THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBfA COUNTY, PA. Wit 1 islttiitfiian. 0. E. ELWEIX. lEUiatt J. K.BITTENB2NDJH, ffilllsts' niiUOAtsmjiio. pa. L'Vidiiy. I)oo. 17, 1880. T .it pirt of t'rliln'. Ilnyos' mewugo wiere he speaki of having accimptlsheil so much rafiirm In tbe New York Cti'tom II line will lie rpiul by Vlco Presltlent Arthur w Ith e xcltln jj interest. juhn kf.i.IjV m:sTRH. Mayor Cooper of New York city on Krt itiy of lant week ent to the linanl of Alder men the nnmo of Ailani Campliell for cnmp tioller. in iilnen of John Kelly. A bitter ilebalo enuieJ, but the nomination was fi lially confirmctl by n vole of 13 to 8. The r moval of Kelly Is received with general satisfaction, the prevailing sentiment being that he was the chief came of Democratic defeat at the late electluu. ICd ward IVickard, formerly of Cincinnati, but for two or three years reporter on CMca pipers and lately connectfd with the I rest in 5-t. IiT ul.s, shot his landlady, Mrs. 1 u.i Wilson, few evenings ago because she would' not go to lo theatre with him. The ball shattered the lower jaw and passed into her ueck, ititlicting n serious wound. Kickaril was arrested and lodged in jail on the charge of assault with Inteut to kill. On Saturday the woman died from the efl'ects ol lhe Iniury 'and the nroliabilities are Hint I Lie Ward will bo indicted for murder. Hick .ml wss drunk when he did the hhooting.but says its was entirely accidental. Another terrible luinning accident occur red last week in Wales, resulting in the loss of sixty two lives. South Wale, in which the disaster occur red, i; getting a fatal pre eminence in col llcry disasters. Scarcely two years have elapsed sinco the terrible explosion at Al borcarne, in which 2(35 out of the3S7 people in the .nine were killed. This disaster, one of the most terrible on record, occurred on September 11, 1873, at Albercarne, near Newport, in Monmouthshire. The scene ol this explosion, however, was some distance to the east of the llbonrtda Valley, tbe scene of this disaster. The explosion in the name vicinity referred to occurred ou .Unitary 13, 1S79, at the Dinas coil- cry, near Pontypridd, in Glamorganshire and OS lives were lost, A much more serious disaster than either the one of Jauuary,1879 or of to-day occured iu the name vicinity on July 15, 1850, when H4 lives were lost by an explosion in the Uymmer Colliery The inquest in that case showed that the plainest precautious had been disregarded, for a lighted candle had been placed before a heading which was supposed to be danger ous, for the purpose of testing the extent ot the danger. An even more lata! accident than this was tbe explosion at Ferndale, South Wales, on November 8, 1867, when 1C7 out of 170 men and boys perished; and on June 10, 1SC9, the sam? pit blew up, killing (i0 out of 120 workers. The Rhoneltla Valley, where three disastrous explosions have oc curred, is densely populated, and the excite inent on these occasions is terrible to wit ness. WASMNdTON LETTKIt. Washington, 1). (Mice ember Utb.lSSO We did not have a first week of the House of which any one Democrat or Republi can could be proud, but there is a promise of better things hereafter. What is known as the Morgan resolution to control the elec tnral count may pass before February, when the vote will be counted, but it will not be permitted to interfere in the meantime with uch imperatively necessary things as ap proprlation bills, the refunding bill, the re apportionment hill, etc. There is no reason why it should, .there are many reasons why it should not. In the debate yesterday on the resolution, which was permitted only because the refunding bill was not quite ready, Mr. Heed, of Maine and Mr. D.ivi of North Carolina took the principal fir's To-day, the refunding bill will be consider eil, and one or two more appropriation bill probably reported. Adjournment will nots be before the 18th or Blt, and by that time a majority of the appropriation bills will bo before the House. A ceitaiu amount of bulldozing is being applied to Justices of the Supreme Court and it resulted yesterday in the retirement of Justice In January Justice Swayne will follow. Soon after, by the pas. tage of a bill which tbe administration and Senator Conkling are joined iu desiring. Justice Hunt will go. lhe pressure upon Justice Cllflbrd the noblest Roman of them nil is great. I am informed, however, that he will retire only when he believes his use fu'uiisas a member of the Court is en ded. Ills mental faculties are unimpair ed. Reference to the Court reminds me thai it made yesterday a decision of far-reaching Importance. The particular case was ol slight importance, but the principle was one involving almost everything that is ntces sary to the preservation ot the individual rights of citizens. The fac's, briefly stated, are that the Secretary of the Interior bad prepared and completed in favor of an In dividual a patent, for a pieco of government land, but subsequently refused to doliver it, and, still later cancelled It, The patentee asked through our District Court for a man i'uuius compelling the issue of the patent The District Court relused, holding that it had not the power to isiiie such a writ upon a Cabinet ollicer. The Supreme Court yes terday rcVeises this decision, and herearter u Cabinet ofllcsr'a uct will be as they have nut practicably beeu heretofore subject to consideration by the Courts of tho United States. There was one previous decision of the question as to the powers of the Courts but it was not considered in the Depart ments thai tbe principle was established. There can be no further doubt. There is no longer any legal reison tor believing that n Cabinet officer "can do no wrong." General Grant was well received last even ing in this city. Tho formal part of the arrangements were all iu the hands ot tbe "boys in bluo,'1 a radical organization which the Cieueral commands. To-night, another demonstration of the Generals friends will be made, lie will stay but a few days. It inalil his visit is in some way connected with the Nicaragua canal project, and be said last night that bo did not belleye any bat that routo could ever be uteJ successful- ly. IIlllON. A new Ameilcau Episcopal church u I'arls, to cost 1150,000, il projected, "d it Is ald rnurh ot the money his already been Mjlcrlbd, o liatard and Crnlellng. If Messrs. 