The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 26, 1880, Image 3

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111,01) !ISIlt:iiH. ntlllAV, NOH.JIIIUl ill, I SMI
runuo SALES.
,.lt Shoemaker, lulinltilalrntor if Cntharine
smcuiakcr, will fill icil tttatcin ttetnlock
lownslilp on Silunlny, N'uvctnucr l!7lli,
IT, It. Hnt, Iruslro ol ilia olite of Kllcn
jjug, lute of niontnulnirg, will fell n-it tilc
on the prmlo on .Hilurday, November 27lli,
.loa'mi IMtcrnaan ntnl Annan V, drover,
nlmli.istrnlura of the dale ol Mlrlinel Groter
, citcil,wlll 11 rent cslnlc on Ihe premi'c" in
I in luwn'litp o'i Thtirsilm-. D-ccmlier 2nd.
i;i,.hi It 11 gi itnt .1 )lm 11. II. l'.itk, atir
riving i xecitirs o( Charles II, Do.Uer, tie
L wJ, will it'll v.alulilo real estate at tin
( nirt Hoiia?, Illooimbirg, on Mondiy, Decern
ber 0, 1S80.
ses ailverlivtnoiK
The llcrdio conclifri comnienctd rutinttiR In
phlliidelplil.1 Inst week. They aro well pitront
A disea'O which the phyicl ins do not seen
to unders'and liai Inkon off several persons in
t.ciifield county.
Uev. II. K. Allomui, (i former pn.tornf tlio
I.tilliornn Church, of this lai e, ns here lit
the of his brother, on Sunday,
Perrolitorl lVrcolitoil Savea 2" percent
I V MclvcWy itRont for lSioumsb irg,
roT. 12--lft
Another njipliciition liaa been nude to tin
I! wrd of 1'iirilotis on lislinll of John S. Mr
tin. Ko action lina yet betn taken by the
goid miny turkeys were sold on the street
th first of the week. It looked a ft though ev-
frvb)ly intended to have a Thanksgiving
The Water Motor at tin llepa'Aican oflic
i in ronning order and d tea its work very s it-
i-ifictorily. About one third ufita pjwer is suf-
ient to run the press.
I tl not wish to hi my own horn hut every
liml ac'n iwledgcf that I have tho finest lint
oi Holiday g )U ever brought to lllomnbirg.
i utile and sec ami bo convincul, at the Peoples
Prig & Hook Store.
Winter came last Saturday as though it ill
leided to stay. Almit three inches of snow
fell and the themvunetor went down pretty near
'o z to. Since then the weather has bicn bit
ler cold.
lhu P. 1. 11 It. lotnpany intdiils to
erect u lnri:o 'wo story brick tl ip it in Mi'ton,
ivs the Miltonian, and lor that purpose h.m
tiiireh ti-etl a bit from .1. II Kaufman, on th
.-iruir of Ur ailw-Y ond Filbert s'reets.
11. 'v I)r Mitrhell ofli-ia'cl iti the Presby-
lento thnrch a.' Nortliuinberlii'iil last S'lndty
lilt place was fil'etl by r?ei Dr. 'pll, Ii
lia he'll conducting a series of iiHting h 're
tr tlie liisttbric wetk. Dr. Wells will re
main if ro all of next week.
We have on otr lablo auipiriif Khricks
Fashion Qtarterly fir Winter. It ia full ol
pretty pttlettH fir lalioinnd children, ami con
'a u-a long illiHtrtteil list of articles -u'laliie
t r i 'lirit na g.fn n' veri' In v pne Kvrv
1,'ly-hoild liava lliia loolt. Kirick Utus
'Jsl to 295 Kighlh Avon le, New York.
Mr. II W. S'oiii.ofthe firm of IiUtz .t Sloan
jiippri'ed bis mmy frienils by eoinniliing in it
rnnony oi lnjatlay morning. Hie happy
brilewisMtas Vunie llemlerslnt, tlaughtcr o
J W. Ilemlershot. Tha reretnony wispor
finned liyll'r.Ii Zihnor, at the resiilcnc i of
ihp bride's parents. They left on the noon
tram for New York and other points. Con
gratulations are now In order.
The amusement pitrins of Hloimsburg and
vicinity want sometliiiu to 1 tugh at, something
todrivo dull cireawiy nnlmiko them feel
happy They will hive in opportunity to
huh heartily o l W s lues 1 iv oveoirg Dee-iii-her
first when Jiila Ke'ti, id Sillio Ail mi' tha
music il quo 'ti appear in their s ingvl tnecs and
w.tnderfil tierfjroi luces on all kinds of instru
m'ns foruinia brass bin I and orcheslrn
thein-elvos, Tlieru are however fifteen mVe
p rs ins in the eouipiuy an 1 aginlpu I'irniance
-issired. Uitpiiek nml get a n served -eat
as there will be u cro dcd ho ise,
"I have weighed the two pounds of butler
jo i sent us tins in truing, " eiid an iin'e cimo
nier to a dtub r in tlio above mentioned article,
"ami am eurpri-ed to find that it is ehoit
wiigbtjii-t three ouiict'". If that is your way
oftleuling I mu-t buy my butltr minewhero
eite. ' The b'Utir meichant looked up sur
ptisedi but. without declaring bis innotenee,
replied; ''Well, that is very ftringe, Leeau-e
I put the two pounds of sugar 1 bought of oil
in the scales and gave jou the full wtightiu
The funeral services ot Christian I!. Al'ei
ina'i, look place in the h itheriu churtb on
Siindiy miming. Xivemher 21, 18S0. He
c lino to hi dea'h by tha burning of some Ju
pm which was being heited on the stove. The
Japan boiled over o i the s'ovo and caught Ibe
causing mi explo-ion, In his at'emiil .it savins
die bou-e fiom fi.e, hiscl 'thing becanw wrtpp
d in llamos, an 1 he rushetl out mi th) street,
"hero two men caught biui,but too I tie to suve
his life, Tho accident t'Cturrtd on the 12th,
ml he suffered grmlly until iho lfrth whtii he
died. He wis 2S years, 1 mnntha and
I ') days old. He leaves a wife and three mull
child en. He b id but recently begun work in
Danville and was rap'dly gaining un extomdve
huiinesJ, whin Ibis ead death overtook him.
He was a son-in-law of Stephen Knorr of ihi
uwti. The quarters of iho Winonn Fire Company
areinw completed. The front room is fur
tushod as a pari ir, with Ilrusstls curp' t, mar
ble lent table, eofis, nickle plaietl stove, hand
smie chnndilier, boak cao and secret try, wii -diw
crnices ami iHinhicquins, pictures and
everything cle to make it comfortable and at
tractive. The hick room will be used for en
o rtainments, and as n place to keep the un -furms
and olher property of the company. A
room under Ibe Opera II. Ufo has been fitlel
up far tho Hose cirriage, and nothing Is now
lacking to make the company ready fir servlco
bin Uore, and ihe Town Council is looking uf-t-r
that. In furnishing their rooms no money
has been used but whst was paid in by tho mem
bers, and tud t the festival, ull ontributions
having been expends! (orappiratua and the
necessary expensoiof the orgsniiition.
The Company now numbers 32, and in a
very short time Iho limit fixed by the Consti
tution, 50, will be reached.
The Winonaa do rot propose to confine Ibem-a-lvea
strictly ton lire organization. Il is pro
posed to establish n library nt their room, which
in litno mav crow into a nublic library. In
this they ask Ihe assistance of the citiztm
Persona having books ff any kind, (public doc
ument! excepted) which Ihey are willing to
contribute to this object, are requasied to leive
word at Ibis oflice.whin the books will be ca I
ed for and taken charge of by a committee to
b appom led by the company Ii isalsipio
Pse 1 to try the experiment o! a lecture course
by means of which our ps plo uny have Ibe
occasional opportunity of bearing eminent
peskers from abroad, wh hive tnalo reputi
tiooa In the lecture field. If iheconipuiy fchal
receire the coopsrallou of lite poiple in tarry
'"gout tliesi (troisets, lis oranitit!on must
proTS of great benilit not ouly to tho ratrubers.
tioitie community t large.
were win no urotch n n I , 1.l,.i..i...
, . , " '
huicii uu aillin sv even ni.
l'or the pi( two weeks tlio mutt. . i
Imve birn bntlty out of ortler.tbn mnrnln. I
not retching bete until (even o'elotk b.
"tiling, Haven't the mvotnnient mTinM.
over the cUelloti jot, ,r Is It the fault ol the
raurovi f
d it fell nn fx w i n tit i v.. r i
Headache, OimstlpMloH.or Illllloiisness can
Iwcureil by tiMng Dr. Mellaur'i lkhche
uwl Djtpqmn I'tlh, Price 25 cints. nol!)lm
inepinyol "Ulitu' the .M r' 11 i...
nem protlic;.! f,r three years in tha IsigT
Cities with SUC"0fS ht Join k..., U,1II
. . ' 'HtltlC
Atlims who will niirearat IhcOni.r.i ttn,i.
i.njutii-ourg, i ettnestny, Uajemlur first. n.,..
ted by acoinpmy of sevo'ilecn persons. They
bring their own brns haul and orchestra. Mi.s
i H,ii . . si
hi ania many none am tuv nn nmnv
lnsrrumenu, jle Keen will ktcp evL'ryl.ody
...jtjMjr KMMl niimor nill, therc is M (joniji .I I
large iiadiencs will he In attendance.
