The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 03, 1880, Image 1

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muod vcokly.oicry Friday morning ,nt !
,) doixaim per your, 60 conts discount ll iwc l'
,1' . 11 in U 'Hi'i, To subscribers out 01 in I
jnt tiieiormiar, IJ p-r sear.-trlclly in almtu
11 uvr illscontlii 1 il, oscopt lit iho option hi iin'i
11 ilu-rs, until nil arrearage nro paid, but um .
iiu 'd credits nflcr thu ctplrallun ot the tlrst
,illl not bo Riven
pipers sent out ol thostalo or to distant post
1 mutt ho paid for In advance, unless n res n in.
1, r-on In Columbia county assumes to pay ttio
. riptlon duo on demand. ' I
' rVMlUsnoloniOTovaclcdfrorosubscrlberslnl
r ,unty.
job FRTKrariasro.
tiibblcir liopjrtmiTit nt thoOoLfMBUNls vcrv
le. andour.ino rrinilns; wlllcompare favors"
ncX'aod .M&'pA!.J1or,t rt0r, n
Columbia County Official Directory
it .t.tont.ludiro William Elwcll.
AsK,lto.liuliri''-I. K Krlckhiiim, P, I.. shttman,
ri otnonuiurv, tie.--imam uricsunuin.
vut stenographer -1. n. Walker.
1 l its lloenrder -Williamson II. .tacoby.
mtrlrt Attornev-llolicrt It, I.tltlo.
s'e rl rr t'. II Km.
ir iim'l'l VovhiM,
1 isuror II A. Swnppenholser.
. anissioners -Stephen 1'ohe, Charles Iltchart
A II. Ilcrr'nif.
1 n'nHilonors'Clork-.I. 11. Casey.
Vi utors-S. It. Smith, W. ManMnir, 0. 11. Pec-
,"i'!r''"'ommlsslonors RU dobbins, Theodoro V,
11 ""lute s.iporlntondont William II. Snyder.
Ill uvn Poor District -Directors u, .1. Mbortson,
(ir nwnod! Itceco I-'.ilrintin, Scott; Caleb ll.irlon,
HI .jtnsburg.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
t'tt Idcnt or Town Councll-(l, A HKHUINO.
irk .1. K (irotz.
1 hlcf of Pollen It. ltnrrM.
pr si lent of Has Company s. Knorr.
s, Ti'tarv VV. Miller.
Hi ' inDiira ll.inklniroompiny .lolin . Winston,
ir M.icni.n. ii.iiriM?, cnsuier, .101m reacocK, rei
lur Kirs Na lonal nank-chirlcslt. I'axton, I'rcsldent
t, I", I usiiu, (.iisiucr,
Minister Itev. o, I. Maretay.
mil v Servient lovj a, m. and Tp. m.
sunili school tl n. 1)1.
t'n or Mco'lng Kvcry A'edncsdav tentn? at 7
.if free. Nopwsrcnied, All arc welcome.
Minister ltev. Stuart Ml'ihell.
mmJiv Services -wv; a. hi. and T p. m.
n indav School9 n. in.
pi.ivrr Mooiliitf IiL'ry W'uilnesilay evening at 7
o' 't t.
s a' a Tree. No powi rented. SI ran-jera welcome.
Pn"ldlnff I'.lder Hev. V. P.vans,
Mini iier--ltev R. It. Yomirn.
Mind iv er leca -in j( and 7 p. m.
d.iv School 9 a. m.
0,1 cliss -hver Monday rvnntntj al 7 o'cloek.
Vminif MenN I'r.ner Mectnff lery TuesiUy
jinirat 7 o'clock,
ii m-ral Prayer Meetlnij Every Thursday evening
: o'clock.
Corner of Third and Iron street1!.
,tnr o. H. strunrfc.
it ildenre Corner 4th and Cnlhartne greets.
ui'l.iy Sf-rvlcos lOVf a. in. and 7 p. m,
Mimi.iv school n a. in.
I'l-.ver Meetlntr s iturdiy. 7 p. in.
arc lmitcd There laalwajs room.
pmtor To be supplied,
ind iv sen ices 1'ivj a m and 7 p. m.
und iv School a. in,
fr.iyer Meetlnff-Hvery Wednesday rvenlnff at 7
o 'inrrC.
S'lis free. The public ore tnvlted io attend,
sr. rm.'s ciiritcit,
It Ttnr Hev L. Zahner.
Mind iy Services H,v a. in., 7 p. m,
Mind iv school '.i n. m,
n st Mindav In the month, llolv Communion.
Si r lees preparatory to Communion on Friday
v.niln-r before the tt Sunday tn each month,
ivivs rented; butevcrbody welcome.
n aiding nidcr Kev. A. L. ltecser
Minbder Itev. fleorge Hunter.
Mind.iv service 2 n. in., In the iron street Church
fr n er Meeting i:ery sabbath at 2 p. m.
Mi are United. Alt are weteome.
nLoo.Msiunui dihkctouy.
Y ltUCKIXnilAM, AHornev-nt-Lnw. Or
1 1 .tlco, II. J. Clark's llulldlng, Udntorv room 5.
Ii:.) miburj, may 7, 'a-t t
1 U. IlAItKLKY, Attorney-at-Law, OiUee
in itrower a mnidin?, nu hiory, nwms a, o
II. UOIIISON, Attorney-at-Law. Otb'ce
, tn Hartmin'BbulWltiff, Main street.
H. WM.M. nKHKItt&ir-cn ami V?4
elan. (mco Market nil ei-t. Near depot."
T U. KVANS, M. I)., Siiwon nml I'liyoi
f ) elan, (Onice and ltes,Mcnco on Third street
T I!. McKKI.VY, M. I)., Puree ami I'hy
O slclan, north bldo Main street, below .Market.
ryi.j.0. ruttek,"-
I'HYsiciAN .tsrnnnny,
ortlce, North Market street,
lllnomsburp, I'a.
OCt. 1, '75.
jn. i. i,. i:a mi,
Mala street, opposlto Eptscopal Chnrth, liinmns
ur I'a.
tr- Teeth extracted Mltboul pain,
Oct. 1
, (.'IAN and si iuiKiiN. spi i Ini attention flen
lu I tie DiagASrs anil dkikit-i of the i: b Kau
iiHOTand.rBUKKY In all lis arlns brain lies
:? Mio carefully adjusts the KVIlwIili I'Liil'Ill!
f 10 a. in.
Hoi'HS !! l:.'iU p in.
(. 7 S in
ti 1 l!aMl Mreel, lllu hlitirv, I'a.
I'lIJ ID, t-u-tt
liLOO.MdBUllG, CO I j. 00. PA.
Ml styles of work done In a supei lor manner, woi k
warranted as represented tkvtii Hxtiuit
kii without I'ain bv the use of (, us, and
fice or charge whii nrtliiilal teeth
are Inserted,
onice Corner Jlaln and Iron streets.
'In Ir nicn al all houis tluritiy the iny.
Nov. SWy
Ml. .111. II..1JI mm
vwlnif Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
i ilred. opkka Horse I'.ulldtnt', Hloomsburt'. Ta.
.VVID LOWKNHKItfJ, Merthant Tailor
Main St., abovo Central Hotel.
IS. KC1IN', ilealer hi Meal, Tallow, etc.,
Centre street, between second aud Third.