0. A. Arthur, Rorcoe Conk ling, Ueorge S. Ilotitwell Mid Noah Davis a cro common warilJpolitlclntH, their exttn ordinary 'card' In tho J'rrn of Saturday ould have attracted little attention. Hut nnc is Vlco President elect of the United States, another Is a United States Senator and a third has been a Senator and Secretary f tho Treasury of tho United States, and when mrii holding Mich portions accuse another hi falsehood tho natural presump' lion would be that they had reason for their accusation. And yet it is made evident by tbe correspondence between them not only that this attack upon Senator lUynrd was without justification, but that Siuator Conkling at least, who is evidently the instigator ol this strange performance knew that the joint statement was both un allied for and untrue. That Senator I lay aril would clear himself of tho charge of bear ing false witness was taken for granted by all who know his habitual carefulness and rairnet.s, but it n-areely could have been cx pn'te.l that ho would turn the guns so com pletely against bis nilcr.irirt and convict ihem of tho very offense which they had charged against him. A correspondent of the I'rcss, writing from Dover during last October, reported speech made by Senator llayard there, in which he spoko of the notorious abuses la the New York Custom House under the moiety system,and in which thcSenator was represented as making a broad and unquali tied accusation that Messrs. Conkling, limit well and others took a quarter of a million of dollars out of Mr. Wl llam E. Dodge's pocket and 'divided It among themselves.' The J'rett, asuuiing the correctness of its report, made this Ptatement the basis for severe editorial attack upon Mr. Itayard's accuracy and upon his character as a gentle man. Mr. Conkling very properly enclosed this article In Mr. ILiyanl titiil asked him il he had made such a statement, and Mr. llAyanl, under date of November lf, replied that tho report, whioh he had then seen for the first tunc, wiu 'so grossly inaccurate n.s to cauc the belirt that it could not have been written by an hones', person.' Ho re peated to Mr. Conkling, however, exactly wha' he had said upon the subject referred to, adding that if any injustice bad been done him ho would feci bound to apply any proper remedy when his error was disclosed to him. To this very courteous letter Mr, ling replies in the tone of a bully, not pointing out any orror in what Mr. Iiayard really had said, but reiterating bis question, which already had been answered, 'whether the published statement sent you in print was made by you.' Mr. Iiayard seems to have kept his temper remarkably well though be naturally drops into a more for mal and distant tone. He repeats that the published statement was 'grorsly inaccurate; explains again what he did say, giving mi nutely the ollicial authorities for his state ments, and again expresses bis desire to be simply just to himself and others, promising to follow wherever that may lead. This correspondence absolutely demolish ed whatever standing-ground Mr. Conkling may have bad. Hut -vbat docs that honor able gentleman do'.' Does he drop tbe sub ject, or does ho endeavor to show Mr. Ray ard that the judgment ho bad formed from the official testimony was erroneous? He docs neither. Mr. Bayard's last letter is dated Noyember 21; in the 1'ress of Decern ber 11, but under date of November 29, Mr, Conkling publishes a letter, over his own signature, with those ol Messrs. Arthur, lioutwell and Davis, in which he makes this astonishing statement: A month has now elapsed since you thus published and characterized this reported utterance. I no Mate zenimci, a paper pub lished at Dover, tbe place where tbe speech is said to bave been made, contained only one day later than your isue a like report vet up to this time no disclaimer or retrac lion by or on behalf of Mr. Iiayard has ap peared, as lar as we know. If ill. iiayard s difclaimcr bad not ap peared,' whose fault was it? It bad been in Mr. Conkling's possession for at least two weeks, and Mr. Iiayard furtbei states that 'Mr. F. A. liurr, one of the editors of the I'ress, had received in Philadelphia a letter Irom mo prior to November 20, in which I stated the falsity and malice of the report of my speech at Dover, which bad been pub lished in the I'ress of October 29.' And yet in tbe face of all this, .Mr. Conkling writes his friends sign and the I'rctt approvingly prints this extraordinary attack upou Mr liavard, denouncing as 'a wilful and wicked falsehood' a statemeut which Mr. Iiayard himself already bad repeatedly disavowed The Press, of course, will gladly correct it error, but for Mr. Conkling there is no es cape from the denlorable position in which he has placed himself. Worsted in bis cor respondence with Mr. Iiayard, and daring not to pursue a discussion which could only prove injurious to himself, be has sought ruffian's revenge, and, relyiug upon il liayard's indisposition to personal coutro versy, has sought to 'get even' by calling names. lie has not hurt Mr. Iiayard, but be has convicted himself of the most delib erate and sliamflfxi piece of falsification that a Senator of the Uuited States eve stooped to. Timet. About Ktliturs. I'.very editor laves to bave his friends, and particularly his readers, call ou him They belong to tbe same family, as it were. Hut when you call to see the editor don't stay too long. IMitors ere generally very busy during business hours. If you have any suggestion to make or news to commu nicate, state it in us few words as po-sible Don't offer any excuses or Indulge in a long preface to what you have to ay. lllurt it right out ; tell the editor you wish him well and bid him good-day. IMitors dote ou such men as that ; they love to receive calls from such men as that. Don't argue with them don't try to do it; he has got no time for argument while at bis work When you write to an editor fjr publica tion, make it short -boil it down. Pitch right into the middle of your subject and be sure to stop writing wheu you are through, IMitors