Are yon going to paint? If so, send to the
Montour Paint Mill-, Kupert, Pa, for your
Pure Lead, Slate Color-, Pure Paint-, ,lc, nnd
save the wholes ile and retail profit You cm
nix your own colors with pure linseed oil fur
So cents to $1 20 per gallon. sdn. 10 llm
The London Lancet publUhes the following
Tins being the sea-on when giuie killoil by
stmt, anil probably curtaining the pellet', i-
ea eu, it may be worth while to caution thosa
who oinsiuiethe fl"h ol birds with aviiliiy,
that tho portion for instance, in which shut is
lound is pruhibly small in cnmpaiisnn with t lie
number of cn-es in wliuh tho pellets are un
willingly snallowed. It is n matter of specu
lation how much mi'ihiefa shot may do, wheo
ll is pi-s-u into the mttstllcs, hut the l.ict
that anomalous diseises have been set up by
the presinco of very small budits wbith hare
been entangled in foils uf the mucus mtin-
brane renders it d.-idniblo to put the public on
their g lard, Occasionally the mt disa-trous
res ills have loll wcl nub small ciusts Wi
h.ive in recollectbm the,. of n physician
who tlietl nf er prolonged ami un -.villained sul
lenng from the impaction of a very mall nail
which hitl fountl its vtnv into n pudding and
wis inadvertently swolluwid. A little eire
will avoitl Ibis contingency ; bin, some pains
might certainly to betaken to avoid swalljwiii
the missile.
Therc .arc intents who take a great delight
in evidences of unusual precociou-ness in their
ilnl'lreii ard become so anvious for a dciilon
inent ol abnormally acute mental faculties that
ihey send them to school at a very temltr age
A tloctor who has had a large experience wnt-s
to th .New loik .S'un on this t.ubjtct.and savs :
"During my prucuie of metlicine I have tici
to 1 many hmidrtd children for various di-cises
agreit many of which were engendered bv
compulsory mental exertion, together litli by
gienic mglecl during school hours Although
some children in iv at iho ngoof five orsix
yeirs, be physically strong enough to underg
mental training, yet from a physiological stand
point the brains (cerebrnn and cerebellum) of
ibese li tie ones nr. not sufiit iently d. re'.oped
to ciulure u protiactcd and irksome ocuipaiiou
irnil the ninth or tenth ytnr, I tonitlerthe
kiiidergsrten sydein, after FroebtlV, the Left
ni'thod in bringing up children to a lertaiu
age. They o'Uiit not to be subjected to i-o
r'gid n discipline as is generally atlopttd in our
public schools, but should be instiuctid after an
ea-y, ploi'int and amusing method (for other-
wise it may have a reflex action on the brain.)
There is too much cramming in the present
system; if tho brain is not ready to receive it
it is useless, a-id to a certiin degree even crimi
nil to resort to ciimpulsion."
Wednrslay Xov. 21th with its bright clear
wintry weithtr brought the wetldingof Miss 10.
Lilian l'uustonnf this place and Harold
erso Allentown Pa. The hour livtd for ihemar
riage, beini: five o'clock P M fountl n got dly
company as-embled at Sunt Paul s hpiscopal
church. The chancel was simply but la-tefnlly
decorated, having the chancel rail ami the
panels bintaih adorned in evergreens. Uenealh
the thui'd ilier was suspended the trail ition il
in trringe bell, while roses t-ul ill green, nnd
which the happy couple were united by the
liev. Mr- .timer, rtctor, by ihe btaitiful Kpi
topil i-ervice. Tie fail nl-o was lill.d with
white (lowers aid firns ; nnd upon Iho Com
munion tube was a bisket of choice cut
The ushers, Mr. William Host of Haz'eton
Pa , anil Messrs. V. l,owry,C. W. I'linslon
brother of the bride, ami Paul K. Wirt V. t) all
of HloDiusbiirg, were reidy to recoire nnd seit
iheLMiests as soon as tho doors of tho church
Were open. Tliobridil tuny arriving nt
appointed hour, tho procession entered ihe
church and moved up the main isle beaded by
the ushers, foe org in gave forth joyous tones
under the able and charming louch of Mrs,
Zihner.the rector's wi'e Kollowing tho ushers
,.,, ih biidfsinaids and erootunnen, Miss
n.mner oi Hiiluton. Pa. and Mr. A. S. Vail
U'i.k!,! a so o lUlelOll i -Ml-S 1IUI110I .OT
1 ... ... .-CVT
Haven Conn , ami Mr. II. II- -lark of Bloom
ir'Pa. Miss Kil i Ki tigers, of Cincinii ttti
Ohio (sister of the groom i first bride.sin.uil, Mr,
. S. Allison, of 11 izlelon, ihe best man: llitn
Mowed the lirido upon Ibe arm of her father,
uliii A. Puii'ton, who gave her nwiy Itie
rernoin erew 1 e entering iruui mu
... !.. - r .t. ,.l.....rul
Tho ceremony ovr, the bride, and groom lei
Iho way out of the church, to the tune of fie
ood ol I wedding m irch, followed by their at
tetulanls, and were driven to the residence ol
the bride's father, where l handsome collation
was ouj'iyed.
Tha bride's d-o-s wis of white ! sor-
bstliti and while silk, 'lie train wus viry
long; the !a e decorations were ol Duchess, very
boautilul- Ibe biintlki rchiel beitu tin pie-eut
of Mrs. K. C". .Vial. Tl e long v. il of m I was
fastened to the bur by oiuige blots III . Oier
le face, th-t brid wore her m ther's wedding
veil. Tho tlr.'sses of ibe briilesm iiu w -re ull
cut ei'mm an I they wore veils. Mi- lb dic
ers wurj cream sitin and white iiiull, nlenci
rnnos Ian '. dil'UOI'll Kill Or'J. .Ml-sllllDt
was dre iilim eh um'tigiy untiqu-s br-c d
cream color wi h enilusi d ro-es, puiisU
lace, cardinal poppies and gojd c,- .atiients
8sCuori-'r' driss w t a co iibitta'i. n c f cream,
satin wiih p ! lulu. trope si in liroeaUi-u wnu
-J(..o mt s hdii l-oiutiy iriurn-sa i iine iint
Lea and ch'nillo ItiiijO, cream and cattl(iul
cruhid riscj Thore wore many hu .dsomo
,,r,is,.iits lles.des the set of lurni lire Iroin
the brtles lulie-, ami siemway pun
from her moiher, there wero two b- ut',
f,,i ii oiiniiiiL'S liom Ihe mother unit i ler ot
the groom; two hands una slid tuiravit'irs I'tom
Mr I--S. AHi-oit and sisiir Mi-a Allt-oi ; a
ilvir and g Id card receiver Iran Mi- WW
Kslgersj Alnbister piuol will thawing Mim
Hun', itidtvidoul biter dishes, s Ivet I uect
with gtld, MiJ t'no"eri to very l.rgJ Ka'o-
nudi vases, Mr. II- II Mark ; sugar now i
and spion, silver-lined with gold, Mis.rj Vail
W clean I Ilo.t; eiquisile jewel case, Mr W.
f. Isuaryi pin and (endintset wi h pearls,
Mr C- W- 1'uuiton: ''Kudg. r's Oroup," P. E.
Wirt- Then tliefe were handsome bioi ze mail
,le ornaments, a Zulu caul rueim, silver and
gla-sboquet ho'der, nlvir ami tin P dogne
aland, solid sijvtr tpooin, plclls jar, rp'ii',
ctluloul toilet set, lulde men Ac,, Cic, Aner
thocolUtim, fill, wetl by ihe hist wnliisc f Ihe
aasembl d Itieid., ibe I a py cou le Itll IX Al
. mown, thilr fUuie knie.on tLe tytnlcg
Kllph V S-iylcf will tt'iarnn'oe tnu fnt
c'a l'uturo forthefaino prlro thai i ounlty
pnotouripncrs charge you for more. cnricHiurcs
ofvomsll. lilve h m a cnll Main nnd Cen.
tie a rc u over II .1. CI i ( & S.,,, .i h,..
A thorl time ago. at Ootdlinre,Oermniir.n
firm hsn 1, while tatim: li! mlililiv meal. ran
ls ing of brtal, cheess and milk, which bul
bt'en eonl 0,lt t0 lllln t'om his master's kltilien
,ook a wa.p into his mouth. mid. althotmb be
promptly spat it, tho creature found lime
to plant ilsstliic in the back nflila tlirntifif.
tore he coul 1 set ri.l nf ii. Tl, . t..i.t... t
1,10 unfirlnnilennti'i lirynx swelled so rapid.
