The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 17, 1880, Image 1

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mis cm.s n.itnTrn.)
Ht'iod weekly, every KiM-iy tnoitiliiK hi
111, n,tsllUH(l, COLUMDIA COUNTY, ), per year, Mcentt discount nil ,w(.i
III I tlflll'l. 01 th
lt tin-term? -'(' i per eir,strlrti in n l n,a
i,t .u.conltii i a, .-x.-i'iuut tui option wt t-i
rn. until all arri-nrnirei nro pud, but ion
j -rcllti nfi'T tlw expiration ol Hie iiiv
i not tiu illvi'n
, piTwntoiitof the statu OrtoiHstntit mst
n:nt Im paid ror In iiJvruci', unless a rou.i m
irsnn In OoiuiniiH county nssunion totmj tin
itlon duo on dcmatiil.
i HK Is notoneer "xactod from tubiuiiicrilri '
i ,hi. i nop irrincnt ot the OotcMttix Is ror..
loiTour.Iou 1'rlntlnjr wlllcompire ravoM.
nl Mm l,trrn mips. All ivnrir ,in,.n ....
neatly and ;at inodoruto prices.
Columbia County Official Directory.
niitent Indue William Klwcll.
i S . 1 ite .lndifM-I. K Krlcklmum, I'. T shuman.
..t'iinnotiu v. c.-wmum i Brlrkbaum.
' , ,Vr s eno'Jriipner-s. N, Wnlkrr.
?.'i t UMOtMi-r -Williamson II. .laeoby.
,! .?ot utnrnov-Hobcrt II. Little.
mrpr-il A. swi-ppeMiMser.
' n'rilUliinors-tepUen rohc, Charles lllcbart.
VnnuSlonir'flerk-J. II. Caw.
VimrV-s. mllh' w' Manning, C. ll.Sto-
"Vl"' ommlloncrs-Kll Hobblm, Thendoro w.
""I'.int S' 11. Snyder.
l'oor nntrlPt-hlrectors-B. J. Aihertnon,
(ill 'nwood; Heece l'-ilnnm, Scott! Caleb lUrton,
Bloomsburg Official Directory."
iir , int ot Town Councll-d. A llKRlllXM.
,,;,;t.l. (irot.
lu rof l-olfe-lt. tlnrrw
r st'lentot (lasCnmp.mj'-S. Knorr.
i retary-C. W. Miller.
Tn iinibiira ll.inklni;companv-.Toln A. Ftinjion,
i. r it .1. "n ' . 1 1 . 1 1 . ror z, cashier, John Peacock, Tel-
''' t tonal Hank-Charles H l'a'on, "resident
, p. rmtln, cashier.
MinH'cr -Itev. " Marelav.
l.iu'liv Servlces-iox a. in. and 1 p. m.
simJav school 9 a.m. ... , , ,
,l r Men ln?-Krery .Ve.lnesdav evenln.- al I
0 -i.its rre". Nopewn rcnied. All are welcome.
Mlnlsicr-l!ev. Stuart Mli"liell.
s'li'liv -ervlcos-iovj a. In. and T p. m.
"'ira's'fre. N'o pews rented, si ransers welcome.
Prcddlns Klder-lleT. W. Rans.
limS'er-ltev. R. II. Yocuii.
?ii".lav servlees-WV and : p. in.
nMn5S!Sm "Monday even.m a- T o'clock
v'onne Men's ITft' er Mee Ins- ever. Tuesday
;SrVprayeV Mi'-etlns-Kvers' Thurlav eventD!.
7 o'llock. RltF0UMi!ncncKcn.
Corner or Third and Iron streets.
,iwtr,r II. II. Slrunck. ,
n'eslderice-t'oi ner 4th and cntharlno iieeU.
MiinlaVf"TMci's-loi a. m. and 7 p. m-nmln-school
ei icr Meellnij-Satiirdav. 7 p. m.
Ml arc Invited There Is always room.
pstor-To bo supplied.
i.tndav Si-rTlees-luH a m and 7 p.m.
XS&m Wednesday evenlnir at 7
iicK .
v ats tree. Tho public are Invlied lo a' tend.
st. rACi.'senmcit.
.j rtor-UFVl Zahner.
k.ind iv seivlces him a. m t p. in.
- mdav School o a. m. ,
o suivlav in tho month. Holy Communion.
, rs piTP'irnlorv to communion on Friday
in" heioro I ho st Minilav In each month.
ivwsVnted : but eveijbody welcom".
.resldlnn Flder-ltev. A. I.. Ueeser
Mli.iater--llev. rleorce Hilliler. . ,
. ndav servlco-'J p. In tlia Iron street Church
it i- er Meetlni; Kvei y sabbath at s p. m.
vimrelnilted. All are welcome.
I'liOFKSsKlNAI. CAllllS.
Ill'CKIN'fiH I. A'lnrnev ai l.nw. Ol-
. lice. 11. .1. Claiks iiuuuiiiK.:niarv i.nn ...
Ilia iiu-ibur?. 111
f U It.V ItK 1.15 , Orlice
1.. umner'H ImlldliiK. 'in. I story, tiooius 1 5
1 B HOUISON, Atlomev-al-I.iw Office
I . In Ilarlinan'Bbulhltnt'.Malnstreet.
I) -
WM M. IJKI1EH, Surgeon riiyii-
lan onice Market ' 1. M-ar depot.
T I!. KVANS, M. D., Surceon ami l'liyi
I) . elan, (onico and HeslJeneo on Third street
T I!. XtrKKLVY, M. D . Surgeon and t'liy
f) , slclan, north side Main street, below Market.
onice, North Murkel street,
Oct. 1, '79. Uloomsburg, Pa
vn. i. i.. iiaiu;,
Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, l'looras
our . I'a.
tr Teeth extracted without pain.
'ICt 1 1S79
, (.UN and sr (IEIIX. si'iil.U.iltetitlonirHeil
tu 11.1. UHKAHks and nF.reir 1.1 Hie Me Ear M-KiiEm In oil its hiIm i ranches
:r.lsoo.irerilllJ ndjustslhe KEwllli PMlI'EIt
( S - 1(1 '1. in
Hul'Its l--"0 p m
I 7 -S . 111.
.5 1 llust Mrfi'l, lllo,iiiiliirtf, P11.
I'liyin, n-ir
w'. hTHOUSE!,
All styles of work done in a superior manner, woiL
warranted as represented Tumi I xthact
kii without 1'ais l Ihe use i.r (las, and
free or chariro vhn uriltlilil leeili
are liiwlled.
(mice Cornr .Main and Iron street.
In hr n)ien at all hnutt during Ihe day.
Nov, w-ly
S?iln Mnl.lnpa nn1 MflChlncrV Of all klndS TC-
lalred. ockra Hoi-sb Ilulllln?, Illoomtburi;, Pa.
AVID LOWKNUKIKl, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
1 S. KUHN, dealer in Meat. Tallow, etc.,
1 . Centre street, between Second and Third.
V UOUSlUri I'lt K UN D, rractical hoiueo
nalhle llorso and Cow Doctor, Hlonmsburg, I'a.
leO. 14, '79-tf
it. L. KYKKLY,
Catawlssa, I'a.
collections promptly mado and remitted. Offlce
onpoalta Catawlssa Deposit Hank, ta-io
A T TO H N K Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawlssa, I'a.
onice, corner of Third and Main Streets.
one of Hie in i d tlra Ic residences dn llloomsburc
on the unrih we't comer of Market and Hnh
sireets formerly occupied by V. E. sterner. ru
hoube is u lurt-e and routetlcnt
nlc-ly fumlfhed. Ihero Is also a
The properte will be sold on easy terms. 1'os efs
'fcsionVlveu April 1H lssl. Kor parilculurs Inquire
if J, 11 Malje liq. llloomsburff, I'a., or Hiram
.eece Ilucktioru,
um', w, Hum
neaSiSS'TS Tin riltXOWIKO
McnrniTicnr Munrv Pnnusvlvanla.
orlh Arae'lcan of
)I t L jaL-it,uiu, 1 a
Pennsylvania of
raukun, or
farmers ol York. Pa.
