'rillfi COLUMBIAN AMI) JDKMOCU.V ilMiK)M8BURG, COLlIMBiA vu:isn VA. Tllti C0,UJIB1AN. iii.uontncitn, nun it, Novr.MiiF.it li, ivsu ruiiLic fULKI. John K. Uo1itn, executor of tho t atntp of .Sitn'iel Drum, will one at public tnlo two trncis of limli one iltii.tlo In Miln township ami the, ether I" Montour on Saturday, November lOlh, gce advertisement, Solh Shoemaker, nilmtnUlrntrr f Cntliarine Kliocuuker, will cll roil cstite in HetnlocV township on Situnlny, November 27th. it J, Knt, trustee, ol the O'ttto of I'.llen Long, l"'c f Ulooinaburg, will fell real eit.ite on llie premlfoi on S.uurihy, November 27tli, Joshua Fctlerrmn ami Aaron Orover, aniii.!itintor of tho estate o( Michael Orover, Jeceiseil,will s 11 real Dilate on the premise In Miin township on I lmrilar, Dramljer .'nil, II. 1". Zirr and Win T. Shuni in, niltnliiilri tirs of Andre dingle", deceao I, wilt fell val .,Mo real estate on the premises In Centre township on l'riday, November 1?, 1SS0. Eli'ha II ll ggi and John II. II, l'.uk, imr vlrlng executors ol Charles II, Doehler, do MueJ. will s?ll val labia real e'tilc at the Court House, lllooimbiirg, on Mondty, Decern IjorO, 1330. Hee advertisement". A new front twrcli Ivplsoopal Itectory. Ins b'en Ulilt at the l'rorrnllngi of llm Colntillilft Couilly I'mcll- Kkoptltnl v.ere torliiml t'ltlic lad wi-ln " Dr. Clyde at tho Opera lloufe ncxtThurpday cveninf:. A stove, coil box and book ease, wllh pigeon Wts for silo. Apply to l'reezo k Kycrly. October 29, li It i rumored that n (pvernment ''Kent was in this pirt of the country recently. There may be ome intcrcstine revelations one of these day, Percolator! l'ercolatotl haves 2 percent I. W. McKclvy agent fir Illoorasburg, l'a Nov. 13-Iw j Hut few of the caps and torches pf the Demo, crntic tlub have yit been returned. Those hav ing such articles will please return thun with, out farther delay. I.vlies, ami all who lead sedentary live, should u" Dr. MtUnnr'i llenlache and tyi pcnia I'ilh. Price 2. cents, l'nr ale ft all drug storey oct. 15-lm Powers' Comedy Company, under tho direc tion of J. D. Misliler, will reproduce the pop ular phy of Dr. Clyde next Thursday evening at the Opera House, Klootnsburg. Tnc Winona Tire Compiny Ins rented ihe third floor of W. C. McKinnev'" new building, and propose to fit it up conveniently for its purposes. A better location could not have been fccure,l, 11 R Sharpie-,' f mndry is miking a la'ge lot of cocking and pirlor s'ovo of llio best kind. Go and examine them if you propose to buy a ucv store of any km 1 this winter. SIIF.ltlFP'S SALE. Hesides ihe properties adverti-eJ in this pa per the SlieriU'will sell at t lie same time and place a tract of lai.d in Ctuuii town ship at the suit tit the Commonwuvlih of IVnn sylvanii ag linst James Iteciler and Kliziheih llccder. Myer it Co., Pittsburg, IVnn a., sav: Kor wear wo think the Iituk Tip better tlrm the Solar Tip, as we often have truubly with the Sultr Tip from ripping on the lop, and have to be sewed Iree; but the A. S. T. Co.'s llalck Tip nee Is tit sewing. S. M. Hess Is turning out larre ninntliles c f mndomo fence, at his foundry. If yo i desire a good laugh attend I',.1 Comrdy Company in their rcndltljn of Dr. U)le iiextTiiursday evening, THE VOI.TAI0 HUT CO., M&119IIAL!,, MICH. Will send llielr relilirstnl ttl.f.i-n.V.,lll HelU to Ihe nfllicled noon 30 il. trial. ; k" iiuii, iiipymcin wtm tney say rite to them without delay. Nov. 21-ly. There nre a few stindird silver dollars of tli i"ueoll8iS in circu'allon wlildi have eight fc.ithcrs in the eagle's tall, and this coin is worth $2. There were very few of ihein struck oil', and the die was soon altered lo corre ond with Ihe other coins of Ihe series uhlch have one feather le-s In the tail of ihe liberty bird. Wo have ranch pleasure in recommending Tlicrmalino to our readers, as an almoluto enro for Malaria. Tho manufacture rs' namo alone is a guaranteeofits merit. IUellsat23 cents per box. Tor particulars see Adrt. iuly 30, '0 Cm The Presbyterim church is having service daily morning and evening, The preirher, ns we mentioned lat week, is Hev. Dr. Wells, ofOhio. Hon. Stanley Woo I ird, ol Wilko'lnrro is elected Additional I.iw Jiulgeol Luzerne coun ty, the vote standing ns follows: Stanley Woodwaid, D. 12,231 II. 1!. Payne, P.. 11,053 Agib Kickctts, I, -170 Woodward over Payne, 1170; over both Payne and Khketts, 700. orV llisillule. 1'iltsu nt lo announcement b,' Ihe dimly Siiprrbncnd ht,'the ( il'iiulila I ouul) T achers' Insti'ut, assiml.lel li.r l.sani.iial s s on, in the A sil-my at Orai gevlt n l' , at S!.!V. p, in. on Tuesiliy, Novitnber 2n.l, l(Mi), An i rgan- Union was ellectcd by Hev. U. K. Car.fie'd. pos'osslnn (f a piwerni wh ill very few can boss!. Talk nbonl M illii g re'oim I Tin Miisinder of iho sliu'irn n orcu- pitd by Miss 1'al'ld " in n 'siiii( ii on 'S-Im il (loviriiiin.nl,' snd M ri Tin nifg ' (I Incut tniisi he foinl 1 j ,s' ce r li i ' 'n evilnbly fil1. Tlie ie lr si.n , il !n- i pi- itls to govern tliPins-i.t i a '.nahn , n ,-ir idler nalnri". IholiMir.i oo-,perat n i ol the pupils Is n indi'l ensibb Adjunct 10 good guv- Prlncipil of Orangevilie Academy, Vlco Pre"- (.mint tit, Irlentl Tilnhman l,aufor.Secretarvi SIl.s Cl,ri. FVFNtXil fitKloH, tlo 11, Welliyer Assls'ant Secretary. , l'nf. 1. W. -Marfbsll, the w.slrrn explorer, fi. ... ... ., , i an neon annul ceil u irv it i-uuer n,,. ,,-- ino uuun iv superintendent men aiHiresseu . ..... .,.n ,.,.. i,t,i i,,,,. tho teachers, congratulating tlum on ll'c tiros- hm,'t,, 0lng to a mbtikehy the mllioul of pfds of a good melting, ns Ir.dlcaled by the llclals In stmili g In luggage tho wrung ny, rj nil-,,,!,,,.,.., ,. ,i (!, ...!., n . he ai led to arrive. SI l I'atru'g''. however, .!..,.,n,.i..,t..i!. ,..j,ci ...... .. entertained the audienco by sunn excllent ,.l-,,.J,m me iiisuiuie.smi- tM..1in, Miss 1'ilrhbe m-sesses rale do ing that upon the leathers, Inn menuro, de ciilioimrv jiowers, nnd It Is m sd. ss to say that pended the success of ihi meeting her readings were of ihe higlust order, at.d Prof. Colgrove, I,. I,. I)., President of West ' ier weto riciny .tij .yt.i ny tne auuicncc, Virginia Colbce. was then Inlrrdmrd. nnd c.c- FiilliA MotiMKO cnplel the remilmUr of the aflerroon In glv . The cpsnlng excrcl-es were condiitled by Ki'o iniili, Kal i-ineilsi ICah.tnuln. r.irfkitl.irclTt!! Pir. I a I 1 1 Tin- plroc l li n- ii g""l ne-np Vlnler Coat or still uf (.'l .tlii is at l)s l 1.- .Vl llllrTC s. I W. II -it i-i-.'s l.i'i I' i' Iihd Shun li nre K'llng ..II" T-t Go i id b'jy on . Hoots and Shoss cheap nt MuK Ianej'a. I. W. Harlmnii's Oim'ilra'liri Store Is lo lip tho plnco for Clirltinss presents. Silks. SHini. nil Volets aIIOjIoh cut bias nt Ol.irk & S m. 110 I KOlt A MAT. AiiS(, Ing the teachers some pra-ticnl suggestion, liking "School Clovcrnmtnt" as ihe ba'Wof his rernnks. A ichool without proper discipline, ho regarded about as bid ns no ichool at nil, It is of paramount Importance f. r a teaclur to Lizzie, daughter of Pettr llrugler, died 'lhursday of last weik, aged about 13 years. She bid been in delicate health for a long time. The funeral occurred on Sunday. Headache. Dyspepsia, Iiillinusness, and Constipation rurrdat once by Dr.Mdlaur't llmilachc and Jfytjxpna J ill), l'rice 2o cents. oct. Ifvlm A noble youmr voter did himself the honor to leave the ranks of the arade on Tmsday nigl t long enough to wMp two Utile boys on tli side walk who made tome remarks not entirely to his liking. He cut one boy's head by strik ing him with a torch. "We hope he will he punished as lie deserves, as his conduct isdu nounced by all good citizens irrespective of party." JsOUMAL 6CI10UL OHADUATKS. .Superintendent Wiikersbnra has addressed a circular to tho Slate Normal School", en forcing a more thorough training in nil depig ments of the science of teaching for graduites. In ihe juni'ir clis he deminds sehod economy and detailed methods of trnching common school brandies tor I. alt the year. In Ine t,en- ior class, mental phitcsophy, science of