Iv In ten nitn il.o l.o'.lt..! , .!... f
' Ii'. " I 1-llllUl .IIIUI1, III
ter ond irire ttrribl nif nin. I tl..
uovor to linn in anil ti fir r,n., tl, nt.
fssagos in his throat. A surgeon, who had
ent for wllniit loss of tim, arrived
wiuun a (riirter ol ni mnr mm t i .nn.i
wlnrh lheHlr.K hml In'cn inniclc.i, only to nml
n corpo. urroumUil bv inrrnr uti ckrn
i reus1
niltS. Iho dtCel'Ctl. nn tlhl nldior nllnr-1,,,,1 l
therestrveof the King's grenadier regiment,
unves n wile to anient b is irm.lrl n,l
Ittnely mil. He bad brivnl Willi Imnunllv
tbelhou-aod perils ofbutlo In two cnmpilgns,
to perisli miserably nt last by the sling of a
Dr. Metlaur't Headache ami Dyipqula,
I'M, Price 2.5 cents, curcnt once Heiul-
nctie, Dyspepsia
Ililllousness, ami Const!
pation .
tiov. 19-lm
I be rccenl ch inges in some of the mail ronlrs
in this county bnve given gnat dissati-fic'ioti,
becaiifoofthe InronveninKe ai d tltlay in the
mills. We have h nrd of many instances.
pisinl ctrtl muled ntCambrn was tot teceived
until four dir. nfier postmarked, P.irtrs mnil
ed hero to persons in ibe uimerend ol the conn
ly are not received until Tuesday, when ihfv
Usui to go through nn iheprevimts 1'ridiy. W
hope ill it some aliention wdl be paid to th
petition ll.nt are now being enciilned and
1'rg'ly signed, for a mtoiatitm of tho old
Wo havo much pleasure in rccommendinc
Thermalino to our readers, as nn nlwolnto
cure for Malaria. Tho manufacturers' namn
nlono is a guarantee of its merit. It sellsat2 5
cents per box. Tor particulars seo Advt.
SO, '80 fliu
Sciuxion, Korember 20. A big sen-atitn
has been earned in this ciiv anione t'ttliticians
by I ho serving of notices upon nveral promin
ent cit sans, stakeholders in rttint tltclion
",,st restriiinine thtm psj ing nny monty
oepositeo in tntir li ttiils In- beUuts. Hie at lion
nns u"'" btgun bv the Seranlon Puur Hoar I
under a State 1 iw pissed in 1S71 mid Itinutl
1 union s Digesi in ihe c'nises treituu; ol bets
on tbitiou. where it provide that stakeholders
Miibe procteded again-t by Poor Hoards for
Ihe lull amount put in tbtir hands. John
Phillip", loriiurly a prominent lr.etthatit of
the ilv, paid oera large mm tint beheld,
and itis b.'lieved that the money can b-
covt-retl by ihe board, County Couunissiontr
Tiermy is amtng the number upjii whom no
tices hue been -erved,nnd further pn ceetling.
in tiie matter will be witthttl with great inter-e-t
by the pent le ol this cily.
Tho medicines of Dodis Dick &. Co. aro
nneicelled for elegance, purity, and relia
bility. Their Reidlitino Sudlitz Powders,
are as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft
Capsulca aro world famous. Seo Advt.
july 30, 'tSO-Gm
"Dr. Cltle" last week Thursday hail n good
audience, though it was tho second time tli
tiliv tias teen given tiero wiuun n tew
months. IIigi:ins was just as funny as ever.
Some changes hare been made in the cast of
characters since it.s former presentation somen:
which were not for the better On the whole
however, it was good, and the audience went
home well pleaseti. There are but few pliys
in a country town, nnd we would suggest to
theatrical managers to giro something new-
each lime if they want g toil houses.
C, M (lould, Orono, Maine, say?: During
more than 20 years' Hoot at tl Shoe txptiicnt e.
1 have pud considerable attention ttt tip goi ds,
ami w ill give it as my opinion ihn A. !
Co. Tin will in time sut ere de nil othets for
children's wear.
10,000 l'lishfls of Lancaster and Z Per Val
lev wheat wanttd at H illo v (ir n-e, a', jl Oo
jer bo-he!. .. T. I'nwi Kit.
ritoonsiii.sns or the convent kin at hid-
iay Clinton.
The N' nib llnni h Di-trictol lie lvi-t Sir
queb imia Chassis ol the Il-I. mud ('htirth, con
venttl at the Hidliy church on the evening ol
Ibe ltlth iti'l. ,-t.nd c-oni'tnucd its sessn ns du
ring the fillowing day ami tviniin,-. Tho fol
lowii 2 siibi-cts were tlKcustd: "IheChnrcl
as a 1), vine Institution." by lb v. W C Hluel
er, of Dtnville, who laid stuss on the c-t
lislnnent of ihe Church by Ibe Lord Jesus linn
self; on its divine agenciisj the word and il
sicramentj and on its tlivine life m diattd by
Ibe Holy Spirit. The l!ev. F U. Levari fol
1 wetl wnli nn address comparing nt d contrast
ing the iburcb with bolb the Nate and family
The second subiect, ' The Responsibility of
the Chinch Member,' was well handled by the an address which would go rigl
l.onie to any people who admitted their prac
liral duties. Attendance at chinch, mutual
kindness, payment of the pa-tor's salary, nn
fie rtll-x blessing of duty done were points put
in dear light by the speaker.
The eiecist Harvtst Service on Wednotdav
morning was devotional in its character. An
excellent sermon was preached in connection
w-iili it by liev. T. Derr, of Berwick.
Homo t)d J'oro'gn Missions were tho theme
for Wedne-dsy at ernoon, Iter. A. Hoots and
t'te Ktv. 1". It- Lvan, o ilkosbarre, spoke
Home Missions, showing the nature and extent
ol the work, ami euggestirg what in their opin
ion were the best means ct pulling the IWorm
ed Church in position to da it well, P.ev. E.
I). Miller, of Kingtown, spoko of Foreign Mi
shins, dealing with in itt general
character ami in its pirtliular relation lo tli
Ilefirmtd Church. Ho gave many valuabli
.ii d interesting facts aid statements. Darn
the Wed in s lay evening so sinu which was th
lii.t, tho churtb was filhd lo its utmist capacl
ty. The Itev. O. II. De2hnnl, of Cutuwtsw.
spoke on the 'Iteligii us K location of Chil
dren In the i'atuily ' 'Ibis work should be
. ommet ed when they are in the cradle, by
sacred mil diesi they slpuld ba taught lb
child's prsyert pray with and for your children:
taught by pr.cept and example, and al-o to
give alms, llijs was an exctllent address.
Her. 10. D. Mdler spoke on tha IJtoligious
Jvluin'iou of Children in the Sabbath Scboo..'
lie r-coiniu"ndec sjsteniatic teaching, prepa
ration and i(ualificil!oii on ll,a pa-t of the
Uev. A- IIoun .(olce on Ihe Jioliglous K lu
oitlon of Chiltlrin by tl e Pastor. He stated
that the Church was a fimily, children admit
ttcl into this family by baptism, and bal Ihe
Pastor was a splrllusl gii'de an ! parent In the
children. I!ev N, Spear, of ihe Presbyterian
tburchfollowe l with soma Inteie-ting remarks.
Colleo ions fir benevolenco wa lifto I at each
a-ailoo. A aoleof thanks far the kind bospl
Hlby was given.
0. I! Diciunt, Pres.
F. It I.tViS, Sec.
A largo Photograph of )ou self with fra' e
cotnpltto, ranging In price 'rq'ii f2 75to f3 75
Ju t the srll lejnu want f r a Christmas pre.
e . (io to llh F, Snider and liave nail
ni g All other sites made 10 pcifecilon.
Photographs far tbf Holiday. Al Sriyil r's
Oallery you rnn procure idl the leatllng sl.iles
nnd sites finished mi 'n mo t snptrlor in inner
This Is (he only 0 illerv In ibis seriiini f the
Stale Vthetc proofs rr" shown nt tl c teple'i'
tlsfarlliiti guaratile tl- White nl'o inn Im
found a complcto nssiirtin i it nf fine Velvet
nnd IXcny frames, t;astl, ami 8x10 Iratnis nt
the lowist pr.ces. Osllerv corner M.aln and
Centre striels, mer lit J. Clark A Sun's Dry
Ooods Kiuporltim.
Nowthitjllte streams are friUfn ovrr nolh-
ing can prevent the boys from skating. Astatb
Kason brings Its quota of drownings from
carelessness or recklissners, wc would catitlt n
the boys to bo careful There isnlwnys a strong
temptation to tlo something skate over
Inngcrmts spots wherj other buys d ire not ven
tore, and from Ibis spirit cntnes moit of tho
deaths chronicled nt this time of year nil over
io country. Tho only safe wiy is to wait un
til the Ice Is sifiicienlly thick to bear, without
danger, and ihen keep bath eyes opon for air
Asy rour tlrtigg'st fir Prof, Onilmelte's
"rench Kidney Pad art! take no other.
lt. There was no meeting of the Legislature
this year, consequently tlicro are no Pamphlet
laws for distribution.
ni. Judgements rn'ered In tho Prothona
tnry s oluce crcntc and remain alien on nil
real o-tale of Ibe parly again t whrm such judg
mtnt is enteretl ownttl in the county at ihe
time of such entry, b it to hoi 1 the lien good it
must be re ivttl inside of five years, if not re
vived in time it lo-es its lien slid the next judic-
merit if any takes its plnte. Ueviving n judg.
nunt continues its lien and nlso creaie.s a lien
on uny sdditionnl property the tleftnthint mav
become posecs-cti of since such orig'nnl entry.
Wit. KlllClvllAL'.M,
si M'Mnmta or M'ltniNEU'h roil t j.