1 ir(iu.Sirs FRKUND, IVaiiicil liomro
Voalblc llorso and Cow Doctor, Uloomsburf, I'a.
leb. 11, '7'J-tt
ToiiHorinl Ai'list.
imiT'dnat his old stand under UXCIIANtiK llo
KI and has as usiul a Kllisr-i'l.sss HMtHfcli
s'lill' lie respeeltiilly Mill 'Its the palroiiaunii ef
insolilcustomir und of tho public Kent rally.
miv in, '
f M. I. EYKliLY,
CatauUsa, Pu.
illeeMons prnn.ptlj made anl remitted,
o' jsllt at in I isa Deposit llank. flu-.
ir ii. uiiwx,
A T T O It X E Y-A T-I. A W ,
catawlssa, I'a.
'ft' e, corner of Third and Main streets.
) unlnif of Huccy I'ennsylvanU.
in Mne'lcin of I'Ljtdelphla, ra
i-uikllu, of ' "
'eiinsilvaiila of "
arinirs ot York, I'a.
aiiuverof Sew York,
lunhallanof "
JUlee uo Market Strwt No. , llloomstmrs, I'a
"et w, 7-ly.
Farm for Sale !
Tl undiHirniddtlrniit pilvatefa'en KAItM tiF
S'X1 Y I IIIIFK ACHIS, wtlh 1'IIAMi: IIHl'sK. barn
i.ii niher out-bulldltiL-k tie lion, mm te tn hibhliii:
crt 1 1, ttilp lt goid ttulotf ruuitutloii. locate)
near Afcbury cauls' iurelini'.l onreawuisbleteuns.
A tine (Tcbaril on rhc ptti'trt .aula netr fallinn
spring of Wateriieur Ihohou-o Kirpurlicularaad.
dress .IIHIN J. Mll.hs,
uu;, 13, 'Mt-Sni' otks,l'oluinblarounly. I'a.
?ii:e insukance.
'IheieoLB courOKATioss ore well seasoned by aw
HQ riHB TESTKn flnd bavM never lei hod a loss set-
lit ll tlV nnv Pnn n, I 1 lliL.t.ilM flll IllVMHl.
l''llnoiM8Eci-mTll:iiund aie liable to Iho hazard
M um only,
littseg ruourri.T atd iionebti v adjusted and paid
f toon as dcitrniliicd by cuhistian K KHin-.smi
1 be ixople of Columbia o unly uhould patrouln
inei.,, cj whervloswultiuiyan) Boltltsl and p.ilr
oy of (hir nwncitin'iin.
rnom-rNBsa, sqdity win uijalino
MMmumjiii.jj ji.wii
. - -
u' iiliWELIj, 1
J' K' HWENBSHDBB, Proprltlott.
Coi.cmbus- livitntNu li.torasburf Pa
Membr ol the t'nltcd stales Uw Association.
TCT?V.M:iP,lc ln Ara'-rlc' r '"po.
E WAl.I.Klt,
J i
Attorn oyafLinv.
OCce. second door from 1st National nank.
lituoMstiUltti A,
lan tl, I'ls
T U. I'L'MC.
iiftleeln Hnt's Itctt itiv.i
Q ii c, w .i iit;i'KATEu
111c iirs' ire, p.
Ortlcon Mslt Hieet, first doorteluH u.urtiloasi
JOHN M cl.VUlf,
ninmnsburf?, Pa.
lftlc" ovr "f ivier's Hardware store.
orrtCK-In Ilarman's Iiulldlnv. Main street,
Illoomsburs, I'a.
llloomsburff, I'a.
Ofllceln nrower'flbunfUntr.eond floor, room No.
L Uloomsburtr, I'a.
Attoi'iiov-.'it-T ,nw.
omeo corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark's
(!an bo cnnsultcil in German.
Jan. 10, 'SMI
1 EO. E. l'.LWELL,
,V T TO R N E Y-A T-l, A V,
Coi.cMbUN llciLDiNO, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Meirber ot tho t'niled stales Law Association.
Collections made In any pnrt ot America or Knrope
oct. 1, 1S70.
Notary Public
Ofllce In Hartman's Illoek, corner Main und Mar
ket streits, Moomsburir, I'a.
iSyi'.HioH awl Ilountits Collected.
onireln IiroiMi s lllock, oue door below coitmiuan
July 10, 'so tt
A ttin-iiuynt-Lnw,
nnice In the coi.vmbhn llulldlcg, second tloor.
Oct. s, Ml.
N K V F 1 KM!
Tho well known C. ll. Willi L Proprietor ot the
has soli a halt Interest In the-amo tnJ. W.Conner.
'1 he eiiiiiiunj Iuim- repaired Ihe wi.rks, ar.(l are pre
pared to iici' nil h" nnt anylblnulii the
lino of ArleiilliiLil linp'eirenl.s. Ihey haie Jusl
coinpleleil a new Ii ft hand Idle' po
slble, will beui the rlnht hand. Also surface plows
or Joliiltrs for 'he same. new Ihreshernnd Clean
er llll centre Hi.ike of rldJIo shoe, called tho
Wliltu Thrt'-lici' anil Cleaner,
with bothleer and railway powers on a Kreatly
Imnroi ed plan. We mannfactiiro LAND liOLI.Llls
with east Iron heads. Corn Plows, rtoublo ami slnitle
cultivator" side hill Plows, Mill Custlnirs. Turning
or oirj (1,'Milpllon done Willi proinplness. We
kee coii"lanilj on hand alir'e nssorlment of 1 low.
share" tor uur uw n and many otlu r plos that are
useil In the e.iuniry. We will not be uii.lirs.iM I n
work or of Ihci-.iuieiiuallt). All our work
Is wurr.inti d tut'lie sall-fuciloii, or the money re
fund, il. K I'Kl'Y co.MPJl ITIoN.
thepuiille In i-eiii ml me ri quested to call and ex
amine belore pun basing elsewhere.
Jan. 1C, n-ty OHANGEVILLE, PA.
Cor. Ciniro and Hall l'.uad sts., near L. II. Depot.
Lowest ?ri:v.'ill net b: undersold.
Manufacturer f MINI: CA11 WllKLLS, Coal Dreak
er and Ilrldo costings, Water l'lpis, stoics, Tin
ware, no , IKON rr.NCi:, and all kinds of iron aud
HrassC ttlngs.
Tho 'r final Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
lert band, and sldo hill Plow s, Ihe best In the mark
et, and all kinds ot phi' repairs.
Cook stoves, liocm stoves, and stoves for heating
stoies, i tiool houses, ehurihes, Arc, Also the larg
est Mock ot repairs for illy stoles wholis.ile and
rUall, such as I Iro lirlck urates, i ross Hi us, lld
Arc. A:c Stoio Pipe, Cock llollirs, skllllts, Cake
I'lates, large Iron Kettles, iW gsllons to IX tarnls)
Farm Hells, Sl'd Soles, Wugun HoxcS,
"Allen town Bone Manui'o"
'LASTKIt, 'Al.T, c, AC,
Jan 9, 'so-iy
For Home Garden Farm.
at OUR nous,
ami Yuit tiuiy U too."
Wlll'f . IIOWJ
" Dccau.e u e liai o
j IIV Ileal
1 The American
mad tn IbouiAncla of Good
lllati md fuesfttiona htsp ui
to ttdnk, pla, ami ork. Iter
iad inure projUablt It helpi
Wile, and plcatea and lnitrucis
too Children, JlH Writ ratt,
and every Mao, Woman, and
Ctilld-la Vitit T7'W. "-nd
Country ovgH to liaio It."
ll Will Help You.
Tiruik3 for Vol. H Itfl'.
Onfl Spedmtnor 0 Cent,
AfdUMM Inl'U.
