THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Corn nml Cotton. A anal deal is wild about the 'balance, of trade' as an element in our business liiosperily. It is p-net-ally taken for granted tliat it tlio balance of tiade with iotvljjn countries is in favor of our peo ple, u must have iroierous times. Whether this holdsj;ood in point of fact, is a question not peilineut to the particu lar Hiihjcct wo propose to consider. It is a fact, hovuer, bejoud all dispute, that when the balance of trade is in our f,ivor, wo are richer in money than we would bo if the balance of trade weio i'ii(it us. When our epoits exceed mir impoiLs in value, it follows that for i un leaders become indebted to our pco pl'. mid miwt pay the difference in moii c or bonds. Tlic balance of trade is at present, and Inn been for several years, in favor of the Tinted States. The natural result has been that a considerable poition of our bonds formerly held abroad have found their way back to us, and lari;e shipments of gold and silver have been ma le to this country. What has caused this turn of the commercial tide in our fuor The answer is corn and cotton. Tin. failure of the wheat crop in Kin-ope, ami thu consequent lanje demand forlor ei;n grain, made a demand for the im in nsu surplus products of ourown liulds. Tin. e.poits ot cotton have also largely increased, and the two American staples have jointly produced the favoiable bal ance of trade. I?ut the wheat crop is not always a certainty in this countiy. Nor is a eou t uu sHailure of that crop in liurope to be anticipated. It may therefore be ex pected that the balance of trade in the near future will depend more particular ly upon the number of bales of cotton we shall produce than upon the products of any other branch of industry. At last wo will lie obliged to fall back "on cotton as the chief article of export to save us from an adverse balance of trade. Xow it is the south that produces cotton. It is the southern industry and enterprise that must give us the means of maintain ing a favorable balance of trade if it is to lie maintained at all. Since the ex pulsion of the carpet-bagger from the control of the Southern Slate (iovcrn ments, and since the people of the South have been permitted to gocrn them selves, and to send their repiesentatie men to Congress, their industries luno revived and the yield of cotton especially has been largely increased. "1 Don't WauTrhat Stuir Is what a lady of 1! wtori said to tier lius band when he brought home somo medicine to cure her nf sick heailiche and neurslia which had mid her miserable fur fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter, ii was ail ninistered 'o her witli such rood resiills that she continued Its use until cuied, and was n enthusiastic in its prai'c, that "lie in duced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular lan.ilv medicine. That "stull" is Hup III tiers. iStamlard. Discovery of Silk anil haiin. The discovery of silk is attributed to one of the wives of the emperor of Chi na, Iloang-ti, wlio reigned about two thousand years before the Christian era; and since that time a special spot has always been allotted in the gardens of the Chinese royal palace to the cultiva tion of the mulberry tree called in Chi nese the "golden tree" and to the keep inir of silk worms. The first silk dresss in history was made, not for a sovereign nor for a pretty woman, but for a mon ster in human shape, Ileliogabalus. l'cisian monks who came to Constan tinople reveled to the emperor Justinian the secret of the production of silk, and gave him some silk worms. From (ireece the art passed into Italy at the end of the thirteenth century." When the popes left Itome to settle at Aun ton, Franco, they introduced into that country the secret which had been kept by the Italians; and Louis XI estab lished at Tours a manufactory of silk fabrics. Francis I founded the Lyons silk worms, which, to this, day, have "kept the first rank. Henry II,'of France, wore the first pair of silk hose ever made at the wedding of his sister. The word satin, which 111 the original was ap- juieu in an siik sinus m geueial, lias, since the lust centurv, been iiscd'to des ignate, only tis,ues which prevent a lus- tereii surlace. i lie iliscoverv ol tins particular brilliant stuff was accidental. Uctavio .Mai, a silk weaver, find'niL' bust ness very dull, and not knowing what to invent to give a new impulse to the trade, was one day pacing to and fro tietore Ins loom, hvcry tune lie passed the machine with no 'definite object in iew, he pulled little tlueads from the warp and put them into his mouthwliic soon afterward he spat out. Later on, ho found the little ball of silk on the floor of his workshop.and was atlrcted by the brilliant nppearanooof the threads lie repeated the expeiiincnt and bv us ing certain mucilaginous preparations siiccceilctl in giving a new luster to Ins tissues. I have been a suH'ercr for vears with Ci. tarrh, and under a physician's treatment fur over a year, have Iricd a numbar of Sure cure remedies and obtained no relief. I was advised to Iry hly s Cream Uilui. It Ksve me immediate rtliel. I believe I am how entirely cured. 