The richly Illustrated November number of
Scribncr'e Monthly, the Decennial Issue,nppear'
in a new cover, and h-gins the twentv-firjt vol
lime. 1 he increasing I opnlantv ol the mannzuie
is strongly evidenced by recent siles. A voir
ago the monthly tirtulitiou was about 90,000
copies; during llic past nine months it has
avernscd 115 000, while the fiist idilion of the
November issue is 125 000.
The first l'attofthe now faniot's serial by
Iaig- tie Schujier, '1 he Life of Ptter the Orcat'
was finished in Oclober. Willi November be
gins rart II., i i ter the ureat as n Ituier ami
I'eformer, which will be in advance, in point
tif popular interest anil weal'b of illustration
upon the pnrt already pullished. To 2n.iI.lo
readers tr s cure Part I. the publisher mil;
the f How, i g speci il oilers to new s b'criht'
after Octobtr 2tI,who 1 egiu with llie Noveniht r
ew sult-tribprs may ob'niu, fr .f o 00
Srrlmcr's Monthly (or the coming year, nnd the
:ir, inns nine numbers, I ebruary lo O.'h ber,
IS'-O.whlcb intlnde Part 1 of Peter Ihe Oreat'
Mrs lUunoti's 'L'.uisinnn,' etc. In accepiing
this t HVr, iweiity-one numbers will be hud for
Tbev may obtain the pteiious twelve num
bers of .S'm'itiifr's.ehgiiuly t ound in olive green
cloth (two volutins,) ctiutaining Part I. of Pe-
t r Iho Oreil, nil of Cable's novel, 'The Ornti 1-
lsslints, Willi the numbers niniui auore, anu n
year's subscription, for 7.o0. (Hcgulir price,
S-10 00)
All book-sellers or news-dealers will take
inscriptions and supply the numbers anil vol
umes mentioned in the above special oners,
without pvira charge for postage or express ; or
the publishers, Suribncr & Co., 7-13 Ilroadway,
New ork, may b- altlresed tlirecl. the
regular price of Scribncfs is $1 00 n year, 3o
cents a number.
The Hand-'ome Nickel Plated New Homo
Lamp being inirodnctd lo the public tins set-
son, is the most meritorious article ever tuiertii
agents lomake mor ey wi h, is safer and more
'oriveuieiil than the student I nun, which his
beret' fire had the reputation of being the snf
estlimp in ide, il has a clamp to utlatb it lo
the sewi' g midline, pi mo, orga'l, desk, t"c.
The (ear ol the ordinary lamp beintr accidi nt
ally upset or thrown Irum the table, is entirely
leleivtdhv tli- simple clamp contrivai ce. It
can be atiU-tii t turn v ine nttnijiisi wnere it
tswinttdtf suit the evts, ntitl cm I e convert-
oil into a b tndsoine wall lnnip It has ibe best
s iil burner, nullinc; imlicit r, anil conreni
on l in itch box, find its prli e is with in ihe rem h
of evtrv one It has been Inllv tes'id nnd nli-
lorl I v 't tlors d bv tbf )tttrn Christian Ad
tYifttd, ,li- Chilflian lievictr. Herald and Vvt
byter, Journal and Mtfi-snycr, and Chiintmn Stan
taut, the itii'lii g rel gum
pipers i f Cincin-1
nut', tied is ei ibtrsetl oy the M ivor nml 1, st
in ister of t'iiit'innati, the itgoni of the Atneri
can express cnmpinvand prsitlents of insiir
mice compnmes, as being the safest, most con
veinoiit nml u--st limit maile.
Illere are three tasttnswby atrents should
seek such all article to canvass f tr first fir its
ibs dute safety nnd great convenience, it is
needed in evtrv home st-coatl its low price
makes its sale iminen-o third it will be a'
greit crttlit lo handle such an article. One
southern agent writes, it sells labttr man laen.
Lee's portrait si Id right nfier the war, anoth
er w roes, it bents the nttlmy days of the sew
ing machine, its rapid -al.-, low price, anil lib
eral terms surprise t Id agents. Address Hi me
Limp Co , Cincinnati, O , mentioning out pi
per and they will give ou full particulars und
exclusive territory to eiovass in, uov.5-13w
r,,ouo a-oa knolavp, lO.nte iob AMsuica.
St. yich'tlai, tin thartuirg magazine for boys
and gnls, edited by Mary Maple Dodge. 1ms
increased sa much in size and number of piges
during the year pat that the publishers have
been obliged to is-ue ihe yearly volume in two
parts, instead of one, a-hereiofiro As to its
circulation, they report a gain of 10,000 in the
average monthly coitions of 18S0 over 1S70,
The announcements ftrlbo coming year In.
C ude a cipital serial story fur boys, full of ex
citing adventure, 'In Nature's Wonderland,' or
'Adventures in the American Tropics; Stories
of Art and Artists, by Mrs Clara Krkine Cle
ment, a faithful outline of the history of Eu
rojeanArt, with many 'illustrations; Pluctuii
Rogers,' a ilellj-blful an 1 humorous serial by
Rtssiiter Johnscn; '.Mystery In a Man-ion,' a
six months' serial; The Tieasure-Box of Liter
ature, directing and encouraging young peole
m the best reidiug; The Aggasii Association,
fully explained in Iho Noycinber nuuiberi'Twu
Eng isb tj lecns,' by Mrs Oliphanl; 'The Land
of Nod,' a children's oppertttt, Willi music,
full of charming tableaux and effects; A series
of bmuiifiilly illustrated JlaPads for Young
I'ttlkS, beginning with the Christmas number;
A Hi ecial Budget of Fairy Stories by Frank It.
Stockton the first i f which is in the Novem
ber number; An Indian Storj? liy 'Bright Eyes,'
the Ponca Indian maiden; a eplei did holiday
slory,'A Christina w it It the Man in the Moon,'
by Washington Uladden. Open-air Papers,
stories of sports, aiu games, will ba continued,
with all the popular depaitmcnts.
S ibscripliona beginning M the November
is-ue will include 'tin wonderful Christina)
number,' nf which Ihe edition will be 6,000 In
I'.ngliiiu uiw luu.uuo in America, The) rice
tins number, to be issued abaut Novoinber 30th,
will he 30 cents,
lie.ulirprice .300 a year; 23 ccnle a num
ber, For sa'e, rand subscriptions reciiyed by
all dealers, or lbs publisher', Scribuer A Co.,
7-13 Uroauwiy, New York.
Hipliv Cunny ai tlio Itef rtuiil Paisn
act) in Oraniivv ills on ibo J8tU in. t. Mr-An
dr w 0. llicl uy c f CVnier Iwp,, to Mla Wury
HllSllll'SS NoIHH'n
Don't fonirt thai Olatl iltS ui kun n lalgs
stni k (if CMMteii'is, n nis, io.
A Very fill's is- rlnii nl nl I.adb C it's,
nil nicely liu.tlo a.ul Iriintrietl In Silk, Sntm
and Velvet of the latist styles nnd fabloti
for sale by Silas Ytittng, Light btrct t, just
got In from ihpcllv miititil'acltirrrs In prices
from $4 00, $1 fin, $r fll, t?C, fid, t7 00,
li-S fiO, t!l CO, tlO CO, $12 CO, if If) CO, 4-10 CO
ti) if 18 CO, cut. 1 lim
Lii'?. it .Sloan do not clnltn to sell goods nt
ctst ntnl make n living nt II, but buy their
gnods cheap one ugh so that Ihey can charge
it small pic lit ntul yet bo as cheap in their
All pnrllcs lnlorclrd In Imvlpir fond,
cheap and FASH IONA IILF, OI.orllINO
would find itli) their inleresl to call nt (lie
old reliable Clothing Sinre of
David Lowcnlcrg'tt.
Cash buys below rotk boltom tit Clink &
Highest Cash Price pnbl for 1,000 Ooml
Fat, LiveVHAL OAI.VKd this Fall and
Winter. Voti can bring tbt'i.i riiiht iilniiir
now nn Monday, Tuisdnv nnd Wcdneclny of
racn nnti every weeK nils rail ami winter.
Urlng in your gord tat calves liow nnd get
y.aur cash for them, tiring them from the
north, south enst and west. Let them come
right along now to Silas Young, Light
Street. oct. 1 4ni
For f hrislmas Toys nnd candies, g In Mis,
J, Ii. Scolt's. You cannot help being bnsed.
iticri:i) kiiom m:Tii.
The tollnwiiur Miitemihtof William. I. Coiielitln,
of -oineiMlle, Mass.. Is so retiinrkalht that we lug
to ak ror It the attention of our reattirs. llrsnisi
' In the rail ot 1ST0 I was tnUn with n Violent
lileetllng of tln i imps follow 1 0 by netU'recvUgn,
t soon tit gun to loe tn nnpellte anil tle-li. I was
vo weak atone tin f that I toultl not lin e lnj bell.
In ttie .summer of s7 i wns nclmttted to tlie c uy
Hospital. Mlille tin relhetlocliils salil I li.nj a lio'o
In toy lett lung as bin as a half dollar. 1 epetniV(l
tilers liuii'lietl tloitnrsln tloeturs anil iiieuleines.