Hanover of New York,
Manhattan of " ,.
omco on Market Street No. I, Uloomsourif, 1 a,
sot, so, 7-ly,
'I lice old toHroiiATiosa are well M-asoned by air
and i-ikit s-vsThniiT.rt imi, n.'v, r vet had a loss set
tled by any court 01 law 1 heir assets are all Invest
ed In soim BEci'RlTIMahd ate liable lo the hazard
Of riHK rmlv
Losses moini.v ard iiosksti t adjust; d and paid
hu as oeterminisi by cukistian r nn.rr, w
AL AoiST Ahb Al'Jt'tTkSlll OOMSSl'Rd, I'A.
1 lip ia.r.,11.. . i.,.iii.,,,ia n i.h,i- i.lntnld natronlZ.
tl.PMgP cv where losses Han) are settled and pal l
oy one of their own clilena.
WOT, 1I,B0.
''uyfbLh, 1
t V T" i.v.f,T-,.,w V Frfirr! ftl... .
" Vi 1 '
Mll S
Q 11. hhockway;
ATT0I1NV,Y-AT-L a v,
Coicmsuk lieu turn lioomsbur? p
rlT'' 51 V n-""' m'FS u AMoeiatlon.
ocl 1 . ".'r ' lny pM A"K" or
OC;e. second door trom 1st llonk.
Bt.ooMsiiunn PA.
irn II. isis
J U. l'L'NK.
Attoi'iioyat-I nw.
(in'c- in Knt's llritr-tvi
Q H .i V .1 lit' KAI.EV
U1 01 - iKa, P
' nn M UL stit,(. first iiooi ee'i wcourtilousi
J'Hi.V M ct.AliK,
fike rivru sell iv'ei's Hard ware store.
CtrtcR-ln Hat man's linlldlnu. Main street.
llloomsburc, Pa
C. It. I.ITTI.F. ROS'T. R.llrtlK.
p II. ft K, r. LITTLE,
Ulcomsburff, Pa.
oniceln llrower''orid Door, room NO,
' Illonmshurg, Pa.
R. 1
Attoi'tlGV-flt-T liw
Office-corner of Centie and Main streets,
Can be rnnsiillpd in German.
Jan. 10, 'a-tt
(Teo. i:. elwellT
A T TO n N K Y-A T-L A W,
CO'.rMstAS l'.t'iLiiiso, I'.loomsburg, I'a.
Merber ot the L'n'ted states law Assoclatlor.
Collections made In any part of An.eilca or Lurop.
oct. I, ISP.'.
Notarj l'ubll.
Attoi'iieys-nt-I aw.
(illlce In llartman's Wis k, conn r Meln and Mar
ket streets, Uloomsburg, I'a.
f-JS" l'cmums Vmuntk) Culhtkd.
p.UI. V.. W1P.T,
(illl.p In Prowers Muck, one doorbdow ('nifv.i.HS
July 10, '(! If
t'Y JAt.OllY,
Attornoj- al-I.aAV,
(illlce in the COLfMntis IPJlldlr.g. second Moor.
( . t. s, 'u.
ToiiHoiinl Ai'tist.
,., . .!., l,,j ,.l I uniler EXCIIANliE III)
TKl'ulid has n, usuil a I'MM'-t'I.Ass HMIIlElt
sllnl' lip lesiK. IfullV soil Us the lulrniai.e tl
Ills oldeu-ti mer .Hid of the public general!.
X W PI It M ! Wlinn, Picprletor tf tin
OltANllI.VII.l.i: AlHHCl I.TfllAl. WOHKs,
has sold a half liileiest In tin sarno In J. W.Coni.-i
The company have repaired the wolks, aim are pi .
imred lu iiccomm,.datH all In. want an) tldi.g In 1 la
hie of Arleultural Imp'.cncMs. Huy have Jun
' i-.Phied anew lift hand w Idle plow, wh'th IM-i
slbl.i, will be it the light hand Also Hirtace plovv -,
, jMinters tor t.e same. A new I hi-1 crardUeni.
1 r llli cent re (hake ol rid .10 tlior. 1 ailed Ihe
Uhllf Tlin-klicr ami t'li-nnrr.
wlih both lever ami railway powers on a (Treat P
Imiu nved plan. We manufacture I.AM' 11UlM.II
' v.1 .... ; L. .. . 1. .m i..uh. double and .iiu!
1 11 ilvator side hill P.ows, Mill castings. Tuinlii :
ol eviri desiriniioii noi.e uu H. u... ....... -
1 constantly on hand a Urge .is,oitincLt of low
Mian- f..r our nw 11 and man) ui her plows 1 lin 1
u"cd 111 the couu.rv We tllnot UMindersiiu b
work or inateital of the umr qualltj . sll our w,.rk
I-win a I ' I togPe mil-f u'lbiii, Hie moni) re
tliepui.llolngeiiclal ele leqlliftidtu call and es
amine btfore purchasing elbewh. re.
Jan. ic, 'to-iy oilANf-EVII.I.n, PA.
Cor. Ceniie and lt.Ul lioad sis., n, ar I.. 4: U. Depot.
Lowest Prices will net b: undersold,
Manufacturer of MINE (WIS WHEELS Coal Preak
ci andllrtd,-.' failings, Water Pipes, Moves, Tin
ware. Plows HWN FENCE, and all kinds ot Iron and
Brass C-tl logs.
Tho r'glnal Montrose, Hon beam, tight hand
left band, and side hill Plows, the best In the mark
et, and all kinds of plow reralrs.
cook stoves, lioom stoves, ar.d stoves for heating
6toris, ichool houses, churches, Ac. Also Ihe larg
r.t sinrt or renalra for city bloves. wholesale and
retail, such as Fire Urlck.drates, cress Pieces, Lid
ic. tc, stovo Pipe, Co ik lioiurs, skimts, cake-
l'lates, large Iron Kettles, i'JO giil'.oiis to 1 i.inels)
Farm Dells, si 'd Soles, W agon,
"Alloutown Bono Manure"
I'LASrKIl, Al.T.tC, AC.
Jan 9, 'sO-iy
Pvrrvhodv reudsTiisn In 'he
,1 II L-
..I till
newspujwr Ihroughout 1... in.
W'i" a'i'i i'i.o word's news, su pi efeiii. .1 Hi
er v III 1 et Ihe. L-ieit.llllllOIlll ol ll'OI III ill
,i. i,.!ii iiiitroiuu'ile cms'i , .1 inn
al. I
Mgllt 1HK , J"L ' .
lu luis-n icd'indat.t luliii si,,l ui-m t.. lu
ii'woln'of ihatsirtot nwie. h .1. , 1- e-
uponlisieenv:i,lj-d iuirlaii.. 1... . - e 11 11 r
Lw nr.nli... .Ml.tlllUI'd StOt.V P 111 111. .l I- ..I llll'H
ami una n. "i Unl 1 1,1 .s 1. v. -. i ui
andtio.bles. mis Hory Muu, 'I'd 1 .d 111 r.
liler.'HH.g Hun all) lomai,.,- l'i.' "as nei d.
i.rUPialliv. in cnrse.v, ami ui-euii.n. ... up 1
ol ever) iuij. 1
I I. Il'io I wii.ihk liiv 1
111. Ill
V. Ol ! CI UlU-l". I"""1 "
. 1. UL, .e..,n 1111-11 111 d 1 Iif rirs.
0111 inn,-.- . . ,. ,,,(, and l.plal e.i.uiiis. u- ....... "'"
P'" J'.. ."7ui ,,, ...i.iiLh uliil I- blamab e t
,rais iv 1.1 ti.j
1. iniii-rat 01 l.i I1 Ll 1 j 11.
1, lilisnii 1 1 . , , . .,,,,11.,,,, ,,.i
...... .1V. I 1 1 1 kc 11 V 1111 1.
