The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 10, 1880, Image 2

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0. E, ELWELL, Irittnrs
Fi'id n,5'. l"uo. 10. 18S0.
They talk of making Senator Wallace a
railroad pres-liletit upon retiring from his
present pos tlon.
U-tweon tho Lunllnrd-i ami tho Land
t,cajtie) the poor tenanti are hopelonly at
lo what to do. Affair in Ireland seem to
lo be growing worc and woro.
Garfield l reported to be In poor health.
If his ailing bo attributed to any one thing
It hoilld be to the annnvanee he H etihjecteel
to oy being dally vlited by delegations.
It U rnnorted that Garfield's last visit to
Washington was for the purpose of raising
money to sa?e his home in Mentor irom
s iV. Would It not be advisable for those
philanthropic persons who are si anxious to
raise a fund for Grant, to make up a purse
fjr the President e'ecti
CiarfieM and Cameron both seem to have
nut nrettv cood bridles on their tongues
Uatficld will not disclose his intentions as
regard cabinet appointments. Cameron re
fines to tell who he will make Senator,
Thus two more aro added to the Hit of
"silent men."
Jos Scrauton's organ onies out la a dou
ble header and states that the members from
Lackawanna county dare not go back on
Galushn A. Grow for the U. S. benatorship
Joe, perhaps, has forgotten the skilful man-
ipulatorsue has to contend with, lloyt aud
his 'guard,' have heretofore shown that they
poiiesi a very smooth way of getting around
instructions wheu it is deemed necessary.
The last annual message of Mr. Hays Is
now before the public. It is too lengthy to
give in full to our readers. It is dull and
tiresome in reading and full of misstate
ments. In referring to the recent election,
ho speaks of the power of the "House of
Representatives and the Senate." "to judge
of the elections, returns, aud quallficalioua
of their own members, will be to see that ev
ery case of violation of the letter or spirit of
(he Fifteenth Amendment Is thoroughly in
vestigated, and that no benefit from such
violation shall accrue to any person or par
ty." Who could advocate au investigation
better than this man? Unless it should be
his successor, through whose manipulations
the present occupant of the Executive Chair
was seated for four years and drawing the
salary of another. No reference is made to
the intimidation of the whito voter, or the
law to protect the white workingman against
the interference with their right of suffrage
by their employers. Had his constituents
read the message before the late election
would they have endorsed the spirit of it?
In regard to the assessments made upon of
fice holders in order to buy up votes at ele-cv
tions which was carried out to so great an
extent but recently and )u many cases
made so public, he says: "I also recoin
mend such legislation as, while leaving ev
try officer as freeas any other citizen to ex
press his political opinions and to use his
means for their advancement, shall aUo eu
able him, to feel as safe as any . rivate cili
z ill in refusing all demands upon his salary
for political purposes. A law which should
thus guarantee true liberty and justice to all
who are engaged in the public service, and
likewise contain stringent provisions against
the use of official authority to cerce the po-
litical action of private citizens or of ofiicial
subordinates, is greatly to be desired."
His civil service reform is again promi
nent as in his former messages, and ho re
commends thai: "Fixed rules be adopted
for the regulation of appointments, promo
lions aud removals, establishing a uniform
method, leaving exclusively in view, in ev
ery instance, the attainment of the best
qualifications for the position in question,
ftuch a method alone is consistent with the
equal rights of all citizens, aud the most eco
nomical aud efficient administration of the
public business." "lu the city of New
York over two thousand positions iu the
civil service have been subject, in their ap
pointments aud tenure of place, to the ope
ration of published rules for this purpose,
during the past two years. The results of
these practical trials have been very satis
factory w aud have confirmed my opinion in
favor uf this system of selection. All are
subjected to the same tests and the result is
free from prejudice by personal faver or par
tisan influence. It secures for the position
applied lor the best qualifications attainable
among the competing applicants." Mr,
Hayei either has a remorse of con
science at this time or he thinks the Amer
ican people have so far forgotten the wrong
perpetrated four years ago as to hide the
fact that the few who manipulated the pro
ceedings in Louisiana aud Florida were re
warded for making out the written document
by which he was seated, and haw received
silaries in many cases amounting to $7500
yearly. However, if four years of service
has brought this man to conviction on this
one subject a good end Is accomplished,
Speaking of polygamy, he says; "I re
cjiumeiid that Congress provide for the gov
ernment of Utah by a governor and judges,
or by commUsiin4, appuiuted by the Presi
dent and confirmed by the Senate a gov
ernment analagnus to the provisional gov
ernmeut established fur the territory north
west of the Ohio by the ordinance of 1787.
If, however, it is deemed Ust to continue
the existing form of of local government, I
recommend that the right to vote, hold of
fice and sit on juries in the territory of
Utah be confined to those who neither prac
lice nor uphold polygamy."
A great amount of space) is devoted to
making mention of the existing treaties
with other nations and provinces.
As a reword for the "services of the Com
mander-in-chief of our armies duritg the
war" he recommends "Au Act of Congress,
authorizing the appointment of a Captain
general of the artny.wit1) suitable provisions
relating to compei.sition, retirement, aud
other details " Why should General Grant
bs so rewarded, wheu he is but one of the
many nhoaldtd in achieving the vic'ory 7
Washington who gave us our independence
was content to serve his country for tvo
terms aud theu retire. With Grant it was
different. He aloue could not have accom
plished the wotk, but with the assistance of
many others even more deserving than Le
the result was attained,
Wilh this last message Hayes will end hit
career, and the memory of how be attained
the position, and Its results, be banded down
lo generations,
Tho X. Y. Sun thinks that the Demecrtcy
mado n great mistake in not Insisting on
the nomination of Tllden and Hendricks. It
says that they dropped their great aud win
ning Issue'
The proposition to elect Gen. Grant Uni
ted Stales Senator for this State does not
seem to meet with the approval of tho or
gans Grow Is the Favorite, nnd this fact
will probably produce a combination tha'
will defeat him. It is difficult to tell who
will be the sujcrcsor of Senator Wallace.
