f MB COLUMBIAN. n(H)HSIll'll(l, FltllHT, M.CKVIIKU 9, IsSO PUIILIO SALK9. IimHui Feltermin ami Aaron V. (Irnvcr, mlist'alors of the olntc of Mleliacl Utoer, A isel.w"' seu ml1 osiiiiu 1,11 ue premises ill X(,,n town'Mip on ttiursoav, ttecemDcr inn. IMI'lu II ll'gss and .Mill II. II. Kirk, mr- tiring executors ol Charles II. Doebler, tie . 1W,1, will val.niMo real cattle at the ( mfi House, llbonuljurif, on Monchy, Decent-W'- lSW. Ht .1 Ijerlis'inonts, ?.tt (.''irislims. Court commences next week. (blerbriiiit a good price this season. KoiirIi yourliorses ami prevaiit accidents. It 1k unlawful to shoot ilcer ufcr December 15 til) next October. The Adams-Keene combination ut up at the Kxchange. Who adlTer most this timo of jeir? Tur key', of course. John M II I2ta!ew was reglstercl nt the i'.x change yestetilty. Itanhn has challon?eil I.aycick to row within .1 given spice of lime. Miluti KijIk' Female Minstrels are booked to anpctr In the Opera House on tbo 13lli. Hig meeting lias commenced at the Metho dic Church. Conundrum What has become of MeKin ney's ciprc office flirk? An exchange fays nn empty coarh drove tip to the theatre and Sarah liernlinrdl got out. The theatricil troipothnt vUiteil Ibis place week caused a great deil of "speculation." The unexpected closing of iheciral caught a great many boatmen aw ly from home. Humor has it that a number of weddings nro sal down for this winter McKlnney'a Iirge ghs windows in his new building arc very attractive. Caiwo of so many staggering females on Sun ihy last slippery paveinnts. Stephen Kuhn is Imi'.diug a large and com modious ice house on the lot back of his meat market. Turkeys sold nt ten cents per pound lat week, nnd there was a luge ilemind for them at that rate. A futile attempt was made in Srranton to In crease the salaries of school teachers ten to twtnly per cent. Percolator! I'ercohtorl Saves 25 per cent I V. McKelvy agent furjllloomsburg, Pa Nov. 12-lw Keep your chickens under lock and key. We unders an I the b n-S'iitihera nave commencril their vocation. Ilibbits nre pltntv this season. The boys are cuituring lots of them. Have not men any in market yet. There are 200,000 telephones now in use, al thoiieh telephone have had an cxWtence f nly five years. An Academy of Music is being erected in Shtnnndnali, w ich will be rindy fur oicupan cy some time in January. "Uelshiwir's (oast," on Saturday night, at the Presbyterian church, was, as the sermon deserved, well attended. 10,000 Ilushela of Lancaster and Zeller Vol ley wheat wantid at Willow Grove, at$1.05 per bushel. Z. T. I'owlkh. (tuy J.acoby gave much assis-anco in this is. sue, He is alive to the occurring events, am pictures tiie fads in a fine manner. We noticed sevenl persons were taking time by tho forelock aod tilling their ice houses last week, The ice was 4 and 6 inches thick. Prof. S. N. vValker.ofour town, will speak at the Union Tenii crance meeting nt the M. K. church next .Monday evenitg. To butcher eight swine and one steer in a diy is pretty good work. Dive Cuffinan says he and Mtlea llelz did it yesterday. We aro informed tlul there is being shipped to New York frjin this dep)t nbjut ooe thous and H)und of poultry a day. rho mtny friend i of Hirry Ilirkinhine, the Water Works contractor, are happy to hnke him by tho hand. Harry's visit is one of business with the Company. Tlis Thanksgiving sermon prescbod by Uev. Dr. Mitchell in ihe Lutheran church, was a very able one, and is well spokin of by thot-e who lie ml it. The Derby hat worn by so many of our young ladies, is not only janty, neat and nob by, but so convenient. It cm be worn by ber and her brother and no one will bo the wiser . You are kindly invited to call at the Peo ple's Drug ami Hook Store to ex imiue the lir gest nnd finest assortment of Holiday Goods ever brought to 111 lomsburg. The "Pas-ion Play" will not be proluced, as contemplated, in New York City. The strong prtssnre of public opinion cuised the minager to ab.ind.rn the idea of bringing it out. The people do not take kindly to the lite tuitbod of disposing of the deal. Only eight bodies have, as yei.becn cremated. Tis a con Jtbt between prejudice and reason. Leap year is iieirly'run out Wo have not, as yet, heard of any leap yeir alliances in this action. (iirU, if you desire to claim your priv lege, now is the lime to strike. It is stated that Prei dent Hayes bad no turkey oa Thanksgiving. We would tujgest thai he start a neSaper, (or who over htard of an editor failing lo havo a roaJt on a holi day. The Now String Ilinl rendered some excel lent music at llioSktting Kink list Saturday evening The band is a good one and should receive the patronage of all who detlre string music. The skating nuk fever has lo.t in hold ev erywhere. We hear very little about such Institution any more. However, Mr. Fowhr had a good turn out on his opening night, Sal urday. Parties bavin.' horses sill 'cH wilh epiioo ty would do well to guard against gelling any of the discharge In Ibeir eyes or on sires, as it is of i most virulent nature, and Is quite sure to cause mdammition. The minalrel troupes have already produced a burlesque on Sarah Bernhardi, entitled 'Sir. ah Heartburn.' Poor wmnud Not content with Ihe fun liny have had on account of her attenuation of form, they now ridicule her acting. Kev S. O. Itedding, of Lewlsburg, will preach in the llaptbt church on Sunday. Mr. It. is highly spoken of as an abl and logical divine and those desiring to hear a good ser mon should not fail to her him. We uniler 'Und thai lie come heie on trial, as the H'plUt chunh wilh to secure a justcr. ' Moytr Bros, ate pushing vigorously the rc- I pairs and changes nece-arv f,,r ii. oftho'Cily" hotel Into a drug store. Wln completed It will be one of the finest .In.. ........ !.. .1.1. ... ... '"is pan oi tne male. The American Union Telegraph Company intend runnim; their ultra i.n.l,- . i place. Philadelphia, If lids It done ll nut re.uli In on the removal of those nnslchtly nnd ot-Jtcllona- 1,10 I llie entertainment irlrcn hv the Pl,llnl-il.n deb Literary Sociely, in N'ornnl Hall, on Thntik.. I 'nS giving night, was excellent In every rc'pect, 10 and the atiendaace the largest that bas occu- .i n, ii. r., i ,.v.,. ,llr ii,uB iime. Weather pngno-ticators diK r greatly In uisir pteuieinus lor this winter. Vennor, the Caui.li.in, says wo will hivo a coll winter and lots of snow. While a nroi.hot in llninn. sack, Js. ., ci lilly as well notel as the da. ndiaii,pru!lc!s a mil I season. Which is ttgln? sr.... I . ... . I I , . , . , ,'.'"llij I iirrcnanrs wnn sin wt mm n j-. I.n i... t. 1 ii . . . . I I l.l'IrtUllf, OI.Il linilOU. Iir llll MflltStlo.. n,... I ff. ' Ihe new M. 1, church at Stillwiter. will l, tciticatcl on Sunday mornii g at ten oclock. December 12. 