Liuiip. : . r... . ...,.,.. ...... ,..i..iit
!.,,,,.' ii.m i'.ii.,l.tlii.ill Lives us l-.i c-,u..nelu
k.. ji null. in ..1 it P) Is tonsisi tol s iiimci
kpi.. i"- ". , ... ,.im .in-.,, niirlv P.
h..'i nn alio h r IJ. in if g.:rMiiii.t lu P.aiof in '
hl u exists- llie)ear ri .u 1 "" " '"",".'
uui.!. ' 1) the mugs for pluadci, and the hlng. 101
iiuperlal powir
liur leinis .ui-
i...r li,.- list V is.a lour-sige sinriui i"V""
elcht co.unins, Hie price nj mini p ; 1
V"' .j .. .,,..,.11. i.r IS .Via l.-i,r: II. IllClUdl
the prl.
laid, I
ts.vnM am-uit li or M sun) ear; 1-1, Includirn
i5mdiv eight-page .heel ol nnj-slx
ns' in? Prh-1 ' is i'.i cents a monlh, or :.Io a 1
Including U.
i Jem
'' J.) edition of Thk- si s Is Llo furul h. d
separately at 1 1 vo a ,ear ,..s... i;a d
-- - . A
si.columusTis it a )ei postage pal.l I ;-r clubs U
inscndlngliiMvewiil senuaue i-..-.
A 1'ubll.hf r of Tui tcK, New York Cli-.
It oi 1 reel dull, drow e, iteMII'ntxd. have frequent
neaaachi , i j uu badly, poir appetite, and
I'M Sr'1'''' ro' ate n IT. nn 1; from torpid liter,
K. P "w "tid niiihlnif will cure sou so sned.
I1T alii iiermmrntlv as to tike .'immdnV I.IVsn
linnruTuR nr Mcdblne.
The Cheapest, Purest and
llest family )!. uiclne 1.,
Ihe worM
for all disc wes 'it tin 1.U
er, stomach and spl.-en.
Ilerfiiiaic the Ltitrand
t'llll.m AND VRVErt,
MAi.Miiors r tc!
AN I.I 1 F. ti- 1 1. s,r,.,,,i.
ill 'V I.I. COMPI.MN i s. V'lEp
IKSII.Ess-. ,, ,iain. WTj
lltlM! NI, VI. t- , Mil
t'tlil IlKIltll! n.ilhlnir ..) eoininon as
oa 1 rn ath u'.d In i.ear t .'rv . it eoms from
IheUomu h nrd eatits- 1.0 i' ;i'ted If jou
Will take smiinvs' UMn l;mri mm. Im lint lie
gwt so sine n 11 mi. I) fi.rthls repulsive illsoiiler II
will iiNn iiunri.M' jiiur Appclite, complriloii and
lieneral lleaiih.
How many snnir torlin edny alter day, mnklne
Hie a burden and k exMrncerf ail r.. asure.
owiojc to the merit rultt Mr g ticnt plies nrellif
Is re..d) loth, imi.ilir ulnort at.) otievhowilliuc
siHeiiiatleiillv tlie Mnedv iimi I. as peimniii hlH
cured thousai ds mmmos I iipr No
ilmstle Mount puige.luit a gentle a sWauttona
lute. 'illstllitllll'.
Should not be resatd-d as a Hilling nllmi nt-ln fort
lnittire ill InaruN I' e utmost teirulurl oflliebow-
nun iiuv iiomuoii in in 1111s in miirii pavesteo
wav oil, n toferlo'is dmei r. It is quite as nccesa.
rvt nmo, Itniuire neeumuiatlniis irom Hie bow-
is as It Is treat or sli-rn .mil no li. nlth rnti hp pt.
pisMeilwherencosilve hallt cfbndj prevail.
Sll li Ill'lliUM lie !
Tills dlstres.tliff nilcri,,tt ruvnra mrtl
The illsturbiii ee of 'he stimuli arising from trie
In.pnt etlv pin ems. e mses a severe pain
In lli b-ad i.e 'onipsi.ld wlilnNlHgreeabl,' nausea,
nod tlih e. ruiniies wlia' Is p inninrly known as
I' k 1 1 en l iclie; firlhp n-llrf of w lilcb. Tikit sim.
MONS' 1 IVKk Kl.rl TPK
.1. II. .I. II. IN .V t (I.,
rln- M.Pd So dby all lti-tistl'y.
J 5
ii.' . :
s t .v :c t
J 're mi in aa.i t m
-;. hum pfr lioi. AH Jit"
1 ZS l-l.
l;ri;u1 itiriR tin
" 1 till I ijUttiOlti
1 iv -t Ti-di u j - - 'u lWor r.f tho
'.nrili if tl:o J'ist ipl sf Cirirt. J' nit,
lih. My f" u v. duiu U'..slv ia uud
l.irMy i-o,-triit 1 Iro? i k Uiils uinl i ct.
iIa UnV.ii IntLtrtn. 1:1 n' li. Ii trii' 1
'i t t t. Jir. : ) tl u
. 1 in n, 'J n, mum I a tn, 1 .t. it,
It .1 ln!lP, r '-'l H ' I I 'i.U' .1 'if
it .uu! u.
' l-sVi3.s?-jCljA?dM3j I .- 1 .1 1 '1 I'. n.oy
riMi.H. ic.-.-. ul nr 1 unitiii '1 '. will ctr" - iiv
I r. I !' ' ' ' ' - 1
. irlit iii in prven dtv s 1' i -I Ilorut. 11
. i ev-rv bot. l'rli o j.. r i I. C 1. 11. i.r i in-,
i .piiil-iM'-mvll el?i-l 7 - . ' I -
i'.-'?i;il. AtnllllnidSi M 11 i i.- . ,t
i prtn-hvlllNDAs llfl A ' 0.,- ut
l trett, New iurb i ir ulsw :r . .
Enstiiiitly reli. v-0.1, l.v t'"v
usaof 3Iuctiiui'n3Ii!.ii'.'
Ointment, nn. 1 TOjlKJrSi nft, r 1 ' u'r 1
npi,lictio!i'iol'it. J?JxJf3.1l lj i.'.!
lini'"ist, ormai'.p.l en i-ec-i ;t of YA'Cfl
l.y DUNUAS DICK J CO., Ml'-. tJlhk
Chcmisls, a." M'ooi-tcr S'tn-i, N' r .-rk.
uith liUImut .UftHfiuo Simply Ity
sAliKonition. Tho Only Tiuo
.n.tlnr.rtl Antfd .t.
l"ip. U tiimn -nit m i ' t i ' t rVIU
t. .f it ami Hint. id it i , i-, . i an k.i l 1 1 -bjJ
ujii. n itf KiiiU fUi, itht nils-, j.k. n i
.linlri'-n pi ,nlf ti imy tsMuui t Jt-lU.. .
l'..H i .Ni u -iU.
I l.M ii ,i I in- r, iiu'ily-v, I'iionLj.u-a, n- Vi
f (Mf 1 ji htrfi-ii'holiU.ii ailiiuagH ill'1! v. l.a.
To hi i ummI l .tlftluriti, ;Vvik,
M!W, l!llliuno., J,ii r t'uii. i.t,
aj:1 (fioiilfi Miii;.ic-!i IJIVfiinr',
i.y nuremiry to f,t't Ui- i.L.UK'iKJ imi .
llulutau'ti I'.tii us nuii.f) U son l .. l i .
If lu dout't nliout Hit.' (jffiiiini. i. . . .id
i '.1- iv j, ('iiclus-s In rcKifi' - i " 1
i rt'cnvHttit Ti-ir. 'dy (jj r M.. i t, ' .,'.
l'ti'il. nrwrlio uNinrfreeii-oatLi' . '1 i -1
uilSu-iv 1 with rhronloraiiiunta, ilei-pr-I t "iuj
V 'lKlulljr. tr. Hulnmii hiuU I. 'i i .