I wasso tar gone at unu time a repf rt went arouhtl I
wiisiteatl, 1 yave up hope, but m fitentl loliliueof
mi. vm. ii. u, s itviMM rem Tin: i.i'mis. i
la Ltlieil at m rlernls, ililnkli g tnat my case wus
Iticunibl". but 1 got a bott'e to suti!f them, when
to my suiprl-e atil gntlltlcatloii I commenced lo
tee l better. My hope, d-'atl began to reMve.ard
to-lay I teel In better spirits than I have tor three
j ears-
"I write this hoping a ou will publish It so that ev
cry oncinll'ctid with tttseasttl luncs will bp Induced
Intake Or Win Hall's llilsnn ror the I.utics, a-tl
bt-conllnceil th it C'liN-tUMI'l b S CAN UK COItEtl.
I have taken two tiott es ant! can poslttielj sity ttiat
It has done ni -re irttt tl ihtti all the other medicines
I hale t.ik- u since ta si. knt-ss. M c-oukIi baa al
most I'tiUri'ly dlsappi-nn tl nnd l shall nn be able
to go to w oi k-. sold tij druggl.ta. Take t m. Haifa
lialsjtn onlj Ucwarootcounterrdta. oct,t&-l)covv
Ladies, don't lorgpt to look at our largo
stock ni Diess Ooctls. We olli r them til
cost. TbeiB is inoney in them Inr you.
Clark x Sin.
Vsi.M-Tt.KFllAtH Ithsaoiifca la chtln ly dtrfe r
ent fit in all ottiers It Is tut clear n water.itnil as
its name tndlc ilt-s, Is a;in'rftct Vetretnhle Untrue
stonr and ttoes not In una manner nlTS-it the health
whlcn Mllphur, MiRnr or Lend and Mtrate or Mlaer
pit partitions done. It will In nit'illaiely Ireo
the head r-oin all liantlrulT Ut-More ttrav Hair to Its
haturnl color, anitpridu e a new growlhwhtre 11
his fallen t IT. II will change light or tlttt tl hair In
a few tl ir to a beauttrul f-'ii'ssj I row n. Kleri P1
tl Is warranted. Ask jour uruggM for It. I'ur
sale at Movni Itaos., U'ounisburK. I'.i. -inlta, Kline
Co.. 1'hll.nlt'lphla, and ltn'1 lluckell, .Now Yolk,
holesale Agents. oct. 2a, yo-ir
Flannels, Honda, Shawls, Ladits' Cnuts
anil ilmvo. Cloth to make tip at
Clark ,t Son's.
Eureka 1 Eureka!! Eurekn I ! !
The place to buy a gnoil cheap Winter
Coat or suh nf Clothes is at
David Lowenbcrg's.
Mrs J. I',, Scott invites Ihe attention of the
public lo ler tin- iissorlnicnt of Chri-toins
Go ds, cotisisiim: of Toes jngr,at variety, plun
and fancy candies, at wholesale and retail, Ac.
You can get Kslo-tncila of
Clark fc Son.
Boots nnd Sbnes cheap at McKuney'j.
HO 1 F0it"A 1 1 AT.
Jtist.rrceired all the latest anil most Nob
by Styles of Huts for men anil bojs nt
David Lowenberg's,
Remember that Lutz it Sloan will not be
undersold and that jou can get l)res Goods
nf all kinds as cheap of them as anywhere.
Harriet A. New kirk, nf Salem, says: 1 was
cured of tetter in tnr hand by three applica
tions nf Camphor Milk. Jly husband was
cured ot nlu running sores by using it. It
cured my son of a spruintd nnkle. Price 25
cents. Nild lay fj. A, Kleim, llloomsburg,
april 10, '
Ho! lor Bare-iiins in all kinds nf Dress
Goods, in nil wool and worsletl goods. To
cbse out our stock nf Dress Onods, we offer
them (or the next twenty davs at enst.
'Clark & Son.
Pretty Suits Inr children, Ulsters for little
boj a, new, nice, and neat, call and seethe
I. ill sH It's nt
David Loavcnberjs's.
Rubbers nt McKinney's,
The aery highest market price paid for
nice drietl I'lllod Cherries, Dned Itusplier
rips nnd Dried lllackbf rrifs. Urine ibem
frnm the north, south, east and west by the
poutitl. sack, bag, one anil two borso IohiI In
Silas lining, Light blreet, oct. l-2ui
Admission free at McKinney's.
You can seo a large line nf Fancy Goods
tor Holidays anil In great vnrtetv nt
Clark & Son's.
Beautiful Ul-ters,
Fashionable Overcoats,
Nobby Fall Suits,
Isowf st prices nt
David Lowenberg's.
Boot headquarter. at McKinney's.
1,000 pounds nice drietl raspbt rries, 4,000
pounds nice drif dpitittl cherries wanted this
fall by Silas Youiiir, Light Streetjuy 2-Gm
Call at JIcKinupy'a for Shops.
Hon. George J. Cordon, Norritown, bij-p:
Tho 1'lnunix IVotorn! U iii(iiritenatite in m
family. It act li bo a charm in enrinp
coughs am! colds h itli the chiltlren.atui 1
alvayn i.fp it when atUireniiij; a jurv. I'rice
115 cents, O. A. Kleim, lilooniHuurg. aprlti-ly
Vvlieat per bu&liel i .00
njc "
corn, " 511
uaia, , ,, 8-,
Hour per barrel
uovcraeea 4.511
llutter ti
KeSH !')
Tallow , m
I'uunooa , aft
Drli'O Vpylca 03
uauaa , ul
nIiIoa; mioulclLra ia
I'lili'ki'iis ni
aurici-ja 111
Lanl l'or pouail , ,os
Hay per ton is 00
Ueeawax 25
So. 4 on wbart f 3.00 per Tot.
.in." , ,, 1
no. c " " r 1.75
tt'.acbanalth'aLiitupoD Wliart 1
" Ulturamoua " 1 i,t,
1'IOL-a -Market avas null-t and nrin: konerlnra ti a.a
taj o; uiara i uu w 4 w, ciuiu nun innidiia rainll
Lout.'V at 5 75(fl so: .Mluntscti, r.,iu
t$ twins patt-nt and tilfli graai a, ut JO lea
iivk r'noi'ii-js )'.
MiaiT II10 market tlruier. fair Inquiry) No. 1
wi'biuru rt-u av ai 11 ; it-unayivauia rea 11 tOil uyj
CoaN-Hie -Market waaflrm and lerynuiettstcanv
tr liol iiuiei1i aeltovv al cauci lolatcl at bs fee.
tuTft Markt-l avua aU'ady and falroemuiid; No.i.
No. a. tnld at alto.
llva-tsu-adr v!.
roan M-a o d taa i s isiajmiv), no new its j.-.aturo
Itasi llama at fit 5uc.j moo; Imiianu uieas bed'
I h 6a '
llst'OMSinoked abouldera. at sciacia, Omni.
dura, 6,ci aiuoked Uuiaa llKjaltiici I'kkkii uua
l.iap-Klrra; city kettle S'.QJ; looao butoliera.-i un
nrlinuMU-uiii .ara. '
liuiTra-CUolie flrin and fairly active others dull
iiriuri rum, o.-; udl-ijoU lJ L1101Ce,VU(4J t'l llrad
ford county and Now aoikcitra at tCcsmec: el
t-rn rea rvt txira wisjc: ut.a-rn ., . ...ui
cU Ico ictftiiiic; eolia atrudy for cbolco t'radm; I't-nn.
Bjivnuia Kin wiej tjv; nvaierii reserve extra tjltj)
l-uoa-Kreab warce drjuj rcnusjlraoaTi wvatcin
ruKICaa OllOlOH ktf-Hili-. nlhrr arri,.a w..a . vt x-
ull orcsiua at IJ.iiUVl eattru full oruaui at isvoa
la da uir to Kuudjicwisx" do balfakliiaiii.?
iiaaoi-iuii-lho miuUl was Uuiu rtnnw io
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in lhu easiest way and to best
advantage what you want for
dress and house-furnishing?
1'irst, how: Write for a
catalogue j sec what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
are soltl for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest;
whore most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably ; and where you have
ihe right to return whatever
l i not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you arc if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best tilings in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometime:! by mail, some
times ly express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than the money you
save in the price.
John Wanamaker,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Cbt-rtnut, Thirteenth, Market ami Juulpcr.
SlIEllim SALE..
Uy alrtllo rf furilry urlts Issued out cf tho
Court or Common I'lcns of Columbia county and
to me directed, vitllbe opnsid to public sale at tlio
Court House In llloombbuig nt 2 p. in. on
MONDAY, DKCK.M lli:U tith, 1SS0
All that certain lot cf ground tn Centra!! iboroojli
Columbia county, I'mnsjluinla, bounded and de
scribed aa to loiva, to-aalt : cm the north by lot of
David Ilrown, on I lie east by Locust Avenue, and on
the south by atrett, on tho isnstby an allea
belncr twenty-tte firt trout nnd one- hundred ar.d
fortyfeet deep, ou Milrh ale trecled a two story
frame bul'dluir and out-bulldlnifs'
seized, taken In evi cut ou at the suit cf Central'a
Mutuil sirlni; Fund Association ajalostsarali Hat.
fy, administratrix of IMward Harry and to bo sold
aa tho property ot Sarali Harry, administratrix or
Edward HatTy.
UAiiM.aa, Attorney. Vend Ex.