teaih ing, Irstory of educatioo, school systtms anil school iaw are reijuirtd, with such practice in tho model school as may grsdua'e 'an expert' in practical teaching. The superintendent says. "To present a candidate for grnhnlion in a normal school is t vouch fir his profession i skill." S"ine of Ihe panniers on Tuesday night got exttled about simetliiiig and llourished their pistols around promiscuously. The law con cerning the carrying of conceal il wiapous liouid be striilly en f reed. Ciiie (iiveruor Hovl a chain e to grant a previous pardon. have good discipline. To achieve (his end, M,CTl,cr con-idered' s. mo system of dligram ns three things nreab'i. ltitely necessary! the love, respect ai d ubed letup t f the siholars. To gain the love of his pupils, the line er must nut be passionate; not harsh nnd reserved in bis de portment; but kind slid sociable. If be would hive ttielr respicl, ho mut avoid all teccntric- ittes and peculiirity of dress; mi-t be courte ous, and should cultivate Ihe amenities of so ul intercourse among lliem, and tho subjec' under consideration should be thoroughly on- lerctood, lest a belief of ineompettney, on the part of tlit? teacher, might spring up among the pupils. All llie-e little things will be noticed by ihe seholirs, and will lesson tlulr respect for him correspondingly. If Ihe love and respect of the pupils can he obtaioe I, obedience will follow as a natur.il lonseepience. Mu.ic "To be There." EVEN1MI f-tvstON. Opened at 7 o'clock by music, "One of the SAeel Old Chapters." Prof. CoUrove lectured the subject, "What is tho matter wilb cur l'nglish Orammai?" To say lliat he hit dle.1 our poor grammars wrhout cloves, is putltiu it mildly. He I erattd them as if they wire can- lidalcs fir public cilice, chniaclirizing them as "crude, contradictory, faVe, unscientific, re- ilundant, and inill'ciiiii." His invectives are imcd ihielly at the iiniVions, which he con sidered "a mhigiiou- and niuivccal." To tub- anti-ite his ns-ertiun-, he gave numerous il- itraticns on the benid- He laid a great many ha 1 things about our giaiumars, and stigmatiz ed them as being n "blut uonour school sjs. tern." 1VKPXFSPAV MOIlMXel, Ins-i'ute as-embhd at 9 o'oloek- The devo tio ul ex. rci-e weie con iucted bv Prot. Cil- grove, f lluwd bi iuiisjc: ''tiir.i. The Sup r nlit dent in'n ducid Miss Delia We are informed tbntCln. Cucsrallen, of Jersey Cttv has been appointed to a cadetship in the Militiry Academy at Wist Point, he having obtained the bighei-t average for pti.fi cipuey in the rcquirul studies at a ricuil com petitive ex'imination. This Kjipaks well for the Wyoming Seminary where ho pursued bis pre paratory studh s. Tlioillicers nnd rmiiiuitt'TH oftho lllooms burg Hancock & Kng'ish dob, are reipiestid to meet at the ollice of John O. Freeze on thi-, I-'riday evening ( 12 h) at eight o'clock. A full and prompt attendance is desired : JollV (i. l'l!EK.K, President. The Waller railroad will prubiby be in ope rail-n before very long. uric lias been c.-m m-iiced, and wo unilvrslanil tho contrnctors pro osc to push il through to a speedy c.ni le tion. We hope it may be so. Are ypu going to paint? If si, send to the Miutoir Piint Mills, Rupert, Pa., for your Pure Lead, Shle Odors, Pure Paints, Ac , and sive I'm wholes iU and retiil profit. You cm mix your own colors with puru linseed oil for Si cents ti $1 21 p-r gillon. sep. 10 3m The Aunricin Union Telegraph Company has erected wires through thi town, and an office will be established horewiihiti two week Where it nil be locate I is not yet decided. This company now h is a complete connection from New Ynrk lo 1'hicngo, and they propose to establish an oilico in every villige in the United Stiles tint Inn a pit ollice, nnd a railroad. A Rkmedv fok Kcizoorv Willis P. Haz- zard, Ksij,, an intelligmt firmer living near Vest Che-t-r; write to the Philadelphia Fub lie iMher a short letter, in which he recom mends ilicod apples u hied lo horsi s' food, a pre ventative or lemedy lor the cure of the dis temper. Hest-uos ihat at in former appear- ance lieknew of wliole learns which escaped by the use of apples alone. A the fruit is plenli fill it would nit be difficult tu try it. AUM1M. The following audits are advertise.! for this and next month Instate of Janus Hurry November 12th. Kstateol I John & Son November 13th. E-tale of Isiiah Y,ug,-i November 13ih. Ksla'e of Kli.ln Shultz November Ultli Kstale of lie) ccca Smith Nui ember 20lh. Kslale uf U illiaiu Uaup, Nove nber 27ili. Kitatcof Peter tleirhnri D cember 10. li. Ml 1.1. OnuvE, Nv. 8, 1SS0, Kt)S, foi.l'MIItAN : IloariiiL'creek cliims thellig of Columbia county. It h,n ihe '.argent increare of a D in ocratic majority over tho vole of h.iir year aeo of unv eleelion district in the ccunty. Wo had no Ha"coik and English clubs oiganiz d, but wo kepi our Demcrc.its in ranks an I w,i reidv fir tho liirht and when the second day i,f November came we opened lire and llie re-nl wis that we m ire ihnn doubled our mnj inty Yours truly, John W. Mowntv. Con. table Harris found a mm on tho lie,t in an almost l.elilfbs condition last S.itil'dny He was wet through by ihe rain ami did not feeem to know wh, n be camo Ir in or whither he was going. The ollii'ir to ik him lo iho lock-un for iliel er ai d Dr. McIleyw.lJs wus called in by Caleb llarton, one of the Po ir l)i rector, to examine him. lliero werenoen dences of i.iloxicatlon, ni d the Doctor gave us his opinion that the man wn not in his right mind. Owing lo the filthy condition of li. clothing, a thorough exatnii ution could not I nude, .Mr. ISsrton ha I llu mm removed t the Poor bouse for the present, until infinities can be mad us ,o hi pioper settlement. AN INSANE MAN. A man was cammilttd ti jail by a ju'the of the peace in Msin towmhipoti Monday, the Islinst, Hisdei-criptioii is as follows: Ab ml five feet, ten indies high, lather slim, duk hair, heavy dirk beard and mustichu, nboui forty 1 ears of age. He is dressed in dirk coa Ibjht colored pints. and b'a'k hat Heg.ve his name n Gcoirre Ilusklrk, and (ieoige Wal ter. 'I lie name of W. Vanbuskirk is stamped on his shiit. The man is evi leinly irsane. sVny one knowing bis place of rendenca or any tiling tlse eonceriiing him, will lea-o in form Sherill' U. 11. Knt, uf ihis county, so lhat projier step, may be taken to have hiui rviuii from the jail. J.iihtingui please co y. Tho medicines of Dcxms Drcu .t Co. aro nnexcelleil for elegance, purity, and relia bility. Their SeiJlitino Seidlitz Powilem, are as pleasant an Lemonade. Their Soft Cnulea oro world famous. Seo Adit, july 0, 'bU-u'm HtK FIN At. FIZ.I.E. The republicans bad their la-t grand dem onnran. m on ii.esdiy evei ing. ing oiiis were i.-trlluite 1 far and wide announcing a "gram! iradc" of Iho republicans of Columbia am: adjoining eo.mtie, anil l.tentve arrange ments wcro m ide for a big time. hen Ihey cimo to mu-tiT their forces they had about one hundred f-mtuicn in line-, fully one half beini boys Irom 10 to IS years of age. On the ban ners were the following : "We did it with our lit le 3211;" "Cliinee leltee no giodrotolbi cuikce;" "Kememher the Democratic t.in fraud of lbll.' Some ul the boys cirnei brooms, others had scojii shoyels. There were a number of wigens in line, one cjnti-in- ing ,t blacksmith, another some miners dnlll ing ore, another, a boil loaded with Democrats roule for Silt ltivir.and scvoral others which nobodv seemed to undeivtand. Many hum-es a'ong the Hue were brilliantly illuminated. Many leading republicans were opposed lo hav ine Ibis pirade und took no part in it. Hence fir in numbers were concerned it was lizzie. The Omaha l!ee c miubis m ire Fur Wpsle rn news than any other pa cr on our Kichange li-t. The eflbrts of llie publishers to draw im ration to that fertile region by circ ihilin Siiup.e Copies of the Weekly nming caitern f irmers i commriidab c. the Lee is mailed free to tivery applicant who lorwards his address lo tho Daily Jlcc, On ah, Nebraska. Il is i ist possible llm if we w.re on the oil, cr side it uiisht not have occurred to us that parades and illumm nions alter a political vie- tnrv are i cedlc's and inexpidienl, s icii is in pjwer of prejudice. II it it is a ltepublic who lells ns heiloes not seo me mngninnn ndv.inlage.or gcd u'U ol crowing lucau one party numbers iii'ne inan atioiner, as inijori'ies w-ro Iho test ot truth, and does s great eiil lo tbe republic in any custom thin eiasnernt'S partv Pleiuiilce, and le.iilns men to look on an elec tii n as a bailie. We sli jam the thought for the coining Democratic vicl rv. Imping that the Democracy w.ll Initiate tl o example of ' hilling a man after he U down," - Prof. I.itilo ngsin took up hi subiccl, nntl gave f,ninc fine spei ituens in diawing. J. fi. llrimes lolloweil by an excellent trea tise on history. Prof. Cnnlield inlirlalntd Ihe atiiln lice for short lime by a talk on (Irstnmnr. The i: to discuss the subpei of leading. In readin: iitttro .lioiil I be followed nt its beU. Three Ihings are i ecessiry; looking, thinkii gand ut tering ihe wold. The ill till old at ihould ol'ta.n the llu ugiil, and iben ii liection nod empli iss hei oine eisy. leaclifis stiould sistupoi correi t rinding. Ciiiieisms ihotild not b.