UJ WUliaiuafr- ( t, I.'uw Vol!'.
iTIAIUJtVIM-tflio n..t
3 ana tn --t ; a-'-. ltictn i
"oil t ick orf.r-t . n;t
Mll'dJi tiy '11
!'.i.i' .a
lulnt a lull ti.r i.uir
itrgt'iiiiwian. t.jU 1.7
all Urti-'C : ni).
aiUi.ur Urcascrd. J. Cltli' -i r'
L8 fT"..,
1 rpf
Ij trie trout ( iiplcJlhUllt 'i'v alt
Arr'.ls I)i( a). yv vr Kvtu ttnztt !.'
It ciirr oiiii()ii;i('ii, Arr
Ji,tnehltt, Kmarlnli n, tf;?.fl. V'? II
t ii 'ip. i un4 till Iwntui-i c(m.('f fmti v -
J .11 in 'It
.ni '.! Vurlfir I'm C irh hi .t . -'
, iiti i (..cents Jtsut. im hcroiui" i Vu
J u ti ii, Ac, li Hukj,'1 v i ..i. I.1 '. 1 i
i l-.rj; I'Wurlrtwonilorf lin Con . ni i
j (.' t'"lretmeutly dm-, it, mrnrfili .'i , .
Il art upon tlicralioiml i ry of Bi -r
At.l. -TIMI tt AY mt.G IT it IUH 11' i 4 I . v
3J-M,i-t,h' 'si ' it totlirowuif ilietlia".
i on'j iu wt'iLio-cliHiwil (n)ttktf. U'llJD ft
p filwaU a iluiiljlo "I" II' ti:fi:i'"'r (tn. wo'
iitiioLAiri"jnurti(irhiufruiu3y3r(li Ji'.-'.t-l
J-."rt oti t,n mi ttje rlyht UaJ.
Best E?.l70 I- ilic Yrl:.
Q1U0U uud Startllu;: Ccro,
It Heals Without n Sonr,
AUayuPatu &Stcpa Dleaair.;,
BuotbcN a Burn or SoalUt
Heals n Cut Llhe Mnglo.
2 ' DruwiPoUouout of aWonnCL
cicli ItulinHif cul itto Mii'jd:
Tn nalt lllinum Koro Tlirsinl, l.l
linn,., HcMlilt, Hull, U'muiil., I . i-.,
N.iim K)t'. I'uUntiuu HtlllK. uu 1 l,i I. ,
1 lirlirv's Itrli, Cliuiiwl llunils. I. lulu
1 ii. wii,..,an.l nyu.l.'eryi.tU. r url.uofct
vli.h ft sulvo or OintuinDt cai la UJ.l. Hn
S. n's Cm hollo Ualm 01nttuit tl' J
li , i -1 rn-u tti.tcim 1itjh lsr-llt I'm.
I -sHli- t-.niill JellT-coli.rii.1 ariti-R e it In iIm
t! a ul U llio uwiit IrclwUiarK. vitu-ut.
.uiii.u. I fuiulu.-. B'o unii." y .iii-Urui;-
- jull lllU.W'l.ftllliOIO duA TlbM. CH-.
l", i MUt (IM ta Ji;.ll(.tn U WiCUio
"r "'i:3H ?IANI'l'ACTriU:l CO.
!5aven Indellible Ink.
HP. -' In til.' W ! 1'irltM tV t'jnili'T
r.vtn, jhih '!ilu-.,cric-t tlUll 1
-ill) d.s uui tpr. l ut run; ulvys if It V ii
' 'lUll, n12 rrp4rdt.un nce.1' - uHCll
,, n .'lirn mil n, inlura hiiit fjbn fXIIT
gU ty ill lirucia .u 11-K.L. U 1 1 1 .
cin- livur (.uumuu.Cuvxm. v.
Tin: ska" ami 1T11: mihi.n.
Th.i Sea fell in love with Hie Moon
The Moon only laughed at tlio Sea,
And went on turning midnight lo nooi,
And silvering h'll top and lea.
'Look down, lovely Moon," said Iho Sea t
"Heboid our own beautiful face 1
TH so pure and socharmlng In me
In my heart 1 have given It placo."
sho looked, with a tlush of disdain
Her glorious Image was theie ;
And shL' a woman Is vnlu -
Th U Iho Imsge wn , spotless ard fair.
Away ipe.l the Moon In hei splendor .
Hut oft and again she won d turn,
With glance grow lug more and mora tender,
To ihu sea wheie tur Image did bum.
Thcic trembled tho silvery Illusion i
Nay, Moon, do not quiver nor si irt j
'TIs Ihe tremor ( f Loi e's so t confusion.
The throb ot the S -a's faithful hoai t.
And the Moon, would r.'inemli.-r nti-i ponder
1 li? visions he saw In Hie wavi ;
As away round the world sho would wonder,
An I she knew that the se i v, as her slave.
And month af er month, when rcturnlt g,
In her full she would glory again,
Her face in the ocean st 11 burning
(lave the Moon a slight feeling of pain.
still tho Sea followed sorrow Ing after.
Ills breast swelling over with love,
Ills sighs waking only Ihe laiubti r
of the Moon silling queenly nboie.
1 hough nes on ages have perishul
still Lovoslngstlm changeless old tune.
An I with passion UUI faithfully cherished.
Hie -ea follows after the Moon.
Follow s after till cruel strris stay htm,
Hicn I leaks his great heart with a sigh ;
Forth" ta'c8 over mock anu dela) hint
W ho-p aim Is unvtle and too high.
elect Siory.
'11 lit t y Christmas nights have emtio
and gone since that one, so meniorable
in my life, and yet sittiiiglicre in my s il
itary room, a giay-hain d.l.uielv wnm iii.
the whole scene iis"s as vividly holme
iiu- as though it had . .uirul M-st, na
1 can si e the eonilottalily bill plainly
fin nished. low eiled. "Id fashionoiliooni.
with its daik wainscoted vvalK, tind its
dim corners, that the bible light of a
couple ot composite candles could scarce
h loach; I can see the hall circle of la
ccs gatheied inlind the health, looking
glowing and pleasant in the unit glare
of the tirelight till except one. that of
a mail who sat in the cot ner opposite to
I could not keep my eyes off thai face,
w hich had for me the fascination ol ug
liness; as the lights and shadows mule
by tho dickering llanu' tniii'licd the shin k
ol bnstlv hair that half concealed the
low, narrow fori head, the cavernous
eyes, sunken cheeks and huge mouth,
halt open with a cynical smile that
showed tho tusk-like loith, I could com
pare it onh with a shitting siuies ol gar
govles from some old monkish min.
We weic all members ol the theatre
Jtoyal X . and, it being a non-play
night, we were assembled at the lodg
ings of one of our members, a lady,tn do
honor toiler biithday. Our usual theiii.',
tho alfaiis of the tlienlio. past, present
and future, being exhausted, the conver
sation, 1 cannot remember how, had
turned upon mesmerism and claims
alloc, and 1 was stoutly declaring my ul
lor dislieliet in either, my skcptici-m lie
ing greatly inti nsilled by the c'uciim
stanee that Tony Arnold the man I
h.ivojiist described, and who -was one
ol' the low conimedi. nis ol our company
look the opposite side. There bad al
ways been an antagonism between us.
and although I had no actual cnttse lor
such a beling, a positive dislike upon
my pint, which lT believe was pretty
sliongly reciprocated upon his.
Although I was seaiclv t( ntv al ihe
time. I was what people would have
(-.died rather a strung minded girl, w ith
opinions ol mj own thai I never shrank
iroiii listening, with an obstinacy that
no argument could oven'onio: and on
this night, excited by a spirit ol ditianeo
to iny vis a-vis, 1 expressed theiit with a
liigoirv am
1 contempt thai were an -
1!. .1 1. . HIV... '.I '
thing but polite tn those who ilil'foied
Irom me.
iv vi. ur iiositiveness, Miss tiraic.'
siieeied Ainold, '1 presiiniu you Inn c had
i verv largo experience ot the trickeries
of mesmerists.'
