The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 10, 1880, Image 1

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miuokoi.ipatsii,) i
Milled weekly, uvcr)' Friday morning .1'
lit, id .IsilL'ttil, COM. MI1IA eol'NTY. I'A
.. , ioi.t.Ati. per year, tuccntt disco-nit it ,w,, i,
, ,,1,111 lUiw. To musi-riii mil ut in'
ut,tiio terms an finer .MMr.Mtictlj inu.l ,u
i in hit dUcoulmu ,1, fxiopt at tin- it ion ni i.
a.-acra, unlll.HI iirK.ira,cs are pill, hat I.. nit
.i.,l credits alter tlui expiration ot Hie iini
, it III not bu (,'lven
v fnp.'Mni'iittiiitof thest.ilo or to distant post
m ist bo paid for In advance, unless a rrsn. n.'
i i u In Cniumbl i county assumes to inn ii, ,
itlnn dun nil I plnitnl. ",'i,lilu
.,i rAjtK Is no longer cxnclod from subscribers In
Columbia County Official Directory
itp dent dudco Wllllfim Elwell.
, i.itc.liid'iei -1. 15 Krlekliaum, P. t Khuman,
i"t iinoiiuiiii v. -. iiiiHin iini'kiiauin.
1 1 irt srcno-iraplier i. N. Walker.
( i T.e it ''-order -Williamson It. .tacnby,
ii r t Utortiov-llobert It. Little,
s rin-l-. II Hut.
ii- -vn ul Novlnrl.
i irer It . Swemienlielser.
, ii nusloners-stupucti I'ohe, Charles Itlelinit
i ii, n err'
. n nmioncra'ClorkI. It. (Insev.
VI lltnrs-S. II. Smllli, W, Manning, 0. II. see
"i'ir "conmlssloncrs-Klt ltobbtni, Tlieodoro W
. m'tv M lPerlntondent-Wllllam It. nvdcr.
ul, i n Poor PIstrlct-IMrcctnrs-K. .1. Aibcrtson
nr nvvnod: Itecoo Kalrm.n, Scott! Oulelj H.uton,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
IT iMntnf Town Councll-tl, A. llEllltlNll.
i rk-.I. K. drotz.
I nief nl Police It Harris.
pr sldcnt of (las Company s. Knorr.
s 'retarv C. W. Miller.
,11 , nsburg Hanking Oompany-.tohn , Funston
lr Mem, ii. n. iinnz, uasnier, .lonn reacoek, Tel
,lri' s'.vlonat Hank -Charles It. I'axton, ''resident
l, e i'iiiii. wtsuivi.
M nIVer-ltev. O. 1. H. Mfirclav.
mind iv rvlcps 10 jrf a. m. and T p. m.
- inlay School 9 a.m.
'ii cr Meeting Kvcry A'cdnesd.iy evening At
t Ats'frcp. No pews rnieil. All am welcome.
Minuter Hev. Stuart MHili-fli,
s mJ.iv Services -lojtf a. in. and 7 p. m.
Mind.iv School 0 a. m.
fr.iver MeoitiiK lciy WudiicsJay eoulntf at
a'slrco. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
presMtnsr Hder llfv. W. Kvans.
MlnHtcr Hv. H. II. Vocipii.
siui'Uv Serlci's and T p. m,
sunrKv school 9 a. m.
, ,icii-Kvvrv Mondiv rvenlnir at 7 o'clock,
Vounj Men's l'racr Mcc'tnf; i:ery Tuesday
nlnrrnl 7 o'clock.
(i. ricwl l'raer Meeting-Every Thursdiy evenlnif
Corner of Third and Iron streets,
c titor- (. II. strunck.
(fildeiiCP efirner 4tli and Tathnrlne sircetfl,
uii'l.iV t'rrlcPH loitf a. in, and 7 p. m.
Sun-lav School ft a. in.
(river ieetln? satunlav, 7 p. m.
AH arc Invited There Isnlwajs room.
ivisfnr Tn hn snnnllptl.
s-in liv siTvleea a m and 7 p. m.
Mind v school 9 a. in.
praver Mcctlntf Every Wednesday evening at
o -iork.
vi's free. The public are ln lied to attend.
Hi'ctnr Itev L. Zaliner.
simdw Services inv a. ra., 7 p. m.
undav School 9 a. m.
rirct siindav In the month. Holv rommunlon.
unices preparatory to Communion on Friday
vt'iiinx nnrorn inn si runnav in nncn raonio,
ivws rented; but everybody welcome,
rrpslftlne Eldor Hev. A. L. Ilecser
Mlnlter Hev, 'ieorpo Hunter.
iindav Service 2 p. m., In t he Iron street Church
I'r.n er Meeting i:ervsabhathat 2 p. m.
i lire Invited. Allaru welcome.
rltOKKXI()N.M, CAltDS.
may 7, "JM f
( U. HAIUCLKl', Atliirney-at.l.i
V , in Iirnwer's tiiillfllnir, 2nd stury. Iti
-Law. U!!iu-
O'ilns 45
I!. I10I1ISOX, Attorni' Office
in nariman h Diiinuiip:. Main sirtci.
. W.M. M. HKBKK, .Surpeon ami I'livi
lan. omen Market i i. Near depot.'
It. KVANS, M. I)., SurKwiii anil I'IivkI
'in, (iinice and Itcsidenc on Third street
I! McKKIA'Y, M. I)., Snwon and Pliy
slclan, north side Main street, below Market,
It. J. C. KUTTKll,
omee, North Market street,
Illoornsburff, ra.
Oct. 1, la,
Jlt. I. L. HA UK,
Main Street, opposlto Eptucopal Church, Uloomi
bure. I'a.
:r Teeth extracted without pain,
net. l t;
I.CIANand M'KdEoN. sntclni attention gttn
ii. ii- iiKA-r. linn in kpcti hi inc MK I.Alt
I'llHoiT andemlKHY In alt lis arlnis brant lies.
".- 41m carefully adjusts the i;yi; with I'l.ol'Kli
f 8-10 n. m.
Hours ' II 1:.'!U p. in.-
(,7-S I', in.
. 1 Kiimi sirei't, llliiiinlHirtf, I'a.
imy to, n-it
All styles of work dono In a suptTlor manner, work
warranted as represented Tkhii Kxtkact
eh without I'aiv bv the use of lias, and
free of charge Mhen artlttilal teetti
are Inserted,
onico Corner Matn and Iron streets.
In be npen at alt hours during the day.
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
djlred. Opiira IIorsK llulldlntr, llloomsburt;, I'a.
WII) LOWKXIIKItCI, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above central Hotel.
S. KUHX, dealer it. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
uuniro sireei, oetw een sccomi ana i mru.
A UflLTSTfrf l'RKUXD, Practical liomeo-
xnatiiio nore and cow uoctor, uiuom&ourg, ra.
leu. 14, TJ If
TotiHoi'inl Ai-tist,
li ajaln at liti ol I stand under EXCIIANOK no
i.l, una Iiuj in uvul a Klltvr.cuss milliEit
S'I'JI', Ho respoetfully soil 'Its the palronantte ot
ai-i uldi'u-luiiu r and of the public Keuirally.
j Hy 10, wi-tt
r.i. i.
Catawlsa, I'a.
o'lu'Miiii" pioinrtly made and remitted, omci
Oill, i u'ils Depnfjlt U.Ulk. m-3S
T H- Itll WN,
A 111) RX i: Y-A T-L A W,
t'atavilssa I'a.
Jeo eornerof Third and laln streets.
k. nvitnux
KI'UkSENTS Tine muaviM)
niiln? cit Munej I'ennsvivanla.
ir-li Ma, 'i.-aa .if rh-ifffpUla, I'a
ruiklln, of ' "
1 li Ii inu of "
.rmers oi Y irk, Cn
aiiovrof N.'iv Y'.rk.