0. S. Davis, First National liauk, E Uabeth, N. Aug. 11 jaiir. Itv fur the llnsf rpnldlv far rlia Irrqlmunl of Catarrh and its kindred dUea-es is Klj's Cream Halm, which is having the lamest ales with us of any prcperation now offer (d. The reports are all favorable, and we An l,L!taiu i. ... .... .ii.. i. iii.tuiCU 11 U3 nil l', 1 I T 1 CI any ami an oiuer articles in tlio market Thebahn is pleai-ant and easy to line. Cy rus J.awall & Son, Drupiiists.'Eaitou, l'a. There aro wide areas of fine fanning lauds in Georgia that lio untouched b husbandmen in belts of country asbealth'v as any jn the L'nion. There is also an enterprising spirit abroad in the State n.....w....,:.w. : . n. . iii.,niM-ruii iimcu in ;c l apiuiy-grow lug investment in iiiaiiiifnctiiiiii'r enterprises. From a recent ollicial repot t we learn that "i hero are now m operation m Georgia fifty gold mills, witli nearly flOO stamps, representing nearly $500,000 brought in to tlio State from ho north and west du ring the last live years, and that new in vestments are constantly being made. As evidence of Georgia's mineral wealth it is reported that iron oiu has been found in 71 counties, gold ore 01, lime stone in .18, firauito in lo, quartz in 10, soapstone in 2'J, asbestos in 2H, eorun ditiin in 9, copper in 27, kaolin in 11, manganese in 1.1 and marble in 0. A survey shows that more tlian'OOO'streams afford water-power which can bo used for cotton factories and other maiiwfai tuics." 'Why should notthotido of emi gration that sets westward from the Kastcni and Middle States pour itself southward? From Virginia to Georgia the South Atlantic, States offer induce ments greater than the distant plains of Kansas and Nebraska, and a climate in eompurably superior. The Campbellito church at Washing ton is a small and mean stiucture, In anticipation of Garfield's worship draw ing a crowd, an enluigeintiit is talked of. The Foundry Methodist church vfheic J I ayes attended, will now lose its chief attraction for visitors. I Mow to Treat lint h'ilzooly, To give a detailed lino of tieatiuent for the numerous mid varied phase of the piesent form of the outbreak ofjln tliienza, or what is commonly termed ep izootic, would involve a good deal of wotki in fuel, would requite a book to be written without exhausting the sub ject. In its present mild form the isi lile mucous membranes are usually the principal seat of the disease, and, as such, cause tho animal but little incon venience beyond a seoro cough and a little discharge from the nose. Such ca ses n quire nothing more in the way of treatment than good nursing, good food, moderate woik and a warm stable, witli liberal doses of nitrate ot potash to keep the kidneys active and leduce the ten dency to ii'dema of the extremities. It is also well toghea little chlorate of potash in the form of an electiiaiyto soothe the diseased membranes, 'l'his, like 'hay fever' in the human subject, is not amenable to treatment with a view of effecting a cure, since its presence is the result of an an irritating principle floating in the atmosphere) and so long asthat fungi is present so long will the trouble exist. In some cases the malady goes beyond the structures and involves tho bronchi and even the lung tissue proper, producing bronchitis, puciinioi'ia,aiid sometimes plcuritis. This form of the malady being extiemely do bilituting, with more or less inoitality associated, it behooves the practitioner to husband the animal's strength. Our method is to stimulate the patient from the beginning, notwithstanding there is always more or less fever present. It is a rule in (lie school of allopathy to treat a case upon general principles, , ., the symptoms, but this malady calls for a departure. The old method of lancet and sedatives would be pretty sure to make quick work with the most robust constitution. Distilled spirits, ammonia, camphor and quinine are the principal medicines indicated, and when there is a loss of appetite give liberally of milk punch, and keep the extremities warm by friction and bandages, and if the bowels become costive give rectile in jections of warm water and soap. If the glands become swollen apply a stim ulating liniment. Attend closely to by giene, and avoid irritating preparations to the animal's sides, as their tendency is to irritate and debilitate the patient, and can accomplish no good. A Big Success. "My wife had been ailing u long time with dvspepsia and nervousness and was in lied two years with a complication of disorders her physicians could not cure, when I was led by reading a circular at my door to try Parker's Ginger Tonic. Having been so of ten ileceivtd by worthless mixtures, nothing lut my wiles dangerous cotinilion cnulu have led us to make any inoir experiments. Hut it was a biu success. Three bottles cured her at a cost of a dollar aud fifty cents, and she is now as strong i-s any woman, and ri gularly does her household duties. lv. D., liutlalo, bee ciher column. nov Capt. Hates and his wifeformerly the giants of IJarnuin's show, recently made an overland journey lrom r-.nn P rancisco. I liey are cacli nearly eight tect long, and the sleeping car berths are only six. In o.der to secure a comfoitablu bed, they took the opposite sections, connec ted the upper berths with an adjustable piece, and laid themselves crosswise of the car, the other passengers kindly con senting to the partial obstruction of the passage at night. The Vennont housewife who read that English nobles have lotsof harts in their preserves says she tried in some black beiry jam and dosn't believe these for eign stories. In a cave near Silver Cliff, Col., two bars or gold, worth b000, were found. Two skeletons were there, too, and it is supposed they are the remains of very eaily miners. It is stated that insurance companies refuse to take Col. Fred Grant as a risk, unless he"H agree to keep his mouth stili in barrooms. Ladies will be pleased to learn that the most fashionable human hair now impor ted is taken from the yak, Chinese cows, and other animals. A beautiful carriage dress is of sap phire satin, trimmed with black beaver i in- around thu train.on the neck of cor sage and on the muff. New boots for ladies have velvet or plush tops, witli foxings of French kid. The new slipers are of black velvet, with cut steel buckles. A Newfoundland dog carried a bun dle into thu Navy