1 he phco of wor-hip is a beau-1 tilul one the coiigrtgalion takingall necessary pains to make ll attraclive. The M. 1;. choir of lllo-imsburg Isexpeetcd to be present. Wo h.avo much pleasure In recommending Thcrmalino to our readers, as an absolute euro for Malaria. Tbo manuf.ictnrers' n.amo alone Is a guarantee of its merit. Itsellsat2." ccnta per box. Tor particulars seo Adtt. inly IM, 's0 Gin The new i-.vangelical church on Fourth street will be dedicitid by the liisbop, Itev. 1 homns llowman, at 10 o'clock in the morn ing of Sunday, ihe 12lh of December. Tin eminent pastor, Hev. S. U. Davis nnd congre gation extend to al. a cordial invitilion to bo present at the exercises, Nearly all tho compositors of the Rending linjle, who struck bic.iu.e a couple of females were unplojtd, are bick at their posts work ing along side of the girls. It is right, (lirh should be permitted to do any kimt of work they are able to do, hit they should not work for lower wages than the buys, Fear of that, we presume, wis the reaon ibe hands struck Are you going to p tint? If so, send to the Montour Paint Mills, llupert, P.t , for your Pure Lend, Slate Colors, Pure Paints, Ac , nnd save the wholesale and rt t sil profit. You can mix your own colors with pure linseed oil for 8 "j cents to $1 20 per gallon. sep. 10 3m According to the Pcliedutes returned to Ibe census officers by the enumerators of the sever al districts of Philadelphia, the following is the population oi that city: Total number of in habitants, 844,930. Number of m ties, 405.S99. Number of females, 411.0M Number of na live born, 012,018. Number of foreigners, 2011132 Number of white, 815,182. Numbtr of cobnd, 31,798. Tho medicines of Draois Dick it Co. aro unexcelled for elegance, purity, and relia bility. Their Seldlitino firldlitz Towders, are as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft Cniules nro world famous. See Adrt. july 20, 'S0-0m Quite a sensation lias been created in Wilkes' barre,hv Ike appearance, al night, in the vicini ty of I'rewery Hill, if a man chu in ghostly ap parel, frightening (ho foul tics so bally tint they will not venture out after night fall- 'Twould bo ngiod thing were his ghoslship to give llloom-burg a vi'it Perhaps it would stop a great deil of talk not very creditable to the large number of girls tint run our streets at night. Most of our merchants have already purcbas ed their stock of holidty goods and have mtde tasty displays of the s line. Judging from the plei-ant nnd smiling countenances of the deal. ers, they expect 617 sales, am! there is no rea son why their expectations should not be real- ited, as money is plenty, There certainly is no need fir our citizens to go away to make their purchases, when they cm get everything at home just as cheap and good. On neit Tuesday evening, December 7, the people of llloonisburg and vicinity will have Ihe rare opportunity of hearing thapl 1111 Jlc Cttbe's great lecture on "The Iltight Side of Life in Lihby Prtron." It will furnish lo all, who embrace tho opportunity thus offered, an rii . richest pleasure and profit. Lit Ihe Opera House he filled to hear it. Tickets 2-" pants. resrvei 1 eeats 35 cents: children lo cents. Dr. Meltaar'i lleiulwhe and Diwei'sia Pilh, Price 25 ceuts, cureat once Head ache, Dyspepsia, Uilhuusneas, ami Cin.li- nation. nov. 19-tm While we are friendly to Ihe small boy nnd hketoseehim have plenty of sport and enoy himself all he can, yet we must confess lhat sometimes, if indulged too fir, he makes something of a nuisance of hitnstlf. Hut would it not he well when giving notice to the hoys not to slido their eltds down the walks, m.ikin; them slippery and dangerous, not to limit our commands. One small boy wilh his slid will make Ihe piveiuenls just as smooth aod trouble some to foot-passengers as another small boy with alike. sled will. Alaaya treat tho boysatf HAVE VOU IIEAltll TIIE NEW S 7 Hlits will be here In a few weeks with his dime exhibition. The Professor's world wide reputation as a prestidigitator and ventriloquist alone makes the auniuncmcnt of interest to the public; at the sime time he promises new acts, songs, daucti, .le., by new people Watch (or the d He of the allow that only char ges one dirno an I alwtys gives 01 tire satisfac tion, All those Knowing themselves In leblul to us for subscription will do us a grmt fivor bv c illiug and paying up when ihey attend Court nexi week. Those desiring lo lake a go id, reliibl 0 Demo cratic paper, we advise to subscribe fir the Columbian which they cin obtain fur Jl 50 per year id advance, or 52.00 if not paid in ad vance. One of the principal changes now noticed in weddln.'S is ihe absence of the proverbial mar riage bell, and more recent horseshoe, fur what seems a more imposing nwl comforlablo stjlo was Ulily seen at a fashionable wedding in New York. It wis a raised din or platform, on which the bridil parly wasseiied lu receive there 500 friends; ovtr and around thorn was an arch or alcove of natural ll iwers. L'shers standing on eilher side bund ice and keep tick the crow I, No brtde.in lids. The groom is always attended by a gentle 11 in frieu I win, alter the Lnglish fishlon, is called "a best man." One wuuld suppose lhat the intended husbnnl was the best man on such an occa- A fireesoipe his been erected by the Tru.t ees of the .Normal School on the tipper side of the dtrmitory building. It is so arranged as to afford an ample way of escape for all ihe south endoflhe building. The stairs are so con structed ss lo form a platform at eich tl ior and thus open a way of escape to all. The outer edge of tho tair has an iron railing o as no accid'iit msy occur. There aro now fur modes i.fe-cpe Oie slairnt ll.e north, two in the centre, and thislast additional one al the south. F.very advantage is being taltn by the Trust-e-s lo make our school equal lo any in the State. So far as a lueins of escape Is concern ed, we ran bost of luving the lest arrange mint of oy school building. THE COLUMBIAN AND J II. Klnptrls has purchssed the propertr ol drome I'en"ttrmachrr on Fourths reel, Dlpht'.eria iir'ging In L-wUhnrir. Siitv dentin luye incurred don It recontiv In that The iiw mills, at Willlimsiurl liaveiloml ""oint of the cold weather which prevents rim"'nK of logs. j "it .uiumu 11-3 .menu i-ei.'iiu.; - gites to the Firemen's Convention nt Head. One of our ot'ganizadtns nt least ought "presintcil in lhat meeting Tl . , 7. "Z TT . , , .,, , ,t .u ,ma rtuL-n iuino na ion in artu " We Ine-d ,y evening to a fair 1 audience, ino v.utnmy is not orthofir.t orJ.r, Imt the iroii)o rcmiereil it about as will as the lay I I woul I admit. Miss Sal le Adams.'m ber must. cil 8iecinlit!es, was purlicul.atly gcod, TitR C(lt.L'Mni4V I. Ihn mitv ofTir... In tlip ' ,i.ni t.... ... i t.t. t. ..i. :i.s. ...... . J "in. "" '." ,VJU .UIS Ull vAlllUHIUII HI r.l. f - I... .11 . . i.ir i ir iwii yeir . i i.is is eviuenic .mtnshaui.d to ,how our o,k Wo have alreidy done some neat work fcr our merchants for llio H didivs, You ran I idgo for onrnlf when ymi s-e (lie work. Ciilt ,u,e I cirds.Nev Yoirs cuds and unurrdng car.Is, printed at this i.lli.'e In the neilest man nlr - " are practical, luvirg serve I n full time at ihj tride an i overse; all our work be- ore it leives the ollu-e. SUisf.iction always .... given in price and style of work. Xo recreation appears to give more life and chceif lines than skatirg. villi thctcuiperati-re losr cnnuith to make active m iveiuents mcessa' r'. Thanksgiving nllbrded an excc'lcnt op pLtrt'in ity fir ibis exerci-c. and was eiuhractd by virv young Ameriinns as well a children of a larger growth. The graceful movements of tho etpert a'trtcted more attention and ad nitration from lookers-on, p'rlnps, b it the lofty tumbling of those t iking the initiatory lessons produceil more expressive demonstrations. It is surprising bow many fills it peron on skatis can take without manifesting any pain or incon venience. A fill on the head, a rcg liar broad side or a back ste n .etn only lo ner)e the new beginiur to ren.'wed t Hurts. Dtity Jljinncr. PERSONAL. Ceo. K. L'lwell was in Philadelphia the past week. Senator tied, II. J. McIIenry, was in town on Monday. F, S. Hunt, of Derwick, was in town on Tuesday afternoon, Kohr McIIenry, 6f Ilen'.on, was in town on Wednesday, J. 1). l)odin, of Mainville made Hloom a flying visit on Thursday. F. S, Simpson made us a friendly call on Sat- urday last. "Sim" looks will and ajs insur ance business is brisk. W. O McICinney, tho popular boot and dioe dealer, arrived home the 1 liter part of Issi week, fiom bis extended western trip, great y improved in health. ACCIDENTS. Hurt. Oordner hid one of hi hands hurt on last Frid ij- al tho car shops. Geo. Margerum of Catawissa bad his band badly hurt 1 ist week in ooe ol the cir t-hops at llorwick Clark Shoemaker, ml emplnyeo in Lockard's cir sho s, had the fingers of his right hand so bidly liciriiid, one ilty la-t week, that it be came necessary lo amputate three of them. S. C. feldve nnt with a painful accident re cently. He was cni-ni:ed in work nrouod citler press and while in the act of driving a stake, slipped and fell on a plough share, breaking one of his ribs. One diyla-t week, the clothes of n young Iuan named liiumin, working at Lockard'i werecioght in lite machinery and neirly torn from bis body. The timely stoppage of ihe machinery prevented an accident which might have been fital, As it was be escaped with sliithtty damaged hand. On Monday, John Heclifel, while ngaced in moublirirat Lockard's car ehops, liad one of his feet severely burntd by the up'tihing of a ladle containing red hot iron which run into ids shoe. The shoe was instantly re moved and sweel oil applied and to-day his fool is rap ill ly healing Stuiuel Hill, an employee of W.n Hart, en- pa.-ed in mining hard ore at Armstrong's farm met wilh a painful and serious acc dent on Monday morning about 9 o'clrck He was iu the act of tamping a blast, when from some un known causo, a sudden i.xplosion occurred His fice is baity burned and presents a woeful picture Whether he will 1 ise the siyht of his eyes cin not bo told, because of the swollen and burnt condition of his face. This is tho second accident that has occurred in ibis mine w(,n n fhurt time, SIIKItll TS SALE. On Mondiy, November 22, 18S0, the Sherilf sold the following properties lo parlies below named: Property of A. V, Cool to A. W. Kramer fur S12.i. Property of Win. Limon to Joseph Latnon for $1,325, Properly of Waller Billman lo Darius Yea- ger for SCO. Property of II. C. Preaa to .Mrs. S A. Kik for $1,150. Property of Ilobert Hryson lo Win. Hryson for iH0. Property of James Keeder and wife lo Mar garet ltodine for $3?0. Properties of Win, Menslngers three proper lies to J. L. Mensinger for $2,9.10. The pecularity of the A. S. T. Co. lllack Tip ie.lhat it is independent of ibe upper.and simp ly protects it from wear, without endangering the upper from ripping.as is the case with toe caps seaed on to (he upper. We would advise our public officers 10 ex amine the pockets of Irsmps before furnishing them with lodging for nothing, It seems some of them are rilh men in disguise. The other day the dead bady of a tramp was f und in a coal bin in a village cilled NisKavuna in Sche nectady county, New York. Upon examinalii n ofliis persin iho Coroner fiund 19 one thous and dollar government bonds, $750 In other givernment bonds of smaller denominations, and $239.72 in ra-li. besid.s a gold watch and chain valued at $150 00 and 6 old silver spoons tnarktd "J 11 O.," making In all $19,9S9 72, besides the watii, chain and spoons above, mentioned, On Ihe morning of his death he entered a house and asked fir something lo eat. He was refused on account ol his squstid appearance, hut the lady of the bouse gave him ten cents Investigation of the matter has commenced, and at present writing it is thought that the identification of the man, us John K, Oiles, fjrmerlv a minister of the Gospel, is sollilcent ly well establl-lied, "His unclei and his cou sins and bis aunts'' are springing up in count less numbers, all claiming .hares of his estate; hnt the parlhs prosiputing the search fur his relatives seem to recognite Ihe claim of a cer tain lady in Michigan, who savs she is the wife of the deceased, and corroborates her .latement by letters, Mr, Thompson, a law yer engaged in the cas, slates lhat there are o'her wives prior to her and lhat it will ho hard to prove her right to the properly. The only pad guaranteed to cure diabetes, gravel, dropsy, Ilrlghl'a disease, nervous do bili'y.and all diseases of the kidneys and bltder, I Prof. Guilmelte'e French Kidney l'ad. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Wlitn vou alleid llouri next wtek l.rlnif I your d.cds along with )ou nnd have Idem nil placed on record. 