- u.a le by w r.l but by exsint 1 Heciss. Prtf. O. K. I. i tie, of Oeityi-b'irg was thin cil ed upon toghe instiuciioi.s in drawing. His work whs veiy simle ami pur.tical. The Profissor is an ndiptiii the art, snd iiy bis itlk ha awakcie) an ii tetestatuougour teach ers in this impor-ant siiy t tiiis juncture Mi-s Patridge again tm.k the stand, tin drilled a class of leicliers rending. She d.- layed grist skid in conduct ing this txtrci-e, fiom which It wai evident that she was we. 1 conversant with tho subject If the leach, rs wi.l fullow cut her niggepttons the results can ) none other lha'i gralifying. aFTKItNOON StSSIOS. The exercises were r pened by music "The Old Home," folbwedby a t -lk on "Cle.'.eral Kducaticn" by Prof. Colgrove. The addris wps the ieuli of transcend int genius, and was highly appreciated by llie audience. llecehs. Miss Patridge resinned her discussion on rea ling. In the tour-e cf her remarks she give Ihe methods of instru, ting now in vogue in the flul'.us sclluols at Qoitiiy, -Mass. Mis Am.lia Arirs'roi g re.ul an essiy on "Object T aching" rccitii g her methods of in Iructions witli object,-; s ic'h a animals, p!ams, .Vc. It nt once b-enne apparent Ihat she was a wiileawske, energttic teicl er, and eicvettd to her prufession. No doubt he has sjient 'ion; lavs of pleasure and nights devoid of ease contriving nwilnHls wlierujy 1 tie her pupils might be beit hub-erved EVEXIXO iliIOX. tho best method to teich this itn nrtatit brancl: It slionhl be t night by object, tlie s line os reading. rnlliAV AFTKRNOOS. Tlie Superintendent dl-poscd of scvetal iiuestions criveu bv she leac'.iers relitive to tli Kl.ocl law. Also several In rigilil to tardiness. Prof. Smith resumed Ins talk on Composition UeceFS, Miss Palridge give instnicllons in Arlienh- tiou, giving miutite instructions how to culti vate nnd strengthen the voice- Professors Wnlhr. Noe-trng. rcree, and Ciirrnn, of ihe Illoi niburg Normal Schcol arrived during tlie afternoon, and made brief, auu resses. FRIIlAY llVr.NI.NO. Prof. Marshall delivered his well known lerture, entitled, 'Yellowstone Park.' We will not attempt to give on epitome cf the lecture, as we would fail to give it justice. It wn copiously illustrated by minus of the calci um light. SATtnttlAY MOSSIXtl. Miss Auelia Armstrong, J. S. Grimes. Mrs. I. 1.. Sehornovrr, Miss Sadie Spear and W, r.. Nuith werenppointiil as being elected acorn- miltee lo exnmiuo applicants for permanent certiticaiig. rn-f. Little concluueil Ins instiuctions m drawing. The committee on resolutions reixrtpil throngli its chairman, Air. i:uckiiigham,thc Ail lowing: lumhed, 1 hut It is the ilillvof Ihe lent hprs In read llie le-t hooks accessible, tint tend to mnk them mrre efficient in ihtir wcrk. IlttmiciU That it is the duty eif the leathers to n'tend to" Ccutvy institute. Itemliett. 1 hat we consider il the ilnty of tli rectors lo grant the time to teachers who nltend the Connlv Institute. 7?ofm, Thnt Iho Ibnnks cfthis Ins'itn'o a'pilue, anil are hereby tptiderc-l, to Sup-rin- irnufni .-nvni r lor ine anie mrnrif r 'n w nicii be conduced Mrs Institute, to the Tiusipps f the Orsngeeille Arndemv 'or Iben-o of th' 1'iiild'ng. to Prof. CmifiM for his nssistnpce, to Patr-dge, of Philndc-lj hia, who proieede I Mis Ach'nl ach nnd nlhrr for the cvc-llen AesrtAli plowif Uilsltiit' litl'ntvi town snip, i ul i n il I cou ,t ,, Vimsyiv ml i. Inundpid ns tiilmws! Iti 'alrl of liivit ols rts un Ihe north, bjr i in id it Mlnii'l lliri nin in the ",i-i, ti -1 tad o( ,to iie.'ll It'll t m the s, .Mi n'll Ian I If I nil tl-llns ' on i 'i-i w si, .vii-r ' i in'ir-mi'd i p' K iw ling li i i-o a 1 11 1 an i "tli r -'it-tiii li u in . tlnir ot incut; e at'iei id land m r- or 'e -a ule 1, laHeu In exeeuthn it tin sultot .tubn J, -Mollenry, airalnit Fklward Mollenry, sni to bo sold nithn propel tycf Edward Mcllenry, l'nsr, Attorney. .I. Vend. tlx. Al,(), All tin certain tleco of land Miuale In Mlfilln township, coluinUa cruiity and Unto ct l i-ctid) Iva- Ida. clpscrllcil ns follows lo-v.lt! Iionnien in ino north bv lands of John A tun, on the last tyll ,1 nt, ri celled nil the laltst nnd mnt Nob- ScUwepp?nlislser, cn ths south bv iaods nt -l liomas l,v fin i,f lints fur men nnd Imv nt ' ,...i.i. ..." . , iiaviu i.nivt n ui rjr Ilanlft A. Newklrk, of Salem, ays: 1 was euro I of letter In my hand by three appllca lions nf Ciunphur Milk. My litishoud was curi.l of old running sores by ulng it. It Hired mj son of a sprained ankle, Prl'i'1. ecu's Sold by J. A, Klciui, IJlt'iim-liurg. nptll 10, '80,1 y l,i 1:hs Coals and Dilui.itis ery Che.tpat Clark Son. lOO pliccsnf Dress (b-ods, 8i., 10c 20c. 22.'.. 2.)C. lip to J2 0.J Ilartman's. lCn. Aten, aa t on the west by lands cf Charles Hunger m in, containing one hundred nnd tea asres ni-nu cr less, oa w liters are erected a f rnino lnuse, turn and oiill.iill.llrg. A 10, Ono tmctcf Isnd situate In sinic tow irtblp. twin- ded on the north and rust hy lands of 1 liomas Aten, on the south by land of Mlclnel cirove r's heirs, on t' e west hylsndcf Wllllaui Parr, containing turn- ty-four acres inoro or leas, on whlob nro creetedn frame dwelling bouse and out buildings. One tract bounded '.n the north by Und of 1. 15. se'iveprs'nh d'i'r and Simu d SnydT, on tho cast - . .. t 11' ."-"I"'-,' n j am ,u i. . ,,y ,ln( 0 iAwl.(.ri,.n wni ts on Ilia south bv land Abraham Scliwcppriiiiltcr, and ou the west by land Prcttv Suits for children. Ulsters for little ?,Joh!e": wn'n,'',n . . . - ., , ., nm. im wnien nn- i-reeieiin ii.init- iiu 1 11 tikr jiuiibs-. bojs, neiv, nice, nnu near, can and scoine fall styles at Divld Lowenberg's. less, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldings, ALSO, one trict ot land bound'i on ih nor'li by land of Stephen ueaihart and olhers, cn the easthy I. K. ili-u ppetibelsi r.on the south by land e.f.lohn Aten and on the iv. st bv hind ot ,loHph (learliart, con tiltdni; one hundred nfrrs mote cr less, on whl-'h am i e.lA.I rt rrn,.,rt , lie. 111,. Iinii...1,irn nmlnilt- Tim very highest market price paid for i,nii,tin,i. nice dried Pitted Cherries, Dilld lltspber- ALSO rles and Dr'iel III ickberrits. Urine tlietn " ' from the north, south, ea-t .mil ie-t liv tbe c)nlot of ground alluate In th"town cf Malaville, pound, rack, big, one' at.d two liotsu load to county and sla'o nforeaatd, biunded nnd ileserlisid ,V full line of unii'ls Cashmere Hoo for ladles and chlldr'n nt IJtz c hloan s. llubbers atMcKlmiey's. ALSO, All tliAt it-rtaln lot ir fw of land situate In drecnwooil lownlilp, t'otiimbla owttiljr and lUlo nf 1'cnnsj.lvanli, tmiuulwl and dcMPriWii as ioiiows,i 1 win (m the cast by lands nf freiltrlel: lleaiile.on llm south bi llttli' nstilnijrwk on tho vest by ' lands of Annie Wi-Hlvi-r awl on llie norlli by land nf Moses Mclliury, containing alnt throe fottrths nf ' an