Yard l'oiice Staiton in Washington, and then left. It was found to contain a new-born colored baby. The great characteristic works of Germany were written between 1 700 and 1 H-:. How to cine envy Always buy your wife a better bonnet than your neighbor possesses. In 18;t ) the wool clip of the world was estimated at :il'0,O0J,OJJ pounds; in 187S at 1, 580,00 J.OJ'J. Tlio tea crop of India this year is esti mated at 70,000,000 pounds, nearly dou ble tlio yield of 1878. There aie now 1,-U.j,0i'i),.",()0 men, women and children in the world. (SUCCESSOR TO V. W. nODDINS,) DEALER IN rino KirtiMliif, WhlsliKs, 4.1ns, Itiiuix, ;iu nil klnils of Vliux con- Imilly mi iiiiimI, IUrOltTlil) ALES AND 1'OltTKItS IN U0TTLK8 ItV TI1K D0ZKN. Landlords Uironl out tlio eounly am and examine my stcck huloro piucliasinj; elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July HJ'oO-ly A CURE GUARANTEED 1 P 17. rVlETTAUR'8 HEADACHE PILLS cure mml wocdtrfally In a vrryw.r.-tiimonom SICK '"d NERVOUS HEADACHE ; au.l,.L.lg Wibb ua tlio tietruu, y.l ra, rcllem rt Y8P EPSI A I" lia or.t(unii, clium luz tho eystera of cxreuauf bile, jrodacing ftrugulur ntalthy action of tbuboutla. A, full slzo boxoftheso valunblo PILLS, wphfulldl. rcctioit fora complato euro, any miurtiw on receipt of nitio 3-cont I'octQKO Stamps. J w eaio ly all Drurilmuj. SOUS rUQPKICTOKS, OCt, 15, VUtf c. c. GALIGNAN, Plumber. Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. ANli IJKALKIt IN STOVES, heaters A.asrr RvisraEs, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Shop in Opera Hoiiso, Cth door rrU M-VMJ' MRS. LYDIA E. PIHKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. LYDIA E. PBNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive ruro For all Foraalo Complainto. Thh tn?rfiro.UoTi( Mh hsmo t iRnlPen, rnnnlsta of Vc :a Oilo Proit riles UttU aro LnrnitcHs to tlio liiont del icate. nvfiliil, li mi one trial tlioi.itrits nf tlita Com I'oui IwillbMi 0(t;nl.i-il, lurclkf la lnurtodlato nml v lv ii It iiio li r M.t.ii i, t, lit ulncty-nino rrutea In a hun. tun .I.RJK iuianr'ilcuruUt;TLvted,a3ttiousaiil ivlll tes tify. l.i tbvount if HjTovi'n merits, It H to-dayriv rocimoticlcJ an J ircacrlbcl by tlio beat blcians In tltorotintry. It vill turo cnttrtly tlio wont form cf falling of tlio uterus, lit ucorrhrvn, Irregular nml jialnful llenEtruatlon. nit Ovarian Troubled, Inllimmfttlon nml I"! LrMlun, IlootHntft, fill Milftei'tnonM ami tho cou ei men! spinal Hiaknoan.aiul U c Ft tally Adapted t t'io Ll.nncc of Ufa, Itr.Itllwlvo ntid rspi 1 tumori f-cmflietitcraslnnncailystaaro of tlcvilnpinpnt. Tlio to:ult"iry It caneeroua humors there U checked Mrj i iHtnltly by Its uw. It fact It hes proved to bo the (treat r t Ait bet timed tliat luw oer bee a discover t 1. ItiTnucatcsccryixti-tloiiof lhofyattra,nnd0Ui9 li-wi:roAiutv!?or. Urenovca faint nrsa.flatulcncj', do r. oyn all eravl lg for ctlmuloata, aud i ellevea rcalncts of thoeioiui h ltnireinioatlnff, INmlachM, NYrvoua rrontrntton, Gi'furl In litllti, Slcf r Icfisnotw, iJcprtWon and Indl TOEtinn. niatflinrfif btarlncdonn, causing jialn, eight an lboctache, lsah.ayai-crraanently cumlly ttiuso. HixlUctalltlncs.ridLndcrnll rirruiabtan cc3, act in harmony vith tho liw that governs the femiloititcr,i. 1'or KMnCouihJntJof tlthir hoi tLls conixiunJ I j unsurpajssc J. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ni-repared atSSSamt 235 Western Aenm tyrn, Miwwi .i It o $1 03. S.x bottles for Sent Ly mall In tho fiirm of ilh, aLwilti the form i f Loziucn, oh rectljt flr!co, ChW. lr 'or cither. Mrs. I1NKHAU f-etly answers all 1-ttcra of Iniuiry, Send for joni I h'.ct. Addrcjw as abovo Utentto t iijcr. No family should boMtbout LYDIA E. J'lNKItAM IaVCl. TILLS. They curu Conrt:iatlon, lOUouau undToirfw.ty of tho IJvtr. 5 ctt U i-tr Lox. JOHNSTON, II0LL0WAV & CO., General Agents, ?hih Pa. XOUI nv 1J0YR BROTHERS., Bleomsburg, Pa, HOP BITTERS? (A Medicine, not a Drink.) ixors, nrcin'i iamiuak:, ANIITlir ri liKST AMi llFST MFPtfU QVALI i ik h or all jruK.t liti i tn. THEY CUltM Atl fJlscnfrsof the? toin ten. Howeli", Tlood, Lim r, KM in h, tiiid I'rtu ii) (iip.ui, T,ouiieb. Mi fniusn tn.uni I'scuau)" Gtooo s:j cor-D Will be pTltt for n cafp the; I'l rrt rnr" or lnll, or loruii) iiiiuj; iminut, iiijui.o-n I'l tin in your rirujrirM fur iT n ritt- p- 1 t-v l.mii L-iforc jun tWvK T.iliu lj o.ii, r. 1 I r tnn nboluhnn P !'"' - f or iiiLiiko-iuCbS, tifii1 i f Ottr:,i, ibbccukbd l. inotii i, llrp r.ttrri M ludf . T..r-o,Ont. July 10, 'hO-tl FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Ginger, Bicho, llandrake, StlllloI f&nd .majiy other of the best medicines know a are bo' skillfully combined In IUrkeu'b Gir-OEii Tonic U to mane u iuo trruaifbi- uwou runner ina '. The Best Health and BtrengtU Restorer 1 Ercr Uicd. I Bo perfect is the composition of TVarkirV .Gikqea Tonic that no disease can long exist' where It is used. If you have Dyspepsia, Head: 'ache. Rheumatism, Weuralgii, Bowel, Kidney ,or Liver Disorder, or If you need a mild stlm--ulant, or appetizer, the Tonic Is just tho med-; '(cine for you, as it Is highly curative and Ln-. vliroratlng but never Intoxicating. tlf you are slowly wasting away with Con-' sumption or any sickness, if you liavo a Painful! Cough or a bad Cotd, Parser's UiNusn Tonic .will surely help you. It gives new life and' 'rigor to the feeble and aged, and in a certain) 'cure for Rheumatism aud Cholera Infantum. It II a I SMed Hundreds of Llreaj It Mtj; Sato lours. , ! If you are feeling mlserablo don't wait until' Kou are down tick, but use tho Tonio to-day, J o matter what y our diseaso or tymp toms ux&y, !be it will give prompt relief. . Remember 1 Tarkee's Ginger Tonic Is not" a rum drink but tho Deit and Purest Family, Medicine ever made, compoundwl by a new process, and entirely different from Bitters, ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try 60c. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Best and Host Economical Hair Dressing eiquiiltely perfumed and perfectly harmless. YttllllwiTi Restore Cray or Tailed llalr to Its original youthful color and appearance, and la warranted to stop ita falling, assist its Growth and prevent baldne&s. A few applications of the Balsam will soften the hair, dean all dandruff and cure itching and hu bmuts of the scalp. Sold by all druggists at only $qcU. OCt. 1, 'a -tf Dauchy & Co'a. Advt's. Niw and wry atirarihe NijU'nre tnnv rend). JlAiSUil ,IliST ;VlNT OH PAItLUU OR AS0N AND llfght'St DUtinctlon at Evmy urcat orltl'N i:lil1illiitn lor thirteen )OHm. I'rlas,$51,$57, $t,lW, lo tiiH) and upward. For easy pay ments $ a quarter ard wpward fttUloirups frre. Ai H-jN & HAMLIN HAMLIN ORGANS 4A Kast Uth St., (L'ulon Siuare ) N. V. 149 w tbdEh fT)n I XT CM to $1,000; 2 to .H Slops Piano I IW 1 1 IN up. Taper Kicc. Udress Daniel V. ll-utt.v, Wusbll.t'lon, . J.oct. It 'mi-1iv tt ANTi:ii -To euro n cuse of rATAlillll In each i I'lKhiKTlinud wuu Iir ( arsnor's In Hid LVlt hauiplolrte. ()!.K'nLTON,l'llt,bun,',l'u. uov 1 .w a WANTED ISWSMfSS EUROPE and AMERICA !5 ( lira expcrlcneo In tho secret Htnlc of Celf. bmtut llUiellwa, in ull purU of l lie world. MO (Ktmo phRes, f'l 1 pipe rngravliiita l-.o In press Imo new IIP btrHied Hooks Kxtr.i lndjcements ot fr d. Pur In ins adilnss J H. nuir. t Co., Hart ford, ft., or I'Uleutfo 111. d novllj-w will find it to their advantage to Door bolow Iron. 5 CENTS BY USING u S S r Oil CLAKKX l8B(l If HSU, ' L Jl. . . JLJL ffi: LAUonATonv, 77 V.3d St., New York City n tTIHC2 MAltS.1 i niinpejislrit Liver JOtscancn. fVr'tC .fotff. lliinnna- it Ism, Ili'omu. MSrttrs tJftnfftur. BUiou8ntKs,tYervous JiitliHlty.ttc, Tho Best EEMEDY KNOWN to Man ! 10,000 AGENTS HATE SOLD SINCE 1870 9.000.00 Bottles. This Synrp Possesses Varied Properties It fttmnlntr lre TylTnllno In thr HnllTn vliIrL coovrrti tlio ntnrrh nnil nn(inr nf tlio fooil Intn ctnoonn. A drflclrtirr In Pttynllnn rnmpn Wind nnd 8ourlnjf of lh" fuoil Initio fttomnrh. If Hip iripcllrliin I tiUru Imtnnll nlfly titter cntlii llio luruitututloii ofl'uoil Ii It ncr upon tho T.tvrr. Itnrtn upon llio KMnt-T. It Hreuliitr ihn Iluut-lrj It Puririrs tho lltnod. It Quirt tlm Nrrvou0)i5tpm. It Proinnlrn DlgrwllMt It NonrUtirN. Hircnrthrn nml TnTfcrtrntP. ItrnrrlOM ntTltii Old lllnod nml nink" It opeon thn pnrrn f tlio tiklu i.ud taducru Hraltlif Prmpiratluii. It neutralize tho hcrciHtarT talrt, er poison In tho blood, whlc'i fcncraUfl Stroitili.ljysliMs, uiid ud XDinnor of skin dneata unl in'.cruul liumorR. Thoro are no cplrlts craplojod in Uti niftnufactuiy, nnd It cm bo taken by tlio most dolii-utebabo, or by lite agol and focUe, curt cnljf tctng rcqaittd in at Untton ta directions. raxes op lasgb bottles, $1.00 FEICE 0 SHALL LDTTLt3, - CO Rad the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have bscn CURLD by tht u of the HI OOO PUniriEFl. caution to DiwanrsTH. liewaro or countcrMt Meillclnt. I employ bo aguuuj or luuoera loboncu irauo irom urugisis. Best Medicine Kver Used, K.iton. Wyoinlnccountv. l'a. lVarSIr: I had been troubled lor a lonir time with a Pain tn my stomach, and found no relief until 1 beiran nslr g your India r. Illood Hjrup. Iftnd It tho best medicine tn uso. and I can recenimend It to Hi . oil and vounn It saves many dollars in doctors' bills, and one larffe bottlo did me more good man uve aonaia worm 01 oiuur meuiciuf. Marluin L&barr. An Astonishing Cure. Monroe. Wyoinlntr county, l'a, Dear sir : I had been afflicted with a cough, Loss ot Appetite nnd Djspersta for ten years. 1 could uor properly attend to my business, and nearlne: of your jusiiy ceieoraira inaian uioouyrup, j rjsoifea to try It, which I did, nd In a short time was much Improved. I now have a good Appetite, and have enjoyed good health ever blnce I commenced its use. tJ AjUUUI I, Sick Headache Cured. llmvman'fl Creek. Wvomlnir county. Pa. Dear Sir: I had sick Headache and by the use of your muian luoou rup i was greatly relieved. 1 rucummeuu uu lu iry iw vaiuttuie pruni-ruto. J, W. llumett. The Remedy did more than she Expected, Newbcirv. iAoomtnc county, l'a. Pear Sir: The Indian liluod Syrup did more than I expected It would and It had cured mo of Liver Complaint. 1 use it a& a Medicine and would not be turnout ii, Mrs. Mary Charman, Lie ad fie ho and Dizziuc3. WtillamsDOrt. Li coral nir county. Pa. Dear Sir : Your Indian Mood rup has cured me ot Headache, Dizziness and Loss of Appetite, sothat I am now able to work ln my factory. My wife de rived more benefit from Its use than from any other meuiciue. llcnry Itusscl. Would not be Without il. wmiamspert, Lv coming ounty, l'a. Dear sir: The lnd'au ttloodHjrun is the Hest I ever used and 1 would not be without It, It Is good rorau compiaiuis, John Uurkhart. Diseafceb of the Stomach. Eaton, Wyoming county, Pa. Dear Sir: This Is to ceitlfy that i hud a Wean Stomach and could eat no meal or anv heart v food whiteu-r. Hya friend's udv ce 1 tommenued the u i uar Indian liluod Sprup, which atttr a short, eueutuall relieved mo and I can now eat anything i cnoose, lour ajmp gives universal satlbtuct on. Elizabeth II ad sal. All that it ii rt commended to be. opera House, Columbia, Pa. Dear bin 1 have used jour excellent Indian mood Syrup and tt has proven Just as represented, lean l ecommend It to all. Win, Koeho-v, Wholesale Meichant, 6th street. Unanimous Kecoimaemlatiuu. The following add thtlr testimony for tho Indian Illood sj rup: 11. i:. (irt arr, engineer P K II. J. (1. smiili, at Haldwins stoel Works. Mrs. Nnjdur. of Columbia. A.Krener, of Washing tonburgh. John Kenjs, of Salo Harbor. Would not be