The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 10, 1880, Image 3

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III.OO'UHUIUl. HtllUf, 1IKCK.3IIII.II 10, 1--S0
Joshm rVttertnin ami Aaron V, drover,
,mlnUt'Hl"r' of tlio estate of Mlrliael drover,
, neil.will "H feat estate nn Iho firemi-c In
M tin lnwn1ilp 01 Thursilav, December lind,
S-h advertisements.
Christmas Is but 15 'lay (llslmil.
Ha iftkraut U now In order.
Tlie river froze over on Tinsi!ay tilglil,
i-pIenuMd" weather for catching olds.
The attendance t court was poor this
liobert Unl, of Berwick, w.n forenianof the
Clraiil Jury week.
OleomnrRarlhi- is caij to make a rplmili.l
paste fur batiks
TI10111.H Trench, of L'ghl S'reel, la In SJn
I W. Itartnnn makes a fine ili.pliy of silk
Innds'erclilefs in hi show window.
, a'er fimlne Is agiin threatening Heading
eop e,
1, V llartnian's. display of Dolls attracts
the children. U, and ?oo them,
"All lite world V a Mage," and the newfpa
per" are the footlights.
l'or I hri'imas Toys and cindies, gi lo Mrs,
J. It Scott's You cannot help being pleased,
Arcntdlrgto the ricent plniis'ics there are
lutntythree hundrtd real and dumb people In
thi State.
3,000 Christmas presents for silo at I. W
.Nevfr run op smiu uetit. ureditors are
like childrin the smalltr they are the more
they cry.
White and colored HlankeU at Lulz ti
Sloan s.
It is a remarkable (act that there has not
been one ball in liloom this season.
Shawls U 00 to $20.00 lor a Christmas
present at I, . Ilartman s.
There baa been an advance in the retail price
of coal oil.
The legal age at which to penil children to
school is six years.
Win. O. McKinney expects to move in his
new building next week.
The hotels were well filled with guests on
Fine selection of Jewelry and Silverware
at L. liernharu s. Goods bought engraved
free of charge.
l'lie butchers are as happy as larks, all the
prospects favoring rold weather.
Kverv person in lllootnsburg ought to sec
I. W Harlmtn s stoo.fc nt Uliristmas liood.s
The merchints of Cttawissi appear to he do-
in a good trade.
Cards Picture Hooks, Rtnrv Honks and all
kinds of ainu-ing guinea fur the young at G. A
Clark's liook Sioi'e.
There was infant birtism at the K,iiscopal
church last Sunday evening.
Have vnu seen the Pioneer Glassware at
Hillmeyer's SnmethinJ new io sets. Fruit
DMies, Bread Plate, &c.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Sb-an returned from
Washington last Saturday.
Canned Goods of every discription.Fancy
1'ie.s and Itaisiiis, Evaporated Fruits of all
kinds, at llillmeyer s.
Dvi't fiil to s-e the Minstrel perl" irmtnee at
the Opera Home next Mondty evening.
Almond", Engli-h Walnuts, Filberts, K'gs
Raisins, Evaporated Peaches, just received
at the (Central lea More.
Hon. C. II. Hucknlew's fimilv hava taken
rooms at tin Exchinge Hotel for lh winter.
Tliev do eav that ( A. Clark has the finft-t
stock if llnliihiy Good ever brought
Uloomsburg. Go and see.
If you want a good Overcoat cheap goto
Gross in 1 , btore, lSlootn,
Any book vou want which G. A, Clark ha
not got, be wid order for you and you can get
111 three days.
liu ter is very scarce in market. Too miny
liuckcters on the road,
HprairatPil Tnilet Pets from M.2.) to j!) 2
something nice for Holiday Presents at Hill
The Amricin Union Telegraph Company
intend uuifoniiin.: all their messengers.
Fancy Gwds for Presents at Clark
One genileinan nives us the folhming answer
to our conundrum: "Gone to meet Uarueld.
Ties, Bows, Fisbues &c, at Clark
Holdren, the tobacconist, his removed
While Hall.
Hand omo editions of Thackeray, Dickens.
Irving and all the standard authors, at G. .
John CbrUtman Ins opened up a new fa
slier shoo in Snlleder's budding. Give him
The most fancy Christmas goods in the
line nt Neck Ties and llamiKercuiei-, iuu
and Collars at C. O Marr s.
Sheriir EH sold the brick yard of Jacob
Graul at G'aUwma, last Saturday. Charles
Krug was the purihver.
Everv smoker rrreatlv appreciateaa box of
cigars for a Christmas prcent,buy them of
Alexander is H oodhoue.
L. A. Hlley & Co,, of Centralis, have opened
their Hon uill, n 1 iri?e slock of fine troods and
are otlcring great inducements to customers
liingbamtoii Boots at McKinuey's.
Tliey have been using the ice breaker on the
canal in some puts in order to release blocK
Christmas coming, Gents embroidered
Slippers at McKinuey's.
(In last Monday eveninz. Jacob Snyder, of
Orangevdle, flipped and fell on tlie ice, break
ing bis left arm near the wrist.
Childs Arctic Ilncklo Wool Lined Over
shoes 83 cents at Kesslers.
The sale of the property of Charles Doeblcr,
deceased, was continued until next Monday
December 3th at the Court House atlOo'clock
a, in.
A ladr,rtenll,on her return ("mm it,, li
tre, r.msrked that she thought the play of
, BWii mil 01 quotations.
l'or Fine Gloves
Kid (Imported)
for Opera-Pnrtles-Dress&c,
go to O. Lowenberg.
O A, Clark has returned from Philadelphia
id Ntw York, where bo nnrrhn.o.l fin
stock of Christmas gwd.
Broclio and F.null.b Volet ki... -1
Clark & Son's, "
One of our e.xchanircs thlnka that Sarah
Bernhardt would make a fust rate Sanln Clsus.
Hhe is ao thin, she could enter anyihlmncy, Charles H isert nn I wife, b-their fi lends nt d
noncver snail, without any ditlieulty.
W show more Silk IUndkroblef now
lan ever beforo and at I wcr pricei Clark
The prefenttirm ol the Normal School Is tho
lirnca' con fpoi.din Urm tint ibe sthoolhis
sd for y eirs.