A I0,
The follow Incr rtesTlbed property situated In tlio
low n of llloomsburir, Columbia county. Pennsylva
nia, bounded on the south by sixth street, east by
land of slmon Qulnn, north fry an alley, west by
lot of -lacobchuj ler, being forty-tla-e feet front, and
one hundred and nrty feet In depth, more or less, on
w hlch are erected a small ono story framo dv, filing
houso. There Is also a nne selection of frutt trees
on Ihe premises.
Seized, taken In exccutlonnt the suit ot cortcz 11.
llobblns, administrator of 1). IV. Kobbln-s deceaatd1
against Frederick Weimar and to bo sold aa tho
property of Frederick Weimar.
I'.AiikUiV, Attorney. H. Fa.
Tin) following doacrlbed real estate situate In or
angevtlle, Columbia cuunty and statu of I'ennsjlva
11I.1, as the proitorty cf Henry C. Conner, bounded
and described as follows : Lot No. I, bounded on tho
north by land of A. Coleman, on the east land of
Mrs. Conner, south by lot of D. K. Moan, and on tho
west by Main street of said town, ou which aro
erected a three story fnmo hotel nnd other out
IsotNo. 2, bounded on tnonor'ii oy lot of William
IK-long, cast by Main street, south by lauds of Moun
tain Lodge or odd Fellows Hall Assoelitloti. nnd on
Ihe west by an alley, on which la erc-eted a large
note 1 stabio.
Lot No. 3, is bounded ou tho north by lot ot WI!
liam Delong, on tho east bj an alley, south by land
ot Mary s. Conner, and on the w eat by .Mill t-trcct of
satu town.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit cf I), K
Sloan against II c. Conner and to be said aa tho
property of II. c. Conner.
Mn lih. Attorney, rl Fa.
All that certain lot of ground situate In Iho town
ot Catanli-sa, Columbia county, statu ot Pennsilva.
nla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlti lie-
gliihlnc- at a point on ihe nor'h tide of Fine siren
at ine lntcTfectlon of Secocdstreet, thence by Ihe
north sldu of Pino street a coi.rso bearing south.
eastwardly two hundred and ten (Ita) feet to land of
snuman thence northeastwardly by 1 ind of
said Shuman ono hundred nnd thirtv.iivR
iio;icct more or less to landlatoof catliarlue Get-
kin, deouased, thencn northwesterly and by land
lato ot Oatlurlno fittkln, dece.ited.and parallel with
rum airrt-i ten (in) reet to land of William II. Or
ange's estate ; thence aoutbw esterly by bind or said
William II. Orange's estate and parallel wt'h Second
street Hxty (cu) feet; Ihenco northwesterly by land
m sain unuiu 11. uriingo-s csiiitH and parallel avlih
rine biieei two nuimrcd (4J0) feel to tho cast side of
Second street i thence aomliw esterly by tho east
side of Second stieet teicnty live (75) feet more or
less to tho place of beginning, whereon aro creeled
a two story framo double dwelling houso and out
Micnen, a rratne wagon maker and carrlago shop,
framo blacksmlto fliop, and a framo oartagv or
wareuouse-noav used cm a dwelling, and other out
seized, taken In execution a', tho suit of Oeorcro
nutjuiaaoa aa. 11, actter, executor ot Lewis Yelii-r.
deceased, vs. tieorgo W. soult and to bo sold aa the
property or (loorgo W. Soult.
nil. ws, Attorney. Vend Ex,
All that certain plcceor parcel of Und situate In
Itenton townajilp, Columbia county. Pennsylvania.
uuuuueu ana aescnt'fo us follows, to-mt: llecln
nltig at a avbtte oak Ihenco bj land ot Charles vsti
norm c ignt and a half degrees east eighty-tight and
lour-ienins ptrehea 10 aitonc. thence north forta
and a halt drcgeca east twenty and eight-tenths
perches to a maplo aiftt atono thenco by landot
Thomas Hollas north ono a half degrees w rst mu-cu
and six-tenths perch s to astoue, llivtjeu bj land of
milium .apt Ionian north klxly-tavo and on ill do
grees west twenty-seaen uq three tenths perches
lo a stone la tho public road, tlienco by other lands
jormeriy ot .lonn llantz south nrty-stx and three
quarter degreis west fifty four and Ihri-o-tenlhs
percues to a stouo In said road, thi-nce norlh twen
ty-elght and a half di grcea west twebli-fo'ir nerch
eatua iliestnul south seventy and ihree.ituartcr
uegrees nest bixiy-ono and two-teiiiba w-rcheato
a tionoaoulh thirty-nino and thrcu qiaUerdegrciis.
east twenty-alx perchca o a stotie oa Ihoeastkldo
or ine ahoyc ro,a, tliesoo along bald road outh lur-
u-iwo anu ono naif uogrees ayct,t thlrtj-four rerchei
tout stone cm tho webi sldu ot said road. Uirbeo bv
land of Matthias Kline south slxtyjlvo auda half
aegrcca cast (uu-huudivd anil thirty irchestotho
pHioo tf beglnnl g, oontalnlng slity.seacn acres
inoro or less, on hlch are erecud a tw otory traiae
aweiiing, large bank barn, wagon Hied and out.
S Ized, taken In execution at Ihe suit of John k
Voung In part assigned to Alfred ItanU against John
iianizuuq to no Bold as tho nront-rirot Juhn ltant
c. It. UvcKit-Bw and E, It, iKKt-KH, Attj 'a Vend Kx.
aeueu, taken in execution at Ihe suit of I. K. Krlek.
bauni, Administrator aialnst John Ilautz, aLd to be
bold tu mo properly f John llantz
11, j, nucaaiew, Attorney. fi Fa
U. II. KNT '
... , ,. bherllf,
cALXaiosra- cards
roil HOLIDAY P!tlK.N"I'S
AT HNYl'Klt'S cl.M.LKItV
AT SN'YDtllfJ (lALI.KltV
nov tsi I In
VdlJcn ti Ktrrliv fflui 1 hr follow Inr mvoimt
mii-en III. tl In t he I Tot iKHiuttirx "h t nil iwjf i rtlinn
it'H cotinty an I Hlt t-i f tftenlr Ut Un' cimii uf
Cumnton I'U-aiif khM cuniitv on 'I ih'MIht, Ihe "th
tav if I(ceiiitn 1. 1ni, and cinnnn(l nftyr
ttit tuiiilli iliiy nf sild itrm linleM exct l Motn tw
It Cll Httlllll IIUttlllR'.
Thn scotiil nctiount of Snmurl (n.f llnr. rntn.
'tnltU'o t KranKlliiCrt'VcitnK.
WM. KHtrKlUt'M,
M. (H'icK, I'rcUiuiiL'tjtrr.
Deputy, nuv. 5, V(iic
uoiroifs notili:.
iein-itterf llirinitt ruhrlturr Aleiiec? f
I'cy.eilt or tridttuti. tr 1 uciw FaUrliiir( oi lijuisl
tout fill p.
Hie lincli'rslL-nfd Auditor flPnntnN rl tlif Court
ff cumtiHiii rifai vt K'vluuVi ti count, todititbuic
tlm fiindt In tlu IniuM of Mh- iiiMfj jtti i will mctt
tlitt r.irtU'8 liitiTi'stnd at I U urtlfu in Hlooinsburtf on
N.iUmmw l.ic inbtT II tu. nt It) ocWk a, m, at
wnlcn ii'ii" .mil piicti all jh'mihh Inter-'-tftl must
tutenilorbt' deuarrvd troiu auj n'iarj ( f Mid fund,
. II. Alltill 1 I
nov, 1a st) iw Auditor.
tot ten ti'stitiiKTit 1 on tin rst id' of ItnhiT.lJi
Mi-ll nry. Liu-ot llvnl'in touiibhln I'oluaibu c"ii
tv, I't nns, i, iJocfacil, lme Ik'lii yra tid
by tlio la'ijlstHr nf w.ild count io Alfred
Mollt'iiry or llotto-i. i: rcutor. All pL-rhouH
having clAlm nntiist th- estate CI mid decc
d"ni tiro rt'iiucitC'i tn i n "c'lt thum for Ht-uifinfiit,
'1 thosu Indebted toihi d'ttt' to make paj inent
lo the und'TaltfUcd hXFcutor.wlihout dclav.
ALrilbl) McIUiSHY
oct, S3, V) CW IkMiWn, I'll.
xiccuroirs xotick.
tetters ttstHtnciitiirs on tin es-Uto of i urtolih
luiuiin, litr cf M in tow ti"U!i, C'olumt n c ittily
I ciit d. havo bt-en itT.uiti il b. ltn luLr liter r I s.uil
county tu the ip dt r-ltfi d eccutnr. All r r
oiis Intlr't cilm iipi'tiM ihe estate urc r qui stcd
iti in'"H nt i num ior muii nn iil hjiu iiiu v iiiUtuuti
to IiUk Iil)lllfnt V tMtnt.t i'i lAV.
r it.i iili r'iii,MAi"
J li, LOMlKNUrlKlUK,
oci. Tl, 'sO-Cw' Mh1i.1Uc, 11.
) ULL ON 111:1ns.