Mi ilii'iun .f '
'" eon Market Ktn-etNo 8, Uloornsnurc, I'a
el T9 'y
Farm for Sale !
Ti e UndiUiMinl lifTf-raul l Hate ta'e a K.MtM OF
'M V '1 111(1-K At ill-s. with I'liA.Mi: Hot .-K. tiarn
aim oilnrout.Liillilli Han nn. i-ltu te In l-Uhln.-Ji
k ti wi fchiniti Kuiutnfi'i-f euiiliatlon. located
ne'ir Afcbury Oun Ui ptireliu-d on reaonnl'le tt I nis.
a tine nrcPartl tiii rhepiopirt , hi it a iieicr falllmt
si'tlutftr Wuliri.eur theliiU'e Firpartiiularsad
Ul(,k ,loll J. SIILfcs,
uuif, 13, bO-Sio1 Foiks,coluinbl.iiuunty, I'a.
CIlltlSTIAN f. KNAl'l'. ULOOMSIll'im, I'A,
i'imJ.W1 AMEltICA Ahll'ltAM'E COMl'ANY.
n ' eoincoHiiiKATiosK are iell seasoned by aire
ii,,.tl.KI!1k8tl"bdhaveneieril'had a loss set
ttI1 fourtoflaw 1 heir u are all must-
0, JOLnciKiTusnnd ale liable to thu hazard
ai'iSfi' '"Oiiti-y anil honestly adjusted und paid
.i .n"si,flennlned byCiiKtiTUN F'ko
vim T i"1" AiMmml11.111111s1.11tu, I'a,
i lie people of Columbia c )unty should patronize
1, "' ft where ltncs If any are settled uad paid
' i J .".'""'Irownclttzens.
.TO tS JCT IT LXNI I'llM O. ....
tabbing Oepir'tnentot the Ootx-Mnus Is tri.ri
ic.nmlour Job frlnttni: wlllenmnin. fnfn. 0. E.
, nil fit of Hie l.jr'-f ciiich. All work done nn J. 11.
. ,',d,neatlyand at moderate prices. J..
EITTElI321IDEn. f pFrioters.
Q ii. imuckway;
A T T 0 It X E Y.V T-L A W,
CotCMBiiN t'vii ntsu lloetrnbur? Vi
Memvr 5t the fr.ltel s,a,rs u ArSOCIon
OHce, second doorlrom 1st Natlonil limit.
mn. II, iti
UUlUMSIiillta, TA.
otic In Cnfi tiniMvi
Hlouniv ii .-ii. r,.
utile" on Mill. -tiect.Prtdwi bum Oourtiloust
inice over Sch lyier's Hardware store.
OrricK-In ltarman's llulldtnp, Main street.
n. l.ITTl.K.
liloomsburjf, ra.
onieeln Brower'sbulidlnt, second No,
ltloomsburp, I'a.
I'll AX K ZA It R,
Attornoy-tit -T,n-v.
onice comer otctntrc and Main streets, cinri-
(!n be cnrj"itltcJ in German.
Jan. 10, 'S'Vtt
A T TO li X K Y-A T-L A W,
Cot-VMBIAN I'.crpino, ltloomsburi,', ra,
Mepbcr of the United Slates Law Association,
Collections made In any part of America or Europe
oct. 1, 1S79,
S. KNOIllt. 1- 8. WtSTKKSTKVS.
Notary I'ubllc
A tt onioy s-ttt-1 av.
omco In Itartman's ltlotk, Corner Main and Mar,
ket streets, Uluonisburc, Pa.
Rcrl'inmniif aiul Iloitntiet Collected.
onice In Iirown's lsiock, one door below Coiumbian
JUlj IC, 'Ml tt
1 UY
A ( toi'iioyat-Law,
onice In the Coivmiiian I'.ulldlnir sicotd floor.
Oct. s, M).
N 13 W FI11M!
The well known c. 11. WIIITH, l'roprtetor of the
h.-issnld a hair Interest In the samo tn J. W.Conner.
Tim rninn-niv haie renatred the works, ana are pre-
),iri'u it, ni-t tin luuu. tn- uit it tiu uut tin., iiiiiik iu i.'l
iu nr liooleirents. Ihey bale Just
complet eil anew n ri lianu i nue piow.wiutnii jiu
fcllile, will boat th" rlfht hand Alio surface plows
or Jointers for ihe same. A new Thresher and clean
er with centre thako of riddle thoe. called the
While Tlu'olier mid C'lcanci',
with liothleier and railway powerson a Rrcatlv
tmproiett plan, We manufacture LAND liOl.LKHs
with east iron heads. Corn IMous. do'lblo and slncle
ciiiiii-.iinr. side hill Plows. Mill Castlwrt. Turnlnc
ot evtr tli'scrlpilon done iltn promptness, tit'
Kee ' roilMaiMii tin tiaiiit a i iiK" im-"Ji i"n ii "
chart's for our nunanu many oilier pitnis tttai tut
iw..,i in tiu. niinirv. We wllliiot be undersold In
work or m itt rial of the same quality. .llournork
Is warranted tofrlie satl-f.iction, or ine money re
fundiil. i: HKFY CllMI'i: ITIii.N. Farmers, and
th,' ntitiite in eeneral are reiiueMfdto call and ex
amine betore iiuichaslni;
Jan. 10, to-ly oltANtiEMLI.E, I'A.
Cor. Centre and Kali Hoad sts., near L. A' 11. Depot.
Lowest Prices frill net b: undersold.
.Manufacturer ot MINE CAIt WHL'ELS, coal Ilreak
and Hrldj; CastliiL's, Water I'lics, stoies, Tin.
ware, I'lon IKON FENCE, and all Kinas oi mm auu
HrassC Ellngs.
The 1 1 tlnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
left hand, and sldo hill Plows, the best lu the mark-
and all kinds of plow reralrs.
Cook stoics, l'.oom siovi s, and stoves for heating
stores, 'chool hollies, churches, A'C. Also the larg
est stock of repairs for illy stoles, wuolesalo and
retail, sutlias File Itrlck tirotts, Cress I'leccs, Ud.
te. Ac., stove I'lpe, co.k Il.llcrs, skllllts, Cake
Hates, large Iron Kittles, (20 gallons to IX tarrels)
Farm Hells, SI 'd Soles, Wagon l!,
"Allen town Bone Manuro"
Jan V, 'e iy
For Home Garden Farm. I
ami Ton liuty Ic too,"
win-) .nowt
" llecau.e h e litre
ir Heal
Tho American
and ta Tliousaml cf OooJ
Utot and tungfitioci help u
anJinorerrojlMty It ht'lpi
wire, and jilVaee and lnstrutta
the CblldrtD Hit Hulra't,
and every Man, uraaa, and
Ctill 1 la Vity. n.Mj. and
C-iuntry-outftit tu hae It."
It Will Help You.
TeniaToTvol. lo IMlt.
Tbrvr. S 1 1 tour. 55,
&IUt uf (ItUyiur fitt.
On Specimen or 0 CenU,
splendid I'miiliiitm
ul no Coal
Stmt your attrin on Jttat
Curd fur fitt Cot y of A 1
pafftt JltuntraUA VtuT'i'Uont,
Vol 10 ,1SS1.
800 Imtrnctlye,
Orlgiml, Plejjlng,
rjiofttl Engravingi.