Don't bllV VOUr Ghrlatnma iirnla
you look nt O. C, Marr's.
The contractors of the North and Went
Branch railroad have rente! offices In McKln
ney's new building, second floor.
Silk Velvet". Satins and Slllr. fr i,tm.
mlngs nt Clark & Son's
Tho ladies are vtry much diappolntcd in
io Pre'ldont's message. They hnredthathe
would recommend tho Introduction of bae
irning s'oves into two story bonnets.
Hoy the
An Idea of the influence of riilrvd rotnnv
nl( s mav bo gained, when we find lhat die
PennvUania HnllrovlCompiny alone employs
,iO'J person.
Print. Muslins and Domestic nt rhrt
& Son's.
The fhort dre Is made ui In iho mist 1 j.
pcnlve in terial, for reoplln'i nod ierriag
weir, and i nnre populir than ever among
fthion 1I1 le ladle.
A lirco Varielv of lUll.lm flif. rnn
found nt G. A. '.'lark's Bonk S'ore.
Sila Young, of Light Slreit, urrhaed part
ofa bear from Mr. Frilz, of Sogulnaf, who
shot It nt the North Mountain. It was sent to
Eye & Oils, New York litv.
Get your glove fitting Shoes at McKiu-
Toy Blocks and Puzz'e at O A. Clark's
Francis Murpliy, Hie irreat temperance revi-
vali't, is a'aiunt work lecturing. He and
Gouph are to be at Hnz'eton.
Come and see our Display of Silk and
Linen Handkerchief, at Clark & Sin's.
Mrs N. 1'. Mnnre of ltiekhnrn ell onedv
lat neck and frac'urel her rheik bone Dr. It.
Gartner dreaaed the wound an I (he igltlng
long comfortablv.
We were miinformcd last week when we
staled lhat Mr. Harrv Birkenbine proposed
taking 2") men along with him lo Long Brnmh
The cold weather, wo believe, interferes with
the hying of the pipe.
on the head willi ih inilleli bnln f-ver et in
and ibe youtnr man nearlv died When he cnt
II h marrid him, and he' now sorry be
ilidn't die.
Puiefr-r'r . Inlsstnid". P.inr We'trh'. V'
sea, Gobi Pen and IVik il nt G. A. Clark's.
Childs Kubber Boots Pebble topped. Look in
the windows lor thein at Kealers.
Mr. Thomas HopVins, ol Nanticnke, form
crly a resident of this c untv, died on Friday
last. Hi remain were brought to thi plsce
on Monday for interment. His many ac
quaintance in thi section feel deeply hi dt
Handsome Ulsters for Little Hoy's
at I) Lowenbcrg's.
A fas lidioua young man of our town is said
10 take a brueli along witli biui In churcn, He
complains that the seat are always duty. We
would Bi'gget that he carry bis own pew to
worship with him. A camp stool for instance,
More new I)rea Goods to come in this
week at Lutz & Sloun'R to be sold at a small
000 lbs of Good Butter Wanted in Es-
changepT Dress Goods to be sold at cost at
Clark & Son s.
1 he cii'tnm that ome young gondemen have
ol hanging around church doois on Sunday
eveniuas i one one thai i "more honored in
the breach than in the observance."
Ladiea Under WVar.Ladies Mittens Wool
HoodsAc, at Clark it bor's.
No acid but Pure Sugar Byrup at 45 cents
per gallon at Clark & Son's.
Eyerybody houhl note the fact lhat the lo t
remedy for coughs, cold, etc. is Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle.
The largest Stock of
Heady Made Cloth'ng
Can now be teen at the
Old lielialle Store of
David Lowenberg.
The preecnl term at the Normal School will
cloe on Thursday, December 23rd The next
term will open on Tuesday, January 4tli.
Grand vatiety of Holiday Goods New
Novellties not before seen in our Store or to
bs found elsewhere at Clark cv Sou s.
Advertise your holldiy giods. People will
never know what you have for sale if you do nut
tell them.
How health can be maintained
Illy a flood Over Coat at D. Lowenberg'.
Cona'able Harris has belli kept very buy of
late. Last weik hiabuMiits look him away
up to the Norib Mountain.
Call nt O. 0. Marr's for splendid Glass
ware, Golj arjj silver Vases and cake
Tho familiar round of Ibe glngling hells was
beard on our streets last week, There were a
number of tbds in fnin a dislarce.
Go ti Clark A Son's and fee those Fire
?'ln Drtuatk To t Is, Jx'pplins aud Table
Cloths, tbty are biautlcaaud cliesp.
Thi weather i very bard on the railroad
men, especially iho freightm n. 'Freighting'
at all times i a dangeroua business but partic
ularly so in cold weather.
Lutz & Sloan have n largo stock of Silk
Alpaca and Gingham Umbrellas, suitable
for Christmas presents.
The water plug should be carefully packed
to prevent thair being trozen up. In case of a
fire the importance of doing this might hose
verely felt.
Taulk Si'F.ciAiriEs.
Plum Puddini's. Mince Meat, Fancv
Cheese, Olives Table Oil, French Mustard
Table Sauce, Catsup, Scc.,at llillmeyer s,
IMr Bahlv, Sr of D inville, left a memorial
of $50,000, with which it is probable a new
Episcopal church w II he erected.
T w rinrimiiii will sell Gold Pens. Pen
cils, kc 20 percent lower (ban ttie list
The District Attorney w 1 the busiest man
in ton ibis week. Columbia Ins reasjn to h
iroud of her official: efficient and attentive
and always f mud at bis post.
,lfwln(j who suffer from Dypepia,
Headache, Contipatinn, or Billiousne.. can
be cured by using Dr. MtlUtur'i Headache
and Dyspepsia llls. Price 25 cents. nol'Jlm
Ladies are weiring very large hat ibis win
ter. Tlie prevading style seems lo be carat I
luir. nn.l the mire snui"hed up the hat tli
more styli-h it i considered.
Go and see the best Female Minstrel Iroiq
on the road on the 13th. Thfir performance
is chaste and refine and will not otlend the
most exact.
r.,,l.Mnn firm the number of purchases of
M . .