Vol. 10. . 1SSI,
800 Iaitroctlre,
Original, Fleaiiag,
Dseful Engrivliigi,
Ceruiau Kdlllou
lupplttA on mine
Splendid l'remluiim
it I mi Ciibl.
lt-Rsf your adJrett. o J'ottat
vara jnr trtv iw y
pages JiluttruHJ Inscription,
oiiaxk JritlMO.,
outltt futnUhed free, with full Instruc
tions for conducting t' e most printable
i......... n.iir niiv tine enL'iL'e In
ill 1 J 'nil business Is sueas) 10 leal n, ui dour
instructions are sn s opie unu 11.1111, mn. uuj
11 1 Vice ileal ir tlisfiomihewri stun. Noono
ean fallttliolswlllli.gto work. Minien are assuc
esstul as men. Puis and t'lrls run ejrn Uriie siiins.
lany hai"inaileattliebusliies.s owr oue hundn.d
and rapldli) with which they are able to make
ti onoy. You 1 .111 engago In this business during
your spire time at (tp at profit. ou do not liaio to
nve"teapliallult. Wo take all ho rl"k. Those who
need readi money, should rite to us atones. All
runilshert Ins.. Address 1 r 4 Co, August,!! sine
oot, )6"80-iy
t ir. f.k4ia
i,iU!S IT01 l,uH' ,rows5'. 'Willlintert. haie frequent
he.idarjie, inoiitli tftstes twllr. poor nnnetiie. and
VL. 1? ?c""'d. you nro suirerliiL' from forpld liver,
ii. T. i " m "ni1 not tun if will euro 011 so sn id.
....... I'iii'iJM'Illlv n.s 10 lake .SIMMONS' Ml Kit
Kr,jii.Ai,i ur flietiirine.
Tho Cheapest, Pitrnst and
Host Family M.'ulclne In'
in" w nriu
AN KlIKCTl'AI. SfRcino
for llll illseisesof the I lv
er, stoinaih and spleen
llegulale the Llierond
pren nt
Clllt.l.S AND FKVf?lt,
DILI: AMI Nil Ml',
ail Iti'i tiiii! netlilng so commonas
bait I n aih atidln tearly . ery e.uve It comes from
thestim.a h and runts' so rusiu eorrieiid if ion
will lake sisuioss- turn Hti.ri.iTou. Ho uot ne
glect Misiiien reniidy for I his upuMio disorder. It
win also Improiu your Apintite, Complexion nod
I. encral Health.
'lies I
. iiowinatiysuilir torture day aller day. making
.... .. ,, n , ik , i-n mi' 1 1 niipe ssiire,
owing to the si eret nitterliK fioiu piles, etidlcf
Is remli to tli.- Iinnil ot aln u,t liny one who will tl-o
stsleloiitli nil) the relne!) has t'eimniiently
cured Ihiniv.u Us smwoss iivmi Iiiiiikiiiiii.Is Nu
ture UoU'"t l'urB.'i bl" " Keiitlea-slstanttona-
Should not beregaiiHI as atriniugnllment-ln fact
liuture deinali(lstlelitliio. ngillarl 5 i flhelsjw
els. 11111I nnydeilall. il tri m ihlsddnnnd pmcsti.i;
wav otten to serious danger, ll Is quite as ticcesfn
ry to 11 tnoie impure uei umulailoris from the buw
els as It Is loeot or sleip. al.d no h.allhean be ex
pected w brie a cootlie unlit of body prolans.
Slclt irciHliK lie !
Thlsilistres Ingnnilriii.nereursmosi frequently.
The dl"iurbariee ot lie sn m.n h urWng irom the
Impirf eih dlgi sled eiin eni". cmses u snerepain
In lb.' h'a.l. 11 input led wltliii."lgrri'nlle nausea,
and this I'linstltuies what Is populariv known as
"hk llend.obc; f r Hie relief of whl. h, Takk sim
Hons' uMnn Al on
.1. II. Zlill.lN .V CO.,
l' S-o'dbyall Drugglsu.
April 10 'so-iy.
SKI O I j J t IV US..
Fi'ldlltX I'
Lemouvl". .". 1 in h 1 1.
1 f1 "in- I i a rlasi of
.'..I 1 . !.,. sou" ,.
1 .-v rs: a. rv 1 :v 33.
Lnsitli.. Lnreiii;.', fr l:eKiil.,l,,c tlw
ll.iwt'ls. l'ri'.i.:s
M., it uls pnr 1 nr. All Drt't: st ,rts,
o 1 1 I'Oti.lipatfou,
l'nost I'.LW.n .. I .-slot of Iho
Chni'ih cf t'.io l.'isn,.' sr.f C'.nst, T. troit,
M11I1. "My r n iliu-, l.uisly ill nn.l
ititinly lirnstr.itel irom C lulls anil l'ever.
rjuiiiitionti'l iitticr tn. .. no bi... 11 intneil C'liect. Mi. (' at w ' ti h 1 1 ii"e,l
'1 hi nu ilmo n.t n '1 . a t i. 1 n trial ot it,
IvlmU li.i, ilime, r -till :t ; m hid couiiltto
mui cry i. I -.. i.i ."
j Sifnaii'lf liabl -enrefor
i hi 't ty Cniii InittlB. and
Ornatih 1 tent . r i in .lu. Tl.. will rur.i any
i a.. R nl tin I'nnnrv
...u....u ,u r", u ii i. , ii.. uirii iioeliln 1 1
cn on ry ln. ItIi o r l.x, w itli roll illr lions,
tap'il,'t(mill si- 73 p. ip ,jrcu
ri'lflO. InllllnlirSI .'ilul til. .itit
Itpn. .' by lit IIICK.1 CI).,J0 1 jus
Lueet, Ntw 1, i r. i.UrjIiL-.
&TffEl'S?i IllstaIltI.V l"i veil, tiy till
r.pplinitioinof it. ijhJfi SoU by nil
lrii(c!i"tfi, omini' .1 " u l, cuptof SvT53
by DUNU.VS DH'IC & CO., JIf.
CUciiUsts, a.1 Vu,,ur gtret, I.'ew Vutlr.
v.urc.i Trlthont 3IrUcino Simply 7jy
AlthorpUon. Tlio Only Truo
Jlalarlnl Antidote.
Jlr. Ilnlmnn cinttonst'i'' r uMiontninfteonn
trfoltnnd tmltntli n "l'a.N," of nl( Uu, 1 In
hint upDii tho kind IronniiR tlir-nliovc li nt"-i
find pret n privnti' refiiUo st:uup of Ji .mu
l'ndCi . New YtTtc.
Ttil us n trn remedy -n-ithout rir'Hrlnc. I
f'ii i Uii lioti-felMJldWdi'dihroucli-iuii' -. ril.
U'o I tared of falnrln, i"e-..rt.
i IiiIU, milnuMirs -. 'ou .. i. ,
aatl (iroiile Miuuach X!sr:if 4, i j
ti.iyifcs.iry ti gut tiiu olNUIMWX-.a:. .
litt. Ui.t-v rfaild.
Itoiman'a (p -milnel Ii F"ia t r r .- ' .
II l.l
otl'.'VtNl, eneloe $2 In rejrljtt'red I, r i ;. ,
n 1 ii t'l-ivf tliu V' t dy by rcttiri! !. j. -t-l-ii'd.
er write U3 !r fi-'OtrcntlM'. j' . wnlf
i. tlti u I wi U rhrimlc aliinrnts, tl t i-.' m t ym -Uii
h lully. lir. Hulnmii a j.i;vi. "
AdJrew, IIOI.I s Iir v ).,
HJ WltUam b r -1, Yor
uouia in u ui nit rt'iiiiini in '
jlfMtDTKI.tliow f. iC
Jarni i.e. t : ''t-i ins- ,n.