(icrmaii lldlllon
tui'plieJ on mine
til I l Outtlt fllinl.-hed tree. Willi tl
V I I 1 111111" f ir t nillHTIlie I eliluk
.nil biiliit's" any one can
it) l.yJ fin. buslne-sls snean lo leal
outtlt fiunl.-hed tree, with lull Inslruc.
luusi prouiai'ie
i engage in
rin. liOiiisls sneasi lo learn, uulour
li.struellons are si'slmnle nud an one
i ill III 'k' )' it ' r Ills jroiil T- r) i-uiri. .-.uutir
can fall whulanlllli.gto woik Wi men kre as sue
itul as men. I oi s and ulrl an earn lir-'e m:ns
Many hale made at the buvlei - our one hundred
lullais in n sti.Kle week Nuthii g Ilk" It en r knemi
in fnie. All wfi'i encagu areMirprlsitl nl the ease
mil raptllij with which lie) are able to mnke
money. You can engage In tbU bu.lneks during
i, urtpiretltneut gr at profit. You tlo not hue hi
iiiie-tcapllaltntt. We take all Ihe rl-k, Thosewho
nivd ready inonev. shoultl i lie to us Ht onee. All
turiitslicd tree. Addrebs luvt A Co., AugusU.Malue
OL. ' '-lJr
If 5011 feel dull, drowsy, debnitatetl have frenuent
ttmile en'iV"';' I""'" '"JOr "i''lte. aril
n 5 2 1 T,n" J""" -"iferlng from torpid llur,
Hv ni i '"r,ns noll"'"t 'II euie .Miusn sp ed'
limn ir. -."1?'' ',".r " t0 "' 'lH0N' I.I1IK
i nn i neapesi, I'mct and
" si, runiliy .M"IUCIIie li
the wornl
IN 1-flK'TrAI, 'I'tCIHC
rur nil disc ise-i of ti,e i iv
tt, stomach and "pifen
iteguiaic the l.luTitnd
pre tent
I'HII.I.M 1VII li'pvo',.
JLJi'vU"01'" FKVKIIS, sa
Hail llrinlli!
td i,riSR.';,"H 'nr,c 'si"lt notldng so common ns
hn. , i?'J,'l u'at''v ""1 cusc" cuneifrom
in Vak? Vifv?1 ,r.,v,.l-v.rl;,-l,'
gleet so sure n r, rnrii.Y. ;'.;.,. .'. .. . i .V .."
("'noriinicXr0 5"r Arl"lltt'' toinrlexloi. and
How many sutler torture day after dav. maktnr
il';".''.'!1,1'" nM rrWK ft nliVlVisiiffi
i. "r" suiltrnig Item piles Yel relief
L, liUfi ' ,"' ' nltrMt M ene who will ue
ciiri'f i'i'.'. ! J! i n'"""lj' Perinanently
Sr-K? J'JV. n,:,,, kM""'1' IlUKllHltl'AlOK.IsNo
ture! ,'"rst'' 1 a K'1'tl! a-slstant to na.
ulull' JFJl' fllllnit nllment-ln fact
nature demands the utniosi regularpy f Ihet-ou-K
J.""..1 "'; del latlon from lid, demand raiestte
nn0,'.nJa!"'0'', ""k-cr. It Is ti,ite as neeetsa
.r.' V ', 1V 'Impute accumulations from the bow-
Is i is It Istoeatorslup, ami no hfalthean be ex.
peeled where u costlie hallt cf bialy preialls.
SU'U IlrniliK he !
.r,TI'.t,.',tr.''a'lnS nnilctlon occurs most frenueiillv.
in,'n,.?r.",r. '2!'"' ''in.h nrlslng tromtho
mperffclly digested con'ents, causes a .seiere pain
L, i !', .'"'' neenmpanlt'd wltht-,lJKreenble nausea,
Nil dsconstltuies what Is popularly known as
V'.""1!" t"' """ l',-'llct " which, Takb .sim!
.1. II. Ill I. IN A CO.,
I'rlre f t.tio. sold by all l)rugBl3'i!II'A"EL''U1A
Apillio 'su-ly.
l t' d 1., 11. 1 J tyil l!..l.u:u f r fct!!. mm
OLil u'l HIACIflHAE. KUSKAKi:!!,
1,1 l . 1 e - '.t. m 1 pug,- , ,
,1 , III ti 111 S K. A l , 11 , T.H 'TUIt-lT, .w
1 'tta, f-r 1 11 I. , . l l,., . J 1, til. .eaj.t. t.1
A Doodorizod extract of Potroloum,
Tho Only Article that Will Re
btoro Hair on Bitld Heads.
IVIial tlio AVorSd Iisih Iseen
Vnritin:; Tor CcnUEirjcH.
Tlie c'C-fP6' (Ti'tmrry cf cur day, far as a
lare portion cf l.umanliy U concerni-J, U CAR
liuMNK, an arlido m p-rcd fmm petroleum, ar.l
whU h rtTccti n rum pit to fitul radical cureln wtu uf
baKIn- r where tho hiir, oUi- to dl,cnstjtio(
the na!p, hui tn'coino tlilu a tut U-ikU to fall out.
It i ul-o n Kpoedy rctratlvc, omt wlillu in n?o se
curi-s 11 luiiriantcroi,i uf !ulr, It tUo ljrlngi hnclc
the rntural tulor, mul tho Most CLtiiplac eat
iifiictiiin in the iinj Tho falling out uf thy hair,
tni' m 11 1:1 1 tint ion 1 1 f (TinilruiT, and tho pre.naturj
c'iki.,:'- in t 'lor are all c Idcnces of a di-ca-cd con
dltlc n f tho fcalp ami the gUnd whith itourUh ths
liair. To arrest tlic-u (.ft'iHca tlio nrticlij used mu.t
posFpEs medical as well a chemic-it vlrtuei", a:idtl.3
clmnyo matt begin uiuU r the tcalp to bo cf perma
iicrt and la-'tin beueCt. Sticli an -article U CA11
IIOLIXH, and, Hka many other wonderful dcov
trii.itis f mud to consist of t-lcmnU almust h
their i.atjral ttate. Ivtroleum oil U the artLb
which is made to work cucti extraordinary rfc ilts ;
lut It U after It Ina bem chemically irenrcd an I
completely deodorized that It U In proptr conditio.!
fir tho tuilit. It w,w In far-otl Itn-U that tha
(Uict of petroleum upon tho hi rua first obaened,
l Gocrnment otllcer hailn,; noticed that a partUll
1-ald-Leadod perant of hi-, when triimnins th)
lamps, had a hihit of wiping liU oil betuicarcl
hands In his ec.mty Imkit, antt the result was in i
fk.v month- a much r head of black, flot-y hair
than he cur had bef.ire. The oil wa ;rllo,i
l.oreeH and cuttle tint b Ut their hair from thj
cattle I'lafiie, and t'i" in-ti't wire in raplda they
were man clou i. The r uikh and even t:u tails of
hum, which had f dlen out, were coui.i'-.tJy re
Hond In a few wrk. These eijierlmttita wcrj
heralded to Hie world, Lut tho knowledge, wf prac
ticady Hfeleni tn the prennturely hald end gray, na
no one In chiltzcd m lety could t.)lt rate ike nno of
ntli.idictroleumin a dreshinsfor the huir. Hut th)
i-UIlof't!H oureome the diiS
tultj, cud by a prucitd l.uow.1 only to Uniretf, hi
La, 11 f ti r 1 ry i laborato and coul) ciperiment r, suc
ceeded in deodorizing rilluid 1-um, wliich
render It iUsKepublc of Iiuliy h itidled ai daintily
r.8 the famous fty ileeoto-jM. with
the deodorized liquid on tho human Im'r were at
tuitli'd with tho mot attonUhmg reul-. A fev
opplieattoti-, where tho hair wu thin mil,
Kae n markable tono uudIor to tlu mu., out
J... r i:nry punltlo it danlruCT ilUupycar'i o.i
tlu f.r-t or t-ec mddiessln?, an I ihelhyi.dMiearch
l.i' in fie nature, NC-euuto p netr.te to Ihe root it
dm, tun J n.t up 11 rad cali)ia:B'o from thci-turt, It
it well knoiui that lUo riost b.'.iut.ful c lora ara
l.nde fruin pet roleirn, find, by wimo m;terlrui
t; if naiim. the uti-tf crtk'.e rad .
t..i) i .11 par n beautiful lijU-brown col r u ih) wliii U liy rout'tmcd use, deipi n 1 t a LIi!i
'iht e iji.rr. iit.ilu'p-rummittft'rant.i'ili.' lui'i
if hue, and theilunr' ! ogr,. lh..: .l.-u.t
I'ltimite friend can H'-urii'y del ct 1. iru-fi.