always lit something fresh and original in the way ol communications' and are especially found of news. Hut the edi tor must always be the judga ot what is worthy of publication. Of course, every writer thinks his owu production the best, just as every mother thinks her baby tbe prettiest that ever was born. Hut the editor may be so s'upid as to havo a different opin ion. II so, it can't he helped, Don't try to argue him out of his uotioa. If be is too stupid to appreciate a good thing you cau't expect to remedy bis dullness. You may tbiuk you are a good deal smarter than tbe editor, and that may be true, but the editor nay be responsible and you are not. There is no class ol men so anxious to please a ma jority of tho people as the tditors are. There Is no class of people t? covetous of tbe good opinion of other-. It is well to remember that fact. A Young American iu Paris writes home to his father: "All of tbe theatres and many of the chorchea are now open in this rlty." Items. (lough hss been lecturing twenty-fivo years. The late Mary Shields, of Philadelphia, bequeathed $870,000 to Pennsylvania's char itable institution). Hanoock received more voles In Ohio than any Republic. ever received up to 1880, The eslalo of the lato Clovernor William of Indiana Is estimated to bo worth $100,000 of which $75,0110 is Invested In farming lands. Senator Thurmanls spoken of as tho only politician whose name was never connected with that of a railroad. General Mahnne, the readjuster from VIp giula, has chosen his seat on the Democrat ic side of the United States Senate chamber. The Delaware legislature will be asked to create an office by which the records of tho marriages, births and deaths in that State may be kept. There are nineteen murderers In the CM caia jail. It Is evident that ling killing isn't the only Chicago industry. The rain annually carries to the earth a quantity ot nitrate of ammonia eq uvolcnt to three pounds per acre. Philadelphia raised $100,000 to present to General Grant, who has an income of $7,000 per year. The same city raised $25,000 for the 2,000 Milton sufferers. The Chinese exodus from California amounted to 2000 souls during the first week of November, At Guy's Mlll's.Crawford couuty.on Wed nesday afternoon, a gun was aceidently thrown down and dischaiged In tbe house of Frank Sapinott. Tho load tore away the lin gers on the right band of a babe lying asleep on its mother's lap. After the horse Is nine years old a wrin klo comes In the eye lid at the upper corner ol the lower lid, and every year thereafter be has one well defined wrinkle for each year of his ago over nine. Accouut. come from Wayne county that a colored orator is perambulating that county for the ostensible purpose of collecting fcods for a college in Virginia. He is under tbe influence of liquor most of tbe time, and from the conflicting stories he tells is Bet down as an impositor. Some Idea of the increase of travel on tbe elevated roads in New York may be gath ered from the reports made at the meeting the Manhattan company. For the fi'cal year of 1879, 45,900,000 passengers were car ried, while fur the same penod in 1880 the numbtr was 00,000,000 According to the Mine Inspector's report tbe number of and boys employed In and about tbe mines ol tbe anthracite coal field was Cti,06S, divided as follows; In the Wilkesbarre or Wyoming district, 1(1,099 Middle or Hszletou and Carbon district 8,750, io the First Second and Third Schuyl kill districts, 28,17-1. The iron ore mines at Ritteuhouse Gap. hongswamp township, Berks county, are among the most productive iu the State. The greatest depth to which a shaft has been Bunk is over 200 feet and tbe ore Is of superior quality. It is mined by tbe Thomas jron company, of Lehigh county. It is charged in Shannandoab that the proceeds of a ball gotten up there for the purpose of assisting tbe widuw of John Sin- ey, at one time the king of the coal regions, instead of being given to her, were devoted to the payment ot the expenses of a Green back parade. Mrs. Siney says she never re ceived a penny of it. An honest old grocer of Detroit, not to be outdone by tho rich men who are planking down thsir thousands to the Grant fund, has offered to let tbe gene'al have six cracker and cheese free lunches every week. Among tho vagranta who applied for re lief to the police authorities of New York city last week was a )uug msn named Rudolph Ruckt-rt. When called upon to give an account of himself, he taid that hi father was the priucipal of a college at Darmstadt, and had given him a first clss education. He spi ke Greek, Latin, He brew, French, I, iglish, Gertnau ai.d Ital Ian, and wheu put to the test wag found not to have exaggerated bis accomplish tnents. lie bad come over to this country to turn bis attainments to account, and bad met with poor success. The number of old meu who have gon crazy over marriages with young ladies in England lately is exciting wonder and fun The latest is a divine ol 82 with grandchild ren already married. Ho is rich in loaves and lishes.outsiile the spiritual vineyard,and is what a inanageiug mother-in-law or business-minded damsel would consider good catch. The lady is only 18, and was baptised by her future spouse when he bad a quiyerful of grandchildren running about, Tues ay morning last week R. Ammerman a prominent civil engineer, residing at Mt, Carmel, Northumberland eounty, was found at his home dead in bed with his bralus blown out on the pillow; a plstul clasped In bis hand and the b-d covers wrapped up comfortably around bis neck. His wife, with whom he had lived very unhappily ,slep iu au adjoining room. She says she heard a pistol shot about 1 o'clock this morning but did not arise. The shooting has created great deal of excitement at Mt. Carmel, and Ills freely saiJ that Ammerman did not shoot himself. Deceased was forty five yeara old and leaves a sou and dsughter. He was a very prominent citizen ofilt. Carmel. Andrew Ougel Informed a neighbor at Dansville, N Y., that bis mother had fallen Into a cistern and was drowned. The neigh bor said they ought to get her out at ones be cause she might be resuscitated.but Andrew replied that it was too late,and she was Bare ly