Stlti im i natm ,i ,.i , ..j
Jof MuclKU'lirovtudt'i
Miot ,tinn t U . '.'nit- j
lly ap7ljt'd. AMn id ipiI
IT , m " ti j f )
t un.ui n- v v H ( ...
IT 'In I
HOlnted tniit ti p! i.It
tr ptMitli-inn, t 111
nil drui?Li . . n .1
.... & Bin
w fXnnvocianl
E. retained Iiy rlio Wnilirivt Sf nnn.c!i
Ih t'reo ferom I iiulcii-j.'int 'iiisi.'.
ArtvftH irtill .uviT lvth Hi: r!-"
It cun-i i.'onnumjittoitt Zro'"" i -' '
2i ronetit tt, I.nmt latiou, Ctutilm, i 1 . !
(n'u.pJi iiud all tuna uiidcuitai.(j(jita.' t a
j I'lin'M
t- l lilt., ! rurlfl'riha Cirbl.iledr 1 i
r 'i . j t i.iwi"UU ltH u"- ui srf ul'.u-. ai. i
li i ; i .Mm. Ac, fs i-rronj:! rooiu u i, ' d. 1
I -r f uf l'OWfr iswonderfulln C Ji.ini' I . , .'
J iIiir.'.'iitfi-uiueiitlydtH'i4,uiK)iu-ili nt -
It i.t'ld Upon tin. ralioiml tin ry of Ihm.'ih i"
.I i:p 1IS(I DrcAY U 11 1 LB IT IlniLI)- III' 1 Mil L'.b
1K - it 'otlirowolt tliod.ciu-'.
tKrl' only ia tvpJje-r-hjined buttliH AVI h ,
r Vi with h cinuMo Kompinher tin'
i mi LATrn" In orilerhii' from va'jrdi
t.n uu tii, iii tliu r 1 lit Kind.
Xd Ton
Bent. Cairo !ia ti.5 Yi'ciL".
Irsje aaru.
(ioJcU and GttrtUiis Ceres.
It Jloals Vlthont iv Sr.?.
Allays Psln &Stoj dcaili
Doothos n Bunt or Soaltl.
?ioals n Cut Llko Mnp;lo.
' Drowsl'oUoaout or r.Wcar.iU
(ds Jijni'i) c.dl- a M: .'.
r-t fall llHeum, Si II'O T'lrei,, t
I i.i", Kculil., tuts. Wmiiiii!.. - .
I a yes. 1'ulix.iiiiu. Htin. n . .
1 tiiliei's It, I', luippeil lliiml- it
1 us s,ol,'.,lind auyiuidiiwryi.1 1 r I ipw
' tlx a lalie or olattui-ilt ii bj u-"l, ' n
n't Cu bollo Unlet filntir.ei . i . .
, iinrvn.u ll.4le'l ulws-.j bol -I u, u.
. ,t bo . iiliul jLlly.cii.iTij litiKi .In ill i
s v I tl I'm I'""! "U- .'-lu.ra. ' in. i ui
', n i. ,' nun. '. 8 n t- it Hi " 1 ur unit"
l h 1 'll..' ui'. si. "io r ' ir
t . iruj iu bp'licau.i tj lu maiiu.u)-
r:?ii" pi.isiii'ArTritixo ').
,-ven Indslliblo Ink.
P.'.iinlhMvor'I'.b'a-ic.utiial J
r. v
i i. in
spr aj
iiow-,1 irf .1 illil i
orr 1 1: o" 'U ,VSt li
.' , re.uly, n pr -pirat liecde . II Hi 11
'1 i 4 1 II VT n"1 n,ur a
I .bit . IT I r
Soiatya'lllruTRi ulloo U!)
cil it,',""' ra. ObUllICusuwU.lw.,N
III t 8 lit 'M lit itfif
lEv W f w 111 iP Witt
A farmer travflllns with hU load
I'Ickeil up a horaetshoo In the road,
A lid tiallt d tt fast to bis bam doer,
That luck might down upon him pour,
That every blffaalng known In lire
Might crow n his homestead and UU w lfe,
And never any kind of harm
Descend upou his growing farm.
Hut dim Ill-fortune boom began
To Ult tho as otinded mum
HU hena decline to lay their epps;
Ills beacon tumbltd from their pe,
And rats devoured the fallen legs ;
Ills corn, that heer failed before,
.Mildewed and rotted on tin floor;
1IH grass rt fused to end ln biy j
Ills cattle died, or went astray :
In Miort, alt moved the crooked way.
Next Spring n great drought baked the sod,
And roasted every pealn pod i
Tho beans deelan d they could not grow
So long as nature acted so ;
lUdundant ln3ccts reared their brood
ToMnne forlackof Juicy food;
The Ktaws from barrel sides wentolT
As If thev had the whooping coutrh,
And nothing of the useful kind
To hold together felt inclined ;
ln short, it was nu use to try
While all tho land was In a fry.
One morn, demoralized wllb grief,
The farmtr claxored for relief;
And prajeJ rl6'ut bird to understand
Wuit witchcraft now possed his land ;
Why home and farm In misery grew
Mnee be nailed up that "lucky" shoe.
While thus dismayed o'er matters w rong
Ah oid in m chanted to trudge along,
To whom bo told, with wlrmwood tears
Uow hl.s atTalrs were In arrears,
And what a desperate tato of things
A picked uphorsifchoo homctlmes brings.
The stranger asked to wo the shoe,
The farmer brought it Into Me.v ;
Hut w ben the old man rahul bis bead,
lie 1 vffhed outright, and quickly said,
"No wonder skies upon jou frown
YoU'vo nalU d the horschhuo upMde dow n I
Jmt turn It round, and fooii yni'll sco
IIowjou and fortune will agreu "
Tho farmer turned the horseshoe round
And bhowers began to swell the ground:
Tho sunshine laughed among Ids grain,
And Leaps on heaps p!Ud upth- wain
Tim loft Mi bay could barely bo'tl,
IIH oaltte did as thei were told ;
I1U fruit trees ntrded sturdy props
To bold the gatherln,' appla crops ;
IIW turnip and kjUUo IlilJs
AsionLshed all men by tlielr jljlds;
l'olks never sw such ears of corn
As ln his smlilugs hills v. ere torn ;
Kit barn was full of bursting bins
Ills wife presented him with twins ;
HU neighbors marveled more ami more
Tosco tho increaso tn his store.
And no.v thenvrry farmer ilngs
"Ihcru are two wjs of doing things ;
An 1 when for good luck jou would pny,
Nail up your horseshoe the right way."
JamiT. Kn:Mfr, in Jiains Mayazwe
jot IhtcitiOtr,
Select Story.
A I ll""ON IN I.OVK,
T.ciiiuix liny Mi:iii'ftu)t tlio train mill
Iiasti'iii'il up liic fjivi'ii lain! to tliu wiili1,
oli.fu"liiiiii( farm liuusi', ftirryitij; liis
vaii' in liis liaiul.
'1 ivomli'i'if Xiiiiny ;nt niy nolo anil is
loiikini lor nit f Hallo !'
Tliis last exclamation was ilrawn from
1 !ay's liis by ai'lii'riy.wliii'li.i'omii)'; from
alioii- siiiiHivlii'ii'.i'aiiif into stulikii con
tact with liis mi"i'.
IIu looked up, ami tlicrc.pciclipil like a
great liinl.iipon the limit of a Iiiilt;a olil
elii'i ry tiee.anil !ookini;ilowii at liim with
daneing eyes anil luilliant elaeks, was a
yountr girl.
'How ilo, Leniio? (.'oino up anil lime
some chcrricsT was liep niiselievioiis
'Xiinnie ! is it possible !' exelainuil
I.eniiov severely.