Jress unods. we can expect lo see Ibe whole
female norlion of the town deiked in new t
lire'on the holidays. The tires-makers' buai
ness must be brisk. Watches of all kinds. Stem
Witntcr ft low O.S iS. Warranted at I
Hernhardt's Jewelry Store.
The white grape sold by our grrcerym
used to be transported from Spain, but now
most of this beautiful "fruit of the vine
raised in California.
Dr. Mellaur's Jleadaehe and Dyspepsia
Villi, Price 25 cents, cureat once tleail
unhn Dvanensia. Iiilliousuess, and Const!
tln . nov, 19-lm
Freicht trains at ltu pert are ollen kept stand
ing across tho public highways longer than the
law allows. A lew diy ago the omnimi', aucr
wailing some time wis obliged to come up on
the other side of the creek, tne reus
ing to make an openlnt'.
Coal Oil Jjhnny, who after pising thrMgh
uiBny ibanuss, has eurceided by hud lalior
and economy in saving enough mot ey lo 1 ur
cbaio a farm bsik of Franklin whir.- tie i.ow
resides and baa f3,000 inbanlt.
Mrs J. H. Scot' invilis Ibe atlenlpin 1 f the
public to rer line assortment of Um-t ns
Goods, consist ing of! ms ingr.nt tariely. pi .in
and fsncy candies, at holt-tale and retail, Ac.
For the perloction ofSweet and 'ra-'''ij
perfume cill lr Tarnation l'ink, Wild
Olive. Gloriosa and Mary Stuart
Hendershoit's Drug Store.
If there i uny truth in tie po.try,
'ratr tresses man's Imperial race ensnare.
And beauty aruws us with aatDgle hair,"
the f inoiiB .Madam Jisi.H's iliu-tre's cmnot
fa I totlriw n lull house on Monday evtnlu.',
Decemb. r l.'ilb. Lverjls dy w II g".
Ov. rcoats very
Avery pleasant nlfalt is thell'tle prly
given on Thursday nltht tl last wetk lo Mr,
connection An exe lleut titn i" said tohao
been had by nil pr-ni, anil all in hinnt nnd
celebration oftho ha, py t-nuple'a Woo-'rn w, tl
WnH Paper. Window Curtains nnd Fixtures.
and Cornlcts, nt O, A Clark'.
Ifyourglrl alcsyou Ibe alr.e hco you wear,
bo sure and it'll her ibe right number, a it
would be very troublesome lo get a pair ol num
ber 0 Chri.'tmui slippers on n number 9
Biblfs. Ilvmnala and Prayer Hooks at G.
Elghmle Shirts at Clark k
Kv'dentlv those In attendance at the prize
contest nt th skadng rink on Siturday evin-
Ing M.rn citl cr prejudiced or els incmnpetdit
'idg of fancy skating Ono of our nlllce
boyi pnrilcipi'e I, nnd b'S idmirdilo roiibuir.
ningnlficenl form, and grtcfil figure, not to
speak of tho great number of gyration and
artit!c rmvnnerit he exenultd, failed to pro
c ire hi- one solittry vole, Iloctna'de him
self, however, with the idei that perhaps the
Clietor munty tlaityinei are taking mos- audlenie took bltn fir the profe-aor, Hut look
lo establish a uniform price for bultcr and out for him next time. He has purchased n
pair of acp nude roller f.r his own use anil
will undoubtedly as'onisb everyone,
Buy vnurClirist'iits Ctndles at Alexander
Sc Woo IboU-e's Isig.'st, A-sirttnent 111
El. gait Pholograpb Albums atO. A.Clark'?.
J.din Graham, wh 1 I ,st a l.g in llie late wnr,
recently recciv.d his " iranpnrtillori request1.
from tl e tleparlment and started for New lork
where he was en'illed to he furtiisbe I an atti-
A girl in Diblln slrnrk br croquet partner limb at the expense of the government.
Police Wooilwird, with the resistance of
two others, lodged n man hv the n-ime of I"m
mv in Ibe "ronler"on Tuesday, fir drunken
ness and disorderly conduct.
If you ilo nnt know w'nnt In buy for Christ-
ma" presents go to 0. A disk's Hook Store
and you will he sure to find just whit you wart,
The mot noted men of modern times have
publicly attested to the value of Aver's Cherry
Pectoral as a cure for rough ard colds
He got as far as Williunispott nnd was com
pelled to return home on account of the rt til
sal of tb- N C. K. It., lo recognize bis "rc
ipu-st" forwarded htm by the government. Tec
hail. 'Tis sirii ge that some railrotd compa
nies should accept the pas-arnl ottitrs teje.tit.
Gr to H. ,1. Clark & Son to buy your
Christmas Prei-ent them Store is lull 01
pretty tilings useful nsv.ella.-t ornamental
a lie at low prices.
A lit'le diughter of Dr I. L K-ibb, is lying
a precarious condition. Her illness w.i
caused by a fall, about two week ago, injuiing
her I rain
U-'iiortufE U Ikeler as Auditor on ex
cepllons In account of W, II Abbott, A
slgnee in William Kami's ctitte, confirmed
Lstnle nf ,1 dm itwp. Order nf mIo con
tinued. N-iv order lo llte,
Ks'nte of Jobn Mtt.-ih. Ileport of sale
cotilirnuil nisi
Estate of Catharine Shoemaker, lieport
of sale oinfirmctl tdl,
Estate of Peter Michael. It-turn of In- confirmed nll.
isstate 01 lMvtti uruer 01 saio continued,
Estate of .Inretl Harrison. Heturnofln-
iirl confiiiiieil nisi,
ivstato ol Joseph l. Uonner. mturu 01
sale confirmeil nisi.
Catawl'sa Bridge Company. Keport of
viewers against making said bridge a county
brnUo. Confimtd nisi,
ICslale ol John Evelnnd, Petition for ci
tation on Administrator to file account.
Bridge In Centre township near Samuel
Knurr's Report of viewers confirmeil nil
Kiatl In Cinyngham township near Fred,
Hush. Diulel Stine, Ilenlaniln Wagner and
I ami) Yenger iippolntetl viewers
Ilool In Fililngcreek township near John
IMght Viewers not to be appointed until
the exceptions are disposed of,
Jackon township near Irani Derr's mill
Heport ( f bridge viewers confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs Jos. ', Welghtinan,
?lltiou lor tllschargo. Prisoner discharged.