acre more or less, on which are ereeteU a ono and I ahaitnory plnt.lcilweilliiirlioiiiesndotit.lJiilldlnits. tseleeil. tslceii la exictnii n at me sun m r, r. ij lor nwlffne 1 1 Clark Onll-tidar agtlmt llenr) Cut tcimin and t be arid as Hid rrepeilyot Hint) Uot-tcrrnnn. Ish Hi, Attorney. venu. rx. AIM), The follow Ing rteicrlbed rcele-ststeslUulciltn tin town ot Oatntt Issn, Columbia county, Penlisj Ivatila: I that ci ituln lot So In the general plan cf fiitnwl-sa, bounded on llie west by i roi.e siren, thirty nie f-ct, in the north by lo- r f .tnl-.n limbs', twolmulred and tin feet, en the cast by an alley thlrty-tl'e feet, on Iho soulh by an nllsy two bun. dred and ten feet to the aforesaid Proat street, tli" place of Veglnr.lt.g. w hereon arc creeled a lwo-ttry frame duelling house and out-buildings. ALSO, All that other crrUin lot, No. 11, In lite general plan otl'nlawlssa, bcglntilcg nt nrornerf f lot No. rn front slnci of auu mwn anini'eiMyiir,ujr venu feet ton rit. tl" ncn W land laieoiio'wis MelZ, drcia'ed, foiilhwestwardly a course parnlli'i to laid 1 mut meet tiacM) tcs-l b- isl. In i line cf'o No. in, ih.'nce by the same t.i nn-uisiwi,rui) Hev nt j- feet to sail fruit street tlieiu" bv run sail Front Bluet nc riheaMwardiy ni.ty nil to tte p'neo if In.Mti.r.lnS', wlioreon are irecwsl a two story framo dwe lllng house. .seized, taken In cxeciitlo at t.i sun or lainariue rison. imiJirned to n in llr;s, ti an t J. Itucka- lew vgnlnst liolcit l.rjion and tots sold nsthe propi t ly of liobcrt Prj son W, J. llicxsi.i-w, Aitori.ey. Terms cusli ou day of sale. Sil.is Young, Light Street. oct. l-'Jm New Canton nnd Wool Flannel nt Lulz iS: Sloan's, Xnv wool fliitimls al Clsil: A Sen. , jl.10 and J 1 .75 nt llrtulv made (Join fort I. W. llnrlnian'H. Admission free at McKinney's. Ilejtitiliil Ulster, 1'iisiiitinnblc Uvcrcoals, Nobby l'a II Suit, Li.ust prices at l)avid Jinenberg'i. nsfolliwH, to-nlli pounded by laid tf,l. i:.t.o g enberger anil two public roads being a corner lot tn nail town, on whl'lime cicclcda two-slory btlck store house with ll.enprcitena'-.ccs. Ml7ed tnken In execution at the stilt cf Hamuel Heck, assigned lo Columbia County Mutual s.nlng fund and Loan Association ag ilnst I. K hchweppen- hler and to tie sold as the propel ty of I. K.scnwcp-lwnh"lser. Iim.R it Mima, Alloinpys. Vend.Ilx. ALSO, All that certnln messuage nnd tract of land situate tn the tnwnsMpof Prlar Crp'k, CulumMi count'-, md rate nt Pennsylvania, bounded on the iinrlh by land lierrtof irerf John Van Pelt now M. I:. Jack sou's lu-lrs, nnd lindi of Min I'.civei.er, on the west by land uf said John Henvi'in-r 1 itely, now A 'am Pe I cilrh and Kinr.eia lliiins, cn llie south b lindlicielifiro owned by P. M. Troujli, now petit and olhTs.cotitatnlng two hundred and twenty IHe acres more or less, on which the dt fcndanl now re sides, on wh'eh are erected a frame bn- kliarn, a framo il welling houe and out-bulldlngs.aWo a weed LOW) nouiids nico ilrtcil ranbi rrie. .1.000 tenant house. Ibira are on the preud. s also an pounils niceilriedpitted clicnie iMinleel this excellent apple orcliai d and other fiulttiees. .seized t.tkrn in r-ecution al ttie a nt nt Mull ,in .1. Knnrr asln'iird to .Ins, pb Lam m agains' William dr. Kalo-infda, Knlo-riiiiln, lsaln-incda. 70 boxe of li'dieh' gents' misses' nnd cliil- jii s Umicrvitiir at 1. . liurlinau s. Hoot headquarters at .MeKitri y's. music fnrnishf il, to Miss Pstrii'ge, Prof. I.itt'e, 1'rof. t oigrove, rroh Aliirshiill anil ' tlier lor their goenl common sense slid practical instrne tion. Inasmuch n Miss Pa'rldire ha denp double duty at the Insli'ule, th'refore, l.t'mirctt. i lint snc is entitlnl to q ilonbl nnr- lion ni ine erntllliiip ol Hie tenchf rs. not on fir hergi-niril prrc'ied instruction, but nl.o for the especial interest tinrifestrsl in our b - bull, rsrtifiilirlv r 'lie Iril es of the Iti'ti tote thank her fir herip.linllo bin on dien reform. jiemn-m, i nsi Mipprintpniiet'l .s-nvdrr Iifh been, in our opinion, a faillioil, conscientious crerget'e. pnln-taking cfiicer, aril ihat were gard hi fonteni lueil iftireinent from effo Willi gpiintne regret aril ronfcrn. llrmhttl. Ihat the minute cf llu Insi.n.rp, he publihed in the cnun'y pipers. II. v. niTKINeiiUM, v. Km ANtiltris 11E.NM. P. VANATTV, 1MFI.1A AtlMsTItllNtl. .1. S. (JHIMEl, Committer Tl'e Siipprinlendpnt elod the exercise Iv a st iry fsrewcll nddre's, giving piene goml ad. vice In the tfachers. e,l Prhorting lliem ton faithful ili-el nrgp of their nmrntts ilut'c-. The Institute then adiniiiiiiil sine ii. I pm the whole, ihe In.tiiutp was n grand success, duo to Hip Fkilrul m-i'i'iccment and 111" indninilnlilp zeal of the Sun, r'ntenilpnt aril his t flic ir n I corps nf rownrkri". The attend ance large, all the districts in the cnuHv being reprfsfntrd with the eve-ptinn of Cnnvngham township nnd the borough nf Centralis. IlbfillMAS IiAlTKB, Secrttnry. Orangevilie. Nov. P, 1SS0. fall by Silas Yoiinc;, l.ljjht Slrei-I.jiiy 2-fim 'a'! til MiKitH'iv's 'or Spues. lt-iiioiiiber that fur Ladies' Ouits or Do!- muns, tbeli'st place I al Lilt, it Sloan's. linn. Ooorg? N. Corson, Norrislnwn,sive; The Pl cenix reetrral Is indispensable in my family. It nets like a e liurin in cunni; propel l etU'ir.lain 1 1, fa. I-ini-m at.d to be suit nsthe laim in. IH'CKAihws Attcrnc-is. ALSO, All t'.ioEO two celtslti pieces of land adj-jlnlng eoi h other situate In the township of LouM, botludt-d iiii-i deseilbed as tot ows, m wit: Peginnlii ni. a stun" autl from then caloti x lb public road lead- coughs r-n'1 cnldswitli the cliilehrii.ntiil 1 lnB tfp'm ,j,ltu,(,.sl t A'buin.l louih -Uty-ihu- always i.-e it when adilrcs-inr n jury. Price i cents. I'. A. WliMin. libiiiin-tiiirg. aprlh-lv Over a million nf Prof. Ouilmplte's Freneh Kidney Pad have been Fold in Franc'. Who will tlaro say they are n hiioihug? A Cure at I.asl. Sue cifics wiihout numb, r for Ihe e-ine ol ( atarrh Iri.'ebfcn exlenivelv ndveitised. nnd liouhil.sj there i n,me virtue in all, hul thp evidence is overwhc'iniiig il-at Lly " Cream Halm cops morp dinctlv than nnv oiher to the sent of tlie ilieae. nnd though it interests of 's yunpnrativily a new discoviry.it 1ms rp-till- i in inure cures wiiiiin ine rnng" Ol our on ervaiion (ban a the o hers nut toptl her. Wtlke.bnrre, Pa., finoii leader Dec. 19, 1S70. r.y 7 o'clock the hall wa packed lo repletion i. M,.t Eiv'. (, n.lm f.,r fainnl bv the teachers aril others from Ihe lowti. Ihe for the pnst yenr: have never bid a complaint exetcises wcro o; ened by music 'Not far but hive received prai-es It give suisf.p-lion Gold, &.' The moit iuierclitig feature of llie eveoingwas llie lecture by Miis Patii Ige, ou the subject, 'We (lirls1 Tlie Ucture about ds w'uli hit at llie folbes nfsoc ety a soli in. in dividual, i chuck full of rulickug humor, and points in-itiy a moral, which, if fa'iowid, wuuld make nil of us Ufer and happier. One mo ment the andie-nce would be held cntiat.ced with the liigliebt II ghts of iloquence and pi- Iho-; the next they would to cjiivuIshI with lattghler at some humorous anecdote or witty saying. A good voice, line presence, appropu- tn everv cno u-ing it Nat. Wolfe A Co., driig- isl, Wilkesbirre, l'a., Jan. 23, ISSO. IllCt"EIl FIKIM I1KVTH. T ho follow loir statement nf llll.mi .t. Cnuohlin. df someiville, Ma-ss.. Is so rt inarkablo tlutwebrg lo a-k for It the attention of cur readers. lie feajs: 11 l no ran or isto wneti I was taken with a violent bleeding of the 1 ungs followed by a severe coiign. I soon beiriin lo lose mv annellle nnd rleisti. lwns so weak atone tline that 1 could nor leaie my bed. in ine :-,uiiinier oris,. 1 was ndmlltpn to iboeitv Hospital. While llieretheelocmrs said 1 had a lio'n in inv leu illiL' as lita as a intr do In-. I pxnenilp'l over a bundled dulloj-sin doctors nnd meiilelne-s. i was so rar cone ar one rime a renen went around l was dead. 1 gave up hope, but ii friend told me of inc. iu. iiM.i.-N ti siv sine ink lix s. i la gheitatiny friends, ihlnklng tl.at mv case was Ine.ienlil I. lit t cui ., l.