The Kunxvllle Tribune, Democrat, under
takes to explain how it was that Teuutsseo
elected a Republican Governor last month.
It cays ! "Teiincs"ce has felt that the sa
cred obligation of discharging her private
lebls surmounts nil other measures, and for
that reason nobly accepted tho shamo of
Republicanism for a season rillier than en
dure the eternal sllgina of dishonesty."
Tho "Democratic House has been prolific"
In restoring confidence to the people. In
last l9iie we showed why confidence had
been restored. Let all read carefully the ar
ticle. Again we repeat that the expenses of
the government, In proportion to the amount
of work done, has been lightened, and we
quote the figure) given in tho last annual
message. "Of the principal of the dobt,
$103,75S,100 has has been paid since March
1, 1S77, effecting an annual saving of inter
est of $G,107,593." Could any better way
of restoring confidence be taken than that
our great law makers shovld begin to re
duce expenses?
Congress meets to day. As the people at
at th late election approved Credit Mobilier
jobs and Da Golyer pavement swiudles it
will not be surprising if the lobby, which for
four years has been banished from the feder
al capltol, will re-appear lull-armed lor a
new assault on the treasury. Whether Vox
Dei at Vox Diaboli It is nsvertheles Vox
Pojiith, and will he so regarded at least by
the representatives of the1, ''third house."
Hut the democratic majority in congress
should not hesitate to perform its duty to
the country in spite of (he purchased ver
dict In favor of a currupt unprincipled par
ty. A sound measure of civil service reform
should be passed, the tariff revised In the
interest of the whole people rather than for
the benefit of a favored few, the political
assessment bill should become a law.and an
amendment to the constitution abolishing
the cumbrous and worm eaten electoral ma
chinery should be adopted. The democrats
can thus not only do "the state some ser
vice," but make a platform which will give
them congress in 1882 and the presidency
in I8S4 by an overwhelming triumph.
Patriot of the 6th.
flood, Sound Advice.
Senator Heck, if he is from the "Solid
South," gives some good advice that, If fol
lowed, would Inevitably lead to results cat
culated to benefit the country at large. The
Democrats should do their duty, and leave
the responsibility of any lack of a proper
appreciation of the situation upon tho Re
publicans, should they endeavor this win
ter to block wholesome legislation. These
remarks of Senator Beck can supplement
what we have to say in another place re
specting Congress and its relations to the
people :
"The evident policy of the Democrats at
the approaching session of Congress, which
hasonly seventy or eighty working days, is to
make it strictly a business session, take no
holiday recess, pass all the necessary appro
priation bills, the census bills, aid commerce
ana the carrying trade, if possible impiove
the Mississippi and our great water-ways, to
cheapen transportation and render an extra
session after March 4th unnecessary. If the
Republicans by dilatory or other proceed
ings prevent us from doing so, the responsi
bility for all the evils an extra session will
Inflict upon the business of the country will
be upon them, If we waste time by a long
recess and by dilatory conduct in the first
part of the session and neoessary bills should
then fail, the country will hold us responsi
ble. I think the press t ill do good service
by urging these facts on Democratic mem
bers, as they may arrange their affairs be
fore leaving home for continuous work from
December Cth till March 4th." Banner.
Woman Against Woman.
The first marriage in a Mormon family is
attended by the same manifestation of af
fection as in other communities. Llvlne
under a system where polygamy is inculca
ted as a divine Institution, where It is con
stantly urged from the pulpit and sur
rounded by the example, It is not strange,
that at the first manifestation of domestic
infelicity the husband should alienate him
self from his wife and seek another compan
ionship for qualities which he imagines will
perfect his happiness. When the blow falls
and the wife finds that another is enthroned
in the husband's affections, who is to have an
Intimate share of his life, she often becomes
broken-hearted, and gncs speedily to tho
grave or drags out a miserable existence
for her children's sake. In a large number
of cases, when tho first wife finds hcrsell
dethroned, she becomes transformed into a
she devil, and resolves to make it hot for
her liege and his unw wife, and as a general
thing succeeds in doing so. The bitter
hatreds and jealousies which exist in these j
families are Indescribable. The children
side with their mother against the father,
while the other wives and their children are
objects of intense aversion. It matters noth
ing that occasionally a man of strong char
acter is able to hold his family in subjection
and compel au apparent true). Kven in pov
erty tho husband is often compelled to sep
arate his wives in bouses widely located,
where in many caso-e they support them
selves and their children. Those possessing
larger resources are alike compelled to erect
distant dwellings, from which the families
watch his attentions and bounty to the
others with bitter animosity. There is an
other class of women who may be termed
religious enthusiasts, and who would be
ranked among the liberal minded women
at the Kast. The.e women endorse vehem
ently the doctrines of their church, and ev
en urge their husbands to take additional
wives. It is this class who get up the peti
tions to congress setting forth the beauties
of their condition aud they are made useful
to influence tha young. The whole teaching
and practlcn nt the Mormon cburoh tends to
thedegradatiou of the women and the brutal
ization of the men. It teaches that no wom
an can be called Into existence In the life
hereafter eicept at her husband's pleasure.
She must, therefcire,exert herself to minister
to his gratification here, that he may not be
offended with her in the next world. It is
also impressed upon her tint In proportion
to heraacrifices in this life the greater will
be her reward iu the next.