1) lay- are sometime ll II gerous. Mr. Harry lllrklnb r p-nnosi s t iktng shout tweniy-fivo workmen f om I along with him toliong Ilramh to nil in nalir pipes. A Ni:W PAYINO OCCUPATION t'Oll LADII'S . (livXTLKMKM Tho Handome Nlekel Plnttd New Home Lainn heini: Intruduced to the tmblic ttrs ret son, is the most meritorious ntticlc ever olfertd agents lo make money wpli, is safer nrul moio n.ntoiilenl than IliP allidnnt lamti. wlilcli bus l cL,?!o' tf,h" r.o fWJ, nitcliine. td ino. ofean. dek. oic. lie fear nt the orillnarv limp lielng nectomt- ally ti set or thrown Irom tbo table, is entirely trlrlvidhv the simple clump loiiltlvaiice. It can be nd justid to thro" the light just whh-e ll i. i ...t, .1 ..... i .,rn... ed iiiio a handsome wall lamp It has t lie hcjl argsnd burner, n filling indlcit r, and conveni ent match box, and lis ptlicis within ihe readi of evtrv one It Ims been fully tes'td nnd tdi- tori Uy ei dorsid lie the II esfrrn ChrMum Ad roenfr, Am- ChrMinn Hnirv, Herald nnd Pic bytiTi Journal awl .lcsscuftv-, and ChrUtian Stan1 Mnl, the Itndiig rcl iiious tmiersof Cincin nati, and ts ehdirsed ny the .layor nnd Post- muster ol Lincinnnt . the aecnt of tlieAinerl. can express compnny suit pesidonts of Insur- mice companies, as hemg tliu satrsl, most com venient ami b-'st lamp mailc. .... .. . . . . . . i . .., , mere are i nrt-e r.oiis wnv nceois siinuni pk ..,, r , rnnvu f ,Pf,, fr !t. abs dute stfetv nnd creat convenience, it is needed in every lionio sreoad its low price makes its sale immen'e tbinl it will be t great credit lo handle such an article. Oni 'Ulliern aicnl writes, it sells lister Iran Utn Lee's nirtrait a. Id rich! afier Ihe war, itnoth er wrne, it heats the palmy tlays of the sew- itnr machine, i'.s ritml nil-, low once, anil lib- oral terms suriTise 1 1 1 sg lit- Addrtps Hume Lamp Co , Linr innnti, U., mentioning out pa- pr an 1 they will give you full particulars and exclusive tcrri'ory to cinv.iss in, nov,5-13w IH'CKIIOItN NKWS. lli-CKiion.v, Nov, 29, 1SS0, Km. Columbian : Oir schools are now open, and with ihe new books, and the able corps of teichera we msy expect good results. The meiiib-rs of the M K. Church, hne place 1 a ne.it carpet in their church, nnd now have on tho way ,t Cliristnits Tree hntertam ment for tho bent fit 'uf an orgin. Mr. Dan Harris h is rcttirned from a long visit at Hamburg. William Ohl killed two hogs weight as fid lows, one o2l and another 17ti unking in all 997. Itabhits never seemed so plenty, F.d. Hirt man killeil eleven in two itiys. tint lljv Savage is still aliein, lie having shot nnd brought in a wild turkey. I. Tliev IniM' iiccIimI ii iiioiititui'iit to Al cxaiiiler ltniniltdii, the Mak'xiimn wIki foiiiidoil tin1 iik'.'i of a t-fions; uovi-ni incut, winch ii siiiidy n Iti'pttblinnn fin in nt niotiau'liv !H it wi'iv, bill iiuIkmI a -tiiil a woiil nliotil tloinsr tlio same tliintr for Tlionias .lolTci'-on, tliu iiiiiiinr tal :it I i t vlio-c idoa it was tliat til ii'oilo sltotilil rule tliis jrnvi'iiiiiient. Marriages. IIkcol'K Kvks 0i Thur-ilay. Ncvem1 15th, nt tin' M. II iir-onnpe, III )inn"bur, bv liev. K II. Yorum.Mr. t hrnl" C Ho.icock of Uohi-ririurg, to Kl Icira 1! Kvcm, of Millvill Deaths. IloriEUT In H)hrburg on the U3nl of So vemlior, of dinthert i, Kinily L, Ho 'trt. ayctl 12 years, ti inontlH Hnd 'J5 l.iyf. Busiiie.ss iNotices 'Walm-tI.kafIIaih ltBSTOKKK"ls entlrelv differ ent fiom all others. It Is us clear as watcr.and 03 Us name Indicates, ts imperfect egelable Itatrlte sturer and dots not in unv manner uITect ttie liealtli whtcn s-mphur, Miear cr la-nil and Miruie or Miter preparations hate done. It will linmedlait-li Ine Ihe head rom all Ilanrtrun lfestoro llray llalr to Its tiatur.il color, nndrrcdu -e a new tirowin where 11 baa fallen 1 IT, It wlllchsiige light or faded hair 111 a tew dais to a beautiful L-uissy brow n. l:very bot tle Is warranted. Ask jour druiruM for It. Tor sale at Movkk linos., Illomnsburg, I'a. Multu, Kline Co., Philadelphia, and Ilalli Huckell, .New Yolk, Fine Table Linens, Towels, Napkins Ac for l hri'-tnias present at Clark oi con a Eureka! Eureka I I Eureka 1 1 1 The place to buy a good cheap Winter Coat or suit of Clothes is at Davlu Lowenberg s. Dolls, Dolls, l)oll, Djlls.by the hundred at I. W. llartnirns. Mrs. J. It. Scott invius the attention of tli public lo 1 er fine assortment of Christinas lior ds(cutndsiingof This in grtat vnritly. plain and fancy candies, at wholesale and retail, c.c. More new Coats ami Dolmans for the L dies at Lutz A bdoatie. Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKi.inej'j. Ladies, now is yoi'kumuto buy ihiess r,onn, We ullcr you our tniiro stock cf woolen and Wursltd Dress Goods at coal blaok and colored Cashmere?, nndn lull line ol other Drers liociK that haven t been stuck sixty days. Our former selling price is marked in plain figures, so that you can see that ihev are at lowlt not lower than any other merchant oilers the same quality of goods at. The driss cond must Iw close ou' 2 yu can rave iroui jire 10 iijietn miis per yard by uuj'ine M US now. l'o-t yourselves on prices, then fl" and exa iilne our pnotls and prices and be con vinced that we do what we say srlling al coil. Clark A Sou. hoTfoiiahat. Just, received all the latest and most Nob by Styles of Hats for men and boys nt David Lowen In rg's. Chlldrens fine Toy Ho it will be one of the attractions of I. W. Ilartmaus Christinas Stock. The Largest stock of Fancy Goods nt Clark A; cons, Harriet A. New kirk, of Salem, says: 1 a cured of tetter in my band by three applica tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was cured of old running sores by using it. I' cured my son of a sprnitud antle, Price 25 cents Sold by (J. A. Klcim, liloomsburg. april 10, 'So.ly If you want a Good Overcoat cheap go lo Grnss' N. Y'. store, Hlooni. I. W. Hartmau's fine Queensivare, Vaces, Toilet sets, Decoraled Cups ami Saucers Lamps, Glass Seta etc., cannot be surpassed in the comity, go and ee them. HE!) linits-E POWDKII cures more uores. mules and sheep than any other medicine. Pure eierj time. oct Si, 'o-leow Celluloid, liubber Ivory Diatiteand Flor enue Toilet ,Sts, in Leather, Plush and Sa1 in Oases. A'l the newest designs very cheap at Hemiersliutt'a Drug Store, If vou want a Nice Pair nf Woman's Kid Hoi Too llutlon Shoe go to C. K. Kesslers IlPNM(Y7'.lMit)I.Ic klvk. The ltesi hallo In tho world for t'lita, lirulses, Sons, riccrs. saltlttieum Tttur. I'happtd Hands, chilblains. Turns and all kinds cf s-Mu triiptluns Heckles and pimples The a.lve Is guaraniet a to irlt e pi rfect tatl.sfatllon lu eu-ry case or monct re funded, lie sure to t-et Hi tirj's I'arbollc suite, as an cithers nre but IujIUUIols. Piteous cents, i'l ban u) 1111 aruggisu, oct ft, tsMyeow Child Solar Tip Button Shoes J1.C0 at Kesslers, Headquarters fur silk and tinea Handker chiefs at Clart it Son's. Hats and Capi N. Y, etre. iu g,reit. variety at Gross' Kvcrv Town iu the County, Kverybody iu the Tnwiis.Kvery Township in the County and Kvety person In the Townships are In vited to I. Hartmans ior Holiday Good. A V. rv liniu s'nrl mi nt nf J.'td Irs' Coat. nii'.dy ni-iile anil Iritinmri In Silk, Satin and Velvet of thf lattst styles nnd fisblnn for site by nil is Ynlinp, l.lplil Nrtet,jtil got In from Mipi iii inanol icllir-rs In j,rl c from 9-1 tui. J I fill, id Ml. ii Ml, 7 Ml, J8 M), J',i Ml, illl Ml, $1:! Mj, l."i Mi. -10 MJ 1S Ml. let, Kim l'hp Hurst assortment of Pocket Hooks in I the intinty at I, W. Ilnrtiiians. More Shawls nndjfklrls at Itlz & Blonti The Largest Stock and the Lowest prices nays ta be found nt dross' Clothing Store, lllooin. You will find Headquarter for Furs this inter as Usual nt l.uiz ft Slonus, All parties inlcrcslnl in buying good, ican niul FASIIIONAIILH OLOI'HINO