-ni-ii. ciM.i, w,u ate giures.nud correct ompliasis, on ihe put lo my surprl-e nnl gralincatlon. I commenced to i- .i , i ,i i . . i., . feel t'etler. .Mv hope, iiiice d"ad Is'g.in lo revlve.aiid of the speaker, made the lecture not only a wll inelln better spirits than 1 baie for threo succ-i. but the lectureof Ihe wek. It wa-P,",,., ,,lU ,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,..,,, ... whit needed to vaty the monotony of the J erv oneMin'eied with dlsea-ed lungs will Is Induced be convinced that C uNM MI'l n.N can III; cl'IIKH. I have taken twobott'ia iindpannoslttiedv snv Ihat It lias done mire gocd linn all the other medlcliiea i uaie iiiki-ii since me stekness. .mv roue h has ni- ruosr euilrely dKipn-ared and I shall soon l-atlo trigotowoik. s-ofd by druggists, 'lake Mn. Ila'l'a lUlsam cnl lit'ware or Krtinrerllta. oet lft-tjeow itntitule procenlings Tlll'KMlAY MOllNINO. The institute convinesl al the usual hour Opened with prayer by Hev, T. 0. Clees, fob lowed by music, 'We will meet by tho beauti ful gate.' Piof. I.ilt'e continued his iiut'u lion diawing. 'Iho Superintendent lnro look ll.e 11 .or and cpoke biitlU of the f.ul u y of childieii havn g iciding book loo hard and difficult for them. Ti'icher should ixereise the greatest care in Business .Notices Katil-meda, Kalii meda, Kalu mcdu A very lino ussortincnt of Ladies' Coats, all nicely made and trimmed in Silk, Sntin and Whet nf Ihe latest styles and fa-hinn lor sale, by oil is i mipg, Light htrrt I, jurl HOW TO GET almost Every thing. Do you know how to get in the easiest way and to best advantage what you want for dress and house-furnishing? First, how: Write for a catalogue ; see what you can learn from it about the things you want. If samples can be useful to you, as!: for them and state your wants so plainly that exactly the right samples can be sent. Second, where : The place where goods are kept in tlie greatest variety ; where they are sold for what they really arc in respect to quality ; where prices are lowest ; where most care is taken to serve customers accept ably; and where you have the right to return whatever is not satisfactory. There no matter where you arc if you make your wants known antavail your self of your privileges, you will get the best things in the best way, promptly and without trouble or risk; sometimes by mail, some times bv express, almost always at less cost for car riage than the money you save m the price. John AVanamakcr, Philadelphia, Pa. Chcttinit, Thirteenth, JlarUct and Juulir, A NKW PAYi.Mi OCCITATIOX Poll LAWKS At UKNTLKMEN' The Hand oui' Nukel Plat.d New II I n.,,1 I.elilL' lll'Ii il H ill tO 111 - PllbllC Ml S ... I ..ii I son. is 111,1 n'O! Ill"ri"'ll "l mint, vie, mii-ii ne nis iii make rum e-y wi h, is si'er and nmro c,,i,vi"ii III tlnn Iho s ii lent I imp which h: bent f.rnh-id he n puPiti'Ui ol being tne -mi et Lin,' mule, it has a clmip to allien it Him s wi mifhlii", plino, otgl l, desk, etc 'llm bar .1 llm ordiiurv l.tnp I uing acculi in alt v ni -" or ihrnwn trim the table, is entire lelei.edhy lb ' simple clamp ' "u lrlvai.ee. It on,, I... i.ll'i-l.il to ihro' ihe light ust where is whip il t" suit llie eves, inn cm i,e conven ed ii,t"ii linid'ome wall lamp It bus the best argiii I bonier, a tilling itldicit r, ami eonve-ni eoi in itch box, and its priie is wiihin ihe reach of cury one- li has been lolly les'ul and uli lorislly eiidorsul bv the ll'iatrn Chrutim Ail iodi(e, -Im- Clni't'H" Knur, lUrnltl ami J'iu buler, jaurmliwl Mauengtr, mid ChttJiun i'Mn' etinf, tho hudiig iidgiou piper of Cintiii natt, and l end used oy the Mayor and P, sl unster of Cinci ituili, llie ageni nf llie Ameri eauexpres cn-ii, any an I pr sidents of iimir mice compnnie-, ss being Ihe saf.at, most eom vetiicet nnd b-.l Limp mule. There aro thrio tasi.iis why agents should seek uch an arlic'e tn ca'ivis fir firm f r its al.s lute sal'etv an I '' c uiveuience, it is needed in werv home cond its low price .,,,1,, it said bunion e third it will be a greu endit 'o hnul.e null an nrlic-le. One Miuthern n;eui wri'e, it s Us faitir II nil (i-n. Lee's pirirnil si Id right after the war, anoth er write, it heals Ihe pilmy daysof thes.w Ing iiiiuhine, i' rapid ! , lo price, and lib eral lerm surprise! II agHits Address Home Limp tin i CinclnnB'1, O . mentioning our pi per and they will g ve jou full psrtuulars und tic'u ivo territory lo canvass in. uov.S-lliw this rcspicl, asiho'nr I ot In bring a book iito ei jn fpnin tlie it v niniiiil'acluriis in price scliool uuul he can read it .uiUl'aclorily. The Inun $lbO, $1,10, j.1 .',(), frt fill, s7 nil. teacher has the power lo diciu'e what books t-S fill, ill fill, 10 SO, jli 50, flfi fill, ilG fill .1. .Ill .-I ,.,,,1 -lii.nll s.h ll,l bis Ins!, in- bl-rlS.,0. fCt. 1-311 Knit hoods, Coats Ac., at Clark & Son's. I. W. Ilortuinn is crttine ready lor Lis shall he used, und phoul l s.e that Ids instiuc tions are currlid cut, A unifiimily in copy- hooks should alsa bo insist, il up n. .Mis Patridgo guve a el is drill lo a nuinbir Christinas (loud ol prnuary seholirs. ihe siiitonce.inclbod she T!l(,e );1 ,ln(1 , W()ol Ca-hmeres lOifi.'ered beat in icschuu b-gmmrs. 1 be any c dor at Clark Sin s are nice. innuuiiiims - i ,.., iPA ...,., i l,.,i ,l , .i.t.i i .,in , n,;.,!..,! c.irui , .XV ..!:::; '- ' 1 -- Clliap IIIIU l- ASH IUAAI11.IV t.;i,utlllMi tlie thought first, and lLo subjeel bteonie al nemM Hud it tn their intere st tn cull at the SHERIFF'S SA LK. mice interesting) words are tin re im ty fi.rms, lio slowly; belter read a few sentences with llie proper intleilloii, than devour a wliole page. Kecess. I'rof. .Sutilh, of Cerwick, took up the subject of 'Composition. 1 lie would teach this .tudy the first year. Heading, spelling and composi- tijipiflo hind in hand. Should be taught bv sentence-building, tiking simple sentences at lirt, and then adding modifiers, Kvor year llie ler-sous should be made more ditlicull. Sen tences should not be formed intn paragriphs until the pupils are far advanced. .Spelling should not be taujht ou'sble of the child's vo cibuliry, Tlll'llMHY Al'TKttNOOX. Opened by music Duett, liy Klla lllack and Oerlle Harder. At tho leipiesi of llie Super lolfiidenl, Marion Keller, an Oral gsvilllo lad of ah ut 11, exhibited his remiikalle ficu'ty forspeliieg words backward. Long and dilli cult wjrds w.re given him by the tescliers, all of which he i elbd a s' on rs s,s n as pro nouiccd Many consilered It a In ax, but words lame in ihkk und fast, uulil the most old reliable Clothing Store nf David Lowenlerg s, Kalo-niedii, Kaln inula, Kalu meda. Highest Cal Price paid for 1,000 Cineiil l-'at, I.ive VKAL OALVl.S ibis l'all and Winter. You can bring tbet.i riuht alonir now on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday c f each and every week this Fa'l ami Winter. llritig in your go, il tat calves now and get yjur cash fur them llriug them from ihe north, south east and west. Let lliem come right along now In Silas Young, Light Streot. oct. 1 -tin (lerinantnivn wool, 10 an 12 cents an oz , al Clark & Son's Fir Ilrnchee and Paisley Shawls either single or double go tn Lulz it Sloun'ii, "IVAi si'TLmylUiK IIbstoiiek 'Is entirely differ ent fiom all others. It Isnselear sa water, and ua ita nam.' Indicates, Is u'perli-ct Vegetable Iluir lie storer and doeb ur.t In uuy manner atTisit the health whlcti sulphur fcuirarrf Lend and Nitrate c( Mlvi r nreniiratlons have done. IL will inn iun.iv rn... ilin head Pom all liiudruK lie.tore lirai Hulr to lies natural color, and 1 1 nd'j -e a new growth where It in i iin-H i-n. ii iiiiicuangu ugiii or raueit hair In a tew daa tu a Isiuutltul irloasy bruwn. Kie-ri Imu tlo Is warranted. Ask jour drugsd-t for It Po- sa:e at .MorhH IIkos., Itloouishurg, i'u. -mtt'i, Kline Co., Philadelphia, und UaJI c Ituckvll. .Sow Urk, -. HW.VU-.V ..bv... III. OU-ll lly Mrtueotsundn writs i-sued outI the I'ourt of e'liunniin Pleas ot e'ot unbla cuiinty, ant lo tue ill reeled, will be expo'i-d to public salt- at