Tools were sold at Pittsburgh on the ques
tion whether Emmet, the actor, would bo
sober enough to perform that night. He
wu qW.
Presidential ritfalls.
The President-elect, In a speech which
ws reported In The Ttme) a few days ago,
without meaning It, called attention In a
very forcible way to the dangers that sur
rounded the Presidential electoral system,
Addressing the electors of his own State, he
said .' "Although you and nil the members
of tho Electoral College had an absolute con
stitutional and technical right to vote for
anybody you choose, and tho'igh no written
law directed or suggoted your choice, yet
every American knew that the august sov
ereign of tne republic tho nine millions of
voters on an early day In November had
pronounced the omnipotent fiat of choice,
and that sovereign, assuming as done that
which he had ordered to bo done, e.itertatn
od no doubt that his will would be Implicitly
obeyed by all the colleges in all tho states.
That is the reasin why the people were so
serenely quiet yesterday." As a matter of
sentiment this is all very pretty, but Gen
eral Garfield knows very well that the sys
tern upon which he bestows so much praise
Is wrong, dangerous aud full id' peril. Presi
dential elections ought not to depend upon
the loyalty of politicians. They should be
governed by the strictest and most stringent
statutes that legislators can devlso. The
Presidency of the UnltedStates is the high
est office that man can bestow upon man.
The ruler of England, Empress or Emperor,
the Czar of Russia, the President of the
French Republic, the monarchy of Ger
many or of Austria not one of them all
wields the power he wields. Alexauder can
not remove even a chamberlain of his palace
without consulting bis nobles. Victoria can
not command her own guards without an
Ing the advice of Mr. Disraeli or Mr. Glad
stone. William Is almost tho slave of His
mark. The Pope Is the creature of his Car
dinals. Alfonso, ruling over Arragon and
Castile and Cuba, is the puppet of his prime
Minister. The president of Franco must
bow to Gamhetta. The President of the
United States is alone supreme. Ho cannot
to be sure, declaro war, but war declared he
can postpone almost Indefinately the day of
peace. With a party behind him, a bare
majority of one legislative chamber, he can
call into existence an army of office-holders
almost as large as tho standing army of
Great Britain, lie is the Commander-ln
Chief of the Army nd Navy, of fifty mil
lions of people. He oontrols the disburse
meut of hundreds of millions of dollars an
nually. Tho prizes of life for which men
toil aud strive Generals, Judge, Gover
nors, Cabinet officers, foreign Ministers ere
all at his disposal. Tobceumho is only a
trus'ce, but why should the conferring of so
stupendous a trusteeship be left, as it is left
under the present system, to the chances of
a political lottery, for that is really all that
it is?
Gene ral G irfield has the reputation, nnd
we b-lievo justly, of being a student of our
politics and of our history. There ran be
no doubt that he understands the theory of
our government and of the constitution bet
ter than any man who has set In the execu
tive chair sirce Lincoln and Buchanan, and
we confess that we are surprised and
amazed that in the first public uttrranco he
bus made since the official declaration of his
t hctlou was promulgated he should, parrot
like, rattle ofl" the old, unmeaning, thread'
bare compliments about the honor and the
honesty and the virtues of politicians. Gen
eral Garfield missed a very great opportunity
to direct the public mind and concentrate
public attention upon the one weak link in
tho chain of our constitutional government,
the Electoral College system. As he points
out in the extract we have quoted from bis
speech, the Presidential election really took
pine not in November, hut in December. It
is true that a mxj irity of the people of the
United States declared a month ego that
General Garfield was their choice for prcsi
dent, but if tho Electoral College decided
otherwise a mouth later ; if they should say
that General Hancock or General Grantand
not General Garfield should b prosldent,
there is no power in the constitution or in
congress or iu the courts to revise their de
cision. If they had chosen to defeat the
will of the people as expressed at the polls
aud elect Geueral Garfield's mm servant,
no power could prevent him, if he be a citi
zen, from entering the White House on the
fourth of next March. This is the doctrine
of tlo Cousti'utinti, ft. letter and spirit, ex
presseil in the plainest and most direct
terms. But this is not the only danger of
defeating the popular will lurking in this
constitutional machine for the grinding out
of presidents. A blunder iu a name, the
mistake of a date, the negligence of an of
ficial and a huudrcd other acts of omission
or commission may uuder certain given cir
cumstancs operate as effectually as wilful
criminality to reverse the verdict of the peo
pie. Georgia ! a case In point. Tho char
acteristic perversity that as a rule marks ell
legislation below the line of the Potomac
and the stupidity or obliquity that for some
inscrutable purpose of the Almighty has al
ways distinguished Southern officials make
it exosedingW doubtful whether or not the
vote of that State can be counted next
March. Happily It does not make any dif
ference one way or the other sn far as the
result goes; but suppose fir arguments Bake
the election hinged upon the vote of Geor
gia. In what condition should we find our
selves? It is easy in such a contingency to
picturo the excitement and bewilderment In
which the whole cuuutiy would be plunged.