Oil, indeed, I have not.' 1 replied
harplv. I was never at anv exhibition
of the kind in mv life, and never intend
to bo. I should not bate patience even
lo witness such a transparent impos
'Suppose,' lie said, and theie was a
gleam in his eyes w hich indicated lisiiig
temper 'suppose I could give you occu
lar deinousti'.ilion that um aie wiong.
by placing some one in this room under
mi-sineiiu inlluence; I have done the
thing often It I did this boloru your
own eyes, when you would be ipiitc as
sart d ' that there would bo no trick or
collusion, would you believe in it thou?'
'I don't, know that I should,' I answer
ed doggedly. If you liavositeh a power.'
1 added, with u coiitempluous smile,
why don't you tn it upon inef
Arnold was evidently taken aback. 1
do not think ho di earned ol my taking
lipids challenge. lie regarded me lor
siiinu seconds, xv ith a doubtful, wavering
glance which I mrtt defiantly and mock
intrly. '1 would prefer any one else iu the
room,' he answered hesitatingly.
'Of course you would,' I replied with a
malicious laugh; 'I am not a good sub
ject; tho mystic iutluenec is powerless
over disbelievers). Oh. 1 know all tho
And least a triumphant glauci' round
the company, who were exceedingly
aniiioC'd at our discussion,
Arnold, turned alternately while (ind
led with iago and mortitiailion.
It is not that,' he answered ifnickly,
then paused, but, evidently stung by my
contemptuous laugh, bo added instantly,
Very well, bo it so, since you desiix) it.'
Tim prospect of having 'the discussion
so summarily lostcd and adjudged, ere
iitcdanimiueiiso excitement, and 1 ciuld
feel my own chts ksi burning and my pul
ses galloping at fever heat as Arnold
proceuled to luako prepaialions for tho
1 anticipated the usual passes and
hand waving, ot which I h:wl heard
and read, but soon perceived that his
method was going to Im entirely differ
ent. He liiigau bv placing two chairs
exactly opposite one another, III one ot
xvhioh he requested mo to lie seated, then
iiu dnipuil a large black cloak, round inn
so that only mv laco appealed above it
thou a lamp, hoi rowed from thu landlady
,of tho house, set in buch u position that
.liiu iigintMiotiiifJocu upon iny lacs "
tti'wliicli Iiu took tin chair opposite to
mine, mid ili'siicil me to (iv my pji's
liiiiily iiiiuii his and not U'iiiovp tlicm 'for
a se'cnnd,
1 followed his instructions, and the
next moment I wan staiinj,' intently into
a p.tir of frreeiissh -Ill-own oilw that 1
could feel did not meet liiiliu with equal
steadiness. Tlieic was ,i profound 1
lence, broken only by a little stippiesscd
Kiulc from the females mid an occasion
al low whisper from the men.
We had been thus only a lew seconds
when Arnold spranj; up lAclaiininir, 'It's
nn us, I cmiinl do it.'
A shout ol lauijhtii' hailed this i nn
feminn of defeat, and throw in;; off nn
drapery I jumped up and joined heailily
in tlie clmi-tR
Arnold w as at white as death and e
trcinelv aftitaleil. lie made no reply In
the Volleys of 'ehafl' that assailed 'him
oi all sides, but again turning to me
said in a tone ul intense earnestness; 'I
cannot mesmerize you, but von eaii mei
those strotij.'. stcel-gtay ct'cs nf youis,
with that metallic lutn'.'aio lar'ntoiv
potent than mine. (Vine, will von tn.''
'1 did tiol lieedllieiiieitiineiit of hand
clappim.' and the choitts of 'Oh. do:'
that greeted the pinposition, to piompt
1 consent. I beLtan to be deenlv intei-
ts ed in the eApeiiineiit, and novv that I
w.tts my self acciedited with possessing
this occult power my skepticism began
lo waver.
tint before we go any further.' lie
saul, ! must make one condition and
thai is, that if I lalliiitoa comatose slale,
yon will not put tome any question of
a piivaie naiiiie as 1 sliall he complied
to answer irutiiiuiiy, literally, whatever
it may be.
1 pHimise tailhtully nut to do so.
And now, with all the nerve power I
possessed. I tastcneil my eves upon Ar
nold s. White and ghastly looked his
face lisiug out of the blackness (,f the
drapery, which gave it almost the ap
pearance of being divided from the body
and siispendul in space. The lips vvei'e
wide aparl. :im'. the gieenish ojes were
dilated to their utmost extent, with a
sii.'iiuiil lascinated look, such as they
might have vvoin iimbr the influence ol
a lattlesiiake 1 could sea reel siippiess
:i shiver al the nno.iiiiiy looking picliiio;
but a w ild spirit took poves-ioti ol me
that night, which soon swept away all
siieh 'compunctions of v iitiugs of na
line.' Kv en body seeinid to bo thoroiti:h
ly impress! ,1 with the vveirdncsi. ol the
sitttalioii : lime was no giggling, no
whispering all was silent as death. Af
tor about a minute my ov grow ligid
in their itiliiise stare, until it scelued I
no longer had the power to move or
close them, or even wink a lid; gradu
ally 1 could feel the pupils dilate, uulil
they seemed to become tvvu huge discs
glowing with a lambent and metallic
lite. I could see that evity neivo ot ihe
white face was iiih cling, "the brcalhing
was short and Inborn!, and a dull stmiv
glaie came into the slatting eyeball", a
lar away, trance like look, that told me
consciousness was gone, and that the
very soul of the man had passed to nn
keeping. And 1 felt tl cold, ci ttel. haul
triumph in this, a desire to strain tin
mn"tery to the utmost. I rose from nn
seal, "lowly movid backward, and im
peiiously beckoned him, never relaxing
mv tixid stale, which seemed to sointil
lalo and flash. As I rose, ho rose,
clutching tlie ulgo ol tho table In guide
his trembling stops. Slowly I moved, he
following, smilingly impelled by an in
voluntary but l csistlr-s impiil-e. 1
stoppnl, ho stimpeil.
'What is vonr minio?' I askul impeia
In a foiccil, hollow voice ho gave one.
that 1 aliowaiil ilifciivetoil was his lam
ih name, Arnold being only a the,'itric;i!
At this one ol tho gentlemen broke in
No, no; that is against Iho baigaiu
nii (iii'stiijns.'
Il is lime to put an end lo it: I don't
like it.' -aid another.
.Oh. vi's.' addid a ladv. 'it is loo Imr
The inleriiiption seemed to cxcieiso
the iiend thai possessed mo. and call mo
, I . . .... 1. . .-.... I I
duck in iiivseii; win) an enoii i wichcii
ed iny ga.c horn the ghastly lace. As I
did so, Ai nold. as though he had been
only upheld by my en's, fell upon the
tlnor in stiong convulsions.
Our c.xpeiiment in niesiueiisni spoiled
ihe lest ol thu evening; lor,iillluim;h af
tir a eopioiisoiitwurd application ol enld
water, and ti judicious inward one ol
mat brandy. Iiu soon recov ered and tiied
to laugh oil' his illness, it left a cioepy.
disagreeable depiessioii upon all. which
no amount of hot spirits and water and
lorceil jollity could not -iiecet'd in dis
pelling. As it may lie supposed, the i licit was
strongest upon mo, and it chiclly took
llio lorm ot intense annoyance at the
pait 1 had plated; I would have given
anything to have recalled the past few
minutes. Alter Arnold s ncovei v ov a
tacit understanding, no one made anv
relerence to his stiangu illness, iinleid
all seemed desirous for a time of putting
it out ot their thoughts and none sn
union as uie iiiincniai actor in li, wno
laughed and jested in a feverish man-
nor and never allowed the conversation
to Hag for a single moment, as though
ho (cured the subject-might crop up
Kvcrvbodv, however, was cageilv di"
cus-nig the sitigiihiroveiil Iho next mom
ing at tlie leheaisal. 1 avoided the gos
sipping group", lor tho remembrance of
the scene wan a horror to mel so did Ar-
nold, whom I studiously attempted to
ivonl, bid he took an exactly opposite
course, lolloiwug me wlieiexcr J went,
Hying to engage mo in eonveisation. and
Irving to calch my eye, as though some
of the fascination of tlie picviuus night
still stiiidiiuded me.
licr a iiuncr late iliimor, lor Hie re
hoai sal was verv long. I was dozing in
my chair, when there earned tap at the
door, and to my sliopv 'come in,' there
appeared upon the threshold the tall,
gaunt llgiu e of the man, whom of'all
others, I least desired to see. It gnyo
mo (unto a shook. It was the hist tunc
ho hail nvcr called ut my lodgings.