the court House In the town ul liljomsburg, nt 2 o'clock, p. in. Monthly, Noveinbi-r 2'2iu, 1SS0; All the rulliiwlng described ie.il etiuto situate tu L'atawlssa, Columbia cuuiity. state c-I I'enusjiianln, bounded and deseriu-d as tolluws, lt: ou the cast by public road lea lln trom Oatawlss i to Mimin, on the went by I'ourth s'.reet, luontlnu itlon Ih-Teol) on the soulh by laud ot Willi tins and on the north by land of Mrouso, whereon are creeled a two-story frame dw elllog houo and out-hull lings. M-ued, taken In e.secmlon at tho suit cf . W. Creamer against A. V. cool and to bo sold as the properly of A. V. Coot. IttttwK, Attorney, Vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain tract or piici ot land Blluateln Locust township, Columbia County, and Mate cf Pennsylvania bounded nnd described as follows, to win on tho north by laudot Jeremiah M-ott and Mrs. bnder, on iho east by eieorgo Yoiger nnd Uaild Yeagor, o i the booth by VI1 lam Veager.and ou tho west by Wlllam Veuger, containing furty-rtve acres more or less, on which aro erected u tw o story frame dwelllnj houso, u log barn, cider mill and oui bulld ngs. ALSO. All that certain other lot or piece of ground situate In bocust township. Coluuibl i county, and Mate of Pennsjliiirda, bounded and described as fallow s, lo wit: on the north by land of Hauled Morris nndd Y. Soult, on tho east by oth, r lands ol lludoli h Yeaii-r.on thesuuth by lauds ot John llerm-r. on Ihe wii by landsof n. eager, M, liu.diew. Monto- lliuYeagcr, and public roaLcontalnlng twenty four acres and elidity one in-rclu s neat namre.on w Men are cri-etcd a twu andii halt ttory frame hotel, a uuiiuiiaii siory ir. me iiweutrg liuuse, Uink barn, shed, and other out bulldlm. fi lied taken In cucuiIju ul (he Milt of Jacob eirciner, auiniuiairaior cf lanah Yeairc-r dtetuu.! agilust lludolph Yeager and lo bo huld u the i nii- iii, v. .,uMiu iiucar, I Katun, Attorney, Vend Ux, eligr.-es e.sst teli pi-rcliiH und eight truths tu i stone, thence bj I ad cr M.13 berry snyder, late .lchi Yeag -r, sr., il.-ee.tsed. r.or'h i-'ghiy-twu d -gn cs and ahair, wesl six pealus and stx-ienilis'o a whli oak, 111 -rre'by the sum? nutrll tnlrtj -t Ijlllt d -gnu iindiiba'r w-sl live pel dies lo the pla--'-of begin l.lng. co.,L.ili.lng el, en pe-rclies and , t.;ht-tetiths st I let i las'ire. The soeoii'll it bcgiiniti g al a wb le pin- slump an I r-mnlng froti! tiieitce b lindsi.f Mab,-rry llu h lite I. I.. Iteib. In, noiih elgbtj-slx d-.-re s and thl-ee-qunlti l.s east Si-Miitt-eu p relics a d biur ti'Utus lu a .stone und, r tin su-cabed Mabinwu bridge, thence along Iho road leadlmr from Citawls- a.i toAshlind lioitb Ihuty-or.o degrees uiil a h.i't wis'. i.K i ercbe-s lo a sloi.e, tl,encei,y llu aruresald IjI south eighty one d-giecs wet,t 1 p.-rches and nine tenths to u blaik oak stiiinu uortn thirty on-i d grees west three p -relies to a andthuico in la-ds of Mayberry sutler, lale.lohn Yeager, south ihlrty-s-ieii defcl-ces nnd Ihlce-it'ialters we-,liiln-j perches and aeieL-tentbs lo tho place i f be-glunllig, c.ii.iuiLing seienty-two pirclus be thu sain in ire or less, whereon are e reeled n good frame dwc-llln; lu'Uo aLd stable, also a good wagon shop, black smith shop mid wood houbc together with all the necessary outbid! lings. elzd, taken la execution at the suit ot nanus Yeager against Walter I'.U'maii with notice lo tiuro tenants ana to be sold as tin property cf Walter Mil in m, Ikki.kh, Attorney. Lev. r.u AL-sO, All tint certain tractor piece of land situate In Uicus'. township Columbia county, arid Mate of lVnn)ianla,boin,uYd and des. rltiedns follows.to wit: on ihe north by land of i:itj ih Yocum.on the oast by land f Mich u-l Mini-, on the south by land of Solomon and ueorgo Mow rer, and ou th w est by land cf iianlei stine. containing forty-two acre norenr leas, on which are erected a story nnd half rninie dwelling house, framo born and out. buildings. seized, taken In execution nt the sultot Laraiette Fetterman, ailmlnls ratorcf Charles Fclterman, de ceased, against Peter Mow rer and to bo sold ns the property of Peter Mowier. I'ukcze, Attorney. Vend. Ex, ALSO, Allth.it certain lot or ilece of lind situate In tho ltonughor lierw lek, Columbia county nr.dstatoor I'ennsjliaola. nouncus und descrlt ed, asrollows, to wli: on the touth t.j seici.il stree t, em the west by TheJackscn & Woodln Manufacturing company, ontho north by ll.e Presbjleilan parsonage, on the east by i'lnu street, en which nre en-etcd a large brick poitery, Iho part ot which ts used us a dwelt- Ingaut other buildings. ALSO, Tho life estate cf tbe defendant In all that messu age or tract tt linu sltiiatcu In centre town.-blp.Co- luuiuiacouniy nun srnic cr Perinsilum a. bounded and ik-hi-rlbed ns fullow s, ro-w it: tin the ninth h) I ii-il or Yi in.nr. MulTer, nnl i.eurge llliiklemau, on tho east by l.u.det lohn Kelehr.i r, sr., on tbe south by the 1,. A p. luiirond, witbi land of iMiao lle-ss, Low llios. & company nnd others, contuli.ln orm hundred and ten uresiucrn or less, cm widen nre erected a two und one-hilt ,.-eir bilik dwelling house, large bank bain .n,, other otir-bulloliigs sc-ueii.iukin in cxecutt. n nt tho suit i f s,ii.ib A. lick au-iilnst II. c 1'rc.is nn-i tu bo hold 119 the 1 run- city of II c. rieas. W. J. liickitiw, Attorney. Vend. H.x. ALSO. All Ihat certain lot or piece cf land situate in Main lowi.!,Iibi,Ce.uui!iia county and stare, nr penn. sjllanli, loimdul and described us follows, to-w It: beginning at a sione. llie nee by land of sildWIl tlum Mcuslnger, north seu-nty dtgivis slMy-elght and oiie-tenih (sivh s lo a stone, im 1,0 by Una nui- vi i.eorge i.ungeni rgi r norih Iwentv sen 11 and a halt in-gi ecu wist eight) -sl and llve-icMhs IHTihestu usleuie., Ihencoliy tlin same south sci- eni) nun iniee-fpnirler d-greis west fonj-beicn uiui iiiiee ienius pen lu s t a stone. 1,11,1 11, h,,,-.. 1,.- lalilorihes.ild IMnM Miller suuth fourteen deiir. e. ens, i-nnij wvin auu lwo-rerhs penbe-B to the , v, oesiiiuiiig, ccii,i.umug Ihlrtl-ouo licreaanil su inicuesoi iaua sulci ii.eusuii'. Potioi:. Nflttoe ts htrebr enn lint the Wlowlff, ,Wu"t llMlaien llled tn th Prntiieinrtjif) Wi flliPU ll;m; tiiaceitimy and will Jss pfifr,tril to lli Common Pleas of aeld ouuMveii luiswar, th 'th day if luri'inter A. Ii, I-i, and citrnimrl ntu-r it,.' tourili day cf Mid inin link c nesspl lei tn rped within thstllimi. I. Tin' seeoiid account of Samuel Crevfllnif, crjin milieu ot Kranmiti Cievellng. W.M.KHItKIKl M. (i. i. aVKK, iTnuinnoi tr. A IS II Tils MAntnOKTiia ibtatk op rurta ruAnnsnr, PFCKASKI'. The nntlemlgiied Auditor appeltilfiil on exwpllons to the third and partial account or I no exeoiior m tne etaie i f I'cnr eie.irtiearti with uuwer to make oiririotitKtii r r 100 iiinu, win ineec ine inui-i-n 111 his otitic lu liloonmniirtcii 1-rid 11, iiioeiniieriiiin is-si at I" oih k a 111., t r Ihe piirpowi ft lit np polhtrn'nt, at wh'eh ttm and pi -en ml persons hav ing calms ngalrsl siniilcust, nil anrsar and pre sell liieiii nt ihat time, or Is- fnifier debnired fiwn leosliing any snaru or ami 111110. ... 11. llLVll.ti.nxi ecu as, lSHO-iw Auditor. rXIXUlOU'risNOriCK. BSTATK OK HF.NJAlltX SICIHiURT, prcA9VD. li-lti m teslaini titarr on the tale M lierlnnln Mi ni nn, hile ot Iseutsin township colunhiu io"i" pi liltN.ili.ini.l, iiis-i-aseii, unci is-i 11 1:1.1 n-u llie lii-ir'Mtir el fald cniinty tu Alfred Meltinri, '! llei.bni. K..1IIK11. AH p"rwUS iiavttnr 1 Inlnm iigali s' the estum r-l nald ilei'e. 11 ale is iitiesipil 10 1 ris- nc iiieio nir nciueiueiii, unit ib.me liniebti'il to ihe 1 slate to make payment lo tne iiudi rMgO'-d fxi'cuiiir.wiuiout ociaj. Al.l iibii mciii:niiv. Kx.