In Indiana there is said to be another infor
mality. Suppose Garfield's or Hancock's
election depended upon the voto of that un
certain and exasperating little common
wealth 1 Fortunately we have escaped tho
perils of the Electoral College pitfalls this
year. Let us abolish so wretched a contrl
vauce before auuther national election comes
round Timet,
There is an idea prevalent that railroad engi
neers are cerele's and hard-hearted. While we
do not dtsiielo approve of any loss of life or
upheld all ll.e actions of these men, yet we do
know that some have the highest regard
for human life, and are ever on the alert for
those who may be upin the track. To give our
readers the knowledge of hat control the
railroad companies have over their right of
way, and lhat their road must be regarded as
strictly private property, we give below the de
cision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at
Pittsburg on Monday, November 29, 188C:
"Kicepl at crossiogs, where the public have
the lighlof way, a man who steps his foot upon
a ra.lrnad track, does so at his peril. The
company has not only the right of way, but it
Is eiclu-jye at all hues and for all purposes,"
"It also ought lo he equally well understood
lhat parents who permit their children to tres
pass upon the track are goilly of negligence,
It is not only gross hut culpable negligence,
as It Imperii! tbs lives of the children so tres
passing, as also the lives of the travel ing pub
lic I"
The new street coaches In Philadelphia.
after a week's trial, are pronounced a great
success. They go full all the wblle.are more
comfortable than cars or stages, each pas
engtr is sura ot a teat, and the routes are an
varied that, by transfers, anv part of the
city may be readily reached. Those now In
uae bold eight persooi.and arc drawn by one
hone. Additional ones art to be of double
lr,for two horses.
The temperance lecture of S. N. Walker, of
our town, in the Methodist church on Monday
evening, was as able and profound a discourso
as we have I. ad the pleasure of listening to for
a long time. He clearly demonstrated how
much alcohol there was In a given quantity of
liquor, and then analyzed the alcohol, showing
the large auiountof poisonous matter that helps
to make up Its composition. The audience was
a lares and Belect one and the Professor had
their cloat attention from tho commencement
to the close.
We havo much pleasure In recommending
Thcrmaline to our readers, as an nbsoluto
cure for Malaria. Tho ninnufnctur6rn' namo
nlono Is n guaranteeof ita merit. It scllsat25
cents per box. For particulars see Advt.
uly 30, 80 6m
Daily Courier l'asl Suginave.Mieh. Sot. 11, '80.
Certainly ns good an evening's entertainment
as has been seen In this city for some time, was
given nt the Academy last evening by Mmc.
l!en!z a Minstrels. It deserves a belter title
than 'minstrels,' as every teene is either vocal
or instrumental of a high order with an occa
sional bit ot refined merriment thrown in to en
liven tho performance,and a far more appropri
ate name would be "Grand Concert of Refined
Musical Novelties." Its peculiar nature and
title may have ltd some lo suppose that Mme.
Reutz's Minstrels was hardly the proper thing
for a lady lo visit, but the impression Is erro
l coos, as a more refined entertainment could
not possibly be plartd on the stage. From be
ginning to end it was replete with novel spec
ialties and charming vorntiam, There were la
lh s who executed admirable solos upon such
difficult instruments as the flute, clarinet, cor
net and harp, and each with a perfection rarely
equaled. There were vocal and dialogue
sketches ofgreat excellence and varied charac
ter. The burlesque "Penn's Aunts Among the
Pira'es," brim full of fun, closed the entertain-m-nt,
and any wculu-be imitators 'of Mine.
R n z'a Minstrels will plcac take notice lhat
the origie al trtupe has been here, and we want
them again, and no others.
The Handsome Nickel Plated New Hone
Lamp being Introduced lo the public this see
son, is the most meritorious article ever offered
agents to make murcy wi h, is safer atid moie
convenient Inan the stutleut lamp, which has
heretofore hid ihe reputation of being the saf
est lamp mide, it has a clamp to attach it to
the Bewii g lmcliiii", piino, organ, desk, etc.
The fear ot the ordinary 1 imp being accident
ally upset or thrown trorn the table, is entirely
releivedby the simple clamp contrivarce. It
can bo adjusted to lliro w ihe light just where it
is wante-d to suit the eves, nnd cm be conven
ed into a handsome wall lamp It has Ihe best
argind burner, nfillint; indicet r, and ronveni
enl match box, and its price is within the reach
of every one. It has been fully tested and edi
torially endorsrd by the Western Christian Ail.
KKate, Am. Chriilian lln 'uw, Herald and Pres
byter, Journal and Memenger, ami Chriilian Stan
dard, the leading religious pipers of Cincin
nati, and is endorsed ny the Mayor and Post
master of Cincinnati, the agent of the Ameri
can express company and presidents of insur
nnce companies, as being the fafist, most com
venient and h"st lamp made.
There are three easuns why agents should
seek such an article to canvass fjr first fur its
absolute safety and great convenience, it is
needed in every home s-'coad its low price
makes its sale immen'e third it will be a
great credit to hindle such an article. One
southern agent write", it sells faster than Gen.
Lee's portrait )d right after the war, anoth
er write', it bents the p.tltny elsys etf the sew
ing machine, its rapid sale, low price, and lib
eral terms surprise old agents. Address Home
Lamp Co , Cincinnati, O., mentioning our pa
per and they will give you full particulars and
exclusive territory to canvass in. nov.5-13w
The Sunburv Dailv sava that two immense
porkers were recently killed by a Snyder coun
ty printer dressing re-prct'vely 22j and 37J
pounds. They wero scalded in a coffee pot and
hung on a clothes line. The familv ate ihe
smalhst for dinner and supper the fame
day, and Billed the largest in a quemsware
hogshead for winter U6e. The report that the
owner of these monsters borrowed lard of a
neghbor to crease the aausaee stuffer is not cor-
rect- This unwarranted and unmitigated ly
ing about printers and their possessions ouuht
to cease!
Sheriff Bastian, of Lycoming county, read
the death warrants of George Smith and Mrs
Miller on Saturday last, and ihe day of their
execution, at Williamsporl, is fixed for the
sixth of January, A petition is being circu
lated recommending a commutation of sen
tence lo Imprisonment lor life.