Estate of A L. Davl. Iteport of Auditor
on (xceptious nisi.
It-gi-ters Accounts nnd Widow's Ap
raisptnetit conflrincd nisi.
Commonwealth vs. Glger, A true
Com. vs. H. W. Ilolluway. Hecngni-
zaiiceof defendant and Georgo Haber taken
In WOO for appearance at next court.
Com. vs Joseph May. Case heard and held
under advisement.
Com. vs. I. S. Kuhii et. al. town Council-
Prosecuting Attorney asked for n nol
Beautiful Jewel Cfp and
0. A, Clark's Bonk Store.
Writing Desk" at
1 here will he a ( hristinas entertainment at
Iho Mifllinville M E rhnrch on ll-e pyen'ne nt
the 2th of D-ceml er t'fxt AH are cordially
invited to attend
Chromes St 1 Encf.nving. Panel Pirtnies,
Kasels and lVture I-rans at O. A. C'lirk a.
The subject of voting for postmaster la being
aei'aied in a number of places. Under this
system, Iwo or mnre Republicans .are plaeeil in
nomination, or nominale 'hems. Ives, nnd are
voted for at th- usual elect'or. Th D-m-crats
are permitted to vote but ar- pn li'b'd
from bnvlmr a candidate of tli.irnwn f.iih.
Surely a g ""'d officer ought to be nb ained in
that wav.
We have now open a large line of Jewelrv
at Chirk .t Son's,
Caroline Moyer, sister of the late John U.
Mnyer, was stricken w'uh paralyais on Friday
Y'ou can buy either a nice Shawl or
cloak ol Chirk .V Sou cheap.
At Light Strict on Motility, ilia rope used
in pulling tlie car up the .1 ipo broke, loiviu
the ca-, whteh wh hii-led, tun liack on .1 man
by llie naiiiu of Elic't lliin'.o. Hj was lerrildy
bruised 11 p.
For a good
reliable U tot go to Mc-
Pntierv and all the neces-n.'v
ilccnratirg it. at G A Clirk't.
maleria for
Mmy parei ts in WiJIianisp'irl b tve taken
their childi.n out of scl ool, uwing to the prev-
til. net-1 f dipbilierit. Tin- cnlHgious and dan
gerous tlisea-e is making its apptntante in a
grent unny sections.
Ladies Coats Cheap Hark ov Sou's
Mr. Samuel Hi'I, th- miner spoken ol in
last week's issue as I eipg darg, roudy injured
by the premature e. losion of a blast, died nn
Friday morning, of last wek. On Supdiy
af'crnoon, his remains, accrmpanicd Lv a large
number of carriages containing relatives and
f Ihw workmen, were conveyed to an I interred
at Light Street. Tho services were conducted
by the Albright mini-ter of that place. Peace
to his asbe.
The largest. bet and
Shoe" at Mi Kinney'-..
cheapest stock of
A nmed physician of New York wri is to a
fri.nd: "I have in my mind a sutlerer from
L'ravel and a complication of Kidney disorders
that wis permanently 1 urld by the use of Prof.
Guiliiiet'e's French Kidney Pads." The drug
gists sell them.
Prepare for Chri-tnias. The largest and
best ns-orlment of Holiday Luxuries in
Bloomsburg can be found at Billmeyers gro
cery, corner -ilntn anil Centre streets.
(Juite an excitement whs creited on Main St
on Wednesday, about 0 o'tl ick in the evening,
by the finilitgnf a woman lying in lr steria
nuir the First National Bank. A lame nuni
her of pent, le 11 ere attracted 10 her by her loud
ci i ' s, and b. lieving tint she had fallen and
sprtintd or bri-ken 1 er 1,-g, sevi g.nileinin
The meelirgsnt the Meihrdist (hnreh are uluced her in a chair and carritd hertoh.r
Lamps and lamp trimming, something
nice for Christmas at the lowest retail price,
a complete line nt ases, liquet Hohlers,
Toilet Sels, Table -Mats. Moustache Cup
nnd Saucers. ladled and children's cups and
aucers, m, c., at llillmeyer s.
well at'entled and the indications are lint good
wortc will bo done before thev cloe.
place of re-id. nee, corner of Main and Jetl'et
son. No boms broken.
Diaries, Pork.tbrr,ks. Mfinorandum BioUs
io great variety at fi. A- ( 1 irk's.
It is a query with some people bow lo pass
the long, winter eveulncs. In our minds it is
a clear as noonday No ditlicnby nt id! in
pising away the time, pleisintly and prnfita
bly, wi'l Ij experienced if you snb-crj'-e frr
the Columbun ami iwil it.
The Swiss Coitsge,
for children, at G. A
a new and auin-ing toy
Clark s.
Win. Hodlne, Bloom's fimotis nimrrd, savs
he is going out hiintii g snnn and then bo will
fiirni'h us with a long llt of the victims of hi
deadly aim. We have no nn doubt but that
he will do as he says, as "Bill' ' Is an excellent
spoilsman and never goes cut without bagcing
some game.
Take a look at the Chritmas Table in I,
W. Hartinan s Grocery.
Hundreds visited I. W. Hartmao's la-t
week to see the Holiday Goods,
Abiy broke through the ice on llie canal
last Saturday, going int'rely under the sur
face. He was, restuc-d with litlle difficulty. The
accident occurred by his venturit g on a spot
known to be dangerou". When will bnya learn
lo abandon the foolish prtcticeo' rikiug their
lives just for the sake of "showing oil?"