In common com tiny 1 was obliged to
:ink him to take a scat and draw nearthe
lire, iu iho weather was cold, lu a
v agtio, li-tlcss maimer he placed a chair
in such a position that it exactly faced
mine, dropped into il without ' a word
and tiled to tiv my eyes. I iminedialclv
sinned them and gazed into the Inc.
Ho Hindu no attempt to account for
his visit; he talked very little, and in an
iiiisent manner mat lutra)cd that his
thoughts weic not on hi tongue about
the business of tlie theatre. Ifcllxcivl It was nearly dark- in.t I1..1... n.
embarrassed about his picseiioe, and pros-
eiiuy rose. niKi.ianj; inrlin. What could
I do but ask him tn lemalil nliil hae it
with tne He said 'TliaHk you.' and
kept his seat. I felt quite teriiiied by
thu ehaiHro that had come ot or him
from a noisy, jesting, rollicking kind of
fellow, who had always a jibe for me, to
this silent, subdued man, with those
dreadful eyes ever jeariiigly seeking
At length ho went away, and never
ill my lifo did 1 leel so thankful at any
body's depiit tire.
Hut he came Ihe nct day about the
same time, and acted in just the same
in.itino until aflir the liidils wert
bioiodil im then all at riin e lie rose Irom
his i-linir, and Inyifitr his baud upon mj
anil said, in a liore Vv hiupei'. '.Mcsiner
ie me !'
I stalled back, tind aiHwered studilor
ingly, 'Not lor woiliU!'
'.Von inns!,' he answered, passiuiiati ly.
And somehow or other, I cannot tell
limy, ,'i few minutes afterwaid wo were
silling vis a s, staring into each oth
er's eyes. In less than a minute there
was in his the dull stony vagueness nf
I covered my face with my hands bill
withdiew them, as I heard something
fall heavily upon the Hour, lo see him
iliddled at my feet in eoiiMilsioiis, the
froth Imbblin.' frnin his lips.
1 did not call for assistance; luekilv I
had some brandy in the room. I knell
down and copiou-ly balhed his head and
face, ami then with some dilliculty
foi ceil a little of the sp'uits between bis
clenched teeth,
When he leeouTod, 1 nearly fainted
myself; but ralhing by an'elfoit. I
told him veiy positively that he must not
come any more.
i eaniHH siav ,'twav; I tnii-t come.
was his answer 'And again the dilated
eves began to vvaiiilorcrav inglv in search
of inine.
1 c.imiot di'scrilio the hoiior I felt at
tin so v if its, and at length 1 begged a
lady fiiilid 1 had in the theatio to come
and stay with mo. The following after
noon ho st'.ollcd in as itsiial, but litnling
I had a companion, ho looked v iv an
noud. a'.d li ini'ini'd only a h w min
.N'vci'iil days pa-scil and 1 mot him
only in business, I lis manner v. as sul
len, almost imlo to me. at which I was
much leliev ed. for now I began lo on
teitain hopes that lie would pci-cuulo
me no in. no. The change (hat had conic
over him v. as a constant subject of
gieenrooni comment; he had always
hoc exttvi'uly thin, now he .round lo
waste day by dav . like a iicin cotiMtmi d
by an inwanl tin ; his cheeks were sunk
in ih opi r hollows. :i':d there vveie black
lini" round his eyes.
Alter a few days my friend returned
lo her own lodgings. The next ufur
noiin, tit the usual hour. Arnold came
as In lore.
As soon as llu- lights wore brought in
ho again besought me to inestnei i.o hint,
I lit inly lefiiscd; but I could not lost
my eyes upon him lor a moment without
his face beginning to ipiiver and hi" pu
pils began to dilate, and the very feeling
that I must not look at him made the
desire almost uncoiupierable. Mailers
wont on lint" for upward of a week,
lint, stiiely, it will be said, you eoitld
have devisul some means of keeping hint
awav; von might have leuiicstcil vonr
landlady to leluse him admittance. Tru
ly, I could have done so, but well. I
must confess it even in my own iloletisc
Arnold had begun to throw a strange
glamour over in : I dreaded his coining,
yet 1 cxpci'ionccd a vague yeariiingw hen
In was absent. I had tallen my soil with
iu the meshes ol the "pell 1 had une m
si "mii-ly i :t't upon 111 ill.
One alleino.iii ho ami veil rather car
lief than ii"U.i!; there w as certainly some
ocelli! svtnpathv between us, for I he ino
mint ho nti-i i'.i t In- i in I i.-ll that a
eiisU conic
He was in vciy weak health, and In
sank in a chair looking pale and ox
hntistcd, and wiped the damps from his
loiehoad, while his bteathing was In
born!: and there was a lev eiish glitter
in llio restless eves and a led spot in
each hollow chock.
How very ill you look.' I said pilyin
Iv i 'let mo give von a glass of wine.'
No, 1 want nothing,' he answered iu
a snappiuglono, ihore'siptile lireetiougl
within mo now; 1 am lioing slowly our
nod up.'
Have you eeii tlie doctor . I asked
rowing verv nervous.
doctor,' ho echoed with a mockill'.
laugh. 'Oh. yes, I have seen a doctor,
lull he cant do me no gmd. Iiisvou
who arc killing me.'
1 1' 1 exclaimed laintlv.
Ye.,' he aiisweied; 'since the night
vou lore that heal 1 and soul nut of mv
bodv, I cannot live without you, and
I was verv much teiiilied bv his wild
cxeitid looks, bul replied with a great
show ol hi nmi'ss. mi t;dk nonscuc,
Arnold; why, you are married ahead
I did not know at the moment w oilier
it was really so, hut iheie was a vague
impression among the company th
such was the e.i"o. And il was upon thai
auinoriiy oniy mat i spoui
-now do vou Know that you que
tinned mo when 1 was under vonr indn
unco f'Jie retorted sharply.
-I did not, but I llnd it is true. And
under etich circumstances, how dale vou
idilrei-'s mo in such terms f 1 exclaimed.
'rowing voiv indignant, pcihaps more in
seeming than in lea hlv
Yes.' ho replied, obiectcillv, 'I am lii.U'
rieil to a woman I hate, to a woman I
left at tho chinch door. I was forced
into it by my friends never mind win,
that would not interest you.'
lie paused for a moment, then King
his tienibling fingers upon my ami, lie
added: 'Alice, he had coinu to cull mo
by iny t'hiistian name, -if anything wcie
hi baiiiiun to her if alio Welti lo die
would you ho my wile f
i oiaricd away irom him exclaiming :
Don't talk like that, it is too horri
ble !'
lint he followed mo, and again grasp
ed my arm, and said : 'Alice. 1 told yon
jnt now that I cannot live without you,
and that l win not, and I swear beloro
liod that if you do not givo mo this
promise, when' I leave this boiiso I will
throw ni) sell over tho bridge wtu the
river l swear it :
.ueii ami women, loo sav these
t i ... .
things in moments of strong passion
.. i.l V ! .1. ! l I . ,
Miiiioui iiii'iiiiig iiieir worus; inn i Knew
Ibal ho'wowld keep his, the iiivsterioin
sympathy that had been created" between
us told mo so. told me that if he loft inn
wilb that thought in his heart, ho would
not boa living man within Iho next
lights, anil his' face gleamed out ol tho
1 lmdows white uud ttnible, and thcu I
thought how it would look when it wn
liawii out of tlie water Willi tho long
uk hair clinging about it.