dead. Shi was rescued, however, and when she began to revive Andrew said he shouldn't wonder if she should accuse him ot pushing her io, He was right, for she made the charge with tlie first breath she could command, tie had induced ber to stoop over tbe cistern and remove tome leaves, and theu tumbled her into the water, unloosing her hands when she grasped the wall for support, and finally hitting her on the head with a stick to quiet ber. She had a few hundred doll ars that he was impatient to inherit. Probably fifty years hence tbore will be abundance of trees in tbe West, Agricultur alists are rapidly awaking to the necessity of planting them. The Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad Company has begun tbe planting of hundreds of acres of treea on its lands. A Boston capitalist bat engaged a company of raisers ol forest seedlings In Illinois to break and plow a large area in Kansas, and plant no less than 2,720 trees to tbe acre, and cul tivate these until they shade the ground, At the end of that time say ten years tbe plantations will be delivered over to tbe owner. No trees less than six feet high are to be counted, The Fort Scott Railroad has adopted this plan, one advantage of which is that tbe tree enterprise will be attended by experienced ma,who latertst It will be to wskei tatrtfi of auoetea of it M (xm1 hit. comtT rnocEKDiNtis. Commoawesltli vs. Catawlssa supervisors. Case continued' Commonwealth vs. John Getktn nd David Oelkln, Verdict not sullty. Road In Franklin township near John Mauss. Report confirmed finally, ltosd in Hsliingcreet and Orange township near U. Achcnbsch. Report ol viewers con firmed finally. Road In Ronton 'township nsar T. It. Cole's mill. Report of vliwcrs coiigrmcd finally. hstnle of Canfield Harrison. Innueit con firmed fiuallv. Estate of Wm.H.lOvins. Inquest confirmed finally l.stales of Collins Sullllfand Jacob Shugars Returns of Inquisitions confirmed finally. Commonwealth y, Moltine and Smethers. Ren'ons fur grautinga new trial tiled. Commonwealth vs. Joshua Fowler. And now December 0th, 1880, the court sentence the dei ftndsnt to pay a fine of fifteen dollars to lhe Overseers of the Poor of Centre township, Co- lumbm cotinty,and to pay the costs of this pros ecution; also to pay to Marlha'Powless the sum of fifteen dollars for lying in expenses and the sum offirteendollars for the support of the child from Its birth to this time; also to pay the sum of one dollar per week in qusrter yearly pay ments for the support of the child until It shsll attain tho sge of seven yesrs and (ogive a bond In tho sum of five hundred dollars, with ap proved surety to the overseers conditioned for the milntenance of lhe child and to stand com mitted until sentence is complied with Commonwealth vs. Stephen Deitlerick, jr. Jury returnel a verdict ofgullty of assault with lotent to commit ripe. Commonwealth vs. German & Drake. Recog nizance of German and Keller in $500 each la ken for appearance of defendants at next sc- sion. The Locust Mountain Coal and Iron compa ny vs. James Monaghan et. al. In equity. The minim s counsel enter an order that the bill he entered pro confetno. Commonwealth vs. George (Irani. Jury re turned a ycrdlct ol guilty in manner and form as he stands indicted Estate of Georire Risewick. On petition, ci tation on admlnisliator awarded. Estate ofParvin Eves. Hale of real estate ordered. Commonwealth vs. Samuel W. Adams, Re cognizance forfeilad and to be respited on ap. pearance at next sessions. SKCONO WKKK. R J. Millard vs. Abel Deily, ot. ux. Judg ment against Abel Dtily in open court. Estate of GotleiliGuntlier. Robert Rocking ham appointed auditor to mkne dislrihution. Commonwealth vs. Stephen Dletttrlck, jr Reasons for a new trial filed. Peter Luxe nbcrger naturalized in open court. Estate of Riberca Smith. Report of auditor amended and directed Io he confirmed finally Lavina Peifor vs. Lewis F. Pelfer. Petition for divorce filed. Estate of CanGeld Harrison. Decree of court filed to dispose of real estate. Estate of William Ranp. E. R. Ikeler ap pointed auditor to distribute funds. Estate ofllerry Skank. W. II. Abbott ap pointed auditor. Peter 8. Hower vs. Catawlssa township. Jurt find a verdict ot $72 in favor ofplaintitl. Road in Pishingcreek township near George Thompson, Report continued until Wednesday, David Tyson vs. Thomas Geragbty. Verdict for plaintiff for land described in the writ. Benjamin Eves admun-trator vs. Thomas Stackhouse. Verdict for plaintiff for $137 80. Maggie D. Lord vs. J. L. Girton. Still on trial on Thursday morning. Road in Fishingcreek township near George Thompson. S. P. Krickbauin, W. Ipher and Thomas Belles appointed reviewers. H. C. Bowman's use vs. J. W. Hoffman. Juiy called and sworn. All other jurors dis charged from further attendance at this court. Estate of M. Grovtr, deceased. Return of sals confirmed nisi for land sold, and continued as to part unsold. Houds cf N. and W. li.R. R. Co. to Nosh Arndt and Jacob Swank for damages, filed. Ob jections being made to bond', hearing of case continued until Thursday. Commonwealth vs. George Oraul. Defend ant sentenced to pay a fine of S500 and the costs of rosecution, and undergo imprisonment at separate or solitary confinement for two years and six month'. Sherifrto be allowed one assistant. Petition for a writ lunalico inqmrtnilo in cae of Jane McMicliael GleJ. The following deeds were acknowledged in open court by the Sherifl: Lot in Benton township to W. Buckalew for $100. Lot in Catawlssa township to F. L. HhumaD for $1500. Lot in Benton township to I. W. Htycock for $40. Lot in Orange township to O, K.Sloan for S7C0. Lot in Mt. Pleasant township to P. Crawford for $110. Lot in Catawissn Io W. Bryson for $C0. Lot in Bloom to Krickbaum et al. for $150. A Short Winter Predicted. "WHEN POCTOKS JIISAOIILE WHO SHALL DECIDE f" Much has bceu written about and many theories have been advanced ou the severity of tbe present winter. The abundant nut crop, the mosses on the trees, the "goose bono"and other signs bave been brought for ward to prove beyond a doubt that the win ter of 1880-81 will be an unusually severe and a prolonged one. Vennor, also, from tbe far off chores of Canada, promises us