The medicines of Dtnnus Dick .t fjo. aro
unexcelled for elegance, pnrity, and relia
bility. Their SeJdlitine Seidlitz Powdera,
are as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft
Capsnles aro world famous. See Advt
july SO, '80 0m
Mr, Fred. Middaugh, of this city has in his
po'session a badge of yellow silk ribbon, print'
ex! during the Polk and Dallas campaign, on
which is printed the following:
You must take it, old Coonf It's of no use to kick 1
Here a rooster on top of a coon.)
It's o, poor Harry Clayl
Forsaken Harry Clay I
You never can be President,
For so;tne people say,
Three students at the Kentucky Military
Tnstftlltn hnvA hpn finpd 9.i snMi for whin.
ping a woman.and she has sued their wealthy
tamers tor fiu uuu uamages.
The re are few cities In the United Statea or
the Canadas, which have not several well
known residents, who have been materlullv
benefitted by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor.
The original youthful color has returned to fa
ded and bleached .ocks, bald spots have been
re covered; or brashr, dry and wiry hair lias
been brought to a smosth glossiness.
Read the following plain statement, every
word of which is true:
Mrs. .Oliver Davenport, of Williamstown,
Yt., and 69 years old, lost her hair 39 yearB
ago, by a disease of Ihe scalp, presumably, as
sLe had no sicknees. For 33 years she tried
many 'restorers' Ac, with no effect. A year
agu last May, coming by chance, in possession
of a part of a botde of 'Avor's Hair Vigor,' she
applied it and a downy growth of hair began to
cover her head. She has since usee) three bot
tles and about a half, and at this lime her hair
Is twelve Inches In length, brown in color, not
at all gray, and covering heF had, with the
exception of a spot on top, and that has a
downy growth starting upon II, which she
thinks a persistent ue of Ihe Vigor will bring
out like the rest.
October 22, J880.
The particulars of this cass can be verified
by the Postinsater and other prominent eiti
sens; also by the editor of Ihe Norlhfield, Vt-,
Tha Hair Vigor is prepared by Ir, J. C,
Ajer & Co , Lowell, Mass., aud told by drug
gists In this town. dec 10-Sw
A young thief, on being arrested at Read
Ing, Pa., said he hoped God would paralylzo
blm If he was not Innocent, within a few
days he was stricken with paralysis, nnd he
is now firm In tho belief lhat It was In con
sequence of his impious prayer.
A Pennsylvania law provides that all tnnn
cy put into a stockholder's hands ns a wager
may bo seized and devoted to tho support ol
the poor. The stattito is sixty years old
and has long been a dead letter. Tho poor
board of ScrAtiton, however, havo under
taken to enforce It In that city,
It is strongly suspected lhat 11 Simon
Cameron were placed In Queen Victoria's
stocking as a Christmas present he would be
In Chester county n Miss Emma Simmers
obtained a verdict of fo.OOO for breach of
In tho case of Helen E, Cunningham
against Shorlstheitner it Statnmp, of Elm!
ra, for Injury to means of support lu conse
quence of liquor soiJ to plaintiff's husband
by the defendants, tho jury rendered a ver
dict in favor of Mrs. Cunningham for seven
hundred dollars.
The medical student of Maine must dis
sect before he can become au M. D. but the
law provides that no bodies shall be dissec
ted except those of ex cuted criminals, and
another law abolishes capital punishment,
Mr' George West of Eislon, who caught
the large six pound and n quarter black bass
lu tho Delawaro at Sandt's Eddy, has been
awarded the Afield and Afloat prize of a fish
erman's outfit.
A company is about being organized in
Clinton county for the purpose of manu
facturing sewing thread from wood.
The Texas railroad Is now opcratlug017
miles of Hue.
The Thanksgiving proclamation of Gov
ernor Thayer, of Oregon, comprised ouly
a dozen lines, counting date, signatures and
all else.
Thcro are G,000,000 acres of sugar land in
Texas which can grow 0,000,000 hogshead of
sugar and 377,000,000 hogsheads of mo
lasses. The California vintage this year is esti
mated at from 11,000,000 lo 14,000,000
"I will now treat of tho tariff issue," said
an orator in the last campaign. "Bejabers"
said an Irish hearer, "ye'd better trate the
Henry Wlnant.of Richmond Valley ,Stalen
Island, one night recently heard a strange
noise in tho cellar of his house, and, procur
ing a lamp, started to learn tho cause. On
reaching the bottom of the cellUr bteps he
sew a large cat glaring at him. The animal
attacked Mr. Winaut witli its teeth and
claws, and in the lignt the lamp chimney
was broken aud the light extinguished
Finally Mr. Winaut got hold ofnbar of iron
with which he killed the cat. In the strug
gle he received several scratches and had bis
clothing torn. The animal weighed twenty
three pounds. For mouths it had been
teen running about the woods near Mr. Win
nut's house, and it never failed to attack a
human being when uu opportunity offered
Geticia! Tombs, will erect in Georgia a
factory at a cost of $200,000.