.Ami while l!ay lookeil on in stern ili
approval,tlie yuimj; witch swung herself
'Now don't look so glum, l.i'tiiuiv,ili.,ni'
she said, slipping hep little hand into liis
uitli a coaxing motion. 'I know it's tom
lioyish to eliuili cheny trees, hut, then,
it's such fun !'
'Xaiinie, ou should haie litcn a Inn!'
said I.iiiiiiix.
I i"h I had! No I don't either! for
then joiijivould't have iallon in love with
me. What niadii jou.deai'l' with a fond
glance, and a caresMiig movement.
'liccau"c jou aiu "o sweet, darling,'
anwered l!ay melting in spite of him
self. 'Ilul I do wish Xaiinie, you would
leaie off thoe Iiovdeuisli wajs and he
more dii;nilieil.'
'Like .Miss Ishain ? ;i"ked Xaiinie.
'Mi"s Kliaiii is a very supeiior woman
and it would not hurt j ou to copy her in
some uspicts.'
The tears sprang into Xauuie's cjes, at
his tone.
They winl in the parlor and Way took
a seat in a great arm chair.
Xaimie, giving her cm Is a toss back
ward, went and sat down.
'I wish you would put up those tlvaway
cuils and dicss jour hair as oilier young
la lies do,' said l!aj 'And see lieie,
Nannie, I want to have a talk with you.
You Know I hue you ; but in tiutli, my
dcaiyiiy uifeniu"! havesometliing of the
elegance of relined society. Your nianni'i s
need ioli."h,my dear. 1 came down to tell
you that my si-tcr Laura is making up a
ji'uty to vi-il the noted iialeiing idaces,
and she wishes you to be one of the
'Are you going!' asked Xaiinie.
'No, my bit"iuc"S will not allow itj but
I shall sen you several times. Will vou
go V
1 don't want to go. I'd lather May
hern in the country and climb cherry
trees eicry day.'
'Xaunie, I must insist moro upon solf
contiol,' said ho, coldlj-.
'lint do not send me. away," she plead
ed. 'It's for your good, Xannin and you
must bo content to go 'Will you V '
The supper bell mug at thai instant,
and Xannnie ha-tily answered :
'Yes; let mo go, Lennox,' and ran out
of the room and up stairs to her own
'Yes, I'll go. Ami I'll leach vou one
lesson, .Mr. Lennox liny; see if I don't,'
she uiiimured.
It was nearly tho middle of September
beforo .Mr. Kay, heatiil.dusty and wcarv
eiitcied the hotel whero his sister's paity
were stopping.
Lenuo! you here?' said the.
'Yes. Whcru's Xjinnief"
'.She was on the piazza, talking with a
I'rench count, a moment, ago. Ah ! thero
she is by the door.'
'Ah!' said Lennox, dropping Laura's
hand and making his way toward tho
Hut it was ilillicult.eieu when ho drew teo in tho Mylish, (.lately lady,
whose hair was put up over a motistrotm
chignon, and whose lustrous robes.snept
tho lloor for a yard.his own little Xaiinie
of three inonths ago.
l.t'imo strode up with scaice a glance
nt the bewildered dandy to whom she was
dialling.aiid held out his hniid with an
eairer exclamation.
Slie made a sweeping couilesy, and
languidly oxlended thutips of her'li ngers
lint not a iiiusclo moved beyond what ac
corded with well bud iiidilfeiencc.
'Ah, good-evening, Mr. iJaj'.'
'Oh, Nannie! are jou glad to see mo 7'
said Lennox, feeling that his heait was
chilled within him.
'Oil, to be sure, Mr. Uaj ciuito glad.
Allow me to pri'sentinv friend the Count
de lleaiircpairo. .Mi" fuy, .Monsieur."
Lennox liatdly deigneil a bow to tho
Frenchman, and offered his arm to Nan
'Thanks but the music is beginning,
and I piomised to have a dance with .Mr
'I!ut afterward,' said Lennox, tho chill
growing colder.
'lint 1 am engaged to Mr. Thorn
Ion.' 'When then!' demanded Lennox with
a jealous pang.
'lieally, my card is so full, I nardly
know. 1 n ill, however,try and spare you
a wall, somewhere.'
Uood heavens'. Xaunie i what affecta
tion is thisi'
She favored him witli a well bred
'Pardon, I do not understand you.'
And taking tliu arm of her escort i she
walked away with tho air of an em
pi ess.
Lennox nought his sister.
'Laura, how have you changed Xaunie
so!' he demanded.
'Ye-, she is changed. Isn't she per
fect !'
'Perfect '! Rather too perfect to suit
me,' grow led Lennox. To-miiiiow 1 shall
see inure of Xaunie,' he thought.
Hut to-morrow, and to inorrow.and to was alw.nj's the saiiie,anil 'that
elegant Miss Irving,' as Ihey styled her.
mi" nlnai- in demanil.aiul poor Lennox
front the distance at which she kept him
looked on aluiO"t heart-bioken, varying
between wrath, joalousj', pride and ties
'Nannie.' said lie, one morning, when
he louiiil her lor a moment alone, 'how
long is this to lastf
'I believe you wished me to come here
to improve my manners, Mr. I! try, to ac
ipiiiothe elegance of society,' sho said
'Hut, Nannie '
'Well, if you are not pleased with the
rcMilt ot jour advice, I am not to blame.
You mii"t excuse me now, .Mr. Kay :
1 am going to ride with tlio Count do
And with a graceful gesture of adieu
she left him sick at heart.
That afternoon Lennox walked unan
nounced into Lama's loom.
I thought I'd drop in and say 'fiood
hye' before you went down stairs,' said
he. 'I leave to-night.'
'Indeed! whole are you going' asked
;Oli, I don't know,' was the savage
'You can take a note to George lor
mo t'
'Yes, if you get it readi-,' said he.
'Very Well. I will write it uow.
Laura left the room, and Lenuov stood
moodily at tho window.
Patently Nannie c.iuie up and stood
near him.
'Are vou reallv going awav!' she
asked. .
Yes, I am,' was the shoit answer.
'And won't you tell us where'!'
'1 don't know my-idf noitlicr know nor
care: lie gum leil.
She slipped her hand in his arm, with
Ihe old cares"ing movement he rcmcm
lieied so well, and spoke gently, using
his name for the liist time since ho
Hut. LcnnoOloar. if vou go awav off
somewhere, what shall I do!'
lie turned suddenly and caught her jo
his heait.
'Oli.Xaiinio.Xannii'!' he ciied, passion
ately, 'if you would only come Inck to
nie,and lovo nii-If I could recover my
lot treasure, I would not go anywhere.
Oh, my lost low, is it too late?'
She laid her face down against his
"bouliler.aud asked :
'Lennox, dear, tell ine which you love
bi'"t, the Xiinnie you ued to know, or
the f,i"hionable voting ladv vou found
'Oil, X'aunie.ihirling! he cried clasping
hi r clie-or. ! wouldn't give one tos of
vonr old brown curls lor all the fashiona
ble loung lai.'ies in the world.'
'Then jou will have to take your old
X'annio back again, Iennox, dear '
And clapiug her
lo him, begged to be fori;iveii,atnl vowed
he would not exchange his precious little
wild roo for all tho hot house (lowers in
"I llon'l Want That Sluir,"
Is nbnt a huly of li.islon slid to lifr lius
band h e l he. b.'iuiL'ht lioma some ineitii'iiie.
lo cute her of sick henilachei ami iiuumluiu
ivliio'i li.i l niaili' lier uii"era'ilu lur fiuric.u
years. At Hie l!rt attack tlieieaf'.er, ii na
inl . inlsteriil 'o her with such rii's! result
tli.v she cniiiiiiiinl its us" until i nriil, mill
was an entliiis'i.suc ill lit prai-e, Hint slio in-dilc.-d
twrutvtivii of III" best I i.tlihes in lier
cire'e tn iii.iti it ns their rmiihi' laiiiili
nvihi'liie. Thac "stull'' is Hup Hitlers.