-cutor, 001. yi. -a f.w bVbuiii, pa. uditok's notic l. rt l'a. oct. VI, 'SMS . II. KS'T, dhoillT. KXECrTOHS' salt; 01' VAl.l'.Mtl K -j ,iorn A rs E n i? a T II) ilrfieof piwirm tli" wl'l. th"Siirthb,gi x"C- utorsef ch tries II. I Her. diceas d, IMP 11 at Public sate at the ClU'll r lliiI'MK In Hhwinsb irg,on Monday, nr.cr.MM.i: 0. ISS11, ntonooclocktn tl.o afb rnocn, 1 THAcrtir I1M- lll'.lt l.ANli, contalrdng Four Hnnclrad Acron meieorless, di'scitiicd and ln.tindcd a t .lloas.tn-wlt: Lying lu sugarlof.r low re b'p, Cn'.u i-bla cnur.tv, and bound-d unil 'ast be lands er Ihe h"lrsn -Ihtiie" lluck-ilew. .m tin s mill by Uidsottb h lis ofWI'.llaui Steven', on III" west b Un Is cf .1.1. tli-ipt:i end JiiintH i:Llite,nnd oa the north la lands of He..- and c u-v, tin '. I'CK.Ms In older lu close up tin e-s'ate, Un let ms wl'l be one hundred dollars cash on striking down the propn ty. und the rein-ilnd rln ton diss when a d c.l wilt be delp.cn.il and jsisscislsri i.lien 11I.ISI1A II. llHJtlS .leill.N II. II. I'Altlc. . Ilium, sunliliig Executors AUClll-IH'Cr. 01.-C u, -is "ORPHANSr"COURT SALE Id-' VAIA'Alll.r, REAL ESTATE 1 pipsu ml to an mil, r o' tin- 1 rph.nis' Court of Co bnut la county. I'emi-jlvat.U, willbo.suld nl public sale on thi'p 1 mlscs In Ihe township of Centre lu h ild count) on Friilny, Novt'mbi-r l'Jtli, JcScSO, nt '2 oVlo k p. m , Hi full'.liir Urn rlU'il UK.U. I r- TA'l K, Kilo of A-rlnnv (.IukI''1 dm-.ioil, t"Mll: i ilium..!-., f-r.t'-liulf ot 1 1 Hint tiMtiln I.oi f l.lTIlt' I tlii""HH' ir alESTOKS QUARRY. Ktnmi In mlil (Viitn loMnliln. r.iIUMMi conntj', boiridi'il nt tl (if c;llt il its follows: n-Klnhlnn ui 11 Mono (in ilio iif'i th tUh 1 1 thi I.ni'kaw.itiii.1 nrnl I'ltmst ujc lHllioncJ, Hi(ht'(.'bj limil lain r l'lilllji MIII.t ixirili iwiMi-i-iKl.t aLd ihrcc founlK tli (fives west tint -HiHf w irhrs lo n htoiic, tlicnt t di'L'rri'.s st iho IjiilIh'S tu a stoia, tht-rco by ml li" Hmcbir 11 lut yoviU twenty-Unlit nml thrt-o- roMrtlis dfyr-u'S ( a t twcnty-llir e ptri'l vt to saltl rat kuw iinirt nntl r.looiiistiurjr railroad, tlietivo aUn.tr the sniiic r.orth s venty-femr and ono fourth de ur-'CKeiist the rcic-H's to tho lacc cf boglnnlrp, containing 115 t QUA UK PKUCIIK, ho the J-nme moro or less. rvocptlnK ntid rctoi vine unto the heirs of 1'hlllp Ml'tir and a-sstffnsaU tho ttinttr the) tin. want Mr fencthtf wlthtntwo jiursfrtin the tMluLiytf November, A. P., 1ST aUo rt m n ins the iic nvtl nc- cupattun of iho Mirth etrtof saldlot as the same canbi fatmtd until such Umc ir times that the same th ill he wantid h rnmrriti. turpofies bald lot Is opened up a a llm-'bione quarry. Also, allth.it certain r'ece or lot of ground Rltu- ate In said Centro towr f hip, roPtntbla county, l'a., bounded ai.tl dti-rrlUd s follows, to- It: Ontho north ty iiibllc road leading fi(au;Uloomisburtf to ."rwlck, 011 tho east by lauds of thu heirs cf r.Hza 'ihoinas, (Ucrnei d, on iho bouth by land of Tllinan Nafflo and ou the weft by (chtxl liou'selot, contain' log ninety-tight perches. Thlsls a cry det,lrub!i building lot. The abue lots will bo hold cn the following terms and comlltioiis: Tehhs ofai k. Tin percent cf one-fourth of the purt lue mone tobepildnt the striking down c tho property, the one fumth hi-sihulen per tent at the conllim-itlon cf halo and tho remaining three. fmrthsln oi.o jrtir tlnryftei' with lntcre&t from continuation nli-l. II KltANK ZAHIt, WM. T. MU'.MAN, Admlnliitraloiscf Andrew (iingles, oct. u, vots Iho und-rMgned Auditor appointed with thecon- wtt cr purthM tn interest, lu tuo urmuniv Court f Ooluinbla count to makfidlstllbuilon of the tuUnei' nfilio funrta In the Imndsof Clinton Km, n'lmiulvrBlt'r. an r r nccimnt tiled, to and ii,ii"iK tut- Pr 1 n fbl It Iwl tnrreto, will meet the ani'S mii-resie 1 ni oihl-u hi ihwihtwuib ju (lift. .UI lilllt T HfMl I l-n U VllKK fortmmn r f jrnld thxy to i-eifni thH flutleH of nw are rur.emeu iu j-nrni nt. mvn ummo ivorti., ti- t ir, r n.'Of ned trom comine in forushaio ot 811' J fsliid. I I.U' I.lili, o. t S -hi w Auditor. Til b JlAl I Hi Ur 1 lis. "fiU'1 ' " "i.iB W4 H A 1 1 . 11m- unf rrs'pned nmlltor nprolntMlty the court I'tninou I'li'US I 1 oiuinoia iouihj, 'jii ln:i iu Hi in enii 1 of N . tl Abbuti, oshiRri o or i n .in lump uiil it at I is--nice in ionmHMiv " 'll'Irt, iMHeillUI ittll, .11 i"V js.nri.n kI . ii.ooi, t -hIO Oir- tonne purpose 01 his up tin Hi nt, at whioi ilnio nnd piiice nit pei-sons m- u.-U'.i imij uU'.'i-i n u i y iiui u piouj r . '"Mt iw Auditor. "jXI-X'UTOirs NOT1CK. lH'paty. CDl'lOU'S NoriCF. KTilI! OV JAMHS nAttK V, Dt.CKASEP. MTATR UK MP trilfHt'MAV, prcrAPFn. 1 1 tins leMt.,'ieMar on the i-Mute ff I. uno.ru I. ii. Hi. I do rr M'lli uiwnii:p, i oiuiiKi i etumy ii i.-irt, 1 ute iK-eii griii t- ft b the lleglster 1 1 nald ui tu the 'i' d rslyi.i d eMCUton. All pt r ishiMiir I'lHlnitt i'OtliM the cfttatt ai requiwied pifdinhemhir w Itlitnei.t undtho-u Indctttd Ul iktf p.C III' Jill WPhOlil t'l-IH, FIIANKL1NSI1UMN. J. i.. hOXiKNllhlitiKlt, Kxecuture. i ,y, ''Cw .Mali-nle( l'a. uin't)irs :;oricK. Cji.OllJlA cturMY,-. tiintti: the rcorrlsiiml prt-oe dings oftho court onviumu.i Vru Iti und f r mid couutj , It ts Inti r iIIj t ini eoiitalin u. In ilii-miller ot ihe rx-ei-tlons toth account of , M.Mrtll.1. Asstgiifi ir (..it-iiii ami . r. .inun, on m jtluii of H. V. Zirr.r U. Harkley nppolnud Auditor on h.ild eeeptl'jiis. I1 1 lift Wll Iti. In .lurMi.ineo ot the jiIhao Hppolntment thonn- I i.siirned win meet iheparUe1 intt-teM d at id-f- Uee in l!lo( ni-hiiigoii Nituniay, o inber 13 uw, ut it o clock a. m. i;. u. ll. u l l.r. 1 , tvl 13, m 4.v Auditor. UDITOU'H .NOI'ICK. r-TATKUt" S!AH MCAIIFR HECKASFP. The und Mgned audlli r upi luted with iho ccn- tetii tl tu-iles in interM,o mo i ri ihiiim i-ouri. oi i niuiiii.i.i coi.Mj to mi'ke iU-iritn.tu n or iho bal- ..r ine iupu in uf n .i 1 1 i ut ii'inin.p' i m i- fia tit 'if i ft 1 1 U i - . d-ci.Ms-d, as bii"wn ti M 11 rM ai il iiliia.iec ui i, in nuu in iho pun.-, entitled ll-rtHo, will Ml at IuslRIcoiu re ! "il (1 pitn'ilisviiii n niviiiiiij. .iiii'i ,uh t ii. at lo o'clock in Iheton noon to ptrlouu the d'til-rt fit tu appo ntnvnt. All p r-mts h.iMnu' las ac.itnsL t-atd i-m.ii win .-ppeur ana prn-scm ih'iuui that iltno, f'r be toreu-r debarred irwa ro- h ng any or ui id lund. (EO. K. KLWKLU oct, I 'n)-4w Auditor. A UDITOK'S MOTKK. lu iho matter ot the ctateot Lllbhu Shultz, do ceased. The umhTMl ued Auditor nnnolntcd by tho Or- i.btiim' i nun tiir I heeuilnl ot I'nlllliibl.t to makO dlstnbutlon of tho lun-J lu the h.itidsof tho admliils- ir.iicrf f 8ld dt ct dent tu and Miming the paitun in illlid therelo. hereby ghes notice that he will sit in il.e tihihurgo ol the duties of his iippolntment at his i .nice Pi iitO(.nisburr tiun Tuehdi, Ihe H'.lh d.iv of oemt'r, A !., l t it n o'ehs k in tho fureiiuoti tT satdda.v at wbh h time And place nil per sons intert Med in bald fund ale riquliod to allend or oe rureirueoaieu ipjiu au nirtrooi ine miiic, oct. 13, 'to-4w Auditor. KsTATKOr UH'.rt'CA hMITII, LATK OK M A PTON TOWMsllIP llECnAl-h. llu tin dt rt-lenert Auoltor nrrrlnted bi the r rh urn' i ouri of Columbia count, lo muk dtsiillni t on of tho run-is in the huudsuf t'onrad Kramer, udmlnlstrator In the said etuio, will sit at M-. mca in nioiims'iuig on -aiurua) . .Noeniier wiu, i"s , at tonoVloek in the forenoon to peifonn the duties of ht- aonoli.tment. All P'oMliiUtiL chitms airalnst Kld estate will appeiir und roM-nl tliemailhat im or in ioie.er uioarnu irom reeeiini; uoij oi said fund. , 11. Alil.U l 1, oct. trs, S'Mv Auditor. N AI.i-0. On,i oilier tract orpltcitcr lsnd him ill.. In ttl.l Main tannslilp ai.a eoimty ami bl itu nrurisaUi, buiiiiilcit auil itofctrlLcJ ns lullous, lii-wt ; jt.ii,. iilng nt n Mont', n c'oiiict ut I mil or J.iiii 'ii .Mo Mur ncy wuih ,Kij- ana u qujrtir iliguc-H wc-kt lilt), tliri-caiiilfoiir-teiitbspi'iclic'sloa stoiu-, tiicucv by Una ut sail William Messluger nouili itreui) -eight ami one-ciiKlith ili-itri'i-a caht llilrtj-iilnc uml tht ti'iiths jK-rc-hnito a pot, tlienooby laiUot lk.uj.i mln Niissklxtj-nlno ami n half Ucwi-s c-akt lllij. threo umltour-tc-ntlis iHirclioa to a moiihIh Unci cf laml of Henry liowinaii, thenco by tin- aaine nortu twuntj-iiiiio ana thri'o-foiirtlis clegrcos wen torl- v,..i ...... ii.u-u iiiui irriiic's lotnct piacii ot Isc-ln- nins, coiitalulni; fomto-n acroH ami clilil-chjlit iwrci.c-bnii.t measure. Isj tho Bamo moru or It m. ALSO, one other tract cr pl.ee of lornl sltinle in Main tOMislilp ami county anrt Hate aloronaU, ana lioun il a una ili'Scrlbc-J us follows to-wlt: Ik-iiluulni; ul u Moncicurncr lathe Hue ot Una of John IVhraml tliencv north sutj-tccu ana a hall df urees, i u.,t one lmniireil ami lltty-two H-rc-hei, alouk' the lino of John ivitrranj 1'oter llgn man, thence noith ttilrtj one d,-rci' wit tlxty perched lo a sione c orner tliens- buiith Mxtj-seien and a half disiees win lie humlrea ur.,1 ntly-lHo perches to ti stone coiner tin-nee south tliirty-ono degre east sixty pen lies to the placo ot begluulcii.