a snow Btorm of the old fashioned kind, of 17 hours or more duration. A gentleman of in telligence and keen observation residing on South Front street, Harrisburg now comes to the frout and declares the winter will be a short one of not more than ordinary se verity and proves it by giving natural causes. He has had In his yard duriog the past summer and fall a number of land tor toise. These, he says, when (be winter is to be severe and prolonged bury themselves deeply under the ground- This year, be states, be noticed that his pets bave only gone down a short distance, and in several instances are barely covered, and be prophe cies from this Tact that the winter will be a short one. Why the Boys Won't Leabn Trades, A Republican journal wants an "Amer cau apprentice system." that we may "raise a nation of mecbanict;" but the bright youth of to-day, when tbe old man remarks, "Johany me and mom bave about decided that you khall learn a trade,"jturns from the political manual which be Is studying and asks: "Dad, what's tbe use of a trade, when Mouat can be a councilman, Kemble a rail road president, Cameron a senator and Gar- ! field tbe president of a republic?" And the old man fays; "Mom, that air boy a too smart to learn a trade; Let him go drive a mule on the tow path," A'orrittown Regit ter (ZJoi.) A gentleman from Indiana recently regis tered at an Illinois hotel and looked at tbe printed notice in his bedroom, "Please do not blow out the gaa." Tbe occupant of the adjoining room beard Mm remark, "I pay my money aud I am going to blow out my gaa If I want to." A proposition has been made to tbe council of West Chester to sink an artesian well there which will supply 10,000 rations of Viter pt tour. A NEW PAYING OCCUPATION ron LADIES A GENTLEMEN The Hand'ome Nickel Plated New Home Lamp being introduced In lhe public tins sea1 sou. is the most meritorious article ever cllerid agents to make money wl h, is salcr and mote convenient Ihsn tho student lamp, which has heretofore had the repnlatlon of being Hip saf est lamp made, it has a clamp Io atlsch It to the sewb g machine, pisno, organ, desk, etc. The tear ol the ordinary lamp being accident ally upset or thrown Irom tho tanie, Is entirely relrividhy the simple clamp contrivance. It can bo adjusted to throw lhe light just where II is wanted to stilt the eves, and csn he convert ed into a handsome wall lamp It has the best srgand burner, a filling indicat r, and conveni ent match box, and Its price is within the resell of every one Ithss been fully tested and edl torlslly endorsed by the H'wlem Christian Ad. locate, Am. Christian Ilnmc, Herald and JVea byter, Journal and Messenger, and Christian 67in' dard, lhe leading religious pipers of Cincin nati, and is endorsed hy the Mayor and Post master of Cincinnati, lhe agent of the Ameri can express company and presidents of lnur once companies, as being the safist, niot(ron' venlent and best lamp made. There arc three easons why agents should seek such an article Io canvass fr first fur its absolute safety mid great convenience, it i needed In every home sveoad its low price makes ils sale inuncn'O third it will be n great credit to handle such sn article. One southern agent write, it sells faster tlnn Gtn. Lee's portrait sckl right after the war, anoth er writej, it heats the palmy dsys of the sew ing machine, its rapid sale, low price, and lib eral terms surprise old agents Address Home Lamp Co , Cincinnati, O., mentioning ou' pa per and they will give you full particulars and exclusive territory to rinvass In. nov,5-13w The Philadelphia postollice Is lighted by electricity. Agents and Canvassers make from $25 to $50 per week selling good" for E. G. Hide out & Co., 10 Barclay street.New York. Send fur tholr catalog ue and terms sep.l0,'80-ly Somebody pinned on a Detroit drunkard's back the legend, "Dry Goods." It should be the aim of every owner ol Hor8C8,Cows,&c.,to make them as handsome and ireful ns possible. Tbp German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It improves its beau ty and increase its usefulness. It makeB milk, muclo nnd fat. By using it n horse will do more work and n cow givemore milk end be in better condition wltb less feed. Sold only by weight at 10 cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, Iiloomsburg. Dw 12, '79-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. OF VALUAHI.K ItEA-L. ESTATB1 Pursuant to an order of the Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, I'ennsylvanl.i, will be sold at public sale on the premises In tho township ct Catawlssa, In said county by Uio undersigned administrators or the estato of Jacob Ulewell, deceased, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1881, commencing at ten o'clock a. m., of said day, the fo) lowing described FARM OR TRACT OF LAND situate In Calatt Issa townsbip.ln said County cf Co lumbia, bounded on the north by Catawlssa rreck nnd the Dauville, llazleton fi Wllkesbarro Itallroad, on the east by lands ot William Martln.on tho south by lands f armerly owned by Ftncher and Thomas and on the west by lands of Joseph Clewed, contain Ing MXK1 Y-ONE ACRKS, moro or less. lind: also one other tract of unlmproted liDd.sItu ate In Catawlssa tonshlp, Columbia county, boun ded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tbe north by lands f William Martin and others, on the east by lands of , on the south by lands formerly owned by Cox, and on the wen by lands form erly owned by Ftncher and Thomas, contalnlnir One Hundred Acres More or Less, Tubus or f ale. Ono third (less Us sharo ot costs, &c.) to be paid at tho death of the.wldow.and the In terest thereof to be paid annually to her by the pur. cha.Her.hl3 heirs, ,tc ; tea per cent of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property, the one- fourth le6s I ho ten per cent at the connrmatlon of sale and tho remaining three- fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from connrmatlon nisi. CHARLES CLKWELI, CUHISTIAN CLBWKLL, dec. it, 'so-ta Administrators. UDITOH'S NOTICE. Htate of I'cnnsylvanla.rolumbla county, ss. Among the records and proceedings of tho Or phans' court In and for said county It Is Inter alia thus contained In the matter of tho sheriff's