In u rd. It Utlie ri'i-t wuuilLifitl tl,..VLry Lf
the ri ri1 will (iik-iluled t i wko tho irecti
tan., d rtij rijuac,
W i 1 '-i o-'f r nd-r-4 to r'vi Itntrt.l, futln1
fni -ili I i.i ( ni ix i m I-mi nut v iiniin . i i . n
l'rf woiidi rll tlleti. i'itlsOitt'-jU tuh.i,uHHU ij
T'ie art lite 1 tt-llitu It- own Why I i I' h hkN t f
t j i-uu U wtio uiv u- ; it n.tli l.u i.. i-.. B.
t- -U uum.'iu,; ii aui;-:
V H. Iliinx X Co., I ifih one I' u-y, sa'7.
'') ' have oMpreuruhoii- 1n Hi" hint f. t u,,sm 1
i f ititutt jearN bat lutki n e I .l tuii mhI l
il oryne U nuherwa) n fii i.o.i, Wi i icro
f r. neoiiiniinl ft with (.uandibeu to our frtu.di tU'geiuralpuLl.e."
!Ir. nt TliM:4 V. Uwu cf tlw O.xtei Open
Tin i:1-. lib! "Afur Hxwttks' He 1 tint con-
ii,it wre nico my touuiuU-, tnut)tir '1'i.rbo
; in ' h i 1 1 "1 U i r dm l n if a wi'Mjrful gruntU of
J.! uro 1 bad i.oiiu fur,M
C II Smith, cf thoJinu'o HLht Oomblnuiion,
-.ii-.: Afur ui.u jour '1'' tUrioutvk
1 it m i niMuc d tu:.t i cM lif.itl cm bo u haired.1
U ri nl'ly UOlldctfl.1 l i Ulj VJl'. '
H I Annit n, f.'i.ii''' I tot 1 Ma . wnteit
V-.i'i ti'ini ' I .i-U'torvt1 1-.) liaii uf.vT-.vir-1
.' il-e bad fai.vil."
J vim Ii. I'on, t.tiornev-,t lav . 'i t'lSir-',
!! i- -, v i.i. : rr Uiiri liian vAi u 'it n , n;i m
i iv Ik i 1 1 i. bct'.iaa finuo l i i ! ( c iro 1 1' ii a (
I ti'! ird ball, I ut hi e i itht w a; I wn 1 1-
i.. d to iry ht i' rbtli , u d it. - ul i-t I. i
, i it simply wniuli iful. V. It i.' l.o b.iii it In i
n u iur tin re now upp a thik i ontu.
Mid i umium lucid that b) nurim m. -ii-i , 1
1 av u Ui i o4 a hi ud "t I air ta i . v i r had Ji ii
rmw imr uuw neaiij lu uniui m la...r u.u utltr
It la iUl.
1. nun irtciited t Ihf p i :'' f tr .f ion
tt ul i I, ii ua ll.ii I'. tKi... i ii anil it -..lUdcr if
tat Hu.r tlie liuild h.1,111 r I r..,h t'.sl.
I'rlre, iim: llllt.f. t: ji. r Lotlle.
Suld Ii) Itll 1)1 liutst.,
boil Ai'O-H for llio L liito 1 State,, l.asa. mi
UrA Urltua.
Sii 83 tra fTa R
Jiiduo not too Inrs'ily, t,h, my rilend,
lit him sour tillow-inan,
Hut draw our vt 11 ot i hoi I ly
Asklndlj ns on can.
Iloonco wi'sc.ilkd an honest man,
HeforeBorii maliccd
Ilo stepped trom cut the narrow way
It miy bo jour turn next.
Folnttns upon tho great highway
A sum ring tout dcth Ho ;
tlo staunch his wounds and quench his thirst.
Nor pass htm I Hy by.
tloil will nor brook the swift excuse,
Hi" thoughtless, vain, pretext ;
A fellow mortal biles the dust
It may be J our turn nejt.
You heard one diy n single word
Against a person's name i
Oh, bear It not trom door to door
To further h irt Ids fame.
lt)ou'ie tho man ton claim to be,
lleimmbir, then, the,
To "speak no ei II," truo or false
it may bo your turn uevt.
Tho world Is bad enough, we own,
And still miy need more light.
Y et. w Ith truo loi e to all may wo
Help In ties cause of right.
Lift upthe sinful ntidtheweak,
The soul by care perplexed,
Well knowing that lo drink tho Bali
It may be our turn next.
Cheer thee, cheer thee, weary heart I
Though the Hps ot Joj are dumb,
though In deeps of night thou art.
Alter dark t he tlaw n w I'l come.
After dark the sun will .shliu
Ilrlghter for Its long eclipse ;
Hid thy soul 110 more repine,
Hllss shall meet thy longing lips.
Heaven bids thee ne'er despond ;
1 hough a cloud thy Uslon tills,
Walt and hope, tor, Juu bej ond,
Lo.'iu morn biliind the hills I
Sunn the sun will ilsengiln,
Iiloom Ihe lionets and sing the lark :
Joj w dl follow after pain
..s Ihe sunshine nftt r it irk I
A Few Stiierslltluns
Wi- cti)iy In-low from tlie l'liiln. Sitn
'".' 'l'iir, :i few of tliu many sitpcrstiu
tioiis iinliili'tl in l,y ii etrtaiii "class. Tho
liist one ln'jfiiis witli tlie eomtnoii rhyme
from JldthiT (Joose, which is familinr to
all anil was as follows:
see a pin nndpUk It up.
All the day jou'llhaic good luck;
see u pin and Ii tl t lay,
Had luck jouTI hale all day.
This siipi istitiiiii is a common one,
sli.'iieil hy all classes, anil ilonhtless oiit;
iiiakil in jiast tijes when ins weu'
seaiceatul Mihiahle. We olten hear it
qiiotetl as an instance of Steihen !i
lanl's i cotioiny that he was never known
to i.tss a pin withimt picking it up, hut
the ipiestioii is an open one whether the
fact was line ty nmthcs uf thift or sim
ply to the ohl snpeistitioii.
Tliis is tlie season of hitihl'uig and it is
curious to olisciAe how, when a laihler
is eieeteil attainst u wall, many persons
in fact, the majority uf pas'stis-hy
go round it, or out into the sheet, rath
er than pass under, although danger to
life or limh from so doing there is ahso
lutely none. And of those who stttidi
ly walk under jiinhahly tnoie than one
remembers uncomfortably tlie ill luck
which is said to attend the act.
The evil repute which attaches to I'ri
day is well niirh woild-wiih'. Aiiiohl'
sailors the prejudice against this day is
especially plevalent.
In older to dispioe and counteract
it in some measure a wealthy Knglish
ship-builder once built a H'sVel which
was begun un Kiiday, finished un 1'ii
day, christened 'The Friday' and hiuiieh
ed on Fiday. It was with much dillicul
ty that mi ll were found to man her, but
tempted hy high wages a crew was at
last obtained and she stt sail un Fiitlav.
lTnfoitun:itely for the success uf the ex
periment she' was iieer heard of again.
llcsidis the prumineiice wiieh Fridav
lias attained, eery day of the week has
its superstitions aitachid and is of goutl
or cil omen. With most of them the
reader is inobably familiar, yet an ai ti
de uf this kind would hatilly be com
plete without an enumeration ot the
most common:
Sunday's child re'er lacks In place;
ilondajs's child Is fair In the face;
TuiMlaj's child Is full ct grace;
Wtdncf daj 's child Is sour ar d sad;
Hiursdoysdiildlsloilrg aidplnd;
1'rld ij 'a child Is loMng end glilng;
And Saturdays u,.ld Miall wotk for Its Hi.