-, ooiilulnlng tilty.three acres 4UJ Ueniy.ihe ivnlies more or less on which nre erected a I no-story triune duelling house, Urge bank bjru, ttagon shedat.u oiit-bulta-lug-, NWed, luk.cn In eieciil I m at the tult of Hiram si.u.ar., BduilnMnilor ct il.orge HolltuUc, k lie-c-u. J. ugaltut Wli.uni .Meualng.r,ai.a lube sold us thu proiwrty 1 1 u:iua MetuOLgcr, Zikk, Attorney. VclO. Kx, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE, or vauwhu: REAL EST A. T IE Tursuant to an order of tho Orphan's Court ot Co 1'iuibw county, tvnnsjlv , nt ., win iwsnlil at publl. sale on tn- pr-mlses In ihe tun nthlp of Hemlock In said county on Siiiiiri.ity, November 27th, 1SS0 at 2 o'cloc k p in., the follonlnc d, scritK-1 l.'I'.AI, H' TATI:, late cf Catharine shoenuker dic-.cMd. t nit: A ceil llu house and bit lu Clio Milage ot Illlel; born. In 'aid lltmloik touusblii, liouiidul onlln norlli by an all, y, east bj themuln stieit of sai Ml an-, sHuth lij lot ot I. '. M, K, iy and mis' I un alley, emitalnli.g one r lurlh ol an ucr- luuro less; on wtilrll are a DWELLING-- HOUJiB and out buildings, trutt trees. A,-. Tti.siiioi-SAI.K. Ten r cent or one-forihol the purchase iiiom-y tn In. i aid ut the striking don net tin- pruperty, tlie nne-fuiirlh loss the ten per cent at the eoiillim it Ion urssli'snd thu i c in lining thice fuurlh lu one year lliercuttcr with tin -rest trom cotiilrmallon nisi. Slim SHOCMAKKIt Admlutstrator. Nov. 3 '-si 3-V ov vai.i aiii.i: REAL ESTATE! Th" unilcrslgnrd eeciitur of snnniet Driini. late of Main ton u-lilp, Culuiiiblicoiinlj, IvnnsMtatiU, da coated n 111 offer ul public sale on the premise s on SATURDAY, XOVKMI1EH 2utli, 1SMI, ut lu o'clock a. in., all thai eeiuin missuacje, tciic ment nnd THACT Ol'' LAND, Utu.Keln Main tonnshlp, aforesaid, di-scrlbed u foitons, U: Itcgtnulng nt a stone ,a corner Of land ot c'hsrles shuinuii and running from ihinee bj land of William lllth r south eight., -fuar di-srei crest ono hundred mid tcvciitt-slic iHiehes ton stone. thence nloug land ot John Klitir norih IHe degrees, nest one hundred and loin -seu-u iiercbei 10 a uus, inenee along land of llarmouJohu ami late oi Macy Jnhn north eight -four und one-half degre east one hundred and t went -throe perches loan oak, thence along lend cf Ellas Miuiiuu and Charles Shunun south me and three fourths digrecseast one hundred und forty-six pciches tu the place of ucginning, containing 114 ACRES, more cr less, n hereon are creeled u Two. story Otono House, I'll Ml: HANK IIAKN, agon ekuM and oul-bulld I ngs. AI.-O, at the same tlmo and place, all that certain messuage, teuc tnent audlTract cf l.iud, situate tu .Montour lonnslilp, Culumbli county, und Mu'eol 1'cULsjUanta, bounded and described us follon on thesojih by land, late ot William (i. Iluilc) und late ot l.corgii A, l ilck, on the Most by lands of l'c Ur M Kashiier.on the norlli by .lends i.f Lents Itoath iimiuntlie eustbj lands lute cf lluneyaud 1'rlol, csjniaiLiiig NINHTY-TWl) ACUKS, . more or less, n hereon are creeled a two-story rninie auil l.o ItwclliiiK tlmisi' Iraine HANK II A UN and n'li-bul dlugs. Parlies dctring la exuuilno tlie ubote piemlse cauuisooy caning upon John Iv. Kotlas, cala. wlu, l'a. 1 emu und eoudllloi.s made known ' u city cf sale. JOU.N 11 ll,i,ilNs, W, II. IIii.wn, Attorney. Uiecutor, nov. t, 'to ts JOTIL'E TO lli:iHS. I IN THE CSTCTK OK 1-KTEU MtCUACU PECEASEU. To.lnseph vhhiei. Mary, Intermarried with Wil liam i'lutt, John Michael, fjdU Miclutl. Intermar rhd with uenrj Mom r.llalelon. l'a.. I'hoebe.liiter m.irrled wim l rih Mc.t. v.sainuei Mlctad, WaMi lin;ton Mhhael and eleven Kranochllairn of said de ei'.ted.to wit: tanih Ai Kastoii l'a., letecc Hick, Inlertnurrled wllh tliarl h 'lhompii, WW U.uiiHpurt, la, KlUah ih iwek W llllritit Pel k, Iftst IHPil; al t'lill tdclphi.i Pa ,imuel tr d-r, KUiirnt..n Md lliem' of I r.iiik luck; .low oh Pick, llaliv Peck, interui urtl with slohn Mh'hii'l, all belny chlldien of l.iU'iheth .vi Uavl, now ih-ceawd Intel iimrrled wtih Mimi"! Peck iMnvc.i Zimmerman, llenrj ZlmmeniMii, Kin town, SiliuUlil county, l'a., Kti'Mh Zliiimetm.in, fituhflh, inn rm.irrled with Levi Me t"e,all hlnir clittdifti f ara Ml. linel, In-ti-ruiiirrted with (lulsitin Zlmuiermaii, both le-ce.i-sid. Tht'Kdt Ii ii"i eu ilmmeim in, Henry Zlm nHriii.in and Knoeh ZlmmernMU an' minors hav It s l.iidwit; z mm -imati. Idiafto.vn, n. huiklll cjimly. l'a , lur It. ii initt'ji). ou . h'Tetij itoipit d thut l H.'onUnce with a wilt l-.s-uod out of the urphAii' I'uuit of I'oImiihU e'tn, und to me t-i-, t d I w PI h- 'd an ItMiut ti tn oeit on luitilt is-pu in Vinr.n townv lp, iiucniin t ,d nLe 1 In siitd wrlt,i- nuke purilil.mef lh iiMin'iulvh in .nl nniuiiir the n irlles intt rtvted. If such p.ntlMon eun lKma)e without pnjuulcotn or spelling the win le. and If uch pailltion cannot ui- iiuui" iiieit i' in u tiuu tippruise i uc nuiue. .Slid inu-ist wi I he held ou the i icmlM'h la Miff lin lowrihulp it n:r,siv, NovKMiiicujirnii, isso, tit un o'clock, a, la. l . II. r.M, MierirrVofllce, octulier llJIh. hherltT. JULKON 1 1 KIUS. KsTATK VY JACOli CLkWKLI IIECEAKU, COIiVMlilA COIWTV, SS; ihe Couimunwcdth of lvnn-ylvanla to Kllzi Cle- well. wid ,w, I'lurlc t'lewt ll. Chrl-tlaii Clewcll.sar- i Miier. i-iiu-in i n i'H. Kemn Miuman. uitar dim ua Utriii i,f ( oru llailisnr, all ot I'olumhu ounts Hiid.ltTtitit.it) rie'lof Nework lineal desceiuiiiiiln of .1 iceo Ciewcll, dtH ciised, ar d tu all iHT'Oin Hit i n'hti d iiieetlnf: ion ureh'-rehv retted iu int tuiu HjijieBr in i in iii' .luuiies 1 1 uur tirpiiiiuv OUri III illl Ilrpil.ll'n UHlrL u iieiu at liiooinourjr n the tlrsr Mimd.iif l)ecemtr next.lheii ftid there lo uitepi or retu-oto takn the roalfhLilo of sjiu .iiu-dm t i Hen. uee.iieu, ui me nt'jrii'i'u uiu utlon piitupiinll hv the Inquest, duly awAiued hy itie hum iu,n and niurned hy tho sherttr. Ahd hereof fall not. Witneb- ihe Uon'TuM-- WtllUm Flwell. P,ef.tdcntcf our Kiitd Uoitrt at Mm nisourn. lint twenty -second da) of set leiuht r, A !.. uno Ihoutuiid i-thl hun dred andjelfhty, WM, KHCKP.AUM, (t. M. ijrn k , i lerk i). t neputy. oct. ;y, 'so-tt PUBLIC SALE l F VAI I ' A It I K REAL ESTATE ! In rur-.iu,ro i f an order c f the Orrhahs' Court of c'oluiiii'la county, Ihe undersigned 'I rustee appoint- est bj said Court will exposo to sale on the pretulses as Hi, I He property ot E.ien long, late of the town of nioomsburg, lu suld ciiuty, deecui-cd, on SATL'ltDAY, NOVn.MUKIl 2"lli, 1S80. cotiiiiienelng at t-noctojs.i m., of said daj, Ihe fol low ing Hecrlbe.I UK A I KSTA'I'K. to-wlt: vtlthat plwo or parcel ot land sltuato in the said ton n o. Vloomsbiirg, In s;ld county, l'a., bound's! and ilescrltH-il as follows: Canal street rt sal ! town on the south, a lot lately oaned by Mar. ilia Kry on the east, an alle) on the north and Thornton's alley on the west.eontalnlug llfty feet In wldtlion canal street, and two hundred ami llfty feel more or te-s In depth, whrrrcii uie c ri clid lo anduber out-butldlogs. A goudwcllcf waterou tlie preiiil?i s IKKV'. Of KAI.U- len 1st cc ul cf one-fourth Cf ihe puihu-e money to U- paid al ihe sinking down .1 Ihe pioutriy, Ihe oiic-nurlu Ivksihe ion rctni, at the coullriuall n ut'sulutu and Ike Iiluulclig throe-fouitlis In oiie.cear thereatler wllh li.tciut fiom ooonimatio.i nisi. 1'uichascr to piij (or d cMs, V, 11. ENT, 'lnulce. lllooiiuburg, Nor. 6. IssQ-ta