A dressmaker at Minneapolis, whose lover
recently parted from her most tenderly,
pined for Mm until her reason was unsettled,
lie had set out for a business trip and vas
expecting to return iu a short time; bnt she
could not wait. She started for a walk
along the railroad track, and became poss
essed with the idea that she was communing
wilh his spirit. The ghost told her who he
was and related the circumstances of ids
death. The ghost conversed with her freely
and told her not to be frightened. She went
home, took a good djse ef strychnine and
The Brookhaven (Miss.) Ledger says:
"A few days since I met an old friend and
hunter, J. D. Blue of Lincoln county, who
informed me that for the past two years a
certain buck has been iu the habit of eating
up the cow peas of the neighborhood. Sev
eral times they havo tried to entrap him,
but to no purpose. Last Wednesday Mr,
Blue was feeding the hogs wheu a favorite
hound 'Old Sport' gave a yelp and going
to a famous stand in the Uumonchittu
known as tffe beegum stand, he shot a large
buck, with the following marks and a
medal, which 1 will describe: A swallow
fork on her left car and uuderbit on right,
with small clip on tall. Tho medal was
brass and bore the seal of Kentucky, and on
one side was the figures 1700. On skin
ning the deer, which weighed 177J pounds
dressed, Mr. Blue found a porcupine quill
deeply imbedded iu the flesh, with words
faintly inscribed, 'Kentucky shall be our
frontier, 1709.' "
The good times promised in the event ot
Garfield's election are coming with a ven
geance. In New York on Monday of last
week there was no less than four failures.
C. Rishley & Co.,wholesale coffee merchants;
Julius Seibert, wholesale dealer in tubacco;
Elisha R. in men's furnishing
goods, aud Chauncy Holt, printer, made as
signments "for the bcuefit of their creditors"
The indebtedness of these several firms
amounts to a couple of million of dollars.
The liabilities of C. Rishley & Co. are
f80G,7C5 53 and the assets available are
$229,017 51
Agents and Canvassers make from $25 to
$50 per week selling goods for E.G. Ride
out ft Co., 10 Barclay street.New York. Send
fur their cat alogue and terms. sep.l0,'60-ly
Hayes message is said to contain 15,000
It should be the aim or every owner ol
Horses, Cows,itc, to make tbcm as handsome
and Useful as possible. The German Horse
aud Cow I'owder helps to develop all the
powers of the animal It improves its lieau
ty nnd increases its usefulness. It makes
milk, muclo and fat, l!y usinK It a horse
will do uiorewnrk and a cow give more milk
aud be In better condition with less feed.
Sold only by weight at 16 cents a pound by
O. A. Klelm, llloomsburg.
rw 12. 79-1 y
tin Orj,s ll iml cn Irt.t.
lYIHrtunAL ex
nr -PB.HDI 3lrct rroii, I-et-ry Co
:. . 1
''' '"i.ussliml, l.ic .14
v id !... e. ..... .;,,7 w
j'y.lor t
low man
tlr Jlllks wine!,
Cannot net out iiSl V I
of Older. KKlll
Vk-sSHiiiiii I
MONDAY, Dec. 13.
Always the Best I
Tho Best Company Ever Organized,
A Wi'tillli ' Sew Novelties'.
Peon's Aunts Among; the Pirates
a WOULD or row I
k Wealth of Novelty !
ItescrTcd seats 60 cents, on sale at usual place.
estatk or iiiram ii. BROAnr, nrci!Ai;n.
r ,.trra nf n.ltntnlsl rnt Ion on the estate of Illrnm II.
nroadt, la:e r Ihe town ot liloomstnirp.ColumMa ro.
e.oi,i.'n . rirnt(-il. line,. N-pn crunlpcl bv Hie Itetrls-
trrot sale! count to Delia A. liroadt.nclinlnMratrlt
Ittoomsburir .VI rwons having claims sgnlnst es
tate or the eirceilcnt are requested to present them
for kettle mcnt and those- Indented to Ihe estate to
mnVc p.irmeiit to the undersigned Admlntstratrli
wmiouiaciar. ,,.,, , .
Acl'mlnlstrat ix,
dec. 10, VO-Gw P. ti. Hlooomsliurg, I'a.
Tf.ffrsr.f Administration on Iheestrtto of Mary
Vordin, late cf Mt. Pleasant towr.sliln.Culnmbla en ,
w.nn',1 . il.f.-oEi'il. linsn l n L-rnnled livlhe lteirts-
ter ot said ciunty to Ihe un'cre IgnoJ Administrator.
sn m-cnMi limine rl.illim nL-nttist tlieestatc Ol Hie
deredent nre requested to pr-sent tt.cni for settle
ment, fllJll 1 IJO-Sl- Ill'U'Uiru iu urn ri-iuiu 1 1 -
inent to Iho undersigned Administrator without , .m...
.1, II. 1,11 I
I) c in, Cw, Administrator.
Is Ii V TAIt the tHsf llnMness nnd Huctil elulde and
llanii-"ook ever published Much the latest. It t"IU
mm- Tei Dei In the best av. Ilow
to be vour own lawye-r. Ilow to do business correct
ly and successfully. Ilow to net In society ntul In
e,-erv pait of life, and centnlns a trold mine of nil d
Information Indispensable to nit e lapses for const mt
referen.-e. aiikStm vati:i for all or snare
time. To Kno wny mis uook oi icr..i, vuiuu ur.u
attraction Bells belter than any other, apply fcr
terms to Dovolass IIros., I'hlladclpUl.i, I'a, and
Cincinnati, O. dec. 10, lw r
11 A XTC30 to ft, 000; 2toSJ Slops l'laro
t lVVTrVll PtW "p. Paper Kree. Addre s
lunlel 1'. ih-attr, Washington, N. J.dec. 10 S0--2 w d
Diseases of the Throat anil Lungs.