Ketl Hut lie,
Professor Cariiclly informs the Lon
don Ciemicttl Seir't that by siiilicieiilly
compressing ice on its sides' that it can
be made as hot as boiling water n il bout
melting a paitielo. The professor says:
'Having como to this conclusion, it
would bo possible tohaio solid ice at
tcmperalttios far about the ordinary
inciting points. After scleral liiisitcoess'
ful attempts, I was so fiulunaloas to ob
tain tlio most perfect success, aud having
obtained solid ice at temperatures to
high that it was impossiblu to touch it
without burning one s self.
'This result has been obtained many
times anil wilh the greatest case, and
not only so, but on one occasion a small
quantity of water was frozen in u glass
U's"d which could not bo touched bv
hand without burning it. I have hail
ice for a considerable length of timo at
teuiicratiiK far above the ordinary
boiling point, and own thou it siiblimell
away without any preiious inciting,'
It all this bo tine tho time wilT soon
come when we will bo able tu kindcl tiro
Willi snow balls.
Arrest I'll) sull'erlmrs ol vnur Irien.l, 1,
.ii3ii iroi use UI luo Asy IxlUDCy I SU,
Humors About hilicria-
(irATI'llLNIS AS TO AI.I.P.I1I.H llf.srlll no
The scheme of emigrating to Libe
ria is becoming more and moie popular
among the Southern negroes. .So great,
indeed, is tho exodus to bo that a new
shipping house has lately been establish
ed for thojiurposeof seiid'uigoiit negroes
lo Libeiia. Kcoently theie was a rumor
that hundreds of colored persons who
had gone out to Libei ia had returned to
litis country in disgust, that remunera
tive wages were not to be had, and that
the African fever wa proving as fatal to
the colored race as it always is to the
whites. As a resull thero has been great
consternation among tho coloicd commii
iiities thioiighoul the country, and the
number of inquiries addressed to the of
licers of the Colonization Society and to
the liev. Highland Garnet have been in
numerable. The latter saiib 'These rumors have
no foundation whatever. They are bas
ed on absolutely nothing at all. I have
not heard of any one who has come
back fiom Libeiia dissatislied exeqit
some few ne'er do wells.'
Last May three persons well known in
Liberia arrived in this city. These were
the ex-President of the republic, .lames
Pajne, Hishop Pinny, and .Mr. II. W.
.lohnson. The latter, a rich planter on
tiie St. Paul's Kiver, had come lo pro
cure improved farming implements aud
machinery. He lodged in the house of
his fiiend, Mr. Peter Downing, proprie
tor of the restaurant in tlio Cu-toin
House. A short lime since he died.
Paikulan, a native boy whom Mr. .lohn
son brought out willi "him, is still wtih
t li friend of his employer. Paikulan is
the son of the King of the Posses, a na
tivo tiib.', which, like the Golahs, the
Kroos, the Veys, and the Deys is under
the juiisilictiou of tho republic. His
beuetactor, Mr. Downing, has passed
several years in Libeiia, and returns on
account of the approaching deatli of liis
father. Hy means of a series of intelli
gent interrogatories addressed to him by
Mr. Downing, Parkulaii described the
condition of the American blacks as row
existing. M'his is the substance:
'When the colored man ami his family
arrive at Monrovia they are at once til
ken charge of by the Colinization Socie
ty. I ruder tho care of the latter they re
main for six mouths. By this time they
have got safely through the 'acclimating'
fever, which seems to be caused not bj
the heal, lint miasmata, of the oiigiii
and character of which little is known.
The first symptoms of the sickness are
headache, pains in the back, loss of ap
pelite, and more or less g.istric derange
ment, rapidly developing into bilious in
termittent fever. If this yields to mild
medical treatment, (he patient is prepar
ed to endure ordinary exposure to the
climate. Sometimes Iho disease assumes
the tertiaiy form of intermittent fever
accompanied by bilious vomiting, a dull
expicssion of the eve, and in the febrile
paroxysms intense headache and do
'At the expiration of six months tho
colonists aie given land to cultivate.
Here may be grown maize and lice, and
on the highlands of the interior wheat,
barlej' and oats. Cotton nourishes and
sugar cane and coffee aie e:i"ily produ
ced. The esculent and farinaceous roots
chiitly cultivated are the potato, the
cassava, the jam, the tenia resembling
(lie potato and the airowroot. X'eailv
ail the vegt tables grown in Ameiica may
be pioliiablv cultivalul. Although
American. Engli"h and I'rench money
is to be had, the inhabitants, as a rule,
conduct their business on the principle of
exchange. 1 tins a man niav exchange a
qiiaitcr ol oats lur its equivalent in cof
fee, beans, itc. Theie are no beggar?.
When once a colored man gets a good
foothold in Libeiia he is pretty sure to
get along all right. It is a rare tiling to
find persons, aller being
a desiie to return to America.'
The J!ev. T. .1. Bowen, of South Car
olina, a missionary sent to western Afri
ca by the foreign .Mission Board nt the
Suutliun Baptist Convention, thus de
si'iibeslhe condition of the people in
Liberia: 'The bouses in Monrovia are
generally two stoiies high. The furni
ture is similar to that nscil in Ameiica.
Most of Ihe people seem to live as com
lortiiblv as those at home. I have heard
them accused of being too fond of dress
and vhovv, but if thev were moie so than
other people who live in towns I was
not able to perceive it.'
The sailing of the newly fitted bark
Tuck Sing for Monrovia, Libeiia, is
looked forwatd to willi a great deal of
interest by the membeis of Shilob Pies
byterian Church. On the vessel will sail
for Libeiia Mrs. Mary Highland Garni t
Barbo.'i. tlio daiighkr of the Kev. Hen
ry Highland Garnet, pastor of the church,
her husband and family of four children.
.Mrs. Baiboza is not moie than .'l,', years
of age. She is well educated. '7 am
anxious to boon tho w ay,' the .said, to
mv now homo and the liehl of my future
labors. I call il my new home, because
I go with the expectation of living aud
diing there, f have long contemplated
going to Liberia, and believe that it can
he ol mine bent lit lo my race there than
lu re. From authentic acooimts,the soil of
Liberia is wonderfully ferlilo aud its cli
mate is healthful, but its mvriadsof peo
ple are Uoundoiiiig in woful ignoiauce.
To build up schools, disssiniuille knowl
edge, and shed the light education
ou r the dark waste, I believe to be the
duly of every colored man of this coun
try who is competent for the task.'
Thu Libeaian Government, through
the inlknce of Piesideiit Blvden of the
Libcrum College, has granteil a tract of
100 acres of laud upon which to build
ail educational institution to be presided
over by Mrs. Baibozu. Xmie but gills
vv'ill bo admitted to the institution, and
these will be chosen, as far as possible,
from the native element. .Mis, Baibo
za's husband will conduct the farms and
teach the natives husbandry. A recep
tion will bo given the Baiboza family m
Shiloh Chinch on the morning of 'the
day on which the vessel sails, and meui
bir.s of the church and friends will ac
company them to thu vessel, which lies
at the foci of Pino street, Fast ltiver.