sale of the real estate of George W. Noult. Dec. 10, lbSO.tbe writ In this case being returned and the mony paid into Court, on motion ot a. J, liuckalew, W. ll. Abbott is appointed Auditor to dis tribute the fund among the parties entlt'ed thereto. liYTHSCOCUT. Certified from the record this thirteenth day of De cember, A, D , 1U. O.M.Qcicf, WM.KItlCKUAUM, uepuiy. In pursuance of the above appointment the un dersigned w ill meet the parties interested at his or. V KfK O. U. rice in Uloombburg on Katurday the fath day of January, A, D. 1641, between tho hours of v a in. and 4 p. m at which time and placo all persons having claims upon s Id fund will appear andprue their c alios or be debarred from any share of taU 1U11U. W, 1I.AUUOTT. dec. 17 so-iw Aud tor. JUDITOH'S NOT1CK. 8tato of Pennsylvania. Columbia eountv. m Among the records and proceedings of lhe Or phans' Court In and for said county Inter aha It Is tuua cuituiiueu. In the matter of the estate of Go Cloth (lunther. do ceased. Ana now December is, i&o, on motion of It r Zajr, Itobert ttucklngham Is appointed Auditor to illiVltU UlOlllUUUUU. ItY TUB COV'HT, Certlfleo, from the records this thirteenth day of De cember, l&w. WM. KKICKItAUM O. M.QVICK, CletkO.C. Dcput. The undersigned. In pursuance of tho above ap pointment will meet nil parties Interested at lits u' hoe in Iiloomsburg on Monday th.i llih day ot Jun tirtry. A. It., ifcbl.U'twun the hours of ton. m nmi 4 p, m at which time and place they aro hereby no tified to appear or be debarred from melting ihetr cUlm or claims against said estate, out ot the funds iu iuu uttuua ui uiu uuminisirators oi ana ceo dent, It. ilUCKINOIlAM dec. l7,8o-4w Auditor. n: OTICK TO COI,I,KOTOI, Collectors Of OOUTIIV taiAH In arrtmrq nrttvlniw tn 680, uro hereby DOUUcil mat tho aama must ho bet- tied on or Iwfore tne mh .nst. Atoo oollectors of i ei, io mtuu payment- oo or oerore tno above dale-. II. A.oWEl'l'ENIIISKIl, Doc, 14, ts). Treasurer, A DMINISTKATKIX' KOT1CE. KaTATK OP 11IRAU II. BROIPT, DKCEASED, Letter of admlntatratlon on tho estate of Illram li. nroadt, la;e ct the town of Bloonisburtr.Columtila co. Tenn'a., deceased, havo teen grunted by the let l1b terof said county to Ljula a. Hroadt.adinlnlstratrU liloomfctiurf A'l persona having claims .gainst es tate of the decedent aro recreated to rrtM-nt Itiem for settlement nudthcfee Indebted to the estate to make payment to the undersljjnud Administratrix without delay. LYDIA A. IiltOADT. Admlnlstrat li, doc. 10, '80-w r. I. lllooomsburg, I'a. jNI8TluTOKS NOTICK. estate or mar ikirdin, mciihed. Letters of Administration on tho estate ot Mary Mordan, late ot Mt. I'leasant townshlp,Columbla co , I'enn'a., deceased, bave born granted by the Kegls ter of said county to the undersigned Administrator. All persons having claims against the esta'e of tho decedent are requested to pr-sent them for settle ment, and tnose Indebted to the estate to make pay ment to tbe undersigned Administrator without delay. J, 11. I'ATTON, Dec. 10, tw. Administrator. Danchy & Go's. Advt's. ("l)n a -rotso to 11,000: StOSJRtopa. Piano I J IxAjr t 1 iSll- up. Paper Free. Addrivs Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.dec llttnw d 'flerit Musi Reap its Just Eewanl Of the many Catarrh and Hay Fever He medics wo keep In Ptock there U none of which our customer speak more highly than of Ely's Cream ttalm. A comparatively new dlecovery, but one which, from the many reports and evidences of cures produced, Is detuned to be a leading article. We have never handled a remedy which has increased as rapidly in sales or that has gUen such unlvorwtl satlbfucilon. Price W cent, ft, N. C1UT TENTON 115 PuJUm street, New York. cl doc. iHw Havo You Ever Known any person to be hertouely 111 without a weak atom anh or Inactive liver it kldcevsT And when tteao orgataareln good condition do you not nnd their iiotiseasor enjoying geiod health? J-AHKKHH eilN IKK TUNIUklways regulates theas Important or tnns. and never uUa to moke Itebloctl riciai lu4le treblord NcauH port, and to strengthen rynartor the antera. l.ltfiM carrel JiuueirtAa U tieuuKlrUiBiEtaa&i, aw I fyoevr tiHftif fatwt It, a o,it' THE WORLD F0R1881 Tho World tor 1SI will bo (ho best! and cheapest newspapers published In the English tongue on eith er alifcj of lhe Ailant'o Ith new pres-es surpassing any ever beroro man ufactured eien by lion A Jo t with now and urn;- quaieii lynngrspnieai nnu u'lsmuss iKuimj " noil, mid with n better ori!aul7ed telenraphlo cor ri spoLdence tnrouxhout Hie world limn rim', or any ollmr American Journal, Hie World IdMjsi will at- ,oru IIS reauere OAny a uuiiiph-h-, eimuvuou .iu, trustworthy record or all current eeei.ts. In Ils nvc inliniU-s nltn tho news of the Day The World meets and keeps puce with the In ere wlnir demand made by rapid transit, the tele graph mid telephone with Iho time and attention of uusinessineu Its (Uliy canto letters irom ijiuiuh uriiig wiu win World to tho breakfast tablo of (ho "rw, i, ita u-nii sin i.t iinnttn Ami Its Items for Invest ors, taken together with Its accurate, ctndld and absolutely Impartial financial article, Iho World dally represents an nnrrtaloJ picture uot only of lilt) iruo 1-miuiuoii ui me iiiuiuiuu uvua ,n ,i,ua In which tho adventurous and actlvo people of Hits country lutest heir satinim. but also of all the tliicluatlug Influences exerted upon those enterpris es tiy the speculations and the speculators of the stock Exchsnire. jso man wnu owiiHur fapecia m uu n ...ico. In r-nrnnriitn ttrnni-ttv rnn nfTnnl lO mlSS ToT & Initio day the Iniorniallon dally aud exclusively Rlien 1U IUO M Ol IO, llUl OIIIJ n-imiin.uii muitim, rcKltliiiato couisocf affairs arrcctlmr slodk valuta, but u so as to tho plans schemes and comimi itloi.s uhtr ti nre Ineissantlv maklnirandunmaklriir lu aud outotwatl -tnet to affect thoso alues. Tne v onu also contaios every u.iy hid irepueai, fultestand most Instructive notices ot everything new and Inter-htlnir In the realms of art, ot litera ture and ot social life. 11 is me flcert-uiu'u rgan oi mu rum-Be-, ui uu I iitnn. unci lhe uccurACv and Mviicltyor Its snort- tiiiro'iiiiuis catering all tho tarlous furinaof ath letic iiiaunetneiil wlikh hato multiplied oinont; us ot late years, commend It to the 'rising generation' tnrouKUOUl. i ue cuiimr.v. As the only metropolitan Journal published In the Knullsli language w hleh maintains an unswerving mn-iitvto tim irreat endurmi:;nrli clnb-sof Iho Dem ocratic tattb Id politics, 'lhe World fur issl will lie round, aosoiuu-iy iojhi io ueinocnunj pniiciincs-, absolut ty Independent of persons, cliques nnd fac tions ttlthlu the Democratic party. Tho World lll lnuliutn tnecaiistof tho Union against sectionalism In all Its forms, and tho cause of tho pcuplo sgalnst monopoly In atl Its forms. TEltMS-POSTAHE PAID. Dally and hnndajs, ono year, lis; tx months, fc; threo monts, 13. Dallj, without Sunda) a, one sear, lt; six months ft; ilnce months, fiM; K-.