i. ub I fi'iil it to their interest to call at (lie old reliable Clothing Store of Liavlu l.owcnberg s, Fine selection of Jewelry and Silverware nt 1 llirnliaril s Uo'jils bought engraved tree oi charge. More Holiday tiooda coming at Clark & Son's. lllchest Cash Price nald for 1.000 flnml Fat, Live VKAL OAM'rM Ibis Fall and Winter. You can bring them rlcht nlnnir now on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nf eacn nnu every ween mis fall and Winter. liring In your goml lat calves now and tret yjtir cash for them. Bring them from the rth, south east ntul west. Let them c ine right along now to Silas Younir. Llcbt ctrcci. oct. l-4tn For f hristmns Toys and candies, go lo Mrs. 11. Scott a. You cannot help bung leased. Hoots and Shoes below cost for 30 days at flrns' N. Y. store, Illnoni, Prettv Suits for children. Ulsters for little hots, new, nice, and neat, call and seethe iaii all les at David Lnwcnberg . Hubbcrs nt MclCinney's. The very highest market mice paid for nice arieii fitiei uiierries, unci) liaspber- ries and Dritd ltlackberries. Hrintr Ihem from the north, south, cat and west ly the! pound, sack, ling, one nnd two horse load to Silas iouug, Light Street. oct, l-2m Admission free at MclCinney's, i'k Linen and Oambric handkerchiefs bv Ihe hundreds at I. W. Hartmans for the H0I1 lats. Fancy Ilat(ta. Kalo-meda ware at Clark & Son's fur Christina presents, Lulr. ,t Sloan have received Ibeir Holiday sloe 01 1'iateil and fniici itoiti Jewelry, , large stock of Suits and Overcoa's very cheap at Urtss 1 . store. Do not huv a Silk Handkerchief untd you see Lutz it Sloans large Slock. Hoot headquarters at McKinnev's. Why not buy a Nice Dress al Clark it Son's for a prin lit, I hey nre selling at cost. llo anil see. American Watches "f all kinds. Stem Winders as low ns $S. Warranted at L. Bernhardt s Jewelry Store. Beautiful Ulsters, l asliionable (Jvercoats. Nobby Fall Suits, Lowest prices at David Jiwenberg's. New llaisitis, Currents, Figs, Nuts.MincP- Meat, Cranberries, French Peas, Cheese and other seasonable goods at Heudershott's Tea More. Call at d see the Chic.120 and Russia Kip Tap Sole Hoots the best iu market at Kcss- ler. I. V. Hartman will open Christmas books in a lew days, go ami see them. 1,000 pounds nice dried raspberries, 4,000 pounds nice driedpittrd cherries wanted thi fall by Silas Young, Light ritrret.juy 2-Cni Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Hon. Georce N. Corson, Norrlsfown, save: The Phojnix Pectoral is indispensable in my lauiiiy, it acts liken cuurm 111 curing coughs and colds with the 1 hildren.and 1 always ue it when addressing a jury. Price 20 cents. U.A. Klern, liloomsburg. aprlb-Jy The people aro comingMaily to I, W. Ilnrtmans to see those large Chromes for Christmas presents, HEM.TII AMI HAI'PINE-K. It seems strnnce that any ono will suffer from the many dt.innnam.-nts brought on bv an Impure con dition of the blond, when t-COVll'.-, HLIiitl) nnd MVr.ll t.IH"r restore perfict lieullh to the phsstcut orffajjiation it Is tiifcdnstrenirthtnlnir spiup, pie.is.mi to late, anu nas proten liseir to ie the best blood nurlllir eer dlseoured. enect- tt illy curing scrofula, sjphllltlc diseases, Weakness I 01 tne muiicjs, an nervous uisorucrs arid iieLiiny, 1 It corrects ltidigesttou. It makes the old reel joung, I and the lounu- feel cuy. and will 1 variably drlte i out of the system the many tils that human llishls helrto. A slntrle bottle wtllj rove to y..u its mer its ns a health ri newer, for tr nets llko a chatm, etpeiial y when the complaint tsoraiiex-hausti,-o nature pailnga tendency to lessen the naiurui vior oi ine i.ruiu nun neriuus sybicm, oct 'ja.veij eow PHILADELPHIA MAEKETS. Market was quiet and firm; superiors $i 75 tra U no (.4 4 su, Ohio and Indiana family fiiilKufflM; l'ehlislv nl.l family al 13 2ri." 5u; Sf (.outs fimliy at i5.'(cG so: Minnesota fmillt at J5 25sf-ij5 patent and high grades, al f 5o.a T.SH. biraiifii to u 't i ou. iivk Ki.orit-f". a:. N uk it- '1 1.0 unrket nrmer. fair Inoulr.v: No. western red at tl 17',; Pennsylvania red il I6ji IIj muuer ll nns n,. I'oiiN -The Market was nrra and ieryqulet;steara ernot ouoled: tcllotv at M,: mixed at 5.v.iAMie. iiats Market was steady and fair demand: No.l. white IbvjIJr; No, 4 dime; No. S, white 39,C(3.0c; So. 'i. mix. u .: -l- llvust.-ndi- I'okk -.M-..S 0 d tits "Salt! ri do new t5 ?s,ii t.a. IiKRf Hams at ill 60i- isoo: Indiana miss teef, f sen inms-Smnki-it shoulders, at akulilc: salt shoul ders, &i4c; biuukcd hams li'Litec; plckleU hams ei9j. i.atin-ririn: city kettle 'ttAJ: tooso uuicnera.s mi i--; prune s't-ani is,o. HI'Ttrk i liolee t rtn and fairly octtio others dull: en- unco extra, 32e; doiro.id loeliolce.vy .3 c; lira 1 ford county and New Yorkclro at vivjue, west ern res ne rxlra 22i4i!.e; wtstcrn reserto good in Ice lSt.2te; tolls steady for clio'co pradt-s; fetui sjlvanla extra 'W('j3c; western reserte extra Vb-i uc. mus-Frcsh scarce tlrru; rennsjlvaDlaSTi western i'litKsK-riinlce Rteady, othertrrsdos weak: N. Y. utl cream at 13r4iat., western. full cream at lo i do fair to L-isjd,li(4 2c; do half skltn 9iv dttic. mi KULKiJi ino muraei was uu t; r-uueu ixc- asked FACTS WORTH KNOWING. OlsRSr. BschQ, Masdrsks. KtllllDitl &ndl many other of the best medicines know n are sol skillfully combines In I'auaKit'a Oisoxn Tome Thi lint Health sad Strength litilorir ttsr I'bed. 60 perfect U tho comio6ltlon of riRxxa'sl Qinocb TONta that no disease can long exist where it 1 usoa. ic you nave uyipspsia, nsaa-a schs. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bowel, Kidntyl oe l.lver Ulioraer, or ll jwi iit-eu u uiim biiui-i ulant, or apjietlzur, tho Tonio fa just the med 1 iclae res- )ou, 03 it la mgmy curuuve. ana m- rionuilli; out iiuvrr luiuii-uiiuKi ll you nre siowiy wtuiinK sumption or any alckncss. If yo Cough orabaJ Cold, l'lnsta'i wastlnt; awav with Con-i u nave u rsmiuij a UI.SOCU IOMCJ u-lll Eiin-lv tinln tn rVor to the fiublo and aged, and la 0 cerUUs ou. It gltea new lira and cura ror Hbeumstllnt and Lholera inranlum. It Uaa Eaveil ItondrrJi of Lliei It MJJ sate loan. J If you aro foellng miserable don't wait until! Sou art) down sick, but uao tho Tomo to-day.1 ,0 matter wliat your disease or syiuptoma may J hn It will Hrn nmmrit relit f. I Jtemember I PaaKxa'a (JiKotn Tokio la not a rum drink out tne otii nut i-urcu remnyi Medicine ever made, cotniioundeAl by a newl procswft, and entlrt-fy dUTerent from Bitters. i ginger preparailons and all other Tonics. Tr7 ; ooe oollio. I our oruggisi can BUiipiy you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tbe Hcit and Bloat IODomlrsl Hair Prcialsf uqu-ilely perfumed and perfectly harmleu. Will llnaii lleitore (!ra or 'Jd llslr lo lu oHnnal youthful erAor and pppearance, end U vuraoted to stop iu taluoc, aiu.1 111 croulll aod prevent baldneti A few