It is not much I askol von, ho went
on. pleadingly. 'Whv, she may outlive
in tiol fi i more than likolyi tlioso it notli
ing shocking in it she is nothing to me
never haN been, only tho mockery of n
ceremony links us.'
Hut w hat is tlie use of siieh a pledge.
lull satisfaction can it bo to you ! I
ml. still with mv tacc covered, lor i
called tn im et bis eyes.
'1 dniit knim, lie inisui iiil. 'il would
ivr inc a soil Ot llOlie tll.ll ll-.lllllUI
without, that f won't live wnli.'iii
Well. I him the iuhiiihi, I date
iv mi will cniisiiiei H mis vor wielicd
I me to do so I think s i mysi'lt. Hut
I thought it was almost impos-ilile that
I should ever bo eallnl upon lo lultlll il.
and how could I hi'sitatc when ii mans
lifo seemed to beat stake.
I'lie billowing morning as 1 w as seat
I at breaklast.l eaii'jht sight of Arnolds
'ilk figure passing my parlor window.
ind at the next moment I hoard his well-
know n knock at the Mroct door. I put
own the cup otcoll'ee that 1 had raised
hall wa to my lips, while an uiiaecount-
llile dread stole o er me.
One glance at his countenance as he
entered the room told me that souielhing
had happened. He did not even look nt I
nor even exchange a greeting, as lie
laid down his hat and tonka chair.
1 have strange news to tell jou.Aliee,'
ie saul, in a voice, thick and indistinct
ith agitation.
l'Vir ( hill's sake don't tell mo that
I could not complete the utterance of
my tears, mv voice died awav ill Inv
uoat, and with pallid litis and ligid
eves 1 could only wail tlie explanation.
.Moantiiuohe bad taken from bis breast
nickel a letter, which lie lose and otlor
1 nio. Il had a deep black bordir.
I shrank bucks I would not touch it:
knew its contents.
You knew what was going to happen
vou have cruelly entrapped me,' I ox
laimod bitterly.
Ho throw himself upon his knee-al
mv Id I. ! swear mo-t solemnly, he
did not. Il was very sHilden.lbe
otter will loll von mi; beatl disease
r friends had scaicdy a moment's
Tlielo was that in his tone I could Hot
li-bilivc, and when, after a while, I
brought myself to lead the fatal letter, I
outul his as"iTlioiis wcretheio lllllvcon-
This makes il all the more horrible' I
ind, 'lor now 1 lelt as though I weiem
mi" way Ihe cause of berdcalli.'
I imploied him to release me Irom mv
promise, as nothing good could come ol
tnaiiiage contracted under such aus
pices, imt lie only replied the old
words, ! cannot live without vou, and 1
on'i !'
My triciid who could peieeivo how ill-
"soitod we wore did all in her power to
ii eak tho engagement with luin. "Leave
oinpanv she said, 'give no notice
fvour intention, and go home or take
another engagement under another
hit I felt that I could not break a
ovy so solemnly made, and which late.
bother for good or evil, had so sud
denlv callril upon me to fnllill.
Xo, am wiong ; 1 did not love linn:
was only a glamour whether tho ro-
ult of supernatural influence or mere
superstition. 1 citnnot pretend to -ay
it was a mixture ot dread, repulsion ami
i. -illation.
Thai day Iwo inonlhs was our wed
bug day. I had sliivcn haul I o post
polio it to a luili'b lat( rilat(',bill lie would
not giv e im a no -in. nf-pine.- until 1
ii-cntcd 'She was my wile only in
naiiic. he kepi urging, 'so what need i
theie ol delav.'
Although the strange manner ol our
iiiing was unknown to eyervboilv.sine
the triciid 1 was
impossible lor any body not to see how
mutter stood between us. lint somehow
id drilled awav from llio ict, anil
now kept aloof fioni theiii. and only an
occasional hint, or inueiido, or sly look
told us of their observation. I Know w
wete the constant theme ol eonveisation
in.l wonderment, but 1 do not think
that anv olio ever dreamed it would be
a match.
Ami we were both einiallv desirous ot
keeping our approaching marriage a pro
toiiiul secret, .viy Inend, and one ot the
actor w lioiii Arnold nail almost sworn
lo M'ciccv. were lo bo tlie only witnesses
o that when on that bright .March morn
ing wo oiitcieil a ipiict .ubuibaii church.
only a low stiange loiterers were there
vv o were dri-seii hi our oiiiinarv cos
tunic and no one who had met u would
have suspected our purpoe.
vv lien lie passed the ring over mv
linger his hand was iiko ice, so were hi
lip that jut touched mine at iho end of
the eeiiinoiiv, and l saw no tov in th
livid face that was expressionless as
though carv ed in stone
We walked back Irom the church !
my lodging-, where vv e w ere domiciled
lor Ihe present, lie scarcely spoke th
whole wav. He left mo at the door.
sav ing ho was obliged to go soinowboi
but that he would return in timo lor
dinner, which was arranged for four
I ran up-lairsto my heait
ready to biirt with' mollification, and
bad a good cry. .Mv iriend
lid till bhe
could to console 1110 and to put a cheer
fid face upon iiiattcis and alter a while I
rained a nine ami went down to llio pi
aim ami piaved and sang to pass aw.iv
J hroo oclock came and passed, and
still he did not return. Then his tiiond
who had remained with n.said ho would
go 111 search of mm.
In about halt an hour he came back.
hanging Arnold with him. lie nfioi-
ward told me that ho had found hiiuplav
ing cards ami tccklesslv troatitiL' everv
liody who cnteiod the' room at a tavern
used bv the actors. 1 always possessed a
great deal ol sell control, and 1 kept my
sen ipino 11:111. pin.
11 had lieeti arranged that vvo should
up at my triends lodgings, and thither
if I or the pel forinauec.for wo played that
,.l..l.l .... .. mm r ...
ki.ii, ,, . ,,1,11. 1 1 11 1 1 neieoiuy 10111
ot lis- Iho tour pieont at the eeiemony
Arnold was dull and sullen, and at time
Fecund scarcely conscious ni whom 1..
was, for, when addressed, ho would stmt
and look vacantly about bun. like on.
suddenly ansisod trout 11 dose,
li was two oclock in the morning
lore wo liirued our laci'K hoiiicwaiil. Si
Icnlly he pursued his way, audi wa
100 piniiu in speak inn, mi, tiiongnnv.
the shame, tho hmmlialiou 1 endure
una night : It wasu verv chillv m..l,i
iiml lie complained of being colli', and
should have to kindle a tiiv. S hile
S. r.H
J 1.0 IV 1,1
l''OI., tf ,
I'hf imliss .
siarivr column...
a.wi 4.W)
4,111 4.1 0
.. 4.00 1 .00
It'll t.v
O.I'O S.1.0 1 ll.lo ILW
Mir column.
,.111,00 13 00 J1V.0IJ " "
Jim column ....ti.uO 6,v0 so.ifl (o.w ia
Yc iny adverltsemi tilk payable qusiltrii . J ri
iii'Mii.ivi'iilMriicn.' bfiai'dforbelcHln-tn. u!
jiix'pl wle roiiii " irnca.',
li:ala.lril" iwodollirfrxrlnrli'oii'un
lriserlion. and .1 . ,ui loraddillor.u,.u- 1 .11 1
tviihoutittercp. . ,'tu,
EaoeutOr'B.Ainlliliitrntor'R unit Anrfttor' nnllrt
threodollars. Must bj paid tor when Interteu
irauunior i.ocai notices, ivrcnt) CChlalIt,ei
.i-Ki.iui tiu.u, iiR'ini-iiiii nan rates.
tMrdS In Iho "HUNlnPRA tllreeUirv' eolnmr. or.c
dollar per learf or eacbllne.
wont away seeking some wood in the'
kitchen I ran up stairs to my room and
w cut lo bed.
Al 1 el mv aohilig.swnlleii i' r- clo-eil
and 1 fell asleep.