Tli' Common wealth of rrntisyhauta toKllziClc-
uell w id n , clHiles Clow ell Clirl'tun Clew til.
hii it lit niiHtt k ri p. t't'tUfn "Human, tour
than ml 1 tern or 'oia llurbsttr, all ut Ctlumbta
'OUIll.V III. (I iHT' llllilll Vit"A(MPI .M'tt HOIK 11IHHI
iltsO'iKlanth ot .1 tci b Clew ell, dectased, hi d umll
porons Intt r-'stt-d (iri'etlup: You areli-n-iij Jelled
court at an airihn ns" Cuurt lolield nt Hioomsbu ir
on the Ilrst Vu'idivit Dtcfmbcr next.thon MiJ
tlii w to ncri'pt or ioiiisiMj take the red estate t
--ild .Jiit'Mi cifwell. deceased, at tli arprat eil valu
utlou ti it upuiilt b iln l m pies t, duly awmued b
Uh- haul Cuurt and leturnid by the ShetllT. And
sreor tall nor.
Wttnesslhe llonorflblH UUUun Flnell, Piostd'-ntor
our fild Court nt lilormsbury. the twtiit-'(OTtd
t iv ot he i ti'inber. A. v.. aim thousand Hunt hul-
(. M. qviCK Cltrko C.
Deputy. OCt. 5i9, V)tf
L rou i)F.CEMiu:n tekm iso.
,1 Mntth s W A Kile.
ri'deilck Hosier lo us. vs I) II & W U II Co.
William soli rht'Tly s Wi? ibeth W bonders.
Uliltam .Neal, ft'inHliik'P'tin-'ruf McKelvy A Neal
,i i tan ut'iiiuri us .ii'Hfim n uujuuil.
m ihe IVnn a Canal i o.
Da id r.son s Thorn is tiernchty.
1. HlHaNHH DitMfl sa idjre, etal.
v li nku Vh Cfiitr.uia iioruwun.
HT nnuleton vsli v (i.irdiu r.
D 1(1 nun I s Kerllimnd nail and wire.
0 1. iviv-teiib.iu ler v-i .1 ll KhUtle.
i ir r su'.ink'ft m vs Cb nlos Frtleriniins ftdrn'r.
Iltnry C iiowman'a uso s John W llGiluiau, High
'eter S noer v Cntawissa Township.
Menrj MUIf r&ii Koth.
nt mi n Kea' tidm r. s Thomis Starkhouse.
Marl ha II ci easy et nt vs.l It Vandorsllce et aJ.
Henrv Hnoadsvs lunlel Hojtr.
it anuerftin'es.i .m a:ie. . nanvr.
train Dcrr l-uiinm ( Ruse.
HUMees ur stuiwti tr Lodge Kot rithiasvsueo
Mlas K Mojer s Juhn w HofTnian.
i-tnniiiLrion et m.
'iiL-ijo ieifers Ij ryenv.
John m -utiirr v-i tra ll muiiit.
w llliibii executor vs.l c Iteeder et ux.
Paul Try v Patterson & hdwurd3.
K it Ikek't's uio vs Mirbira (ilircr.
uoeri x Mine s milium naumci-iter ana i-yuia
Ihnrj Kullnier'.s use vs cotlelb Itartman.
Miifc'irlcl) Lord s .1 L ilrtn.
Martlu A dims h .Joseph lit nrlo ct nt.
li K drim it Sous s.Ioteph Mephcnson.
nt f u n i mi iv) y outepii nu pin ii-uu.
uu uKuuin a. riiuif s .i .ne Niamey a, wiw
SrorkAm & Alibui t m ' heo Vjnduaen tt al.
I) .1 Waller - IVnn'ai Canal to.
u lioart vs .ichn Itoaton a adm r,
J 'IKltM 'lsn,
lieaver Joseph hijj'ey.
nerwlek 'oscph n ilnmpsin.
H-nton-samuei Miiertsun, Hon W Iliullman.
Uluutn DalU h.duiils. br. Charles lUbb. Tl
Jhiarerrek Mephen lttlterlck.
CeniiallJ K Wt-idenajiU.
tenire liumnuel Kidehner
ll htnjinei h- .1 Uu, r. Paul tHIbert.
(inenwoud -'Ihos I liendtr.
IlemlockA'tred liiirtmin, Daniel Yoeum.
I-iMMiat - c s lluwer.
Madison Jiimeti Klnlln.
Main (ie . ltreHn.
Miniln-ciiarl screasv.
Mt. t'leaunt-llaa How dl, Jos Ikeler.
OrrtllRt' M I. Kl lit',
Pint (l W Itoublnb,
Kctt-It s Knt.
iVVKu-k j uncus.
Hltdr WKKK.
Header CeoDrfUbiU'h. W Loneonberger.
Itvrwl. k Uin(.lrard
lieut n-Saiiiuel Api'lemn. Jauie Conner.
HliiDin Jniin Cox l oil Cox. br, J II Maize, Ellas
.Mcnnennan, uenry f-o-enstocK, llarry Noan.
Itrlarcreek Dan'el 1'urt.eil.
Caiawis-a Jovnh HrelbC1!. A Truckenmlller.
CVntrt Ainoa (iruber. llllllnyton Hucklo. Jesse,
coiiMiitham Jrhn Monroe.
rhJ.illL'LTeek Mlchiel lul-hltnf. X. M fHvellntr
Wm Krfssier, K ltLuderbath, Mlas Mclleun, Jolm
i.rtenwooa-iamCH Kemt, Airred Ilajcock. Wm
ii miock .1 1, cirton.
Jackson K J sones.
Madison- Kzra Vundlno.
Main James Keller.
MlUlltl- Z 1' lUlUinxn. Sl.nhri I'mnnv.
MuntDUr (Mijirlfs Pi-L- .Imnnu Hnli'L U'm IFI.i.iirld
Mt 1 leasant Mlr,ael Peagle.
ornriffo a lutiemuii.
PoaniifjiT I'k-Wmd I.lnnvttle. Kranrls Helcliart
bUiunoat-Mn Finny, Aaron Fritz.
Pfaver-Jaeob Unn, Hehell.
Iterwifk .1 11 llojt, J UMcAinal.
lienlon Hiram h-riir
HlOUin lOhll Dlhh. ( K llllo-hAO A V llmrcr lY.lit,
ni- im ii. v. i jiarr, mihii miuii. m hiemaus.
isriarcreek-nSif nt en KUner. Lamon Martz.
CalrtWlMSa--tethen H.iltnr A J Onrtir.k v..tttii
Centre Francis W Heiw.
Cnil UL'ham lluvld Unelmnnn
FI".hlnrereL'k A W ltelsniii.H. i-vanif m tiou inim
. It. I 111 111.
irLMnwix)ii Harvey Hajtnan,
Hemlock N P Moore.
Jackson-, c iiutt.
Ukcus'-s-lackson Campbell, Francis Lelby.
MalUon-John M hmlth, A K Malth.
.Maln-Jflinen W John.
Mt. l'leaMint-Jacob lillbert.
lininLTU M S 1 1 11 hlirr .T.,n.iltaon IlrMiof Tr,l,n C
suiiarloaf John Cole, Mutttfomcry llprvey.
Rowell & Co'a, AdvcV,
isiory ot i'onueal rartios mu
TUB FPHKltAI. t.i iVKUN' M I!T vimw
HUM IL I 111 KM TO Til K 1'UVhVli.T IllrV I's.
wni y iu ut lii. comprtneine and extiau
ie with beaniirulli colured Mapu atd lu,'rmi
t outturn all the PlMiiorno f 1'olUi. iil l'uril
nut imiM muaoio poiivallou ot tho uw Non
'"""" qiujwiu t'e in f ien HOUef IioiO. NJlOOllU
Murar). Is-suid In boi k form at lAandasa Wi
i .an at AUKMS UVIUli tirwhere m
IndlauaiKilU, lua. r nov. la-iw
a in mi ana rxrviim-i o a.-t-nts
i;uiiii r rw. AUUriiii I'. O. VICKKh
AU(jiw, Main r nov lu-iw
A)f Hlftfant Cliromo Carda, New Males iorto.
TC1 iirtfuts Wnnlt-a. L- JUNES t cii . N'usi,,,.
M V .
i nov, !
TitruivrH and
$45 TO SlOO
ii iuii u uuriui,- ran ana aviiitcr. lu tvi't-'
COULli . Illtl-n ktlnc- ,,.,1 L-ln..l.i.. i. 1..,.,
...-M iuu iaivivuiui.irvvi AUsireaa al Oljt.
. i.V. lICVt'KllV t CO.
noa;. 'au-4av rnlladi-iplilu, l'u.
K M ' AT. lV'.TV"".-)
class hubs rtTilluu liuka, King aliaoy tniiilojiueni
In .Al-piiIS ann all a, i-Liiii- u i-ik, , ....... ...T ,,
jj.s'"u,uj3 c'rculara (I tio tiockaauJ luwit ihat tlw'i
Printed at tills Office
Uy virtue ot power In Iho w 111. the RiirrlvliiB exec
utor, f H Doebler, deceaned, wil' sen at
Public wale ut the COtUT HOfftK in lUooin'aburE.on
at one o cloek In tho afternoon, a TJtACT OF T1M-
l(i;i LASU.cotitalntnc
Pour Hundred Acroa
more or les, dtif tlbid aid Uucded nn f
Lylntfln Miarloar township, ColuvibU couaty,
nnd bounded on tlio east by land? rf Ihfl li?lrscf
Jfliiu'8 liuikalew, on the soul li by Iflndi of the htlrs
Willi nn Mfven. on the wist by lands ct J, r.
t lupin atd .Iflini Iftberts, flti-1 oi U.o noitli by
lands ot Mom and ('reveling.