applirationi of the TIslfAU V1 toften the hah-, cleans alt dandruff and cure itching and hu. BBOunoTU.eeC4Jp. buiatyaucinipauaie.sorfi. lit. I, 'eli-lt LATEST STYLES OP CALLING 0-A.3R.3DS At tbe 'COLUMBIAN 0FFI0E.' OAK HALL, I UILADELPHIA. JVorth Knowing. Tlicre is a place in Phila delphia where a stranger may buy ins ciotncs, anu fare as well as if he knew the whole city by heart ; and if he knows nothing about the value of cloths, or ot clothes, he is as well off, as if he were a good judge of both. The reason is that every thing to be found there is made there made and sold under a system which rarely allows mistakes to occur, and which corrects them, if they do occur. Oak Mam. is the place; and its practice may be summed up in a few words. If you get there what you don't want to keep at the price, you return it, and get your money back. This means a great deal more than appears on the surface. It means that you are not going to get what you will not want to keep at the price, if the merchant can help it. It means that the clothes you get there will be of honest cloths, honestly made; and that they will cost you less than as good clothes can be got for else where. It means that they will be ever' way better worth your money than you can get elsewhere lor the same money. If it means anything less than these tilings if it means poor cloths, trimmings, cut tine, sewing, or in any way dishonestorilliber.il dealing; the return of his goods will plague the merchant, injure his credit, and dissipate his trade. If it means these things if it means liberal and honor able dealing, valuable and trusty clothing, case and safety in getting it, Oak Ham, is the place lor you to go to, or to send to ; and it is worth your while to know how you 1 .-...- can senu, u uis inconvenient to jro. Write ; say what your say what occupation is ; sort ot use you intend to make of the clothes you want, whether for every-day .1 wear or otnerwise ; wnai color you prefer, or what color to avoid ; say about what you want to pay ; say everything that you think may aid a stranger in choosing for you. Vou will tret in reply samples of cloths and prices of what- ever you want made from those cloths. You will get also the means of having your measure taken by an unskilful person, There is only one diffi culty left. Somebody has got to take the risks of the dealing ; for there are risks. Send your money along with your order. That covers the risk as to your good faith. We risk every thing else ; the. fit, and your satisfaction every way, Our trade by mail amounts to half a million dollars a year; there's no reason why it shouldn't amount to five millions. JVanamaker & Brown. Oak I 1am., Sixth and Market streets, Piiii.aui:li'iua. TRY TUH HEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR, Tho Largest and Host Family Paper in tno worlu. Sciul for SnmplG Copy Kj-ee. voiiK oiisritvint, :XT IMrli Uuw Xvw VoiU, MUM HCDSE FOR SALE! one of Ibe m ist d Hra IcrcMdti.ceslii mounts' un "n the north iet C'lrnur or iiuit.-t m,i t-.n! strc la formerly iaviiiled by w. i:. bterner. 'Iho hou-e Is u lirtrn and Couient-nt TWO KTOItY llUIOK Ill'Ii.ni.Nd, nlo ly turnl-hed. 'IheinisaUua bTAULK AMI I'lT IILII.l'INOS 'Ihe nronertv will tsi sold on e,u.v i.tnu iv... 7? ii u.i ' J ,, ' . Particulars Inoulro , iiiM.thJK. n ' Mvototbui,:, l u, or Hiram ? li''CvKm' iteece nor, KXECUTOKS' SALE IIP VAt.l'AtlLr. REAL ESTATE! The iitulcMtffnt d executors if Samuel nharter, sr., litodftlie Townct nkHmuMiry, In ho county of L'oltimU.., decenwd, wll npoto to public Rate upon the pmnlfH's on Tuiailiiy, December 21, 1880, Declaiming at ten o'clock, a m , tho following Til ACTS OK I.ANJJi No.l, known as the IIOHESTKA1) rutM.a'tuato tsi fCast llloomsburir, and hounded sni described ns follows to-wlti Hounded on the north by Hah. Intrcrcek-, oniho castbysntd Flslitngcreek, on the south by other h'l ds cf said. Samuel MialTtr, deceas ed, the r ce nf the ll'comshtirg Iron I'tmpany liclnc; th" iIIvMiiir Hue, mid on the neat by aald KUhlLg creek, tohtntt.lng 141 ACRES, ar.dra irrches. No 2, blluate In Knst lllooinsburg, bounded aid described as follows, to-wl'! Hounded cn Hi noitli by otner land, if llie tal 1 Sjliurt Mialler, deceased, the race t the HIo( rr.stnri Iron t'crnparo bclnif (tie ttu liflii line, on llie east hy rt-hlni-cicek and lands of M itiUIn Piiarfs r. on the south bj lindsif JohnO. Fieti;.. Ld on tl.tnvtst to lmbllr road l-adli g from Hlooni jbui g to t'.t. t'leaaant, cjntaliiin KIMHY-IWO ACl!i:H, nnd I4T percUs. 'J hese tracts cf land aro Inn hlh ttatc of cuttlra (ton and wbereen areertced hutists and liarns and oiit-bulldltigs lu ftood reratr. (Jr-iln tn ground reseried. 'Ihrne tracts Mill te fold MiJt to such re set v.v ttonsand exctrtlotifi hnd biilitideb tin-lilooms burg Iron Company itiileidto hainuel liarrer, de reused And oa WKDN'ltfLlAY, DPsfEMIlKl. 22, ISSll, Rtcnep. m, at l'AIKKItft IIOIKI.. Mlt.I.VII.Lr, aTracl of Land, r-ltuale In uteenvTis-d townsblp Ci lumbl.i county, boundid and dcscilbcd as fotlowa, to-" It: Hy public road liatli.g from Ulllrllle to Se reno. by 1 tnds of Jam s MaMers an-il'arttn Erta, by l.in Is of falrmon aohn and by laiidsof William Untblns, conlntliliiK 51 ACrtKS AND 1I I'EK'.'II. Us- This tract Is ell tlmbtred. C iNPlTIONS Of S.VLi:. Ten per cent cf one fourth of the purchase myney to ts; paid at the strtw Ingdotvn ot lit-! property, tbe one-fourth le-s the ten per cent, upon the nrstit April, lssi,and one half ot the reinalnlrtr three-foarttis ApMI lft, imj anil the remaining - no-ha f of tbo remslnlng three f virtlisAprll Ut, too, wilh Inturst from April lat, ts-il pat able annualli. t'npald purchase mcney to be secured tiy bond and mortgage. I'eeda and m'irlg.ig s to be j at J f t by purc't isora. Possession will be given April Ist, t'Sl. WIU.IAM SlUVrFI!,' ii. e. nsii is s,, .lOHN Ai I'I.KMAN Nov. IS, 0-4t SIJKIUIiTS SALE. Hy virtue cf fur.dry writs Issued out ot the Court ot common Picas of Columbia county and medlrected, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In liloomsburg at 1 p. m. on MONDAY, nKfT.MIH.Il (!!, 1SS0, All lha' certain lot of ground InCcBtralU borough Columbia county, I' nnbjlinnla, lajundcd and d--scribed ns fo lows, to vi It : tmtlin north by Inter David llrotrn, on Ihe cast by Locust Avenue, and on the south by 6trcet, on the west by an alio, bilogiweiity-ilvefett front and one hundred nr.d forty feet deep, on which are erected a two-story rratno burning and otit-bulldlngs- seized, taki n In ex. cut'on at tbe suit of Centr.il'a Mutual sivlng Fund Association against Sarah llaf- administratrix of Kdward Hatty and to bo sold the property of Mirah Hatly, administratrix ot idw-srd llaffy. nAKhi.br, Attorney. vend Kx. AL?0, Tho following dcsTIbcd property situated In Ihe town or liloomsburg, Columbia county. Pcnnsjlva nla, bounded on th-south by sixth street, east b) land of Mmon )utnn, north ty nn alley, west by lot of Jacob Schuyler, being fort-five feet front, nnd one hundred and fifty feet In depth, more or less, on wnicu are erected a small one btory frame dw elllmr house. There Is also a tine selection or fruit trees on tho premises. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Cortez B. Itobblus, administrator of D. W. Hobbles, deceased, against Frederick Weimar and to be aold as the property of Frederick Weimar. Baattxr.Attorney. n. Fa. A1.SU, Tho following described real estate situate In Or angcvtlle, Columbia county and state of Pennsylva nia, as the property of Henry C. Conner, bounded and described as follows : Lot No. 1, bounded on the north by land of A. Coleman, on tho east land of Mrs. Conner, south by lot of D. K. Moan, and on the west by Main street of said town, on which are erected a three story fratno hotel and other out, buildings . ALSO, Lot No. !, bounded, on tne nor'U oy lot of William Delong, east by Main afreet, south by lauds ot Moun tain Lodge or Odd Fellows Hall AasocUtiou, and on tho west by an alley, on which la irected a large hotel stable. ALSO, Lot No. 3, Is bounded on the north by lot of M il Ham Delong, on the east by an alley, south by land of Mary s. Conner, and on tho west by Mill Street of said town. Seized, taken In execution nt the suit of I), K Sloa,n against II c, Conner and to bo sold as the property of II. c. Conner. MllXEit, Attorney. rl.Fa. ALSO. All lhat certain lot of ground situate In tho town of Cntnwlssa, Coliimblacounty, State ot Pennsjlva nla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: He glnntuif at a point on the north side of Pine street attheluteifcctloiiotsccondsireet, thence by the norm snio or i-ine street a course bearing south- asiwardiy two hundred and ten (-210) feet to land if - shuman thence northeastwardly by 1 mil of said shuman one hundred nnd thlrty-tle (185) feet more or less to land late of Catharine liit Vtn, di ceased, thence northwesterly and by land late ot Catharine tu tkln, dece.iied.nnd parallel with t ine street ten (ir) feet to land ot William II. Or ange's estate ; thenco southwesterly bv land cf said nullum ll. orange's estate nnd parallel l hscconn street elxtv (i'n)Ketj thenco northwesterly by land of said William II. Orange', estate and par-Pel wph line street two hundred (son) feet lo the east side of second street; thence southwesterly by the eivsi side or second street scveiity-tite (T3) feit more or less to Ibe pluco cf beglnnl g, n hereon aro creeled atwostorj frnine double dwelling house and out kltihen, a train" wagon maker and carriage shop, a frame baikiuttn thop, aLd a frame cartage or warehouse now us-'d uaa dwelling, and other out buildings. .-eizeu, uiKen in execution a- tho suit of flcorg lltiihcs nnd . (I. Yetter, executor ot lewis Ytttei. deceased, ta. neoi-go w. soult and lo be sold as tbe property of (leorge S . soult. lliuws, Attorney. Vend Cx. ALSO, All lhat certain piece or parcel cf land situate In lienton township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, uoiinueu ami described as follows, to-witi Ilegln nlijg at a white oak thence by land of Charles Ash north eight and a halt d"grees east eighty-eight and loiir-iinins perches to a stone, tbeue north furls and a half diegees east twenty and elgut-tcnlbs perches to a maple and alone thence by land ot i nonius neiias north one a hall degitea west illte and bit-tenths perch- a to a stone, tbence by land ot Millam Apileruan north Mxty-two andahaifde grctii wesi twenty -stien and three tenuis neicln to a stone In the public road, thenco by other lands formerly it John llantz south fltty-s"! and three iiunitci- ingreiB west flftj tour und three-tenths perches to a ton" In said rout, thence north twen ty-elght and a half degnes west tuentt-fo u iiercli t 1 1 a (heat t.ut south sevihty and tlirvc-truarU degrtes west ttxtj uno and two-teiiiha perches u. abiouesiutii tmrty-nme und tbrcv irurter di gree east twcntj-slx pi relies to a stone on the east side of iLe aboie ro d, thence along suld road south for. ty-twu and one half degrees west thirty-four lorrln loa bione on ine west side of said roi.il.lli-i.ee bi land of Matthias Kline south HMj-rtie aula half degiieseaal onihuudreil and thlrtv petchestolt piaco cr beguuip g, containing sltty.seien aeres lnuro or losa, on w bleb ure eret'tsj a two-etory frume dwtl'lag, lurgu bunt, bard wagon shed and out- buildings. S tzid, taken tn executlou at the fultcf John K. Young In part assigned to Alfred Itantz against John liautzand to be sold as the prolan v or John Itantz C. It. Hrcsimw and K. It. Ukiin, Ally's Vend ex. belzed, taken lu incut Ion al Ihe suit off. K. Krlrk. bautn, Administrator as-alntt John llamz and to be sold aa tbe property cf John HauU W. J, Uuckalevr, Altoruey, v. Fa. f. II. I;nt, sheriff. no,-, u ts. HowoU & Co'h. Adve'rt. istory oi' Political Pm tics am! '.IIFTIIK FI.IIKHAI. UllVKItN'MEST FIIhM I'ols.NUL 'ImtiiTalUk rai.tiT ii.tu TI8H.V Nsw lu de-lyu. comprihi usltc and eiiau-t Ii.- mill tciiilliullj c.lored Matsj and Dlairraiub. li'Malns all the I'lmiuriii. nt I'ldiih-iil l'rii. iirii-iin. Minuiit in- in t ten iioum bind, Nlmul und library, lssutd In but k birin al l.tahdaau Wall (" art at . AtlKMS STi:i eiermbi-ie ui once llln ,1'iY lillANUUII, DAVID d. I'll., 1'llt.a., .- - -.-.....-I- ..hum ni llie utl-! iusi..niuitii,iiiu, r nor. ri-4 A VhAU ana exta-uses lo airents outnt Free. Addruaa V. o. VIC'KKHV AUk'Uata. Malu r nov U-Sv f Hteeant Cliromo Oards, New- Miles 10 eta. I yiS 'Vu,U.H. If JONES C.5.. KmiVu IMPKIllAt. IM I'KIIIAl, IMPEflHI, IMPKIllAt. I'lIOlOdUAl'll.H I'ltOTO'tllAI'Ilts 1'llOrOOKAlMia IMIOTOnllAl'llS KOI! HOLIDAY 1'Kr.SKNTS lOK HOLIDAY IMUiSKNTS 1-Ott HOLIDAY l'lllKXT8 KOlt 1101.11) V V l'ltUSf.Nrs AT HSYDKK'M (lAt.t.KHV Ar'SNYllltlfS (IAt.l.KIIV AT NSVDKit'S UAU.KItV AT HN YDIlll'. tlALLKItY nov 19 I in Ni.ttre Isbi-retiv L'tvcn thalthP folIolMri account luatiein f licit lu the Protlioliotart'etflli-oof t'olum btiicoiiiily and will to pivt-eiiti-d lo tint I'onrt of t'ominon Plena ofaild coulilvon 'I uesday, tin" 7th day rr iiiceinner A. n, i.Ni, ana connimen Blur ttie fottrlh tlsy of Hild term imlc.stt excefttoLH be ll'ed itltliln tbatlime. 1. Th Ri.-!ond account of vatniiel Crettllmr. lom ntltlee ot PhiiIUii Crctellng. WM.KItlCIIllAl'M. II. M. (Jt lCIf, I'rothonotarr. j'l-jiiny. iui. o, eu-ti; 1 1. i lie inaLtprof Iluiunti Prtlirtn'P. . ftHlcr.ee fnr benent ot ndltorK tf I iiciw rnurlurr, ot IK-ust U I. Chip. The iiiif1Tsli;nuI Ainlltnr opimtuVdltv tho Court t l ommoii l't ah or nilum) a eonctr todi5tilbtito the funds lu th h iihIh or the Aijronu' .HI meet the piriien iit-nt"rt nt i H oriK-c tn Himmburtf on Siturtta, lee mi-rrii atl'J ocUkIch. tn. at wnleti H-ne iU'lpiic all ieruni .tiU'rst(.l must iiilfiitJ or be Uc'buuvJ tn:u uny Miare ( fHahl tana, nov. 9 no-4.v Auditor. 