Without it. Denton, Columbia co-inty, Pa. Dear sir: I have used jour excellent Indian Hlood svbup and have received much benefit there from. 1 could not get along without It. Mrs. liarber. Never Falls to Cure. East Lemon Wyoming Co. Pa. Dear sir I was sick for three jeara, and under professional treatment mostcf thetlmu without be ing benetlted. At last I was Induced lo try your Indian Blooh Syrup and altera short trial, 1 found mi self In better health than 1 had been for six years. Mrs. ThtTon Ball Sure Cure for hiver Complaint. Kohrsburg. Columbia Co. Pa Dear Sir : This ts to certliy thar your Indian Blood Hy hit has been used by me, for Llvert'ora plalnt, which had been troubling me for a long time I derived more benefit from the uso of the srup than from any ether medicine. I heartily recom mend It, and advise all sufferers to give It a trial. h V smith Loss of Appetite. Uohrsburg Columbia county Pa. Dear Sir: I have used your excellent Indian Blood Hyhup for Loss or Appetite and Weakness of the Stomach, wllh very beneficial results, l believe vour medicine to be the greatest blood purifier known. and aivlsu all who may besufferlntras I was to give It a speedy trial. jure, a a very Paius in Shoulders. Kt hrsburg, Columbia county, Pa. Dear Sir : This Is to certify that vour Indian Blood sybup has greatly relieved me of I 'ulna In the Huoulder and Chest, which I had been mulcted with for years. 1 recommend It v cry hlghl y. mra. diary vveisn. Kidney Complaint. bear flap, Columbia County, Pa. Dear Sir' My Father has been puffertng with Kidney Complaint for a lone Umo and had been un der dix'tors' treatment., but the doctors could not effect a cure. 1 have been subject to u Numbness and weakness In mv Uft Arm. We obtained some ct your lnva'uablB Indian Blood syrup lrom your Agent, Wm, 11, Potter, nnd It has cured my father completely, and my arm ts much better. It does not irouuie mo naii so raucn. lour nnxiicino is excel lent. Joslah John. Ftraale ComplaintB. Bear (lap. Columbia county, Pa. Dear Sir: ThW ts to cert try that 1 purchased Ame ot our Indian bixm)1) syrup for my wife for Inlla matlnn and Female complaint, and It has given her relief. J K llcrner Heat Medicine Ever Uaed, Bear Gap, Columbia county. Pa. Dear Sir: My llttto son was tioubled with his water passing from him constantly, day and night, 1 coi suited two doctors and gave him medicine, but without effect. I bought boiuo of our celebrated Indian Blood syrup, a short trial ur which, cured ldm, Lambert Camp. Dyspepnla and Indigestion, Numlda, Columbia County, Pa. Dear Sir: For many j ears my wlfa was afillcted with Dyspepsia, and we upent considerable money without receiving benefit. We procured Borne of vour Indian Blood SVRueandshe began to Improve In health from the time she comencd Its use. Solomon D Snyder Liyer Complaint. Centralta, Columbia Co. pa. Dear Fir : 1 his Is to certify that 1 was unwell and could scarcely attend to my w ork, I think my Liver was affected. 1 procured some of our Indian Blood SYKUPandnow, after a shot t trial, feel like anew man. 1 recommend Its uso to all. Daniel Goodman, Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. Hyde park, Luzerne Co., pa. Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian UloodHyhup has effected a permanent cure ln my case. I had been afillcted with tho Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, but am now entirely well, Mrs. John Thornton ltllious Stomach Cured, Hyde Park, Luzorne Co., p. Dear Sir i I have boen troubled with Bilious Complaint and by the uso ot your Indian Blood Sybup it has effectually cured me. John N Williams. Eyepeptda Cured, Hyde Park, Luzerne Co., pa. Pear Sir t Your valuable Indian Blood Byhup has cm e4 me of Dyspepsia. Mrs. aUAOkliia. Liver Complaint. Hyde p&rk, Luzerne Oc Dear Sir il have boen troubled with nt plaint, but I wm permanently cured bytulaa Vaiu&bte Utdum Ulood Btct, BL00MSBUSG STATE NORMAL SCHUUL SIXTH NOltMAL SCHOOL DISTiUCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. THIS SCHOOL, ai at present constituted, ontrs the very best facilities for Professional and ClasMcai learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious ; completely heated by steam, vvellu-utllated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.soft SlLoc5tlonthealthful, an.i easy of access. Tuachers experienced, efficient, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and -rougu. Expense? moderate. Fifty e? nts a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any time. Booms reserved when'deslrcd. Courses of btudy prescribed by tho state ! I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary, IV, Clascal. Adjunct Courses : I Academic II. Commercial. III. Course in Muic. IV. Cource in Art, V. Cour-e in Physical Culture. The Hlementary Scientific and Classical Courses are I'liOFUIoNAL, and student) gratluatng therein, receive Stale Diplomas, conferring the folio win corresponding Degrees : Master of the Llements; Master of tho Sciences ; Master of tho Classics, uraduates ln tho other Courses receive Normal Certlllcates their attainments,, Klgned bv Ihe onicersof the Hoard of Tustet. .... , , ,, The course of Mud v prescribed by the state tsllberat, and the clcntltlc and Classical courses are not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. Thestateienulresa'hlgherorderuf citizenship. The times dciiandlt. Itls oneot the prime objects of this School to help to secure it, by furnishing Intelli gent and efficient Teachers for her schools. Tothtsendlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes.-thoso who desire tolmprove their time and their talents, as "-tudenta. To all such it promises aldln developing their powers, andabundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School. For Catalogue.addres the Principal. HON. WIL1.IA.H l)I-V lj,l President Itonnl of TruMcm, F. P. HILLMKU, Secretary. Sept.S.'Tfi.