Ins I
sneeze cn u Monday on met 7e for daigir;
.-iietieuu a icitu.iyjcu kiss a stranger;
Snecm (in n Widrisday jou fptwe fcra Itttei
Sneeze on a Thursday for semMhUig'-ctlir;
Sneeze on a Fi Id iy j cm srnee to j our s rro ;
sneeze on a Satutdaj jour snefthiart to-morrow;
Sneeze on a sundty jour saieiy scik,
The del II will i base outhe wholnef the week.
Cut your nails on .Monday j on cut them for news:
Cut them on 1 uesdaya air cf neiv idioes;
Cut thtm on Wi dm slay 3 on cut them for health;
Cut them on Thursday 'twill add to jour wealth;
Cut lliem on Friday jou cut tin m Mr woe;
Cut Ihim on Saturday a Journey jou'll go;
I'utlhem on siiidaj jcu cuttlem toreill.
For all the wnk long jou II be rulttl bj Hit. deill.
Ihe last two omens re-'ardiiiL' Sun
day mut have or'nmatcd in thu ihTis
when it was a tienal offense for a man tu
kiss his wife oil Sunday, and win 11 Mel
chiscdcc .loiies was put in the stocks fur
..,.,!!.... .... 1 ! . . . '.. . ....
.oiiiig 011 nis swiiiiieau one Miiihatli
I here are lntelligetit and well-educat-
(il people whom nothing can induce to
try 011 a mourning garment when nut
in black themselves.
The writer has heard a lad v upbraid
tug liei'selt with the keenest unini'.se 011
the death of her sister, because a few
days pievioiis she hud tiii d 011 a black
crape hat belonging to a friend isiting
at the house. To reason with her and
iHileinur to prove that any connection
between the two cu-nt wa impossible,
coliifuitcil her but little and to day it is
probable that none of tho family would
upon any consideration do tlio samu
thing again.
F.-W'i'y June knows the origin of tho
custom of burying the dead Willi their
fcet tu the Fast, custom universal aiming
Christian nations ami adopted at liist
tiiat as tho Lord is to come in the Hast
tlie dead may arise and stand with their
faces ,to lliui in the lesiineetioii. Tim
usage of centuries lias tooted this cus
tom so deeply that it is little wonder that
when it is departed fiom tho supersti
tious shako their heads and piophesv
that no good will come of it. Some o'f
us, indeed, who do not in such case
actually expect another death in the
family must confess to feelingas though
our dead could not rest quietly if laid
otherwise than in the timo-iioiioied posi
tion.' j
st:TtiMi tiii: imt si; in 011111:11.
. tt.ij iiisiiianee agents me the oil
v ,..,.n- 11 in, ua, any idea now many
men, sensilile in other respects, 1110 kept
twin iii.-iiiniu iiicir ills ii 1 ni ,
either on Iheir own pail or 011 that n
some lneinlier o then- families, that tin
net might shoilen their lives, and then
aie sillier business men wlindieaiul leave
fi.,,;.. ,ui. .1.... ... it .. ..
...... ..-.i.ui-j 1,, eiitues.s iitiuaiion nil her
than make a will, because of the vague
icar lest thus 'setting their house in or
tier hasten the day of death.
l'loin the same fear inniie men e.,f,.
from alteiing or adding to an old house,
and we have known .-Titian prominent
hi ins iicigiinornooii. wealth v and other
wise liberal to his family, who then lived
111 a (bulling which was a continual
moitilication lo his u-i tn nti1 ,1. j
rt'Mstini; nil tluircntivjitu- to
..II !.. 1.1 . . f . .
iiiny ciiiivmceii tnai it tic weie so to do
his death would soon follow- This su
peistitiun h not an uncommon
among old people.
'.ay your prayers, eluhh von II hae
seven; years trouble, once said n bi,1v t
the writer, when the latter had broken
icr doll s looking glass, 'j'he angurv
was tulhlled, but as four of sevni
were the black ears uf the late civil
war, the trouble was bv no menu cotili
lied to tho imliiekv looking-i-lass shat-
country folk some 111 lesl, some in
truest translate the ciowine of n
elueken cock at the door into Straiii'i r
coming to-day, and we icmeiiibcr 1111 old
lady who invariably made piepatation
for company when tlie waniinir note was
sounded 111x111 her tuemises. Itith itv
years she declared, the sign had never
tailed her.
The same old ladv has a net cat as
black as any which ever figured in a tale
ut necromancy. 'Keep a black cat.' she
used to say, when the line of her favor
ite was commented on, 'keep a black cat
and you'll never lack for inonev.' She
was wealthy, but a few miles off livid
.-mold negro crone, mistress uf .1 cat ai
black as her own, who (the negress, not
tlie cat) had the credit of witchcraft and
who, in spite ut her reputed connection
with the devil and the uwtiershiti of the
...1.11 1 1 . .
cat, 11:111 nam woik to keep soul and botlv
Mtrr ATi:vi:uv tchn.
There are a thousand and one super
stitious sluing upon the of our
eveiyday lives and which meet us at ev
cry titin. ! ew of us aie weak enough
to let them inlliicuco our actions, vet
most ot us remember tin 111 unpleasantly
now and then, while every man of ts',
lid we own tlie truth, have one or tnoie
omens which we picfer not to encoun
'I cannot bear to have my left eye -1
quiver,' said a ladv of cultivation and
ivct.-ige intelligence. 'Of cottisc I know
time is nothing in il. but then I can't
nip feeling, when il docs mi. as if
trouble were coining.'
Plenty uf ncoiilc who onc-hl to know-
belter aie linn believeis in the simeisli
tiiui that it is unlucky to place the shoes
winch one lias worn (luring the day oth-
rwise at night than with the toes lioint-
ing to the door and cannot sleep in peace
unless thev have done so.
Years ago ago the belief in the evil
omen of spilling salt was so prevalent
that it was ridiculed by Addison in the
Sjiictiitor, but the superstition still holds
Us own. Ihe evil may be aveitcd by
Illuming a much of s'llt over the left
boulder, a chaini which is clearly a rel
ic uf the old heathen ceremonial of cast-
lice in the air and pouring libations
the gi omul as a proprietary offering
im-een spirits. Among the sigiis
which are supposed to foretell death Wi
the ringing in the ear. known as the
ith-bell; the death watch (a Peculiar
ticking lit.ise caused by a small insect
titling its wav through wood), or a pnr-
tiait hilling iroin its tilaee on the wall.
ind each uf tlu tn has more than once
given ncivous petsoiis a lit of the blues.
VV hen the eves ol a corpse refuu to
lull tin y aie ghastly enough, in all con
science, to give color to the siinerstilion
tliat they aie watching fur some one
wliu is soon tu follow, and il a hur-c
chalices to stumble near a giave-vard its
ider may be evcu-ed if his sensations
thereat aio none uf thu most pleasant,
even though he is not so foolish as to
consider it an actual death-waining.
If a door opens without apparent
atise the t.erniaus have a saving, which
has come across the water to their Ame
rican descendants, that a spirit has en
tercil. and that the cold, nervous shiver,
which most ptrsons have felt more or
often, is held to result from footfalls
over the future grave of him who epc
limccs it.
There are sick nurses who, at the 1ml
side of the thing, never fail toi.pen door
or window that the dcpaiting sou) may
pass out. The siipeistition is, I thinl;.
of Scotch origin, and the leader will ie
member .Meg .Mciillics at tlie dying bed
uf the gypsy, chanting:
Oi,-n lock 1 reunite--Come
dealU and pass life.
pinnhi; i-ai:iii:s
Tragic stories aru related in various
paits of the country at home ami abroad
ol evil uMiIting to the unlucky guests
at dinner panics ol thirteen. Many in
telligent and educated people haibor this
siipeistiliuii. liisiuaick, it is said, leiiH
es m h i any eiictiiiHtaaiK-.s to sit thuv 11
to table with the fatal number, and a
prtuui.ient bttsiiiiMs man of New Yi rk
is icported to owe his stmt in life to
the readv lad with which he suddenly
remembered a pressing engagement,
when the failure ol two iuv iteil guests
to appiar at a dinner given by A. T.