'XKCUlOlfSNOl'IfK. F.ST4TR OK BENJAUIN UCIIBSKT, OkCKASRD. t-lti rs ti stementart on the estate of Henlimln lciii nrv. late nt lienton townshln Columbia covn- tr. rennsylr nil i, deceased, have been gra led 0 tlio Keglsirr of suld county to Alfred M -Henry, 'f lienton. Htecutor. All persons ha-lng i latins ugutr.st esluic of ssld dece dent are reipiestpd to errst nt them for aettlcm.nt, and iti'.se liii'ebted to the estate to mako pal ment to theuaderaigned Lxtcuter.wltboul delav. ALFItEI) Mclir.S'ltY. Kxeciltnr, oof. w sii-8w- Ivt.lou, Pa. jgXKCUTOK'ri NOTICE. r tTATK ijr Kin LFH P ULH A , PECK A P. l.rtii rs t( Mami'ntary mi th otuto of l-udolth hmrnii, 1 tc ir M In Ut hth'.p, Columtu county liut'tiM-tt, mw hi en trinitt' tl to i In l(KltUr r.( nald o'tni v I" tli U' lit r-lin.1 it if cutorts. All ruT- 40 18 ti i.litg flulnis iik''i!vl th1 risiah uri rqucfettil o lrc--ni 'in iu itir Miiemiiu anuiuotii' ii.ee uita o m ik tuuneni wIMim.t iu-H. FliANKLIN Slir.M'XN, J. K. I.u(tKNUI'.IMIhIt( Exfciirrp. op . 22, 'ft-fiw Mali rie, Pa. Y ULKON UVAUS. ESTATE OK JACOB Ct.EWf LU I'KCI. Af F.Pt COLUMIUA COUXVV, fS : The c'ninnion Health cf IVtitvhauia tn E'tz 1 f!it- vvcil uM mv. ciiiilfH Ciuuill ClirMiiih Clf i etl.iar- in .Tier, iiuunqu rim's, i.i'Utn-n viiunian, utinr Ji in ail Itifiu tf coin HorliMtir. nil ot rolumbu ( u Lly ar U .Jen rotati noi'il nr NrwYoik lineal Itlo-lnliUlU .1 K'l.t LUu'II. iIitPiiHf it. nrrt tn nil KT-oiistnUP"-t('iir,n't-iir,v: Vou urv h n h lotted iih Kiju iipjcarin.! -if i ne .juune cr our orpiians' viup. mi nn uiiiinin itmn ituit'iu UL ll iniiiuu K ll til" first Muii(la tl Di ocinhr Hfr.thpn flirt there lo awept or leiusuti tuki the real estatis cr aiujui-juMi'.H'ii ueivotn, at 111 arprai fii vjiu- illun tint Ul)OIllt t i lm IikI.ipsL ilmv iiu'iKtHil hv (ho said Court auu returmd ty tho Miirin. AlJ hereof fatl iiov. Witness the IlonrT.ibl W lilt im Hwoii, l'.c-sllf tit of our saui fnurt a: ii:i.iiitiiir., tht twphtx-stM om! day of stUfiiiber, .. li one tliuu and tight hun dred and eighty. Wit. KI.CK1UUM, (I. M. fVHK CI-!kO. C. deputy. oet. w, M-tf rIMlIAI, LIST. J l)lt DKCHMHICIt TEUM IS). .1 .1 hmlth ts W A Kile. Kredeilck MoH'er to ue ts II A. V U It Co. William clirehtrly th Ktl7b'tli W udern. KtiJ ill l.emon as .loM'ph n Madlon. William .Ne.U, minhinf partner or McKetry & Keal s iho l'enn'a Canul Uu. i v i.urke 8 L'entralu ltoruuj;ti. Ft ET liruzleton &U Y Uurdner. s I) Itlnard Kt-rdlnand iall and wife, o I) L Ko-tenbauder vs .1 It Knlttle. 1'eter Mvank's ue s Charles KettennanTi aomT. Henry C liowman's use vs John Y lloninan, JllgU Peter s noer Cataw Issa Township. Henry MinTsl ICoih. rtenj unin Kc& adra'r. s Thomas i?tackhouse. .Martha E Creasy et al va J H Vandersllce et al. Ilenrj- ltnoadnvs Ianlel Itoier. .1 It Vandersllce vs,l M Mlley, adm'r. Iram Derr vs Itonam (1 Ka.se. TruMees of tllUva(e Lodge Kof lth!as ts Oeo Pennington et al. Uas Ii Mojer vs John W ltoffman, 'acou Yeaiffr nV 1 Kyerly. -John M MiiiHT s Ira It hutlin. .1 W lllbb'sriecutor vs J C Heeder et ui, U'aiHFryv Patterson & Kdwards. E k Ikeler's uae ts lnrbira (ilger. ttllbirt Kllnes William Hautuetster and Lydli Haumelster Udiry Milliner's use vs (lotlelb Ilartman. Mapiriel Lord t .1 LOlrion. Martha Adams vs Joseph Uenrle et al. I K lirlm t ons vs Joseph Mephensou. imtes. lieed A eolley s Joseph M-phenson, ('onjiiuham .t I'h1iihs J McMarney & wife. Ilnxkaa) it Abbotts heu VandUiseh et al Ii J WaPt-r s l'enn'a Canal Co. CK li0ifrarti John Uoaton's adm'r. LIST OF JUHOKS I-OK DKCKMIiKH TEliM 10, (HAND JUUOKS. Heaver Joseph siD'e). HerHlek-'O'n.pli u ihurnpsm IlentOIl-'llllel Albtrtsou.iieo W IIiuTtman. ftluom Lald KtiAiirils. sr. Charlen. knhh. Thoa Wei b. Itrlarcr ek Mephen Delterlck. Ceiitralla W 1( W-iLlei.saui. Centre- li'imnuul Kelchner. M htiiK-creik-J Ktk-r, l-aul (illbert. (JneUHuud -Ihos 1 Pendrr. llemlof kAHred llarttiun, Daniel Yocum. l.K.'ut- C s Uu.er. Madison lames Klnlln. Main Hex Ureli.ii, Mltilln Clurl-H creasy. .Mt, l'leannt KlUs 11o.m1I, Jos Iteler. ornpe M I, Kl ne. IMnewO w i;ll( jUHt iScott-HSKut, TKAVKU.-K JUUOn?i. KIHST UB9K. Heaver (ieolirelsbich, v Loncenberirc-r. II. riv. k-Mii (ilreril bent a hjtnuel Apr.u-man, James c-onner. liinoin-.loliti I'm UiiuoJt, sr, J II Main?, Ettas Mi iidenhall, lli-urj oenslock, liar' bioan. Hrlan-r -ek Han el I'urscil. i uinisa-.ios nh lir.-lscii. Truckenmlllcr. Ci-nll-i Amos timber, ltlllltictim Ituckte. Jesso Hinmin. 'nu i Kb im Jclm Mmroe. rKlllm:-n-ek Mi. luel i.eKhllne. I. M rrpenlln ir- U'ni lin aster, K It Uud-.-rbach, Mla Mcllenri . Jehu Ziner i.r- enoo,i-,j,imes hverltt, Alfred Hajcocl:. wm I'arker, A .M s.tclens. ii Hiiock-ni l. i.uton. Jatkson K.I sones. Mad-sun- Krra Vnndlna. vain .ijint-s Keirer. Miniin-. r lion man, Steuben Creasy. Montour Clmril-H Ki-k-. J iiiim (Inlet.- U'm lll.nftrts. Itliouih Mt Pleasant Michael Ilengle. uranfe A l'atierson. Ko.inuk-cr i k Wm n I.lnnvllto, Francis llelcharr, rcolt It F Jonea. V Heleli.irt. r (' Tis-neh. 1 J Kester bufatloaf - m Finny. Aaron FrlU. skcosn is KEX. Haver Jacob I.lnii, Udard Mliel', llernlrk-J II llo.. I. .1 ll JleAinul. lienton Hiram utrltt Hloom lohn i.lbbs, i' K Hushes. V Hower.Jt.hn McMnell. V i Miirr, hlll.ll islilllt. Win Mciuaub, lirlarerei k Mep en Klsmr, Ijiinou Marti. iMianlsra-s-terlieii bailor, A t Humes, llatthlaa llarimin. I'entri. Francis w Ilcss i ouink'ham Hatld lim-hanan. KKiilUKcreik-A w liclshllne, rrauk M Iless.Jobn W Kramer. iireenwiaid llarvev llsyman, llmil. k-N v Muore. JaekHon 7 1' Butt. Uh-iim luckson rnmtibell, Francis I.elby. Madison -Jehu M Mullli, A K emltb. Main-James w Jnim. Mt. 1'leasniil-Jair.b (illbert. oriinut-M s Hajlinrst. Jonathan roust, John W elsh i-iuarioaf .lohn oole, Sloctsomery llervey. KXKClTttUS' SALU OF V.M.l'AHLK REAL ESTATE Hy Urine of power lu the wm, the sunlMnceiec utois'f i h.trtes 11. lKsbler. deceased, w IP tell at Public Date at tbe I'm UT mil In Itloomsbursr.on MONMAV, nr.OKMliKIl li, 1SS0, at one o-clock In the afternoon, a TltACT OF TIM HKlt LAND, containing Four Huudrad i5tcres. more or Icsa, dt scribed and bounded as follow s,to-wlt: I.J Ink-lu fntfarloat township, Columt la coutitr. and bounded on tlio easi b) lands cf tbe hclraof James lluckalew, on thesouili by lends cf the helm of Milium Helens, on the wtsi bj lunds of J. Y. I'haplii and James Huberts, and on Ihn north by lamsoi ucss ami i-reu unit. TKItMk In order lo close up the estate, the tortus will Le one hundred dollars cash on strlklntr donuihe pros..rty. and the remaluder In ten da s whenadied will be dtlliertdaud posntslon Klieu Kl.lhllA 11. llllll.S. JOHN II. II. PMtK, If. lUltHls. Aueuuhetr. Duninui; Hiecutora. ,OU - Oct 15, VMS. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thin Oflice ON BHOKTEST NOTICE tXD ATTHK MOST UKABONABLK TKRM8 t ' I IY