- OF FALL 1 fill The Lsirgrcsl Sloek, The Fiiael C5ools, The liSiiesl Styles, The liowesl JPa'ices IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHiira. MA W t! MA m U MA TS I' JUST RECEIVED. FEaVKL SUET m BATIB LOW1MBMEC1-. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, Main Sli t i l allow Iron, BLOOMSBURG PENK'A. J)EALi:it IN Drugs, Medicines, Clmniicals.Fan cy and Toilet Articles, Soaps Brushes, Sponges, Per fumery, etc. I'll J t lcla r.s ' nr tci nlk I K rniffullv nnmnnundl una orders nnsMirtd with curu and drsrnnh. partn ers and ph)blclaD8 lrom the country ulll Dndour htoct of medicines COlnnleto. w fl frnnlnp nnft of tho best qualll)-. JOMNii.Kisronr, Jan. 2S, M-1y l'roprletor. iit.vv'n M-i.tiii'ir .iii:ni( i.m:. TRADE MARKTIIEOItBAT FNd-RADE MARK I.1SII' sm uni wiu cure lor Seminal weakness, spermatorrhea, Im liulcney and ulhlU easevhat n, senucnto of self abuse : as Uiss of Memory, Untursal I ftWttll'l.' Pilln tn BEFORE TAIIItG.the IKck, UlzzlncssAFTER TAKIHQ. Of MMull. eremillliro nlrt Atre. nnd muii, ,ti -.1iu- eases that lead to Insinllv or Consumption, arid a l'reuuture c;raR, Ifl'ull partlculaisln our pam phletwhlchwo destro toiend free by mall 10 every one. tJlho Specltlo Medicine Is suld by all druu Klits at 11 per package or Hx packages for (5, or will bo sent free by ma'l on receipt ol the monev by ad dressln Till! ti!iY JIEU1UINK CO., llichanica' Hlock, Detroit, Mich, hold In Isloomsburi; bv C A. Klclra. ca may 7. '8C-ly THE WHITE SEWIMG 1ACH1HE. tho world renowned reputation ot tue White bowing Muchino Induces many unscrupulous competitors to reort to all klntt of mean tncfca to mjuro lis reputallou, we vet to caution all Intending purchaatrs not to buy a White Machine ecept from Its regular authorize! dealers, uo will be sustained by tho following warranty, WE WAUIIANTTIIK NATURAL WEAK AND TEAR Of THE White Shuttle Sewing Macliine, PLATE NUM11EK 1033311 FOR FAMILY PITHI'O. 8KS, AND 1IKUEHY AOUKKTO KKEI' THE SAME IN REPAIR FOR T"K TERM OF I'lVl; YKAKS FROM THIS DTE, FREE OF CHaIUIE. This warranty excepts the ftrealcage of noodles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless the plate number above (riven correspond with the number on the shuttle race slide, Dew aro ot defaced or altered numbers, WHITE SEW1NO MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE" Bbutt o Sowing Maehino Has ohiitir cjpicitt Ih&n any ether family bewlni Machine for dolB(f every variety of work, J, SALTZKR, Oeneral Afent, Od.X.MMT. Iikjornsburg, Pa, CLDTHK AND Paper Hanging. Wivr. F. I30OINI3, IKON ST., 11ELOW SECOND, llLOOMbllLHO, I Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE FAinXIBlO . I'lalu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, IIOTII DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All Mil In of rurnlturc Itcpnlrcri. iiiKl miKle uu good sin new. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN FM PLOYED Estimates Mado on all Work. WM, V. JiODlNK. Oct. 1,1(173. O. 23. S A.-V-A.GKE, DEAfKR IN Silverware. Wateies.Jewelry.Olccks.&c, All kinds of Wutchis, ciccka and Jewelry neat 1 repaired and warranted, may 17, '78-tf EIASTIC TIIUS3 Ilu . r4 dllTurlftz from .1 1 olbtn, I, coptUr., wllh bir Adlu.Hr. Iwlla cantur,J.pUlMlll.a IMltloU ot lb. haff. hI.II. "3 TRUSS Ai . t.PPt. b&ck .b lif in I ntglit .&4 . n.!bl cur. cruln. ill. .Mr, dui.LU EOUUBTOS TRUSS CO., Chicago, IU. novl9 3.,i au Hlghsst Medal at Vienna ani PMladelpUa. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., S01 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers Dealers In Velvet FrameB, Albuma.Graphoscopesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Enqravings, Chromos, Photographs, And l"jdredK0Gds-C'elebrtUes, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials We are Ileadquarteis for over thlnir ln tho way of Steroopticonc and Magio Lanterns, Each style being-Uu st of Its class ln tho marlet. Ueautlful I'hotoirrapiio Transparencies of BWtu. ary and Ecravinrs fc the window. Convex Ulass. Slanuacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Con' ox ouss Iiciures. Catalogues of lanterns and slides, with direc tions for using, sent on receipt of Un cents, Jan ,'80-ly OB PRINTIPO I "woly anJ che4pljr tjiciilcd t tie (Mat, i THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD, O.VH THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOI.I.AKS riti'.Miu.M oir.icii 10 rmtsox tint willilo a (!1KAT A Jl VNCSK OV WOliK on ANY 01'HEIt MACHINE. NEW D AVJS ""VERTICAL FEED IJ'i'tY do without basting. It will mnko wide hem on sheets, Ac, hem all manner ot b'as woolen (foods, as hoft merino, crane, or (foods ilinicult to hem on oilier machlns. It makes a more elastlo stitch than any other midline, it w 111 turn a hem nnd put ln piping at samo Umo It u 111 turnn In in. sew braid on f lie right side and si Itch on tt limiting at cne operat on It will do f lilnif blakor straight, elthir on cotton or woultn (fooils. It nlllfi 11 across teaiiHon ani goods. I will bli.d a I'Kbs or Skirt ard Few on facing, 'I'herwlthorwllhout HiowltigMluhes; bind liress I'.oods with Ihesumemalt rial, either c.lllols.nolrlU, Minansoi st ulirht.'ll.eoi.U ma( lilnc that will bind lats. Cloaks, or other articles wllh bins, sarin or suit, uuui iu it HiLiit s in w i in, wunom oasiing. It will gather wllh or wlthiut sewing on. ltwillgather bitween two pit ecs and sew on at uiu Bantu viuiu. It will make amnio ard Hitch u pillow slip on to the faclngat tho sainotlme. It will Hilrr any kind tf goods. 