Steivait reduced the Huniber iircseiit to
thiiiieu, to .Mr. Stew ait's evident annoy
ancc. All of us niiinbi'i' 11111011-' our :i'e
iiiaintatiee wives who never remove
their wedding ring, and who, weie it to
slip olf accidentally, would surely expect
-oiiii (lire misfortune
I should think his ears would burn' U
1 ' mou remaik whin a person is
made the subject of continued couveisa
lion, mid '-.o iinnv stitches vou lakention
you. so many lies will be told about yon'
is fivipicntly quoted when a rent is has
tily sewn up without changing tho torn
In nearly every land the moon is the
subject of numerous siipertitious. Shu
regulates the changes ot the weather
liases must bo coiisii hid 111 soao neik-
nig, in killing meat, in planting, in do,-,
ens ul the common pursuits ul life, and
to see the new moon through tries our
the lell shoulder, witli no money in the
ii'clut is thought to bo luublv 1111
ueky. '
Should a coal pop out from a woo.l
lire ami burn a lady's dnss the event
foi 1 tells 11 siiiti r for hir heait. ninl
hand, and if two spoons eoinn totr,.ii,.
er in the sugar dish a wedding in the
i.iiiiiiy is 10 no expected Willi equaled'
'Smg before breakfast you'll civ
lure supper, and 'Ulessed be the
niai ine sun shines un liavi
familiar adages.
passed int(
C. ..II I ..! 1.. . .
Tiiaiioivs ouiiiiiiig 111 a chimney bung
goon hick to the house, but not to the
dwellers then 111 if the buds bd
Killing a eat is thought by inativ to
be a dire misfoitune, aiul he who does
HIS dooinid through ife to fa nre in
everything he undertakes.
It a strange eat adopts n house vnhm
i.iiny as ner lioino sliu is believed to
bring good luck tu the house hold.
.Nlllnbels uf intelligent People keen a
pocket-piece of gold or silver 'for good
luck. 'Ihe devil dances 111 an einntr
And others, generally old in utile. would
not for much leave a horse-shoe loilhil
lying 111 the road without picking it up,
All old hot-sc-shoc brings irood hick.
uoiiiiiy so it tound bytheownei. I lor
nee (iieelcy kept alw'avs a nistv horsn.
hoe over the door of his sanctum, nml
the more or less dicoiated hoise-shoe
which plays such an impottnnt pail in
,,,1'hiiii in iiiniieiii.-ii 1011 is simii v 1 tie re
vival of an old stiiieistition.
"tt'diiicn Xevcr IliiiiU.'
Ifllie cniblifd old linehelnr lllld lltlpt-f-'l
this i-cntliiinit cull Id hut nlttif s tl.e intense
iiiniieiir, uetp study nail thuroiiei nvn.l
nation of women in (lptcrminuic the best
medicines to keen their fninil ips well, nml
niiiiiii nine uieir sagacity 11111I vtimIiuii In
eifctiiu' imp iiiitn.s as tliu hot. nut 1 em-
etidratii'.' il hy kirpinj; their fsinilles in
p'rpetnsl a mt re nominal expense,
lie would he I'.irctil loucknimlid it Hint siieh
sLLtiiiitmsiiro liaieli s uiiil false I'icinimc
laii'0ieaii (Intulilin Ilonses.
Anvbnily who has traveled in tlie
south of Frances and passing along the
Cornice road, has stepped out of the
way to visit the little principality of
.Monaco, must have been struck will! the
beauty of sceney, and "after a visit to
Monte Carlo, will bo ptetty sine to ad
init that it is not sui prising that the
oveol lilav and the attractions of the
ice hac succicileil in delaying
many a traveler un In- road. Nature
md art seem to have combined to get
iim into the net of tin- millionaire who
lately ruled at the magniliccnt establish
ment which fionts tile sea, about three
mailers of a mile from the town of
.Monaco. .Monte Cailo is almost the only
ace now leinaiiiiiig where public gam
filing is peimittid. There a magnificent.
hotel is kept for the purpose of
enticing any pi 1 sous who muy be willing
to give up their davs and nights to the
ittractions of trente it iiuaianle and
loiige. et noir; and fiioncnt tiains bring
otlicis fiom .Mcntone and Nice who
may like to while awav an alleinoon in
I'cing whither foittine is inclined to fa
or tin m with her smiles. Though at
the present time gambling is foi bidden
in lielgium and (ieiinany, it is nut many
nis since the cry ut the coupler might
iu-been heard in the Redout ut Spa,
or the Kuisaal at Hamburg, and a gam
ing house was a necessary adjunct at
very ctinlincn tal watering place. Dur
ing the rilgn ot N.'iliolioli 111 Itinuent
itteinpts well- made to induce the etn-
lei'or to grant pel mission tor the open-
; uf a gambling establishment iu l'ar
htit without -itccess. It is icported
that on one occasion, on being asked to
unit this favor, the emperor's answer
as, 'Oh, certainly, but there must be m.
limit' thus, while appaientlv giving
ici iiiission. rendering it quite impossible
the appicant tu carrv out his wi-dus
with anv possibility of success. In older
o explain the above answer uf the em
peror, it mav, pel Imps, be well to stale
that iu all gambling places then- is a lim
it to the highest sum that mav be staktd
it one time, as olheiwise the bank would
1111 the risk of being continually broken;
mil no establishment, however wealthy,
uiiil hold out for any length of time
gains a rapid succession of reveises of
iitiine. In Kngland ft a- mav years pub
gambling places, or 'hells' as thev
were popularly termed have ceased to
writer six and thiitv years ago says
that theie weie at that time muie than
twenty uf these establishments in l'all
.Mall, i'icadilly and St. .lames', called in
to 1 xisleiice bv Mr. Crock fold's success.
'lock ford was the founder of a club
Inch was known bv hi name, and had
abode at the tup ul St. .lames' slreit.
while the vonshirc' is nuw unaltered.
Win n play was somewhat at a low ebb
Mr. Cruel. ford then came to London and
laid Ihe foundati m ot the most colossal
ortuiie that was ever made in such a
maimer. He begat: bv taking Walters
hi club house, in paitneiship with a
man named Taylor. Thev set up a ha.-
trd bank and won a great deal of uion-
lmt quarreled and separated at the
ud of the first year. Taylor continued
ici e lie wa, had a bad year and broke.
"rockfurd remoud to St. .fames' stieet.
id a guud vea", mid instantly set about
uililing the magnificent club house
which used to bear his name. To make
ihe coiiipaiiv as select as possible the es
tablishment 'was regularly organized as a
club, and tlie election of membi i s vested
i 1 a cutii'iiittiv. It soon became the
l.isl.ion tu belongt'iCruckfiJid's and peo
pie, whither givi u to play or Hot, h-i.t
1 md to enroll tin uisih-i's :m m mhers
Tho Duke of Wellington w as 111, origi
nal member, though' (unlike l.luehii.
who repeatedly hut everything he had at
play) he was never kiioiyn to play ihi p
at any gam-. Card tables were regular
lv placed, and whist was played "oi-ca-sionally:
but the aim, end, and' the final
cause of the whole was the ha.atd bank,
at which the proprii tor took his nightly
stand, prepared for all conn rs. Tin-To
wai a rceogniiteil limit at which (after
losing a eeitain sum) ho might declare
thu bank bruko for the night; hut he
knew his business too well to stop. The
speculation aiiswerul veiy well, and du
inig scveial years ever.v thing that any
body c.nv.l t i,k .ls , allowed up,
1 K'gie, gamblet was the iiobluuaii
who was presented at the saloon at l'ar
is as -Le Wellington des .loiieiils.' He
lust 4"i!l,()0i) at a sitting, begiimiiig at
lji at iiightand ending at 7 iie.t evening.