-i than thico months, II jier month. 'I lie Sunday Worll, ono jear, tl. 'Iho Mondiy World, containing tho hook Ilcvlcws and '-C ollege Chronti In" ono 1 ear, J1.6U. The senil-W'eeklv World (I'uesdajB and Fridays) liit; cur. Toriubngcnta an extra copy for a club ot ten, the dsily fur a club or tttcnty-llto I ho W eekly W'orl 1 ( ) oie dollar a car. Te club aeenta an extra com for a club or ten. the Kcml-tt eckly for a club of tw enty,tho dally for a club of fifty, tt e iiittu nu imveiiug ui-uu. specimen number sent tree on application. 'I erms cash Invarhtblyln advance, Send Post-ontce money orCsr, bank draft or n gls terod letter. Itllls at risk of the sender. Addrtss Till: Wllltl.ll, dec, 1,-cw 35 Park Uow. NEti iokk. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. The TlmcN for 1SS1. Thr Turns will enter the New Year wlthalargcr clreli? ot regular leodtratlianlt had ut any previuiis iM tiod ct its lit tory, and the Important even's of uu' nest jtritr muai tiruuuj euiargu wie iieiti 01 in tlenenUent lournaltsm. , new aumtiiHtratlon w II be Inaugurated; new pmuiCHj occiiiiuus win LTfuiu new iioimcai uiiues; tbe ifreat commercial ami Industrial prosperity of the country uiubt btlmalate mourcm anil thrift In all Hectljiis' ami the ienknc ofpolUk-al power win ms lowaru uumipuon ann uoppousin, as It ever H whtn tho people are dlTtrtiu from the stern criticism of authority by pence and plent. The T mcM will be In the future aa It has been In the post, absolutely Independent of political par ties, out earnestly and feantsMy devoted to Integri ty and palrMleruln our state sinanshlD and to the freedom and fcconcttty of the ballot. Uepcndi'nt pariy organs win comiuue io uauuioauoui pari) men and parly meaurcB; to excuse-the public jab ber and tho deniatotr ue: to fcurrrets. ncrvprt or de ny tho truth, when party Interebti demand It, and to la lsli the regulation praise or the ftervant to the master; but lhe (,'rowinc intelligence of tho age dally multiplies the readers of the independent newspaper, and th Journals which best reflect the ripltlly IncreuMng Independence of the people will bo the preat American Journal of the future. Tho '1 lines alms to re-ich the hlghe&t fataudard of me iiiuep'-iiutjui. nrwniuijer, it icariesMy opposes corruptluntsts and ring In all parlies, whether In city, statu or nation. It opposes eury form of Im perial political domination, whether represented hv an Indlvl lual. by a faction or by a party. It opposes K-ctlonaibm North and .south as the demon of the Hepubllc, and It demands public tranquility and tho flupttmacy of liberty and law for evtry citizen of the Union. Tho Times will begin tne New Year strengthened iu tut ui in mrt uuj eAueputJiiuiiy mrong uepan meuti. Us annals of the war will bo continued In tho W'eeklv Ed t Ion. with fcnecUllv lnteri'stintr e. tracts tht-refrom In the other editions, and tho con tributors for 1MI in thlslmpotant feature of the pa per will be from the moat dlstlntrulsbed boldlera and Chilians of both North and South. IU large lUi of cuuinumorM 10 mis unu in loreign countries win ov moro than maintained; Its reliable new s correspond ence U unsurpassed by that of any other Journal of the country; its various departments essential to a coinpletu newBpaper for the homo and eircii are constantly enllened by fresh wrlter8,aod It will mum unu ion puhmun it nas won oieiy on its mer its, as one of the most reliable and com pie to news papers of tho world. Tekms; Daily-delivered by carriers for twelve cents a ecu; man subscription, mix dollars a j ear, orflfty cents a month. Dostairo frep. Hundav k.ii tlon Do itle sheet, two dollars a year; tingle copies fourcents. Weekly, publl&hed every haturday morn ing, two dollars a year, live copies, IS; ten copies, $16; twenty copies, $ 6. An extra copy sent ine to iuu Keucr up ui u eiuu. AddR'SS 1 U K TIMES, Times Iiulldlng, I'Mladelphla, THE BEST REMEDY TOR Diseases of tbe Throat and Lungs. J!7t?tt'c Iniliseaseaof tlie mil. XV monarv nreani a safe anil reliable remedy la invaluable. Aria's ClIEnilV I'ECTOHAL to such a remedy, and no . otliersoeminentlyinei-- , its the commence oi the public. It ia a scl entltic combination ot tho medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of tho finest drugs, chemically united, of f such power as to insuro the greatest jtossiblo , emciency ana umiorui It; of results. It strikes at the foundation ot all PECTOR pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid curea, aud is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. lielng very palatable, tbe youngest children take it readily, Iu ordinary Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, UroncMtls, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Co. tarrb, the cflect9 of Aveh's CiiEmtr I'ac toiial are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved Iron) berious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be liept at hand in every household for tho pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping -cough aud Consumption there is no other remedy so etrlcaclous, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are Inducements to try some of the many miitures, or svrups, made of cheap anil ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualities, cau afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs deinaud active and effective treatment; aud it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from tbe great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use