There Is no use of drugi;iiiR yourself to
death, and biivlinrall tins nuiliei ties Iti.
ternal tis when ynu can Im cured of fever
mil ague, 011111.11. ui.,rilers, jaundice, dys-pep-la,
uswoll mall disorders anil mini,.,.!..
nt .he liver hluiiil, ninl slinnacli, hy wcarim!
line or I'rof, (luilmett's French Liver Pads,
which is a sure cure ei cry lime If your
iiriiK'Ki'uiJiss nut k-eep mo pail.Scud f 1.60 in
11 li'ler to crunch Pail (,'o Tohiln, O , and
it will be sent to 1011 In- mail. I, i. u,
ly pad lliat is guaranteed lo cure. Beware of
The Treasurer's ISrporl.
nu: anni vi. ,sr.vTi:iu:Nr conci.iinimi tiik
hi in tiii: miv r.UN.nnsT.
Washington, Xoveii.ber-'2. The an
nual repoit of United States Treasurer
Gillillau was submitted to Secretary
Slieuuan to day. Ho says:
Thu receipts of the government, cont
inue very lavorably with those of the
jiievious fiscal year, and slunv an increase
from custom., internal revenue and sales
of public lands of g.V.l.Hl I..V).1.7H. ami a
decrease in those from miscellaneous
sources of only Sll2,07!).20. The expen
ditures show a slight increase ofjjfi!).",
071.2., in the aggregate as compared
with tho previous" fiscal year, caused by
an increase of $i2,:i!.,0 10.00 in tho pay
ment on account of thu Interior Depait
niciit, but show a decrease of $L'l,(i!19,.
yi!".81 in .the expenditures for inteiest
and premium on the public debt, on civ
il and miscellaneous' recounts and for
the War and Xavy Depaitinents. Tho
balance of public monev on deposit in
tho Treasury and subject "to draft at the
close of business June .'!(), 1870, was
Sll7,i!2:i,77.0H; tho receipts from all
sources during the vear amounted to
i?l!)l,.-i7H,'JU.L'0, and" the drafts paid to
S708,I!J(),!)OI).7li. After deducting re
ceipts properly refunded and outstanding
drafts theiu vvas. subject to draft at the
close of business Juno at), 1H80, $20 L
083,830.31, which differs .from the debt
statement balance by $3,.jf.',213. tO,
which is explained in the appendix. The
business of the government involved the
transfer during the vear of $i,o.-,;l.;i.',7,
082.22, thu greater "portion through tho
medium of the accounts of this ollicc
and the remainder by actual transpoila
tion of the lands. At tho close of the
year !?28,,8 1,21)0.93 stood to tho credit
of disbursing agents of the United States
upon the books of the Treasurer. The
amount subject to diaft Juno .'10, 187'J,
on account of tho postal service, was
82,000, i 1 2.29. Tho receipts during the
year, including the amount paid from
the Treasury for the dclieiency in the
postal leven'iies, iveie $,'l,',09l',H10.2!l.
of which $20,018,202.10 was received
and disbursed by postmasters without
having been ilen".sited in the Treasury.
After deducting deposits refunded and
outstanding drafts there remained sub
ject to dralt Juno 30, 18S0, 2,37.",,727.
01. The total unavailable funds have
not increased during tho year by loss or
defalcation, but lciuain unchanged at
s29-,12,200.8.i for the Treasury at 810,
078.00 for the Post Onice Department.
Fiftj-eight national banks nereoigani
zed dining the year, live failed aud
twenty-one went into voluntary liquida
tion, leaving 2,102 doing business at the
close of tho j-car. From tables of the
assets and liabilities of the government
for November 1, 187S, and November
1, 1880, it is shown that on November
1, 1S79, therc'were !?,(M7,0l 1.21 and
on November 1, 1880, thero weie 81 II,
.VJ7,013.01 availablefor lesiimptiou. 'i he
amount of gold coin and bullion in. the
Treasury January I, 1879 the date of re
sumption of speciu payment, was $I3,r,,
382.039.12 and at this dale November
1 it is f)l IO,72.-.,9,-i2.7-t, a gain of
313,313.32, and in addition there have
been accumulated in the Treasury 817,
081,1.19 in standard silver dollars. The
redemption of Uiited States notes in
gold since the resmrijition of specie pay
ments have aggregated $11,903,330.
Since Iho order of the department ol
January 1, 1879, authorizing the icceipt
of United States notes for custom duties,
there have been received on that account
$112,823,001. The retundiiigojierutions,
the lepoit says, virtually ceased ju Sep
tember, 1379, by the closing of the loan
accounts with deisitory banks, tluwgli
the conveisioii ol s(i iefiinding. ceitili
cales of 1907. "till continues, 'hie ic
ceipts into the Treasury on account ot
the five per cent, funded loan ol IfiSl.of
the four and one-half per cenl. funded
loan of 1891 and of tho four per cent,
consols of 1907 lo October 31, 1880, ag
gregate, principal and interest, ?l,r,M,
0-18.180.03, which wejo deposited in de
positary banks and at the vai ions suh
Tieasury otlices.
Dining the twelve month just ended
12.2ri0.802 standaid silver dollars and
18,17.1,871 dollais in silver teititicates
entered into circulation of the country,
or an average of 1,021,-(00 standaid do!
lars and l.fiU.O.IO dollars silver ivrtili
catis each month. In addition lo the
ordinary influences which facilitate the
distiibulion of standaid silver dollar,
the demonetization by the Deonlo of tin-
Southwest of the Mexican silver dollar
lias cicateil an extensive demand for the
new dollar in that quarter. Weie the
trade dollar withdrawn Irom circulation,
or everywhere rated at its bullion value,
many more silver standarddollai-s wnnl.l
be rcoiiired for circulation in W.u- V...I-
iiid Philadelphia, ami in oilier nl Ml'i'S in
which the trade dollar is now in uo
as a circulating medium, much t,. flu.
advantage of bullion dealt TS. who lin r-
chuse trade dollars where they ire rated
at nu cents anil sell them at nu advance
to parlies in places where they ciiculate
at their face value.
Considerable space is devoted to tl.
redemption of national bank tiutct,
which, the Treasurer says, has fallen oil'
greatly during the fiscal jtar, the gross
amount lecciwd for icileiuption having
been only $01, .18.1,07.1. 08. us emu, n-,.,1
with 8 1. -,7,0,10,(1 1 (.90 in 1H79. A, ..
siderable poition of the report is devoted
in me ipicsiinn w men arose during the
year concerning the surrender to nti-
al bauks of tho bonds deposited ,y tlu.m
im mi.- iii-.iMiii-i in sivuio mo reijeimi
tiou of tho circulating miles. The ques
tion was referied lo the Attorney Gen
eral, who held in his decision that as sec
tions 7, H and 9 of the act of 1871 'Heat
ed the one-third policj' as no longer ex
isting,' in that they provided for compul
sory withdrawal of circulation and a Mir
lender oi noiuis, winch in certain cases
might reduce the deposits bilnie ,.
third of the capital stock, section I of
inai act is, tiieretore, 'repugnant (0 see
unu 4, ion oi mo revised statutes and all
itlier previous legislation thai lennii-..-
national banks to have and maintain in
the Treasury of the United States a bond
deposit equal to tlio amount of ono-third
ot tlieir capital stock.'
rhniuands of ladles to-duv cherish ereat
fill remembrances of (he help derived from
t ie use ol Lyilia B I'liikhani's Veeetsble
Co'iipoui.d. It positively cutes all finale
c.oui.itn(s Send to Mrs Lydu B p,i,.
limn, 2.13 eslirn Avenue. Lynn, Mass , for
pamphlets. '
lr '!'.,.,.. : 1 , ...
.... ....... v, ,3 ,n- ui kcu in a 1 arts
museum as a snowi-,.,l i,i ......1
clothed in a purple robe, with a lace 1 utile
annum ins hock,
IH. til.