11 will make plaited trimming cither with or with out sewing It oi. It will make plain d I rln.iulr.jf illliertcalhpedor -tralght nnd sew a pipit g on at the bame time. It will make knife plalilus'. J. SALTZEIl, Gen'l Apciit, Bloomsbursr, l'a. oct. 1, '80-tf. CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Addiscn, M. Y, HU.NDItr.HS I v I'Elti-oNS iromnll parts of tho world have been tuied of tlilimuth dreaded ills e.iso and am now nung witnesses thatthei bale been rescued lrom nierrlbio and untimely dea'h. Doctors. Ministers and Ihe l'oor treatedfne. Urlto for a circular glllligfulliurllculars. AdddressDrs. r.vj. i u.- i. & txuail lllvUW.N, AdO Addison, N. Y. Oct. 1, 'so-ly Weaver & Co's Ads A VALUABLE HOOK FREE. " tieatlso on Chronic UkM-ase mliini ini i-a. tnrrh, Throat, Longs. Heart, stomach, 1.1 vi r, Kid neys, rtlnnry and female Diseases ; alo lies; sent Tree to any ddres. I.ery sum r r lrom tin se dls. eases can leaned, scrdtur this bock to the under signed, a ihjslclnnof huge (, emloisidby hULdred- of teudligclllans who litlltv to his -kill. Send stamp to paj postage to u. j: LH in est on, it. D., 16i superior stieit, lolido, Ohio. uuiu z, su-iv wtn PENSIONS. EVHHV SOI.HIKU disabled ln Hue of duty by wound, dlseas-e. or Injury, Is entllli d to pensln. I'hNSIONs INCIICAShD -Many ore diawlng less than entitled to. Ihousnnels of Heirs entitled to Pension nnd lloiM . IM'Jht"! mi casks ri'-ope neil. charges obtnli e el.-flalh.sof cutj descilptlou pros. Aeiitress wllh stamp, II s. IIEHL1N CCO., Attorneys, sept. 10, 'StMim w ico l'.o 59i ashlngton.D. C. m1! IT A I Moiphlno Habit cured In 10 to 20 1 U III elnjs. No pay tllleuieil. Hr. J. STt- XTli T firTDL' i'onsuinn Ion M Asthnin .... .w'' Keurjit failed, address nuubtamp liei.ili;, -frostbuig, Md.'sojt wici, Merchants, Manufacturers, nuiburymcn, i-iorisxs, atationors and Business Pooplo everywher i4 dclightcJ with, tnd Make end Save Money by uung tht world renowned MsdeJ ruiNTixo Press It Ulatve enoiich ludoil llis printing teoutiel. tiir,n ranM. BA1V 1UWOMK. hllltehat.)c.fcllranvlxvran tni.ic. d ftnd do tutnUciJw f dolUtt wurtli t f work every yttr Sc nuka twelve hi) lei, Imtlihtnd ani fi ticr, ungiiit; in fvkefrum 'r ' Sn'1 3 ' enl iun,' fu "CMlJi. thet j,ooo la Mv Mn lit i. I'u.'l,,. ... . . .. v: rrintirm -W. I onLAHU, 1'iirfield, HI. "Iha l. ii an trim niure man yoycuim lur It "I Jl, htmtan N J irst I'ruci kt Prn, 'j8,n l&yJney, . 79. AilJie.htllw.leriorlnnjlncitoiiunuJjUuictK J, H'. Daughada, A Co, 721 Chestnut St, Philadelphia Din DA V n nurKuWior Nainl I'rlut DIU I nllnu' Slanii4, Usui (ur all lTiutltin l-urpoaes una Unfriiitorklr. bampttifret, 10. TA . LOU i CU., Clem lan J Ohio, Ik rjjyi Afoti ti Sell th Standari Acrlcultutivl Hogk Farming for Profit Tw. Accurst. ComnrchenRivs. Ilbrfirr in lleir. A mra ui.lo to luwur ;omiircD A tiirs Til A Complst Farm TELLS HOW Tfl ,,'"."."ii.'"n Wi. iui itrmioR. Make Money I U (I row rruit..Mnavebiulues, Huvi mniir tliat. Ita tamt i-vcrr Keua.ui. red raaea. illu,'rail''n. stmt f.f Cirrnlara ana ti-rma to J. CMcCUltOV X CO., l'hlladoliililu, 1-a. nov 19 l-in aid Sept. lo, '61.4m M. C. SLOAN & BRll it i,o o:i sm nr.. it. Manutacturersof Carriagco, Buggies, PliaotenB, Chifjhs, rLATFOHM WAOONS, ic. FtrsWlaas work always on baud. HKPAIKINO NKATLY DONE. I'rtooa ruduoed to suit the tituea. (Tt f "unit Ten tothotewho w Ish tonira"o Tn K tlio most pleasant and prontableVburfnei" tDeJ ",inwn. .Kverjthlng new. Capital "Vt iS . q"ln 'l- We will furnish oue miiluif tta ?X?t"1 u,rw'rHI"is'ly made thout Haiini away from home) over night. No risk whatever Many new workers wanted at once. Manv aro mlw Ingfortunes at the business iMiiniaSkauSMh as men, and young bOj and girls maiaereat nav No one w ho Is v, ifling to wort f. lis to inakei lioft money eiery day than can be miileta awwkat any ordltiurv implojment. Those who enMraaionM will find a khort road to fatu,i! aX!!?i?.?,S??8 AGENTS WANTEDAT . Una Mm blue e er Him I ,'l V i , " , m kliu, vti a 111. HI, a d 'ion iirn iiii.Vi. I t'J lull,. .. It c II al .u'lHll" I V Y, V a'tV'.', in, ywU ,.r lib It il (ruUultiau na n,..rWl h.ui i i r," '' , "'" ' "lly Knlttlni: MlllllllIU to., M ilaa.. ,j, . lr.n.,. All,; . k aid .RAIL ROAD TIM E TABLE $" OKNTKAL 11A1UVAY W1NTEU 'mm TAHIiK. on nnrl nficr sundtv. Nov. I, ttm , Mfoiioslr,Io:',"" Erin im oSmi WKSTWAIil). KrleMail 1, nven 1'lilln.lelplili " " lliiril'burif ' " Mllllam port .Tersey Miorj Luck llnvcn " 1 lienoio " nrrlvo nt Kilo Niagara Kspi ess leaies I'hllndi'lr hla " llarrhmirt: ' air, nt Wliilamsport ' " locKllmen .. .. . HenoM) l'a"t t-lno leaves 1'litladclrhla " llairlsburir " nrrlicat Mili.inisiort " " Lockllnien BAST WA 1(1). Tnclilo Impress lcaics I.ick Haven " " .IlTiny shoro " " w llllamsport " nrrlvo nt llnrrlsuuri; " , " l'hlladelphlft Day Express leaves licnoio ' " I-ock Haen llMpn, 4 25 U rq 5 40 , X '.'' ain 11 us am pin J mi a in a U p i 4 a in Map m 12 St p , Pin 7 p 0 lo p in ''Sam " Si am 8 so a ln taipm Ptn 10 nn 11 r, a m u sr. p m v ininmsport " arrive) at llartl-burir ' " I'hlladclpEla I.Yle Mall leaves Itennvo " Lock llalen .1 1U p In a p ta winipm lei In pin 11 3'l pi a i o a ra ! us a ia lusata " " Wllllamsnort " arrives at llarrlsburif " " l'lillidelplin Fast Lino lea; es Mlllumsport unites ue, iiiirnsuurB " " 1'hlladclpnlA a nam a ra Erlo Mall west and Day Kxpress Hast mike m,.,. connections ntNorlhtimbtiiuhd with L. A Ii n trains for Wlikesbariu and scranton, ' brio .Man i est, Matjara Lxpress west atrl Fat Mini West make rlosu connection at MUii,inMi.,rt wllh N. C. II. w trains noith. 1 " Nlairnra Impress West and Day i:.xpit.s i,t makecteeconncctluh ut Lock lluicn wlihti. v It. It. trains. ' Krlc Mall east and West connect nt Frio trains uu L. s. AM. s. K. It. ; nt Corry win, n i ? , V. It. It. i at hinporliitn wllh II. N, Y. s 1' 1: ii and nt Driftwood with A. V. It, It. I'urlor cars will run between 1'hlU iclplila ana SMlhimport on Niagara hApicss west, and Da Lx piosKitol, bleeping cars on all night trains. WM. A. IlUlmiN, (icneral uit. N TOKTIIKHN CKNTHAL KAII.VVAY cuieil'A. 1 on and afle r Nocmbcr 20th, 1S73, trains win nan uunburyas folio vss: NOItTIIWAUD. Krlo Mall 6.20 a. m., nrrhe Klmlra 11 .. H Canandalgua 3.5 p. m Kochester.... 