHriv u'
,T!LTiig(ai1S,tllUt a,'C C0""?Uy BpriiiKinfe into esisiencc, witllum
nny merit Vi'liatem-. (Y('(tti in m r,ii:......i ..1.". i .v i ' i.
i.,i rr..,.i t 1 1 -----1- uiivmi viii-itii, uim men w ncn luireinis
1 iound to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader.
If you Contemplate
Zln'.Upy!m,(',,yF1aff,8l,lll(, 0
names oi iir&t c um m
ciir i'.i i V ' i J "Pimiiniuiu iiiitM-rre. "ooti aKsoriincm
h ei, ol tho celebrated htley 01.ailS can now bo teen at the new rooms
Co uinb:a Oonnty. A ..larantee for fivo years horn the niiinu-
iue:LeiierH iie''niiiniiviir, i.v 1
.....i.... c,v,j. jisiey
uiiniTTTriTTTi rr i : 1 1 1 ,,
. - . j
. .... .
for l'rlco No. 8.
tho book by return mall. It tells how to
Door bolow Iron.
nprll S3, -si ty
p Si
R i
A Pocitivo and Permanent Curo Guaranteed
lii all ca-os ol (iinvel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Ilritrlit's Di-ea-e file
Kiilneys, Incnntir.riii'c- anil lletenlion ol Urine', Inlliiiiisiiiui ,f
lite Klilm.iu ( '.iiiif.Ii ..I' il.n III... 1.1..- Il:.. -,.' , ,
.......j, ........ ,., ,,. ,,1,1,1,11. i jiieu vjC'ioieil i rine ruin
R 111 tllH lllflr Sl, In r.r I ...L.j V . wt. , .. .
...,-, ..riMiuB 1 e'llKIIL'SS, llllll 111 Hit llll
li,nliH- atiil ITi fnnry Ornnns, wlictlier cm ant-
inn - f Miir .llmrtt-l.r.
it, , 1.2Tii Ii'i''1""13. '"LS ' '" useel with suceessfor iiearlj e. a
!.,' "","!' "insl wondfifiill'tiialUi- KITects. it cures til at j.'pi) l
n!. ni 2;i".',"r ' ' '"cshi-lnKietiulied. Wn havo hundri-d- ( n.
IllOlll.llS Ot Cull'S ItV I lU -til u h.-t. oil ..n.. I...., rn.i
,,"n,'"n,l.' '"' r'e-n'ialo Weakness, Uiicorilui . n
ilruisi for v'"""-"'u t nit-i. "iij uiM-u&u oi euu Kiuiiejs. usk a
ITuf. GllllllK'tltsN I ie-llcll Hlelncy IM(I
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
hnrU.UN "' K1NI'U':TS, Dnieulst. .Main .street ubovit Iron, in
ullrK. i a. up, mi mi."
F ench Liver Pad
rcMiHiiiK in tho production a,.. ale
i.-.i.. v' . .. , ,
Buying an Orean
'ct',(,,i " i'lstnunent bearinj; the
m.i, 1 i . r . j-
J. SELTZER, Agent,