As a propounder of conundrums we are not
proving much of a success. We have received
a number of answers, to our last wcei's conun
drum, all of which are correct in s'ibstance, al
though they vary a little in details, We can
congratuhteourselves that wu offered no pre
The shop windows in Philadelphia are very
attractive this year. Decorated pottery
Bhown in great variety, It is impossible to
name the many articles that are displayed f r
the Christmas trade. There is ro trouble for
any body to find iust what they want for gifts
In the youngest child or most sedate adult. All
that is nquirid is plenty of money to make the
The Larget Slock and the lnwtat priies
always to be louml at limn Clothing store,
Holiday Hals, Soil Skin Caps
on bam at 1). Lowenberg's
1 he La) I It 1 nil l.lltrniy Socl.ty will give nn
exhibition in the Niun al Hall on Friday eve
tin g, D,ceii.b-r 17th, The entertaii uient tt ,11
consist of music, vocil and iiistruuientil, lead
of iho Society 'J, urniil,' a good drama, .c,
The Blot uirbiitg Stung l'artl will also be in
attendance, A full bou-e would be lo them tin
expression of good will and a testimonial of
the sincere int. rest and ap reflation ..ftheputi
lie in what thev are striving to btcome guod
debatus for which ihey would tv.r leelgrat.
ful. 1 be price of admission, 15 ct tits, is very-
low, so turn out and give them an overtljwing
Hoots and Shres below cost for 30 days at
tiross , j Store, liloom,
s-HEItUTh. i5.n.
Tie text loVi'io of the L gltltt ri will open
on the fits! Tuo-d iy of nexl m nth Anyone
tltsiring In ask fir seclil legislation should
give nolle now in two nonrspa ters a required
bv law, so that tit hi! can 'e p,e'nlilln
Abram S. Ditimui, tVashlngton Heights, 111,,
sayst '1 have always fount! a ready sale for
A. H. T Co, Tipped Sho.Sj Ihey lake the lead
In children's shots, and my customers will
have no others.
HotiEMT. In Kohrsburg on Fiiday, Novcui
her 25th, Emily Lemon Bigerl, aged 12 years,
3 months and 27 days, daughter of Samuel and
A rally Higert, deceased,
lloOKHT. In Kohrsburg on Saturday "eve
ning, November 20, of diphtheria, Anna Ma
ria, yourg-sl (hild of Samuel tin I Nurmanda
llogert pgeil 8 year, 15 months an I 1 tl ty,
Vclumes of the best authors, in sets, at G.
A Clark's Hook Store.
The Y, M. C. A. have had their hall put in a
tenantable shape and have organized a Ivceum,
llie first meeling of which was held on lues
day night ar.d was an et.couraaing enrarao ce
ment. A large number of comfortab'e (hairs
have been purchased and a slage erected In one returns
Tlie Sheriff sold llie following properties at
iho Court Hou-e nn Mnttdsy, December fitb:
Ptoperty of Edward J. .Mcllenry in Beoton
township sold tol, YAintirste.n for 5-4.U.
Property of Hudolph Yeager in Locust town.
ship sold to Thul.i A. Yeager fur j715.
Properly of Henry Cotterman in Greenwood
township sold to Philip Crawford for $110.
Property of H- C Fr.ns, io Ccntro township
so'd to W.J, Buckalew for $5.
Properly of Frid rick Weimar in Blooms-
buig s dd to Lovwuberg, Krickbautn and Mil
ler lor 51.10-
Properly ol H. C, Conner in Orange-
villo sold 10 I). K. Sloan for $700.
Properly of Georgo W. Soult in Catawlssa
town-hip si-bl to F. L. Sbiiman for $1,510.
Property of John Itantz in Benton town
ship sold to W. J. Buckalew for $100.
One of those nice Dress Patterns at Clark
cV Son makes uuice preseut.
Ifais and Caps in great variety at Gross'
N. Y Store.
Court met on Monday morning, Decem
ber lit It, at 10 o'clock a. in , His Honor
Win, Elwell, President Judge, and I. K.
Kricktiauni ana r. lj. Sluuian, associate
on Hie Pencil.
The constables were called and made tlieir
A large stock of Suit and
eap al Gross' N- V S'ore.
cheap al
It is imuored lhat the D. L A' W. II H. Co.
propose building a large snitch mar Jiuptrt p.
..ero.nmodato the f-eifiht Irslllc. Theswitth
will be so arranged as lo allow Ibe Heading
r. r,i in their extra cars and thus
ie the I). L. A W. Co. a free use of the prts
ent .witch at Rupert This will give our freight
trains more regularity.
TV. uiji .thlii, urauile. stone porcelain,
n,l l-rptifh China. Dinner Sels, from 100
iiiices in anydts'nd nutnber handlid alii,
unhaiidl.d liassnd c- fl'tf, Turkey Plalcs.ull
tu, very cutap t m"jn
end of the rrom in ordtr to be prepared, as
they propose, to give frte lectures to the public
this winter.
Sheriffs sale nf property of Jacob Cole.
Auditor's report filed,
Estate of Ellen Long. Return of sale
confirmed nisi.
Charles A. Shiiman appointed guardian ol
Mahahi and Elizabeth Henninirer. minor
children ol Reuben Henuinger, deceased.
R. uben Gibbon, Andrew it Stine and H.
O. Iva-ie appointed viewers of r. road in Su
garloaf township,
Commonwealth vs. E. L. Myers, Vg.
J'ros allowed ou payment of co-Is,
l.state 01 Jacob Sliumaii. Answer of R,
For Ladles'. Children's and Gents' Furs,
go to Lulz & Sloan's
There I a project on foot for rsi'ing a mili
tary company In ibis place. This is a more in
the right direction and shtubl receive strung
encouragement and support. St-verul unsuc
cessful attempts have been made heretof iri to
form suih an organisation so lhat if those now ,( j, 'p. Shuman, executors, filed by leave
having tlie maner in tiiarge eucceeu,iney win 01 court.
,orii ro.i malse. There 1 no reason why a Jacob Evans' executor vs. William E
town the size of Bloom shot Id nd have a first. C.ilfi.ian, 1'etltlon of landlord to become, a
das company, wutn tow,, , a., its ... cm McIJr,lle Hllll ,.;,,,, slUlt B)prill)t.
boast of gotd ones. A gi oil rrmpary is an or- U-J tip staves for first week; Michael Walter
Lament t' any town. 1'tishl hots, ami the land Ultas, It, llousel appointed for the sec
rr.dit will be given to him lo whciu crtdil is onu weeir.
lv'"d In Centre township near Y. 1),
-.-.r btraus,s. Report ol viewers contirmeil nisi
For Jewelry, Silk Hanilkerchltts, Neck- Jlentim Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
lb anil other Chriatrcas Goods go lu Luti Association v, Jereniali Stiles, Report of
iU et.KU . I rtuuuur cuuuiuicu nisi,
pro, on payment of cost. Alter argument
the court held it a proper case lo dispose nf
in that manner and the town of Bloomsburg
pay costs.