Avrn's CiiEniir 1'ectorai., and yon may confidently expect the best results. It la a standaril medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine Ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe It in their practice. Tho test of bait a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., I'ructlcal uml Analytical Chemlilt, Lowell, Mats. OLD at ILL UUIGUI9TS CVLHTWUIKB. (T 1 A utflt furnished free, with full InMruo- I I tlona for conducting le most proiltablo tD L U S5M?1 any onB can engage In. j Tno buslnes-s la so easy to learn, and our lunuuvnuuiBru su simple ana piam, mat anyone can make great proms irom tr very start. No one " " w n , , u,ei, uro as suc cessful as men. Hois and girls can earn large sums. .Many bale made atthe business nverone hundred dollars In a Dingle week. Nothing like it ever knewn before. All w ho engago are surprised at the ease uuu rapiuuy wuu wnicn they are able to make money, lou can engage In thla business durlnir your spare tlmeat cr-at mi vi ,m r,r, h. ,..?. Invest capital In It. We take all the risk. Those who K . ?"?L ""ley. snouia write to us at once. All octM?'su?' Aaa"l8a Tar 4Co., AugusU.Maluo J OTjD ! J 'fclgglngfiold'a .7. ,yTT: "e Hocky moun NTIIII our ni w i. boow K.'a 18 ,ouna &na mined; I ow mining - mo noc-ay mounia DM. .vu,,ud am iu,iuru una great-fortunes made "lye-u graphlo history ol Parlous dlkcoiefles of ITOld and sllver.PRnerlnUv lhm. .,,.i.. V1 scenes ot camp life among miners: irlcksof harn! vine, macif in ih unrt ri,,r,r.iunn ,jr.. iposea. etc ror terms address ilUIIHAItli llhos hi hansom Bt., I'hliadelphla. oec s".w Readings I Recitations! Elocution l ffiTll mm NOW )P.(MRETI&C0. O 708 Chestnut surhiUdeiDh i. TI.U Biafctf U uniform wUthtBtrUi. til cobUIdi ib CHERRY x K!TM AC piiMiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiimr DryGoodsquiiGenebalOdifits. ThcGrccilcslVavicly in OiicEslabTisnmcnt IN THE UNITED STATES. ;ll WRITETHEADDBESS OHTHIS SIDE-THEMESSAGEOIlTHEOTHEBjJfl i ADDRESS A POSTAL CARD AS ABOVE. I J i" fori tt dies qoods.wrilc on Has foil am. (Name) (Town) (County) (State) If for gentlemen's good., write for Prico Llt No. 8. In either case you will receive tho book by return mall. It tells bow to get goods from tho city cheaply, quickly and rifely, with privilege of return and refund of money ff not suited In every particular. The distance, males no difference We send goods and samples to every State aud Territory. r g?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iimiimiimimiiirnrV (SUCCESSOR TO D. W. rinc IiraiiellcN, lriilsUU's, l.lns, MUlltl) oil Illlllll, IMPOKTHI) ALKS AND POItTKIIS IX ltOTTI.KS BY THK IKIZI..N. Landlords Huong! otitllio county will iind it to their advantage!!' call find examine my stock before jmrclinsing elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July oi'wviy I f .1 rf Ta a I " r fnnA-i ,fl i n -fit A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BY USSNG B C K H ft n no MPTTAllD'C UPAHArurDII f P rf n m a. t wmnl,r fnllv In n 11 l i. i j ni"i '-' j ui tainvut7 III.HUHOnt. , mm, mum ictiDC on llio nervous tj lm, rulieo DYOPEPSlAi" da worciliirm-, cleans, in tbo BjEttm cf excicBcif bile, irudaclii a it gnlnr healthy octlouot the bow els. FKPH.i.iirteimiiintri rif"! an, I fcj t:niriiin ue a n areurr . . ,i .. i. ; . bk Afullsli zo box of thoso my .6 nlno 3-cont Postngo Stamps, v ur sjo by all liruggista. soli: niorniETons. OCt. 15, 'SO-tt C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber Gaa Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, AND I1EALEH IN STOVES, KCE-A.T"EI?,S A. 1ST ID BANGES, BLOOMSBURG. PA. Shop in Opera House, 6th door TO THE LADIES PROF. GCILMETTE'S FRENCH Prof Guilmette's F ench Liver Pad Will posltlirly euro Feer ci d Ante, Dumb ARiie, At-uc evke, Ullloui, FOM-r, Jaundlcp, IiiH -rtlseases or tho Liver, Momach and IWood. Tho pad cures by absorption, and ib perniHmiii a- ' druKRlsi lor this pert and take no other. If he does not keep It. tend i .ro to the F KNtll Aou Hrancni TOLtDo, eihlo, audrtceuelt by return mall. Kortale by JOHN U. KIM'DKIh, Hn-Kt'lv ' meet, above, iron, lilocn-tO'iri; f't. ''I' 0 CAUTION. GET THE BEST, ESTEY OIRX3-JL:TS. STKONG COMPETITION III the iiiamifacture of Organs is resulting in the production ami ml? of cheap goods, niado from inferior materials. 1 refer paiticulnrlv w bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, will"11" any merit whatover, except to bo offered cheap, and then when pirn'!'11" ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuu not then, rentier, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tl1'. Humus oi iiiul eiass, wnouy responsible makers. A good assorumi" -styles of tliocelt'biattd Fstey Oi guns can now bofcen at tho ikwiww of tho Only Anthoriztd jagentfoi tho Estty Oigans Columbia County. A guarantee for five years fiom the nim"1' facturers accompanies every Kstoy Oigan. Jh J. SELTZER, Agent, JDinrniDiiiiiiiiiiiiiTnii.. UOBBINB,) DEALER IN IIiiiiin, si nil all UIiiiIn eil v liu, ,0. Door below Iron. .m;wsi ,1 -j .y wx if ifi ff"- vnlunblo PILLS, with full UI- aprll 23, vi -y AND GENTLEMEN: P I A Positivo and Pcrmanont Curo CJuarantced In al) cafes ol'Oiavel, Diabetes, Uropay, HrigLl's l)i-e.e of lt( KiJneys, Inconlineiice ami ltelenlion of Urine, IiiUjiiihih n ,f Hip Kidiieyp, Catarrli ol' thp liladilcr, IHfili Ccloreil I rme I' in in the Hack, cido eir I.oun, Nervous Wrakneii", anil in li" iliiKiilris eil tliu Illadiler and Urinary Oit;ani, wliether comnci eil by privalp li-rne'nor nthprwii-e. TliW irreul remedy h,is ben used Willi sueee-fes for rienrl o-n umb Fiance, with tin mo-t wondertiilcuralUo KlTectH. It t-uri-H u- o: tft no nauseous Internal ini-dlcliie-.beiiii:riqulied W'u hue huiali-il-, ,t 1 s moid iIh of curiH by lids I'ad when nil clue had failed I.AlilKs If j on arosurferliii; rrcm I'cmatu Uenkiiewi, Leuiorrim . s eases pet Hilar to female1', orln fuel any dlica&e ortho kidne-s .t driiuiflst fur I'rul'. Ciilliiii-f Ks'n rre'iicti liieluc) rail and tako no other It he Ins not rot It, send and jou imu i- . 1'ad by reiuni mll. Addiesa I'. M l;r.u.cli FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio, Or JOHN II. KINl'OHTS, Drunht, Main Street aboM- imu, h es-