TKHMi In order lo cIum up tin eslati, Iho
ternw wl'l Le one hundred dollars cash on striking
down Iho propcity, and tbe rematiidi r In ten days
hen a deed will be dtlheita and postmicn tmin
!-unUlt,ir r-xcculors.
ott 15, V-ts.
It. llAKIlH,
I'ntsiuiil lo nn otdcr o tlio orplianV Court of Co-
Ititnbla enmity, rccnsjlaanla, aallll-t' sold at public
ulli- on tin" pnmlaca lu the tovn.ulp ot Centre In
said county on
Friiluv, November L'Oth, J 830.
2 oclo k p. m , therolhvlDjrdecriUd UK At. KS
TAT K, hue or A drew (Unfflefl dtceajpd, to-wlti
In undivided or.c-halt ot all that certain Lot of
Ilmo Umestonoor
fit nut lii yuld Ctntro towns-hip, Columbia rountj-.
Pa , bcuudc'rt ntd do eMl f d na toiluWh: IWctmilne
ii stun e i n i l.o noilli (ide ct tho lut kawuiiMi and
m iiisbi.ij; inllioud, ILiuely im.d lalo t r I htllp
Mliler notth twentj-i ijrht and tlnic Totirltis de-
girts t t.t twiLtthiee irhrs to ft stone, ihonco
thesjiiic Routh KW'i)t).loi!r und tlireo-roiiitlm
grtv& wet the pt-iches to a Mono, thenco by
oliK"- illusion- lot bouth twentj-dfiht ai.d three"
foitrUnd'Fr-esift t twenti-tLr e percbes ti said
Lack iw umiund HloonifsUirif railroad, thenco nlonif
'im i.orih wM;ntj rour and cn? fourth de
isf uve pt-iches to Ihe place ct bttflnnlrtf.
115 .-QUA UK l'KUCHKS,
be the m mo more or hsn.
Kxripting-nnd rKeuiiip unto the heirs ct Philip
mt aim nts'gns all Ihe tlmtur thej mi) want
rr leneiH'; w lihln two jodis irr m the lMhdaycl
Nom nP'tr, A. 1) . is" nKo it st rvlnp the use and oc
cupation ot ihoiorth end or sold lot us the 8imo
m b tat inert until Mich time t r llmca that the
Sim.' th d i be wanted rLrquaiijIiiK' lurpase?, t-uld
lot li opened up n a limestone quairy.
Also, all thai certain rUcc orlottf ground situ
ate in said Centre towtthlp, Columbia county, Pa.,
boundul and dcpcrlltdos follovs, to-wlt: un the
ronh ly public load leudtrg fnm 1 locmsburK' to
iu lik, butlie tastb) latjdsotthe helis dt Ial
Ihuntas, dtceaftd, on tho feoiilh by lard on llman
NflKh und on the Reft ty scLocl house lot, contaln-
nlnetj-clght percl.t, Th'.sU a ery dotrab'o
building lot.
T ho uboo 1 .Is will be Mild on tho rullowlnjr teims
and coLdlttons:
'I Et jjsok:aik. Tin percent cronctourth ortho monc tobepjidnt tlio isti tktn down of
pi opet ty, the one romihlef-s tho ten per cent at
iho confirmation otttale aid tho remaining three
tiirthiln one nav thcrealter with lnteiutt rrtna
coutlrmatlon nlwl.
AdmlnlstratoiHor Andrew (ilngles.
oet. v.', 'MMs
In pursuance ot an oidt r tr the Orr nans' Court of
Columt la ronnij, the underslgntd T rustic nppolnt-
J by add Court will csposo to sale on the premises
as the lato propjrt ot liilen I-ong, lat or the town
or Itloom-jburg, tn bald county, deceased, on
coinrnencln' at ten o'clock a. m., or said day, the fol
lowing dcfccrlLod
to-wlt: All that pleeo or parcel or land situate I
the said town o. Iloomsburg. In sld county.Pa
bounded and described ns rollows: Canal sin et ot
tald town on ihe south, a lot 1 itely owned by Mar
tha Pry on the east, an alley on tho north ond
Thornton's alley ou the west.eontalntng nrty feet In
width on Canal street, and two hundred and tirty
feet more or lets In depth, whereon ure erect td two
e and a half Stcry Frame IwelUrs Kcuscs
andother outbulldlngs. A goodwellof watercn
tho premises.
T Kit Ms OF SALE Ten percent or one-fourth oi
the purchae money to be raid nt the striking down
or the proprrty, the one-!ourth less the ten per cent,
at the cotitlrmatlon absolute and the nmalnlng
three-fourths In onejear theiettrterwtth lntertet
from conllrmatlon nisi. Puichiiser to pay rr
v. n. i:nt,
lllooinf-burg, Nov. ft. 1nho-m Trustee.
or vai lAiu i:
l'lir-uanl lo no ou' i- t tlio's Couit ot Co-
luu.blacouuly, l enntalv i,t , a in I sold at publlo
sue un Un? rirtmK'S tn ll.e t( cl llimlcck In
salu comaa on
Saturday, November '27tli, 1880.
ul 2 o'clock p in , tl.e (dlonlne dtwjllail llK.M. ES-
TATK, Lite ot CatlmrlliP'r ilicfasol, lo-
aH: A ci'iluln house anil lot In the Milam- ot liuck
liorn. In aald Ilrmloik tovn-lilp, bounded on tne
imrlbliynn alley, east bj tin. main street ot said
allin;e, south by lot or 1. V. McKeliy mim by
un allej.eontalnlte one fiurlh or un acre more or
leas; on avhkli aru u
ant outbuilding's, rrult Irets. Ac
Termu ok s a I a: -Ten per rent ot onetcrlU ot tho
purcliavi inoney to be rnlilntilie strlklnir down ot
the prupcrt), Ihe one-tourih less the ten per centat
the c innnniitlon or sale and the rtmalnlnj: three
tuutlhs In one jear thermller with Interest rum
conQimatlon nisi.
Nov. j 'so s-w
In pursuance ot an order or the Orphans' Court of
Col co. t'a-the undersned as admlnUtrators of
Ml haeliroer, deceased, will expose to public sale
on tho premises on
Tlum-iluy, Derember 12 ml, 1SS0.
commencing ut lo o'clock In the tori-noon ot said
daa tho uIIok li it di'scrllx-U aaliiulle nul estate,
Hrst : All that cerlaln tract otland situate la
Main toavi.shlp, Columbia count) l'a, containing
one hundred and twenty one acres and ninety six
perehes-adjolnlni: landaot Imalds Urovin. Aaroa
w . iirover anil other lauds et ald decedcuLonavhlcta
aro ereclid a
barn, avuon shed und out building. about too
i ill.-, ure iiuproM-il laj.d, bu.uni.e In timber.
second: certain trail or innd sliuatti 1q
Main tuniiship, county uud stale atoresald.cotitaln
Ini; thiim'; At'ltl'.s and one huDdreil
i d taaenD-iefen rches adlolnloi; lands ot Jacob
irov i und oilier land, i.t said dcedi nt. about nine
ucies oi wliii ii is t-oud umber land and balance tn
pioa ed.
Thlril: All tbt certain tract or land situate la
Mltl'ln town-hip, county nnd state utortsald, con
talnlni; 165 -ARCHES,
and laventi-tuo pi'rei.i's-adi.liilui; landa ot Jacob
iirover, Horn aud Aten.fand other lands ot Mid de
ced'ut, about twentj -iie acres of hlch Is food oak
iliulier land, balance Im roaed hrvou are erecteU
a mo-story riiinic lim-lllim auu.r. hain. wagon
-hed and oilier oat-bul tUiik's. 1 ho uboae proi-tnlus
are on; load leiidlni,-ti om Muiiiwlle loMlf.
Al.oj at tha samo Unia Joshua retler
man, aa Trustee. a III sell ull that .Arl&lutracior
landsltualu In Hiniln iomihaIiIb, count) aud statu
atonsull, contalnlogMMiTV MM: aciu.s and
one bundled and tul)-bU perches and aUowanca
adjoinlus laud, ol Hav.d I reasy, Adam Cuasy.Johii
llro u and Johu Kuflei It beu; the sauao pri inlsea.
purchased by said lellennan In tiu.t tor M. llro
ur'se-iale at Isht-rm aba'e, us tlio roily ( Johu
11. aud Amelia Yohe,
Ukiisoi. ISAI.K.-1VBP. reenter one loinihet tha
imahate muue shall be paid al the siiikincduaau
.t lhu wujH-im lh one lourih Itss il, ui, t"r
if"- 'f vouiiiiuatioii absolute and Ihe rtmaln
iuu thrie-lourthaluone year thirtnur miL imtc.
iailioiiicoi.ntiuuiK'nnlsl, "fuiuitt-
I'urcUbrrs lo pa) tor lin es. I'urchawra will he
reoulred to KUe U.nd in uouble the i, mount m ihelr
Wui h(roodui'lriioaui sicuritjiiriieri iK
Itriiit m money anuawi lothe aboia
...iiv,- n,ul!UUH,