Road ill Hemlock twp , Hear George
Smith's. Jackson Ikeler, William Ever and
Joseph E, Eves appointed viewers.
Account of Elias Giger, guardian of Mar
garet Goo. man and Katura Goodman
Petition of supervisors of Sugarloaf town-
hip for tin additional 5 mill tax filed.
Commonwealth vs. R ibert F, Howell,
recogu-z.ince of defendant and Elias Howell
taken in $500 for appearance at next
Estate Hannah . ordered,
('omii onwe ilth vs. John A German, et. al.
true bill.
Robert Buckingham was appointed auditor
of public accounts.
The court ordered the names of five bun-
Ired per-ons to be f-laced in the wheel to
serve as jurors in the several courts for the
ensuing year.
Commoiiweallb vs. Joshua Fowler, Caso
tried aod jury returned u verdict of
Road in Pine township, Report of viewers
confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs, Jere Mottine, C. H,
Smothers, Warner Snietbers and Charles
Smothers. A true hill,
Rt ad in Beavirtownshlp, Reportof view
ers Confirmed nii.
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Hall. A true
Estato of Rebecca Smith. Report ol audi
tor confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs, Stephen Dietterick,
jr. A tro bill.
Road In Cattawiasa township, near paper
mill. W,T. Shuman, Joseph Geiger and
I) S. Brown appointed viewers.
Thomas SchrctuVr vs. Kate Scb'f filer,
alias "ubrojna awarded.
Commonwealth vs Daniel Gaumer. Ro-
cogiti.mce toileitcd and to be taken oil at
next term by appeal of defendant.
Road in lieavir town-hip. Report of re
viewers confitmed nisi.
Estate of Reliebecta Smith, Auditor's
report confirmed ni-i.
Commonwealth vs Daniel Hall. A true
Commoiiweallb vs. Stephen Dcitterick.
A true biil.
Roatl in Calawissa township near "paper
mill. Jos. Geiger and 1). S. Hrowu appoint
ed viewers,
E-tatu of Elizabeth Shuliz. Report ol
Auditor lilul.
Commonwealth vs. Joshua Fowler. For
nication and bastardy. Verdict guilty.
Coniiiioiiwealih v.-. Jeremiah Motteim, C.
II. Smellier, Warren S'nielhers nndCharlis
Smellier, t'a-e talli d, di feudania plead not
guilty, e. J 1 ri in Motteiui 11 nil (J. II.
s"uieihers guilty in manner ami lorm as they
slund indicted and Charles Smelbtrs and
Warren Smeibers not guilty.
I iimini nnealtli vs. W. H. Weaver. Hi
cognizanco I'orlclud, lobe respited at next
Road io Pipe township nr ar Jt epb Shoe
maker's Ellis Eves, Win. Robbins, and
Uriah Mi Henry appointed viewers,
Petition for road in Pine and Greenwood
township near Joseph Shoemaker and G
Manning. R. Deuiolt and A. K. Smith
appointed viewer.
retiuon lor a mail 111 Greenwood town
ship near David Dcmott. I-sac Mcliride,
James Dildine audG. W. Supplee appoint
ed viewers.
Petition for a road in Orange townshl
near A. N. C, kellir. M. Ainmerman, S. J
IValer ami John .jner appointed viewers,
Bridge near Jjlm R. Cole's, Sugarloaf
town-hip, Heport of viewers concurred in
and a wooden brace covered bridge rtcom
mended by the grand jury.
Bridge near Alex. Kramer's in Green
wood. Report of viewers concurred in and a
wooden brace covered bridge recommended
by tho grand jury,
Supplemental account of Elizabeth Ent
guardian of Anna Mary Ent, confirmed nlai
r.U'otiT or thi: iira.nd jury.
The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of
the County of Columbia, respectfully sub
mil the following report
That we have diligently inquired into all
matters brought before us for our eonsidera
rhat we have made examination of the
public buildings and find that tlie jail build
log is kept in a neat and clean condition
and lhat the prisoners are 'rested humanely
and .their eyery proper wants respected
That .Mr. Barrett, the Warden, Is an efficient
We also liud that the Sheriff and inmates
of llie jail building are not supplied with to
good water as Is possible to be had, That
wo consider the water impure and unfit for
use, and we recommend that pure water be
supplied. We recommend that a telephone
be placttl Ironi Iho Suerlir'a office to the jail
H. S, Ext,
Commonwealth vs, Barbara Qlgger. Case
called ami defendant pleads not gully. Jury
Sherilf read return in open court pursuant
to a rule served on tho Sheriff iu case of
Veal (state of Geo, W .Soult,
Commonwealth vs, Daniel Hall, Reoog,
uitance of defendant aud C, Krug to Le re
spited nt nexl session
Business xNoticcs
W'aI.nttI.siaf Hair KKsroKF.ii",!s entirely rilrrer-
ent fioni all others. It lsnsclear -s water. and as
its nanio Indicates, la u;perrect Vegetable llalr lie
stnrer nnd does not In any manner affect the health
wiiicu nuipnur, sugar t,r Lead and Mtrate of siller
preliarattons hale done. It will immedlate-lv Iree
the head f oin all Dandruff Hestore tiray llalr lo Its
iiaiurai i-eiur, utiu 1 n iri e n new gtuwinwuire 11
lias fallen 1 IT. 11 will change light or faded hair In
a tew d 11 a to a beautiful t usa.1 hronii. Ilverv bot
tle Is iv-irranted. Ask our itruirirl-t for It. Kor
Mile at Moyfh Bros., ltiooinshiirg, Ph. -m'.t'i, Kline
A l;o., I huadelphhi, and Halt A; ituckell, .sew 111k,
Wholesale Ageidsi. oct lii, so-tf
Harriet A. Newkitk, or S.iletn, says; 1 was
cured of letter In my hand by three applica
tions of Camphor Milk, My btisbniitl was
cured of old running sores by using it, It
itretl my sou ol a spraintil ankle, I'rt e 23
cents Sold b C, A, klcim, llloomsburg.
april 10, '80,ly
A Very fine f .sorliuent of Ladles' Coat",
nil nicely made and trimmed iu Silk. Satin
anil Velvet of the latist styles and fashion
fur sale by Sil is Young, Light Street, just
got in from the city niautil'.cturers in price
from $1 00, $1 fiO, ifi" f,0 iG ,10. i7 CO.
$S .10, i'J 00, $10 CO, $12 CO, $15 CO, lfi CU
to tlS 00. oct. I ,1m
Highest Cash Price paid fur 1,000 Good
Fat, Live VEAL CALVES ibis Fall ami
Winter. You can bring Ihei.i right along
now on Mondav. Tuesday and "oilnc-ilov id
each ami every week ibis Fall ami Winter
Bring in your goi d tat calves now nnd ircl
y.iur cash lor I hem Bring them from llie
north, south east and west. Lt them cinie
right al tug now to Silas Young, Light
Sliect. oct I 4tn
4,000 pound nice dried raspbt rrie, 4,000
pounds nice driedpilted cherries wanted thi
fall by Silas Young, Light Street.juy 2 6m
Hon. Oeorge X. Uoron, Norristown, sas:
The Phoenix IVctotal Is indispensable in my
family. It acts like a clierm in i-uritg
coughs aod colds w Hb the children, and I
nlwai" up it wb.n iddrr -ing a jury. Price
2r) cents C. A Klelui, Bloomsburg. aprlG-Iy
The following statement if u lillaui .1. ("otiwhllti,
of otneiville, Miisa. Is so rerrnrkaw., ilntwebfg
toa-k for It the atlenttnn t,f cur t eaders. IIpshjs:
In the rail of ls.70 when I was taken with a Violent
Iileedlng of the 1 imps folloid bv a seierccuirn.
I soon began to lose inv uppellte nnd lle-h. Iwas
so wcuk atone tlrre Hint 1 could hatha t-roybed.
In the ;viinmer of lsn 1 was ndintttea lo the 1 ity
Hospital. While thorothedjctois sain 1 had a hole
In my lett lung as bu as a hslf dollar. I expend'-d
out a bundled dulhirsln d iclora and lut-dlciiut,.
1 was so rar goneatone lime a reprrt went around 1
was dead. I gale up hois-, but 11 fiteml told tne of
Hit. W.M. IlsI.I.s IHI.SWI s-illtTUK Lt'NdS. 1
la ghedattny rrlends, ihlnklt g ti at im casewua
tncurittl", hut I got a botl'e to satisfy thetn, when
to my surprise an) gr.ulhcatton I commenced 10
feel better. Mj hois', once dead began to revtie.and
lo-,ia 1 feel In belter spirits than I have lor three
"I write this hoping v,u will publish It so that it
ers' onu aniicied with discard lungs will I Induced
totake Dr Win llnll'a Itnlsam for the i.unirs. a d
be com Inced that IV.N-U.MI' 1 p N CAN JlK Cl'ltEli
I hate taken two bott'es andean posltliel. say that
It hasdonemore good Hull all the other medicines
I have tak. n since mshkties.s. My cough has al
most entirely disappeared and I shall soon be able
to go to work. Sold by druggists. Take Wm. Hall's
Balsam ouli beware or counterfeit. oet.ltMjeow
The imder&lffncd executors of Samuel Shaffer, Sr.,
latt'Gfthe Tow n uf Illu. mahur,;, In tho county or
Columbia, deceased, will expose to public sale upon
tne prcmibcs on
Tuesday, December 21, 1880,
beglnnnlntr at ten o'clock, a. in , the following
No. 1, known as the HOMESTEAD FsltM, situate
East llloomsburg, and bounded and descrltn-d
follows to-ll: Hounded on the north by Fish
lngcreek, onihe eastbj said FIshlngcreek, on the
south by olhcr l,.l,da of saldsamuel Miuffer, deceaa-
cd, the r ,ce of the Bloomsburg Iron Compun) being
tne uividing line, and onthewet by iald Fishing-
crtek, cpntap.lng
and 3 irche3.
No 'i, situate In Cast llloomsburg, bounded aud
described as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on tho north
by otner land, of the said Samuel Shatter, deceased
tlie race of the Wooujsbtirr Iron Company being tho
dlildlng line, on the ea.t by Flshlntcreek and lands
of Matthias Shaffer, on the south by lands of John (1.
treeae and on the west by public road leading from
Illoolnsbuig to .Mt. Pleasant, containing
and 147 perches.
'Ihesetroctsotlandaro tnahtgh state of cultiva
tion and whereen are erected houses and barns and
out-buildings lu good repair.
(train tn ground reser.ed.
These tracts will bo sold subject to such reserva
tions and exceptions had ai d made by tti- Plooms
burg Iron company tndeidto Samuel Miuffer, de
ceased And ou
atone p. m., at 1'AKKKItS HOTEL MILLVII.LE,
Tract or Land, situate In Greenwood tow nshlp Co
lumbia county, bounded and dcscilbcd as follows,
to-wlti Ity public road lending from Mlllvllle to Se
reno, by lands of Juuu-s Masters anu Parkin Eves,
by hind of Pa'euion ,iohn and by lauds ot William
Kobbitis, wntaliiloi, s; aches AND lis ruucil-KS-
This tract Is well Umbered,
CONDITIONS OF SALE.-Ten per cent of one-
fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the strtk-
tog down oftho property, the one-fourth less the
ten per cent, upon tho first ot April, 1911, and one
hall ot tho remalntrc three-fourtha April 1st, lsaj
and the remaining one-half ot the remaining three-
rounna April ist, iss3, with Interest from April 1st,
issi pa) aoio annually, repaid purchase money to
be secured by bond and mortgage. Deeds and
mortgages to be paid for by purchasers, rossesston
will be given April 1st, isl.
During the coming year it is
the intention of the proprietors of
not only to keep up iU past stan
dard of excellence, but to still
further inipiovc it.
is the largest paper in Columbia
county and therefore enntains more
reading matter than any other.
is the cheapest, because our sub
scription price is only Si 50 a year
in advance while all others any
where near the same size charge
..... -
is the best, uecause we emiiio)
more assistance, and devote more
cure and attention to it, than any
other receives.