In diseases of the pul
monary organs a afo
ntul lellnblo remedy Is
Invaluable-. Avkii's
dinner 1'ictoiiai. is
such a remedy, nnd no
other so eminently iner
. its the confidence uf
the public. It Is a sci
entific combination of
the medicinal princl
jilcs and cnr.itlvc Ur
ines Ol Ilic iniest urugH,
chemically united, of
such power ns lo insuto
el,., irrentpst linssililie
h!l cfticlcncy ami unlfoini-
Tvr"TfT Tf lty of results. It strikes
I'LC 1 OKtttli. . the. foundation ol all
pulmonary diseases, affordlne; prompt leltef
and rapid cures, nnd Is adapted to patients of
any ago or cither sex. llelng very palatable-,
the youngest children taUo it readily. In
ordinary CohbIis, Colels, Soro Throat,
Hroucfiltis, Inlliicnzn, Clergyman's
Soro Throat, Asthma, Croup, anil Ca
tarrh, the effects ol Arm's Ciminr I'ec
toiiai. are magical, and multitudes aro an
nually preserved liom serious illness by its
timely and faithful use. It should lw Kept
at hanil in every household lor tho pio
lection it affords lu sudden attacks. Iu
Whooping; -cough aud Consumption
llicru is no other remedy so eitlicadous,
soothing, and helpful.
Low prices are inducements to try some of
tho many mixtures, or syrups, madu of cheap
and ineffective ingredients, now ottered,
which, as they contain no curative! qualities,
can afford only temporary relief, and aro
sure to deceive and disappoint tliu patient.
Diseases of the throat and lungs demand
active and effective treatment and it is dan
gerous experimenting with unknown aud
che-ap medicines, from the great liability that
tlicso diseases may, while) so trilled wills,
become deeply seated or Incurable.
Arm's CiiEnur I'kctoiim., and jou may
confidently expect tho best results. It is a
standard medical preparation, ol known and
acknow ledgd curative power, and is as
cheap as its careful preparation and finu
ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians,
knowing its composition, prescribe it in their
practice. Tho test of half a century has
proven its nbsoluto certainty to euro all pul
monary complaints not alteady beyond tin)
leach ot human aid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 84 Co.,
Practical antl Analytical CbemUts,
Lowell, Mass.
Rowoll & Co'a. Advc'a.
PIA.MIMnml eil(e: N-s t llXTHAOUIIINAItV
low price,, rr e-H-li Instalmentsrecehed.
Dlll OICCJAN!, H S5, fsill Up M All.M r ICI.NT
Itosuw, ueil) PIANOS, Moid and Cover, only J ui
arianted 6 e&rs. illustrated c-utakiL-nn mnlleit
Agenta Wanted. 1IOUACE WATKIts I: co.,.Manu
faclurers and Dealers, sas Ilroadway, New York.
jjoi doju. r nee, iu-iw
A KAtt aim expenses to ag-eLLs.
outnt Free. Address p. o. VICKKIIV,
Augusta, Matno. r dec 10-4w
e. PVEHTISEIts bend for our Select List of local
JY Newspapers. Ueo. P. Howell Co., 10 spruce
Everybody reads Tub Hi-n, In editions ot this
uuwM.uiitT lurQuguoui inojeariocoino everybody
will nnd:
J. AU the world's news, so presented that the read
er iu i't-i, iuu yrfitrbiamuunt oi wirorrnatlou with
tl.eleat unrruUt&ble eiDenaituru nf fimHflM m...
tleht Thk hL'N loop u;o dlscouTed tho poldea
iine.U ee.ivi.UH.UUUUemvllim WUUii UH3UUMUCIO
TV blL'VltV.
II. Much of that sort of news which depends less
ultum ii muijuuru iiuLiui tautju nidii upon us infer
ebt to mankind. Knmi mornlmj to morning 'Hie
hCN prints a continued Btory or the lUea of real men
and worn, n, and of their deeds plans, toes, haies.
...... ..-.v.a. n.u.j lOIUWDiniH-USDUWUri)
lt.tere.tlng than any romance that vsas eu-rde-vlst
lit. Clool wrllln? lnnv.rv enlntnn nn,l fr..-e.w.uu
originality, accuracy, aud decorum In the treatment
of every subject
Iv. lion si comment, Tiik ben's habit Is to sneak
out fearlessly about men and things.
V. Eiiual candor In U-allni; write each political
pnrty, anil eiiual readiness lo commend what Is
bratMuorthy or to reuuko what Is blamablo lu
I'.iuuuaivi licirjutanu,
VI. Absolute lndeni'tiileneA fA lurilann
Hons, but unwavering lojalty to irun Democratic
piinctpli-s Tun that tho eiowruuient
which iho Coustllutlou gives us Is a good ono lo
keep. Its notion oiduty Is to resist lots utmost
power Iho e-tTurts or teu In the Hepubllcau party to
betunanoih r form of government In pace of lint
wbtih exists. 'Ihojear lsi and iho eurs lmuicdl-
itrij lununiiig w 111 prunauiy ucclda lids supreme-It
Important contest mi uvu lu-in-wo, 11,01,1,..,...
tory will bo with tho pe-op 0 as agilnst the Kings for
monopoly, tlio Itlngs tor plunder, and the lllugs lor
Imperial power
our terms uro as r Hows:
I'ur thei Dully hen, a four-psgo fcheetof twenti
elglH co.umns, iho price by mall post paid, Is
u cents a 111 mill or towajejr; or. Including the
hunday napir an e-lgui-page sheet of nttj-sls ; col-
m...uo, nivu Uj n-uva u mouiii or iijua j ear,
Dosrairt) etald. 11
iho Hunday edition of Tub Mn Is also furnt-hed
septralely at II Wl a lear. postugo paid.
1 no price ol the Wsskty i-cn eight pages, titty,
ft columns, Is n a jear, postage paid. I'ur clubs t!
-- nil, nuuu uil OAira OODV H'CO.