5.1n Magma. 9 in llenovo accommodal Ion 11. lo n. ra. unite MUUm' port 12.S5 p. m. Eltntra Mall 4.16 a. m., nrrlvo Elmtra 10.20 a. m. llutTalo Express 7.1S a. in. arrive DufTulo s.5o a ix SOUTIIWAKD. Durfalo Exprcas 2.60 a. m. arrle llarrlsbuig " Daltlmores.4i) Klmlra Hull 11.16 a.m., arrhe IlairUbuig i.mi " Washington lo.3i " Ilaltlmoren.30 " Wewhlugtou Harrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p. m. nrrlvo Baltimore " Washington C.13 Erie Mall 12.66 a. in. arrU o llarrlsburg 3 05 a. m " Daltlmore s.40 " " Washington 10.36 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral Passenger Agcti A. .T. CASSATT, (leneral Manager piULADELl'HA AKD HEADING K0AD AKRANGKMENT OF PASSENGER TIIA1NS. May II, 1S79. TRAINS LR&VE RCPEHT AS IOI I.OW8(SUNPAT EXCXTTID For New i'ork, l'hlladelphia, Heading, l'ottsilllf Tamaqua, c., 11,45 a. in For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 7,21 nnd 7,36 p. m, For WlUlarnsport , 6,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m, TKAINSFOK KUl'XKT l.BATE AS FOI tilWB, (St SPAT El CKPTKU.) Leavo New York, 8,45 n. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,46 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,66 a. m., I'ottAi llle, 12,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Leave Catnw lssa, 0,20 8,50 a, m. and 4,(ki p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport ,9, 2, 15 p.m. p. m Passe ngers to a nd from New York and Philadel phia go Ihrouga Ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTFN, General Manager C. O, HANCOCK, (leneral Ticket Agent, Jon. 14, lsits tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANI WESTBUN KAlLltOAD. BLOOMSnURU DIVISION. Time-Table No. S9, Takes effect at 4:30 A. ! MONDAY", JUNE 10, 1S78. NOHTU, STATIONS. KilTII. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p m. 9 30 4 IK 9 46 Scranton Iielle uo Taylonllle., . .Lackawanna-... Plttston .. West Plttston... Wjommg Mnllby .... Dennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth. I una. ....1'lj mouth Avondalo Nantlcoko .LIunlock's reuk. ,.shlckshinny... ....Hick's Ferry.... ....Deach Haven.. Berwick .... Briar creek ... lllow drove.... 9 35 9 45 2 lo 6 It 2 10 6 20 2 22 I S.- 2 30 C 3 ! 39 t 40 2 44 6 43 2 40 V) 211 (It 9 23 9 17 9 CIS 8 58 S 61 8 40 37 9 30 9 24 9 19 9 14 3 51 .1 40 3 41 12 41 12 6 3 30 3 10 9 li 10 07 67 6 M 10 IS 3.5 7 10 8 33 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 S3 10 29 111 34 10 42 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 2 3 15 7 if 3 111 7 IS 3 15 7 U 3 21 7 31 3 20 7 il 3 3.1 S (4 8 23 3 20 8 65 8 12 8 04 7 61 7 3S 7 2 7 25 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 6 60 6 60 6 45 0 !IJ 6 15 6 110 3 12 3 04 2 51 2S9 2 31 2 23 8 47 8 3!l s us; 50 S 15 6 17 4 113 4 10 4 IS 4 'J5 4 29 4 33 S 15 ! tt 9 Ut t i: 7 23 8 12 6 06 ..Llmo Hldge fCsiir 1 30 2 e4 1 67 1 51 1 46 1 27 7 44! 7 3Si 11 39 11 45 II 6 11 67 12 18 4 42 7 4 49 S 1 ..Bloomsbunr 7 33 1 uupert 7 29 catawlssa Bridge. I 111 Danville I t'hulasky, Cameron 6 46',Northumberlancl. a.m. 4 5f SO 5 Cl 4 51 6 15 !1 9 IS V tl I, 30 9 n ra. p.m. a. W. F. HALSTEAD, -.Ul't sjoortntendent's OOlco. Scranton, June ta XyAINWRKiHT A CO., WHOLESALE OHOCEKS, PUlUDELniU, Dealers ln TEAS, SYlltlPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES ill, H, SPICKS, B1CABS SCIU1, C, AO. R O'.rner vcoud iurt Arch atrtn'ta. f jrd'-n wilt nHieive uruuit.i uttinrtou ? C(C,5yr.,iiostilW; draw W i'":fV,."S -"bieatlH IhP'iigli 'bo rALl-'',,,-3 C fi.i sin bed, e. uti.-H U ul) . YWh.'allnu' the eil-e.iMw meii br.ii.e lilVA OKHAJI UAIM Is ri-celing Hie ci.dorfemeiit of II. e kiirfirer tlie dregghl, and ilnslclan. Nevei has ainiiil' 1. much merit bei n predileed for ll.ei lieatlt.e l.l menu. mi al diseases as this n ver-falll g Hi V aiid H universally acknowledged as Itli.g all mall1 elalinid forlt. 'Ii.o appliesttou Iseapy aidpe-as- ant eallslnn nn t.uln Im kru.ll.lixF Im f.iRt. SUIH r- ceding Iho use of powders, liquids slid mutlie 1 rlce 60 cents. On receipt of eai cents will tend a pauufo irce. ne'm ror cucuiar, wun run wioriiiau' n. KLY hCltlMM BALM CO., Owtgo, , 1 At liulrsnle- by Niew Yoaic McKesson A: Bobbins. Hall t lluekel. o. N. criitiulon, W. il, icl.einum 4: co D M. Ml wr, C'i. Lbzedle, .Maish SOardner, larrkut i eo., FraerA. Lee, and others , i'miAPiiLruu btnltii, Kline Co., Johnston, lloi lowuy li t'o. frCKANTON, l'a. Matthews Bros. At Uktail uv ai.1. paaQdisiie., OCt. 81, "60-tr TTT TT f Tv Y'ourselvesbymakng monrv l-l W I when a gold n cliauee H ot J.lJljJj 1. MWS who alwa) s take advantage of tho good chances ler in. king money that are offered, generally beciuw weallhy, wnllo thobe who do not Improio fUcn chances remain In poverty. We want many oiiKBi bojs and girls to work for us right lu their own I"" calliles. The business will pay more than tun t uies ordinary wages. We furnish an extensile oulllt soil all that lou need, free. No one who engages falls io luum iiiuney lery rupiuiy. lou caiu ueuic j"-. W'oe time to the work or only your spare moiaeuu. Full Information and all that Is needed sent tie"; Address bTiNSON Co., Portland, Maine, oct. 15W11 IUfilNEKB OARDcJ vial tin1 "i Miii, LKTTEHUSADS DILI. HEADS, POfaTERb, tih, XU, Neatly nod Oiealy jirlutol it the Oolcu te?Lj For ratarrl, SfKAMOM-Wllay Pevrr.cold .M PP.?""'ivctvfliBril, d:c , in e i will ri v,rtu ,,fn .,0.'Jtm.asl..nallv np 1) S -iSi;3.'i.'l'iul'cl0 11,10 I'I'iL. ii Tff a uu (III. luouum
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers