The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1880, Image 4
pas ,ij4iaTO m THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, B LOOM SB U KG. COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. Acclilrms in t tic llniisflmlil. what ?init'i.i iik hum: in cuiirAiv kmiiii- (lllSCtl'A In llio liimscliolil occasional ncoidviiti occur, ciiL'rally of a liainiU'ssniiliiii'.lMit in tlii'y sdiiiutiiiii'f inuof a cvitntn jjriivl IV, wo lefci' to a elm or little liook t'liti tl.'il 'What to Do Kit-si, wiittcii l.y (.'. W. Dnllo, anil pnblUla'd liy HlakUton, of Philadelphia, which uoutalno, ill a small spai'i1, a meat deal which h ucful to know in certain emel pencil's. Now, M there are cupper boilers attached to range in many kitchens, the use of ov olie acid to scour them with is ipiilo common. Occasionally, we hear of acci dents arising from carelessness, when o alio acid has been left about. Thowii ler of (Jin uses ovolic acid ill her kitch en, but Willi great piccatition. The bot tle containing it is never given to the cook, but only a small portion of its con tents, and whenever it has been used the, servant is asked 'if all of it Inn been employed.' If any remains over it is thrown away. It is the most stupid of drug clerks that confounds oolio acid with epsom salts. The acid,as Dr. Dulles describes it, 'comes in small, heavy, blight-colored crystals, making a clear rattle in a bottle or jar ' In case by any accident ooliu acid has been taken, the antidote for it is lime. The chemical reason for using lime is that oxoliu acid tonus with it an insoluble compound, ano us corrosive aeiion on 1110 cnaiuii! of the stomach is at once stopped. 'If lime water is at hand it may be given freely or whitewash tooth-powder, (its is always chalk ) chalk, .whiting or plaster f u thu wall. The latter "may lie crushed and stilled up in water with out legard to giittincss, which will not do any harm.' For sanitary purposes carbolic acid is now found in houses. The eases of its accidental use must be of rare occurrence, as its peculiar strong odor makes it lec ognizalile at once. Still, cases of its hav ing been taken in the dark are not un common. It is a most dangerous poison because, as Dr. Dulles states., it seems after the first painful coriosive effects 'to benumb the stomach.' At once huge and repeated doses of oil or milk sh 3uld be given. Certain ciim'.s of poisoning with carbolic acid'have been successful ly treated, after oil had been taken, bv stimulation, lint it is a dangerous ajid, and care should be taken with the bottle containing it. Corrosive sublimate is often employed about a house toiid a bed of veiinin. As it is colorless when in solution it of ten escape notice. 'If taken vomiting must be provoked, and some form ol tannic acid given. 'j Tea is the strongest thing which is easy at hand, anil a pow erful decoction should be at once admin istered. Adults rarely meddle with phor phorus. but children sometimes suck this very deadly substance from matches. Very fortunately it is discovered by its odor in the child's breath, and its action is not raid. 'Five grain doses of sulphate of copper dissolved in water may be giv en at intervals of 10 minutes until lim iting conies on. Then a dose of magne sia should be administered, but no oil.' -Mistakes as to quantity of opium pre parations are by no menus uncommon au cidents. Such arc to be found, most un fortunately, in what Dr. Dulles verv pro perly calls 'the many poisonous nostrums sold as sootlnng syrup, pain destroycis, and drops for infants ' There is no ex pression harsh enough which would serve to brand the woman who administers such poison to her baby. A molhei vvno gives such suustaneis to her child without a doctor's advice takes the chances of life or death in hei own hands. To such, capable of seeing their children waste away before their eyes, no advice would bo of avail. We addiess, then, those who, unfortunately, may give laudanum or black drop foi paregoric. 'The symptoms are deep slecp,with narrowing of the pupil of the eye to a small circle, which does not en large in the dark.' Dr. Dulles advises the immediate and persistent use of em etics, and to allow the patient to vomit over and over again.' 1'aiticular attcn tention should be paid to the bieathiiu.'. 'So long as the bieathing docs not lull below 10 to the minute there is no im mediate danger of deatd ; hut opium U a dangcious poison, and ri quires all the skill that can be obtained to combat it. 1'oiineily the custom was to walk a si tient up and down, and to slap with wit towels. 'What to Do Kiist' depucatet- mis, lor the reason that it c.hausts th patient, who, if very ill, cannot Hilly. Ii physical stimulant is to be used, lay the ,..,!,.... .... ..1 .... ) I ji.mi.-iii vii .iBucu ii iuiiiiL;i',;iiiti si:i Willi the back of a hair-brush, or with a slip per. 'This is all the nursing necessary, so long as breathing keeps above 10 to the minute. Should it fall below this,oi if the bieathing should cease, aititicial breathing should be employed." It sometimes happens that a child -rets through accident, an overdose of wine or luaiKly. e have know of a little gul made dangerously ill Horn having pur loined brnudicd imit. It was a ease of stupor. The cure was made by meansof t nat lo no first advises, 'haitshorn and water, a tenspoonful of the lust in a teacupfiil of water.' The use of tainted food, such as of decayed meat or vegc tables, sometims occurs. The treatment is to excite vomiting, and to follow this with a dose of castor oil and powdeied chaicoal Mothers aro very careful, but the most prudent of them, in the. experienci. of the writer of this, have sometimes made mis takes in the medicines they have given their children. .One infallible rule in us ing any powder or iluid, no matter what it is, is never to take it up, much less to administer it, in the. dark. What is the use of having labels marked 'poison' pas ted on a bottle, if it bo invisible in the darkt A bottle of lnedicinoiuay remain in one position for weeks, untouched, but an hour before it is used somebody may have inadvertently substituted something else. If medicines were always locked up less accidents would occur. There is one word of final advico to bo given : On the least suspicion of poisoning in a house, send at onco for the doctor, not necessarily your own,but the very nearest at hand. The question is often asked in case of poisoning as to the. simplest way to pro vokc vomiting. Lukewarm water in quauitv is good, 'but it is better to add a tablespoouful of ground mustard, or a taulespoooutiil ot the syrup ot ipecac, Further, let it bo remembered that there is no occasion for; fastidiousness. Any water will do. Water in which hands or dishes, for that matter, have been wash ed, acts more quickly than anything else win u soai is usco, ii wni oe an uie net ter for that, as soap is an antidote for poisons. The quantity used must be large! the sufferer must be urged to drink a pint at a tune, until lie can con tain no moriyuid has been made to vom it over and over again. Advertising Cheats. It ban become so common to write the tWinclne ol an elegant, interesting article and th-n run it Into eome advertisement that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to the ruerila of lisp Hitter ians plain bonost trmi a o-ible, to in duce jifo pie to give tbem one tf'al, no one who known tbeir value sill use anything the. lyonrUuo. AthxTMrr, Artomus Want. Mr. Toole, who was one of Artenms Ward's most intimate friends in London, says that he told him the following story! lie went to a lecture at a remote place, where his face was not known. He was a little latcj thu audience became impa tient, and began to stamp with their liet and to whistle. Ily and by Waul came out and began to 'move about the plat form, dusting the chairs and desk. The people took him for a Stupe,' nnd became still more Impatient. 1'iesently he turn, ed i iiioiind, diopped the dust cloth, and said: ''ow, having dusted the chair's, I will begin my lcetute.' Many of the jokes ho made Were not so good us this, but no doubt, served to iiiuuse hinisi'll ami others. An acquaintance told me that he was once riding in a llroaduay omnibus when lirowno got in, ami, on being asked for his fate, Inquired of the diiver if he could change live dollars. The diiver said he could not, stopped the coach, nnd requested Ward to get out. Upon this Waul became vtry in dignant. Why should he get outf " lie cause ye had not the proper fare. 'Hut 1 have,' he saidi 'I never said I hadn't ten cents. 'I only asked if you could change live, dollars.' 12. S. Xadal; Hcrilmcr for Xocanbei'. I ave You Kicr Known any prr on to b" seriously HI with out n weak sti inach c r Inactive livi r or kiu- Hoys? Anl when these nrgurn uro In jjoou c jtiilittnii Ho von nut hint their nn-se-sur en- joying pui'ii heuUI.? Parker's Gme;t r Tonic always retaliates these important organs, anil never fills to make the blood rich mill pure Hint lo strcngtlu n every purl of the system. It tins cured titiO'lreJs ol ili'si.'ttriiiR Itivid ids. Ask your neighbor alum it. tiee oth er column. liov Father Ignatius, the ritualist monk, was by last accounts more than ever con vinced that the apparition seen at his monastery of St. Anthony, Wales, is the Virgin Mary. He has himself twice be held the fair visitant, and as au illustra tion of the miracles wrought, Father Ig natius insists that an incurable cripple of thiity-seveii years' standing 'has been instantly made to walk by the use ot some leaves touched by the virgin.' The venerable gentleman has wutteli letters to both the Archbishop of Canterbiny nut the bishop ot St. Davids, in whose diocese the monastery is, informing them of the miracle. Many pilgrims now tlock to the Abbey, where an altar has been elected commemorative of the Vir gin's presence.' Two young clergymen were disputing so loudly on the subject of religion that they awoke a big dog that had been sleeping on the hearth before the lire, whereupon he began to balk furiously. An old preacher, who had been quietly sipping his tea while the disputants were talking, gave the dog a kick, ex claiming : "Hold your tongue, you silly brutel you know more about it than they do l" To everv man there are miipv. mmiv dark hours when he feels inclined to abandon his best interests hours when his dearest hopes appear delusive. Annie Terrauce. of Hickman. Ivv.. had closed a century of lite, but still kept Ler Dlaco as housemaid. Sue recently dronncu dead while washing dishes. A man's character is like a fence it cannot be strengthened by whitewash. PERRY DAVIS' Mm j in PERRY April 9, ly eow DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. S. Proprlotors. Culdt, llronrhttltt TlcUllntf orI)ryntKof ibu Throutt Sore Th to ut, L'uIJlulhoIIcml. Cruupt Jutlueuxiii Wlioopluf.roafb. Cold In tbe Jtowt-lm, Axlkuiatlo Cousha aad rfllefof CoiuuinptiviM. CH.V.HPI0N IinOHTVlNiJ,.!!. II., l'ro,ilrlur, II 11 .Irrli PtrcrM'lii!Jeli,bliu Pa. I.T-HIH BI1.I) 1IY TIIW DID"!' tr 6 Tu- v how G. IB. ROBBUnTS, (SUCCE3EOH. TO S. W. HOBBXPTSj DBALEXl IM rilll) lEr.llllUl!., H'lllNlilC'N, l.lllM, ItlllllM, ii ixl all Ulmlh ol TfVltus COII' ftu llll llll lllllKl, MirOKTEl) A IKS AX I) rOKTERS IN BOTTLES KV THE DOZEN. LnniUonls tliioul out the county cull und exuinine my stcck beloio BLOOMSBURG, PA., Msia Street, 2nd Door below Iron JulyHJ'so-ly v. "I A CURE GUARANTEED2S CENTS BY USING $ i. OR. METTAUR'S HEADACHE PILLS core mnrt wonderfully In a Telyi.ortlmiolK.lli SICK toil NbUVOUS HEADACHE: M,ul.i'.d AetlDZt atSu ivrvuui 7t-ra. relief h DYSPEPSIA In ltd wnra Ifiroi, dein.. li; tlio eysu-ia ft lxcxa ul bile, produclui; areuulu uealtby actlouu tho butt lU. A full alio box of theso valuoblo PILLS, wl'hfulldU rcctHju lor A compiQtO CUro, fllrio a-cont Postaco Stamps. k'l.r ealj by all Urufguila. sous ntopiurrona, 0Ct.ll.VMt C. C. GaLIGN an, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ' AND DSALBll IN STOVES, BLOOMSBURG, Shop in Opora Houso, Oth door MRS. LYDIA E. PINkHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. W-CUVEttEll OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The l'n.ltlvi- Cnro Tor all Pcmalo Complaints., m Iti namo flfjnlflrs, prnsltj of Ve'otitblo l'roivrtlci tint firo liarmVm to tho Limit del icate Inrnlld. I'jwi ono trlut tho nnjrlU of tlila Com loui 1 will bo reeo?ni2it, ai relief U ImmMJatot ami vlirn H uno 1" continued, It lilnotj-nlnociwoilti ft hun. (lrcd.AiionnanontrurvliclTettodiithou'and will t t;f O.i acount of Iti rroviu tucrlti, It ll to-day rc CuriUiK'nJcJondjirfcBcrlbcJtiy tlio bout ihyeictani lu I'm country. It will euro rntlrrly tha omt form of fulling rf t'ia uterus, Lrucorrliaa, Irregular nnd tiinful Mcnhtrunt:on,iLllOrarlnn Troubles, Jnllnjnnmtkm and Ulceration, FloudlttRS, nil tIt.ikrcmeht4 Mid llio con tquer.tftiii&ls(aktii?Bf,&ndl4 'r,4i'!; rda ted t i'io Chango of Ufa. It will dlwlvo and f Jtjx 1 t union t . or.i tlio utermln an early ttao of development, Tin t nden y t.i cincXToiu humora thew li chuc'ud wry t-JXIHlHtyUiUW. .i fait It 1'11 proved f lio tlio (treat c t Mil I -et renu'd that liai eier been lUwover chI. It pcmeattsi icty (vhIIoii of tlio r)eU in, tmJghi'S new lirotvid vl ror. I; remoiM faHtnesii,fUtuletcy,t!o Ftru) ti all craving for ethuolautnud nllcvca wealtnoHU of tfioito:nuh Kcur.'sElnattii', llcr.i Inches, Nervous Pro! ration, Qemral Debility, f k'Cli'ranet J, IVtnuion and ludl fCition. That f linj of bearing down, causing rIn, weight und bu Loche, ioalnaya crtn'uitntly cured by tUu. ltwlll&tfillt.mcfit&iidundcrall ciminutan ce act l.n lurmony with t bo lew tLat foreruj th female) atom. lrKtJacy Complaints of cither nor thld compound IjuiumipaaseJ, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound N prepared at 13 and .13 Western Avt mu, lo rn, 5Iaa, .rKo(lC0. S.I bottled for $j.Crt. St-tit Ly inAil In the f iirm of jillii, aljo In tho f orm of Iozenirefi, on recelil cf price, $1.00, per bov., for cither, Hri. I'l.VKIIAM f.nlyaaiweraollKtteMof Imiulry. Bend for wu lliht. Ad Jnw A3 aUro 2Ientlo t (Ml fnptr. No family Bhuuldbowlthout LVD I A 1'- I ISKIIAM MVMI1 riLLS. They curt Constipation, IUivuuca and Tortldlty of tho Liver. W c.rta per tor. JOHNSTON, 1I0LL0WAY & CO., General Agents, ihih',, Fa. SOLD IIY JTOYER BHOTHSRS,, Elcomsburg, Pa. tyri rtn-wt T-i1 .KTv HOP BITTEBS. (A ie.ilciuf, t.uc u Hi ialt) v. rr i j( t ' All ',-f,-'"f'f 'lifStninni-!! Mon'iH P'otid, l..v i Mdin ,.unl I llll.llj i n-n- 1 '' SIOOO Hi GOLD V"I bo I' lid for n eaPLtluJ w'M it ci l, 1,, oi lur nti thlHL' iti fnre urlui lout.d l'i tliu.l. - jrrr drti?slit fur I' n l'!tl( p- 1 t y til I'lfbJU )OU Km,!. 'k'.laU LU t.lltl' D i t- u an nhiGlutt n nl t-r liiLiiCiiitsd. use i it t- lt.ll Lull) B. -'iTTlT'-3 SaM nu OiCtia: , i ...Tti'ti.thii. July 1C, ,w)-tf ESQ.,- ''i lor U si VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal nnd External Use, li a SURE CURE for all tho Diseases for which It Is recommended, and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of even the most Inexperienced persons. It In a mire mill quirk remedy for COt'fillS, SOlti: TIlliOAT, (.1111. 1.s, una elimUr trouble: lnial r,lS In Iht mott malignant arm of IIIPIITIIKKIA. anil U llui bl'M known remedy for HHKUMATIS.H ami NIX'lt.U.lM.V. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IM THE WORLD. It linn been 11041 ulth Mich wonderful fiurcrtn in ah parti nf th, vorM for ClfA.llTS. l I O I .li It A, 1I AUK IIUIA HYSi:NTi:UV, and a31 fimVI'.h CiUIl'LAlNTJ-i, that it i r on rider td an J ailing ture j'or ihtte dtftatt. HAS STOOD THE"TESTOF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It la ti:CO.M;Ui:Mi;i by no Icirui, MUHlt)tinrirt, MlnUtcrH Manager n of IMuntutior.H, Work-SlmiiN, and Factories, urftcs In IIoKpltnN tn thort, by J'vcrbody CTfrylier who JaaH iut &on It triaL IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always bo lined fur I'liin In ihu Hack und Side, and Irtnyi fifTihj and finnanmt rthtf in til cases of ItruUf., Cutn, SiirnliiK, Spvrrc Tturnt, SrnliN, rtc. TiO I'AIIIA' (UN HA PIXY 111! WITHOUT IT. It tl annually tave timny timcn Ua crt In rtoctoru' 14)h, and iU prii-o brinm It within the uhlIi of all. It U mild ct 'Joe, uOc, and S 1.00 a bottle, and con U obtalLed fnu all dnvt'ieU. trr4ualo 1 1 lucitluo, i tUE. ..1 I LnaacLct, and a thormsh clictukt. IIl3,'0.4:C,,(Cou?U tad Cold) CordM U l ut tho r ku'.t c mcro di&nrc, tut of long U'lontifio ieacarca 1 n chczzlt tr end iiit'dlclno, tis Ut i lalul tctn by do rapidity cf tta at tlou and Its unparalleled clUcacy, Tho exiTUHti la It i maiiufa tiiro Li at IfULtM tiw aairrcat aa that of any oCirr medicine upon tho laarUt, aad yt It U sold at thu excwKlintfly low prico of Cc. M"Hiup!o bottles (fur a mm noil tVl) Al I. I IHWOH'I " will find it to their udvuntiiffo to iiurclmtinj; elsewhcie. J3 W In I I- IB" HEATBK3 RANGES, PA. April 83, 40? CLARK Indian ld hni UAEOIlATOr.Y, 77 VV.3d SI., Hew York City LA.IJ Ut' iCtlSCT CITTt 1iMK3 iTKirs Kins.1 J)ve;)'iff.ytrr ' Dlscaats, frio'iB 'tfllf. lllirumtu fl.s, tlrttsiiy. Ilrart tilnrnir. mUausnms, Yervous fJcbltltii, rtc, Tho Best KNOWN ta Man 1 ;o,ooo agents iutssold sncE is;o 9.000,00 Bottie )o This Syntp Possesses Varied Properties. Tt ullmnlnlr (do Vytynllnn H tn FhIIto, trlilfli ronvcrM tliontnrrh nnJ miprof Hip footl Inln ctnccin. A (ipflclpncT In irtnllnn rnuen Wlnil unil Pouring if tlf fit oil in tli alomnrh If Hio ncdlrlnn U t.iUcu Intinciil ntely nfeer eating llio fcruicatatlau ut fuoJ 1 rrvenlcd. It acta upon llie T.trrr Itnrtx Upnn tl.o ItHnrrs It Itfculnten I lie UamcIj It t'urlflra Ihr IllmJ It Quleta tlio cn nu PjRtiin. It l'romUr Dlftfa-ll n It NoarNhr, irrnr'lipn mid TitTiCM""'" It enrrlcM oil I'uo Oltl Illnml ttril nitflirx new It open tlio pare df (bo hU.u uud ludycra Ilealllif Prraplmtlon. It neutralizwi tlio hcrpilltrry talrt, cr ro'aon In ttia blood, which pcncrat'8 Stroll l-,Uj'ielj ati-1 aU nianiief of tkm dtEeueca tml Internal InmuTs. Thoro are no fpirita imployM In lift niAnulacinro, and U caa to taUcn ly tho raout OnMcitc bhv, or by the Bgod and feeljlo, iurt en?y nqwtd in at' tt nt ion to directions. PSICE CF XiASOS E0TTLE3, C1.00 raics 03 shall romrs, - - co Reid th VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons ho have been CURLD by tht lita of th BLOOD PURIFIER. AiTiuN to niMiHirsrs. Mfware of counttrfi It Medicine I cmp'ny no atfuMitsor runueiBio&o icu iruue irom urugyisii. Uut Medicine Kvir UmiI. IMlnn. vct m'nircouMx . Vn, Dt'nrSIr: 1 lmd been Iroublid lor n lorn: tlmt1 wtthii rain lo my Mumnch. and round i.o n-Ucr until 1 boaii usli g jour li.dlnr. Ulot d nip. lllnd It tlio U-st im dlchif In u-e. ard I can r-vf mincnd It to all. oil una yxmav H save! nuny dui:ar In d'cr.ora bills. Add one lirtfj buttlu did mo more tood in in live uoi;ars wurin ui oiuer invuicinr. Mat lain Ubarr. An Astt)ni-hins Cure. Mnnroi' Wvoinlnc coimtv. 1'a. Dear Sir: I had been nlllletcd with a Couah, Lojs ot AppctliP and njRpLTsia ror ten jeara. i couia uot pP'P'jrly attend tu my buslnt'ss. and liearln? ur our Justly eclehrated Indt in WuixtNwup, I losultt'd tu (ry It. vshlcb I did, Nnd In asliurt tlinu v-us much Improved. I now have a wood AppctPi'. and have enjoyi it good health ever sjIlcu I commenced Its use. dick Heiidache Cured. Itawman'a Treck. Wvomlnir county. I'a. Doar Mr: I had Sick lleadiche and b llio Ube of your inuiau woou up i was gieuuy miueu. i recoixiiuonu an lo iry ita vaiuauiu propei in a. J. L liuruett. The Uemedy did more than she Kxpected. Newbeirv. Lcomlnc county. I'a. Dear Sin Tim Indian liloud Swun did more than I ext'Cttd It would and It has cured mo ol Liver Complaint. 1 use ltutm Mediclno and would not be without It. Alts. Mary Char man. Headache nnd I)i.zines. WlllUrnsport, Ljcornlnff county, I'a. I'tarMr: Yur Indian liloud.s, i up has cured me ol iieadaLhtf. DUiness and Loss or Appetite, nut hat I am now able to work In mj r ictory. My wire de rived more ben tilt from its than from any other medicine. Henry Husscl. Would not be Without it. Will lams part, L coming ounty, la. Dear Mr: Tho lnd an blood syrup Is the ltest I ever u?cd and I would not be without It, It Is good for all complaints. John Uurkhart. DUeat-e-i of the Stomach. Eaton, Wyoming county, I'a. Dear Sir: This 1 to ceitiry th.a i had a tttaa. Stomach and could eat no ine at or any hiarty food whatever, liya mend's adv ce 1 Lommtncijd tht use f )u-ir Indian lUood sprup, which atur u short, t-tri'ctuuily ultced me and 1 can now eat anjthlii,' I choose. Your Sirup elves unlvcrsul Sallatt-ct on. KlUitbetu IJadsall. All that it i rccouiineuded to be. Opera Uoue, Columbia, I'a. Dear Mr: 1 have uspd i our excellent I udlan Wood s rup and It has proven Juaias repiesented. 1 can KCouinit'nd It to all. Will, H0CU3.V, Whokbale Meichant, stb street. Uiuit.iiiums Ueeuniuifiidattou. The fjllow ins add Hi- lr testimony (ur the Indian Ulood hrup: 11. K. (iivuir,eni;ln(tr I li It. J. ii, Mnlth, ut liaidvvlns.stui-1 Woiks. Mis. "-njder. or Ciduiuhla. A. lireui r, of Wyyhliintonburyh. .John Ken8, of Sato Harbor. Wotdd not be Without it. J'enton, Columbia comity, I'a, Dear sir: I have used oir excellent Indian Hloou SvKre and have received much benefit theie. from. 1 could not get along- without It. Mrs. Uarber. Nevtr Fails to Cure. Hast I-emon W'j omlng Co. I'a, Dear Sir I wasbiek tor ihreo jeais, and uodcr profcHsiomil tieatment most t f tho time without uo intf Leiullted, Al last I was lbductd to tiy Jour Inuian ISLoou Sykci' and alter a bhuit tital, 1 found no&i'il In hctlt-r health than 1 had nieu for six jooxs. Mis. Theron Uall Sure Cure for iviver Complaint. Itohrbbur. Columbia Co. I'a tear Sir: This is to ctitliy that joui iniman Pijjod Svkci' has been und bj me, for Ltver Com nU lit, which had U n troubllnp me for u lon' dme 1 derived more benefit fiom tho Usu ot the ijrup than from any it-cr medicine. I heartily recom mend It, and advise all mi nereis to give It a trial, I I' Mnlth Lom of Appetite. Ilohisburj- Columbia county I'a. Dear Sir: I have usid your excel leni Imuan lii.onn hvKii' for I os9 of Apptilte und Veaaiies of the sionuoh, wlthvtry btnttlclalribults. I Ulleve vour mt'dlclno to bu the giealtbt blod puriller known, and afilae all who limy btHUfTeilunas 1 wb to l'Ivb It n nxedv tilal. Pains in Shoulders. lu hrsburtf, Columbia county, I'a. Dear Sir Tnls Is to ctTtlfv that vour INDIAN 111 oon svhui lus Kieatly relieved me of I'utr.s lu the S'lOituleratidfLest, which I had bctn allllcU'd (ur tars. 1 reeomuundit very nigniv. Jirs. -nary ieiau. Kidney Complaint. Ct ar (Jap, Columbia County, ra. l).ir sir t My Father bus U-en KiilltrlnL' with Kidney complauit f-T a lom; Umo ur.d hudbten tin dTdoctorb' treatment, but Uio doctors could not erfm a cure. I have been snl'ject to a Numbness and eakneHH In mv U fc Aim, We obtained some ef vnui luva'uuble Inuian liixjon timer lrom jour Avrent, Win. 11 Potter, and it has cured mv father COIIl Pit' UMy.n mi riljf iwiii i iiiwvit ui nui . n uwa iri'UOlU lilt 11U.U lUUVU. tvui imuiwuiatMr lent. jouiau aonn. F mate Complaints, Dear Oan. Columbia county. Da. iVfir Kin This Istocerllfv that 1 nmchas-U me of S'Hir IMJlAM iu.00 hYKur ror my wuoior inua. matlon and Female Compla'-nt, and It has t'lven her relief. j iv iieruer Heat Medicine EverUaed. Hear Can. Columbia county. Pa. n.'Arhir: Mv llttln bon was troubled with Ids Witter passing irom una uuhmiiuio, uj uuu uikuii ( cot suited two doctors and save him medicine, but witimut -m ct. l bouirbt borne of vour celebrated INDIAN IflAJOU BYULr, U euuri uuuvi nuau, tuiru him. f . . UllUUCIb U.IUV, Dyspeiwia nud Indigestion, Numiil.i. Columbia Countr. I'a. n..arKlp .T.'nr tniinv eara mv Wlf'i was aftllcted with Djspepnla, and we spent considerable- monej wUhmit receiving tneril. Wo procured some or our Wuian DixkjI) svhi i and hue beguii to Improve lu neaitu rrom mo umo cue wmuw iw j. Liver Complaint, r-pntratia. Columbia Co. I'a. tih1p Mr ts certify that I was unwell and could Bcarcely intend to my ork, 1 think my Uver wtisnffecu'd. 1 procured some of jour Indian iiwm stbit anu now, aur a uwi vnui, icoi nfccaucn man. I recommend 1U use to all. I'tmiui (luuuiuou, Dyspepsia and Neuralgia itviiH Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa. nnr Hlrt-Ynnr Vjilunblft INDIAN llLOOD bVKUt hat cfTwit.d a rwnnAiiHbt. euro In mv case. I bad been aUllClea Wltmnt) p sin-pom uu vuii(i win. now entirely weiu , . Mrs. John Thornton. BiliouH Stomach Cured, Hvrte Parte, Luzerne Co.. Vn. Dear blr:-I have been troubled with Dlllous Complaint and by tho me of your Indian Udoqu John N WUlhuns. tyspepU Curnl, Hyde Dark, Luzerne Co , Pa, Dear Sir t Your valuable Indian Uuitt a twit has cuied me of DybpepsU. Mrs. S 11 Adklna, Liver OompUlnt. llyda Fark, Luzerne Co Pu-Mr(-1 htvebnun trouDltxl with u fklalnt, but 1 wea ptruianenUy cured byu&fxi vumaU4 lunik liwo tsmyr. ilre, O V BirUxfiii -3 KMPA "EPS V"r, if if iWH li ji -v. n BLCOMSBUHG STATE NORMAL SGHOUL SIXTH NOKMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WAEitiHR, J.-., Ph. D., Principal. TlllssciU)01aiit pri'sent eonslltulpj, u'c-rs the very bt toillUksror 1'rofpslonal and ClasMcailcarnlDK. ,.,,. millclln"S8Dauio'i!', imlllng utid coiiimouioua : comrlctely hi'ok-d bj sti'nm, well wulllatcd, llghtid by gm, and turr.lsliod witli a bountiful suunly of pure.sotl sprlllif WaU'r. m.,,,.. model-He, l ifty renift a w'u.'U- rtjd icll..n lo .ill epe. Uuuies or study pri'su loud uj 1110 stale : . Miiilel Selniol. II. I'reiuratorv. III. Ailiunct IToiirnH : I c.ulem!c. II. Comiu.rrial. III. CoiiMe In Mmic. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Plipiinl Culture. Tim Kiomentnrv srtenlin.' nnd ci.n,tfil Uoiies an' I'lt U'Ks-P )VI an 1 lud.'!it .mdiiatiu tlnTeln, rccclvn Mute Dlploin.H, conferring tho followln cnrrenonilln Di'urcoa , .M lit t of the hlejientsi The'coiirso of't'iul v iirescrllied bv the "tale Hlliiei al.aud tlio." j'lenililc and Ulimtcai courses are not Inferior to those of our best CuUetcs. Tu"?aliM'eru,'" Tlu'ti'.;.'Vdeiundlt. IIH nnont 111" obj.-cts of ihU School lo help to secure It. by fiirnflilnplnlelll- sent and eniclent -eacherforliersehooli. To thu end It soMclli youns p'Tsom of gooi abilities and jl ii'irpov's.-thoae who idehlie lolmpiove llielr time and their talents, as -tudents. To all such It pioml-u'i aldln Uoreloplni; I heir puivcra, and abundant opportunities for well raid labor alter lcaUnf school. For catalogue, midres 1110 rnncipai. HON, wii.i.ia.u,i. Sept. s. 'Tr..- rre,lipnl llnnr.l oitr FALL 11 Tin 83 ffjSBI'tfti'SlI IN MlS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHIITQ. MA m t MA W ' MA WS t JUST RECEIVED FEAMi SHIET DAYIB LOWlMEIEia. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, .Halt! SI 1 1 l iil'oi Iron, BLOOMSBURG PBN'A iii:.lki: i i Drugs, jMi'diciniv, ( licmii als.Fiiii' cy iiiui Toilet A 1 ticks, foiijw I'liu&lifs, fcjpongeij, I'ei i'uinury, etc. !'h Hcliit s ' p! i c Iptk i r rnitfu'ly eoicptui.dtd and ordtrnnt)V,i rid with rule ci d tUirt a' eh. r.unr era an. 1 ph.bldans fnaa the en.ntry will Und cur j block of imdliliJCHCui.plcte wciuu tulgiLiili t and of tho best iiuallty. .JOHN II, KlM'dltT, Jin, !S, 'wi-ly Proprietor. utttaaaaaauaara ISiUHIIsliH: 111 (iu.w mi cji ir .mi:i)1cim:. TRADE MARKT1TP (I HI! AT PNrt- RADE MARK mil illiiif,' curt- f r si'intriiil wt'Hkufss, hpt'iuutorrlif.i, Iiu Wt hl'VIUl'l JiU1H-'that tolluw.ns r soinui.ce tt tt It" jibtiho ; lis Lobs tr Mi'ionry, IfnUtrsi' liihlluiL' 1'uln in BEFORE'i It ut IHzzlr o-pAFTE1I TARING. oi i Ijii, t'U'iiuiitui) 1 '1 1 A ut'. aud iiuu ttinriiii 'Ms li-itUto litstnirv or L'on.innpMon, ami a iti in ii inn im ih. iP i mi p;iricumiK in our pun plikt ulifcU o ilfsliotu (Ml friH hy timll otury one. CP lliu Spi'clnc MtdlHiif W hOU t y all druc- cltisat ll ht p-a-kvKoor t-ix parkiuTs for f3, cr will tiu Rent ru t l nut 1 on rt e Ipt ol tin nitnicv liy atl drtslu' Till? iltY MKlHt'lvh (n, Moclwiiilch' niocK, lieiroit, Mien hoiain Lioc-inHjtirp l (.' A. Klflm. en ma 7, '&.-iy THE yIliTS SEW1E MACHINE- Whereas, the world renowned reputation of tho Whito lowing Macliino Indncpn manv unscrupulous comp-Hlturbln resort to nil kinds of mean trek tu injure lis reputation, we U't; lorautluu all InUjinltiiw I'Uith'raiiot lo Uuyu VViiiTic Machine oscept from Its regular uutUorUe'l delra, who will buMUdtalnt'U U thu lullawln;; wanuny. WE WAHHANTTUB NATUHAL W1C K AND TKAH OK TUB Whits Simtlls Scwiog Macliiae, PIATfi NU.MIIKIl llinmtl FOU FAMILY I'tlltPO HI'.M, NU IIKIlKliY At! II KK To K"KI' l lll! 8 WIK IN IlKl'AHt Full T E TKIt.M OF I'lVIJ UVI1H FHO THIS U t'l K, FIIKKOI'CII.aKIHi,. This warranty ex'epta tho breakage of needles bohblt.8 and shuttles. This warranty will not lie sustained unless the pUUt numher sbovu given eoriespond-i with tho miintcr on the shuttle rare slide, Lunnre ol delaced or altered xiutnUirB, WHITE BUW1N0 MACIIIXBCO, Tho "WHITS" 8. utt 0 Emn3 Machloo Has UHilTia ctrriTT than any ether fa utllj Hewlnt Uacnlno lor doing every variety ot work, i, SALTZUK, General Agent. tilootnsburg, I'a. Oft I, tAAt, li AJ " 'wlss RAIL ROAD TIME TAmc nnlH.nt .nil nurn tn thplitwnpk. ntqplnllnn. Hrm hut. kind, uniform and t.hnrfill''ii. RxnrtiSPj wins to tuacU. student admitted at any tlino. llooms Kleinentnry. IV, Cla-.ileil. lasti r if t'l s ! no. , M.nter of tins .'Mulct. Uraduatea of TihUtn, P If W rlfiTP . 1 Ij. Medlmeecl "to AN'tl s'a per Hanging. I ! j VM. H( miNK, l ll'ON :.. IIELOiV Mi OXII, llUlOMMU'ltO, I"j ts jirepared to du all Kind- of house rAirJxiwa I lain and oinamentAl PAPER HANGING, Loin iicl'oi:ativi: ami plain. til Iiliult ol' E'liriiiiin c Ili'iinli !. unil iiiikIv :ix no ml as m w. NONE HUT I'lltST-CI.ASS WOI1KMEN I'MPIOYEI) Estimates IHnde cn all Worli, WM. K. HOIMNK. (let. 1. 1S7S. 1IV.AI Ml IN Silverware. Watchos.Jcwclry.Clccks All blndti i'f WuUtite, cicckfi uud Jewelry tieat Ij r pain l and warranted, may IT, Ts-tl 1-20W to BE!,r,,T,:,!::,;.:,ji-i: your o wim MflnVisryifcTs: LAVYER "oyftWW.YSWS ., fr. f. r uinrr.jinaatian. au. othnr ,5 la 13 tUj'K. 8-ivpa t 11 tltn' iu rr..t, mil cv --ybu'ly wpuu It. s -nil fr cm iilnr ou4 tvrai. AUotuncidl A-:i ills .lit. I. A. 1 1 , I'. W. ZIEOLtl; i CO., l.utj Arch t,l.,I'bll'a,ra. NOV, 81 -11..1 aid Hlhe:t Ik ill at Vicsa aai rhihis'.jUa. F. ci H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Mil liroadway, New York. .Mnnuiaciuiirs, importers s Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums.GraiihoscopoS) STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings. Chromos, Photograph;, And I udred goods Celebrities, Actresses, etc.. PhotographMaterials We are Ht adquarleia lor ever) thing in tho way of Storeoptieonr and Magic Lanterns, Each stylo being thf wstof Ita class In the market, lleautlful I'holOi'rap'ilo Transparencp a of statu ary and Engrav ngs le lha window, Convex tilass, Manuacturera of Velvet Fiaiues (or Miniatures and Con ex Ulasa Hcturcs. C'aUloguea ol Lanterns and alldea, with ,1 reo Uoua for utflng, Benioa rocolpt ol Un utnU. ) t.i-o-jr TOI1 I'HIN'VlfsO ti NwUlf anJ chrtpl; nxwulwl at ilia CoLtrukiia OtSc. reserved wucn dchlrea. In tlio other O'ouries recelvo Normal Ccrtlucale!' V. 1". lllf.L.MYllll, Secretary. i THE DAVIS. I $1,000 REWARD, ONK Tlli U SAND (l.OOO) llOI.L.VItS I'lU'MU'.M iII'ik! o A.NV l'EKSHX lint II 'o as (illl.AT A 1H.N(!K OF WOlilC nn ANY OlIIKR .MACIIINK. Wit VI'THK HEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without bastiity. It will make wlile hem on shuts, Ac., hem all inanncrof rea woolen iroods. nh soft meilno. crane. or L'oods dimcnlt to hem on other machines, it mihei a more i iiMie. siiicu than any other inachtno. 11 ulll linn a hem und put In tlplr,t,'nttamttlMG t will turn a lem. sew hinld on the right bide and st It i h on tituimtne; al t ne ojm rat on. It will itn f IUi.b Mabur uralfht.tlthcroncotton or woolen Koods. It nltltill ncrcss stains on any foods. I wld hind a Hun or Skirt and sew on faclnc, el la l wittier without showlne;st!tch8; hind Press (loons wllh the siime mail Hal. ell her scallops, points, snuan sor st a'ehf. 'I lie i.M intu hint, thjit w fl! Mmi ha's, ( loaks, or other mules villi Mas, satin or mm, uiiiii X iu n iiiLiHHin m in, wiinoui uasunff. It will father wUh ur wltinutsewliit'on. It wlllcather between two fh ci s and sew on at im- nauiti iinir. II will make n runic aid stitch a pillow slip on to iiu- t.i, mi; ui , iiu . tine I inn'. It win shirr any kind of foods. It will nmke plaited trimming either wllh or with oat sewing 11 on. It will nnike i lalti d trlrr.mlnp either scallaped or "ii itxui uimsew a i-'ipii k on ul ine same lime, il w 1 make kulfe plaiiliiir. , J. SAM'ZKIt, C.en'l Apcnt, liliiumsburg, I'a. net. 1, "bO-lf CANCERS CUBED At Crsse'5 Career Infirmary, Addiscn, N. Y. HUNDHKIX nv I'KU-oNS fromoll parts of the woild luiv bet n cured t Hits much dreaded tils ease und are now I'Mnir witnesses that the! lmo bet n lescued lrom aterilbie ami untimely dea'h. Moctors. .Ministers tnd the l'orr tiealedfree. Hrlte foratliculir cltlri:; lull n.irllcul.irs. Adddress Drs. ur.i,. niAi, t umi iiiitiw., vnaison, is. v. net. 1, -SU-I) Weaver & Go's Ads A VAl.UABLK HOOK FREE. "A liiatls'1 on t'hionl.' I lM'flst -t. 't mtraeiiiL' Ca. lurili, 'llnoat. I.i.nss. Mean, stt li tu h. LHt r. Kid neys. I limey and 1 im.ih llNeases ; also lies; sent irteio at y .iiKitivs. Mtrj siintr i ntm tlnsedK. easts tan I e tuitd. St i dior this lock to the iinih r sl!i id, a h. sit Inn if hut e t xpenti le, tnooistdh) IlllLtllt ll- 1 I It Will KIH" I'S Who ll SHU 10 Lit rklll. Send stamp topaj posli (,'e lo f 1. LlMliyslon, Jl. i,, , r up, i u I c 1 1 1 1 1 , I uit till, I 11U. aurll li ' wito HI 'IlinU'ahds froin Itn.nU. 11 11 11 I t'csiluness, Ilitrand Kltlnej I't.n pimma. s-critula anil kll.'iledtlt'UiFts will lu ll wllh Ue'lgut this new and wt iid,iluK!l-M ut,v huh 1 sadlstase conquer cr and healih nsio'ir, 1 a" ii"titiial In moth in med- 1 nine ' .vevleim Iltrr.ttly was nrst Intru dut 1 tl Into Callli'iiila lu isTti, win le In a few months ' It ftT'Cttdto many wot d, iiul sstn createa , tti hlulKl foi Ihe li.eilltll,e tu 111 Maine tu HorltU. It Hint inly nn tin 11 e In Ihewcrld mnpounditlfiom 1 , ,.t- 1, , ..luit., iuiis unil III 1 1 S lI ait'MlU ll , curtsblil fri ra 1I19 i 01st atom mi 11 1 h tt li. p nii'le, or tiupll uj. while It e'ears and hi untitles tl e ilnpltMt 11 li dUenst s 11 the Mom- 1 atl , IU01 il. I hi r Kldi.tAs tl b is t ei m T.ilv 1 cm, d in, 1 1, Itisif l.tjtl.s-. c.Jes while all olllir siiutwi 11 ii 1 11 ,s hum ralltu. aose w ill cure an e.iseii si k 1 1 e ile. 'i wo Hosts whl iut 11k up am 01t.11 in;, 11 uitli in (fid 1 1 1 si lis suriei Ing with Hi 111 1 hni 1 , w a 1 1 1 1 n sit ui mi inai h, I. Ulh untss, OftlwiitSN lilts. Iilrlta'lon if the Heart, how lllt nnd kindrtd arftttlons, wl llii.dthe Mtxlinu nuitd a wltt nnd suie itllci. ,1.1 rituiKe In (land bticie ihe pub'K, ndtr llu ttlli nli gnnine' j llerbaliiio Bitters the t-reat Mex 1 ican Remedy. ! fall cn jour diutgl-t n.d gtt a I tittle ef the Mexican llcineny.nnd conWi ce louisellthui It Is iLe Ilest Medicine In the World, The liatle.lsuirllid ly ulr Uttsbi'ii, Win It tide UrugflH. N, W. 101 ur tilh tii.a V.alnut ilretls, ( In. (lnnatl, O. t.entral Agent for the ft,lttd siatca. apt 11 'J, 1fSil-ly win PENSIONs7 EVIMtY MU.DIEI! dsi I 1) In lr, ef duty by wiiuiid. tllstave. or U.Ju 1, Nt nilili il to ixtsI u, PKNSIONs INl'ltHM.n - Mm, an drawing less than entitled to 'lie tenuis if I'tlis entitled tu pension and llounn ll.lli'H'lw sNre ois-mtl. tllANIKiNKK ( AM's nnlslii il.-J'i.pli s of Inn dis charge!, obtali etl -t lain sot t-M'ij d-seilii Ion pros. eCUtt'll I'AlkMS Puis 1 SSI). Address with stump II S. lllim.lS' .V CO Att.inieys, sept, lo, 'su-ctn wjteu linn fisj .Vushtngton.n t mHTAT Morrhlit" llaMt cured Inintojo 1 U 111 tlajs. Mi pin tin cured. 1 r .1. sit. riiKss, 1.1 ujuon, 11. wAt'o aj rll 'i so-ly NEW CITHP '",-"""f''"n Asthma. wllhstarap HiiMH,"l'i,llurg.M,l ' fell , 'so j I AGENTS WANTED JTJTCTj i?,:,? tluif .Miiilihii. iter liil Bill,','!!1! I'",'!,, lu Ik., tti.n II l.i:i. a il 'I Oil n.nuile e, in Miiilliulu Ii 11 11 ui .uUltni'u.,1 , . . i,' t fill. 3" Mink ,lr vld.h llitra I. ol ay a u a 1,,.,'U.i !,nl I' lirnnl. nituil,uViiiiilit Kultlli,. Stpt lu, '6 -Jin aid 1 C. SI, nijOOHsiu'itr;, v. Manufacturers or Carriage, Buggisi, Phaotons, Slei3hs I'LA'f FOKM WAIJONS, tr. Fllbt-rlaas work always on hacd. KKPAIHISO NESTLY DOCK. Prle rtnlnctvt ii wt me ritues. $5i Outnt free 10 those who wlshtn erL'aireln tin) most pleat ant und prolllsl H business anown, new. I'aplta' not re. tlUlrtd. Wit w II futnlsh nll e r Ihli.v tin J "". iiin"iuaiwii, UlUUD niiuuui stat ing away mm homo oier rli'tit. No risk niinrvt. Many new woiki-rs wanted at once, tfanv are rnak iiiKiuiiuiini.i iut-uwiudw ituit's tnaxtj a tuUCU tut men, audiouuu Una andgirla makaureat t,ar. No one who Is willing to work (. Us to make more inouey etery nay man can ue maaein aweik at any ordlnarv t toploy luent. Tltdse vtho entrara at onco will nnd a snort road to fortune. Address 11. !Un- i.viTft x., i-utuiuiu, jDainu. cel. lfi,n-ly )- - - UKNTJtAL UAIIAVAV WINTER TtMB TAIlI.i:. On and after Sundiv, Nor. t. IH thr i, in tho I'M ndolphla ; Krln Ha Iroad Dlilslon iii u Lq follows t u' run WKSTWAIII). Crlo Mall 1. arcs I'lill.i leltihla ins n s, " " llarrlsburu sr,S ;; ;; wiii.uu tt ,?Sg " " -tei se) shore v ng : " ' UK-It Ilaten hmsm " ' 1 HellOlO 11 nr.! ? " arrive at Krlo 7 Niagara Kipicss liwesrhtladelrhla onu.iS " Htrrlstjurjr laisSJ " arr, at Wllllamsport Blslim .'I "., I-ock llnieu 11a J " " llenovo IH'inln Fast Uno leaves I'hlladelphla In i ' ? " llarrlsburg 4 0 E J " arrlro at Wllllainsport tHoS Lotltllaen 9JSg KASTWAItl). raclflo Espross lealea Lock Haven t'Sam " " Jersey shoro T 17 aw " " Wllllainsn,it 8Si)ai " arrive at Ilarrlsburtr HiiSnm " " Philadelphia M5Dn Day Express leaves Kerovo 1aoani " Iick Haven 11 r,a . " ' vnibmsport 1 a 2 p m " arrive at Ilarrlsburs; 3 40 pn ' " Philadelphia r. ir,a Erie Mall leaves llenovo ') t la ' " Iiek linen . tolun " " Wlllla-nsiort 1 31 1 ,', " arrives at llarrlsbjrg aioara " " JMuiS rasi L.LUU leaves , iiiiaiutpuri lilAa a " arrives at llarrlshurg a ban " " I'lilladclpula 'OS a m Erie Mall west nnd Ihu Ilxnrcss Ilnst mnlo ..i... eont.eetlons al Norlhuinberiantl with L.,t 11, i t, frol,.a f,.r U'lll n.l.iir,,. W.'r.ilitnn ft' ErleMall West, Majar.t lixpies West ar,1 Pa,, Mne Wist make close tonnectlon ill tlliomsi, wlth.N c. It. w. trains north. ' . Ntairara KxprtRS Weit and Day rxtrttsFast make close conntctluii nt Loik Haen wlililj.Ev It. It. trains. Erie .Mall east nnd West connect at File vii, trains in L. H, M. H. U. it. j nt Corry wti , ! 1, V. It. It. ; nt Emporium Willi ll.N. Y. ,t 1' n if nnd al Driftwood with A. V. H. li. Parlor cars will run between Phllj-ielplila atlj Mllamiiort on Magara fcxpiess west, nnd lu tJ picas luibt. bleeping cars on all night Iralm .M.A.1ILI1MN, Ocnerjl tupt, AfoiT'nt KUN CKNI'lLuT n A I IAVAY 1 COMPANY. On and aftt r November sotli, 1S73, trains wl.l iCav Sunhury as follovvs t NOKTlIWAKri. Erlo Mall &.20 a, ra., arrive Klmlra.. 11 ,i H Cannndatgua .i..i5p.ia llochesler ft. u Nlat'aia 9 ti) " Itcnovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. ra. arrive wiuuiai. poitl2.&5 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., an Ivc Illmtra ln.m a. m. UuCTalo Express 7.15 a. in. arrlvo Buffalo a a SOUTHWAltl). Uutlalo Exprens 2.&0 a. ra, nnlvo llarrlsburg " llaltlmnie S.40 ElmlraMall 11.1& a. ra., anlve Ilatil&bure. i.M " Wivshlnglun iu.31 " lialtlmorea.aa " Wn&lilncttn llarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.! p. ra arrlvo llaltlmore " WnihlngtoD o.M Erlo Malll'i.W a. ra. arrUe llarrlsburg s en a. u " Ualtimore S.40 " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. M. UOYP, Jr., (leneral raascngt r Asen A. .1. OASSATT, Mana,,t piIILADELI'HA AND HEADINO ItOAC AlUtANGEiMENT OK VASSEXGEH TRAINS. May 11, 1S7S. TH1INS I BAVB RCFB11T 18 FOI I.OW 8(SCNPAV KXCKFT1D For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsilEe Taraaqua, c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,15 a. in. 7,21 nnd 7,35 p. m. For Vllllatnsport,6,'JS 9,05 a. m. and 4,oc p. m. THilNSFOll RCr-KKT 1.K1VB IS FOLLOWS, (St SD1T 11 CEl'TSD.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave lteidlng, ll.Nta. tn., Pottsvllle, 18,59 p. m andTamaqua, 1,85 p. m. Leae Catawlssa, 6,21) s,co a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave WUllamsport ,9 45,15 p. m. and J,cn p. n Passtngera to arid from New York and Phlladtl' phla go througj w ithout change ot cars. J. K. WOOTTJIN, (leneral Mauagtr C. O, HANCOCK, General Ticket AgeLt, Jan. 14, lito tf. D KLAWABE, LACKAWANNA A SB WESTEltN ItAlI.llOAl). IiLOOMSIiUUO DIVISION. Tline-TaMe No. 3'J, Totes ctlect at 4:.,a A. H MONDAY, JUNK 10, ISIS. NOKTII STATIONS. SOLTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p m. p,m 9 30 9 'JJ iv 9 40 scrantim .liellevuc Taj ion tile.. . ..Laekaw atina.., Plllston West 1'Ittston... .. Wlointng Maltbj . .. liinnctt Kingston ... .Kingston ..Plmoulh.Iunc., ....l'ljinoulh .... Avondalo Nantleoke .lluulock'H 1 reek. 9 35 1 1,1 0 it 2 16 6 20 2 21 n V 2 .Jl C 31 ! 5- 6 I'l 2 41 CI! 2 4'J 0 SO 1 53 11) 61 f 3,5 I 10 3 15 1 li 3 10 1 H 3 15 I id 3 21 7 ii 3 26 t II 3 35 5 14 3 50 9 S 4 03 ill 4 It' iti 4 13 M 4 13 IIS I 29 I 3 4 31 1 SO ll 17 9 PS 9 37 9 3D 9 45 9 53 1(1 07 S IS S 51 8 40 3 51 3 40 3 4, 1! 41 l'J t 3 30 3 10 9 21 9 19 9 14 9 33 S 13 9 04 8 44 10 18 10 3.1 8 S3 3 20 s rs 10 29 8 12 8 04 7 61 7 33 7 ,2 7 115 7 19 7 14 7 10 7 lis 60 0 Ml 6 41 6 27 0 15 0 10 3 12 3 04 2 51 2S9 1 34 2 28 8 47 10 31 10 42 S 39 9 28 8 17 S 12 8 00 ro ....hick's terry... 11 ui ....lleach Hattn.. licrwlck ... Hriar Creek..., 111 13 11 2,1 ...Willow drove.... ..Llmo Itldee I Esry 11 39 .Hloomsbuig 1 11 45 2 '4 I 57 1 51 P4 1 27 T 111"' 7 331.. 4 41 HI 4 4 1I 4 US S J 7 33 iturri 11 r 7 29 Catavl-Aa lirldge. 11 57 ft IW S5 7 111 Dantlllo Chulasky I Cameron...,. 6 15 .Northumberland.1 12 IS 5 18 81 9 14 9 tl l, 30 S 12 45 1 (9 I 1 CU p.m. a.m. Dm, P m. am W. P, UALsl B 0, itt S'ltMrtntBLdf'jt'a timet), Bcrtnton, Jun" u "yVTAINWIUOMT & CO., W IKILKiALK OliOCEHS, pnn iORtrnii, Dealers In TIUS, SYIHII'S. COFFKB, SI'dAK, VOLAM ai a, KPii-ts, sicARs soii. ie., $0. I K U truer 't'Oi,d im ireh lrtj,'ts, h-. idiix "Xtll Tielvi .rout , trrne'ion Ufa M 1 Ui lU'lllllli t? SCJ'AM BNL;1 '-W WCAfARrw'cOWIiVAI'illV t,nVcr,''a' parili me nun :iie vi .11 v. ' j ..n 1 r, i. n nin i t Dm liilin lata 'f Blll'm - V- --'iMCMi(s;a:i I'uthi iiiio"i iris J2& N ySsAt1'' I' lluoiit'li ,,.1.1 , 1. ,.,., 1, 1' d 11 (IK'X. an I) .' llito nil ' rfnf 'he ear, rutlmg la -4l,,A,,l.,l,K' CKKAM ItAI.M U r(rt'vlnir llio t'lidorftmpi t if tho hiifffP driij:j,rht, anI, Never liot ciifti'l" ' ui t in'ifU i.ient win iinaucfil rr mo ueitw lil'il II inei It triii inttt'lteu , mu iiiii,',"' . nit'lnlral al dlvean's as this a- wr-Mlll g UK ""J H tinliiTSKlly at know leHgt d as itlig ull 'nam chiliiinl forlt. 'ine arpllc Hon iM'iity mill' ant. cau-liig no naln Is si uihing, and Is fi ' ul''" ceding tho use K insmn, Pquliis mid m.uu ' 6u cents on receli.t of " eenis will (end ,1 p '-b0 frte. hend for (licular, wllh full Inforinatl' n. ll.YS (.HIH.M HALM CO., Ow l go, N V Al Wliiilt'tale liy Nitw YoKK-McKessiin X ilol.blin. Hall i l!u' V N. ciiuewon. . II. lei e m nn i ( o I' M ger. tc 0 . Li ii.'lle. Ulaikh & (lurdner luir.nt -v lu-i t'raer i I ee. nr.d olht rs . , PuiniiKLniu-S'Uilili, Kline i Co., Johns tou, loway Co. bcHtsroN, Pa. Matthews Uros. AT IUtail uv ill. nnanuisrs.. oo'.2l,'so-ll rT T" Tpv Yourselves bymakng """ II Pi I J I ft'red.tlieieliyalwajskei 'l S J-O-J liJ 1. rsivenv lrom tour door IU0? who alwaj s take advautagu ol I he good chaii j' J iii'Mi siiiuiiij iiit uit, uuriiu, Hi-mi.,,, " . neuiiiiji nuuu tiii'nn nuu 110 not, iii,',v" chaijci a remain lu poierly. Wo want uwn)' boisandgtrls Ui work for tis rlgntin tlalr culllli'S. The business will pay more than Mi t ordinary wages. We lurulsh an extensile outnt nu all that jou need, frte. No ono whomgages la"1!! innke money very raplaly. You can devote (" w ulellino to the woik or only yiurtiiareuiiuau Full inforinatlm and all that lsnetd.d "'i'l' 'S Address minson Jt Co., Portland, Maine. oct.lSs"-1) "DUBINEB8 OAKM VI81TIN" Htw, LaTTTKH USA DM UILI. IIHAO.S, mmnts, at)., tU., Neatly buiI Ohealy prlntsa ttheOoLDM DUN Offloo. LIAI.n., nVn- w-t SitH ,VttW.-i"hhei.llng the dK' &t vf" -,,tfS lf V:oivnsl"liul Err?,. -iJ.v..-?'.v:,fa. 1 u-u.