Add.r,;"n , . ' w- KMII-AND,
Publisher of T11 1 cu. New York city.
nefoe,iMIlili, rupmMtlUt ,
r. oi U ibis (,,,. jo lMb V K 1 1
It. It oil I"'"' 1 """ uf "J. uuu
. "" -- ut e-inr w em. ui.ribiu..ui n...i..
essiu'e',iu' a.!,',.? V.EiiA? itua,' "w "
s. ,.uWy.,i ee",;; u';;,':,T;r"'""-wu""i4u
Nt:celN!.-TU tin tu.i iiid bene e-mi ot ibe corn rn bs
lKllf.1 Ineu erne tester!, siul Itie body e! tlicrnr Into n.ollii r.
wtilclilisn liii;nucnv,,iir,.Ce,a, ,!,, lluitri nitat only
tliecorn from th 0 niUJ lj of tbeear, '
iverr rflmiprwinle iota outlier ror tbrlllnsrcorn for isul-
for mesl. fur srtil.or for ant tlndlar nuriots lo uiteetr
mant lara-v. Muh-nrlred thcllt-n tit may bate.
It -will I'iiv I'or ItHelf siieiiy 'riieicH AIIV I'llllUi
pRRxetriu , 1 11 si .miI en 1. ...1 , 1- , .. .
WtbtlliitMttolii.h- bell II. i,,ie'jri,
AOKNTfi WANTlill Ian rf ffilirV 7
rnTiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiTnTniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm- .
Jt Torladics goods.wrile on t I as follows.
If for rentlcmen'8 coods, writo
In either coso you w 111 receive
3 get Roods from tho city cheaply, quickly nnd safely, with prlvllcgo of return H
anurciunuoi moneyii noisuucu in every particular, h
ri Tho distance makes no dlOcrcacc. Wo scud coods and samples to every R
j-H utaioaua Territory.
a. :b robbhsts,
laUUUIlilSUil JLU XI. W.
rinc IlrntiellcN, WIilslilt-N, filns,
rtuaiiij sua letlllll,
Landlords tlnoiiKl out tlio county will find it to their atlvunliirrp tn
call and examine my stock before
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July o; '80-1 y
. Pr!.r CTTAlWS? HEADACHE PILLS euro most wonderfully ma
,LUf yi t n.ii! I .tiCICItaiid UUKVOUS HEADACHE ; and, while
'lw in ft. 'i i ulm h v t m. r line D Y&PEPi3!A in ita voff Hdtt ,CiC:uib-
, jU"i,M' "el .a c f ncuaof bilo, producing anulJir healthy action of Iho bowtls.
Jj 1 i fr M"......L. i,
;'!'; A fullslio boxofthoso vnlunblo PILLS, sil'h full ell- J
SjV 'AA -ns ..r n coniploto CUro, . .uu I lonnvii'lilrissnii of JH
J -" 1 S-COnt PotltaKO Stumps. 'cr ealo W all IlruKKts. r
r.t!' EOLi: riiOI'WETOItS,
ocu is, 'an-tr
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, 6th door aPm 2vm,
Prof. Guil metre's French Liver Pad
Will rosllH fly cure Feu-rend Aric, Dumb Acne, Acuc e'tke, lilllous I'eu-r, Jaundice, Dj e-pc'rsl" . "I J';
'ilseases of the Liver, Momac-h and Wood. Tno pad cures by absorption, and is fA-rn.arieiii. Atk)"'
dniL-Klsi for this pud and lake no other. If he does not ke e p It, tend t M to the K. KMJI1 I AI)(-0. (J
Branch) TOLEDO, Ohio, and receive It by return mall. For sale by JOHN 11. KINPOlilb, Hrurelst,
street, ahoco Iron, liloomsourc ta u'P iu
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly
hogua Organs that aro continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to be ollereil cheap, and then wnen pinn
ed found to be dear at any price. "Will yuu not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to telect an instrument bearing tho
names of lirst class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment o
styles of the celebrated FEtey Oigans can now be teen at the ncwrooiu
of tho Only Authorized Agent foi tho Etty Oiganfl in
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the nuuiu
fucturerfj accompanies every Ksley Organ.
J. SALTZER, Agent,
Bloomsburg, F
for 1'rlco List No, 8.
tlio book by return mall. It tells how to H
Jtiinm, unci all klnelN ol'TVIiics con.
purchasing elsewhere.
A Positivo and Permanent Cure Guaranteed
In nil cases ol &nvel, Diabetm, Dropsy, liriglit'a Di-eme of the
Kidnpys, Inceiimiience anel Retention ol Urine, Iullamntion of
the Kiilnevp, Oalarrli of llie lllaelefer. High Colored Untie, Pain
in the Hack, Side or Loins, Nervous Weak-new, and in fact !1
ilw.ielers ol the llladeler and Urinary Organ.!, whether contract
ed hv niivate dUch-esor otherwise.
This irreul rerrndv lias Lien used with success for nearly ten tears U
Plana-, with the most wonderful curative. Kneels. It cures uy absorption
no nauseousluternal heii.n required We naiu Hundreds of tern
moid eK ut cut. s t.y this 1'ad ishen all else had fatted
LAIHEs If ou arohutlertrjir rrom Kemaln Weakness, Lceicnrrbcm, or a s.
east s necullar tolc-niales, or In fact any disease ollho kldacjs, ask jt-ur
druggist fur
I'm I'. C;ulllii(!tlv'N Il-ciicli Klellicj I'acl
and tnko no other If he Ins not not It, fce.ndlJ.lJO and you 111 rc-c-ehette
I'ad by return m .11. Adiliess U. S. Htancti
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
or JOHN II, KIM'OHT.S Druggist, Main Street atone Iron, BlotEi
V1C M 111 flin iirrwliiptinil finil