He ami thru-other noblemen could nut,
U is said, have lost less, sooner or later,
than .CllW.lKK) a piece The consequence
was that Mr. Ciocklnrd rellrid with an
ei'oimniis foituue, and thu club soon ,.f
tei winds came to an md.
Tell it to jeur 1 i igi.bor. ai.d bieiids that
tin re in a 1 utc I t 1 un iis ,," the Knj
leys, lliad.ltr uuil LHuary Organ, In bay'.
Kidney Tad, '
II I ii I li I ini ii I mi, mi ii
Ilow to Dress a Turkey.
There is much practical wisdom among
tlie. poultry men. that does not get into
the p.ipi r or I ks. A tuikey raiser
who prides himself ihi sending 'to mar
Let the handsomest of turkeys in his
town, for Ihe Christmas maiKet, tells us
how he diesses his bints. The turkeys
aie fed as usual the night before butch
ering, and iu the morning an- driven
upon the birii tloor, assoon as they come
fiom the roost and are made sicuie.
Their crops are emply and they can be
caught as thev aie'wantid. '.Make a
slip noose of strong cord for each tur
key, in an adjoining stable or shed, put
Ihe turkey's legs iu the noose and witha
small pointed knife stick the binl as near
the head as possible. As soon as tlie
bird is dead, strip off the feathers pin
feathers and all. Cut the neck off as
near the head as possible, remove the
wings and draw the entrils, before tak
ing the bud down. I he tuikev is hung
up alive, and taken down readv" for mar
ket. Lay tlie bird 011 his breast or side
on a clean hoard to cool. Tuikeys
should be carefully handled in diessing
to avoid lueaking'the skin, for it rubs
off very caily when thev aru waiin.
ltemove all the liin "featlieis and pack
the birds when scut to 111:11 ke-t in clean
straw, so that theie will be 110 marks of
blood upon them. Handsome, clean
dressing will add a cent a pound and of
ten tnoio to inaiket price of all kinds of
poultry. American A1fir11lt1iri.1t.
Wint llverylioily Wanls.
It is n pleasant, reliable meilldne that
never docs nnybwlv nt.j- linrm, mid prevents
"i ml cures dlspapc by U-ipipg tin-stomal h In
perfect order, the bowels regular, ami tl.e
kidnevs and lifer nclivr. Such a medicine
s 1'arl.ur s Limner Ionic. It relieves every
at. and we have seen stacks nf loiters from
thousands who have been saved nml cured
byiu See oilier column. Iribunt.
rniitauil the Slase.
It is to be deplored that there should
be such antagontstical fieling existing
on the pait of the church 'people anil
theaties. Theaties of one kind or .-m-
other w ill continue lo exist, all church
lemonstrances to tlie contrary notwith-
slanding.'N'ow-.wliilu we boast of a well
legiilatcd theatre being a school uf art,
md the instruction leeeived bytlieieii
lition of good plays by good, educated
uclois, we also contend a theatre as hen-
elieiil, and il is the duty of all good peo
pie to support any institution' that has
merit ami proper appreciation of beau
ties ami ait. Nothing was ever created
by the Almighty but was intended for
the good of man. If any ()f winks
or the principles lan down for uem's
.government aie abused, the responsihili.
Iy rests upon those who have them in
barge, (iood it is said, is everywhere.
of ai d with (!oil, it matters not whether
in music, Scripture, painting, sculpture
or acting. No man in the Knglish tongue
ever did more to liv Scriptural truths und
identify religion with literature than
Yv ilhaui Shakespeare, the actor ami au-
mr. showing more conclusively it is
not a man's life-woik, but his head and
intellect which serves (iod best. The
man or woman who can actually ueisim.
ite a great character is possessed of o-n-
uius which deserves our esteem and ad
miration One who can lighten life's
toils by arousing thu dormant humor in
man's nature is not 'amused of Cod.'
my mure than the ruse which lends
sweet lragranee tu the air. but lilessiu it
It is only when the musician, sculptor.
painter or actor would deliniate man's
ower nature or arouse the evil irissions
which lead tu vice and misery, that .,11
iood people should civ out bev'vaie. The
peisonating ol a great chaiaeler by a
master of tuiu an is ittst as vvurtliv-'ie-
u'ct and patronago as the seuluiiir'u
unfolds hcaitlv iu virginal marble, or th..
painter who reveals gems of thought 011
invassor the musician who sets liu-
tuanity aglow with melody.
The action of church "people ttirnliii'
their iiitluence awav from red n-nuli
hitrionic ait and in its
stead uttering anathemas against
the stage never has nor never
will command thu respect of intelligent
people, although they mav tacitly toler-
ile it. -I'.yeiv thing comes in limit' is a
(ieimaii proveib. Intelligence and jus
tice lead the pucept and the few follow
the progress of the age, whether iu M'i
nee or art, ami we may et 1,,L- ful
some good even from church fanaticism.
it may, however, be tardy in cmntur
like those stars that shine upon other
worlds gradually appears in tlie heavens
beaming down upon us, and, as Shake
speare says, 'Shining like a good deed in
a naughty world.' So may the chinch in
time look kindly upon -The Mimic
World.' The cultivating of professional
ability ami pirsonal tnoial 1 xcelletico on
tlie purl uf actors and actresses mana
gers ui theatres will plate
our stago
wuei'o 11 should be, beyoiitl
onisin uf sectarianism,
petty tilling.
ihe people will soon learn that it is
not (ioil's will to condemn any good
thing wherever found, and that Ih't ehis,
theatres are not atilc-ioonis to perdition
or talented actors 'children of the devil.'
The stage, however, should prodiw'c
such pieces and ai fistic scenes as would
In- acceptable to those who v is"n a theatre.
We could not pretend that such is its
actual state now Hut in ih-lense 0 un
institution that was originally intended
tor II good and lloble purpose, let i,s g
back ami see why and for what pui-polL-ninny
ol these good plays were written,
hach and every one had an ideal, as we
will prove. Let us name a few uf the
plays which have had an inllueiiee on
the minds uf men, ami fiom which good
and wholtsome lessons were dirivml.
Friendship has been one 1 t admirably
carried .nit iu 'Hamlet,' Mctchaut o'f
eniee,' and 'I Union ami 1'v thias.' In
stances of friendship in the hiinihlcsphcie
of lite are to be found in the -Sprigs
of Laiuel," ami manv iiiinur pruditc
lioiiH. Perhaps there Knot to be found out
side the llililo a more beautiful ill. titra
tion of mercy than that in the ".Mer
chant of Venice,' (Act I. scene 1.) In
The Clandestine marriage," the folly of
wealth, sicking an alliance with gi'eat
iicss, without evir coiisiihiiii"
what ate the real source, ,,f ".
and happiness mid of greatness, seeking
an alliance with wealth which it des
pisis, are admirably exposed. '-,.
Heiress' presents some coloring neailv
as good. Iu ibis age of shoddvism.weii
diugs uniting panics fop Interest
name vs. diamonds a few such pl ivs
as wo have named might have a bem
licial ellict. "The .lialous Wife.' , x
rln"S r "f 1110 J'ervcrsellcts ,111(1
folly of females who render them
IK. Ill, I5.C1
t.lii) S.dfl
t.eo u.i
t.oo 13.0
onelnch ti.oo 11.50
I'ltn In JIM'S . l.(o 4,oo
Three inches '.in
four liiclics i.fio
13 i'ti
Ml 'S'
I Oil. 'I, 1
ouorier column coo s.oo
nan column .. in.nn is 00
16.(l K5.1II
One column
.Ki.eO i.eo io.oo to. in
Yearly advertiscmci-im t-iAinbte nti,.i.ri.
slcntadrertlbriiienisiiiiisi t,p i-sMf Arhrm, In., n. ni
except whero parties uatoajcounls.
lgalftdienlsoirrniiiiwodoiurspei ihchfoittnr,
insertions. ond ni 1 hn 1 ji for addlllonallntnlltr t
....uuuv ,v.vt-.-uvitiait.'tiU(
Executor's. Arnti-,!tt.nt---B .
three dollars. l ust bo paid f or when Inscrleu
Translentor nriiirp. , n .. ,.
reiriilara.l.r l..;,:;. ;". v-"" """e.
cards In tho "littsins DUoctory" column one
dollar per resrf or each lice. "e
selves and their husbands miserable by
groundless jealousy. Perhaps them is
not to Ik- found in the whole range of
dramatic literature a tiioretetrible picture
of jealousy than then- is in that if
'(llhello.' Kvcry avcliili' of the human
heait- -every niolionof the brain Ihinugh
an action are brought to bear iu catty
iug out this maniac pas-don, for such 'it
is. The great scene in this play, when
the pasioii of jealousy has leached its
height and madness seizes upon tlie
victim, a mole tcrriblu display of all
the attributes of man's nature combined
could only be drawn and painted by
0110 man, and that man Miukesiici'e.