Yv hen 1 awoke, tho cold, gray dawn
of the spring morning wns just stealing
across the darkness ot my room, t
awoke with a start, nml sal boll upright,
with a sense of ineffable horror. Had 1
boon dreaming 1 could not icinembor.
Yet there was upon me nil tin- terror
which is loll by some ga.tly night
mare I- ipod on I it lied huddled on .1
die- in" rntvii.-.inil vrilh Into lect hur
ncd i In- st. iii-s Ii was mi impulse
not lung more, lor
1 1 is 1 1 no llii.iiclil in
hat I was dniliu,
opened tho pallor
door and looked in. All was daik nml
sib lit.
lie has gone to i ep upon Ih ofn.'
W:o- ii , i clb-i'l ': nt. .My w otici'i s pride
ploiupli .1 in ' to return lo my eliaiubor,
but some ni hor fooling held inorootod tn
the sp -t. The chicks of the 'niters
wuc penciled with faint 1'nes of light.
I crossed the loom, unburn d and turcw
thctn open, and looked up nt tho sky.
Tho wining moon was high in tho heav
ens, oyer which a faint rosuate Hush was
jtisi Moating, and a wild chorus ol birds
in thu trees close by. alone broke tho
deep stillness of the early morning.
I stood gazing upon the picture for
some seeotids.nol bje nise lelt iu beau
ty, bill bec.iuo I d.iivd not luiii mv
When, after a tunc, I shiiiiiio'h d up
ic"enioi to do so. ii w is slowly. and by
degrees. First my eyes fob npn'i the
sofa: thai was empty. ' l'heii tiny trav
el d ward Iho liiiirth. Th liV had
b'lt'iie I int. i a ift'oiit h illnw. 'i -y and
brown within, black above I could on
ly see a portion ol the gi'.ite. a- an easy
chair was drawn in front nt it. Tlieio
w .is i inii'tiiiiig in thooh'iii. something;
lolling sideways, imil ilien, via a coat
lo"Vo with ti hand dangling aconm one
arm. 1 could loot my Ii air bii-il" and
my hoait stand still a. 1 crept up to it,
and iw a lin.l.ll-.i -u.,p ot clothing, in
w iiii h was h. i !' ui, .1 i li id.liai." t row u
Ii wa my husband dea l.
Null. 'I'his story is not only biuiuled
upon I'nets. but the ivonl happened al
iniist i vrtetlv as they .'irotelated lure.
v l id Km i) !.(! Wai ls.
) I'll pl-s-S'll, I I'Htl" "l-li, i f lint
no t rvt,. il- ny I, urn , uiid -rt vents
;i -' ,", d - .,.! t.i i,M'-.i- ij i tit--1 ii-ach in
i i tent '-nt-r, I'm ti-IVi-i-' i,itil'-r, .ind thu
ki I'-ov - itnd iwt i .icib o. toJuu a lui-diehio
l- 1'. t L. rV (linyr T tic, i ri't'cvi every
ii-l v 1 s . - 1 I i. . I - Ii. in
t ii i it- , nn iihi',' li, en "ivieil .ocl cured
l.j i . .".!- tlii-i I'.iiiniin Iri.j'tHt..
i I'l'iitini'tit ul' llio lluir.
llow lo pioseive the hair is a subject
which siom to interest almost every
liody.if vvo may judge tioiii the Ireipiclit
inipiiiio tfom every direction which
come to Ibi olllce. One wishes lo know
what w ill picvont baldnes. another how
to preserve the hair from turning gray.
mother how to eradicate, dandrull, etc.
Now ii i a dilicatemattei to n commend
mv spcci il trealinotit. but I'rol. Wilson,
ol who is ilecmid high auohor-
lty on the hair, condemns washing it,
and advises, instead, thorough brushing.
This promotes circulation, temoves senrts
ind i- iu all aspects, he ays.ih?tter than
water, I utting tho hair docs not, as is
(inininiilv thought, promote it growth.
.Most nt the sii.vilios recotnnionili'd tor
baldne-s. not exoeptiiig pcliolouin. are
men. siinnil'inls. and are seldom or nev
er pcrm.incnllv sucee-sliil. Some nf
Ihcin give ri-e in cungc-iiiin of ihe n'abi.
In ii a -1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 .-1 1 1 1 is ilcsiralilc, atmoouia
isllieliesi. Ii i sate. 1 'or lulling mil
1 tin hair. !r Wilon prcsciib,- a lo-
lion coiniinsed nf waicr n auimont.i. al
mond oil, uud cldoi, I - uui, one pan each.
lilutcd . ith live pails alchohol. or spir
it nl vosoiiiarv, Iho whole made fragrant
wilb a iliaolnn ol oil of leinon. ltub il
on the skin, a Iter thorough tiiction wilb
tho hair brush. It may bo mod sparing
ly or ab'.inil.'intlv. dailv nr nthirwie.
h'or a cooling lotion, one made nl two
ilr.inelnnas ot liorax ami glycetino to S
ounce nt distilled water i olfictivo. al-
ay ing dryno"", subduing irritability and
K inov ing dandrull. linth lialdlitss and
gray uess depend on the defective pow
er of the scalp skin, and nr.' lo lo trcat-
ahke. vv hat is needed is inoderato
timulation, without unv initation. Tho
following is good : Hub inln the places
dailv. or. oven twice a dav, a liiiainont of
camphor, aininonia. chloiofoiin and aco
onite, iqual parts each. The friction
liould be v ci v gi idle.
I'l'iiiu llli' lluli
Tlicro is poilnir no tonic otfernl lo Ihe
pmplr linn pnsH's" uiucli ti-Hl intriiisiu
vn. uc as the lion linp-rn. ,iut xl tins sca-
siin i.l i lit. year, vvlitn lie Mi. tench ueids an
npeiiT, or llio blond nenls purilyini;. tho
cr,Pii'C i fill t't"l r.'tiitily is llei llnlers
An ourco i t pr von' n n n vn cli .i ouud nl
cure. Hun l ail ui-iil jou an prostrated
hy a disease Dial may lilu imniilis to rtcover
in. lihthm uioitr.
A Musical I'MiUriy
I'ottvilio is the homo of one of tho
musical prodigies ot the age in the per-
011 ot i.uiii cling, a voutlitul pianist.
I Although u child yet 111 year she has
icaulicd a vvoiiderlid height 111 her art,
and as can lie judged Irom the vanoiis her skill as pianist expressed
Dy critics mid musicians i.t acknowledg
ed ability ami some of vvoild-w ido fame,
her career has every piospecl of being
one ot unusual briiliaucy and success.
She is the daughter ui l'riif. 1 V. Yell
ing, ami is only twelve years ot age.
She is to appear' in public, 'her first con
ceit being aiinoiinced to take place in
ashingloii in the latter part ot .lami-
arv next.
This is no himIhi'V lot whirki v ilrinkino:
it i it niid'ulno il-oi cmtioi to in
t xioati; it 1 pkhicc- a ton'e r fieri, as well
. Kci a. h catlmrfe. In tscl .Simmons
I.iver lbwuUtur Is pronounced uu ucrxien-
Ui.iKililo medicine
Justice Stiong, nf the upu'im Couit,
although 7'.' vcuis old, rides on a fift
horse nearly every day.
Thfro i no ue of driiiitlnc vournplf tn
ilnatli, uud ImyiiiK all IIih iiinlicini-s tor ln-
ternal ue Mien you esn liniuri'dol fiver
sud ncuc, liilllctis il'- iribrn, juin.lii'e, ilyn
pi psis. a. npll a" nil disorders xtid Kilmriils
nf iln liver I l. mm I. Hu, -lennn-n.-liv muring
one of I'rof. Ouibnrtt's 1'ieiich Kiver l'sils,
nincn i 11 mro cure every nine It vonr
ilruvi.1 il its net keep llio pud Srnd S-l -',0 in
a li tter 10 1 n n h I'nd ( '. 1'ul. tl,.. 11 , mid
1' Rill he sent to you I v iiihiI It I- the 1 n
ly H( llml is ciiHiHiitt-td to rare ltvvuior
rounUrfeltt, M