It is the best
because our subscription list is
larger by ecvciiiI hundred than
any other in the county.and there
fore it reaches more leaders. If
others would do as we have done,
to-wit, cut on" all persons who
never pay for their paper, our list
would be double that of any other
paper published here. Within
the next vear we expect to in
crease our list to 2000 paying sub
scribers, and this is the reason
why we can afford to sell the pa
per cheaper than any other office
though we occupy more room.have
more money invested, and employ
more linnds than any ot our com
petitors. Everv family should
have it because it contains gener
al reading for the young ami old,
valuable household recipes, and
information for the farmer.
11. P. HAH I'M AN
isov, to, su-si
S El
AN. 1
Harper's Magazine
S ud tag the subject objectively and from the
education il point of view-seeking to provide that
which, taken altogether.wtll be ot the most service
to the largest nuraber-1 long ago concluded that, u
i tuuui uate Din one work for a public library, I
would select a complete set of Harpers Monthly. "
CharlM Francis Adams. Jr.
It-s contents are contributed by the most eminent
authors aDd artists of Europeand Amertca.whtle tlie
Ion experience of tta publishers haa made them
thoroughly conversant with the desires or the mm.
win spare no enort to gratify.
MAiu-aus .MAUAziME, one lear t rn
ll.MH'EIta year 4 oo
..iu ii.a.u, uoe year 4 to
Tho TI1UEE above publications, one year 10 00
Any TWO aboio named, ono year j 00
llAHt'KltS VOUNH rriOPLE, one, year 60
1'ostago Free, to all subscribers lu tho United
emies or cansua.
The volumes of the Magazine begin with the .Num
ucro iur 1 uue anu December of each year. When
no time Is knecmed, it will bo understood that the
suuscnuer wisnea to begin with the current
A Complete set of Harper Magazine., comprising
HI neat cloth bludlag will bu sunt t,v
express, freight at expense 01 purcUuer, on receipt
,uluuia. Biugm votunyiH,oy mall, post
paid, W 0) ciotl) cajLS, tor binding a unw, by
mall, pastiull.
Itemlttancos snould bo made by IMst-onioo Money
Order or Dralt, to avoid chance u lusa.
New apapers aro nol to oopy this advertisement
.ivuviuv iuu express oraer or Harper & Brothers
AtlOrew UKPKKJlROTIlEltl,NrVort,
Every busines man should have
it, because it cont:ti"S all the court
proceeding-, lieril"s sales, deci
sions of tho court, of general in
terest, and much other matter
that every business man in the
county should read.
is complete. We have the latest
styles of Type and Ornamental
Characters, and are prepared to
do a class of work that no other
office in the county can do.
Visiting Cards, Wedding Invi
tations, Programmes, Circulars
plain or ornamental. Posters, Pa
per Books.Noteand Letter Heads,
Envelopes, Statements, Shipping
lags, and in fact any kind of
printing can be obtained here at
the very lowest prices. Order
Books and Blank Books of everv
description printed and bound.
Specimen copies of tho
There is a place in Phila
delphia where a stranger
may buy his clothes, and
fare as well as if he knew
tlie whole city by heart ; and
if lie knows nothing about
the value of cloths, or of
clothes, he is as well off, as
if he were a good judge of
The reason is that every
thing to be found there is
made there made and sold
under a system which rarely
allows mistakes to occur, and
which corrects them, if they
do occur.
Oak Hall is the place;
and its practice may be
summed up in a few words.
If you get there what you
tlon't want to keep at the
price, you return it, and get
your money back.
This means a great deal
more than appears on tlie
surface. It means that you
are not going to get what
you will not want to keep at
the price, if the merchant can
help it. It means that the
clothes you get there will be
of honest cloths, honestly
made; and that they will
cost you less than as good
clothes can be got for else
where. It means that they
will be ever)' way better
worth your money than you
can get elsewhere for the
same money.
If it means anything less
than these things if it means
poor cloths, trimmings, cut
ting, sewing, or in any way
dishonest or illiberal dealing;
the return of his goods will
plague the merchant, injure
his credit, and dissipate his
If it means these things
if it means liberal and honor
able dealing, valuable and
trusty clothing, ease and
safety in getting it, Oak Hall
is the place for you to go to,
or to send to ; and it is worth
your while to know how you
can send, if it is inconvenient
to go.
Write ; say what your
occupation is ; say what
sort of use you intend to
make of the clothes you
want, whether for every-day
wear or otherwise ; what
color you prefer, or what
color to avoid ; say about
what you want to pay ; say
everything that you think,
may aid a stranger in
choosing for you. You
will get in reply samples
of cloths and prices of what
ever you want made from
those cloths. Vou will get
also the means of having
your measure taken by an
unskilful person.
There is only one diffi
culty left. Somebody has
got to take the risks of the
dealing ; for there are risks.
Send your money along
with your order, That
covers the risk as to your
good faith. We risk every
thing else; the fit, and
your satisfaction every -way.
Our trade by mail
amounts to half a million
dollars a year; there's no
reason why it shouldn't
amount to five millions.
will bo Eent on application,
Columbian Building,
Near Court House, Eust Sido
W wamaker
& Brown.
Oak Hall,
Sixth and Market streets,
nov 19 1.111
Notice Isj hereby given that an annlicattnn win
,., , . . . rs. uiui) l 111.' CUIUDIOD.
wruliu !! IViinsjhni.l. en Itled "An Ai t to pruilco
ti'r the Incciiporulluu regulation et e. rtalu cor
poral tons," uppiovid ptnvj iMl.und the supple.
ineiits thereto, for the charter of an lei. luted cor.
mira. Ion to be callid "Montana coal c, mpsnj," tu
object and ciisrscurot which u n,e g, pn
pKrlng. shipping and ki-llliiKotiihtlmicIti' inul, and
I deI.r to anihrnilte loal and
for these purpoaeHto huie, rossisa itndenjm tilllli,,
rights beneltui and s ruiilrrrvd bilsald Act
ut Assembly and Its supplements.
vi M, A, MA Hit,