'The School for .Scandal,' presents a Hue
pietttic' for fashionable life, confined to
one period. Kuravngance and folly
can be much better portrayed 011 tho
stage than they can iu either a periodi
cal or the pulpit, and it is lieie the truo
mission of the actor shows itself in a
proper ami ellicieiit light. The charac
ter which Drayden has drawn of Shakes-pen-
is not only just but uncommonly
elegant and happy.
"Ife was the man who of till modern
and perhaps ancient poets had the lar
gest and must comprehensive soul. All
tlie images of nature were still present
to him and hu drew them not laboriously
but luckily. When he describes any
thing you more than see it. you feel its
joy They who accuse him of wanting
learning give him the greatest commen
dation. Hu was naturally learned. IIu
needed not tin- spectacles of books to
read nature. Hu looked onward and
found her there.
How applicable are these-his own lines
to himself:
-Tiira him to any causa of policy,
Tho gordlan knot ctlt he win unloose!
Familiar as his garter, that when he speaks,
1 he air. a Oissten-'d libertine Is still.
And the mute wonder lurketh on man'a ears
To it" it his sweet and honied sentences,
So that art and practice part of life,
M'l-tibethe mistress of hlslhrone."
l'he object of (hecian stage was to
jnstruct. 'J'he object ot thu Knglish stagu
is to improve. Kuripides was the master
of one, Shakespeare that of the other.
How much a single ollicer may do to ic-
iorm thu taste ol the public is shown in
the case of .Menander among the (hecks
who, coming after the cotriipt statu of
the stage in the time of Aiistophnns and
uf the middle comedy, set the model of
eonect, elegant and moral comedy. And
Kuripides considered the character of a
poet in a higher light than that of
being merely a minister to the trade of
thu public, whatever it might be, fur
when the people of Athens were iu an
uproar, being offended at some sentenoj
iu a play of his then being acted, and
callid upon the author to alter it, hu
stepped loiwanl and said, 'I compose
plays to instinct you, not that you in
stinct me." Would we had such i'nstiuu
tors now. Collie Cibher in the Stmihty
It is impossible fur a woman lifter a faith
ful courT ot trra'meut with Lydla K. l'ink.
Imns's Vegetable Compnnti(l,t"o continue to
sillier with n w eakness of the litems. Kn.
clo-e a siamp to Mrs. I.ydia K, rinkham,
'2.M Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for hir
A Huston man besought his wife, be
ing but time years married, for tho
privilege of a night key. 'Night kevf
she exclaimed, in tones of amazi me'tit,
'what ue can you have for a night kev
when the Woman's Kmaneipatioii league
meets Monday night, tlie Ladies Uci
mistic mission Tuesday, the S'Mcixof
.leiielio Wednesday, the Woman's Sci
ence Circle Thuisilay, the Daughters of
Nincvnh Friday, anil tlie Woman's P10
grosive Ait Association and tiieSuff
lagu band on alternative' Saturday
nights. You -tay at home and see that
the baby doesn't fall out uf the cradle.
He stays.
II'Slnj-Fivi' Ihillars host.
"You don't tell me v our bu. band is up
nml Blintit naain, nml euiirtb cured bv so
-unpin a intiliciiio as 1'arkpr-'Ginger Tonic?
"Yis, indeed, I do," said Mrs. Iliijauiin to
her inquiring neighbor, ami that too when
we h-d lo ili.hly 1 aid ei-.-hiy.flve dollars in
d 'Cur's I. ill. an, I prfrcriptiini., iu;U ntiir be
had been given up hy his pbsicinns to die.
Now my and feelsns well as evu, en
tirely eurc1 by this 1 Mfllmit Tunic." Al.d
(iroiy a sick iicin mig it lie well in a week if
llity would milv irv it
Ten Texan cow boys have got them
selves into much trouble 111 the C, mim
elie leseivatioii in the Indian Tuiitoty,
tho-e of tlit 111 w ho stiiv ivul theie witli
the Indians weie glad enough to iscai.e
into tlie Panhandle, having iheir kilhd
and woiimlid. This will he piobably
styled another Indian atiocity; hut on
the face of tie case, the cow' Iiovshad
no business in the Indian Ti 1 ritulv, en-
nance wit until legular penults heir
prohibited by law.
The most sensible remedy, nnd the only
-.tie anil permanent cure fur all t'i-easis nf
tin- liver, blin d in d tomai-li, including bib
i us levits, liver nml n-jtic, dumb ague,
j '(iti(licc,il).ii,sia, v is I'rt.f (inilmette's
l-rench Liver I'ad-, which rure bv nh.nri'
ti'iii. ..k your drupei. t for Ibis notfd euie,
itid take Hootlur, ami if he bs nut (.-ot It
nr will nut grt ,t tor v,.ti, sendSl SOto
French l'.i I Co , Toledo, O , -nil ibty will
sjiuI yon one i.t-tisitl by mum mail, h
Cliiiuitiieii are ucoiniiieiided us good
housemaids for the itiison that thev mo
not very handsome and the nu ll of tho
house wouldn't want to kiss thciu every
lime he tin t tin ui in a daik corner. N'oiio
of Ihe darned pigtails can wot I; for this
.Melican man-not much ihey can't. We'to
ton much of a patriot for t'hnt.
I. YV. Hrm)t,dru-K.i, ; ...ii.ih, .
I e nil'1 kj,ueli s ink id 1 i u w I i 1 r, nltl
II',!,. I,, lnn,t,e ihiiiimh"
tcsiril.. Vr-iuu Klv's ( r.Mn Jlm J
ei tir Iv 11 1, iv. .1 My I.m d I'H. imt been su
t'liiit imr my v.. ice mi ,1 ,,,v' i" years. I mve
11 11 ri I eil 1 it ..'viral cull's time. 1 irrcuni-
III nil ih s nliulrthle iinietlv to all wlmiiri
sllli' "eil wiili 1 tiirlh or Cubt- in the ,1
O. T;i'b;'ii' r, U. itlei iu Itoov ami Sbu,.Iiilie
Ij, 1i'J - .-iv Adv t.
I believe Kl)'s Creini IIj'ih In 1 c th,. lust
aiticlubirUatarfh tiny ievu 1 vt 1 olli iod in
Hie public. It has given tatn-f.u-i( u in
every cuse. ami knowing its ,, ,.,,,.
in-iid 11. Samuel J Wilson, Diuegist.Wilk,.
bane, I'a
If an Indian could bo as a
lepiiblicau voter the pioptietv of eou
fi 1 ring on him the political and social
rights -I a man and a biuthcr might bo
considered. ISut accutdiii-' to Cuitinl
Sheiidail tlie ..ply jj, t ,1,,,,
Ceil. Neal 1),
'W, the author of (ho
Maine liquor hiw. and the prohibition
i.ui'iin ui ii 1 l lts.iinu p, tmi iiu u,t,8
in his own state, Tempt uuiee nun, are
vour skiits dean'