.iki u.u
IS '01
I' 11 ,
to V
i Jnolnch...... ......taoo
i".voln.'iies B.oo s.oo
I Hiroe inches 4.10 l.l.O
Knur niches a. t0 t.oo
larier rolnmn Mil i.w
ilalf columu ln.oi) Hon is.oo ;.("!
Joe column j.uo 10.00 to.oo iwi.t,;
Vearly advertisements Mtvahln oustterlr. Tn li
sten t idverll&i lucnisuitisi bepsldforbefoulnserudl
osix'pi wncre uariies naieajcounis.
Insertions, and nil Lai tale toraddlUonflliu!iiliir,l
wuuuui rciercnc loiteslu.
Executor's, Amlnlslrator'a ana Anditor'f notices
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Insetted
Transient or Local notices, twenty tenuallbe
reifulnradvcrtlsementkhalf rates.
cards In tho "Iiuslness Dlrectory"colutnn. one!
dollar per voarf or eachllne. I
The- Timei for Sleep.
Most Americans sleep too littles and
almost all Americans fail to sleep to
tho best advantage. It is tin ions how
reluctantly we take God's best gifts.
Tlio Gospel is not the only one which
men put away fiom them. At night
God puis out the light and calls upon
everything and every one to go to sleep.
Nature accepts the invitation) the tlow
eis, lite bees, the birds go to their sleep
soon after sunset, but wo are all like
children; and we fight ngainst sleep till
il overpowers and carries us off despite
ourselves. 'He givelh 1 1 is beloved sleep,'
but we do not know that we are His be
loved, nor that sleep is His gift; and wo
rarely appreciate it till its one overmas
tering anxiety diives the nursing sleep
from our home; and then we bemoan her
exile and try to charm her back again.
In the morning God's sun tries to awak
en us, as ti mother her child, bj- the
gentlest of kisses for what kiss is so
gentle as that of the sunbeam! and tho
llovveis, ami the birds awaken to
beauty and song; but wo shut the lender
mother out, and icfuso the gift of lcstir
leclion lilo which tho morning brings,
and cling at sunrise to thu sleep which
we icpcilcd in the earlj' daikness. Twice
everyday God sajs lo us 'Best, and lifu
aiu my 'gifts;' aud twice every day wo
push 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 from us until wo can no long
er icsi-t them. The two sweetest and
most delicious liouis of the day ought to
bo the hour of falling asleep and the
hour of awakening; and we make them
both hours of discomfoil, even from our
childhood. For theio are two things
that nearly all people arc leluctant lo do
lo go to bed at night, and to get up in
the morning. No one can laj down
rules for another person's sleep am moro
than he can for another's eating; for ev
ery nature is a law unto itself; but thero
are some geneial principles ot almost uni
versal application. Wo put them hero
teisclv for easier recollection:
Night is the time for sleep; daylight
is the time for activity.
A healthy person is his own best alarm
clock. Do not waken your children.
If they sleep too late in the morning it
is because thev did not go to bed eaily
enough at night.
1 he early night hours nro the best
sleeping hours; the eailj' morning hours
are tlio best winking hours.
The best remedy for sleeplessness is a
tired body (not too tired) and a tiustful
mind. Sleepless children aie tine; for
tlieir bodies are ceaselessly at work and
tlieir minds do not woirj-.
Different natures need different mea
sures of sleep, llinnbohll is said to have
lived on lour hours of sleep: but eight
hours is a fair average; and he who bor
rows from his sleep for his woik bor
i ows at it frightful rate of inteiest, and
of a usurer who will provu to bo a veiit
able Shi lock.
Dislreis after eatiut, one of the most nn
(iteuant results of intlievtiun trill no lon
er lie experieticeii ifntublesiniiiitulnf riitn
niiitis' Liver Iveu tutor is taken after each
meal. This will prevent llut illsiriss refer
ed to;Jiiul by pi rserverinj; in the use ol tliu
rrinuly for a feViieeksu permanent cute,
will li-. effected anil pain will no lntigei be
the pi-tally of eallnp
IaIuc.i'J ng Ihe Memory.
There is abundant evidence that the
visualizing faculty adiuitsof biing huge
ly developed by education. The testi
mony on which I lay (special Mics-isde
riled from the published expeiiences of
M. I.icoqdo Boisbaiidran, late direcUir
of (he Kcole Nntionale de Dessin, in
Paris, which are related in his 'Kduca
tion de le Memoiro Pittoiesque.' Ho
trained hW pupils with extiaordinarv
success, beginning with the simplest
liguies. They weie made to study the
models thoioiighlv befoie they tried to
draw them from memory. One favorite
expedient was to associate the sight
memory with tho inn-nlar memory bj
making hi. pupils follow at a distance
the outlines of ihe figures with a pencil
held in their hands. After time or four
months' piactice, their visual meinoiy
became greally sliciigthcjiul. They hail
no ditlieulty in summoning images at
will, in holding them steady and in
dialling them. Their ci pits were exe
cuted with marvelous lideliti,as ntksUd
by a commission of the Insti'titte.appoint
ed in 18.12 to inquire into the matter, of
which the eminent painter, I lot nee Ver
net, was a member. The present Slado
professor of lino ails at University Col
lege, M. Logics', vvas a pupil of M. do
ll,. 1..,.. 1
l , misii.iuii 1 .111. 111- 11, in LAjnift.111 it. 1111;
, I iudiblediiess to the system, and ho
bos fissiucil me ot ins own success in
teuuiu'ig olhirs in a similar waj I
could lu-litiun instances within mj own
eiperieui. in which the visualizing fac
ulty has his. me strengthened by prac
tice; iiolablj, ,oe of a piomiicnt engi
tjeor, who had Wje power of tecalling
foi m with unusual vrecision, but not col
or. A few weeks after he had repliul
to jay questions he told iuo that my ii
quries nad induced him to practice his
color ntcmorj', and that ho has doiw? to
with hSidi success that be has beiom
quite 11 h adept, and that the newlj-ac-quired
pover was a souice of much
pleasure lo him. The nieuioiies we
should aim al acquiring arechfelly based
mi a thorough .understanding oi'the ob
jects observed- In no case is ibis more
suielv effected tluw in the process of me
chanical dinning, vp here the poi tended
structure has tube jwitiayed so 1 xaclly
in plan, (levation. .side view and sections
that the winkiiiaii has sjmply to copj
(he drawing in metal, wood or stone, as
the rase may bo. It is undoubtedly the
tact that mechanicians, cngiikctrs and
acbilic(s possess die taiulltj of cciug
1111 mat images with lemarkafile.deaniess
and precision,
Kigbty-Piv tiotlai s l.ust.
"Ynu don't lull ine 1 our Inn hand i nn
mid about scsin, anil eiiiirdv ctueil by so
simple a iiuilieiiio a 1' Gineer Tonic?
"lis, ludieil, 1 ilo, said Mrs. l!n jsmin U
her inquiring neighbor, and that loowhen
ne hail foolishly paid ( qilny-liie dullurs in
d'icior's lulls and iircu'ripliiuis, mid slier lie
bad been Kivvn tip hy hi plivsicians to die.
Now tn hiisliaml feels in well as uei m
tirely curl hv this txcellant Tunic." And
ninny a iclc man might be well in u week If
they would only try 11,
W ashingtoii despatches announce dial
tho piesent visit of tieii, Gaitield in that
city is to be wholly devntid lo packing
books, papeis, ami (!, things, (o Le
sent from his itsidince 011 1 stmt to the
W bite llouso Xow, at last, while hois
oveihauling liis papus, ili:io, he will
lio able to find that long missijr ,.
hcript of the argument in the De (iolver
tpaveineiit case. vAr ' A'i